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    IC LI-ION CHGR 500MA 4.1V 8-MSOP

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BQ24203DGN 数据手册
www.ti.com bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 SINGLE-CHIP LI-ION AND LI-POL CHARGE MANAGEMENT IC FOR CURRENT-LIMITED APPLICATIONS FEATURES 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • Designed Specifically to Work With Current-Limited Wall Supplies Ideal for Low Dropout Charger Design for Single-Cell Li-Ion Packs With Coke or Graphite Anodes Integrated PowerFET for 500 mA Integrated Voltage Regulation With 0.5% Accuracy Battery Insertion and Removal Detection Charge Termination by Minimum Current and Time Pre-Charge Conditioning With Safety Timer Sleep Mode for Low-Power Consumption Charge Status Output for LED or Host Processor Interface Indicates Charge-in-Progress, Charge Completion, and Fault Conditions Optional Temperature Monitoring Before and During Charge Small, 8-Pin Power-Pad MSOP Package TYPICAL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION The bq2420x series are simple Li-Ion linear charge management devices targeted at low-cost and space limited charger applications. The bq2420x series offer integrated powerFET, high-accuracy voltage regulation, temperature monitoring, charge status, and charge termination, in a single monolithic device. The bq2420x is designed to work with a current-limited wall-mount transformer and therefore does not provide any current regulation. However, these devices offer a fixed internal current limit to prevent damage to the internal powerFET. A time-limited pre-conditioning phase is provided to condition deeply discharged cells. Once the battery reaches the charge voltage, the high accuracy voltage regulation loop takes over and completes the charge cycle. Charge is terminated based on minimum current. An internal charge timer provides a backup safety for charge termination. Other standard features include an automatic sleep mode activated when VCC falls below the battery voltage and a recharge feature activated when the battery voltage falls below the VRCH threshold. In addition to the standard features, the core product provides two additional enhancements: temperature monitoring and status display. The temperaturesense circuit continuously measures battery temperature using an external thermistor and inhibits charge until the battery temperature is within the user-defined thresholds. The STAT pin indicates three conditions of operation of the charger. These conditions are charge-in-progress, charge complete, and fault. This output can be used to drive an LED or an interface to a microcontroller. 1 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TJ CHARGE REGULATION VOLTAGE OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS MARKING PACKAGED DEVICES (DGN) (1) 4.2 V STAT and TS AZC bq24200DGN 4.1 V STAT and TS AZD bq24201DGN 4.2 V STAT AZE bq24202DGN 4.1 V STAT AZF bq24203DGN 4.2 V – AZG bq24204DGN 4.1 V – AZI bq24205DGN –40°C to 125°C (1) The DGN package is available taped and reeled. Add TR suffix to device type (e.g. bq24200DGNTR) to order. Quantities 2500 devices per reel. TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NO. NAME I/O DESCRIPTION bq24200 bq24201 bq24202 bq24203 bq24204 bq24205 BAT 7 7 7 I Battery voltage sense input CE – 6 6 I Charge enable input (active low) IN 1 1 1 I Charge input voltage N/C 5 5 3, 5 – No connection. Must be left floating OUT 8 8 8 O Charge current output STAT 3 3 – O Charge status output TS 6 – – I Temperature sense input VCC 2 2 2 I VCC input VSS 4 4 4 – Ground input 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) VALUE UNIT Supply voltage (Vcc with respect to GND) 16.5 V Input voltage, IN, STAT, TS (all with respect to GND) 16.5 V Input voltage, BAT, OUT (all with respect to GND) 7 V Output sink/source current (STAT) 15 mA Tstg Storage temperature range –65 to 150 °C TJ Junction temperature range –40 to 125 °C 300 °C Lead temperature (soldering, 10 sec) (1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DISSIPATION RATINGS (1) PACKAGE THERMAL IMPEDANCE JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT (θJA) THERMAL IMPEDANCE JUNCTION-TO-CASE (θJC) TA ≤ 25°C POWER RATING DERATING FACTOR ABOVE TA = 25°C 8 Pin DGN (1) 57.20°C/W 4.4°C/W 1.75 W 0.017 W/°C This data is based on using JEDEC High-K board and topside traces, top and bottom thermal pad (2 mm × 3 mm), internal 1 oz. power and ground planes, four thermal via underneath the die connecting to ground plane. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS MIN MAX VCC Supply voltage V(LOWV-MIN) 13.5 UNIT VIN Input voltage V(LOWV-MIN) 13.5 TJ Operating junction temperature range –40 125 °C TYP MAX UNIT 1.7 2.5 mA Sum of currents into OUT and BAT pins, Vcc < V(SLP), 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 5 µA Sum of currents into OUT and BAT pins, Vcc < V(SLP) 10 µA 1 mA 1 µA 1 µA V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER ICC(VCC) ICC(SLP) TEST CONDITIONS Vcc Current MIN Vcc > Vcc(min) Sleep current ICC(STDBY Standby current Sum of currents into Vcc, IN and TS pins, (Vcc–VI(TS)) ≤ 300 mV ) IIB(BAT) Input bias current on BAT pin IIB(TB) Input bias current on TS pin 0.1 × Vcc ≤ VI(TS) ≤ 0.8 × Vcc VOLTAGE REGULATION VO(REG) + V(DO.MAX) ≤ VCC, I(TERM) < IO(OUT) ≤500 mA, over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VO(REG) V(DO) Output voltage MIN TYP MAX VO(REG) + V(DO–MAX) ≤ 10 V, I(TERM) < IO(OUT) ≤ 250 mA TEST CONDITIONS 4.0795 4.10 4.1205 V 4.05 4.10 4.15 V VO(REG) + V(DO–MAX) ≤ 10 V, I(TERM) < IO(OUT) ≤ 250 mA 4.1790 4.20 4.2210 V 4.15 4.20 4.25 V 200 350 500 mV Dropout voltage (V(IN) – V(OUT)) VO(REG) + V(DO–MAX) ≤ Vcc, IO(OUT) = 500 mA Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 UNIT 3 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 OUTPUT CURRENT over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS IO(OUT) Output current See (1) I(SC) Short-circuit trip current See (1) (1) MIN TYP 1 MAX UNIT 500 mA 1.6 A Assured by design, not production tested. PRE-CHARGE CURRENT REGULATION over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS I(PRECHG) Pre-charge current VI(BAT) < V(LOWV), t < t(30min) I(DETECT) Battery detection current VI(BAT) < 2.5 V, t < t(30min) MIN TYP MAX 10 13.5 19 UNIT mA 160 210 300 µA UNIT CHARGE TERMINATION DETECTION over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) MIN TYP MAX I(TAPER) Taper current detect threshold PARAMETER VI(BAT) > V(RCH) TEST CONDITIONS 21 25.5 31 mA I(TERM) Charge termination current detect threshold VI(BAT) > V(RCH) 0.8 1.1 1.4 mA MIN TYP MAX TEMPERATURE COMPARATOR over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNIT V(TS1) Lower temperature threshold TS pin voltage 30 %VCC V(TS2) Upper temperature threshold TS pin voltage 60 %VCC Accuracy –0.7 0.7 Hysteresis 1 %VCC %VCC LOW VOLTAGE BATTERY THRESHOLD over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER V(LOWV) TEST CONDITIONS 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C LowV threshold MIN TYP MAX 2.8 2.95 3.1 UNIT V 2.8 3.0 3.2 V BATTERY RECHARGE THRESHOLD over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Recharge threshold, VRCH (typically 100 mV below regulation) MIN TYP MAX VO(REG) –0.115 VO(RE VO(REG) –0.085 G) UNIT V –0.1 STAT OUTPUT Vcc ≥ VO(REG) , over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VOL(STAT) Output (low) saturation voltage IO = 10 mA VOH(STAT) Output (high) saturation voltage IO = –5 mA 4 Submit Documentation Feedback MIN TYP MAX 0.5 Vcc–1.5 UNIT V V Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 CE over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VIL(CE) VIH(CE) TEST CONDITIONS Input (low) voltage IIL = 5 µA Input (high) voltage IIH = 20 µA MIN TYP 0 MAX UNIT Vcc–1 V Vcc–0 .3 V TIMERS over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) MIN TYP MAX UNIT Pre-charge and taper timer PARAMETER 1,548 2,065 2,581 sec t(TAPER) Taper timer 1,548 2,065 2,581 sec t(CHG) Charge timer 9,292 12,38 9 15,48 6 sec MIN TYP MAX UNIT t(PRECH TEST CONDITIONS G) SLEEP COMPARATOR over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER V(SLP) Sleep-mode threshold TEST CONDITIONS 2.3 V ≤ VI(BAT) ≤ VO(REG) V(BAT) –10mV V POWER-ON-RESET AND VIN RAMP RATE over 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C and supply voltage range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VPOR (1) TEST CONDITIONS POR threshold See (1) Slew rate See (1) MIN TYP 2.3 2.4 5 MAX 2.5 5×10–5 UNIT V V/µs Ensured by design, not production tested. Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 5 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DETAILED DESCRIPTION IN: This pin is connected to the source of the internal P-channel powerFET. OUT: This pin is connected to the drain of the internal P-channel powerFET. Battery voltage sense (BAT): Voltage sense-input tied directly to the positive side of the battery. Temperature sense input (TS): Input for an external battery-temperature monitoring circuit. Charge status output (STAT): High-impedance indication of various charge conditions. Supply voltage input (VCC): Power supply input 6 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE DROPOUT VOLTAGE vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE Figure 1. Figure 2. DROPOUT VOLTAGE vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE SUPPLY CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE Figure 3. Figure 4. Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 7 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 5. Low Dropout Single-Cell Li-Ion/Li-Pol Charger FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The bq2420x supports a precision Li-Ion or Li-Pol charging system suitable for single-cells with either coke or graphite anodes. Figure 5 shows an application schematic and Figure 6 shows the typical charge profile. TEMPERATURE QUALIFICATION (bq24200 and bq24202 only) The bq24200 and bq24201 continuously monitors battery temperature by measuring the voltage between the TS and VSS pins. A negative- or a positive-temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC, PTC) and an external voltage divider typically develop this voltage (see Figure 5). The bq24200 and bq24201 compare this voltage against the internal V(TS1) and V(TS2) thresholds to determine if charging is allowed (see Figure 7). The temperature sensing circuit is immune to any fluctuation in Vcc since both the external voltage divider and the internal thresholds are referenced to Vcc. Once a temperature outside the V(TS1) and V(TS2) thresholds is detected the bq24200 and bq24201 immediately suspend the charge. The bq24200 and bq24201 suspend the charge by turning off the power FET and holding the timer value (i.e., timers are NOT reset). Charge is resumed when the temperature returns to the normal range. 