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ADM1166ACPZ 数据手册
FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AUX1 AUX2 REFIN REFOUT REFGND ADM1166 MUX Complete supervisory and sequencing solution for up to 10 supplies 16 event deep black box nonvolatile fault recording 10 supply fault detectors enable supervision of supplies to DPLIMx In addition, the DAC output buffer is three-stated if DNLIMx > DPLIMx. By programming the limit registers this way, the user can make it very difficult for the DAC output buffers to be turned on during normal system operation. The limit registers are among the registers downloaded from EEPROM at startup. Rev. A | Page 24 of 33 Data Sheet ADM1166 APPLICATIONS DIAGRAM 12V IN 12V OUT 5V IN 5V OUT 3V IN 3V OUT IN DC-TO-DC1 5V OUT 3V OUT 3.3V OUT 2.5V OUT 1.8V OUT 1.2V OUT 0.9V OUT POWRON EN OUT VP1 VP2 VP3 VP4 VX1 VX2 VX3 PDO1 PDO2 VX4 PDO6 IN DC-TO-DC2 PDO3 PDO4 PDO5 PDO7 RESET VX5 PDO8 EN SIGNAL VALID DC-TO-DC3 EN OUT 1.8V OUT 3.3V OUT DAC1* IN REFIN VCCP VDDCAP GND 10µF 2.5V OUT IN SYSTEM RESET PDO9 REFOUT OUT PWRGD PDO10 10µF 3.3V OUT ADM1166 LDO EN 10µF OUT 0.9V OUT 3.3V OUT *ONLY ONE MARGINING CIRCUIT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. DAC1 TO DAC6 ALLOW MARGINING FOR UP TO SIX VOLTAGE RAILS. IN EN OUT DC-TO-DC4 Figure 34. Applications Diagram Rev. A | Page 25 of 33 1.2V OUT TRIM 09332-068 VH ADM1166 Data Sheet COMMUNICATING WITH THE ADM1166 CONFIGURATION DOWNLOAD AT POWER-UP Option 1 The configuration of the ADM1166 (undervoltage/overvoltage thresholds, glitch filter timeouts, and PDO configurations) is dictated by the contents of the RAM. The RAM comprises digital latches that are local to each function on the device. The latches are double buffered and have two identical latches, Latch A and Latch B. Therefore, when an update to a function occurs, the contents of Latch A are updated first, and then the contents of Latch B are updated with identical data. The advantages of this architecture are explained in detail in the Updating the Configuration section. The two latches are volatile memory and lose their contents at power-down. Therefore, the configuration in the RAM must be restored at power-up by downloading the contents of the EEPROM (nonvolatile memory) to the local latches. This download occurs in steps, as follows: 1. With no power applied to the device, the PDOs are all high impedance. 2. When 1.2 V appears on any of the inputs connected to the VDD arbitrator (VH or VPx), the PDOs are all weakly pulled to GND with a 20 kΩ resistor. 3. When the supply rises above the undervoltage lockout of the device (UVLO is 2.5 V), the EEPROM starts to download to the RAM. 4. The EEPROM downloads its contents to all Latch As. 5. When the contents of the EEPROM are completely downloaded to the Latch As, the device controller signals all Latch As to download to all Latch Bs simultaneously, completing the configuration download. 6. At 0.5 ms after the configuration download completes, the first state definition is downloaded from the EEPROM into the SE. Note that any attempt to communicate with the device prior to the completion of the download causes the ADM1166 to issue a no acknowledge (NACK). Update the configuration in real time. The user writes to the RAM across the SMBus, and the configuration is updated immediately. Option 2 Update the Latch As without updating the Latch Bs. With this method, the configuration of the ADM1166 remains unchanged and continues to operate in the original setup until the instruction is given to update the Latch Bs. Option 3 Change the EEPROM register contents without changing the RAM contents, and then download the revised EEPROM contents to the RAM registers. With this method, the configuration of the ADM1166 remains unchanged and continues to operate in the original setup until the instruction is given to update the RAM. The instruction to download from the EEPROM in Option 3 is also a useful way to restore the original EEPROM contents if revisions to the configuration are unsatisfactory. For example, if the user needs to alter an overvoltage threshold, the RAM register can be updated as described in the Option 1 section. However, if the user is not satisfied with the change and wants to revert to the original programmed value, the device controller can issue a command to download the EEPROM contents to the RAM again, as described in the Option 3 section, restoring the ADM1166 to its original configuration. The topology of the ADM1166 makes this type of operation possible. The local, volatile registers (RAM) are all doublebuffered latches. Setting Bit 0 of the UPDCFG register to 1 leaves the double-buffered latches open at all times. If Bit 0 is set to 0 when a RAM write occurs across the SMBus, only