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AD8091ARZ 数据手册
Low Cost, High Speed Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers AD8091/AD8092 FEATURES Low cost single (AD8091) and dual (AD8092) amplifiers Fully specified at +3 V, +5 V, and ±5 V supplies Single-supply operation Output swings to within 25 mV of either rail High speed and fast settling on 5 V 110 MHz, −3 dB bandwidth (G = +1) 145 V/μs slew rate 50 ns settling time to 0.1% Good video specifications (G = +2) Gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 20 MHz; RL = 150 Ω 0.03% differential gain error; RL = 1 kΩ 0.03%differential phase error; RL = 1 kΩ Low distortion −80 dBc total harmonic @ 1 MHz; RL = 100 Ω Outstanding load drive capability Drives 45 mA, 0.5 V from supply rails Drives 50 pF capacitive load (G = +1) Low power of 4.4 mA per amplifier CONNECTION DIAGRAMS NC 1 –IN 2 +IN 3 –VS 4 AD8091 8 7 6 5 NC +VS VOUT 02859-001 02859-002 NC NC = NO CONNECT Figure 1. SOIC-8 (R-8) VOUT 1 –VS 2 +IN 3 4 AD8091 5 +VS 02859-003 –IN Figure 2. SOT23-5 (RJ-5) OUT1 1 –IN1 2 +IN1 3 –VS 4 AD8092 8 7 6 5 +VS OUT –IN2 +IN2 APPLICATIONS Coaxial cable drivers Active filters Video switchers Professional cameras CCD imaging systems CDs/DVDs Clock buffers NC = NO CONNECT Figure 3. MSOP-8 and SOIC-8 (RM-8, R-8) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD8091 (single) and AD8092 (dual) are low cost, voltage feedback, high speed amplifiers designed to operate on +3 V, +5 V, or ±5 V supplies. The AD8091/AD8092 have true singlesupply capability, with an input voltage range extending 200 mV below the negative rail and within 1 V of the positive rail. Despite their low cost, the AD8091/AD8092 provide excellent overall performance and versatility. The output voltage swing extends to within 25 mV of each rail, providing the maximum output dynamic range with excellent overdrive recovery. This makes the AD8091/AD8092 useful for video electronics, such as cameras, video switchers, or any high speed portable equipment. Low distortion and fast settling make them ideal for active filter applications. The AD8091/AD8092 offer a low power supply current and can operate on a single 3 V power supply. These features are ideally suited for portable and battery-powered applications where size and power are critical. The wide bandwidth and fast slew rate make these amplifiers useful in many general-purpose, high speed applications where dual power supplies of up to ±6 V and single supplies from +3 V to +12 V are needed. This low cost performance is offered in an 8-lead SOIC (AD8091/AD8092), a tiny SOT23-5 (AD8091), and an MSOP (AD8092). Rev. C Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2002–2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AD8091/AD8092 TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Applications....................................................................................... 1 Connection Diagrams...................................................................... 1 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 6 ESD Caution.................................................................................. 6 Maximum Power Dissipation ..................................................... 7 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 8 Layout, Grounding, and Bypassing Considerations .................. 12 Power Supply Bypassing ............................................................ 12 Grounding ................................................................................... 12 Input Capacitance ...................................................................... 12 Input-to-Output Coupling ........................................................ 12 Driving Capacitive Loads .............................................................. 13 Overdrive Recovery ................................................................... 13 Active Filters ............................................................................... 13 Sync Stripper ............................................................................... 14 Single-Supply Composite Video Line Driver ......................... 14 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 16 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 17 REVISION HISTORY 9/07—Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to Applications Section .................................................... 