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ADP2450ACPZ-1-R7 数据手册
Power Management IC for Circuit Breaker Applications ADP2450 Data Sheet TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT CT CURRENT VOUT1 DIODE ADP2450 BOOST SHUNT CONTROL COUT1 ACTUATOR RBOT1 ACTUATOR DRIVER MCU VOUT1 CIN2 SENSED VOLTAGE BUCK REGULATOR VOUT2 CBST L VCORE COUT2 ADCs PGAs GPIO1 GAIN SELECTION RGAIN RTRP ANALOG TRIP GPIO2 17088-001 Boost shunt controller Adjustable output voltage range: 4.5 V to 36 V Integrated boost shunt driver Programmable power detection threshold Buck regulator Input voltage range: 4.5 V to 36 V Continuous output current: 500 mA Adjustable output voltage down to 0.6 V Fixed output options: 3.3 V and 5 V 1.2 MHz fixed switching frequency Voltage monitoring and open-drain reset output 4 programmable gain amplifiers Low power consumption Programmable gain and output dc common voltage Low offset operation amplifier for leakage and grounding fault current detection Analog trip circuit with programmable trip threshold Actuator driver output RTOP1 FEATURES Figure 1. APPLICATIONS Low voltage circuit breaker CT powered supply GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADP2450 integrates one boost shunt controller with power detection, one high efficiency buck regulator, four low offset, low power consumption programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs), one low offset operation amplifier, a fast analog trip circuit, and an actuator driver. The ADP2450 is targeted for low voltage circuit breakers, such as the molded case circuit breaker (MCCB), and current transformer (CT) powered supply applications. reset signal is pulled low and can be used to reset the microprocessor. The monitoring supervisory circuit makes the system more reliable. The boost output voltage can be up to 36 V and integrates a power detection circuit that prevents the circuit from power hiccups. The power detection threshold is programmable with resistors. A low offset operation amplifier is integrated in the ADP2450 for leakage current detection. The buck regulator operates over a wide input voltage range of 4.5 V to 36 V, and the output voltage can be adjusted down to 0.6 V. The buck regulator provides output currents of up to 500 mA. The buck regulator works in pulse-width modulation (PWM) mode with a fixed 1.2 MHz switching frequency, providing low output ripple voltage to the system. Additional protection includes buck overcurrent protection (OCP) and system thermal shutdown (TSD). The output voltage of the buck regulator is monitored by the supervisory circuit. When the output voltage is below the monitoring threshold, 88% of VFB2 (FB2 regulation voltage), the Rev. B The ADP2450 integrates four low offset, low power consumption amplifiers. With the programmable gain features, the ADP2450 provides accuracy measurement over a wide current input range based on the CT turn ratio. The ADP2450 also integrates an analog trip circuit, which provides fast trip response and enhances system reliability. The ADP2450 operates over the −40°C to +125°C junction temperature range and is available in either a 32-lead LFCSP package or a 48-lead LQFP package. Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2018–2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADP2450 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1  External MOSFET for Boost Shunt Controller ...................... 27  Applications ....................................................................................... 1  Boost Shunt Diode Selection .................................................... 27  Typical Application Circuit ............................................................. 1  Input Capacitor of Buck Regulator .......................................... 27  General Description ......................................................................... 1  Inductor Selection ...................................................................... 27  Revision History ............................................................................... 2  Output Capacitor of Buck Regulator ....................................... 28  Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 4  Output Voltage Setting .............................................................. 28  Specifications..................................................................................... 5  External MOSFET for Actuator ............................................... 29  Boost Shunt Controller and Power Detection Specifications . 5  Design Example .............................................................................. 30  Buck Regulator Specifications .................................................... 6  Boost Shunt Output Voltage Setting ........................................ 30  Programmable Gain Amplifier and Analog Trip Specifications ................................................................................ 6  Boost Shunt Output Capacitor Setting .................................... 30  Operation Amplifier Specifications ........................................... 8  Boost Shunt Diode Setting ........................................................ 30  Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 9  Buck Regulator Output Voltage Setting .................................. 30  Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 9  Inductor Setting .......................................................................... 30  ESD Caution .................................................................................. 9  Buck Regulator Output Capacitor Setting .............................. 31  Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions ......................... 10  VPTH Resistor Divider Setting ................................................ 31  Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 12  Dummy Load Resistor Setting.................................................. 31  Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 22  PGA Gain Setting ....................................................................... 31  Boost Shunt Controller .............................................................. 22  Sense Resistor Setting ................................................................ 