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    MAX1641 - Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Sources with Synchronous Rectifier - Maxim Integrat...

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MAX1641 数据手册
MAX1640/MAX1641 19-1245; Rev 2; 5/09 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?e?)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@4V? ?M0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?fh?Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&Wf@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?e?X)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'VV? ?Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2Wf?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&W?eh?M(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&Og@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@7 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&W?f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?fX)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@7f?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@7?fhY(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? M(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&W @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&Wg@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?f?X)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'V ?Y(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&Og?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&Weh?Y0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&W?g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? 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X6@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f?@@@@@@@@@@@@??@O? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?@2W? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?@2W? The MAX1640/MAX1641 are available in space-saving, 16-pin narrow QSOP packages. The MAX1640/MAX1641 CMOS, adjustable-output, switch-mode current sources operate from a +5.5V to +26V input, and are ideal for microprocessor-controlled battery chargers. Charging current, maximum output voltage, and pulse-trickle charge are programmed with external resistors. Programming the off-time modifies the switching frequency, suppressing undesirable harmonics in noise-sensitive circuits. The MAX1640’s highside current sensing allows the load to connect directly to ground, eliminating ground-potential errors. The MAX1641 incorporates a low-side current sense. The MAX1640/MAX1641 step-down pulse-width-modulation (PWM) controllers use an external P-channel MOSFET switch and an optional, external N-channel MOSFET synchronous rectifier for increased efficiency. An internal low-dropout linear regulator provides power for the internal reference and circuitry as well as the gate drive for the N-channel synchronous rectifier. __________________ Pin Configuration ________________________Applications For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-6294642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. _______________General Description TOP VIEW Backup Battery Charger Portable Consumer Products Battery-Powered Equipment KIT ATION EVALU ABLE AVAIL Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Sources with Synchronous Rectifier PCS Phones Cellular Phones Cordless Phones Handy Terminals Laptop, Notebook, and Palmtop Computers TERM 8 LDOL 1 TOFF 2 SET 7 REF 6 CC 5 D0 4 D1 3 ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products + MAX1640 MAX1641 QSOP 10 CS11 CS+ 12 PGND 13 NDRV 14 PDRV 15 LDOH 16 IN 9 GND *Dice are specified at TA = +25°C, DC parameters only. +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. ♦ Current-Sense Accuracy: 2% (MAX1641) 5.3% (MAX1640) ♦ 16-Pin QSOP Package ♦ Optional Synchronous Rectifier ♦ Up to 500kHz PWM Operation ♦ 100% Maximum Duty Cycle (Low Dropout) ♦ 2V to 24V Adjustable-Output Voltage Range ♦ +5.5V to +26V Input Supply Range ♦ 95% Efficiency ____________________________Features __________Typical Operating Circuit ______________Ordering Information MAX1640EEE+ MAX1641C/D MAX1641EEE+ MAX1640C/D VIN = +5.5V TO +26V PART RTOFF -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C TEMP RANGE CC SET REF TOFF D1 D0 0°C to +70°C GND IN MAX1640 LDOH PDRV LDOL PGND NDRV TERM CS+ CS- 16 QSOP Dice* 16 QSOP Dice* PIN-PACKAGE OUT P 1 Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS IN to GND ...............................................................