AD9779A/78A/76A Evaluation Board
Quick Start Guide
One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. • Tel: 781.329.4700 • Fax: 781.461.3113 •
Getting Started with the AD9779A/78A/76A Evaluation Board
AD977xA-DPG2-EBZ Evaluation Board
Mini-USB Cable
AD9779 Evaluation Board CD
+5Vdc Power Supply: Agilent E3630A
Digital Pattern Generator (DPG2): ADI HSC-DAC-DPG-BZ
DAC Clock Source: R&S SML 02
AQM LO Clock Source: R&S SMA100A
Spectrum Analyzer: Agilent PSAA or R&S FSU
PC: Windows PC with 2 or more USB ports (See Appendix for
system requirements)
The AD9779A/78A/76A Evaluation Boards (model AD977xA-DPG2–EBZ) connect directly to the Analog Devices Digital Pattern
Generator 2 (DPG2) to allow for quick evaluation of the AD9779A family of DACs. The DPG2 allows the user to create many types of
digital vectors and transmit these at speed to the AD9779A in any of the DAC operating modes. The AD9779A evaluation board is
configured over USB with accompanying PC software. The evaluation board includes the ADL5375 quadrature modulator and the
AD9516 clock chip so the board can be configured as a transmit chain in addition to evaluating the DAC as a standalone part. The
AD9516 can be used to compare the on chip PLL performance to the AD9516 clock multiplication performance in terms of jitter or phase
The AD9779A application software should be installed on the PC prior connecting the hardware to the PC. The DAC Software Suite is
included on the Evaluation Board CD, or can be downloaded from the DPG web site at This will install
DPGDownloader (for loading vectors into the DPG2) and the AD9779A SPI Controller application.
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One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781.329.4700
Fax: 781.461.3113
©2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Quick Start Guide
Once the DPGDownloader software is installed, the hardware can be co
connected as shown in Figure 1. A single 5V power supply powers
the evaluation board. The power supply should be able to source up to 2A to cover all of the board’s operating conditions.
A low jitter
clock source (< 0.5psec RMS) should be used for the DACCLK. A sinusoidal clock output level of 0 to 4dBm is optimal. By default,
DAC outputs are connected to filter driving the quadrature modulator so the output signal will bee at the RF output of the ADL5375, J6.
The modifications for observing the DAC output
outputs and different clocking options will be explained.. The evaluation board plugs directly
into the DPG2. The PC connects to both the DPG2 and the evaluation board through USB cables.
Figure 1- Bench Set-Up
Figure 2- DPG2 and AD9788 Evaluation Board
It is suggested that the basic set-up
up is verified before making any modifications to the evaluation board.
Basic Hardware Set-Up
Connect the equipment to the AD977xA evaluation board per the following table:
Connects to AD977xA Eval Board
Power Supply
P4 (+5V), P5 (GND)
Signal Source Clk
J2 (DAC Clock ), Set source to 200MHz, 3dBm output
Signal Source LO
J19 ( LO IN),, Set source to desired LO (i.e. 900 or 1800 MHz, 3dBm output when using the
ADL5375 to mix up to the antenna frequency.
PC USB Cable
Spectrum Analyzer
P1 and P2
DPGDownloader Software
Power up the DPG and connect the USB cable to the PC. Next, run the DPGDownloader Software. A shortcut will be installed to your
Start menu during the installation of the DAC Software Suite. To begin, click on the DPGDownloader shortcut in your Programs menu,
typically at Start > Programs > Analog Devices > DPG > DPGDownloader.
The basic parts of the DPGDownloader window are
are: Hardware Config Panel, SPI GUI Launch Button, Vector Generation Pull-Down
Menu, Vector Palette, Vector Selection Panel and the Download and Play buttons.
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registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 5 – DPGDownloader Window
If the AD9779A evaluation board has been recognized by the PC, AD9779A should be populated in the Evaluation Board field
in the Hardware Config panel.
Generate a sine wave by pulling down the “Add Generated Waveform” menu and choosing “Single Tone”. Fill in the form as
shown in (Sample Rate = 50MHz, Desired Frequency = 10 MHz, etc.). Check the “Generate Complex Data (I&Q)” box. Note
that the Sample Rate should match the input sample rate and not the DAC update rate. Also, the Unsigned data needs to be
unchecked because the AD9779A SPI defaults to 2’s complement data format.
Select the I and Q data vectors in the data selection panel.
The port configuration will need to be selected 3.3v CMOS the first time you use the AD9779A evaluation board. Afer the
configuration has loaded, the AD9779A SPI box should turn from gray to black.
Launch the AD9779A SPI GUI by clicking the AD9779A SPI button. Got to the “Data Clock” section and change the
Interpolation field to “4x”. Select filter mode 0 which is baseband
©2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 6 AD9779 SPI VI Panel control
button is clicked, the SPI controller will run once. It will both write and read from the AD9779A. The Run
When the Run
Forever control will setup the AD9779A
AD9779A, and will continue to read from the chip and will update the SPI when any of the
controls change.
The DCO frequency field in the DPGDownloader window should now be reading something close to 200MHz.
