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ADN8833ACBZ-R7 数据手册
Data Sheet Ultracompact, 1 A Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Driver for Digital Control Systems ADN8833 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VTEC TEC CURRENT AND VOLTAGE SENSE AND LIMIT VLIM/SD ILIM The ADN8833 is a monolithic H-bridge TEC driver with integrated 1 A power MOSFETs. It has a linear power stage with the linear driver (LDR) output and a pulse-width modulation (PWM) power stage with the SW output. Depending on the control voltage at the CONT input, the ADN8833 drives current through a TEC to settle the temperature of a laser diode or a passive component attached to the TEC module to the programmed target temperature. The control voltage applied to the CONT input is generated by a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) closing the digital proportional, integral, derivative (PID) loop of temperature control system. LDR CONTROLLER PWM POWER STAGE TEC temperature control Optical modules Optical fiber amplifiers Optical networking systems Instruments requiring TEC temperature control 1 LINEAR POWER STAGE PVIN CONT VOLTAGE REFERENCE GENERAL DESCRIPTION VDD ADN8833 APPLICATIONS 1 ITEC AGND VREF SW OSCILLATOR SFB EN/SY PGNDx 12909-001 Patented high efficiency single inductor architecture Integrated low RDSON MOSFETs for TEC driver TEC voltage and current operation monitoring No external sense resistor required Independent TEC heating and cooling current limit settings Programmable maximum TEC voltage 2 MHz PWM driver switching frequency External synchronization Digital thermal control loop compatible 2.50 V reference output with 1% accuracy Available in a 25-ball, 2.5 mm × 2.5 mm WLCSP or in a 24-lead, 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP Figure 1. The internal 2.5 V reference voltage provides a 1% accurate output that is used to bias a voltage divider network to program the maximum TEC current and voltage limits for both the heating and cooling modes. It can also be a reference voltage for the DAC and the temperature sensing circuit, including a thermistor bridge and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Table 1. TEC Family Models Model ADN8831 ADN8833 MOSFET Discrete Integrated Thermal Loop Digital/analog Digital ADN8834 Integrated Digital/analog Package LFCSP (CP-32-7) WLCSP (CB-25-7), LFCSP (CP-24-15) WLCSP (CB-25-7), LFCSP (CP-24-15) Product is covered by US Patent No. 6,486,643. Rev. B Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2015–2018 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADN8833 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 TEC Voltage/Current Monitor ................................................. 15 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Maximum TEC Voltage Limit .................................................. 15 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Maximum TEC Current Limit ................................................. 15 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Applications Information .............................................................. 16 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Typical Application with Digital PID Using a DAC .............. 16 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Thermistor Setup........................................................................ 16 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 6 MOSFET Driver Amplifiers ...................................................... 16 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 6 PWM Output Filter Requirements .......................................... 17 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 6 Input Capacitor Selection .......................................................... 18 Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions ........................... 7 Power Dissipation....................................................................... 18 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 8 PCB Layout Guidelines .................................................................. 20 Detailed Functional Block Diagram ............................................ 12 Block Diagrams and Signal Flow ............................................. 20 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 13 Guidelines for Reducing Noise and Minimizing Power Loss .... 20 Digital PID Control .................................................................... 13 Example PCB Layout Using Two Layers ................................. 21 Powering the Driver ................................................................... 13 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 23 Enable and Shutdown ................................................................ 14 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 23 Oscillator Clock Frequency ....................................................... 14 Soft Start on Power-Up .............................................................. 14 REVISION HISTORY 8/2018—Rev. A to Rev. B Added Patent Information .............................................................. 1 8/2015—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Added 24-Lead LFCSP....................................................... Universal Changes to Features Section and Table 1 ...................................... 1 Changes to Table 2 ............................................................................ 3 Changes to Table 3 ............................................................................ 6 Added Figure 3; Renumbered Sequentially ................................. 7 Changes to Figure 11 ........................................................................ 9 Changes to Figure 18 and Figure 19 ............................................. 10 Changes to Figure 23 ...................................................................... 