-0.3V to +28V LDOH to IN ...............................................................+0.3V to -6V LDOL to GND ...........................................................-0.3V to +6V PDRV to GND .............................. (VLDOH - 0.3V) to (VIN + 0.3V) NDRV to GND .........................................-0.3V to (VLDOL + 0.3V) TOFF, REF, SET, TERM, CC to GND ......-0.3V to (VLDOL + 0.3V) D0, D1 to GND .........................................................-0.3V to +6V CS+, CS- to GND ...................................................-0.3V to +28V PGND to GND.....................................................................±0.3V Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) QSOP (derate 9.6mW/°C above +70°C) ..................... 772mW Package Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA) (Note 1) ..................................................................103.7°C/W Package Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance θJC) (Note1) ....................................................................... 37°C/W Operating Temperature Range MAX164_EEE ...................................................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) ............................ +300°C Note 1: Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a fourlayer board. For detailed information on package thermal comsiderations, refer to www.maxim-ic.com/thermal-tutorial. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN = +12V, VOUT = 6V, Circuit of Figure 1, TA = 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER Input Voltage Range Linear-Regulator Output Voltage, VIN Referenced Linear-Regulator Output Voltage, Ground Referenced Full-Scale Current-Sense Threshold Quarter-Scale Current-Sense Threshold Current-Sense Line Regulation Output Current Compliance SYMBOL VIN VLDOH VLDOL VIN = 5.5V to 26V, ILOAD = 0 to 20mA VIN = 5.5V to 26V, ILOAD = 0 to 20mA MAX1640 MAX1641 MAX1640 MAX1641 VIN = VOUT + 0.5V to 26V VOUT = 2V to 24V D0 or D1 = high D0 = D1 = low (off mode) D0 = D1 = low 4.05 VREF IREF = 0 to 50µA PFET and NFET drive 1 RTOFF = 62kΩ D0 = low, D1 = high, RTOFF = 100kΩ D0 = low, D1 = high, RTOFF = 100kΩ 1.7 27 2.2 33 12.5 1.96 4.20 2.00 4 MAX1640 MAX1641 CONDITIONS MIN 5.5 VIN 5.5 4.5 142 147 36 34 VIN 5.0 5.0 150 150 42 37.5 0.03 0.1 0.1 2 500 1 4.35 2.04 10 1 12 10 2.7 40 4 0.4 TYP MAX 26 VIN 4.5 5.5 158 153 48 41 UNITS V V V mV mV %/V %/V mA µA µA V V mV µA Ω µs µs ms % Quiescent VIN Supply Current Output Current in Off Mode VLDOL Undervoltage Lockout Reference Voltage Reference Load Regulation VSET Input Current FET Drive Output Resistance Off-Time Range Off-Time Accuracy Pulse-Trickle Mode Duty-Cycle Period Pulse-Trickle Mode Duty Cycle (Note 2) 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VIN = +12V, VOUT = 6V, Circuit of Figure 1, TA = 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER PWM Maximum Duty Cycle Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input Leakage Current SYMBOL VIL VIH IIN D0, D1 D0, D1 D0, D1 CONDITIONS MIN 100 0.8 2.4 ±1 MAX1640/MAX1641 TYP MAX UNITS % V V µA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN = +12V, VOUT = 6V, Circuit of Figure 1, TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER Input Voltage Range Linear-Regulator Output Voltage, VIN Referenced Linear-Regulator Output Voltage, Ground Referenced Full-Scale Current-Sense Threshold Quarter-Scale Current-Sense Threshold Output Current Compliance Quiescent VIN Supply Current Output Current in Off Mode VLDOL Undervoltage Lockout Reference Voltage Reference Load Regulation VSET Input