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ADL5519-EVALZ 数据手册
1 MHz to 10 GHz, 62 dB Dual Log Detector/Controller ADL5519 Data Sheet VPSA ADJA VPSR TEMP CLPA VSTA 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 ADL5519 TEMP INLA 26 16 NC 15 OUTA CHANNEL A LOG DETECTOR 14 FBKA COMR 27 PWDN 28 COMR 29 COMR 30 13 OUTP OUTA OUTB 12 OUTN 11 FBKB CHANNEL B LOG DETECTOR 10 OUTB INHB 32 9 NC 3 4 5 6 7 8 VPSB ADJB VREF VLVL CLPB VSTB 06198-001 2 COMR BIAS 1 COMR RF transmitter power amplifier linearization and gain/power control Power monitoring in radio link transmitters Dual-channel wireless infrastructure radios Antenna VSWR monitor RSSI measurement in base stations, WLAN, WiMAX, radar 24 INHA 25 INLB 31 APPLICATIONS COMR FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Wide bandwidth: 1 MHz to 10 GHz Dual-channel and channel difference output ports Integrated accurate scaled temperature sensor 62 dB dynamic range (±3 dB) >50 dB with ±1 dB up to 8 GHz Stability over temperature: ±0.5 dB (−40oC to +85oC) Low noise detector/controller outputs Pulse response time: 6 ns/8 ns (fall time/rise time) Supply operation: 3.3 V to 5.5 V @ 60 mA Fabricated using high speed SiGe process Small footprint, 5 mm × 5 mm, 32-lead LFCSP Operating temperature range: −40oC to +125oC COMR FEATURES Figure 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADL5519 is a dual-demodulating logarithmic amplifier that incorporates two AD8317s. It can accurately convert an RF input signal into a corresponding decibel-scaled output. The ADL5519 provides accurately scaled, independent, logarithmic output voltages for both RF measurement channels. The device has two additional output ports, OUTP and OUTN, that provide the measured differences between the OUTA and OUTB channels. The on-chip channel matching makes the log amp outputs insensitive to temperature and process variations. The temperature sensor pin provides a scaled voltage that is proportional to the temperature over the operating temperature range of the device. The ADL5519 maintains accurate log conformance for signals from 1 MHz to 8 GHz and provides useful operation to 10 GHz. The ±3 dB dynamic range is typically 62 dB and has a ±1 dB dynamic range of >50 dB (re: 50 Ω). The ADL5519 has a response time of 6 ns/8 ns (fall time/rise time) that enables RF burst detection to a pulse rate of greater than 50 MHz. The device provides unprecedented logarithmic intercept stability vs. ambient Rev. C temperature conditions. A supply of 3.3 V to 5.5 V is required to power the device. Current consumption is typically 60 mA, and it decreases to less than 1 mA when the device is disabled. The device is capable of supplying four log amp measurements simultaneously. Linear-in-dB measurements are provided at OUTA and OUTB with conveniently scaled slopes of −22 mV/dB. The log amp difference between OUTA and OUTB is available as differential or single-ended signals at OUTP and OUTN. An optional voltage applied to VLVL provides a common-mode reference level to offset OUTP and OUTN above ground. The broadband output pins can support many system solutions. Any of the ADL5519 output pins can be configured to provide a control voltage to a variable gain amplifier (VGA). Special attention has been paid to minimize the broadband noise of the output pins so that they can be used for controller applications. The ADL5519 is fabricated on a SiGe bipolar IC process and is available in a 5 mm × 5 mm, 32-lead LFCSP with an operating temperature range of −40°C to +125°C. Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2008–2020 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADL5519 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1  Basis for Error Calculations ...................................................... 23  Applications ...................................................................................... 1  Device Calibration ..................................................................... 24  Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1  Adjusting Accuracy Through Choice of Calibration Points..... 24  General Description ......................................................................... 1  Temperature Compensation Adjustment .............................. 25  Revision History ............................................................................... 2  Altering the Slope ....................................................................... 