Next hit the download
When the vector has finished downloading, hit the play
The output from J6 should be a clean 10MHz tone as shown below:
button. This transfers the data ffrom the PC to the DPG memory.
©2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
button. This starts the DPG2 transmitting data to the eval board.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 7 I DAC Output Signal Screenshot
Selecting the Modulator Outputs
By default, solder jumpers JP1, JP2, JP3, and JP4 configure the evaluation board for the DAC outputs to be observed at SMA J4 for IDAC
and J8 for QDAC. This jumper setting is shown in 8 a). To connect to the filter that feed ADL5375 the solder jumpers need to be
repositioned as shown in 8 b). The output from the ADL5375 Modulator can be observed SMA J6, RF out.
Figure 8 – a) DAC Output Configuration
©2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
b) Modulator Output Configuration
Quick Start Guide
AD9779A SPI Application
The SPI application is split into several sections. These sections control the different features of the AD9779A but can be left in the default
positions if you are not using the features i.e. internal PLL, multi chip sync, aux DACs . Several of the functions provided by the SPI
application are described here, as they relate to the evaluation board. For complete descriptions of each register, refer to the AD9779A
datasheet. In the interest of continuous quality improvements, the images below may not exactly match your version of the software. In
order to set the registers with the VI you must click the mouse on the arrow under the edit for updating what is selected below or the right
circular arrows continuously updates as features are selected in the various sections of the VI
The COMMS section, is the section in the top left hand corner and has the software reset, power down and auto powerdown enable
The FILTER section just to the right of the COMMs section provides control over the Interpolation Rate (2x,4x,8x or bypass) and Coarse
Modulation via selection of the filter mode with read backs for each. This section also includes the zero stuff feature and inverse Sinc
The DATAFMT field selects the number format of the incoming data, between unsigned (Binary) and signed (2’s complement), default on
DPG2 is binary but can be switched to 2’s complement if desired. The QFirst control selects which DAC receives data first from the
interleaved bus. For use with the DPG2, this should always be set to IQ Pairs and the button should be green next to the IQ pairs. Real
mode is for turning off the Q path for a real type application instead of the default complex mode. Single/interleaved is for changing to
single port and using an interleaved data format. The TX Invert allows inversion of the Tx Enable signal.
DATA Clock
The data clock section includes control for Data clk delay if needed for adjusting the timing on the interface.
PLL Control
The AD9779A has an on-chip PLL. When PLL_ENABLE is turned on, the chip will automatically select the appropriate band using the
Divder1 and Divider0 values. The VCO Frequency must be between 1 and 2 GHz for proper operation. The auto-band select can be
bypassed by enabling PLL MANUAL and entering a band in PLL Band Select. Divider1 and Divider0 must still be chosen appropriately in
this mode of operation.
Main DAC Control
This section controls the two main DACs in the AD9779A. The Full-Scale Current of each DAC can be set with the I DAC Gain and Q
DAC Gain controls. The 512 default is for 20ma outputs. The I Sleep and Q Sleep controls put their respective DAC into a low-power sleep
state. The IDAC and QDAC power down shuts off the DACs and the signal processing circuit also.
Aux DAC Control
The Aux DAC control section is used to program aux DACs for LO and image suppression out the output of the AQM. The default is the
Aux DACs are programmed power down.
SPI Settings Save/load
This section is for saving and reloading your SPI settings so you can use your previous set up. To save a set up slide the save button to turn
on and hit the run arrow at the top. To load a file click on the box for browse or type in the file location and click the button to turn on
and then hit the run arrow to load this file.
©2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 9 AD9779A Evaluation Board
Using the AD9516
The AD9516 is included so you can test the performance i.e. ACLR with the AD9516 clock multiplication. In order to drive the DAC
Clock from AD9516 the jumper J5 and J6 needs to be changed shown in figure 10 a and 10 b. You also need to start up the AD9516 SPI
VI that is included in the CD software. First type in your Ref frequency, example in Figure 11 is 122.88 MHz. The Prescaler “P”, A and B
counters need to be adjusted until you get a Vco Frequency in the range 2.3 to 2.65MHz. The Ref freq will be multiplied by ( P*B+A), in
this example we used 20
P=8 labeled “divide by 8”, B=2, A=4 which yield VCO of 2.4576GHz. We actually want the DAC clock, which will be connected to the
PECL output, to be at 4x the reference clock. The VCO divide ratio of 5 along with channel divider bypassed (multiplies by 10 which
yields 491.52MHz). There is also an auxiliary output which comes out on SMA J10 and J14. In this example the channel divider 4 is set to
2 which divides the freq by 2 to 245.76MHz and is LVDS type outputs.
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registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 10 – a) DAC CLK Input configuration
Figure 11 AD9516 SPI Control
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b) AD9516 driving DAC CLK Pins
Quick Start Guide
Appendix A – DPGDownloader Notes
Detailed documentation for the DPGDownloader Software and the Full DPG Suite can be accessed thru the Help Pull-down menu. Also
available from the Help pull-down menu is a shortcut for checking to see if there is a more recent DPGDownloader version available with
an option to automatically update the software.
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registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.