Current FET Drive Output Resistance Off-Time Range Off-Time Accuracy Pulse-Trickle Mode Duty-Cycle Period PWM Maximum Duty Cycle Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input Leakage Current VIL VIH IIN D0, D1 D0, D1 D0, D1 2.4 ±1 SYMBOL VIN VLDOH VLDOL CONDITIONS MIN 5.5 TYP MAX 26 VIN 4.5 5.5 159 154 48 42 0.4 4 1 UNITS V V V mV VIN = 5.5V to 26V, ILOAD = 0 to 20mA VIN = 5.5V to 26V, ILOAD = 0 to 20mA MAX1640 MAX1641 MAX1640 MAX1641 VOUT = 2V to 24V (MAX1640) D0 or D1 = high D0 = D1 = low VIN 5.5 4.5 141 146 34 33 mV %/V mA µA V V mV µA Ω µs µs ms % 4.0 VREF IREF = 0 to 50µA 1.94 4.4 2.06 10 1 12 1.5 RTOFF = 62kΩ D0 = low, D1 = high, RTOFF = 50kΩ 1.5 25 100 8 2.5 42 0.8 V V µA Note 2: This ratio is generated by a 1:8 clock divider and is not an error source for current calculations. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 __________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (Circuit of Figure 1, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) MAX1640 OUTPUT CURRENT vs. INPUT VOLTAGE MAX1640/41-TOC01 EFFICIENCY vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE 100 90 EFFICIENCY (%) 80 70 60 50 40 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) VIN = 12V VIN = 18V VIN = 26V 1.510 MAX1640 OUTPUT CURRENT vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE MAX1640/41 TOC02 MAX1640/41-TOC03 1.510 1.500 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 1.490 1.480 1.470 1.460 1.450 TA = +25°C TA = -40°C TA = +85°C (VOUT = 4V) 1.500 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) TA = -40°C 1.490 TA = +85°C TA = +25°C 1.470 1.480 1.460 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) MAX1641 OUTPUT CURRENT vs. INPUT VOLTAGE MAX1640/41 TOC04 MAX1641 OUTPUT CURRENT vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE MAX1640/41-TOC05 QUIESCENT CURRENT vs. INPUT VOLTAGE (NO-LOAD) 2.7 QUIESCENT CURRENT (mA) 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 TA = -40°C TA = +25°C TA = +85°C MAX1640/41-TOC06 1.550 (VOUT = 4V) OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 1.525 TA = -40°C TA = +25°C 1.500 TA = +85°C 1.475 1.560 1.540 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 1.520 TA = -40°C 1.500 1.480 TA = +85°C 1.460 1.440 TA = +25°C 2.9 1.450 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 1.420 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VOUT (V) 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) OFF-MODE SUPPLY CURRENT (NO-LOAD) 0.63 OFF-MODE SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 0.61 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.45 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 1 0 TA = +25°C TA = -40°C TA = +85°C MAX1640/41-TOC07 SWITCHING FREQUENCY vs. RTOFF MAX1640/41 TOC 08 LINE-TRANSIENT RESPONSE MAX1640/41 TOC 09 0.65 10,000 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) 1000 VOUT = +3V A 0A 100 VOUT = +6V 10 B 0V 50 100 150 200 250 TOFF (kΩ) 300 350 400 VLOAD = 3V 2ms/div A: OUTPUT CURRENT, D1 = D0 = 1 1A/div B: INPUT VOLTAGE, 10V/div 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 ____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Circuit of Figure 1, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) CURRENT-MODE CHANGE RESPONSE TIME MAX1640/41 TOC 10 EXITING OFF MODE MAX1640/41 TOC11 A 0A A 0V B 2ms/div VIN = 12V, VSET = 1V, RLOAD = 4Ω, NO OUTPUT CAPACITOR A: OUTPUT CURRENT, D0 = D1 = 0 1A/div B: LOAD VOLTAGE, AC coupled, 500mV/div VIN = 12V, RLOAD = 4Ω A: D0 = D1 = 1 2V/div B: OUTPUT CURRENT, 0.5A/div B 20μs/div ______________________________________________________________Pin Description PIN 1 NAME LDOL FUNCTION Internal, Ground-Referenced Low-Dropout Linear Regulator Output. Bypass LDOL with a 0.1µF capacitor in parallel with a 4.7µF capacitor to GND. Off-Time Select Input. A resistor (RTOFF) connected from TOFF to GND programs the off-time for the hysteretic PWM step-down converter. This resistor also sets the period in duty-cycle mode. See Duty-Cycle Mode and Programming the Off-Time. Digital