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    12 LVPECL/24 CMOS输出时钟发生器,集成2 GHz VCO

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AD9520-3BCPZ 数据手册
FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM APPLICATIONS Low jitter, low phase noise clock distribution Clock generation and translation for SONET, 10Ge, 10GFC, Synchronous Ethernet, OTU2/3/4 Forward error correction (G.710) Clocking high speed ADCs, DACs, DDSs, DDCs, DUCs, MxFEs High performance wireless transceivers ATE and high performance instrumentation Broadband infrastructures GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD9520-31 provides a multioutput clock distribution function with subpicosecond jitter performance, along with an on-chip PLL and VCO. The on-chip VCO tunes from 1.72 GHz to 2.25 GHz. An external 3.3 V/5 V VCO/VCXO of up to 2.4 GHz can also be used. 1 LF CP OPTIONAL REF1 REFIN REFIN CLK REF2 STATUS MONITOR PLL Low phase noise, phase-locked loop (PLL) On-chip VCO tunes from 1.72 GHz to 2.25 GHz Optional external 3.3 V/5 V VCO/VCXO to 2.4 GHz 1 differential or 2 single-ended reference inputs Accepts CMOS, LVDS, or LVPECL references to 250 MHz Accepts 16.62 MHz to 33.3 MHz crystal for reference input Optional reference clock doubler Reference monitoring capability Automatic/manual reference holdover and reference switchover modes, with revertive switching Glitch-free switchover between references Automatic recovery from holdover Digital or analog lock detect, selectable Optional zero delay operation Twelve 1.6 GHz LVPECL outputs divided into 4 groups Each group of 3 outputs shares a 1-to-32 divider with phase delay Additive output jitter as low as 225 fs rms Channel-to-channel skew grouped outputs < 16 ps Each LVPECL output can be configured as 2 CMOS outputs (for fOUT ≤ 250 MHz) Automatic synchronization of all outputs on power-up Manual output synchronization available SPI- and I²C-compatible serial control port 64-lead LFCSP Nonvolatile EEPROM stores configuration settings DIVIDER AND MUXES VCO ZERO DELAY LVPECL/ CMOS DIV/Φ OUT0 OUT1 OUT2 DIV/Φ OUT3 OUT4 OUT5 DIV/Φ OUT6 OUT7 OUT8 DIV/Φ OUT9 OUT10 OUT11 SPI/I2C CONTROL PORT AND DIGITAL LOGIC EEPROM AD9520 07216-001 FEATURES SWITCHOVER AND MONITOR Data Sheet 12 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2 GHz VCO AD9520-3 Figure 1. The AD9520-3 serial interface supports both SPI and I²C ports. An in-package EEPROM, which can be programmed through the serial interface, can store user-defined register settings for power-up and chip reset. The features 12 LVPECL outputs in four groups. Any of the 1.6 GHz LVPECL outputs can be reconfigured as two 250 MHz CMOS outputs. If an application requires LVDS drivers instead of LVPECL drivers, refer to the AD9522-3. Each group of three outputs has a divider that allows both the divide ratio (from 1 to 32) and the phase offset or coarse time delay to be set. The is available in a 64-lead LFCSP and can be operated from a single 3.3 V supply. The external VCO can have an operating voltage of up to 5.5 V. A separate output driver power supply can be from 2.375 V to 3.465 V. The AD9520-3 is specified for operation over the standard industrial range of −40°C to +85°C. AD9520 is used throughout this data sheet to refer to all the members of the AD9520 family. However, when AD9520-3 is used, it refers to that specific member of the AD9520 family. Rev. B Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2008–2016 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com AD9520-3 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions........................... 18 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 21 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Terminology .................................................................................... 26 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Detailed Block Diagram ................................................................ 27 Revision History ............................................................................... 3 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 28 Specifications..................................................................................... 4 Operational Configurations ...................................................... 28 Power Supply Requirements ....................................................... 4 Zero Delay Operation ................................................................ 42 PLL Characteristics ...................................................................... 4 Clock Distribution ..................................................................... 43 Clock Inputs .................................................................................. 7 Reset Modes ................................................................................ 49 Clock Outputs ............................................................................... 7 Power-Down Modes .................................................................. 50 Timing Characteristics ................................................................ 8 Serial Control Port ......................................................................... 51 Clock Output Additive Phase Noise (Distribution Only; VCO Divider Not Used) ...................................................................... 10 SPI/I²C Port Selection................................................................ 51 Clock Output Absolute Phase Noise (Internal VCO Used) .. 11 SPI Serial Port Operation .......................................................... 54 Clock Output Absolute Time Jitter (Clock Generation Using Internal VCO) ............................................................................. 11 SPI Instruction Word (16 Bits) ................................................. 55 Clock Output Absolute Time Jitter (Clock Cleanup Using Internal VCO) ............................................................................. 11 EEPROM Operations ..................................................................... 58 Clock Output Absolute Time Jitter (Clock Generation Using External VCXO) ......................................................................... 12 Writing to the EEPROM ........................................................... 58 Reading from the EEPROM ..................................................... 58 Clock Output Additive Time Jitter (VCO Divider Not Used) ....................................................................................................... 12 Programming the EEPROM Buffer Segment ......................... 59 Thermal Performance .................................................................... 60 Clock Output Additive Time Jitter (VCO Divider Used) ..... 12 Register Map ................................................................................... 61 Serial Control Port—SPI Mode ................................................ 13 Register Map Descriptions ............................................................ 64 Serial Control Port—I²C Mode ................................................ 14 Applications Information .............................................................. 77 PD, EEPROM, RESET, and SYNC Pins .................................. 15 Frequency Planning Using the AD9520 .................................. 77 Serial Port Setup Pins—SP1, SP0 ............................................. 15 Using the AD9520 Outputs for ADC Clock Applications .... 77 LD, STATUS, and REFMON Pins ............................................ 15 CMOS Clock Distribution ........................................................ 78 Power Dissipation ....................................................................... 16 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 80 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................................... 17 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 80 I²C Serial Port Operation .......................................................... 51 SPI MSB/LSB First Transfers .................................................... 55 Thermal Resistance .................................................................... 17 ESD Caution ................................................................................ 17 Rev. B | Page 2 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 REVISION HISTORY 9/2016—Rev. A to Rev. B Changed AD9520 to AD9520-3 .................................. Throughout Change to PD Power-Down, Maximum Sleep Parameter, Table 18 .............................................................................................16 Updated Outline Dimensions ........................................................80 8/13—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Features Section, Applications Section, and General Description Section ............................................................ 1 Changes to Table 2 ............................................................................ 4 Changes to Input Frequency Parameter; Change to Input Sensitivity, Differential Parameter Test Conditions/Comments, Table 3 ................................................................................................. 7 Change to Output Differential Voltage, VOD Parameter Test Conditions/Comments; Added Source Current and Sink Current Parameters, Table 4 ............................................................ 7 Change to Output Skew, LVPECL Outputs Parameter, Test Conditions/Comments, Table 5 ...................................................... 8 Reordered Figure 2 to Figure 4 ........................................................ 9 Change to Reset Timing, Pulse Width Low Parameter, Table 15 ...15 Change to Maximum Power, Full Operation Parameter, Internal VCO Value in Test Conditions/Comments, Table 18 .16 Change to Junction Temperature, Table 19; Reformatted Table 19 .............................................................................................17 Change to Table 21 ..........................................................................18 Deleted Figure 13, Renumbered Sequentially .............................22 Reordered Figure 31 and Figure 32; Moved Figure 34 and Figure 35 to PLL External Loop Filter Section, Page 35; Added Figure 33, Renumbered Sequentially ............................................25 Change to Mode 0—Internal VCO and Clock Distribution Section ..............................................................................................28 Change to Configuration of the PLL Section; Changes to Charge Pump (CP) Section ............................................................34 Changes to On-Chip VCO Section and PLL External Loop Filter Section; Added Figure 40; Moved Figure 41 and Figure 42 from Typical Performance Characteristics Section to PLL External Loop Filter Section; Changes to PLL Reference Inputs Section ..................................................................................35 Changes to Reference Switchover Section ...................................36 Change to Prescaler Section and A and B Counters Section; Changes to Table 29 ........................................................................37 Changes to Current Source Digital Lock Detect (CSDLD) Section ..............................................................................................38 Changes to Frequency Status Monitors Section and VCO Calibration Section ......................................................................... 41 Added Table 31, Renumbered Sequentially; Change to Internal Zero Delay Mode Section ............................................... 