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ADBT1001BSWZ 数据手册
Data Sheet ADBT1001 4-Channel AFE, Digital Controller, and PWM for Battery Formation and Testing FEATURES ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► APPLICATIONS Precise measurement of the voltage and current 4 PWM control channels up to 16 bits (effective) resolution ► Selectable synchronous and asynchronous rectifier operation ► Programmable dead time compensation ► Programmable switching frequency from 62.5 kHz to 500 kHz in powers of 2 steps Multiphase operation ► Interchip digital current sharing ► Interchip frequency synchronization Digital control loop ► Programmable PID loop filters ► Fast dc bus voltage feedforward Integrated spectrum analysis per channel ► Measure load impedance SPI port control and status interface ► Host interrupt on programmable status changes CC, CV, CP, and CR operating modes ► 15-bit setpoint resolution ► Input and output inrush current protection External NTC thermistor temperature sensing ► Internal die temperature measurement User calibration of input voltages and currents 0°C to 85°C operation Battery formation and testing High efficiency battery test systems with recycle capability ► Battery conditioning (charging and discharging) systems ► ► GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADBT1001 is a flexible, feature rich digital controller that targets high volume battery testing and formation manufacturing and precision battery test instrumentation applications. The ADBT1001 is optimized for minimal component count, maximum flexibility, and minimum design time. Features include differential remote voltage sense, current sense, pulse-width modulation (PWM) generation, frequency synchronization, overvoltage protection (OVP), and current sharing. Programmable protection features include overcurrent protection (OCP), OVP limiting, and external overtemperature protection (OTP). Parameters can be programmed over the serial peripheral interface (SPI), providing extensive programming of the integrated loop filter, PWM signal timing, and soft start timing. The SPI provides access to the many monitoring and system test functions. Reliability is improved through a built-in checksum and programmable protection circuits. A comprehensive graphical user interface (GUI) is provided for simple system and channel configuration and programming of the safety features. The ADBT1001 is available in a 100-lead LQFP_EP. TYPICAL APPLICATION DIAGRAM Figure 1. Rev. 0 DOCUMENT FEEDBACK TECHNICAL SUPPORT Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable "as is". However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Data Sheet ADBT1001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Features................................................................ 1 Applications........................................................... 1 General Description...............................................1 Typical Application Diagram.................................. 1 Specifications........................................................ 3 Analog Front End and Controller Specifications................................................... 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................8 Thermal Resistance........................................... 8 Soldering............................................................ 8 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Ratings...............8 ESD Caution.......................................................8 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions........ 9 Typical Performance Characteristics................... 13 Theory of Operation.............................................18 Overview.......................................................... 18 Analog Front End............................................. 19 Digital Controller...............................................19 Host SPI........................................................... 19 Host Interrupt Request..................................... 19 Clocking............................................................19 GPIOx Pins.......................................................19 Auxiliary ADC................................................... 19 Supports Coulombic Efficiency Measurement..20 Supports Precharge Operation.........................20 Sequencer........................................................... 21 Instruction Definition.........................................21 Sequencing Modes...........................................21 Charge and Discharge Instruction Modes........ 23 Charge and Discharge Instruction Limits......... 23 Slew Rate......................................................... 24 Parallel Operation.............................................24 Flags.................................................................24 Global Register Settings...................................25 Channel Static Settings.................................... 25 Instruction Set Architecture.............................. 25 Sequencer Operation Example........................ 29 Memory Mapped Registers................................. 30 Host SPI Interface Details................................... 42 SPI Overview....................................................42 Communications Protocols...............................42 Applications Information...................................... 44 Calibration........................................................ 44 Diagnostics.......................................................44 Operating Use Cases....................................... 44 Outline Dimensions............................................. 49 Ordering Guide.................................................49 REVISION HISTORY 6/2021—Revision 0: Initial Version analog.com Rev. 0 | 2 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SPECIFICATIONS AHVDD = 15 V, AHVSS = −15 V, VDDIO = AVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V, and TA = 0°C to 85°C, unless otherwise noted. ANALOG FRONT END AND CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS Table 1. Parameter CURRENT SENSE CHANNEL Gain Gain Error Gain Drift System Input Offset Voltage1 System Input Offset Voltage Drift Input Bias Current Input Differential Voltage Range Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Differential Input Impedance Common-Mode Input Impedance Input Resistance Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) CMRR Drift Small Signal −3 dB Bandwidth (Gain = 40)2 Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) Slew Rate Readout Data Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Update Rate5 31.25 kHz (OSR = 32) 15.625 kHz (OSR = 64) 7.8125 kHz (OSR = 128) 3.90625 kHz (OSR = 256) Full-Scale Input Range VOLTAGE SENSE AND CAPACITOR VOLTAGE SENSE CHANNEL Gain Gain Error Gain Drift System Input Offset Voltage1 Offset Voltage Drift Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Differential Input Impedance Common-Mode Input Impedance Input Resistance Small Signal −3 dB Bandwidth (G = 0.5)6 CMRR BVx_x CVS_x analog.com Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max 40 Output voltage (VOUT) =±2 V −10 RTI VICM = reference voltage (VREF)/2 30 −62.5 AHVSS + 5 By design By design Both input pins 100 0.2 7 +10 0.235 500 +62.5 AHVDD − 5 24 246 492 110 0.05 TA = 25°C, VOUT = 100 mV p-p Supply voltage (Vs) = ±5 V to ±18 V VOUT = ±2 V MAF3 = 16, FIR4 on 600 120 0.6 78 81 84 87 −60 +60 0.5 80 78 dB dB dB dB mV 1 375 750 375 200 90 90 dB dB 0.2 10 +10 0.235 AHVDD − 5 −10 AHVSS + 5 0.85 V/V % ppm/°C LSB LSB/°C nA mV V kΩ kΩ kΩ dB ppm/°C kHz dB V/μs V/V % ppm/°C LSB LSB/°C V MΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ kHz VOUT = ±2 V By design By design Noninverting pin Inverting pin TA = 25°C, VOUT = 100 mV p-p Unit Rev. 0 | 3 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SPECIFICATIONS Table 1. Parameter CMRR Drift BVx_x CVS_x PSRR Slew Rate Power Dissipation Readout Data SNR Update Rate 31.25 kHz (OSR = 32) 15.625 kHz (OSR = 64) 7.8125 kHz (OSR = 128) 3.90625 kHz (OSR = 256) Full-Scale Input Range BATTERY CURRENT AND VOLTAGE ADCS SNR Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SINAD) Ratio Resolution Differential Nonlinearity (DNL)7, 8 Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Sampling Rate VOLTAGE REFERENCE (INTERNAL) Voltage Range Temperature Coefficient RMS Noise PULSE-WIDTH MODULATION (PWM) Resolution Switching Frequency Programmable Dead Time Dead Time Resolution9 Delay from External SYNC (Programmable) Delay Resolution Effective Phase Shift Resolution fSW = 62.5 kHz fSW = 125 kHz fSW = 250 kHz fSW = 500 kHz CHANNEL AC PERFORMANCE Loop Bandwidth (Cross over Frequency) Constant Current (CC) to Constant Voltage (CV) Transition Time Test Conditions/Comments 100 Output Data Resolution analog.com Typ Max Unit 0.235 3 ppm/°C ppm/°C dB V/μs mW 120 0.15 30 MAF = 16, FIR on 91 92 93 93 −4.8 VREF = 2.5 V 1 kHz sine wave at 80% full scale Internal voltage reference +4.8 82 82 16 −1 −6 +1 +6 1 2.495 REFCAP = 1 μF External CLK = 16 MHz 2.500 7 7 2.505 11 16 fSW Minimum Maximum Minimum10 Maximum at fSW = 62.5 kHz11 fSW = 500 kHz fSW = 62.5 kHz Channel to Channel Isolation Intrachannel Isolation Current and Voltage Readout Rate12 Min Minimum OSR13 Maximum OSR dB dB dB dB V dB dB Bits LSB LSB MHz/Channel V ppm/°C μV rms 0 992.2 7.8125 0 16 Bits kHz ns ns ns µs µs 7.8125 ns 0.176 0.352 0.703 1.406 Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees 62.5 500 10 2 16 96 90 31,250 15.26 18 50 kHz μs μs dB dB Samples/sec Samples/sec Bits Rev. 0 | 4 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SPECIFICATIONS Table 1. Parameter AUXILIARY ADC Resolution (Effective) Sampling Rate Input Voltage Range14 Unity-Gain Offset Unity-Gain Offset Drift Current Excitation (4-Bit Programmable) Resolution LOGIC INPUTS (SPI_CS, SPI_SCK, SPI_SDIO, SPI_SDO, FAULT_x, GPIOx, AND HW_IRQ) Input Voltage High (VIH) Input Voltage Low (VIL) Input Current High (IIH) Input Current Low (IIL) Input Pull-Down Current (HW_IRQ Only) Input Capacitance LOGIC OPEN-DRAIN OUTPUTS (SPI_SDIO, SPI_SDO, AND HW_IRQ) Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Leakage Current (IOH) LOGIC OUTPUTS (GPIO) Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Leakage Current (IOH) Output High Voltage (VOH) Slew Rate15 Falling Edge Rising Edge Internal Oscillator Frequency External Oscillator Frequency Power Supplies AHVDD Quiescent Current AHVSS Test Conditions/Comments Min Max Unit 2.4 +1 0.02 Bits Samples/sec Samples/sec V LSB LSB/°C μA μA μA 12 100,000 50,000 DC bus monitor disabled DC bus monitor enabled 0.1 −1 Minimum Maximum 0 750 50 Hysteresis = 600 mV VDDIO × 0.8 VDDIO × 0.2 VIN = VDDIO VIN = DVSS −1 15 4 1 115 V V μA μA μA pF 1 mA load ±0.1 0.4 ±1.0 V μA 0.4 ±1.0 V μA V V V 1 mA load ±0.1 3 3.3 3.6 VDDIO = 3.0 V VDDIO = 3.3 V VDDIO = 3.6 V Default settings 5.2 4 16 16 4.5 Active and standby 3 −26 Active and standby High Voltage Supply Range (AHVDD to AHVSS) AVDD 4 10.6 3 Active Standby AVSS VDDIO Active and standby VDDDRV Active Standby analog.com Typ 3.3 40 3.6 0 3.3 2 3.3 4.6 26 ns ns MHz MHz 30.7 4.2 −4.5 6 36 3.6 47 4.5 6 4.8 30 V mA V mA V V mA mA V V μA V mA μA Rev. 0 | 5 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SPECIFICATIONS Table 1. Parameter Test Conditions/Comments Min AHVSS VDDIO AVDD DVDD VDDDRV PWM DRIVE LOGIC DLx and DHx Drive Voltage16 VOH VOL DL_x and DH_x Sink Resistance DL_x and DH_x Source Resistance Max 3.3 DVDD Power Dissipation AHVDD Typ Unit V Active Standby 21 4.8 AHVDD = 12 V, active and standby AHVSS = −12 V, active and standby Active and standby Active Standby Active Standby Active Standby 50.4 mW 63.6 mW 19.8 155 14.9 72.6 17.2 15.8 99 μW mW mW mW mW mW μW PWM_DRV = 0 0 mA load 15 mA load 0 mA load 15 mA load PWM_DRV = 0 PWM_DRV = 15 PWM_DRV = 0 PWM_DRV = 15 Internal Pull-Down Resistance Drive Capacitive Load 3 2.6 0.6 10 1.8 30 2.2 3.29 2.8 17 0.8 23 2.6 41 3.2 1 10 1 Factory calibration after ADC. 2 Bandwidth is analog only. The readout data bandwidth is limited by the selected over sampling rate (OSR). 