12 Changes to Powering the Driver Section and Figure 24 Caption... 13 Change to Soft Start on Power-Up Section ................................. 14 Changes to Table 7 .......................................................................... 17 Added Table 8; Renumbered Sequentially .................................. 18 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 23 Changes to Ordering Guide ......................................................... 23 4/2015—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 2 of 23 Data Sheet ADN8833 SPECIFICATIONS VIN = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, TJ = −40°C to +125°C for minimum/maximum specifications, and TA =25°C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter POWER SUPPLY Driver Supply Voltage Controller Supply Voltage Supply Current Shutdown Current Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) UVLO Hysteresis REFERENCE VOLTAGE LINEAR OUTPUT Output Voltage Low High Maximum Source Current Maximum Sink Current On Resistance P-MOSFET N-MOSFET Leakage Current P-MOSFET N-MOSFET Linear Amplifier Gain LDR Short-Circuit Threshold Hiccup Cycle PWM OUTPUT Output Voltage Low High Maximum Source Current Maximum Sink Current On Resistance P-MOSFET N-MOSFET Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min VPVIN VPVINL, VPVINS VVDD IVDD ISD VUVLO UVLOHYST VVREF WLCSP LFCSP 2.7 2.7 2.7 VLDR PWM not switching EN/SY = AGND or VLIM/SD = AGND VVDD rising IVREF = 0 mA to 10 mA 2.45 80 2.475 Typ Max Unit 2.1 350 2.55 90 2.50 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 700 2.65 100 2.525 V V V mA µA V mV V 1.0 V V A A 35 44 50 55 31 40 45 50 50 60 65 75 50 55 70 80 mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ 0.1 0.1 40 2.2 −2.2 15 10 10 µA µA V/V A A ms ILDR = 0 A 0 VPVIN ILDR_SOURCE ILDR_SINK RDS_PL(ON) RDS_NL(ON) ILDR_P_LKG ILDR_N_LKG ALDR ILDR_SH_GNDL ILDR_SH_PVIN THICCUP VSFB ISW_SOURCE ISW_SINK RDS_PS(ON) RDS_NS(ON) TJ = −40°C to +125°C TJ = −40°C to +125°C ILDR = 0.6 A WLCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V WLCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V WLCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V WLCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V LDR short to PGNDL, enter hiccup LDR short to PVIN, enter hiccup 1.0 ISFB = 0 A TJ = −40°C to +125°C TJ = −40°C to +125°C ISW = 0.6 A WLCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V WLCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V WLCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V WLCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 5.0 V LFCSP, VPVIN = 3.3 V Rev. B | Page 3 of 23 0.06 × VPVIN 0.93 × VPVIN 1.0 47 60 60 70 40 45 45 55 1.0 V V A A 65 80 80 95 60 65 75 85 mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ ADN8833 Parameter Leakage Current P-MOSFET N-MOSFET SW Node Rise Time 1 PWM Duty Cycle 2 SFB Input Bias Current PWM OSCILLATOR Internal Oscillator Frequency EN/SY Input Voltage Low High External Synchronization Frequency Synchronization Pulse Duty Cycle EN/SY Rising to PWM Rising Delay EN/SY to PWM Lock Time EN/SY Input Current Pull-Down Current DRIVER CONTROL INPUT Input Voltage Range Input Resistance Input Capacitance1 TEC CURRENT LIMIT ILIM Input Voltage Range Cooling Heating Current-Limit Threshold Cooling Heating ILIM Input Current Heating Cooling Cooling to Heating Current Detection Threshold TEC VOLTAGE LIMIT Voltage Limit Gain VLIM/SD Input Voltage Range1 VLIM/SD Input Current Cooling Heating TEC CURRENT MEASUREMENT (WLCSP) Current Sense Gain Data Sheet Symbol Test Conditions/Comments ISW_P_LKG ISW_N_LKG tSW_R DSW ISFB CSW = 1 nF fOSC EN/SY high VEN/SY_ILOW VEN/SY_IHIGH fSYNC DSYNC tSYNC_PWM tSY_LOCK IEN/SY Min 1.85 10 10 1 93 2 µA µA ns % µA 2.0 2.15 MHz 0.8 V V MHz % ns Cycles µA µA 3.25 90 Number of SYNC cycles 0.3 0.3 1.3 0.2 10 0.5 0.5 VVREF V kΩ pF VVREF − 0.2 1.2 V V 2.02 0.52 V V +0.2 42.5 µA µA mA 40 40 VILIMC_TH VILIMH_TH VITEC = 0.5 V VITEC = 2 V 1.98 0.48 IILIMH IILIMC ICOOL_HEAT_TH Sourcing current −0.2 37.5 AVLIM VVLIM (VLDR − VSFB)/VVLIM IILIMC IILIMH VOUT2 < VVREF/2 VOUT2 > VVREF/2, sinking current RCS VPVIN = 3.3 V VPVIN = 5 V 700 mA ≤ ILDR ≤ 1 A, VPVIN = 3.3 V 800 mA ≤ ILDR ≤ 1 A, VPVIN = 5 V VPVIN = 3.3 V, cooling, VVREF/2 + ILDR × RCS VPVIN = 3.3 V, heating, VVREF/2 − ILDR × RCS VPVIN = 5 V, cooling, VVREF/2 + ILDR × RCS VPVIN = 5 V, heating, VVREF/2 − ILDR × RCS VITEC_@_700_mA VITEC_@_−700_mA VITEC_@_800_mA VITEC_@_−800_mA 0.1 0.1 1 50 VILIMC VILIMH ITEC Voltage Accuracy Unit 2.1 1.85 10 0 ILDR_ERROR Max 6 VCONT RCONT CCONT Current Measurement Accuracy Typ Rev. B | Page 4 of 23 2.0 0.5 40 40 0.2 2 VVDD/2 V/V V −0.2 8 +0.2 12.2 µA µA +10 +10 1.779 0.971 1.846 0.905 V/A V/A % % V V V V 10 0.525 0.535 −10 −10 1.455 0.794 1.510 0.739 1.618 0.883 1.678 0.822 Data Sheet Parameter TEC CURRENT MEASUREMENT (LFCSP) Current Sense Gain Test Conditions/Comments RCS VPVIN = 3.3 V VPVIN = 5 V 700 mA ≤ ILDR ≤ 1 A, VPVIN = 3.3 V 800 mA ≤ ILDR ≤ 1 A, VPVIN = 5 V VPVIN = 3.3 V, cooling, VVREF/2 + ILDR × RCS VPVIN = 3.3 V, heating, VVREF/2 − ILDR × RCS VPVIN = 5 V, cooling, VVREF/2 + ILDR × RCS VPVIN = 5 V, heating, VVREF/2 − ILDR × RCS ITEC = 0 A ILDR = 0 A ILDR_ERROR ITEC Voltage Accuracy VITEC_@_700_mA VITEC_@_−700_mA VITEC_@_800_mA VITEC_@_−800_mA VITEC VITEC IITEC VTEC Output Voltage Range VTEC Bias Voltage Maximum VTEC Output Current INTERNAL SOFT START Soft Start Time VLIM/SD SHUTDOWN VLIM/SD Low Voltage Threshold THERMAL SHUTDOWN Thermal Shutdown Threshold Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis 2 Symbol Current Measurement Accuracy ITEC Voltage Output Range ITEC Bias Voltage Maximum ITEC Output Current TEC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT Voltage Sense Gain Voltage Measurement Accuracy 1 ADN8833 AVTEC VVTEC_@_1_V VVTEC VVTEC_B RVTEC VLDR − VSFB = 1 V, VVREF/2 + AVTEC × (VLDR − VSFB) VLDR = VSFB tSS Min