42 Change to External Zero Delay Mode Section ............................ 43 Change to Clock Frequency Division Section; Added Channel Divider Maximum Frequency Section ......................................... 45 Reformatted Table 36 to Table 39.................................................. 46 Change to Phase Offset or Coarse Time Delay Section ............. 47 Change to LVPECL Output Drivers Section; Changes to CMOS Output Drivers Section; Change to Power-On Reset Section ... 49 Changes to Soft Reset via the Serial Port Section and Soft Reset to Settings in EEPROM When EEPROM Pin = 0b via the Serial Port Section .............................................................. 50 Change to Pin Descriptions Section, SPI Mode Operation Section, and Write Section ............................................................. 54 Changes to SPI Instruction Word (16 Bits) Section ................... 55 Changes to EEPROM Operations Section, Writing to the EEPROM Section, and Reading from the EEPROM Section ... 58 Changes to Programming the EEPROM Buffer Segment Section and Register Section Definition Group Section; Added Operational Codes Section Heading ............................... 59 Changes to Table 50 ........................................................................ 61 Added Unused Bits to Register Map Descriptions Section; Changes to Address 0x000, Bit 5, and Added Address 0x003, Table 51; Changes to Address 0x000, Bit 5, and Added Address 0x003, Table 52 ................................................................. 64 Changes to Address 0x017, Table 54 ............................................ 66 Changes to Address 0x018, Bit 4 and Bits[2:1], Table 54 ........... 67 Change to Address 0x1A, Bit 6, Table 54 ..................................... 68 Changes to Address 0x01B, Bits[4:0], Table 54 ........................... 69 Changes to Address 0x191, Bit 5, and Address 0x194, Bit 5, Table 56 ............................................................................................. 72 Changes to Address 0x197, Bit 5, Table 56 .................................. 73 Changes to Address 0x19A, Bit 5, Table 56 ................................. 74 Changes to Table 60 ........................................................................ 75 Changes to Address 0xB02, Bit 0, and Address 0xB03, Bit 0, Table 61 ............................................................................................. 76 Change to Frequency Planning Using the AD9520 Section ..... 77 Added LVPECL Y-Termination and Far-End Thevenin Termination Headings; Changes to CMOS Clock Distribution Section .............................................................................................. 78 9/08—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 3 of 80 AD9520-3 Data Sheet SPECIFICATIONS Typical is given for VS = VS_DRV = 3.3 V ± 5%; VS ≤ VCP ≤ 5.25 V; TA = 25°C; RSET = 4.12 kΩ; CPRSET = 5.1 kΩ, unless otherwise noted. Minimum and maximum values are given over full VS and TA (−40°C to +85°C) variation. POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Table 1. Parameter POWER PINS VS VS_DRV VCP CURRENT SET RESISTORS RSET Pin Resistor CPRSET Pin Resistor Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 3.135 2.375 VS 3.3 3.465 VS 5.25 V V V 3.3 V ± 5% Nominally 2.5 V to 3.3 V ± 5% Nominally 3.3 V to 5.0 V ± 5% 4.12 5.1 kΩ kΩ 220 nF Sets internal biasing currents; connect to ground Sets internal CP current range, nominally 4.8 mA (CP_lsb = 600 µA); actual current can be calculated by CP_lsb = 3.06/CPRSET; connect to ground Bypass for internal LDO regulator; necessary for LDO stability; connect to ground BYPASS PIN CAPACITOR PLL CHARACTERISTICS Table 2. Parameter VCO (ON CHIP) Frequency Range VCO Gain (KVCO) Tuning Voltage (VT) Frequency Pushing (Open-Loop) Phase Noise at 1 kHz Offset Phase Noise at 100 kHz Offset Phase Noise at 1 MHz Offset REFERENCE INPUTS Differential Mode (REFIN, REFIN) Input Frequency Min Typ 1720 Max Unit 2250 MHz MHz/V V MHz/V dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz 47 0.5 VCP − 0.5 1 −55 −110 −129 0 Input Sensitivity 250 280 Self-Bias Voltage, REFIN Self-Bias Voltage, REFIN Input Resistance, REFIN Input Resistance, REFIN Dual Single-Ended Mode (REF1, REF2) Input Frequency (AC-Coupled) with DC Offset Off) Input Frequency (AC-Coupled with DC Offset On) 1.35 1.30 4.0 4.4 Input Frequency (DC-Coupled) Input Sensitivity (AC-Coupled with DC Offset Off) Input Sensitivity (AC-Coupled with DC Offset On) Input Logic High, DC Offset Off Input Logic Low, DC Offset Off Input Current Input Capacitance Pulse Width High/Low 1.60 1.50 4.8 5.3 MHz mV p-p Test Conditions/Comments See Figure 8 VT ≤ VS when using internal VCO f = 2000 MHz f = 2000 MHz f = 2000 MHz Differential mode (can accommodate single-ended input by ac grounding undriven input) Frequencies below about 1 MHz should be dc-coupled; be careful to match VCM (self-bias voltage) PLL figure of merit (FOM) increases with increasing slew rate (see Figure 12); the input sensitivity is sufficient for ac-coupled LVDS and LVPECL signals Self-bias voltage of REFIN 1 Self-bias voltage of REFIN1 Self-biased1 Self-biased1 Two single-ended CMOS-compatible inputs Slew rate must be >50 V/µs 1.75 1.60 5.9 6.4 V V kΩ kΩ 250 MHz 250 MHz 0 0.55 250 3.28 MHz V p-p Slew rate must be >50 V/µs, and input amplitude sensitivity specification must be met; see the input sensitivity parameter Slew rate > 50 V/µs; CMOS levels VIH should not exceed VS 1.5 2.78 V p-p VIH should not exceed VS 10 2.0 0.8 +100 −100 2 1.8 V V µA pF ns Rev. B | Page 4 of 80 Each pin, REFIN (REF1)/REFIN (REF2) The amount of time that a square wave is high/low; determines the allowable input duty cycle Data Sheet Parameter Crystal Oscillator Crystal Resonator Frequency Range Maximum Crystal Motional Resistance PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTOR (PFD) PFD Input Frequency AD9520-3 Max Unit 33.33 30 MHz Ω 100 45 50 1.3 2.9 6.0 MHz MHz MHz ns ns ns ICP Sink/Source High Value 4.8 mA Low Value 0.60 mA Reference Input Clock Doubler Frequency Antibacklash Pulse Width Min Typ 16.62 0.004 CHARGE PUMP (CP) Absolute Accuracy CPRSET Range ICP High Impedance Mode Leakage Sink-and-Source Current Matching ICP vs. VCP ICP vs. Temperature PRESCALER (PART OF N DIVIDER) Prescaler Input Frequency P = 1 FD P = 2 FD P = 3 FD P = 2 DM (2/3) P = 4 DM (4/5) P = 8 DM (8/9) P = 16 DM (16/17) P = 32 DM (32/33) Prescaler Output Frequency PLL N DIVIDER DELAY 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 PLL R DIVIDER DELAY 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 2.5 1 1 % kΩ nA % 1.5 2 % % 2.7 10 300 600 900 200 1000 2400 3000 3000 300 Off 385 486 623 730 852 976 1101 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz Test Conditions/Comments Antibacklash pulse width = 1.3 ns Antibacklash pulse width = 2.9 ns Register 0x017[1:0] = 01b Register 0x017[1:0] = 00b; Register 0x017[1:0] = 11b Register 0x017[1:0] = 10b CPV is the CP pin voltage; VCP is the charge pump power supply voltage (VCP pin) Programmable With CPRSET = 5.1 kΩ; higher ICP is possible by changing CPRSET With CPRSET = 5.1 kΩ; lower ICP is possible by changing CPRSET CPV = VCP/2 0.5 V < CPV < VCP − 0.5 V; CPV is the CP pin voltage; VCP is the charge pump power supply voltage (VCP pin) 0.5 V < CPV < VCP − 0.5 V CPV = VCP/2 A, B counter input frequency (prescaler input frequency divided by P) Register 0x019[2:0]; see Table 54 ps ps ps ps ps ps ps Register 0x019[5:3]; see Table 54 Off 365 486 608 730 852 976 1101 ps ps ps ps ps ps ps Rev. B | Page 5 of 80 AD9520-3 Parameter PHASE OFFSET IN ZERO DELAY Phase Offset (REF-to-LVPECL Clock Output Pins) in Internal Zero Delay Mode Phase Offset (REF-to-LVPECL Clock Output Pins) in Internal Zero Delay Mode Phase Offset (REF-to-CLK Input Pins) in External Zero Delay Mode Phase Offset (REF-to-CLK Input Pins) in External Zero Delay Mode NOISE CHARACTERISTICS In-Band Phase Noise of the Charge Pump/ Phase Frequency Detector 2 500 kHz PFD Frequency 1 MHz PFD Frequency 10 MHz PFD Frequency 50 MHz PFD Frequency PLL Figure of Merit (FOM) Data Sheet Min Typ Max Unit 560 1060 1310 ps Test Conditions/Comments REF refers to REFIN (REF1)/REFIN (REF2) When N delay and R delay are bypassed −320 +50 +240 ps When N delay setting = 110b, and R delay is bypassed 140 630 870 ps When N delay and R delay are bypassed −460 −20 +200 ps When N delay setting = 011b, and R delay is bypassed The PLL in-band phase noise floor is estimated by measuring the in-band phase noise at the output of the VCO and subtracting 20 log(N) (where N is the value of the N divider). −165 −162 −152 −144 −222 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Low Range (ABP 1.3 ns, 2.9 ns) 3.5 ns High Range (ABP 1.3 ns, 2.9 ns) 7.5 ns 3.5 ns Low Range (ABP 1.3 ns, 2.9 ns) 7 ns High Range (ABP 1.3 ns, 2.9 ns) 15 ns High Range (ABP 6.0 ns) 11 ns PLL DIGITAL LOCK DETECT WINDOW 3 Lock Threshold (Coincidence of Edges) High Range (ABP 6.0 ns) Unlock Threshold (Hysteresis)3 Reference slew rate > 0.5 V/ns; FOM + 10 log(fPFD) is an approximation of the PFD/CP in-band phase noise (in the flat region) inside the PLL loop bandwidth; when running closed-loop, the phase noise, as observed at the VCO output, is increased by 20 log(N); PLL figure of merit decreases with decreasing slew rate; see Figure 12 Signal available at the LD, STATUS, and REFMON pins when selected by appropriate register settings; the lock detect threshold varies linearly with the value of the CPRSET resistor Selected by Register 0x017[1:0] and Register 0x018[4] (this is the threshold to go from unlock to lock) Register 0x017[1:0] = 00b, 01b,11b; Register 0x018[4] = 1b Register 0x017[1:0] = 00b, 01b, 11b; Register 0x018[4] = 0b Register 0x017[1:0] = 10b; Register 0x018[4] = 0b Selected by Register 0x017[1:0] and Register 0x018[4] (this is the threshold to go from lock to unlock) Register 0x017[1:0] = 00b, 01b, 11b; Register 0x018[4] = 1b Register 0x017[1:0] = 00b, 01b, 11b; Register 0x018[4] = 0b Register 0x017[1:0] = 10b; Register 0x018[4] = 0b The REFIN and REFIN self-bias points are offset slightly to avoid chatter on an open input condition. In-band means within the LBW of the PLL. 3 For reliable operation of the digital lock detect, the period of the PFD frequency must be greater than the unlock-after-lock time. 1 2 Rev. B | Page 6 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 CLOCK INPUTS Table 3. Parameter CLOCK INPUTS (CLK, CLK) Input Frequency Min Max Unit 01 01 2.4 2.0 GHz GHz 01 1.6 GHz Input Sensitivity, Differential Typ 150 mV p-p Input Level, Differential Input Common-Mode Voltage, VCM Input Common-Mode Range, VCMR Input Sensitivity, Single-Ended Input Resistance Input Capacitance 1 1.3 1.3 3.9 1.57 150 4.7 2 2 V p-p 1.8 1.8 V V mV p-p kΩ pF 5.7 Test Conditions/Comments Differential input High frequency distribution (VCO divider) Distribution only (VCO divider bypassed); this is the frequency range supported by the channel divider for all divide ratios except divide-by-17 and divide-by-3 Distribution only (VCO divider bypassed); this is the frequency range supported by all channel divider ratios Measured at 2.4 GHz; jitter performance is improved with slew rates > 1 V/ns; the input sensitivity is sufficient for ac-coupled LVDS and LVPECL signals Larger voltage swings can turn on the protection diodes and can degrade jitter performance Self-biased; enables ac coupling With 200 mV p-p signal applied; dc-coupled CLK ac-coupled; CLK ac-bypassed to RF ground Self-biased Below about 1 MHz, the input should be dc-coupled. Care should be taken to match VCM. CLOCK OUTPUTS Table 4. Parameter LVPECL