3 The moving average filter (MAF) is a 3-bit field in the MAF_CFG register (one per channel). The default value is 8. 4 The finite impulse response (FIR) filter in the readout filter is not bypassed (default). 5 The readout filter update rate is selected in a 5-bit field in the DSP_READOUT_FILT_CFG register. 6 The bandwidth is analog only. The readout data bandwidth is limited by the selected OSR. 7 Guaranteed by design. 8 No missing codes. 9 For sync mode only. 10 CHANNEL_A_PHASE = 0x000 in the PMU_CHANNEL CFG1 register. 11 The 11-bit CHANNEL_A_PHASE in the PMU_CHANNEL_CFG1 register = 0x07FF and is the same for other channels. 12 The readout update rate is set in a 5-bit field in the DSP_READOUT_FILT_CFG register. There is one per channel. 22 5.2 3.3 2.9 25 1 40 5 55 5.1 100 mA mA V V mV V Ω Ω Ω Ω MΩ pF 13 Minimum OSR is based on the maximum readout rate of the current and voltage data for all four channels. 14 Based on 2.5 V nominal VREF. 15 The output pins (SPI_SDIO, SPI_SDO, GPIOx, EXTCLKIO, and HW_IRQ) have xxx_PAD_CFG registers with a 3-bit xxx_SLEW bitfield. The default is 0x7, which is the fastest slew rate. 16 PWM_DRV is a 4-bit field in the PWM_CFG1 channel register. analog.com Rev. 0 | 6 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SPECIFICATIONS Table 2. SPI Bus Timing Parameter TIMING REQUIREMENTS Set-Up SPI_CS to SPI_CLK Edge Minimum SPI_CLK Low Pulse Width Minimum SPI_CLK High Pulse Width Minimum SPI_CLK Period Data Input Setup Time Before SPI_CLK Edge Data Input Hold Time After SPI_CLK Edge Hold SCLK to SPI_CS Deactivate SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Data Output Valid After SPI_CLK Edge SPI_CS to SPI_SDIO/SPI_SDO High-Z Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tS tLO tHI tCLK tDS tDH tH 4 31.25 31.25 62.5 4 4 4 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns tACCESS tZ 4 4 ns ns Figure 2. 3-Wire SPI Bus Timing Diagram analog.com Rev. 0 | 7 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 3. Table 4. Thermal Resistance Parameter Rating Package Type θJA θJC Unit Analog High Voltage Supply (Continuous), AHVDD − AHVSS AHVDD − AVSS AVSS − AHVSS Input Pin Voltages (ISP_x, ISN_x, BVP_x, BVN_x, and CVS_x) Digital Pins (Relative to DVSS) Analog Input Pins (AINx Relative to AIN_COM) DVSS and AVSS DVDD, AVDD, and VDDDRV SPI_SCK, SPI_CS, SPI_SDIO, and SPI_SDO REFIO Temperature Operating Range Storage Range Junction Peak Solder Reflow RoHS-Compliant Assemblies (20 sec to 40 sec) 50 V SW-100-2 27.8 3.9 °C/W 50 V 30 V −0.3 V + AHVSS to AHVDD + 0.3 V −0.3 V to DVDD + 0.3 V −0.3 V to AVDD + 0.3 V −0.3 V to +0.3 V −0.3 V to DVDD + 0.3 V −0.3 V to DVDD + 0.3 V −0.3 V to AVDD + 0.3 V 0°C to +85°C −65°C to +150°C 125°C 260°C Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. SOLDERING It is important to follow the correct guidelines when laying out the PCB footprint for the ADBT1001 and when soldering the device onto the PCB. For detailed information about these guidelines, see the EE-352 Engineer-to-Engineer Note. ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) RATINGS The following ESD information is provided for handling of ESD-sensitive devices in an ESD protected area only. Human body model (HBM) per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. Charged device model (CDM) per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. ESD Ratings for ADBT1001 Table 5. ADBT1001, 100-Lead LQFP_EP ESD Model Withstand Threshold Class HBM 1.5 kV 1C CDM 750 V 1B ESD CAUTION THERMAL RESISTANCE Thermal performance is directly linked to printed circuit board (PCB) design and operating environment. Careful attention to PCB thermal design is required. θJA is the natural convection junction-to-ambient thermal resistance measured in a one cubic foot sealed enclosure. θJC is the junctionto-case thermal resistance. analog.com Rev. 0 | 8 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Figure 3. Pin Configuration analog.com Rev. 0 | 9 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Table 6. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. Mnemonic Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 NC NC CVS_A BVN_A BVP_A ISN_A ISP_A ISP_B ISN_B BVP_B BVN_B CVS_B AHVDD AHVSS CVS_C BVN_C BVP_C ISN_C ISP_C ISP_D ISN_D BVP_D BVN_D CVS_D NC NC NC NC DH_D DL_D VDDDRV DH_C DL_C DH_B DL_B VDDDRV DH_A DL_A DVDD_CAP DVDD NC AVDD AVSS EXTCLKIO DVDD_CAP DVSS NC XTALP XTALN No Connect. No Connect. Channel A Capacitor Voltage Sense Input. Channel A Voltage Sense Negative Input. Channel A Voltage Sense Positive Input. Channel A Current Sense Negative Input. Channel A Current Sense Positive Input. Channel B Current Sense Positive Input. Channel B Current Sense Negative Input. Channel B Voltage Sense Positive Input. Channel B Voltage Sense Negative Input. Channel B Capacitor Voltage Sense Input. AFE Positive Supply. AFE Negative Supply. Ensure AVDD is applied before applying AHVSS. Channel C Capacitor Voltage Sense Input. Channel C Voltage Sense Negative Input. Channel C Voltage Sense Positive Input. Channel C Current Sense Negative Input. Channel C Current Sense Positive Input. Channel D Current Sense Positive Input. Channel D Current Sense Negative Input. Channel D Voltage Sense Positive Input. Channel D Voltage Sense Negative Input. Channel D Capacitor Voltage Sense Input. No Connect. No Connect. No Connect. No Connect. PWM Drive High, Channel D. PWM Drive Low, Channel D. PWM Driver Supply. PWM Drive High, Channel C PWM Drive Low, Channel C. PWM Drive High, Channel B. PWM Drive Low, Channel B. PWM Driver Supply. PWM Drive High, Channel A. PWM Drive Low, Channel A. Digital Supply Source Capacitor. Connect a 10 μF decoupling capacitor from DVDD_CAP to DVSS. Digital Supply Source, 3.3 V Typical. No Connect. Analog Supply Source, 3.3 V Typical. Ensure AVDD is applied before applying AHVSS. Analog Supply Return. External Oscillator Input and Clock Output. Digital Supply Source Capacitor. Connect a 10 μF decoupling capacitor from DVDD_CAP to DVSS. Digital Supply Return. No Connect. External Crystal High-Side Excitation Pin. External Crystal Low-Side Excitation Pin. analog.com Rev. 0 | 10 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Table 6. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. Mnemonic Description 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 AVSS NC AIN_COM AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AVSS REFCAP REFGND REFIOGND REFIO AVDD AVSS FAULT_D FAULT_C FAULT_B FAULT_A RESET GPIO0 GPIO1 VDDIO VDDIO GPIO2 GPIO3 GPIO4 GPIO5 GPIO6 GPIO7 GPIO8 GPIO9 GPIO10 AVDD_CAP AVSS AVDD VDDIO GPIO11 GPIO12 GPIO13 GPIO14 GPIO15 HW_IRQ SPI_SDO SPI_SDIO SPI_SCK Analog Supply Return. No Connect. Analog Input, ADC Common. Analog Input, ADC Channel 0. Analog Input, ADC Channel 1. Analog Input, ADC Channel 2. Analog Input, ADC Channel 3. Analog Input, ADC Channel 4. Analog Input, ADC Channel 5. Analog Input, ADC Channel 6. Analog Input, ADC Channel 7. Analog Power Return. Internal Reference Capacitor. Internal Reference Ground. Ground for Reference Input and Output. Reference Input and Output. Connect a 10 μF from REFIO to AVSS. Analog Power Supply. Ensure AVDD is applied before applying AHVSS. Analog Power Return. Fault Detect Input, PWM Channel D Shutdown. Active low. Fault Detect Input, PWM Channel C Shutdown. Active low. Fault Detect Input, PWM Channel B Shutdown. Active low. Fault Detect Input, PWM Channel A Shutdown. Active low. Chip Reset. Active low. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 0. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 1. Input and Output Supply. Input and Output Supply. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 2. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 3. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 4. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 5. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 6. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 7. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 8. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 9. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 10. Analog Power Return Capacitor. Connect a 10 μF decoupling capacitor from AVDD_CAP to AVSS. Analog Power Return. Analog Power Supply. Ensure AVDD is applied before applying AHVSS. Digital Input and Output Supply. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 11. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 12. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 13. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 14. General-Purpose Digital Input and Output 15. Host Interrupt Request. Active low. Host SPI Master Input, Slave Output (MISO). Host SPI Master Output, Slave Input (MOSI) or Bidirectional. Host SPI Clock. analog.com Rev. 0 | 11 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Table 6. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. Mnemonic Description 99 100 EPAD SPI_CS VDDIO DVSS Host SPI Select. Active low. Input and Output Supply. Exposed Pad. DVSS for DVDD, VDDIO, and VDDDRV. analog.com Rev. 0 | 12 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 4. BVx_x Bias Current vs. Common-Mode Voltage (VCM) Figure 7. CVS_x Gain vs. Frequency Figure 5. ISx_x Bias Current vs. VCM Figure 8. ISx_x Gain vs. Frequency Figure 6. BVx_x Gain vs. Frequency Figure 9. BVx_x CMRR vs. Frequency analog.com Rev. 0 | 13 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS analog.com Figure 10. CVS_x CMRR vs. Frequency Figure 13. CVS_x CMRR vs. Temperature Figure 11. ISx_x CMRR vs. Frequency Figure 14. ISx_x CMRR vs. Temperature Figure 12. BVx_x CMRR vs. Temperature Figure 15. BVx_x Amplifier Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Rev. 0 | 14 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 16. ISx_x Amplifier FFT Figure 19. BVx_x Amplifier Full System DNL Figure 17. BVx_x Channel Histogram Codes at Code Center Figure 20. BVx_x Amplifier Full System INL Figure 18. ISx_x Channel Histogram Codes at Code Center analog.com Figure 21. ISx_x Amplifier Full System DNL Rev. 0 | 15 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 22. ISx_x Amplifier Full System INL Figure 25. ISx_x Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency, G = 40 Figure 23. BVx_x Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency, G = 0.5 Figure 26. BVx_x Amplifier VOS vs. VCM Figure 24. CVS_x Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency, G = 0.5 analog.com Figure 27. ISx_x Amplifier Offset Voltage (VOS) vs. VCM Rev. 0 | 16 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 28. 