Typ Max Unit +15 +15 1.861 1.015 1.921 0.955 VVREF − 0.05 1.285 +2 V/A V/A % % V V V V V V mA 0.25 1.50 0.26 1.525 V/V V 1.250 2.625 1.285 +2 V V mA 0.525 0.525 −15 −15 1.374 0.750 1.419 0.705 0 1.225 −2 0.24 1.475 0.005 1.225 −2 1.618 0.883 1.678 0.830 1.250 150 VVLIM/SD_THL ms 0.07 TSHDN_TH TSHDN_HYS 170 17 This specification is guaranteed by design. This specification is guaranteed by characterization. Rev. B | Page 5 of 23 V °C °C ADN8833 Data Sheet ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Table 3. Parameter PVIN to PGNDL (WLCSP) PVIN to PGNDS (WLCSP) PVINL to PGNDL (LFCSP) PVINS to PGNDS (LFCSP) LDR to PGNDL (WLCSP) LDR to PGNDL (LFCSP) SW to PGNDS SFB to AGND AGND to PGNDL AGND to PGNDS VLIM/SD to AGND ILIM to AGND VREF to AGND VDD to AGND EN/SY to AGND ITEC to AGND VTEC to AGND Maximum Current VREF to AGND ITEC to AGND VTEC to AGND Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) θJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, a device soldered in a circuit board for surface-mount packages, and is based on a 4-layer standard JEDEC board. Rating −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to VPVIN −0.3 V to VPVINL −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to VVDD −0.3 V to +0.3 V −0.3 V to +0.3 V −0.3 V to VVDD −0.3 V to VVDD −0.3 V to +3 V −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to VVDD −0.3 V to +5.75 V −0.3 V to +5.75 V Table 4. Package Type 25-Ball WLCSP 24-Lead LFCSP ESD CAUTION 20 mA 50 mA 50 mA 125°C −65°C to +150°C 260°C Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Rev. B | Page 6 of 23 θJA 48 37 θJC 0.6 1.65 Unit °C/W °C/W Data Sheet ADN8833 5 PGNDL PGNDL DNC DNC DNC 18 PGNDL DNC 1 A CONT 2 17 LDR VLIM/SD 3 ILIM 4 ADN8833 16 PVINL TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 15 PVINS VDD 5 C PVIN PVIN ITEC CONT ILIM 14 SW VREF 6 13 PGNDS 2.54mm ITEC 11 VLIM/ SD PGNDS 12 DNC SFB 10 DNC VTEC 9 LDR AGND 7 LDR EN/SY 8 B NOTES 1. DNC = DO NOT CONNECT. DO NOT CONNECT TO THESE PINS. 2. EXPOSED PAD. SOLDER TO THE ANALOG GROUND PLANE ON THE BOARD D SW VTEC SW EN/SY 12909-100 4 20 DNC 3 19 PGNDL 2 22 DNC 1 21 DNC 24 DNC ADN8833 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 23 DNC PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS VDD 0.5mm PITCH E PGNDS SFB PGNDS AGND VREF NOTES 1. DNC = DO NOT CONNECT. DO NOT CONNECT TO THESE PINS. 12909-002 2.54mm Figure 3. LFCSP Pin Configuration (Top View) Figure 2. WLCSP Pin Configuration (Top View) Table 5. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. WLCSP LFCSP A1, A2 18, 19 A3 to 1, 20 to A5, B3, 24 B4 B1, B2 17 B5 3 Mnemonic PGNDL DNC Description Power Ground of the Linear TEC Driver. Do Not Connect. Do not connect to these pins. LDR VLIM/SD Output of the Linear TEC Driver. Voltage Limit/Shutdown. This pin sets the cooling and heating TEC voltage limits. When this pin is pulled low, the device shuts down. Power Input for the TEC Driver. Power input for the linear TEC driver Power input for the PWM TEC driver TEC Current Output. Control Input of the TEC Driver. Apply a control signal from the DAC to this pin to close the thermal loop. Current Limit. This pin sets the TEC cooling and heating current limits. Switch Node Output of the PWM TEC Driver. TEC Voltage Output. Enable/Synchronization. Set this pin high to enable the device. An external synchronization clock input can be applied to this pin. Power for the Driver Circuits. Power Ground of the PWM TEC Driver. Feedback of the PWM TEC Driver Output. Signal Ground. 2.5 V Reference Output. Exposed Pad. Solder to the analog ground plane on the board. C1, C2 N/A1 N/A1 C3 C4 C5 D1, D2 D3 D4 N/A 1 16 15 11 2 4 14 9 8 PVIN PVINL PVINS ITEC CONT ILIM SW VTEC EN/SY D5 E1, E2 E3 E4 E5 N/A1 5 12, 13 10 7 6 0 VDD PGNDS SFB AGND VREF EP 1 N/A means not applicable. Rev. B | Page 7 of 23 ADN8833 Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. 100 100 VIN = 3.3V VIN = 5V 90 80 70 70 60 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0.5 1.0 TEC CURRENT (A) 1.5 0 0 1.0 MAXIMUM TEC CURRENT (A) 1.4 80 70 60 50 40 30 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 20 LOAD = 2Ω LOAD = 3Ω LOAD = 4Ω LOAD = 5Ω 0.2 10 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 TEC CURRENT (A) 0 2.7 12909-004 0 1.5 Figure 7. Efficiency vs. TEC Current at VIN = 3.3 V with Different Loads in Heating Mode VIN = 3.3V VIN = 5V 90 0.5 TEC CURRENT (A) Figure 4. Efficiency vs. TEC Current at VIN = 3.3 V and 5 V in Cooling Mode with 2 Ω Load 100 LOAD = 2Ω LOAD = 3Ω LOAD = 4Ω LOAD = 5Ω 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 INPUT VOLTAGE AT PVIN (V) Figure 5. Efficiency vs. TEC Current at VIN = 3.3 V and 5 V in Heating Mode with 2 Ω Load 12909-107 0 EFFICIENCY (%) 60 12909-106 EFFICIENCY (%) 80 12909-003 EFFICIENCY (%) 90 Figure 8. Maximum TEC Current vs. Input Voltage at PVIN (VIN = 3.3 V), Without Voltage and Current Limit in Cooling Mode 100 1.4 80 EFFCIENCY(%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 LOAD = 2Ω LOAD = 3Ω LOAD = 4Ω LOAD = 5Ω 0 0 0.5 1.0 TEC CURRENT (A) 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 LOAD = 2Ω LOAD = 3Ω LOAD = 4Ω LOAD = 5Ω 0.2 0 2.7 12909-105 10 1.2 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 INPUT VOLTAGE AT PVIN (V) Figure 6. Efficiency vs. TEC Current at VIN = 3.3 V with Different Loads in Cooling Mode 5.0 5.5 12909-108 MAXIMUM TEC CURRENT (A) 90 Figure 9. Maximum TEC Current vs. Input Voltage at PVIN (VIN = 3.3 V), Without Voltage and Current Limit in Heating Mode Rev. B | Page 8 of 23 Data Sheet ADN8833 20 0.8 0.6 0.2 0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 –1.0 –50 0 50 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 150 12909-111 –0.8 Figure 10. VREF Error vs. Ambient Temperature –5 –10 –15 –1.0 –0.5 0 0 –0.05 –0.10 –0.15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LOAD CURRENT AT VREF (mA) Figure 11. VREF Load Regulation 10 5 0 –5 –10 –15 VTEC VOLTAGE