31  Power Detection ......................................................................... 22  Analog Trip Threshold Setting ................................................. 31  Internal Regulator ...................................................................... 22  Actuator MOSFET Setting ........................................................ 31  Buck Regulator ............................................................................ 23  Circuit Board Layout Recommendations ................................... 33  Bootstrap Circuit ........................................................................ 23  Ground Planes ............................................................................ 33  Power Monitor and Reset .......................................................... 23  Switch Node ................................................................................ 33  Programmable Gain Amplifier ................................................. 23  Feedback Paths ........................................................................... 33  Operational Amplifier ............................................................... 24  Power Traces ............................................................................... 33  Analog Trip Protection .............................................................. 24  Signal Paths ................................................................................. 33  Actuator Driver ........................................................................... 24  Gate Driver Paths ....................................................................... 33  Thermal Shutdown..................................................................... 25  Typical Application Circuits ..................................................... 35  Applications Information .............................................................. 26  Factory-Programmable Options .................................................. 37  Output Capacitor of Boost Shunt Controller ......................... 26  Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 38  Bridge Rectifier ........................................................................... 26  Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 39  Boost Shunt MOSFET Setting .................................................. 30  Sense Resistor Selection ............................................................. 26  REVISION HISTORY 7/2019—Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 39 4/2019—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Added 48-lead LQFP .......................................................... Universal Change to General Description Section ........................................ 1 Change to Figure 2 ........................................................................... 4 Change to DET Output Low Voltage Parameter, Table 1 ................ 5 Changes to Switch Node Parameter, Valley Current Limit Parameter, and Reset Threshold Hysteresis Parameter, Table 2........ 6 Change to Gain Drift Parameter, Table 3 .......................................7 Added VTRPL Current Parameter, Table 3 and Endnote 3 to Analog Trip, VTRPL Current Parameter, Table 3; Renumbered Sequentially ........................................................................................7 Change to Input Offset Parameter, Table 4 ....................................8 Changes to Table 5 and Table 6 .......................................................9 Rev. B | Page 2 of 40 Data Sheet ADP2450 Added Figure 4; Renumbered Sequentially .................................10 Changes to Table 7 ..........................................................................10 Changes to Typical Performance Characteristics Section, Figure 6, and Figure 9 .....................................................................12 Change to Figure 13 ........................................................................13 Change to Figure 18 and Figure 21 ...............................................14 Replaced Figure 23 ..........................................................................15 Changes to Theory of Operation Section and Power Detection Section ............................................................................22 Changes to Analog Trip Protection Section and Figure 68 ............. 24 Added Endnote 1 and Endnote 2 to Table 13 ..............................27 Changes to Boost Shunt Controller Output Voltage Section and Buck Regulator Output Voltage Section ............................... 28 Changes to VPTH Resistor Divider Section, Dummy Load Resistor Setting Section, and Sense Resistor Setting Section .... 31 Changes to Circuit Board Layout Recommendations Section....... 33 Changes to Figure 75 ...................................................................... 36 Updated Outline Dimensions........................................................ 38 Changes to Ordering Guide ........................................................... 38 9/2018—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 3 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 8V BOOST SHUNT CONTROLLER + DRIVER DRV PGND1 FB1 VREF1 – UVLO_BOOST DET PW_OK CONTROL LOGIC – CMP 1.22V + 8V REGULATOR UVLO VPTH UVLO_BUCK UVLO_BOOST 5V REGULATOR VREG GND 8V POWER DETECTION VREG BUCK REGULATOR SOFT START VREF2 FB2 VIN BST + + EA – – CMP + PW_OK TSD CONTROL LOGIC AND MOSFET DRIVER WITH ANTICROSS PROTECTION DRIVER SW VREG UVLO_BUCK DRIVER CLK PGND2 SLOPE COMPENSATION AND RAMP GENERATOR + OCP – – + ILIM LOW-SIDE CURRENT SENSE RSTO + 89% × VREF2 GAIN0 GAIN1 RESET GENERATOR – GAIN SETTING AVDD PGA1 – EIN1 EOUT1 + PGA2 – EIN2 EOUT2 + PGA3 – EIN3 EOUT3 + PGA4 – EIN4 EOUT4 + RCOM VCOM EIN5_N – EIN5_P + EOUT1 EOUT2 EOUT3 EOUT4 AMPLIFIER 5 EOUT5 VTRP ANALOG TRIP VTRPL VREG ACTUATOR DRIVER CONTROL DRIVER GATE 17088-002 TRG Figure 2. Functional Block Diagram Rev. B | Page 4 of 40 Data Sheet ADP2450 SPECIFICATIONS BOOST SHUNT CONTROLLER AND POWER DETECTION SPECIFICATIONS VIN = 12 V, TJ = −40°C to +125°C for minimum and maximum specifications, and TA = 25°C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter POWER INPUT Input Voltage Range Quiescent Current1 Undervoltage Lockout Threshold (UVLO)2 VIN Rising VIN Falling FEEDBACK (FB1) FB1 