10 A Step Charge Example in Synchronous Mode, 10 A System Demonstration with 10 AH LiFePO4 (IBATTERY Is the Battery Current) Figure 31. Typical 10 A CC Ripple at 125 kHz, 10 A System Demonstration with 10 AH LiFePO4 Figure 29. Charge to Discharge Transition Example in Synchronous Mode, 10 A System Demonstration with 10 AH LiFePO4 Figure 32. Typical 10 A CC Ripple at 250 kHz, 10 A System Demonstration with 10 AH LiFePO4 Figure 30. Typical 10 A CC Ripple at 62.5 kHz, 10 A System Demonstration with 10 AH LiFePO4 (IOUT Is the Output Current) Figure 33. Typical 10 A CC Ripple at 500 kHz, 10 A System Demonstration with 10 AH LiFePO4 analog.com Rev. 0 | 17 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 THEORY OF OPERATION OVERVIEW The ADBT1001 is a highly integrated digital controller that provides four channels of charge and discharge control with a focus on battery formation and test applications. Each channel is composed of a precision analog front end (AFE), measuring both battery current and voltage using a high accuracy ADC, a user programmable digital compensator, and a precision PWM. Additionally, there are 8 auxiliary ADC channels and 16 GPIOx pins. Figure 34. Functional Block Diagram analog.com Rev. 0 | 18 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 THEORY OF OPERATION ANALOG FRONT END Each channel has a precision current sense differential amplifier with a fixed gain of 40 and a precision voltage sense differential amplifier with a fixed gain of 0.5. A pair of simultaneous sampling ADCs converts the conditioned current and voltage signals to 12-bit digital representations before transferring the signals to the digital controller. DIGITAL CONTROLLER A finite state machine (FSM)-based proportional integral derivative (PID) controller provides digital loop control. The controller has user-programmable filter coefficients for control loop compensation. Current and voltage setpoints are register based and are configured by the user over a host SPI. Power and resistance setpoints are also available. Separate current and voltage control loops support CC and CV, as well as constant power (CP) and constant resistance (CR) operating modes. The controller output is used to command the duty cycle of an 16-bit digital PWM. Operation of the controller is discussed in the Sequencer Operation Example section. HOST SPI Control is provided by an external host through a 3-wire or a 4-wire SPI. Use the SPI_CS, SPI_SCK, and SPI_SDIO pins for the 3-wire SPI and use the SPI_CS, SPI_SCK, SPI_SDIO, and SPI_SDO pins for the 4-wire SPI. This interface is used to configure the controller through the memory mapped registers. These registers are introduced in Table 11. HOST INTERRUPT REQUEST Use the HW_IRQ signal, HW_IRQ, to provide interrupt requests to the host. Use the SPI port accessible set of registers to select which internal events generate host interrupt requests. Event options include system errors, channel data ready, channel voltage and current over limit detection, channel operation complete, and auxiliary ADC high and low threshold detection. CLOCKING The ADBT1001 derives all internal clocking from either an internal oscillator, an external 16 MHz crystal, or an external 16 MHz oscillator. Phase interleaving can be configured to help minimize input ripple as well as output ripple when channels are paralleled for greater current capacity. Additionally, multiple devices can be synchronized together, which enables parallel channel operation in multiples of four. The master device provides a 16 MHz clock on the EXTCLKIO pin, and this clock signal is an input at the EXTCLKIO pin on the slave device. GPIOX PINS There are 16 GPIOx pins on the ADBT1001. Typical GPIOx pin usage includes controlling the dc bus and battery isolation switches or getting the digital inputs from the digital sources. The GPIOx pins are user-programmable through the following set of memory mapped registers. The GPIOx pins used for the battery isolation analog.com switches can be assigned in the global registers for sequencer control. This assigning facilitates the precharge operation at startup that prevents reverse current when connecting to the battery. Additionally, the GPIOx pins can be configured to provide interdevice digital current sharing communications when using multiple ADBT1001 devices in parallel. The GPIO_PAD_CFG register is used to configure the GPIOx pin parameters including slew rate, hysteresis, and drive strength. The default bitfields, GPIO_SLEW, GPIO_HYST, and GPIO_DRV, have default settings of 5 ns, 600 mV, and 10 Ω, respectively. These default values are typically acceptable for most applications. The GPIOx pins can be individually configured as inputs or outputs by using the 16-bit GPIO_IEN_CFG and GPIO_OEN_CFG registers, respectively. Bits[15:0] in each register corresponds to GPIO0 through GPIO15. When configured as standard GPIOx pins, there are five 16-bit registers that can interact with these pins. In each case, Bit 0 corresponds to GPIO0, and Bit 15 corresponds to GPIO15. The GPIO_READ register can be read to see the state of each GPIOx pin, and the GPIO_WRITE register can be written to set the output pins as 1 or 0. The GPIO_SET, GPIO_CLEAR, and GPIO_TOGGLE registers set, clear, or toggle, respectively, the GPIOx pins that are set as standard GPIOx pin outputs. In addition to basic user-controlled GPIO operations, the GPIOx pins can be configured for specific operation modes. This configuration is done through the GPIO_MODE_CFG0 (for GPIO0 through GPIO7 pins) and the GPIO_MODE_CFG1 (for GPIO8 through GPIO15 pins) registers. All GPIOx pins can be configured as either standard GPIO input and output functions or can be controlled by the sequencer. The latter is used to control a battery isolation switch that is used as part of the precharge operation. Additional options for GPIO0 through GPIO7 are unique functions used for interdevice communications when multiple devices are used in parallel. When a GPIOx pin is controlled by the sequencer in a particular channel, there is also a channel GPIO_CFG register where the 4 LSBs are used to select which GPIOx pin is controlled by the sequencer of the channel. AUXILIARY ADC An 8-channel, 12-bit ADC is available for dedicated (for example, internal temperature) or general-purpose external measurements. Note that four of the channels have optional current sources for use with the external thermistors for temperature measurement. The dc bus voltage can also be sensed on an ADC channel and used in a feedforward control mechanism to reduce the effect of dc bus transients. All auxiliary ADC operations are user configurable. Rev. 0 | 19 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 THEORY OF OPERATION SUPPORTS COULOMBIC EFFICIENCY MEASUREMENT Coulombic efficiency is a ratio of the capacity during discharge to the capacity during charge. The device supports this efficiency through the integration of current over time. The integration results are accessible through a set of registers. analog.com SUPPORTS PRECHARGE OPERATION When connecting to a cell before a new formation or test cycle, there is a possibility of having a large inrush current from the battery to the discharged output stage. The device allows a user to precharge the output stage before connecting to the cell, which is described in additional detail in the Precharge Operation section. Rev. 0 | 20 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER INSTRUCTION DEFINITION The ADBT1001 works by executing instructions on each of the four channels. Each instruction manages the control loop. The ADBT1001 can operate with CC, CV, CP, and CR modes of operation. SEQUENCING MODES Three possible sequencing modes exist to execute instructions from a user point of view: manual, semiautomatic, and automatic. Manual Mode In manual sequencing mode, the host central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for feeding instructions to the device. The user writes the full instruction into the next instruction area (that is, the registers prefixed with SEQ_NEXT_xxx) of the channel register map. The user writes to the self clearing start bit after, which initiates the execution of this instruction. The instruction provides a limit or a timeout that can generate a flag that goes into the interrupt controller. The user must service the interrupt, write the next instruction, and set the start bit. The device continues to execute the last instruction until the host CPU services the interrupt. The register map inside the channel provides a fixed layout for the instruction. The repercussion of this layout is that all possible fields are available independently, whether the instruction uses that information or not. The host CPU is responsible for writing to all the required fields for the instruction to execute as expected. A double buffer mechanism exists to write the instruction. Only when the start bit is written to the channel is a copy of the instruction forwarded to the state machine and executed. This technique allows the next instruction to be written in advance. Access to the registers regarding the instruction executing is available as a debug feature. Figure 35. Manual Sequencing Mode analog.com Rev. 0 | 21 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER Semiautomatic Mode In semiautomatic mode, the copy of the next instruction executes when the following conditions are met: The current instruction hits the limits (voltage, current, or time), which are the same reasons why an interrupt can be raised in manual mode. ► A new instruction has been completely written in the register map. ► To avoid executing the same instruction sequentially, there is a bitfield that indicates when the next instruction is fully programmed as follows: A flag is set by the user through the self clearing NEXT_INSTR_READY bit in the register map. ► A flag is cleared whenever the instruction is copied from the register map. ► The start bit copies the instruction regardless of what the status of the previous instruction is. Such an operation clears the internal register. A readback for the internal flag is then provided through the register map for debug purposes. Automatic Mode In automatic sequencing mode, all instructions must be programmed into the instruction memory before setting the start bit. The start bit resets the instruction pointer to the start of the channel memory. Each instruction provides a limit or a timeout that terminates the current instruction and advances the instruction pointer to the next instruction. The channel issues a flag to the interrupt controller when all instructions complete execution. The device inhibits any activity on the DH and DL signals once the instruction sequence terminates. The instructions stored in the channel memory have variable length payloads using 16-bit words. A fixed header is a one word length. The payload depends on the instruction declared in the header. The instruction pointer advances according to the expected payload. A GUI is available to help users code instruction memory. Figure 36. Automatic Sequencing Mode analog.com Rev. 0 | 22 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE INSTRUCTION