the first side of the double-buffered latch is written to. The user must then write a 1 to Bit 1 of the UPDCFG register. This generates a pulse to update all the second latches at once. EEPROM writes occur in a similar way. The final bit in this register can enable or disable EEPROM page erasure. If this bit is set high, the contents of an EEPROM page can all be set to 1. If this bit is set low, the contents of a page cannot be erased, even if the command code for page erasure is programmed across the SMBus. The bit map for the UPDCFG register is shown in the AN-698 Application Note. A flow diagram for download at power-up and subsequent configuration updates is shown in Figure 35. UPDATING THE CONFIGURATION After power-up, with all the configuration settings loaded from the EEPROM into the RAM registers, the user may need to alter the configuration of functions on the ADM1166, such as changing the undervoltage or overvoltage limit of an SFD, changing the fault output of an SFD, or adjusting the rise time delay of one of the PDOs. The ADM1166 provides several options that allow the user to update the configuration over the SMBus interface. The following three options are controlled in the UPDCFG register. SMBus E E P R O M L D DEVICE CONTROLLER R A M L D D A T A U P D LATCH A LATCH B EEPROM Figure 35. Configuration Update Flow Diagram Rev. A | Page 26 of 33 FUNCTION (OV THRESHOLD ON VP1) 09332-035 POWER-UP (VCC > 2.5V) Data Sheet ADM1166 UPDATING THE SEQUENCING ENGINE Sequencing engine (SE) functions are not updated in the same way as regular configuration latches. The SE has its own dedicated 512-byte nonvolatile, electrically erasable, programmable, readonly memory (EEPROM) for storing state definitions, providing 63 individual states each with a 64-bit word (one state is reserved). At power-up, the first state is loaded from the SE EEPROM into the engine itself. When the conditions of this state are met, the next state is loaded from the EEPROM into the engine, and so on. The loading of each new state takes approximately 10 μs. To alter a state, the required changes must be made directly to the EEPROM. RAM for each state does not exist. The relevant alterations must be made to the 64-bit word, which is then uploaded directly to the EEPROM. INTERNAL REGISTERS The ADM1166 contains a large number of data registers. The principal registers are the address pointer register and the configuration registers. Address Pointer Register The address pointer register contains the address that selects one of the other internal registers. When writing to the ADM1166, the first byte of data is always a register address that is written to the address pointer register. Configuration Registers The configuration registers provide control and configuration for various operating parameters of the ADM1166. EEPROM The ADM1166 has two 512-byte cells of nonvolatile EEPROM from Address 0xF800 to Address 0xFBFF. The EEPROM is used for permanent storage of data that is not lost when the ADM1166 is powered down. One EEPROM cell, 0xF800 to 0xF9FF, contains the configuration data, user information and, if enabled, any fault records of the device; the other section, 0xFA00 to 0xFBFF, contains the state definitions for the SE. Although referred to as read-only memory, the EEPROM can be written to, as well as read from, using the serial bus in exactly the same way as the other registers. The major differences between the EEPROM and other registers are as follows:    Page 8 to Page 11 are available for customer use to store any information that may be required by the customer in their application. Customers can store information on Page 12 to Page 15, or these pages can store the fault records written by the sequencing engine if users have decided to enable writing of the fault records for different states. Data can be downloaded from the EEPROM to the RAM in one of the following ways:   At power-up, when Page 0 to Page 4 are downloaded. By setting Bit 0 of the UDOWNLD register (0xD8), which performs a user download of Page 0 to Page 4. When the sequence engine is enabled, it is not possible to access the section of EEPROM from Address 0xFA00 to Address 0xFBFF. The sequence engine must be halted before it is possible to read or write to this range. Attempting to read or write to this range if the sequence engine is not halted will generate a no acknowledge, or NACK. Read/write access to the configuration and user EEPROM ranges from Address 0xF800 to Address 0xF89F and Address 0xF900 to Address 0xF9FF depends on whether the black box fault recorder is enabled. If the fault recorder is enabled and one or more states have been set as fault record trigger states, then it is not possible to access any EEPROM location in this range