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MIC5203-2.6BM5-TR 数据手册
MIC5203 µCap 80 mA LDO Regulator Features General Description • • • • • • • • • • • The MIC5203 is a µCap 80 mA linear voltage regulator with very low dropout voltage (typically 20 mV at light loads and 300 mV at 80 mA) and very low ground current (225 µA at 20 mA output), offering better than 3% initial accuracy with a logic-compatible enable input. Tiny 4- and 5-Lead Surface-Mount Packages Wide Selection of Output Voltages Guaranteed 80 mA Output Low Quiescent Current Low Dropout Voltage Low Temperature Coefficient Current and Thermal Limiting Reversed Input Polarity Protection Zero Off-Mode Current Logic-Controlled Shutdown Stability with Low-ESR Ceramic Capacitors Applications • • • • • • Cellular Telephones Laptop, Notebook, and Palmtop Computers Battery-Powered Equipment Barcode Scanners SMPS Post-Regulator and DC/DC Modules High-Efficiency Linear Power Supplies The µCap regulator design is optimized to work with low- value, low-cost ceramic capacitors. The outputs typically require only 0.47 µF of output capacitance for stability. Designed especially for hand-held, battery-powered devices, the MIC5203 can be controlled by a CMOS or TTL compatible logic signal. When disabled, power consumption drops nearly to zero. If on-off control is not required, the enable pin may be tied to the input for 3terminal operation. The ground current of the MIC5203 increases only slightly in dropout, further prolonging battery life. Key MIC5203 features include current limiting, overtemperature shutdown, and protection against reversed battery. The MIC5203 is available in 2.8V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 3.8V, 4.0V, 4.5V, 4.75V, and 5.0V fixed voltages. Other voltages are available. Package Types MIC5203 4-Lead SOT-143 (M4) MIC5203 5-Lead SOT-23 (M5) EN GND 2 1 Part Identification E N GND IN 3 LAxx 2 1 LKxx 3 4 4 5 IN OUT NC OUT  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries DS20006609A-page 1 MIC5203 Typical Application Circuits MIC5203 4-Lead SOT-143 Enable Shutdown 2 1 1 LAxx 3 DS20006609A-page 2 MIC5203 5-Lead SOT-23 5 2 4 VOUT 0.47μF Enable Shutdown 3 VOUT 0.47μF 4  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 1.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Absolute Maximum Ratings † Supply Input Voltage (VIN) .......................................................................................................................... –20V to +20V Enable Input Voltage (VEN) ......................................................................................................................... –20V to +20V Power Dissipation (PD) (Note 1) ............................................................................................................ Internally Limited Operating Ratings ‡ Supply Input Voltage (VIN) ......................................................................................................................... +2.5V to +16V Enable Input Voltage (VEN) .................................................................................................................................0V to VIN † Notice: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not intended. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ‡ Notice: The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating ratings. Note 1: The maximum allowable power dissipation at any TA (ambient temperature) is PD(MAX) = (TJ(MAX) – TA)/JA. Exceeding the maximum allowable power dissipation will result in excessive die temperature, and the regulator will go into thermal shutdown. The JA of the MIC5205-xxYM5 (all versions) is 220°C/W mounted on a PC board. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Electrical Characteristics: VIN = VOUT +1V; IL = 1 mA; CL = 0.47 µF; VEN ≥ 2.0V; TJ = +25°C, bold values indicate –40°C < TJ ≤ +125°C, unless noted. Parameter Output Voltage Accuracy Symbol VO Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient ΔVO/ΔT Line Regulation ΔVO/VO Load Regulation ΔVO/VO Dropout Voltage, Note 3 Quiescent Current Ground Pin Current, Note 4 Ground Pin Current at Dropout Current Limit Thermal Regulation Min. Typ. Max. –3 — 3 –4 — 4 — 50 200 — 0.008 0.3 — — 0.5 — 0.08 0.3 — — 0.5 Units % ppm/°C Conditions — Note 1 % VIN = VOUT + 1V to 16V % IL = 0.1 mA to 80 mA, Note 2 — 20 — — 200 350 — 250 — — 300 600 — 0.01 10 — 180 — — 225 750 — 850 — — 1800 3000 IGNDDO — 200 300 µA VIN = VOUT(nom) – 0.5V, Note 4 ILIMIT — 180 250 mA VOUT = 0V ΔVO/ΔPD — 0.05 — %/W ΔVO/VO IQ IGND  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries IL = 100 µA mV IL = 20 mA IL = 50 mA IL = 80 mA µA VEN ≤ 0.4V (shutdown) IL = 100 µA, VEN ≥ 2.0V (active) µA IL = 20 mA, VEN ≥ 2.0V (active) IL = 50 mA, VEN ≥ 2.0V (active) IL = 80 mA, VEN ≥ 2.0V (active) Note 5 DS20006609A-page 3 MIC5203 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED) Electrical Characteristics: VIN = VOUT +1V; IL = 1 mA; CL = 0.47 µF; VEN ≥ 2.0V; TJ = +25°C, bold values indicate –40°C < TJ ≤ +125°C, unless noted. Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. — — 0.6 Units Conditions ENABLE Input Enable Input Voltage Level Enable Input Current Note 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: VIL 2.0 — — IIL — 0.01 1 IIH — 15 50 V µA Logic low (off) Logic low (on) VIL ≤ 0.6V VIH ≥ 2.0V Output voltage temperature coefficient is defined as the worst case voltage change divided by the total temperature range. Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature using low duty cycle pulse testing. Parts are tested for load regulation in the load range from 0.1 mA to 150 mA. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects are covered by the thermal regulation specification. Dropout Voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 2% below its nominal value measured at 1V differential. Ground pin current is the regulator quiescent current plus pass transistor base current. The total current drawn from the supply is the sum of the load current plus the ground pin current. Thermal regulation is defined as the change in output voltage at a time “t” after a change in power dissipation is applied, excluding load or line regulation effects. Specifications are for a 150 mA load pulse at VIN = 16V for t = 10 ms. TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS (Note 1) Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Junction Temperature Range TJ –40 — +125 °C Storage Temperature Range TS –60 — +150 °C — Lead Temperature — — — +260 °C Soldering, 5s — 250 — °C/W — 220 — °C/W Temperature Ranges — Package Thermal Resistances Thermal Resistance SOT-143 Thermal Resistance SOT-23-5 Note 1: 2: JA Note 2 The maximum allowable power dissipation is a function of ambient temperature, the maximum allowable junction temperature and the thermal resistance from junction to air (i.e., TA, TJ, JA). Exceeding the maximum allowable power dissipation will cause the device operating junction temperature to exceed the maximum +125°C rating. Sustained junction temperatures above +125°C can impact the device reliability. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any TA (ambient temperature) is PD(max) = (TJ(max) – TA)/JA. Exceeding the maximum allowable power dissipation will result in excessive die temperature, and the regulator will go into thermal shutdown. DS20006609A-page 4  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 2.0 Note: TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein are not tested or guaranteed. In some graphs or tables, the data presented may be outside the specified operating range (e.g., outside specified power supply range) and therefore outside the warranted range. 2000 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF GROUND CURRENT DROPOUT VOLTAGE (mV) 1000 100 10 1500 1000 500 VIN = VOUT + 1V 1 0.01 FIGURE 2-1: Current. 0 0.1 1 10 100 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Dropout Voltage vs. Output FIGURE 2-4: Current. Ground Current vs. Output 2.0 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF GROUND CURRENT (mA) DROPOUT VOLTAGE (mV) 400 300 IL = 80mA 200 100 IL = 1mA IL = 100PA Dropout Voltage vs. IL = 100PA 0.5 FIGURE 2-5: Voltage. GROUND CURRENT (mA) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 2-3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 7 Ground Current vs. Supply 3.0 IL = 100PA 3 2 IL = 80mA 1 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF 0 VOUT = 3.3V 1.0 0.0 0 4 IL = 50mA 1.5 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( FIGURE 2-2: Temperature. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 7 Dropout Characteristics.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries 2.5 2.0 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF IL = 80mA 1.5 1.0 IL = 50mA 0.5 IL = 100PA 0.0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( FIGURE 2-6: Temperature. Ground Current vs. DS20006609A-page 5 4.0 3.5 3.8 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 4.0 3.0 2.5 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 0 Output Voltage vs. Output 3.2 3.0 2.8 140 120 100 80 60 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF 40 20 0 FIGURE 2-8: Voltage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 50 0 DS20006609A-page 6 Output Voltage vs. 180 160 140 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF 120 FIGURE 2-11: Temperature. Short Circuit Current vs. 3.5 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 100 FIGURE 2-9: (3.3V Version). CURVES APPLICABLE AT 100PA AND 50mA 100 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( 7 Short Circuit vs. Input -50 -2 0 3 DEVICES HI / AVG / LO 200 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (mA) 3.4 FIGURE 2-10: Temperature. 160 0 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF 2.4 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( 50 100 150 200 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) FIGURE 2-7: Current. /2$' P$ ǻ287387 P9 3.6 2.6 0.5 CL = 1PF 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 TIME (ms) Thermal Regulation MIN. SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) MIC5203 IL = 1mA VOUT = 3.3V 3.4 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF 3.3 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( FIGURE 2-12: Temperature. Minimum Supply Voltage vs.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 OUTPUT (V) 287387 P$ ǻ287387 P9 200 0 COUT = 1PF VIN = VOUT + 1 -200 50 0 -50 -1 0 FIGURE 2-13: 1 2 3 4 5 TIME (ms) 6 7 CL = 11PF IL = 1mA 1 0 -1 8 INPUT (V) 100 2 6 4 0.0 8 FIGURE 2-16: Load Transient. 0.2 0.4 0.6 TIME (ms) 0.8 1.0 Line Transient. 100 RIPPLE VOLTAGE (dB) 0 5 10 TIME (ms) 15 20 1x106 20 0 0 IL = 100PA CL = 1PF VIN = VOUT + 1 100x103 50 40 10x103 100 -200 60 1x103 COUT = 10PF VIN = VOUT + 1 -100 80 100x100 0 10x100 287387 P$ ǻ287387 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 2-14: Load Transient. FIGURE 2-17: Frequency. Ripple Voltage vs. 60 40 FIGURE 2-15: 0.8 1.0 Line Transient.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries 1x106 0.2 0.4 0.6 TIME (ms) 100x103 0 10x103 20 4 0.0 IL = 1mA CL = 1PF VIN = VOUT + 1 1x103 6 80 100x100 CL = 1PF IL = 1mA 10x100 3 2 1 0 -1 8 -2 RIPPLE VOLTAGE (dB) ,1387 9 ǻ287387 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 2-18: Frequency. Ripple Voltage vs. DS20006609A-page 7 MIC5203 OUTPUT (V) 80 60 40 1x106 100x103 1x103 10x100 0 100x100 20 10x103 IL = 50mA CL = 1PF VIN = VOUT + 1 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 4 -1.0 ENABLE (V) RIPPLE VOLTAGE (dB) 100 CL = 1PF IL = 100PA 2 0 0 2 4 6 TIME (ms) 8 10 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 2-19: Frequency. Ripple Voltage vs. FIGURE 2-22: (3.3 Version). Enable Characteristics ENABLE VOLTAGE (mV) 1.50 100 IL = 100PA 10 IL = 1mA 1 1x106 100x103 1x103 0.01 100x100 0.1 10x103 IL = 100mA 10x100 287387,03('$1&( ȍ 1000 CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF IL = 1mA 1.25 1.00 VOFF VON 0.75 0.50 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( FREQUENCY (Hz) Output Impedance. FIGURE 2-23: Temperature. Enable Voltage vs. ENABLE CURRENT (V) 40 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 -1 ENABLE (V) OUTPUT (V) FIGURE 2-20: CL = 1PF IL = 100PA 2 0 0.0 FIGURE 2-21: (3.3 Version). DS20006609A-page 8 0.2 0.4 0.6 TIME (ms) 0.8 30 20 10 VEN = 5V VEN = 2V 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE qC) ( 1.0 Enable Characteristics CIN = 10PF COUT = 1PF IL = 1mA FIGURE 2-24: Temperature. Enable Current vs.