MODES The device provides two PID control loops per channel, the current loop and the voltage loop. Only one PID control loop is in control at any given time. The PID control loop in control is the one with the smallest error between the filtered ADC sample and the target setpoint. Note that, VMEAS is the measurement on the V channel. ► ► There are four independent bits to configure how the control loop behaves: CC, where the I channel is in control, and the loop target is set to the current setpoint (ISET). ► CV, where the V channel is in control, and the loop target is set to the voltage setpoint (VSET). ► CP, where the I channel is in control, and the loop target is set to the power setpoint (PSET/VMEAS). ► CR, where the I channel is in control, and the loop target is set to the resistance setpoint (VMEAS × GSET). ► There are 16 possible mode combinations or 32 including whether the loop is charging or discharging the battery. The VSET bits (15 LSBs in Register SEQ_NEXT_VSET) can refer to either the absolute value or a delta value based on VMEAS, as determined by the VSET_DELTA bit (MSB in Register SEQ_NEXT_VSET). The main purpose of the delta is to allow the programming of a VSET value at some offset from the last VMEAS value. The start-up (that is, precharge) procedure uses the VSET_DELTA bit with zero offset to get to the current battery voltage value. The precharge operation is discussed in the Precharge Operation section. CHARGE AND DISCHARGE INSTRUCTION LIMITS There are three 16-bit programmable fields that represent instruction limits. VLIMIT is associated with the CC mode of operation and can be used to signal the end point of a CC charge or discharge. ILIMIT is associated with the CV mode of operation and is typically used to signal the end point for a CV charge or discharge operation. TLIMIT can be used to either set the duration of an instruction or to set an error overlimit when an instruction should have completed earlier. VLIMIT The following details the operation of the VLIMIT bits (Register SEQ_VLIMIT): The VLIMIT threshold flags the instruction end on a charge or discharge instruction with CC mode. ► In an instruction with both the CV and CC modes, VLIMIT avoids early instruction termination by not letting any crossing through ILIMIT (Bits[14:0], ► analog.com ► ► Register SEQ_ILIMIT) to end the instruction before VLIMIT is crossed. In addition, the V channel PID is not allowed to take control until this threshold is reached. If the VLIMIT_DELTA (MSB) bit is cleared, the VLIMIT bits, Bits[14:0], represent an absolute positive voltage. If the VLIMIT_DELTA bit is set, the limit is understood as an increment (charge) or a decrement (discharge) from the first VMEAS value read during the execution of an instruction. The main purpose of this bit is to set this limit dynamically without having to read the ADC value before programming this instruction. This bit is related to the VSET_DELTA bit (Register SEQ_VSET). The VLIMIT is reached when the measured voltage is higher or equal to the VLIMIT threshold with a charge instruction. The VLIMIT is reached when the measured voltage is lower or equal to the VLIMIT threshold with a discharge instruction. ILIMIT The following details the operation of the ILIMIT bits (Register SEQ_ILIMIT): The ILIMIT threshold flags the instruction end on a charge or discharge instruction with the CV mode active. ► The ILIMIT bits, Bits[14:0], always represent the absolute current magnitude. ► The ILIMIT is reached when the measured current is lower or equal to the ILIMIT threshold with a charge instruction. A reverse current while charging triggers the limit. ► The ILIMIT is reached when the measured current is higher or equal to the negative value of the ILIMIT threshold with a battery discharge instruction. A reverse current while discharging triggers the limit. ► TLIMIT The following details the usage of the NEXT_TLIMIT_SCALE and NEXT_TLIMIT_VAL bitfields (Register SEQ_NEXT_TLIMIT): TLIMIT is the target for a timeout trigger event. The trigger is asserted when the elapsed time is equal or greater than TLIMIT. ► A timeout trigger event can be used for either an error, if an instruction must terminate through another limit, or for a timed execution of an instruction (no error). ► The SEQ_NEXT_TLIMIT, Bits[15:0], are encoded as the following: ► NEXT_TLIMIT_SCALE, Bits[15:14] are the time units, 3 = minutes, 2 = minutes, 1 = milliseconds, and 0 = microseconds. ► NEXT_TLIMIT_VAL, Bits[13:0] are the integer value. ► ► The time units set the resolution and the maximum time value. On a scale of minutes, the resolution is minutes, and the maximum time is 11.3 days. On a scale of microseconds, the resolution is microseconds, and the maximum time is approximately 16.5 ms. Rev. 0 | 23 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER Zero Value Limit Implications FLAGS The following limit values have special meaning: The flag block generates flags that end up in the interrupt controller block. The user then unmasks individual flags (in the INT_EN_CH_x registers), as required, to generate interrupts. Flags are cleared when the channel interrupt status register containing the flag is read. TLIMIT_VAL = 0 means that the timeout is disabled, and no flag is generated. ► ILIMIT = 0, or any low value, means that a CV operation can take a long time to complete. ► VLIMIT = 0 causes a CC operation to terminate immediately. ► SLEW RATE The device provides a slew rate function of the programmed targets that smooths out the transition between instructions. With this function disabled, a step waveform is seen at the error signal of the control loop. With this function enabled, the step waveform is transformed into a ramp waveform. If the target value slewing function is enabled, the target value ramps from its measured value into the programmed target value as part of the instruction. The register map provides the slew rate for the ISET and VSET bits. The rate is described within two fields: code and time. The code units are in ADC codes, and the time is within the PID and PWM update rate. The starting point for the ramp is the first value measured with the following limitations: In a charge instruction, ISET cannot be a negative value. If there is a back current, ISET starts from 0, ramping up to the setpoint target. ► In a discharge instruction, ISET cannot be a positive value. If there is a positive current, ISET starts from 0, ramping down to the setpoint target. ► VSET is always positive. ► A charge and discharge instruction that uses CC ramps ISET. A charge and discharge instruction for CV ramps VSET. PARALLEL OPERATION Multiple channels can work in parallel to increase the working current. When multiple channels work in parallel, a channel is declared as the master and transmits the measurement for the I channel (IMEAS) to the other channels. The master channel works as described in the Two Parallel—Two Independent Channels Use Case section and the Four Channels in Parallel Use Case section. The other channels operate in CC mode and target the raw IMEAS from the master channel. Note that the IMEAS value compensates for gain and offset. The INSTR_DONE flag is set when an instruction hits the last limit, or if it was the REST instruction when the timeout is reached. Keep this flag separate from the SEQ_DONE flag for debug purposes. When a new instruction loads, the INSTR_DONE flag resets in automatic mode. The start bit can only reset the INSTR_DONE flag in manual mode. If in automatic mode, the SEQ_DONE flag is set when the last instruction finishes. When in manual mode, this flag is never set, and the start bit resets the SEQ_DONE flag. The INSTR_TIMEOUT flag results when the timeout is reached if the flag was not another limit termination or the HALT instruction. The VMEAS_OVER_LMT and IMEAS_OVER_LMT flags result when the input data (ADC raw data for better latency) reaches user specified VMEAS and IMEAS low and high levels, specifically VMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_LOW_THLD and VMEAS_ OVER_LIMITS_HIGH_THLD, as well as IMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_LOW_THLD and IMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_HIGH_THLD, respectively. User can also specify the number of consecutive overlimit samples for detection. The INSTR_USER_IRQ flag is set when the sequencer reads the next instruction with the NEXT_USER_IRQ bit set in the channel SEQ_NEXT_INST register and finishes the execution of that instruction. The INSTR_ERR flag is set during various events that are not part of the instruction. An instruction error writes a debug error code in the channel register map so that it can be read by the host. Codes include malformed instruction and division by zero. The INSTR_MODE_TRANS flag is set upon detection of a mode transition, such as a CC to CV transition. Table 7. Sequencer Flags Flag Description Instruction Finished, INSTR_DONE Instruction has ended. If in manual sequencing mode, the device expects a new instruction. Instruction halt was run or instruction pointer points outside of the instruction memory. If instruction is set to flag timeouts, TLIMIT was met. IMEAS is outside of the globally programmed thresholds. Sequence Finished, SEQ_DONE Groups of channels working in parallel can span multiple devices. Transmitting of the IMEAS between channels on a single device happens inside a PID cycle. Transmitting of the IMEAS between channels of different devices is dependent on the interchip SPI communications rate of 8 MHz. Communications between the master and slave devices take 2 μs per 16-bit IMEAS transfer. analog.com Timeout, INSTR_TIMEOUT Measurement Current (IMEASUREMENT) Overlimit, IMEAS_OVER_LMT Rev. 0 | 24 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER Table 7. Sequencer Flags Bits[1:0] of the header define the instruction, INST_TYPE. Instructions include rest, stop, charge, or discharge. Flag Description Measurement Voltage (VMEASUREMENTS) Overlimit, VMEAS_OVER_LMT User Interrupt, INSTR_USER_IRQ VMEAS is outside of the globally programmed thresholds. CC , CV, CP, and CR are bits in the header that represent a mode of operation for the charge or the discharge of the battery. The instruction with the NEXT_USER_IRQ bit was executed. Various motives. This flag is a read instruction error code. The instruction transitioned from one mode to another, such as from CC to CV mode in a CC to CV operation. DISABLE_VI_LIMITS disables the use of VLIMIT or ILIMIT for determining instruction end conditions. This bit also disables flagging any voltage or current measurement overlimits. Instruction Error, INSTR_ERR Instruction Mode Transition, INSTR_MODE_TRANS GLOBAL REGISTER SETTINGS The following global register settings list sits outside of the channel register map, and these settings affect all four channels: PWM and loop update rate, which is common for all changes, and the rates can be configured for 500 kHz, 250 kHz, 125 kHz, and 62.5 kHz. ► Configuration of channels for parallel operation. ► Interrupt controller settings. ► Auxiliary ADC configuration and readout. ► CHANNEL STATIC SETTINGS The channel static settings that follow are registers that reside in each of the channel register maps, but these settings are not controllable per