CLOCK OUTPUTS OUT0, OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4, OUT5, OUT6, OUT7, OUT8, OUT9, OUT10, OUT11 Output Frequency, Maximum Output High Voltage, VOH Output Low Voltage, VOL Output Differential Voltage, VOD CMOS CLOCK OUTPUTS OUT0A, OUT0B, OUT1A, OUT1B, OUT2A, OUT2B, OUT3A, OUT3B, OUT4A, OUT4B, OUT5A, OUT5B, OUT6A, OUT6B, OUT7A, OUT7B, OUT8A, OUT8B, OUT9A, OUT9B, OUT10A, OUT10B, OUT11A, OUT11B Output Frequency Output Voltage High, VOH Output Voltage Low, VOL Output Voltage High, VOH Output Voltage Low, VOL Output Voltage High, VOH Output Voltage Low, VOL Min Typ Max 2400 VS_DRV − 1.07 VS_DRV − 1.95 660 VS_DRV − 0.96 VS_DRV − 1.79 820 VS_DRV − 0.84 VS_DRV − 1.64 950 Unit Test Conditions/Comments Termination = 50 Ω to VS_DRV − 2 V Differential (OUT, OUT) MHz Using direct to output (see Figure 20); higher frequencies are possible, but the resulting amplitude does not meet the VOD specification; the maximum output frequency is limited by either the maximum VCO frequency or the frequency at the CLK inputs, depending on the AD9520-3 configuration V V mV VOH − VOL for each leg of a differential pair for default amplitude setting with the driver not toggling; the peak-to-peak amplitude measured using a differential probe across the differential pair with the driver toggling is roughly 2× these values (see Figure 20 for variation over frequency) Single-ended; termination = 10 pF 250 VS − 0.1 0.1 2.7 0.5 1.8 0.6 Rev. B | Page 7 of 80 MHz V V V V V V See Figure 21 1 mA load, VS_DRV = 3.3 V/2.5 V 1 mA load, VS_DRV = 3.3 V/2.5 V 10 mA load VS_DRV = 3.3 V 10 mA load, VS_DRV = 3.3 V 10 mA load, VS_DRV = 2.5 V 10 mA load, VS_DRV = 2.5 V AD9520-3 Parameter Source Current Static Dynamic Sink Current Static Dynamic Data Sheet Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments Damage to the part can result if values are exceeded 20 16 mA mA 8 16 mA mA Typ Max Unit 130 170 ps 130 170 ps 1050 970 1.0 1280 1180 ps ps ps/°C 5 16 ps Termination = 50 Ω to VS_DRV – 2 V VS_DRV = 3.3 V 5 5 20 45 ps ps VS_DRV = 2.5 V VS_DRV = 3.3 V 5 60 190 ps ps VS_DRV = 2.5 V VS_DRV = 3.3 V and 2.5 V 750 715 965 890 960 890 1280 1100 ps ps ps ps Termination = open 20% to 80%; CLOAD = 10 pF; VS_DRV = 3.3 V 80% to 20%; CLOAD = 10 pF; VS_DRV = 3.3 V 20% to 80%; CLOAD = 10 pF; VS_DRV = 2.5 V 80% to 20%; CLOAD = 10 pF; VS_DRV = 2.5 V Clock distribution configuration 2.75 3.35 2 3.55 ns ns ps/°C VS_DRV = 3.3 V VS_DRV = 2.5 V VS_DRV = 3.3 V and 2.5 V 7 85 ps VS_DRV = 3.3 V 10 10 105 240 ps ps VS_DRV = 2.5 V VS_DRV = 3.3 V 10 285 600 ps ps VS_DRV = 2.5 V VS_DRV = 3.3 V 620 ps VS_DRV = 2.5 V All settings identical; different logic type 2.48 2.50 ns ns LVPECL to CMOS on same part LVPECL to CMOS on same part Damage to the part can result if values are exceeded TIMING CHARACTERISTICS Table 5. Parameter LVPECL OUTPUT RISE/FALL TIMES Output Rise Time, tRP Min Output Fall Time, tFP PROPAGATION DELAY, tPECL, CLK-TO-LVPECL OUTPUT For All Divide Values 850 800 Variation with Temperature OUTPUT SKEW, LVPECL OUTPUTS 1 LVPECL Outputs Sharing the Same Divider LVPECL Outputs on Different Dividers All LVPECL Outputs Across Multiple Parts CMOS OUTPUT RISE/FALL TIMES Output Rise Time, tRC Output Fall Time, tFC Output Rise Time, tRC Output Fall Time, tFC PROPAGATION DELAY, tCMOS, CLK-TOCMOS OUTPUT For All Divide Values 2.1 Variation with Temperature OUTPUT SKEW, CMOS OUTPUTS1 CMOS Outputs Sharing the Same Divider All CMOS Outputs on Different Dividers All CMOS Outputs Across Multiple Parts OUTPUT SKEW, LVPECL-TO-CMOS OUTPUTS1 Outputs Sharing the Same Divider Outputs on Different Dividers 1 1.18 1.20 1.76 1.78 Test Conditions/Comments Termination = 50 Ω to VS_DRV − 2 V 20% to 80%, measured differentially (rise/fall times are independent of VS and are valid for VS_DRV = 3.3 V and 2.5 V) 80% to 20%, measured differentially (rise/fall times are independent of VS and are valid for VS_DRV = 3.3 V and 2.5 V) High frequency clock distribution configuration Clock distribution configuration The output skew is the difference between any two similar delay paths while operating at the same voltage and temperature. Rev. B | Page 8 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 Timing Diagrams DIFFERENTIAL SINGLE-ENDED 80% 80% LVPECL CMOS 10pF LOAD 20% tFP tRC Figure 2. LVPECL Timing, Differential Figure 4. CMOS Timing, Single-Ended, 10 pF Load tCLK CLK 07216-060 tPECL tCMOS tFC Figure 3. CLK/CLK to Clock Output Timing, DIV = 1 Rev. B | Page 9 of 80 07216-063 tRP 07216-061 20% AD9520-3 Data Sheet CLOCK OUTPUT ADDITIVE PHASE NOISE (DISTRIBUTION ONLY; VCO DIVIDER NOT USED) Table 6. Parameter CLK-TO-LVPECL ADDITIVE PHASE NOISE CLK = 1 GHz, Output = 1 GHz Divider = 1 10 Hz Offset 100 Hz Offset 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset 10 MHz Offset 100 MHz Offset CLK = 1 GHz, Output = 200 MHz Divider = 5 10 Hz Offset 100 Hz Offset 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset >10 MHz Offset CLK-TO-CMOS ADDITIVE PHASE NOISE CLK = 1 GHz, Output = 250 MHz Divider = 4 10 Hz Offset 100 Hz Offset 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset >10 MHz Offset CLK = 1 GHz, Output = 50 MHz Divider = 20 10 Hz Offset 100 Hz Offset 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset >10 MHz Offset Min Typ −107 −117 −127 −135 −142 −145 −147 −150 Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments Distribution section only; does not include PLL and VCO Input slew rate > 1 V/ns dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Input slew rate > 1 V/ns −122 −132 −143 −150 −156 −157 −157 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Distribution section only; does not include PLL and VCO Input slew rate > 1 V/ns −107 −119 −125 −134 −144 −148 −154 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Input slew rate > 1 V/ns −126 −133 −140 −148 −157 −160 −163 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Rev. B | Page 10 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 CLOCK OUTPUT ABSOLUTE PHASE NOISE (INTERNAL VCO USED) Table 7. Parameter LVPECL ABSOLUTE PHASE NOISE Min VCO = 2.25 GHz; Output = 2.25 GHz 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset 10 MHz Offset 40 MHz Offset VCO = 2 GHz; Output = 2 GHz 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset 10 MHz Offset 40 MHz Offset VCO = 1.75 GHz; Output = 1.75 GHz 1 kHz Offset 10 kHz Offset 100 kHz Offset 1 MHz Offset 10 MHz Offset 40 MHz Offset Typ Max Unit −50 −82 −107 −126 −140 −146 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz −55 −85 −110 −129 −142 −147 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz −59 −89 −114 −132 −143 −147 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Test Conditions/Comments Internal VCO; direct-to-LVPECL output and for loop bandwidths < 1 kHz CLOCK OUTPUT ABSOLUTE TIME JITTER (CLOCK GENERATION USING INTERNAL VCO) Table 8. Parameter LVPECL OUTPUT ABSOLUTE TIME JITTER Min VCO = 1.966 GHz; LVPECL = 245.76 MHz; PLL LBW = 55 kHz Typ Max 135 308 129 293 163 323 VCO = 1.966 GHz; LVPECL = 122.88 MHz; PLL LBW = 55 kHz VCO = 1.966 GHz; LVPECL = 61.44 MHz; PLL LBW = 55 kHz Unit fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms Test Conditions/Comments Application example based on a typical setup where the reference source is clean, so a wider PLL loop bandwidth is used; reference = 15.36 MHz; R divider = 1 Integration BW = 200 kHz to 10 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 10 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 10 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz CLOCK OUTPUT ABSOLUTE TIME JITTER (CLOCK CLEANUP USING INTERNAL VCO) Table 9. Parameter LVPECL OUTPUT ABSOLUTE TIME JITTER Min VCO = 1.866 GHz; LVPECL = 155.52 MHz; PLL LBW = 1.9 kHz VCO = 1.966 GHz; LVPECL = 122.88 MHz; PLL LBW = 2.2 kHz Typ 377 386 Rev. B | Page 11 of 80 Max Unit fs rms fs rms Test Conditions/Comments Application example based on a typical setup where the reference source is jittery, so a narrower PLL loop bandwidth is used; reference = 19.44 MHz; R divider = 162 Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz AD9520-3 Data Sheet CLOCK OUTPUT ABSOLUTE TIME JITTER (CLOCK GENERATION USING EXTERNAL VCXO) Table 10. Parameter LVPECL OUTPUT ABSOLUTE TIME JITTER Min LVPECL = 245.76 MHz; PLL LBW = 125 Hz Typ Max 54 77 109 79 114 163 124 176 259 LVPECL = 122.88 MHz; PLL LBW = 125 Hz LVPECL = 61.44 MHz; PLL LBW = 125 Hz Unit fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms fs rms Test Conditions/Comments Application example based on a typical setup using an external 245.76 MHz VCXO (Toyocom TCO-2112); reference = 15.36 MHz; R divider = 1 Integration BW = 200 kHz to 5 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 10 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 5 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 10 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 5 MHz Integration BW = 200 kHz to 10 MHz Integration BW = 12 kHz to 20 MHz CLOCK OUTPUT ADDITIVE TIME JITTER (VCO DIVIDER NOT USED) Table 11. Parameter LVPECL OUTPUT ADDITIVE TIME JITTER Min CLK = 622.08 MHz Any LVPECL Output = 622.08 MHz Divide Ratio = 1 CLK = 622.08 MHz Any LVPECL Output = 155.52 MHz Divide Ratio = 4 CLK = 1000 MHz Any LVPECL Output = 100 MHz Divide Ratio = 10 CLK = 500 MHz Any LVPECL Output = 100 MHz Divide Ratio = 5 CMOS OUTPUT ADDITIVE TIME JITTER CLK = 200 MHz Any CMOS Output Pair = 100 MHz Divide Ratio = 2 Typ Max 46 fs rms Test Conditions/Comments Distribution section only; does not include PLL and VCO; measured at rising edge of clock signal Integration bandwidth = 12 kHz to 20 MHz 64 fs rms Integration bandwidth = 12 kHz to 20 MHz 223 fs rms Calculated from SNR of ADC method Broadband jitter 209 fs rms Calculated from SNR of ADC method Broadband jitter 325 Unit fs rms Distribution section only; does not include PLL and VCO Calculated from SNR of ADC method Broadband jitter CLOCK OUTPUT ADDITIVE TIME JITTER (VCO DIVIDER USED) Table 12. Parameter LVPECL OUTPUT ADDITIVE TIME JITTER Min Typ Max Unit CLK = 1.0 GHz; VCO DIV = 5; LVPECL = 100 MHz; Channel Divider = 2; Duty-Cycle Correction = Off CLK = 500 MHz; VCO DIV = 5; LVPECL = 100 MHz; Bypass Channel Divider; Duty-Cycle Correction = On CMOS OUTPUT ADDITIVE TIME JITTER 230 fs rms 215 fs rms CLK = 200 MHz; VCO DIV = 2; CMOS = 100 MHz; Bypass Channel Divider; Duty-Cycle Correction = Off CLK = 1600 MHz; VCO DIV = 2; CMOS = 100 MHz; Channel Divider = 8; Duty-Cycle Correction = Off 326 fs rms 362 fs rms Rev. B | Page 12 of 80 Test Conditions/Comments Distribution section only; does not include PLL and VCO; uses rising edge of clock signal Calculated from SNR of ADC method (broadband jitter) Calculated from SNR of ADC method (broadband jitter) Distribution section only; does not include PLL and VCO; uses rising edge of clock signal Calculated from SNR of ADC method (broadband jitter) Calculated from SNR of ADC method (broadband jitter) Data Sheet AD9520-3 SERIAL CONTROL PORT—SPI MODE Table 13. Parameter CS (INPUT) Input Logic 1 Voltage Input Logic 0 Voltage Input Logic 1 Current Input Logic 0 Current Min Max Unit 0.8 3 −110 V V µA µA 2 pF 2.0 Input Capacitance SCLK (INPUT IN SPI MODE) Input Logic 1 Voltage Input Logic 0 Voltage Input Logic 1 Current Input Logic 0 Current Input Capacitance SDIO (INPUT IN BIDIRECTIONAL MODE) Input Logic 1 Voltage Input Logic 0 Voltage Input Logic 1 Current Input Logic 0 Current Input Capacitance SDIO, SDO (OUTPUTS) Output Logic 1 Voltage Output Logic 0 Voltage TIMING Clock Rate (SCLK, 1/tSCLK) Pulse Width High, tHIGH Pulse Width Low, tLOW SDIO to SCLK Setup, tDS SCLK to SDIO Hold, tDH SCLK to Valid SDIO and SDO, tDV CS to SCLK Setup and Hold, tS, tC CS Minimum Pulse Width