READING ERROR (%) 15 10 5 0 –5 –10 –15 1.5 15 2.0 2.5 VIN = 3.3V VIN = 5V 10 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –20 –2.5 12909-010 TEC CURRENT (A) 1.5 Figure 14. VTEC Voltage Reading Error vs. TEC Voltage in Cooling Mode 20 1.0 1.0 TEC VOLTAGE (V) VIN = 3.3V VIN = 5V 0.5 VIN = 3.3V VIN = 5V –20 0.5 12909-101 –0.20 15 12909-011 VTEC VOLTAGE READING ERROR (%) VREF (%) 0 Figure 13. ITEC Current Reading Error vs. TEC Current in Cooling Mode 0.05 ITEC CURRENT READING ERROR (%) 5 20 0.10 0 10 TEC CURRENT (A) VIN = 3.3V, ITEC = 0A VIN = 3.3V, ITEC = 0.5A, COOLING VIN = 3.3V, ITEC = 0.5A, HEATING VIN = 5V, ITEC = 0A VIN = 5V, ITEC = 0.5A, COOLING VIN = 5V, ITEC = 0.5A, HEATING 0.15 –20 VIN = 3.3V VIN = 5V –20 –1.5 0.20 20 15 –2.0 –1.5 TEC VOLTAGE (V) Figure 12. ITEC Current Reading Error vs. TEC Current in Heating Mode –1.0 –0.5 12909-014 VREF ERROR (%) 0.4 NO LOAD NO LOAD NO LOAD 5mA LOAD 5mA LOAD 5mA LOAD ITEC CURRENT READING ERROR (%) VIN = 2.7V AT VIN = 3.3V AT VIN = 5.5V AT VIN = 2.7V AT VIN = 3.3V AT VIN = 5.5V AT 12909-013 1.0 Figure 15. VTEC Voltage Reading Error vs. TEC Voltage in Heating Mode Rev. B | Page 9 of 23 ADN8833 Data Sheet T SW EN 3 3 TEC CURRENT 4 LDO (TEC+) LDO (TEC–) 1 PWM (TEC+) PWM (TEC–) CH1 1V CH2 1V CH4 500mA Ω CH3 2V M20.0ms A CH3 T 40ms 800mV Figure 16. Typical Enable Waveforms in Cooling Mode, VIN = 3.3 V, Load = 2 Ω, TEC Current = 1 A CH1 20mV BW CH2 20mV CH3 2.0V BW B W M400ns T 0.0s A CH3 1.00V 12909-102 1 12909-121 2 Figure 18. Typical Switch and Voltage Ripple Waveforms in Cooling Mode, VIN = 3.3 V, Load = 2 Ω, TEC Current = 1 A T EN SW 3 3 TEC CURRENT 4 LDO (TEC+) 1 PWM (TEC–) PWM (TEC–) 2 CH3 2V M20.0ms A CH3 T 40ms 800mV Figure 17. Enable Waveforms in Heating Mode, VIN = 3.3 V, Load = 2 Ω, TEC Current = 1 A CH1 20mV BW CH2 20mV CH3 2.0V BW B W M400ns T 0.0s A CH3 1.00V 12909-103 CH1 1V CH2 1V CH4 500mA Ω 12909-122 LDO (TEC+) 2 Figure 19. Typical Switch and Voltage Ripple Waveforms in Heating Mode, VIN = 3.3 V, Load = 2 Ω, TEC Current = 1 A Rev. B | Page 10 of 23 Data Sheet ADN8833 LDO (TEC+) PWM (TEC–) TEC CURRENT TEC CURRENT 4 4 PWM (TEC–) LDO (TEC+) 1 CH2 500mV M200ms A CH4 T –28.000ms –108mA CH1 500mV CH4 200mA Ω Figure 20. Cooling to Heating Transition TEC CURRENT PWM (TEC–) LDO (TEC+) M10ms A CH4 T 5.4ms –8mA 12909-119 1 CH2 500mV M10ms A CH4 T 5.4ms 12mA Figure 22. Zero Crossing TEC Current Zoom in from Cooling to Heating 4 CH1 500mV CH3 300mA Ω CH2 500mV 12909-120 CH1 500mV CH4 200mA Ω 12909-118 1 Figure 21. Zero Crossing TEC Current Zoom in from Heating to Cooling Rev. B | Page 11 of 23 ADN8833 Data Sheet DETAILED FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VTEC ITEC ADN8833 VDD VREF TEC DRIVER LINEAR POWER STAGE COOLING VDD 5kΩ 2.5V BAND GAP VOLTAGE REFERENCE HEATING 20kΩ 5kΩ 1.25V 20kΩ 1.25V PVIN 1.25V TEC CURRENT SENSE 20kΩ – + LDR VB = 2.5V AT VDD > 4.0V VB = 1.5V AT VDD < 4.0V VB SFB TEC VOLTAGE SENSE VC AGND 2kΩ 80kΩ LDR + – VB LINEAR AMPLIFIER PGNDL VB PGNDL 80kΩ 1.25V 20kΩ 20kΩ 400kΩ SFB PWM POWER STAGE 100kΩ VC 20kΩ CONT PWM MODULATOR 20kΩ 20kΩ 40µA VB COOLING HEATING OSCILLATOR SW CLK PGNDS SHUTDOWN 10µA VHIGH ≥ 2.1V VLOW ≤ 0.8V ITEC TEC CURRENT LIMIT 0.07V VLIM/SD DEGLITCH SHUTDOWN ILIM Figure 23. Detailed Functional Block Diagram of the ADN8833 in the WLCSP Rev. B | Page 12 of 23 PGNDS EN/SY 12909-016 CLK PWM MOSFET DRIVER PWM ERROR AMPLIFIER VDD TEC VOLTAGE LIMIT AND INTERNAL SOFT START PVIN Data Sheet ADN8833 THEORY OF OPERATION The ADN8833 is a single chip TEC driver that sets and stabilizes a TEC temperature. A control voltage from a DAC applied to the CONT input of the ADN8833 corresponds to the temperature setpoint of the target object attached to the TEC. The ADN8833 controls an internal FET H-bridge whereby the direction of the current fed through the TEC can be either positive (for cooling mode) to pump heat away from the object attached to the TEC, or negative (for heating mode), to pump heat into the object attached to the TEC. For additional details, see the Maximum TEC Voltage Limit section and the Maximum TEC Current Limit section. The objective temperature is measured with a thermal sensor attached to the TEC and the sensed temperature (voltage) is fed back to an ADC to close digital thermal control loop of the TEC. For the best overall stability, couple the thermal sensor close to the TEC. In most laser diode modules, a TEC and a NTC thermistor are already mounted in the same package to regulate the laser diode temperature. POWERING THE DRIVER The TEC is differentially driven in an H-bridge configuration. The ADN8833 drives its internal MOSFET transistors to provide the TEC current. To further improve the power efficiency of the system, only one side of the H-bridge uses a PWM driver. Only one inductor and one capacitor are required to filter out the switching frequency. The other side of the H-bridge uses a linear output without requiring any additional circuitry. This proprietary configuration allows the ADN8833 to provide efficiency of >90%. For most applications, a 1 μH inductor, a 10 μF capacitor, and a switching frequency of 2 MHz maintain less than 1% of the worstcase output voltage ripple across a TEC. The maximum voltage across the TEC and the current flowing through the TEC are set by using the VLIM/SD and ILIM pins. The maximum cooling and heating currents can be set independently to allow asymmetric heating and cooling limits. The ADN8833 is used in a software controlled PID loop. An amplifier conditions the signal from the thermistor and connects to an external temperature measurement ADC. The signal from an external DAC that controls the temperature setpoint is applied to the CONT input pin. The ADN8833 operates at an input voltage range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V that is applied to the VDD pin and the PVIN pin for the WLCSP (or the PVINS pin and PVINL pin for the LFCSP). The VDD pin is the input power for