without first halting the black box. Attempts to read or write this EEPROM range while the fault recorder is operating are acknowledged by the device but do not return any useful data or modify the EEPROM in any way. If none of the states are set as fault record trigger states, then the black box is considered disabled, and read/write access is allowed without having to halt the black box fault recorder. SERIAL BUS INTERFACE The ADM1166 is controlled via the serial system management bus (SMBus) and is connected to this bus as a slave device under the control of a master device. It takes approximately 1 ms after power-up for the ADM1166 to download from its EEPROM. Therefore, access to the ADM1166 is restricted until the download is complete. Identifying the ADM1166 on the SMBus An EEPROM location must be blank before it can be written to. If it contains data, the data must first be erased. Writing to the EEPROM is slower than writing to the RAM. Writing to the EEPROM should be restricted because it has a limited write/cycle life of typically 10,000 write operations due to the usual EEPROM wear-out mechanisms. The first EEPROM is split into 16 (0 to 15) pages of 32 bytes each. Page 0 to Page 3, from Address 0xF800 to Address 0xF89F, hold the configuration data for the applications on the ADM1166 (such as the SFDs and PDOs). These EEPROM addresses are the same as the RAM register addresses, prefixed by F8. Page 5 to Page 7, from Address 0xF8A0 to Address 0xF8FF, are reserved. The ADM1166 has a 7-bit serial bus slave address (see Table 11). The device is powered up with a default serial bus address. The five MSBs of the address are set to 01101; the two LSBs are determined by the logical states of Pin A1 and Pin A0. This allows the connection of four ADM1166 devices to one SMBus. Table 11. Serial Bus Slave Address A1 Pin Low Low High High 1 A0 Pin Low High Low High Hex Address 0x68 0x6A 0x6C 0x6E 7-Bit Address1 0110100x 0110101x 0110110x 0110111x x = Read/write bit. The address is shown only as the first seven MSBs. Rev. A | Page 27 of 33 ADM1166 Data Sheet The device also has several identification registers (read-only) that can be read across the SMBus. Table 12 lists these registers with their values and functions. Table 12. Identification Register Values and Functions Name MANID Address 0xF4 Value 0x41 REVID MARK1 MARK2 0xF5 0xF6 0xF7 0x02 0x00 0x00 All other devices on the bus remain idle while the selected device waits for data to be read from or written to it. If the R/W bit is a 0, the master writes to the slave device. If the R/W bit is a 1, the master reads from the slave device. Data is sent over the serial bus in sequences of nine clock pulses: eight bits of data followed by an acknowledge bit from the slave device. Data transitions on the data line must occur during the low period of the clock signal and remain stable during the high period because a low-to-high transition when the clock is high could be interpreted as a stop signal. If the operation is a write operation, the first data byte after the slave address is a command byte. This command byte tells the slave device what to expect next. It may be an instruction telling the slave device to expect a block write, or it may be a register address that tells the slave where subsequent data is to be written. Because data can flow in only one direction, as defined by the R/W bit, sending a command to a slave device during a read operation is not possible. Before a read operation, it may be necessary to perform a write operation to tell the slave what sort of read operation to expect and/or the address from which data is to be read. When all data bytes have been read or written, stop conditions are established. In write mode, the master pulls the data line high during the 10th clock pulse to assert a stop condition. In read mode, the master device releases the SDA line during the low period before the ninth clock pulse, but the slave device does not pull it low. This is known as a no acknowledge. The master then takes the data line low during the low period before the 10th clock pulse and then high during the 10th clock pulse to assert a stop condition. 