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ADN8831ACPZ-REEL7 数据手册
Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Controller ADN8831 Data Sheet FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Two integrated zero drift, rail-to-rail, chop amplifiers TEC voltage and current operation monitoring Programmable TEC maximum voltage and current Programmable TEC current heating and cooling limits Configurable PWM switching frequency up to 1 MHz Power efficiency: > 90% Temperature lock indication Optional internal or external clock source Clock phase adjustment for multiple drop operation Supports negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors or positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistance thermal detectors (RTDs) 5 V typical and optional 3 V supplies Standby and shutdown mode availability Adjustable soft start feature 5 mm × 5 mm 32-lead LFCSP The ADN88311 is a monolithic TEC controller. It has two integrated, zero drift, rail-to-rail comparators, and a PWM driver. A unique PWM driver works with an analog driver to control external selected MOSFETs in an H-bridge. By sensing the thermal detector feedback from the TEC, the ADN8831 can drive a TEC to settle the programmable temperature of a laser diode or a passive component attached to the TEC module. The ADN8831 supports NTC thermistors or positive temperature coefficient (PTC) RTDs. The target temperature is set as an analog voltage input either from a DAC or from an external resistor divider driven by a reference voltage source. A proportional integral differential (PID) compensation network helps to quickly and accurately stabilize the ADN8831 thermal control loop. An adjustable PID compensation network example is described in the AN-695 Application Note, Using the ADN8831 TEC Controller Evaluation Board. A typical reference voltage of 2.5 V is available from the ADN8831 for thermistor temperature sensing or for TEC voltage/current measuring and limiting in both cooling and heating modes. APPLICATIONS Thermoelectric cooler (TEC) temperature control DWDM optical transceiver modules Optical fiber amplifiers Optical networking systems Instruments requiring TEC temperature control FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ILIMC ILIMH ITEC VLIM VTEC CS LFB LIMITER/MONITOR IN1P LINEAR MOSFET DRIVER AMPLIFIER Chop1 IN1N LPGATE LNGATE SFB OUT1 CONTROL IN2P SPGATE PWM MOSFET DRIVER AMPLIFIER Chop2 SNGATE COMPSW SW IN2N TMPGD VREF SS/SB COMPOSC OSCILLATOR SYNCO SYNCI/SD PHASE FREQ 04663-001 SOFT START SHUTDOWN REF OUT2 Figure 1. 1 Product is covered by U.S. Patent No. 6,486,643. Rev. C Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2005–2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADN8831 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Temperature Lock Indicator ..................................................... 13 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Soft Start on Power-Up .............................................................. 13 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Shutdown Mode ......................................................................... 13 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Standby Mode ............................................................................. 13 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 TEC Voltage/Current Monitor ................................................. 13 Detailed Block Diagram .................................................................. 3 Maximum TEC Voltage Limit .................................................. 13 Specifications..................................................................................... 4 Maximum TEC Current Limit ................................................. 14 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................. 4 Applications Information .............................................................. 15 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 6 Signal Flow .................................................................................. 15 Thermal Characteristics .............................................................. 6 Thermistor Setup........................................................................ 15 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 6 Thermistor Amplifier (Chop1) ................................................ 