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-.. W HighResolution 16-Bit0/A Converters ANALOG DEVICES ADoAC71/AoDAC72* I FEATURES 16-Bit Resolution j: 0.003% Maximum Nonlinearity Low Gain Drift j: 7ppm/oC 0 to + 70°C Operation (AD DAC71, AD DAC71H, AD DAC72C) - 25°C to + 85°C Operation (AD DAC72) Current and Voltage Models Available Improved Second-Source Low Cost AD DAC71/AD DAC 72 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM . if1 OBS OLE SUMMING JUNCTION BIT 9 AD DAC71/AD PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD DAC71 and AD DACn are high resolution 16-bit hybrid IC digital-to-analog converters including reference, scaling resistors and output amplifier (V models). The devices offer outstanding accuracy, including maximum linearity error of 0.003% at room temperature and maximum gain drifts of 15ppmrC (AD DAC71, AD DAC7IH, AD DACnC) and 7ppm/°C (AD DACn). This performance is possible due to the innovative design, using proprietary monolithic D/A converter chips. Laser-trimmed thin fllm resistors provide the linearity and wide temperature range for guaranteed monotonicity. TE DAC72 PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS 1. The AD DAC7l and AD DACn with 0.003% linearity error. provide l6-bit resolution 2. The proprietary chips used in the hybrid design provide excellent stability over temperature and improved reliability. 3. Unipolar and bipolar current and voltage output versions are available to fill a wide range of system requirements. 4. The AD DAC71 and AD DACn are improved second source replacements for DAC71 and DACn devices from other manufacturers. The AD DAC71 and AD DACn digital inputs are ITL-compatible. Coding is complementary straight binary (CSB) for unipolar output versions and complementary offset binary (COB) for bipolar output versions. All versions are packaged in a 24-pin metal DIP. The AD DAC71, AD DAC71H and AD DACnC are specified for operation from 0 to + 70°C, and the AD DACn is specified from - 25°C to + 85°C. The AD DAC7IH, AD DACn and AD DACnC are supplied in hermetically-sealed packages. The AD DAC71 and AD DACn are intended to serve as improved second sources to DAC71 and DACn devices from other manufacturers. *Covered by Patent Numbers: 3,978,473; RE28,633; 3,803,590; 3,961,326; 4,213,806; 4,136,349. 4,020,486; 3,747,088; ~ ~-~~ SPECIFICATIONS (@ TA = AD DAC71/AD DAC71H MIN TYP MAX MODEL DIGITAL INPUTS Resolution Logic Levels (TTL-Compatible)t Logical "I" Logical "0" + 25°C,ratedpowersuppliesunlessotherwise noted) MIN AD DAC72C TYP MAX 16 MIN AD DAC72 TYP MAX 16 + 2.4 +0 +5.5 +0.4 UNITS 16 +2.4 +0 + 5.5 +0.4 Birs +2.4 +0 +5.5 +0.4 Vdc Vdc =0.003 =0.15 =0.25 =2.0 = 10.0 = 1.0 =5.0 +70 % ofFSR3 % % mV mV '" 19 ",II ppmofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ACCURACY' Linearity Error at 2S'C Gain Error', Voltage Current Offset Error" Voltage, Unipolar Voltage, Bipolar Current, Unipolar Current, Bipolar MonotonicilY Temp. Range (14-Birs) 000.003 =0.1 =0.25 =2.0 =5.0 = 1.0 =5.0 +50 =0.01 =0.05 =0.1 o =0.003 =0.15 =0.25 '" 2.0 = 10.0 = 