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    SigmaDSP数字音频处理器 LFCSP72_EP

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SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet FEATURES I2C and SPI control interfaces (both slave and master) Standalone operation Self boot from serial EEPROM 6-channel, 10-bit SAR auxiliary control ADC 14 multipurpose pins for digital controls and outputs On-chip regulator for generating 1.2 V from 3.3 V supply 72-lead, 10 mm × 10 mm LFCSP package with 5.3 mm exposed pad Available in two temperature ranges: −40°C to +105°C 0°C to +70°C Qualified for automotive applications Fully programmable audio DSP for enhanced sound processing Features SigmaStudio, a proprietary graphical programming tool for the development of custom signal flows Up to 294.912 MHz, 32-bit SigmaDSP core at 1.2 V Up to 6144 SIMD instructions per sample at 48 kHz Up to 40 kWords of parameter/data RAM Up to 800 ms digital audio delay pool at 48 kHz Audio input/output and routing 4 serial input ports, 4 serial output ports 48-channel, 32-bit digital input/output up to a sample rate of 192 kHz Flexible configuration for TDM, I2S, left and right justified formats, and PCM Up to 8 stereo ASRCs from 1:8 up to 7.75:1 ratio and 139 dB DNR Stereo S/PDIF input and output (not on the ADAU1450) Four PDM microphone input channels Multichannel, byte addressable, TDM serial ports Clock oscillator for generating master clock from crystal Integer PLL and flexible clock generators Integrated die temperature sensor APPLICATIONS Automotive audio processing Head units Navigation systems Rear seat entertainment systems DSP amplifiers (sound system amplifiers) Commercial and professional audio processing Consumer audio processing XTALOUT PLLFILT XTALIN/MCLK AUXADC5 TO AUXADC0 MP13 TO MP0 SPI/I2C* SPI/I2C* SELFBOOT FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM—ADAU1452/ADAU1451 ADAU1452/ ADAU1451 VDRIVE REGULATOR THD_P THD_M TEMPERATURE SENSOR I2C/SPI SLAVE I2C/SPI MASTER GPIO/ AUX ADC INPUT AUDIO ROUTING MATRIX SPDIFIN S/PDIF RECEIVER PLL CLOCK OSCILLATOR CLKOUT OUTPUT AUDIO ROUTING MATRIX 294.912MHz 2 PROGRAMMABLE AUDIO PROCESSING CORE S/PDIF TRANSMITTER SPDIFOUT RAM, ROM, WATCHDOG, MEMORY PARITY CHECK SERIAL DATA INPUT PORTS (×4) DIGITAL MIC INPUT BCLK_IN3 TO BCLK_IN0/ LRCLK_IN3 TO LRCLK_IN0 (INPUT CLOCK PAIRS) INPUT CLOCK DOMAINS (×4) 8 × 2-CHANNEL ASYNCHRONOUS SAMPLE RATE CONVERTERS DEJITTER AND CLOCK GENERATOR SERIAL DATA OUTPUT PORTS (×4) SDATA_OUT3 TO SDATA_OUT0 (48-CHANNEL DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUTS) OUTPUT CLOCK DOMAINS (×4) BCLK_OUT3 TO BCLK_OUT0 LRCLK_OUT3 TO LRCLK_OUT0 (OUTPUT CLOCK PAIRS) *SPI/I2C INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING PIN FUNCTIONS: SS_M, MOSI_M, SCL_M, SCLK_M, SDA_M, MISO_M, MISO, SDA, SCLK, SCL, MOSI, ADDR1, SS, AND ADDR0 PINS. 11486-001 SDATA_IN3 TO SDATA_IN0 (48-CHANNEL DIGITAL AUDIO INPUTS) Figure 1. Rev. D Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2013–2018 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Auxiliary ADC ............................................................................ 88 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 SigmaDSP Core .......................................................................... 88 Functional Block Diagram—ADAU1452/ADAU1451 ................. 1 Software Features ....................................................................... 93 Revision History ............................................................................... 3 Pin Drive Strength, Slew Rate, and Pull Configuration ........ 94 Functional Block Diagram—ADAU1450 ...................................... 5 Global RAM and Control Register Map...................................... 96 General Description ......................................................................... 6 Random Access Memory .......................................................... 96 Differences Between the ADAU1452, ADAU1452-150, ADAU1452K, ADAU1451, and ADAU1450 .............................. 6 Control Registers Overview ...................................................... 97 Control Register Details .............................................................. 107 Specifications..................................................................................... 7 PLL Configuration Registers .................................................. 107 Electrical Characteristics ........................................................... 11 Clock Generator Registers ...................................................... 112 Timing Specifications ................................................................ 12 Power Reduction Registers ..................................................... 116 Absolute Maximum Ratings.......................................................... 21 Audio Signal Routing Registers .............................................. 119 Thermal Characteristics ............................................................ 21 Serial Port Configuration Registers ....................................... 124 Maximum Power Dissipation ................................................... 21 Flexible TDM Interface Registers........................................... 128 ESD Caution ................................................................................ 22 DSP Core Control Registers.................................................... 132 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ........................... 23 Debug and Reliability Registers.............................................. 137 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 28 DSP Program Execution Registers ......................................... 146 System Block Diagram ............................................................... 28 Multipurpose Pin Configuration Registers........................... 149 Overview...................................................................................... 28 ASRC Status and Control Registers ....................................... 154 Initialization ................................................................................ 30 Auxiliary ADC Registers ......................................................... 158 Master Clock, PLL, and Clock Generators.............................. 33 S/PDIF Interface Registers ...................................................... 159 Power Supplies, Voltage Regulator, and Hardware Reset ...... 40 Hardware Interfacing Registers .............................................. 172 Temperature Sensor Diode........................................................ 42 Soft Reset Register .................................................................... 190 Slave Control Ports ..................................................................... 42 Applications Information ............................................................ 191 Master Control Ports.................................................................. 50 PCB Design Considerations ................................................... 191 Self Boot ....................................................................................... 52 Typical Applications Block Diagram ..................................... 192 Audio Signal Routing ................................................................. 54 Example PCB Layout ............................................................... 193 Serial Data Input/Output........................................................... 65 PCB Manufacturing Guidelines ............................................. 194 Flexible TDM Interface.............................................................. 76 Outline Dimensions ..................................................................... 195 Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters .................................. 81 Ordering Guide ........................................................................ 195 Digital PDM Microphone Interface ......................................... 84 Automotive Products ............................................................... 195 Multipurpose Pins ...................................................................... 85 Rev. D | Page 2 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 REVISION HISTORY 7/2018—Rev. C to Rev. D Changes to Features Section ............................................................ 1 Added Table 1; Renumbered Sequentially ..................................... 4 Changes to General Description Section, Differences Between the ADAU1452, ADAU1452-150, ADAU1452K, ADAU1451, and ADAU1450 Section, and Table 2 ............................................. 4 Changes to Specifications Section and Table 3.............................. 7 Changes to Table 4 ............................................................................ 9 Changes to Table 5 ..........................................................................11 Changes to Auxiliary ADC Section, Table 6, and Master Clock Input Section ....................................................................................12 Changes to Reset Section ...............................................................13 Changes to Serial Ports Selection Section and Table 9 ...............14 Changes to Figure 6, Multipurpose Pins Section, Table 10, S/PDIF Transmitter Section, Table 11, and S/PDIF Receiver Section ..............................................................................................15 Change to I2C Interface—Slave Section .......................................16 Change I2C Interface—Master Section.........................................17 Change SPI Interface—Slave Section............................................18 Change SPI Interface—Master Section ........................................19 Change to PDM Inputs Section .....................................................20 Deleted Table 20; Renumbered Sequentially ...............................21 Added Table 24 ................................................................................21 Changes to Table 18, Thermal Characteristics Section, Table 20, Table 21, Table 22, and Table 23 ....................................................21 Added Table 25 ................................................................................22 Changes to Table 26 ........................................................................23 Changes to Overview Section ........................................................28 Changes to Figure 14 ......................................................................31 Changes to Recommended Program/Parameter Loading Procedure Section and Table 27 ....................................................32 Changes to Setting the Master Clock and PLL Mode Section and Figure 16 ...................................................................................34 Changes to Example PLL Settings Section and Table 28 ...........35 Changes to PLL Filter Section and Table 29 ................................36 Changes to Clock Generators Section and Figure 18 .................37 Deleted Figure 19 ............................................................................38 Added Figure 19 ..............................................................................38 Changes to Figure 20 and Figure 21 .............................................38 Changes to Master Clock Output Section and Figure 22 ..........39 Moved Figure 23 ..............................................................................40 Changes to Power Supplies Section, Table 31, and Voltage Regulator Section ............................................................................40 Change to I2C Slave Port Section ..................................................44 Change to SPI Slave Port Section and Table 36 ...........................47 Changes to I2C Master Interface Section .....................................50 Changes to Table 39 ........................................................................51 Deleted Figure 45 ............................................................................57 Changes to S/PDIF Receiver Inputs to DSP Core Section .........57 Changes to Digital PDM Microphone Interface Section and Figure 72 ...........................................................................................84 Changes to Programming the SigmaDSP Core Section ............90 Added Table 60 ................................................................................91 Changes to Table 61 ........................................................................ 92 Changes to Software Safeload Section and Table 62 .................. 93 Changes to Table 65, Table 66, and Table 67 ............................... 96 Changes to Table 68 ......................................................................101 Changes to PLL Configuration Registers Section..................... 107 Changes to Table 74 ......................................................................110 Changes to Clock Generator Registers Section......................... 112 Changes to Power Reduction Registers Section........................ 116 Changes to Audio Signal Routing Registers Section ................ 119 Changes to Serial Port Configuration Registers Section ......... 124 Changes to Flexible TDM Interface Registers Section ............. 128 Changes to Table 97 ......................................................................135 Changes to Debug and Reliability Registers Section ................ 137 Added Software Panic Value Register 0 Section, Table 109, Software Panic Value Register 1 Section, and Table 110 .......... 144 Changes to DSP Program Execution Registers Section ........... 146 Changes to Multipurpose Pin Configuration Registers Section ............................................................................................149 Changes to ASRC Status and Control Registers Section ......... 154 Changes to Auxiliary ADC Registers Section ........................... 158 Changes to S/PDIF Interface Registers Section ........................ 159 Changes to Hardware Interfacing Registers Section ................ 172 Changes to Soft Reset Registers Section .................................... 190 Changes to Component Placement Section .............................. 191 Changes to Figure 86 ....................................................................192 Changes to Example PCB Layout Section and Figure 88 ........ 193 Changes to Ordering Guide .........................................................195 Changes to Automotive Products Section ................................. 195 7/2014—Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 Pin Description, Table 23 ............................................................................................. 19 Change to PLL Lock Register Section .......................................... 96 Changes to Ordering Guide .........................................................180 5/2014—Rev. A to Rev. B Reorganized Layout ........................................................... Universal Added ADAU1452 and ADAU1451 ................................. Universal Changes to Features Section ............................................................ 1 Moved Revision History Section..................................................... 3 Changes to General Description Section ....................................... 4 Added Differences Between the ADAU1452, ADAU1451, and ADAU1450 Section and Table 1, Renumbered Sequentially ....... 4 Added Functional Block Diagram—ADAU1450 Section and Figure 2, Renumbered Sequentially ................................................ 5 Changes to Table 2 ............................................................................ 6 Changes to Table 3 ............................................................................ 7 Changes to Table 6 ............................................................................ 9 Changes to Maximum Power Dissipation Section, Table 19, and Table 20 ..................................................................................... 17 Added Table 21 and Table 22 ......................................................... 17 Changes to Figure 12 and Table 23 ............................................... 18 Changes to Overview Section........................................................ 22 Rev. D | Page 3 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Change to Clocking Overview Section and Power-Up Sequence Section ............................................................................ 24 Changes to Setting the Master Clock and PLL Mode Section .. 27 Changes to Example PLL Settings Section and Table 25 ........... 28 Changed PLL Loop Filter Section to PLL Filter Section ........... 29 Changes to PLL Filter Section, Figure 17 Caption, and Table 26 ............................................................................................ 29 Changes to Clock Generators Section ......................................... 30 Changes to Master Clock Output Section ................................... 31 Changes to I2C Slave Port Section ................................................ 35 Changes to Audio Signal Routing Section .................................. 43 Changes to Serial Audio Inputs to DSP Core Section ............... 44 Changes to Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter Input Routing Section............................................................................... 49 Change to Serial Input Ports Section ........................................... 61 Changes to Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters Section .... 68 Changes to S/PDIF Interface Section and S/PDIF Receiver Section .............................................................................................. 69 Changes to Auxiliary Output Mode Section............................... 70 Change to Digital PDM Microphone Interface Section ............ 71 Changes to SigmaDSP Core Section ............................................ 76 Changes to Soft Reset Function Section...................................... 81 Changes to Random Access Memory Section ............................ 83 Added Table 62 and Table 63 ........................................................ 83 Changes to Table 84 ..................................................................... 109 Changed PLL Loop Filter Section to PLL Filter Section ......... 176 Change to EOS/ESD Protection Section ................................... 177 Change to PCB Manufacturing Guidelines Section ................ 179 Changes to Ordering Guide ........................................................ 180 1/2014—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changed S/PDIF Transceiver and Receiver Maximum Audio Sample Rate from 192 kHz to 96 kHz; Table 9 and Table 10 .......9 10/2013—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. D | Page 4 of 195 XTALOUT PLLFILT XTALIN/MCLK SPI/I2C* SPI/I2C* SELFBOOT FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM—ADAU1450 AUXADC5 TO AUXADC0 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 MP13 TO MP0 Data Sheet ADAU1450 VDRIVE REGULATOR THD_P THD_M TEMPERATURE SENSOR I2C/SPI SLAVE I2C/SPI MASTER GPIO/ AUX ADC INPUT AUDIO ROUTING MATRIX PLL CLOCK OSCILLATOR CLKOUT OUTPUT AUDIO ROUTING MATRIX 147.456MHz PROGRAMMABLE AUDIO PROCESSING CORE RAM, ROM, WATCHDOG, MEMORY PARITY CHECK SDATA_IN3 TO SDATA_IN0 (48-CHANNEL DIGITAL AUDIO INPUTS) SERIAL DATA INPUT PORTS (×4) SERIAL DATA OUTPUT PORTS (×4) SDATA_OUT3 TO SDATA_OUT0 (48-CHANNEL DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUTS) OUTPUT CLOCK DOMAINS (×4) BCLK_OUT3 TO BCLK_OUT0 LRCLK_OUT3 TO LRCLK_OUT0 (OUTPUT CLOCK PAIRS) BCLK_IN3 TO BCLK_IN0/ LRCLK_IN3 TO LRCLK_IN0 (INPUT CLOCK PAIRS) INPUT CLOCK DOMAINS (×4) DEJITTER AND CLOCK GENERATOR *SPI/I2C INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING PIN FUNCTIONS: SS_M, MOSI_M, SCL_M, SCLK_M, SDA_M, MISO_M, MISO, SDA, SCLK, SCL, MOSI, ADDR1, SS, AND ADDR0 PINS. Figure 2. Rev. D | Page 5 of 195 11486-101 DIGITAL MIC INPUT ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 are automotive qualified audio processors that far exceed the digital signal processing capabilities of earlier SigmaDSP® devices. The restructured hardware architecture is optimized for efficient audio processing. The audio processing algorithms are realized in sample-by-sample and block-by-block paradigms that can both be executed simultaneously in a signal processing flow created using the graphical programming tool, SigmaStudio™. The restructured digital signal processor (DSP) core architecture enables some types of audio processing algorithms to be executed using significantly fewer instructions than were required on previous SigmaDSP generations, leading to vastly improved code efficiency. The 1.2 V, 32-bit DSP core can run at frequencies of up to 294.912 MHz and execute up to 6144 instructions per sample at the standard sample rate of 48 kHz. However, in addition to industry-standard rates, a wide range of sample rates are available. The integer PLL and flexible clock generator hardware can generate up to 15 audio sample rates simultaneously. These clock generators, along with the on-board asynchronous sample rate converters (ASRCs) and a flexible hardware audio routing matrix, make the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ideal audio hubs that greatly simplify the design of complex multirate audio systems. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 interface with a wide range of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), digital-to-analog converters (DACs), digital audio devices, amplifiers, and control circuitry, due to their highly configurable serial ports, S/PDIF interfaces (on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451), and multipurpose input/output pins. The devices can also directly interface with pulse density modulation (PDM) output microelectromechanical (MEMS) microphones, due to integrated decimation filters specifically designed for that purpose. Independent slave and master I C/serial peripheral interface (SPI) control ports allow the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 not only to be programmed and configured by an external master device, but also to act as masters that can program and configure external slave devices directly. This flexibility, combined with self boot functionality, enables the design of standalone systems that do not require any external input to operate. 2 The power efficient DSP core executes full programs, consumes only a few hundred milliwatts (mW) of power, and can run at a maximum program load while consuming less than a watt, even in worst case temperatures exceeding 100°C. This relatively low power consumption and small footprint make the ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ideal replacements for large, generalpurpose DSPs that consume more power at the same processing load. Note that the ADAU1452K grade device is only specified for the 0°C to 70°C temperature range but is otherwise identical to the ADAU1452. In this data sheet, references to the ADAU1452 refer to the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1452K, except where noted. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE ADAU1452, ADAU1452-150, ADAU1452K, ADAU1451, AND ADAU1450 This data sheet simplifies the ordering number to the device models listed in Table 1. Table 1. Product Part Number Conventions Model Number ADAU1452WBCPZ ADAU1452WBCPZ150 ADAU1451WBCPZ ADAU1450WBCPZ ADAU1452KCPZ Device Number ADAU1452 ADAU1452-150 ADAU1451 ADAU1450 ADAU1452K The five variants of this device are differentiated by memory, DSP core frequency, availability of S/PDIF interfaces, ASRC configuration, and temperature range. A detailed summary of the differences is listed in Table 2. The ADAU1452, ADAU1452-150, and the ADAU1452K are referred to as the ADAU1452 throughout this data sheet. Any exceptions are noted in the relevant sections of the data sheet. Because the ADAU1450 does not contain an S/PDIF receiver or transmitter, the SPDIFIN and SPDIFOUT pins are nonfunctional. Additionally, the settings of any registers related to the S/PDIF input or output in the ADAU1450 do not have any effect on the operation of the device. Because the ADAU1450 does not contain ASRCs, the settings of any registers related to the ASRCs in the ADAU1450 do not have any effect on the operation of the device. Table 2. Product Selection Table Device Number ADAU1452 Data Memory (kWords) 40 Program Memory (kWords) 8 DSP Core Frequency (MHz) 294.912 S/PDIF Input and Output Available ADAU1452-150 40 8 147.456 Available ADAU1452K 40 8 294.912 Available ADAU1451 16 8 294.912 Available ADAU1450 8 8 147.456 MHz Not available Rev. D | Page 6 of 195 ASRC Configuration 16 channels (8 rates × 2 channels per rate) 16 channels (8 rates × 2 channels per rate) 16 channels (8 rates × 2 channels per rate) 16 channels (8 rates × 2 channels per rate) No ASRCs included Temperature Range (°C) −40 to +105 −40 to +105 0 to +70 −40 to +105 −40 to +105 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SPECIFICATIONS AVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, PVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%, TA = 25°C, master clock input = 12.288 MHz, core clock (fCORE) = 294.912 MHz, I/O pins set to low drive setting, unless otherwise noted. Table 3. Parameter POWER Supply Voltage Analog Voltage (AVDD Pin) Digital Voltage (DVDD Pin) PLL Voltage (PVDD Pin) I/O Supply Voltage (IOVDD Pin) Supply Current Analog Current (AVDD Pin) Idle State Reset State PLL Current (PVDD Pin) Idle State Reset State I/O Current (IOVDD Pin) Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 2.97 1.14 3.3 1.2 3.63 1.26 V V 2.97 1.71 3.3 3.3 3.63 3.63 V V Supply for analog circuitry, including auxiliary ADC Supply for digital circuitry, including the DSP core, ASRCs, and signal routing Supply for phase-locked loop (PLL) circuitry Supply for input/output circuitry, including pads and level shifters 1.5 0 1.9 9.5 0 3.9 1.73 5 6.5 10 7.3 8.5 2 40 40 13 40 40 mA µA µA mA µA µA 2.5 mA mA mA Operation State 53 22 0.3 Power-Down State Digital Current (DVDD Pin) Operation State, ADAU1452/ADAU1452K Maximum Program Typical Program 350 100 Minimal Program Operation State, ADAU1452-150 Maximum Program Typical Program 85 Operation State, ADAU1451 Maximum Program Typical Program Minimal Program Operation State, ADAU1450 Maximum Program Typical Program 125 75 250 mA mA 350 100 415 mA mA 125 65 mA 250 55 Idle State Reset State 20 20 mA mA mA 95 95 139 6 1:8 mA mA mA 85 Minimal Program ASYNCHRONOUS SAMPLE RATE CONVERTERS Dynamic Range I/O Sample Rate I/O Sample Rate Ratio THD + N 415 192 7.75:1 −120 mA mA dB kHz Power applied, chip not programmed Power applied, RESET held low 12.288 MHz MCLK with default PLL settings Power applied, PLL not configured Power applied, RESET held low Dependent on the number of active serial ports, clock pins, and characteristics of external loads IOVDD = 3.3 V; all serial ports are clock masters IOVDD = 1.8 V; all serial ports are clock masters IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active, fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, fCORE = 147.456 MHz Power applied, DSP not enabled Power applied, RESET held low A-weighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz dB Rev. D | Page 7 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Parameter CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Transconductance REGULATOR DVDD Voltage Data Sheet Min Typ Max Unit 8.3 10.6 13.4 mS 1.14 1.2 V 1.26 V Test Conditions/Comments Regulator maintains typical output voltage up to a maximum 800 mA load; IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% Regulator maximum output voltage with a minimum 1 mA load; IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% Rev. D | Page 8 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 AVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, PVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%, TA = −40°C to +105°C, master clock input = 12.288 MHz, core clock (fCORE) = 294.912 MHz, I/O pins set to low drive setting, unless otherwise noted. Table 4. Parameter POWER Supply Voltage Analog Voltage (AVDD Pin) Digital Voltage (DVDD Pin) PLL Voltage (PVDD Pin) IOVDD Voltage (IOVDD Pin) Supply Current Analog Current (AVDD Pin) Idle State Reset State PLL Current (PVDD Pin) Idle State Reset State I/O Current (IOVDD Pin) Operation State Power-Down State Digital Current (DVDD) Operation State, ADAU1452 Maximum Program Typical Program Minimal Program Operation State, ADAU1452K Maximum Program Typical Program Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 2.97 1.14 2.97 1.71 3.3 1.2 3.3 3.3 3.63 1.26 3.63 3.63 V V V V Supply for analog circuitry, including auxiliary ADC Supply for digital circuitry, including the DSP core, ASRCs, and signal routing Supply for PLL circuitry Supply for input/output circuitry, including pads and level shifters 1.44 0 0.26 6 0 1.2 1.72 6.3 7.1 10.9 7.8 9.3 2 40 40 15 40 40 mA µA µA mA µA µA 2.2 mA mA mA 47 15 1.3 500 200 690 160 mA mA mA 12.288 MHz master clock; default PLL settings Power applied, PLL not configured Power applied, RESET held low Dependent on the number of active serial ports, clock pins, and characteristics of external loads IOVDD = 3.3 V; all serial ports are clock masters IOVDD = 1.8 V; all serial ports are clock masters IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel TA = 0°C to 70°C 500 200 690 mA mA Minimal Program 160 Operation State, ADAU1452-150 Maximum Program Typical Program 270 125 635 mA mA Operation State, ADAU1452-150 Maximum Program Typical Program fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active, fCORE = 147.456 MHz TA = −40°C to +85°C 215 100 508 mA mA fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active, fCORE = 147.456 MHz Operation State, ADAU1451 Maximum Program Typical Program 500 200 690 mA mA Minimal Program Operation State, ADAU1450 Maximum Program Typical Program mA Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel 160 270 110 mA 635 mA mA Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, all ASRCs active Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel fCORE = 147.456 MHz Test program includes 16-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, fCORE = 147.456 MHz Rev. D | Page 9 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Parameter Minimal Program Min Idle State Reset State Idle State, ADAU1452-150 Reset State, ADAU1452-150 ASYNCHRONOUS SAMPLE RATE CONVERTERS Dynamic Range I/O Sample Rate I/O Sample Rate Ratio THD + N CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Transconductance REGULATOR DVDD Voltage Data Sheet Typ 90 Max Unit mA 315 315 250 250 635 635 508 508 mA mA mA mA 139 6 1:8 192 7.75:1 −120 8.1 10.6 1.14 1.2 14.6 dB kHz TA = −40°C to +85°C TA = −40°C to +85°C A-weighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz dB mS V 1.26 Test Conditions/Comments Test program includes 2-channel I/O, 10-band EQ per channel, fCORE = 147.456 MHz V Regulator maintains typical output voltage up to a maximum 800 mA load; IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% Regulator maximum output voltage with a minimum 1 mA load; IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% Rev. D | Page 10 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Digital Input/Output Table 5. Parameter DIGITAL INPUT Input Voltage High Level (VIH) 1 Min Typ 0.7 × IOVDD Low Level (IIL) at 0 V Input Capacitance (CI) DIGITAL OUTPUT Output Voltage High Level (VOH) Low Level (VOL) Unit −2 2 −2 0 80 −12 −2 −2 −8 −120 0.3 × IOVDD V +2 12 +2 8 120 −2 +2 +2 0 −77 µA µA µA µA µA µA µA µA µA µA pF Digital input pins with pull-up resistor Digital input pins with pull-down resistor Digital input pins with no pull resistor MCLK SPDIFIN Digital input pins with pull-up resistor Digital input pins with pull-down resistor Digital input pins with no pull resistor MCLK SPDIFIN Guaranteed by design V IOH = 1 mA V IOL = 1 mA 2 0.85 × IOVDD 0.1 × IOVDD Digital Output Pins, Output Drive IOVDD = 1.8 V Drive Strength Setting Lowest mA Low 2 mA High 3 mA Highest 5 mA 2 mA Low 5 mA High 10 mA Highest 15 mA 8 mA 108 54 27 18 Ω Ω Ω Ω I2C Sink Current, SDA, SDA_M, and SCL_M Pins I2C PIN SINK RESISTANCE, R-ON Drive Strength Register Setting Lowest (0b00) Low (0b01) High (0b10) Highest (0b11) 1 The digital output pins are driving low impedance PCB traces to a high impedance digital input buffer 1 IOVDD = 3.3 V Drive Strength Setting Lowest Test Conditions/Comments V Low Level (VIL) 1 Input Leakage High Level (IIH) Max Digital input pins except SPDIFIN, which is not a standard digital input. Rev. D | Page 11 of 195 The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly The digital output pins are not designed for static current draw; do not use these pins to drive LEDs directly SDA slave and master ports and SCL master port; guaranteed by design, not characterized SDA Slave and Master Ports and SCL master port SDA, SDA_M, and SCL_M pins Guaranteed by design, not characterized Guaranteed by design, not characterized Guaranteed by design, not characterized Guaranteed by design, not characterized ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Auxiliary ADC TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, AVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%, unless otherwise noted. Table 6. Parameter RESOLUTION FULL-SCALE ANALOG INPUT NONLINEARITY Integrated Nonlinearity (INL) Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) GAIN ERROR INPUT IMPEDANCE SAMPLE RATE SAMPLE RATE, ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450 Min Typ 10 AVDD −2 −2 −2 Max Unit Bits V +2 +2 +2 LSB LSB LSB kΩ Hz Hz 200 fCORE/6144 fCORE/3072 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Master Clock Input TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%, unless otherwise noted. Table 7. Parameter MASTER CLOCK INPUT (MCLK) fMCLK tMCLK tMCLKD tMCLKH tMCLKL CLKOUT Jitter CORE CLOCK fCORE Min Max Unit Description 2.375 27.8 25 0.25 × tMCLK 0.25 × tMCLK 12 36 421 75 0.75 × tMCLK 0.75 × tMCLK 106 MHz ns % ns ns ps MCLK frequency MCLK period MCLK duty cycle MCLK width high MCLK width low Cycle-to-cycle rms average ADAU1452/ADAU1452K and ADAU1451 152 294.912 MHz ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450 76 147.456 MHz System (DSP core) clock frequency; PLL feedback divider ranges from 64 to 108 System (DSP core) clock frequency; PLL feedback divider ranges from 64 to 108 tCORE ADAU1452 and ADAU1451 ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450 3.39 6.78 ns ns System (DSP core) clock period System (DSP core) clock period tMCLK tMCLKH tMCLKL Figure 3. Master Clock Input Timing Specifications Rev. D | Page 12 of 195 11486-003 MCLK Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Reset TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 8. Parameter RESET tWRST Min Max 10 Unit Description ns Reset pulse width low tWRST 11486-004 RESET Figure 4. Reset Timing Specification Rev. D | Page 13 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Serial Ports TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%, unless otherwise noted. BCLK in Table 9 refers to BCLK_OUT3 to BCLK_OUT0 and BCLK_IN3 to BCLK_IN0. LRCLK refers to LRCLK_OUT3 to LRCLK_OUT0 and LRCLK_IN3 to LRCKL_IN0. Table 9. Parameter SERIAL PORT fLRCLK tLRCLK fBCLK tBCLK tBIL tBIH tLIS tLIH tSIS tSIH tTS tSODS tSODM tTM Min Max Unit Description 192 10 35 kHz µs MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 35 16 9 8 10 5 ns ns ns ns ns ns LRCLK frequency. LRCLK period. BCLK frequency, sample rate ranging from 6 kHz to 192 kHz. BCLK period. BCLK low pulse width, slave mode; BCLK frequency = 24.576 MHz; BCLK period = 40.6 ns. BCLK high pulse width, slave mode; BCLK frequency = 24.576 MHz; BCLK period = 40.6 ns. LRCLK setup to BCLK_INx input rising edge, slave mode; LRCLK frequency = 192 kHz. LRCLK hold from BCLK_INx input rising edge, slave mode; LRCLK frequency = 192 kHz. SDATA_INx setup to BCLK_INx input rising edge. SDATA_INx hold from BCLK_INx input rising edge. BCLK_OUTx output falling edge to LRCLK_OUTx output timing skew, slave. SDATA_OUTx delay in slave mode from BCLK_OUTx output falling edge; serial outputs function in slave mode at all valid sample rates, provided that the external circuit design provides sufficient electrical signal integrity. It is not recommended that slave mode of operation be used when operating at IOVDD = 1.8 V nominal at BCLK frequencies over 3.072 MHz. IOVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%; slew setting = 0b10; drive strength set to 0b00. IOVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%; slew setting = 0b10; drive strength set to 0b01. IOVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%; slew setting = 0b10; drive strength set to 0b10. IOVDD = 3.3 V ± 10%; slew setting = 0b10; drive strength set to 0b11. SDATA_OUTx delay in master mode from BCLK_OUTx output falling edge. BCLK falling edge to LRCLK timing skew, master. 5.21 24.576 40.7 10 14.5 20 5 5 5 tBIH tLIH tBCLK BCLK_INx tBIL tTM tLIS LRCLK_INx tLRCLK SDATA_INx I2S MODE (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0[4:3], (DATA_FMT) = 0b00) SDATA_INx RIGHT JUSTIFIED MODES (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0[4:3], (DATA_FMT) = 0b10 OR SERIAL_BYTE_x_0[4:3], (DATA_FMT) = 0b11) MSB MSB – 1 tSIH tSIS MSB tSIH tSIS tSIS LSB MSB t SIH Figure 5. Serial Input Port Timing Specifications Rev. D | Page 14 of 195 tSIH 11486-005 SDATA_INx LEFT JUSTIFIED MODE (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0[4:3], (DATA_FMT) = 0b01) tSIS Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 tBIH tBCLK tTS BCLK_OUTx tBIL LRCLK_OUTx tLRCLK SDATA_OUTx LEFT JUSTIFIED MODE (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 [4:3](DATA_FMT) = 0b01) MSB–1 MSB SDATA_OUTx I2S MODE (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 [4:3](DATA_FMT) = 0b00) MSB tSODS tSODM SDATA_OUTx RIGHT JUSTIFIED MODES (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 [4:3](DATA_FMT) = 0b10 OR SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 [4:3](DATA_FMT) = 0b11) MSB LSB 11486-006 SDATA_OUTx ALL MODES Figure 6. Serial Output Port Timing Specifications Multipurpose Pins TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 10. Parameter MULTIPURPOSE PINS (MPx) fMP 1 tMPIL1 ADAU1452, ADAU1452K, and ADAU1451 ADAU1452-150, ADAU1450 1 Min Max Unit Description 24.576 MHz MPx maximum switching rate when pin is configured as a general-purpose input or general-purpose output 10/tCORE 6144/tCORE sec 10/tCORE 3072/tCORE sec MPx pin input latency until high/low value is read by core; the duration in the Max column is equal to the period of one audio sample when the DSP is processing 6144 instructions per sample MPx pin input latency until high/low value is read by core; the duration in the max column is equal to the period of one audio sample when the DSP is processing 3072 instructions per sample Guaranteed by design. S/PDIF Transmitter TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 11. Parameter S/PDIF Transmitter Audio Sample Rate Min Max Unit Description 18 96 kHz Audio sample rate of data output from S/PDIF transmitter S/PDIF Receiver TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 12. Parameter S/PDIF Receiver Audio Sample Rate Min Max Unit Description 18 96 kHz Audio sample rate of data input to S/PDIF receiver Rev. D | Page 15 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet I2C Interface—Slave TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%, default drive strength (fSCL) = 400 kHz. Table 13. Parameter I2C SLAVE PORT fSCL tSCLH tSCLL tSCS tSCH tDS tDH tSCLR tSCLF tSDR tSDF tBFT tSUSTO Min Max Unit Description 400 kHz µs µs µs µs ns µs ns ns ns ns µs µs SCL clock frequency SCL pulse width high SCL pulse width low Start and repeated start condition setup time Start condition hold time Data setup time Data hold time SCL rise time SCL fall time SDA rise time SDA fall time Bus-free time between stop and start Stop condition setup time 0.6 1.3 0.6 0.6 100 0.9 300 300 300 300 1.3 0.6 tSCH tDS tSDR STOP tSCH START SDA tSCLR tSDF tSCLH tBFT tSCLL tDH tSCLF tSCS Figure 7. I2C Slave Port Timing Specifications Rev. D | Page 16 of 195 tSUSTO 11486-007 SCL Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 I2C Interface—Master TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 14 Parameter I2C MASTER PORT fSCL tSCLH tSCLL tSCS tSCH tDS tDH tSCLR tSCLF tSDR tSDF tBFT tSUSTO Min Max Unit Description 400 kHz µs µs µs µs ns µs ns ns ns ns µs µs SCL clock frequency SCL pulse width high SCL pulse width low Start and repeated start condition setup time Start condition hold time Data setup time Data hold time SCL rise time SCL fall time SDA rise time SDA fall time Bus-free time between stop and start Stop condition setup time 0.6 1.3 0.6 0.6 100 0.9 300 300 300 300 1.3 0.6 tSCH tDS tSDR STOP tSCH START SDA_M tSCLR tSDF tSCLH tBFT tSCLL tDH tSCLF tSCS Figure 8. I2C Master Port Timing Specifications Rev. D | Page 17 of 195 tSUSTO 11486-008 SCL_M ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet SPI Interface—Slave TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 15. Parameter SPI SLAVE PORT fSCLKWRITE Min fSCLKREAD Max Unit Description 22 MHz SCLK write frequency 22 MHz SCLK read frequency tSCLKPWL tSCLKPWH tSSS tSSH tSSPWH tSSPWL 6 21 1 2 10 10 ns ns ns ns ns ns tMOSIS tMOSIH tMISOD 1 2 ns ns ns SCLK pulse width low, SCLK = 22 MHz SCLK pulse width high, SCLK = 22 MHz SS setup to SCLK rising edge SS hold from SCLK rising edge SS pulse width high SS pulse width low; minimum low pulse width for SS when entering SPI mode by toggling the SS pin three times MOSI setup to SCLK rising edge MOSI hold from SCLK rising edge MISO valid output delay from SCLK falling edge 39 tSSH tSSS tSCLKPWL tSCLKPWH SS tSSPWH SCLK MOSI tMOSIH MISO tMISOD Figure 9. SPI Slave Port Timing Specifications Rev. D | Page 18 of 195 11486-009 tMOSIS Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SPI Interface—Master TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Table 16. Parameter SPI MASTER PORT Timing Requirements tSSPIDM tHSPIDM Switching Characteristics tSPICLKM fSCLK_M tSPICHM tSPICLM tDDSPIDM tHDSPIDM tSDSCIM tHDSM Min Max 15 5 41.7 24 17 17 16.9 21 36 95 Unit Description ns ns MISO_M data input valid to SCLK_M edge (data input setup time) SCLK_M last sampling edge to data input not valid (data input hold time) ns MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns SPI master clock cycle period SPI master clock frequency SCLK_M high period (fSCLK_M = 24 MHz) SCLK_M low period (fSCLK_M = 24 MHz) SCLK_M edge to data out valid (data out delay time) (fSCLK_M = 24 MHz) SCLK_M edge to data out not valid (data out hold time) (fSCLK_M = 24 MHz) SS_M (SPI device select) low to first SCLK_M edge (fSCLK_M = 24 MHz) Last SCLK_M edge to SS_M high (fSCLK_M = 24 MHz) SS_M (OUTPUT) tSDSCIM tSPICHM tSPICLM tSPICLM tSPICHM tSPICLKM tHDSM SCLK_M (CP = 0) (OUTPUT) SCLK_M (CP = 1) (OUTPUT) tDDSPIDM MOSI_M (OUTPUT) tHDSPIDM LSB MSB tSSPIDM tSSPIDM tHSPIDM CPHASE = 1 MISO_M (INPUT) MSB VALID LSB VALID tHDSPIDM tDDSPIDM MSB tSSPIDM CPHASE = 0 MISO_M (INPUT) LSB tHSPIDM MSB VALID LSB VALID Figure 10. SPI Master Port Timing Specifications Rev. D | Page 19 of 195 11486-010 MOSI_M (OUTPUT) tHSPIDM ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet PDM Inputs TA = −40°C to +105°C, DVDD = 1.2 V ± 5%, IOVDD = 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. PDM data is latched on both edges of the clock (see Figure 11). Table 17. tMIN tMAX 10 5 Unit Description ns ns Data setup time Data hold time PDM_CLK tSETUP PDM_DAT R tHOLD L R Figure 11. PDM Timing Diagram Rev. D | Page 20 of 195 L 11486-011 Parameter Timing Requirements tSETUP tHOLD Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS in a typical use case. Table 24 and Table 25 represent power consumption for the ADAU1452-150 under the stated conditions. Table 18. Parameter DVDD to Ground AVDD to Ground IOVDD to Ground PVDD to Ground Digital Inputs Rating 0 V to 1.4 V 0 V to 4.0 V 0 V to 4.0 V 0 V to 4.0 V DGND − 0.3 V to IOVDD + 0.3 V Maximum Ambient Temperature Range W Grade K Grade Maximum Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Soldering (10 sec) Table 20. Worst Case Maximum Power Dissipation −40°C to +105°C 0°C to +70°C 125°C −65°C to +150°C 300°C Parameter AVDD, DVDD, PVDD During Operation Value 960 Unit mW Reset All Supplies 570 mW Test Conditions/ Comments Ambient temperature = 105°C; all supplies at maximum; full DSP program using most power intensive calculations; measurement does not include IOVDD Ambient temperature = 105°C; all supplies at maximum; reset mode enabled; measurement does not include IOVDD Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Table 21. ADAU1452 and ADAU1452K Typical Power Dissipation Estimates THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 22. ADAU1451 Typical Power Dissipation Estimates θJA represents the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance; θJC represents the junction-to-case thermal resistance. All characteristics are for a 4-layer JEDEC board. The exposed pad has 49 vias that are arranged in a 7 × 7 grid. TA (°C) 25 85 105 Table 19. Thermal Resistance Table 23. ADAU1450 Typical Power Dissipation Estimates Package Type 72-Lead LFCSP θJA 23.38 θJC 3.3 Ambient Temperature, TA (°C) 25 85 105 TA (°C) 25 85 105 Unit °C/W MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION The characteristics listed in Table 20 show the absolute worst case power dissipation. These tests were conducted at an ambient temperature of 105°C, with a completely full DSP program that executes an endless loop of the most power intensive core calculations, and with all power supplies at their maximum values. The conditions described in Table 20 are intended as a stress test only and are not representative of realistic device operation in a real-world application. In a system where the operating conditions and limits outlined in the Specifications section of this data sheet are not exceeded, and where the device is mounted to a printed circuit board (PCB) that follows the design recommendations in the PCB Design Considerations section of this data sheet, the values that are listed represent the total power consumption of the device. In actual applications, the power consumption of the device is far lower. Table 21, Table 22, and Table 23 show more realistic estimates for power consumption Full Program (mW) 420 700 885 Full Program (mW) 420 700 885 Full Program (mW) 170 385 480 Typical (mW) 250 420 530 Typical (mW) 250 420 530 Typical (mW) 100 230 290 Table 24. Typical ADAU1452-150 Power Dissipation Estimates, Nominal Device, Includes IOVDD and All Voltages + 5% TA (°C) 25 85 105 Rev. D | Page 21 of 195 Full DSP Program (mW) 195 235 265 Typical DSP Program(mW) 160 200 230 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Table 25. Typical ADAU1452-150 Power Dissipation Estimates, All Silicon Skews, Includes IOVDD and All Voltages + 5% TA (°C) 25 85 105 Full DSP Program (mW) 225 360 450 ESD CAUTION Typical DSP Program (mW) 190 325 415 Rev. D | Page 22 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 DGND DVDD SDATA_IN3 LRCLK_IN3/MP13 BCLK_IN3 SDATA_IN2 LRCLK_IN2/MP12 BCLK_IN2 THD_P THD_M SDATA_IN1 LRCLK_IN1/MP11 BCLK_IN1 SDATA_IN0 LRCLK_IN0/MP10 BCLK_IN0 IOVDD DGND PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ ADAU1450 TOP VIEW 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 DGND DVDD SDATA_OUT3 BCLK_OUT3 LRCLK_OUT3/MP9 SDATA_OUT2 BCLK_OUT2 LRCLK_OUT2/MP8 MP7 MP6 SDATA_OUT1 BCLK_OUT1 LRCLK_OUT1/MP5 SDATA_OUT0 BCLK_OUT0 LRCLK_OUT0/MP4 IOVDD DGND NOTES 1. THE EXPOSED PAD MUST BE GROUNDED BY SOLDERING IT TO A COPPER SQUARE OF EQUIVALENT SIZE ON THE PCB. IDENTICAL COPPER SQUARES MUST EXIST ON ALL LAYERS OF THE BOARD, CONNECTED BY VIAS, AND THEY MUST BE CONNECTED TO A DEDICATED COPPER GROUND LAYER WITHIN THE PCB. 11486-002 DGND DVDD XTALIN/MCLK XTALOUT CLKOUT RESET DGND SS_M/MP0 MOSI_M/MP1 SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 MISO/SDA SCLK/SCL MOSI/ADDR1 SS/ADDR0 SELFBOOT DVDD DGND 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 DGND IOVDD VDRIVE SPDIFIN SPDIFOUT AGND AVDD AUXADC0 AUXADC1 AUXADC2 AUXADC3 AUXADC4 AUXADC5 PGND PVDD PLLFILT DGND IOVDD Figure 12. Pin Configuration Table 26. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 Mnemonic DGND Internal Pull Resistor None 2 IOVDD None 3 VDRIVE None 4 SPDIFIN None 5 SPDIFOUT Configurable 6 AGND None 7 AVDD None Description Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Input/Output Supply, 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Bypass this pin with decoupling capacitors to Pin 1 (DGND). Positive Negative Positive (PNP) Bipolar Junction Transistor-Base Drive Bias Pin for the Digital Supply Regulator. Connect VDRIVE to the base of an external PNP pass transistor. If an external supply is provided directly to DVDD, connect the VDRIVE pin to ground (DGND), or it can be left floating. Input to the Integrated Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format Receiver. Leave this pin floating when not in use. This pin is internally biased to IOVDD/2. This pin is nonfunctional on the ADAU1450 and must be left disconnected. If terminations on all pins is required, this pin can be terminated with a 100 nF capacitor to ground. If a lower cost method is desired, this pin can be grounded to DGND. This pin draws approximately 0.1 mA when grounded. Output from the Integrated Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format Transmitter. Disconnect this pin when not in use. This pin is internally biased to IOVDD/2. This pin is nonfunctional on the ADAU1450 and must be left disconnected. Analog Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Analog (Auxiliary ADC) Supply. Must be 3.3 V ± 10%. Bypass this pin with decoupling capacitors to Pin 6 (AGND). Rev. D | Page 23 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Pin No. 8 Mnemonic AUXADC0 Internal Pull Resistor None 9 AUXADC1 None 10 AUXADC2 None 11 AUXADC3 None 12 AUXADC4 None 13 AUXADC5 None 14 PGND None 15 PVDD None 16 PLLFILT None 17 DGND None 18 IOVDD None 19 DGND None 20 DVDD None 21 XTALIN/MCLK None 22 XTALOUT None 23 CLKOUT Configurable 24 RESET Pull-down 25 DGND None 26 SS_M/MP0 Pull-up; nominally 250 kΩ; can be disabled by a write to control register 27 MOSI_M/MP1 Pull-up; can be disabled by a write to control register Data Sheet Description Auxiliary ADC Input Channel 0. This pin reads an analog input signal and uses its value in the DSP program. This pin can be left floating when not in use. If terminations on all pins are required, this pin can be grounded to AGND. Auxiliary ADC Input Channel 1. This pin reads an analog input signal and uses its value in the DSP program. This pin can be left floating when not in use. If terminations on all pins are required, this pin can be grounded to AGND. Auxiliary ADC Input Channel 2. This pin reads an analog input signal and uses its value in the DSP program. This pin can be left floating when not in use. If terminations on all pins are required, this pin can be grounded to AGND. Auxiliary ADC Input Channel 3. This pin reads an analog input signal and uses its value in the DSP program. This pin can be left floating when not in use. If terminations on all pins are required, this pin can be grounded to AGND. Auxiliary ADC Input Channel 4. This pin reads an analog input signal and uses its value in the DSP program. This pin can be left floating when not in use. If terminations on all pins are required, this pin can be grounded to AGND. Auxiliary ADC Input Channel 5. This pin reads an analog input signal and uses its value in the DSP program. This pin can be left floating when not in use. If terminations on all pins are required, this pin can be grounded to AGND. PLL Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. PLL Supply. Must be 3.3 V ± 10%. Bypass this pin with decoupling capacitors to Pin 14 (PGND). PLL Filter. The voltage on the PLLFILT pin, which is internally generated, is typically between 1.65 V and 2.10 V. Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Input/Output Supply, 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Bypass this pin to Pin 17 (DGND) with decoupling capacitors. Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Digital Supply. Must be 1.2 V ± 5%. This pin can be supplied externally or by using the internal regulator and external pass transistor. Bypass this pin to Pin 19 (DGND) with decoupling capacitors. Crystal Oscillator Input (XTALIN)/Master Clock Input to the PLL (MCLK). This pin can be supplied directly or generated by driving a crystal with the internal crystal oscillator via Pin 22 (XTALOUT). If a crystal is used, refer to the circuit shown in Figure 15. Crystal Oscillator Output for Driving an External Crystal. If a crystal is used, refer to the circuit shown in Figure 15. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Master Clock Output. This pin drives a master clock signal to other ICs in the system. CLKOUT can be configured to output a clock signal with a frequency of 1×, 2×, 4×, or 8× the frequency of the divided clock signal being input to the PLL. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Active Low Reset Input. A reset is triggered on a high-to-low edge and exited on a lowto-high edge. A reset event sets all RAMs and registers to their default values. Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. SPI Master/Slave Select Port (SS_M)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP0). When in SPI master mode, this pin acts as the slave select signal to slave devices on the SPI bus. The pin must go low at the beginning of a master SPI transaction and high at the end of a transaction. This pin has an internal pull-up resistor that is nominally 250 kΩ. When the SELFBOOT pin is held high and the RESET pin has a transition from low to high, Pin 26 sets the communications protocol for self boot operation. If this pin is left floating, the SPI communications protocol is used for self boot operation. If this pin has a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor to GND, the I2C communications protocol is used for self boot operation. When self boot operation is not used and this pin is not needed as a generalpurpose input or output, leave it disconnected. SPI Master Data Output Port (MOSI_M)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP1). When in SPI master mode, this pin sends data from the SPI master port to slave devices on the SPI bus. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Rev. D | Page 24 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Internal Pull Resistor Pull-up; can be disabled by a write to control register Pin No. 28 Mnemonic SCL_M/ SCLK_M/MP2 29 SDA_M/ MISO_M/MP3 Pull-up; can be disabled by a write to control register 30 MISO/SDA Pull-up; can be disabled by a write to control register 31 SCLK/SCL Pull-up; can be disabled by a write to control register 32 MOSI/ADDR1 Pull-up; can be disabled by a write to control register 33 SS/ADDR0 34 SELFBOOT Pull-up, nominally 250 kΩ; can be disabled by a write to control register Pull-up 35 DVDD None 36 DGND None 37 DGND None 38 IOVDD None 39 LRCLK_OUT0/ MP4 Configurable 40 BCLK_OUT0 Configurable 41 SDATA_OUT0 Configurable 42 LRCLK_OUT1/ MP5 Configurable 43 BCLK_OUT1 Configurable 44 SDATA_OUT1 Configurable Description I2C Master Serial Clock Port (SCL_M)/SPI Master Mode Serial Clock (SCLK_M)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP2). When in I2C master mode, this pin functions as an open collector output and drives a serial clock to slave devices on the I2C bus; use a pull-up resistor to IOVDD on the line connected to this pin. When in SPI master mode, this pin drives the clock signal to slave devices on the SPI bus. Disconnect this pin when not in use. I2C Master Port Serial Data (SDA_M)/SPI Master Mode Data Input (MISO_M)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP3). When in I2C master mode, this pin functions as a bi-directional open collector data line between the I2C master port and slave devices on the I2C bus; use a pull-up resistor to IOVDD on the line connected to this pin. When in SPI master mode, this pin receives data from slave devices on the SPI bus. Disconnect this pin when not in use. SPI Slave Data Output Port (MISO)/I2C Slave Serial Data Port (SDA). In SPI slave mode, this pin outputs data to the master device on the SPI bus. In I2C slave mode, this pin functions as a bi-directional open collector data line between the I2C slave port and the master device on the I2C bus; use a pull-up resistor to IOVDD on the line connected to this pin. When this pin is not in use, connect it to IOVDD with a 10.0 kΩ pull-up resistor. SPI Slave Port Serial Clock (SCLK)/I2C Slave Port Serial Clock (SCL). In SPI slave mode, this pin receives the serial clock signal from the master device on the SPI bus. In I2C slave mode, this pin receives the serial clock signal from the master device on the I2C bus; use a pull-up resistor to IOVDD on the line connected to this pin. When this pin is not in use, connect it to IOVDD with a 10.0 kΩ pull-up resistor. SPI Slave Port Data Input (MOSI)/I2C Slave Port Address MSB (ADDR1). In SPI slave mode, this pin receives a data signal from the master device on the SPI bus. In I2C slave mode, this pin acts as an input and sets the chip address of the I2C slave port, in conjunction with Pin 33 (SS/ADDR0). SPI Slave Port Slave Select (SS)/I2C Slave Port Address LSB (ADDR0). In SPI slave mode, this pin receives the slave select signal from the master device on the SPI bus. In I2C slave mode, this pin acts as an input and sets the chip address of the I2C slave port in conjunction with Pin 32 (MOSI/ADDR1). Self Boot Select. This pin allows the device to perform a self boot, in which it loads its RAM and register settings from an external EEPROM. Connecting Pin 34 to logic high (IOVDD) initiates a self boot operation the next time there is a rising edge on Pin 24 (RESET). When this pin is connected to ground, no self boot operation is initiated. This pin can be connected to IOVDD or to ground either directly or pulled up or down with a 1.0 kΩ or larger resistor. Digital Supply. Must be 1.2 V ± 5%. This pin can be supplied externally or by using the internal regulator and external pass transistor. Bypass this pin to Pin 36 (DGND) with decoupling capacitors. Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Input/Output Supply, 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Bypass this pin with decoupling capacitors to Pin 37 (DGND). Frame Clock, Serial Output Port 0 (LRCLK_OUT0)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP4). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Output Port 0 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Serial Output Port 0. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether the Serial Output Port 0 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Output Port 0 (Channel 0 to Channel 15). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, and 16-channel modes. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Serial Output Port 1 (LRCLK_OUT1)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP5). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Output Port 1 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Serial Output Port 1. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Output Serial Port 1 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Output Port 1 (Channel 16 to Channel 31). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, and 16-channel modes. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Rev. D | Page 25 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Internal Pull Resistor Configurable Configurable Configurable Pin No. 45 46 47 Mnemonic MP6 MP7 LRCLK_OUT2/ MP8 48 BCLK_OUT2 Configurable 49 SDATA_OUT2 Configurable 50 LRCLK_OUT3/ MP9 Configurable 51 BCLK_OUT3 Configurable 52 SDATA_OUT3 Configurable 53 DVDD None 54 DGND None 55 DGND None 56 IOVDD None 57 BCLK_IN0 Configurable 58 LRCLK_IN0/ MP10 Configurable 59 SDATA_IN0 Configurable 60 BCLK_IN1 Configurable 61 LRCLK_IN1/ MP11 Configurable 62 SDATA_IN1 Configurable 63 THD_M None 64 THD_P None 65 BCLK_IN2 Configurable 66 LRCLK_IN2/ MP12 Configurable 67 SDATA_IN2 Configurable 68 BCLK_IN3 Configurable 69 LRCLK_IN3/ MP13 Configurable 70 SDATA_IN3 Configurable Data Sheet Description Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output 6. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output 7. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Serial Output Port 2 (LRCLK_OUT2)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP8). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Output Port 2 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Serial Output Port 2. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Output Port 2 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Output Port 2 (Channel 32 to Channel 39). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, or flexible time division multiplexing (TDM) mode. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Serial Output Port 3 (LRCLK_OUT3)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP9). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Output Port 3 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Serial Output Port 3. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Output Port 3 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Output Port 3 (Channel 40 to Channel 47). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8-channel, and flexible TDM modes. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Digital Supply. Must be 1.2 V ± 5%. This pin can be supplied externally or by using the internal regulator and external pass transistor. Bypass Pin 53 with decoupling capacitors to Pin 54 (DGND). Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. Input/Output Supply, 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. Bypass this pin with decoupling capacitors to Pin 55 (DGND). Bit Clock, Serial Input Port 0. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Input Port 0 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Serial Input Port 0 (LRCLK_IN0)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP10). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Input Port 0 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Input Port 0 (Channel 0 to Channel 15). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, or 16-channel mode. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Serial Input Port 1. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether the Serial Input Port 1 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Serial Input Port 1 (LRCLK_IN1)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP11). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether the Serial Input Port 1 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Input Port 1 (Channels 16 to Channel 31). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, or 16-channel mode. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Thermal Diode Negative (−) Input. Connect this pin to the D− pin of an external temperature sensor IC. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Thermal Diode Positive (+) Input. Connect this pin to the D+ pin of an external temperature sensor IC. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Serial Input Port 2. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether the Serial Input Port 2 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Input Serial Port 2 (LRCLK_IN2)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP12). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Input Port 2 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Input Port 2 (Channel 32 to Channel 39). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, or flexible TDM mode. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Bit Clock, Input Serial Port 3. This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Input Serial Port 3 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Frame Clock, Serial Input Port 3 (LRCLK_IN3)/Multipurpose, General-Purpose Input/Output (MP13). This pin is bidirectional, with the direction depending on whether Serial Input Port 3 is a master or slave. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Serial Data Input Port 3 (Channel 40 to Channel 47). Capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, 8channel, or flexible TDM mode. Disconnect this pin when not in use. Rev. D | Page 26 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Pin No. 71 Mnemonic DVDD Internal Pull Resistor None 72 DGND None EP Exposed Pad None Description Digital Supply. Must be 1.2 V ± 5%. This pin can be supplied externally or by using the internal regulator and external pass transistor. Bypass with decoupling capacitors to Pin 72 (DGND). Digital and I/O Ground Reference. Tie all DGND, AGND, and PGND pins directly together in a common ground plane. The exposed pad must be grounded by soldering it to a copper square of equivalent size on the PCB. Identical copper squares must exist on all layers of the board, connected by vias, and they must be connected to a dedicated copper ground layer within the PCB. For more detailed information, see Figure 84 and Figure 85. Rev. D | Page 27 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet THEORY OF OPERATION SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM CONTROL CIRCUITRY (PUSH BUTTONS, ROTARY ENCODERS, POTENTIOMETERS) SYSTEM HOST CONTROLLER (MICROCONTROLLER, MICROPROCESSOR) ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ ADAU1450 REGULATOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONTROLLER AUDIO SOURCES S/PDIF OPTICAL RECEIVER AUDIO ADCS I2C/SPI SLAVE TEMPERATURE SENSOR I2C/SPI MASTER GPIO/ AUX ADC INPUT AUDIO ROUTING MATRIX S/PDIF RECEIVER1 SERIAL DATA INPUT PORTS (×4) MEMS MICROPHONES DIGITAL MIC INPUT DIGITAL AUDIO SOURCES INPUT CLOCK DOMAINS (×4) PLL CLOCK OSCILLATOR OUTPUT AUDIO ROUTING MATRIX 294.912MHz 2 PROGRAMMABLE AUDIO PROCESSING CORE RAM, ROM, WATCHDOG, MEMORY PARITY CHECK 8× 2-CHANNEL ASYNCHRONOUS SAMPLE RATE CONVERTERS 1 DEJITTER AND CLOCK GENERATOR S/PDIF TRANSMITTER1 SERIAL DATA OUTPUT PORTS (×4) AUDIO SINKS S/PDIF OPTICAL TRANSMITTER AUDIO DACS LPF DIGITAL AUDIO SINKS OUTPUT CLOCK DOMAINS (×4) 1THE S/PDIF RECEIVER, THE S/PDIF TRANSMITTER, AND THE ASYNCHRONOUS SAMPLE RATE CONVERTERS ARE NOT PRESENT ON THE ADAU1450. 2THE ADAU1450 HAS A 147.456MHz PROGRAMMABLE AUDIO PROCESSING CORE . 11486-013 POWER SUPPLY CRYSTAL RESONATOR PLL LOOP FILTER SELF BOOT MEMORY Figure 13. System Block Diagram with Example Connections to External Components OVERVIEW The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 are enhanced audio processors with 48 channels of input and output. They include options for the hardware routing of audio signals between the various inputs, outputs, SigmaDSP core, and integrated sample rate converters. The SigmaDSP core features full 32-bit processing (that is, 64-bit processing in double precision mode) with an 80-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU). By using a quadruple multiply accumulator (MAC) data path, the ADAU1452/ADAU1451 can execute more than 1.2 billion MAC operations per second, which allows processing power that far exceeds the predecessors in the SigmaDSP family of products. The powerful DSP core can process over 3000 double precision biquad filters or 24,000 FIR filter taps per sample at the standard 48 kHz audio sampling rate. The ADAU1452-150/ADAU1450 features half the processing power of the ADAU1452/ADAU1451. Other features, including synchronous parameter loading for ensuring filter stability and 100% code efficiency with the SigmaStudio tools, reduce complexity in audio system development. The SigmaStudio library of audio processing algorithms allows system designers to compensate for real-world limitations of speakers, amplifiers, and listening environments, through speaker equalization, multiband compression, limiting, and third party branded algorithms. The input audio routing matrix and output audio routing matrix allow the user to multiplex inputs from multiple sources that are running at various sample rates to or from the SigmaDSP core, and then to pass them on to the desired hardware outputs. This drastically reduces the complexity of signal routing and clocking issues in the audio system. The audio subsystem includes up to eight stereo ASRCs, depending on the device model; S/PDIF input and output (available on the ADAU1452/ ADAU1451); and serial (I2S) and TDM inputs/outputs. Any of these inputs can be routed to the SigmaDSP core or to any of the ASRCs (except on the ADAU1450, which does not have ASRCs). Similarly, the output signals can be taken from the SigmaDSP core, any of the ASRC outputs, the serial inputs, the PDM microphones, or the S/PDIF receiver. This routing scheme, which can be modified at any time using control registers, allows maximum system flexibility without requiring hardware design changes. Rev. D | Page 28 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Two serial input ports and two serial output ports can operate as pairs in a special flexible TDM mode, allowing the user to independently assign byte specific locations to audio streams at varying bit depths. This mode ensures compatibility with codecs that use similar flexible TDM streams. The DSP core is optimized for audio processing, and it can process audio at sample rates of up to 192 kHz. The program and parameter/data RAMs can be loaded with a custom audio processing signal flow, built with the SigmaStudio graphical programming software from Analog Devices, Inc. The values that are stored in the parameter RAM can control individual signal processing blocks, such as infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) equalization filters, dynamics processors, audio delays, and mixer levels. A software safeload feature allows transparent parameter updates and prevents clicks on the output signals. Reliability features, such as memory parity checking and a program counter watchdog, help ensure that the system can detect and recover from any errors related to memory corruption. On the ADAU1452/ADAU1451, S/PDIF signals can be routed through an ASRC for processing in the DSP or can be sent directly to output on the multipurpose pins (MPx) for recovery of the embedded audio signal. Other components of the embedded signal, including status and user bits, are not lost and can be output on the MPx pins as well. The user can also independently program the nonaudio data that is embedded in the output signal of the S/PDIF transmitter. The 14 MPx pins are available for providing a simple user interface without the need for an external microcontroller. These MPx pins are available to input external control signals and output flags or controls to other devices in the system. As inputs, the MPx pins can be connected to push-buttons, switches, rotary encoders, or other external control circuitry to control the internal signal processing program. When configured as outputs, these pins can be used to drive LEDs (with a buffer), output flags to a microcontroller, control other ICs, or connect to other external circuitry in an application. In addition to the MPx pins, six dedicated input pins (AUXADC5 to AUXADC0) are connected to an auxiliary ADC for use with analog controls, such as potentiometers or system voltages. The SigmaStudio software programs and controls the device through the control port. In addition to designing and tuning a signal flow, the software can configure all of the DSP registers in real time and download a new program and parameters into the external self boot EEPROM. The SigmaStudio graphical interface allows anyone with audio processing knowledge to design a DSP signal flow and port it to a target application without the need for writing line level code. The software also provides enough flexibility and programmability to allow an experienced DSP programmer to have in-depth control of the design. In SigmaStudio, the user can add signal processing cells from the library by dragging and dropping cells, connect them together in a flow, compile the design, and load the program and parameter files into memory through the control port. The complicated tasks of linking, compiling, and downloading the project are all handled automatically by the software. Signal processing algorithms that are available in the provided libraries include the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Single and double precision biquad filter Monochannel and multichannel dynamics processors with peak or rms detection Mixer and splitter Tone and noise generator Fixed and variable gain Loudness Delay Stereo enhancement Dynamic bass boost Noise and tone source Level detector MPx pin control and conditioning Fast fourier transform (FFT) and frequency domain processing algorithms Analog Devices continuously develops new processing algorithms and provides proprietary and third party algorithms for applications such as matrix decoding, bass enhancement, and surround virtualizers. Several power saving mechanisms are available, including programmable pad strength for digital I/O pins, and the ability to power down unused subsystems. The ADAU1452WBCPZ, ADAU1452WBCPZ-RL, ADAU1452WBCPZ150, ADAU1452WBCPZ150RL, ADAU1451WBCPZ, ADAU1451WBCPZ-RL, ADAU1450WBCPZ, and ADAU1450WBCPZ-RL models are fabricated on a single, monolithic, integrated circuit for operation over the −40°C to +105°C temperature range, and the device is housed in a 72-lead LFCSP with an exposed pad to assist in heat dissipation. The ADAU1452KBCPZ, and ADAU1452KBCPZ-RL models are fabricated on a single, monolithic, integrated circuit for operation over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, and the device is housed in a 72-lead LFCSP with an exposed pad. The device can be controlled in one of two operational modes, as follows: • • Rev. D | Page 29 of 195 The settings of the chip can be loaded and dynamically updated through the SPI/I2C port. The DSP can self boot from an external EEPROM in a system with no microcontroller. ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet When a crystal is in use, the crystal oscillator circuit must provide a stable master clock to the XTALIN/MCLK pin by the time the PVDD supply reaches its nominal level. The XTALIN/MCLK pin is restricted from passing into the PLL circuitry until the DVDD POR signal becomes active and the PVDD to DVDD level shifter is initialized. The ADAU1452WBCPZ, ADAU1452WBCPZ-RL, ADAU1452WBCPZ150, ADAU1452WBCPZ150RL, ADAU1451WBCPZ, ADAU1451WBCPZ-RL, ADAU1450WBCPZ, and ADAU1450WBCPZ-RL models are qualified for use in automotive applications. INITIALIZATION Power-Up Sequence The first step in the initialization sequence is to power up the device. First, apply voltage to the power pins. All power pins can be supplied simultaneously. If the power pins are not supplied simultaneously, then supply IOVDD first because the internal ESD protection diodes are referenced to the IOVDD voltage. AVDD, DVDD, and PVDD can be supplied at the same time as IOVDD or after, but they must not be supplied prior to IOVDD. The order in which AVDD, DVDD, and PVDD are supplied does not matter. When the internal regulator is not used and DVDD is directly supplied, no special sequence is required when providing the proper voltages to AVDD, DVDD, and PVDD. When the internal regulator is used, DVDD is generated by the regulator, in combination with an external pass transistor, after AVDD, IOVDD, and PVDD are supplied. See the Power Supplies section for more information. Each power supply domain has its own power-on reset (POR) circuits (also known as power OK circuits) to ensure that the level shifters attached to each power domain can be initialized properly. AVDD and PVDD must reach their nominal level before the auxiliary ADC and PLL can be used, respectively. However, the AVDD and PVDD supplies have no role in the rest of the power-up sequence. After AVDD power reaches its nominal threshold, the regulator becomes active and begins to charge up the DVDD supply. The DVDD also has a POR circuit to ensure that the level shifters initialize during power-up. The POR signals are combined into three global level shifter resets that properly initialize the signal crossings between each separate power domain and DVDD. When all four POR circuits signal that the power-on conditions are met, a reset synchronizer circuit releases the internal digital circuitry from reset, provided the following conditions are met: • • A valid MCLK signal is provided to the digital circuitry and the PLL. The RESET pin is high. When the internal digital circuitry becomes active, the DSP core runs eight lines of initialization code stored in ROM, requiring eight cycles of the MCLK signal. For a 12.288 MHz MCLK input, this process takes 650 ns. After the ROM program completes its execution, the PLL is ready to be configured using register writes to Register 0xF000 (PLL_CTRL0), Register 0xF001 (PLL_CTRL1), Register 0xF002 (PLL_CLK_SRC), and Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE). When the PLL is configured and enabled, the PLL starts to lock to the incoming master clock signal. The absolute maximum PLL lock time is 32 × 1024 = 32,768 clock cycles on the clock signal (after the input prescaler), which is fed to the input of the PLL. In a standard 48 kHz use case, the PLL input clock frequency after the prescaler is 3.072 MHz; therefore, the maximum PLL lock time is 10.666 ms. Typically, the PLL locks much faster than 10.666 ms. In most systems, the PLL locks within about 3.5 ms. The PLL_LOCK register (Address 0xF004) can be polled via the control port until Bit 0 (PLL_LOCK) goes high, signifying that the PLL lock has completed successfully. When the PLL is attempting to lock to the input clock, the I2C slave and SPI slave control ports are inactive; therefore, no other registers are accessible over the control port. When the PLL is attempting to lock, all attempts to write to the control port fail. The digital circuits remain in reset until the IOVDD to DVDD level shifter reset is released. At that point, the digital circuits exit reset. Rev. D | Page 30 of 195 XTALIN/MCLK PIN CLOCK INPUT TO THE PLL PLL OUTPUT CLOCK DESCRIPTION Figure 14 shows an example power-up sequence with all relevant signals labeled. If possible, apply the required voltage to all four power supply domains (IOVDD, AVDD, PVDD, and DVDD) simultaneously. If the power supplies are separate, IOVDD, which is the reference for the ESD protection diodes that are situated 12 Figure 14. Power Sequencing and POR Timing Diagram for a System with Separate Power Supplies Rev. D | Page 31 of 195 11486-018 11 AFTER THE PLL LOCKS, OTHER REGISTERS CAN BE PROGRAMMED, AND THE DSP CAN START RUNNING. MASTER POWER-ON RESET (INTERNAL) 10 THE CONTROL PORT IS NOWACCESSIBLE. PROGRAM THE PLL USING REGISTER WRITES. THE PLL THEN LOCKS, REQUIRING A MAXIMUM OF 10.666ms. RESET (INTERNAL) 9 WHEN THE INTERNAL RESET GOES HIGH, THE DSP CORE RUNS INITIALIZATION CODE, WHICH REQUIRES EIGHT CYCLES OF THE XTALIN/MCLK SIGNAL.AT 12.288MHz, THE PROCESS REQUIRES 650ns. RESET PIN 8 THE INTERNAL RESET SIGNAL GOES HIGH WHEN THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSARE TRUE:ALL POWER SUPPLIESAREVALID, AND THE RESET PIN IS LOGIC HIGH. AVDD TODVDD LEVEL SHIFTER ENABLE (INTERNAL) 7 IF THE RESET PIN IS NOTALREADY HIGH, PULL IT HIGHATANY TIME. (AT THE BEGINNING OFA POWER SEQUENCE, THE STATE OF THE RESET PIN IS DON’T CARE.) PVDD TODVDD LEVEL SHIFTER ENABLE (INTERNAL) 6 WHEN THE IOVDD TO DVDD AND PVDD TO DVDD LEVEL SHIFTERS BECOME ACTIVE, THE MASTER CLOCK INPUT SIGNAL IS PASSED TO THE PLL. IOVDD TO DVDD LEVEL SHIFTER ENABLE (INTERNAL) 5 AFTER ALL SUPPLIES REACH THEIR NOMINAL LEVELS, THE LEVEL SHIFTER S ACTIVATE, ALLOWING SIGNALSTOPASS INTERNALLY BETWEEN POWER DOMAINS. DVDD PINS 4 IF DVDD IS EXTERNALLY SUPPLIED, SUPPLY IT AT THE SAME TIME AS IOV DD AND PVDD, OR AFTER PVDD. DO NOT BRING IT UP BEFORE IOVDD OR PVDD. AVDD PIN 3 SUPPLY AVDD AT THE SAME TIME, ORAFTER, IOVDD. DO NOT BRING UP AVDD BEFORE IOVDD. PVDD PIN 2 SUPPLY PVDDAT THE SAME TIME, ORAFTER, IOVDD. DO NOT BRING UP PVDD BEFORE IOVDD. IOVDD PINS 1 IF POWER SUPPLIESARE SEPARATE,APPLY VOLTAGETO IOVDD FIRST.APPLY MASTER CLOCK SIGNALTO XTALIN/MCLK, UNLESS MASTER CLOCK ISAUTOMATICALLY GENERATED USING A CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT. STEP STARTING CONDITIONS. ALL SIGNALS ARE LOW. Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 inside the input and output pins, must be applied first to avoid stressing these diodes. PVDD, AVDD, and DVDD can then be supplied in any order (see the System Initialization Sequence section for more information). Note that the gray areas in this figure represent clock signals. ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet System Initialization Sequence Before the IC can process the audio in the DSP, the following initialization sequence must be completed. 1. 2. 3. 4. If possible, apply the required voltage to all four power supply domains (IOVDD, AVDD, PVDD, and DVDD) simultaneously. If simultaneous application is not possible, supply IOVDD first to prevent damage or reduced operating lifetime. If using the on-board regulator, AVDD and PVDD can be supplied in any order, and DVDD is then generated automatically. If not using the on-board regulator, AVDD, PVDD, and DVDD can be supplied in any order following IOVDD. Start providing a master clock signal to the XTALIN/MCLK pin, or, if using the crystal oscillator, let the crystal oscillator start generating a master clock signal. The master clock signal must be valid when the DVDD supply stabilizes. If the SELFBOOT pin is pulled high, a self boot sequence initiates on the master control port. Wait until the self boot operation is complete. If SPI slave control mode is desired, toggle the SS/ADDR0 pin three times. Ensure that each toggle lasts at least the duration of one cycle of the master clock being input to the 5. XTALIN/MCLK pin. When the SS/ADDR0 line rises for the third time, the slave control port is then in SPI mode. Execute the register and memory write sequence that is required to configure the device in the proper operating mode. Table 27 contains an example series of register writes used to configure the system at startup. The contents of the data column may vary depending on the system configuration. The configuration that is listed in Table 27 represents the default initialization sequence for project files generated in SigmaStudio. Recommended Program/Parameter Loading Procedure When writing large amounts of data to the program or parameter RAM in direct write mode (when downloading the initial contents of the RAMs from an external memory), use the hibernate register (Address 0xF400) to disable the processor core, preventing undesirable noises from appearing at the audio output. See Table 60 in the Programming the SigmaDSP Core section for details. When small amounts of data are transmitted during real-time operation of the DSP (such as when updating individual parameters), the software safeload mechanism can be used (see the Software Safeload section). Table 27. Example System Initialization Register Write Sequence1 Address N/A Data N/A Register/Memory N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0xF890 0xF890 N/A 0xF400 0xF400 N/A 0xF403 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x01 N/A 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x01 N/A 0x00, 0x01 SOFT_RESET SOFT_RESET N/A Hibernate Hibernate N/A KILL_CORE 0xF000 0x00, 0x60 PLL_CTRL0 0xF001 0xF002 0xF005 0xF003 N/A 0x00, 0x02 0x00, 0x01 0x00, 0x05 0x00, 0x01 N/A PLL_CTRL1 PLL_CLK_SRC MCLK_OUT PLL_ENABLE N/A 0xF050 0x4F, 0xFF POWER_ENABLE0 0xF051 0x00, 0x00 POWER_ENABLE1 Description If using I2C, skip the next lines that enable SPI mode by toggling the SS/ADDR0 pin three times. Pull SS/ADDR0 low for at least one MCLK cycle. Set SS/ADDR0 high for at least one MCLK cycle. First toggle is complete. Pull SS/ADDR0 low for at least one MCLK cycle. Set SS/ADDR0 high for at least one MCLK cycle. Second toggle is complete. Pull SS/ADDR0 low for at least one MCLK cycle. Set SS/ADDR0 high for at least one MCLK cycle. Third toggle is complete. The slave communication port is now in SPI mode. Enter soft reset. Exit soft reset. Wait for at least 650 ns (with MCLK = 12.288 MHz). Hibernate off. Hibernate on. Wait for at least one sample period. Stop the core immediately. Set the feedback divider to the correct setting for the application. In this example, it is set to the power-on default setting of 96. Set PLL input clock divider to 4. Set clock source to PLL clock. Enable MCLK output (12.288 MHz). Enable PLL. Wait for PLL lock (see the Power-Up Sequence section); the maximum PLL lock time is 10.666 ms. Enable power for all major systems except Clock Generator 3 (Clock Generator 3 is rarely used in most systems). Disable power for subsystems like PDM microphones, S/PDIF, and the ADC if the subsystems are not used in the system. Rev. D | Page 32 of 195 Data Sheet Address 0xC000 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Data generated by SigmaStudio Data generated by SigmaStudio Data generated by SigmaStudio Register/Memory Program RAM data 0xF404 0xF401 N/A 0xF403 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x02 N/A 0x00, 0x00 START_ADDRESS START_PULSE N/A KILL_CORE 0xF402 0xF402 N/A 0xF400 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x01 N/A 0x00, 0x00 START_CORE START_CORE N/A Hibernate 0x0000 0x6000 1 Description Download the entire program RAM contents using a block write (data provided by SigmaStudio compiler). Download Data Memory DM0 using a block write (data provided by SigmaStudio compiler). Download Data Memory DM1 using a block write (data provided by SigmaStudio compiler); the start address of DM1 may vary, depending on the SigmaStudio compilation. Set program start address as defined by the SigmaStudio compiler. Set DSP core start pulse to internally generated pulse. Configure any other registers that require nondefault values. Remove the KILL_CORE state to allow the core to be started when the START_CORE sequence is performed. Start the low to high transition. Start the core. Complete the low to high transition. Wait 50 µs for initialization program to execute. Hibernate off. DM0 RAM data DM1 RAM data N/A means not applicable MASTER CLOCK, PLL, AND CLOCK GENERATORS Clocking Overview small as possible. Calculate the necessary values of the two load capacitors in the circuit from the crystal load capacitance, using the following equation: To externally supply the master clock, connect the clock source directly to the XTALIN/MCLK pin. Alternatively, use the internal clock oscillator to drive an external crystal. Using the Oscillator The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 can use an on-board oscillator to generate its master clock. However, to complete the oscillator circuit, an external crystal must be attached. The onboard oscillator is designed to work with a crystal that is tuned to resonate at a frequency of the nominal system clock divided by 24. For a normal system, where the nominal system clock is 294.912 MHz, this frequency is 12.288 MHz. The fundamental frequency of the crystal can be up to 30 MHz. Practically speaking, in most systems, the fundamental frequency of the crystal must range from 3.072 MHz to 24.576 MHz. For the external crystal in the circuit, use an AT-cut parallel resonance device operating at its fundamental frequency. Do not use ceramic resonators, because of their poor jitter performance. Quartz crystals are ideal for audio applications. Figure 15 shows the crystal oscillator circuit that is recommended for proper operation. 22pF XTALIN/MCLK XTALOUT 22pF 11486-019 12.288MHz 100Ω Figure 15. Crystal Resonator Circuit The 100 Ω damping resistor on XTALOUT provides the oscillator with a voltage swing of approximately 3.1 V at the XTALIN/ MCLK pin. The optimal crystal shunt capacitance is 7 pF. The optimal load capacitance of this shunt, as specified by the manufacturer, must be about 20 pF, although the circuit supports values of up to 25 pF. Ensure that the equivalent series resistance is as CL = C1 × C2 + C STRAY C1 + C2 where: C1 and C2 are the load capacitors. CSTRAY is the stray capacitance in the circuit. CSTRAY is usually assumed to be approximately 2 pF to 5 pF, but it varies depending on the PCB design. Short trace lengths in the oscillator circuit decrease stray capacitance, thereby increasing the loop gain of the circuit and helping to avoid crystal start-up problems. Therefore, place the crystal as near to the XTALOUT pin as possible, and on the same side of the PCB. On the EVAL-ADAU1452MINIZ evaluation board, the C1 and C2 load capacitors are 22 pF. Do not use XTALOUT to directly drive the crystal signal to another IC. This signal is an analog sine wave with low drive capability and, therefore, is not appropriate to drive an external digital input. A separate pin, CLKOUT, is provided for this purpose. The CLKOUT pin is set up using the MCLK_OUT register (Address 0xF005). For a more detailed explanation of CLKOUT, refer to the Master Clock Output section or the register map description of the MCLK_OUT register (see the CLKOUT Control Register section). If a clock signal is provided from elsewhere in the system directly to the XTALIN/MCLK pin, the crystal resonator circuit is not necessary, and the XTALOUT pin can remain disconnected. Rev. D | Page 33 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Setting the Master Clock and PLL Mode An integer PLL is available to generate the core system clock from the master clock input signal. The PLL generates the nominal 294.912 MHz core system clock to run the DSP core. As a result of the flexible clock generator circuitry, this nominal core clock frequency can be used for a variety of audio sample rates. An integer prescaler takes the clock signal from the MCLK pin and divides its frequency by 1, 2, 4, or 8 to meet the appropriate frequency range requirements for the PLL itself. The nominal input frequency to the PLL is 3.072 MHz. For systems with an 11.2896 MHz input master clock, the input to the PLL is 2.8224 MHz. 1, 2, 4, (DEFAULT) OR 8 96 ÷ × SYSTEM CLOCK NOMINALLY 3.072MHz 11486-020 XTALIN/ MCLK Figure 16. PLL Functional Block Diagram The master clock input signal ranges in frequency from 2.375 MHz to 36 MHz. For systems that are intended to operate at a 48 kHz, 96 kHz, or 192 kHz audio sample rate, the typical master clock input frequencies are 3.072 MHz, 6.144 MHz, 12.288 MHz, and 24.576 MHz. Note that the flexibility of the PLL allows a large range of other clock frequencies. The PLL in the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451 has a nominal (and maximum) output frequency of 294.912 MHz. The PLL output of the ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450 is divided to obtain a system clock frequency at half the rate of the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451, with a nominal (and maximum) output frequency of 147.456 MHz. The PLL is configured by setting Register 0xF000 (PLL_CTRL0), Register 0xF001 (PLL_CTRL1), and Register 0xF002 (PLL_CLK_ SRC). After these registers are modified, set Register 0xF003, Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE), forcing the PLL to reset itself and attempt to relock to the incoming clock signal. Typically, the PLL locks within 3.5 ms. When the PLL locks to an input clock and creates a stable output clock, a lock flag is set in Register 0xF004, Bit 0 (PLL_LOCK). Rev. D | Page 34 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Example PLL Settings Depending on the input clock frequency, there are several possible configurations for the PLL. Setting the PLL to generate the highest possible system clock, without exceeding the maximum, allows the execution of more DSP program instructions for each audio frame. Alternatively, setting the PLL to generate a lower frequency system clock allows fewer instructions to be executed and also lowers overall power consumption of the device. Table 28 shows several example MCLK frequencies and the corresponding PLL settings that allow for the highest number of program instructions to be executed for each audio frame. The settings provide the highest possible system clock without exceeding the 294.912 MHz upper limit (or 147.456 MHz in the case of the ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450). Table 28. Optimal Predivider and Feedback Divider Settings for Varying Input MCLK Frequencies Input MCLK Frequency (MHz) 2.8224 3 3.072 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 5.6448 6 6.144 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.2896 11.5 12 12.288 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 Predivider Setting 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 PLL Input Clock (MHz) 2.8224 3 3.072 3.5 4 4.5 2.5 2.75 2.8224 3 3.072 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 2.375 2.5 2.625 2.75 2.8224 2.875 3 3.072 3.125 3.25 3.375 3.5 3.625 3.75 3.875 4 4.125 4.25 4.375 4.5 2.3125 2.375 2.4375 2.5 2.5625 2.625 Feedback Divider Setting 104 98 96 84 73 65 117 107 104 98 96 90 84 78 73 69 65 124 117 112 107 104 102 98 96 94 90 87 84 81 78 76 73 71 69 67 65 127 124 120 117 115 112 Rev. D | Page 35 of 195 ADAU1452, ADAU1452K, and ADAU1451 System Clock (MHz) 293.5296 294 294.912 294 292 292.5 292.5 294.25 293.5296 294 294.912 292.5 294 292.5 292 293.25 292.5 294.5 292.5 294 294.25 293.5296 293.25 294 294.912 293.75 292.5 293.625 294 293.625 292.5 294.5 292 292.875 293.25 293.125 292.5 293.6875 294.5 292.5 292.5 294.6875 294 ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450 System Clock (MHz) 146.7648 147 147.456 147 146 146.25 146.25 147.125 146.7648 147 147.456 146.25 147 146.25 146 146.625 146.25 147.25 146.25 147 147.125 146.7648 146.625 147 147.456 146.875 146.25 146.8125 147 146.8125 146.25 147.25 146 146.4375 146.625 146.5625 146.25 146.84375 147.25 146.25 146.25 147.34375 147 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Input MCLK Frequency (MHz) 21.5 22 22.5 22.5792 23 23.5 24 24.5 24.576 25 Predivider Setting 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 PLL Input Clock (MHz) 2.6875 2.75 2.8125 2.8224 2.875 2.9375 3 3.0625 3.072 3.125 Data Sheet Feedback Divider Setting 109 107 104 104 102 100 98 96 96 94 Relationship Between System Clock and Instructions per Sample The DSP core executes only a limited number of instructions within the span of each audio sample. The number of instructions that can be executed is a function of the system clock and the DSP core sample rate. The core sample rate is set by Register 0xF401 (START_PULSE), Bits[4:0] (START_PULSE). The number of instructions that can be executed per sample is equal to the system clock frequency divided by the DSP core sample rate. However, the program RAM size is 8192 words; therefore, in cases where the maximum instructions per sample exceeds 8192, subroutines and loops must be utilized to make use of all available instructions (see Table 29). PLL Filter An external PLL filter is required to help the PLL maintain stability and to limit the amount of ripple appearing on the phase detector output of the PLL. For a nominal 3.072 MHz PLL input and a 294.912 MHz system clock output (or 147.456 MHz in the case of the ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450), the recommended filter configuration is shown in Figure 17. This filter works for the full frequency range of the PLL. 5.6nF 150pF PLLFILT 4.3kΩ 11486-021 PVDD Figure 17. PLL Filter Because the center frequency and bandwidth of the loop filter is determined by the values of the included components, use high accuracy (low tolerance) components. Components that are valued within 10% of the recommended component values and with a 15% or lower tolerance are suitable for use in the loop filter circuit. The voltage on the PLLFILT pin, which is internally generated, is typically between 1.65 V and 2.10 V. ADAU1452, ADAU1452K, and ADAU1451 System Clock (MHz) 292.9375 294.25 292.5 293.5296 293.25 293.75 294 294 294.912 293.75 ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450 System Clock (MHz) 146.46875 147.125 146.25 146.7648 146.625 146.875 147 147 147.456 146.875 Table 29. Maximum Instructions per Sample, Depending on System Clock and DSP Core Sample Rate System Clock (MHz) 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 294.912 293.5296 293.5296 293.5296 293.5296 293.5296 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 147.456 146.7648 146.7648 146.7648 146.7648 146.7648 1 DSP Core Sample Rate (kHz) 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 192 11.025 22.05 44.1 88.2 176.4 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 192 11.025 22.05 44.1 88.2 176.4 Maximum Instructions per Sample 36,8641 24,5761 18,4321 12,2881 92161 6144 4608 3072 2304 1536 26,6241 13,3121 6656 3328 1664 18,4321 12,2881 92161 6144 4608 3072 2304 1536 1152 768 13,3121 6656 3328 1664 832 The instructions per sample in these cases exceed the program memory size of 8192 words; therefore, to utilize the full number of instructions, subroutines or branches are required in the SigmaStudio program. Rev. D | Page 36 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Clock Generators In addition to the nominal output, four additional output signals are generated at double, quadruple, half, and a quarter of the frequency of the nominal output frequency. Three clock generators are available to generate audio clocks for the serial ports, DSP, ASRCs, and other audio related functional blocks in the system. Each clock generator can be configured to generate a base frequency and several fractions or multiples of that base frequency, creating a total of 15 clock domains available for use in the system. Each of the 15 clock domains can create the appropriate LRCLK (frame clock) and BCLK (bit clock) signals for the serial ports. Five BCLK signals are generated at frequencies of 32 BCLK/sample, 64 BCLK/sample, 128 BCLK/sample, 256 BCLK/ sample, and 512 BCLK/sample to deal with TDM data. Therefore, with a single master clock input frequency, 15 different frame clock frequencies and 75 different bit clock frequencies can be generated for use in the system. For Clock Generator 1 and Clock Generator 2, the integer numerator (N) and the integer denominator (M) are nine bits long, each. For Clock Generator 3, N and M are each 16 bits long, allowing a higher precision when generating arbitrary clock frequencies. Figure 18 shows a basic block diagram of the PLL and clock generators. Each division operator symbolizes that the frequency of the clock is divided when passing through that block. Each multiplication operator symbolizes that the frequency of the clock is multiplied when passing through that block. Figure 20 shows an example where the master clock input has a frequency of 12.288 MHz, and the default settings are used for the PLL predivider, feedback divider, and Clock Generator 1 and Clock Generator 2. The resulting system clock is as follows: The nominal output of each clock generator is determined by the following formula: Output_Frequency = (Input_Frequency × N)/(1024 × M) where: Input_Frequency is the PLL output (nominally 294.912 MHz). Output_Frequency is the frame clock output frequency. N and M are integers that are configured by writing to the clock generator configuration registers. 12.288 MHz ÷ 4 × 96 = 294.912 MHz The base output of Clock Generator 1 is as follows: 294.912 MHz ÷ 1024 × 1 ÷ 6 = 48 kHz The base output of Clock Generator 2 is as follows: These calculations are also accurate in the case of the ADAU1452150 and ADAU1450, even though the output rate of its PLL is half of that of the ADAU1452/ADAU1451. Figure 19 shows the dividers before the clock generators compensate for the difference in the system clock rate. PROGRAMMABLE TYPICALLY 96 DIVIDER FEEDBACK DIVIDER ÷ In this example, Clock Generator 3 is configured with N = 49 and M = 320; therefore, the resulting base output of Clock Generator 3 is as follows: 294.912 MHz ÷ 1024 × 49 ÷ 320 = 44.1 kHz × SYSTEM CLOCK ÷1024 (Default) N = 1, M=6 CLKGEN 1 ×N÷M ÷1024 (Default) N = 1, M=9 CLKGEN 2 ×N÷M ÷1024 CLKGEN 3 ×N÷M ×4 ×2 ×1 ÷2 ÷4 ×4 ×2 ×1 ÷2 ÷4 ×4 ×2 ×1 ÷2 ÷4 11486-022 XTALIN/ MCLK 1, 2, 4, OR 8 294.912 MHz ÷ 1024 × 1 ÷ 9 = 32 kHz Figure 18. PLL and Clock Generators Block Diagram for 294.912 MHz Nominal System Clock Rate Rev. D | Page 37 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 1, 2, 4, OR 8 PROGRAMMABLE TYPICALLY 96 × ÷ DIVIDER FEEDBACK DIVIDER POST DIVIDER ÷ 2 147.456MHz SYSTEM CLOCK ÷ 512 (Default) N = 1, M=6 CLKGEN 1 ×N÷M ÷ 512 (Default) N = 1, M=9 CLKGEN 2 ×N÷M ÷ 512 CLKGEN 3 ×N÷M ×4 ×2 ×1 ÷2 ÷4 ×4 ×2 ×1 ÷2 ÷4 ×4 ×2 ×1 ÷2 ÷4 11486-119 XTALIN/ MCLK Data Sheet Figure 19. PLL and Clock Generators Block Diagram for the ADAU1452-150 and the ADAU1450 4 ÷ DIVIDER 96 294.912MHz SYSTEM CLOCK × FEEDBACK DIVIDER N = 1, M=6 ÷1024 CLKGEN 1 ×N÷M N = 1, M=9 ÷1024 CLKGEN 2 ×N÷M N = 49, M = 320 ÷1024 CLKGEN 3 ×N÷M (147.456MHz FOR ADAU1450 AND ADAU1452-150) 192kHz 96kHz 48kHz 24kHz 12kHz 128kHz 64kHz 32kHz 16kHz 8kHz 176.4kHz 88.2kHz 44.1kHz 22.05kHz 11.025kHz 11486-023 12.288MHz CLOCK SOURCE Figure 20. PLL and Audio Clock Generators with Default Settings and Resulting Clock Frequencies Labeled, XTALIN/MCLK = 12.288 MHz 4 ÷ DIVIDER 96 270.9504MHz SYSTEM CLOCK × (135.4752MHz FOR ADAU1450 AND ADAU1452-150) FEEDBACK DIVIDER N = 1, M=6 ÷1024 CLKGEN 1 ×N÷M N = 1, M=9 ÷1024 CLKGEN 2 ×N÷M N = 80, M = 441 ÷1024 CLKGEN 3 ×N÷M 176.4kHz 88.2kHz 44.1kHz 22.05kHz 11.025kHz 117.6kHz 58.8kHz 29.4kHz 14.7kHz 7.35kHz 192kHz 96kHz 48kHz 24kHz 12kHz 11486-024 11.2896MHz CLOCK SOURCE Figure 21. PLL and Audio Clock Generators with Default Settings and Resulting Clock Frequencies Labeled, XTALIN/MCLK = 11.2896 MHz Rev. D | Page 38 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 21 shows an example where the master clock input has a frequency of 11.2896 MHz, and the default settings are used for the PLL predivider, feedback divider, and Clock Generator 1 and Clock Generator 2. The resulting system clock is as follows: 1, 2, 4, OR 8 1, 2, 4, OR 8 MCLK 11.2896 MHz ÷ 4 × 96 = 270.9504 MHz ÷ × DIVIDER FEEDBACK DIVIDER The base output of Clock Generator 1 is as follows: In this example, Clock Generator 3 is configured with N = 80 and M = 441; therefore, the resulting base output of Clock Generator 3 is as follows: 270.9504 MHz ÷ 1024 × 80 ÷ 441 = 48 kHz Master Clock Output The master clock output pin (CLKOUT) is useful in cases where a master clock must be fed to other ICs in the system, such as audio codecs. The master clock output frequency is determined by the setting of the MCLK_OUT register (Address 0xF005). Four frequencies are possible: 1×, 2×, 4×, or 8× the frequency of the predivider output. The CLKOUT signal is taken from the PLL output but the frequency is always 1×, 2×, 4×, or 8× the frequency after the PLL predivider output. The diagram in Figure 22 is simplified. • CLKGEN 1 11486-025 Figure 22. Clock Output Generator (Simplified) 270.9504 MHz ÷ 1024 × 1 ÷ 9 = 29.4 kHz • SYSTEM CLOCK CLKGEN 3 The base output of Clock Generator 2 is as follows: • CLKOUT CLKGEN 2 270.9504 MHz ÷ 1024 × 1 ÷ 6 = 44.1 kHz • × TYPICALLY 96 The predivider output × 1 generates a 3.072 MHz output for a nominal system clock of 294.912 MHz. The predivider output × 2 generates a 6.144 MHz output for a nominal system clock of 294.912 MHz. The predivider output × 4 generates a 12.288 MHz output for a nominal system clock of 294.912 MHz. The predivider output × 8 generates a 24.576 MHz output for a nominal system clock of 294.912 MHz. The CLKOUT pin can drive more than one external slave IC if the drive strength is sufficient to drive the traces and external receiver circuitry. The ability to drive external ICs varies greatly, depending on the application and the characteristics of the PCB and the slave ICs. The drive strength and slew rate of the CLKOUT pin is configurable in the CLKOUT_PIN register (Address 0xF7A3), which means that its performance can be tuned to match the specific application. The CLKOUT pin is not designed to drive long cables or other high impedance transmission lines. Use the CLKOUT pin only to drive signals to other integrated circuits on the same PCB. When changing the settings for the predivider, disable and then reenable the PLL using Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), allowing the frequency of the CLKOUT signal to update. Dejitter Circuitry To account for jitter between ICs in the system and to handle interfacing safely between internal and external clocks, dejitter circuits are included to guarantee that jitter related clocking errors are avoided. The dejitter circuitry is automated and does not require interaction or control from the user. Rev. D | Page 39 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Master Clock, PLL, and Clock Generators Registers Voltage Regulator An overview of the registers related to the master clock, PLL, and clock generators is listed in Table 30. For a more detailed description, see the PLL Configuration Registers section and the Clock Generator Registers section. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 include a linear regulator that can generate the 1.2 V supply required by the DSP core and other internal digital circuitry from an external supply. Source the linear regulator from the input/output supply (IOVDD), which can range from 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. A simplified block diagram of the internal structure of the regulator is shown in Figure 23. Register PLL_CTRL0 PLL_CTRL1 PLL_CLK_SRC PLL_ENABLE PLL_LOCK MCLK_OUT PLL_WATCHDOG CLK_GEN1_M CLK_GEN1_N CLK_GEN2_M CLK_GEN2_N CLK_GEN3_M CLK_GEN3_N CLK_GEN3_SRC CLK_GEN3_LOCK Description PLL feedback divider PLL prescale divider PLL clock source PLL enable PLL lock CLKOUT control Analog PLL watchdog control Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 1 Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 1 Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 2 Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 2 Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 3 Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 3 Input reference for Clock Generator 3 Lock bit for Clock Generator 3 input reference POWER SUPPLIES, VOLTAGE REGULATOR, AND HARDWARE RESET Power Supplies The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 are supplied by four power supplies: IOVDD, DVDD, AVDD, and PVDD. • • • Supply IOVDD (Input/Output) DVDD (Digital) Voltage 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10% 1.2 V ± 5% Optional AVDD (Analog) PVDD (PLL) 3.3 V ± 10% 3.3 V ± 10% Yes Yes IOVDD INTERNAL 1.2V REFERENCE Description Can be derived from IOVDD using an internal LDO regulator VDRIVE EXTERNAL PNP BIPOLAR PASS TRANSISTOR PMOS DEVICE GND DVDD Figure 23. Simplified Block Diagram of Regulator Internal Structure, Including External Components For proper operation, the linear regulator requires several external components. A PNP bipolar junction transistor acts as an external pass device to bring the higher IOVDD voltage down to the lower DVDD voltage, externally dissipating the power of the IC package. Ensure that the transistor is able to dissipate at least 1 W in the worst case. Place a 1 kΩ resistor between the transistor emitter and base to help stabilize the regulator for varying loads. This resistor placement also guarantees that current is always flowing into the VDRIVE pin, even for minimal regulator loads. Figure 24 shows the connection of the external components. 10µF 1kΩ 100nF DVDD VDRIVE IOVDD Figure 24. External Components Required for Voltage Regulator Circuit In selecting the external pass transistor, the following extreme conditions must be accounted for: • • Table 31. Power Supply Details Externally Supplied Yes EXTERNAL STABILITY RESISTOR + • IOVDD (input/output supply) sets the reference voltage for all digital input and output pins. It can be any value ranging from 1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%. To use the I2C/SPI control ports or any of the digital input or output pins, the IOVDD supply must be present. DVDD (digital supply) powers the DSP core and supporting digital logic circuitry. It must be 1.2 V ± 5%. AVDD (analog supply) powers the analog auxiliary ADC circuitry. It must be supplied even if the auxiliary ADCs are not in use. PVDD (PLL supply) powers the PLL and acts as a reference for the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). It must be supplied even if the PLL is not in use. IOVDD 11486-026 Address 0xF000 0xF001 0xF002 0xF003 0xF004 0xF005 0xF006 0xF020 0xF021 0xF022 0xF023 0xF024 0xF025 0xF026 0xF027 11486-027 Table 30. Master Clock, PLL, and Clock Generator Registers Minimum current that can be drawn by the DSP. Maximum current that can be drawn by the DSP. For the first condition, the minimum current is approximately 20 mA. For the regulator to supply 20 mA to the DSP, the VDRIVE current must be a small value. A transistor with a very small transistor (β) suffices. Rev. D | Page 40 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 The bypass capacitors must also be considered for the regulator design implementation. The regulator design simulations used a 10 µF electrolytic bulk capacitor, four 100 nF ceramic bypass capacitors, and four 10 nF ceramic bypass capacitors. This combination produced a phase margin of 71° to 79° of performance over all temperatures and skews. If an electrolytic capacitor is not desired, use of a ceramic capacitor is possible, as long as a 0.5 Ω resistor is added in series with the ceramic capacitor to simulate the effective series resistance (ESR) of an electrolytic capacitor. The RC combination produces a phase margin of 60° to 79°, which is crucial to maintaining optimal performance of the voltage regulator. If an external supply is provided to DVDD, ground the VDRIVE pin. The regulator continues to draw a small amount of current (around 100 µA) from the IOVDD supply. Do not use the regulator to provide a voltage supply to external ICs. There are no control registers associated with the regulator. Power Reduction Modes All sections of the IC have clock gating functionality that allows individual functional blocks to be disabled for power savings. Functional blocks that can optionally be powered down include the following: • • • • • • • Clock Generator 1, Clock Generator 2, and Clock Generator 3 S/PDIF receiver S/PDIF transmitter Serial data input and output ports Auxiliary ADC ASRCs (in two banks of eight channels each) PDM microphone inputs and decimation filters Overview of Power Reduction Registers An overview of the registers related to power reduction is shown in Table 32. For a more detailed description, refer to the Power Reduction Registers section. Table 32. Power Reduction Registers Address 0xF050 Register POWER_ENABLE0 0xF051 POWER_ENABLE1 Description Disables clock generators, serial ports, and ASRCs Disables PDM microphone inputs, S/PDIF interfaces, and auxiliary ADCs Hardware Reset An active low hardware reset pin (RESET) is available for externally triggering a reset of the device. When this pin is tied to ground, all functional blocks in the device are disabled, and the current consumption decreases dramatically. The amount of current drawn depends on the leakage current of the silicon, which depends greatly on the ambient temperature and the properties of the die. When the RESET pin is connected to IOVDD, all control registers are reset to their power-on default values. The state of the RAM is not guaranteed to be cleared after a reset, so the memory must be manually cleared by the DSP program. The default program generated by SigmaStudio includes code that automatically clears the memory. To ensure that no chatter exists on the RESET signal line, implement an external reset generation circuit in the system hardware design. Figure 25 shows an example of the ADM811 microprocessor supervisory circuit with a push-button connected, providing a method for manually generating a clean RESET signal. For reliability purposes on the application level, place a weak pull-down resistor (in the range of several kΩ) on the RESET line to guarantee that the device is held in reset in the event that the reset supervisory circuitry fails. 3.3V 100nF ADM811 1 GND RESET 2 4 VCC MR 3 RESET 11486-028 The other extreme condition is more difficult to meet. The maximum current demands of the DSP are at hot temperatures. This device has a maximum DVDD current of 635 mA; however, if it is possible to for the user to upgrade to a different device in the ADAU1466 family of DSPs, it is recommended to use a device that offers the maximum 940 mA specification. For the regulator to produce 940 mA, the transistor (β) must be at least 94 to keep the pass transistor base current below the maximum of 10 mA of current sunk into the VDRIVE pin. However, a beta of 94 allows no margin for the pass transistor and DSP silicon variance in addition to temperature differences. Doubling the transistor (β) minimum is considered good practice because doing this leads to a minimum transistor (β) of approximately 180. The maximum current demands of the DSP occur at high temperatures, and the β of most transistors increases with temperature. Figure 25. Example Manual Reset Generation Circuit If the hardware reset function is not required in a system, pull the RESET pin high to the IOVDD supply, using a weak pull-up resistor (in the range of several kΩ). The device is designed to boot properly even when the RESET pin is permanently pulled high. Rev. D | Page 41 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet DSP Core Current Consumption Slave Control Port Overview The DSP core draws varying amounts of current, depending on the processing load required by the program it is running. Figure 26 shows the relationship between program size and digital (DVDD) current draw. The minimum of 0 MIPS signifies the case where no program is running in the DSP core, and the maximum of 294 MIPS signifies that the DSP core is at full utilization, executing a typical audio processing program. To program the DSP and configure the control registers, a slave port is available that can communicate using either the I2C or SPI protocols. A separate master communications port can be used to self boot the chip by reading from an external EEPROM, or to boot or control external ICs by addressing them directly using I2C or SPI. The slave communications port defaults to I2C mode; however, it can be put into SPI mode by toggling SS (SS/ADDR0), the slave select pin, low three times. Each toggle must last at least the duration of one clock period of the clock on MCLK (XTALIN/MCLK), the master clock input pin. Until the PLL locks, only the PLL configuration registers (Address 0xF000 to Address 0xF004) are accessible. For this reason, always write to the PLL registers first after the chip powers up. After the PLL locks, the remaining registers and the RAM become accessible. See the System Initialization Sequence section for more information. 160 140 DVDD CURRENT (mA) 120 100 80 60 40 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 PROGRAM LENGTH (MIPS) 11486-124 20 Figure 26. ADAU1452 Typical DVDD Current Draw vs. Program MIPS at an Ambient Temperature of 25°C and a Sample Rate of 48 kHz TEMPERATURE SENSOR DIODE The chip includes an on-board temperature sensor diode with an approximate range of 0°C to 120°C. The temperature sensor function is enabled by the two sides of a diode connected to the THD_P and THD_M pins. Value processing (calculating the actual temperature based on the current through the diode) is handled off chip by an external controller IC. The temperature value is not stored in an internal register; it is available only in the external controller IC. The temperature sensor requires an external IC to operate properly. The temperature value cannot be read by the on-board auxiliary ADC. 100nF SCLK 8 SCL THD_P THD_M 2 D+ SDATA 7 SDA 3 D– ALERT 6 4 THERM GND 5 The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 have several mechanisms for updating signal processing parameters in real time without causing pops or clicks. If large blocks of data must be downloaded, halt the output of the DSP core (using Register 0xF400, HIBERNATE), load new data, and then restart the device (using Register 0xF402, START_CORE). This process is typically performed during the booting sequence at startup or when loading a new program into RAM. ADM1032 1 VDD 11486-029 3.3V The control port is capable of full read/write operation for all addressable registers. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 must have a valid master clock to write to all registers, with the exception of Register 0xF000 to Register 0xF004. All addresses can be accessed in both single address mode and burst mode. The first byte (Byte 0) of a control port write contains the 7-bit chip address plus the R/W bit. The next two bytes (Byte 1 and Byte 2) together form the subaddress of the register location within the memory maps of the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ ADAU1450. This subaddress must be two bytes long because the memory locations within the devices are directly addressable, and their sizes exceed the range of single byte addressing. All subsequent bytes (starting with Byte 3) contain the data, such as control port data, program data, or parameter data. The number of bytes per word depends on the type of data that is being written. Figure 27. Example External Temperature Sensor Circuit SLAVE CONTROL PORTS A total of four control ports are available: two slave ports and two master ports. The slave I2C port and slave SPI port allow an external master device to modify the contents of the memory and registers. The master I2C port and master SPI port allow the device to self boot and to send control messages to slave devices on the same bus. When updating a signal processing parameter when the DSP core is running, use the software safeload function to avoid a situation where a parameter is updated over the boundary of an audio frame, which can lead to an audio artifact such as a click or pop sound. For more information, see the Software Safeload section. The slave control port pins are multifunctional, depending on the mode in which the device is operating. Table 33 describes these multiple functions. Rev. D | Page 42 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Burst Mode Writing and Reading Burst write and read modes are available for convenience when writing large amounts of data to contiguous registers. In these modes, the chip and memory addresses are written 1×, and then a large amount of data can follow uninterrupted. The subaddresses are automatically incremented at the word boundaries. This increment happens automatically after a single word write or read unless a stop condition is encountered (I2C mode) or the slave select is disabled and brought high (SPI mode). A burst write starts like a single word write, but, following the first data-word, the data-word for the next address can be written immediately without sending its 2-byte address. The control registers in the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 are two bytes wide, and the memories are four bytes wide. The autoincrement feature knows the word length at each subaddress; therefore, it is not necessary to manually specify the subaddress for each address in a burst write. The subaddresses are automatically incremented by one address, following each read or write of a data-word, regardless of whether there is a valid register or RAM word at that address. Table 33. Control Port Pin Functions Pin Name SS/ADDR0 CCLK/SCL MOSI/ADDR1 MISO/SDA I2C Slave Mode Address 0 (Bit 1 of the address word, input to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450) Clock (input to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450) Address 1 (Bit 2 of the address word, input to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450) Data (bidirectional, open collector) SPI Slave Mode Slave select (input to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450) Clock (input to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450) Data; master out, slave in (input to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ ADAU1450) Data; master in, slave out (output from the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ ADAU1450) Rev. D | Page 43 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet I2C Slave Port IOVDD (by setting it to 1) or to GND (by setting it to 0). The LSB of the address (the R/W bit) specifies either a read or write operation. Logic Level 1 corresponds to a read operation; Logic Level 0 corresponds to a write operation. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 support a 2-wire serial (I2C-compatible) microprocessor bus driving multiple peripherals. The maximum clock frequency on the I2C slave port is 400 kHz. Two pins, serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL), carry information between the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 and the system I2C master controller. In I2C mode, the ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ADAU1450 are always slaves on the bus, meaning that they cannot initiate a data transfer. Each slave device is recognized by a unique address. The address bit sequence and the format of the read/write byte is shown in Table 34. The address resides in the first seven bits of the I2C write. The two address bits that follow can be set to assign the I2C slave address of the device, as follows: Bit 1 can be set by pulling the SS/ADDR0 pin either to IOVDD (by setting it to 1) or to GND (by setting it to 0); and Bit 2 can be set by pulling the MOSI/ADDR1 pin either to Table 34 describes the sequence of eight bits that define the I2C device address byte. Table 35 describes the relationship between the state of the address pins (0 represents logic low and 1 represents logic high) and the I2C slave address. Ensure that the address pins (SS/ADDR0 and MOSI/ADDR1) are hardwired in the design. Do not allow them to change states during device is operation. Place a 2 kΩ pull-up resistor on each line connected to the SDA and SCL pins. Ensure that the voltage on these signal lines does not exceed IOVDD (1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%). Table 34. Address Bit Sequence Bit 7 0 Bit 6 1 Bit 5 1 Bit 4 1 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 ADDR1 (set by the MOSI/ADDR1 pin) Bit 1 ADDR0 (set by the SS/ADDR0 pin) Bit 0 R/W Table 35. I2C Slave Addresses MOSI/ADDR1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 SS/ADDR0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Read/Write1 Slave Address (Eight Bits, Including R/W Bit) Slave Address (Seven Bits, Excluding R/W Bit) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0x70 0x71 0x72 0x73 0x74 0x75 0x76 0x77 0x38 0x38 0x39 0x39 0x3A 0x3A 0x3B 0x3B 0 = write, 1 = read. Rev. D | Page 44 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Addressing Figure 28 shows the timing of an I2C single word write operation, Figure 29 shows the timing of an I2C burst mode write operation, and Figure 30 shows an I2C burst mode read operation. Initially, each device on the I2C bus is in an idle state and monitors the SDA and SCL lines for a start condition and the proper address. The I2C master initiates a data transfer by establishing a start condition, defined by a high-to-low transition on SDA where SCL remains high. This indicates that an address/data stream follows. All devices on the bus respond to the start condition and shift the next eight bits (the 7-bit address plus the R/W bit), MSB first. The device that recognizes the transmitted address responds by pulling the data line low during the ninth clock pulse. This ninth bit is known as an acknowledge bit. All other devices withdraw from the bus at this point and return to the idle condition. Stop and start conditions can be detected at any stage during the data transfer. If these conditions are asserted out of sequence with normal read and write operations, the slave I2C port of the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 immediately jumps to the idle condition. During a given SCL high period, issue only one start condition and one stop condition, or a single stop condition followed by a single start condition. If the user issues an invalid subaddress, the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 do not issue an acknowledge and return to the idle condition. Note the following conditions: The R/W bit determines the direction of the data. A Logic 0 on the LSB of the first byte means that the master writes information to the peripheral, whereas a Logic 1 means that the master reads information from the peripheral after writing the subaddress and repeating the start address. A data transfer occurs until a stop condition is encountered. A stop condition occurs when SDA transitions from low to high when SCL is held high. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 START 1 1 1 0 27 28 29 30 31 [7] [6] [5] 6 7 8 9 10 • Do not issue an autoincrement (burst) write command that exceeds the highest subaddress in the memory. Do not issue an autoincrement (burst) write command that writes to subaddresses that are not defined in the Global RAM and Control Register Map section. • 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SCLK/SCL DEVICE ADDRESS BYTE MISO/SDA [7] R/W ACK (SLAVE) ADDR1 ADDR0 32 33 34 35 SUBADDRESS BYTE 1 [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [6] [0] [7] [6] SUBADDRESS BYTE 2 [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] ACK (SLAVE) 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ACK (SLAVE) 45 SCLK/SCL DATA BYTE 1 [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] [7] [6] DATA BYTE 2 [4] [3] [2] [5] [1] [0] 11486-030 MISO/SDA ACK STOP (SLAVE) ACK (SLAVE) Figure 28. I2C Slave Single Word Write Operation (Two Bytes) 0 1 0 START 1 1 1 0 27 28 29 30 31 [7] [6] [5] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SCLK/SCL SCLK/SCL MISO/SDA [7] R/W ACK (SLAVE) ADDR1 ADDR0 32 33 DATA BYTE 1 [4] [3] [2] 34 [1] 35 36 [0] [6] [7] [0] [6] SUBADDRESS BYTE 2 [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] ACK (SLAVE) ACK (SLAVE) 37 [7] SUBADDRESS BYTE 1 [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] 38 [6] 39 40 41 DATA BYTE 2 [5] [4] [3] [2] 42 [1] 43 44 [7] [0] ACK (SLAVE) [6] [5] DATA BYTE N [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] ACK STOP (SLAVE) ACK (SLAVE) 11486-031 DEVICE ADDRESS BYTE MISO/SDA Figure 29. I2C Slave Burst Mode Write Operation (N Bytes) 0 1 2 3 4 0 START 1 1 1 0 29 30 31 32 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SCLK/SCL DEVICE ADDRESS BYTE MISO/SDA 27 28 ADDR1 ADDR0 33 34 [7] R/W ACK (SLAVE) 35 36 37 [6] SUBADDRESS BYTE 1 [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] [7] [6] SUBADDRESS BYTE 2 [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] ACK (SLAVE) 43 44 DATA BYTE 1 FROM SLAVE [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] 38 39 40 41 42 ACK (SLAVE) SCLK/SCL 0 1 REPEATED START 1 1 0 ADDR1 ADDR0 R/W [7] ACK (SLAVE) [7] ACK (SLAVE) Figure 30. I2C Slave Burst Mode Read Operation (N Bytes) Rev. D | Page 45 of 195 DATA BYTE N FROM SLAVE [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] ACK STOP (SLAVE) 11486-032 CHIP ADDRESS BYTE MISO/SDA ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet I2C Read and Write Operations to reverse and begin driving data back to the master. The master then responds every ninth pulse with an acknowledge pulse to the device. Figure 31 shows the format of a single word write operation. Every ninth clock pulse, the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 issue an acknowledge by pulling SDA low. Figure 34 shows the format of a burst mode read sequence. This figure shows an example of a read from sequential single byte registers. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 increment the subaddress register after every byte because the requested subaddress corresponds to a register or memory area with a 1-byte word length. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 always decode the subaddress and set the auto-increment circuit such that the address increments after the appropriate number of bytes. Figure 32 shows the simplified format of a burst mode write sequence. This figure shows an example of a write to sequential single byte registers. The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 increment the subaddress register after every byte because the requested subaddress corresponds to a register or memory area with a 1-byte word length. Figure 33 shows the format of a single word read operation. Note that the first R/W bit is 0, indicating a write operation. This is because the subaddress still needs to be written to set up the internal address. After the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 acknowledge the receipt of the subaddress, the master must issue a repeated start command followed by the chip address byte with the R/W bit set to 1 (read). This causes the SDA pin of the device CHIP ADDRESS, R/W = 0 AS SUBADDRESS, HIGH AS SUBADDRESS, LOW DATA BYTE 1 AS DATA BYTE 2 AS AS ... DATA BYTE N AS P 11486-033 S Figure 31 to Figure 34 use the following abbreviations: S = start bit P = stop bit AM = acknowledge by master AS = acknowledge by slave S = START BIT, P = STOP BIT, AM = ACKNOWLEDGE BY MASTER, AS = ACKNOWLEDGE BY SLAVE. SHOWS A ONE-WORD WRITE, WHERE EACH WORD HAS N BYTES. Figure 31. Simplified Single Word I2C Write Sequence CHIP ADDRESS, R/W = 0 AS SUBADDRESS, HIGH AS SUBADDRESS, LOW AS AS AS AS AS ... DATA-WORD 1, DATA-WORD 1, DATA-WORD 2, DATA-WORD 2, BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 1 BYTE 2 AS AS P DATA-WORD N, DATA-WORD N, BYTE 1 BYTE 2 S = START BIT, P = STOP BIT, AM = ACKNOWLEDGE BY MASTER, AS = ACKNOWLEDGE BY SLAVE. SHOWS AN N-WORD WRITE, WHERE EACH WORD HAS TWO BYTES. (OTHER WORD LENGTHS ARE POSSIBLE, RANGING FROM ONE TO FIVE BYTES.) 11486-034 S Figure 32. Simplified Burst Mode I2C Write Sequence AS SUBADDRESS, HIGH AS SUBADDRESS, LOW AS S CHIP ADDRESS, R/W = 1 AS DATA BYTE 1 AM DATA BYTE 2 AM ... DATA BYTE N P AM 11486-035 CHIP ADDRESS, R/W = 0 S S = START BIT, P = STOP BIT, AM = ACKNOWLEDGE BY MASTER, AS = ACKNOWLEDGE BY SLAVE. SHOWS A ONE-WORD WRITE, WHERE EACH WORD HAS N BYTES. Figure 33. Simplified Single Word I2C Read Sequence CHIP ADDRESS, R/W = 0 AS SUBADDRESS, HIGH AS SUBADDRESS, LOW AS S CHIP ADDRESS, R/W = 1 AS AM DATA-WORD 1, BYTE 1 AM DATA-WORD 1, BYTE 2 ... AM AM P DATA-WORD N, DATA-WORD N, BYTE 1 BYTE 2 S = START BIT, P = STOP BIT, AM = ACKNOWLEDGE BY MASTER, AS = ACKNOWLEDGE BY SLAVE. SHOWS AN N-WORD WRITE, WHERE EACH WORD HAS TWO BYTES. (OTHER WORD LENGTHS ARE POSSIBLE, RANGING FROM ONE TO FIVE BYTES.) Figure 34. Simplified Burst Mode I2C Read Sequence Rev. D | Page 46 of 195 11486-036 S Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SPI Slave Port There is only one chip address available in SPI mode. The 7-bit chip address is 0b0000000. The LSB of the first byte of an SPI transaction is an R/W bit. This bit determines whether the communication is a read (Logic Level 1) or a write (Logic Level 0). This format is shown in Table 36. By default, the slave port is in I C mode, but it can be put into SPI control mode by pulling SS/ADDR0 low three times. This can be done either by toggling the SS/ADDR0 successively between logic high and logic low states, or by performing three dummy writes to the SPI port, writing any arbitrary data to any arbitrary subaddress (the slave port does not acknowledge these three writes). After the SS/ADDR0 is toggled three times, data can be written to or read from the IC. An example of dummy writing is shown in Figure 35. When set in SPI slave mode, the only way to revert back to I2C slave mode is by executing a full hardware reset using the RESET pin, or by power cycling the power supplies. 2 Table 36. SPI Address and Read/Write Byte Format Bit 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 0 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 0 Bit 0 R/W The 16-bit subaddress word is decoded into a location in one of the registers. This subaddress is the location of the appropriate register. The MSBs of the subaddress are zero padded to bring the word to a full 2-byte length. The SPI port uses a 4-wire interface, consisting of the SS, MOSI, MISO, and SCLK signals, and the SPI port is always a slave port. The SS signal goes low at the beginning of a transaction and high at the end of a transaction. The SCLK signal latches the MOSI signal on a low-to-high transition. MISO data is shifted out of the device on the falling edge of SCLK and must be clocked into a receiving device, such as a microcontroller, on the SCLK rising edge. The MOSI signal carries the serial input data, and the MISO signal carries the serial output data. The MISO signal remains three-state until a read operation is requested. This allows other SPI-compatible peripherals to share the same MISO line. All SPI transactions have the same basic format shown in Table 37. A timing diagram is shown in Figure 9. Write all data MSBs first. 0 Bit 6 0 The format for the SPI communications slave port is commonly known as SPI Mode 3, where clock polarity (CPOL) = 1 and clock phase (CPHA) = 1 (see Figure 36). The base value of the clock is 1. Data is captured on the rising edge of the clock, and data is propagated on the falling edge. The maximum read and write speed for the SPI slave port is 22 MHz, but this speed is valid only after the PLL is locked. Before the PLL locks, the maximum clock rate in the chip is limited to the frequency of the input clock to the PLL. Nominally, this frequency is 3.072 MHz. Therefore, the SPI clock must not exceed 3.072 MHz until the PLL lock completes. For an SPI read, there is also an additional delay before the data is ready to transmit. An SPI read must wait for eight MCLK cycles after the register address is transmitted before transmitting the clocks to read the data. When the PLL is locked, this delay is so small that it can be ignored. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SS/ADDR0 11486-038 SCLK/SCL MOSI/ADDR1 Figure 35. Example of SPI Slave Mode Initialization Sequence Using Dummy Writes Table 37. Generic Control Word Sequence Byte 0 Chip Address[6:0], R/W Byte 1 Subaddress[15:8] Byte 2 Subaddress[7:0] Rev. D | Page 47 of 195 Byte 3 Data Byte 4 and Subsequent Bytes Data ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SCLK Data Sheet CPOL = 0 CPOL = 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 MISO Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z MOSI Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z CYCLE # CPHA = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MISO Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z MOSI Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z CYCLE # CPHA = 1 Figure 36. Clock Polarity and Phase for SPI Slave Port Rev. D | Page 48 of 195 11486-037 SS Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 A sample timing diagram for a multiple word SPI write operation to a register is shown in Figure 37. A sample timing diagram of a single word SPI read operation is shown in Figure 38. The MISO/SDA pin transitions from being three-state to being driven at the beginning of Byte 3. In this example, Byte 0 to Byte 2 contain the addresses and the R/W bit, and subsequent bytes carry the data. A sample timing diagram of a multiple word SPI read operation is shown in Figure 39. In Figure 37 to Figure 39, rising edges on SCLK/SCL are indicated with an arrow, signifying that the data lines are sampled on the rising edge. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SS/ADDR0 CHIP ADDRESS[6:0] SUBADDRESS BYTE 1 R/W MOSI/ADDR1 SUBADDRESS BYTE 2 DATA BYTE 1 DATA BYTE 2 DATA BYTE N 11486-039 SCLK/SCL Figure 37. SPI Slave Write Clocking (Burst Write Mode, N Bytes) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SS/ADDR0 SCLK/SCL MOSI/ADDR1 CHIP ADDRESS[6:0] SUBADDRESS BYTE 1 SUBADDRESS BYTE 2 DATA BYTE 2 11486-040 DATA BYTE 1 MISO/SDA DATA BYTE N 11486-041 R/W Figure 38. SPI Slave Read Clocking (Single Word Mode, Two Bytes) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SS/ADDR0 SCLK/SCL MOSI/ADDR1 CHIP ADDRESS[6:0] SUBADDRESS BYTE 1 SUBADDRESS BYTE 2 R/W MISO/SDA DATA BYTE 1 DATA BYTE 2 Figure 39. SPI Slave Read Clocking (Burst Read Mode, N Bytes) Rev. D | Page 49 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet MASTER CONTROL PORTS The device contains a combined I2C and SPI master control port that is accessible through a common interface. The master port can be enabled through a self boot operation or directly from the DSP core. The master control port can buffer up to 128 bits of data per single interrupt period. The smallest data transfer unit for both bus interfaces is one byte, and all transfers are 8-bit aligned. No error detection is supported, and single master operation is assumed. Only one bus interface protocol (I2C or SPI) can be used at a time. The master control port can be used for several purposes, as follows: • • • Self boot the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 from an external serial EEPROM. Boot and control external slave devices such as codecs and amplifiers. Read from and write to an external SPI RAM or flash memory. SPI Master Interface The SPI master supports up to seven slave devices (via the MPx pins) and speeds between 2.3 kHz and 20 MHz. SPI Mode 0 (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0) and SPI Mode 3 (CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1) are supported. Communication is assumed to be half duplex, and the SPI master does not support a 3-wire interface. There is no JTAG or SGPIO support. The SPI interface uses a minimum of four general-purpose input/output pins of the processor and up to six additional MPx pins for additional slave select signals (SS). See Table 38 for more information. The SPI master clock frequency can range between 2.3 kHz and 20 MHz. JTAG and SGPIO are not supported. Data transfers are 8-bit aligned. By default, the SPI master port is in Mode 3 (CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1), which matches the mode of the SPI slave port. The SPI master port can be configured to operate in Mode 0 (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0) in the DSP program. No error detection or handling is implemented. Single master operation is assumed; therefore, no other master devices can exist on the same SPI bus. The SPI master interface has been tested with EEPROM, flash, and serial RAM devices and has been confirmed to work in all cases. When the data rate is very high on the SPI master interface (at 10 MHz or higher), a condition may arise where there is a high level of current draw on the IOVDD supply, which can lead to sagging of the internal IOVDD supply. To avoid potential issues, design the PCB such that the traces connecting the SPI master interface to external devices are kept as short as possible, and the slew rate and drive strength for SPI master interface pins are kept to a minimum to keep current draw as low as possible. Keeping IOVDD low (2.5 V or 1.8 V) also reduces the IOVDD current draw. SigmaStudio generates EEPROM images for self boot systems, requiring no manual SPI master port configuration or programming on the part of the user. I2C Master Interface The I2C master is 7-bit addressable and supports standard and fast mode operation with speeds between 20 kHz and 400 kHz. The serial camera control bus (SCCB) and power management bus (PMBus) protocols are not supported. Data transfers are 8-bit aligned. No error detection or correction is implemented. The I2C master interface uses two general-purpose input/output pins, MP2 and MP3. See Table 39 for more information. Place a pull-up resistor on each line connected to the SDA and SCL pins. The value of the pull-up resistor depends on the bus capacitance load on the bus. See the standard I2C specifications document, published by Philips (NXP) Semiconductors, for guidance on resistor selection. A value of 2 kΩ is a good average value for many systems. Ensure that the voltage on these signal lines does not exceed IOVDD (1.8 V − 5% to 3.3 V + 10%). The SDA master (SDA_M) and SCL master (SCL_M) port pins can safely sink 8 mA of current in I2C mode, and can properly operate within the standard I2C specifications. See Table 14 for details. Table 38. SPI Master Interface Pin Functionality Pin Name MOSI_M/MP1 SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 SS_M/MP0 MP4 to MP13 SPI Master Function MOSI SCLK MISO SS SS Description SPI master port data output. Sends data from the SPI master port to slave devices on the SPI master bus. SPI master port serial clock. Drives the clock signal to slave devices on the SPI master bus. SPI master port data input. Receives data from slave devices on the SPI master bus. SPI master port slave select. Acts as the primary slave select signal to slave device on the SPI master bus. SPI master port slave select. These additional MPx pins can be configured to act as secondary slave select signals to additional slave devices on the SPI master bus. Up to seven slave devices, one per pin, are supported. Rev. D | Page 50 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Table 39. I2C Master Interface Pin Functionality Pin Name SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 I2C Master Function SCL SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 SDA Description I2C master port serial clock. This pin functions as an open collector output and drives a serial clock to slave devices on the I2C bus. The line connected to this pin must have a pull-up resistor to IOVDD. I2C master port serial data. This pin functions as a bidirectional open collector data line between the I2C master port and slave devices on the I2C bus. The line connected to this pin must have a pull-up resistor to IOVDD. Rev. D | Page 51 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet SELF BOOT When self booting from I2C, the chip assumes the following: The master control port is capable of booting the device from a single EEPROM by connecting the SELFBOOT pin to logic high (IOVDD) and powering up the power supplies when the RESET pin is pulled high. This initiates a self boot operation, in which the master control port downloads all required memory and register settings and automatically starts executing the DSP program without requiring external intervention or supervision. A self boot operation can also be triggered when the device is already in operation by initiating a rising edge of the RESET pin when the SELFBOOT pin is held high. When the self boot operation begins, the state of the SS_M/MP0 pin determines whether the SPI master or the I2C master carries out the self boot operation. If the SS_M/MP0 pin is connected to logic low, the I2C master port carries out the self boot operation. Otherwise, connect this pin to the slave select pin of the external slave device. The SPI master port then carries out the self boot operation. • • When self booting from SPI, the chip assumes the following: • • • • • • • • The slave EEPROM is selected via the SS_M/MP0 pin. The slave EEPROM has 16- or 24-bit addressing, giving it a total memory size of between 4 kb and 64 Mb. The slave EEPROM supports serial clock frequencies down to 1 MHz or lower (a majority of the self boot operation uses a much higher clock frequency, but the initial transactions are performed at a slower frequency). The data stored in the slave EEPROM follows the format described in the EEPROM Self Boot Data Format section. The data is stored in the slave EEPROM with the MSB first. The slave EEPROM supports SPI Mode 3. The slave EEPROM sequential read operation has the command of 0x03. The slave EEPROM can be accessed immediately after it is powered up, with no manual configuration required. • • • The slave EEPROM has I2C Address 0x50. The slave EEPROM has 16-bit addressing, giving it a size of between 16 kb and 512 kb. The slave EEPROM supports standard mode clock frequencies of 100 kHz and lower (a majority of the self boot operation uses a much higher clock frequency, but the initial transactions are performed at a slower frequency). The data stored in the slave EEPROM follows the format described in the EEPROM Self Boot Data Format section. The slave EEPROM can be accessed immediately after it is powered, with no manual configuration required. Self Boot Failure The SPI or I2C master port attempts to self boot from the EEPROM three times. If all three self boot attempts fail, the SigmaDSP core issues a software panic and then enters a sleep state. During a self boot operation, the panic manager is unable to output a panic flag on a multipurpose pin. Therefore, the only way to debug a self boot failure is by reading back the status of Register 0xF427 (PANIC_FLAG) and Register 0xF428 (PANIC_CODE). The contents of Register 0xF428 indicate the nature of the failure. EEPROM Self Boot Data Format The self boot EEPROM image is generated using the SigmaStudio software; which means that the user does not need to manually create the data that is stored in the EEPROM. However, for reference, the details of the data format are described in this section. The EEPROM self boot format consists of a fixed header, an arbitrary number of variable length blocks, and a fixed footer. The blocks themselves consist of a fixed header and a block of data with a variable length. Each data block can be placed anywhere in the DSP memory through configuration of the block header. Rev. D | Page 52 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Header Format  The self boot EEPROM header consists of 16 bytes of data, starting at the beginning of the internal memory of the slave EEPROM (Address 0). The header format (see Figure 40) consists of the following:      Data Block Format  Following the header, several data blocks are stored in the EEPROM memory (see Figure 41). Footer Format Each data block consists of eight bytes that configure the length and address of the data, followed by a series of 4-byte data packets. After all the data blocks, a footer signifies the end of the self boot EEPROM memory (see Figure 42). The footer consists of a 64-bit checksum, which is the sum of the header and all blocks and all data as 32-bit words. Each block consists of the following: BYTE 0 1 0 1 0 1 After the self boot operation completes, the checksum of the downloaded data is calculated and the panic manager signals if it does not match the checksum in the EEPROM. If the checksum is set to 0 decimal, the checksum checking is disabled. BYTE 1 0 1 BYTE 2 0 BYTE 3 ADDRESS OF FIRST BOOT BLOCK BYTE 4 BYTE 5 BYTE 6 BYTE 7 0x00 PLL_DIV 0x00 PLL_FB_DIV BYTE 8 BYTE 9 BYTE 10 BYTE 11 0x00 PLL_CHECKSUM 0x00 MCLK_OUT BYTE 12 BYTE 13 BYTE 14 BYTE 15 EEPROM SPEED CONFIGURATION 11486-042  One LST bit, which signals the last block before the footer. LST = 0b1 indicates the last block; LST = 0b0 indicates that additional blocks are still to follow. 13 bits that are reserved for future use. Set these bits to 0b0. Figure 40. Self Boot EEPROM Header Format BYTE 0 LST BYTE 1 RESERVED BYTE 2 MEM BYTE 4 BYTE 3 BASE ADDRESS BYTE 5 BYTE 6 DATA LENGTH BYTE 7 JUMP ADDRESS BYTE 8 BYTE 9 BYTE 10 BYTE 11 BYTE 14 BYTE 15 DATA-WORD 1 BYTE 12 BYTE 13 DATA-WORD 2 CONTINUED UNTIL LAST WORD IS REACHED… FOURTH TO LAST BYTE THIRD TO LAST BYTE SECOND TO LAST BYTE LAST BYTE DATA-WORD N 11486-043  Figure 41. Self Boot EEPROM Data Block Format BYTE 0 BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 FIRST FOUR BYTES OF CHECKSUM BYTE 4 BYTE 5 BYTE 6 LAST FOUR BYTES OF CHECKSUM Figure 42. Self Boot EEPROM Footer Format Rev. D | Page 53 of 195 BYTE 7 11486-044  8-bit Sentinel 0xAA (shown in Figure 40 as 0b10101010) 24-bit address indicating the byte address of the header of the first block (normally this is 0x000010, which is the address immediately following the header) 64-bit PLL configuration (PLL_CHECKSUM = PLL_FB_DIV + MCLK_OUT + PLL_DIV) Two MEM bits that select the target data memory bank (0x0 = Data Memory 0, 0x1 = Data Memory 1, 0x2 = program memory). 16-bit base address that sets the memory address at which the master port starts writing when loading data from the block into memory. 16-bit data length that defines the number of 4-byte datawords to be written. 16-bit jump address that tells the DSP core at which address in program memory it must begin execution when the self boot operation is complete. The jump address bits are ignored unless the LST bit is set to 0b1. Arbitrary number of packets of 32-bit data. The number of packets is defined by the 16-bit data length. ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Considerations When Using a 1 Mb I2C Self Boot EEPROM AUDIO SIGNAL ROUTING Because of the way I2C addressing works, 1 Mb of I2C EEPROM memory can be divided, with a portion of its address space at Chip Address 0x50; another portion of the memory can be located at a different address (for example, Chip Address 0x51). The memory allocation varies, depending on the EEPROM design. In cases when the EEPROM memory is divided, the memory portion that resides at a different chip address must be handled as though it exists in a separate EEPROM. A large number of audio inputs and outputs are available in the device, and control registers are available for configuring the way in which the audio is routed between different functional blocks. Considerations When Using Multiple EEPROMs on the SPI Master Bus When multiple EEPROMs are connected on the same SPI master bus, the self boot mechanism works only with the first EEPROM. The ADAU1450 does not include an S/PDIF receiver, S/PDIF transmitter, or ASRCs, so signals cannot be routed to or from those subsystems. All input channels are accessible by both the DSP core and the ASRCs. Each ASRC can connect to a pair of audio channels from any of the input sources or from the DSP_TO_ASRC channels of the DSP core. The serial outputs can obtain their data from a number of sources, including the DSP core, ASRCs, PDM microphones, S/PDIF receiver, or directly from the serial inputs. See Figure 43 for an overview of the audio routing matrix with its available audio data connections. To route audio to and from the DSP core, select the appropriate input and output cells in SigmaStudio. These cells can be found in the I/O folder of the SigmaStudio algorithm toolbox. Rev. D | Page 54 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 DSP CORE S/PDIF OUT 2 CH ADAU1452/ADAU1451 8 CH INPUT 40 TO INPUT 47 8 CH 4 CH MP7 PDM MIC INPUT SPDIFIN S/PDIF Rx 2 CH SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 0 SDATA_OUT0 (2 CH TO 16 CH) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 1 SDATA_OUT1 (2 CH TO 16 CH) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 2 SDATA_OUT2 (2 CH TO 8 CH) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 3 SDATA_OUT3 (2 CH TO 8 CH) OUTPUT 16 TO 16 CH OUTPUT 31 OUTPUT 32 TO 8 CH OUTPUT 39 INPUT 32 TO INPUT 39 INPUT 40 TO INPUT 47 (×8) ASRC OUTPUTS (16 CHANNELS) PDM MICROPHONE INPUTS INPUT 40 TO INPUT 47 INPUT 32 TO INPUT 39 INPUT 16 TO INPUT 31 16 CH (2 CH × 8 ASRCS) S/PDIF RECEIVER 11486-045 4 CH 2 CH INPUT 0 TO INPUT 15 INPUT 16 TO INPUT 31 PDM MICROPHONE INPUTS S/PDIF RECEIVER 16 CH 16 CH 8 CH 8 CH ASRCs ASRC OUTPUTS OUTPUT 40 TO 8 CH OUTPUT 47 DSP TO ASRC (16 CHANNELS) MP6 SPDIFOUT 16 CH INPUT 0 TO INPUT 15 SDATA_IN3 (2 CH TO 8 CH) 32 TO SERIAL INPUT INPUT 39 INPUT PORT 2 SERIAL INPUT PORT 3 OUTPUT 0 TO OUTPUT 15 16 CH 16 CH SDATA_IN2 (2 CH TO 8 CH) INPUT 16 TO S/PDIF Tx 16 CH 16 CH 8 CH 8 CH 4 CH 2 CH SERIAL INPUT 31 INPUT PORT 1 16 CH SDATA_IN1 (2 CH TO 16 CH) DSP CORE 16 CH ASRC TO DSP (16 CHANNELS) SERIAL INPUT 15 INPUT PORT 0 16 CH INPUT 0 TO SDATA_IN0 (2 CH TO 16 CH) Figure 43. Audio Routing Overview Rev. D | Page 55 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Serial Audio Inputs to DSP Core The 48 serial input channels are mapped to four audio input cells in SigmaStudio. Each input cell corresponds to one of the serial input pins (see Table 40). Depending on whether the serial port is configured in 2-channel, 4-channel, 8-channel, or 16-channel mode, the available channels in SigmaStudio change. The channel count for each serial port is configured in the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE), at Address 0xF200 to Address 0xF21C (in increments of 0x4). Table 40. Serial Input Pin Mapping to SigmaStudio Input Cells Serial Input Pin SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN3 Channels in SigmaStudio 0 to 15 16 to 31 32 to 39 40 to 47 Figure 44 shows how the input pins map to the input cells in SigmaStudio, including their graphical appearance in the software. Table 41. Detailed Serial Input Mapping to SigmaStudio Input Channels 1 Serial Input Pin SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN2 Position in I2S Stream (2-Channel) Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Position in TDM4 Stream 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Position in TDM8 Stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rev. D | Page 56 of 195 Position in TDM16 Stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Input Channel in SigmaStudio 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Data Sheet Serial Input Pin SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN3 Position in I2S Stream (2-Channel) Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Position in TDM4 Stream 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Position in TDM8 Stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Position in TDM16 Stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Input Channel in SigmaStudio 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 N/A = not applicable. SDATA_IN0 (2 CH TO 16 CH) SERIAL INPUT 0 TO INPUT 15 INPUT PORT 0 16 CH SDATA_IN1 (2 CH TO 16 CH) SERIAL INPUT 16 TO INPUT 31 INPUT PORT 1 16 CH SDATA_IN2 (2 CH TO 8 CH) SERIAL INPUT 32 TO INPUT 39 INPUT PORT 2 8 CH SDATA_IN3 (2 CH TO 8 CH) SERIAL INPUT 40 TO INPUT 47 INPUT PORT 3 8 CH 11486-046 1 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 44. Serial Port Audio Input Mapping to DSP in SigmaStudio PDM Microphone Inputs to DSP Core S/PDIF Receiver Inputs to DSP Core The PDM microphone inputs are mapped to a single digital microphone input cell in SigmaStudio (see Table 42 and Figure 45). The corresponding hardware pins are configured in Register 0xF560 (DMIC_CTRL0) and Register 0xF561 (DMIC_CTRL1). The S/PDIF receiver must not be accessed directly in the DSP core because the S/PDIF receiver input is asynchronous to the DSP core in most applications. Therefore, an ASRC is required. See the Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter Input Routing section for details. Table 42. PDM Microphone Input Mapping to SigmaStudio Channels MP6 MP7 PDM MIC INPUT Table 43. S/PDIF Input Mapping to SigmaStudio Channels Channel in S/PDIF Receiver Data Stream Left Right S/PDIF Input Channels in SigmaStudio 0 1 Serial Audio Outputs from DSP Core 4 CH 11486-047 PDM Data Channel Left (DMIC_CTRL0) Right (DMIC_CTRL0) Left (DMIC_CTRL1) Right (DMIC_CTRL1) PDM Microphone Input Channel in SigmaStudio 0 1 2 3 Figure 45. PDM Microphone Input Mapping to DSP in SigmaStudio The 48 serial output channels are mapped to 48 separate audio output cells in SigmaStudio. Each audio output cell corresponds to a single output channel. The first 16 channels are mapped to the SDATA_OUT0 pin. The next 16 channels are mapped to the SDATA_OUT1 pin. The following eight channels are mapped to the SDATA_OUT2 pin. The last eight channels are mapped to the SDATA_OUT3 pin (see Table 44 and Figure 46). Rev. D | Page 57 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Table 44. Serial Output Pin Mapping from SigmaStudio Channels1 Channel in SigmaStudio 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1 Serial Output Pin SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT3 Position in I2S Stream (2-Channel) Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Left Right N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A = not applicable. Rev. D | Page 58 of 195 Position in TDM4 Stream 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Position in TDM8 Stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Position in TDM16 Stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 OUTPUT 0 TO OUTPUT 15 16 CH SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 0 SDATA_OUT0 (2 CH TO 16 CH) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 1 SDATA_OUT1 (2 CH TO 16 CH) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 2 SDATA_OUT2 (2 CH TO 8 CH) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 3 SDATA_OUT3 (2 CH TO 8 CH) OUTPUT 16 TO OUTPUT 31 16 CH OUTPUT 32 TO OUTPUT 39 8 CH OUTPUT 40 TO OUTPUT 47 8 CH 11486-049 FROM SERIAL INPUTS, PDM MICS, S/PDIF RECEIVER, AND ASRCS Figure 46. DSP to Serial Output Mapping in SigmaStudio SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 0 SOUT SOURCE 0 DSP S/PDIF OUT 0 DSP S/PDIF OUT 1 S/PDIF Rx 0 S/PDIF Tx 0 S/PDIF Tx 1 S/PDIF Tx SPDIFOUT 11486-051 The data that is output from each serial output pin is also configurable, via the SOUT_SOURCEx registers, to originate from one of the following sources: the DSP, the serial inputs, the PDM microphone inputs, the S/PDIF receiver, or the ASRCs. These registers can be configured graphically in SigmaStudio, as shown in Figure 47. S/PDIF Rx 1 Figure 48. S/PDIF Transmitter Source Selection When the signal comes from the DSP core, use the S/PDIF output cells in SigmaStudio. SOUT SOURCE 1 Table 45. S/PDIF Output Mapping from SigmaStudio Channels SOUT SOURCE 2 S/PDIF Output Channel in SigmaStudio 0 1 SOUT SOURCE 3 SOUT SOURCE 4 SOUT SOURCE 5 Channel in S/PDIF Transmitter Data Stream Left Right SOUT SOURCE 6 DSP CORE S/PDIF OUT 2 CH Figure 47. Configuring the Serial Output Data Channels (SOUT_SOURCEx Registers) Graphically in SigmaStudio S/PDIF Tx SPDIFOUT S/PDIF Audio Outputs from DSP Core to S/PDIF Transmitter The output signal of the S/PDIF transmitter can come from the DSP core or directly from the S/PDIF receiver. The selection is controlled by Register 0xF1C0 (SPDIFTX_INPUT). FROM S/PDIF RECEIVER Figure 49. DSP to S/PDIF Transmitter Output Mapping in SigmaStudio Rev. D | Page 59 of 195 11486-052 SDATA_OUT0 11486-050 SOUT SOURCE 7 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter Input Routing ASRC OUTPUTS 16 CH ASRC TO DSP (16 CHANNELS) 16 CH INPUT 32 TO INPUT 39 INPUT 40 TO INPUT 47 ASRC OUTPUTS (16 CHANNELS) (×8) 16 CH (2 CH × 8 ASRCS) PDM MICROPHONE INPUTS ADAU1452/ ADAU1451 S/PDIF RECEIVER In the example shown in Figure 51, the two channels from the S/PDIF receiver are routed to one of the ASRCs and then to the DSP core. For this example, the corresponding ASRC input selector register (Register 0xF100 to Register 0xF107, ASRC_INPUTx), Bits[2:0] (ASRC_SOURCE) is set to 0b011 to take the input from the S/PDIF receiver. Likewise, the corresponding ASRC output rate selector register (Register 0xF140 to Register 0xF147, ASRC_ OUT_RATEx, Bits[3:0] (ASRC_RATE)) is set to 0b0101 to synchronize the ASRC output data to the DSP core sample rate. 11486-053 4 CH 2 CH INPUT 0 TO INPUT 15 INPUT 16 TO INPUT 31 16 CH 16 CH 16 CH 8 CH 8 CH ASRCs Figure 50. Channel Routing to ASRC Inputs 16 CH DSP CORE ASRCs ASRC TO DSP (16 CHANNELS) Asynchronous input signals (either serial inputs, PDM microphone inputs, or the S/PDIF input) typically need to be routed to an ASRC and then synchronized to the DSP core rate. They are then available for input to the DSP core for processing. DSP CORE DSP TO ASRC (16 CHANNELS) Any asynchronous input can be routed to the ASRCs to be resynchronized to a desired target sample rate (see Figure 50). The source signals for any ASRC can come from any of the serial inputs, any of the DSP-to-ASRC channels, the S/PDIF receiver, or the digital PDM microphone inputs. There are eight ASRCs, each with two input channels and two output channels. This means a total of 16 channels can pass through the ASRCs. 