High, tPWH Typ Test Conditions/Comments CS has an internal 30 kΩ pull-up resistor The minus sign indicates that current is flowing out of the AD9520-3, which is due to the internal pull-up resistor SCLK has an internal 30 kΩ pull-down resistor in SPI mode but not in I2C mode 2.0 0.8 110 1 2 2.0 0.8 1 1 2 2.7 0.4 25 16 16 4 0 11 2 3 Rev. B | Page 13 of 80 V V µA µA pF V V µA µA pF V V MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns AD9520-3 Data Sheet SERIAL CONTROL PORT—I²C MODE Table 14. Parameter SDA, SCL (WHEN INPUTTING DATA) Input Logic 1 Voltage Input Logic 0 Voltage Input Current with an Input Voltage Between 0.1 × VS and 0.9 × VS Hysteresis of Schmitt Trigger Inputs Pulse Width of Spikes That Must Be Suppressed by the Input Filter, tSPIKE SDA (WHEN OUTPUTTING DATA) Output Logic 0 Voltage at 3 mA Sink Current Output Fall Time from VIHMIN to VILMAX with a Bus Capacitance from 10 pF to 400 pF TIMING Min Typ Unit 0.3 × VS +10 V V µA 50 V ns 0.4 250 V ns 0.7 × VS −10 0.015 × VS 20 + 0.1 Cb Test Conditions/Comments Cb = capacitance of one bus line in pF Note that all I2C timing values are referred to VIHMIN (0.3 × VS) and VILMAX levels (0.7 × VS) Clock Rate (SCL, fI2C) Bus Free Time Between a Stop and Start Condition, tIDLE Setup Time for a Repeated Start Condition, tSET; STR Hold Time (Repeated) Start Condition, tHLD; STR 1.3 0.6 0.6 400 kHz µs µs µs Setup Time for Stop Condition, tSET; STP Low Period of the SCL Clock, tLOW High Period of the SCL Clock, tHIGH SCL, SDA Rise Time, tRISE SCL, SDA Fall Time, tFALL Data Setup Time, tSET; DAT 0.6 1.3 0.6 20 + 0.1 Cb 20 + 0.1 Cb 120 µs µs µs ns ns ns Data Hold Time, tHLD; DAT 140 Capacitive Load for Each Bus Line, Cb 1 Max 300 300 880 ns 400 pF After this period, the first clock pulse is generated This is a minor deviation from the original I²C specification of 100 ns minimum This is a minor deviation from the original I²C specification of 0 ns minimum 1 According to the original I2C specification, an I2C master must also provide a minimum hold time of 300 ns for the SDA signal to bridge the undefined region of the SCL falling edge. Rev. B | Page 14 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 PD, EEPROM, RESET, AND SYNC PINS Table 15. Parameter INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Logic 1 Voltage Logic 0 Voltage Logic 1 Current Logic 0 Current Capacitance RESET TIMING Pulse Width Low RESET Inactive to Start of Register Programming SYNC TIMING Pulse Width Low Min Typ Max Unit 0.8 1 −110 V V µA µA 2 pF 2.0 Test Conditions/Comments Each pin has a 30 kΩ internal pull-up resistor The minus sign indicates that current is flowing out of the AD9520-3, which is due to the internal pull-up resistor 500 100 ns ns 1.3 ns High speed clock is CLK input signal Max Unit 0.25 × VS 0.65 × VS V V Test Conditions/Comments These pins do not have internal pull-up/pull-down resistors VS is the voltage on the VS pin These pins can be floated to obtain Logic Level ½; if floating the pin, connect a capacitor to ground SERIAL PORT SETUP PINS—SP1, SP0 Table 16. Parameter SP1, SP0 Min Logic Level 0 Logic Level ½ 0.4 × VS Logic Level 1 0.8 × VS Typ V LD, STATUS, AND REFMON PINS Table 17. Parameter OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Min Output Voltage High, VOH Output Voltage Low, VOL MAXIMUM TOGGLE RATE 2.7 Max Unit 0.4 100 V V MHz 3 pF On-chip capacitance; used to calculate RC time constant for analog lock detect readback; use a pull-up resistor 1.02 MHz 8 kHz Frequency above which the monitor indicates the presence of the reference Frequency above which the monitor indicates the presence of the reference ANALOG LOCK DETECT Capacitance REF1, REF2, AND VCO FREQUENCY STATUS MONITOR Normal Range Extended Range LD PIN COMPARATOR Trip Point Hysteresis Typ 1.6 260 V mV Rev. B | Page 15 of 80 Test Conditions/Comments When selected as a digital output (CMOS); there are other modes in which these pins are not CMOS digital outputs; see Table 54, Register 0x017, Register 0x01A, and Register 0x01B Applies when mux is set to any divider or counter output or PFD up/down pulse; also applies in analog lock detect mode; usually debug mode only; beware that spurs can couple to output when any pin is toggling AD9520-3 Data Sheet POWER DISSIPATION Table 18. Parameter POWER DISSIPATION, CHIP Typ Max Unit Power-On Default PLL Locked; One LVPECL Output Enabled 1.32 0.55 1.5 0.64 W W PLL Locked; One CMOS Output Enabled 0.52 0.62 W Distribution Only Mode; VCO Divider On; One LVPECL Output Enabled Distribution Only Mode; VCO Divider Off; One LVPECL Output Enabled Maximum Power, Full Operation 0.39 0.46 W 0.36 0.42 W 1.5 1.7 W PD Power-Down 60 80 mW PD Power-Down, Maximum Sleep 24 43 mW 4 4.8 mW 32 25 40 30 mW mW REF1, REF2 (Single-Ended) On/Off 15 20 mW VCO On/Off PLL Dividers and Phase Detector On/Off LVPECL Channel 67 51 121 104 63 144 mW mW mW LVPECL Driver CMOS Channel 51 145 73 180 mW mW CMOS Driver On/Off Channel Divider Enabled 11 40 24 57 mW mW Zero Delay Block On/Off 30 34 mW VCP Supply POWER DELTAS, INDIVIDUAL FUNCTIONS VCO Divider On/Off REFIN (Differential) Off Min Test Conditions/Comments Does not include power dissipated in external resistors; all LVPECL outputs terminated with 50 Ω to VCC − 2 V; all CMOS outputs have 10 pF capacitive loading; VS_DRV = 3.3 V No clock; no programming; default register values fREF = 25 MHz; fOUT = 250 MHz; VCO = 2 GHz; VCO divider = 2; one LVPECL output and output divider enabled; zero delay off; ICP = 4.8 mA fREF = 25 MHz; fOUT = 62.5 MHz; VCO = 2 GHz; VCO divider = 2; one CMOS output and output divider enabled; zero delay off; ICP = 4.8 mA fCLK = 2.4 GHz; fOUT = 200 MHz; VCO divider = 2; one LVPECL output and output divider enabled; zero delay off fCLK = 2 GHz; fOUT = 200 MHz; VCO divider bypassed; one LVPECL output and output divider enabled; zero delay off PLL on; internal VCO = 2000 MHz; VCO divider = 2; all channel dividers on; 12 LVPECL outputs at 125 MHz; zero delay on PD pin pulled low; does not include power dissipated in termination resistors PD pin pulled low; PLL power-down, Register 0x010[1:0] = 01b; power-down SYNC, Register 0x230[2] = 1b; power-down distribution reference, Register 0x230[1] = 1b PLL operating; typical closed-loop configuration Power delta when a function is enabled/disabled VCO divider not used Delta between reference input off and differential reference input mode Delta between reference inputs off and one singled-ended reference enabled; double this number if both REF1 and REF2 are powered up Internal VCO disabled; CLK input selected PLL off to PLL on, normal operation; no reference enabled No LVPECL output on to one LVPECL output on; channel divider is set to 1 Second LVPECL output turned on, same channel No CMOS output on to one CMOS output on; channel divider is set to 1; fOUT = 62.5 MHz and 10 pF of capacitive loading Additional CMOS outputs within the same channel turned on Delta between divider bypassed (divide-by-1) and divide-by-2 to divide-by-32 Rev. B | Page 16 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 19. Parameter VS to GND VCP, CP to GND VS_DRV to GND REFIN, REFIN to GND RSET, LF, BYPASS to GND CPRSET to GND CLK, CLK to GND CLK to CLK SCLK/SCL, SDIO/SDA, SDO, CS to GND OUT0, OUT0, OUT1, OUT1, OUT2, OUT2, OUT3, OUT3, OUT4, OUT4, OUT5, OUT5, OUT6, OUT6, OUT7, OUT7, OUT8, OUT8, OUT9, OUT9, OUT10, OUT10, OUT11, OUT11 to GND SYNC, RESET, PD to GND REFMON, STATUS, LD to GND SP0, SP1, EEPROM to GND Junction Temperature 1 Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (10 sec) 1 Rating −0.3 V to +3.6 V −0.3 V to +5.8 V −0.3 V to +3.6 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −1.2 V to +1.2 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. THERMAL RESISTANCE Thermal impedance measurements were taken on a JEDEC JESD51-5 2S2P test board in still air in accordance with JEDEC JESD51-2. See the Thermal Performance section for more details. Table 20. Package Type 64-Lead LFCSP (CP-64-4) −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V −0.3 V to VS + 0.3 V 125°C −65°C to +150°C 300°C ESD CAUTION See Table 20 for θJA. Rev. B | Page 17 of 80 θJA 22 Unit °C/W AD9520-3 Data Sheet 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 REFIN (REF1) REFIN (REF2) CPRSET VS VS GND RSET VS OUT0 (OUT0A) OUT0 (OUT0B) VS_DRV OUT1 (OUT1A) OUT1 (OUT1B) OUT2 (OUT2A) OUT2 (OUT2B) VS PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PIN 1 INDICATOR AD9520 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 OUT3 (OUT3A) OUT3 (OUT3B) VS_DRV OUT4 (OUT4A) OUT4 (OUT4B) OUT5 (OUT5A) OUT5 (OUT5B) VS VS OUT8 (OUT8B) OUT8 (OUT8A) OUT7 (OUT7B) OUT7 (OUT7A) VS_DRV OUT6 (OUT6B) OUT6 (OUT6A) NOTES 1. EXPOSED DIE PAD MUST BE CONNECTED TO GND. 07216-003 SDIO/SDA SDO GND SP1 SP0 EEPROM RESET PD OUT9 (OUT9A) OUT9 (OUT9B) VS_DRV OUT10 (OUT10A) OUT10 (OUT10B) OUT11 (OUT11A) OUT11 (OUT11B) VS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VS REFMON LD VCP CP STATUS REF_SEL SYNC LF BYPASS VS VS CLK CLK CS SCLK/SCL Figure 5. Pin Configuration Table 21. Pin Function Descriptions Input/ Output I Pin Type Power Mnemonic VS Description 3.3 V Power Pins. O O I 3.3 V CMOS 3.3 V CMOS Power REFMON LD VCP 5 O Loop filter CP 6 7 O I 3.3 V CMOS 3.3 V CMOS STATUS REF_SEL 8 I 3.3 V CMOS SYNC 9 10 I O Loop filter Loop filter LF BYPASS 13 I CLK 14 I Differential clock input Differential clock input Reference Monitor (Output). This pin has multiple selectable outputs. Lock Detect (Output). This pin has multiple selectable outputs. Power Supply for Charge Pump (CP); VS ≤ VCP ≤ 5.25 V. VCP must still be connected to 3.3 V if the PLL is not used. Charge Pump (Output). This pin connects to an external loop filter; it can be left unconnected if the PLL is not used. Programmable Status Output. Reference Select. This pin selects REF1 (low) or REF2 (high) and has an internal 30 kΩ pull-down resistor. Manual Synchronization and Manual Holdover. This pin initiates a manual synchronization and is used for manual holdover. Active low. This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-up resistor. Loop Filter (Input). This pin connects internally to the VCO control voltage node. This pin is for bypassing the LDO to ground with a 220 nF capacitor. It can be left unconnected if the PLL is not used. Along with CLK, this pin is the differential input for the clock distribution section. Pin No. 1, 11, 12, 32, 40, 41, 49, 57, 60, 61 2 3 4 CLK Along with CLK, this pin is the differential input for the clock distribution section. If a single-ended input is connected to the CLK pin, connect a 0.1 µF bypass capacitor from this pin to ground. Rev. B | Page 18 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 Pin No. 15 Input/ Output I Pin Type 3.3 V CMOS Mnemonic CS 16 I 3.3 V CMOS SCLK/SCL 17 18 19, 59 20 I/O O I I SDIO/SDA SDO GND SP1 21 I 22 I 3.3 V CMOS 3.3 V CMOS GND Three-level logic Three-level logic 3.3 V CMOS 23 24 25 I I O RESET PD OUT9 (OUT9A) 26 O 27, 35, 46, 54 28 I 3.3 V CMOS 3.3 V CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS Power OUT10 (OUT10A) 29 O 30 O 31 O 33 O 34 O 36 O 37 O 38 O 39 O 42 O 43 O 44 O 45 O LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS O SP0 EEPROM OUT9 (OUT9B) VS_DRV OUT10 (OUT10B) OUT11 (OUT11A) OUT11 (OUT11B) OUT6 (OUT6A) OUT6 (OUT6B) OUT7 (OUT7A) OUT7 (OUT7B) OUT8 (OUT8A) OUT8 (OUT8B) OUT5 (OUT5B) OUT5 (OUT5A) OUT4 (OUT4B) OUT4 (OUT4A) Description Serial Control Port Chip Select; Active Low. This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-up resistor. Serial Control Port Clock Signal. This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-down resistor in SPI mode but is high impedance in I²C mode. Serial Control Port Bidirectional Serial Data In/Out. Serial Control Port Unidirectional Serial Data Out. Ground Pins. Select SPI or I²C as the serial interface port and select the I²C slave address in I²C mode. Three-level logic. This pin is internally biased for the open logic level. Select SPI or I²C as the serial interface port and select the I²C slave address in I²C mode. Three-level logic. This pin is internally biased for the open logic level. Setting this pin high selects the register values stored in the internal EEPROM to be loaded at reset and/or power-up. Setting this pin low causes the AD9520-3 to load the hard-coded default register values at power-up/reset (unless Register 0xB02[1] is used. See the Soft Reset via the Serial Port section). This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-down resistor. Note that, to guarantee proper loading of the EEPROM during startup, a high-low-high pulse on the RESET pin should occur after the power supply has stabilized. Chip Reset, Active Low. This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-up resistor. Chip Power Down, Active Low. This pin has an internal 30 kΩ pull-up resistor. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Output Driver Power Supply Pins. As a group, these pins can be set to either 2.5 V or 3.3 V. All four pins must be set to the same voltage. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output, or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Rev. B | Page 19 of 80 AD9520-3 Pin No. 47 Input/ Output O 48 O 50 O 51 O 52 O 53 O 55 O 56 O 58 O 62 O 63 I 64 I EPAD Data Sheet Pin Type LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS LVPECL or CMOS Current set resistor Current set resistor Reference input Reference input GND Mnemonic OUT3 (OUT3B) OUT3 (OUT3A) OUT2 (OUT2B) OUT2 (OUT2A) OUT1 (OUT1B) OUT1 (OUT1A) OUT0 (OUT0B) OUT0 (OUT0A) RSET CPRSET REFIN (REF2) REFIN (REF1) GND Description Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Output. This pin can be configured as one side of a differential LVPECL output or as a single-ended CMOS output. Clock Distribution Current Set Resistor. Connect a 4.12 kΩ resistor from this pin to GND. Charge Pump Current Set Resistor. Connect a 5.1 kΩ resistor from this pin to GND. This resistor can be omitted if the PLL is not used. Along with REFIN, this is the differential input for the PLL reference. Alternatively, this pin is a single-ended input for REF2. Along with REFIN, this is the differential input for the PLL reference. Alternatively, this pin is a single-ended input for REF1. The exposed die pad must be connected to GND. Rev. B | Page 20 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 350 5 3 CHANNELS—6 LVPECL CURRENT FROM CP PIN (mA) CURRENT (mA) 300 3 CHANNELS—3 LVPECL 250 2 CHANNELS—2 LVPECL 200 150 4 PUMP DOWN PUMP UP 3 2 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 0 07216-108 100 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 VOLTAGE ON CP PIN (V) Figure 6. Total Current vs. Frequency, CLK-to-Output (PLL Off), LVPECL Outputs Terminated 50 Ω to VS_DRV − 2 V 07216-111 1 CHANNEL—1 LVPECL Figure 9. Charge Pump Characteristics at CPV = 3.3 V 240 5 3 CHANNELS—6 CMOS CURRENT FROM CP PIN (mA) 220 CURRENT (mA) 200 180 3 CHANNELS—3 CMOS 160 140 2 CHANNELS—2 CMOS 120 4 PUMP DOWN PUMP UP 3 2 1 1 CHANNEL—1 CMOS 50 100 150 200 250 FREQUENCY (MHz) 0 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Figure 10. Charge Pump Characteristics at CPV = 5.0 V –140 PFD PHASE NOISE REFERRED TO PFD INPUT (dBc/Hz) 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 VCO FREQUENCY (GHz) 2.2 2.3 07216-010 KVCO (MHz/V) 1.0 VOLTAGE ON CP PIN (V) Figure 7. Total Current vs. Frequency, CLK-to-Output (PLL Off), CMOS Outputs with 10 pF Load 25 1.7 0.5 –145 –150 –155 –160 –165 –170 0.1 1 10 100 PFD FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 11. PFD Phase Noise Referred to PFD Input vs. PFD Frequency Figure 8. KVCO vs. VCO Frequency Rev. B | Page 21 of 80 07216-013 0 07216-109 80 07216-112 100 AD9520-3 Data Sheet –208 3.5 VS_DRV = 3.3V 3.0 VS_DRV = 3.135V –212 VS_DRV = 2.5V 2.5 –214 VOH (V) PLL FIGURE OF MERIT (dBc/Hz) –210 –216 –218 VS_DRV = 2.35V 2.0 1.5 DIFFERENTIAL INPUT 1.0 –220 0.5 –222 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 INPUT SLEW RATE (V/ns) 0 10k 07216-114 –224 1k 100 RESISTIVE LOAD (Ω) 07216-118 SINGLE-ENDED INPUT Figure 15. CMOS Output VOH (Static) vs. RLOAD (to Ground) Figure 12. PLL Figure of Merit (FOM) vs. Slew Rate at REFIN/REFIN 0 1.2 –10 0.8 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT (V) –20 POWER (dBm) –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 0.4 0 –0.4 –0.8 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 FREQUENCY (MHz) –1.2 07216-116 –100 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME (ns) Figure 13. PFD/CP Spurs; 122.88 MHz; PFD = 15.36 MHz; LBW = 127 kHz; ICP = 3.0 mA; fVCO = 1966.08 MHz 07216-014 –90 Figure 16. LVPECL Output (Differential) at 100 MHz 0 1.0 –10 DIFFERENTIAL SWING (V p-p) –20 POWER (dBm) –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 0.6 0.2 –0.2 –0.6 122.58 122.78 122.98 123.18 123.38 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 14. Output Spectrum, LVPECL; 122.88 MHz; PFD = 15.36 MHz; LBW = 127 kHz; ICP = 3.0 mA; fVCO = 1966.08 MHz Rev. B | Page 22 of 80 –1.0 0 0.5 1.0 TIME (ns) Figure 17. LVPECL Differential Voltage Swing at 1600 MHz 1.5 07216-015 –100 122.38 07216-117 –90 Data Sheet AD9520-3 4.0 3.2 3.5 2.8 3.0 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TIME (ns) 20pF 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 21. CMOS Output Swing vs. Frequency and Capacitive Load Figure 18. CMOS Output with 10 pF Load at 25 MHz –40 2pF LOAD 3.2 10pF 1.5 0.8 0 –50 2.8 –60 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 10pF LOAD 2.4 AMPLITUDE (V) 2.5 07216-124 AMPLITUDE (V) 2pF 2.0 07216-018 AMPLITUDE (V) 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 0.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TIME (ns) –150 1k 07216-019 0 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) 07216-023 –140 0 Figure 22. Internal VCO Phase Noise (Absolute), Direct-to-LVPECL at 1750 MHz Figure 19. CMOS Output with 2 pF and 10 pF Load at 250 MHz 2.0 –40 –60 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 FREQUENCY (GHz) Figure 20. LVPECL Differential Voltage Swing vs. Frequency –150 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 100M 07216-024 –140 1.0 07216-123 DIFFERENTIAL SWING (V p-p) –50 Figure 23. Internal VCO Phase Noise (Absolute), Direct-to-LVPECL at 2000 MHz Rev. B | Page 23 of 80 AD9520-3 Data Sheet –40 –100 –50 –110 –70 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –60 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –120 –130 –140 –150 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) –160 10 07216-025 –150 1k –110 –120 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –150 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 100M –130 –140 –150 –170 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 25. Additive (Residual) Phase Noise, CLK-to-LVPECL at 245.76 MHz, Divide-by-1 Figure 28. Additive (Residual) Phase Noise, CLK-to-CMOS at 50 MHz, Divide-by-20 –100 –110 –110 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –100 –120 –130 –140 –120 –130 –140 –150 –150 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) 07216-129 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 10M 07216-131 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) –160 10 1M –160 07216-128 –160 10 100k –160 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 29. Additive (Residual) Phase Noise, CLK-to-CMOS at 250 MHz, Divide-by-4 Figure 26. Additive (Residual) Phase Noise, CLK-to-LVPECL at 200 MHz, Divide-by-5 Rev. B | Page 24 of 80 07216-132 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –110 –140 10k Figure 27. Additive (Residual) Phase Noise, CLK-to-LVPECL at 1600 MHz, Divide-by-1 –100 –130 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 24. Internal VCO Phase Noise (Absolute), Direct-to-LVPECL at 2250 MHz –120 100 07216-130 –140 Data Sheet AD9520-3 –100 –80 INTEGRATED RMS JITTER (12kHz TO 20MHz): 377 fs –90 –100 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –110 –120 –130 –140 –110 –120 –130 –140 –150 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) –160 1k 07216-033 –160 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) 07216-034 –150 NOTES 1. THE LOOP FILTER USED TO GENERATE THIS PLOT IS SHOWN IN FIGURE 41. NOTES 1. THE LOOP FILTER USED TO GENERATE THIS PLOT IS SHOWN IN FIGURE 42. Figure 30. Phase Noise (Absolute) Clock Generation; Internal VCO at 1.966 GHz; PFD = 15.36 MHz; LBW = 40 kHz; LVPECL Output = 122.88 MHz Figure 32. Phase Noise (Absolute) Clock Cleanup; Internal VCO at 1.866 GHz; PFD = 120 kHz; LBW = 1.84 kHz; LVPECL Output = 155.52 MHz 1000 –140 –150 –160 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 100M Figure 31. Phase Noise (Absolute), External VCXO (Toyocom TCO-2112) at 245.76 MHz; PFD = 15.36 MHz; LBW = 250 Hz; LVPECL Output = 245.76 MHz Rev. B | Page 25 of 80 OC-48 OBJECTIVE MASK AD9520 100 fOBJ 10 1 NOTE: 375UI MAX AT 10Hz OFFSET IS THE MAXIMUM JITTER THAT CAN BE GENERATED BY THE TEST EQUIPMENT. FAILURE POINT IS GREATER THAN 375UI. 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 JITTER FREQUENCY (kHz) Figure 33. Telcordia GR-253 Jitter Tolerance Plot 1000 07216-134 INPUT JITTER AMPLITUDE (UI p-p) –130 07216-135 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –120 AD9520-3 Data Sheet TERMINOLOGY Phase Jitter and Phase Noise An ideal sine wave can be thought of as having a continuous and even progression of phase with time from 0° to 360° for each cycle. Actual signals, however, display a certain amount of variation from ideal phase progression over time. This phenomenon is called phase jitter. Although many causes can contribute to phase jitter, one major cause is random noise, which is characterized statistically as being Gaussian (normal) in distribution. This phase jitter leads to a spreading out of the energy of the sine wave in the frequency domain, producing a continuous power spectrum. This power spectrum is usually reported as a series of values whose units are dBc/Hz at a given offset in frequency from the sine wave (carrier). The value is a ratio (expressed in decibels) of the power contained within a 1 Hz bandwidth with respect to the power at the carrier frequency. For each measurement, the offset from the carrier frequency is also given. It is meaningful to integrate the total power contained within some interval of offset frequencies (for example, 10 kHz to 10 MHz). This is called the integrated phase noise over that frequency offset interval and can be readily related to the time jitter due to the phase noise within that offset frequency interval. Phase noise has a detrimental effect on the performance of ADCs, DACs, and RF mixers. It lowers the achievable dynamic range of the converters and mixers, although they are affected in somewhat different ways. Time Jitter Phase noise is a frequency domain phenomenon. In the time domain, the same effect is exhibited as time jitter. When observing a sine wave, the time of successive zero crossings varies. In a square wave, the time jitter is a displacement of the edges from their ideal (regular) times of occurrence. In both cases, the variations in timing from the ideal are the time jitter. Because these variations are random in nature, the time jitter is specified in seconds root mean square (rms) or 1 sigma of the Gaussian distribution. Time jitter that occurs on a sampling clock for a DAC or an ADC decreases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and