50 MHz, 80 dB Demodulating
Logarithmic Amplifier with Limiter Output
a loadable output voltage of +0.1 V dc to +4 V dc. The logarithmic scaling is such that the output is +0.5 V for a sinusoidal
input of –75 dBm and +3.5 V at an input of +5 dBm; over this
range the logarithmic linearity is typically within ± 0.4 dB. All
scaling parameters are proportional to the supply voltage.
Logarithmic Amplifier Performance
–75 dBm to +5 dBm Dynamic Range
≤1.5 nV/√Hz Input Noise
Usable to >50 MHz
37.5 mV/dB Voltage Output
On-Chip Low-Pass Output Filter
Limiter Performance
ⴞ1 dB Output Flatness over 80 dB Range
ⴞ3ⴗ Phase Stability at 10.7 MHz over 80 dB Range
Adjustable Output Amplitude
Low Power
+5 V Single Supply Operation
65 mW Typical Power Consumption
CMOS-Compatible Power-Down to 325 W typ