the driver and internal reference. The PVIN input power pins are combined for both the linear and the switching driver. Apply the same input voltage to all power input pins: VDD and PVIN. In some circumstances, an RC low-pass filter can be optionally added between the PVIN for the WLCSP (PVINS and PVINL for the LFCSP) and VDD pins to prevent high frequency noise from entering VDD, as shown in Figure 24. The capacitor and resistor values are typically 10 Ω and 100 nF, respectively. When configuring power supply to the ADN8833, keep in mind that at high current loads, the input voltage may drop substantially due to a voltage drop on the wires between the front-end power supply and the PVIN for the WLCSP (PVINS and PVINL for the LFCSP) pin. Leave a proper voltage margin when designing the front-end power supply to maintain the performance. Minimize the trace length from the power supply to the PVIN for the WLVSP (PVINS and PVINL for the LFCSP) pin to help mitigate the voltage drop. COOLING AND HEATING TEC CURRENT LIMITS EN 2.5V VREF TEC VOLTAGE LIMIT RC1 EN/SY CVDD 0.1µF VDD RBP VIN 2.7V TO 5.5V R PVIN CIN 10µF LDR CL_OUT 0.1µF ADC CONT TEC CURRENT READBACK TEC VOLTAGE READBACK RX ITEC VTEC ADN8833 TEC + NTC RTH PGNDL VREF – AGND SFB TEMPERATURE READBACK THERMISTER L = 1µH PGNDS SW FSW = 2MHz CSW_OUT 10µF 12909-017 CVREF 0.1µF ILIM VLIM/SD TEC DRIVER CONTROL 2.5V VREF 2.5V VREF RC2 RV1 RV2 2.5V VREF DAC DIGITAL PID CONTROL Figure 24. TEC Driver in a Digital Temperature Control Loop (WLCSP) Rev. B | Page 13 of 23 ADN8833 Data Sheet ENABLE AND SHUTDOWN To enable the ADN8833, apply a logic high voltage to the EN/SY pin while the voltage at the VLIM/SD pin is above the maximum shutdown threshold of 0.07 V. If either the EN/SY pin voltage is set to logic low or the VLIM/SD voltage is below 0.07 V, the driver goes into an ultralow current state. The current drawn in shutdown mode is 350 µA typically. Most of the current is consumed by the VREF circuit block, which is always on even when the device is disabled or shut down. The device can also be enabled when an external synchronization clock signal is applied to the EN/SY pin and the voltage at VLIM/SD input is above 0.07 V. Table 6 shows the combinations of the two input signals that are required to enable the ADN8833. from each other by placing an inverter at one of the EN/SY pins, as shown in Figure 26. ADN8833 EXTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE EN/SY AGND ADN8833 Table 6. Enable Pin Combinations 1 Driver Enabled Enabled No effect1 No effect1 ≤0.07 V Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown EN/SY AGND 12909-020 VLIM/SD Input >0.07 V >0.07 V Figure 26. Multiple ADN8833 Devices Driven from a Master Clock SOFT START ON POWER-UP No effect means this signal has no effect in shutting down or in enabling the device. OSCILLATOR CLOCK FREQUENCY The ADN8833 has an internal oscillator that generates a 2.0 MHz switching frequency for the PWM output stage. This oscillator is active when the enabled voltage at the EN/SY pin is set to a logic level higher than 2.1 V and the VLIM/SD pin voltage is greater than the shutdown threshold of 0.07 V. External Clock Operation The PWM switching frequency of the ADN8833 can be synchronized to an external clock from 1.85 MHz to 3.25 MHz applied to the EN/SY input pin as shown on Figure 25. ADN8833 EXTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE EN/SY 12909-019 AGND The ADN8833 has an internal soft start circuit that generates a ramp with a typical 150 ms profile to minimize inrush current during power-up. The settling time and the final voltage across the TEC depends on the TEC voltage required by the control voltage of voltage loop. The higher the TEC voltage is, the longer it requires to be built up. When the ADN8833 is first powered up, the linear side discharges the output of any prebias voltage. As soon as the prebias is eliminated, the soft start cycle begins. During the soft start cycle, both the PWM and linear outputs track the internal soft start ramp until they reach midscale, where the control voltage, VC, is equal to the bias voltage, VB. From the midscale voltage, the PWM and linear outputs are then controlled by VC and diverge from each other until the required differential voltage is developed across the TEC or the differential voltage reaches the voltage limit. The voltage developed across the TEC depends on the control point at that moment in time. Figure 27 shows an example of the soft start in cooling mode. Note that, as both the LDR and SFB voltages increase with the soft start ramp and approach VB, the ramp slows down to avoid possible current overshoot at the point where the TEC voltage starts to build up. LDR Figure 25. Synchronize to an External Clock REACH VOLTAGE LIMIT Connecting Multiple ADN8833 Devices Multiple ADN8833 devices can be driven from a single master clock signal by connecting the external clock source to the EN/SY pin of each slave device. The input ripple can be greatly reduced by operating the ADN8833 devices 180° out of phase TEC VOLTAGE BUILDS UP SFB VB DISCHARGE PREBIAS SOFT-START BEGINS TIME Figure 27. Soft Start Profile in Cooling Mode Rev. B | Page 14 of 23 12909-021 EN/SY Input >2.1 V Switching between high >2.1 V and low < 0.8 V 4.0 V TLOW and THIGH are the endpoints of the temperature range and TMID is the average. In some cases, with only the β constant available, calculate RTH using the following equation:   1 1  RTH = RR expβ  −    T TR  The compensation network that receives the temperature set voltage and the thermistor voltage fed by the input amplifier determines the voltage at CONT. VLDR and VSFB have a low limit of 0 V and an upper limit of VVDD. Figure 31, Figure 32, and Figure 33 show the graphs of these equations. where: RTH is a resistance at T (K). RR is a resistance at TR (K). Calculate RX using the following equation: R R + R MID R HIGH − 2R LOW R HIGH R X =  LOW MID R LOW + R HIGH − 2 R MID      Rev. B | Page 16 of 23 Data Sheet ADN8833 7.5 Inductor Selection VSYS = 5.0V VSYS = 3.3V The inductor selection determines the inductor current ripple and loop dynamic response. Larger inductance results in smaller current ripple and slower transient response as smaller inductance results in the opposite performance. To optimize the performance, a trade-off must be made between transient response speed, efficiency, and component size. Calculate the inductor value with the following equation: LDR (V) 5.0 2.5 0 –2.5 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 CONT (V) 12909-024 L= Figure 31. LDR Voltage vs. CONT Voltage 7.5 VSYS = 5.0V VSYS = 3.3V SFB (V) 2.5 –2.5 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 CONT (V) 12909-025 0 0.25 Figure 32. SFB Voltage vs. CONT Voltage +5.0 VSYS = 5.0V VSYS = 3.3V +2.5 VTEC (V) LDR – SFB where: VSW_OUT is the PWM amplifier output. fSW is the switching frequency (2 MHz by default). ∆IL is the inductor current ripple. A 1 µH inductor is typically recommended to allow reasonable output capacitor selection while maintaining a low inductor current ripple. If lower inductance is required, a minimum inductor value of 0.68 µH is suggested to ensure that the current ripple is set to a value between 30% and 40% of the maximum load current, which is 1.5 A. 5.0 0 VSW _ OUT × (VIN – VSW _ OUT ) VIN × f SW × ∆I L Except for the inductor value, the equivalent dc resistance (DCR) inherent in the metal conductor is also a critical factor for inductor selection. The DCR accounts for most of the power loss on the inductor by DCR× IOUT2. Using an inductor with high DCR degrades the overall efficiency significantly. In addition, there is a conduct voltage drop across the inductor because of the DCR. When the PWM amplifier is sinking current in cooling mode, this voltage drives the minimum voltage of the amplifier higher than 0.06 × VIN by at least tenth of millivolts. Similarly, the maximum PWM amplifier output voltage is lower than 0.93 × VIN. This voltage drop is proportional to the value of DCR and it reduces the output voltage range at the TEC. When selecting an inductor, ensure that the saturation current rating is higher than the maximum current peak to prevent saturation. In general, ceramic multilayer inductors are suitable for low current applications due to small size and low DCR. When the noise level is critical, a shielded ferrite inductor may be used to reduce the electromagnetic interference (EMI). 0 –5.0 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 CONT (V) 2.75 12909-026 –2.5 Figure 33. TEC Voltage vs. CONT Voltage Table 7. Recommended Inductors Vendor Toko PWM OUTPUT FILTER REQUIREMENTS A type three compensator internally compensates the PWM amplifier. As the poles and zeros of the compensator are designed by assuming the resonance frequency of the output LC tank being 50 kHz, the selection of the inductor and the capacitor must follow this guideline to ensure system stability. Taiyo Yuden Murata Rev. B | Page 17 of 23 Value 1.0 µH ± 20%, 2.7 A (typical) 1.0 µH ± 20%, 2.2 A (typical) 1.0 µH ± 20%, 2.3 A (typical) Device No. DFE201612P-H-1R0M Footprint (mm) 2.0 × 1.6 MAKK2016T1R0M 2.0 × 1.6 LQM2MPN1R0MGH 2.0 × 1.6 ADN8833 Data Sheet Capacitor Selection PWM Regulator Power Dissipation The output capacitor selection determines the output voltage ripple, transient response, as well as the loop dynamic response of the PWM amplifier output. Use the following equation to select the capacitor: The PWM power stage is configured as a buck regulator and its dominant power dissipation (PPWM) includes power switch conduction losses (PCOND), switching losses (PSW), and transition losses (PTRAN). Other sources of power dissipation are usually less significant at the high output currents of the application thermal limit and can be neglected in approximation. C= VSW _ OUT × (VIN – VSW _ OUT ) VIN × 8 × L × ( f SW )2 × ∆VOUT Note that the voltage caused by the product of current ripple, ΔIL, and the capacitor equivalent series resistance (ESR) also add up to the total output voltage ripple. Selecting a capacitor with low ESR can increase overall regulation and efficiency performance. Table 8. Recommended Capacitors Vendor Murata Murata Taiyo Yuden Value 10 µF ± 10%, 10 V 10 µF ± 20%, 10 V 10 µF ± 20%, 10 V Device No. ZRB18AD71A106KE01L Footprint (mm) 1.6 × 0.8 GRM188D71A106MA73 1.6 × 0.8 LMK107BC6106MA-T 1.6 × 0.8 INPUT CAPACITOR SELECTION On the PVIN pin, the amplifiers require an input capacitor to decouple the noise and to provide the transient current to maintain stable input and output voltage. A 10 µF ceramic capacitor rated at 10 V is the minimum recommended value. Increasing the capacitance reduces the switching ripple that couples into the power supply but increases the capacitor size. Because the current at the input terminal of the PWM amplifier is discontinuous, a capacitor with low effective series inductance (ESL) is preferred to reduce voltage spikes. In most applications, a decoupling capacitor is used in parallel with the input capacitor. The decoupling capacitor is usually a 100 nF ceramic capacitor with very low ESR and ESL, which provides better noise rejection at high frequency bands. An RC low-pass filter can be optionally added between the PVIN and VDD pins to prevent high frequency noise from entering VDD, as shown in Figure 30. The capacitor and resistor values are typically 10 Ω and 100 nF, respectively. POWER DISSIPATION This section provides guidelines to calculate the power dissipation of ADN8833. Approximate the total power dissipation in the device by PLOSS = PPWM + PLINEAR where: PLOSS is the total power dissipation in the ADN8833. PLINEAR is the power dissipation in the linear regulator. Estimate the power dissipation of the buck regulator by PLOSS = PCOND + PSW + PTRAN Conduction Loss (PCOND) The conduction loss consists of