dynamic range of the converter. A sampling clock with the lowest possible jitter provides the highest performance from a given converter. Additive Phase Noise Additive phase noise is the amount of phase noise that can be attributed to the device or subsystem being measured. The phase noise of any external oscillators or clock sources is subtracted. This makes it possible to predict the degree to which the device impacts the total system phase noise when used in conjunction with the various oscillators and clock sources, each of which contributes its own phase noise to the total. In many cases, the phase noise of one element dominates the system phase noise. When there are multiple contributors to phase noise, the total is the square root of the sum of squares of the individual contributors. Additive Time Jitter Additive time jitter is the amount of time jitter that can be attributed to the device or subsystem being measured. The time jitter of any external oscillators or clock sources is subtracted. This makes it possible to predict the degree to which the device impacts the total system time jitter when used in conjunction with the various oscillators and clock sources, each of which contributes its own time jitter to the total. In many cases, the time jitter of the external oscillators and clock sources dominates the system time jitter. Rev. B | Page 26 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 DETAILED BLOCK DIAGRAM VS GND RSET REFMON DISTRIBUTION REFERENCE REFERENCE SWITCHOVER LD STATUS BUF LOCK DETECT PLL REFERENCE STATUS REF2 R DIVIDER CLOCK DOUBLER REF1 OPTIONAL REFIN CPRSET VCP PROGRAMMABLE R DELAY REF_SEL HOLD REFIN AMP BYPASS STATUS LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR (LDO) P, P + 1 PRESCALER A/B COUNTERS PROGRAMMABLE N DELAY PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR CHARGE PUMP CP N DIVIDER LF ZERO DELAY BLOCK STATUS DIVIDE BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, OR 6 VS_DRV CLK OUT0 CLK 1 DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 PD SYNC OUT0 0 DIGITAL LOGIC OUT1 OUT1 EEPROM RESET OUT2 OUT2 EEPROM OUT3 SP1 SP0 OUT3 SERIAL PORT DECODE DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 OUT4 I2C INTERFACE OUT5 SCLK/SCL SDIO/SDA SDO CS OUT5 OUT6 OUT6 DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 LVPECL/CMOS OUTPUT OUT4 SPI INTERFACE OUT7 OUT7 OUT8 OUT8 OUT9 OUT9 DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 OUT10 OUT10 AD9520 OUT11 Figure 34. Rev. B | Page 27 of 80 07216-028 OUT11 AD9520-3 Data Sheet THEORY OF OPERATION OPERATIONAL CONFIGURATIONS The AD9520-3 can be configured in several ways. These configurations must be set up by loading the control registers (see Table 50 to Table 61). Each section or function must be individually programmed by setting the appropriate bits in the corresponding control register or registers. After the desired configuration is programmed, the user can store these values in the on-board EEPROM to allow the part to power up in the desired configuration without user intervention. Mode 0—Internal VCO and Clock Distribution When the internal VCO and PLL are used, the VCO divider must also be used, in most cases, to ensure that the frequency presented to the channel dividers does not exceed its specified maximum frequency (see Table 3). The exceptions to this are the VCO direct mode and cases where the VCO frequency is ≤1600 MHz. The internal PLL uses an external loop filter to set the loop bandwidth. The external loop filter is also crucial to the loop stability. When the internal VCO is used, the VCO must be calibrated (Register 0x018[0] = 1b) to ensure optimal performance. For internal VCO and clock distribution applications, use the register settings shown in Table 22. Table 22. Settings When Using Internal VCO Register 0x010[1:0] = 00b 0x010 to 0x01E 0x1E1[1] = 1b 0x01C[2:0] 0x1E0[2:0] 0x1E1[0] = 0b 0x018[0] = 0b, 0x232[0] = 1b 0x018[0] = 1b, 0x232[0] = 1b Rev. B | Page 28 of 80 Description PLL normal operation (PLL on) PLL settings; select and enable a reference input; set R, N (P, A, B), PFD polarity, and ICP according to the intended loop configuration Select VCO as the source Enable reference inputs Set VCO divider Use the VCO divider as the source for the distribution section Clear previous VCO calibration and issue IO_UPDATE (not necessary the first time after power-up, but must be done subsequently) Initiate VCO calibration, issue IO_UPDATE Data Sheet AD9520-3 VS GND RSET REFMON DISTRIBUTION REFERENCE REFERENCE SWITCHOVER LD STATUS BUF LOCK DETECT PLL REFERENCE STATUS REF2 R DIVIDER CLOCK DOUBLER REF1 OPTIONAL REFIN CPRSET VCP PROGRAMMABLE R DELAY REF_SEL HOLD REFIN AMP BYPASS STATUS LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR (LDO) P, P + 1 PRESCALER A/B COUNTERS PROGRAMMABLE N DELAY PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR CHARGE PUMP CP N DIVIDER LF ZERO DELAY BLOCK STATUS DIVIDE BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, OR 6 VS_DRV CLK OUT0 CLK OUT0 1 DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 PD SYNC 0 OUT1 OUT1 DIGITAL LOGIC EEPROM RESET OUT2 OUT2 EEPROM OUT3 SP1 SP0 OUT3 SERIAL PORT DECODE DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 OUT4 SPI INTERFACE INTERFACE OUT5 SCLK/SCL SDIO/SDA SDO CS OUT5 OUT6 OUT6 DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 LVPECL/CMOS OUTPUT OUT4 I2C OUT7 OUT7 OUT8 OUT8 OUT9 OUT9 DIVIDE BY 1 TO 32 OUT10 OUT10 AD9520 OUT11 Figure 35. Internal VCO and Clock Distribution (Mode 0) Rev. B | Page 29 of 80 07216-030 OUT11 AD9520-3 Data Sheet Mode 1—Clock Distribution or External VCO < 1600 MHz When the internal PLL is used with an external VCO < 1600 MHz, the PLL must be turned on. When the external clock source to be distributed or the external VCO/VCXO is Readback register. Indicates if the VCO frequency is greater than the threshold (see Table 17: REF1, REF2, and VCO frequency 3 status monitor parameter). threshold 0: VCO frequency is less than the threshold. (read only) 1: VCO frequency is greater than the threshold. REF2 frequency > Readback register. Indicates if the frequency of the signal at REF2 is greater than the threshold frequency set by Register 0x01A[6]. 2 threshold 0: REF2 frequency is less than the threshold frequency. (read only) 1: REF2 frequency is greater than the threshold frequency. REF1 frequency > Readback register. Indicates if the frequency of the signal at REF1 is greater than the threshold frequency set by Register 0x01A[6]. 1 0: REF1 frequency is less than the threshold frequency. threshold 1: REF1 frequency is greater than the threshold frequency. (read only) Digital lock detect Readback register. Digital lock detect. 0 (read only) 0: PLL is not locked. 1: PLL is locked. Rev. B | Page 70 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 Table 55. Output Driver Control Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x0F0 7 0x0F1 0x0F2 0x0F3 0x0F4 0x0F5 0x0F6 0x0F7 0x0F8 0x0F9 0x0FA 0x0FB 0x0FC Name OUT0 format [6:5] OUT0 CMOS configuration [4:3] OUT0 polarity [2:1] OUT0 LVPECL differential voltage 0 OUT0 LVPECL power-down [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] 7 OUT1 control OUT2 control OUT3 control OUT4 control OUT5 control OUT6 control OUT7 control OUT8 control OUT9 control OUT10 control OUT11 control CSDLD en OUT7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0x0FD [7:4] 3 2 1 0 CSDLD en OUT6 CSDLD en OUT5 CSDLD en OUT4 CSDLD en OUT3 CSDLD en OUT2 CSDLD en OUT1 CSDLD en OUT0 Unused CSDLD en OUT11 CSDLD en OUT10 CSDLD en OUT9 CSDLD en OUT8 Description Selects the output type for OUT0. 0: LVPECL (default). 1: CMOS. Sets the CMOS output configuration for OUT0 when Register 0x0F0[7] = 1b. Bits[6:5] OUT0A OUT0B Tristate Tristate 00 Tristate On 01 On Tristate 10 On 11 (default) On Sets the output polarity for OUT0. Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Output Type OUT0A Noninverting LVPECL 0 (default) X 0 (default) Inverting LVPECL 1 X 0 Noninverting CMOS 0 (default) 0 1 Inverting CMOS 1 0 1 Noninverting CMOS 0 1 1 Inverting CMOS 1 1 1 Sets the LVPECL output differential voltage (VOD). Bit 2 Bit 1 VOD (mV) 400 0 0 600 1 0 0 (default) 780 1 (default) 960 1 1 OUT0B Inverting Noninverting Noninverting Inverting Inverting Noninverting LVPECL power-down. 0: normal operation (default). 1: safe power-down. This register controls OUT1, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT2, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT3, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT4, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT5, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT6, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT7, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT8, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT9, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT10, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. This register controls OUT11, and the bit assignments for this register are identical to Register 0x0F0. OUT7 is enabled only if the CSDLD signal is high. CSDLD Signal Bit 7 OUT7 Enable Status Not affected by CSDLD signal (default). 0 0 Asynchronous power-down. 0 1 Asynchronously enables OUT7 if not powered down by other settings. For this feature, use current 1 1 source digital lock detect and set the enable LD pin comparator bit (Register 0x01D[3]). OUT6 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT5 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT4 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT3 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT2 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT1 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT0 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. Unused. OUT11 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT10 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT9 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. OUT8 is enabled only if CSDLD is high. Setting is identical to Register 0x0FC[7]. Rev. B | Page 71 of 80 AD9520-3 Data Sheet Table 56. LVPECL Channel Dividers Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x190 [7:4] [3:0] 0x191 7 Name Divider 0 low cycles Divider 0 high cycles Divider 0 bypass 6 Divider 0 ignore SYNC 5 Divider 0 force high 4 Divider 0 start high [3:0] 0x192 [7:3] 2 Divider 0 phase offset Unused Channel 0 power-down 1 Channel 0 direct-to-output 0 Disable Divider 0 DCC 0x193 [7:4] [3:0] 0x194 7 Divider 1 low cycles Divider 1 high cycles Divider 1 bypass 6 Divider 1 ignore SYNC 5 Divider 1 force high 4 Divider 1 start high [3:0] Divider 1 phase offset Description Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays low. A value of 0x7 means that the divider is low for eight input clock cycles (default: 0x7). Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays high. A value of 0x7 means that the divider is high for eight input clock cycles (default: 0x7). Bypasses and powers down the divider; routes input to divider output. 0: uses divider (default). 1: bypasses divider. Ignores SYNC. 0: obeys chip-level SYNC signal (default). 1: ignores chip-level SYNC signal. Forces divider output to a specific state. This requires that ignore SYNC also be set. Note that this bit has no effect if the channel divider is bypassed, but the driver polarity can still be reversed. 0: divider output is forced to low (default). 1: divider output is forced to the setting stored in Bit 4 of this register. Selects clock output to start high or start low. 0: starts low (default). 1: starts high. Phase offset (default: 0x0). Unused. Channel 0 powers down. 0: normal operation (default). 