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTIONS The descriptions of the pins are listed in Table 3-1. TABLE 3-1: PIN FUNCTION TABLE Pin Number SOT-143 Pin Number SOT-23-5 1 2 GND 2 3 EN Enable (Input): TTL/CMOS compatible control input. Logic high = enabled; logic low or open = shutdown Pin Name Description Ground 3 1 IN Supply input — 4 NC Not internally connected 4 5 OUT  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries Regulator output DS20006609A-page 9 MIC5203 4.0 APPLICATION INFORMATION 4.1 Input Capacitor A 0.1 µF capacitor should be placed from IN to GND if there are more than 10 inches of wire between the input and the AC filter capacitor or if a battery is used as the input. 4.2 Output Capacitor Typical PNP based regulators require an output capacitor to prevent oscillation. The MIC5203 is ultra-stable, requiring only 0.47 µF of output capacitance for stability. The regulator is stable with all types of capacitors, including the tiny, low-ESR ceramic chip capacitors. The output capacitor value can be increased without limit to improve transient response. 4.3 No-Load Stability The MIC5203 will remain stable and in regulation with no load (other than the internal voltage divider) unlike many other voltage regulators. This is especially important in CMOS RAM keep-alive applications. 4.4 Enable Input The MIC5203 features nearly zero off-mode current. When EN (enable input) is held below 0.6V, all internal circuitry is powered off. Pulling EN high (over 2.0V) reenables the device and allows operation. EN draws a small amount of current, typically 15 µA. While the logic threshold is TTL/CMOS compatible, EN may be pulled as high as 20V, independent of VIN. The capacitor should have a resonant frequency above 500 kHz. Ceramic capacitors work, but some dielectrics have poor temperature coefficients, which will affect the value of the output capacitor over temperature. Tantalum capacitors are much more stable over temperature, but typically are larger and more expensive. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors will also work, but they have electrolytes that freeze at about –30°C. Tantalum or ceramic capacitors are recommended for operation below –25°C. DS20006609A-page 10  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 5.0 PACKAGING INFORMATION 5.1 Package Marking Information TABLE 5-1: 4-Lead SOT-143* Example XXXX NNN LA33 415 5-Lead SOT-23* Example XXXX NNN LK45 415 MARKING CODES SOT-143 Part # Marking Voltage SOT-23 Part # Marking Voltage MIC5203-2.6YM4 LA26 2.6V MIC5203-2.6YM5 LK26 2.6V MIC5203-2.8YM4 LA28 2.8V MIC5203-2.8YM5 LK28 2.8V MIC5203-3.0YM4 LA30 3.0V MIC5203-3.0YM5 LK30 3.0V MIC5203-3.3YM4 LA33 3.3V MIC5203-3.3YM5 LK33 3.3V MIC5203-3.6YM4 LA36 3.6V MIC5203-3.6YM5 LK36 3.6V MIC5203-3.8YM4 LA38 3.8V MIC5203-3.8YM5 LK38 3.8V MIC5203-4.0YM4 LA40 4.0V MIC5203-4.0YM5 LK40 4.0V MIC5203-4.5YM4 LA45 4.5V MIC5203-4.5YM5 LK45 4.5V MIC5203-4.7YM4 LA47 4.7V MIC5203-4.7YM5 LK47 4.7V MIC5203-5.0YM4 LA50 5.0V MIC5203-5.0YM5 LK50 5.0V Legend: XX...X Y YY WW NNN e3 * Product code or customer-specific information Year code (last digit of calendar year) Year code (last 2 digits of calendar year) Week code (week of January 1 is week ‘01’) Alphanumeric traceability code Pb-free JEDEC® designator for Matte Tin (Sn) This package is Pb-free. The Pb-free JEDEC designator ( e3 ) can be found on the outer packaging for this package. ●, ▲, ▼ Pin one index is identified by a dot, delta up, or delta down (triangle mark). Note: In the event the full Microchip part number cannot be marked on one line, it will be carried over to the next line, thus limiting the number of available characters for customer-specific information. Package may or may not include the corporate logo. Underbar (_) and/or Overbar (‾) symbol may not be to scale.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries DS20006609A-page 11 MIC5203 4-Lead SOT-143 Package Outline and Recommended Land Pattern Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at http://www.microchip.com/packaging. DS20006609A-page 12  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 5-Lead SOT-23 Package Outline and Recommended Land Pattern Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at http://www.microchip.com/packaging.