2 CH S/PDIF RECEIVER 11486-054 (×8) Figure 51. Example ASRC Routing for Asynchronous Input to the DSP Core Rev. D | Page 60 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 When the outputs of the ASRCs are required for processing in the SigmaDSP core, the ASRC input block must be selected in SigmaStudio (see Figure 52 and Figure 53). In the case of the ADAU1450, which has no ASRCs, the ASRC input cell does not generate any data. ASRC OUT 0 ASRC0 ASRC OUT 1 ASRC OUT 2 ASRC1 ASRC OUT3 ASRC OUT4 ASRC2 ASRC OUT 5 ASRC OUT 6 ASRC3 ASRC OUT 7 ASRC OUT 8 ASRC4 ASRC OUT 9 ASRC OUT 10 ASRC5 ASRC OUT 11 ASRC OUT 12 ASRC6 ASRC OUT 13 ASRC OUT 14 ASRC7 11486-056 ASRC OUT 15 11486-055 Figure 53. Routing of ASRC Outputs to ASRC-to-DSP Input Cell in SigmaStudio Figure 52. Location of ASRC-to-DSP Input Cell in SigmaStudio Toolbox Rev. D | Page 61 of 195 Data Sheet 0b0001 to synchronize the ASRC output data to SDATA_OUT0 0b0010 to synchronize the ASRC output data to SDATA_OUT1 0b0011 to synchronize the ASRC output data to SDATA_OUT2 0b0100 to synchronize the ASRC output data to SDATA_OUT3 Next, the corresponding serial output port data source register (Address 0xF180 to Address 0xF197 (SOUT_SOURCEx), Bits[2:0] (SOUT_SOURCE)) must be set to 0b011 to receive the data from the ASRC outputs, and Bits[5:3] (SOUT_ASRC_SELECT) must be configured to select the correct ASRC from which to receive the output data. TO ASRC5 TO ASRC7 TO ASRC3 11486-059    TO ASRC2 In the example shown in Figure 54, two (or more) audio channels from the DSP core are routed to one (or more) of the ASRCs and then to the serial outputs. For this example, the corresponding ASRC input selector register (Address 0xF100 to Address 0xF107 (ASRC_INPUTx), Bits[2:0] (ASRC_SOURCE)) is set to 0b010 to take the data from the DSP core, and the corresponding ASRC output rate selector register (Address 0xF140 to Address 0xF147 (ASRC_OUT_RATEx), Bits[3:0] (ASRC_RATE)) is set to one of the following: TO ASRC6 TO ASRC1 TO ASRC0 Asynchronous output signals (for example, serial outputs that are slaves to an external, asynchronous device) typically are routed from the DSP core into the ASRCs, where they are synchronized to the serial output port that is acting as a slave to the external asynchronous master device. TO ASRC4 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 56. Routing of DSP-to-ASRC Output Cells in SigmaStudio to ASRC Inputs The ASRCs can also be used to take asynchronous inputs and convert them to a different sample rate without doing any processing in the DSP core. ASRCs 16 CH INPUT 0 TO INPUT 15 (×8) ASRC OUTPUTS (16 CHANNELS) 16 CH (2 CH × 8 ASRCs) 11486-060 16 CH Figure 57. Example ASRC Routing, Bypassing DSP Core ASRCs Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter Output Routing ASRC OUTPUTS (16 CHANNELS) 16 CH (2 CH × 8 ASRCS) Figure 54. Example ASRC Routing for Asynchronous Serial Output from the DSP Core The outputs of the ASRCs are always available at both the DSP core and the serial outputs. No manual routing is necessary. To route ASRC output data to serial output channels, configure Register 0xF180 to Register 0xF197 (SOUT_SOURCEx) accordingly. For more information, see Figure 58 and Table 46. When signals must route from the DSP core to the ASRCs, use the DSP-to-ASRC output cell in SigmaStudio (see Figure 55). In the case of the ADAU1450, which has no ASRCs, data routed to the DSP-to-ASRC output cells are lost. DSP CORE 16 CH ASRCs (×8) ASRC TO DSP (16 CHANNELS) (×8) Configure the ASRC routing registers using a simple graphical interface in the SigmaStudio software (see Figure 59). 11486-057 DSP TO ASRC (16 CHANNELS) DSP CORE ASRC OUTPUTS (16 CHANNELS) 11486-062 16 CH (2 CH × 8 ASRCs) 11486-058 Figure 58. ASRC Outputs Figure 55. Location of DSP-to-ASRC Output Cell in SigmaStudio Toolbox Rev. D | Page 62 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 11486-061 Data Sheet Figure 59. Configuring the ASRC Input Source and Target Rate in SigmaStudio Rev. D | Page 63 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Audio Signal Routing Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to audio routing is listed in Table 46. See the Audio Signal Routing Registers section for details. Table 46. Audio Routing Matrix Registers Address 0xF100 0xF101 0xF102 0xF103 0xF104 0xF105 0xF106 0xF107 0xF140 0xF141 0xF142 0xF143 0xF144 0xF145 0xF146 0xF147 0xF180 0xF181 0xF182 0xF183 0xF184 0xF185 0xF186 0xF187 0xF188 0xF189 0xF18A 0xF18B 0xF18C 0xF18D 0xF18E 0xF18F 0xF190 0xF191 0xF192 0xF193 0xF194 0xF195 0xF196 0xF197 0xF1C0 Register ASRC_INPUT0 ASRC_INPUT1 ASRC_INPUT2 ASRC_INPUT3 ASRC_INPUT4 ASRC_INPUT5 ASRC_INPUT6 ASRC_INPUT7 ASRC_OUT_RATE0 ASRC_OUT_RATE1 ASRC_OUT_RATE2 ASRC_OUT_RATE3 ASRC_OUT_RATE4 ASRC_OUT_RATE5 ASRC_OUT_RATE6 ASRC_OUT_RATE7 SOUT_SOURCE0 SOUT_SOURCE1 SOUT_SOURCE2 SOUT_SOURCE3 SOUT_SOURCE4 SOUT_SOURCE5 SOUT_SOURCE6 SOUT_SOURCE7 SOUT_SOURCE8 SOUT_SOURCE9 SOUT_SOURCE10 SOUT_SOURCE11 SOUT_SOURCE12 SOUT_SOURCE13 SOUT_SOURCE14 SOUT_SOURCE15 SOUT_SOURCE16 SOUT_SOURCE17 SOUT_SOURCE18 SOUT_SOURCE19 SOUT_SOURCE20 SOUT_SOURCE21 SOUT_SOURCE22 SOUT_SOURCE23 SPDIFTX_INPUT Description ASRC input selector (ASRC 0, Channel 0 and Channel 1) ASRC input selector (ASRC 1, Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC input selector (ASRC 2, Channel 4 and Channel 5) ASRC input selector (ASRC 3, Channel 6 and Channel 7) ASRC input selector (ASRC 4, Channel 8 and Channel 9) ASRC input selector (ASRC 5, Channel 10 and Channel 11) ASRC input selector (ASRC 6, Channel 12 and Channel 13) ASRC input selector (ASRC 7, Channel 14 and Channel 15) ASRC output rate (ASRC 0, Channel 0 and Channel 1) ASRC output rate (ASRC 1, Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC output rate (ASRC 2, Channel 4 and Channel 5) ASRC output rate (ASRC 3, Channel 6 and Channel 7) ASRC output rate (ASRC 4, Channel 8 and Channel 9) ASRC output rate (ASRC 5, Channel 10 and Channel 11) ASRC output rate (ASRC 6, Channel 12 and Channel 13) ASRC output rate (ASRC 7, Channel 14 and Channel 15) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 0 and Channel 1) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 2 and Channel 3) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 4 and Channel 5) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 6 and Channel 7) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 8 and Channel 9) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 10 and Channel 11) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 12 and Channel 13) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 14 and Channel 15) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 16 and Channel 17) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 18 and Channel 19) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 20 and Channel 21) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 22 and Channel 23) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 24 and Channel 25) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 26 and Channel 27) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 28 and Channel 29) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 30 and Channel 31) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 32 and Channel 33) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 34 and Channel 35) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 36 and Channel 37) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 38 and Channel 39) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 40 and Channel 41) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 42 and Channel 43) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 44 and Channel 45) Source of data for serial output port (Channel 46 and Channel 47) S/PDIF transmitter data selector Rev. D | Page 64 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SERIAL DATA INPUT/OUTPUT There are four serial data input pins (SDATA_IN3 to SDATA_IN0) and four serial data output pins (SDATA_OUT3 to SDATA_ OUT0). Each pin is capable of 2-channel, 4-channel, or 8-channel mode. In addition, SDATA_IN0, SDATA_IN1, SDATA_OUT0, and SDATA_OUT1 are capable of 16-channel mode. The serial ports have a very flexible configuration scheme that allows completely independent and orthogonal configuration of clock pin assignment, clock waveform type, clock polarity, channel count, position of the data bits within the stream, audio word length, slave or master operation, and sample rate. A detailed description of all possible serial port settings is included in the Serial Port Configuration Registers section. The physical serial data input and output pins are connected to functional blocks called serial ports, which deal with handling the audio data and clocks as they pass in and out of the device. Table 47 describes this relationship. Table 47. Relationship Between Hardware Serial Data Pins and Serial Input/Output Ports Serial Data Pin SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT3 Serial Port Serial Input Port 0 Serial Input Port 1 Serial Input Port 2 Serial Input Port 3 Serial Output Port 0 Serial Output Port 1 Serial Output Port 2 Serial Output Port 3 The maximum sample rate for the serial audio data on the serial ports is 192 kHz. The minimum sample rate is 6 kHz. SDATA_IN2, SDATA_IN3, SDATA_OUT2, and SDATA_OUT3 are capable of operating in a special mode called flexible TDM mode, which allows custom byte addressable configuration, where the data for each channel is located in the serial data stream. Flexible TDM mode is not a standard audio interface. Use it only in cases where a customized serial data format is desired. See the Flexible TDM Interface section for more information. Serial Audio Data Format The serial data input and output ports are designed to work with audio data that is encoded in a linear pulse code modulation (PCM) format, based on the common I²S standard. Audio datawords can be 16, 24, or 32 bits in length. The serial ports can handle TDM formats with channel counts ranging from two channels to 16 channels on a single data line. Almost every aspect of the serial audio data format can be configured using the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 and SERIAL_BYTE_x_1 registers, and every setting can be configured independently. As a result, there are more than 70,000 valid configurations for each serial audio port. Serial Audio Data Timing Diagrams Because it is impractical to show timing diagrams for each possible combination, timing diagrams for the more common configurations are shown in Figure 60 to Figure 65. Explanatory text accompanies each figure. There are 48 channels of serial audio data inputs and 48 channels of serial audio data outputs. The 48 audio input channels and 48 audio output channels are distributed among the four serial data input pins and the four serial data output pins. This distribution is described in Table 48. Table 48. Relationship Between Data Pin, Audio Channels, Clock Pins, and TDM Options Serial Data Pin SDATA_IN0 SDATA_IN1 SDATA_IN2 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_OUT0 SDATA_OUT1 SDATA_OUT2 SDATA_OUT3 Channel Numbering Channel 0 to Channel 15 Channel 16 to Channel 31 Channel 32 to Channel 39 Channel 40 to Channel 47 Channel 0 to Channel 15 Channel 16 to Channel 31 Channel 32 to Channel 39 Channel 40 to Channel 47 Corresponding Clock Pins in Master Mode BCLK_IN0, LRCLK_IN0 BCLK_IN1, LRCLK_IN1 BCLK_IN2, LRCLK_IN2 BCLK_IN3, LRCLK_IN3 BCLK_OUT0, LRCLK_OUT0 BCLK_OUT1, LRCLK_OUT1 BCLK_OUT2, LRCLK_OUT2 BCLK_OUT3, LRCLK_OUT3 Rev. D | Page 65 of 195 Maximum TDM Channels 16 channels 16 channels 8 channels 8 channels 16 channels 16 channels 8 channels 8 channels Flexible TDM Mode No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes BCLK Figure 60 shows timing diagrams for possible serial port configurations in 2-channel mode, with 32 cycles of the bit clock signal per channel, for a total of 64 bit clock cycles per frame (see the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) = 0b000). Different bit clock polarities are illustrated in Figure 60 (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bit 7 (BCLK_POL)) as well as different ..0 Rev. D | Page 66 of 195 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 2 4 3 4 3 5 1 2 4 3 2 1 ..8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 0 7 6 7 5 6 5 4 5 3 4 4 3 2 3 2 0 8 7 6 5 3 2 4 3 1 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 8 0 1 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 6 0 5 4 3 2 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 0 8 0 7 6 5 6 5 4 5 3 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 0 0.. 8 7.. 1 0 31.. 2 1 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 8 15.. 8 7.. 1 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 0 2 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 4 3 4 3 5 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 2 1 5 7 6 7 6 8 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 8 7 6 3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 5 4 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 8 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 END OF FRAME *IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER TO CONFIGURE THE SERIAL PORTS TO OPERATE IN THIS MODE. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS MODE NOT BE USED BECAUSE THE AUDIO DATA CROSSES THE THRESHOLD BETWEEN TWO FRAMES, WHICH MAY VIOLATE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF OTHER DEVICES IN THE SYSTEM. 32-BIT, DELAY BY 16* ..16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15.. 32-BIT, DELAY BY 8* 8 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ..0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 5 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 0 32-BIT, DELAY BY 0 8 0 1 ..1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 5 7 6 7 6 8 6 5 4 MIDPOINT OF FRAME 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 0 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 4 3 3 32-BIT, DELAY BY 1* 8 5 ..0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 6 6 5 4 16-BIT, DELAY BY 16 16-BIT, DELAY BY 8 16-BIT, DELAY BY 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 1 ..8 7 7 24-BIT, DELAY BY 8 8 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 START OF NEW FRAME 24-BIT, DELAY BY 0 24-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 64-BIT CLOCK CYCLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 24-BIT, DELAY BY 1 DATA PULSE, POSITIVE POLARITY PULSE, NEGATIVE POLARITY 50/50, POSITIVE POLARITY 50/50, NEGATIVE POLARITY LRCLK POSITIVE POLARITY NEGATIVE POLARITY CYCLE NUMBER ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Figure 60. Serial Audio Formats; Two Channels, 32 Bits per Channel frame clock waveforms and polarities (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bit 9 (LRCLK_MODE) and Bit 8 (LRCLK_POL)). Excluding flexible TDM mode, there are 12 possible combinations of settings for the audio word length (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN)) and MSB position (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[4:3] (DATA_FMT)), all of which are shown in Figure 60. 11486-063 Figure 61 shows timing diagrams for possible serial port configurations in 4-channel mode, with 32 bit clock cycles per channel, for a total of 128 bit clock cycles per frame (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) = 0b001). The bit clock signal is omitted from the figure. Rev. D | Page 67 of 195 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 PREVIOUS SAMPLE PREVIOUS SAMPLE 16 BITS IDLE 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 8 BITS IDLE 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 1 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 8 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 3 8 BITS IDLE 8 BITS IDLE END OF FRAME CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 8 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 2 8 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 8 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 8 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE 16 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 0 8 BITS IDLE 8 BITS IDLE MIDPOINT OF FRAME 128-BIT CLOCK CYCLES *IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER TO CONFIGURE THE SERIAL PORTS TO OPERATE IN THIS MODE. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS MODE NOT BE USED BECAUSE THE AUDIO DATA CROSSES THE THRESHOLD BETWEEN TWO FRAMES, WHICH MAY VIOLATE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF OTHER DEVICES IN THE SYSTEM. 32-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 32-BIT, DELAY BY 8* 32-BIT, DELAY BY 0 32-BIT, DELAY BY 1* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 16 16-BIT, DELAY BY 8 16-BIT, DELAY BY 0 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 3 24-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 1 8 BITS IDLE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 START OF NEW FRAME 24-BIT, DELAY BY 8 24-BIT, DELAY BY 0 24-BIT, DELAY BY 1 DATA LRCLK BCLK Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 61. Serial Audio Data Formats; Four Channels, 32 Bits per Channel Excluding flexible TDM mode, there are 12 possible combinations of settings for the audio word length (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN)) and MSB position (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[4:3] (DATA_FMT)), all of which are shown in Figure 61. 11486-064 Figure 62 shows timing diagrams for possible serial port configurations in 8-channel mode, with 32 bit clock cycles per channel, for a total of 256 bit clock cycles per frame (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) = 0b010). The bit clock signal is omitted from the figure. Rev. D | Page 68 of 195 PREVIOUS SAMPLE PREVIOUS SAMPLE CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 3 MIDPOINT OF FRAME CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 7 END OF FRAME CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7... CHANNEL 7... CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7... CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CH7... CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 START OF NEW FRAME 256-BIT CLOCK CYCLES *IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER TO CONFIGURE THE SERIAL PORTS TO OPERATE IN THIS MODE. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS MODE NOT BE USED BECAUSE THE AUDIO DATA CROSSES THE THRESHOLD BETWEEN TWO FRAMES, WHICH MAY VIOLATE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF OTHER DEVICES IN THE SYSTEM. 32-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 32-BIT, DELAY BY 8* 32-BIT, DELAY BY 0 32-BIT, DELAY BY 1* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 16 16-BIT, DELAY BY 8 16-BIT, DELAY BY 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 1 24-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 24-BIT, DELAY BY 8 24-BIT, DELAY BY 0 24-BIT, DELAY BY 1 DATA LRCLK BCLK ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Figure 62. Serial Audio Data Formats; Eight Channels, 32 Bits per Channel Excluding flexible TDM mode, there are 12 possible combinations of settings for the audio word length (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN)) and MSB position (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[4:3] (DATA_FMT)), all of which are shown in Figure 62. 11486-065 Figure 63 shows some timing diagrams for possible serial port configurations in 16-channel mode, with 32 bit clock cycles per channel, for a total of 512 bit clock cycles per frame (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) = 0b011). The bit clock signal is omitted from the figure. Rev. D | Page 69 of 195 PREV SAMP PREV SAMP CH 0 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 5 CH 6 CH 7 CH 10 CH 11 CH 12 CH 13 CH 14 CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 15... CH 15 CH 15 CH 15 END OF FRAME CH 14 CH 14 CH 14 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 13 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 12 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 11 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 10 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 9 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 9 CH 9 CH 8 CH 8 CH 8 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 7 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 5 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 0 CH 0 CH 0 CH 1 CH 1 MIDPOINT OF FRAME 512-BIT CLOCK CYCLES *IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER TO CONFIGURE THE SERIAL PORTS TO OPERATE IN THIS MODE. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS MODE NOT BE USED BECAUSE THE AUDIO DATA CROSSES THE THRESHOLD BETWEEN TWO FRAMES, WHICH MAY VIOLATE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF OTHER DEVICES IN THE SYSTEM. 32-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 32-BIT, DELAY BY 8* 32-BIT, DELAY BY 0 32-BIT, DELAY BY 1* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 16 CH 0 CH 0 CH 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 8 CH 0 CH 0 CH 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 1 24-BIT, DELAY BY 16* ..15 24-BIT, DELAY BY 8 CH 0 CH 0 24-BIT, DELAY BY 0 START OF NEW FRAME 24-BIT, DELAY BY 1 DATA LRCLK BCLK Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 63. Serial Audio Data Formats; 16 Channels, 32 Bits per Channel Excluding flexible TDM mode, there are 12 possible combinations of settings for the audio word length (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN)) and MSB position (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[4:3] (DATA_FMT)), all of which are shown in Figure 63. 11486-066 BCLK Figure 64 shows some timing diagrams for possible serial port configurations in 4-channel mode, with 16 bit clock cycles per channel, for a total of 64 bit clock cycles per frame (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) = 0b100). Different bit clock polarities are shown (refer to the SERIAL_ Rev. D | Page 70 of 195 64-BIT CLOCK CYCLES CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 PREVIOUS SAMPLE PREVIOUS SAMPLE START OF NEW FRAME CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 MIDPOINT OF FRAME CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 END OF FRAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 *IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER TO CONFIGURE THE SERIAL PORTS TO OPERATE IN THIS MODE. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS MODE NOT BE USED BECAUSE THE AUDIO DATA CROSSES THE THRESHOLD BETWEEN TWO FRAMES, WHICH MAY VIOLATE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF OTHER DEVICES IN THE SYSTEM. 16-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 8* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 1* DATA LRCLK POSITIVE POLARITY NEGATIVE POLARITY CYCLE NUMBER ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Figure 64. Serial Audio Data Formats; Four Channels, 16 Bits per Channel BYTE_x_0 registers, Bit 7 (BCLK_POL)). The audio word length is fixed at 16 bits (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN) = 0b01), and there are four possible configurations for MSB position (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[4:3] (DATA_FMT)), all of which are shown in Figure 64. 11486-067 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 CHANNEL 0 MIDPOINT OF FRAME PREVIOUS SAMPLE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 0 10 9 8 PREVIOUS SAMPLE 7 6 5 START OF NEW FRAME 4 3 2 16-BIT, DELAY BY 16* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 8* 16-BIT, DELAY BY 0 16-BIT, DELAY BY 1* DATA LRCLK POSITIVE POLARITY NEGATIVE POLARITY 1 CYCLE NUMBER BCLK *IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE USER TO CONFIGURE THE SERIAL PORTS TO OPERATE IN THIS MODE. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS MODE NOT BE USED BECAUSE THE AUDIO DATA CROSSES THE THRESHOLD BETWEEN TWO FRAMES, WHICH MAY VIOLATE THE SPECIFICATIONS OF OTHER DEVICES IN THE SYSTEM. CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 19 18 17 16 15 14 11 12 13 32-BIT CLOCK CYCLES 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CHANNEL 1 27 28 29 CHANNEL 1 30 31 END OF FRAME 32 11486-068 Figure 65. Serial Audio Data Formats; Two Channels, 16 Bits per Channel Figure 65 shows some timing diagrams for possible serial port configurations in two channel mode, with 16 bit clock cycles per channel, for a total of 32 bit clock cycles per frame (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Register 0xF200 to Register 0xF21C, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) = 0b101). Different bit clock polarities are illustrated (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bit 7 (BCLK_POL)). The audio word length is fixed at 16 bits (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN) = 0b01), and there are four possible configurations for MSB position (SERIAL_ BYTE_x_0, Bits[4:3] (DATA_FMT)), all of which are shown in Figure 65. Rev. D | Page 71 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Serial Clock Domains There are four input clock domains and four output clock domains. A clock domain consists of a pair of LRCLK_OUTx and LRCLK_INx (frame clock) and BCLK_OUTx and BCLK_INx (bit clock) pins, which are used to synchronize the transmission of audio data to and from the device. In master mode (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Register 0xF200 to Register 0xF21C, Bits[15:13] (LRCLK_ SRC) = 0b100 and Bits[12:10] (BCLK_SRC) = 0b100), each clock domain corresponds to exactly one serial data pin, one frame clock pin, and one bit clock pin. Any serial data input can be clocked by any input clock domains when it is configured in slave mode (refer to the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[15:13] (LRCLK_ SRC), which can be set to 0b000, 0b001, 0b010, or 0b011; and Bits[12:10] (BCLK_SRC), which can be set to 0b000, 0b001, 0b010, or 0b011). Any serial data output can be clocked by any output clock domain when the data output is configured in slave mode (see the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[15:13] (LRCLK_SRC), which can be set to 0b000, 0b001, 0b010, or 0b011; and Bits[12:10] (BCLK_SRC), which can be set to 0b000, 0b001, 0b010, or 0b011). Table 49. Relationship Between Serial Data Pins and Clock Pins in Master or Slave Mode Serial Data Pin SDATA_IN0 Corresponding Clock Pins in Master Mode BCLK_IN0, LRCLK_IN0 (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) SDATA_IN1 BCLK_IN1, LRCLK_IN1 (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) SDATA_IN2 BCLK_IN2, LRCLK_IN2 (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) SDATA_IN3 BCLK_IN3, LRCLK_IN3 (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) SDATA_OUT0 BCLK_OUT0, LRCLK_OUT0 (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) SDATA_OUT1 BCLK_OUT1, LRCLK_OUT1 (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) SDATA_OUT2 BCLK_OUT2, LRCLK_OUT2 (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) SDATA_OUT3 BCLK_OUT3, LRCLK_OUT3 (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Rev. D | Page 72 of 195 Corresponding Clock Pins in Slave Mode BCLK_IN0, LRCLK_IN0 or BCLK_IN1, LRCLK_IN1 or BCLK_IN2, LRCLK_IN2 or BCLK_IN3, LRCLK_IN3 BCLK_IN0, LRCLK_IN0 or BCLK_IN1, LRCLK_IN1 or BCLK_IN2, LRCLK_IN2 or BCLK_IN3, LRCLK_IN3 BCLK_IN0, LRCLK_IN0 or BCLK_IN1, LRCLK_IN1 or BCLK_IN2, LRCLK_IN2 or BCLK_IN3, LRCLK_IN3 BCLK_IN0, LRCLK_IN0 or BCLK_IN1, LRCLK_IN1 or BCLK_IN2, LRCLK_IN2 or BCLK_IN3, LRCLK_IN3 BCLK_OUT0, LRCLK_OUT0 or BCLK_OUT1, LRCLK_OUT1 or BCLK_OUT2, LRCLK_OUT2 or BCLK_OUT3, LRCLK_OUT3 BCLK_OUT0, LRCLK_OUT0 or BCLK_OUT1, LRCLK_OUT1 or BCLK_OUT2, LRCLK_OUT2 or BCLK_OUT3, LRCLK_OUT3 BCLK_OUT0, LRCLK_OUT0 or BCLK_OUT1, LRCLK_OUT1 or BCLK_OUT2, LRCLK_OUT2 or BCLK_OUT3, LRCLK_OUT3 BCLK_OUT0, LRCLK_OUT0 or BCLK_OUT1, LRCLK_OUT1 or BCLK_OUT2, LRCLK_OUT2 or BCLK_OUT3, LRCLK_OUT3 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Serial Input Ports Serial Output Ports There is a one-to-one mapping between the serial input ports and the audio input channels in the DSP and the ASRC input selectors, which is described in Table 50. There is a one-to-one mapping between the serial output ports and the output audio channels in the DSP (see Table 51). Table 50. Relationship Between Serial Input Port and Corresponding Channel Numbers on the DSP and ASRC Inputs Serial Input 2 Serial Input 3 Audio Input Channels in the DSP and ASRC 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, and 47 If a serial input port is configured using the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE) for a number of channels that is less than its maximum channel count, the unused channels carry zero data. For example, if Serial Input 0 is set in 8-channel (TDM8) mode, the first eight channels (Channel 0 to Channel 7) carry data and the unused channels (Channel 8 to Channel 15) carry no data. There are four options for the word length of each serial input port: 24 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, or flexible TDM. The flexible TDM option is described in the Flexible TDM Input section. In 32-bit mode (see Figure 66), the 32 bits received on the serial input are mapped directly to a 32-bit word in the DSP core. To use 32-bit mode, the special 32-bit input cells must be used in SigmaStudio. AUDIO MSB AUDIO MSB MSB AUDIO MSB MSB Serial Input Port Serial Output 0 Serial Output 1 Serial Output 2 Serial Output 3 Audio Output Channels from the DSP 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,and 47 If a serial output port is configured using the SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 registers, Bits[2:0] (TDM_MODE), for a number of channels that is less than its maximum channel count, the unused channels are ignored. For example, if Serial Output Port 0 is set in 8-channel (TDM8) mode, and data is routed to it from the DSP, the first eight DSP output channels (Channel 0 through Channel 7) are output on SDATA_OUT0, but the remaining channels (Channel 8 through Channel 15) are not output from the device. There are four options for the word length of each serial output port: 24 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, or flexible TDM. See the Flexible TDM Output section for more information. In 32-bit mode (see Figure 67), all 32 bits from the 8.24 word in the DSP core are copied directly to the serial output. To use 32-bit mode, the special 32-bit output cells must be used in SigmaStudio. AUDIO MSB 8-BIT DATA AUDIO LSB 32-BIT SERIAL AUDIO INPUT STREAM 24-BIT AUDIO SAMPLE 8-BIT DATA AUDIO LSB LSB 32-BIT INPUT PORT ROUTING MATRIX AUDIO MSB MSB 24-BIT AUDIO SAMPLE 32-BIT WORD 8-BIT DATA AUDIO LSB DSP CORE LSB 11486-069 24-BIT AUDIO SAMPLE AUDIO MSB AUDIO LSB Where 16-bit mode is similar to 24-bit mode, the 16-bit audio data has 16 zeros below its LSB instead of just eight zeros (in the 24-bit case). The resulting 8.24 sample has seven sign extended zeros on top, nine padded zeros on the bottom, and 16 bits of data in the middle (8.24 format). 32-BIT WORD AUDIO LSB 32-BIT OUTPUT PORT Figure 66. 32-Bit Serial Input Example In 24-bit mode (see Figure 68), the 24-bit audio sample (in 1.23 format) is padded with eight zeros below its LSB (in 1.31 format) as it is input to the routing matrix. Then, the audio data is shifted such that the audio sample has seven sign-extended zeros on top, one padded zero on the bottom, and 24 bits of data in the middle (8.24 format). ROUTING MATRIX 32-BIT WORD AUDIO LSB LSB 32-BIT SERIAL AUDIO OUTPUT STREAM 11486-071 Serial Port Serial Input 0 Serial Input 1 Table 51. Relationship Between Serial Input Port and Corresponding DSP Output Channel Numbers Figure 67. 32-Bit Serial Output Example In 24-bit mode, the top seven MSBs of the 8.24 audio word in the DSP core are saturated, and the resulting 1.23 word is output from the serial port, with eight zeros padded under the LSB (see Figure 69). In 16-bit mode, the top seven MSBs of the 8.24 audio word in the DSP core are saturated, and the resulting 1.23 word is then truncated to a 1.15 word by removing the eight LSBs. The resulting 1.15 word is then zero padded with 16 zeros under the LSB and output from the serial port. Rev. D | Page 73 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 AUDIO MSB MSB Data Sheet MSB AUDIO MSB MSB SIGN EXTENDED AUDIO LSB LSB 24-BIT SERIAL AUDIO INPUT STREAM AUDIO MSB 1.23 AUDIO SAMPLE ROUTING MATRIX 1.23 AUDIO SAMPLE AUDIO LSB ZEROS LSB AUDIO LSB ZERO DSP CORE 24-BIT INPUT PORT LSB 11486-070 1.23 AUDIO SAMPLE Figure 68. 24-Bit Serial Input Example +1 +1 –1 MSB x: DSP CORE OUTPUT y: SERIAL PORT OUTPUT AUDIO MSB MSB 7 MSBs AUDIO MSB MSB AUDIO MSB SATURATOR/ CLIPPER 24-BITS ROUTING MATRIX 1.23 AUDIO SAMPLE 1.23 AUDIO SAMPLE AUDIO LSB AUDIO LSB DSP CORE 8 ZEROS LSB LSB SATURATED TO ±1 IF OUTPUT IS >1 AUDIO LSB LSB 24-BIT 1 LSB SERIAL AUDIO TRUNCATED OUTPUT STREAM 24-BIT OUTPUT PORT Figure 69. 24-Bit Serial Output Example Rev. D | Page 74 of 195 +127.999... 11486-072 –1 –128 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Serial Port Configuration Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to the serial ports is shown in Table 52. For a more detailed description, see the Serial Port Configuration Registers section. Table 52. Serial Port Registers Address 0xF200 0xF201 0xF204 0xF205 0xF208 0xF209 0xF20C 0xF20D 0xF210 0xF211 0xF214 0xF215 0xF218 0xF219 0xF21C 0xF21D Register SERIAL_BYTE_0_0 SERIAL_BYTE_0_1 SERIAL_BYTE_1_0 SERIAL_BYTE_1_1 SERIAL_BYTE_2_0 SERIAL_BYTE_2_1 SERIAL_BYTE_3_0 SERIAL_BYTE_3_1 SERIAL_BYTE_4_0 SERIAL_BYTE_4_1 SERIAL_BYTE_5_0 SERIAL_BYTE_5_1 SERIAL_BYTE_6_0 SERIAL_BYTE_6_1 SERIAL_BYTE_7_0 SERIAL_BYTE_7_1 Description Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN0 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN0 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN1 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN1 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN2 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN2 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN3 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN3 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT0 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT0 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT1 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT1 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT2 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT2 pin) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT3 pin) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT3 pin) Rev. D | Page 75 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet FLEXIBLE TDM INTERFACE The flexible TDM interface is available as an optional mode of operation on the SDATA_IN2 and SDATA_IN3 serial input ports, as well as on the SDATA_OUT2 and SDATA_OUT3 serial output ports. To use flexible TDM mode, the corresponding serial ports must be set in flexible TDM mode (SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 register, Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN) = 0b11 and SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 register, Bits[2:0] = 0b010). Flexible TDM input mode requires that both SDATA_IN2 and SDATA_IN3 be configured for flexible TDM mode. Likewise, flexible TDM output mode requires that both SDATA_OUT2 and SDATA_OUT3 pins are configured for flexible TDM mode. The flexible TDM interface provides byte addressable data placement in the input and output data streams on the corresponding serial data input/output pins. Each data stream is configured like a standard 8-channel TDM interface, with a total of 256 data bits (or 32 bytes) in the span of an audio frame. Because flexible TDM mode runs on two pins simultaneously, and each pin has 32 bytes of data, this means that there are a total of 64 data bytes. In flexible TDM input mode, each input channel inside the device can select its source data from any of the 64 input data bytes. In flexible TDM output mode, any serial output channel can be routed to any of the 64 output data bytes. Flexible TDM Input In flexible TDM input mode, two 256-bit data streams are input to the SDATA_IN2 and SDATA_IN3 pins. These 256 bits of data compose eight channels of four bytes each, for a total of 32 bytes on each pin, and a total of 64 bytes when both input pins are combined. The flexible TDM input functional block routes the desired input byte to a given byte in the serial input channels. Those serial input channels are then available as normal audio data in the audio routing matrix. The data can be passed to the DSP core, the ASRC inputs, or the serial outputs as needed. There are a total of 64 control registers (FTDM_INx) that can be configured to set up the mapping of input data bytes to the corresponding bytes in the serial input channels. Each byte in each serial input channel has a corresponding control register, which selects the incoming data byte on the serial input pins that must be mapped to it. Figure 70 shows, from left to right, the data streams entering the serial input pins, the serial input channels, and the registers (see FTDM_INx, Register 0xF300 to Register 0xF33F) that correspond to each byte in the serial input channels. Flexible TDM Output In flexible TDM output mode, two 256-bit data streams are output from the SDATA_OUT2 and SDATA_OUT3 pins. These 256 bits of data compose eight channels of four bytes each, for a total of 32 bytes on each pin, and a total of 64 bytes when both input pins are combined. The flexible TDM output functional block routes the desired byte from the desired serial output channel to a given byte in the output streams. The serial output channels originate from the audio routing matrix, which is configured using the SOUT_SOURCEx control registers. There are a total of 64 control registers (see FTDM_OUTx, Register 0xF3880 to Register 0xF3BF) that can be configured to set up the mapping of the bytes in the serial output channels and the bytes in the data streams exiting the serial output pins. Each byte in the data streams being output from the serial output pins has a corresponding control register, which selects the desired byte from the desired serial output channel. Figure 71 shows, from left to right, the serial output channels originating from the routing matrix, the serial output pins and data streams, and the control registers (FTDM_OUTx) that correspond to each byte in the serial output data streams. Rev. D | Page 76 of 195 1 2 3 1 2 3 0 3 0 2 CHANNEL 1 1 CHANNEL 0 3 0 2 0 1 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 CHANNEL 2 0 CHANNEL 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 0 1 2 3 CHANNEL 5 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 CHANNEL 6 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 CHANNEL 4 1 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 3 0 CHANNEL 3 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 CHANNEL 7 0 CHANNEL 7 SDATA_IN3 SDATA_IN2 FLEXIBLE TDM BLOCK Rev. D | Page 77 of 195 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 47 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 44 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 45 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 46 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 41 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 42 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 43 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 38 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 39 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 40 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 35 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 36 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 37 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 32 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 33 → SERIAL INPUT CHANNEL 34 BITS FTDM_IN0 FTDM_IN4 FTDM_IN8 FTDM_IN12 FTDM_IN16 FTDM_IN20 FTDM_IN24 FTDM_IN28 FTDM_IN32 FTDM_IN36 FTDM_IN40 FTDM_IN44 FTDM_IN48 FTDM_IN52 FTDM_IN56 FTDM_IN60 [31:24] FTDM_IN1 FTDM_IN5 FTDM_IN9 FTDM_IN13 FTDM_IN17 FTDM_IN21 FTDM_IN25 FTDM_IN28 FTDM_IN33 FTDM_IN37 FTDM_IN41 FTDM_IN45 FTDM_IN49 FTDM_IN53 FTDM_IN57 FTDM_IN61 BITS [23:16] FTDM_IN2 FTDM_IN6 FTDM_IN10 FTDM_IN14 FTDM_IN18 FTDM_IN22 FTDM_IN26 FTDM_IN30 FTDM_IN34 FTDM_IN38 FTDM_IN42 FTDM_IN46 FTDM_IN50 FTDM_IN54 FTDM_IN58 FTDM_IN62 [15:8] BITS [7:0] FTDM_IN3 FTDM_IN7 FTDM_IN11 FTDM_IN15 FTDM_IN19 FTDM_IN23 FTDM_IN27 FTDM_IN31 FTDM_IN35 FTDM_IN39 FTDM_IN43 FTDM_IN47 FTDM_IN51 FTDM_IN55 FTDM_IN59 FTDM_IN63 BITS Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 70. Flexible TDM Input Mapping 11486-073 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BITS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 [7:0] BITS BITS BITS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → FLEXIBLE TDM BLOCK SDATA_OUT3 SDATA_OUT2 BYTE TDM8 CHANNEL BYTE CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 1 FTDM_OUT7 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 5 FTDM_OUT20 CHANNEL 0 FTDM_OUT0 FTDM_OUT1 FTDM_OUT2 FTDM_OUT3 FTDM_OUT4 FTDM_OUT5 FTDM_OUT6 FTDM_OUT8 FTDM_OUT9 FTDM_OUT10 FTDM_OUT11 FTDM_OUT12 FTDM_OUT13 FTDM_OUT14 FTDM_OUT15 FTDM_OUT16 FTDM_OUT17 FTDM_OUT18 FTDM_OUT19 FTDM_OUT21 FTDM_OUT22 FTDM_OUT23 CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 6 FTDM_OUT24 FTDM_OUT25 FTDM_OUT26 FTDM_OUT27 CHANNEL 7 CHANNEL 7 FTDM_OUT28 FTDM_OUT29 FTDM_OUT30 FTDM_OUT31 TDM8 CHANNEL FTDM_OUT37 FTDM_OUT50 FTDM_OUT63 SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL FTDM_OUT32 FTDM_OUT33 FTDM_OUT34 FTDM_OUT35 FTDM_OUT36 FTDM_OUT38 FTDM_OUT39 FTDM_OUT40 FTDM_OUT41 FTDM_OUT42 FTDM_OUT43 FTDM_OUT44 FTDM_OUT45 FTDM_OUT46 FTDM_OUT47 FTDM_OUT48 FTDM_OUT49 FTDM_OUT51 FTDM_OUT52 FTDM_OUT53 FTDM_OUT54 FTDM_OUT55 FTDM_OUT56 FTDM_OUT57 FTDM_OUT58 FTDM_OUT59 FTDM_OUT60 FTDM_OUT61 FTDM_OUT62 Rev. D | Page 78 of 195 Figure 71. Flexible TDM Output Mapping 11486-074 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Flexible TDM Interface Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to the flexible TDM interface is shown in Table 53. For details, see the Flexible TDM Interface Registers section. Table 53. Flexible TDM Registers Address 0xF300 0xF301 0xF302 0xF303 0xF304 0xF305 0xF306 0xF307 0xF308 0xF309 0xF30A 0xF30B 0xF30C 0xF30D 0xF30E 0xF30F 0xF310 0xF311 0xF312 0xF313 0xF314 0xF315 0xF316 0xF317 0xF318 0xF319 0xF31A 0xF31B 0xF31C 0xF31D 0xF31E 0xF31F 0xF320 0xF321 0xF322 0xF323 0xF324 0xF325 0xF326 0xF327 0xF328 0xF329 0xF32A 0xF32B 0xF32C 0xF32D 0xF32E 0xF32F Register FTDM_IN0 FTDM_IN1 FTDM_IN2 FTDM_IN3 FTDM_IN4 FTDM_IN5 FTDM_IN6 FTDM_IN7 FTDM_IN8 FTDM_IN9 FTDM_IN10 FTDM_IN11 FTDM_IN12 FTDM_IN13 FTDM_IN14 FTDM_IN15 FTDM_IN16 FTDM_IN17 FTDM_IN18 FTDM_IN19 FTDM_IN20 FTDM_IN21 FTDM_IN22 FTDM_IN23 FTDM_IN24 FTDM_IN25 FTDM_IN26 FTDM_IN27 FTDM_IN28 FTDM_IN29 FTDM_IN30 FTDM_IN31 FTDM_IN32 FTDM_IN33 FTDM_IN34 FTDM_IN35 FTDM_IN36 FTDM_IN37 FTDM_IN38 FTDM_IN39 FTDM_IN40 FTDM_IN41 FTDM_IN42 FTDM_IN43 FTDM_IN44 FTDM_IN45 FTDM_IN46 FTDM_IN47 Description FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs Channel 33, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[7:0]) Rev. D | Page 79 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Address 0xF330 0xF331 0xF332 0xF333 0xF334 0xF335 0xF336 0xF337 0xF338 0xF339 0xF33A 0xF33B 0xF33C 0xF33D 0xF33E 0xF33F 0xF380 0xF381 0xF382 0xF383 0xF384 0xF385 0xF386 0xF387 0xF388 0xF389 0xF38A 0xF38B 0xF38C 0xF38D 0xF38E 0xF38F 0xF390 0xF391 0xF392 0xF393 0xF394 0xF395 0xF396 0xF397 0xF398 0xF399 0xF39A 0xF39B 0xF39C 0xF39D 0xF39E 0xF39F 0xF3A0 0xF3A1 0xF3A2 0xF3A3 0xF3A4 0xF3A5 Register FTDM_IN48 FTDM_IN49 FTDM_IN50 FTDM_IN51 FTDM_IN52 FTDM_IN53 FTDM_IN54 FTDM_IN55 FTDM_IN56 FTDM_IN57 FTDM_IN58 FTDM_IN59 FTDM_IN60 FTDM_IN61 FTDM_IN62 FTDM_IN63 FTDM_OUT0 FTDM_OUT1 FTDM_OUT2 FTDM_OUT3 FTDM_OUT4 FTDM_OUT5 FTDM_OUT6 FTDM_OUT7 FTDM_OUT8 FTDM_OUT9 FTDM_OUT10 FTDM_OUT11 FTDM_OUT12 FTDM_OUT13 FTDM_OUT14 FTDM_OUT15 FTDM_OUT16 FTDM_OUT17 FTDM_OUT18 FTDM_OUT19 FTDM_OUT20 FTDM_OUT21 FTDM_OUT22 FTDM_OUT23 FTDM_OUT24 FTDM_OUT25 FTDM_OUT26 FTDM_OUT27 FTDM_OUT28 FTDM_OUT29 FTDM_OUT30 FTDM_OUT31 FTDM_OUT32 FTDM_OUT33 FTDM_OUT34 FTDM_OUT35 FTDM_OUT36 FTDM_OUT37 Data Sheet Description FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[23:16]) Rev. D | Page 80 of 195 Data Sheet Address 0xF3A6 0xF3A7 0xF3A8 0xF3A9 0xF3AA 0xF3AB 0xF3AC 0xF3AD 0xF3AE 0xF3AF 0xF3B0 0xF3B1 0xF3B2 0xF3B3 0xF3B4 0xF3B5 0xF3B6 0xF3B7 0xF3B8 0xF3B9 0xF3BA 0xF3BB 0xF3BC 0xF3BD 0xF3BE 0xF3BF Register FTDM_OUT38 FTDM_OUT39 FTDM_OUT40 FTDM_OUT41 FTDM_OUT42 FTDM_OUT43 FTDM_OUT44 FTDM_OUT45 FTDM_OUT46 FTDM_OUT47 FTDM_OUT48 FTDM_OUT49 FTDM_OUT50 FTDM_OUT51 FTDM_OUT52 FTDM_OUT53 FTDM_OUT54 FTDM_OUT55 FTDM_OUT56 FTDM_OUT57 FTDM_OUT58 FTDM_OUT59 FTDM_OUT60 FTDM_OUT61 FTDM_OUT62 FTDM_OUT63 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Description FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[7:0]) ASYNCHRONOUS SAMPLE RATE CONVERTERS Sixteen channels of integrated asynchronous sample rate converters are available in the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. These sample rate converters are capable of receiving audio data input signals, along with their corresponding clocks, and resynchronizing the data stream to an arbitrary target sample rate. The sample rate converters use some filtering to accomplish this task; therefore, the data output from the sample rate converter is not a bitaccurate representation of the data input. The ADAU1450 has no ASRCs, so any data routed to the ASRCs using the audio routing matrix or DSP core are lost. The 16 channels of sample rate converters are grouped into eight stereo sets. These eight stereo sample rate converters are individually configurable and are referred to as ASRC 0 through ASRC 7. Channel 0 and Channel 1 belong to ASRC 0, Channel 2 and Channel 3 belong to ASRC 1, Channel 4 and Channel 5 belong to ASRC 2, Channel 6 and Channel 7 belong to ASRC 3, Channel 8 and Channel 9 belong to ASRC 4, Channel 10 and Channel 11 belong to ASRC 5, Channel 12 and Channel 13 belong to ASRC 6, and Channel 14 and Channel 15 belong to ASRC 7. Audio is routed to the sample rate converters using the ASRC_INPUTx registers, and the target sample rate of each ASRC is configured using the ASRC_OUT_RATEx registers. A complete description of audio routing is included in the Audio Signal Routing section. Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter Group Delay The group delay of the sample rate converter is dependent on the input and output sampling frequencies, fS_IN and fS_OUT, respectively, as described in the following equations: For fS_OUT > fS_IN, GDS = 16 32 + f S _ IN f S _ IN For fS_OUT < fS_IN, GDS = 16 f S _ IN  32   f S _ IN × + f    S _ IN   f S _ OUT     where GDS is the group delay in seconds. Rev. D | Page 81 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet ASRC Lock S/PDIF Interface Each ASRC monitors the incoming signal and attempts to lock on to the clock and data signals. When a valid signal is detected and several consecutive valid samples are received, and there is a valid output target sample rate, the corresponding bit in Register 0xF580 (ASRC_LOCK) signifies that the ASRC has successfully locked to the incoming signal. For simplified interfacing on the system level, wire the on-chip S/PDIF receiver and transmitter data ports directly to other S/PDIF-compatible equipment. The S/PDIF receiver consists of two audio channels that are input on one hardware pin (SPDIFIN). The clock signal is embedded in the data using biphase mark code. The S/PDIF transmitter consists of two audio channels that are output on one hardware pin (SPDIFOUT). The clock signal is embedded in the data using biphase mark code. The S/PDIF input and output word lengths can be independently set to 16, 20, or 24 bits. ASRC Muting The ASRC outputs can be manually muted at any time using the corresponding bits in Register 0xF581 (ASRC_MUTE). more options are available in the DSP core for creating a smooth volume ramp when muting audio signals; therefore, in most cases, using the DSP program to manually mute signals is preferable to using Register 0xF581. Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters Registers An overview of the registers related to the ASRCs is shown in Table 54. For a more detailed description, refer to the ASRC Status and Control Registers section. Table 54. Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters Registers Address 0xF580 0xF581 0xF582 Register ASRC_LOCK ASRC_MUTE ASRC0_RATIO 0xF583 ASRC1_RATIO 0xF584 ASRC2_RATIO 0xF585 ASRC3_RATIO 0xF586 ASRC4_RATIO 0xF587 ASRC5_RATIO 0xF588 ASRC6_RATIO 0xF589 ASRC7_RATIO Description ASRC lock status ASRC mute ASRC ratio (ASRC 0, Channel 0 and Channel 1) ASRC ratio (ASRC 1, Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC ratio (ASRC 2, Channel 4 and Channel 5) ASRC ratio (ASRC 3, Channel 6 and Channel 7) ASRC ratio (ASRC 4, Channel 8 and Channel 9) ASRC ratio (ASRC 5, Channel 10 and Channel 11) ASRC ratio (ASRC 6, Channel 12 and Channel 13) ASRC ratio (ASRC 7, Channel 14 and Channel 15) The S/PDIF interface meets the S/PDIF consumer performance specification, but does not meet the Audio Engineering Society AES3 professional specification. The ADAU1450 does not include S/PDIF interfaces, which means that its SPDIFIN and SPDIFOUT pins are nonfunctional and must remain disconnected. S/PDIF Receiver The S/PDIF input port is designed to accept both transistor-totransistor logic (TTL) and bipolar signals, provided there is an ac coupling capacitor on the input pin of the chip. Because the S/PDIF input data is most likely asynchronous to the DSP core, the input data must be routed through an ASRC. The S/PDIF receiver works at a wide range of sampling frequencies between 18 kHz and 96 kHz. The S/PDIF receiver input is a comparator that is centered at IOVDD/2 and requires an input signal level of at least 200 mV p-p to operate properly. In addition to audio data, S/PDIF streams contain user data, channel status, validity bit, virtual LRCLK, and block start information. The receiver decodes audio data and sends it to the corresponding registers in the control register map, where the information can be read over the I2C or SPI slave port. For improved jitter performance, the S/PDIF clock recovery implementation is completely digital. The S/PDIF ports are designed to meet the following Audio Engineering Society (AES) and European Broadcasting Union (EBU) specifications: a jitter of 0.25 UI p-p at 8 kHz and higher, a jitter of 10 UI p-p below 200 Hz, and a minimum signal voltage of 200 mV. S/PDIF Transmitter The S/PDIF transmitter outputs two channels of audio data directly from the DSP core at the core rate. The extra nonaudio data bits on the transmitted signal can be copied directly from the S/PDIF receiver or programmed manually, using the corresponding registers in the control register map. Rev. D | Page 82 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Auxiliary Output Mode Table 55. S/PDIF Auxiliary Output Mode, TDM8 Data Format The received data on the S/PDIF receiver can be converted to a TDM8 stream, bypass the SigmaDSP core, and be output directly on a serial data output pin. This mode of operation is called auxiliary output mode. Configure this mode using Register 0xF608 (SPDIF_AUX_EN). The TDM8 output from the S/PDIF receiver regroups the recovered data in a format that is similar to TDM format, as shown in Table 55. TDM8 Channel 0 The S/PDIF receiver, when operating in auxiliary output mode, also recovers the embedded BCLK_OUTx and LRCLK_OUTx signals in the S/PDIF stream and outputs them on the corresponding BCLK_OUTx and LRCLK_OUTx pins in master mode when Register 0xF608 (SPDIF_AUX_EN), Bits[3:0] (TDMOUT), are configured to enable auxiliary output mode. The selected BCLK_OUTx signal has a frequency of 256× the recovered sample rate, and the LRCLK_OUTx signal is a 50-50 duty cycle square wave that has the same frequency as the audio sample rate (see Table 136). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description of Data Format 8 zero bits followed by 24 audio bits, recovered from the left audio channel of the S/PDIF stream 28 zero bits followed by the left parity bit, left validity bit, left user data, and left channel status 30 zero bits followed by the compression type bit (0b0 = AC3, 0b1 = DTS) and the audio type bit (0 = PCM, 1 = compressed) No data 8 zero bits followed by 24 audio bits, recovered from the right audio channel of the S/PDIF stream 28 zero bits followed by the right parity bit, right validity bit, right user data, and right channel status No data 31 zero bits followed by the block start signal S/PDIF Interface Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to the S/PDIF interface is shown in Table 56. For a more detailed description, refer to the S/PDIF Interface Registers section. Table 56. S/PDIF Interface Registers Address 0xF600 0xF601 0xF602 0xF603 0xF604 0xF605 0xF608 0xF60F 0xF610 to 0xF61B 0xF620 to 0xF62B 0xF630 to 0xF63B 0xF640 to 0xF64B 0xF650 to 0xF65B 0xF660 to 0xF66B 0xF670 to 0xF67B 0xF680 to 0xF68B 0xF690 0xF691 0xF69F 0xF6A0 to 0xF6AB 0xF6B0 to 0xF6BB 0xF6C0 to 0xF6CB 0xF6D0 to 0xF6DB 0xF6E0 to 0xF6EB 0xF6F0 to 0xF6FB 0xF700 to 0xF70B 0xF710 to 0xF71B Register SPDIF_LOCK_DET SPDIF_RX_CTRL SPDIF_RX_DECODE SPDIF_RX_COMPRMODE SPDIF_RESTART SPDIF_LOSS_OF_LOCK SPDIF_AUX_EN SPDIF_RX_AUXBIT_READY SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_x SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_x SPDIF_RX_UD_LEFT_x SPDIF_RX_UD_RIGHT_x SPDIF_RX_VB_LEFT_x SPDIF_RX_VB_RIGHT_x SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_x SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_x SPDIF_TX_EN SPDIF_TX_CTRL SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_x SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_x SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_x SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_x SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_x SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_x SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_x SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_x Description S/PDIF receiver lock bit detection S/PDIF receiver control Decoded signals from the S/PDIF receiver Compression mode from the S/PDIF receiver Automatically resume S/PDIF receiver audio input S/PDIF receiver loss of lock detection S/PDIF receiver auxiliary outputs enable S/PDIF receiver auxiliary bits ready flag S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver user data bits (left) S/PDIF receiver user data bits (right) S/PDIF receiver validity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver validity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter enable S/PDIF transmitter control S/PDIF transmitter auxiliary bits source select S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) Rev. D | Page 83 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Up to four PDM microphones can be connected as audio inputs. Each pair of microphones can share a single data line; therefore, using four PDM microphones requires two GPIO pins. Any MPx pin can be used as a microphone data input, with up to two microphones connected to each pin. This configuration is set up using the corresponding MPx_MODE and DMIC_CTRLx registers. Figure 72 shows an example circuit with two INMP522 PDM output MEMS microphones connected to the ADAU1452. Any of the BCLK_INx pins or BCLK_OUTx pins can be used to provide a clock signal to the microphones, and the data output of the microphones can be connected to any MPx pin that has been configured as a PDM microphone data input. 1.8V TO 3.3V A bit clock pin from one of the serial input clock domains (BCLK_INx) or one of the serial output clock domains (BCLK_ OUTx) must be a master clock source, and its output signal must be connected to the PDM microphones to provide them with a clock. IOVDD CLK INMP522 VDD 0.1µF PDM microphones, such as the INMP522 from InvenSense, typically require a bit clock frequency in the range of 1 MHz to 3.3 MHz, corresponding to audio sample rates of 15.625 kHz to 51.5625 kHz. This means that the serial port corresponding to the BCLK_INx pin or BCLK_OUTx pin driving the PDM microphones must operate in 2-channel mode at a sample rate between 16 kHz and 48 kHz. DATA L/R SELECT GND ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ ADAU1450 BCLK_INx OR BCLK_OUTx CLK INMP522 VDD 0.1µF PDM microphone inputs are automatically routed through decimation filters are and then available for use at the DSP core, the ASRCs, and the serial output ports. L/R SELECT DATA GND MPx GND 11486-075 DIGITAL PDM MICROPHONE INTERFACE Figure 72. Example Stereo PDM Microphone Input Circuit Digital PDM Microphone Interface Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to the digital microphone interface is shown in Table 57. For a more detailed description, see the Digital PDM Microphone Control Register section. Table 57. Digital PDM Microphone Interface Registers Address 0xF560 0xF561 Register DMIC_CTRL0 DMIC_CTRL1 Description Digital PDM microphone control (Channel 0 and Channel 1) Digital PDM microphone control (Channel 2 and Channel 3) Rev. D | Page 84 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 MULTIPURPOSE PINS A total of 14 pins are available for use as general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) that are multiplexed with other functions, such as clock inputs/outputs. Because these pins have multiple functions, they are referred to as multipurpose pins, or MPx pins.        Hardware input from pin Software input (written via I2C or SPI slave control port) Hardware output with internal pull-up Hardware output without internal pull-up PDM microphone data input Flag output from panic manager Slave select line for master SPI port When configured in hardware input mode, a debounce circuit is available to avoid data glitches. When operating in GPIO mode, pin status is updated 1× per sample. This means that the state of an MPx pin cannot change more than 1× in a sample period. 11486-076 MPx pins can be configured in several modes using the MPx_MODE registers: Figure 73. General Purpose Input Cell in the SigmaStudio Toolbox General-Purpose Outputs from the DSP Core When an MPx pin is configured as a general-purpose output, a Boolean value is output from the DSP program to the corresponding MPx pin. Figure 74 shows the location of the General Purpose Output cell within the SigmaStudio toolbox. General-Purpose Inputs to the DSP Core When an MPx pin is configured as a general-purpose input, its value can be used as a control logic signal in the DSP program, which is configured using SigmaStudio. Figure 73 shows the location of the General Purpose Input cell within the SigmaStudio toolbox. 11486-078 The 14 available general-purpose inputs in SigmaStudio map to the corresponding 14 MPx pins, but the general-purpose input data is valid only if the corresponding MPx pin has been configured as an input using the MPx_MODE registers. Figure 75 shows all of the general-purpose inputs as they appear in the SigmaStudio signal flow. 11486-077 Figure 74. General Purpose Output Cell in the SigmaStudio Toolbox Figure 75. Complete Set of General-Purpose Inputs in SigmaStudio Rev. D | Page 85 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet MPx pin is configured as an output using the MPx_MODE registers. Figure 76 shows all of the general-purpose outputs as they appear in the SigmaStudio signal flow. 11486-079 The 14 available general-purpose outputs in SigmaStudio map to the corresponding 14 MPx pins, but the general-purpose output data is only output to the pin if the corresponding Figure 76. Complete Set of General-Purpose Outputs in SigmaStudio Rev. D | Page 86 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Multipurpose Pin Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to GPIO is shown in Table 58. For a more detailed description, refer to the Multipurpose Pin Configuration Registers section. Table 58. Multipurpose Pin Registers Address 0xF510 0xF511 0xF512 0xF513 0xF514 0xF515 0xF516 0xF517 0xF518 0xF519 0xF51A 0xF51B 0xF51C 0xF51D 0xF520 0xF521 0xF522 0xF523 0xF524 0xF525 0xF526 0xF527 0xF528 0xF529 0xF52A 0xF52B 0xF52C 0xF52D 0xF530 0xF531 0xF532 0xF533 0xF534 0xF535 0xF536 0xF537 0xF538 0xF539 0xF53A 0xF53B 0xF53C 0xF53D Register MP0_MODE MP1_MODE MP2_MODE MP3_MODE MP4_MODE MP5_MODE MP6_MODE MP7_MODE MP8_MODE MP9_MODE MP10_MODE MP11_MODE MP12_MODE MP13_MODE MP0_WRITE MP1_WRITE MP2_WRITE MP3_WRITE MP4_WRITE MP5_WRITE MP6_WRITE MP7_WRITE MP8_WRITE MP9_WRITE MP10_WRITE MP11_WRITE MP12_WRITE MP13_WRITE MP0_READ MP1_READ MP2_READ MP3_READ MP4_READ MP5_READ MP6_READ MP7_READ MP8_READ MP9_READ MP10_READ MP11_READ MP12_READ MP13_READ Description Multipurpose pin mode (SS_M/MP0) Multipurpose pin mode (MOSI_M/MP1) Multipurpose pin mode (SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2) Multipurpose pin mode (SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) Multipurpose pin mode (MP6) Multipurpose pin mode (MP7) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) Multipurpose pin write value (SS_M/MP0) Multipurpose pin write value (MOSI_M/MP1) Multipurpose pin write value (SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2) Multipurpose pin write value (SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) Multipurpose pin write value (MP6) Multipurpose pin write value (MP7) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) Multipurpose pin read value (SS_M/MP0) Multipurpose pin read value (MOSI_M/MP1) Multipurpose pin read value (SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2) Multipurpose pin read value (SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) Multipurpose pin read value (MP6) Multipurpose pin read value (MP7) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) Rev. D | Page 87 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet AUXILIARY ADC There are six auxiliary ADC inputs with 10 bits of accuracy. These inputs are intended to be used as control signal inputs, such as potentiometer outputs or battery monitor signals. The auxiliary ADC is referenced so that a full-scale input is achieved when the input voltage is equal to AVDD, and an input of zero is achieved when the input is connected to ground. The input impedance of the auxiliary ADC is approximately 200 kΩ at dc (0 Hz). Auxiliary ADC inputs can be used directly in the DSP program (as configured in the SigmaStudio software). The instantaneous value of each ADC is also available in the ADC_READx registers, which are accessible via the I2C or SPI slave control port. Auxiliary ADC Inputs to the DSP Core Auxiliary ADC inputs can be used as control signals in the DSP program as configured by SigmaStudio. Figure 77 shows the location of the Auxiliary ADC Input cell in the SigmaStudio toolbox. 11486-081 The auxiliary ADC samples each channel at a frequency of the core system clock divided by 6144. In the case of a default clocking scheme, the system clock is 294.912 MHz. Therefore, the auxiliary ADC sample rate is 48 kHz. If the system clock is scaled down by configuring the PLL to generate a lower output frequency, the auxiliary ADC sample rate is scaled down proportionately. Figure 78. Complete Set of Auxiliary ADC Inputs in SigmaStudio Auxiliary ADC Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to the auxiliary ADC is shown in Table 59. For details, see the Auxiliary ADC Registers section. Table 59. Auxiliary ADC Registers Address 0xF5A0 0xF5A1 0xF5A2 0xF5A3 0xF5A4 0xF5A5 Register ADC_READ0 ADC_READ1 ADC_READ2 ADC_READ3 ADC_READ4 ADC_READ5 Description Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC0) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC1) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC2) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC3) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC4) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC5) SigmaDSP CORE 11486-080 The SigmaDSP core operates at a maximum frequency of 294.912 MHz (or 147.456 MHz in the ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450), which is equivalent to 6144 clock cycles per sample at a sample rate of 48 kHz (or 3072 clock cycles per sample in the ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450). For a sample rate of 48 kHz, the largest program possible consists of 6144 program instructions per sample (or 3072 instructions per sample in the ADAU1452-150 and ADAU1450). If the system clock remains at 294.912 MHz but the audio frame rate of the DSP core is decreased, programs consisting of more than 6144 instructions per sample are possible. The program RAM is 8192 words long, which means that the largest program possible (but only at lower sample rates) is 8192 instructions per frame. Figure 77. Auxiliary ADC Input Cell in the SigmaStudio Toolbox The six auxiliary input pins map to the corresponding six auxiliary ADC input cells. Figure 78 shows the complete set of auxiliary ADC input cells in SigmaStudio. The core consists of four multipliers and two accumulators. At an operating frequency of 294.912 MHz, the core performs 1.2 billion MAC operations per second. At maximum efficiency, the core processes 3072 IIR biquad filters (single or double precision) per sample at a sample rate of 48 kHz. At maximum efficiency, the core processes approximately 24,000 FIR filter taps per sample at a sample rate of 48 kHz. The instruction set is a single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) computing model. The DSP core is 32-bit fixed-point, with an 8.24 data format for audio. Rev. D | Page 88 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Numeric Formats The four multipliers are 64-bit double precision, capable of multiplying an 8.56 format number by an 8.24 number. The multiply accumulators consist of 16 registers, with a depth of 80 bits. The core can access RAM with a load/store width of 256 bits (eight 32-bit words per frame). The two arithmetic/logic units (ALUs) have an 80-bit width and operate on numbers in 24.56 format. The 24.56-bit format provides more than 42 dB of headroom. DSP systems commonly use a standard numeric format. Fractional number systems are specified by an A.B format, where A is the number of bits to the left of the decimal point and B is the number of bits to the right of the decimal point. The same numeric format is used for both the parameter and data values. It is possible to create combinations of time domain and frequency domain processing, using block and sample frame interrupts. Sixteen data address generator (DAG) registers are available, and circular buffer addressing is possible. A digital clipper circuit is used within the DSP core before outputting to the serial port outputs, ASRCs, and S/PDIF. This clips the top seven bits (and the LSB) of the signal to produce a 24-bit output with a range of +1.0 (minus 1 LSB) to −1.0. Figure 79 shows the maximum signal levels at each point in the data flow in both binary and decibel levels. Many of the signal processing functions are coded using full, 64-bit, double precision arithmetic. The serial port input and output word lengths are 24 bits, but eight extra headroom bits are used in the processor to allow internal gains of up to 48 dB without clipping. Additional gains can be achieved by initially scaling down the input signal in the DSP signal flow. DSP CORE 8.24 FORMAT 42dB OF HEADROOM DYNAMIC RANGE = 192dB 24-BITS (HEADROOM) SERIAL OUTPUT PORT 1.23 FORMAT MAXIMUM 0dBFS DYNAMIC RANGE = 144dB 32-BITS 24-BITS (HEADROOM) Numerical Format: 8.24 11486-082 SERIAL INPUT PORT 1.23 FORMAT MAXIMUM 0dBFS DYNAMIC RANGE = 144dB Figure 79. Signal Range for 1.23 Format (Serial Ports, ASRCs) and 8.24 Format (DSP Core) Linear range: −128.0 to (+128.0 − 1 LSB) Dynamic range (ratio of the largest possible signal level to the smallest possible non-zero signal level): 192 dB Examples: 0b 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x80000000 = −128.0 0b 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xE0000000 = −32.0 0b 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xF8000000 = −8.0 0b 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xFE000000 = −2 0b 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xFF000000 = −1 0b 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xFF800000 = −0.5 0b 1111 1111 1110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 = 0xFFE66666 = −0.1 0b 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 0xFFFFFFFF = −0.00000005 (1 LSB below 0.0) 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x00000000 = 0.0 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = 0x00000001 = 0.00000005 (1 LSB above 0.0) 0b 0000 0000 0001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 = 0x00199999 = 0.1 0b 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x00400000 = 0.25 0b 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x00800000 = 0.5 0b 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x01000000 = 1.0 0b 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x02000000 = 2.0 0b 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 0x7FFFFFFF = 127.99999994 (1 LSB below 128.0) Rev. D | Page 89 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Numerical Format: 32.0 The 32.0 format is used for logic signals in the DSP program flow that are integers. Linear range: −2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 Dynamic range (ratio of the largest possible signal level to the smallest possible non-zero signal level): 192 dB Examples: 0b 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x80000000 = −2147483648 0b 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = 0x80000001 = −2147483647 0b 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 = 0x80000002 = −2147483646 0b 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xC0000000 = −1073741824 0b 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0xE0000000 = −536870912 0b 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 = 0xFFFFFFFC = −4 0b 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 = 0xFFFFFFFE = −2 0b 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 0xFFFFFFFF = −1 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0x00000000 = 0 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = 0x00000001 = 1 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 = 0x00000002 = 2 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 = 0x00000003 = 3 0b 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 = 0x00000004 = 4 0b 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 = 0x7FFFFFFE = 2147483646 0b 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 0x7FFFFFFF = 2147483647 Programming the SigmaDSP Core Hardware Accelerators The core includes accelerators like division, square root, barrel shifters, base-2 logarithm, base-2 exponential, slew, and a pseudorandom number generator. This reduces the number of instructions required for complex audio processing algorithms. The division accelerator enables efficient processing for audio algorithms like compression and limiting. The square root accelerator enables efficient processing for audio algorithms such as loudness, rms envelopes, and filter coefficient calculations. The logarithm and exponent accelerators enable efficient processing for audio algorithms involving decibel conversion. The slew accelerators provide for click-free updates of parameters that must change slowly over time, allowing audio processing algorithms such as mixers, crossfaders, dynamic filters, and dynamic volume controls. The pseudorandom number generator can efficiently produce white noise, pink noise, and dither. The SigmaDSP is programmable via the SigmaStudio graphical development tools. When the SigmaDSP core is running a program and the user needs to reprogram the program and data memories during operation of the device, the core must be stopped when the memory is being updated to avoid undesired noises on the DSP outputs. For programming the DSP at boot time, or to perform a full reset, see the System Initialization Sequence, Table 27, for details. For reprogramming the memories during operation without performing a full reset, care must be exercised to stop the DSP to prevent clicks or pops. There are two levels of stopping the DSP. Hibernate mode disables interrupts so that the core stops processing when all the interrupts have completed, and only No-Op instructions are executed. Kill core mode fully stops the core and all processing is stopped. To overwrite program memory, the user must fully stop the core. If the user wishes to only update many parameters simultaneously and not update the DSP program, the core can be left in hibernation mode, and there is no need to stop the core (see Table 60 for the procedure). Rev. D | Page 90 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Table 60. Example DSP Reprogramming or Updating During Operation Register Write Sequence Address 0xF400 Not Applicable Data 0x00, 0x01 Not applicable Register/Memory Hibernate Not applicable 0xF403 0x00, 0x01 KILL_CORE 0xC000 Data generated by SigmaStudio Data generated by SigmaStudio Data generated by SigmaStudio Program RAM data DM0 RAM data 0xF404 0x00, 0x00 START_ADDRESS 0xF403 0x00, 0x00 KILL_CORE 0xF402 0x00, 0x00 START_CORE 0xF402 0x00, 0x01 START_CORE Not Applicable Not applicable Not applicable 0xF400 0x00, 0x00 Hibernate 0x0000 0x6000 DM1 RAM data Description Hibernate on. If the DSP is executing a program, wait for the current sample or block to finish processing. For programs with no block processing elements in the signal flow, use the length of one sample. For example, at a sample rate of 48 kHz, one sample is 1/48000 sec, or 20.83 µs. For programs with block processing elements in the signal flow, use the length of one block. For example, at a sample rate of 48 kHz, with a block size of 256 samples, one block is 256/48,000 sec, or 5.33 ms. If loading in a new DSP program is desired, stop the core immediately using this command. If only loading in new parameters, killing the core is not required. If updating the program, download the new program RAM contents using a block write (data provided by SigmaStudio compiler). Update Data Memory DM0 using a block write (data provided by SigmaStudio compiler). Update Data Memory DM1 using a block write (data provided by SigmaStudio compiler); the start address of DM1 can vary, depending on the SigmaStudio compilation. If a new program was downloaded, program the start address as defined by the SigmaStudio compiler. This step is not required if only updating parameters. If the core was stopped, remove the KILL_CORE state to allow the core to be started when the START_CORE sequence is performed. Skip this instruction and the following three instructions if only the parameters were changed and the only core was placed in hibernation mode. Start the low to high transition. Skip this instruction if the core was not stopped. Start the core. Complete the low to high transition. Skip this instruction if the core was not stopped. Wait 50 µs for the initialization program to execute. Skip this instruction if the core was not stopped. Hibernate off. This starts the program running. Rev. D | Page 91 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Reliability Features Several reliability features are controlled by a panic manager subsystem that monitors the state of the SigmaDSP core and memories and generates alerts if error conditions are encountered. The panic manager indicates error conditions to the user via register flags and GPIO outputs. The origin of the error can be traced to different functional blocks such as the watchdog, memory, stack, software program, and core operation codes. Although designed mostly as an aid for software development, the panic manager is also useful in monitoring the state of the memories over long periods of time, such as in applications where the system operates unattended for an extended period, and resets are infrequent. The memories in the device have a built in, self test feature that runs automatically when the device is in operation. If a memory corruption is detected, the appropriate flag is signaled in the panic manager. The program running in the DSP core can monitor the state of the panic manager and can mute the audio outputs if an error is encountered, and external devices, such as microcontrollers, can poll the panic manager registers or monitor the multipurpose pins to perform some preprogrammed action, if necessary. DSP Core and Reliability Registers Overview An overview of the registers related to the DSP core is shown in Table 61. For a more detailed description, see the DSP Core Control Registers section and the Debug and Reliability Registers Table 61. DSP Core and Reliability Registers Address 0xF400 0xF401 0xF402 0xF403 0xF404 0xF405 0xF421 0xF422 0xF423 0xF424 0xF425 0xF426 0xF427 0xF428 0xF433 0xF434 0xF432 0xF443 0xF444 0xF450 0xF451 0xF460 0xF461 0xF462 0xF463 0xF464 0xF465 Register HIBERNATE START_PULSE START_CORE KILL_CORE START_ADDRESS CORE_STATUS PANIC_CLEAR PANIC_PARITY_MASK PANIC_SOFTWARE_MASK PANIC_WD_MASK PANIC_STACK_MASK PANIC_LOOP_MASK PANIC_FLAG PANIC_CODE SOFTWARE_VALUE_0 SOFTWARE_VALUE_1 EXECUTE_COUNT WATCHDOG_MAXCOUNT WATCHDOG_PRESCALE BLOCKINT_EN BLOCKINT_VALUE PROG_CNTR0 PROG_CNTR1 PROG_CNTR_CLEAR PROG_CNTR_LENGTH0 PROG_CNTR_LENGTH1 PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH0 Description Hibernate setting Start pulse selection Instruction to start the core Instruction to stop the core Start address of the program Core status Clear the panic manager Panic parity Panic Mask 0 Panic Mask 1 Panic Mask 2 Panic Mask 3 Panic flag Panic code Software Panic Value 0 Software Panic Value 1 Execute stage error program count Watchdog maximum count Watchdog prescale Enable block interrupts Value for the block interrupt counter Program counter, Bits[23:16] Program counter, Bits[15:0] Program counter clear Program counter length, Bits[23:16] Program counter length, Bits[15:0] Program counter maximum length, Bits[23:16] Rev. D | Page 92 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SOFTWARE FEATURES Software Safeload To update parameters in real time and avoid pop and click noises on the output, a software safeload mechanism has been implemented by default in the SigmaStudio compiler. SigmaStudio automatically sets up the necessary code and parameters for all new projects. The safeload code fills the beginning section of the DM1 RAM. In older versions of SigmaStudio (prior to Version 3.13), the exact parameter addresses were not fixed; therefore, the addresses had to be obtained by reading the log file generated by the compiler. When recompiling a program compiled with an older version of SigmaStudio, the safeload address is still configured by the compiler and can reside in different addresses if the program is changed. This process is to prevent the compiler from moving the safeload memory address when an archived program is recompiled to only make minor adjustments to parameters. If there is a microcontroller in the system, the safeload address changes and that requires that the microcontroller code also be changed. With SigmaStudio, Version 4.0 and newer, it is possible to change a project developed on an earlier version over to a fixed Safeload memory location. The checkbox for this setting can be found in the Advance Framework Configuration menu. For recent versions of SigmaStudio, Version 3.14 and newer, the safeload memory addresses are located as outlined in Table 62. Table 62. Software Safeload Memory Address Defaults Address (Hex) 0x6000 0x6001 0x6002 0x6003 0x6004 0x6005 Parameter data_SafeLoad[0] data_SafeLoad[1] data_SafeLoad[2] data_SafeLoad[3] data_SafeLoad[4] address_SafeLoad 0x6006 num_SafeLoad Function Safeload Data Slot 0 Safeload Data Slot 1 Safeload Data Slot 2 Safeload Data Slot 3 Safeload Data Slot 4 Target address for safeload transfer Number of words to write/ safeload trigger The first five addresses in Table 62 are the five data_SafeLoad parameters, which are slots for storing the data that is going to be transferred into another target memory location. The safeload parameter space contains five data slots, by default, because most standard signal processing algorithms have five parameters or fewer. The address_SafeLoad parameter is the target address in parameter RAM. This designates the first address to be written in the safeload transfer. If more than one word is written, the address increments automatically for each data-word. The num_SafeLoad parameter designates the number of words to be written. For a biquad filter algorithm, the number of words to be written is five because there are five coefficients in a biquad IIR filter. For a simple mono gain algorithm, the number of words to be written is one. This parameter also serves as the trigger; when it is written, a safeload write is triggered on the next frame. The safeload mechanism is software based and executes 1× per audio frame. System designers must take care when designing the communication protocol. A delay that is ≥ than the sampling period (the inverse of the sampling frequency) is required between each safeload write. At a sample rate of 48 kHz, this equates to a delay of ≥20.83 μs. Not observing this delay corrupts the downloaded data. In older programs generated by older revisions of the compiler, the compiler has control over the addresses used for software safeload, the addresses assigned to each parameter may differ from the default values in Table 62. The compiler generates a file named compiler_output.log in the project folder where the SigmaStudio project is stored on the hard drive. In this file, the addresses assigned to the software safeload parameters can be confirmed. Figure 80 shows an example of the software safeload parameter definitions in an excerpt from the compiler_output.log file. To execute a software safeload operation, take the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rev. D | Page 93 of 195 Confirm that no safeload operation has been executed in the span of the last audio sample. Write the desired data to the data_SafeLoad, Bit x parameters, starting at data_SafeLoad, Bit 0, and incrementing, as needed, up to a maximum of five parameters. Write the desired starting target address to the address_SafeLoad parameter. Write the number of words to be transferred to the num_SafeLoad parameter. The minimum write length is one word, and the maximum write length is five words. Wait one audio frame for the safeload operation to complete. Data Sheet 11486-083 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Figure 80. Compiler Log Output Excerpt with Safeload Module Definitions Soft Reset Function The soft reset function allows the device to enter a state similar to when the hardware RESET pin is connected to ground. All control registers are reset to their default values, except the PLL registers, as follows: Register 0xF000 (PLL_CTRL0), Register 0xF001 (PLL_CTRL1), Register 0xF002 (PLL_CLK_SRC), Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Register 0xF004 (PLL_LOCK), Register 0xF005 (MCLK_OUT), and Register 0xF006 (PLL_WATCHDOG), as well as the registers related to the panic manager. Table 63 gives an overview of the register related to the soft reset function. For more details, see the Soft Reset Register section. Table 63. Soft Reset Register Address 0xF890 Name SOFT_RESET Description Software reset PIN DRIVE STRENGTH, SLEW RATE, AND PULL CONFIGURATION Every digital output pin has configurable drive strength and slew rate, which allows the current sourcing ability of the driver to be modified to fit the application circuit. In general, higher drive strength is needed to improve signal integrity when driving high frequency clocks over long distances. Lower drive strength can be used for lower frequency clock signals, shorter traces, or in cases where reduced system electromagnetic interference (EMI) is desired. Slew rate can be increased if the edges of the clock signal have rise or fall times that are too long. To achieve adequate signal integrity and minimize electromagnetic emissions, use the drive strength and slew rate settings in combination with good mixed-signal PCB design practices. Pin Drive Strength, Slew Rate, and Pull Configuration Registers An overview of the registers related to pin drive strength, slew rate, and pull configuration is listed in Table 64. For a more detailed description, see the Hardware Interfacing Registers section. Table 64. Pin Drive Strength, Slew Rate, and Pull Configuration Registers Address 0xF780 0xF781 0xF782 0xF783 0xF784 0xF785 0xF786 0xF787 0xF788 0xF789 0xF78A 0xF78B 0xF78C 0xF78D 0xF78E Register BCLK_IN0_PIN BCLK_IN1_PIN BCLK_IN2_PIN BCLK_IN3_PIN BCLK_OUT0_PIN BCLK_OUT1_PIN BCLK_OUT2_PIN BCLK_OUT3_PIN LRCLK_IN0_PIN LRCLK_IN1_PIN LRCLK_IN2_PIN LRCLK_IN3_PIN LRCLK_OUT0_PIN LRCLK_OUT1_PIN LRCLK_OUT2_PIN Description BCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN0) BCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN1) BCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN2) BCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN3) BCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT0) BCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT1) BCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT2) BCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT3) LRCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN0) LRCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN1) LRCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN2) LRCLK input pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN3) LRCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT0) LRCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT1) LRCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT2) Rev. D | Page 94 of 195 Data Sheet Address 0xF78F 0xF790 0xF791 0xF792 0xF793 0xF794 0xF795 0xF796 0xF797 0xF798 0xF799 0xF79A 0xF79B 0xF79C 0xF79D 0xF79E 0xF79F 0xF7A0 0xF7A1 0xF7A2 0xF7A3 Register LRCLK_OUT3_PIN SDATA_IN0_PIN SDATA_IN1_PIN SDATA_IN2_PIN SDATA_IN3_PIN SDATA_OUT0_PIN SDATA_OUT1_PIN SDATA_OUT2_PIN SDATA_OUT3_PIN SPDIF_TX_PIN SCLK_SCL_PIN MISO_SDA_PIN SS_PIN MOSI_ADDR1_PIN SCLK_SCL_M_PIN MISO_SDA_M_PIN SS_M_PIN MOSI_M_PIN MP6_PIN MP7_PIN CLKOUT_PIN ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Description LRCLK output pin drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT3) SDATA input pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN0) SDATA input pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN1) SDATA input pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN2) SDATA input pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN3) SDATA output pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT0) SDATA output pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT1) SDATA output pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT2) SDATA output pin drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT3) S/PDIF transmitter pin drive strength and slew rate SCLK/SCL pin drive strength and slew rate MISO/SDA pin drive strength and slew rate SS/ADDR0 pin drive strength and slew rate MOSI/ADDR1 pin drive strength and slew rate SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 pin drive strength and slew rate SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 pin drive strength and slew rate SS_M/MP0 pin drive strength and slew rate MOSI_M/MP1 pin drive strength and slew rate MP6 pin drive strength and slew rate MP7 pin drive strength and slew rate CLKOUT pin drive strength and slew rate Rev. D | Page 95 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet GLOBAL RAM AND CONTROL REGISTER MAP The complete set of addresses accessible via the slave I2C/SPI control port is described in this section. The addresses are divided into two main parts: memory and registers. RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY The ADAU1452 has 1.28 Mb of data (40 kWords storing 32-bit data). The ADAU1451 has 512 kb of data (16 kWords storing 32-bit data). The ADAU1450 has 256 kb of data (8 kWords storing 32-bit data). The ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 have eight kWords of program memory. Program memory consists of 32 bit words. Op codes for the DSP core are either 32 bits or 64 bits; therefore, program instructions can take up one or two addresses in memory. The program memory has parity bit protection. The panic manager flags parity errors when they are detected. Program memory can only be written or read when the core is stopped. The program memory is hardware protected so it cannot be accidentally overwritten or corrupted at run time. The DSP core is able to directly access all memory and registers. Data memory acts as a storage area for both audio data and signal processing parameters, such as filter coefficients. The data memory has parity bit protection. The panic manager flags parity errors when they are detected. Modulo memory addressing is used in several audio processing algorithms. The boundaries between the fixed and rotating memories are set in SigmaStudio by the compiler, and these boundaries require no action on the part of the user. Data and parameters assignment to the different memory spaces are handled in software. The modulo boundary locations are flexible. A ROM table (of over seven kWords), containing a set of commonly used constants, can be accessed by the DSP core. This memory is used to increase the efficiency of audio processing algorithm development. The table includes information such as trigonometric tables, including sine, cosine, tangent and hyperbolic tangent, twiddle factors for frequency domain processing, real mathematical constants, such as π and factors of 2, and complex constants. The ROM table is not accessible from the I2C or SPI slave control port. All memory addresses store 32 bits (four bytes) of data. The memory spaces for the ADAU1452 are defined in Table 65. The memory spaces for the ADAU1451 are defined in Table 66. The memory spaces for the ADAU1450 are defined in Table 67. Table 65. ADAU1452 Memory Map Address Range 0x0000 to 0x4FFF 0x6000 to 0xAFFF 0xC000 to 0xDFFF Length 20480 words 20480 words 8192 words Memory DM0 (Data Memory 0) DM1 (Data Memory 1) Program memory Data-Word Size 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits Memory DM0 (Data Memory 0) DM1 (Data Memory 1) Program memory Data-Word Size 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits Memory DM0 (Data Memory 0) DM1 (Data Memory 1) Program memory Data-Word Size 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits Table 66. ADAU1451 Memory Map Address Range 0x0000 to 0x3FFF 0x6000 to 0x9FFF 0xC000 to 0xDFFF Length 8192 words 8192 words 8192 words Table 67. ADAU1450 Memory Map Address Range 0x0000 to 0x1FFF 0x6000 to 0x7FFF 0xC000 to 0xDFFF Length 4096 words 4096 words 8192 words Rev. D | Page 96 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 CONTROL REGISTERS OVERVIEW All control registers store 16 bits (two bytes) of data. The register map for the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 is defined in Table 68. Table 68. Control Register Summary Address 0xF000 0xF001 0xF002 0xF003 0xF004 0xF005 0xF006 0xF020 0xF021 0xF022 0xF023 0xF024 0xF025 0xF026 0xF027 0xF050 0xF051 0xF100 0xF101 0xF102 0xF103 0xF104 0xF105 0xF106 0xF107 0xF140 0xF141 0xF142 0xF143 0xF144 0xF145 0xF146 0xF147 0xF180 0xF181 0xF182 0xF183 0xF184 0xF185 0xF186 0xF187 0xF188 0xF189 0xF18A 0xF18B 0xF18C 0xF18D 0xF18E 0xF18F 0xF190 Register Name PLL_CTRL0 PLL_CTRL1 PLL_CLK_SRC PLL_ENABLE PLL_LOCK MCLK_OUT PLL_WATCHDOG CLK_GEN1_M CLK_GEN1_N CLK_GEN2_M CLK_GEN2_N CLK_GEN3_M CLK_GEN3_N CLK_GEN3_SRC CLK_GEN3_LOCK POWER_ENABLE0 POWER_ENABLE1 ASRC_INPUT0 ASRC_INPUT1 ASRC_INPUT2 ASRC_INPUT3 ASRC_INPUT4 ASRC_INPUT5 ASRC_INPUT6 ASRC_INPUT7 ASRC_OUT_RATE0 ASRC_OUT_RATE1 ASRC_OUT_RATE2 ASRC_OUT_RATE3 ASRC_OUT_RATE4 ASRC_OUT_RATE5 ASRC_OUT_RATE6 ASRC_OUT_RATE7 SOUT_SOURCE0 SOUT_SOURCE1 SOUT_SOURCE2 SOUT_SOURCE3 SOUT_SOURCE4 SOUT_SOURCE5 SOUT_SOURCE6 SOUT_SOURCE7 SOUT_SOURCE8 SOUT_SOURCE9 SOUT_SOURCE10 SOUT_SOURCE11 SOUT_SOURCE12 SOUT_SOURCE13 SOUT_SOURCE14 SOUT_SOURCE15 SOUT_SOURCE16 Description PLL feedback divider PLL prescale divider PLL clock source PLL enable PLL lock CLKOUT control Analog PLL watchdog control Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 1 Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 1 Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 2 Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 2 Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 3 Numerator for (N) Clock Generator 3 Input Reference for Clock Generator 3 Lock Bit for Clock Generator 3 input reference Power Enable 0 Power Enable 1 ASRC input selector (ASRC 0, Channel 0 and Channel 1) ASRC input selector (ASRC 1, Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC input selector (ASRC 2, Channel 4 and Channel 5) ASRC input selector (ASRC 3, Channel 6 and Channel 7) ASRC input selector (ASRC 4, Channel 8 and Channel 9) ASRC input selector (ASRC 5, Channel 10 and Channel 11) ASRC input selector (ASRC 6, Channel 12 and Channel 13) ASRC input selector (ASRC 7, Channel 14 and Channel 15) ASRC output rate (ASRC 0, Channel 0 and Channel 1) ASRC output rate (ASRC 1, Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC output rate (ASRC 2, Channel 4 and Channel 5) ASRC output rate (ASRC 3, Channel 6 and Channel 7) ASRC output rate (ASRC 4, Channel 8 and Channel 9) ASRC output rate (ASRC 5, Channel 10 and Channel 11) ASRC output rate (ASRC 6, Channel 12 and Channel 13) ASRC output rate (ASRC 7, Channel 14 and Channel 15) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 0 and Channel 1) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 2 and Channel 3) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 4 and Channel 5) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 6 and Channel 7) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 8 and Channel 9) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 10 and Channel 11) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 12 and Channel 13) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 14 and Channel 15) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 16 and Channel 17) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 18 and Channel 19) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 20 and Channel 21) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 22 and Channel 23) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 24 and Channel 25) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 26 and Channel 27) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 28 and Channel 29) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 30 and Channel 31) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 32 and Channel 33) Rev. D | Page 97 of 195 Reset 0x0060 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0001 0x0006 0x0001 0x0009 0x0001 0x0000 0x0000 0x000E 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW RW RW RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Address 0xF191 0xF192 0xF193 0xF194 0xF195 0xF196 0xF197 0xF1C0 0xF200 0xF201 0xF204 0xF205 0xF208 0xF209 0xF20C 0xF20D 0xF210 0xF211 0xF214 0xF215 0xF218 0xF219 0xF21C 0xF21D 0xF300 0xF301 0xF302 0xF303 0xF304 0xF305 0xF306 0xF307 0xF308 0xF309 0xF30A 0xF30B 0xF30C 0xF30D 0xF30E 0xF30F 0xF310 0xF311 0xF312 0xF313 0xF314 0xF315 0xF316 0xF317 0xF318 0xF319 0xF31A 0xF31B 0xF31C 0xF31D Register Name SOUT_SOURCE17 SOUT_SOURCE18 SOUT_SOURCE19 SOUT_SOURCE20 SOUT_SOURCE21 SOUT_SOURCE22 SOUT_SOURCE23 SPDIFTX_INPUT SERIAL_BYTE_0_0 SERIAL_BYTE_0_1 SERIAL_BYTE_1_0 SERIAL_BYTE_1_1 SERIAL_BYTE_2_0 SERIAL_BYTE_2_1 SERIAL_BYTE_3_0 SERIAL_BYTE_3_1 SERIAL_BYTE_4_0 SERIAL_BYTE_4_1 SERIAL_BYTE_5_0 SERIAL_BYTE_5_1 SERIAL_BYTE_6_0 SERIAL_BYTE_6_1 SERIAL_BYTE_7_0 SERIAL_BYTE_7_1 FTDM_IN0 FTDM_IN1 FTDM_IN2 FTDM_IN3 FTDM_IN4 FTDM_IN5 FTDM_IN6 FTDM_IN7 FTDM_IN8 FTDM_IN9 FTDM_IN10 FTDM_IN11 FTDM_IN12 FTDM_IN13 FTDM_IN14 FTDM_IN15 FTDM_IN16 FTDM_IN17 FTDM_IN18 FTDM_IN19 FTDM_IN20 FTDM_IN21 FTDM_IN22 FTDM_IN23 FTDM_IN24 FTDM_IN25 FTDM_IN26 FTDM_IN27 FTDM_IN28 FTDM_IN29 Data Sheet Description Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 34 and Channel 35) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 36 and Channel 37) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 38 and Channel 39) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 40 and Channel 41) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 42 and Channel 43) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 44 and Channel 45) Source of data for serial output ports (Channel 46 and Channel 47) S/PDIF transmitter data selector Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN0) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN0) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN1) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN1) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN2) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN2) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_IN3) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_IN3) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT0) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT0) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT1) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT1) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT2) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT2) Serial Port Control 0 (SDATA_OUT3) Serial Port Control 1 (SDATA_OUT3) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 32, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 33, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 34, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 35, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 36, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 37, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 38, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[23:16]) Rev. D | Page 98 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Data Sheet Address 0xF31E 0xF31F 0xF320 0xF321 0xF322 0xF323 0xF324 0xF325 0xF326 0xF327 0xF328 0xF329 0xF32A 0xF32B 0xF32C 0xF32D 0xF32E 0xF32F 0xF330 0xF331 0xF332 0xF333 0xF334 0xF335 0xF336 0xF337 0xF338 0xF339 0xF33A 0xF33B 0xF33C 0xF33D 0xF33E 0xF33F 0xF380 0xF381 0xF382 0xF383 0xF384 0xF385 0xF386 0xF387 0xF388 0xF389 0xF38A 0xF38B 0xF38C 0xF38D 0xF38E 0xF38F 0xF390 0xF391 0xF392 0xF393 Register Name FTDM_IN30 FTDM_IN31 FTDM_IN32 FTDM_IN33 FTDM_IN34 FTDM_IN35 FTDM_IN36 FTDM_IN37 FTDM_IN38 FTDM_IN39 FTDM_IN40 FTDM_IN41 FTDM_IN42 FTDM_IN43 FTDM_IN44 FTDM_IN45 FTDM_IN46 FTDM_IN47 FTDM_IN48 FTDM_IN49 FTDM_IN50 FTDM_IN51 FTDM_IN52 FTDM_IN53 FTDM_IN54 FTDM_IN55 FTDM_IN56 FTDM_IN57 FTDM_IN58 FTDM_IN59 FTDM_IN60 FTDM_IN61 FTDM_IN62 FTDM_IN63 FTDM_OUT0 FTDM_OUT1 FTDM_OUT2 FTDM_OUT3 FTDM_OUT4 FTDM_OUT5 FTDM_OUT6 FTDM_OUT7 FTDM_OUT8 FTDM_OUT9 FTDM_OUT10 FTDM_OUT11 FTDM_OUT12 FTDM_OUT13 FTDM_OUT14 FTDM_OUT15 FTDM_OUT16 FTDM_OUT17 FTDM_OUT18 FTDM_OUT19 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Description FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 39, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 40, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 41, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 42, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 43, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 44, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 45, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 46, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial inputs (Channel 47, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 0, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 1, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 2, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 3, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 4, Bits[7:0]) Rev. D | Page 99 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Address 0xF394 0xF395 0xF396 0xF397 0xF398 0xF399 0xF39A 0xF39B 0xF39C 0xF39D 0xF39E 0xF39F 0xF3A0 0xF3A1 0xF3A2 0xF3A3 0xF3A4 0xF3A5 0xF3A6 0xF3A7 0xF3A8 0xF3A9 0xF3AA 0xF3AB 0xF3AC 0xF3AD 0xF3AE 0xF3AF 0xF3B0 0xF3B1 0xF3B2 0xF3B3 0xF3B4 0xF3B5 0xF3B6 0xF3B7 0xF3B8 0xF3B9 0xF3BA 0xF3BB 0xF3BC 0xF3BD 0xF3BE 0xF3BF 0xF400 0xF401 0xF402 0xF403 0xF404 0xF405 0xF421 0xF422 0xF423 0xF424 Register Name FTDM_OUT20 FTDM_OUT21 FTDM_OUT22 FTDM_OUT23 FTDM_OUT24 FTDM_OUT25 FTDM_OUT26 FTDM_OUT27 FTDM_OUT28 FTDM_OUT29 FTDM_OUT30 FTDM_OUT31 FTDM_OUT32 FTDM_OUT33 FTDM_OUT34 FTDM_OUT35 FTDM_OUT36 FTDM_OUT37 FTDM_OUT38 FTDM_OUT39 FTDM_OUT40 FTDM_OUT41 FTDM_OUT42 FTDM_OUT43 FTDM_OUT44 FTDM_OUT45 FTDM_OUT46 FTDM_OUT47 FTDM_OUT48 FTDM_OUT49 FTDM_OUT50 FTDM_OUT51 FTDM_OUT52 FTDM_OUT53 FTDM_OUT54 FTDM_OUT55 FTDM_OUT56 FTDM_OUT57 FTDM_OUT58 FTDM_OUT59 FTDM_OUT60 FTDM_OUT61 FTDM_OUT62 FTDM_OUT63 HIBERNATE START_PULSE START_CORE KILL_CORE START_ADDRESS CORE_STATUS PANIC_CLEAR PANIC_PARITY_MASK PANIC_SOFTWARE_MASK PANIC_WD_MASK Data Sheet Description FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 5, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 6, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 2, Channel 7, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 0, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 1, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 2, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 3, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 4, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 5, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 6, Bits[7:0]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[31:24]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[23:16]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[15:8]) FTDM mapping for the serial outputs (Port 3, Channel 7, Bits[7:0]) Hibernate setting Start pulse selection Instruction to start the core Instruction to stop the core Start address of the program Core status Clear the panic manager Panic parity Panic Mask 0 Panic Mask 1 Rev. D | Page 100 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0002 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0003 0x0000 0x0000 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R RW RW RW RW Data Sheet Address 0xF425 0xF426 0xF427 0xF428 0xF432 0xF433 0xF434 0xF443 0xF444 0xF450 0xF451 0xF460 0xF461 0xF462 0xF463 0xF464 0xF465 0xF466 0xF510 0xF511 0xF512 0xF513 0xF514 0xF515 0xF516 0xF517 0xF518 0xF519 0xF51A 0xF51B 0xF51C 0xF51D 0xF520 0xF521 0xF522 0xF523 0xF524 0xF525 0xF526 0xF527 0xF528 0xF529 0xF52A 0xF52B 0xF52C 0xF52D 0xF530 0xF531 0xF532 0xF533 0xF534 0xF535 0xF536 0xF537 Register Name PANIC_STACK_MASK PANIC_LOOP_MASK PANIC_FLAG PANIC_CODE EXECUTE_COUNT SOFTWARE_VALUE_0 SOFTWARE_VALUE_1 WATCHDOG_MAXCOUNT WATCHDOG_PRESCALE BLOCKINT_EN BLOCKINT_VALUE PROG_CNTR0 PROG_CNTR1 PROG_CNTR_CLEAR PROG_CNTR_LENGTH0 PROG_CNTR_LENGTH1 PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH0 PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH1 MP0_MODE MP1_MODE MP2_MODE MP3_MODE MP4_MODE MP5_MODE MP6_MODE MP7_MODE MP8_MODE MP9_MODE MP10_MODE MP11_MODE MP12_MODE MP13_MODE MP0_WRITE MP1_WRITE MP2_WRITE MP3_WRITE MP4_WRITE MP5_WRITE MP6_WRITE MP7_WRITE MP8_WRITE MP9_WRITE MP10_WRITE MP11_WRITE MP12_WRITE MP13_WRITE MP0_READ MP1_READ MP2_READ MP3_READ MP4_READ MP5_READ MP6_READ MP7_READ ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Description Panic Mask 2 Panic Mask 3 Panic flag Panic code Execute stage error program count Software Panic Value 0 Software Panic Value 1 Watchdog maximum count Watchdog prescale Enable block interrupts Value for the block interrupt counter Program counter, Bits[23:16] Program counter, Bits[15:0] Program counter clear Program counter length, Bits[23:16] Program counter length, Bits[15:0] Program counter max length, Bits[23:16] Program counter max length, Bits[15:0] Multipurpose pin mode (SS_M/MP0) Multipurpose pin mode (MOSI_M/MP1) Multipurpose pin mode (SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2) Multipurpose pin mode (SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) Multipurpose pin mode (MP6) Multipurpose pin mode (MP7) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) Multipurpose pin mode (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) Multipurpose pin write value (SS_M/MP0) Multipurpose pin write value (MOSI_M/MP1) Multipurpose pin write value SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2) Multipurpose pin write value (SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) Multipurpose pin write value (MP6) Multipurpose pin write value (MP7) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) Multipurpose pin write value (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) Multipurpose pin read value (SS_M/MP0) Multipurpose pin read value (MOSI_M/MP1) Multipurpose pin read value (SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2) Multipurpose pin read value (SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT0/MP4) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT1/MP5) Multipurpose pin read value (MP6) Multipurpose pin read value (MP7) Rev. D | Page 101 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW RW RW R R R RW RW RW RW RW RW R R RW R R R R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R R R R R R R R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Address 0xF538 0xF539 0xF53A 0xF53B 0xF53C 0xF53D 0xF560 0xF561 0xF580 0xF581 0xF582 0xF583 0xF584 0xF585 0xF586 0xF587 0xF588 0xF589 0xF5A0 0xF5A1 0xF5A2 0xF5A3 0xF5A4 0xF5A5 0xF600 0xF601 0xF602 0xF603 0xF604 0xF605 0xF608 0xF60F 0xF610 0xF611 0xF612 0xF613 0xF614 0xF615 0xF616 0xF617 0xF618 0xF619 0xF61A 0xF61B 0xF620 0xF621 0xF622 0xF623 0xF624 0xF625 0xF626 0xF627 0xF628 0xF629 Register Name MP8_READ MP9_READ MP10_READ MP11_READ MP12_READ MP13_READ DMIC_CTRL0 DMIC_CTRL1 ASRC_LOCK ASRC_MUTE ASRC0_RATIO ASRC1_RATIO ASRC2_RATIO ASRC3_RATIO ASRC4_RATIO ASRC5_RATIO ASRC6_RATIO ASRC7_RATIO ADC_READ0 ADC_READ1 ADC_READ2 ADC_READ3 ADC_READ4 ADC_READ5 SPDIF_LOCK_DET SPDIF_RX_CTRL SPDIF_RX_DECODE SPDIF_RX_COMPRMODE SPDIF_RESTART SPDIF_LOSS_OF_LOCK SPDIF_AUX_EN SPDIF_RX_AUXBIT_READY SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_0 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_1 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_2 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_3 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_4 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_5 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_6 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_7 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_8 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_9 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_10 SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_11 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_0 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_1 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_2 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_3 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_4 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_5 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_6 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_7 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_8 SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_9 Data Sheet Description Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT2/MP8) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_OUT3/MP9) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN0/MP10) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN1/MP11) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN2/MP12) Multipurpose pin read value (LRCLK_IN3/MP13) Digital PDM microphone control (Channel 0 and Channel 1) Digital PDM microphone control (Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC lock status ASRC mute ASRC ratio (ASRC 0, Channel 0 and Channel 1) ASRC ratio (ASRC 1, Channel 2 and Channel 3) ASRC ratio (ASRC 2, Channel 4 and Channel 5) ASRC ratio (ASRC 3, Channel 6 and Channel 7) ASRC ratio (ASRC 4, Channel 8 and Channel 9) ASRC ratio (ASRC 5, Channel 10 and Channel 11) ASRC ratio (ASRC 6, Channel 12 and Channel 13) ASRC ratio (ASRC 7, Channel 14 and Channel 15) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC0) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC1) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC2) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC3) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC4) Auxiliary ADC read value (AUXADC5) S/PDIF receiver lock bit detection S/PDIF receiver control Decoded signals from the S/PDIF receiver Compression mode from the S/PDIF receiver Automatically resume S/PDIF receiver audio input S/PDIF receiver loss of lock detection S/PDIF receiver auxiliary outputs enable S/PDIF receiver auxiliary bits ready flag S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right) Rev. 