Data Sheet
55 V, EMI Enhanced, Zero Drift, Ultralow Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational
Low offset voltage: 5 µV maximum
Extremely low offset voltage drift: 22 nV/°C maximum
Low voltage noise density: 5.8 nV/√Hz typical
► 117 nV p-p typical from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
Low input bias current: 50 pA typical
Unity-gain crossover: 3 MHz typical
Single-supply operation: input voltage range includes ground and
rail-to-rail output
Wide range of operating voltages
► Single-supply operation: 4.5 V to 55 V
► Dual-supply operation: ±2.25 V to ±27.5 V
Integrated EMI filters
Unity-gain stable
Figure 1. 8-Lead MSOP (RM Suffix) and 8-Lead SOIC (R Suffix) Pin
For the ADA4522-1 and ADA4522-4 pin connections and for more
information about the pin connections for these products, see the
Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions section.
Inductance, capacitance, and resistance (LCR) meter/ megohmmeter front-end amplifiers
Load cell and bridge transducers
Magnetic force balance scales
High precision shunt current sensing
Thermocouple/resistance temperature detector (RTD) sensors
Programmable logic controller (PLC) input and output amplifiers
Figure 2. Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency, VSY = ±15 V
The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 are single/dual/quad
channel, zero drift op amps with low noise and power, ground
sensing inputs, and rail-to-rail output, optimized for total accuracy
over time, temperature, and voltage conditions. The wide operating
voltage and temperature ranges, as well as the high open-loop gain
and very low dc and ac errors make the devices well suited for
amplifying very small input signals and for accurately reproducing
larger signals in a wide variety of applications.
The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 performance is specified
at 5.0 V, 30 V, and 55 V power supply voltages. These devices
operate over the range of 4.5 V to 55 V, and are excellent for applications using single-ended supplies of 5 V, 10 V, 12 V, and 30 V,
or for applications using higher single supplies and dual supplies of
±2.5 V, ±5 V, and ±15 V. The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4
use on-chip filtering to achieve high immunity to electromagnetic
interference (EMI).
Table 1. Zero Drift Op Amps ( 50 kΩ, the current noise becomes the main
contributor of the total input noise.
Residual Ripple
As shown in Figure 60, Figure 61, and Figure 62, the ADA4522-1/
ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 have a flat noise spectrum density at lower
frequencies and exhibits spectrum density bumps and peaks at
higher frequencies.
The largest noise bump is centered at 6 MHz; this bump is due
to the decrease in the input gain at higher frequencies. This decrease is a typical phenomenon and can also be seen in other
amplifiers. In addition to the noise bump, a sharp peak due to the
chopping networks is seen at 4.8 MHz. However, this magnitude
is significantly reduced by the offset and ripple correction loop. Its
magnitude may be different with different amplifier units or with
different circuitries around the amplifier. This peak can potentially
be hidden by the noise bump and, therefore, may not be detected.
Figure 76. Voltage Noise Density with Various Gains
Figure 77 shows the voltage noise density of the ADA4522-1/
ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 without and with post filters at different
frequencies. The post filter serves to roll off the bandwidth before
the switching frequency. In this example, the noise peak at 800 kHz
is about 38 nV/√Hz. With a post filter at 80 kHz, the noise peak is
reduced to 4.1 nV/√Hz. With a post filter at 8 kHz, the noise peak is
lower than the noise floor and cannot be detected.
The offset and ripple correction loop, designed to reduce the
4.8 MHz switching artifact, also creates a noise bump centered
at 800 kHz and a noise peak on top of this noise bump. Although
the magnitude of the bump is mostly constant, the magnitude of
the 800 kHz peak is different from unit to unit. Some units may
not exhibit the 800 kHz noise peak; however, for other units, peaks
occur at multiple integrals of 800 kHz, such as 1.6 MHz or 2.4 MHz.
These noise peaks, albeit small in magnitude, can be significant
when the amplifier has a closed-loop frequency that is higher than
the chopping frequency. To suppress the noise spike to a desired
level, either configure the amplifier in a high gain configuration or
apply a post filter at the output of the amplifier.
Figure 76 shows the voltage noise density of the ADA4522-1/
ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 in various gain configurations. Note that
the higher the gain, the lower the available bandwidth is. The earlier
bandwidth roll-off effectively filters out the higher noise spectrum.
Figure 77. Voltage Noise Density with Post Filters
Current Noise Density
Figure 78 shows the current noise density of the ADA4522-1/
ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 at unity gain. At 1 kHz, the current noise
density is about 1.3 pA/√Hz. The current noise density is determined by measuring the voltage noise due to current noise flowing
through a resistor. Due to the low current noise density of the
amplifier, the voltage noise is usually measured with a high value
resistor; in this case, a 100 kΩ source resistor is used. However,
the source resistor interacts with the input capacitance of the
amplifier and board, causing the bandwidth to roll off. Note that
Figure 78 shows the current noise density rolling off much earlier
than the unity-gain bandwidth; this roll-off is expected.