1: powered down. (Setting this bit puts OUT0/OUT0, OUT1/OUT1, and OUT2/OUT2 into safe powerdown mode.) Connects OUT0, OUT1, and OUT2 to Divider 0 or directly to VCO or CLK. 0: OUT0, OUT1, and OUT2 are connected to Divider 0 (default). 1: If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 10b, the VCO is routed directly to OUT0, OUT1, and OUT2. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 00b, the CLK is routed directly to OUT0, OUT1, and OUT2. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 01b, there is no effect. Duty-cycle correction function. 0: enables duty-cycle correction (default). 1: disables duty-cycle correction. Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays low. A value of 0x3 means that the divider is low for four input clock cycles (default: 0x3). Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays high. A value of 0x3 means that the divider is high for four input clock cycles (default: 0x3). Bypasses and powers down the divider; routes input to divider output. 0: uses divider (default). 1: bypasses divider. Ignores SYNC. 0: obeys chip-level SYNC signal (default). 1: ignores chip-level SYNC signal. Forces divider output to a specific state. This requires that ignore SYNC also be set. Note that this bit has no effect if the channel divider is bypassed, but the driver polarity can still be reversed. 0: divider output is forced to low (default). 1: divider output is forced to the setting stored in Bit 4 of this register. Selects clock output to start high or start low. 0: starts low (default). 1: starts high. Phase offset (default: 0x0). Rev. B | Page 72 of 80 Data Sheet Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x195 [7:3] 2 Name Unused Channel 1 power-down 1 Channel 1 direct-to-output 0 Disable Divider 1 DCC 0x196 [7:4] [3:0] 0x197 7 Divider 2 low cycles Divider 2 high cycles Divider 2 bypass 6 Divider 2 ignore SYNC 5 Divider 2 force high 4 Divider 2 start high [3:0] 0x198 [7:3] 2 Divider 2 phase offset Unused Channel 2 power-down 1 Channel 2 direct-to-output 0 Disable Divider 2 DCC 0x199 [7:4] [3:0] Divider 3 low cycles Divider 3 high cycles AD9520-3 Description Unused. Channel 1 powers down. 0: normal operation (default). 1: powered down. (Setting this bit puts OUT3/OUT3, OUT4/OUT4, and OUT5/OUT5 into safe powerdown mode.) Connects OUT3, OUT4, and OUT5 to Divider 1 or directly to VCO or CLK. 0: OUT3, OUT4, and OUT5 are connected to Divider 1 (default). 1: If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 10b, the VCO is routed directly to OUT3, OUT4, and OUT5. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 00b, the CLK is routed directly to OUT3, OUT4, and OUT5. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 01b, there is no effect. Duty-cycle correction function. 0: enables duty-cycle correction (default). 1: disables duty-cycle correction. Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays low. A value of 0x1 means that the divider is low for two input clock cycles (default: 0x1). Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays high. A value of 0x1 means that the divider is high for two input clock cycles (default: 0x1). Bypasses and powers down the divider; routes input to divider output. 0: uses divider (default). 1: bypasses divider. Ignores SYNC. 0: obeys chip-level SYNC signal (default). 1: ignores chip-level SYNC signal. Forces divider output to a specific state. This requires that ignore SYNC also be set. Note that this bit has no effect if the channel divider is bypassed, but the driver polarity can still be reversed. 0: divider output is forced to low (default). 1: divider output is forced to the setting stored in Bit 4 of this register. Selects clock output to start high or start low. 0: starts low (default). 1: starts high. Phase offset (default: 0x0). Unused. Channel 2 powers down. 0: normal operation (default). 1: powered down. (Setting this bit puts OUT6/OUT6, OUT7/OUT7, and OUT8/OUT8 into safe powerdown mode.) Connects OUT6, OUT7, and OUT8 to Divider 2 or directly to VCO or CLK. 0: OUT6, OUT7, and OUT8 are connected to Divider 2 (default). 1: If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 10b, the VCO is routed directly to OUT6, OUT7, and OUT8. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 00b, the CLK is routed directly to OUT6, OUT7, and OUT8. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 01b, there is no effect. Duty-cycle correction function. 0: enables duty-cycle correction (default). 1: disables duty-cycle correction. Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays low. A value of 0x0 means that the divider is low for one input clock cycle (default: 0x0). Number of clock cycles (minus 1) of the divider input during which the divider output stays high. A value of 0x0 means that the divider is high for one input clock cycle (default: 0x0). Rev. B | Page 73 of 80 AD9520-3 Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x19A 7 Name Divider 3 bypass 6 Divider 3 ignore SYNC 5 Divider 3 force high 4 Divider 3 start high [3:0] 0x19B [7:3] 2 Divider 3 phase offset Unused Channel 3 power-down 1 Channel 3 direct to output 0 Disable Divider 3 DCC Data Sheet Description Bypasses and powers down the divider; routes input to divider output. 0: uses divider (default). 1: bypasses divider. Ignores SYNC. 0: obeys chip-level SYNC signal (default). 1: ignores chip-level SYNC signal. Forces divider output to a specific state. This requires that ignore SYNC also be set. Note that this bit has no effect if the channel divider is bypassed, but the driver polarity can still be reversed. 0: divider output is forced to low (default). 1: divider output is forced to the setting stored in Bit 4 of this register. Selects clock output to start high or start low. 0: starts low (default). 1: starts high. Phase offset (default: 0x0). Unused. Channel 3 powers down. 0: normal operation (default). 1: powered down. (Setting this bit puts OUT9/OUT9, OUT10/OUT10, and OUT11/OUT11 into safe power-down mode.) Connects OUT9, OUT10, and OUT11 to Divider 3 or directly to VCO or CLK. 0: OUT9, OUT10, and OUT11 are connected to Divider 3 (default). 1: If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 10b, the VCO is routed directly to OUT9, OUT10, and OUT11. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 00b, the CLK is routed directly to OUT9, OUT10, and OUT11. If Register 0x1E1[1:0] = 01b, there is no effect. Duty-cycle correction function. 0: enables duty-cycle correction (default). 1: disables duty-cycle correction. Table 57. VCO Divider and CLK Input Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x1E0 [2:0] Name VCO divider 0x1E1 [7:5] Unused 4 Power down clock input section 3 Power down VCO clock interface 2 Power down VCO and CLK 1 Select VCO or CLK 0 Bypass VCO divider Description Bit 2 Bit 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Bit 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Divide 2 (default) 3 4 5 6 Output static 1 (bypass) Output static Unused. Powers down the clock input section (including CLK buffer, VCO divider, and CLK tree). 0: normal operation (default). 1: power-down. Powers down the interface block between VCO and clock distribution. 0: normal operation (default). 1: power-down. Powers down both the VCO and the CLK input. 0: normal operation (default). 1: power-down. Selects either the VCO or the CLK as the input to VCO divider. 0: selects external CLK as input to VCO divider (default). 1: selects VCO as input to VCO divider; VCO divider cannot be bypassed when this bit is set. This bit must be set to use the PLL with the internal VCO. Bypasses or uses the VCO divider. 0: uses VCO divider (default). 1: bypasses VCO divider; VCO cannot be selected as input when this bit is set. Rev. B | Page 74 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 Table 58. System Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x230 [7:4] 3 2 1 0 Name Unused Disable power on SYNC Description Unused. Powers on SYNC mode. Used to disable the antiruntpulse circuitry. 0: enables the antiruntpulse circuitry (default). 1: disables the antiruntpulse circuitry. Power down SYNC Powers down the SYNC function. 0: normal operation of the SYNC function (default). 1: powers down SYNC circuitry. Power down distribution Powers down the reference for the distribution section. reference 0: normal operation of the reference for the distribution section (default). 1: powers down the reference for the distribution section. Soft SYNC The soft SYNC bit works in the same way as the SYNC pin, except that the polarity of the bit is reversed. That is, a high level forces selected channels into a predetermined static state, and a 1bto-0b transition triggers a SYNC. 0: same as SYNC pin high. 1: same as SYNC pin low. Table 59. Update All Registers Reg. Addr. (Hex) Bits 0x232 [7:1] 0 Name Unused IO_UPDATE Description Unused. This bit must be set to 1b to transfer the contents of the buffer registers into the active registers. This transfer occurs on the next SCLK rising edge. This bit is self-clearing; that is, it does not have to be set back to 0b. 1 (self-clearing): updates all active registers to the contents of the buffer registers. Table 60. EEPROM Buffer Segment Reg Addr (Hex) Bits 0xA00 to 0xAFF Name EEPROM buffer segment Description The EEPROM buffer segment section stores the starting address and number of bytes that are to be stored and then read back to and from the EEPROM. Because the AD9520-3 register space is noncontiguous, the EEPROM controller uses the starting address and number of bytes in the AD9520-3 register space to store and retrieve from the EEPROM. There are two types of entries in the EEPROM buffer segment: data transfers and operational codes. For a data transfer, Bit 7 of the command byte is set to 0b. The remaining seven bits are the size of the transfer, minus 1 (that is, 0x01 indicates a 2-byte transfer). The starting address (MSB first) of the transfer is contained in the two bytes of the EEPROM buffer segment that immediately follow the data transfer command. For an operational code, Bit 7 of the command byte is set to 1b and is a special instruction for the EEPROM controller. There are two operational codes: IO_UPDATE and end of data. The IO_UPDATE operational code instructs the EEPROM controller to transfer the AD9520-3 register values into the active register space (and is functionally equivalent to writing 0x01 to Register 0x232). The end-ofdata operational code informs the EEPROM controller that the end of data has been reached and to terminate the transfer. The last byte of the EEPROM buffer segment must contain an end-of-data operational code. Using the on-chip default setting of the EEPROM buffer segment registers, the EEPROM controller transfers all register values to/from the EEPROM, and an IO_UPDATE is issued after transfer. Therefore, the user does not normally need to alter the EEPROM buffer segment. See the Programming the EEPROM Buffer Segment section for more information. Rev. B | Page 75 of 80 AD9520-3 Data Sheet Table 61. EEPROM Control Reg Addr (Hex) Bits Name 0xB00 [7:1] Unused 0 STATUS_EEPROM (read only) Description Unused. This read-only register indicates the status of the data transfer between the EEPROM and the buffer register bank during the writing and reading of the EEPROM. This signal is also available at the STATUS pin when Register 0x01D[7] is set. 0: data transfer is complete. 1: data transfer is not complete. 0xB01 [7:1] Unused Unused. 0 EEPROM This read-only register indicates an error during the data transfer between the EEPROM and the buffer. data error 0: no error. Data is correct. (read only) 1: incorrect data detected. 