instruction. Slew rate settings (the enable bit is in the instruction) ► Measurement overlimit thresholds (hard limits that automatically turn-off the channel) ► PWM automatic asynchronous mode transition thresholds ► Digital signal processor (DSP) datapath settings follow: ► Readout filter decimation rate ► Numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) ► Frequency response analysis (FRA) demodulator ► PWM_AUTO_ASYNC_ENABLE enables or disables the automatic PWM asynchronous mode transition based on current measurements. TLIMIT_MODE indicates whether the time limit is a normal end condition, or if this bit is a timeout error that, if reached, raises a flag. SLEW_EN enables a procedure in the charge or the discharge where either ISET or VSET targets are ramped. GPIO_VAL sets the value of the channel associated GPIOx. In a standard application, this associated GPIOx controls a switch that connects or disconnects the battery from the voltage regulator. A static register inside the channel register map determines which GPIOx that this GPIO_VAL bit controls. LOOP_START, when set, represents the first instruction that is part of a loop. The hardware stores the address pointer. When set, the first word in the payload must be the number of iterations of the loop. The instruction sets the loop counter with this value if the internal loop counter is 0. LOOP_END, when set, represents the last instruction that is part of the loop. The loop counter decrements. If the new loop counter value is not 0, the program jumps to the first instruction of the loop. The V_SEL bit represents the two following options for feeding data into the V channel: INSTRUCTION SET ARCHITECTURE Battery voltage measurement = 1’b0 means that the measurement is taken across the BVP_x and BVN_x pins. ► Capacitor voltage measurement = 1’b1 means that the measurement is taken across the CVS_x and BVN_x pins. The instructions that can be programmed into the channel sequencer follow. The word size in memory is 16 bits wide. Each instruction has one word as the header and zero or more words as the payloads. PID_COEF_SET represents the different options for the PID coefficients. It is desirable to reserve one set for the start-up procedure when the battery is not connected, and another set for the charge or discharge instructions. To simplify register diagrams, 16-bit words are drawn into two rows describing the lower 8 bits first and the higher 8 bits second. USER_IRQ makes the instruction raise a user-defined interrupt at instruction completion. ► Manual sequencing mode provides a limited set of instructions. Bits marked with the X mean that the contents of those bits are do not care. It is recommended to write 0s in these bits. analog.com Rev. 0 | 25 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER Table 8. Instruction Header Header 7 6 5 4 3 2 Header LSB Bits PWM_AUTO_ ASYNC_ ENABLE TLIMIT_MODE DISABLE_VI_ LIMITS CR CP CC CV USER_IRQ PID_COEF_SET V_SEL LOOP_END LOOP_START Header MSB Bits analog.com 1 0 INST_TYPE[1:0] GPIO_VAL SLEW_EN Rev. 0 | 26 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER During a rest instruction, the PID output is held for the duration of TLIMIT to have it ready for the following instruction. The PWM outputs are overridden with a logic low level. GPIO_VAL can be used to disconnect the battery. The channels can also be used as a data acquisition system for taking voltage and current measurements during this instruction. Halt Halt is coded with INST_TYPE = 2’b00. This instruction halts the program thus raising the channel SEQ_DONE flag in automatic mode. The program pointer is not advanced. The PWM (DH_x/DL_x) outputs are overridden with a logic low level. The rest instruction payload is shown in Table 9. Note that TLIMIT is a required parameter. A LOOP_CNT value is needed if LOOP_START is set. In automatic mode only, LOOP_CNT (8-bit count) must be included if the LOOP_START bit is set in the instruction. A later instruction with the LOOP_END bit set determines the end of the list of instructions that get repeated in the loop. There is no payload associated with the halt instruction. Rest Rest is coded with INST_TYPE = 2’b01. Table 9. Rest Instruction Payload Payload Payload 0 LSB Bits Payload 0 MSB Bits Payload 1 LSB Bits Payload 1 MSB Bits analog.com 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TLIMIT, Bits[7:0] TLIMIT, Bits[15:8] LOOP_CNT, Bits[7:0] (Only if LOOP_START is set) X (Don't Care) Rev. 0 | 27 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER The DH_x and DL_x outputs are active and based on the control loop. Charge and Discharge Operation These instructions are the main purpose of the ADBT1001 and controls the charge or discharge of the battery. The VLIMIT_DELTA and VSET_DELTA bits tell whether VLIMIT or VSET are based on the last V channel measurement. The payload depends on which bitfields are enabled in the header. Table 10. Charge and Discharge Instruction Payload Header or Payload 7 Header LSBs1 Header MSBs1 Payload 0 LSB Bits Payload 0 MSB Bits X (Don't Care) Payload 1 LSB Bits VSET_ Payload 1 MSB Bits DELTA Payload 2 LSB Bits Payload 2 MSB Bits Payload 3 LSB Bits Payload 3 MSB Bits Payload 4 LSB Bits Payload 4 MSB Bits X (Don't Care) Payload 5 LSB Bits VLIMIT_ Payload 5 MSB Bits DELTA Payload 6 LSB Bits Payload 6 MSB Bits Payload 7 LSB Bits Payload 7 MSB Bits 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ISET, Bits[7:0] (Only if CC is set) ISET, Bits[14:8] (Only if CC is set) VSET, Bits[7:0] (Only if CV is set) VSET[14:8] (Only if CV is set) PSET[7:0] (Only if CP is set) PSET[15:8] (Only if CP is set) GSET[7:0] (Only if CR is set) GSET[15:8] (Only if CR is set) ILIMIT, Bits[7:0] (Only if CV is set) ILIMIT, Bits[14:8] (Only if CV is set) VLIMIT, Bits[7:0] (Only if CC is set) VLIMIT, Bits[14:8] (Only if CC is set) TLIMIT, Bits[7:0] TLIMIT, Bits[15:8] LOOP_CNT2, Bits[7:0] (Only if LOOP_START is set) X (Don't Care) 1 See the Instruction Set Architecture section and Table 8 for additional information on this row. 2 In automatic mode only, LOOP_CNT (8-bit count) must be included if the LOOP_START bit is set in the instruction. A later instruction with the LOOP_END bit set determines the end of the list of instructions that get repeated in the loop. analog.com Rev. 0 | 28 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 SEQUENCER SEQUENCER OPERATION EXAMPLE To highlight how limits and setpoints interact, a CC to CV charge example description follows. CC to CV Charge Operation Figure 37 demonstrates the ISET, VSET, ILIMIT, and VLIMIT usage in a CC to CV charge operation. ISET and VSET are the target CC and CV values, respectively. ILIMIT is the battery current level that signifies the end of the CV portion of the charge cycle. VLIMIT is the minimum battery voltage level before the CV loop can compete for control with the CC loop. The charge operation starts at t0. The charge current is 0, and the battery voltage is an open-circuit voltage at the start. From t0 to t1, only the CC loop is in control. t1 is where the battery voltage exceeds VLIMIT. Without VLIMIT, the charge can stop prematurely because the initial battery current at start is 0, which is less than ILIMIT. From t1 to t2, both the CC and the CV loops are competing for control. The loop with the lowest error is in control. At t2, control transitions from CC to CV loop. Note that the error between the battery voltage and VSET is 0. From t2 to t3, the CV loop is in control, and the charge current decreases. At t3, the charge current reaches ILIMIT. In manual sequencer mode, an INSTR_DONE flag generates that can in turn generate an interrupt request. The host must service the interrupt request and either stop the instruction or start a new one. Otherwise, in manual mode, the current instruction keeps executing. In semiautomatic mode, if another instruction is preloaded, it starts executing when the current instruction limit is reached. Otherwise, with no preloaded next instruction, the same operation continues execution as manual mode. In either case, an INSTR_DONE flag is set that can be used to generate a host interrupt. In automatic mode, the next instruction in the sequence executes. Figure 37. CC to CV Operation analog.com Rev. 0 | 29 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 11. Register Block Summary Name Block Address SPI_SLV_CTRL SYSTEM_CTRL ADC_CTRL CHANNEL_CTRLA CHANNEL_CTRLB CHANNEL_CTRLC CHANNEL_CTRLD CHANNEL_MEM0 CHANNEL_MEM1 CHANNEL_MEM2 CHANNEL_MEM3 SPI_SLV_CTRL MISC_CTRL_DIG ADC_COMMON_SETTINGS CHANNEL_REGMAP CHANNEL_REGMAP CHANNEL_REGMAP CHANNEL_REGMAP SEQ_MEMORY SEQ_MEMORY SEQ_MEMORY SEQ_MEMORY 0x0000 0x1000 0x2800 0x3000 0x3200 0x3400 0x3600 0x3800 0x3A00 0x3C00 0x3E00 Table 11 shows the various ADBT1001 register blocks and their starting address. The SPI_SLV_CTRL block contains a set of registers used to configure the SPI port and communications protocol. The SYSTEM_CTRL block contains a set of global registers. These include system configuration, auxiliary ADC configuration, auxiliary ADC data readback, multichannel configuration, and interrupt management. The ADC_CTRL block contains a few registers used to enable the auxiliary ADC channels and to enable the current excitation for the external temperature measurement. Each of the four CHANNEL_CTRLx blocks contain the same set of registers, whose addresses are offset by 0x0200 from channel to channel. These individual channel blocks configure channel sequencer operations, diagnostics configuration, and data readback. The CHANNEL_MEMx blocks do not contain any registers. Instead, these blocks each include 128 16-bit locations to store sequencer configuration parameters when automatic mode operation is selected. Table 12. SPI_SLV_CTRL (SPI_SLV_CTRL) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x0 0x1 0x2 INTERFACE_CONFIG STREAM_MODE INTERFACE_STATUS Interface Configuration Configure Loop Count Interface Status 0x06 0x00 0x00 R/W R/W R/W Table 13. SYSTEM_CTRL (MISC_CTRL_DIG) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x1000 0x1001 RST_CTRL PMU_CLOCK_SEL 0x0000 0x0001 R/W R/W 0x1002 PMU_CHANNEL_CFG0 0x0010 R/W 0x1003 PMU_CHANNEL_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1004 PMU_CHANNEL_CFG2 0x0200 R/W 0x1005 PMU_CHANNEL_CFG3 0x0400 R/W 0x1006 PMU_CHANNEL_CFG4 0x0600 R/W 0x1010 0x1012 0x1013 0x1014 0x101F 0x1020 RST_STA PMU_CLOCK_STATUS PMU_OTP_STATUS PMU_CHANNEL_STATUS REV_ID_INFO SPI_SLV_PAD_CFG 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x00B2 0x0E2A R/W R R R R R/W 0x1021 0x1022 FAULT_PAD_CFG GPIO_PAD_CFG 0x0002 0x0035 R/W R/W 0x1023 EXTCLKIO_PAD_CFG 0x0035 R/W 0x1024 HW_IRQ_PAD_CFG Software Reset Control Register Power Management Unit (PMU) Clock Selection Register Channel Enable Selection Register Phase Adjustment for Channel A PWM Signal Register Phase Adjustment for Channel B PWM Signal Register Phase Adjustment for Channel C PWM Signal Register Phase Adjustment for Channel D PWM Signal Register Reset Status Register PMU Clock Status Register PMU OTP Status Register PWM Locking Status Register Revision ID Register SPI Slave Pad Configuration Register Fault Pad Configuration Register GPIO0 to GPOI1 Pad Configuration Register External Input and Output Clock Pad Configuration Register Hardware Interrupt Pad Configuration