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D | Page 103 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Address 0xF674 0xF675 0xF676 0xF677 0xF678 0xF679 0xF67A 0xF67B 0xF680 0xF681 0xF682 0xF683 0xF684 0xF685 0xF686 0xF687 0xF688 0xF689 0xF68A 0xF68B 0xF690 0xF691 0xF69F 0xF6A0 0xF6A1 0xF6A2 0xF6A3 0xF6A4 0xF6A5 0xF6A6 0xF6A7 0xF6A8 0xF6A9 0xF6AA 0xF6AB 0xF6B0 0xF6B1 0xF6B2 0xF6B3 0xF6B4 0xF6B5 0xF6B6 0xF6B7 0xF6B8 0xF6B9 0xF6BA 0xF6BB 0xF6C0 0xF6C1 0xF6C2 0xF6C3 0xF6C4 0xF6C5 0xF6C6 Register Name SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_4 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_5 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_6 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_7 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_8 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_9 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_10 SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_11 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_0 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_1 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_2 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_3 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_4 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_5 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_6 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_7 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_8 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_9 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_10 SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_11 SPDIF_TX_EN SPDIF_TX_CTRL SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_0 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_1 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_2 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_3 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_4 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_5 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_6 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_7 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_8 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_9 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_10 SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_11 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_0 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_1 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_2 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_3 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_4 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_5 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_6 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_7 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_8 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_9 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_10 SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_11 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_0 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_1 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_2 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_3 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_4 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_5 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_6 Data Sheet Description S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter enable S/PDIF transmitter control S/PDIF transmitter auxiliary bits source select S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right)) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right)) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) Rev. D | Page 104 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Data Sheet Address 0xF6C7 0xF6C8 0xF6C9 0xF6CA 0xF6CB 0xF6D0 0xF6D1 0xF6D2 0xF6D3 0xF6D4 0xF6D5 0xF6D6 0xF6D7 0xF6D8 0xF6D9 0xF6DA 0xF6DB 0xF6E0 0xF6E1 0xF6E2 0xF6E3 0xF6E4 0xF6E5 0xF6E6 0xF6E7 0xF6E8 0xF6E9 0xF6EA 0xF6EB 0xF6F0 0xF6F1 0xF6F2 0xF6F3 0xF6F4 0xF6F5 0xF6F6 0xF6F7 0xF6F8 0xF6F9 0xF6FA 0xF6FB 0xF700 0xF701 0xF702 0xF703 0xF704 0xF705 0xF706 0xF707 0xF708 0xF709 0xF70A 0xF70B 0xF710 Register Name SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_7 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_8 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_9 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_10 SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_11 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_0 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_1 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_2 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_3 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_4 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_5 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_6 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_7 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_8 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_9 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_10 SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_11 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_0 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_1 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_2 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_3 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_4 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_5 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_6 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_7 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_8 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_9 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_10 SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_11 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_0 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_1 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_2 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_3 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_4 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_5 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_6 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_7 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_8 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_9 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_10 SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_11 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_0 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_1 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_2 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_3 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_4 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_5 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_6 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_7 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_8 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_9 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_10 SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_11 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_0 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Description S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left)) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) Rev. D | Page 105 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Address 0xF711 0xF712 0xF713 0xF714 0xF715 0xF716 0xF717 0xF718 0xF719 0xF71A 0xF71B 0xF780 0xF781 0xF782 0xF783 0xF784 0xF785 0xF786 0xF787 0xF788 0xF789 0xF78A 0xF78B 0xF78C 0xF78D 0xF78E 0xF78F 0xF790 0xF791 0xF792 0xF793 0xF794 0xF795 0xF796 0xF797 0xF798 0xF799 0xF79A 0xF79B 0xF79C 0xF79D 0xF79E 0xF79F 0xF7A0 0xF7A1 0xF7A2 0xF7A3 0xF890 Register Name SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_1 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_2 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_3 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_4 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_5 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_6 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_7 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_8 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_9 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_10 SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_11 BCLK_IN0_PIN BCLK_IN1_PIN BCLK_IN2_PIN BCLK_IN3_PIN BCLK_OUT0_PIN BCLK_OUT1_PIN BCLK_OUT2_PIN BCLK_OUT3_PIN LRCLK_IN0_PIN LRCLK_IN1_PIN LRCLK_IN2_PIN LRCLK_IN3_PIN LRCLK_OUT0_PIN LRCLK_OUT1_PIN LRCLK_OUT2_PIN LRCLK_OUT3_PIN SDATA_IN0_PIN SDATA_IN1_PIN SDATA_IN2_PIN SDATA_IN3_PIN SDATA_OUT0_PIN SDATA_OUT1_PIN SDATA_OUT2_PIN SDATA_OUT3_PIN SPDIF_TX_PIN SCLK_SCL_PIN MISO_SDA_PIN SS_PIN MOSI_ADDR1_PIN SCLK_SCL_M_PIN MISO_SDA_M_PIN SS_M_PIN MOSI_M_PIN MP6_PIN MP7_PIN CLKOUT_PIN SOFT_RESET Data Sheet Description S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right) BCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN0) BCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN1) BCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN2) BCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_IN3) BCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT0) BCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT1) BCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT2) BCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (BCLK_OUT3) LRCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN0) LRCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN1) LRCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate LRCLK_IN2) LRCLK input pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_IN3) LRCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT0) LRCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT1) LRCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT2) LRCLK output pins drive strength and slew rate (LRCLK_OUT3) SDATA input pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN0) SDATA input pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN1) SDATA input pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN2) SDATA input pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_IN3) SDATA output pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT0) SDATA output pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT1) SDATA output pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT2) SDATA output pins drive strength and slew rate (SDATA_OUT3) S/PDIF transmitter pin drive strength and slew rate SCLK/SCL pin drive strength and slew rate MISO/SDA pin drive strength and slew rate SS/ADDR0 pin drive strength and slew rate MOSI/ADDR1 pin drive strength and slew rate SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 pin drive strength and slew rate SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 pin drive strength and slew rate SS_M/MP0 pin drive strength and slew rate MOSI_M/MP1 pin drive strength and slew rate MP6 pin drive strength and slew rate MP7 pin drive strength and slew rate CLKOUT pin drive strength and slew rate Soft reset Rev. D | Page 106 of 195 Reset 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 0x0018 0x0018 0x0008 0x0008 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0018 0x0008 0x0001 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 CONTROL REGISTER DETAILS This section describes the settings of the control registers. PLL CONFIGURATION REGISTERS PLL Feedback Divider Register Address: 0xF000, Reset: 0x0060, Name: PLL_CTRL0 This register is the value of the feedback divider in the PLL. This value effectively multiplies the frequency of the input clock to the PLL, creating the output system clock, which clocks the DSP core and other digital circuit blocks. The format of the value stored in this register is binary integer in 7.0 format. For example, the default feedback divider value of 96 is stored as 0x60. The value written to this register does not take effect until Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) changes state from 0b0 to 0b1. Table 69. Bit Descriptions for PLL_CTRL0 Bits [15:7] [6:0] 1 Bit Name RESERVED PLL_FBDIVIDER Settings1 N/A N/A Description Reserved. PLL feedback divider. This is the value of the feedback divider in the PLL, which effectively multiplies the frequency of the input clock to the PLL, creating the output system clock, which clocks the DSP core and other digital circuit blocks. The format of the value stored in this register is binary integer in 7.0 format. For example, the default feedback divider value of 96 is stored as 0x60. Reset 0x0 0x60 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. PLL Prescale Divider Register Address: 0xF001, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PLL_CTRL1 This register sets the input prescale divider for the PLL. The value written to this register does not take effect until Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) changes state from 0b0 to 0b1. Table 70. Bit Descriptions for PLL_CTRL1 Bits [15:2] [1:0] Bit Name RESERVED PLL_DIV Settings1 N/A 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved PLL input clock divider. This prescale clock divider creates the PLL input clock from the externally input master clock. The nominal frequency of the PLL input is 3.072 MHz. Therefore, if the input master clock frequency is 3.072 MHz, set the prescale clock divider to divide by 1. If the input clock is 12.288 MHz, set the prescale clock divider to divide by 4. The goal is to make the input to the PLL as close to 3.072 MHz as possible. Divide by 1. Divide by 2. Divide by 4. Divide by 8. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 107 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet PLL Clock Source Register Address: 0xF002, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PLL_CLK_SRC This register selects the source of the clock used for input to the core and the clock generators. The clock can either be taken directly from the signal on the XTALIN/MCLK pin or from the output of the PLL. In almost every case, use the PLL clock. The value written to this register does not take effect until Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) changes state from 0b0 to 0b1. Table 71. Bit Descriptions for PLL_CLK_SRC Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED CLKSRC Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved Clock source select. The PLL output is nominally 294.912 MHz, which is the nominal operating frequency of the core and the clock generator inputs. In most use cases, do not use the direct XTALIN/MCLK input option because the range of allowable frequencies on the XTALIN/MCLK pin is has an upper limit that is significantly lower in frequency than the nominal system clock frequency. Direct from XTALIN/MCLK pin. PLL clock. Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. PLL Enable Register Address: 0xF003, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PLL_ENABLE This register enables or disables the PLL. The PLL does not attempt to lock to an incoming clock until Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) is enabled. When Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) is set to 0b0, the PLL does not output a clock signal, causing all other clock circuits in the device that rely on the PLL to become idle. When Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) transitions from 0b0 to 0b1, the settings in Register 0xF000 (PLL_CTRL0), Register 0xF001 (PLL_CTRL1), Register 0xF002 (PLL_CLK_SRC), and Register 0xF005 (MCLK_OUT) are activated. Table 72. Bit Descriptions for PLL_ENABLE Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PLL_ENABLE Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. PLL enable. Load the values of Register 0xF000, Register 0xF001, Register 0xF002, and Register 0xF005 when this bit transitions from 0b0 to 0b1. PLL disabled. PLL enabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 108 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 PLL Lock Register Address: 0xF004, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PLL_LOCK This register contains a flag that represents the lock status of the PLL. The lock status has four prerequisites: a stable input clock is being routed to the PLL, the related PLL registers (Register 0xF000 (PLL_CTRL0), Register 0xF001 (PLL_CTRL1), and Register 0xF002 (PLL_CLK_SRC) are set appropriately, the PLL is enabled (Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE) = 0b1), and the PLL has adequate time to adjust its feedback path and provide a stable output clock to the rest of the device. The amount of time required to achieve lock to a new input clock signal varies based on system conditions, which means that Bit 0 (PLL_LOCK) provides a clear indication of when lock has been achieved. Table 73. Bit Descriptions for PLL_LOCK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PLL_LOCK Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. PLL lock flag (read only). PLL unlocked. PLL locked. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 109 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet CLKOUT Control Register Address: 0xF005, Reset: 0x0000, Name: MCLK_OUT This register enables and configures the signal output from the CLKOUT pin. The value written to this register does not take effect until Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Bit 0 (PLL_ENABLE), changes state from 0b0 to 0b1. Table 74. Bit Descriptions for MCLK_OUT Bits [15:3] [2:1] Bit Name RESERVED CLKOUT_RATE Settings1 N/A 00 01 10 11 0 CLKOUT_ENABLE 0 1 1 Description Reserved Frequency of CLKOUT. Frequency of the signal output from the CLKOUT pin. These bits set the frequency of the signal on the CLKOUT pin. The frequencies documented in Table 74 are examples that are valid for a master clock input that is a binary multiple of 3.072 MHz. In this case, the options for output rates are 3.072 MHz, 6.144 MHz, 12.288 MHz, or 24.576 MHz. If the input master clock is scaled down (for example, to a binary multiple of 2.8224 MHz), the possible output rates are 2.8224 MHz, 5.6448 MHz, 11.2896 MHz, or 22.5792 MHz. Predivider output. This is 3.072 MHz for a nominal system clock. Double the predivider output. This is 6.144 MHz for a nominal system clock. 4× the predivider output. This is 12.288 MHz for a nominal system clock. 8× the predivider output. This is 24.576 MHz for a nominal system clock. CLKOUT enable. When this bit is enabled, a clock signal is output from the CLKOUT pin of the device. When disabled, the CLKOUT pin is high impedance. CLKOUT pin disabled. CLKOUT pin enabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 110 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Analog PLL Watchdog Control Register Address: 0xF006, Reset: 0x0001, Name: PLL_WATCHDOG The PLL watchdog is a feature that monitors the PLL and automatically resets the PLL in the event that the PLL reaches an unstable condition. The PLL resets itself and automatically attempts to lock to the incoming clock signal again, with the same settings as before the unstable condition occured. This functionality requires no interaction from the user. Ensure that the PLL watchdog is enabled at all times. Table 75. Bit Descriptions for PLL_WATCHDOG Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PLL_WATCHDOG Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved PLL watchdog. PLL watchdog disabled. PLL watchdog enabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 111 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet CLOCK GENERATOR REGISTERS Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 1 Register Address: 0xF020, Reset: 0x0006, Name: CLK_GEN1_M This register holds the denominator (M) for Clock Generator 1. Table 76. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN1_M Bits [15:9] [8:0] 1 Bit Name RESERVED CLOCKGEN1_M Settings1 N/A Description Reserved. Clock Generator 1 M (denominator). Format is binary integer. Reset 0x0 0x006 Access RW RW Reset 0x0 0x001 Access RW RW Reset 0x0 0x009 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 1 Register Address: 0xF021, Reset: 0x0001, Name: CLK_GEN1_N This register holds the numerator (N) for Clock Generator 1. Table 77. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN1_N Bits [15:9] [8:0] 1 Bit Name RESERVED CLOCKGEN1_N Settings1 N/A Description Reserved. Clock Generator 1 N (numerator). Format is binary integer. N/A means not applicable. Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 2 Register Address: 0xF022, Reset: 0x0009, Name: CLK_GEN2_M This register holds the denominator (M) for Clock Generator 2. Table 78. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN2_M Bits [15:9] [8:0] 1 Bit Name RESERVED CLOCKGEN2_M Settings1 Description Reserved. Clock Generator 2 M (denominator). Format is binary integer. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 112 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Numerator (N) for Clock Generator 2 Register Address: 0xF023, Reset: 0x0001, Name: CLK_GEN2_N This register holds the numerator (N) for Clock Generator 2. Table 79. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN2_N Bits [15:9] [8:0] 1 Bit Name RESERVED CLOCKGEN2_N Settings1 N/A N/A Description Reserved. Clock Generator 2 N (numerator). Format is binary integer. Reset 0x0 0x001 Access RW RW Reset 0x0000 Access RW Reset 0x0000 Access RW N/A means not applicable. Denominator (M) for Clock Generator 3 Register Address: 0xF024, Reset: 0x0000, Name: CLK_GEN3_M This register holds the denominator (M) for Clock Generator 3. Table 80. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN3_M Bits [15:0] 1 Bit Name CLOCKGEN3_M Settings1 N/A Description Clock Generator 3 M (denominator). Format is binary integer. N/A means not applicable. Numerator for (N) Clock Generator 3 Register Address: 0xF025, Reset: 0x0000, Name: CLK_GEN3_N This register holds the numerator (N) for Clock Generator 3. Table 81. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN3_N Bits [15:0] 1 Bit Name CLOCKGEN3_N Settings1 N/A Description Clock Generator 3 N (numerator). Format is binary integer. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 113 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Input Reference for Clock Generator 3 Register Address: 0xF026, Reset: 0x000E, Name: CLK_GEN3_SRC Clock Generator 3 can generate audio clocks using the PLL output (system clock) as a reference, or can optionally use a reference clock entering the device from an external source either on an MPx pin or the S/PDIF receiver. This register determines the source of the reference signal. Table 82. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN3_SRC Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED CLK_GEN3_SRC Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:0] FREF_PIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1 Description Reserved. Reference source for Clock Generator 3. This bit selects the reference of Clock Generator 3. If set to use an external reference clock, Bits[3:0] define the source pin. Otherwise, the PLL output is used as the reference clock. When an external reference clock is used for Clock Generator 3, the resulting base output frequency of Clock Generator 3 is the frequency of the input reference clock multiplied by the Clock Generator 3 numerator, divided by 1024. For example: if Bit 4 (CLK_GEN3_SRC) = 0b1 (an external reference clock is used); Bits[3:0] (FREF_PIN) = 0b1110 (the input signal of the S/PDIF receiver is used as the reference source); the sample rate of the S/PDIF input signal = 48 kHz; and the numerator of Clock Generator 3 = 2048; the resulting base output sample rate of Clock Generator 3 is 48 kHz × 2048/1024 = 96 kHz. Reference signal provided by PLL output; multiply the frequency of this signal by M and divide by N. Reference signal provided by the signal input to the hardware pin defined by Bits[3:0] (FREF_PIN); multiply the frequency of that signal by N, and then divide by 1024 to get the resulting sample rate; M is ignored. Input reference for Clock Generator 3. If Clock Generator 3 is set up to lock to an external reference clock (Bit 4 (CLK_GEN3_SRC) = 0b1), these bits allow the user to specify which pin is receiving the reference clock. The signal input to the corresponding pin is a 50% duty cycle square wave clock representing the reference sample rate. Input reference source is SS_M/MP0. Input reference source is MOSI_M/MP1. Input reference source is SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2. Input reference source is SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3. Input reference source is LRCLK_OUT0/MP4. Input reference source is LRCLK_OUT1/MP5. Input reference source is MP6. Input reference source is MP7. Input reference source is LRCLK_OUT2/MP8. Input reference source is LRCLK_OUT3/MP9. Input reference source is LRCLK_IN0/MP10. Input reference source is LRCLK_IN1/MP11. Input reference source is LRCLK_IN2/MP12. Input reference source is LRCLK_IN3/MP13. Input reference source is S/PDIF receiver (recovered frame clock). N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 114 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0xE RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Lock Bit for Clock Generator 3 Input Reference Register Address: 0xF027, Reset: 0x0000, Name: CLK_GEN3_LOCK This register monitors whether or not Clock Generator 3 has locked to its reference clock source, regardless of whether it is coming from the PLL output or from an external reference signal, which is configured in Register 0xF026, Bit 4 (CLK_GEN3_SRC). Table 83. Bit Descriptions for CLK_GEN3_LOCK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED GEN3_LOCK Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Lock bit. Not locked. Locked. Reset 0x0 0x0 N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 115 of 195 Access RW R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet POWER REDUCTION REGISTERS Power Enable 0 Register Address: 0xF050, Reset: 0x0000, Name: POWER_ENABLE0 For the purpose of power saving, this register allows the clock generators, ASRCs, and serial ports to be disabled when not in use. When these functional blocks are disabled, the current draw on the corresponding supply pins decreases. Table 84. Bit Descriptions for POWER_ENABLE0 Bits [15:13] 12 Bit Name RESERVED CLK_GEN3_PWR Settings1 N/A 0 1 11 CLK_GEN2_PWR 0 1 Description Reserved. High precision clock generator (Clock Generator 3) power enable. When this bit is disabled, Clock Generator 3 is disabled and ceases to output audio clocks. Any functional block in hardware, including the DSP core, that has been configured to be clocked by Clock Generator 3 ceases to function when this bit is disabled. Power disabled. Power enabled. Clock Generator 2 power enable. When this bit is disabled, Clock Generator 2 is disabled and ceases to output audio clocks. Any LRCLK_OUTx, LRCLK_INx, or BCLK_OUTx, BCLK_INx pins that are configured to output clocks generated by the Clock Generator 2 output a logic low signal when Clock Generator 2 is disabled. Any functional block in hardware, including the DSP core, that is configured to be clocked by Clock Generator 2 ceases to function when this bit is disabled. Power disabled. Power enabled. Rev. D | Page 116 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet Bits 10 Bit Name CLK_GEN1_PWR ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 0 1 9 ASRCBANK1_PWR 0 1 8 ASRCBANK0_PWR 0 1 7 SOUT3_PWR 0 1 6 SOUT2_PWR 0 1 5 SOUT1_PWR 0 1 4 SOUT0_PWR 0 1 3 SIN3_PWR 0 1 2 SIN2_PWR 0 1 1 SIN1_PWR 0 1 Description Clock Generator 1 power enable. When this bit is disabled, Clock Generator 1 is disabled and ceases to output audio clocks. Any LRCLK_OUTx, LRCLK_INx, BCLK_OUTx, or BCLK_INx pins that are configured to output clocks generated by Clock Generator 1 output a logic low signal when Clock Generator 1 is disabled. Any functional block in hardware, including the DSP core, that is configured to be clocked by Clock Generator 1 ceases to function when this bit is disabled. Power disabled. Power enabled. ASRC 4, ASRC 5, ASRC 6, and ASRC 7 power enable. When this bit is disabled, ASRC Channel 8 to Channel 15 are disabled, and their output data streams cease. Power disabled. Power enabled. ASRC 0, ASRC 1, ASRC 2, and ASRC 3 power enable. When this bit is disabled, ASRC Channel 0 to Channel 7 are disabled, and their output data streams cease. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_OUT3 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_OUT3 pin and associated serial port circuitry are also disabled. LRCLK_OUT3 and BCLK_OUT3 are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_OUT2 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_OUT2 pin and associated serial port circuitry is disabled. LRCLK_OUT2 and BCLK_OUT2 are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_OUT1 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_OUT1 pin and associated serial port circuitry are also disabled. LRCLK_OUT1 and BCLK_OUT1 are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_OUT0 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_OUT0 pin and associated serial port circuitry are disabled. LRCLK_OUT0 and BCLK_OUT0 are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_IN3 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_IN3 pin and associated serial port circuitry are disabled. LRCLK_IN3 and BCLK_IN3 are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_IN2 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_IN2 pin and associated serial port circuitry are disabled. LRCLK_IN2 and BCLK_IN2 are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. SDATA_IN1 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_IN1 pin and associated serial port circuitry are disabled. The LRCLK_IN1 and BCLK_IN1 pins are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. Rev. D | Page 117 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Bits 0 Bit Name SIN0_PWR Settings1 0 1 1 Data Sheet Description SDATA_IN0 power enable. When this bit is disabled, the SDATA_IN0 pin and associated serial port circuitry are disabled. The LRCLK_IN0 and BCLK_IN0 pins are not affected. Power disabled. Power enabled. Reset 0x0 Access RW N/A means not applicable. Power Enable 1 Register Address: 0xF051, Reset: 0x0000, Name: POWER_ENABLE1 For the purpose of power saving, this register allows the PDM microphone interfaces, S/PDIF interfaces, and auxiliary ADCs to be disabled when not in use. When these functional blocks are disabled, the current draw on the corresponding supply pins decreases. Table 85. Bit Descriptions for POWER_ENABLE1 Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED PDM1_PWR Settings1 N/A 0 1 3 PDM0_PWR 0 1 2 TX_PWR 0 1 1 RX_PWR 0 1 0 ADC_PWR 0 1 1 Description Reserved. PDM Microphone Channel 2 and PDM Microphone Channel 3 power enable. When this bit is disabled, PDM Microphone Channel 2 and PDM Microphone Channel 3 and their associated circuitry are disabled, and their data values cease to update. Power disabled. Power enabled. PDM Microphone Channel 0 and PDM Microphone Channel 1 power enable. When this bit is disabled, PDM Microphone Channel 0 and PDM Microphone Channel 1 and their associated circuitry are disabled, and their data values cease to update. Power disabled. Power enabled. S/PDIF transmitter power enable. This bit disables the S/PDIF transmitter circuit. Clock and data ceases to output from the S/PDIF transmitter pin, and the output is held at logic low as long as this bit is disabled. Power disabled. Power enabled. S/PDIF receiver power enable. This bit disables the S/PDIF receiver circuit. Clock and data recovery from the S/PDIF input stream ceases until this bit is reenabled. Power disabled. Power enabled. Auxiliary ADC power enable. When this bit is disabled, the auxiliary ADCs are powered down, their outputs cease to update, and the ADCs hold their last value. Power disabled. Power enabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 118 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 AUDIO SIGNAL ROUTING REGISTERS ASRC Input Selector Register Address: 0xF100 to Address 0xF107 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: ASRC_INPUTx These eight registers configure the input signal to the corresponding eight stereo ASRCs on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC_INPUT0 configures ASRC Channel 0 and ASRC Channel 1, ASRC_INPUT1 configures ASRC Channel 2 and ASRC Channel 3, and so on. Valid input signals to the ASRCs include Serial Input Channel 0 to Serial Input Channel 47, the PDM Microphone Input Channel 0 to PDM Microphone Input Channel 3, and the S/PDIF Receiver Channel 0 to S/PDIF Receiver Channel 1. Table 86. Bit Descriptions for ASRC_INPUTx Bits [15:8] [7:3] Bit Name RESERVED ASRC_SIN_CHANNEL Settings1 N/A 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 Description Reserved If Bits[2:0] (ASRC_SOURCE) = 0b001, these bits select which serial input channel is routed to the ASRC. Serial Input Channel 0 and Serial Input Channel 1. Serial Input Channel 2 and Serial Input Channel 3. Serial Input Channel 4 and Serial Input Channel 5. Serial Input Channel 6 and Serial Input Channel 7. Serial Input Channel 8 and Serial Input Channel 9. Serial Input Channel 10 and Serial Input Channel 11. Serial Input Channel 12 and Serial Input Channel 13. Serial Input Channel 14 and Serial Input Channel 15. Serial Input Channel 16 and Serial Input Channel 17. Serial Input Channel 18 and Serial Input Channel 19. Serial Input Channel 20 and Serial Input Channel 21. Serial Input Channel 22 and Serial Input Channel 23. Serial Input Channel 24 and Serial Input Channel 25. Serial Input Channel 26 and Serial Input Channel 27. Serial Input Channel 28 and Serial Input Channel 29. Serial Input Channel 30 and Serial Input Channel 31. Serial Input Channel 32 and Serial Input Channel 33. Serial Input Channel 34 and Serial Input Channel 35. Serial Input Channel 36 and Serial Input Channel 37. Serial Input Channel 38 and Serial Input Channel 39. Serial Input Channel 40 and Serial Input Channel 41. Serial Input Channel 42 and Serial Input Channel 43. Serial Input Channel 44 and Serial Input Channel 45. Serial Input Channel 46 and Serial Input Channel 47. Rev. D | Page 119 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x00 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Bits [2:0] Bit Name ASRC_SOURCE Settings1 000 001 010 011 100 101 1 Data Sheet Description ASRC source select. Not used. Select from serial input ports; select channels using Bits[7:3] (ASRC_SIN_CHANNEL). Select from DSP core outputs. Select from S/PDIF receiver. Select from digital PDM Microphone Input Channel 0 and PDM Microphone Input Channel 1. Select from digital PDM Microphone Input Channel 2 and PDM Microphone Input Channel 3. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 120 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ASRC Output Rate Selector Register Address: 0xF140 to Address 0xF147 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: ASRC_OUT_RATEx These eight registers configure the target output sample rates of the corresponding eight stereo ASRCs on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. The ASRC takes any arbitrary input sample rate and automatically attempts to resample the data in that signal and output the data at the target sample rate as configured by these registers. Each of the eight registers corresponds to one of the eight stereo ASRCs. ASRC_OUT_RATE0 configures ASRC Channel 0 and ASRC Channel 1, ASRC_INPUT1 configures ASRC Channel 2 and ASRC Channel 3, ASRC_OUT_RATE2 configures ASRC Channel 4 and ASRC Channel 5, ASRC_OUT_RATE3 configures ASRC Channel 6 and ASRC Channel 7, ASRC_OUT_ RATE4 configures ASRC Channel 8 and ASRC Channel 9, ASRC_OUT_RATE5 configures ASRC Channel 10 and ASRC Channel 11, ASRC_OUT_RATE6 configures ASRC Channel 12 and ASRC Channel 13, and ASRC_OUT_RATE7 configures ASRC Channel 14 and ASRC Channel 15. The ASRCs lock their output frequencies to the audio sample rates of any of the serial output ports, the DSP start pulse rate of the core, or one of several internally generated sample rates coming from the clock generators. Table 87. Bit Descriptions for ASRC_OUT_RATEx Bits [15:4] [3:0] Bit Name RESERVED ASRC_RATE Settings1 N/A 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1 Description Reserved. ASRC target audio output sample rate. The corresponding ASRC can lock its output to a serial output port, the DSP core, or an internally generated rate. No output rate selected. Use sample rate of SDATA_OUT0 (Register 0xF211 (SERIAL_BYTE_4_1), Bits[4:0]). Use sample rate of SDATA_OUT1 (Register 0xF215 (SERIAL_BYTE_5_1), Bits[4:0]). Use sample rate of SDATA_OUT2 (Register 0xF219 (SERIAL_BYTE_6_1), Bits[4:0]). Use sample rate of SDATA_OUT3 (Register 0xF21D (SERIAL_BYTE_7_1), Bits[4:0]). Use DSP core audio sampling rate (Register 0xF401 (START_PULSE), Bits[4:0]). Internal rate (the base output rate of Clock Generator 1); see Register 0xF020 (CLK_GEN1_M) and Register 0xF021 (CLK_GEN1_N). Internal rate × 2 (the doubled output rate of Clock Generator 1); see Register 0xF020 (CLK_GEN1_M) and Register 0xF021 (CLK_GEN1_N). Internal rate × 4 (the quadrupled output rate of Clock Generator 1); see Register 0xF020 (CLK_GEN1_M) and Register 0xF021 (CLK_GEN1_N). Internal rate × (1/2) the halved output rate of Clock Generator 1); see Register 0xF020 (CLK_GEN1_M) and Register 0xF021 (CLK_GEN1_N). Internal rate × (1/3) (halved output of Clock Generator 2); see Register 0xF022 (CLK_GEN2_M) and Register 0xF023 (CLK_GEN2_N). Internal rate × (1/4) (quartered output of Clock Generator 1); see Register 0xF020 (CLK_GEN1_M) and Register 0xF021 (CLK_GEN1_N). Internal rate × (1/6) (quartered output of Clock Generator 2); see Register 0xF022 (CLK_GEN2_M) and Register 0xF023 (CLK_GEN2_N). N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 121 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Source of Data for Serial Output Ports Register Address: 0xF180 to 0xF197 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SOUT_SOURCEx These 24 registers correspond to the 24 pairs of output channels used by the serial output ports. Each register corresponds to two audio channels. SOUT_SOURCE0 corresponds to Channel 0 and Channel 1, SOUT_SOURCE1 corresponds to Channel 2 and Channel 3, and so on. SOUT_SOURCE0 to SOUT_SOURCE7 map to the 16 total channels (Channel 0 to Channel 15) that are fed to SDATA_OUT0. SOUT_SOURCE8 to SOUT_SOURCE15 map to the 16 total channels (Channel 16 to Channel 31) that are fed to SDATA_OUT1. SOUT_SOURCE16 to SOUT_SOURCE19 map to the eight total channels (Channel 32 to Channel 39) that are fed to SDATA_OUT2. SOUT_SOURCE20 to SOUT_SOURCE23 map to the eight total channels (Channel 40 to Channel 47) that are fed to SDATA_OUT3. Data originates from several places, including directly from the corresponding input audio channels from the serial input ports, from the corresponding audio output channels of the DSP core, from an ASRC output pair, or directly from the PDM microphone inputs. Table 88. Bit Descriptions for SOUT_SOURCEx Bits [15:6] [5:3] Bit Name RESERVED SOUT_ASRC_SELECT Settings1 N/A 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [2:0] SOUT_SOURCE 000 001 010 011 100 101 1 Description Reserved. ASRC output channels. If Bits[2:0] (SOUT_SOURCE) are set to 0b011, these bits select which ASRC channels are routed to the serial output channels. ASRC 0 (Channel 0 and Channel 1) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 1 (Channel 2 and Channel 3) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 2 (Channel 4 and Channel 5) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 3 (Channel 6 and Channel 7) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 4 (Channel 8 and Channel 9) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 5 (Channel 10 and Channel 11) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 6 (Channel 12 and Channel 13) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. ASRC 7 (Channel 14 and Channel 15) on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. Audio data source for these serial audio output channels. If these bits are set to 0b001, the corresponding output channels output a copy of the data from the corresponding input channels. For example, if Address 0xF180, Bits[2:0] are set to 0b001, Serial Input Channel 0 and Serial Input Channel 1 copy to Serial Out-put Channel 0 and Serial Output Channel 1, respectively. If these bits are set to 0b010, DSP Output Channel 0 and DSP Output Channel 1 copy to Serial Out-put Channel 0 and Serial Output Channel 1, respectively. If these bits are set to 0b011, Bits[5:3] (SOUT_ASRC_SELECT) must be configured to select the desired ASRC output. Disabled; these output channels are not used. Direct copy of data from the corresponding serial input channels. Data from the corresponding DSP core output channels. From ASRC (select channel using Bits[5:3], SOUT_ASRC_SELECT) on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Digital PDM Microphone Input Channel 0 and Digital PDM Microphone Input Channel 1. Digital PDM Microphone Input Channel 2 and Digital PDM Microphone Input Channel 3. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 122 of 195 Reset 0x000 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF Transmitter Data Selector Register Address: 0xF1C0, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIFTX_INPUT This register configures which data source feeds the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. Data can originate from the S/PDIF outputs of the DSP core or directly from the S/PDIF receiver. Table 89. Bit Descriptions for SPDIFTX_INPUT Bits [15:2] [1:0] Bit Name RESERVED SPDIFTX_SOURCE Settings1 N/A 00 01 10 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF transmitter source. Disables the S/PDIF transmitter. Data originates from S/PDIF Output Channel 0 and S/PDIF Output Channel 1 of the DSP core, as configured in the DSP program. Data copied directly from S/PDIF Receiver Channel 0 and S/PDIF Receiver Channel 1 to S/PDIF Transmitter Channel 0 and S/PDIF Transmitter Channel 1, respectively. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 123 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Serial Port Control 0 Register Address: 0xF200 to 0xF21C (Increments of 0x4), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 These eight registers configure several settings for the corresponding serial input and serial output ports. Channel count, MSB position, data-word length, clock polarity, clock sources, and clock type are configured with these registers. On the input side, Register 0xF200 (SERIAL_BYTE_0_0) corresponds to SDATA_IN0, Register 0xF204 (SERIAL_BYTE_1_0) corresponds to SDATA_IN1, Register 0xF208 (SERIAL_BYTE_2_0) corresponds to SDATA_IN2, and Register 0xF20C (SERIAL_BYTE_3_0) corresponds to SDATA_IN3. On the output side, Register 0xF210 (SERIAL_BYTE_4_0) corresponds to SDATA_OUT0, Register 0xF214 (SERIAL_BYTE_5_0) corresponds to SDATA_OUT1, Register 0xF218 (SERIAL_BYTE_6_0) corresponds to SDATA_OUT2, and Register 0xF21C (SERIAL_BYTE_7_0) corresponds to SDATA_OUT3. Rev. D | Page 124 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Table 90. Bit Descriptions for SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 Bits [15:13] Bit Name LRCLK_SRC Settings 000 001 010 011 100 [12:10] BCLK_SRC 000 001 010 011 100 9 LRCLK_MODE 0 1 8 LRCLK_POL 0 1 7 BCLK_POL 0 1 [6:5] WORD_LEN 00 01 10 11 Description LRCLK pin selection. These bits configure whether the corresponding serial port is a frame clock master or slave. When configured as a master, the corresponding LRCLK pin (LRCLK_INx for SDATA_IN pins and LRCLK_OUTx for SDATA_OUT pins) with the same number as the serial port (for example, LRCLK_OUT0 for SDATA_OUT0) actively drives out a clock signal. When configured as a slave, the serial port can receive the clock signal from any of the four corresponding LRCLK pins (LRCLK_INx pins for SDATA_INx pins or LRCLK_OUTx pins for SDATA_OUTx pins). Slave from LRCLK_IN0 or LRCLK_OUT0. Slave from LRCLK_IN1 or LRCLK_OUT1. Slave from LRCLK_IN2 or LRCLK_OUT2. Slave from LRCLK_IN3 or LRCLK_OUT3. Master mode; corresponding LRCLK pin actively outputs a clock signal. BCLK pin selection. These bits configure whether the corresponding serial port is a bit clock master or slave. When configured as a master, the corresponding BCLK pin (BCLK_INx for SDATA_INx pins and BCLK_OUTx for SDATA_OUTx pins) with the same number as the serial port (for example, BCLK_OUT0 for SDATA_OUT0) actively drives out a clock signal. When configured as a slave, the serial port can receive the clock signal from any of the four corresponding BCLK pins (BCLK_INx pins for SDATA_INx pins or BCLK_OUTx pins for SDATA_OUTx pins). Slave from BCLK_IN0 or BCLK_OUT0. Slave from BCLK_IN1 or BCLK_OUT1. Slave from BCLK_IN2 or BCLK_OUT2. Slave from BCLK_IN3 or BCLK_OUT3. Master mode; corresponding BCLK pin actively outputs a clock signal. LRCLK waveform type. The frame clock can be a 50/50 duty cycle square wave or a short pulse. 