MeArm Maker
The build-it-yourself robot arm kit
The MeArm Maker is an easy-to-build robot arm kit that's designed to get children (and
adults!) learning about technology, engineering and programming. It's been expressly
designed to be easy to build (age 11+) and use.
It comes without the controller, leaving you to supply your own. It's easy to get it working
with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, mBed and any other microcontroller platform you can think
of (so long as it can control a servo!).
The MeArm Maker has been designed from the ground up to be easy to assemble.
Children can build it themselves and we suspect adults may be able to build it unaided
too. The only tool you'll need to build it is a hex key, and we include one in the box!
Included in the box
Plastic parts for the structure of the arm
Socket head screws for easy assembling
Hex key so you don’t need your own tools
4 Metal gear servos
Everything you need to build your MeArm except the controller!
Bring your own controller
Connect directly to the four servos
4 degrees of freedom
Compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi‐maker 5‐25‐18
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