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Data Sheet
Figure 78. Current Noise Density at Gain = 1
Figure 79. EMIRR vs. Frequency
Circuit performance is often adversely affected by high frequency
EMI. When the signal strength is low and transmission lines are
long, an op amp must accurately amplify the input signals. However, all op amp pins—the noninverting input, inverting input, positive
supply, negative supply, and output pins—are susceptible to EMI
signals. These high frequency signals are coupled into an op amp
by various means, such as conduction, near field radiation, or far
field radiation. For example, wires and printed circuit board (PCB)
traces can act as antennas and pick up high frequency EMI signals.
The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 can safely drive capacitive
loads of up to 250 pF in any configuration. As with most amplifiers,
driving larger capacitive loads than specified may cause excessive
overshoot and ringing, or even oscillation. A heavy capacitive load
reduces the phase margin and causes the amplifier frequency
response to peak. Peaking corresponds to overshooting or ringing
in the time domain. Therefore, it is recommended that external
compensation be used if the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4
must drive a load exceeding 250 pF. This compensation is particularly important in the unity-gain configuration, which is the worst
case for stability.
Amplifiers do not amplify EMI or RF signals due to their relatively
low bandwidth. However, due to the nonlinearities of the input
devices, op amps can rectify these out of band signals. When these
high frequency signals are rectified, they appear as a dc offset at
the output.
The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 have integrated EMI filters
at their input stage. To describe the ability of the ADA4522-1/
ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 to perform as intended in the presence of
electromagnetic energy, the electromagnetic interference rejection
ratio (EMIRR) of the noninverting pin is specified in Table 2, Table
3, and Table 4 of the Specifications section. A mathematical method
of measuring EMIRR is defined as follows:
A quick and easy way to stabilize the op amp for capacitive load
drive is by adding a series resistor, RISO, between the amplifier
output terminal and the load capacitance, as shown in Figure
80. RISO isolates the amplifier output and feedback network from
the capacitive load. However, with this compensation scheme, the
output impedance as seen by the load increases, and this reduces
gain accuracy.
Figure 80. Stability Compensation with Isolating Resistor, RISO
Figure 81 shows the effect on overshoot with different values of
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Data Sheet
Figure 81. Small Signal Overshoot vs. Load Capacitance with Various Output
Isolating Resistors
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Data Sheet
The extremely low offset voltage and drift, high open-loop gain, high
common-mode rejection, and high power supply rejection of the
ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 make them excellent op amp
choices as discrete, single-supply instrumentation amplifiers.
Figure 82 shows the classic 3-op-amp instrumentation amplifier using the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4. The key to high CMRR
for the instrumentation amplifier are resistors that are well matched
for both the resistive ratio and relative drift. For true difference
amplification, matching of the resistor ratio is very important, where
R5/R2 = R6/R4. The resistors are important in determining the
performance over manufacturing tolerances, time, and temperature.
Assuming a perfect unity-gain difference amplifier with infinite common-mode rejection, a 1% tolerance resistor matching results in
only 34 dB of common-mode rejection. Therefore, at least 0.01% or
better resistors are recommended.
Figure 82. Discrete 3-Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier
To build a discrete instrumentation amplifier with external resistors
without compromising on noise, pay close attention to the resistor
values chosen. RG1 and RG2 each have thermal noise that is
amplified by the total noise gain of the instrumentation amplifier
and, therefore, a sufficiently low value must be chosen to reduce
thermal noise contribution at the output while still providing an
accurate measurement. Table 10 shows the external resistors noise
contribution referred to the output (RTO).
Table 10. Thermal Noise Contribution Example
Resistor Thermal Noise
Value (kΩ) (nV/√Hz)
Thermal Noise RTO
Note that A1 and A2 have a high gain of 1 + R1/RG1. Therefore,
use a high precision, low offset voltage and low noise amplifier
for A1 and A2, such as the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4.
Conversely, A3 operates at a much lower gain and has a different
set of op amp requirements. Its input noise, referred to the overall
instrumentation amplifier input, is divided by the first stage gain
and is not as important. Note that the input offset voltage and the
input voltage noise of the amplifiers are also amplified by the overall
noise gain.
Any unused channel of the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4
must be configured in unity gain with the input common-mode
voltage tied to the midpoint of the power supplies.
Understanding how noise impacts a discrete instrumentation amplifier or a difference amplifier (the second stage of a 3-op-amp
instrumentation amplifier) is important, because they are commonly
used in many different applications. The Load Cell/Strain Gage
Sensor Signal Conditioning Using the ADA4522-2 section and
the Precision Low-Side Current Shunt Sensor section show the
ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 used as a discrete instrumentation or difference amplifier in an application.
