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    通孔 N 通道 1200 V 53A(Tc) 385W(Tc) TO-247-4

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UF4SC120023K4S 数据手册
1200V-23mW SiC FET Rev. A, April 2022 DATASHEET Description UF4SC120023K4S CASE CASE D (1) The UF4SC120023K4S is a 1200V, 23mW G4 SiC FET. It is based on a unique ‘cascode’ circuit configuration, in which a normally-on SiC JFET is co-packaged with a Si MOSFET to produce a normally-off SiC FET device. The device’s standard gate-drive characteristics allows for a true “drop-in replacement” to Si IGBTs, Si FETs, SiC MOSFETs or Si superjunction devices. Available in the TO-247-4L package, this device exhibits ultra-low gate charge and exceptional reverse recovery characteristics, making it ideal for switching inductive loads and any application requiring standard gate drive. Features w On-resistance RDS(on): 23mW (typ) G (4) w Operating temperature: 175°C (max) w Excellent reverse recovery: Qrr = 341nC KS (3) w Low body diode VFSD: 1.2V w Low gate charge: QG = 37.8nC S (2) 1 2 34 w Threshold voltage VG(th): 4.8V (typ) allowing 0 to 15V drive w Low intrinsic capacitance w ESD protected: HBM class 2 and CDM class C3 w TO-247-4L package for faster switching, clean gate waveforms Part Number Package Marking UF4SC120023K4S TO-247-4L UF4SC120023K4S Typical applications w EV charging w PV inverters w Switch mode power supplies w Power factor correction modules w Motor drives w Induction heating Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S Rev. A, April 2022 1 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Test Conditions VDS Drain-source voltage Gate-source voltage VGS Continuous drain current 1 Pulsed drain current 2 Single pulsed avalanche energy 3 SiC FET dv/dt ruggedness Power dissipation Maximum junction temperature Operating and storage temperature ID IDM EAS dv/dt Ptot TJ,max TJ, TSTG Max. lead temperature for soldering, 1/8” from case for 5 seconds DC AC (f > 1Hz) TC ≤ 95°C TC = 25°C L=15mH, IAS =4.1A VDS ≤ 800V TC = 25°C TL Value Units 1200 -20 to +20 -25 to +25 53 204 126 150 385 175 -55 to 175 V V V A A mJ V/ns W °C °C 250 °C 1. Limited by bondwires 2. Pulse width tp limited by TJ,max 3. Starting TJ = 25°C Thermal Characteristics Parameter Thermal resistance, junction-to-case Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S Symbol Test Conditions RqJC Rev. A, April 2022 Value Min Typ Max 0.3 0.39 Units °C/W 2 Electrical Characteristics (TJ = +25°C unless otherwise specified) Typical Performance - Static Parameter Drain-source breakdown voltage Total drain leakage current Total gate leakage current Drain-source on-resistance Gate threshold voltage Gate resistance Symbol Test Conditions BVDS VGS=0V, ID=1mA IDSS IGSS RDS(on) VG(th) RG Value Min Typ Max 1200 V VDS=1200V, VGS=0V, TJ=25°C 2 VDS=1200V, VGS=0V, TJ=175°C 20 VDS=0V, TJ=25°C, VGS=-20V / +20V 6 20 VGS=12V, ID=40A, TJ=25°C 23 29 VGS=12V, ID=40A, TJ=125°C VGS=12V, ID=40A, TJ=175°C VDS=5V, ID=10mA Units 60 mA mA mW 42 57 4 f=1MHz, open drain 4.8 4.5 6 V W Typical Performance - Reverse Diode Parameter Diode continuous forward current 1 Diode pulse current 2 Forward voltage Test Conditions IS TC ≤ 95°C 53 A IS,pulse TC = 25°C 204 A VFSD Reverse recovery charge Qrr Reverse recovery time trr Reverse recovery charge Qrr Reverse recovery time trr Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S Value Symbol Min Typ VGS=0V, IS=20A, TJ=25°C 1.2 VGS=0V, IS=20A, TJ=175°C 1.65 VR=800V, IS=40A, VGS=0V, RG=30W di/dt=2100A/ms, TJ=25°C VR=800V, IS=40A, VGS=0V, RG=30W di/dt=2100A/ms, TJ=150°C Rev. A, April 2022 Max Units 1.35 V 341 nC 27 ns 374 nC 30 ns 3 Typical Performance - Dynamic Parameter Value Symbol Test Conditions Ciss Coss Crss VDS=800V, VGS=0V