1 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 16 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 17 3/05—Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to Format .............................................................Universal Changes to Features.......................................................................... 1 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 17 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 18 5/02–Rev. 0 to Rev. A Edits to Product Description .......................................................... 1 Edit to TPC 6 .................................................................................... 7 Edits to TPCs 21–24....................................................................... 10 Edits to Figure 3 .............................................................................. 11 2/02—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. C | Page 2 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 SPECIFICATIONS TA = 25°C, VS = 5 V, RL = 2 kΩ to 2.5 V, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE −3 dB Small Signal Bandwidth Bandwidth for 0.1 dB Flatness Slew Rate Full Power Response Settling Time to 0.1% NOISE/DISTORTION PERFORMANCE Total Harmonic Distortion (See Figure 11) Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise Differential Gain Error (NTSC) Differential Phase Error (NTSC) Crosstalk DC PERFORMANCE Input Offset Voltage Offset Drift Input Bias Current TMIN to TMAX Input Offset Current Open-Loop Gain RL = 2 kΩ to 2.5 V TMIN to TMAX RL = 150 Ω to 2.5 V TMIN to TMAX 86 76 0.1 98 96 82 78 290 1.4 −0.2 to +4 88 0.015 to 4.985 0.025 to 4.975 0.200 to 4.800 45 45 80 130 50 12 5 +85 Conditions G = +1, VO = 0.2 V p-p G = −1, +2, VO = 0.2 V p-p G = +2, VO = 0.2 V p-p, RL = 150 Ω to 2.5 V, RF = 806 Ω G = −1, VO = 2 V step G = +1, VO = 2 V p-p G = −1, VO = 2 V step fC = 5 MHz, VO = 2 V p-p, G = +2 f = 10 kHz f = 10 kHz G = +2, RL = 150 Ω to 2.5 V RL = 1 kΩ to 2.5 V G = +2, RL = 150 Ω to 2.5 V RL = 1 kΩ to 2.5 V f = 5 MHz, G = +2 Min 70 Typ 110 50 20 145 35 50 −67 16 850 0.09 0.03 0.19 0.03 −60 1.7 TMIN to TMAX 10 1.4 10 25 2.5 3.25 0.75 Max Unit MHz MHz MHz V/μs MHz ns dB nV/√Hz fA/√Hz % % Degrees Degrees dB mV mV μV/°C μA μA μA dB dB dB dB kΩ pF V dB V V V mA mA mA mA pF V mA dB °C 100 INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Resistance Input Capacitance Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Common-Mode Rejection Ratio OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Swing VCM = 0 V to 3.5 V RL = 10 kΩ to 2.5 V RL = 2 kΩ to 2.5 V RL = 150 Ω to 2.5 V VOUT = 0.5 V to 4.5 V TMIN to TMAX Sourcing Sinking G = +1 72 0.100 to 4.900 0.300 to 4.625 Output Current Short-Circuit Current Capacitive Load Drive POWER SUPPLY Operating Range Quiescent Current/Amplifier Power Supply Rejection Ratio OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE 3 ΔVS = ±1 V 70 −40 4.4 80 Rev. C | Page 3 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 TA = 25°C, VS = +3 V, RL = 2 kΩ to +1.5 V, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE −3 dB Small Signal Bandwidth Bandwidth for 0.1 dB Flatness Slew Rate Full Power Response Settling Time to 0.1% NOISE/DISTORTION PERFORMANCE Total Harmonic Distortion (see Figure 11) Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise Differential Gain Error (NTSC) Conditions G = +1, VO = 0.2 V p-p G = −1, +2, VO = 0.2 V p-p G = +2, VO = 0.2 V p-p, RL = 150 Ω to 2.5 V, RF = 402 Ω G = −1, VO = 2 V step G = +1, VO = 1 V p-p G = −1, VO = 2 V step fC = 5 MHz, VO = 2 V p-p, G = −1, RL = 100 Ω to 1.5 V f = 10 kHz f = 10 kHz G = +2, VCM = 1 V RL = 150 Ω to 1.5 V RL = 1 kΩ to 1.5 V G = +2, VCM = 1 V RL = 150 Ω to 1.5 V RL = 1 kΩ to 1.5 V f = 5 MHz, G = +2 Min 70 Typ 110 50 17 135 65 55 −47 16 600 0.11 0.09 0.24 0.10 −60 1.6 TMIN to TMAX Offset Drift Input Bias Current TMIN to TMAX Input Offset Current Open-Loop Gain RL = 2 kΩ TMIN to TMAX RL = 150 Ω TMIN to TMAX 80 74 0.15 96 94 82 76 290 1.4 −0.2 to +2.0 88 0.01 to 2.99 0.02 to 2.98 0.125 to 2.875 45 45 60 90 45 12 4.8 +85 10 1.3 10 25 2.6 3.25 0.8 Max Unit MHz MHz MHz V/μs MHz ns dB nV/√Hz fA/√Hz % % Degrees Degrees dB mV mV