15 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 7 PID Compensation Amplifier (Chop2) .................................. 16 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 9 MOSFET Driver Amplifier ....................................................... 17 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 11 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 18 Oscillator Clock Frequency ....................................................... 12 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 18 Oscillator Clock Phase ............................................................... 12 REVISION HISTORY 9/2019—Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to Figure 3 .......................................................................... 7 Changes to Table 4 ............................................................................ 8 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 18 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 18 9/2018—Rev. A to Rev. B Added Patent Information .............................................................. 1 8/2012—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Features and General Description Sections.............. 1 Moved Figure 2 ................................................................................. 3 Changes to Figure 2 .......................................................................... 3 Changes to Table 1 ............................................................................ 4 Changes to Table 2 and Table 3 ....................................................... 6 Changes to Figure 3 and Table 4 ......................................................7 Changes to Theory of Operation Section and Figure 12 .......... 11 Changes to Figure 14 and Figure 15............................................. 11 Changes to Oscillator Clock Frequency Section and Oscillator Clock Phase Section ....................................................................... 12 Changes to Soft Start on Power-Up Section, Shutdown Mode Section, Standby Mode Section, and TEC Voltage/Current Monitor Section .............................................................................. 13 Changes to Figure 17...................................................................... 15 Changes to PID Compensation Amplifier (Chop2) Section .... 16 Changes to MOSFET Driver Amplifier Section and Figure 21... 17 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 18 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 18 9/2005—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. C | Page 2 of 18 Data Sheet ADN8831 DETAILED BLOCK DIAGRAM VTEC ITEC CS 30 29 28 31 32 ADN8831 ILIMC VC 1.25V 5kΩ 1.25V 20kΩ 20kΩ VOLTAGE LIMIT IN1P 2 Chop1 1.25V 20kΩ OUT1 4 Chop2 10kΩ 25kΩ VB 20kΩ 100kΩ gm1 VC 20kΩ 100kΩ ILIMH 20kΩ OUT2 7 LINEAR AMPLIFIER 1kΩ LFB 20kΩ IN2N 6 LFB gm2 VB ILIMC VB = 2.5V, VDD > 4.0V 25 80kΩ VB 1kΩ SFB 20kΩ IN1N 3 26 27 2kΩ 25kΩ 5kΩ 1 IN2P 5 LFB LNGATE LPGATE DRIVER ILIMH VLIM 24 COMPSW 23 SFB 22 PGND 21 SNGATE 20 SW 19 SPGATE 18 PVDD 17 COMPOSC gm3 VB ITEC = 1.5V, VDD < 4.0V SOFT START 2.5V SD REFERENCE 250mV 1.25V OSCILLATOR SB TEMPERATURE GOOD 9 10 11 12 13 AVDD PHASE TMPGD AGND FREQ Figure 2. Detailed Block Diagram Rev. C | Page 3 of 18 14 15 SS/SB SYNCO SD DETECT 16 SYNCI/SD 04663-003 VREF 8 ADN8831 Data Sheet SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD = 3.0 V to 5.0 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter1 PWM OUTPUT DRIVER Output Transition Time Nonoverlapping Clock Delay Output Resistance Output Voltage Swing2 LINEAR OUTPUT AMPLIFIER Output Resistance Output Voltage Swing2 POWER SUPPLY Power Supply Voltage Supply Current Shutdown Current Soft Start Charging Current Undervoltage Lockout3 Standby Current Standby Threshold ERROR/COMPENSATION AMPLIFIERS Input Offset Voltage Input Voltage Range Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Output Voltage High Output Voltage Low Power Supply Rejection Ratio Output Current Gain Bandwidth Product OSCILLATOR Sync Range Symbol Test Conditions/Comments tR, tF CL = 3300 pF RO (SNGATE, SPGATE) SFB IL = 10 mA, VDD = 3.0 V VLIM = VREF RO, LNGATE RO, LPGATE LFB IOUT = 2 mA, VDD = 3.0 V IOUT = 2 mA, VDD = 3.0 V VDD ISY ISD ISS UVLO ISB VSB VOS1 VOS2 VCM1, VCM2 CMRR1, CMRR2 VOH1, VOH2 VOL1, VOL2 PSRR1, PSRR2 IOUT1, IOUT2 GBW1, GBW2 fCLK Typ 40 20 80 6 0 Max Unit VDD ns ns Ω V VDD Ω Ω V 200 100 0 PWM not switching −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C SYNCI/SD = 0 V VSS = 0 V Low to high threshold