Regulation Voltage FB1 Hysteresis FB1 Bias Current Hysteresis Comparator Response Time BOOST SHUNT DRIVER (DRV) Rising Time3 Falling Time3 Sourcing Resistor Sinking Resistor Peak Source Current4 Sink Source Current4 DRV Output High Voltage INTERNAL REGULATOR (VREG) VREG Voltage Dropout Voltage Regulator Current Limit POWER DETECTION VPTH Rising Threshold VPTH Falling Threshold VPTH Source Current Power Detection Deglitch Time DET Output Low Voltage Maximum Sink Current on DET ACTUATOR DRIVER (TRG AND GATE) Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Deglitch Time GATE Maximum Source Current GATE Driver Output Voltage THERMAL Thermal Shutdown Threshold4 Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis4 Symbol VIN IQ_VIN Test Conditions/Comments VIN pin Min Unit 36 V mA 2.5 2.4 2.7 V V 1.2 19 0.01 100 1.218 V mV μA ns 1.35 Falling 1.182 IFB1 CDRV = 2.2 nF, from 0.8 V to 7.2 V CDRV = 2.2 nF, from 7.2 V to 0.8 V VDRV_H VVREG Max 4.5 VIN =12 V, FB1 = GND, FB2 = 0.65 V, no switching 2.2 VFB1 Typ 7.6 IVREG = 5 mA IVREG = 5 mA VPTH_R VPTH_F 4.7 1.05 VPTH voltage < 1.09 V VPTH voltage > 1.22 V IDET = 20 mA IDET_MAX TRG pin TRG pin TRG pin GATE pin GATE pin 1 This current is measured from the VIN pin. This UVLO threshold is only for the boost control block. 3 Bench measurement result. 4 Guaranteed by design, not production tested. 2 Rev. B | Page 5 of 40 80 35 4 2 1 1 8 0.1 8.4 ns ns Ω Ω A A V 5 27 200 5.3 V mV mA 1.22 1.09 4.8 1 10 0.3 100 1.25 V V μA μA μs V mA 0.55 1.2 30 85 5 V V μs mA V 150 15 °C °C 0.4 ADP2450 Data Sheet BUCK REGULATOR SPECIFICATIONS VIN = 12 V, TJ = −40°C to +125°C for minimum and maximum specifications, and TA = 25°C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter POWER INPUT Undervoltage Lockout Threshold1 VIN Rising VIN Falling FEEDBACK (FB2) FB2 Regulation Voltage Fixed Output Accuracy FB2 Bias Current Symbol VFB2 RDSON_H_LFCSP RDSON_L_LFCSP RDSON_H_LQFP RDSON_L_LQFP ISW_LK_HS ISW_LK_LS tON_MIN tOFF_MIN Minimum On Time Minimum Off Time BST Bootstrap Voltage CURRENT LIMIT Valley Current Limit Low-Side Sink Current Limit PWM SWITCHING FREQUENCY SOFT START TIME fSW tSS 2 Typ Max Unit 4.2 3.65 4.4 3.5 V V 0.6 0.609 +1.5 0.1 5 V % μA μA 700 380 750 430 0.1 42 42 150 1070 540 1210 620 mΩ mΩ mΩ mΩ μA μA ns ns 4.7 5 5.3 V 0.65 0.8 0.2 1.2 400 1.6 0.98 A A MHz μs ms 0.01 4.3 ISW_SOURCE = 0.5 A ISW_SINK = 0.5 A SW = PGND2 SW = VIN 1.0 Fixed output version Adjustable output version tRST_DELAY_R Reset Falling Delay RSTO Output Low Voltage RSTO Leakage Current Min 0.591 −1.5 VBOOT RESET (RSTO) Reset Rising Threshold Voltage Reset Threshold Hysteresis Reset Rising Delay 1 Adjustable output version Fixed output version Adjustable output version Fixed output version IFB2 SWITCH NODE High-Side On Resistance (LFCSP)2 Low-Side On Resistance (LFCSP)2 High-Side On Resistance (LQFP)2 Low-Side On Resistance (LQFP)2 SW Leakage Current Test Conditions/Comments VIN pin Refer to VFB2 85 Option 1, default Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 0.42 0.85 1.72 4.2 89 1 0.5 1 2 5 10 40 0.01 tRST_DELAY_F IRSTO = 3 mA VRSTO = 5 V 1.4 94 0.56 1.12 2.3 5.6 100 0.3 % % ms ms ms ms μs mV μA This UVLO threshold is only for the buck control block. Pin to pin measurement. PROGRAMMABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER AND ANALOG TRIP SPECIFICATIONS VIN = 12 V, VAVDD = 5 V, TJ = −40°C to +125°C for minimum and maximum specifications, and TA = 25°C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 3. Parameter POWER INPUT Input Voltage Range Quiescent Current Undervoltage Lockout Threshold Symbol Test Conditions/Comments AVDD pin VAVDD IQ_AVDD Min Typ 2.7 575 Rev. B | Page 6 of 40 Max Unit 5.5 V μA Data Sheet Parameter AVDD Rising AVDD Falling INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Voltage Range Input Offset Input Offset Temperature Drift Input Capacitance1 Input Impedance OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage High Output Voltage Low Short-Circuit Current Close-Loop Output Impedance2 DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Slew Rate2 Gain Bandwidth Product1 Phase Margin1 NOISE PERFORMANCE Input Voltage Noise Density2 Input Voltage Noise2 GAIN PROGRAM (GAIN0, GAIN1) Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Voltage on GAIN1 Gain Error Gain Drift ANALOG TRIP Analog Trip Disable Voltage Threshold Rising Falling VTRP Current VTRPL Current3 Analog Trip Deglitch Time ADP2450 Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min 2.4 Typ 2.6 2.5 Max 2.7 Unit V V 0 +3.3 0.5 17 9.5 V V mV μV/°C μV/°C pF MΩ VVCOM = GND VVCOM = VAVDD TJ = 25°C, trimmed at gain = 1 Gain < 4 Gain ≥ 4 −6.6 −3.3 VOH_PGA VOL_PGA ISC_H_PGA ISC_L_PGA ZOUT_PGA IOH_PGA = −250 μA IOL_PGA = 250 μA Short to AVDD Short to GND f = 100 Hz, gain = 1 VAVDD – 0.3 V SRPGA GBPPGA ΦM_PGA RL_PGA = 10 kΩ , CL_PGA = 35 pF, gain = 1 RL_PGA = 10 kΩ , CL_PGA = 35 pF RL_PGA = 10 kΩ , CL_PGA = 35 pF 1.7 1 60 V/μs MHz Degrees eni_PGA en_PGA p-p f = 1 kHz, gain = 1 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz, gain = 1 180 34 nV/√Hz μV p-p VOS_PGA 5.5 3.5 2 1 CIN_PGA RIN_PGA For GAIN0 pin For GAIN0 pin VAVDD – 0.1 V 25 17 10 18 40 1.2 0.792 0.8 TJ = 25 °C Gain < 4 Gain ≥ 4 7 4 Option 1 (default) Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 Option 8 4.75 4.65 10 10 200 350 500 750 1 2 3 4 V mV mA mA Ω 0.4 0.808 0.5 12 8.5 V V V % ppm/°C ppm/°C 10.4 10.4 223 387 552 826 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 V V μA μA μs μs μs μs ms ms ms ms VTRP_DIS ITRP ITRPL tTRP 1 Guaranteed by design, not production tested. Bench measurement result. 3 Only available in the 48-lead LQFP package. 