26  Specifications .................................................................................... 3  Channel Isolation ....................................................................... 26  Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................... 9  Output Filtering ......................................................................... 27  ESD Caution.................................................................................. 9  Package Considerations ............................................................ 27  Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions .......................... 10  Operation Above 8 GHz ........................................................... 27  Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 11  Applications Information ............................................................. 28  Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 19  Measurement Mode ................................................................... 28  Using the ADL5519 ........................................................................ 20  Controller Mode ......................................................................... 28  Basic Connections ...................................................................... 20  Automatic Gain Control ........................................................... 30  Input Signal Coupling ............................................................... 20  Gain-Stable Transmitter/Receiver ........................................... 32  Temperature Sensor Interface .................................................. 22  Measuring VSWR ...................................................................... 34  VREF Interface ........................................................................... 22  Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 36  Power-Down Interface .............................................................. 22  Configuration Options .............................................................. 36  Setpoint Interface—VSTA, VSTB ............................................ 22  Evaluation Board Schematic and Artwork ............................. 37  Output Interface—OUTA, OUTB ........................................... 22  Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 39  Difference Output—OUTP, OUTN ........................................ 23  Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 39  Description of Characterization ............................................... 23  REVISION HISTORY 8/2020—Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to Figure 38 ..................................................................... 16 Changes to Figure 71 ..................................................................... 35 4/2009—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Table 5 ......................................................................... 36 Changes to Figure 72 ..................................................................... 37 9/2017—Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to Figure 2........................................................................ 10 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 39 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 39 1/2008—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. C | Page 2 of 39 Data Sheet ADL5519 SPECIFICATIONS Supply voltage, VP = VPSR = VPSA = VPSB = 5 V, CLPF = 1000 pF, TA = 25°C, 50 Ω termination resistor at INHA, INHB, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter Conditions SIGNAL INPUT INTERFACE Specified Frequency Range DC Common-Mode Voltage MEASUREMENT MODE, 100 MHz OPERATION INHA, INHB (Pin 25, Pin 32) Min Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation MEASUREMENT MODE, 900 MHz OPERATION Unit 10 VP − 0.7 GHz V 1670||0.47 51 42 −1 −52 −22 22 0.7 1.37 50 44 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm V V dB dB ±0.25 +0.16 −0.6 dB dB dB ±0.25 dB ±0.4 dB ±0.25 dB ±0.45 dB 80 60 dB dB 60 dB 925||0.54 54 49 −2 −56 −22 20.3 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm ADJA (Pin 21) = 0.65 V, ADJB (Pin 4) = 0.7 V; OUTA, OUTB (Pin 15, Pin 10) shorted to VSTA, VSTB (Pin 17, Pin 8); OUTP, OUTN (Pin 13, Pin 12) shorted to FBKA, FBKB (Pin 14, Pin 11), respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best-fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −10 dBm −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution of OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.09 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.25 dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.05 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.23 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB ADJA = 0.6 V, ADJB = 0.65 V; OUTA, OUTB shorted to VSTA, VSTB; OUTP, OUTN shorted to FBKA, FBKB, respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −10 dBm Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Max 0.001 Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range Typ −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error Rev. C | Page 3 of 39 ADL5519 Parameter Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation MEASUREMENT MODE, 1.9 GHz OPERATION Data Sheet Conditions Min OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −10 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.08 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm typical error = 0.3 dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.17 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.19 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB ADJA = 0.5 V, ADJB = 0.55 V; OUTA, OUTB shorted to VSTA, VSTB; OUTP, OUTN shorted to FBKA, FBKB, respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −10 dBm Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −10 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution of OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.07 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.23 dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.16 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.22 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB Rev. C | Page 4 of 39 Typ Max Unit 0.67 1.34 55 48 V V dB dB ±0.25 +0.25 −0.5 dB dB dB ±0.25 dB ±0.4 dB ±0.25 dB ±0.4 dB 75 50 dB dB 50 dB 525||0.36 55 49 −4 −59 −22 18 0.62 1.28 55 48 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm V V dB dB ±0.2 +0.25 −0.5 dB dB dB ±0.3 dB ±0.4 dB ±0.3 dB ±0.4 dB 65 46 dB dB 46 dB Data Sheet ADL5519 Parameter Conditions MEASUREMENT MODE, 2.2 GHz OPERATION ADJA = 0.48 V, ADJB = 0.6 V; OUTA, OUTB shorted to VSTA, VSTB; OUTP, OUTN shorted to FBKA, FBKB, respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −10 dBm Min Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation MEASUREMENT MODE, 3.6 GHz OPERATION −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −10 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution of OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.07 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.25 dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.17 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm typical error = −0.22dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB ADJA = 0.35 V ADJB = 0.42; OUTA, OUTB shorted to VSTA, VSTB; OUTP, OUTN shorted to FBKA, FBKB, respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −10 dBm Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −10 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Rev. C | Page 5 of 39 Typ Max Unit 408||0.34 55 50 −5 −60 −22 16.9 0.6 1.26 56 40 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm V V dB dB ±0.28 +0.3 −0.5 dB dB dB ±0.25 dB ±0.4 dB ±0.25 dB ±0.4 dB 60 46 dB dB 46 dB 187||0.66 54 44 −4 −58 −22.5 17 0.62 1.31 52 42 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm V V dB dB ADL5519 Parameter Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation MEASUREMENT MODE, 5.8 GHz OPERATION Data Sheet Conditions Min Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution of OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.07 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.27 dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.31 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.14 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB ADJA = 0.58 V, ADJB = 0.7 V; OUTA, OUTB shorted to VSTA, VSTB; OUTP, OUTN shorted to FBKA, FBKB respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −20 dBm Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −10 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution of OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.02 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.25 dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.13 dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.06 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB Rev. C | Page 6 of 39 Typ Max Unit ±0.4 +0.6 −0.45 dB dB dB ±0.25 dB ±0.45 dB ±0.3 dB ±0.5 dB 40 20 dB dB 20 dB 28||1.19 53 45 −2 −55 −22.5 20 0.68 1.37 53 46 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm V V dB dB ±0.25 +0.25 −0.4 dB dB dB ±0.3 dB ±0.4 dB ±0.3 dB ±0.5 dB 45 48 dB dB 48 dB Data Sheet ADL5519 Parameter Conditions MEASUREMENT MODE, 8 GHz OPERATION ADJA = 0.72 V, ADJB = 0.82 V to GND; OUTA, OUTB shorted to VSTA, VSTB; OUTP, OUTN shorted to FBKA, FBKB, respectively; sinusoidal input signal; error referred to best fit line using linear regression between PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm and −20 dBm Min Input Impedance OUTA, OUTB ± 1 dB Dynamic Range OUTA, OUTB Maximum Input Level OUTA, OUTB Minimum Input Level OUTA, OUTB, OUTP, OUTN Slope1 OUTA, OUTB Intercept1 Output Voltage (High Power In) Output Voltage (Low Power In) OUTP, OUTN Dynamic Gain Range Temperature Sensitivity Input A-to-Input B Isolation Input A-to-OUTB Isolation Input B-to-OUTA Isolation OUTPUT INTERFACE OUTA, OUTB Voltage Range OUTP, OUTN Voltage Range Source/Sink Current Capacitance Drive Output Noise Fall Time Rise Time −40°C < TA < +85°C ±1 dB error ±1 dB error OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −10 dBm OUTA, OUTB @ PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm ±1 dB error −40°C < TA < +85°C Deviation from OUTA, OUTB @ 25°C −40°C < TA < +85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −16 dBm 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA, PINHB = −40 dBm Distribution of OUTP, OUTN from 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.2dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −16 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.09dB 25°C < TA < 85°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = −0.07dB −40°C < TA < +25°C, PINHA = −40 dBm, PINHB = −30 dBm, typical error = 0.17 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHA = −50 dBm, PINHA – PINHB when OUTB/Slope = 1 dB Frequency separation = 1 kHz, PINHB = −50 dBm, PINHB – PINHA when OUTA/Slope = 1 dB OUTA, OUTB; OUTP, OUTN VSTA, VSTB = 1.7 V, RF in = open VSTA, VSTB = 0 V, RF in = open FBKA, FBKB = open and OUTA < OUTB, RL ≥ 240 Ω to ground FBKA, FBKB = open and OUTA > OUTB, RL ≥ 240 Ω to ground Output held at 1 V to 1% change INHA, INHB = 2.2 GHz, −10 dBm, fNOISE = 100 kHz, CLPA, CLPB = open Input level = no signal to −10 dBm, 80% to 20%, CLPA, CLPB = 10 pF Input level = no signal to −10 dBm, 80% to 20%, CLPA, CLPB = open Input level = −10 dBm to no signal, 20% to 80%, CLPA, CLPB = 10 pF Input level = −10 dBm to no signal, 20% to 80%, CLPA, CLPB = open Video Bandwidth (or Envelope Bandwidth) Rev. C | Page 7 of 39 Typ Max Unit +10||−1.92 48 38 0 −48 −22 26 0.81 1.48 50 42 Ω||pF dB dB dBm dBm mV/dB dBm V V dB dB ±0.4 −0.1 +0.5 dB dB dB ±0.3 dB ±0.5 dB ±0.3 dB ±0.5 dB 45 30 dB dB 30 dB 0.3 VP − 0.4 0.09 VP − 0.15 10 1 10 V V V V mA nF nV/√Hz 12 ns 6 ns 16 ns 8 ns 10 MHz ADL5519 Data Sheet Parameter Conditions SETPOINT INTERFACE Nominal Input Range VSTA, VSTB Input level = 0 dBm, measurement mode Input level = –50 dBm, measurement mode Controller mode, sourcing 50 μA VLVL (Pin 6) OUTP, OUTN = FBKA, FBKB OUTP, OUTN = FBKA, FBKB ADJA, ADJB ADJA, ADJB = 0.9 V, sourcing 50 μA ADJA, ADJB = open VREF (Pin 5) Input Resistance DIFFERENCE LEVEL ADJUST Input Voltage Input Resistance TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION Input Resistance Disable Threshold Voltage VOLTAGE REFERENCE Output Voltage Temperature Sensitivity Current Limit Source/Sink TEMPERATURE REFERENCE Output Voltage Temperature Sensitivity Current Limit Source/Sink POWER-DOWN INTERFACE Logic Level to Enable Logic Level to Disable Input Current Enable Time Disable Time POWER INTERFACE Supply Voltage Quiescent Current vs. Temperature Disable Current 1 Min Typ Max 0.38 1.6 40 V V kΩ VP − 1 −40°C < TA < +25°C; relative TA = 25°C 25°C < TA < 85°C; relative TA = 25°C Unit 100 V kΩ 13 VP − 0.4 kΩ V 1.15 +26 −26 3/3 V μV/°C μV/°C mA 1.36 4.5 4/50 V mV/°C mA/μA 0 VP − 0.2 2 20 0.4 V V μA μA μs 0.25 μs TEMP (Pin 19) −40°C < TA < +125°C PWDN (Pin 28) Logic low enables Logic high disables Logic high PWDN = 5 V Logic low PWDN = 0 V PWDN low to OUTA, OUTB at 100% final value, CLPA, CLPB = open, RF in = −10 dBm PWDN high to OUTA, OUTB at 10% final value, CLPA, CLPB = open, RF in = 0 dBm VPSA, VPSB, VPSR 3.3 −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C ADJA, ADJB = PWDN = VP 5.5 60 147
ADL5519-EVALZ 价格&库存