8 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 Figure 6. Typical Charge Profile Figure 7. TS Pin Thresholds Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 9 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 OPERATIONAL FLOW DIAGRAM Figure 8. Operational Flow Chart The resistor values of RT1 and RT2 are calculated by the following equations: For NTC Thermistors: 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com R T1 + R T2 + SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 ǒ5 RT CǓ RT H ǒ3 ǒRT C * RT HǓǓ ǒ5 ǒ2 (1) RT CǓ RT H RT CǓ * ǒ7 RT HǓ (2) For PTC Thermisters: R T1 + R T2 + ǒ5 ǒ3 ǒRT H * RT CǓǓ ǒ5 ǒ2 RT CǓ RT H RT H RT HǓ * ǒ7 (3) RT CǓ RT CǓ (4) Where RTC is the cold temperature resistance and RTH is the hot temperature resistance of thermistor, as specified by the thermistor manufacturer. RT1 or RT2 can be omitted If only one temperature (hot or cold) setting is required. Applying a voltage between the VTS1 and VTS2 thresholds to pin TS disables the temperature-sensing feature. Also applying a voltage between (VCC – 0.3 V) and Vcc suspends the charge and places the IC in the low-power standby mode. BATTERY PRE-CONDITIONING Figure 7 shows the operational flow chart for the bq2420x. Upon power-up, if the battery voltage is below the V(LOWV) threshold, the bq2420x applies a pre-charge current, I(PRECHG), to the battery. This feature revives deeply discharged cells. The bq2420x activates a safety timer, t(PRECHG), during the conditioning phase. If V(LOWV) threshold is not reached within the timer period, the bq2420x turns off the charger and enunciates FAULT on the STAT pin. In the case of a FAULT condition, the bq2420x reduces the current to I(DETECT). I(DETECT) is used to detect a battery replacement condition. Fault condition is cleared by POR or battery replacement. BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT Following a successful pre-conditioning, the bq2420x relies on an external current-limited supply to limit the charge current to the cell. The bq2420x continues this phase until the battery reaches the voltage regulation phase. During this phase (and all other phases of operation) in order to protect the integrated powerFET, the internal short circuit and thermal protection circuits are active. BATTERY VOLTAGE REGULATION The voltage regulation feedback is through the BAT pin. This input is tied directly to the positive side of the battery pack. The bq2420x monitors the battery-pack voltage between the BAT and VSS pins. The bq2420x is offered in two fixed-voltage versions: 4.1 V and 4.2 V. As a safety backup, the bq2420x also monitors the charge time in the voltage regulation mode. If taper current is not detected within this time period, t(CHG), the bq2420x turns off the charger and enunciates FAULT on the STAT pin. Fault condition is cleared by POR or battery replacement. Note that the safety timer is reset if the bq2420x is forced out of the voltage regulation mode. CHARGE TERMINATION AND RECHARGE The bq2420x monitors the charging current during the voltage regulation phase. Once the taper threshold, I(TAPER), is detected the bq2420x initiates the taper timer, t(TAPER). Charge is terminated after the timer expires. The bq2420x resets the taper timer in the event that the charge current returns above the taper threshold, I(TAPER). In addition to the taper current detection, the bq2420x terminates charge in the event that the charge current falls below the I(TERM) threshold. This feature allows for quick recognition of a battery removal condition. Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 11 bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 www.ti.com SLUS501C – OCTOBER 2001 – REVISED MARCH 2008 After a charge termination, the bq2420x restarts the charge once the voltage on the BAT pin falls below the V(RCH) threshold. This feature keeps the battery at full capacity at all times. SLEEP MODE The bq2420x enters the low-power sleep mode if the Vcc is removed from the circuit (i.e., the Vcc and IN pins are floating). For applications where these pins are not floating, placing a low-power 10 Ω (1/16 W) between the IN and VCC pins ensures the V(SLP) conditions are met (see Figure 9).This feature prevents draining the battery during the absence of VCC. Figure 9. Sleep Mode CHARGE ENABLE PIN The CE pin on bq24202, bq24203, bq24204 and bq24205 can be used to enable or suspend the charge. Charge is enabled if the voltage VIL(CE) is applied to the pin. Applying the VIH(CE) suspends the charge. During a charge suspend mode, the internal powerFET is turned off and all timers are reset. CHARGE STATUS OUTPUT The STAT pin on the bq2420x, indicates various conditions of operation. These conditions are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. STAT Pin 12 CONDITION STAT Pre-charge High Fast-charge High Charge-complete Low Taper timer done Low Charge suspend (due to temperature or CE input) Hi-Z Thermal shutdown Hi-Z Pre-charge timer fault Hi-Z Sleep mode Hi-Z Charge timer fault Hi-Z Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2001–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): bq24200, bq24201 bq24202, bq24203 bq24204, bq24205 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 14-Oct-2022 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) Samples (4/5) (6) BQ24200DGN ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 80 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZC Samples BQ24200DGNR ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZC Samples BQ24201DGN ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 80 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZD Samples BQ24202DGN ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 80 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZE Samples BQ24202DGNR ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZE Samples BQ24203DGN ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 80 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZF Samples BQ24205DGN ACTIVE HVSSOP DGN 8 80 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 AZI Samples (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
物料型号: - bq24200, bq24201, bq24202, bq24203, bq24204, bq24205