Inputs. Select mode of operation (Table 1). Constant-Current Loop Compensation Input. Bypass CC with a 0.01µF capacitor to GND. Reference Voltage Output (VREF = 2V). Bypass REF with a 0.1µF capacitor to GND. Current Select Input. Program the desired current level by applying a voltage at SET between 0V and VREF, (I = VSET / 13.3RSENSE). See Figure 2. Maximum Output Voltage Termination Input. When VTERM exceeds the reference voltage, the comparator resets the internal PWM latch, shutting off the external P-channel FET. Ground Negative Current-Sense Comparator Input Positive Current-Sense Comparator Input High-Current Ground Return for the output drivers Gate Drive for an optional N-channel FET synchronous rectifier Gate Drive for the P-channel FET Internal, Input-Referenced Low-Dropout Linear Regulator Output. Bypass LDOH with a 0.33µF capacitor to IN. Power-Supply Input. Input of the internal, low-dropout linear regulators. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOFF D1, D0 CC REF SET TERM GND CSCS+ PGND NDRV PDRV LDOH IN Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 _________________________________________________________ Functional Diagram IN LDOL LDOH REG A1 CS+ PDRV A2 CSGm MODE CONTROL SET B NDRV MUX PGND REF A SEL MAX1640 MAX1641 TERM D0, D1 CC TOFF 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 47μF IN LDOL 4.7μF 0.1μF LDOH PDRV 0.33μF 1/2 IR7309 P 47μF IN LDOL 4.7μF 0.1μF D0 D1 RTOFF LDOH 0.33μF 1/2 IR7309 P PDRV MAX1641 D0 D1 RTOFF TOFF NDRV REF PGND BATT R1 CS+ 0.1μF R2 CSSET 100mΩ R4 R3 1/2 IR7309 N 47μH MAX1640 TOFF NDRV VOUT 1/2 IR7309 N 47μH REF PGND R1 0.1μF R2 SET CS+ 100mΩ CSVOUT R3 TERM CC 0.01μF GND BATT TERM CC 0.01μF GND R4 Figure 1a. Standard Application Circuit Figure 1b. Standard Application Circuit _______________Detailed Description The MAX1640/MAX1641 switch-mode current sources utilize a hysteretic, current-mode, step-down pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) topology with constant offtime. Internal comparators control the switching mechanism. These comparators monitor the current through a sense resistor (RSENSE) and the voltage at TERM. When inductor current reaches the current limit [(VCS+ - VCS-) / RSENSE], the P-channel FET turns off and the N-channel FET synchronous rectifier turns on. Inductor energy is delivered to the load as the current ramps down. This ramp rate depends on RTOFF and inductor values. When off-time expires, the P-channel FET turns back on and the N-channel FET turns off. Two digital inputs, D0 and D1, select between four possible current levels (Table 1). In pulse-trickle mode, the part operates for 12.5% of the period set by R TOFF, resulting in a lower current for pulse-trickle charging. See the Functional Diagram. Figures 1a and 1b show the standard application circuits. Charge Mode: Programming the Output Currents The sense resistor, RSENSE, sets two charging current levels. Choose between these two levels by holding D0 high, and toggling D1 either high or low (Table 1). The fast-charge current level equals V CS / R SENSE where VCS is the full-scale current-sense voltage of 150mV. Alternatively, calculate this current by VREF / (13.3R SENSE ). The top-off current equals V SET / (13.3RSENSE). A resistor-divider from REF to GND programs the voltage at SET (Figure 2). _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 The voltage at SET is given by: R1 = R2 (VREF / VSET -1 ); 10kΩ < R2 < 300kΩ where V REF = 2V and V SET is proportional to the desired output current level. MAX1641 L BATT Table 1. Selecting Output Current Levels D1 0 0 1 1 DO 0 1 0 1 MODE OFF Top-Off Pulse-Trickle Fast Charge OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 0 VSET / (13.3RSENSE) VSET / (13.3RSENSE) 12.5% duty cycle VREF / (13.3RSENSE) Figure 3b. Setting the Maximum Output Voltage Level CSCS+ RSENSE R4 R3 TERM MAX1640 MAX1641 REF R1 SET R2 The MAX1640/MAX1641 are specified for V SET between 0V and VREF. For VSET > VREF, output current increases linearly (with reduced accuracy) until it clamps at