μV/°C μA μA μA dB dB dB dB kΩ pF V dB V V V mA mA mA mA pF V mA dB °C 90 Differential Phase Error (NTSC) Crosstalk DC PERFORMANCE Input Offset Voltage INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Resistance Input Capacitance Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Common-Mode Rejection Ratio OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Swing VCM = 0 V to 1.5 V RL = 10 kΩ to 1.5 V RL = 2 kΩ to 1.5 V RL = 150 Ω to 1.5 V VOUT = 0.5 V to 2.5 V TMIN to TMAX Sourcing Sinking G = +1 72 0.075 to 2.9 0.20 to 2.75 Output Current Short Circuit Current Capacitive Load Drive POWER SUPPLY Operating Range Quiescent Current/Amplifier Power Supply Rejection Ratio OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE 3 ΔVS = +0.5 V 68 −40 4.2 80 Rev. C | Page 4 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 TA = 25°C, VS = ±5 V, RL = 2 kΩ to ground, unless otherwise noted. Table 3. Parameter DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE −3 dB Small Signal Bandwidth Bandwidth for 0.1 dB Flatness Slew Rate Full Power Response Settling Time to 0.1% NOISE/DISTORTION PERFORMANCE Total Harmonic Distortion (see Figure 11) Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise Differential Gain Error (NTSC) Differential Phase Error (NTSC) Crosstalk DC PERFORMANCE Input Offset Voltage Offset Drift Input Bias Current TMIN to TMAX Input Offset Current Open-Loop Gain RL = 2 kΩ TMIN to TMAX RL = 150 Ω TMIN to TMAX 88 78 0.1 96 96 82 80 290 1.4 −5.2 to +4.0 88 −4.98 to +4.98 −4.97 to +4.97 −4.60 to +4.60 45 45 100 160 50 12 5.5 +85 Conditions G = +1, VO = 0.2 V p-p G = −1, +2, VO = 0.2 V p-p G = +2, VO = 0.2 V p-p, RL = 150 Ω, RF = 1.1 kΩ G = −1, VO = 2 V step G = +1, VO = 2 V p-p G = −1, VO = 2 V step fC = 5 MHz, VO = 2 V p-p, G = +2 f = 10 kHz f = 10 kHz G = +2, RL = 150 Ω RL = 1 kΩ G = +2, RL = 150 Ω RL = 1 kΩ f = 5 MHz, G = +2 Min 70 Typ 110 50 20 170 40 50 −71 16 900 0.02 0.02 0.11 0.02 −60 1.8 TMIN to TMAX 10 1.4 11 27 2.6 3.5 0.75 Max Unit MHz MHz MHz V/μs MHz ns dB nV/√Hz fA/√Hz % % Degrees Degrees dB mV mV μV/°C μA μA μA dB dB dB dB kΩ pF V dB V V V mA mA mA mA pF V mA dB °C 105 INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Resistance Input Capacitance Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Common-Mode Rejection Ratio OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Swing VCM = −5 V to +3.5 V RL = 10 kΩ RL = 2 kΩ RL = 150 Ω VOUT = −4.5 V to +4.5 V TMIN to TMAX Sourcing Sinking G = +1 (AD8091/AD8092) 72 −4.85 to +4.85 −4.45 to +4.30 Output Current Short Circuit Current Capacitive Load Drive POWER SUPPLY Operating Range Quiescent Current/Amplifier Power Supply Rejection Ratio OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE 3 ΔVS = ±1 V 68 −40 4.8 80 Rev. C | Page 5 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 4. Parameter Supply Voltage Power Dissipation Common-Mode Input Voltage Differential Input Voltage Output Short-Circuit Duration Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) Rating 12.6 V See Figure 4 ±VS ±2.5 V See Figure 4 −65°C to +125°C −40°C to +85°C 300°C Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ESD CAUTION Rev. C | Page 6 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION The maximum safe power dissipation in the AD8091/AD8092 package is limited by the associated rise in junction temperature (TJ) on the die. The plastic encapsulating the die locally reaches the junction temperature. At approximately 150°C, which is the glass transition temperature, the plastic changes its properties. Even temporarily exceeding this temperature limit may change the stresses that the package exerts on the die, permanently shifting the parametric performance of the AD8091/AD8092. Exceeding a junction temperature of 175°C for an extended period of time can result in changes in the silicon devices, potentially causing failure. The still-air thermal properties of the package (θJA), the ambient temperature (TA), and the total power dissipated in the package (PD) can be used to determine the junction temperature of the die. The junction temperature can be calculated as If the rms signal levels are indeterminate, then consider the worst case when VOUT = VS/4 for RL to midsupply ⎛ VS ⎞ ⎜⎟ 4 PD = (VS × I S ) + ⎝ ⎠ RL 2 In single-supply operation with RL referenced to −VS, the worst case is VOUT = VS/2. Airflow increases heat dissipation, effectively reducing θJA. Also, more metal directly in contact with the package leads from metal traces, through holes, ground, and power planes reduces the θJA. Care must be taken to minimize parasitic capacitances at the input leads of high speed op amps as discussed in the Input Capacitance section. Figure 4 shows the maximum safe power dissipation in the package vs. the ambient temperature for the SOIC-8 (125°C/W), SOT23-5 (180°C/W), and MSOP-8 (150°C/W) on a JEDEC standard four-layer board. 