器件简介: - 这些是针对电流限制型应用的单芯片锂离子和锂聚合物充电管理集成电路。它们专为与电流限制型墙式电源配合使用而设计,非常适合用于带有石墨或钴酸锂阳极的单节锂离子电池包的低dropout充电器设计。

引脚分配: - BAT(电池电压感应输入):7号引脚 - CE(充电使能输入,低电平有效):在bq24202和bq24203中为6号引脚 - IN(充电输入电压):1号引脚 - N/C(无连接,必须悬空):5号引脚 - OUT(充电电流输出):8号引脚 - STAT(充电状态输出):3号引脚 - TS(温度感应输入):6号引脚(bq24200和bq24202中) - Vcc(Vcc输入):2号引脚 - Vss(地输入):4号引脚

参数特性: - 集成的功率MOSFET支持500mA的电流 - 集成的电压调节,准确度为0.5% - 电池插入和移除检测 - 通过最小电流和时间来终止充电 - 预充电调理,带安全定时器 - 睡眠模式,用于低功耗 - 充电状态输出,用于LED或主机处理器接口,指示充电进度、完成和故障情况 - 可选的温度监测,在充电前后 - 小型8引脚Power-Pad MSOP封装

功能详解: - bq2420x系列是简单的锂离子线性充电管理设备,针对低成本和空间受限的充电器应用。这些设备在单个单片器件中提供集成的powerFET、高精度电压调节、温度监测、充电状态和充电终止。

应用信息: - 适用于单节锂离子或锂聚合物电池的精确充电系统,适用于使用石墨或钴阳极的单节电池。

封装信息: - 8引脚Power-Pad MSOP封装,也提供胶带和卷装版本。
BQ24203DGN 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 79+43.3903079+5.25250
  • 100+41.68650100+5.04625
  • 500+39.86910500+4.82625
  • 1000+37.710951000+4.56500


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 79+43.3903079+5.25250
  • 100+41.68650100+5.04625
  • 500+39.86910500+4.82625
  • 1000+37.710951000+4.56500


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+56.609321+6.85270
  • 10+43.5760910+5.27499
  • 80+37.2080680+4.50413
  • 160+35.78845160+4.33228
  • 320+34.61935320+4.19076
  • 560+33.82843560+4.09502
  • 1040+33.086831040+4.00524
  • 2560+32.214122560+3.89960


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 79+43.3903079+5.25250
  • 100+41.68650100+5.04625
  • 500+39.86910500+4.82625
  • 1000+37.710951000+4.56500


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 79+43.3903079+5.25250
  • 100+41.68650100+5.04625
  • 500+39.86910500+4.82625
  • 1000+37.710951000+4.56500


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 79+43.3903079+5.25250
  • 100+41.68650100+5.04625
  • 500+39.86910500+4.82625
  • 1000+37.710951000+4.56500