SYNCI/SD = VDD, SS/SB = 0 V SYNCI/SD = VDD 3.0 8 5.5 12 15 8 8 2.2 2 150 2.6 VCM1 = 1.5 V, VIN1P − VIN1M VCM2 = 1.5 V, VIN2P − VIN2M 10 10 0 VCM1, VCM2 = 0.2 V to VDD − 0.2 V 200 100 100 VDD 120 VDD − 0.03 25 3.0 V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.0 V Sourcing and sinking VOUT = 0.5 V to (VDD − 1 V) Oscillator Frequency fCLK Nominal Free-Run Oscillation Frequency Phase Adjustment Range2 fCLK-NOMINAL SYNCI/SD connected to external clock COMPOSC = VDD, RFREQ = 118 kΩ, SYNCI/SD = VDD, VDD = 5.0 V COMPOSC = VDD, SYNCI/SD = VDD ΦCLK VPHASE = 0.13 V, fSYNCI/SD = 1 MHz VPHASE = 2.3 V, fSYNCI/SD = 1 MHz Phase Adjustment Default REFERENCE VOLTAGE Reference Voltage Min ΦCLK PHASE = open VREF IREF = 2 mA IREF = 0 mA Rev. C | Page 4 of 18 110 5 2 300 800 1000 200 μV μV V dB V mV dB mA MHz 1000 kHz 1250 kHz 1000 kHz 50 Degrees 330 Degrees 180 2.37 V mA mA μA μA V mA mV 2.35 2.47 Degrees 2.57 V V Data Sheet Parameter1 LOGIC Controls Logic Low Output Voltage Logic High Output Voltage Logic Low Input Voltage Logic High Input Voltage Output High Impedance Output Low Impedance Output High Impedance Output Low Impedance TEC CURRENT MEASUREMENT ITEC Gain ITEC Output Range High ITEC Output Range Low ITEC Input Range2 ITEC Bias Voltage Maximum ITEC Driving Current TEC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT VTEC Gain VTEC Output Range2 VTEC Bias Voltage2 VTEC Output Load Resistance VOLTAGE LIMIT VLIM Gain VLIM Input Range2 VLIM Input Current, Cooling VLIM Input Current, Heating VLIM Input Current Accuracy, Heating CURRENT LIMIT ILIMC Input Voltage Range ILIMH Input Voltage Range ILIMC Limit Threshold ILIMH Limit Threshold TEMPERATURE GOOD High Threshold Low Threshold 1 2 3 ADN8831 Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min VOL VOH VIL VIH TMPGD, SYNCO, IOUT = 0 A TMPGD, SYNCO, IOUT = 0 A VDD − 0.2 Max Unit 0.2 V V V V Ω Ω Ω Ω 0.2 3 VDD = 5.0 V VDD = 5.0 V VDD = 3.0 V VDD = 3.0 V AV, ITEC VITEC, HIGH VITEC, LOW VCS, VLFB VITEC, B IOUT, TEC Typ (VITEC – VREF/2) / (VLFB − VCS) No load VLFB = VCS = 0 AV, VTEC VVTEC VVTEC, B RVTEC (VVTEC – VREF/2)/(VLFB − VSFB) VDD = 5.0 V VLFB = VSFB = 0 V IVTEC = 300 μA AV, LIM VVLIM IVLIM, COOL IVLIM, HEAT IVLIM, HEAT (VLFB − VSFB)/VVLIM 35 20 50 25 25 VDD − 0.05 0 1.10 0.23 0.05 1.20 1.20 ±1.5 0.25 1.25 35 0.05 VDD 1.30 0.28 2.5 1.35 5 V/V V V V V mA V/V V V Ω IFREQ 1.0 1.18 V/V V nA mA A/A VITEC = 2.0 V, RS = 20 mΩ VITEC = 0.5 V VREF/2 0.1 1.98 0.48 2.0 0.5 VDD − 1 VREF/2 2.02 0.52 V V V V IN2M tied to OUT2, VIN2P = 1.5 V IN2M tied to OUT2, VIN2P = 1.5 V 1.55 1.45 1.60 1.40 V V 0 VOUT2 < VREF/2 VOUT2 > VREF/2 IVLIM/IFREQ 0.8 VILIMC VILIMH VTH, ILIMC VTH, ILIMH VOUT1, TH1 VOUT1, TH2 Logic inputs meet typical CMOS I/O conditions for source/sink current (~1 μA). Guaranteed by design or indirect test methods. The ADN8831 does not work when the supply voltage is less than UVLO. Rev. C | Page 5 of 18 VDD 100 ADN8831 Data Sheet ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Absolute maximum ratings at 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter Supply Voltage Input Voltage Storage Temperature Range Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) Rating 6V GND to VS + 0.3 V −65°C to +150°C 125°C 300°C Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS θJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, a device soldered in a circuit board for surface-mount packages. Table 3. Thermal Resistance Package Type 32-lead LFCSP (ACPZ) ESD CAUTION Rev. C | Page 6 of 18 θJA 33.4 θJC 1.02 Unit °C/W Data Sheet ADN8831 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 ILIMH VLIM VTEC ITEC CS LFB LNGATE LPGATE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADN8831 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 COMPSW SFB PGND SNGATE SW SPGATE PVDD COMPOSC NOTES 1. EXPOSED PAD. THE LFCSP HAS AN EXPOSED PAD THAT MUST BE CONNECTED TO AGND (PIN 12) AND THE ASSOCIATED PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB) GROUND PLANE. 04663-002 AVDD PHASE TMPGD AGND FREQ SS/SB SYNCO SYNCI/SD 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ILIMC IN1P IN1N OUT1 IN2P IN2N OUT2 VREF Figure 3. Pin Configuration Table 4. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mnemonic ILIMC IN1P IN1N OUT1 IN2P IN2N OUT2 VREF AVDD PHASE TMPGD AGND FREQ SS/SB Type Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Output Analog Input Analog Input Analog Output Analog Output Power Analog Input Digital Output Ground Analog Input Analog Input 15 SYNCO Digital Output 16 SYNCI/SD Digital Input 17 COMPOSC Analog Output 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PVDD SPGATE SW SNGATE PGND SFB COMPSW LPGATE LNGATE LFB CS ITEC VTEC Power Analog Output Analog Input Analog Output Ground Analog Input Analog Input Analog Output Analog Output Analog Input Analog Input Analog Output Analog Output Description Sets TEC Cooling Current Limit. Noninverting Input to Error Amplifier. Inverting Input to Error Amplifier. Output of Error Amplifier. Noninverting Input to Compensation Amplifier. Inverting Input to Compensation Amplifier. Output of Compensation Amplifier. 2.5 V Voltage Reference Output. Power for Nondriver Sections. 3.0 V minimum; 5.5 V maximum. Sets SYNCO Clock Phase Relative to SYNCI/SD Clock. Logic Output. Active high. Indicates when the OUT1 voltage is within ±100 mV of IN2P voltage. Analog Ground. Connect to low noise ground. Sets Switching Frequency with an External Resistor. Sets Soft Start Time for Output Voltage. Pull low (VTEC = 0 V) to put the ADN8831 into standby mode. Phase Adjustment Clock Output. Phase set from PHASE pin. Used to drive SYNCI/SD of other ADN8831 devices. Optional Clock Input. If not connected, clock frequency is set by FREQ pin. Pull low to put the ADN8831 into shutdown mode. Pull high to negate shutdown mode. Compensation for Oscillator. Connect to PVDD when in free-run mode, connect to R-C network when in external clock mode. Power for Output Driver Sections. 3.0 V minimum; 5.5 V maximum. PWM Output Drives External PMOS Gate. Connects to PWM FET Drains. PWM Output Drives External NMOS Gate. Power Ground. External NMOS devices connect to PGND. Connect to digital ground. PWM Feedback. Connect to the TEC module negative (−) terminal. Compensation Pin for Switching Amplifier. Linear Output Drives External PMOS Gate. Linear Output Drives External NMOS Gate. Linear Feedback. Connect to H-Bridge transistor output and current sense resistor. Linear Feedback. Connect to the TEC module positive (+) terminal. Indicates TEC Current. Indicates TEC Voltage. Rev. C | Page 7 of 18 ADN8831 Pin No. 31 32 Mnemonic VLIM ILIMH EP Data Sheet Type Analog Input Analog Input Metal paddle at the back of package Description Sets Maximum Voltage Across TEC Module. Sets TEC Heating Current Limit. Exposed Pad. The LFCSP has an exposed pad that must be connected to AGND (Pin 12) and the associated PCB ground plane. Rev. C | Page 8 of 18 Data Sheet ADN8831 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 360 SYNCI/SD = 1MHz TA = 25°C VDD = 3V SPGATE PHASE SHIFT (Degrees) VOLTAGE (1V/DIV) 300 SNGATE TA = 25°C VDD = 5V 240 180 120 0 10ns/DIV 04663-007 04663-004 60 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 VPHASE (V) Figure 4. SPGATE and SNGATE Rise Time Using Circuit Shown Figure 12 Figure 7. Clock Phase Shift vs. Phase Voltage 2.485 VDD = 5V SNGATE SPGATE VREF (V) TA = 25°C VDD = 5V 2.475 04663-005 2.470 2.465 –40 10ns/DIV 04663-008 VOLTAGE (1V/DIV) 2.480 –15 10 35 60 85 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 5. SNGATE and SPGATE Fall Time Using Circuit Shown in Figure 12 Figure 8. VREF vs. Temperature 360 1000 SYNCI/SD = 1MHz TA = 25°C VDD = 5V 240 180 120 60 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 800 600 400 200 0 2.4 VPHASE (V) 04663-009 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) VDD = 5V TA = 25°C 04663-006 PHASE SHIFT (Degrees) 300 0 250 500 750 RFREQ (kΩ) Figure 9. Switching Frequency vs. RFREQ Figure 6. Clock Phase Shift vs. Phase Voltage Rev. C | Page 9 of 18 1000 ADN8831 Data Sheet 740 15 VDD = 5V TA = 25°C 720 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 12 700 680 660 6 –15 10 35 60 85 0 200 04663-011 640 –40 9 3 04663-010 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) VDD = 5V 400 600 800 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 10. Switching Frequency vs. Temperature Figure 11. Supply Current vs. Switching Frequency Rev. C | Page 10 of 18 1000 Data Sheet ADN8831 THEORY OF OPERATION Adjusting the PID network optimizes the step response of the TEC control loop. A compromised settling time and the maximum current ringing become available when this is done. Details of how to adjust the compensation network are in the PID Compensation Amplifier (CHOP2) section. The TEC is differentially driven in an H-bridge configuration. The ADN8831 drives external MOSFET transistors to provide the TEC current. To further improve the power efficiency of the system, one side of