0xB02 [7:2] Unused Unused. 1 SOFT_EEPROM When the EEPROM pin is tied low, setting SOFT_EEPROM resets the AD9520-3 using the settings saved in the EEPROM. 1: soft reset with EEPROM settings (self-clearing). 0 Enable EEPROM Enables the user to write to the EEPROM. write 0: EEPROM write protection is enabled. User cannot write to the EEPROM (default). 1: EEPROM write protection is disabled. User can write to the EEPROM. Once an EEPROM save/load transfer is complete, the user must wait a minimum of 10 µs before starting the next EEPROM save/load transfer. 0xB03 [7:1] Unused Unused. 0 REG2EEPROM Transfers data from the buffer register to the EEPROM (self-clearing). 1: setting this bit initiates the data transfer from the buffer register to the EEPROM (writing process); it is reset by the I²C master after the data transfer is complete. Once an EEPROM save/load transfer is complete, the user must wait a minimum of 10 µs before starting the next EEPROM save/load transfer. Rev. B | Page 76 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Within the AD9520-3 family, lower VCO frequencies generally result in slightly better jitter. The difference in integrated jitter (from 12 kHz to 20 MHz offset) for the same output frequency is usually less than 150 fs over the entire VCO frequency range (1.4 GHz to 2.95 GHz) of the AD9520-3 family. If the desired frequency plan can be achieved with a version of the AD9520-3 that has a lower VCO frequency, choosing the lower frequency part results in the best phase noise and the lowest jitter. However, choosing a higher VCO frequency can result in more flexibility in frequency planning. When determining a starting point, choosing a nominal charge pump current in the middle of the allowable range allows the designer to increase or decrease the charge pump current and, thus, allows fine-tuning of the PLL loop bandwidth in either direction. Analog Devices has an AD9520-3 configuration tool that can determine the best PLL configuration, based on the user’s input and output frequencies. It can also design the loop filter based on user requirements. In addition to the configuration tool, ADIsimCLK is a powerful PLL modeling tool and a very accurate tool for determining the optimal loop filter for a given application. USING THE AD9520-3 OUTPUTS FOR ADC CLOCK APPLICATIONS Any high speed ADC is extremely sensitive to the quality of the AD9520-3 sampling clock. An ADC can be thought of as a sampling mixer; and any noise, distortion, or time jitter on the clock is combined with the desired signal at the analog-to-digital output. Clock integrity requirements scale with the analog input frequency and resolution, with higher analog input frequency applications at ≥14-bit resolution being the most stringent. The theoretical SNR of an ADC is limited by the ADC resolution and the jitter on the sampling clock.     where: fA is the highest analog frequency being digitized. tJ is the rms jitter on the sampling clock. Figure 70 shows the required sampling clock jitter as a function of the analog frequency and effective number of bits (ENOB). 110 18 1 SNR = 20log 2πf t A J 100 16 90 80 70 60 tJ = 100 fs tJ = 14 200 fs tJ = 400 fs tJ = 1ps tJ = 2ps 12 ENOB The AD9520-3 has four frequency dividers: the reference (or R) divider, the feedback (or N) divider, the VCO divider, and the channel divider. When trying to achieve a particularly difficult frequency divide ratio requiring a large amount of frequency division, some of the frequency division can be done by either the VCO divider or the channel divider, thus allowing a higher phase detector frequency and more flexibility in choosing the loop bandwidth.  1 SNR(dB) = 20log   2πf t A J  10 50 40 tJ = 10p 8 s 6 30 10 100 1k fA (MHz) 07216-044 The AD9520-3 is a highly flexible PLL. When choosing the PLL settings and version of the AD9520-3, keep in mind the following guidelines. Considering an ideal ADC of infinite resolution where the step size and quantization error can be ignored, the available SNR can be expressed, approximately, by the following equation: SNR (dB) FREQUENCY PLANNING USING THE AD9520-3 Figure 70. SNR and ENOB vs. Analog Input Frequency For more information, see the AN-756 Application Note, Sampled Systems and the Effects of Clock Phase Noise and Jitter; and the AN-501 Application Note, Aperture Uncertainty and ADC System Performance. Many high performance ADCs feature differential clock inputs to simplify the task of providing the required low jitter clock on a noisy PCB. Distributing a single-ended clock on a noisy PCB can result in coupled noise on the sampling clock. Differential distribution has inherent common-mode rejection that can provide superior clock performance in a noisy environment. The differential LVPECL outputs of the AD9520-3 enable clock solutions that maximize converter SNR performance. The input requirements of the ADC (differential or singleended, logic level termination) should be considered when selecting the best clocking/converter solution. Rev. B | Page 77 of 80 AD9520-3 Data Sheet LVPECL Clock Distribution Far-End Thevenin Termination The LVPECL outputs of the AD9520-3 provide the lowest jitter clock signals available from the AD9520-3. The LVPECL outputs (because they are open emitter) require a dc termination to bias the output transistors. The simplified equivalent circuit in Figure 54 shows the LVPECL output stage. Far-end Thevenin termination uses a resistor network to provide 50 Ω termination to a dc voltage that is below VOL of the LVPECL driver. In this case, VS_DRV on the AD9520 should equal VS of the receiving buffer. Although the resistor combination shown results in a dc bias point of VS_DRV − 2 V, the actual common-mode voltage is VS_DRV − 1.3 V because there is additional current flowing from the AD9520-3 LVPECL driver through the pull-down resistor. In most applications, an LVPECL far-end Thevenin termination (see Figure 71) or Y-termination (see Figure 72) is recommended. In both cases, VS of the receiving buffer should match VS_DRV. If it does not, ac coupling is recommended (see Figure 73). CMOS CLOCK DISTRIBUTION VS_DRV 127Ω 127Ω SINGLE-ENDED (NOT COUPLED) 50Ω The output drivers of the AD9520-3 can be configured as CMOS drivers. When selected as a CMOS driver, each output becomes a pair of CMOS outputs, each of which can be individually turned on or off and set as inverting or noninverting. These outputs are 3.3 V or 2.5 V CMOS compatible. However, every output driver (including the LVPECL drivers) must be run at either 2.5 V or 3.3 V. The user cannot mix and match 2.5 V and 3.3 V outputs. LVPECL 83Ω 83Ω Figure 71. DC-Coupled 3.3 V LVPECL Far-End Thevenin Termination VS_DRV When using single-ended CMOS clocking, consider the following guidelines: VS = VS_DRV LVPECL Z0 = 50Ω 50Ω • 50Ω 50Ω LVPECL 07216-047 Z0 = 50Ω Figure 72. DC-Coupled 3.3 V LVPECL Y-Termination VS_DRV VS 0.1nF 200Ω 100Ω DIFFERENTIAL 100Ω (COUPLED) 0.1nF TRANSMISSION LINE LVPECL 200Ω • 07216-046 LVPECL Figure 73. AC-Coupled LVPECL with Parallel Transmission Line LVPECL Y-Termination LVPECL Y-termination is an elegant termination scheme that uses the fewest components and offers both odd- and even-mode impedance matching. Even-mode impedance matching is an important consideration for closely coupled transmission lines at high frequencies. Its main drawback is that it offers limited flexibility for varying the drive strength of the emitter-follower LVPECL driver. This can be an important consideration when driving long trace lengths but is usually not an issue. In the case where VS_DRV = 2.5 V, the 50 Ω termination resistor connected to ground in Figure 72 should be changed to 19 Ω. • Using the CMOS drivers in the same output channel group as the LVPECL drivers may result in performance degradation of the LVPECL drivers. Where possible, program the two CMOS drivers that form the same output of a differential pair to be out of phase such that one driver is high while the other is low. It is recommended that the evaluation board be used to verify the performance of the AD9520-3 in demanding applications where both CMOS and LVPECL drivers are in the same group, and the very best jitter performance is required. If possible, design point-to-point connections such that each driver has only one receiver. Connecting outputs in this manner allows for simple termination schemes and minimizes ringing due to possible mismatched impedances on the output trace. Series termination at the source is generally required to provide transmission line matching and/or to reduce current transients at the driver. The value of the resistor is dependent on the board design and timing requirements (typically 10 Ω to 100 Ω is used). CMOS outputs are also limited in terms of the capacitive load or trace length that they can drive. Typically, trace lengths of less than 3 inches are recommended to preserve signal rise/fall times and signal integrity. CMOS 10Ω 60.4Ω (1.0 INCH) CMOS MICROSTRIP 07216-076 LVPECL 50Ω VS 07216-045 VS_DRV The circuit is identical for the case where VS_DRV = 2.5 V, except that the pull-down resistor is 62.5 Ω and the pull-up resistor is 250 Ω. Figure 74. Series Termination of CMOS Output Rev. B | Page 78 of 80 Data Sheet AD9520-3 Termination at the far end of the PCB trace is a second option. The CMOS outputs of the AD9520-3 do not supply enough current to provide a full voltage swing with a low impedance resistive, far-end termination, as shown in Figure 75. The far-end termination network should match the PCB trace impedance and provide the desired switching point. The reduced signal swing may still meet receiver input requirements in some applications. This can be useful when driving long trace lengths on less critical nets. Because of the limitations of single-ended CMOS clocking, consider using differential outputs when driving high speed signals over long traces. The AD9520-3 offers LVPECL outputs that are better suited for driving long traces where the inherent noise immunity of differential signaling provides superior performance for clocking converters. VS 10Ω 50Ω 100Ω CMOS 100Ω 07216-077 CMOS Figure 75. CMOS Output with Far-End Termination Rev. B | Page 79 of 80 AD9520-3 Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 9.10 9.00 SQ 8.90 0.60 0.42 0.24 0.60 0.42 0.24 0.30 0.23 0.18 64 1 49 PIN 1 INDICATOR 48 PIN 1 INDICATOR 8.85 8.75 SQ 8.65 0.50 BSC 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.25 MIN 7.50 REF 0.80 MAX 0.65 NOM 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM SEATING PLANE PKG-1184 16 17 0.20 REF FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-VMMD-4 01-22-2015-D 12° MAX 33 32 BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW 1.00 0.85 0.80 6.35 6.20 SQ 6.05 EXPOSED PAD Figure 76. 64-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 9 mm × 9 mm Body, Very Thin Quad CP-64-4 Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 AD9520-3BCPZ AD9520-3BCPZ-REEL7 AD9520-3/PCBZ 1 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Package Description 64-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package (LFCSP_VQ) 64-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package (LFCSP_VQ) Evaluation Board Z = RoHS Compliant Part. I2C refers to a communications protocol originally developed by Philips Semiconductors (now NXP Semiconductors). ©2008–2016 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D07216-0-9/16(B) Rev. B | Page 80 of 80 Package Option CP-64-4 CP-64-4
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    • 1+147.14333
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    • 1+106.55900
