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    FAN8486D - 2-Phase BLDC Motor Driver - Fairchild Semiconductor

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FAN8486D 数据手册
www.fairchildsemi.com FAN8486D (KA3086D) 2-Phase BLDC Motor Driver Features • • • • • • Drives the BLDC motor using 2 hall sensors. 2-phase, full-wave drive method Built-in thermal shutdown (TSD) circuit Controls the motor speed through voltage Built-in bandgap circuit Built-in frequency Generator (FG) & Phase Generator (PG) amplifier & comparator. Descripiton The FAN8486D is a monolithic integrated circuit, and it is suitable for drum motor driver of VCR system. 28-SSOP-300SG Typical Applications • Video cassette recorder (VCR) cylinder (drum) motor • Other 2-phase BLDC motor Ordering Information Device FAN8486D Package 28-SSOP-300SG Operating Temp. −25°C ~ +75°C −25°C ~ +75°C FAN8486DTF 28-SSOP-300SG Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. ©2000 Fairchild Semiconductor International 2 1 2 3 4 54 6 7 27 28 FAN8486D (KA3086D) PVCC2 SGND Pin Assignments NC VCTL 26 NC FGOUT 25 NC FGAMPOUT 24 OUT2P FGIN 23 PGND2 FG(V25) 22 OUT2N VREG 21 FAN8486D OUT1P PG(V25) 8 9 20 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. PGND1 10 PGIN 19 OUT1N PGAMPOUT 18 11 NC PGOUT 12 14 17 PVCC1 H2N 13 16 SVCC H2P 14 15 H1P H1N FAN8486D (KA3086D) Pin Definitions Pine Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pin Name PVCC2 NC NC NC OUT2P PGND2 OUT2N OUT1P PGND1 OUT1N NC PVCC1 SVCC H1P H1N H2P H2N PGOUT PGAMPOUT PGIN PG(V25) VREG FG(V25) FGIN FGAMPOUT FGOUT VCTL SGND I/O O O O O O I I I I O O I I O O I Output drive 2(P) Power ground 2 Output drive 2(N) Output drive 1(P) Power ground 1 Output drive 1(N) Power supply voltage1 Signal supply voltage Hall signal input 1P Hall signal input 1N Hall signal input 2P Hall signal input 2N Phase generate output Phase generate amp. output Phase generate input Reference voltage for PG Regulated voltage Reference voltage for FG Frequency generate input Frequency generate amp. output Frequency generate output Voltage control(motor speed control) Signal ground Pin Function Description Power supply voltage2 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 3 13 16 SVCC +- 4 1 ICTL FAN8486D (KA3086D) 28 PVCC2 SGND 2 3 4 −+ AMP 27 NC Current/Voltage VCTL Control VCTL 26 NC HYS. COM FGOUT Internal Block Diagram FGAMPOUT 25 NC 24 54 DRIVER OUT2P FGIN 23 PGND2 6 7 8 9 DRIVER VREF Supply each block FG(V25) 22 OUT2N TSD VREG (5.0V) VREG 21 OUT1P VREF PG(V25) +AMP 20 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. PGND1 10 PGIN 19 OUT1N PGAMPOUT 18 11 NC HYS. COM PGOUT ± 14 17 PVCC1 ± GM GM 12 +- H2N AMP H2P AMP 14 15 H1P H1N FAN8486D (KA3086D) Equivalent Circuits Description VCTL Pin No. 27 VREG Internal circuit ICTL 50 27 1k Motor output 5,7,8,10 VCC 5 8 7 10 Hall input 14,15,16,17 VREG Vcc 50 14 16 500 500 50 15 17 ICTL Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 5 FAN8486D (KA3086D) Equivalent Circuits (Continued) Description PG, FG amplifier Pin No. 19,20 24,25 VREG Internal circuit VCC VCC 50 20 24 1k V25 50 19 25 PG, FG hysteresis amplifier 18,19,25,26 VCC VREG VREG VCC 50 18 50 19 V25 25 26 6 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. FAN8486D (KA3086D) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Parameter Supply voltage Maxium output current VREG output current Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol VCCmax IOmax IREGmax Pd TOPR TSTG Value 18 1.0 note1 Unit V A mA W °C °C Remark No heat sink - 30 1 note2 −25 ~ +75 −45 ~ +125 Notes: 1. Duty 1 / 100, pulse width 500µs 2. 