the H-bridge uses a PWM driver. Only one inductor and one capacitor are required to filter out the switching frequency. The other side of the H-bridge uses linear output without requiring any additional circuitry. This proprietary configuration allows the ADN8831 to provide efficiency of >90%. For most applications, a 4.7 μH inductor, a 22 μF capacitor, and a switching frequency of 1 MHz, maintain less than 0.5% worst-case output voltage ripple across a TEC. The ADN8831 is a single chip TEC controller that sets and stabilizes a TEC temperature. A voltage applied to the input of the ADN8831 corresponds to a target TEC temperature setpoint (TEMPSET). By controlling an external FET H-bridge, the appropriate current is then applied to the TEC to pump heat either to or away from an object attached to the TEC. The objective temperature is measured with a thermal sensor attached to the TEC and the sensed temperature (voltage) is fed back to the ADN8831 to complete a closed thermal control loop of the TEC. For best stability, the thermal sensor is to be closed to the object. In most laser diode modules, a TEC and a NTC thermistor are already mounted in the same package to regulate the laser diode temperature. The ADN8831 integrates two self-correcting, auto-zero amplifiers (Chop1 and Chop2). The Chop1 amplifier usually takes a thermal sensor input and converts or regulates the input to a linear voltage output. The OUT1 (Pin 4) voltage is proportional to the object temperature. The OUT1 (Pin 4) voltage is fed into the compensation amplifier (Chop2) and compared with a temperature setpoint voltage, creating an error voltage that is proportional to the difference. When using the Chop2 amplifier, a PID network is recommended, as shown in Figure 12. The maximum voltage across the TEC and current flowing through the TEC is to be set using the VLIM (Pin 31) and ILIMC (Pin 1)/ILIMH (Pin 32). Additional details are in the Maximum TEC Voltage Limit section and the Maximum TEC Current Limit section. 5Ω 0.1µF AVDD 0.1µF PVDD VREF LPGATE VLIM LFB 10kΩ 10kΩ 8.2kΩ ILIMC LNGATE ILIMH CS 10kΩ SFB SYNCI/SD 17.8kΩ OUT1 10kΩ VDD COMPOSC 10kΩ 60µF SPGATE IN2N 27nF TEC IN1P IN1N THERMISTOR 0.1µF COMPSW 10kΩ 7.68kΩ RSENSE 10kΩ 8.2kΩ 17.8kΩ VDD 3.0V TO 5.5V 0.1µF 30.1kΩ 10µF TEMPERATURE SET INPUT SW 1kΩ 3.3µH OUT2 SNGATE IN2P SYNCO NC PHASE NC TEC VOLTAGE OUTPUT VTEC TEC CURRENT OUTPUT ITEC SS/SB TMPGD FREQ 40µF AGND PGND NC = NO CONNECT Figure 12. Typical Application Circuit 1 Rev. C | Page 11 of 18 118kΩ 04663-012 0.1µF TEMP GOOD INDICATOR ADN8831 Data Sheet OSCILLATOR CLOCK FREQUENCY Connecting Multiple ADN8831 Devices The ADN8831 has an internal oscillator to generate the switching frequency for the output stage. This oscillator can be set in either free-run mode or synchronized to an external clock signal. Connecting SYNCO (Pin 15) to the SYNCI/SD pin of another ADN8831 allows for multiple ADN8831 devices to work together using a single clock. Multiple ADN8831 devices can be driven from a single master ADN8831 device, by connecting the SYNCO pin of the master device to each slave SYNCI/SD pin, or by daisy-chaining by connecting the SYNCO pin of each device to the SYNCI/SD pin of the next device. When multiple ADN8831 devices are clocked at the same frequency, the phase is to be adjusted to reduce power supply ripple. Free-Run Operation The switching frequency is set by a single resistor connected from FREQ (Pin 13) to ground. Table 5 shows RFREQ for some common switching frequencies. For free-run operation, connect SYNCI/SD (Pin 16) and COMPOSC (Pin 17) to PVDD (Pin 18). Table 5. Switching Frequencies vs. RFREQ ADN8831 RFREQ 484 kΩ 249 kΩ 168 kΩ 118 kΩ MASTER VDD COMPOSC 118kΩ FREQ VDD SYNCI/SD PHASE NC SYNCO Higher switching frequencies reduce the voltage ripple across the TEC. However, high switching frequencies create more power dissipation in the external transistors due to the more frequent charging and discharging of the transistor gate capacitances. 