2 Rev. B | Page 7 of 40 9.5 9.5 178 310 440 660 0.88 1.75 2.6 3.5 ADP2450 Data Sheet OPERATION AMPLIFIER SPECIFICATIONS VIN = 12 V, VAVDD = 5 V, TJ = −40°C to +125°C for minimum and maximum specifications, and TA = 25°C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 4. Parameter INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Voltage Range Input Offset Input Offset Temperature Drift Input Bias Current1 Input Capacitance1 OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage High Output Voltage Low Short-Circuit Current DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE2 Slew Rate Gain Bandwidth Product Phase Margin NOISE PERFORMANCE2 Input Voltage Noise Density Input Voltage Noise 1 2 Symbol Test Conditions/Comments VOS_EA TJ = 25°C Min Typ 0 20 5.5 1 2 CIN_EA VAVDD 850 19 1000 V μV μV/°C pA pF IOH_EA = −250 μA IOL_EA = +250 μA Short to AVDD Short to GND SREA GBPEA ΦM_EA RL_EA = 10 kΩ, CL_EA = 35 pF RL_EA = 10 kΩ, CL_EA = 35 pF RL_EA = 10 kΩ, CL_EA = 35 pF 0.5 1.6 56 V/μs MHz Degrees eni_EA en_EA p-p f = 1 kHz f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 240 46 nV/√Hz μV p-p Rev. B | Page 8 of 40 VAVDD – 0.1 V 15 30 15 Unit VOH_EA VOL_EA ISC_H_EA ISC_L_EA Guaranteed by design, not production tested. Bench measurement result. VAVDD – 0.3 V Max 35 V mV mA mA Data Sheet ADP2450 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Table 5. Parameter VIN, SW, DET, VPTH AVDD BST DRV EIN1, EIN2, EIN3, EIN4 EIN5_P, EIN5_N EOUT1, EOUT2, EOUT3, EOUT4, EOUT5, VCOM, RCOM VREG, FB1, FB2, VTRP, VTRPL, RSTO, TRG, GATE, GAIN0, GAIN1 PGNDx to GND Operating Temperature Range (Junction) Storage Temperature Range Soldering Conditions Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Human Body Mode Charged Device Mode Rating −0.3 V to +40 V −0.3 V to +6 V The SW pin voltage (VSW) + 6 V −0.3 V to +12 V −8 V to +8 V −8 V to +8 V −0.3 V to VAVDD Thermal performance is directly linked to printed circuit board (PCB) design and operating environment. Close attention to PCB thermal design is required. θJA is the natural convection junction to ambient thermal resistance measured in a one cubic foot sealed enclosure. θJC is the junction to case thermal resistance. Table 6. Thermal Resistance Package Type CP-32-71 ST-481 −0.3 V to +6 V −0.3 V to +0.3 V −40°C to +125°C 1 θJC 1.4 3.41 Unit °C/W °C/W θJA is measured using natural convection on a JEDEC 4-layer board with the exposed pad soldered to the PCB and with thermal vias. ESD CAUTION −65°C to +150°C JEDEC J-STD-020 θJA 32.7 66.68 4000 V (for EIN1, EIN2, EIN3, EIN4, EIN5_P, and EIN5_N pins), 2000 V (for the rest of pins) 500 V Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Rev. B | Page 9 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet NIC PGND2 SW VIN BST NIC DET VPTH FB1 NIC NIC NIC 1 36 NIC PGND1 2 35 FB2 GATE 3 34 RSTO TRG 4 33 GAIN0 NIC 5 32 GAIN1 VTRP 6 31 NIC VTRPL 7 30 NIC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DRV DRV FB1 VPTH DET BST VIN SW PGND2 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 VREG 8 29 EOUT5 EOUT1 EIN2 EOUT2 EIN3 EOUT3 EIN4 EOUT4 RCOM GND 9 28 EIN5_N AVDD 10 27 EIN5_P EIN1 11 26 VCOM NIC 12 25 NIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADP2450 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 FB2 RSTO GAIN0 GAIN1 EOUT5 EIN5_N EIN5_P VCOM NOTES 1. EXPOSED PAD. SOLDER THE EXPOSED PAD TO AN EXTERNAL GND PLANE. 17088-003 PGND1 GATE TRG VTRP VREG GND AVDD EIN1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ADP2450 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) NOTES 1. NIC = NOT INTERNALLY CONNECTED. LEAVE THIS PIN OPEN. 17088-104 NIC RCOM EOUT4 EIN4 NIC EOUT3 EIN3 NIC EOUT2 EIN2 NIC EOUT1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 4. 48-Lead LQFP Package Pin Configuration (Top View) Figure 3. 32-Lead LFCSP Package Pin Configuration (Top View) Table 7. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. LFCSP LQFP 32-Lead 48-Lead 1 2 2 3 Mnemonic PGND1 GATE 3 4 4 6 TRG VTRP 7 VTRPL 5 8 VREG 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 26 GND AVDD EIN1 EOUT1 EIN2 EOUT2 EIN3 EOUT3 EIN4 EOUT4 RCOM VCOM 18 19 20 21 27 28 29 32 EIN5_P EIN5_N EOUT5 GAIN1 Description Boost Shunt Driver and Actuator Driver Ground. Actuator Driver. This pin drives the silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), field-effect transistor (FET), or transistor. Actuator Trigger Signal. This signal comes from the microcontroller unit (MCU). Analog Trip High Threshold Setting. Connect a resistor between this pin and ground to set the analog trip high threshold. Analog Trip Low Threshold Setting. Connect a resistor between this pin and ground to set the analog trip low threshold. Internal 5 V Regulator Output. The IC control circuits are powered from this voltage. Place a 1 μF ceramic capacitor between VREG and GND. Analog Ground. Connect this pin to the ground plane. Power Supply for the Amplifier Block. Input of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 1. Output of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 1. Input of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 2. Output of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 2. Input of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 3. Output of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 3. Input of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 4. Output of the Programmable Gain Amplifier 4. External Resistance Compensation for Programmable Gain Amplifier 1 to Amplifier 4. Setting for the Output Common Voltage of the Programmable Gain Amplifiers. This pin is connected to an external reference voltage. Positive Input of Amplifier 5. Negative Input of Amplifier 5. Output of the Amplifier 5. Gain Setting for Programmable Gain Amplifier 1 to Amplifier 4. This pin is combined with GAIN0 to set the gain of the amplifier. Rev. B | Page 10 of 40 Data Sheet LFCSP 32-Lead 22 Pin No. LQFP 48-Lead 33 ADP2450 23 24 34 35 RSTO FB2 25 26 27 38 39 40 PGND2 SW VIN 28 29 30 41 43 44 BST DET VPTH 31 32 45 47 1, 5, 12, 14, 17, 20, 24, 25, 30, 31, 36, 37, 42, 46, 48 FB1 DRV NIC Description Gain Setting for Programmable Gain Amplifier 1 to Amplifier 4. This pin is combined with GAIN1 to set the gain of the amplifier. Reset Output (Open Drain). Connect this pin to a resistor to any pull-up voltage < 5.5 V. Feedback Voltage Sense Input for Buck Regulator. Connect this pin to a resistor divider from buck output voltage, VOUT2, for adjustable version. For the fixed output version, connect this pin to VOUT2 directly. Power Ground for Buck Regulator. Switch Node for Buck Regulator. Power Input for Buck Regulator and Internal VREG. This voltage is monitored by the power detection circuit. Connect a bypass capacitor between this pin and PGND2. Supply Rail for the Gate Drive of Buck. Place a 0.1 μF capacitor between SW and BST. Power Detection Output. Power Detection Voltage Threshold Setting. Connect a resistor between this pin and ground to set the power rating detection voltage threshold. Feedback Voltage Sense Input for boost shunt. Connect this pin to a resistor divider from VOUT1. Boost Shunt Driver. Not Internally Connected. Leave the pin open. EP Exposed Pad. Solder the exposed pad to an external GND plane. 