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UCC21732QDWQ1 数据手册
Product Folder Order Now Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents UCC21732-Q1 SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 UCC21732-Q1 10-A Source/Sink Reinforced Isolated Single Channel Gate Driver for SiC/IGBT with Active Protection, Isolated Analog Sensing and High-CMTI • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • 5.7-kVRMS single channel isolated gate driver AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 2121Vpk 33-V maximum output drive voltage (VDD-VEE) ±10-A drive strength and split output 150-V/ns minimum CMTI 270ns response time fast overcurrent protection External active miller clamp Internal 2-level turn-off when fault happens Isolated analog sensor with PWM output for – Temperature sensing with NTC, PTC or thermal diode – High voltage DC-Link or phase voltage Alarm FLT on over current and reset from RST/EN Fast enable/disable response on RST/EN Reject 8mm Operating junction temperature –40°C to 150°C 2 Applications • • • Traction inverter for EVs On-board charger and charging pile DC/DC Converter for HEV/EVs 3 Description The input side is isolated from the output side with SiO2 capacitive isolation technology, supporting up to 1.5-kVRMS working voltage, 12.8-kVPK surge immunity with longer than 40 years Isolation barrier life, as well as providing low part-to-part skew, >150V/ns common mode noise immunity (CMTI). The UCC21732-Q1 includes the state-of-art protection features, such as fast overcurrent and short circuit detection, shunt current sensing support, fault reporting, active miller clamp, input and output side power supply UVLO to optimize SiC and IGBT switching behavior and robustness. The isolated analog to PWM sensor can be utilized for easier temperature or voltage sensing, further increasing the drivers' versatility and simplifying the system design effort, size and cost. Device Information(1) PART NUMBER PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) UCC21732-Q1 DW SOIC-16 10.3 mm × 7.5 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Device Pin Configuration AIN 1 16 APWM OC 2 15 VCC COM 3 14 RST/EN OUTH 4 13 FLT VDD 5 12 RDY OUTL 6 11 ,1Å CLMPE 7 10 IN+ VEE 8 ISOLATION BARRIER 1 Features 9 GND Not to scale The UCC21732-Q1 is a galvanic isolated single channel gate driver designed for SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 2121-V DC operating voltage with advanced protection features, best-in-class dynamic performance and robustness. UCC21732-Q1 has up to ±10-A peak source and sink current. 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. UCC21732-Q1 SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 7 1 1 1 2 3 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................... 5 ESD Ratings ............................................................ 5 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 5 Thermal Information .................................................. 5 Power Ratings........................................................... 6 Insulation Specifications............................................ 7 Safety-Related Certifications..................................... 8 Safety Limiting Values .............................................. 8 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 9 Switching Characteristics ...................................... 11 Insulation Characteristics Curves ......................... 12 Typical Characteristics .......................................... 13 Parameter Measurement Information ................ 17 7.1 Propagation Delay................................................... 17 7.2 Input Deglitch Filter ................................................. 19 7.3 Active Miller Clamp ................................................. 20 7.4 Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) .............................. 21 7.5 OC (Over Current) Protection ................................. 23 8 Detailed Description ............................................ 24 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ 24 24 25 31 Applications and Implementation ...................... 32 9.1 Application Information............................................ 32 9.2 Typical Application .................................................. 33 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 47 11 Layout................................................................... 48 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 48 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 49 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 50 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Documentation Support ....................................... Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates Community Resource............................................ Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 50 50 50 50 50 50 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 50 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision A (April 2019) to Revision B • Changed marketing status from Advance Information to Production Data ........................................................................... 