10kΩ VDD 1nF ADN8831 SLAVE ADN8831 COMPOSC VDD COMPOSC FREQ 1kΩ 1MΩ RFREQ FREQ VDD PHASE VPHASE 04663-013 SYNCI/SD SYNCI/SD 1nF ADN8831 Figure 13. Free-Run Mode SLAVE External Clock Operation COMPOSC The switching frequency of the ADN8831 can be synchronized with an external clock. Connect the clock signal to SYNCI/SD (Pin 16) and connect COMPOSC (Pin 17) to an R-C network. This network compensates a PLL to lock on to the external clock. FREQ SYNCI/SD 1nF COMPOSC FREQ SYNCI/SD 1kΩ Figure 14. Synchronize to an External Clock 0.1µF 1MΩ VPHASE OSCILLATOR CLOCK PHASE 1MΩ EXT. CLOCK SOURCE PHASE 1kΩ Figure 15. Multiple ADN8831 Devices Driven from a Master Clock 0.1µF 04663-014 ADN8831 0.1µF 04663-015 fSWITCH 250 kHz 500 kHz 750 kHz 1 MHz Adjust the oscillator clock phase using a simple resistor divider at PHASE (Pin 10). Phase adjustment allows two or more ADN8831 devices to operate from the same clock frequency and not have all outputs switched simultaneously. This avoids the potential of an excessive power supply ripple. To ensure the correct operation of the oscillator, VPHASE is to remain in the range of 100 mV to 2.4 V. PHASE (Pin 10) is internally biased at 1.2 V. If PHASE (Pin 10) remains open, the clock phase is set at 180° as the default. Rev. C | Page 12 of 18 Data Sheet ADN8831 TEMPERATURE LOCK INDICATOR Current Monitor The TMPGD (Pin 11) outputs a logic high when the OUT1 (Pin 4) voltage reaches the IN2P (Pin 5) temperature setpoint (TEMPSET) voltage. The TMPGD has a detection range of ±25 mV and a 10 mV typical hysteresis. This allows direct interfacing either to the microcontrollers or to the supervisory circuitry. ITEC (Pin 29) is an analog voltage output pin with a voltage proportional to the actual current through the TEC. A center ITEC voltage of 1.25 V corresponds to 0 A through the TEC. The output voltage is calculated using the following equation: SOFT START ON POWER-UP The equivalent TEC current is calculated using the following equation: The ADN8831 can be programmed to ramp up for a specified time after the power supply is turned on or after the SD pin is deasserted. This feature, called soft start, is useful for gradually increasing the duty cycle of the PWM amplifier. The soft start time is set with a single capacitor connected from SS (Pin 14) to ground. The capacitor value is calculated by the following equation: τ SS = 150 × C SS where: CSS is the value of the capacitor in microfarads. τSS is the soft start time in milliseconds. VITEC = 1.25 V + 25 × (VLFB − VCS ) I TEC = VITEC − 1.25 V 25 × RSENSE MAXIMUM TEC VOLTAGE LIMIT The maximum TEC voltage is set by applying a voltage at VLIM (Pin 31) to protect the TEC. This voltage can be set with a resistor divider or a DAC. The voltage limiter operates in bidirectional TEC voltage, and cooling and heating voltage. Using a DAC SHUTDOWN MODE The shutdown mode sets the ADN8831 into an ultralow current state. The current draw in shutdown mode is typically 8 µA. The shutdown input, SD (Pin 16), is active low. To shut down the device, drive SD to logic low. Once a logic high is applied, the ADN8331 is reactivated after the time delay set by the soft start circuitry. Refer to the Soft Start on Power-Up section for more details. STANDBY MODE The ADN8831 has a standby mode that deactivates a MOSFET driver stage. The current draw for the ADN8831 in standby mode is less than 2 mA. The standby input SS/SB (Pin 14) is active low. After applying a logic high, the ADN8331 reactivates following the delay. In standby mode, only SYNCO (Pin 15) has a clock output. All the other function blocks are powered off. VTEC ( MAX ) = 5 × VVLIM where: VTEC (MAX) is the maximum TEC voltage. VVLIM is the voltage applied at VLIM (Pin 31). Using a Resistor Divider Separate voltage limits are set using a resistor divider. The internal current sink circuitry connected to VLIM (Pin 31) draws a current when the ADN8831 drives the TEC in a heating direction, which lowers the voltage at VLIM (Pin 31). The current sink is not active when the TEC is driven in a cooling direction; therefore, the TEC heating voltage limit is always lower than the cooling voltage limit. TEC VOLTAGE/CURRENT MONITOR VREF ADN8831 VLIM VLIM The TEC real time voltage and current are detectable at VTEC (Pin 30) and ITEC (Pin 29), respectively. Voltage Monitor RA RB ISINK FREQ VTEC (Pin 30) is an analog voltage output pin with a voltage proportional to the actual voltage across the TEC. A center VTEC voltage of 1.25 V corresponds to 0 V across a TEC. The output voltage is calculated using the following equation: VVTEC = 1.25 V + 0.25 × (VLFB − VSFB ) Rev. C | Page 13 of 18 RFREQ Figure 16. Using a Resistor Divider 04663-016 To set a soft start time of 15 ms, CSS is to equal 0.1 μF. Both the cooling and heating voltage limits are set at the same levels when a voltage source directly drives VLIM (Pin 31). The maximum TEC voltage is calculated using the following equation: ADN8831 Data Sheet The sink current is set