33 Mnemonic GAIN0 Rev. B | Page 11 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C, VIN = 12 V, VAVDD = 5 V, VVCOM = VRCOM (the RCOM pin voltage) = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. 1.50 1.25 VPTH THRESHOLD (V) 1.20 1.40 1.35 1.30 1.05 VIN = 36V VIN = 24V VIN = 12V –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1.10 RISING FALLING 1.00 –40 0 20 40 60 80 BUCK VIN UVLO THRESHOLD (V) 4.4 2.50 2.45 2.40 2.35 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3.4 –40 17088-005 –20 RISING FALLING 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 6. VIN UVLO Threshold for Boost Controller vs. Temperature Figure 9. VIN UVLO Threshold for Buck Regulator vs. Temperature 0.606 1.24 0.604 1.22 0.602 FB2 VOLTAGE (V) 1.26 1.20 1.18 1.16 0.600 0.598 0.596 –20 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 120 0.594 –40 17088-006 FB1 VOLTAGE (V) –20 17088-008 RISING FALLING 1.14 –40 120 Figure 8. VPTH Threshold vs. Temperature 2.55 2.30 –40 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 5. Quiescent Current vs. Temperature BOOST VIN UVLO THRESHOLD (V) –20 –20 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 7. FB1 Voltage vs. Temperature Figure 10. FB2 Voltage vs. Temperature Rev. B | Page 12 of 40 100 120 17088-009 1.20 –40 1.15 17088-007 1.25 17088-004 QUIESCENT CURRENT (mA) 1.45 Data Sheet ADP2450 0.6 DET OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V) DRV OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE (V) 8.00 7.95 7.90 7.85 7.80 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 17088-010 –20 0.1 –40 20 40 60 80 100 120 Figure 14. DET Output Low Voltage vs. Temperature 1200 4.98 4.97 BOOTSTRAP VOLTAGE (V) 1000 800 600 400 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 4.95 4.94 4.93 4.92 HIGH SIDE LOW SIDE 0 –40 4.96 4.91 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 12. MOSFET On Resistance vs. Temperature 17088-014 200 17088-011 Figure 15. Bootstrap Voltage vs. Temperature 1.25 1.00 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 1.23 1.21 1.19 1.17 0.65 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1.15 –40 17088-012 0.60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 13. Valley Current-Limit Threshold vs. Temperature Figure 16. Switching Frequency vs. Temperature Rev. B | Page 13 of 40 120 17088-015 MOSFET ON RESISTANCE (mΩ) 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 11. DRV Output High Voltage vs. Temperature VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD (A) –20 17088-013 IDET = 20mA 7.75 –40 Data Sheet 6 1.2 5 RESET RISING DELAY TIME (ms) 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 OPTION 1 OPTION 2 0.2 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 2 1 0 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 20. Reset Rising Delay Time (Option 3, Option 4) vs. Temperature 396 1.58 392 390 388 386 384 VOUT2 = 3.3V VOUT2 = 5.0V 382 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 18. Fixed Output Version Soft Start Time vs. Temperature 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.54 1.53 1.52 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 17088-020 ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VERSION SOFT START TIME (ms) 394 17088-017 Figure 21. Adjustable Output Version Soft Start Time vs. Temperature 2.70 800 2.65 AVDD UVLO THRESHOLD (V) 900 700 600 500 2.60 2.55 2.50 2.45 400 RISING FALLING –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) 120 2.40 –40 17088-018 300 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 22. AVDD UVLO Threshold vs. Temperature Figure 19. AVDD Quiescent Current vs. Temperature Rev. B | Page 14 of 40 120 17088-021 FIXED OUTPUT VERSION SOFT START TIME (µs) 3 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 Figure 17. Reset Rising Delay Time (Option1, Option 2) vs. Temperature AVDD QUIESCENT CURRENT (µA) 4 17088-019 0.4 17088-016 RESET RISING DELAY TIME (ms) ADP2450 Data Sheet ADP2450 1000 ANALOG TRIP DEGLITCH TIME (µs) 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.9 700 600 500 400 300 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 –40 Figure 23. Analog Trip Pin (VTRP and VTRPL) Current vs. Temperature –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 17088-025 –20 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 26. Analog Trip Deglitch Time vs. Temperature (Option 1 to Option 4) 4.5 40 4.0 35 3.5 GAIN = 1 596 PGAs NUMBER OF PGAs 30 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 25 20 15 10 1.0 OPTION 8 OPTION 7 OPTION 6 OPTION 5 PGA VOS (µV) 17088-026 180 200 160 140 120 80 60 40 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) 0 0 20 120 –20 100 –40 80 –60 60 –80 40 –100 20 –120 0 –140 –20 –180 –160 0 –40 5 –200 0.5 17088-023 Figure 27. PGA Input Offset Voltage Distribution Figure 24. Analog Trip Deglitch Time vs. Temperature (Option 5 to Option 8) 200 140 180 GAIN = 1 596 PGAs 120 GAIN = 4 596 PGAs 160 NUMBER OF PGAs 100 80 60 40 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PGA VOS TEMPERATURE DRIFT (µV/°C) 17088-024 0 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PGA VOS TEMPERATURE DRIFT (µV/°C) Figure 28. PGA Input Offset Voltage Drift Distribution, Gain = 4 Figure 25. PGA Input Offset Voltage Drift Distribution, Gain = 1 Rev. B | Page 15 of 40 17088-027 ANALOG TRIP DEGLITCH TIME (ms) 800 100 9.8 –40 NUMBER OF PGAs OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 900 VTRPL CURRENT VTRP CURRENT 10.4 17088-022 ANALOG TRIP PIN (VTRP AND VTRPL) CURRENT (µA) 10.5 ADP2450 Data Sheet 35 33 PGA1 PGA2 PGA3 PGA4 4.955 PGA OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (mV) PGA OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE (V) 4.960 4.950 4.945 4.940 4.935 31 29 27 25 23 PGA1 PGA2 PGA3 PGA4 21 19 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 15 –40 17088-028 –20 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 29. PGA Output High Voltage vs. Temperature 17088-031 17 4.930 –40 Figure 32. PGA Output Low Voltage vs. Temperature 250 0 596 PGAs –10 200 PGAx PSRR (dB) NUMBER OF PGAs –20 150 100 –30 –40 –50 –60 50 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 GAIN ERROR (%) –80 10 17088-029 0 Figure 30. PGA Gain Error Distribution 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 17088-032 –70 Figure 33. PGAx Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) vs. Frequency 250 350 GAIN = 1 596 PGAs 200 GAIN = 4 596 PGAs 300 NUMBER OF PGAs 150 100 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PGA GAIN DRIFT (ppm/°C) 11 12 Figure 31. PGA Gain Drift Distribution, Gain = 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PGA GAIN DRIFT (ppm/°C) Figure 34. PGA Gain Drift Distribution, Gain = 4 Rev. B | Page 16 of 40 9 10 17088-033 50 17088-030 NUMBER OF PGAs 250 Data Sheet ADP2450 40 RL = 10kΩ CL = 35pF PGA CLOSED-LOOP GAIN (dB) 30 T EINx 20 10 0 2 –10 1 AV = 1 AV = 4 AV = 16 –20 EOUTx 100 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) CH1 2.00V BW CH2 200mV BW 17088-034 –40 10 10 NOISE = 335mV p-p T 1 1 0.1 0.001 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) CH1 100mV CH1 1.00s 120mV Figure 39. PGA 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Noise, Amplification = 10,000× Figure 36. PGA Input Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency 30 30 149 OP AMPs NUMBER OF OP AMPs 25 20 15 10 20 15 10 17088-036 450 500 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 0 50 –50 –100 –150 –200 –250 0 –300 0 –350 5 –450 –400 5 OP AMP VOS (µV) Figure 37. Operational Amplifier (Op Amp) Input Offset Voltage Distribution 149 OP AMPs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 OP AMP VOS TEMPERATURE DRIFT (µV/°C) 17088-039 25 –500 100kS/s 1M PTS 17088-038 0.01 17088-035 PGA INPUT VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY (µV/√Hz) 10.0ms 1.0MS/s CH1 2.80V Figure 38. PGA No Phase Reversal, VVCOM = VAVDD = 4 V, AV = −10 Figure 35. PGA Closed-Loop Gain vs. Frequency NUMBER OF OP AMPs 100k PTS T –180.0000µs 17088-037 –30 Figure 40. Op Amp Input Offset Voltage Temperature Drift Distribution Rev. B | Page 17 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet 22 OP AMP OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (mV) OP AMP OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE (V) 4.975 4.970 4.965 4.960 4.955 4.950 4.945 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (°C) 18 16 14 12 10 8 –40 17088-040 4.940 –40 20 150 40 50 0 –50 GAIN PHASE –20 60 60 OP AMP CLOSED-LOOP GAIN (dB) 100 0 40 80 100 120 RL = 10kΩ 50 60 20 20 Figure 44. Op Amp Output Low Voltage vs. Temperature PHASE SHIFT (Degrees) OP AMP OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) RL = 10kΩ CL = 10pF 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 41. Op Amp Output High Voltage vs. Temperature 80 –20 17088-043 4.980 –100 40 30 20 10 0 –10 –20 AV = 1 AV = 10 AV = 100 100k 1M –40 10 17088-041 10k –150 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 42. Op Amp Open-Loop Gain and Phase Shift vs. Frequency 17088-044 –30 –40 1k Figure 45. Op Amp Close-Loop Gain vs. Frequency 0 90 80 –20 OP AMP CMRR (dB) –40 –60 –80 60 50 40 30 20 –100 –120 10 100 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 43. Op Amp PSRR vs. Frequency 1M 10M 0 10 100 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1M 10M 17088-045 10 17088-042 OP AMP PSRR (dB) 70 Figure 46. Op Amp Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) vs. Frequency Rev. B | Page 18 of 40 ADP2450 EIN5_N 2 1 CH1 2.00V BW CH2 200mV BW 100k PTS T –180.0000µs 10.0ms 1.0MSPS CH1 2.80V 17088-046 EOUT5 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 47. Op Amp No Phase Reversal, VAVDD = 4 V, AV = −10 Figure 50. Op Amp Input Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency T T NOISE = 459mV p-p VOUT1 3 1 VOUT2 1 RSTO 4 DRV 100kSPS 1M PTS CH1 1.00s 120mV CH1 2.00V BW CH3 5.00V BW CH2 5.00V BW CH4 5.00V BW T –180.0000µs 10ms 10.0MSPS CH1 2.80V 1M PTS 17088-050 CH1 100mV 17088-047 2 Figure 51. Start Up with AC Current Source, VCOM = GND Figure 48. Op Amp 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Noise, Amplification = 10,000× T T VOUT1 VOUT1 EINx 3 1 VOUT2 3 RSTO 1 EOUTx 4 2 2 CH2 200mV BW T –100.0000µs 10.0ms 10.0MSPS CH2 148mV 1M PTS CH1 2.00V BW CH3 5.00V BW 17088-048 CH1 200mV BW CH3 5.00V BW CH2 5.00V BW CH4 5.00V BW 100ms 1.0MS/s CH1 1.64V 1M PTS Figure 52. System Shutdown Waveform Figure 49. PGA Working Waveform, Gain = 1 Rev. B | Page 19 of 40 17088-051 DRV 17088-049 T OP AMP INPUT VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY (µV/√Hz) Data Sheet ADP2450 Data Sheet T T EINx 2 EINx EOUTx EOUTx B W B W 100k PTS T 1.800000ms 10.0ms 1.00MSPS CH1 1.54V 17088-052 CH1 500mV CH2 500mV CH1 500mV BW CH2 500mV BW M10.0ms CH3 2.24V 100k PTS 1.00MSPS T 1.800000ms Figure 53. PGA Gain Switching from Gain = 1 to Gain = 4 Figure 56. PGA Gain Switching from Gain = 4 to Gain = 1 T 2 17088-055 1 1 T EINx 2 EINx EOUTx EOUTx 1 CH1 1.00V BW CH2 200mV BW M10.0ms CH3 2.24V 1.800000ms 1.00MSPS T 100k PTS 17088-053 1 CH1 1.00V BW Figure 54. PGA Gain Switching from Gain = 4 to Gain = 16 CH2 200mV BW M10.0ms CH3 2.24V 100k PTS 1.00MSPS T 1.800000ms 17088-056 2 Figure 57. PGA Gain Switching from Gain = 16 to Gain = 4 T T EINx 1 TRG 3 GATE GATE 4 M10.0ms 1.00MSPS CH4 2.16V CH4 2.00V BW T 100k PTS 19.90000ms CH3 2.00V BW Figure 55. Analog Trip Threshold Triggered, VCOM = RCOM = 0 V CH4 2.00V BW M2.00ms 5.00MSPS CH3 3.56V 100k PTS T 23.20000µs Figure 58. TRG Trigger Analog Trip Function Rev. B | Page 20 of 40 17088-057 CH1 1.00V BW 17088-054 4 Data Sheet ADP2450 T T VOUT1 VOUT1 1 1 VOUT2 3 VOUT2 3 IOUT2 IOUT2 4 4 RSTO RSTO CH1 5.00V BW CH2 2.00V BW M1.00ms CH1 3.20V CH3 2.00V BW CH4 200mA BW T 1M PTS 2.568000ms CH1 5.00V BW CH2 5.00V BW M400µs CH1 4.40V CH3 2.00V BW CH4 200mA BW T 1M PTS 680.0000µs Figure 59. Buck Regulator Soft Start with Full Load (VOUT2 = 3.3 V, Adjustable Version) 17088-061 2 17088-058 2 Figure 62. Buck Regulator Soft Start with Full Load (VOUT2 = 5 V, Fixed Version) T T VOUT2 VOUT2 1 1 SW SW 3 3 IOUT2 IOUT2 CH1 2.00V BW CH3 10.0V BW M1.00ms CH1 2.92V CH4 1.00A BW T 1M PTS 2.990000ms CH1 2.00V BW CH3 10.0V BW Figure 60. Buck Regulator OCP Triggered M1.00ms CH1 2.92V CH4 1.00A BW T 1M PTS 2.590000ms 17088-062 4 17088-059 4 Figure 63. Buck Regulator OCP Recovery T T VOUT2 (AC) 2 2 VOUT2 (AC) VIN IOUT2 1 SW CH2 200mV BW CH4 200mA BW M200µs