2. Function Manufacturer ID for Analog Devices Silicon revision Software brand Software brand General SMBus Timing Figure 36, Figure 37, and Figure 38 are timing diagrams for general read and write operations using the SMBus. The SMBus specification defines specific conditions for different types of read and write operations, which are discussed in the Write Operations and the Read Operations sections. The general SMBus protocol operates in the following three steps. The master initiates data transfer by establishing a start condition, defined as a high-to-low transition on the serial data line SDA, while the serial clock line SCL remains high. This indicates that a data stream follows. All slave peripherals connected to the serial bus respond to the start condition and shift in the next eight bits, consisting of a 7-bit slave address (MSB first) plus an R/W bit. This bit determines the direction of the data transfer, that is, whether data is written to or read from the slave device (0 = write, 1 = read). The peripheral whose address corresponds to the transmitted address responds by pulling the data line low during the low period before the ninth clock pulse, known as the acknowledge bit, and by holding it low during the high period of this clock pulse. 1 9 3. 1 9 SCL 0 SDA 1 1 0 1 A1 A0 D7 R/W D6 D5 SDA (CONTINUED) D3 D2 D1 FRAME 2 COMMAND CODE 1 D7 9 D6 D5 D4 D3 D0 ACK. BY SLAVE FRAME 1 SLAVE ADDRESS SCL (CONTINUED) D4 ACK. BY SLAVE START BY MASTER D2 FRAME 3 DATA BYTE D1 D0 1 D7 ACK. BY SLAVE 9 D6 D5 D4 D2 FRAME N DATA BYTE Figure 36. General SMBus Write Timing Diagram Rev. A | Page 28 of 33 D3 D1 D0 ACK. BY SLAVE STOP BY MASTER 09332-036 1. Data Sheet ADM1166 1 9 1 9 SCL 1 1 0 1 A1 A0 R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 ACK. BY SLAVE START BY MASTER 1 SCL (CONTINUED) SDA (CONTINUED) D7 FRAME 1 SLAVE ADDRESS D6 D5 D4 D3 9 D2 D1 D0 FRAME 2 DATA BYTE 1 D7 D6 D5 ACK. BY MASTER FRAME 3 DATA BYTE D0 ACK. BY MASTER D4 9 D3 D2 FRAME N DATA BYTE D1 D0 STOP BY MASTER NO ACK. 09332-037 0 SDA Figure 37. General SMBus Read Timing Diagram tR tF t HD; S TA t LO W t HI G H t HD; S TA t HD; D AT t SU; S TA t SU; S TO t SU; D AT SDA t BUF P S S P 09332-038 SCL Figure 38. Serial Bus Timing Diagram SMBus PROTOCOLS FOR RAM AND EEPROM The ADM1166 contains volatile registers (RAM) and nonvolatile registers (EEPROM). User RAM occupies Address 0x00 to Address 0xDF, and the EEPROM occupies Address 0xF800 to Address 0xFBFF. Data can be written to and read from both the RAM and the EEPROM as single data bytes. Data can be written only to unprogrammed EEPROM locations. To write new data to a programmed location, the location contents must first be erased. EEPROM erasure cannot be done at the byte level. The EEPROM is arranged as 32 pages of 32 bytes each, and an entire page must be erased. Page erasure is enabled by setting Bit 2 in the UPDCFG register (Address 0x90) to 1. If this bit is not set, page erasure cannot occur, even if the command byte (0xFE) is programmed across the SMBus. Rev. A | Page 29 of 33 ADM1166 Data Sheet The SMBus specification defines several protocols for different types of read and write operations. The following abbreviations are used in Figure 39 to Figure 47: S = Start P = Stop R = Read W = Write A = Acknowledge A = No acknowledge 1 S In a send byte operation, the master device sends a single command byte to a slave device, as follows: 4. 5. 6. The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). The addressed slave device asserts an acknowledge (ACK) on SDA. The master sends a command code. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA, and the transaction ends. In the ADM1166, the send byte protocol is used for the following two purposes: To write a register address to the RAM for a subsequent single byte read from the same address, or for a block read or block write starting at that address, as shown in Figure 39. 1 2 S SLAVE ADDRESS W 3 4 5 6 A RAM ADDRESS (0x00 TO 0xDF) A P 09332-039  Figure 39. Setting a RAM Address for Subsequent Read  W 4 5 6 A COMMAND BYTE (0xFE) A P As soon as the ADM1166 receives the command byte, page erasure begins. The master device can send a stop command as soon as it sends the command byte. Page erasure takes approximately 20 ms. If the ADM1166 is accessed before erasure is complete, it responds with a no acknowledge (NACK). Send Byte 3. SLAVE ADDRESS 3 Figure 40. EEPROM Page Erasure The ADM1166 uses the following SMBus write protocols. 1. 2. 2 To erase a page of EEPROM memory. EEPROM memory can be written to only if it is unprogrammed. Before writing to one or more EEPROM memory locations that are already programmed, the page(s) containing those locations must first be erased. EEPROM memory is erased by writing a command byte. Write Byte/Word In a write byte/word operation, the master device sends a command byte and one or two data bytes to the slave device, as follows: The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). 3. The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. 4. The master sends a command code. 5. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 6. The master sends a data byte. 7. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 8. The master sends a data byte or asserts a stop condition. 9. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 10. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. 1. 2. In the ADM1166, the write byte/word protocol is used for three purposes:  To write a single byte of data to the RAM. In this case, the command byte is RAM Address 0x00 to RAM Address 0xDF, and the only data byte is the actual data, as shown in Figure 41. 1 2 3 SLAVE S ADDRESS W A 4 5 6 7 8 RAM ADDRESS A DATA A P (0x00 TO 0xDF) 09332-041       09332-040 The master sends a command code telling the slave device to erase the page. The ADM1166 command code for a page erasure is 0xFE (1111 1110). Note that for a page erasure to take place, the page address must be given in the previous write word transaction (see the Write Byte/Word section). In addition, Bit 2 in the UPDCFG register (Address 0x90) must be set to 1. WRITE OPERATIONS Figure 41. Single Byte Write to the RAM  Rev. A | Page 30 of 33 To set up a 2-byte EEPROM address for a subsequent read, write, block read, block write, or page erase. In this case, the command byte is the high byte of EEPROM Address 0xF8 to EEPROM Address 0xFB. The only data byte is the low byte of the EEPROM address, as shown in Figure 42. Data Sheet 4 5 6 7 8 EEPROM EEPROM SLAVE ADDRESS ADDRESS S ADDRESS W A A A P HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE (0xF8 TO 0xFB) (0x00 TO 0xFF) Unlike some EEPROM devices that limit block writes to within a page boundary, there is no limitation on the start address when performing a block write to EEPROM, except when  Figure 42. Setting an EEPROM Address Because a page consists of 32 bytes, only the three MSBs of the address low byte are important for page erasure. The lower five bits of the EEPROM address low byte specify the addresses within a page and are ignored during an erase operation. To write a single byte of data to the EEPROM. In this case, the command byte is the high byte of EEPROM Address 0xF8 to EEPROM Address 0xFB. The first data byte is the low byte of the EEPROM address, and the second data byte is the actual data, as shown in Figure 43. 1 S 2 3 SLAVE W A ADDRESS 4 5 6 7 8  Note that the ADM1166 features a clock extend function for writes to the EEPROM. Programming an EEPROM byte takes approximately 250 μs, which limits the SMBus clock for repeated or block write operations. The ADM1166 pulls SCL low and extends the clock pulse when it cannot accept any more data. READ OPERATIONS 9 10 EEPROM EEPROM ADDRESS ADDRESS A A DATA A P LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE (0x00 TO 0xFF) (0xF8 TO 0xFB) The ADM1166 uses the following SMBus read protocols. 09332-043  Receive Byte In a receive byte operation, the master device receives a single byte from a slave device, as follows: Figure 43. Single Byte Write to the EEPROM Block Write 1. 2. In a block write operation, the master device writes a block of data to a slave device. The start address for a block write must have been set previously. In the ADM1166, a send byte operation sets a RAM address, and a write byte/word operation sets an EEPROM address, as follows: The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). 3. The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. 4. The master sends a command code that tells the slave device to expect a block write. The ADM1166 command code for a block write is 0xFC (1111 1100). 5. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 6. The master sends a data byte that tells the slave device how many data bytes are being sent. The SMBus specification allows a maximum of 32 data bytes in a block write. 7. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. 8. The master sends N data bytes. 9. The slave asserts an ACK on SDA after each data byte. 10. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. 2 3 4 The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the read bit (high). The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. The master receives a data byte. The master asserts a NACK on SDA. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA, and the transaction ends. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 1 There must be at least N locations from the start address to the highest EEPROM address (0xFBFF) to avoid writing to invalid addresses. An address crosses a page boundary. In this case, both pages must be erased before programming. In the ADM1166, the receive byte protocol is used to read a single byte of data from a RAM or EEPROM location whose address has previously been set by a send byte or write byte/word operation, as shown in Figure 44. 