The ADA4522-2, with its ultralow offset, drift, and noise, is well
suited to signal condition a low level sensor output with high gain
and accuracy. A weigh scale/load cell is an example of an application with such requirements. Figure 83 shows a configuration for
a single-supply, precision, weigh scale measurement system. The
ADA4522-2 is used at the front end for amplification of the low level
signal from the load cell.
Current flowing through a PCB trace produces an IR voltage drop;
with longer traces, this voltage drop can be several millivolts or
more, introducing a considerable error. A 1 inch long, 0.005 inch
wide trace of 1 oz copper has a resistance of approximately 100
mΩ at room temperature. With a load current of 10 mA, the
resistance can introduce a 1 mV error.
Therefore, a 6-wire load cell is used in the circuit. The load cell
has two sense pins, in addition to excitation, ground, and two
output connections. The sense pins are connected to the high side
(excitation pin) and low side (ground pin) of the Wheatstone bridge.
The voltage across the bridge can then be accurately measured
regardless of voltage drop due to wire resistance. The two sense
pins are also connected to the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
reference inputs for a ratiometric configuration that is immune to
low frequency changes in the power supply excitation voltage.
The ADA4522-2 is configured as the first stage of a 3-op-amp
instrumentation amplifier to amplify the low level amplitude signal
from the load cell by a factor of 1 + 2R1/RG. Capacitors C1 and
C2 are placed in the feedback loops of the amplifiers and interact
with R1 and R2 to perform low-pass filtering. This filtering limits the
amount of noise entering the Σ-Δ ADC. In addition, C3, C4, C5, R3,
and R4 provide further common-mode and differential mode filtering
to reduce noise and unwanted signals.
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Data Sheet
Figure 83. Precision Weigh Scale Measurement System
Many applications require the sensing of signals near the positive
or negative rails. Current shunt sensors are one such application
and are mostly used for feedback control systems. They are also
used in a variety of other applications, including power metering,
battery fuel gauging, and feedback controls in industrial applications. In such applications, it is desirable to use a shunt with very
low resistance to minimize series voltage drop. This configuration
not only minimizes wasted power, but also allows the measurement
of high currents while saving power.
A typical shunt may be 100 mΩ. At a measured current of 1 A, the
voltage produced from the shunt is 100 mV, and the amplifier error
sources are not critical. However, at low measured current in the 1
mA range, the 100 μV generated across the shunt demands a very
low offset voltage and drift amplifier to maintain absolute accuracy.
The unique attributes of a zero drift amplifier provide a solution.
Figure 84 shows a low-side current sensing circuit using the
ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4. The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/
ADA4522-4 are configured as difference amplifiers with a gain of
1000. Although the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 have high
CMRR, the CMRR of the system is limited by the external resistors.
Therefore, as mentioned in the Single-Supply Instrumentation Amplifier section, the key to high CMRR for the system is resistors
that are well matched from both the resistive ratio and relative drift,
where R1/R2 = R3/R4.
Any unused channel of the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4
must be configured in unity gain with the input common-mode
voltage tied to the midpoint of the power supplies.
Figure 84. Low-Side Current Sensing Circuit
The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 are high precision devices
with ultralow offset voltage and noise. Therefore, take care in the
design of the PCB layout to achieve optimum performance of the
ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 at the board level.
To avoid leakage currents, keep the surface of the board clean and
free of moisture.
Properly bypassing the power supplies and keeping the supply
traces short minimizes power supply disturbances caused by output
current variation. Connect bypass capacitors as close as possible
to the device supply pins. Stray capacitances are a concern at
the outputs and the inputs of the amplifier. It is recommended that
signal traces be kept at a distance of at least 5 mm from supply
lines to minimize coupling.
A potential source of offset error is the Seebeck voltage on the
circuit board. The Seebeck voltage occurs at the junction of two
dissimilar metals and is a function of the temperature of the junction. The most common metallic junctions on a circuit board are
solder to board traces and solder to component leads. Figure 85
shows a cross section of a surface-mount component soldered to
a PCB. A variation in temperature across the board (where TA1
≠ TA2) causes a mismatch in the Seebeck voltages at the solder
joints, thereby resulting in thermal voltage errors that degrade
the performance of the ultralow offset voltage of the ADA4522-1/
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Data Sheet
V of power supply, ISY+ remains at 1.55 mA per dual amplifier, but
ISY− increases close to 2 mA in magnitude per dual amplifier.
Figure 85. Mismatch in Seebeck Voltages Causes Seebeck Voltage Error
In Figure 85, VSC1 and VSC2 are the Seebeck voltages due to solder
to component at Junction 1 and Junction 2, respectively. VTS1 and
VTS2 are the Seebeck voltages due to solder to trace at Junction 1
and Junction 2. TA1 and TA2 are the temperatures of Junction 1 and
Junction 2, respectively.