CH4 T 598.0000µs 236mA 1M PTS Figure 61. Buck Regulator Load Transient (50 mA to 450 mA) CH1 10.0V BW CH2 50.0mV CH3 10.0V BW B W M2.00ms CH1 21.0V 1M PTS T 4.716000ms 17088-063 3 17088-060 4 Figure 64. Buck Regulator Line Transient, VIN from 8 V to 24 V, Full Load Rev. B | Page 21 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet THEORY OF OPERATION The ADP2450 is a power management IC for circuit breaker and CT powered supply applications. The ADP2450 integrates one boost shunt controller with power detection, one high efficiency buck regulator, four programmable gain amplifiers, one low offset operation amplifier, a fast analog trip circuit, and an actuator driver in a 32-lead LFCSP or 48-lead LQFP package. With the high integration rate, the ADP2450 provides a compact, robust power supply and signal conditioning solution for size limited, high reliability systems. BOOST SHUNT CONTROLLER The ADP2450 integrates a boost shunt controller with a field-effect transistor (FET) driver. The boost shunt controller uses a hysteresis control scheme to regulate the output voltage. When the feedback voltage on the FB1 pin is lower than the reference voltage (typically 1.2 V), the FET driver turns off the external FET, and then the current from CT charges the output capacitor storing energy in the capacitor. When the output voltage rises and the feedback voltage on the FB1 pin is higher than the rising threshold (typically 1.219 V), the FET driver turns on the external FET and bypasses the CT current to ground through the external FET. Use the following equation to calculate RTOP_VP and RBOT_VP: RTOP _ VP  1.09 V  VOUT1 _ RISING  1.22 V  VOUT1 _ FALLING 1.09 V  4.8 A  1.22 V  1 A RBOT _ VP  1.22 V  RTOP _ VP VOUT1 _ RISING  RTOP _ VP  4.8 A  1.22 V where: RTOP_VP is the top side resistor connected between the VOUT1 and VPTH pin. RBOT_VP is the bottom side resistor connected between the VPTH pin and ground. VOUT1_RISING is the VOUT1 rising threshold. VOUT1_FALLING is the VOUT1 falling threshold. A dummy resistor load (RPOWER) connected between VOUT1 and the DET pin ensures that the whole system is not enabled until there is enough power provided to the system by the current transformer, as shown in Figure 66. VOUT1 ADP2450 DET RPOWER POWER DETECTION When the voltage on the VPTH pin falls below the VPTH falling threshold (typically 1.09 V), the power detection FET is turned on again, which pulls the DET pin to ground, and the 3.8 μA current source is added between VPTH and ground again. The voltage threshold and hysteresis for power detection is programmable with external resistors on the VPTH pin, as shown in Figure 65. GND 17088-065 The ADP2450 integrates an input power detection function. During startup, when the voltage on the VPTH pin is lower than the VPTH rising threshold (typically 1.22 V), the power detection FET is turned on and the DET pin is pulled down to ground. Both the 1 μA and 3.8 μA internal current sources are added between VPTH and ground. When the voltage on the VPTH pin rises above the VPTH rising threshold (typical 1.22 V), the power detection FET is turned off and the DET pin is open. The 3.8 μA current source is removed and only the 1 μA current source is added. Figure 66. Dummy Load Connection Calculate the dummy load resistor value using the following equation: RPOWER  where IDUMMY is the minimum required current value before enabling the system. Ensure that the selected dummy load resistor can handle the power before the DET pin is open. The power consumption on the dummy load resistor (PDUMMY) is calculated using the following equation: PDUMMY  I DUMMY 2  RPOWER VOUT1 ADP2450 INTERNAL REGULATOR CMP VPTH + 1µA 3.8µA Figure 65. Programmable Voltage of Power Detection 17088-064 1.22V RBOT_VP – RTOP_VP VOUT1_RISING I DUMMY The internal 5 V regulator (VREG) provides a stable voltage supply for the internal control circuits. It is recommended to place a 1 μF ceramic capacitor between VREG and GND. The internal regulator also includes a current-limit circuit for overcurrent protection. The internal 8 V regulator provides the voltage supply for the boost shunt driver. The VIN pin provides power supply for both the 5 V and 8 V internal regulators. Rev. B | Page 22 of 40 Data Sheet ADP2450 BUCK REGULATOR PROGRAMMABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER The buck regulator in the ADP2450 uses a current mode control scheme for stability and transient response. The ADP2450 integrates four low offset, low power programmable gain amplifiers (PGA1, PGA2, PGA3, and PGA4). The gain of these amplifiers is programmable through the GAIN0 and GAIN1 pins. The buck regulator operates in a 1.2 MHz fixed switching frequency. The regulator integrates the soft start and compensation circuit to reduce the external components and provide an easy to use solution. The soft-start time is 400 μs for the fixed output version and is 1.6 ms for the adjustable output version. Connect a resistor between the GAIN1 pin and ground to set different gains. Pull up the GAIN0 pin to high or pull down the GAIN0 pin to low to choose different gain ranges. The ADP2450 uses the emulated current ramp voltage for cycle by cycle current-limit protection to prevent current runaway. When the emulated current ramp voltage reaches the currentlimit threshold, the high-side MOSFET turns off and the lowside MOSFET turns on until the next cycle. The overcurrent counter increments during this cycling process. If the overcurrent does not occur in the next cycle, the overcurrent counter decreases. If the overcurrent counter reaches 10 or the voltage on the FB2 pin drops below 0.2 V after soft start, the buck regulator enters into hiccup mode. During hiccup mode, both the highside MOSFET and low-side MOSFET are turned off. The buck regulator remains in hiccup mode for 1024 clock cycles and then attempts to restart with a soft start. If the current-limit fault is cleared, the buck regulator resumes normal operation. Otherwise, the buck regulator reenters hiccup mode. A total of 15 gains can be obtained via different combinations of GAIN0 and GAIN1 settings. Table 8 shows the relationship between the gain and the GAIN0 and GAIN1 configurations. The low-side MOSFET in the buck regulator also sinks current from the load. If the low-side sink