f=100kHz 1430 85 2 pF Effective output capacitance, energy related Coss(er) VDS=0V to 800V, VGS=0V 108 pF Effective output capacitance, time related Coss(tr) VDS=0V to 800V, VGS=0V 200 pF COSS stored energy Eoss VDS=800V, VGS=0V 35 mJ Total gate charge Gate-drain charge Gate-source charge QG QGD QGS VDS=800V, ID=40A, VGS = 0V to15V 37.8 8 11.8 nC Turn-on delay time td(on) Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance Rise time Turn-off delay time Fall time tr td(off) tf Turn-on energy including RS energy EON Turn-off energy including RS energy EOFF Total switching energy ETOTAL Snubber RS energy during turn-on ERS_ON Snubber RS energy during turn-off ERS_OFF Turn-on delay time Rise time Turn-off delay time Fall time td(off) tf Turn-on energy including RS energy EON Turn-off energy including RS energy EOFF Total switching energy ETOTAL Snubber RS energy during turn-on ERS_ON Snubber RS energy during turn-off ERS_OFF Typ Max Units 10 Note 4 and 5, VDS=800V, ID=40A, Gate Driver =0V to +15V, RG_ON=1W , RG_OFF=18W, inductive Load, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V and RG =18W, Snubber:Rs=20W, Cs=100pF TJ=25°C 24 72 ns 13.6 599 195 794 mJ 7 10 td(on) tr Min 9.2 Note 4 and 5, VDS=800V, ID=40A, Gate Driver =0V to +15V, RG_ON=1W, RG_OFF=18W, inductive Load, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V and RG =18W, Snubber:Rs=20W, Cs=100pF TJ=150°C 26 81 ns 14 678 239 917 mJ 6 9 4. Measured with the switching test circuit in Figure 26. 5. In this datasheet, all the switching energies (turn-on energy, turn-off energy and total energy) presented in the tables and Figures include the device RC snubber energy losses. Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S Rev. A, April 2022 4 Typical Performance Diagrams 120 120 100 Vgs = 15V 80 Drain Current, ID (A) Drain Current, ID (A) 100 Vgs = 10V Vgs = 8V 60 Vgs = 7V Vgs = 6.5V 40 20 60 Vgs = 15V Vgs = 8V 40 Vgs = 7V Vgs = 6.5V 20 0 Vgs = 6V 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) 9 10 Figure 1. Typical output characteristics at TJ = - 55°C, tp < 250ms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) 10 Figure 2. Typical output characteristics at TJ = 25°C, tp < 250ms 3.0 On Resistance, RDS_ON (P.U.) 120 100 Drain Current, ID (A) 80 80 60 Vgs = 15V Vgs = 8V 40 Vgs = 6.5V 20 Vgs = 6V Vgs = 5.5V 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 10 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Junction Temperature, TJ (°C) Figure 3. Typical output characteristics at TJ = 175°C, tp < 250ms Figure 4. Normalized on-resistance vs. temperature at VGS = 12V and ID = 40A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S 9 Rev. A, April 2022 5 80 Tj = 175°C 120 Tj = 25°C 100 Tj = -55°C 80 60 40 20 Tj = 25°C 60 Tj = -55°C 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 Drain Current, ID (A) 100 120 Figure 5. Typical drain-source on-resistances at VGS = 12V 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gate-Source Voltage, VGS (V) 9 10 Gate-Source Voltage, VGS (V) 20 5 4 3 2 1 0 -100 1 Figure 6. Typical transfer characteristics at VDS = 5V 6 Threshold Voltage, Vth (V) Tj = 175°C 70 Drain Current, ID (A) On-Resistance, RDS(on) (mW) 140 15 10 5 0 -5 -50 0 50 100 150 Junction Temperature, TJ (°C) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Gate Charge, QG (nC) Figure 7. Threshold voltage vs. junction temperature at VDS = 5V and ID = 10mA Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S -10 200 Figure 8. Typical gate charge at at VDS = 800V ID = 40A Rev. A, April 2022 6 0 0 Vgs = -5V Vgs = 0V Vgs = 5V -20 Vgs = 8V -30 -40 -50 Vgs = 0V Vgs = 5V -20 Vgs = 8V -30 -40 -50 -60 -60 -4 -3 -2 -1 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) 0 Figure 9. 