Development System
Development System for Atmel AT89C51SND1 Microcontrollers
Emulates Atmel AT89C51SND1
58K Code Memory
Real-Time Emulation
Frequency up to 20MHz/3V
ISP and X2 Mode Support
MS-Windows Debugger For C And Assembler
Emulation Headers and Signal Testpoints
Programmer Included
Serially Linked to IBM PC at 115Kbaud
Ceibo FE-SND1 is a development system that supports ATMEL
AT89C51SND1 microcontrollers with 6/12 clocks/cycle at any frequency
allowed by the devices. It is serially linked to a PC or compatible
systems and can emulate the microcontrollers using either the built-in
clock generator or any other clock source connected to the
microcontroller. Emulation is carried out by loading the system with the
user software and an embedded monitor program. FE-SND1 locates the
monitor in the upper 2K of the code memory space. Two working modes
are available: real-time and simulator. In the real-time mode the user
software is executed transparently and without interfering with the
microcontroller speed. Breakpoints can be added to stop program
execution at a specific address. The simulation mode does not
implement all the chip options and it is intended only for software
debugging of the basic 8051 functions. The software includes C and
Assembler Source Level Debugger, On-line Assembler and
Disassembler, Trace, Conditional Breakpoints and many other features.
The system is supplied with Windows debugger software, RS-232 cable,
QFP adapter and ISP Programmer.
The system 2 main components are:
1. FE-SND1 - In-circuit Emulator
2. QFP Adapter (PLCC optional)
FE-SND1 provides 64K of code memory. However, only 58K are
available for user programs while emulating because the system comes
with an embedded monitor program that uses the upper 2K of the
memory space, from E800h to EFFFh. The ISP routines use 4K of the
memory space, from F000h to FFFFh. Code memory is mapped as
belonging to the FE-SND1 Emulator.
Breakpoints allow real-time program execution until an opcode is
executed at a specified address.
The FE-SND1 software includes a source level debugger for Assembler
and high-level languages C and others with the capability of executing
lines of the program while displaying the state of any variable. The
debugger uses symbols contained in the absolute file generated by the
most commonly used Assemblers and High Level Language Compilers.
The CEIBO Windows Debugger runs under Windows 95 or later and
also under Windows NT.
This debugger may also be used to operate the emulator. Some files
have to be added to the original Keil software and those can be
downloaded from www.ceibo.com.
The system supports ATMEL AT89C51SND1 microcontrollers and other
derivatives that will be announced in the future. The standard supported
package for emulation is QFP-80.
FE-SND1 runs from the clock source supplied by the user hardware. The
minimum and maximum frequencies are determined by the emulated
chip characteristics, while the emulator maximum frequency is 40MHz.
PC or compatible systems with 8 MByte of RAM, one RS-232C interface
card for the PC, Windows 95 or later.
3V, 0.5A power supply not supplied.
4cm x 7cm.
Development system including emulator, ISP programmer and development
board, QFP emulation header, Windows software with source level debugger,
on-line assembler and disassembler, user's manual and RS-232 cable.
84-PLCC adapter and termination board.
The first step required to work with the FE-SND1 board is to be able to
identify its different parts and to understand how the electronics function.
This will help you to take full advantage of all the FE-SND1 capabilities.
On the bottom side of the FE-SND1 you will see a phone jack. It is used
to serially link the FE-SND1 to your computer and to utilize the software
in emulation mode instead of just the simulator. The emulation mode is
used to interact with the hardware while the simulator is independent of
any hardware connection. The RS-232 cable connections are given
separately. On the right side of the RS-232 connector you will see a
POWER LED indicating whether or not the power is applied to the
system. The emulator must be connected to a target to be powered
and to receive the clock input otherwise it will not work. If you do
not have a target ready, ADP-84P/SND1-3V adapter can be used (this
adapter provide a clock source, connector to a 5V power supply and 5V
to 3.3V DC convertor). U1 is the microcontroller used for your emulation.
It is placed on an 84-PLCC socket. On the other side of the board there
are row of pins that you must connect to a target board. Make sure that
pin #1 of the QFP or PLCC adapters are aligned to pin #1 of the
emulator and to pin #1 of your target. The emulator and adapters are
clearly marked and have the same direction as U1.
FIGURE 1: FE-SND1 Emulator
JP1 is a connector necessary only for firmware updates. Make sure that
the cap is not placed on it to work properly. If any firmware update will be
necessary, follow the instructions that will come with it in
This adapter has to be connected to the emulator and your target. The
bottom is a soldering block that fits in the footprint of the target
microcontroller. Ceibo has also PLCC-84 adapters for the additional
package of the AT89C51SND1 microcontroller.
FIGURE 2: QFP Adapter
ADP-84/SND1-PLCC - Adapter for 84-PLCC derivatives, used instead of
the 80-QFP soldering block.
ADP-84/SND1-T - Termination board to be attached to the emulator while
a target is not available, thus allowing the emulator to work in stand-alone
mode. Provides connection to a power supply and crystal.
The following restrictions are valid for FE-SND1:
1. FE-SND1 Monitor Program shares 2 KByte of the 64K memory
programs while emulating because the system comes with an
embedded monitor program that uses these 2K of the memory
space, from E800h to EFFFh. The ISP routines use 4K of the
memory space, from F000h to FFFFh.
2. Code memory cannot be mapped external and always belongs
to the emulator system.
3. The program also uses 4 Bytes of the internal stack memory.
4. The stack pointer may not be defined below address 7.
5. The first instruction (address 0000h) must be 3-bytes long. For
example: use LJMP and not SJMP or AJMP as the first
6. The UART is shared with the system and interrupts should not
be disabled. Also the related timer to the serial port must not be
stopped. The Halt Mechanism in the Options Menu offers other
solutions in case you need these resources in your application.
However, RxD and TxD cannot be used as General Purpose
I/O and they are the UART Input and Output respectively.
7. Breakpoints cannot be set to the Reset Vector (address 0000h0002h), Serial Interrupt (address 0023h-0025h) or to the 4K of
the reserved memory space (address F000h-FFFFh). Any other
location is allowed, included inside interrupt service routines.
8. The simulation mode supports only the basic functions of the
8051 microcontrollers. Special registers and functions of some
derivatives may be not supported in the simulation modes. Use
the real-time mode for fully support of dedicated functions.
Emulator for AT89C51SND1
Adapter for 84-PLCC
Termination board