by the resistor connected from FREQ (Pin 13) to ground. The sink current is calculated using the following equation: I SINK = 1.25 V RFREQ MAXIMUM TEC CURRENT LIMIT To protect the TEC, separate maximum TEC current limits in cooling and heating directions are set by applying a voltage at ILIMC (Pin 1) and ILIMH (Pin 32). Maximum TEC currents are calculated using the following equations: where: ISINC is the sink current at VLIM (Pin 31). RFREQ is the resistor connected at FREQ (Pin 13). I TEC ,MAX ,COOL = I TEC ,MAX ,HEAT = The cooling and heating limits are calculated using the following equations: VVLIM ,COOL = VREF × R B RA + RB VVLIM ,HEAT = VVLIM ,COOL − I SINK × R A R B Rev. C | Page 14 of 18 VILIMC − 1.25 V 25 × RSENSE 1.25 V − VILIMH 25 × RSENSE Data Sheet ADN8831 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION PID COMPENSATOR AMPLIFIER AV = Z2/Z1 THERMISTOR INPUT AMPLIFIER AV = RFB/(RTH + RX) – RFB/R MOSFET DRIVER AV = 5 SFB SPGATE PWM IN1P + Chop1 IN1N – IN2P + IN2N Chop2 – OUT1 SNGATE LPF TEC OUT2 CONTROL LPGATE LINEAR LNGATE LFB 17.68kΩ R 7.68kΩ RX 2 3 4 VREF /2 RTH 5 6 7 VTEMPSET RFB Z1 Z2 VOUT1 VOUT2 04663-017 VREF (10kΩ @ 25°C) Figure 17. Signal Flow Block Diagram SIGNAL FLOW The ADN8831 integrates two auto-zero amplifiers defined as the Chop1 amplifier and the Chop2 amplifier. Both of the amplifiers can be used as standalone amplifiers, therefore, the implementation of temperature control can vary. Figure 17 shows the signal flow through the ADN8831, and a typical implementation of the temperature control loop using the Chop1 amplifier and the Chop2 amplifier. In Figure 17, the Chop1 amplifier and the Chop2 amplifier are configured as the thermistor input amplifier and the PID compensation amplifier, respectively. The thermistor input amplifier gains the thermistor voltage then outputs to the PID compensation amplifier. The PID compensation amplifier then compensates a loop response over the frequency domain. The output from the compensation loop at OUT2 is fed to the linear MOSFET gate driver. The voltage at LFB is fed with OUT2 into the PWM MOSFET gate driver. Including the external transistors, the gain of the differential output section is fixed at 5. For details on the output drivers, see the MOSFET Driver Amplifier section. THERMISTOR SETUP The thermistor has a nonlinear relationship to temperature; near optimal linearity over a specified temperature range can be achieved with the proper value of RX placed in series with the thermistor. First, the resistance of the thermistor must be known, where R LOW  RTH @ TLOW R MID  RTH @ TMID R HIGH  RTH @ THIGH TLOW and THIGH are the endpoints of the temperature range and TMID is the average. In some cases, with only B constant available , RTH is calculated using the following equation:   1 1   RTH  R R expB    T TR  where: RTH is a resistance at T[K]. RR is a resistance at TR[K]. RX is calculated using the following equation: R R  R MID R HIGH  2R LOW R HIGH R X   LOW MID R LOW  R HIGH  2 R MID      THERMISTOR AMPLIFIER (Chop1) The Chop1 amplifier can be used as a thermistor input amplifier. In Figure 17, the output voltage is a function of the thermistor temperature. The voltage at OUT1 is expressed as  RFB  V R VOUT1    FB  1  REF R 2  RTH  R X  where: RTH is a thermistor. RX is a compensation resistor. R is calculated using the following equation: R  R X  RTH @ 25C VOUT1 is centered around VREF/2 at 25°C. With the typical values shown in Figure 17, an average temperature-to-voltage coefficient is −25 mV/°C at a range of +5°C to +45°C. Rev. C | Page 15 of 18 ADN8831 Data Sheet 2.5 f 0 dB  VOUT1 (V) 2.0 1  80  TECGAIN 2R3C1 To ensure stability, the unity-gain crossover frequency is to be lower than the thermal time constant of the TEC and thermistor. However, this thermal time constant is sometimes unspecified making it difficult to characterize. There are many texts written on loop stabilization, and it is beyond the scope of this data sheet to discuss all methods and trade offs in optimizing compensation networks. 