3rd quadrant characteristics at TJ = -55°C -4 -3 -2 -1 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) 0 Figure 10. 3rd quadrant characteristics at TJ = 25°C 0 70 Vgs = - 5V -10 60 Vgs = 0V Vgs = 5V -20 50 Vgs = 8V EOSS (mJ) Drain Current, ID (A) Vgs = - 5V -10 Drain Current, ID (A) Drain Current, ID (A) -10 -30 -40 40 30 20 -50 10 -60 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) Figure 11. 3rd quadrant characteristics at TJ = 175°C Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) 1200 Figure 12. Typical stored energy in COSS at VGS = 0V Rev. A, April 2022 7 10000 60 1000 Coss 100 50 DC Drain Current, ID (A) Capacitance, C (pF) Ciss 10 40 30 20 10 Crss 0 1 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Case Temperature, TC (°C) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) Figure 13. Typical capacitances at f = 100kHz and VGS = 0V Figure 14. DC drain current derating 400 Thermal Impedance, ZqJC (°C/W) Power Dissipation, Ptot (W) 450 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Case Temperature, TC (°C) Figure 15. Total power dissipation Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S 0.1 0.01 D = 0.5 D = 0.3 D = 0.1 D = 0.05 D = 0.02 D = 0.01 Single Pulse 0.001 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 Pulse Time, tp (s) Figure 16. Maximum transient thermal impedance Rev. A, April 2022 8 500 1ms 400 10ms 10 100ms 1 Qrr (nC) Drain Current, ID (A) 100 1ms DC 300 200 100 10ms 0.1 1 0 10 100 1000 Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) 0 Figure 17. Safe operation area at TC = 25°C, D = 0, Parameter tp 30 VGS = 0V/15V, RG_ON=1W, RG_OFF=18W, Snubber: Rs=20W, Cs=100pF, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V, RG = 18W 1250 1000 Etot Eon Eoff 750 500 15 10 0 0 20 30 40 50 Drain Current, ID (A) 60 70 Figure 19. Clamped inductive switching energy vs. drain current at VDS = 800V and TJ = 25°C Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S 175 Etot Eon Eoff 20 5 10 50 75 100 125 150 Junction Temperature, TJ (°C) VGS = 0V/15V, RG_ON=1W, RG_OFF=18W, Snubber: Rs=20W, Cs=100pF, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V, RG = 18W 25 250 0 25 Figure 18. Reverse recovery charge Qrr vs. junction temperature at VDS = 800V Snubber RS Energy (mJ) Switching Energy (mJ) 1500 IS = 40A, di/dt = 2100A/ms, VGS = 0V, RG =30W 0 10 20 30 40 50 Drain Current, ID (A) 60 70 Figure 20. RC snubber energy loss vs. drain current at VDS = 800V and TJ = 25°C Rev. A, April 2022 9 15 Eon 1000 800 600 VGS = 0V/15V, Snubber: Rs=20W, Cs=100pF, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V 400 200 0 Eoff 9 6 VGS = 0V/15V, Snubber: Rs=20W, Cs=100pF, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V 3 0 0 10 20 30 External RG, RG_EXT (W) 40 50 Figure 21. Clamped inductive switching energies vs. RG,EXT at VDS = 800V, ID =40A, and TJ = 25°C 0 10 20 30 40 External RG, RG_EXT (W) 50 Figure 22. RC snubber energy loss vs. RG,EXT at VDS = 800V, ID =40A, and TJ = 25°C 1000 60 800 600 VGS = 0V/15V, RG_ON=1W, RG_OFF=18W, Rs=20W, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V, RG = 18W 400 Snubber Energy (mJ) Switching Energy (mJ) Eon 12 Eoff Snubber Rs Energy (mJ) Switching Energy (mJ) 1200 Etotal Eon Eoff 200 VGS = 0V/15V, RG_ON=1W, RG_OFF=18W, Rs=20W, FWD: same device with VGS = 0V, RG = 18W 50 40 Rs_Etot Rs_Eon Rs_Eoff 30 20 10 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Snubber Capacitance, Cs (pF) Figure 23. Clamped inductive switching energies vs. snubber capacitance CS at VDS = 800V, ID = 40A, and TJ = 25°C Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S 0 100 200 300 Snubber Capacitance, Cs (pF) 400 Figure 24. RC snubber energy losses vs. snubber capacitance CS at VDS = 800V, ID =40A, and TJ = 25°C Rev. A, April 2022 10 Switching Energy (mJ) 1200 Etot Eon Eoff 1000 800 600 VGS = 0V/15V, RG_ON=1W, RG_OFF=18W, Snubber: Rs=20W, Cs=100pF FWD: same device with VGS = 0V, RG = 18W 400 200 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Junction Temperature, TJ (°C) 175 Figure 25. Clamped inductive switching energy vs. junction temperature at VDS =800V and ID =40A Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S Figure 26. Schematic of the half-bridge mode switching test circuit. Note, a bus RC snubber (RBS = 5W, CBS=100nF) is used to reduce the power loop high frequency oscillations. Rev. A, April 2022 11 Applications Information SiC FETs are enhancement-mode power switches formed by a high-voltage SiC depletion-mode JFET and a low-voltage silicon MOSFET connected in series. The silicon MOSFET serves as the control unit while the SiC JFET provides high voltage blocking in the off state. This combination of devices in a single package provides compatibility with standard gate drivers and offers superior performance in terms of low on-resistance (RDS(on)), output capacitance (Coss), gate charge (QG), and reverse recovery charge (Qrr) leading to low conduction and switching losses. The SiC FETs also provide excellent reverse conduction capability eliminating the need for an external anti-parallel diode. Like other high performance power switches, proper PCB layout design to minimize circuit parasitics is strongly recommended due to the high dv/dt and di/dt rates. An external gate resistor is recommended when the FET is working in the diode mode in order to achieve the optimum reverse recovery performance. For more information on SiC FET operation, see www.unitedsic.com. A snubber circuit with a small R(G), or gate resistor, provides better EMI suppression with higher efficiency compared to using a high R(G) value. There is no extra gate delay time when using the snubber circuitry, and a small R(G) will better control both the turn-off V(DS) peak spike and ringing duration, while a high R(G) will damp the peak spike but result in a longer delay time. In addition, the total switching loss when using a snubber circuit is less than using high R(G), while greatly reducing E(OFF) from mid-to-full load range with only a small increase in E(ON). Efficiency will therefore improve with higher load current. For more information on how a snubber circuit will improve overall system performance, visit the UnitedSiC website at www.unitedsic.com Important notice The information contained herein is believed to be reliable; however, Qorvo makes no warranties regarding the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use of the information contained herein. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Customers should obtain and verify the latest relevant information before placing orders for Qorvo products. The information contained herein or any use of such information does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other intellectual property rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. THIS INFORMATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND QORVO HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PRODUCTS WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, USAGE OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Qorvo products are not warranted or authorized for use as critical components in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications, or other applications where a failure would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death. Datasheet: UF4SC120023K4S Rev. A, April 2022 12
UF4SC120023K4S 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+173.125461+20.72290
  • 25+164.7094025+19.71551