To minimize these thermocouple effects, orient resistors so that
heat sources warm both ends equally. Where possible, it is recommended that the input signal paths contain matching numbers and
types of components to match the number and type of thermocouple junctions. For example, dummy components, such as zero
value resistors, can be used to match the thermoelectric error
source (real resistors in the opposite input path). Place matching
components in close proximity and orient them in the same manner
to ensure equal Seebeck voltages, thus canceling thermal errors.
Additionally, use leads that are of equal length to keep thermal
conduction in equilibrium. Keep heat sources on the PCB as far
away from amplifier input circuitry as is practical.
Figure 86. Comparator Configuration A
Figure 87. Comparator Configuration B
It is highly recommended to use a ground plane. A ground plane
helps distribute heat throughout the board, maintain a constant
temperature across the board, and reduce EMI noise pickup.
An op amp is designed to operate in a closed-loop configuration
with feedback from its output to its inverting input. In contrast to
op amps, comparators are designed to operate in an open-loop
configuration and to drive logic circuits. Although op amps are different from comparators, occasionally an unused section of a dual
op amp is used as a comparator to save board space and cost;
however, this is not recommended for the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/
Figure 86 and Figure 87 show the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/
ADA4522-4 configured as a comparator, with 10 kΩ resistors in
series with the input pins. Any unused channels are configured as
buffers with the input voltage kept at the midpoint of the power supplies. The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 have input devices
that are protected from large differential input voltages by Diode
D5 and Diode D6, as shown in Figure 72. These diodes consist
of substrate PNP bipolar transistors, and conduct whenever the
differential input voltage exceeds approximately 600 mV; however,
these diodes also allow a current path from the input to the lower
supply rail, resulting in an increase in the total supply current of the
system. Both comparator configurations yield the same result. At 30
Figure 88. Supply Current (ISY) per Dual Amplifier vs. Supply Voltage (VSY)
(ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 as a Comparator)
Note that 10 kΩ resistors are used in series with the input of the
op amp. If smaller resistor values are used, the supply current of
the system increases much more. For more details on op amps as
comparators, see the AN-849 Application Note, Using Op Amps as
The ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 are designed to work with
low value source resistance. Note that the amplifier has an ultralow
voltage noise density of 6 nV/√Hz. A 1 kΩ resistor contributes 4
nV/√Hz; therefore, placing a 1 kΩ resistor at the input increases
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Data Sheet
total noise to 7.2 nV/√Hz. For this noise reason, it is recommended
to avoid using large source resistance.
Unity Gain Follower with Large Source
When the ADA4522-1/ADA4522-2/ADA4522-4 are configured in a
unity-gain follower configuration with a large source resistance and
slow power supply ramp rate, the amplifier output may rail to the
positive supply.
Figure 89. Insert RF When Large RS is Used
To avoid the amplifier output railing to the positive supply, implement one of the following actions (see Table 11 and Figure 89):
Reduce the value of the source resistance (RS).
► Insert a feedback resistor (RF).
Table 11. Amplifier Output Railing Workaround Recommendations
1.5 V ≤ VSY − VIN < 2.5 V
2.5 V ≤ VSY − VIN < 3.5 V
VSY − VIN ≥ 3.5 V
RF = 200 Ω or RF ≥ 50 RS, whichever is greater
RS ≤ 200 Ω or RF ≥ 2 RS
RS ≤ 500 Ω or RF ≥ 0.5 RS
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Data Sheet
Figure 90. 8-Lead Mini Small Outline Package [MSOP]
Dimensions shown in millimeters
Figure 91. 8-Lead Small Outline Package [SOIC_N]
Narrow Body
Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches)
Figure 92. 14-Lead Small Outline Package [SOIC_N]
Narrow Body
Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches)
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Data Sheet
Figure 93. 14-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package [TSSOP]
Dimensions shown in millimeters
Updated: December 21, 2021
Temperature Range
Package Description
Packing Quantity
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
-40°C to +125°C
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead SOIC
14-Lead TSSOP
14-Lead TSSOP
14-Lead TSSOP
14-Lead SOIC
14-Lead SOIC
14-Lead SOIC
Tube, 50
Reel, 1000
Reel, 3000
Tube, 98
Reel, 1000
Reel, 2500
Tube, 50
Reel, 1000
Reel, 3000
Tube, 98
Reel, 1000
Reel, 2500
Tube, 96
Reel, 1000
Reel, 2500
Tube, 56
Reel, 1000
Reel, 2500
Marking Code
Z = RoHS Compliant Part.
©2015-2022 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
One Analog Way, Wilmington, MA 01887-2356, U.S.A.
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