1.5 1.0 0.5 04663-018 0 –15 ADN8831 5 25 45 + CHOP2 – 65 TEMPERATURE(°C) Figure 18. VOUT1 vs. Temperature 4 PID COMPENSATION AMPLIFIER (Chop2) 5 IN2P 6 IN2N 7 OUT2 VTEMPSET R3 R2 R1 C2 C1 04663-019 Use the Chop2 amplifier as the PID compensation amplifier. The voltage at OUT1 feeds into the PID compensation amplifier. The frequency response of the PID compensation amplifier is dictated by the compensation network. Apply the temperature set voltage at IN2P. In Figure 17, the voltage at OUT2 is calculated using the following equation: CF Figure 19. Implementing a PID Compensation Loop Z2 (VOUT1  VTEMPSET ) Z1 A typical compensation network for temperature control of a laser module is a PID loop consisting of a very low frequency pole and two separate zeros at higher frequencies. Figure 19 shows a simple network for implementing PID compensation. To reduce the noise sensitivity of the control loop, an additional pole is added at a higher frequency than the zeros. The bode plot of the magnitude is shown in Figure 20. The unity-gain crossover frequency of the feedforward amplifier is calculated using the following equation: 0dB R1 R2 || R3 R1 R3 1 2πR3C1 1 2πR1C1 1 2πC2 (R2 + R3) FREQUENCY (Hz log scale) 1 2πR3C2 04663-020 The user sets the exact compensation network. This network varies from a simple integrator to PI, PID, or any other type of network. The user also determines the type of compensation and component values because they are dependent on the thermal response of the object and the TEC. One method for empirically determining these values is to input a step function to IN2P, therefore changing the target temperature, and adjusting the compensation network to minimize the settling time of the TEC temperature. MAGNITUDE (log scale) VOUT2  VTEMPSET  OUT1 Figure 20. Bode Plot for PID Compensation With an ADN8831-EVALZ board, AN-695, an application note shows how to determine the PID network components for a stable TEC subsystem performance. Rev. C | Page 16 of 18 Data Sheet ADN8831 MOSFET DRIVER AMPLIFIER 5.0 LFB (V) The ADN8831 has two separate MOSFET drivers: a switched output or pulse-width modulated (PWM) amplifier, and a high gain linear amplifier. Each amplifier has a pair of outputs that drive the gates of external MOSFETs which, in turn, drive the TEC as shown in Figure 17. A voltage across the TEC is monitored via SFB (Pin 23) and LFB (Pin 27). Although both MOSFET drivers achieve the same result, to provide constant voltage and high current, their operation is different. The exact equations for the two outputs are 2.5 0 SFB (V) 5.0 VLFB = VB − 40(VOUT2 − 1.25) 2.5 0 VSFB = VLFB + 5(VOUT2 − 1.25) where: VOUT2 is the voltage at OUT2 (Pin 7). VB is determined by VDD as 5.0 2.5 VB = 2.5 V[VDD > 4.0 V] The voltage at OUT2 (Pin 7) is determined by the compensation network that receives temperature set voltage and thermistor voltage fed by the input amplifier. VLFB has a low limit of 0 V and an upper limit of VDD. Figure 21 shows the graphs of these equations. Rev. C | Page 17 of 18 0 –2.5 04663-021 VTEC (V) LFB-SFB VB = 1.5 V[VDD < 4.0 V] –5.0 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 OUT2 (V) Figure 21. OUT2 Voltage vs. TEC Voltage 2.75 ADN8831 Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS DETAIL A (JEDEC 95) 0.30 0.25 0.18 25 P IN 1 IN D IC ATO R AR E A OP T IO N S (SEE DETAIL A) 32 24 1 0.50 BSC 3.25 3.10 SQ 2.95 EXPOSED PAD 17 TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 SIDE VIEW PKG-003898 SEATING PLANE 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF 8 9 16 BOTTOM VIEW 0.20 MIN FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WHHD 09-12-2018-A PIN 1 INDICATOR AREA 5.10 5.00 SQ 4.90 Figure 22. 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 5 mm× 5 mm Body and 0.75 mm Package Height (CP-32-7) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 ADN8831ACPZ-R2 ADN8831ACPZ-REEL7 ADN8831-EVALZ 1 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Package Description 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] Evaluation Board Z = RoHS Compliant Part. ©2005–2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D04663-0-9/19(C) Rev. C | Page 18 of 18 Package Option CP-32-7 CP-32-7
ADN8831ACPZ-REEL7 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+106.62613
    • 10+90.09352
    • 25+89.03453
    • 100+87.98428
    • 250+86.92529
    • 500+85.87504
    • 1000+84.81604


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+150.365501+18.15710
    • 10+105.5744010+12.74850
    • 25+93.8342025+11.33080
    • 100+81.55460100+9.84800
    • 1500+81.454201500+9.83590


    •  国内价格
    • 1+45.08000


    •  国内价格
    • 1+44.83600
    • 100+43.52700
    • 1500+42.26200


    •  国内价格
    • 1+137.28992
    • 10+99.61854
    • 25+88.59596
    • 100+85.96193
    • 250+83.31603
    • 1500+80.67014


      •  国内价格
      • 1+146.69600
      • 10+113.31100
      • 25+102.21200
      • 100+89.78200