2.0 TJ = 150°C TJ = TA + (PD × θ JA ) MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION (W) The power dissipated in the package (PD) is the sum of the quiescent power dissipation and the power dissipated in the package due to the load drive for all outputs. The quiescent power is the voltage between the supply pins (VS) times the quiescent current (IS). Assuming that the load (RL) is referenced to midsupply, then the total drive power is VS/2 × IOUT, some of which is dissipated in the package and some in the load (VOUT × IOUT). The difference between the total drive power and the load power is the drive power dissipated in the package. 1.5 SOIC-8 MSOP-8 1.0 PD = quiescent power + (total drive power − load power ) SOT23-5 0.5 02859-004 ⎛⎛V V PD = (VS × I S ) + ⎜ ⎜ S × OUT ⎜⎜ 2 RL ⎝⎝ ⎞ ⎛ VOUT 2 ⎞ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟ ⎜ R ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠⎠ RMS output voltages should be considered. If RL is referenced to −VS, as in single-supply operation, then the total drive power is VS × IOUT. 0 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 4. Maximum Power Dissipation vs. Temperature for a Four-Layer Board Rev. C | Page 7 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 3 2 1 G = +2 RF = 2kΩ 6.3 6.2 6.1 NORMALIZED GAIN (dB) –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 –7 0.1 VS = 5V GAIN AS SHOWN RF AS SHOWN RL = 2kΩ VO = 0.2V p-p 1 10 G = +10 RF = 2kΩ G = +5 RF = 2kΩ GAIN FLATNESS (dB) 02859-005 0 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 VS = 5V 5.5 G = +2 RL = 150kΩ 5.4 RF = 806Ω VO = 0.2V p-p 5.3 0.1 G = +1 RF = 0Ω 100 500 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 5. Normalized Gain vs. Frequency; VS = +5 V 3 2 1 0 VS = +3V VS = +5V 9 8 7 6 VS = ±5V Figure 8. 0.1 dB Gain Flatness vs. Frequency; G = +2 GAIN (dB) GAIN (dB) –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 VS AS SHOWN G = +1 –6 RL = 2kΩ VO = 0.2V p-p –7 0.1 1 5 4 3 2 VS AS SHOWN 1 G = +2 RL = 2kΩ 0 RF = 2kΩ VO AS SHOWN –1 0.1 1 VS = ±5V VO = 4V p-p VS = +5V VO = 2V p-p 02859-006 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 500 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 500 Figure 6. Gain vs. Frequency vs. Supply 3 2 1 0 +85°C +25°C –40°C OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) 70 60 50 Figure 9. Large Signal Frequency Response; G = +2 VS = 5V RL = 2kΩ GAIN (dB) –1 –2 –3 –4 VS = 5V –5 G = +1 RL = 2kΩ –6 VO = 0.2V p-p TEMPERATURE AS SHOWN –7 0.1 1 GAIN 30 20 10 0 PHASE 0 –45 –90 –135 02859-007 10 100 500 –20 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 500 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 7. Gain vs. Frequency vs. Temperature Figure 10. Open-Loop Gain and Phase vs. Frequency Rev. C | Page 8 of 20 02859-010 –10 50° PHASE MARGIN –180 PHASE (Degrees) 40 02859-009 02859-008 AD8091/AD8092 –20 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) –30 –40 –50 –60 VS = 5V, G = +1 RL = 100Ω VS = 5V, G = +2 RF = 2kΩ, RL = 100Ω DIFFERENTIAL GAIN ERROR (%) VO = 2V p-p VS = 3V, G = –1 RF = 2kΩ, RL = 100Ω 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 –0.02 –0.04 –0.06 0.10 0.05 0 –0.05 –0.10 –0.15 –0.20 –0.25 NTSC SUBSCRIBER (3.58MHz) RL = 150Ω VS = 5, G = +2 RF = 2kΩ, RL AS SHOWN 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 RL = 1kΩ 70 80 90 100 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 VS = 5V, G = +2 RF = 2kΩ, RL = 2kΩ 02859-011 DIFFERENTIAL PHASE ERROR (Degrees) RL = 1kΩ VS = 5V, G = +1 RL = 2kΩ RL = 150Ω VS = 5, G = +2 RF = 2kΩ, RL AS SHOWN 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 02859-014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY (MHz) MODULATING RAMP LEVEL (IRE) Figure 11. Total Harmonic Distortion –30 –40 –50 WORST HARMONIC (dBc) Figure 14. Differential Gain and Phase Errors 1000 VS = 5V 10MHz –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 02859-012 VOLTAGE NOISE (nA Hz) 100 5MHz 1MHz 10 –120 –130 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V p-p) FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 12. Worst Harmonic vs. Output Voltage 5.0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (THD £ 0.5%) (V p-p) Figure 15. Input Voltage Noise vs. Frequency 100 VS = 5V 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 CURRENT NOISE (pA Hz) VS = 5V G = –1 RF = 2kΩ RL = 2kΩ 10 1 02859-013 0.5 0 0.1 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 50 0.1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 13. Low Distortion Rail-to-Rail Output Swing Figure 16. Input Current Noise vs. Frequency Rev. C | Page 9 of 20 02859-016 02859-015 VS = 5V RL = 2kΩ G = +2 AD8091/AD8092 –10 VS = 5V RF = 2kΩ –20 RL = 2kΩ VO = 2V p-p –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 02859-017 20 10 0 –10 VS = 5V CROSSTALK (dB) –PSRR PSRR (dB) –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 02859-020 +PSRR –90 –100 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 500 500 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 17. AD8092 Crosstalk (Output-to-Output) vs. Frequency 0 –10 –20 –30 VS = 5V 70 60 VS = 5V G = –1 RL = 2kΩ Figure 20. PSRR vs. Frequency SETTLING TIME TO 0.1% (ns) 02859-018 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.5 CMRR (dB) –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 0.03 0.1 1 10 100 500 1.0 1.5 2.0 FREQUENCY (MHz) INPUT STEPS (V p-p) Figure 18. CMRR vs. Frequency 100.000 31.000 VS = 5V G = +1 1.0 0.9 Figure 21. Settling Time vs. Input Step VS = 5V VOH = +85°C VOH = +25°C VOH = –40°C OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE (V) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 OUTPUT RESISTANCE (Ω) 10.000 3.100 1.000 0.310 0.100 02859-019 VOL = +85°C VOL = +25°C VOL = –40°C 02859-022 0.031 0.010 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 500 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 LOAD CURRENT (mA) Figure 19. Closed-Loop Output Resistance vs. Frequency Figure 22. Output Saturation Voltage vs. Load Current Rev. C | Page 10 of 20 02859-021 AD8091/AD8092 100 RL = 2kΩ 90 VS = 5V G = +2 RL = 2kΩ VIN = 1V p-p 3.5V OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) RL = 150Ω 80 2.5V 1.5V 70 02859-023 VS = 5V 60 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 23. Open-Loop Gain vs. Output Voltage Figure 26. Large Signal Step Response; VS = +5 V, G = +2 VIN = 0.1V p-p G = +1 RL = 2kΩ VS = 3V 5V VS = 5V G = –1 RF = 2kΩ RL = 2kΩ 1.50V 2.5V 02859-024 20mV 20ns 1V 2µs Figure 24. 100 mV Step Response; G = +1 Figure 27. Output Swing; G = −1, RL = 2 kΩ VS = 5V G = +1 RL = 2kΩ 2.60V 4V 3V 2V 1V VS = ±5V G = +1 RL = 2kΩ 2.50V –1V 2.40V –2V –3V 02859-025 50mV 20ns 1V 20ns Figure 25. 200 mV Step Response; VS = +5 V, G = +1 Figure 28. Large Signal Step Response; VS = ±5 V, G = +1 Rev. C | Page 11 of 20 02859-028 –4V 02859-027 02859-026 AD8091/AD8092 LAYOUT, GROUNDING, AND BYPASSING CONSIDERATIONS POWER SUPPLY BYPASSING Power supply pins are actually inputs, and care must be taken so that a noise-free stable dc voltage is applied. The purpose of bypass capacitors is to create low impedances from the supply to ground at all frequencies, thereby shunting or filtering a majority of the noise. Decoupling schemes are designed to minimize the bypassing impedance at all frequencies with a parallel combination of capacitors. Chip capacitors of 0.01 μF or 0.001 μF (X7R or NPO) are critical and should be as close as possible to the amplifier package. Larger chip capacitors, such as the 0.1 μF capacitor, can be shared among a few closely spaced active components in the same signal path. A 10 μF tantalum capacitor is less critical for high frequency bypassing and, in most cases, only one per board is needed at the supply inputs. The lengths of the high frequency bypass capacitor leads are most critical. A parasitic inductance in the bypass grounding works against the low impedance created by the bypass capacitor. Place the ground leads of the bypass capacitors at the same physical location. Because load currents flow from the supplies as well, the ground