Register 0x003D R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 30 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 13. SYSTEM_CTRL (MISC_CTRL_DIG) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x1025 GPIO_IEN_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x1026 GPIO_OEN_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x1027 GPIO_MODE_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1028 GPIO_MODE_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1029 0x102A 0x102B 0x102C 0x102D 0x1040 GPIO_READ GPIO_WRITE GPIO_SET GPIO_CLEAR GPIO_TOGGLE AIN0_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 R R/W W W W R/W 0x1041 AIN0_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1042 AIN0_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x1043 AIN1_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1044 AIN1_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1045 AIN1_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x1046 AIN2_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1047 AIN2_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1048 AIN2_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x1049 AIN3_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x104A AIN3_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x104B AIN3_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x104C AIN4_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x104D AIN4_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x104E AIN4_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x104F AIN5_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1050 AIN5_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1051 AIN5_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x1052 AIN6_FILT_CFG0 GPIO Input Enable Configuration Register GPIO Output Enable Configuration Register GPIO0 to GPIO7 Mode Configuration Register GPIO8 to GPIO15 Mode Configuration Register GPIO Data Read Register GPIO Data Write Register GPIO Data Set Register GPIO Data Clear Register GPIO Data Toggle Register Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN0 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN0 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN0 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN1 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN1 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN1 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN2 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN2 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN2 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN3. Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN3 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN3 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN4 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN4 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN4 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN5 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN5 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN5 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN6 0x0000 R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 31 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 13. SYSTEM_CTRL (MISC_CTRL_DIG) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x1053 AIN6_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1054 AIN6_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x1055 AIN7_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1056 AIN7_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1057 AIN7_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x1058 TEMP_AFE_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1059 TEMP_AFE_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x105A TEMP_AFE_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x105B TEMP_DSP_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x105C TEMP_DSP_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x105D TEMP_DSP_FILT_CFG2 0x0010 R/W 0x105E DC_BUS_FILT_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x105F DC_BUS_FILT_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1060 DC_BUS_FILT_CFG2 0x0001 R/W 0x1061 DC_BUS_FILT_CFG3 0x0000 R/W 0x1062 TEMP_INT_CAL_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x1063 TEMP_CAL_0 0x0000 R/W 0x1064 TEMP_CAL_1 0x0000 R/W 0x1065 TEMP_CAL_2 0x0000 R/W 0x1066 TEMP_CAL_3 0x0000 R/W 0x106B TEMP_CAL_INV_MSB_0 0x0000 R/W 0x106C TEMP_CAL_INV_LSB_0 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN6 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN6 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN7 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN7 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to AIN7 Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to Temperature AFE Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to Temperature AFE Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to Temperature AFE Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to Temperature DSP Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to Temperature DSP Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to Temperature DSP Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to DC Bus Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to DC Bus Configuration Register for Filtering Applied to DC Bus DC Bus Filter Initial Delay in Multiples of 32 μs Register Configuration for Temperature Gain and Offset Internal Calibration Register Temperature Value for Calibration Point 0 Register Temperature Value for Calibration Point 1 Register Temperature Value for Calibration Point 2 Register Temperature Value for Calibration Point 3 Register Slope Between Temperature 0 and Temperature 1 MSBs Register Slope Between Temperature 0 and Temperature 1 LSBs Register 0x0000 R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 32 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 13. SYSTEM_CTRL (MISC_CTRL_DIG) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x106D TEMP_CAL_INV_MSB_1 0x0000 R/W 0x106E TEMP_CAL_INV_LSB_1 0x0000 R/W 0x106F TEMP_CAL_INV_MSB_2 0x0000 R/W 0x1070 TEMP_CAL_INV_LSB_2 0x0000 R/W 0x1071 TEMP_EXT_CAL_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x1072 TEMP_EXT_CAL_CFG1 0x0000 R/W 0x1080 AIN0_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1081 AIN1_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1082 AIN2_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1083 AIN3_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1084 AIN4_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1085 AIN5_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1086 AIN6_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1087 AIN7_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1088 TEMP_AFE_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1089 TEMP_DSP_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1090 DC_BUS_READOUT 0x0000 R 0x1091 0x8000 R 0x10A0 DC_BUS_CORR_FACTOR_ READOUT MC_CTRL 0x0000 R/W 0x10A1 MC_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x10A2 MC_CFG1 Slope Between Temperature 1 and Temperature 2 MSBs Register Slope Between Temperature 1 and Temperature 2 LSBs Register Slope Between Temperature 2 and Temperature 3 MSBs Register Slope Between Temperature 2 and Temperature 3 LSBs Register Configuration for Temperature I Gain External Calibration Register Configuration for Temperature I Gain External Calibration Register Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN0 Register Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN1 Register Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN2 Register Result of the Measure on External Pin AIN3 Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN4 Register Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN5 Register Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN6 Register Result of the Measure on the External Pin AIN7 Register Result of the Temperature Measure of the AFE Domain Register Result of the Temperature Measure of the DSP Domain Register Result of the DC Bus Filter Used for Correction in All PIDs Register DC Bus Correction Factor for All Channels Register Multichannel Global Control Register Multichannel Mode, Slave Channels Configuration Register Multichannel Mode, External Communications Configuration Register 0x0020 R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 33 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 13. SYSTEM_CTRL (MISC_CTRL_DIG) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x10A3 MC_PAD_CFG0 0x002A R/W 0x10A4 MC_PAD_CFG1 0x0DDD R/W 0x10C0 SYSTEM_INT_EN 0x0000 R/W 0x10C1 INT_EN_CH_A 0x0000 R/W 0x10C2 INT_EN_CH_B 0x0000 R/W 0x10C3 INT_EN_CH_C 0x0000 R/W 0x10C4 INT_EN_CH_D 0x0000 R/W 0x10C5 INT_EN_AUX_ADC0 0x0000 R/W 0x10C6 INT_EN_AUX_ADC1 0x0000 R/W 0x10D0 0x10D1 SYSTEM_INT_ST INT_ST_CH_A 0x0000 0x0000 R/W R/W 0x10D2 INT_ST_CH_B 0x0000 R/W 0x10D3 INT_ST_CH_C 0x0000 R/W 0x10D4 INT_ST_CH_D 0x0000 R/W 0x10D5 INT_ST_AUX_ADC0 0x0000 R/W 0x10D6 INT_ST_AUX_ADC1 Multichannel Mode, Pad Configuration Register for Slave SPI Multichannel Mode, Pad Configuration Register for Master SPI System Interrupt Enable Register Channel A Interrupt Enable Register Channel B Interrupt Enable Register Channel C Interrupt Enable Register Channel D Interrupt Enable Register Auxiliary Measurements Interrupt Enable Register Auxiliary Measurements Interrupt Enable Register System Interrupt Status Register Channel A Interrupt Status Register Channel B Interrupt Status Register Channel C Interrupt Status Register Channel D Interrupt Status Register Auxiliary Measurements Interrupt Status Register Auxiliary Measurements Interrupt Status Register 0x0000 R/W Table 14. ADC_CTRL (ADC_COMMON_SETTINGS) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x2800 AUX_ADC_CFG0 0x0000 R/W 0x2801 AUX_ADC_CFG1 0x4000 R/W 0x2803 ADC_COMMON_REG Current Values for External Thermistor Applied in AIN0 to AIN3 Pins Register Control for Auxiliary Inputs and Temperature Sensor Being Measured Register AFE Chopping and Internal Reference Amplifier Settings Register 0x00DA R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 34 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x3000 SEQ_CTRL 0x0000 R/W 0x3001 SEQ_STATUS 0x0000 R 0x3002 SEQ_MEM_PTR 0x0000 R 0x3003 SEQ_INST 0x0000 R/W 0x3004 SEQ_ISET 0x0000 R/W 0x3005 SEQ_VSET 0x0000 R/W 0x3006 SEQ_PSET 0x0000 R/W 0x3007 SEQ_GSET 0x0000 R/W 0x3008 SEQ_ILIMIT 0x0000 R/W 0x3009 SEQ_VLIMIT 0x0000 R/W 0x300A SEQ_TLIMIT 0x0000 R/W 0x300B SEQ_NEXT_INST 0x0000 R/W 0x300C SEQ_NEXT_ISET 0x0000 R/W 0x300D SEQ_NEXT_VSET 0x0000 R/W 0x300E SEQ_NEXT_PSET 0x0000 R/W 0x300F SEQ_NEXT_GSET 0x0000 R/W 0x3010 SEQ_NEXT_ILIMIT 0x0000 R/W 0x3011 SEQ_NEXT_VLIMIT 0x0000 R/W 0x3012 SEQ_NEXT_TLIMIT 0x0000 R/W 0x3013 SLEW_RATE_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x3014 GPIO_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x3015 OPEN_LOOP_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x3016 OPEN_LOOP_DC_VAL_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3017 OPEN_LOOP_DC_VAL_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3018 0x3040 SLAVE_CFG I_PID_KP_SET1_LSB Channel Sequencer Control Register Channel Sequencer Status Register Channel Sequencer Memory Address Pointer Register Channel Sequencer