two parts: inductor conduction loss (PCOND_L) and power switch conduction loss(PCOND_S). PCOND = PCOND_L + PCOND_S Inductor conduction loss is proportional to the DCR of the output inductor, L. Using an inductor with low DCR enhances the overall efficiency performance. Use the following equation to estimate the inductor conduction loss: PCOND_L = DCR× IOUT2 Power switch conduction losses are caused by the flow of the output current through both the high-side and low-side power switches, each of which has its own internal on resistance (RDSON). Use the following equation to estimate the amount of power switch conduction loss: PCOND_S = (RDSON_HS × D + RDSON_LS × (1 − D)) × IOUT2 where: RDSON_HS is the on resistance of the high-side MOSFET. D is the duty cycle (D = VOUT/VIN). RDSON_LS is the on resistance of the low-side MOSFET. Switching Loss (PSW) Switching losses are associated with the current drawn by the driver to turn the power devices on and off at the switching frequency. Each time a power device gate is turned on or off, the driver transfers a charge from the input supply to the gate, and then from the gate to ground. Use the following equation to estimate the switching loss: PSW = (CGATE_HS + CGATE_LS) × VIN2 × fSW where: CGATE_HS is the gate capacitance of the high-side MOSFET. CGATE_LS is the gate capacitance of the low-side MOSFET. fSW is the switching frequency. For the ADN8833, the total of (CGATE_HS + CGATE_LS) is approximately 1 nF. Rev. B | Page 18 of 23 Data Sheet ADN8833 Transition Loss (PTRAN) Linear Regulator Power Dissipation Transition losses occur because the high-side MOSFET cannot turn on or off instantaneously. During a switch node transition, the MOSFET provides all the inductor current. The source-todrain voltage of the MOSFET is half the input voltage, resulting in power loss. Transition losses increase with both load and input voltage and occur twice for each switching cycle. Use the following equation to estimate the transition loss: The power dissipation of the linear regulator is given by the following equation: PTRAN = 0.5 × VIN × IOUT × (tR + tF) × fSW where: tR is the rise time of the switch node. tF is the fall time of the switch node. PLINEAR = [(VIN − VOUT) × IOUT] + (VIN × IGND) where: VIN and VOUT are the input and output voltages of the linear regulator. IOUT is the load current of the linear regulator. IGND is the ground current of the linear regulator. Power dissipation due to the ground current is generally small and can be ignored for the purposes of this calculation. For the ADN8833, tR and tF are both approximately 1 ns. Rev. B | Page 19 of 23 ADN8833 Data Sheet PCB LAYOUT GUIDELINES SOURCE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TEMPERATURE ERROR COMPENSATION TEC DRIVER TEMPERATURE SIGNAL CONDITIONING TEC CURRENT LIMITING TEC VOLTAGE SENSING OBJECT THERMOELECTRIC COOLER TEMPERATURE (TEC) SENSOR TEC CURRENT SENSING 12909-035 TARGET TEMPERATURE TEC VOLTAGE LIMITING Figure 34. System Block Diagram BLOCK DIAGRAMS AND SIGNAL FLOW The ADN8833 integrates analog signal conditioning blocks, a load protection block, and a TEC driver power stage all in a single IC. To achieve the best possible circuit performance, attention must be paid to keep noise of the power stage from contaminating the sensitive analog conditioning and protection circuits. In addition, the layout of the power stage must be performed such that the IR losses are minimized to obtain the best possible electrical efficiency. The system block diagram of the ADN8833 is shown in Figure 34. GUIDELINES FOR REDUCING NOISE AND MINIMIZING POWER LOSS Each printed circuit board (PCB) layout is unique because of the physical constraints defined by the mechanical aspects of a given design. In addition, several other circuits work in conjunction with the TEC driver; these circuits have their own layout requirements, so there are always compromises that must be made for a given system. However, to minimize noise and keep power losses to a minimum during the PCB layout process, observe the following guidelines. General PCB Layout Guidelines Switching noise can interfere with other signals in the system; therefore, the switching signal traces must be placed away from the power stage to minimize the effect. If possible, place the ground plate between the small signal layer and power stage layer as a shield. Supply voltage drop on traces is also an important consideration because it determines the voltage headroom of the TEC driver at high currents. For example, if the supply voltage from the frontend system is 3.3 V, and the voltage drop on the traces is 0.5 V, PVIN sees only 2.8 V, which limits the maximum voltage of the linear regulator as well as the maximum voltage across the TEC. To mitigate the voltage waste on traces and impedance interconnection, place the ADN8833 and the input decoupling components close to the supply voltage terminal. This placement not only improves the system efficiency, but also provides better regulation performance at the output. To prevent noise signal from circulating through ground plates, reference all of the sensitive analog signals to AGND and connect AGND to PGNDS using only a single point connection. This ensures that the switching currents of the power stage do not flow into the sensitive AGND node. PWM Power Stage Layout Guidelines The PWM power stage consists of a MOSFET pair that forms a switch mode output that switches current from PVIN to the load via an LC filter. The ripple voltage on the PVIN pin is caused by the discontinuous current switched by the PWM side MOSFETs. This rapid switching causes voltage ripple to form at the PVIN input, which must be filtered using a bypass capacitor. Place a 10 µF capacitor as close as possible to the PVIN pin to connect PVIN to PGNDS. Because the 10 µF capacitor is sometimes bulky and has higher ESR and ESL, a 100 nF decoupling capacitor is usually used