VSET ≈ 4V. Pulse-Trickle Mode: Selecting the Pulse-Trickle Current Pulling D0 low and D1 high selects pulse-trickle mode. This current equals VSET / (13.3RSENSE) and remains on for 12.5% of the period set by RTOFF. Pulse-trickle current maintains full charge across the battery and can slowly charge a cold battery before fast charging commences. Figure 2. Adjusting the Output Current Level PERIOD = 3.2 x 10-7 x RTOFF (sec) Off Mode: Turning Off the Output Current L MAX1640 CS+ RSENSE CSR3 TERM R4 BATT Pulling D0 and D1 low turns off the P-channel FET and hence the output current flow. This mode also controls end of charge and protects the battery against excessive temperatures. Setting the Maximum Output Voltage Level The maximum output voltage should be programmed to a level higher than the output/battery voltage (ILOAD x RLOAD). An external resistor-divider between the output and ground (Figure 3) sets the voltage at TERM. Once the voltage at TERM exceeds the reference, the internal comparator turns off the P-channel FET, terminating current flow. Select R4 in the 10kΩ to 500kΩ range. R3 is given by: R3 = R4 ((VOUT / VTERM) -1) Figure 3a. Setting the Maximum Output Voltage Level 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier w here V TERM = 2V and V OUT is the desired output voltage. generating increased ripple at the output. Select CCC to optimize the ripple vs. loop response. MAX1640/MAX1641 Programming the Off-Time When programming the off-time, consider such factors as maximum inductor current ripple, maximum output voltage, inductor value, and inductor current rating. The output current ripple is less than the inductor current ripple and depends heavily on the output capacitor’s size. Perform the following steps to program the off-time: 1) Select the maximum output current ripple. IR(A) 2) Select the maximum output voltage. VOUT(MAX)(V) 3) Calculate the inductor value range as follows: LMIN = (VOUTMAX x 1µs) / IR LMAX = (VOUTMAX x 10µs) / IR 4) Select an inductor value in this range. 5) Calculate tOFF as follows: t OFF = L x IR VOUTMAX Capacitors Inductor Synchronous Rectification Synchronous rectification reduces conduction losses in the rectifier by shunting the Schottky diode with a lowresistance MOSFET switch. In turn, efficiency increases by about 3% to 5% at heavy loads. To prevent crossconduction or “shoot-through,” the synchronous rectifier turns on shortly after the P-channel power MOSFET Table 2. Component Manufacturers COMPONENT Sumida Coilcraft Coiltronics MOSFETs Sense Resistor International Rectifier Siliconix Dale IRC AVX Sprague Motorola Nihon MANUFACTURER CDRH125 series D03316P series UP2 series IRF7309 S14539DY WSL-2010 series LR2010-01 series TPS series 595D series MBAR5340t3 IN5817-IN5822 NSQ03A04 6) Program tOFF by selecting RTOFF from: Rectifier RTOFF = (29.3 x 109) x tOFF 7) Calculate the switching frequency by: fs = 1 / (tON + tOFF) where tON = (IR x L) / (VIN - VOUT) and IR = (VOUT x tOFF) / L. L is the inductor value, VIN is the input voltage, VOUT is the output voltage, and IR is the output peak-to-peak current ripple. Note that RTOFF sets both the off-time and the pulsetrickle charge period. turns off. The synchronous rectifier remains off for 90% of the off-time. In low-cost designs, the synchronous rectifier FET may be replaced by a Schottky diode. Component Selection External Switching Transistors The MAX1640/MAX1641 drive an enhancement-mode P-channel MOSFET and a synchronous-rectifier Nchannel MOSFET (Table 2). When selecting a P-channel FET, some important parameters to consider are on-resistance (rDS(ON)), maximum drain-to-source voltage (V DS max), maximum gate-to-source voltage (V GS max), and minimum threshold voltage (VTH min). In high-current applications, MOSFET package power dissipation often becomes a dominant design factor. I2R power losses are the greatest heat contributor for both high-side and low-side MOSFETs. Switching losses affect the upper MOSFET only (P-channel), since the Schottky rectifier or the N-FET body