Instruction Register Channel Sequencer Current Setpoint Register Channel Sequencer Voltage Setpoint Register Channel Sequencer Power Set Point Register Channel Sequencer Conductance Set Point Register Channel Sequencer Current Limit Register Channel Sequencer Voltage Limit Register Channel Sequencer Time Limit Register Channel Sequencer Next Instruction Register Channel Sequencer Next Current Set Point Register Channel Sequencer Next Voltage Set Point Register Channel Sequencer Next Power Set Point Register Channel Sequencer Next Conductance Set Point Register Channel Sequencer CurrentLimit Register Channel Sequencer Voltage Limit Register Channel Sequencer Next Time Limit Register Slew Rate Configuration for the Setpoints Register GPIO Configuration Associated to the Channel Register Open-Loop Configuration Register Open-Loop DC Value (MSB) Register Open-Loop DC Value (LSB) Register Slave Configuration Register Current PID Proportional Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 1 0x0008 0x0000 R/W R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 35 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x3041 I_PID_KP_SET1_MSB 0x0010 R/W 0x3042 I_PID_KI_SET1_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3043 I_PID_KI_SET1_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3044 I_PID_KD_SET1_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3045 I_PID_KD_SET1_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3046 V_PID_KP_SET1_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3047 V_PID_KP_SET1_MSB 0x0010 R/W 0x3048 V_PID_KI_SET1_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3049 V_PID_KI_SET1_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x304A V_PID_KD_SET1_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x304B V_PID_KD_SET1_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x304C I_PID_KP_SET2_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x304D I_PID_KP_SET2_MSB 0x0010 R/W 0x304E I_PID_KI_SET2_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x304F I_PID_KI_SET2_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3050 I_PID_KD_SET2_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3051 I_PID_KD_SET2_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3052 V_PID_KP_SET2_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3053 V_PID_KP_SET2_MSB 0x0010 R/W 0x3054 V_PID_KI_SET2_LSB Current PID Proportional Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 1 Current PID Integral Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 1 Current PID Integral Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 1 Current PID Derivative Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 1 Current PID Derivative Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 1 Voltage PID Proportional Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 1 Voltage PID Proportional Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 1 Voltage PID Integral Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 1 Voltage PID Integral Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 1 Voltage PID Derivative Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 1 Voltage PID Derivative Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 1 Current PID Proportional Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 2 Current PID Proportional Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 2 Current PID Integral Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 2 Current PID Integral Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 2 Current PID Derivative Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 2 Current PID Derivative Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 2 Voltage PID Proportional Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 2 Voltage PID Proportional Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 2 Voltage PID Integral Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 2 0x0000 R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 36 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x3055 V_PID_KI_SET2_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3056 V_PID_KD_SET2_LSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3057 V_PID_KD_SET2_MSB 0x0000 R/W 0x3058 PID_CCCV_KTRANS_SET1 0x0000 R/W 0x3059 PID_CCCV_KTRANS_SET2 0x0000 R/W 0x305A TEMP_EXT_CAL_0 0x0000 R/W 0x305B TEMP_EXT_CAL_1 0x0000 R/W 0x305C TEMP_EXT_CAL_2 0x0000 R/W 0x305D TEMP_EXT_CAL_3 0x0000 R/W 0x305E TEMP_EXT_CAL_4 0x0000 R/W 0x305F TEMP_EXT_CAL_5 0x0000 R/W 0x3060 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_MSB_0 0x0000 R/W 0x3061 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_LSB_0 0x0000 R/W 0x3062 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_MSB_1 0x0000 R/W 0x3063 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_LSB_1 0x0000 R/W 0x3064 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_MSB_2 0x0000 R/W 0x3065 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_LSB_2 0x0000 R/W 0x3066 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_MSB_3 0x0000 R/W 0x3067 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_LSB_3 Voltage PID Integral Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 2 Voltage PID Derivative Coefficient (LSB) Register, Set to 2 Voltage PID Derivative Coefficient (MSB) Register, Set to 2 PID CC to CV Transition Coefficient, Set to 1 PID CC to CV Transition Coefficient, Set to 2 Temperature Value for the External Calibration Point 0 Register Temperature Value for the External Calibration Point 1 Register Temperature Value for the External Calibration Point 2 Register Temperature Value for the External Calibration Point 3 Register Temperature Value for the External Calibration Point 4 Register Temperature Value for the External Calibration Point 5 Register Slope Between the External Temperature 0 and Temperature 1 MSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 0 and Temperature 1 LSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 1 and Temperature 2 MSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 1 and Temperature 2 LSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 2 and Temperature 3 MSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 2 and Temperature 3 LSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 3 and Temperature 4 MSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 3 and Temperature 4 LSBs Register 0x0000 R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 37 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x3068 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_MSB_4 0x0000 R/W 0x3069 TEMP_EXT_CAL_INV_LSB_4 0x0000 R/W 0x306A I_GAIN_EXT_CAL_T0 0x4000 R/W 0x306B I_GAIN_EXT_CAL_T1 0x4000 R/W 0x306C I_GAIN_EXT_CAL_T2 0x4000 R/W 0x306D I_GAIN_EXT_CAL_T3 0x4000 R/W 0x306E I_GAIN_EXT_CAL_T4 0x4000 R/W 0x306F I_GAIN_EXT_CAL_T5 0x4000 R/W 0x3070 V_GAIN_INT_CAL_T0 0x4000 R/W 0x3071 V_GAIN_INT_CAL_T1 0x4000 R/W 0x3072 V_GAIN_INT_CAL_T2 0x4000 R/W 0x3073 V_GAIN_INT_CAL_T3 0x4000 R/W 0x3074 I_GAIN_INT_CAL_T0 0x4000 R/W 0x3075 I_GAIN_INT_CAL_T1 0x4000 R/W 0x3076 I_GAIN_INT_CAL_T2 0x4000 R/W 0x3077 I_GAIN_INT_CAL_T3 0x4000 R/W 0x3078 V_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T0 0x0000 R/W 0x3079 V_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T1 Slope Between the External Temperature 4 and Temperature 5 MSBs Register Slope Between the External Temperature 4 and Temperature 5 LSBs Register Current Gain External Calibration for Temperature 0, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain External Calibration for Temperature 1, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain External Calibration for Temperature 2, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain External Calibration for Temperature 3, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain External Calibration for Temperature 4, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain External Calibration for Temperature 5, Signed 2.14 Register Voltage Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 0, Signed 2.14 Register Voltage Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 1, Signed 2.14 Register Voltage Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 2, Signed 2.14 Register Voltage Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 3, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 0, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 1, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 2, Signed 2.14 Register Current Gain Internal Calibration for Temperature 3, Signed 2.14 Register Voltage Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 0, Signed 1.15 Register Voltage Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 1, Signed 1.15 Register 0x0000 R/W analog.com Rev. 0 | 38 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name 0x307A V_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T2 0x307B 0x307C 0x307D 0x307E 0x307F 0x3080 0x3081 0x3082 0x3083 0x3084 0x3085 0x3086 0x3087 0x3088 0x3089 0x308A 0x308B 0x308C 0x308D 0x308E 0x308F 0x3090 0x3091 analog.com Description Voltage Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 2, Signed 1.15 Register V_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T3 Voltage Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 3, Signed 1.15 Register I_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T0 Current Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 0, Signed 1.15 Register I_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T1 Current Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 1, Signed 1.15 Register I_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T2 Current Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 2, Signed 1.15 Register I_OFFSET_INT_CAL_T3 Current Offset Internal Calibration for Temperature 3, Signed 1.15 Register DSP_READOUT_FILT_CFG Configuration for the Readout Filters Register MAF_CFG Configuration for the Moving Average Filter Register SDM_CFG Configuration for the SDM Register DC_BUS_CORRECTION_CFG DC Bus Correction Configuration Register PWM_CFG0 Configuration for the PWM 0 Register PWM_CFG1 Configuration for the PWM 1 Register PWM_CFG2 Configuration for the PWM 2 Register PWM_CFG3 Configuration for the PWM 3 Register NCO_CFG0 Configuration for the NCO 0 Register NCO_CFG1 Configuration for the NCO 1 Register NCO_PHASE_INCR_LSB NCO Phase Increment LSBs Register NCO_PHASE_INCR_MSB NCO Phase Increment MSBs Register NCO_PHASE_INIT_LSB NCO Initial Phase LSBs Register NCO_PHASE_INIT_MSB NCO Initial Phase MSBs Register DEMOD_CFG Configuration for the FRA Demodulator Register DEMOD_ACCUM_COUNT_LSB Demodulator Integration Count LSBs Register DEMOD_ACCUM_COUNT_ Demodulator Integration Count MSB MSBs Register FAULT_CFG Fault Configuration Register Reset Access 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0003 R/W 0x0003 R/W 0x0002 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x050A R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0002 R/W 0x8000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0000 R/W 0x0001 R/W Rev. 0 | 39 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x3092 MEAS_OVER_LIMITS_CFG 0x0000 R/W 0x3093 VMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_ HIGH_THLD 0x0000 R/W 0x3094 VMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_ LOW_THLD 0x0000 