in parallel with it, placed between PVIN and PGNDS. Because the decoupling is part of the pulsating current loop, which carries high di/dt signals, the traces must be short and wide to minimize the parasitic inductance. As a result, this capacitor is usually placed on the same side of the board as the ADN8833 to ensure short connections. If the layout requires that 10 µF capacitor be on the opposite side of the PCB, use multiple vias to reduce via impedance. The layout around the SW node is also critical because it switches between PVIN and ground rapidly, which makes this node a strong EMI source. Keep the copper area that connects the SW node to the inductor small to minimize parasitic capacitance between the SW node and other signal traces. This helps minimize noise on the SW node due to excessive charge injection. However, in high current applications, the copper area may be increased reasonably to provide heat sink and to sustain high current flow. Connect the ground side of the capacitor in the LC filter as close as possible to PGNDS to minimize the ESL in the return path. Rev. B | Page 20 of 23 Data Sheet ADN8833 Linear Power Stage Layout Guidelines Place a 100 nF capacitor that connects from PVIN to PGNDL as close as possible to the PVIN pin. The linear power stage consists of a MOSFET pair that forms a linear amplifier, which operates in linear mode for very low output currents, and changes to fully enhanced mode for greater output currents. EXAMPLE PCB LAYOUT USING TWO LAYERS Figure 35, Figure 36, and Figure 37 show an example ADN8833 WLCSP PCB layout that uses two layers. This layout example achieves a small solution size of approximately 18 mm2 with all of the conditioning circuitry and PID included. Using more layers and blind vias allows the solution size to be reduced even further because more of the discrete components can relocate to the bottom side of the PCB. Because the linear power stage does not switch currents rapidly like the PWM power stage, it does not generate noise currents. However, the linear power stage still requires a minimum amount of bypass capacitance to decouple its input. UNITS = (mm) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 PGND CONNECT TO GROUND PLANE 0.5 ITEC TEC+ 1.0 PGNDL NC NC NC TEMPSET 0201 0201 20 CL_OUT 0201 PGNDL LDR L R LDR NC VLIM LIM / SD NC R V1 CIN_L TEC– 1.5 PVIN 0201 PVIN VIN R V2 ILIM LIM CO ONT ONT CONT ITEC TEC EC AGND 0201 PGNDS PGNDS RBP BP V R RE EF E VREF AGND GN SFB R C2 0201 0201 02 20 CVDD 0201 02 20 2 201 01 0402 04 402 40 0201 0201 20 CIN_S PGNDS PGNDS 0201 VD VDD DD EN N/SY EN/SY VTE V VTEC E R BP 3.0 CVREF 0201 CSW_OUT CONNECT AGND TO PGNDS ONLY AT A SINGLE POINT AS A STAR CONNECTION 0402 CONNECT TO GROUND PLANE 12909-036 UNITS = (mm) 2.5 R C1 SW SW CVDD L 2.0 0805 VTEC CBULK BU ULK VIN 3.5 Figure 35. Example PCB Layout Using Two Layers (Top and Bottom Layers) Rev. B | Page 21 of 23 ADN8833 Data Sheet UNITS = (mm) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 PGND CONNECT TO GROUND PLANE 0.5 PGNDL NC NC NC CL_OUT 0201 ITEC TEC+ PGNDL 1.0 TEMPSET LDR LDR NC VL M/ VLIM SD NC RV1 CIN_L TEC- 1.5 0201 PV N PVIN PV N PVIN C ITEC CO ONT O NT CONT RV2 ILIM LIM AGND 0201 VIN RC1 2.0 UNITS = (mm) L SW SW 0805 VTEC VTEC C EN N/SY Y 0201 VDD VD DD CIN_S RC2 CVDD 0201 2.5 PGNDS PGNDS SFB SF AGND AGN AG GND D VREF VREF VRE RBP 3.0 CVREF 0201 CSW_OUT 0402 12909-037 CONNECT TO GROUND PLANE 3.5 Figure 36. Example PCB Layout Using Two Layers (Top Layer Only) UNITS = (mm) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 PGND CONNECT TO GROUND PLANE 1.0 TEMPSET 0201 TEC+ 0201 ITEC CL_OUT 0.5 TEC– C IN_L 1.5 AGND RB BP R BP 3.0 CONNECT TO GROUND PLANE 3.5 Figure 37. Example PCB Layout Using Two Layers (Bottom Layer Only) Rev. B | Page 22 of 23 12909-038 UNITS = (mm) 2.5 0201 C VDD 0201 201 C IN_S C VDD 0201 0402 0 2.0 VTEC C BULK U VIN Data Sheet ADN8833 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 2.58 2.54 SQ 2.50 5 BOTTOM VIEW (BALL SIDE UP) 2 3 4 1 A BALL A1 IDENTIFIER 2.00 REF B C 0.50 BSC D E TOP VIEW (BALL SIDE DOWN) 0.660 0.600 0.540 0.390 0.360 0.330 END VIEW COPLANARITY 0.05 PKG-003121 0.360 0.320 0.280 0.270 0.240 0.210 06-07-2013-A SEATING PLANE Figure 38. 25-Ball Wafer Level Chip Scale Package [WLCSP] (CB-25-7) Dimensions shown in millimeters PIN 1 INDICATOR 0.30 0.25 0.18 1 0.50 BSC 2.70 2.60 SQ 2.50 EXPOSED PAD 13 TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 PKG-004273 Model 1 ADN8833ACBZ-R7 ADN8833CB-EVALZ ADN8833ACPZ-R2 ADN8833ACPZ-R7 ADN8833CP-EVALZ 1 2 7 BOTTOM VIEW 0.20 MIN FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WGGD-8. Figure 39. 24-Lead Lead-frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 4 mm × 4 mm Body, Very Very Thin Quad (CP-24-15) Dimensions shown in millimeters Temperature Range2 −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C 6 12 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF SEATING PLANE ORDERING GUIDE 0.50 0.40 0.30 PIN 1 INDICATOR 24 19 18 12-03-2013-A 4.10 4.00 SQ 3.90 Package Description 25-Ball Wafer Level Chip Scale Package [WLCSP] 25-Ball WLCSP Evaluation Board: ±1 A TEC Current Limit, 3 V TEC Voltage Limit 24-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 24-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 24-Lead LFCSP Evaluation Board: ±1 A TEC Current Limit, 3 V TEC Voltage Limit Z = RoHS Compliant Part. Operating junction temperature range. The ambient operating temperature range is −40°C to +85°C. ©2015–2018 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D12909-0-8/18(B) Rev. B | Page 23 of 23 Package Option CB-25-7 CP-24-15 CP-24-15
物料型号:STC89C52RC 器件简介:STC89C52RC是一款8051内核的单片机,具有8KB的ROM、256字节的RAM、2KB的EEPROM、3个定时器/计数器、4组中断源、2个串口、4组I/O口等功能。





ADN8833ACBZ-R7 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+35.20190
  • 10+32.49400
  • 100+29.78620
  • 1000+27.07840


  •  国内价格
  • 1+44.78760
  • 10+38.88000
  • 30+30.44520
  • 100+27.43200