for the load impedance should be at the same physical location as the bypass capacitor grounds. For the larger value capacitors, which are intended to be effective at lower frequencies, the current return path distance is less critical. INPUT CAPACITANCE Along with bypassing and ground, high speed amplifiers can be sensitive to parasitic capacitance between the inputs and ground. A few pF of capacitance reduces the input impedance at high frequencies, in turn increasing the amplifier’s gain and causing peaking of the frequency response or even oscillations, if severe enough. It is recommended that the external passive components, which are connected to the input pins, be placed as close as possible to the inputs to avoid parasitic capacitance. The ground and power planes must be kept at a distance of at least 0.05 mm from the input pins on all layers of the board. GROUNDING A ground plane layer is important in densely packed PC boards to spread the current-minimizing parasitic inductances. However, an understanding of where the current flows in a circuit is critical to implementing effective high speed circuit design. The length of the current path is directly proportional to the magnitude of parasitic inductances and thus the high frequency impedance of the path. High speed currents in an inductive ground return create an unwanted voltage noise. INPUT-TO-OUTPUT COUPLING The input and output signal traces should not be parallel to minimize capacitive coupling between the inputs and output and to avoid any positive feedback. Rev. C | Page 12 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 DRIVING CAPACITIVE LOADS CAPACITIVE LOAD (pF) A highly capacitive load reacts with the output of the amplifiers, causing a loss in phase margin and subsequent peaking or even oscillation, as shown in Figure 29 and Figure 30. There are two methods to effectively minimize its effect. • • Put a small value resistor in series with the output to isolate the load capacitor from the amplifier’s output stage. Increase the phase margin with higher noise gains or by adding a pole with a parallel resistor and capacitor from −IN to the output. 8 6 4 2 10000 VS = 5V £30% OVERSHOOT RS = 3Ω 1000 100 RS = 0Ω RG 10 VIN 100mV STEP 50Ω 1 RF RS VOUT 02859-031 CL 1 2 3 ACL (V/V) 4 5 6 GAIN (dB) 0 –2 –4 –6 –8 –10 –12 0.1 VS = 5V G = +1 RL = 2kΩ CL = 50pF VO = 200mV p-p 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 500 Figure 31. Capacitive Load Drive vs. Closed-Loop Gain OVERDRIVE RECOVERY Overdrive of an amplifier occurs when the output range and/or input range is exceeded. The amplifier must recover from this overdrive condition. The AD8091/AD8092 recover within 60 ns from negative overdrive and within 45 ns from positive overdrive, as shown in Figure 32. VS = ±5V G = +5 RF = 2kΩ RL = 2kΩ Figure 29. Closed-Loop Frequency Response: CL = 50 pF VS = 5V G = +1 RL = 2kΩ CL = 50pF 2.60V 2.55V 2.50V 02859-029 INPUT 1V/DIV OUTPUT 2V/DIV 2.40V V/DIV AS SHOWN 100ns Figure 32. Overdrive Recovery 02859-030 50mV 100ns ACTIVE FILTERS Active filters at higher frequencies require wider bandwidth op amps to work effectively. Excessive phase shift produced by lower frequency op amps can significantly impact active filter performance. Figure 33 shows an example of a 2 MHz biquad bandwidth filter that uses three op amps. Such circuits are sometimes used in medical ultrasound systems to lower the noise bandwidth of the analog signal before A/D conversion. Note that the unused amplifiers’ inputs should be tied to ground. Figure 30. 200 mV Step Response: CL = 50 pF As the closed-loop gain is increased, the larger phase margin allows for large capacitor loads with less peaking. Adding a low value resistor in series with the load at lower gains has the same effect. Figure 31 shows the effect of a series resistor for various voltage gains. For large capacitive loads, the frequency response of the amplifier is dominated by the series resistor and capacitive load. Rev. C | Page 13 of 20 02859-032 2.45V AD8091/AD8092 C1 50pF R2 2kΩ 2 3 R3 1 2kΩ 6 5 R6 1kΩ R4 2kΩ R5 2kΩ VIDEO WITH SYNC VIDEO WITHOUT SYNC VIN R1 3kΩ C2 50pF 7 2 6 02859-033 VBLANK GROUND VOUT +0.4V 3V OR 5V 0.1µF VIN 3 7 GROUND AD8092 AD8092 3 + AD8091 10µF TO A/D 100Ω Figure 33. 2 MHz Biquad Band-Pass Filter AD8091 2 4 6 The frequency response of the circuit is shown in Figure 34. 