R/W 0x3095 IMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_ HIGH_THLD 0x0000 R/W 0x3096 IMEAS_OVER_LIMITS_ LOW_THLD 0x0000 R/W 0x3100 DSP_READOUT_DATA_0 0x0000 R 0x3101 DSP_READOUT_DATA_1 0x0000 R 0x3102 DSP_READOUT_DATA_2 0x0000 R 0x3104 COULOMB_COUNT_0 0x0000 R 0x3105 COULOMB_COUNT_1 0x0000 R 0x3106 COULOMB_COUNT_2 0x0000 R 0x3107 COULOMB_COUNT_3 0x0000 R 0x3108 COULOMB_COUNT_PREV_0 0x0000 R 0x3109 COULOMB_COUNT_PREV_1 0x0000 R 0x310A COULOMB_COUNT_PREV_2 0x0000 R 0x310B COULOMB_COUNT_PREV_3 Overlimits Detection for the Voltage and Current Measurement ADC Raw Data Configuration Register High Overlimit Threshold for the Voltage Measurement ADC Raw Data Register Low Overlimit Threshold for the Voltage Measurement ADC Raw Data Register High Overlimit Threshold for the Current Measurement ADC Raw Data Register Low Overlimit Threshold for the Current Measurement ADC Raw Data Register Readout Data, MSBs of Voltage Data Register (Whenever there is a read on this register, the rest of the readout data registers are sampled.) Readout Data, MSBs of Current Data Register Readout Data, LSBs of the Voltage and Current Data and Tag Number Register Coulomb Integration Result for the Ongoing Instruction 0 Register (Whenever there is a read on this register, the rest of the COULOMB_COUNT_1 to COULOMB_COUNT_3 registers are sampled.) Coulomb Integration Result for the Ongoing Instruction 1 Register Coulomb Integration Result for the Ongoing Instruction 2 Register Coulomb Integration Result for the Ongoing Instruction 3 Register Coulomb Integration Result for the Previous Instruction 0 Register Coulomb Integration Result for the Previous Instruction 1 Register Coulomb Integration Result for the Previous Instruction. Coulomb Integration Result for the previous Instruction 3 Register 0x0000 R analog.com Rev. 0 | 40 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 MEMORY MAPPED REGISTERS Table 15. CHANNEL_CTRLA (CHANNEL_REGMAP) Register Summary Address Name Description Reset Access 0x310C DEMOD_XV_I_RESULT_0 0x0000 R 0x310D DEMOD_XV_I_RESULT_1 0x0000 R 0x310E DEMOD_XV_I_RESULT_2 0x0000 R 0x310F DEMOD_XV_I_RESULT_3 0x0000 R 0x3110 DEMOD_XV_Q_RESULT_0 0x0000 R 0x3111 DEMOD_XV_Q_RESULT_1 0x0000 R 0x3112 DEMOD_XV_Q_RESULT_2 0x0000 R 0x3113 DEMOD_XV_Q_RESULT_3 0x0000 R 0x3114 DEMOD_YI_I_RESULT_0 0x0000 R 0x3115 DEMOD_YI_I_RESULT_1 0x0000 R 0x3116 DEMOD_YI_I_RESULT_2 0x0000 R 0x3117 DEMOD_YI_I_RESULT_3 0x0000 R 0x3118 DEMOD_YI_Q_RESULT_0 0x0000 R 0x3119 DEMOD_YI_Q_RESULT_1 0x0000 R 0x311A DEMOD_YI_Q_RESULT_2 0x0000 R 0x311B DEMOD_YI_Q_RESULT_3 FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Current Result 0 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Current Result 1 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Current Result 2 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Current Result 3 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Quadrature Result 0 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Quadrature Result 1 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Quadrature Result 2 Register FRA PID Output + NCO Demodulator Quadrature Result 3 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Current Result 0 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Current Result 1 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Current Result 2 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Current Result 3 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Quadrature Result 0 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Quadrature Result 1 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Quadrature Result 2 Register FRA PID Output Demodulator Quadrature Result 3 Register 0x0000 R analog.com Rev. 0 | 41 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 HOST SPI INTERFACE DETAILS SPI OVERVIEW The host communicates with the device through a SPI port. The SPI port supports both 3-wire (with a single bidirectional data signal) and traditional 4-wire interfaces (default). These interfaces are selectable through configuration of the INTERFACE_CONFIG register. SPI_SCK functions as a serial shift clock and is generated by the host. The default clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA) are both 0. The rising edge of SPI_SCK is used to latch data from the host while the falling edge latches data to the host. The maximum clock rate is 16 MHz. SPI_SDIO is a data input pin in 4-wire mode and a bidirectional data pin in 3-wire mode. SPI_SDO is the data output only pin used in 4-wire-mode. Note that MSB first is the default mode, but LSB first can also be configured. SPI_CS is an active low SPI chip select signal. A low going assertion starts a read or write operation. Data streaming can also be accommodated with automatic register address increment (default) or decrement. Additional SPI port features include cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and address looping. The latter allows streaming over a limited range of consecutive register addresses. COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOLS All transfers are done with 16-bit words. The first 16-bit word of each transaction (instruction phase) consists of a 15-bit register address and a R/W bit. The MSB R/W bit is 0 for a write and a 1 for a read. Basic Read Operation The instruction phase is performed in the first 16-bit word transfer. The R/W bit, which is the MSB during the instruction phase shown in Figure 38, is set to 1 for a read operation. The other 15 bits specify the register address. The next 16-bit transfer from the host specifies the number of consecutive 16-bit reads to perform. For a single 16-bit register read, this field is set to 0 or 1. Starting on the 33rd SPI_SCLK, data is read out. If the number of reads is 2 or more, SPI_CS must be asserted beyond the three basic single word 16-bit transfers through the total number requested. Figure 38. Basic 4-Wire Read Operation analog.com Rev. 0 | 42 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 HOST SPI INTERFACE DETAILS Basic Write Operation Timing for basic write operation is shown in Figure 39. The R/W bit in the instruction phase is 0 for a write operation. The 16-bit data to be written to immediately follows the 16-bit instruction phase. Additional data can be written by keeping SPI_CS asserted while clocking in additional 16-bit words. The data is transferred to sequential register addresses. Figure 39. Basic 4-Wire Write Operation analog.com Rev. 0 | 43 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION CALIBRATION samples, monitor current step changes, determine when the RC time constant is complete, and estimate the voltage difference. Facilitate System Calibration DCIR = ΔV/ΔI The device supports a means to facilitate a system calibration, which includes registers for each ADC channel to include offset and gain scaling calibration data. The user can provide external stimulus, measure the results, and calculate the requisite offset and gain scaling values over several temperature points. These values can then be user programmed into the ADC calibration registers. These values can then be used to compensate for system errors over a specific temperature range. DIAGNOSTICS Support DC Internal Resistance (DCIR) Measurement (1) During this measurement, the output data rate can be increased to capture the transient response. OPERATING USE CASES 4-Channel Independent Use Case For the 4-channel independent use case, each channel conducts a separate and independent measurement of the battery voltage and current, and has independent control of the same. In addition, each channel has independently programmable voltage and current setpoints. DCIR measurement is supported indirectly via accurate measurement of the battery voltage. The external controller must store data analog.com Rev. 0 | 44 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Figure 40. 4-Channel Independent Use Case analog.com Rev. 0 | 45 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Two Parallel—Two Independent Channels Use Case This use case has two of the four channels operating in parallel for increased current capacity, and the other two channels are configured as independent channels. Each channel conducts separate and independent measurement of the battery voltage and current, and has independent control of the same. Each of the two independent channels have independently programmable voltage and current setpoints. However, with the two parallel channels, the master channel (Channel A) uses both the voltage and current setpoints, while the slave parallel channel uses only the current setpoint. The current setpoint is provided automatically from the master channel current measurement so that it tracks properly. The host must program the master channel current setpoint with half of the total desired current. Figure 41. Two Parallel—Two Independent Channels Use Case analog.com Rev. 0 | 46 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Four Channels in Parallel Use Case This use case has all four channels operating in parallel for increased current capacity. Each channel conducts separate and independent measurement of the battery voltage and current, and has independent control of the same. The master channel (Channel A) uses both the voltage and current setpoints, while the slave parallel channels use only the current setpoint. The current setpoint is provided automatically from the master channel current measurement so that it tracks properly. The host must program the master channel current setpoint with ¼ of the total desired current. Figure 42. Four Channels in Parallel Use Case analog.com Rev. 0 | 47 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Precharge Operation When connecting a cell to the power stage, there is a chance of a large current surge as a charge flows from the cell to the uncharged output capacitor (C1 in Figure 43). The device supports measurement of both the battery voltage (BVN_x and BVP_x) and the power stage output capacitor voltage (CVS_x). These measurements allow users to precharge C1 to the potential of the battery before closing the isolation switches (Q3 and Q4). This results in little to no current flowing upon connection of the battery to the power stage. A GPIOx pin can be configured to provide control of the isolation switches. Measurement of both the cell and output capacitor voltages is available via the SPI port and a set of memory mapped registers. Use the VSET bit to control of the output capacitor voltage. Figure 43. Precharge Function Diagram analog.com Rev. 0 | 48 of 49 Data Sheet ADBT1001 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Figure 44. 100-Lead Low Profile Quad Flat Package, Exposed Pad [LQFP] 14 mm × 14 mm Body (SW-100-2) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model1 Temperature Range Package Description Package Option ADBT1001BSWZ ADBT1001BSWZ-RL 0°C to 85°C 0°C to 85°C 100-Lead Low Profile Quad Flat Package, Exposed Pad [LQFP] 100-Lead Low Profile Quad Flat Package, Exposed Pad [LQFP] (SW-100-2) (SW-100-2) 1 Z = RoHS Compliant Part. ©2021 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Rev. 0 | 49 of 49
ADBT1001BSWZ 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+458.60100
    • 10+384.76900
    • 25+366.78400
    • 100+358.74300