50% duty cycle clock (square wave). Pulse with a width equal to one bit clock cycle. LRCLK polarity. This bit sets the frame clock polarity on the corresponding serial port. Negative polarity means that the frame starts on the falling edge of the frame clock, which conforms to the I2S standard audio format. Negative polarity; frame starts on falling edge of frame clock. Positive polarity; frame starts on rising edge of frame clock. BCLK polarity. This bit sets the bit clock polarity on the corresponding serial port. Negative polarity means that the data signal transitions on the falling edge of the bit clock, which conforms to the I2S standard audio format. Negative polarity; the data transitions on falling edge of bit clock. Positive polarity; the data transitions on rising edge of bit clock. Audio data-word length. These bits set the word length of the audio data channels on the corresponding serial port. For serial input ports, if the input data has more words than the length as configured by these bits, the extra data bits are ignored. For output serial ports, if the word length as configured by these bits is shorter than the data length that comes from the data source (the DSP, ASRCs, S/PDIF receiver, PDM inputs, or serial inputs), the extra data bits are truncated and output as 0s. If Bits[6:5] (WORD_LEN) are set to 0b10 for 32-bit mode, the corresponding 32-bit input or output cells are required in SigmaStudio. 24 bits. 16 bits. 32 bits. Flexible TDM mode (configure using Register 0xF300 to Register 0xF33F, FTDM_INx, and Register 0xF380 to Register 0xF3BF, FTDM_OUTx). Rev. D | Page 125 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Bits [4:3] Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW Bit Name DATA_FMT Settings 00 01 10 11 [2:0] TDM_MODE 000 001 010 011 100 101 Description MSB position. These bits set the positioning of the data in the frame on the corresponding serial port. I2S (delay data by one BCLK cycle). Left justified (delay data by zero BCLK cycles). Right justified for 24-bit data (delay data by 8 BCLK cycles). Right justified for 16-bit data (delay data by 16 BCLK cycles) Channels per frame and BCLK cycles per channel. These bits set the number of channels per frame and the number of bit clock cycles per frame on the corresponding serial port. 2 channels, 32 bit clock cycles per channel, 64 bit clock cycles per frame. 4 channels, 32 bit clock cycles per channel, 128 bit clock cycles per frame. 8 channels, 32 bit clock cycles per channel, 256 bit clock cycles per frame. 16 channels, 32 bit clock cycles per channel, 512 bit clock cycles per frame. 4 channels, 16 bit clock cycles per channel, 64 bit clock cycles per frame. 2 channels, 16 bit clock cycles per channel, 32 bit clock cycles per frame. Serial Port Control 1 Register Address: 0xF201 to 0xF21D (Increments of 0x4), Reset: 0x0002, Name: SERIAL_BYTE_x_1 These eight registers configure several settings for the corresponding serial input and serial output ports. Clock generator, sample rate, and behavior during inactive channels are configured with these registers. On the input side, Register 0xF201 (SERIAL_BYTE_0_1) corresponds to SDATA_IN0, Register 0xF205 (SERIAL_BYTE_1_1) corresponds to SDATA_IN1, Register 0xF209 (SERIAL_BYTE_2_1) corresponds to SDATA_IN2, and Register 0xF20D (SERIAL_BYTE_3_1) corresponds to SDATA_IN3. On the output side, Register 0xF211 (SERIAL_BYTE_4_1) corresponds to SDATA_OUT0, Register 0xF215 (SERIAL_BYTE_5_1) corresponds to SDATA_OUT1, Register 0xF219 (SERIAL_BYTE_6_1) corresponds to SDATA_OUT2; and Register 0xF21D (SERIAL_BYTE_7_1) corresponds to SDATA_OUT3. Table 91. Bit Descriptions for SERIAL_BYTE_x_1 Bits [15:6] 5 Bit Name RESERVED TRISTATE Settings1 N/A 1 0 [4:3] CLK_DOMAIN 00 01 10 Description Reserved. Tristate unused output channels. This bit has no effect on serial input ports. The corresponding serial data output pin is high impedance during unused output channels. Drive every output channel. Selects the clock generator to use for the serial port. These bits select the clock generator to use for this serial port when it is configured as a clock master. This setting is valid only when Bits[15:13] (LRCLK_SRC) of the corresponding SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 register are set to 0b100 (master mode) and Bits[12:10] (BCLK_SRC) are set to 0b100 (master mode). Clock Generator 1. Clock Generator 2. Clock Generator 3 (high precision clock generator). Rev. D | Page 126 of 195 Reset 0x000 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet Bits [2:0] Bit Name FS ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 000 001 010 011 100 1 Description Sample rate. These bits set the sample rate to use for the serial port when it is configured as a clock master. This setting is valid only when Bits[15:13] (LRCLK_SRC) of the corresponding SERIAL_BYTE_x_0 register are set to 0b100 (master mode) and Bits[12:10] BCLK_SRC are set to 0b100 (master mode). Bits[4:3] (CLK_DOMAIN) select which clock generator to use, and Bits[2:0] (FS) select which of the five clock generator outputs to use. Quarter rate of selected clock generator. Half rate of selected clock generator. Base rate of selected clock generator. Double rate of selected clock generator. Quadruple rate of selected clock generator. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 127 of 195 Reset 0x2 Access RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet FLEXIBLE TDM INTERFACE REGISTERS FTDM Mapping for the Serial Inputs Register Address: 0xF300 to 0xF33F (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: FTDM_INx These 64 registers correspond to the 64 bytes of data that combine to form the 16 audio channels derived from the data streams being input to the SDATA_IN2 and SDATA_IN3 pins. Table 92. Bit Descriptions for FTDM_INx Bits [15:8] 7 Bit Name RESERVED SLOT_ENABLE_IN Settings1 N/A 0 1 6 REVERSE_IN_BYTE 0 1 5 SERIAL_IN_SEL 0 1 [4:2] CHANNEL_IN_POS 000 001 Description Reserved. Enables the corresponding input byte. This bit determines whether or not the slot is active. If active, valid data is input from the corresponding data slot on the selected channel of the selected input pin. If disabled, input data from the corresponding data slot on the selected channel of the selected input pin is ignored. Disable byte. Enable byte. Reverses the order of bits in the byte (big endian or little endian). This bit changes the endianness of the data bits within the byte by optionally reversing the order of the bits from MSB to LSB. Do not reverse bits (big endian). Reverse bits (little endian). Serial input pin selector (SDATA_IN2 or SDATA_IN3). If this bit = 0b0, the slot is mapped to Audio Channel 32 to Audio Channel 39. If this bit = 0b1, the slot is mapped to Audio Channel 40 to Audio Channel 47. The exact channel assignment is determined by Bits[4:2] (CHANNEL_IN_POS). Select data from the flexible TDM stream on the SDATA_IN2 pin. Select data from the flexible TDM stream on the SDATA_IN3 pin. Source channel selector. These bits map the slot to an audio input channel. If Bit 5 (SERIAL_IN_SEL) = 0b0, Position 0 maps to Channel 32, Position 1 maps to Channel 33, and so on. If Bit 5 (SERIAL_IN_SEL) = 0b1, Position 0 maps to Channel 40, Position 1 maps to Channel 41, and so on. Channel 0 (in the TDM8 stream). Channel 1 (in the TDM8 stream). Rev. D | Page 128 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet Bits Bit Name [1:0] BYTE_IN_POS ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 010 011 100 101 110 111 00 01 10 11 1 Description Channel 2 (in the TDM8 stream). Channel 3 (in the TDM8 stream). Channel 4 (in the TDM8 stream). Channel 5 (in the TDM8 stream). Channel 6 (in the TDM8 stream). Channel 7 (in the TDM8 stream). Byte selector for source channel. These bits determine which byte the slot fills in the channel selected by Bit 5 (SERIAL_IN_SEL) and Bits[4:2] (CHANNEL_IN_POS). Each channel consists of four bytes that are selectable by the four options available in this bit field. Byte 0; Bits[31:24]. Byte 1; Bits[23:16]. Byte 2; Bits[15:8]. Byte 3; Bits[7:0]. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 129 of 195 Reset Access 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet FTDM Mapping for the Serial Outputs Register Address: 0xF380 to 0xF3BF (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: FTDM_OUTx These 64 registers correspond to the 64 data slots for the flexible TDM output modes on the SDATA_OUT2 and SDATA_OUT3 pins. Slot 0 to Slot 31 are available for use on SDATA_OUT2, and Slot 32 to Slot 63 are available for use on SDATA_OUT3. Each slot can potentially hold one byte of data. Slots are mapped to corresponding audio channels in the serial ports by Bits[5:0] in these registers. Table 93. Bit Descriptions for FTDM_OUTx Bits [15:8] 7 Bit Name RESERVED SLOT_ENABLE_OUT Settings1 N/A 0 1 6 REVERSE_OUT_BYTE 0 1 Description Reserved. Enables the corresponding output byte. This bit determines whether or not the slot is active. If Bit 7 (SLOT_ENABLE_OUT) = 0b0 and Bit 5 (TRISTATE) of the corresponding serial output port = 0b1, the corresponding output pin is high impedance during the period in which the corresponding flexible TDM slot is output. If Bit 7 (SLOT_ENABLE_OUT) = 0b0, and Bit 5 (TRISTATE) of the corresponding serial output port = 0b0, the corresponding output pin drives logic low during the period in which the corresponding flexible TDM slot is output. If Bit 7 (SLOT_ENABLE_OUT) = 0b1, the corresponding serial output pin outputs valid data during the period in which the corresponding flexible TDM slot is output. Disable byte. Enable byte. Reverses the bits in the byte (big endian or little endian). This bit changes the endianness of the data bits within the corresponding flexible TDM slot by optionally reversing the order of the bits from MSB to LSB. Do not reverse byte (big endian). Reverse byte (little endian). Rev. D | Page 130 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet Bits 5 Bit Name SERIAL_OUT_SEL ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 0 1 [4:2] CHANNEL_OUT_POS 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [1:0] BYTE_OUT_POS 00 01 10 11 1 Description Source serial output channel group. This bit, together with Bits[4:2] (CHANNEL_OUT_POS), selects which serial output channel is the source of data for the corresponding flexible TDM output slot. Serial Output Channel 32 to Serial Output Channel 39. Serial Output Channel 40 to Serial Output Channel 47. Source serial output channel. These bits, along with Bit 5 (SERIAL_OUT_SEL), select which serial output channel is the source of data for the corresponding flexible TDM output slot. If Bit 5 (SERIAL_OUT_SEL) = 0b0, Bits[4:2] (CHANNEL_OUT_POS) select serial output channels between Serial Output Channel 32 and Serial Output Channel 39. If Bit 5 (SERIAL_OUT_SEL) = 0b1, Bits[4:2] (CHANNEL_OUT_POS) selects serial output channels between Serial Output Channel 40 and Serial Output Channel 47. Serial Output Channel 32 or Serial Output Channel 40. Serial Output Channel 33 or Serial Output Channel 41. Serial Output Channel 34 or Serial Output Channel 42. Serial Output Channel 35 or Serial Output Channel 43. Serial Output Channel 36 or Serial Output Channel 44. Serial Output Channel 37 or Serial Output Channel 45. Serial Output Channel 38 or Serial Output Channel 46. Serial Output Channel 39 or Serial Output Channel 47. Source data byte. These bits determine which data byte is used from the corresponding serial output channel (selected by setting Bit 5 (SERIAL_ OUT_SEL) and Bits[4:2] (CHANNEL_OUT_POS)). Because there can be up to 32 bits in the data-word, four bytes are available. Byte 0; Bits[31:24]. Byte 1; Bits[23:16]. Byte 2; Bits[15:8]. Byte 3; Bits[7:0]. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 131 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet DSP CORE CONTROL REGISTERS Hibernate Setting Register Address: 0xF400, Reset: 0x0000, Name: HIBERNATE When hibernation mode is activated, the DSP core continues processing the current audio sample or block, and then enters a low power hibernation state. If Bit 0 (HIBERNATE) is set to 0b1 when the DSP core is processing audio, wait at least the duration of one sample before attempting to modify any other control registers. If Bit 0 (HIBERNATE) is set to 0b1 when the DSP core is processing audio, and block processing is used in the signal flow, wait at least the duration of one block plus the duration of one sample before attempting to modify any other control registers. During hibernation, interrupts to the core are disabled. This prevents audio from flowing into or out of the DSP core. Because DSP processing ceases when hibernation is active, there is a significant drop in the current consumption on the DVDD supply. Table 94. Bit Descriptions for Hibernate Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED HIBERNATE Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Enter hibernation mode. This bit disables incoming interrupts and tells the DSP core to go to a low power sleep mode after the next audio sample or block has finished processing and causes the DSP to enter hibernation mode by masking all interrupts. Not hibernating; interrupts enabled. Enter hibernation; interrupts disabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 132 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Start Pulse Selection Register Address: 0xF401, Reset: 0x0002, Name: START_PULSE This register selects the start pulse that marks the beginning of each audio frame in the DSP core, which effectively sets the sample rate of the audio going through the DSP. This start pulse can originate from either an internally generated pulse (from Clock Generator 1 or Clock Generator 2) or from an external clock that is received on one of the LRCLK pins of one of the serial ports. Any audio input or output from the DSP core that is asynchronous to this DSP start pulse rate must go through an ASRC. If asynchronous audio signals (that is, signals that are not synchronized to whatever start pulse is selected) are input to the DSP without first going through an ASRC, samples are skipped or doubled, leading to distortion and audible artifacts in the audio signal. Table 95. Bit Descriptions for START_PULSE Bits [15:5] [4:0] Bit Name RESERVED START_PULSE Settings1 N/A 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 1 Description Reserved. Start pulse selection. Base sample rate ÷ 4 (12 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (1/4 output of Clock Generator 1). Base sample rate ÷ 2 (24 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (1/2 output of Clock Generator 1). Base sample rate (48 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (×1 output of Clock Generator 1). Base sample rate × 2 (96 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (×2 output of Clock Generator 1). Base sample rate × 4 (192 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (×4 output of Clock Generator 1). Base sample rate ÷ 6 (8 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (1/4 output of Clock Generator 2). Base sample rate ÷ 3 (16 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (1/2 output of Clock Generator 2). 2× base sample rate ÷ 3 (32 kHz for 48 kHz base sample rate) (×1 output of Clock Generator 2). Serial Input Port 0 sample rate (Register 0xF201 (SERIAL_BYTE_0_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Input Port 1 sample rate (Register 0xF205 (SERIAL_BYTE_1_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Input Port 2 sample rate (Register 0xF209 (SERIAL_BYTE_2_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Input Port 3 sample rate (Register 0xF20D (SERIAL_BYTE_3_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Output Port 0 sample rate (Register 0xF211 (SERIAL_BYTE_4_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Output Port 1 sample rate (Register 0xF215 (SERIAL_BYTE_5_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Output Port 2 sample rate (Register 0xF219 (SERIAL_BYTE_6_1), Bits[4:0]). Serial Output Port 3 sample rate (Register 0xF21D (SERIAL_BYTE_7_1), Bits[4:0]). S/PDIF receiver sample rate (derived from the S/PDIF input stream). N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 133 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x02 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Instruction to Start the Core Register Address: 0xF402, Reset: 0x0000, Name: START_CORE This register enables the DSP core and initiates the program counter, which then begins incrementing through the program memory and executing instruction codes. This register is edge triggered, meaning that a rising edge on Bit 0 (START_CORE), that is, a transition from 0b0 to 0b1, initiates the program counter. A falling edge on Bit 0 (START_CORE), that is, a transition from 0b1 to 0b0, has no effect. To stop the DSP core, use Register 0xF400 (HIBERNATE), Bit 0 (HIBERNATE). Table 96. Bit Descriptions for START_CORE Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED START_CORE Settings1 N/A 0 1 Description Reserved. A transition of this bit from 0b0 to 0b1 enables the DSP core to start executing its program. A transition from 0b1 to 0b0 does not affect the DSP core. A transition from 0b0 to 0b1 enables the DSP core to start program execution. A transition from 0b1 to 0b0 does not affect the DSP core. Rev. D | Page 134 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Instruction to Stop the Core Register Address: 0xF403, Reset: 0x0000, Name: KILL_CORE Bit 0 (KILL_CORE) halts the DSP core immediately, even when it is in an undefined state. Because halting the DSP core immediately can lead to memory corruption, it must be used only in debugging situations or when a full reset and reprogramming are required. This register immediately halts the core on a transition from 0b0 to 0b1 and keeps the core halted as long as this bit remains high. A transition on Bit 0 (KILL_CORE) from 0b1 to 0b0 has no effect, except to allow the core to be restarted with the START_CORE register. To stop the DSP core after the next audio frame or block, use Register 0xF400 (HIBERNATE), Bit 0 (HIBERNATE). Table 97. Bit Descriptions for KILL_CORE Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED KILL_CORE Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Immediately halts the core. When this bit transitions from 0b0 to 0b1, the core immediately halts, which can bring about undesired effects and must be used only in debugging or when a full reset and reprogramming are required. To stop the core when it is running, use Register 0xF400 (HIBERNATE) to halt the core in a controlled manner. Core is allowed to run and is not halted. A transition from 0b1 to 0b0 has no effect except to allow the core to be restarted when the START_CORE register is used. Core is halted. A transition from 0b0 to 0b1 immediately halts the core and keeps the core stopped as long as this bit is high (0b1). Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. Start Address of the Program Register Address: 0xF404, Reset: 0x0000, Name: START_ADDRESS This register sets the program address where the program counter begins after the DSP core is enabled, using Register 0xF402, Bit 0 (START_CORE). The SigmaStudio compiler automatically sets the program start address, which means that the user is not required to manually modify the value of this register. Table 98. Bit Descriptions for START_ADDRESS Bits [15:0] Bit Name START_ADDRESS Settings Not applicable Description Program start address. Rev. D | Page 135 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Core Status Register Address: 0xF405, Reset: 0x0000, Name: CORE_STATUS This read only register allows the user to check the status of the DSP core. To manually modify the core status, use Register 0xF400 (HIBERNATE), Register 0xF402 (START_CORE), and Register 0xF403 (KILL_CORE). Table 99. Bit Descriptions for CORE_STATUS Bits [15:3] [2:0] Bit Name RESERVED CORE_STATUS Settings1 N/A 000 001 010 011 100 1 Description Reserved. DSP core status. These bits display the status of the DSP core at the moment the value is read. Core is not running. This is the default state when the device boots. When the core is manually stopped using Register 0xF403 (KILL_CORE), the core returns to this state. Core is running normally. Core is paused. The clock signal is cut off from the core, preserving its state until the clock resumes. This state occurs only if a pause instruction is explicitly defined in the DSP program. Core is in sleep mode (the core may be actively running a program, but it has finished executing instructions and is waiting in an idle state for the next audio sample to arrive). This state occurs only if a sleep instruction is explicitly called in the DSP program. Core is stalled. This occurs when the DSP core is attempting to service more than one request, and it must stop execution for a few cycles to do so in a timely manner. The core continues execution immediately after the requests are serviced. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 136 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 DEBUG AND RELIABILITY REGISTERS Clear the Panic Manager Register Address: 0xF421, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_CLEAR When Register 0xF427 (PANIC_FLAG) signals that an error has occurred, use Register 0xF421 (PANIC_CLEAR) to reset it. Toggle Bit 0 (PANIC_CLEAR) of this register from 0b0 to 0b1 and then back to 0b0 again to clear the flag and reset the state of the panic manager. Table 100. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_CLEAR Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PANIC_CLEAR Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Clear the panic manager. To reset the PANIC_FLAG register, toggle this bit on and then off again. Panic manager is not cleared. Clear panic manager (on a rising edge of this bit). N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 137 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Panic Parity Register Address: 0xF422, Reset: 0x0003, Name: PANIC_PARITY_MASK The panic manager checks and reports memory parity mask errors. Register 0xF422 (PANIC_PARITY_MASK) allows the user to configure which memories, if any, is subject to error reporting. Note that the internal structure of DM0 and DM1 have four banks, BANK0 to BANK3. These are normally transparent to the user but can be masked here individually. ASRC memory is organized into two ARSC memory banks, ARSC Memory Bank 1 and ARSC Memory Bank 2. Stereo ARSC0 to Stereo ARSC3 are used with ARSC Memory Bank 1, and Stereo ARSC4 to Stereo ARSC7 is used with ARSC Memory Bank 2. Table 101. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_PARITY_MASK Bits [15:12] 11 Bit Name RESERVED DM1_BANK3_MASK Settings1 N/A 0 1 10 DM1_BANK2_MASK 0 1 9 DM1_BANK1_MASK 0 1 Description Reserved. DM1 Bank 3 mask. Report DM1_BANK3 parity mask errors. Do not report DM1_BANK3 parity mask errors. DM1 Bank 2 mask. Report DM1_BANK2 parity mask errors. Do not report DM1_BANK2 parity mask errors. DM1 Bank 1 mask. Report DM1_BANK1 parity mask errors. Do not report DM1_BANK1 parity mask errors. Rev. D | Page 138 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet Bits 8 Bit Name DM1_BANK0_MASK ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 0 1 7 DM0_BANK3_MASK 0 1 6 DM0_BANK2_MASK 0 1 5 DM0_BANK1_MASK 0 1 4 DM0_BANK0_MASK 0 1 3 PM1_MASK 0 1 2 PM0_MASK 0 1 1 ASRC1_MASK 0 1 0 ASRC0_MASK 0 1 1 Description DM1 Bank 0 mask. Report DM1_BANK0 parity mask errors. Do not report DM1_BANK0 parity mask errors. DM0 Bank 3 mask. Report DM0_BANK3 parity mask errors. Do not report DM0_BANK3 parity mask errors. DM0 Bank 2 mask. Report DM0_BANK2 parity mask errors. Do not report DM0_BANK2 parity mask errors. DM0 Bank 1 mask. Report DM0_BANK1 parity mask errors. Do not report DM0_BANK1 parity mask errors. DM0 Bank 0 mask. Report DM0_BANK0 parity mask errors. Do not report DM0_BANK0 parity mask errors. PM1 parity mask. Report PM1 parity mask errors. Do not report PM1 parity mask errors. PM0 parity mask. Report PM0 parity mask errors. Do not report PM0 parity mask errors. ASRC 1 parity mask. Report ASRC 1 parity mask errors. Do not report ASRC 1 parity mask errors. ASRC 0 parity mask. Report ASRC 0 parity mask errors. Do not report ASRC 0 parity mask errors. Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x1 RW 0x1 RW N/A means not applicable. Panic Mask 0 Register Address: 0xF423, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_SOFTWARE_MASK The panic manager checks and reports software errors. Register 0xF423 (PANIC_SOFTWARE_MASK) allows the user to configure whether software errors are reported to the panic manager or ignored. Table 102. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_SOFTWARE_MASK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PANIC_SOFTWARE Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved Software mask. Report parity errors. Do not report parity errors. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 139 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Panic Mask 1 Register Address: 0xF424, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_WD_MASK The panic manager checks and reports watchdog errors. Register 0xF424 (PANIC_WD_MASK) allows the user to configure whether watchdog errors are reported to the panic manager or ignored. Table 103. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_WD_MASK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PANIC_WD Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Watchdog mask. Report watchdog errors. Do not report watchdog errors. Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. Panic Mask 2 Register Address: 0xF425, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_STACK_MASK The panic manager checks and reports stack errors. Register 0xF425 (PANIC_STACK_MASK) allows the user to configure whether stack errors are reported to the panic manager or ignored. Table 104. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_STACK_MASK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PANIC_STACK Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Stack mask. Report stack errors. Do not report stack errors. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 140 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Panic Mask 3 Register Address: 0xF426, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_LOOP_MASK The panic manager checks and reports software errors related to looping code sections. Register 0xF426 (PANIC_LOOP_MASK) allows the user to configure whether loop errors are reported to the panic manager or ignored. Table 105. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_LOOP_MASK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PANIC_LOOP Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Loop mask. Report loop errors. Do not report loop errors. Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. Panic Flag Register Address: 0xF427, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_FLAG This register acts as the master error flag for the panic manager. If any error is encountered in any functional block whose panic manager mask is disabled, this register logs that an error has occurred. Individual functional block masks are configured using Register 0xF422 (PANIC_PARITY_MASK), Register 0xF423 (PANIC_SOFTWARE_MASK), Register 0xF424 (PANIC_WD_MASK), Register 0xF425 (PANIC_STACK_MASK), and Register 0xF426 (PANIC_LOOP_MASK). Table 106. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_FLAG Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PANIC_FLAG Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Error flag from panic manager. This error flag bit is sticky. When an error is reported, this bit goes high, and it stays high until the user resets it using Register 0xF421 (PANIC_CLEAR). No error. Error. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 141 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Panic Code Register Address: 0xF428, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PANIC_CODE When Register 0xF427 (PANIC_FLAG) indicates that an error has occurred, this register provides details that reveals which subsystem is reporting an error. If several errors occur, this register reports only the first error that occurs. Subsequent errors are ignored until the register is cleared by toggling Register 0xF421 (PANIC_CLEAR). Table 107. Bit Descriptions for PANIC_CODE Bits 15 Bit Name ERR_SOFT Settings 0 1 14 ERR_LOOP 0 1 13 ERR_STACK 0 1 12 ERR_WATCHDOG 0 1 11 ERR_DM1B3 0 1 10 ERR_DM1B2 0 1 Description Error from software panic. No error from the software panic. Error from the software panic. Error from loop overrun. No error from the loop overrun. Error from the loop overrun. Error from stack overrun. No error from the stack overrun. Error from the stack overrun. Error from the watchdog counter. No error from the watchdog counter. Error from the watchdog counter. Error in DM1 Bank 3. No error in DM1 Bank 3. Error in DM1 Bank 3. Error in DM1 Bank 2. No error in DM1 Bank 2. Error in DM1 Bank 2. Rev. D | Page 142 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R Data Sheet Bits 9 Bit Name ERR_DM1B1 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings 0 1 8 ERR_DM1B0 0 1 7 ERR_DM0B3 0 1 6 ERR_DM0B2 0 1 5 ERR_DM0B1 0 1 4 ERR_DM0B0 0 1 3 ERR_PM1 0 1 2 ERR_PM0 0 1 1 ERR_ASRC1 0 1 0 ERR_ASRC0 0 1 Description Error in DM1 Bank 1. No error in DM1 Bank 1. Error in DM1 Bank 1. Error in DM1 Bank 0. No error in DM1 Bank 0. Error in DM1 Bank 0. Error in DM0 Bank 3. No error in DM0 Bank 3 Error in DM0 Bank 3. Error in DM0 Bank 2. No error in DM0 Bank 2. Error in DM0 Bank 2. Error in DM0 Bank 1. No error in DM0 Bank 1. Error in DM0 Bank 1. Error in DM0 Bank 0. No error in DM0 Bank 0. Error in DM0 Bank 0. Error in PM1. No error in PM1. Error in PM1. Error in PM0. No error in PM0. Error in PM0. Error in ASRC 1. No error in ASRC 1. Error in ASRC 1. Error in ASRC 0. No error in ASRC 0. Error in ASRC 0. Reset 0x0 Access R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R Execute Stage Error Program Count Register Address: 0xF432, Reset: 0x0000, Name: EXECUTE_COUNT When a software error occurs, this register logs the program instruction count at the time when the error occurred for software debugging purposes. Table 108. Bit Descriptions for EXECUTE_COUNT Bits [15:0] Bit Name EXECUTE_COUNT Settings Not applicable Description Program count in the execute stage when the error occurred. Rev. D | Page 143 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Software Panic Value Register 0 Address: 0xF433, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SOFTWARE_VALUE_0 When a software error occurs, this register can be populated with an error code if the software error trap is programmed to store an error code. Table 109. Bit Descriptions for SOFTWARE_VALUE_0 Bits [15:0] Bit Name SOFTWARE_VALUE_0 Settings Not applicable Description Error code. Reset 0x0000 Access RW Software Panic Value Register 1 Address: 0xF434, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SOFTWARE_VALUE_1 When a software error occurs, this register can be populated with an error code if the software error trap is programmed to store an error code. Table 110. Bit Descriptions for SOFTWARE_VALUE_1 Bits [15:0] Bit Name SOFTWARE_VALUE_1 Settings Not applicable Description Error code. Reset 0x0000 Access RW Watchdog Maximum Count Register Address: 0xF443, Reset: 0x0000, Name: WATCHDOG_MAXCOUNT This register is designed to start counting at a specified number and decrement by 1 for each clock cycle of the system clock in the core. The counter is reset to the maximum value each time the program counter jumps to the beginning of the program to begin processing another audio frame (this is implemented in the DSP program code generated by SigmaStudio). If the counter reaches 0, a watchdog error flag is raised in the panic manager. The watchdog is typically set to begin counting from a number slightly larger than the maximum number of instructions expected to execute in the program, such that an error occurs if the program does not finish in time for the next incoming sample. Table 111. Bit Descriptions for WATCHDOG_MAXCOUNT Bits [15:13] [12:0] Bit Name RESERVED WD_MAXCOUNT Settings Not applicable Not applicable Description Reserved. Value from which the watchdog counter begins counting down. Rev. D | Page 144 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0000 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Watchdog Prescale Register Address: 0xF444, Reset: 0x0000, Name: WATCHDOG_PRESCALE The watchdog prescaler is a number that is multiplied by the setting in Register 0xF443 (WATCHDOG_MAXCOUNT) to achieve very large counts for the watchdog, if necessary. Using the largest prescale factor of 128 × 1024 and the largest watchdog maximum count of 64 × 1024, a very large watchdog counter, on the order of 8.5 billion clock cycles, can be achieved. Table 112. Bit Descriptions for WATCHDOG_PRESCALE Bits [15:4] [3:0] Bit Name RESERVED WD_PRESCALE Settings1 N/A 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1 Description Reserved. Watchdog counter prescale setting. Increment every 64 clock cycles. Increment every 128 clock cycles. Increment every 256 clock cycles. Increment every 512 clock cycles. Increment every 1024 clock cycles. Increment every 2048 clock cycles. Increment every 4096 clock cycles. Increment every 8192 clock cycles. Increment every 16,384 clock cycles. Increment every 32,768 clock cycles. Increment every 65,536 clock cycles. Increment every 131,072 clock cycles. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 145 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet DSP PROGRAM EXECUTION REGISTERS Enable Block Interrupts Register Address: 0xF450, Reset: 0x0000, Name: BLOCKINT_EN This register enables block interrupts, which are necessary when frequency domain processing is required in the audio processing program. If block processing algorithms are used in SigmaStudio, SigmaStudio automatically sets this register accordingly. The user does not need to manually change the value of this register after SigmaStudio has configured it. Table 113. Bit Descriptions for BLOCKINT_EN Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED BLOCKINT_EN Settings1 N/A Description Reserved. Enable block interrupts. Disable block interrupts. Enable block interrupts. 0 1 1 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. Value for the Block Interrupt Counter Register Address: 0xF451, Reset: 0x0000, Name: BLOCKINT_VALUE This 16-bit register controls the duration in audio frames of a block. A counter increments each time a new frame start pulse is received by the DSP core. When the counter reaches the value determined by this register, a block interrupt is generated and the counter is reset. If block processing algorithms are used in SigmaStudio, SigmaStudio automatically sets this register accordingly. The user does not need to manually change the value of this register after SigmaStudio has configured the register. Table 114. Bit Descriptions for BLOCKINT_VALUE Bits [15:0] Bit Name BLOCKINT_VALUE Settings Not applicable Description Value for the block interrupt counter. Reset 0x0000 Access RW Program Counter, Bits[23:16] Register Address: 0xF460, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR0 This register, in combination with Register 0xF461 (PROG_CNTR1), stores the current value of the program counter. Table 115. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR0 Bits [15:8] [7:0] Bit Name RESERVED PROG_CNTR_MSB Settings Not applicable Not applicable Description Reserved. Program counter, Bits[23:16]. Rev. D | Page 146 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x00 Access RW R Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Program Counter, Bits[15:0] Register Address: 0xF461, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR1 This register, in combination with Register 0xF460 (PROG_CNTR0), stores the current value of the program counter. Table 116. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR1 Bits [15:0] Bit Name PROG_CNTR_LSB Settings Not applicable Description Program counter, Bits[15:0]. Reset 0x0000 Access R Program Counter Clear Register Address: 0xF462, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR_CLEAR Enabling and disabling Bit 0 (PROG_CNTR_CLEAR) resets Register 0xF465 (PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH0) and Register 0xF466 (PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH1). Table 117. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR_CLEAR Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED PROG_CNTR_CLEAR Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Clears the program counter. Allow the program counter to update itself. Clear the program counter and disable it from updating itself. Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. Program Counter Length, Bits[23:16] Register Address: 0xF463, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR_LENGTH0 This register, in combination with Register 0xF464 (PROG_CNTR_LENGTH1), keeps track of the peak value reached by the program counter during the last audio frame or block. It can be cleared using Register 0xF462 (PROG_CNTR_CLEAR). Table 118. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR_LENGTH0 Bits [15:8] [7:0] Bit Name RESERVED PROG_LENGTH_MSB Settings Not applicable Not applicable Description Reserved. Program counter length, Bits[23:16]. Rev. D | Page 147 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x00 Access RW R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Program Counter Length, Bits[15:0] Register Address: 0xF464, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR_LENGTH1 This register, in combination with Register 0xF463 (PROG_CNTR_LENGTH0), keeps track of the peak value reached by the program counter during the last audio frame or block. This counter can be cleared using Register 0xF462 (PROG_CNTR_CLEAR). Table 119. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR_LENGTH1 Bits [15:0] Bit Name PROG_LENGTH_LSB Settings Not applicable Description Program counter length, Bits[15:0]. Reset 0x0000 Access R Program Counter Max Length, Bits[23:16] Register Address: 0xF465, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH0 This register, in combination with Register 0xF466 (PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH1), keeps track of the highest peak value reached by the program counter from when the DSP core started. This counter can be cleared using Register 0xF462 (PROG_CNTR_CLEAR). Table 120. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH0 Bits [15:8] [7:0] Bit Name RESERVED PROG_MAXLENGTH_MSB Settings Not applicable Not applicable Description Reserved. Program counter maximum length, Bits[23:16]. Reset 0x0 0x00 Access RW R Program Counter Max Length, Bits[15:0] Register Address: 0xF466, Reset: 0x0000, Name: PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH1 This register, in combination with Register 0xF465 (PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH0), keeps track of the highest peak value reached by the program counter from when the DSP core started. This counter can be cleared using Register 0xF462 (PROG_CNTR_CLEAR). Table 121. Bit Descriptions for PROG_CNTR_MAXLENGTH1 Bits [15:0] Bit Name PROG_MAXLENGTH_LSB Settings Not applicable Description Program counter maximum length, Bits[15:0]. Rev. D | Page 148 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access R Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 MULTIPURPOSE PIN CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Multipurpose Pin Mode Register Address: 0xF510 to 0xF51D (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: MPx_MODE These 14 registers configure the MPx pins. Certain MPx pins can function as audio clock pins, control bus pins, or GPIO pins. Table 122. Bit Descriptions for MPx_MODE Bits [15:11] [10:8] Bit Name RESERVED SS_SELECT Settings1 N/A 000 001 010 011 100 101 [7:4] DEBOUNCE_VALUE 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 Description Reserved. Master port slave select channel selection. If the pin is configured as a slave select line (Bits[3:1] (MP_MODE) = 0b110), these bits configure which slave select channel the pin corresponds to, which allows multiple slave devices to be connected to the SPI master port, all using different slave select lines. The first slave select signal (Slave Select 0) is always routed to the SS_M/ MP0 pin. The remaining six slave select lines can be routed to any MPx pin that has been configured as a slave select output. Slave Select Channel 1. Slave Select Channel 2. Slave Select Channel 3. Slave Select Channel 4. Slave Select Channel 5. Slave Select Channel 6. Debounce circuit setting. These bits configure the duration of the debounce circuitry when the corresponding pin is configured as an input (Bits[3:1] (MP_MODE) = 0b000). 0.3 ms debounce. 0.6 ms debounce. 0.9 ms debounce. 5.0 ms debounce. 10.0 ms debounce. 20.0 ms debounce. 40.0 ms debounce. No debounce. Rev. D | Page 149 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Bits [3:1] Bit Name MP_MODE Settings1 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 0 MP_ENABLE 0 1 1 Data Sheet Description Pin mode (when multipurpose function is enabled). These bits select the function of the corresponding pin if it is enabled in multipurpose mode (Bit 0 (MP_ENABLE) = 0b1). General-purpose digital input General-purpose input, driven by control port; sends the input value to the DSP core, but that value can be overwritten by a direct register write General-purpose output with pull-up. General-purpose output without pull-up. PDM microphone data input. Panic manager error flag output . Slave select line for the master SPI port. Function selection (multipurpose or clock/control). This bit selects whether the corresponding pin is used as an MPx pin or as its primary function (which could be either an audio clock or control bus pin). Audio clock or control port function enabled; the settings of the MPx_MODE, MPx_WRITE, and MPx_READ registers are ignored. Multipurpose function enabled. Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW N/A means not applicable. Multipurpose Pin Write Value Register Address: 0xF520 to 0xF52D (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: MPx_WRITE If an MPx pin is configured as an output driven by the control port (the corresponding Bits[3:1] (MP_MODE) = 0b001), the value that is output from the DSP core can be configured by directly writing to these registers. Table 123. Bit Descriptions for MPx_WRITE Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED MP_REG_WRITE Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. MPx pin output state when pin is configured as an output written by the control port. This register configures the value seen by the DSP core for the corresponding MPx pin input. The pin can have two states: logic low (off ) or logic high (on). MPx pin output low. MPx pin output high. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 150 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access W W Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Multipurpose Pin Read Value Registers Address: 0xF530 to 0xF53D (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: MPx_READ These registers log the current state of the MPx pins when they are configured as inputs. The pins can have two states: logic low (off) or logic high (on). Table 124. Bit Descriptions for MPx_READ Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED MP_REG_READ Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. MPx pin read value. MPx pin input low. MPx pin input high. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 151 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access R R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Digital PDM Microphone Control Register Address: 0xF560 to 0xF561 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x4000, Name: DMIC_CTRLx These registers configure the digital PDM microphone interface. Two registers are used to control up to four PDM microphones: Register 0xF560 (DMIC_CTRL0) configures PDM Microphone Channel 0 and PDM Microphone Channel 1, and Register 0xF561 (DMIC_CTRL1) configures PDM Microphone Channel 2 and PDM Microphone Channel 3. Table 125. Bit Descriptions for DMIC_CTRLx Bits 15 [14:12] Bit Name RESERVED CUTOFF Settings1 N/A 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 Description Reserved. High-pass filter cutoff frequency. These bits configure the cutoff frequency of an optional high-pass filter designed to remove dc components from the microphone data signal(s). To use these bits, Bit 3 (HPF), must be enabled. 59.9 Hz. 29.8 Hz. 14.9 Hz. 7.46 Hz. 3.73 Hz. 1.86 Hz. 0.93 Hz. Rev. D | Page 152 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x4 Access RW RW Data Sheet Bits [11:8] Bit Name MIC_DATA_SRC ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 7 [6:4] RESERVED DMIC_CLK N/A 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 3 HPF 0 1 2 DMPOL 0 1 1 DMSW 0 1 0 DMIC_EN 0 1 1 Description Digital PDM microphone data source pin. These bits configure which hardware pin acts as a data input from the PDM microphone(s). Up to two microphones can be connected to a single pin. SS_M/MP0. MOSI_M/MP1. SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2. SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3. LRCLK_OUT0/MP4. LRCLK_OUT1/MP5. MP6. MP7. LRCLK_OUT2/MP8. LRCLK_OUT3/MP9. LRCLK_IN0/MP10. LRCLK_IN1/MP11. LRCLK_IN2/MP12. LRCLK_IN3/MP13. Reserved. Digital PDM microphone clock select. A valid bit clock signal must be assigned to the PDM microphones. Any of the four BCLK_INPUTx or four BCLK_OUTPUTx signals can be used. A trace must connect the selected pin to the clock input pin on the corresponding PDM microphone(s). If the corresponding BCLK_x pin is not configured in master mode, use an external clock source, with the BCLK_x pin and the PDM microphone acting as slaves. BCLK_IN0. BCLK_IN1. BCLK_IN2. BCLK_IN3. BCLK_OUT0. BCLK_OUT1. BCLK_OUT2. BCLK_OUT3. High-pass filter enable. This bit enables or disables a high-pass filter to remove dc components from the microphone data signals. The cutoff of the filter is controlled by Bits[14:12] (CUTOFF). HPF disabled. HPF enabled. Data polarity swap. When this bit is set to 0b0, a logic high data input is treated as logic high, and a logic low data input is treated as logic low. When this bit is set to 0b1, the opposite is true: a logic high data input is treated as a logic low, and a logic low data input is treated as logic high. This effectively inverts the amplitude of the incoming audio data. Data polarity normal. Data polarity inverted. Digital PDM microphone channel swap. In DMIC_CTRL0, this bit swaps PDM Microphone Channel 0 and PDM Microphone Channel 1. In the DMIC_CTRL1 register, this bit swaps PDM Microphone Channel 2 and PDM Microphone Channel 3. Normal. Swap left and right channels. Digital PDM microphone enable. This bit enables or disables the data input from the PDM microphones. Digital PDM microphone disabled. Digital PDM microphone enabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 153 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 0x0 RW RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet ASRC STATUS AND CONTROL REGISTERS ASRC Lock Status Register Address: 0xF580, Reset: 0x0000, Name: ASRC_LOCK This register contains eight bits that represent the lock status of each ASRC stereo pair on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. The lock status requires three conditions: the output target rate is set, the input rate is steady and has been detected, and the ratio between input and output rates has been calculated. If all of these conditions are true for a given stereo ASRC, the corresponding lock bit is high. If any of these conditions is not true, the corresponding lock bit is low. Table 126. Bit Descriptions for ASRC_LOCK Bits [15:8] 7 Bit Name RESERVED ASRC7L Settings1 N/A 0 1 6 ASRC6L 0 1 5 ASRC5L 0 1 4 ASRC4L 0 1 3 ASRC3L 0 1 2 ASRC2L 0 1 1 ASRC1L 0 1 0 ASRC0L 0 1 1 Description Reserved. ASRC 7 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 6 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 5 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 4 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 3 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 2 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 1 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. ASRC 0 lock status. Unlocked. Locked. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 154 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x0 R Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ASRC Mute Register Address: 0xF581, Reset: 0x0000, Name: ASRC_MUTE This register contains controls related to the muting of audio on ASRC channels. Bits[7:0] (ASRCxM) are individual mute controls for each stereo ASRC on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. Bit 8 (ASRC_RAMP0) and Bit 9 (ASRC_RAMP1) enable or disable an optional volume ramp-up and ramp-down to smoothly transition between muted and unmuted states. The mute and unmute ramps are linear. The duration of the ramp is determined by the sample rate of the DSP core, which is set by Register 0xF401 (START_PULSE). The ramp takes exactly 2048 input samples to complete. For example, if the sample rate of audio entering an ASRC channel is 48 kHz, the duration of the ramp is 2048/48,000 = 42.7 ms. If the sample rate of audio entering an ASRC channel is 6 kHz, the duration of the ramp is 2048/6000 = 341.3 ms. Bit 10 (LOCKMUTE) allows the ASRCs to automatically mute themselves in the event that lock status is lost or not attained. Table 127. Bit Descriptions for ASRC_MUTE Bits [15:11] 10 Bit Name RESERVED LOCKMUTE Settings1 N/A 0 1 Description Reserved. Mutes ASRCs when lock is lost. When this bit is enabled, individual stereo ASRCs automatically mute in the event that lock status is lost (for example, if the sample rate of the input suddenly changes and the ASRC needs to reattain lock), provided that the corresponding ASRC_RAMPx bit is set to 0b0 (enabled). This automatic mute uses a volume ramp instead of an instantaneous mute to avoid click-and-pop noises on the output. When lock status is attained again (and the corresponding ASRC_RAMPx and ASRCxM bits are set to 0b0 (enabled) and 0b0 (unmuted), respectively), the ASRC automatically unmutes using a volume ramp. However, because there is a period of uncertainty when the ASRC is attaining lock, there can still be noise on the ASRC outputs when the input signal returns. Measures must be taken in the DSP program to delay the unmuting of the ASRC output signals if this noise is not desired. The individual ASRCxM mute bits override the automatic LOCKMUTE behavior. Do not mute when lock is lost. Mute when lock is lost and unmute when lock is reattained. Rev. D | Page 155 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Bits 9 Bit Name ASRC_RAMP1 Settings1 0 1 8 ASRC_RAMP0 0 1 7 ASRC7M 0 1 6 ASRC6M 0 1 5 ASRC5M 0 1 4 ASRC4M 0 1 3 ASRC3M 0 1 2 ASRC2M 0 1 1 ASRC1M 0 1 0 ASRC0M 0 1 1 Data Sheet Description ASRC 7 to ASRC 4 mute disable. ASRC 7 to ASRC 4 (Channel 15 to Channel 8) are defined as ASRC Block 1. This bit enables or disables mute ramping for all ASRCs in Block 1. If this bit is 0b1, Bit 7 (ASRC7M), Bit 6 (ASRC6M), Bit 5 (ASRC5M), and Bit 4 (ASRC4M) are ignored, and the outputs of ASRC 7 to ASRC 4 are active at all times. Enabled. Disabled; ASRC 7 to ASRC 4 never mute automatically and cannot be muted manually. ASRC 3 to ASRC 0 mute disable. ASRC 3 to ASRC 0 (Channel 7 to Channel 0) are defined as ASRC Block 0. This bit enables or disables mute ramping for all ASRCs in Block 0. If this bit is 0b1, Bit 3 (ASRC3M), Bit 2 (ASRC2M), Bit 1 (ASRC1M), and Bit 0 (ASRC0M) are ignored, and the outputs of ASRC 3 to ASRC 0 are active at all times. Enabled. Disabled; ASRC 3 to ASRC 0 never mute automatically and cannot be muted manually. ASRC 7 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 6 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 5 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 4 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 3 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 2 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 1 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. ASRC 0 manual mute. Not muted. Muted. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 156 of 195 Reset 0x0 Access RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 ASRC Ratio Registers Address: 0xF582 to 0xF589 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: ASRCx_RATIO These eight read only registers contain the sample rate conversion ratio of the corresponding ASRC on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451, which is calculated as the ratio between the detected input rate and the selected target output rate. The format of the value stored in these registers is 4.12 format. For example, a ratio of 1 is shown as 0b0001000000000000 (0x1000). A ratio of 2 is shown as 0b0010000000000000 (0x2000). A ratio of 0.5 is shown as 0b0000100000000000 (0x0800). Table 128. Bit Descriptions for ASRCx_RATIO Bits [15:0] Bit Name ASRC_RATIO Settings Not applicable Description Output rate of the ASRC in 4.12 format. The value of this register represents the input to output rate of the corresponding ASRC. It is stored in 4.12 format. Rev. D | Page 157 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet AUXILIARY ADC REGISTERS Auxiliary ADC Read Value Register Address: 0xF5A0 to 0xF5A5 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: ADC_READx These six registers contain the output data of the auxiliary ADC for the corresponding channel. Each of the six channels of the ADC are updated 1× per audio frame. The format for the value in this register is 6.10 format, but the top six bits are always zero, meaning that the effective format is 0.10 format. If, for example, the input to the corresponding auxiliary ADC channel is equal to AVDD (the full-scale analog input voltage), this register reads its maximum value of 0b0000001111111111 (0x3FF). If the input to the auxiliary ADC channel is AVDD/2, this register reads 0b0000001000000000 (0x200). If the input to the auxiliary ADC channel is AVDD/4, this register reads 0b0000000100000000 (0x100). Table 129. Bit Descriptions for ADC_READx Bits [15:0] Bit Name ADC_VALUE Settings Not applicable Description ADC input value in 0.10 format, as a proportion of AVDD. Instantaneous value of the sampled data on the ADC input. The top six bits are not used, and the least significant 10 bits contain the value of the ADC input. The minimum value of 0 maps to 0 V, and the maximum value of 1023 maps to 3.3 V ± 10% (equal to the AVDD supply). Values between 0 and 1023 are linearly mapped to dc voltages between 0 V and AVDD. Rev. D | Page 158 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF INTERFACE REGISTERS S/PDIF Receiver Lock Bit Detection Register Address: 0xF600, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_LOCK_DET This register contains a flag that monitors the S/PDIF receiver on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 and provides a way to check the validity of the input signal. Table 130. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_LOCK_DET Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED LOCK Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF input lock. No lock acquired; no valid input stream detected. Successful lock to input stream. Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW N/A means not applicable. S/PDIF Receiver Control Register Address: 0xF601, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_CTRL This register provides controls that govern the behavior of the S/PDIF receiver on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 131. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_CTRL Bits [15:4] 3 Bit Name RESERVED FASTLOCK Settings1 N/A 0 1 2 FSOUTSTRENGTH 0 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF receiver locking speed. Normal (locks after 64 consecutive valid samples). Fast (locks after eight consecutive valid samples). S/PDIF receiver behavior in the event that lock is lost. FSOUTSTRENGTH applies to the output of the recovered frame clock from the S/PDIF receiver. Strong; output is continued as well as is possible when the receiver notices a loss of lock condition, which may result in some data corruption. Weak; output is interrupted as soon as receiver notices a loss of lock condition. Rev. D | Page 159 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Bits [1:0] Bit Name RX_LENGTHCTRL Settings1 00 01 10 11 1 Data Sheet Description S/PDIF receiver audio word length. 24 bits. 20 bits. 16 bits. Automatic (determined by channel status bits detected in the input stream) Reset 0x0 Access RW N/A means not applicable. Decoded Signals from the S/PDIF Receiver Register Address: 0xF602, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_DECODE This register monitors the embedded nonaudio data bits in the incoming S/PDIF stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 and decodes them, providing insight into the data format of the S/PDIF input stream. Table 132. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_DECODE Bits [15:10] [9:6] Bit Name RESERVED RX_WORDLENGTH_R Settings1 N/A 0010 1100 0100 1000 1010 1101 0101 1001 1011 0011 [5:2] RX_WORDLENGTH_L 0010 1100 0100 1000 1010 1101 Description Reserved. S/PDIF receiver detected word length in the right channel. 16 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 17 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 18 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 19 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 20 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 21 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 22 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 23 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 24 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 20 bit word (maximum 24 bits) S/PDIF receiver detected word length in the left channel. 16 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 17 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 18 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 19 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 20 bit word (maximum 20 bits). 21 bit word (maximum 24 bits). Rev. D | Page 160 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R 0x0 R Data Sheet Bits Bit Name 1 COMPR_TYPE ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Settings1 0101 1001 1011 0011 0 1 0 AUDIO_TYPE 0 1 1 Description 22 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 23 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 24 bit word (maximum 24 bits). 20 bit word (maximum 24 bits). AC3 or DTS compression (valid only if Bit 0 (AUDIO_TYPE) = 0b1 (compressed). AC3. DTS. Linear PCM or compressed audio. Linear PCM. Compressed. Reset Access 0x0 R 0x0 R N/A means not applicable. Compression Mode from the S/PDIF Receiver Register Address: 0xF603, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_COMPRMODE If the incoming S/PDIF data on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 has been encoded using a compression algorithm, this register displays the 16-bit code that represents the type of compression being used. Table 133. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_COMPRMODE Bits [15:0] Bit Name COMPR_MODE Settings Not applicable Description Compression mode detected by the S/PDIF receiver. Rev. D | Page 161 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Automatically Resume S/PDIF Receiver Audio Input Register Address: 0xF604, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RESTART When the S/PDIF receiver on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 loses lock on the incoming S/PDIF signal, which can occur due to issues with signal integrity, the receiver automatically mutes itself. This register determines whether the S/PDIF receiver then automatically resumes outputting data if the S/PDIF receiver subsequently begins to receive valid data and a lock condition is reattained. By default, the S/PDIF receiver does not automatically resume audio when lock is lost (Register 0xF604 (SPDIF_RESTART), Bit 0 (RESTART_AUDIO) = 0b0). Therefore, the user must manually reset the S/PDIF receiver by toggling Register 0xF604 (SPDIF_RESTART), Bit 0 (RESTART_AUDIO), from 0b0 to 0b1 and then back to 0b0 again. To ensure that the S/PDIF receiver always begins outputting data when a valid input signal is detected, set Register 0xF604 (SPDIF_RESTART), Bit 0 (RESTART_AUDIO), to 0b1 at all times. Table 134. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RESTART Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED RESTART_AUDIO Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Allows the S/PDIF receiver to automatically resume outputting audio when it successfully recovers from a loss of lock. Do not automatically restart the audio when a relock occurs. Restarts the audio automatically when a relock occurs, and resets Register 0xF605 (SPDIF_LOSS_OF_LOCK), Bit 0 (LOSS_OF_LOCK). N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 162 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF Receiver Loss of Lock Detection Register Address: 0xF605, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_LOSS_OF_LOCK This bit monitors the S/PDIF lock status and checks if the lock is lost during operation of the S/PDIF receiver on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. This condition can arise when, for example, a valid S/PDIF input signal was present for an extended period of time, but signal integrity worsened for a brief period, causing the receiver to then lose its lock to the input signal. In this case, Bit 0 (LOSS_OF_LOCK) transitions from 0b0 to 0b1 and remains set at 0b1 indefinitely. This indicates that, at some point during the operation of the device, lock to the input stream was lost. Bit 0 (LOSS_OF_LOCK) stays high at 0b1 until Register 0xF604 (SPDIF_RESTART), Bit 0 (RESTART_AUDIO), is set to 0b1, which clears Bit 0 (LOSS_OF_LOCK) back to 0b0. At this point, Register 0xF604 (SPDIF_RESTART), Bit 0 (RESTART_AUDIO), can be reset to 0b0 if required. Table 135. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_LOSS_OF_LOCK Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED LOSS_OF_LOCK Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF loss of lock detection (sticky bit). S/PDIF receiver is locked to the input stream and has not lost lock after acquiring the input signal. S/PDIF receiver acquired a lock on the input stream but subsequently lost lock. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 163 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet S/PDIF Receiver Auxiliary Outputs Enable Register Address: 0xF608, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_AUX_EN The S/PDIF receiver on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 decodes embedded nonaudio data bits on the incoming data stream, including channel status, user data, validity bits, and parity bits. This information, together with the decoded audio data, can optionally be output on one of the SDATA_OUTx pins using Register 0xF608 (SPDIF_AUX_EN). The serial output port selected by Bits[3:0] (TDMOUT) outputs an 8-channel TDM stream containing this decoded information. Channel 0 in the TDM8 stream contains the 24 audio bits from the left S/PDIF input channel, followed by eight zero bits. Channel 1 in the TDM8 stream contains 20 zero bits, the parity bit, validity bit, user data bit, and the channel status bit from the left S/PDIF input channel, followed by eight zero bits. Channel 2 in the TDM8 stream contains 22 zero bits, followed by the compression type bit (0b0 represents AC3 and 0b1 represents DTS) and the audio type bit (0b0 represents PCM and 0b1 represents compressed), followed by eight zero bits. Channel 3 in the TDM8 stream contains 32 zero bits. Channel 4 in the TDM8 stream contains the 24 audio bits from the right S/PDIF input channel, followed by eight zero bits. Channel 5 in the TDM8 stream contains 20 zero bits followed by the parity bit, validity bit, user data bit, and the channel status bit from the right S/PDIF input channel, followed by eight zero bits. Channel 6 in the TDM8 stream contains 32 zero bits. Channel 7 in the TDM8 stream contains 23 zero bits, the block start bit, and eight zero bits. Table 136. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_AUX_EN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED TDMOUT_CLK Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:0] TDMOUT 0001 0010 0100 1000 0000 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF TDM clock source. When Bits[3:0] (TDMOUT) are configured to output S/PDIF receiver data on one of the SDATA_OUTx pins, the corresponding serial port must be set in master mode; and Bit 4 (TDMOUT_CLK) configures which clock signals are used on the corresponding BCLK_OUTx and LRCLK_OUTx pins. If Bit 4 (TDMOUT_CLK) = 0b0, the clock signals recovered from the S/PDIF input signal are used to clock the serial output. If Bit 4 (TDMOUT_CLK) = 0b1, the output of Clock Generator 3 is used to clock serial output; and Register 0xF026 (CLK_GEN3_SRC), Bits[3:0] (FREF_PIN), must be 0b1110, and Register 0xF026 (CLK_GEN3_SRC), Bit 4 (CLK_GEN3_SRC), must be 0b1. Use clocks derived from S/PDIF receiver stream. Use filtered clocks from internal clock generator. S/PDIF TDM output channel selection. Output on SDATA_OUT0. Output on SDATA_OUT1. Output on SDATA_OUT2. Output on SDATA_OUT3. Disable S/PDIF TDM output. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 164 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF Receiver Auxiliary Bits Ready Flag Register Address: 0xF60F, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_AUXBIT_READY The decoded channel status, user data, validity, and parity bits are recovered from the input signal one frame at a time until a full block of 192 frames is received on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. When all of the 192 frames are received and decoded, Bit 0 (AUXBITS_READY), changes state from 0b0 to 0b1, indicating that the full block of data has been recovered and is available to be read from the corresponding registers. Table 137. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_AUXBIT_READY Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED AUXBITS_READY Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Auxiliary bits are ready flag. Auxiliary bits are not ready to be output. Auxiliary bits are ready to be output. Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW R N/A means not applicable. S/PDIF Receiver Channel Status Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF610 to 0xF61B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_x These 12 registers store the 192 channel status bits decoded from the left channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 138. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_CS_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access R S/PDIF Receiver Channel Status Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF620 to 0xF62B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_x These 12 registers store the 192 channel status bits decoded from the right channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 139. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_CS_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right). Rev. D | Page 165 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access R ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet S/PDIF Receiver User Data Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF630 to 0xF63B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_UD_LEFT_x These 12 registers store the 192 user data bits decoded from the left channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 140. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_UD_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_UD_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver user data bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access R S/PDIF Receiver User Data Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF640 to 0xF64B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_UD_RIGHT_x These 12 registers store the 192 user data bits decoded from the right channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 141. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_UD_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_UD_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver user data bits (right). Reset 0x0000 Access R S/PDIF Receiver Validity Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF650 to 0xF65B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_VB_LEFT_x These 12 registers store the 192 validity bits decoded from the left channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 142. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_VB_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_VB_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver validity bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access R S/PDIF Receiver Validity Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF660 to 0xF66B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_VB_RIGHT_x These 12 registers store the 192 validity bits decoded from the left channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 143. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_VB_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_VB_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver validity bits (right). Rev. D | Page 166 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access R Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF Receiver Parity Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF670 to 0xF67B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_x These 12 registers store the 192 parity bits decoded from the left channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. Table 144. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_PB_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver parity bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access R S/PDIF Receiver Parity Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF680 to 0xF68B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_x These 12 registers store the 192 parity bits decoded from the right channel of the S/PDIF input stream on the ADAU1452 and ADAU1451. Table 145. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_RX_PB_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver parity bits (right). Reset 0x0000 Access R S/PDIF Transmitter Enable Register Address: 0xF690, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_EN This register enables or disables the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. When the transmitter is disabled, it outputs a constant stream of zero data. When the S/PDIF transmitter is disabled, it still consumes power. To power down the S/PDIF transmitter for the purpose of power savings, set Register 0xF051 (POWER_ENABLE1), Bit 2 (TX_PWR) = 0b0. Table 146. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_EN Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED TXEN Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF transmitter output enable. Disabled. Enabled. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 167 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet S/PDIF Transmitter Control Register Address: 0xF691, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_CTRL This register controls the length of the audio data-words output by the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451. The maximum word length is 24 bits. If a shorter word length is selected using Bits[1:0] (TX_LENGTHCTRL), the extraneous bits are truncated, starting with the LSB. If Bits[1:0] (TX_LENGTHCTRL) = 0b11, the decoded channel status bits on the input stream of the S/PDIF receiver automatically set the word length on the S/PDIF transmitter. Table 147. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_CTRL Bits [15:2] [1:0] Bit Name RESERVED TX_LENGTHCTRL Settings1 N/A 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. S/PDIF transmitter audio word length. 24 bits. 20 bits. 16 bits. Automatic (determined by channel status bits detected in the S/PDIF input stream). Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW N/A means not applicable. S/PDIF Transmitter Auxiliary Bits Source Select Register Address: 0xF69F, Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE This register configures whether the encoded nonaudio data bits in the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 are copied directly from the S/PDIF receiver or set manually using the corresponding control registers. If the data is configured manually, all channel status, parity, user data, and validity bits can be manually set using the following registers: SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_x, SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_x, SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_x, SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_x, SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_x, SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_x, SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_x, and SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_x. Table 148. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Auxiliary bits source. Source from register map (user programmable). Source from S/PDIF receiver (derived from input data stream). N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 168 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF Transmitter Channel Status Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF6A0 to 0xF6AB (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 channel status bits encoded on the left channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 149. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_CS_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter channel status bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access RW S/PDIF Transmitter Channel Status Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF6B0 to 0xF6BB (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 channel status bits encoded on the right channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 150. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_CS_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF receiver channel status bits (right). Reset 0x0000 Access RW S/PDIF Transmitter User Data Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF6C0 to 0xF6CB (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 user data bits encoded on the left channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 151. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_UD_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (left). Rev. D | Page 169 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet S/PDIF Transmitter User Data Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF6D0 to 0xF6DB (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 user data bits encoded on the right channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 152. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_UD_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter user data bits (right). Reset 0x0000 Access RW S/PDIF Transmitter Validity Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF6E0 to 0xF6EB (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 validity bits encoded on the left channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 153. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_VB_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access RW S/PDIF Transmitter Validity Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF6F0 to 0xF6FB (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 validity bits encoded on the right channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 154. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_VB_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter validity bits (right). Rev. D | Page 170 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 S/PDIF Transmitter Parity Bits (Left) Register Address: 0xF700 to Address 0xF70B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 parity bits encoded on the left channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 155. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_PB_LEFT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (left). Reset 0x0000 Access RW S/PDIF Transmitter Parity Bits (Right) Register Address: 0xF710 to Address 0xF71B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0000, Name: SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_x These 12 registers allow the 192 parity bits encoded on the right channel of the output data stream of the S/PDIF transmitter on the ADAU1452 and the ADAU1451 to be manually configured. For these bits to be output properly on the S/PDIF transmitter, Register 0xF69F (SPDIF_TX_AUXBIT_SOURCE), Bit 0 (TX_AUXBITS_SOURCE), must be set to 0b0. Table 156. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT_x Bits [15:0] Bit Name SPDIF_TX_PB_RIGHT Settings Not applicable Description S/PDIF transmitter parity bits (right). Rev. D | Page 171 of 195 Reset 0x0000 Access RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet HARDWARE INTERFACING REGISTERS BCLK Input Pins Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF780 to 0xF783 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0018, Name: BCLK_INx_PIN These registers configure the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the BCLK_INx pins. Register 0xF780 corresponds to BCLK_IN0, Register 0xF781 corresponds to BCLK_IN1, Register 0xF782 corresponds to BCLK_IN2, and Register 0xF783 corresponds to BCLK_IN3. Table 157. Bit Descriptions for BCLK_INx_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED BCLK_IN_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] BCLK_IN_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] BCLK_IN_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. BCLK_INx pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. BCLK_INx slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. BCLK_INx drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 172 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 BCLK Output Pins Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF784 to 0xF787 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0018, Name: BCLK_OUTx_PIN These registers configure the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the BCLK_OUTx pins. Register 0xF784 corresponds to BCLK_OUT0, Register 0xF785 corresponds to BCLK_OUT1, Register 0xF786 corresponds to BCLK_OUT2, and Register 0xF787 corresponds to BCLK_OUT3. Table 158. Bit Descriptions for BCLK_OUTx_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED BCLK_OUT_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] BCLK_OUT_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] BCLK_OUT_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. BCLK_OUTx pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. BCLK_OUTx slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. BCLK_OUTx drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 173 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet LRCLK Input Pins Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF788 to 0xF78B (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0018, Name: LRCLK_INx_PIN These registers configure the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the LRCLK_INx pins. Register 0xF788 corresponds to LRCLK_IN0/MP10, Register 0xF789 corresponds to LRCLK_IN1/MP11, Register 0xF78A corresponds to LRCLK_IN2/MP12, and Register 0xF78B corresponds to LRCLK_IN3/MP13. Table 159. Bit Descriptions for LRCLK_INx_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED LRCLK_IN_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] LRCLK_IN_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] LRCLK_IN_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. LRCLK_INx pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. LRCLK_INx slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. LRCLK_INx drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 174 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 LRCLK Output Pins Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF78C to 0xF78F (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0018, Name: LRCLK_OUTx_PIN These registers configure the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the LRCLK_OUTx pins. Register 0xF78C corresponds to LRCLK_OUT0/MP4, Register 0xF78D corresponds to LRCLK_OUT1/MP5, Register 0xF78E corresponds to LRCLK_OUT2/MP8, and Register 0xF78F corresponds to LRCLK_OUT3/MP9. Table 160. Bit Descriptions for LRCLK_OUTx_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED LRCLK_OUT_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] LRCLK_OUT_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] LRCLK_OUT_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. LRCLK_OUTx pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. LRCLK_OUTx slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. LRCLK_OUTx drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 175 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet SDATA Input Pins Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF790 to 0xF793 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0018, Name: SDATA_INx_PIN These registers configure the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SDATA_INx pins. Register 0xF790 corresponds to SDATA_IN0, Register 0xF791 corresponds to SDATA_IN1, Register 0xF792 corresponds to SDATA_IN2, and Register 0xF793 corresponds to SDATA_IN3. Table 161. Bit Descriptions for SDATA_INx_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SDATA_IN_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SDATA_IN_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SDATA_IN_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SDATA_INx pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. SDATA_INx slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SDATA_INx drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 176 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SDATA Output Pins Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF794 to 0xF797 (Increments of 0x1), Reset: 0x0008, Name: SDATA_OUTx_PIN These registers configure the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SDATA_OUTx pins. Register 0xF794 corresponds to SDATA_OUT0, Register 0xF795 corresponds to SDATA_OUT1, Register 0xF796 corresponds to SDATA_OUT2, and Register 0xF797 corresponds to SDATA_OUT3. Table 162. Bit Descriptions for SDATA_OUTx_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SDATA_OUT_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SDATA_OUT_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SDATA_OUT_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SDATA_OUTx pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. SDATA_OUTx slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SDATA_OUTx drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 177 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet S/PDIF Transmitter Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF798, Reset: 0x0008, Name: SPDIF_TX_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SPDIFOUT pin on the ADAU1452 and theADAU1451. Table 163. Bit Descriptions for SPDIF_TX_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SPDIF_TX_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SPDIF_TX_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SPDIF_TX_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SPDIFOUT pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. SPDIFOUT slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SPDIFOUT drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 178 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SCLK/SCL Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF799, Reset: 0x0008, Name: SCLK_SCL_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SCLK/SCL pin. Table 164. Bit Descriptions for SCLK_SCL_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SCLK_SCL_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SCLK_SCL_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SCLK_SCL_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SCLK/SCL pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. SCLK/SCL slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SCLK/SCL drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 179 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet MISO/SDA Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF79A, Reset: 0x0008, Name: MISO_SDA_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the MISO/SDA pin. Table 165. Bit Descriptions for MISO_SDA_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED MISO_SDA_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] MISO_SDA_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] MISO_SDA_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. MISO/SDA pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. MISO/SDA slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. MISO/SDA drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 180 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SS/ADDR0 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF79B, Reset: 0x0018, Name: SS_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SS/ADDR0 pin. Table 166. Bit Descriptions for SS_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SS_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SS_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SS_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SS/ADDR0 pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. SS/ADDR0 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SS/ADDR0 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 181 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet MOSI/ADDR1 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF79C, Reset: 0x0018, Name: MOSI_ADDR1_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the MOSI/ADDR1 pin. Table 167. Bit Descriptions for MOSI_ADDR1_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED MOSI_ADDR1_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] MOSI_ADDR1_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] MOSI_ADDR1_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. MOSI/ADDR1 pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. MOSI/ADDR1 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. MOSI/ADDR1 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 182 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF79D, Reset: 0x0008, Name: SCLK_SCL_M_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 pin. Table 168. Bit Descriptions for SCLK_SCL_M_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SCLK_SCL_M_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SCLK_SCL_M_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SCLK_SCL_M_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SCL_M/SCLK_M/MP2 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 183 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF79E, Reset: 0x0008, Name: MISO_SDA_M_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 pin. Table 169. Bit Descriptions for MISO_SDA_M_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED MISO_SDA_M_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] MISO_SDA_M_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] MISO_SDA_M_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SDA_M/MISO_M/MP3 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 184 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 SS_M/MP0 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF79F, Reset: 0x0018, Name: SS_M_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the SS_M/MP0 pin. Table 170. Bit Descriptions for SS_M_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED SS_M_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] SS_M_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] SS_M_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. SS_M/MP0 pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. SS_M/MP0 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. SS_M/MP0 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 185 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet MOSI_M/MP1 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF7A0, Reset: 0x0018, Name: MOSI_M_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the MOSI_M/MP1 pin. Table 171. Bit Descriptions for MOSI_M_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED MOSI_M_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] MOSI_M_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] MOSI_M_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. MOSI_M/MP1 pull-up. Pull-up disabled. Pull-up enabled. MOSI_M/MP1 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. MOSI_M/MP1 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 186 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 MP6 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF7A1, Reset: 0x0018, Name: MP6_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the MP6 pin. Table 172. Bit Descriptions for MP6_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED MP6_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] MP6_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] MP6_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. MP6 pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. MP6 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. MP6 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 187 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet MP7 Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF7A2, Reset: 0x0018, Name: MP7_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the MP7 pin. Table 173. Bit Descriptions for MP7_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED MP7_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] MP7_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] MP7_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. MP7 pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. MP7 slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. MP7 drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 188 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 CLKOUT Pin Drive Strength and Slew Rate Register Address: 0xF7A3, Reset: 0x0008, Name: CLKOUT_PIN This register configures the drive strength, slew rate, and pull resistors for the CLKOUT pin. Table 174. Bit Descriptions for CLKOUT_PIN Bits [15:5] 4 Bit Name RESERVED CLKOUT_PULL Settings1 N/A 0 1 [3:2] CLKOUT_SLEW 00 01 10 11 [1:0] CLKOUT_DRIVE 00 01 10 11 1 Description Reserved. CLKOUT pull-down. Pull-down disabled. Pull-down enabled. CLKOUT slew rate. Slowest. Slow. Fast. Fastest. CLKOUT drive strength. Lowest. Low. High. Highest. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 189 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x0 Access RW RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet SOFT RESET REGISTER Address: 0xF890, Reset: 0x0001, Name: SOFT_RESET SOFT_RESET provides the capability to reset all control registers in the device or put it into a state similar to a hardware reset, where the RESET pin is pulled low to ground. All control registers are reset to their default values, except for the PLL registers: Register 0xF000 (PLL_CTRL0), Register 0xF001 (PLL_CTRL1), Register 0xF002 (PLL_CLK_SRC), Register 0xF003 (PLL_ENABLE), Register 0xF004 (PLL_LOCK), Register 0xF005 (MCLK_OUT), and Register 0xF006 (PLL_WATCHDOG), as well as registers related to the panic manager. The I2C and SPI slave ports remain operational, and the user can write new values to the PLL registers when the soft reset is active. If SPI slave mode is enabled, the device remains in SPI slave mode during and after the soft reset state. To reset the device to I2C slave mode, the device must undergo a hardware reset by pulling the RESET pin low to ground. Bit 0 (SOFT_RESET) is active low, meaning that setting this bit to 0b1 enables normal operation and setting it to 0b0 enables the soft reset state. Table 175. Bit Descriptions for SOFT_RESET Bits [15:1] 0 Bit Name RESERVED SOFT_RESET Settings1 N/A 0 1 1 Description Reserved. Soft reset. Soft reset enabled. Soft reset disabled; normal operation. N/A means not applicable. Rev. D | Page 190 of 195 Reset 0x0 0x1 Access RW RW Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION PCB DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Component Placement A solid ground plane is a necessity for maintaining signal integrity and minimizing EMI radiation. If the PCB has two ground planes, they can be stitched together using vias that are spread evenly throughout the board. Place all 100 nF bypass capacitors, which are recommended for every analog, digital, and PLL power ground pair, as near as possible to the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450. Bypass each of the AVDD, DVDD, PVDD, and IOVDD supply signals on the board with an additional single bulk capacitor (10 μF to 47 μF). Note that for the DVDD bulk capacitor, an electrolytic or ceramic capacitor can be used. If a ceramic capacitor is used along with the internal voltage regulator, a 0.5 Ω resistor must be added in series with the capacitor. See the Voltage Regulator section for more details. Power Supply Bypass Capacitors Bypass each power supply pin to its nearest appropriate ground pin with a single 100 nF capacitor and, optionally, with an additional 10 nF capacitor in parallel. Make the connections to each side of the capacitor as short as possible, and keep the trace on a single layer with no vias. For maximum effectiveness, place the capacitor either equidistant from the power and ground pins or, when equidistant placement is not possible, slightly nearer to the power pin (see Figure 81). Establish the thermal connections to the planes on the far side of the capacitor. Keep all traces in the crystal resonator circuit (see Figure 15) as short as possible to minimize stray capacitance. Do not connect any long board traces to the crystal oscillator circuit components because such traces can affect crystal startup and operation. Grounding POWER GROUND Use a single ground plane in the application layout. Place all components in an analog signal path away from digital signals. Exposed Pad PCB Design CAPACITOR The device package includes an exposed pad for improved heat dissipation. When designing a board for such a package, give special consideration to the following: 11486-087 TO GROUND  Figure 81. Recommended Power Supply Bypass Capacitor Layout Typically, a single 100 nF capacitor for each power ground pin pair is sufficient. However, if there is excessive high frequency noise in the system, use an additional 10 nF capacitor in parallel (see Figure 82). In this case, place the 10 nF capacitor between the devices and the 100 nF capacitor, and establish the thermal connections on the far side of the 100 nF capacitor. VIA TO POWER PLANE VIA TO GROUND PLANE 100nF Place a copper layer, equal in size to the exposed pad, on all layers of the board, from top to bottom. Connect the copper layers to a dedicated copper board layer (see Figure 84). TOP GROUND POWER BOTTOM VIAS COPPER SQUARES 11486-090 TO POWER Figure 84. Exposed Pad Layout Example—Side View  Place vias such that all layers of copper are connected, allowing efficient heat and energy conductivity. See Figure 85, which shows 49 vias arranged in a 7 × 7 grid in the pad area. 11486-088 DGND DVDD 10nF 11486-091 Figure 82. Layout for Multiple Power Supply Bypass Capacitors To provide a current reservoir in case of sudden current spikes, use a 10 μF capacitor for each named supply (DVDD, AVDD, PVDD, and IOVDD) as shown in Figure 83. PLL Filter BULK BYPASS CAPACITORS AVDD PVDD IOVDD DVDD + 10µF + 10µF + 10µF + 10µF To minimize jitter, connect the single resistor and two capacitors in the PLL filter to the PLLFILT and PVDD pins with short traces. 11486-089 3.3V Figure 85. Exposed Pad Layout Example—Top View Figure 83. Bulk Capacitor Schematic Rev. D | Page 191 of 195 ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet Power Supply Isolation with Ferrite Beads EOS/ESD Protection Ferrite beads can be used for supply isolation. When using ferrite beads, always place the beads outside the local high frequency decoupling capacitors, as shown in Figure 86. If the ferrite beads are placed between the supply pin and the decoupling capacitor, high frequency noise is reflected back into the IC because there is no suitable return path to ground. As a result, EMI increases, creating noisy supplies. Although the ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 has robust internal protection circuitry against overvoltages and electrostatic discharge, an external transient voltage suppressor (TVS) is recommended for all systems to prevent damage to the IC. For examples, see the AN-311 Application Note. DGND IOVDD VDRIVE DVDD DGND 1 2 3 71 72 10nF (BYPASS) 100nF (BYPASS) 1kΩ 10µF OR 4.7µF RESERVOIR 0.5Ω IF 10µF CERAMIC + IOVDD 3.3V DVDD 1.2V 10µF RESERVOIR + 11486-092 MAIN 3.3V SUPPLY 100nF (BYPASS) FERRITE BEAD Figure 86. Ferrite Bead Power Supply Isolation Circuit Example TYPICAL APPLICATIONS BLOCK DIAGRAM ANALOG MICROPHONES I2C SPI SPDIF Rx ADAU1977 HEAD UNIT MICROPHONE ADC CLASS AB/D 4-CHANNEL AMPLIFIER SPEAKERS CAN 0 AD1938/ AD1939 CODEC 8-CHANNEL DAC CLASS AB/D 4-CHANNEL AMPLIFIER MICROCONTROLLER SPI SPI PDM PDM MICROPHONES eFLASH 11486-095 MULTIMEDIA CAN Bus CAN TRANSCEIVER ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ ADAU1450 Figure 87. Automotive Infotainment Amplifier Block Diagram Rev. D | Page 192 of 195 Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 100nF BYPASS IOVDD 100nF DVDD PIN1 100nF BYPASS 100nF BYPASS 10nF BYPASS DVDD 100nF C 1kΩ DGND Of these bypass capacitors, the most important is the 100 nF bypass capacitor, which is required for proper power supply bypassing. The 10 nF can optionally be used to improve the EMI/EMC performance of the system. The 10 µF capacitor for the DVDD can be an electrolytic type. If a ceramic 10 µF capacitor is used, a 0.5 Ω series resistor must be added to compensate for the missing ESR of the electrolytic capacitor. VDRIVE B C STD2805T4 E 0.5Ω 100nF BYPASS • 100nF 10nF 10μF 10μF 100nF • IOVDD 10μF IOVDD CURRENT RESERVOIR DGND 10μF DVDD CURRENT RESERVOIR • The 10 nF bypass capacitor, placed closest to the pin, acts as a return path for very high frequency currents resulting from the nominal 294 MHz operating frequency of the DSP core. The 100 nF bypass capacitor acts as a return path for high frequency currents from the DSP and other digital circuitry. The 1 μF bypass capacitor is required to provide a local current supply for sudden spikes in current that occur at the beginning of each audio frame when the DSP core switches from idle mode to operating mode. 10nF BYPASS The analog (AVDD), PLL (PVDD), and interface (IOVDD) supply pins each have local 100 nF bypass capacitors to provide high frequency return currents with a short path to ground. • 10nF Several external components, such as capacitors, resistors, and a transistor, are required for proper operation of the device. An example of the connection and layout of these components is shown in Figure 88. Thick black lines represent traces, gray rectangles represent components, and white circles with a thick black ring represent thermal via connections to power or ground planes. If a 1.2 V supply is available in the system, the transistor circuit (including the associated 1 kΩ resistor) can be removed, and 1.2 V can be connected directly to the DVDD power net, with the VDRIVE pin left floating. The digital (DVDD) supply pins each have up to three local bypass capacitors, as follows: DGND EXAMPLE PCB LAYOUT 10μF 100nF 10μF DVDD CURRENT RESERVOIR 100nF BYPASS DVDD REGULATOR AGND AVDD ADAU1452/ ADAU1451/ ADAU1450 (TOP VIEW) 10μF PVDD CURRENT RESERVOIR 100nF BYPASS DGND DGND IOVDD IOVDD DVDD 100nF BYPASS 100nF BYPASS DGND 10nF 10nF BYPASS 10nF 10nF BYPASS 100nF 100nF BYPASS 100nF 100nF BYPASS Figure 88. Supporting Component Placement and Layout Rev. D | Page 193 of 195 11486-093 PLLFILT 100nF 4.3kΩ DGND PLL LOOP FILTER PGND PVDD 100nF 5.6nF 100nF 150pF DVDD 10μF ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 Data Sheet PCB MANUFACTURING GUIDELINES The soldering profile in Figure 89 is recommended for the LFCSP package. See the AN-772 Application Note for more information about PCB manufacturing guidelines. RAMP UP 3°C/SECOND MAX 60 SECONDS TO 150 SECONDS 217°C 150°C TO 200°C RAMP DOWN 6°C/SECOND MAX 60 SECONDS TO 180 SECONDS TIME (Second) 20 SECONDS TO 40 SECONDS 480 SECONDS MAX 11486-094 TEMPERATURE (°C) 260°C ± 5°C Figure 89. Soldering Profile 0.30mm × 0.55mm 10mm ANALOG DEVICES LFCSP_VQ (CP-72-6) REV A 8.5mm 10mm 0.55mm × 0.30mm 0.5mm Figure 90. PCB Decal Dimensions Rev. D | Page 194 of 195 5.25mm 11486-097 0.5mm Data Sheet ADAU1452/ADAU1451/ADAU1450 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 10.10 10.00 SQ 9.90 0.60 0.42 0.24 9.85 9.75 SQ 9.65 TOP VIEW 1.00 0.85 0.80 0.80 MAX 0.65 TYP 12° MAX SEATING PLANE 55 54 0.50 BSC 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.23 0.18 72 1 PIN 1 INDICATOR 5.45 5.30 SQ 5.15 EXPOSED PAD 18 37 19 36 BOTTOM VIEW 0.25 MIN 8.50 REF 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-VNND-4 06-25-2012-C PIN 1 INDICATOR 0.60 0.42 0.24 Figure 91. 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 10 mm × 10 mm Body, Very Thin Quad (CP-72-6) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model 1, 2 ADAU1452WBCPZ ADAU1452WBCPZ-RL ADAU1452WBCPZ150 ADAU1452WBCPZ150RL ADAU1451WBCPZ ADAU1451WBCPZ-RL ADAU1450WBCPZ ADAU1450WBCPZ-RL ADAU1452KCPZ ADAU1452KCPZRL EVAL-ADAU1452MINIZ 1 2 Temperature Range −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C −40°C to +105°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C Package Description 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ], 13” Tape and Reel 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ], 13” Tape and Reel 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ], 13” Tape and Reel 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ], 13” Tape and Reel 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 72-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ], 13” Tape and Reel Evaluation Board Package Option CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 CP-72-6 Z = RoHS compliant part. W = Qualified for Automotive Applications. AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS The ADAU1452W/ADAU1452W150/ADAU1451W/ADAU1450W models are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements of automotive applications. Note that these automotive models may have specifications that differ from the commercial models; therefore, designers should review the Specifications section of this data sheet carefully. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for these models. I2C refers to a communications protocol originally developed by Philips Semiconductors (now NXP Semiconductors). ©2013–2018 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D11486-0-7/18(D) Rev. D | Page 195 of 195
ADAU1452WBCPZ-RL 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+164.91164
  • 10+116.68041
  • 25+104.10351
  • 100+98.76426
  • 250+96.09464
  • 2000+93.68604


  •  国内价格
  • 1+67.84560
  • 10+58.50360
  • 30+49.97160


    •  国内价格
    • 10+132.74800
    • 25+119.99900
    • 100+105.76500
    • 250+98.89000


    •  国内价格
    • 1+60.74880


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+183.328501+22.20160
    • 10+122.7333010+14.86330
    • 25+112.4355025+13.61620
    • 100+102.86510100+12.45730
    • 250+98.80120250+11.96510
    • 500+96.80690500+11.72360
    • 2000+96.719102000+11.71300


    •  国内价格
    • 1+59.24960
    • 10+54.69200
    • 100+50.13430
    • 1000+45.57660