1) When mounted on glass epoxy PCB (76.2 × 114 × 1.57mm) 2) Power dissipation reduces 8.0mW / °C for using above Ta=25°C. (Without heat-sink) 3) Do not exceed Pd and SOA(Safe Operating Area). Power Dissipation Curve Pd (mW) 2, 000 SOA 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Ambient temperature, Ta [°C] Recommened Operating Conditions (Ta=25°C) Parameter Operating supply voltage Symbol VCC Min. 8 Typ. 12 Max 16 Unit V Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 7 FAN8486D (KA3086D) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C, VCC=12V, unless otherwise specified) Parameter FULL CIRCUIT Quiescent current VOLTAGE REGULATOR Regulated voltage Regulated voltage HALL INPUT Hall minimum input level note Hall bias current OUTPUT DIRVE Output saturation voltage (Upper) Output saturation voltage (Lower) Output current A Output current B VOLTAGE CONTROL VCTL reference voltage note VCTL injput range VCTL offset range VCTL input bias current note Symbol IQ VREG VREG VINH IBH VSU VSL IOUTA IOUTB Condition VCC=12V VCC=12V VCC=12V, IREG=−20mA VCTL=2.0V, Hall=2.5V VCTL=4.5V VCTL=4.5V VH1P=2.6V VHALL_1N=2.4V, VCTL=3.5V VH2P=2.6V VH2N=2.4V, VCTL=2.5V 0.48 × VREG VCTL=0 ~ VCTL VCTL=2.5V VCTL=2.8V, 3.3V ∆IO / ∆VCTL VH1P=2.6V, VH1N=2.4V Min. 4.6 4.6 50 500 500 Typ. 8.5 5.0 5.0 0.25 1.3 2.0 700 700 Max. 13 5.4 5.4 2.0 2.0 2.0 900 900 Unit mA V V mVp-p µA V V mA mA V25 VCTL VOFF IVCTL 2.0 0 −150 - 2.3 0 1.0 2.5 VREG +150 6.0 V V mV µA Voltage control gain GM IO 0.38 0.55 0.64 A/V 0.55A/V(TYP) 0.48 × VREG (TYP) VCTL NOTE: The note in the chart means items calculated and approved in design not the items proven by actual test result. 8 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. FAN8486D (KA3086D) Electrical Characteristics (Continued) (Ta=25°C, VCC=12V, unless otherwise specified) Parameter FULL CIRCUIT Shutdown temperature note Temperature hysteresis FG / PG AMP Input offset voltage Input current Open loop gain note note Symbol TSD THYS VOFS IAMP_IN GA VOHA VOLA VHYS VOLHYS VBHYS Condition VIN=2.5V VCC=12V, Signal=500Hz VIN=2.0V VIN=2.7 VIN=2.0V - Min. 130 65 VREG −1.48 ±130 7.0 Typ. 160 30 0 0.2 70 VREG −0.74 0.85 ±165 0.12 10 Max. ±8 2.0 1.45 ±200 0.32 13 Unit °C °C mV µA dB V V mV V kΩ Output high voltage Output low voltage COMPARATOR (HYSTERESIS) Hysteresis level Output low voltage Output pull-up resistance NOTE: The note in the chart means items calculated and approved in design not the items proven by actual test result. Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 9 FAN8486D (KA3086D) Application Informations 1. A Diagram Summarizing The Entire System IO HALL+ Hall_IN HALL− If IC 4IC GM VCTL V/I Converter VREG TSD R2 IC AMP. 4IC 2IC DRIVER R1 FG_IN AMP & COMP FG_OUT PG_IN AMP & COMP PG_OUT Figure 1. Figure 1 is a conceptual diagram of the FAN8486D. It turns on or off depending on the signal of the hall sensor used for sensing the rotor position of motor. The AMP, GM (Feedback) and output blocks are circuits used to determine current gain of FAN8486D. Furthermore, HallIN represents the hall signal switch. It supplies stable bias to each VREG block. The TSD block is a thermal shutdown circuit that protects the IC during an high temperature inside the IC. Moreover, FG. and PG. blocks output individual signals generated in the motor using the amplifier and comparator. These signals transmit motor speed and position data to controller of external servo etc. for their control. 