1 Changes from Original (February 2019) to Revision A 2 Page Submit Documentation Feedback Page Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 UCC21732-Q1 www.ti.com SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 5 Pin Configuration and Functions UCC21732-Q1 DW SOIC (16) Top View 1 16 APWM OC 2 15 VCC COM 3 14 RST/EN OUTH 4 13 FLT VDD 5 12 RDY OUTL 6 11 ,1Å CLMPE 7 10 IN+ VEE 8 ISOLATION BARRIER AIN 9 GND Not to scale Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 3 UCC21732-Q1 SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Table 1. Pin Functions PIN NAME NO. I/O (1) DESCRIPTION AIN 1 I Isolated analog sensing input, parallel a small capacitor to COM for better noise immunity OC 2 I Over current detection pin, support lower threshold for SenseFET, DESAT, and Shunt resistor sensing COM 3 P Common ground reference, connecting to emitter pin for IGBT and source pin for SiC-MOSFET OUTH 4 O Gate driver output pull up VDD 5 P Positive supply rail for gate drive voltage, Bypassing a >220nF capacitor to COM to support specified gate driver source peak current capability OUTL 6 O Gate driver output pull down CLMPE 7 O External Active miller clamp, connecting this pin to the gate of the external miller clamp MOSFET VEE 8 P Negative supply rail for gate drive voltage. Bypassing a >220nF capacitor to COM to support specified gate driver sink peak current capability GND 9 P Input power supply and logic ground reference IN+ 10 I Non-inverting gate driver control input IN– 11 I Inverting gate driver control input RDY 12 O Power good for VCC-GND and VDD-COM. RDY is open drain configuration and can be paralleled with other RDY signals FLT 13 O Active low fault alarm output upon over current or short circuit. FLT is in open drain configuration and can be paralleled with other faults RST/EN 14 I The RST/EN serves two purposes: 1) Enable / shutdown of the output side. The FET is turned off by a general turn-off, if terminal EN is set to low; 2) Resets the OC condition signaled on FLT pin. if terminal RST/EN is set to low for more than 1000ns. A reset of signal FLT is asserted at the rising edge of terminal RST/EN. For automatic RESET function, this pin only serves as an EN pin. Enable / shutdown of the output side. The FET is turned off by a general turn-off, if terminal EN is set to low. VCC 15 P Input power supply from 3V to 5.5V, bypassing a >100nF capacitor to GND APWM 16 O Isolated Analog Sensing PWM output (1) 4 P = Power, G = Ground, I = Input, O = Output Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 UCC21732-Q1 www.ti.com SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT –0.3 6 V –0.3 36 V –17.5 0.3 V 36 V VCC VCC – GND VDD VDD – COM VEE VEE – COM VMAX VDD – VEE –0.3 IN+, IN–, RST/EN AIN Reference to COM OC Reference to COM OUTH, OUTL CLMPE DC GND–0.3 VCC V Transient, less than 100 ns (2) GND–5.0 VCC+5.0 V –0.3 5 V -0.3 6 DC VEE–0.3 VDD V Transient, less than 100 ns (2) VEE–5.0 VDD+5.0 V –0.3 5 V GND–0.3 Reference to VEE RDY, FLT, APWM VCC V IFLT, IRDY FLT, and RDY pin input current 20 mA IAPWM APWM pin output current 20 mA TJ Junction temperature range –40 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature range –65 150 °C (1) (2) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Values are verified by characterization on bench. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM), per AEC Q100-002 (1) ±4000 Charged-device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011 ±1500 UNIT V AEC Q100-002 indicates that HBM stressing shall be in accordance with the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 specification. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions PARAMETER MIN MAX VCC VCC–GND 3.0 5.5 UNIT V VDD VDD–COM 13 33 V VMAX VDD–VEE V – 33 High level input voltage 0.7×VCC VCC Low level input voltage 0 0.3×VCC 0.6 4.5 V IN+, IN–, RST/EN Reference to GND V AIN Reference to COM tRST/EN Minimum pulse width that reset the fault TA Ambient Temperature –40 125 °C TJ Junction temperature –40 150 °C 1000 ns 6.4 Thermal Information UCC21732-Q1 THERMAL METRIC (1) DW (SOIC) UNIT 16 RθJA (1) Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 68.3 °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 5 UCC21732-Q1 SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Thermal Information (continued) UCC21732-Q1 THERMAL METRIC (1) DW (SOIC) UNIT 16 RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 27.5 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 32.9 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 14.1 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 32.3 °C/W 6.5 Power Ratings PARAMETER PD Maximum power dissipation (both sides) PD1 Maximum power dissipation by transmitter side PD2 Maximum power dissipation by receiver side 6 TEST CONDITIONS VCC = 5V, VDD-COM = 20V, COM-VEE = 5V, IN+/- = 5V, 150kHz, 50% Duty Cycle for 10nF load, Ta=25oC Submit Documentation Feedback Value UNIT 985 mW 20 mW 965 mW Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 UCC21732-Q1 www.ti.com SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 6.6 Insulation Specifications PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VALUE UNIT GENERAL External clearance (1) Shortest terminal-to-terminal distance through air >8 mm CPG External creepage (1) Shortest terminal-to-terminal distance across the package surface >8 mm DTI Distance through the insulation Minimum internal gap (Internal clearance) of the double insulation (2 × 0.0085 mm) > 17 µm CTI Comparative tracking index DIN EN 60112 (VDE 0303-11); IEC 60112 > 600 V Material group According to IEC 60664–1 CLR Overvoltage Category per IEC 60664–1 I Rated mains voltage ≤ 300 VRMS I-IV Rated mains voltage ≤ 600 VRMS I-IV Rated mains voltage ≤ 1000 VRMS I-III DIN V VDE V 0884-11 (VDE V 0884-11):2017-01 (2) VIORM Maximum repetitive peak isolation voltage AC voltage (bipolar) VIOWM Maximum isolation working voltage VIOTM Maximum transient isolation voltage VIOSM Maximum surge isolation voltage (3) Apparent charge (4) qpd Barrier capacitance, input to output (5) CIO Insulation resistance, input to output (5) RIO 2121 VPK AC voltage (sine wave) Time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) test 1500 VRMS DC voltage 2121 VDC VTEST=VIOTM, t = 60 s (qualification test) 8000 VTEST=1.2 x VIOTM, t = 1 s (100% production test) 9600 Test method per IEC 62368-1, 1.2/50 µs waveform, VTEST = 1.6 × VIOSM = 12800 VPK (qualification) 8000 Method a: After I/O safety test subgroup 2/3, Vini = VIOTM, tini = 60 s; Vpd(m) = 1.2 × VIORM = 2545 VPK, tm = 10 s ≤5 Method a: After environmental tests subgroup 1, Vini = VIOTM, tini = 60 s; Vpd(m) = 1.6 × VIORM = 3394 VPK, tm = 10 s ≤5 Method b1: At routine test (100% production) and preconditioning (type test) Vini = VIOTM, tini = 1 s; Vpd(m) = 1.875 × VIORM = 3977 VPK, tm = 1 s ≤5 VIO = 0.5 sin (2πft), f = 1 MHz ~1 VIO = 500 V, TA = 25°C ≥ 1012 VIO = 500 V, 100°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C ≥ 1011 VIO = 500 V at TS = 150°C ≥ 109 Pollution degree 2 Climatic category 40/125/21 VPK VPK pC pF Ω UL 1577 VISO (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Withstand isolation voltage VTEST = VISO = 5700 VRMS, t = 60 s (qualification); VTEST = 1.2 × VISO = 6840 VRMS, t = 1 s (100% production) 5700 VRMS Apply creepage and clearance requirements according to the specific equipment isolation standards of an application. Care must be taken to maintain the creepage and clearance distance of a board design to ensure that the mounting pads of the isolator on the printed circuit board (PCB) do not reduce this distance. Creepage and clearance on a PCB become equal in certain cases. Techniques such as inserting grooves and ribs on the PCB are used to help increase these specifications. This coupler is suitable for safe electrical insulation only within the safety ratings. Compliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of suitable protective circuits. Testing is carried out in air or oil to determine the intrinsic surge immunity of the isolation barrier. Apparent charge is electrical discharge caused by a partial discharge (pd). All pins on each side of the barrier tied together creating a two-terminal device Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 7 UCC21732-Q1 SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 6.7 Safety-Related Certifications VDE UL Plan to certify according to DIN V VDE V 0884-11 (VDE V 0884-11):201701; DIN EN 61010-1 (VDE 0411-1):2011-07 Plan to certify according to UL 1577 Component Recognition Program Reinforced insulation Maximum transient isolation voltage, 8000 VPK; Single Maximum repetitive peak protection, isolation voltage, 2121 5700 VRMS VPK; Maximum surge isolation voltage, 8000 VPK Certification Planned Certification Planned CSA CQC TUV Plan to certify according to GB4943.1-2011 Plan to certify according to EN 61010-1:2010 (3rd Ed) and EN 609501:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/ A12:2011/A2:2013 Isolation Rating of 5700 VRMS; Reinforced insulation per CSA 60950-1- 07+A1+A2 and IEC 60950-1 (2nd Ed.), 1450 VRMS max working voltage (pollution degree 2, material group I) ; 2 MOPP (Means of Patient Protection) per CSA 606011:14 and IEC 60601-1 Ed. 3.1, 250 VRMS (354 VPK) max working voltage Reinforced Insulation, Altitude ≤ 5000m, Tropical climate, 400 VRMS maximum working voltage 5700 VRMS Reinforced insulation per EN 61010-1:2010 (3rd Ed) up to working voltage of 1000 VRMS 5700 VRMS Reinforced insulation per EN 609501:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/ A12:2011/A2:2013 up to working voltage of 1450 VRMS Certification Planned Certification Planned Certification Planned Plan to certify according to CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A, IEC 60950-1, and IEC 60601-1 6.8 Safety Limiting Values The safety-limiting constraint is the maximum junction temperature specified in the data sheet. The power dissipation and junction-to-air thermal impedance of the device installed in the application hardware determines the junction temperature. The assumed junction-to-air thermal resistance in the Thermal Information table is that of a device installed on a high-K test board for leaded surface-mount packages. The power is the recommended maximum input voltage times the current. The junction temperature is then the ambient temperature plus the power times the junction-to-air thermal resistance. These limits vary with the ambient temperature, the junction-to-air thermal resistance, and the power supply voltages in different applications. PARAMETER IS Safety input, output, or supply current PS Safety input, output, or total power TS Safety temperature 8 TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT RθJA =68.3°C/W, VDD = 15V, VEE=-5V, TJ = 150°C, TA = 25°C 91 RθJA =68.3°C/W, VDD = 20V, VEE=-5V, TJ = 150°C, TA = 25°C 73 RθJA =68.3°C/W, VDD = 20V, VEE=-5V, TJ = 150°C, TA = 25°C 1830 mW 150 °C Submit Documentation Feedback mA Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC21732-Q1 UCC21732-Q1 www.ti.com SLUSDH7B – FEBURARY 2019 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 6.9 Electrical Characteristics VCC=3.3V or 5.0V, 1uF capacitor from VCC to GND, VDD–COM=20V, 18V or 15V, COM–VEE =0V, 5V, 8V or 15V, CL=100pF, –40°C
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