1.0 =5.0 +50 =0.05 =0.05 =0.1 o =0.05 =0.05 ",0.1 o flA flA 'C DRIFT (Over Specified Temp. Range) Total Bipolar Drift (includes gain, offset, and linearity drifl) Voltage ",7 '1'min to 2S'C = IS = IS =7 25'CtoTmu Current OBS +15 TmintoTmu ",7 '" IS =7 '" 15 =5 =5 + IS +10 ppmofFSRI'C TOTAL ERROR OVER TEMP. RANGEs Voltage, Unipolar Tminto+2S'C +2S'CtoTmu Voltage, Bipolar TminlO +2S'C +2S'CtoTmu Current, Unipolar ('1'mlnto '1'mu) Bipolar ('1'mintoT mu) ",0.083 = 0.083 "'°.083 = 0.083 ",0.100 ",0.072 %ofFSR %ofFSR ",0.071 ",0.071 =0.23 =0.23 '" 0.071 =0.071 =0.23 ",0.23 =0.100 ",0.072 =0.24 ",0.24 %ofFSR %ofFSR %ofFSR %ofFSR '" IS '" 15 = 15 ",IS = 15 ",7 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Gain Voltage TminlO +2S'C + 2S'C to '1'mu Current Offset '" IS = IS =2 "'I Voltage, Unipolar Bipolar Currenl, Unipolar Bipolar Differential LinearilY over Temperalure Linearity Error over Temperalure OLE "'1 = 10 ",I = 15 ",10 =2 "'1 =10 ",I =8 ",1 ",15 ",2 ",2 =2 "'10 =2 =2 =I ",1 SETTLING TIME Vollage Models(lo '" 0.003% ofFSR) Output: 20V Step ILSB Step' Slew Rate 5 3 20 Current Models (to '" 0.003% ofFSR)7 Output: 2mA step IOn to loon Load Ikn Load Switching Transienl 10 5 5 3 20 1 3 10 5 5 3 20 I 3 10 5 I 3 500 500 500 010 11O c'c1O 010 , 10 ,,10 Oto.. 10 '10 TE ppmofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ppm ofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ppmofFSRI'C ppm ofFSRI'C flS flS VlflS flS flS mV ANALOG OUTPUT Voltage Models Ranges-CSB COB Output Currenl OUIPUIImpedance (de) Short Circuit Duralion Current Models 5 Ranges-CSB COB OutPUI Impedance-Unipnlar Bipolar Compliance INTERNAL REFERENCE VOLTAGE Maximum External Current' Temp. Coeff. of Drift POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY lJnipnlarOffset = ISVdc I 5Vdc Bipolar Offsot .IWdc I 5V de c'c5 0.05 Indefinite 10Common 010 'I 6.0 3.0 6.0 ,]0 6.3 6.6 ,3 ',1O 5 0.05 IndefinilclnCommon 0.05 Indefinite In Common ()10 2 'I 6.0 3.0 Oto - 2 2 ].5 IS 6.0 V V mA "I 6.0 3.0 I ]0 6.3 0.0001 6.6 '3 '10 IS 6.() , ]0 6.3 6.6 3 ,,5 n mA mA kn kn V V mA nnml"C ().0001 ,0.0001 + 'O.()()o1 ',0.000] 'O.()()()] %nfFSRI%V, %ofFSR/%V, . O.0004 '. 0.Q()()4 ,O.Q(XJI 'O.00()4 '().OOOI %nfFSR/% V, % of FSRI% V, '"O.()()()] 2-306 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS AD DAC71/AD DAC71H MAX TYI' MIN MODEL POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY (Contmued) Gaio , 1SVde I SVde POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS DAC71172 . Dram. TEMPERATURE 0.001 + + 14.5. + 15.0. I 5.0 10 I 1SV de (no load) AD DAC72 MAX Tn MIN 0.001 .,0.001 ,,0.0005 . 0.0001 , 0.0005 I 4.75 Supply AD DAC72C MAX TYI' MIN . 145. '15.5. I 5.25 . 15.0. + 4.75 10 20 '.15.5. 15.0 ! 14.5. + 4.75 15.25 ,15.0. I 5.0 20 10 UNITS . %ofFSR/%V, %ofFSR/% Vs '15.5. I 5.25 20 Vde rnA 15Vdc(noload) 30 55 30 55 30 55 mA I 5Vde(loglcsupply) 10 20 10 20 10 20 lOA 185 + 100 ; 110 "C "C "C RANGE Specification Operating (double above Drift Specs) Storage 0 25 . 55 0 I 70 185 + 100 25 . 55 OBS 25 55 55 I 70 t 85 + 100 NOTES 'Adding
ADDAC72C-COB-I 价格&库存