0 R2 1kΩ R1 1kΩ +0.8V (OR 2 × VBLANK ) 02859-035 –10 GAIN (dB) Figure 35. Sync Stripper –20 SINGLE-SUPPLY COMPOSITE VIDEO LINE DRIVER –30 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 100M 02859-034 –40 Many composite video signals have their blanking level at ground and have video information that is both positive and negative. Such signals require dual-supply amplifiers to pass them. However, by ac level-shifting, a single-supply amplifier can be used to pass these signals. The following complications may arise from such techniques. Signals of bounded peak-to-peak amplitude that vary in duty cycle require larger dynamic swing capacity than their (bounded) peak-to-peak amplitude after they are ac-coupled. As a worst case, the dynamic signal swing approaches twice the peak-to-peak value. One of two conditions that define the maximum dynamic swing requirements is a signal that is mostly low but goes high with a duty cycle that is a small fraction of a percent. The opposite condition defines the second condition. The worst case of composite video is not quite this demanding. One bounding condition is a signal that is mostly black for an entire frame but has a white (full amplitude) minimum width spike at least once in a frame. The other extreme is a full white video signal. The blanking intervals and sync tips of such a signal have negative-going excursions in compliance with the composite video specifications. The combination of horizontal and vertical blanking intervals limit such a signal to being at the highest (white) level for a maximum of about 75% of the time. As a result of the duty cycles between the two extremes, a 1 V p-p composite video signal that is multiplied by a gain of 2 requires about 3.2 V p-p of dynamic voltage swing at the output for an op amp to pass a composite video signal of arbitrary varying duty cycle without distortion. Figure 34. Frequency Response of 2 MHz Band-Pass Biquad Filter SYNC STRIPPER Synchronizing pulses are sometimes carried on video signals so as not to require a separate channel to carry the synchronizing information. However, for some functions, such as A/D conversion, it is not desirable to have the sync pulses on the video signal. These pulses reduce the dynamic range of the video signal and do not provide any useful information for such a function. A sync stripper removes the synchronizing pulses from a video signal while passing all the useful video information. Figure 35 shows a practical single-supply circuit that uses only a single AD8091. It is capable of directly driving a reverse terminated video line. The video signal plus sync is applied to the noninverting input with the proper termination. The amplifier gain is set equal to 2 via the two 1 kΩ resistors in the feedback circuit. A bias voltage must be applied to R1 for the input signal to have the sync pulses stripped at the proper level. The blanking level of the input video pulse is the desired place to remove the sync information. The amplifier multiplies this level by 2. This level must be at ground at the output in order for the sync stripping action to take place. Because the gain of the amplifier from the input of R1 to the output is −1, a voltage equal to 2 × VBLANK must be applied to make the blanking level come out at ground. Rev. C | Page 14 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 Some circuits use a sync tip clamp to hold the sync tips at a relatively constant level to lower the amount of dynamic signal swing required. However, these circuits can have artifacts like sync tip compression unless they are driven by a source with a very low output impedance. The AD8091/AD8092 have adequate signal swing when running on a single 5 V supply to handle an ac-coupled composite video signal. The input to the circuit shown in Figure 36 is a standard composite (1 V p-p) video signal that has the blanking level at ground. The input network level shifts the video signal by means of ac coupling. The noninverting input of the op amp is biased to half of the supply voltage. 