1 2 S SLAVE ADDRESS R 3 4 5 6 A DATA A P 09332-045 3 Figure 44. Single Byte Read from the EEPROM or RAM 5 6 7 8 9 10 SLAVE COMMAND 0xFC BYTE DATA DATA DATA A A A P S ADDRESS W A (BLOCK WRITE) A COUNT A 1 2 N Figure 45. Block Write to the EEPROM or RAM Rev. A | Page 31 of 33 09332-044 2 09332-042 1 ADM1166 ADM1166 Data Sheet Block Read Error Correction In a block read operation, the master device reads a block of data from a slave device. The start address for a block read must have been set previously. In the ADM1166, this is done by a send byte operation to set a RAM address, or a write byte/word operation to set an EEPROM address. The block read operation itself consists of a send byte operation that sends a block read command to the slave, immediately followed by a repeated start and a read operation that reads out multiple data bytes, as follows: The ADM1166 provides the option of issuing a packet error correction (PEC) byte after a write to the RAM, a write to the EEPROM, a block write to the RAM/EEPROM, or a block read from the RAM/EEPROM. This option enables the user to verify that the data received by or sent from the ADM1166 is correct. The PEC byte is an optional byte sent after the last data byte has been written to or read from the ADM1166. The protocol is the same as a block read for Step 1 to Step 12 and then proceeds as follows: The master device asserts a start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the write bit (low). The addressed slave device asserts an ACK on SDA. The master sends a command code that tells the slave device to expect a block read. The ADM1166 command code for a block read is 0xFD (1111 1101). The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. The master asserts a repeat start condition on SDA. The master sends the 7-bit slave address followed by the read bit (high). The slave asserts an ACK on SDA. The ADM1166 sends a byte-count data byte that tells the master how many data bytes to expect. The ADM1166 always returns 32 data bytes (0x20), which is the maximum allowed by the SMBus Version 1.1 specification. The master asserts an ACK on SDA. The master receives 32 data bytes. The master asserts an ACK on SDA after each data byte. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. 13. The ADM1166 issues a PEC byte to the master. The master checks the PEC byte and issues another block read, if the PEC byte is incorrect. 14. A NACK is generated after the PEC byte to signal the end of the read. 15. The master asserts a stop condition on SDA to end the transaction. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 S 2 3 4 Note that the PEC byte is calculated using CRC-8. The frame check sequence (FCS) conforms to CRC-8 by the polynomial C(x) = x8 + x2 + x1 + 1 See the SMBus Version 1.1 specification for details. An example of a block read with the optional PEC byte is shown in Figure 47. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SLAVE W A COMMAND 0xFD A S SLAVE R A BYTE A DATA A ADDRESS (BLOCK READ) ADDRESS COUNT 1 13 DATA A 32 P 09332-046 3. 4. Figure 46. Block Read from the EEPROM or RAM 1 S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SLAVE W A COMMAND 0xFD A S SLAVE R A BYTE A DATA A ADDRESS (BLOCK READ) ADDRESS COUNT 1 13 14 15 DATA 32 A PEC A P Figure 47. Block Read from the EEPROM or RAM with PEC Rev. A | Page 32 of 33 09332-047 1. 2. Data Sheet ADM1166 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 6.10 6.00 SQ 5.90 31 1 0.50 BSC TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 4.60 SQ 4.50 10 11 20 BOTTOM VIEW 0.20 MIN FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF SEATING PLANE *4.70 EXPOSED PAD 21 0.45 0.40 0.35 PIN 1 INDICATOR 40 30 02-02-2010-A PIN 1 INDICATOR 0.30 0.25 0.18 COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WJJD-5 WITH EXCEPTION TO EXPOSED PAD DIMENSION. Figure 48. 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 6 mm × 6 mm Body, Very Thin Quad (CP-40-7) Dimensions shown in millimeters 0.75 0.60 0.45 1.20 MAX 9.00 BSC SQ 37 36 48 1 PIN 1 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.15 0.05 SEATING PLANE 0.20 0.09 7° 3.5° 0° 0.08 MAX COPLANARITY 7.00 BSC SQ TOP VIEW 0° MIN (PINS DOWN) 12 13 25 24 VIEW A VIEW A 0.50 0.27 BSC 0.22 LEAD PITCH 0.17 ROTATED 90° CCW COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-026ABC Figure 49. 48-Lead Thin Plastic Quad Flat Package [TQFP] (SU-48) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model1 ADM1166ACPZ ADM1166ACPZ-REEL ADM1166ASUZ ADM1166ASUZ-REEL7 EVAL-ADM1166TQEBZ 1 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Package Description 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 48-Lead Thin Plastic Quad Flat Package [TQFP] 48-Lead Thin Plastic Quad Flat Package [TQFP] Evaluation Kit [TQFP] Z = RoHS Compliant Part. ©2010–2015 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D09332-0-3/15(A) Rev. A | Page 33 of 33 Package Option CP-40-7 CP-40-7 SU-48 SU-48
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  •  国内价格
  • 1+51.31080
  • 10+48.93530