2. Current Control Figure 2 simplifies figure 1. The supplied IO current drives the motor and the Ic current controls the motor speed. Figure 3 is a graph of ICTL vs. IO. 10 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. FAN8486D (KA3086D) ICTL AT IO Figure 2. IO IOmax AT ICOmax ICTL Figure 3. 3. Voltage Control Even though FAN8486D command uses Ic to control the magnitude of IO, it can also use voltage. FAN8486D mainly uses voltage control and has option to use current control. VCTL ICTL V/I Converter AT IO Figure 4. Figure 4 shows the principle of the voltage control. The VCTL is the motor speed control voltage, and the ICTL is converted to current through the V / I converter. Figure 5 shows the graph of VCTL vs. IO. IO IOmax AT GM 0.48 × VREG (TYP) VCTL Figure 5. Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 11 FAN8486D (KA3086D) Typical Performance Characteristics 5.0 4.0 VREG (V) 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 V CC(V) 14 16 18 20 VCTL = 0V 5 4 VREG (V) 3 2 1 0 -30-20-10 0 VCTL = 0V VCC = 12V 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Temperature( C) Temperature(°℃) 1.VCC vs VREG 2.Temp. vs VREG 12 10 GM1(A/V) ICC(mA) 8 6 4 2 0 8 10 12 14 VCC(V) 16 18 0.63 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.38 8 10 12 V CC (V) 14 16 18 V CTL = 3.5V VCTL = 3.5V VCTL = 3.5V RLRL = 0KΩ Ω = 1 10 K 3.VCC vs ICC 4.VCC vs GM1 900 850 800 IO (mA) 750 700 650 600 550 500 8 10 12 V CC (V) 14 16 18 IO (mA) 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 8 10 12 V CC (V) 14 16 18 VCTL = =.5V V CTL 3 3.5V RL == 10KΩ RL 10KΩ VV CTL =.5V CTL = 3 3.5V 10KΩ RRL== 10KΩ L 5.VCC vs IOA 6.VCC vs IOB 12 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. FAN8486D (KA3086D) Test Circuits VCC ICC 1 PVCC2 SGND 28 1 SW24 A FGOUT 2mA 2 3 2 NC VCTL 27 VCTL 3 NC FGOUT 26 2 SW22 SW23 500µA −500µA 2 1 4 NC FGAMPOUT 25 1 FGAMPOUT 3 1 2 10Ω(20W) SW1 5 OUT2P 6 PGND2 F A N 8 4 8 6 D FGIN SW19 2 1 2 24 2 1 SW20 FGIN SW21 FG(V25) FG(V25) 23 1 ~ VREG 1 2 1 2 10Ω(20W) 2 SW2 7 OUT2N VREG SW18 22 1 IREG=−20µA SW3 8 OUT1P PG(V25) SW25 2 1 21 PG(V25) ~ 1 2 PGIN 1 SW14 2 PGAMPOUT 9 PGND1 PGIN 20 SW13 3 1 2 SW4 10 OUT1N PGAMPOUT 19 SW15 1 SW16 1 2 2 −500µA −500µA 1 SW17 A PGOUT 2mA 11 NC PGOUT 18 2 3 1 SW10 12 PVCC1 H2N 17 2 1 SW9 H2N H1P SW7 H2P 13 SVCC H2P 16 2 SW12 + − ~ SW8 1 SW5 14 H1P H1N 15 − + ~ 2 2 SW6 H1N 1 SW11 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 13 FAN8486D (KA3086D) Typical Application Circuits 1 PVCC2 SGND 28 2 NC VCTL 27 3 NC FGOUT 26 4 NC FGAMPOUT 25 5 OUT2P 6 PGND2 7 OUT2N F A N 8 4 8 6 D FGIN 24 FG(V25) 23 VREG 22 M 8 OUT1P PG(V25) 21 PG 9 PGND1 PGIN 20 10 OUT1N PGAMPOUT 19 VREG 11 NC PGOUT 18 12 PVCC1 H2N 17 HALL 13 SVCC H2P 16 14 H1P H1N 15 HALL 14 Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. FAN8486D (KA3086D) Rev. 1.0.1 February. 2000. 15 FAN8486D (KA3086D) DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY FAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR INTERNATIONAL. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. www.fairchildsemi.com 12/1/00 0.0m 001 Stock#DSxxxxxxxx  2000 Fairchild Semiconductor International 2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
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