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries DS20006609A-page 13 MIC5203 NOTES: DS20006609A-page 14  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 APPENDIX A: REVISION HISTORY Revision A (November 2021) • Converted Micrel document MIC5203 to Microchip data sheet DS20006609A. • Minor text changes throughout.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries DS20006609A-page 15 MIC5203 NOTES: DS20006609A-page 16  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries MIC5203 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, contact your local Microchip representative or sales office. –X.X PART NO. Device X Voltage Temperature Device: MIC5203: Voltage: 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.5 4.75 5.0 = = = = = = = = = 2.8V 3.0V 3.3V 3.6V 3.8V 4.0V 4.5V 4.75V 5.0V Temperature: Y = –40°C to +125°C Package: M4 M5 = = 4-Lead SOT-143 5-Lead SOT-23 Media Type: TR = 3,000/Reel XX –XX Package Media Type µCap 80 mA LDO Regulator  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries Examples: a) MIC5203-2.8YM4-TR MIC5203, µCap 80 mA LDO Regulator, –40°C to +125°C, Temperature Range, 4-Lead SOT-143, 3,000/Reel b) MIC5203-5.0YM5-TR MIC5203, µCap 80 mA LDO Regulator, –40°C to +125°C, Temperature Range, 5-Lead SOT-23-5, 3,000/Reel Note 1: Tape and Reel identifier only appears in the catalog part number description. This identifier is used for ordering purposes and is not printed on the device package. Check with your Microchip Sales Office for package availability with the Tape and Reel option. DS20006609A-page 17 MIC5203 NOTES: DS20006609A-page 18  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip products: • Microchip products meet the specifications contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is secure when used in the intended manner, within operating specifications, and under normal conditions. • Microchip values and aggressively protects its intellectual property rights. Attempts to breach the code protection features of Microchip product is strictly prohibited and may violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of its code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product is “unbreakable”. Code protection is constantly evolving. Microchip is committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. This publication and the information herein may be used only with Microchip products, including to design, test, and integrate Microchip products with your application. Use of this information in any other manner violates these terms. Information regarding device applications is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. Contact your local Microchip sales office for additional support or, obtain additional support at https:// www.microchip.com/en-us/support/design-help/client-supportservices. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTIES RELATED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, OR PERFORMANCE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST, OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE INFORMATION OR ITS USE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE INFORMATION OR ITS USE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THE INFORMATION. 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器件简介:MIC5203是一款微电容(µCap) 80 mA的低压差线性稳压器,具有非常低的接地电流(在20 mA输出时为225 µA)和非常低的压差电压(在轻载时典型值为20 mV,80 mA输出时为300 mV)。它提供了优于3%的初始精度和逻辑兼容的使能输入。

引脚分配: - 4-Lead SOT-143 (M4):GND, OUT, IN, EN - 5-Lead SOT-23 (M5):IN, EN, GND, NC, OUT

参数特性: - 宽输入电压范围:-20V至+20V - 多种固定输出电压选项:2.8V至5.0V - 低静态电流:在使能状态下为10 µA,关闭状态下接近0 - 低压差电压:轻载时典型20 mV,80 mA输出时典型300 mV - 低温度系数 - 电流和热限制 - 防反接保护 - 关机状态下零电流消耗 - 逻辑控制关闭功能 - 与低ESR陶瓷电容器兼容

功能详解: - MIC5203专为手持、电池供电设备设计,可以通过CMOS或TTL兼容的逻辑信号控制。当禁用时,功耗几乎降至零。如果不需要开关控制,可以使能引脚连接到输入以实现3端操作。 - 具有电流限制、过温保护和防反接电池保护功能。

应用信息: - 适用于手机、笔记本电脑、便携式电脑、电池供电设备、条码扫描器、SMPS后级调节器和DC/DC模块、高效率线性电源等。

封装信息: - MIC5203提供4引脚SOT-143和5引脚SOT-23两种封装类型。
MIC5203-2.6BM5-TR 价格&库存