5V 4.99k Ω 4.99k Ω COMPOSITE VIDEO IN 47µF + RT 75Ω 10k Ω 2 The feedback circuit provides unity gain for the dc biasing of the input and provides a gain of 2 for any signals that are in the video bandwidth. The output is ac-coupled and terminated to drive the line. The capacitor values provide minimum tilt or field time distortion of the video signal. These values are required for video that is considered to be studio or broadcast quality. However, if a lower consumer grade of video, sometimes referred to as consumer video, is all that is desired, the values and the cost of the capacitors can be reduced by as much as a factor of 5 with minimum visible degradation in the picture. + 10µF 7 0.1µF + 10µF 1000µF + RBT 75Ω RL 75Ω 0.1µF 3 AD8091 4 6 VOUT RF 1kΩ RG 1kΩ 220µF Figure 36. Single-Supply Composite Video Line Driver Rev. C | Page 15 of 20 02859-036 AD8091/AD8092 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 5.00 (0.1968) 4.80 (0.1890) 3.20 3.00 2.80 6.20 (0.2441) 5.80 (0.2284) 4.00 (0.1574) 3.80 (0.1497) 8 1 5 4 3.20 3.00 2.80 0.50 (0.0196) 0.25 (0.0099) 8° 0° 0.25 (0.0098) 0.17 (0.0067) 1.27 (0.0500) 0.40 (0.0157) 45° 8 5 1 5.15 4.90 4.65 4 1.27 (0.0500) BSC 0.25 (0.0098) 0.10 (0.0040) COPLANARITY 0.10 SEATING PLANE 1.75 (0.0688) 1.35 (0.0532) PIN 1 0.65 BSC 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.15 0.00 012407-A 0.51 (0.0201) 0.31 (0.0122) 1.10 MAX 8° 0° 0.80 0.60 0.40 COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-012-A A CONTROLLING DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS; INCH DIMENSIONS (IN PARENTHESES) ARE ROUNDED-OFF MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN DESIGN. 0.38 0.22 SEATING PLANE 0.23 0.08 COPLANARITY 0.10 Figure 37. 8-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_N] Narrow Body (R-8) Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches) COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-187-AA Figure 38. 8-Lead Mini Small Outline Package [MSOP] (RM-8) Dimensions shown in millimeters 2.90 BSC 5 4 1.60 BSC 1 2 3 2.80 BSC PIN 1 0.95 BSC 1.30 1.15 0.90 1.90 BSC 1.45 MAX 0.22 0.08 10° 5° 0° 0.60 0.45 0.30 0.15 MAX 0.50 0.30 SEATING PLANE COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-178-A A Figure 39. 5-Lead Small Outline Transistor Package [SOT-23] (RJ-5) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. C | Page 16 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 ORDERING GUIDE Model AD8091AR AD8091AR-REEL AD8091AR-REEL7 AD8091ARZ 1 AD8091ARZ-REEL1 AD8091ARZ-REEL71 AD8091ART-R2 AD8091ART-REEL AD8091ART-REEL7 AD8091ARTZ-R21 AD8091ARTZ-R71 AD8091ARTZ-RL1 AD8092AR AD8092AR-REEL AD8092AR-REEL7 AD8092ARZ1 AD8092ARZ-REEL1 AD8092ARZ-REEL71 AD8092ARM AD8092ARM-REEL AD8092ARM-REEL7 AD8092ARMZ1 AD8092ARMZ-REEL1 AD8092ARMZ-REEL71 1 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Package Description 8-Lead SOIC 8-Lead SOIC, 13” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC, 7” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC 8-Lead SOIC, 13” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC, 7” Tape and Reel 5-Lead SOT-23 5-Lead SOT-23, 13” Tape and Reel 5-Lead SOT-23, 7” Tape and Reel 5-Lead SOT-23 5-Lead SOT-23, 7” Tape and Reel 5-Lead SOT-23, 13” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC 8-Lead SOIC, 13” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC, 7” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC 8-Lead SOIC, 13” Tape and Reel 8-Lead SOIC, 7” Tape and Reel 8-Lead MSOP 8-Lead MSOP, 13" Tape and Reel 8-Lead MSOP, 7" Tape and Reel 8-Lead MSOP 8-Lead MSOP, 13" Tape and Reel 8-Lead MSOP, 7" Tape and Reel Package Option R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 RJ-5 RJ-5 RJ-5 RJ-5 RJ-5 RJ-5 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 RM-8 RM-8 RM-8 RM-8 RM-8 RM-8 Branding HVA HVA HVA HVA# HVA# HVA# HWA HWA HWA HWA# HWA# HWA# Z = RoHS Compliant Part. # denotes lead-free, may be top or bottom marked. Rev. C | Page 17 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 NOTES Rev. C | Page 18 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 NOTES Rev. C | Page 19 of 20 AD8091/AD8092 NOTES ©2002–2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D02859-0-9/07(C) Rev. C | Page 20 of 20
AD8091ARZ 价格&库存


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+22.523101+2.79398
    • 10+12.3873110+1.53664
    • 50+11.1470050+1.38278
    • 100+8.74538100+1.08486
    • 500+7.86847500+0.97608
    • 1000+7.473471000+0.92708
    • 2000+7.252272000+0.89964
    • 4000+6.430664000+0.79772