diode clamps the switching node before the synchronous rectifier turns on. Reference The on-chip reference is laser trimmed for a precise 2V at REF. REF can source no more than 50µA. Bypass REF with a 0.1µF capacitor to ground. Constant-Current Loop: AC Loop Compensation The constant-current loop’s output is brought out at CC. To reduce noise due to variations in switching currents, bypass CC with a 1nF to 100nF capacitor to ground. A large capacitor value maintains a constant average output current but slows the loop response to changes in switching current. A small capacitor value speeds up the loop response to changes in switching current, _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 DC IN PDRV P I/0 I/0 D0 D1 MAX1640 NDRV PGND CS+ N LOW-SIDE IS SHORTED RSENSE CH0 CSCH1 R3 T TERM GND R4 BATT Figure 4. Microcontroller Battery Charger Rectifier Diode If an N-channel MOSFET synchronous rectifier is not used, a Schottky rectifier is needed. The MAX1640/ MAX1641’s high switching frequency demands a highspeed rectifier (Table 2). Schottky diodes such as the 1N5817–1N5822 are recommended. Make sure the Schottky diode’s average current rating exceeds the peak current limit and that its breakdown voltage exceeds the output voltage (VOUT). For high-temperature applications, Schottky diodes may be inadequate due to their high leakage current; high-speed silicon diodes such as the MUR105 or EC11FS1 can be used instead. At heavy loads and high temperatures, the benefits of a Schottky diode’s low forward voltage may outweigh the disadvantage of high leakage current. If the application uses an N-channel MOSFET synchronous rectifier, a parallel Schottky diode is usually unnecessary except with very high charge current (> 3 amps). Best efficiency is achieved with both an N-channel MOSFET and a Schottky diode. Inductor Value Refer to the section Programming the Off-Time to select the proper inductor value. There is a trade-off between inductor value, off-time, output current ripple, and switching frequency. __________Applications Information All-Purpose Microcontroller Battery Charger: NiCd, NiMH In applications where a microcontroller is available, the MAX1640/MAX1641 can be used as a low-cost battery charger (Figure 4). The controller takes over fast charge, pulse-trickle charge, charge termination, and other smart functions. By monitoring the output voltage at VOUT, the controller initiates fast charge (set D0 and D1 high), terminates fast charge and initiates top-off (set D0 high and D1 low), enters trickle charge (set D0 low and D1 high), or shuts off and terminates current flow (set D0 and D1 low). 10 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier Layout and Grounding Due to high current levels and fast switching waveforms, proper PC board layout is essential. High-current ground paths should be connected in a star configuration to PGND. These traces should be wide to reduce resistance and as short as possible to reduce stray inductance. All low-current ground paths should be connected to GND. Place the input bypass capacitor as close as possible to IN. See the MAX1640 EV kit for layout example. MAX1640/MAX1641 ___________________Chip Information PROCESS: BiCMOS Package Information (For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status.package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages.) PACKAGE TYPE 16 QSOP PACKAGE CODE E16+1 DOCUMENT NO. 21-0055 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Source with Synchronous Rectifier MAX1640/MAX1641 _____________________________________________________________Revision History REVISION NUMBER 2 REVISION DATE 5/09 DESCRIPTION Added lead-free package to Ordering Information, corrected R3 equation, updated Pin Description and figure references PAGES CHANGED 1–8, 10, 11 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 12 __________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-7600 © 2009 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
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