current exceeds the sink current-limit threshold, both the low-side and high-side MOSFETs are turned off until the next cycle starts. The AVDD pin provides the voltage supply for the programmable gain amplifiers, and the output voltage of the amplifiers are clamped between zero and VAVDD. The buck regulator only works when the voltage on the VPTH pin is higher than the VPTH rising threshold. Table 8. Gain Setting for PGAx Resistance on GAIN1 (kΩ ) 0 42.2 63.4 95.3 143 215 324 AVDD VEOUTx  It is recommended to place a 0.1 μF, X7R or X5R ceramic capacitor between the BST and the SW pins. POWER MONITOR AND RESET The output voltage of the buck regulator is monitored through the FB2 pin. When the voltage on FB2 pin is below the reset threshold, the RSTO pin is pulled down. When the voltage on FB2 pin is above the reset threshold, the RSTO pin is released and can be pulled up by an external voltage source. A delay time is designed for the RSTO pin to ensure that no glitch occurs on the RSTO pin. There are four following options for the rising delay time: 0.5 ms, 1 ms, 2 ms, and 5 ms. The falling delay time is fixed at 10 μs. GAIN GAIN0 = High 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 16 The output voltage of PGAx is calculated with the following equation: BOOTSTRAP CIRCUIT The ADP2450 includes a regulator to provide the gate driver voltage for the high-side N-MOSFET of the buck regulator. It uses differential sensing method to generate a 5 V bootstrap voltage between the BST and the SW pins. GAIN0 = Low 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 4 VVCOM  VEINx  GAIN 2 where: VEOUTx is the voltage on the EOUTx pin. VVCOM is the voltage on VCOM pin. VEINx is the voltage on the EINx pin. GAIN is the gain value programmed by the GAIN0 and GAIN1 pins according to Table 8. In a Rogowski application, as shown in Figure 75, connect a resistor between RCOM and ground to compensate for the passive, integrated dc resistor. Connect VCOM to AVDD or to a reference voltage derived from AVDD for the proper start-up sequence. In the CT current sense application, connect both the VCOM and RCOM pins to ground. Rev. B | Page 23 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet The analog trip thresholds are programmable with external resistors and can be calculated using the following equations: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER The operational amplifier is a low offset amplifier. The amplifier is used for leakage current detection in circuit breaker application. VTRP  V   0.01  RTRP  kΩ  Figure 67 shows the circuit configuration with the operational amplifier for leakage current detection as well as R1 and R2. The output voltage of the operational amplifier is calculated with the following equation: VEOUT 5  VREF I LK R   RZCT  2 N R1 2 where: VEOUT5 is the voltage on the EOUT5 pin. VREF is the external reference voltage. ILK is the leakage current. N is the turn ratio of the zero-current transformer (ZCT). RZCT is the current sense resistor at the secondary side of the ZCT. ZCT RZCT R1 EIN5_N R1 EIN5_P where: VTRP is the high analog trip threshold voltage. VTRPL is the low analog trip threshold voltage. RTRP is the resistance connected between the VTRP pin and ground. RTRPL is the resistance connected between the VTRPL pin and ground. Note that there are limitations when choosing the RTRP and RTRPL values to set the analog trip thresholds. The following requirements must be met. For RTRP selection, R2 ILK VTRPL  V   0.01  RTRPL  kΩ  RTRP  VVREG  0.5   100  kΩ  ADP2450 – EA5 + and EOUT5 RTRP  VAVDD  0.1  100  kΩ  1:N 2R2 For RTRP selection, VREF RTRPL  30  kΩ  17088-066 2R2 If the analog trip function is not used, connect both VTRP and VTRPL to VREG to disable the analog trip function. Figure 67. Typical Configuration for Leakage Current Detection ANALOG TRIP PROTECTION The ADP2450 integrates an analog trip circuit for fast protection in circuit breaker applications. The analog trip circuit monitors the output of each PGA. When any of the four PGA outputs exceeds the analog trip threshold, VTRP or VTRPL, for the deglitch time, tTRP, the analog trip protection is triggered. Two programmable analog trip thresholds, VTRP and VTRPL, support both half-sinusoid and bipolar sinusoid input signal application. VTRP is the high threshold and VTRPL is the low threshold. The PGAx output signal is compared with the two analog trip thresholds. If the PGAx output signal is either higher than VTRP or lower than VTRPL, the analog trip protection is triggered as shown in Figure 68. AVDD EINx INPUT SIGNAL VCOM/2 VTRP OUTPUT SIGNAL VTRPL ANALOG TRIP AVDD EOUTx ADP2450 17088-067 0 PGAx In the CT current sense application where the input signal is half-sinusoid, only VTRP, the high analog trip threshold, is needed. Connect VTRPL to VREG to disable VTRPL, the low analog trip threshold. Connect RCOM and VCOM to ground in this CT current sense application. ACTUATOR DRIVER The actuator driver receives the input signal either from the TRG pin or from the output of the analog trip control circuit. The driver also provides the gate drive voltage for the external thyristor through the GATE pin, as shown in Figure 69. When the analog trip protection is triggered, the analog trip control circuit outputs a 10 ms high, 6 ms low pulse signal. This pulse signal performs an OR logic with the signal on the TRG pin and inputs to the actuator driver circuit to provide the gate drive signal for the external thyristor or MOSFET. During this 16 ms period, the 10 ms high, 6 ms low pulse signal, any analog trip signal is ignored. If the analog trip signal is still active after the 16 ms period, another pulse that is 10 ms high, 6 ms low is generated. If the analog trip signal is cleared after the 16 ms period, the output of the analog trip control circuit latches to low. The GATE pin can be pulled up to VREG. Figure 68. Analog Trip Circuit Rev. B | Page 24 of 40 Data Sheet ANALOG TRIP COMPARATOR OUTPUT ANALOG TRIP CONTROL 10ms 6ms ACTUATOR DRIVER TRG GATE 17088-068 ADP2450 ADP2450 MCU GPIO Figure 69. Actuator Driver Control Circuit THERMAL SHUTDOWN In the event that the ADP2450 junction temperature exceeds 150°C, the thermal shutdown circuit turns off most of the internal blocks but pulls the boost driver voltage (DRV pin) to high. A 15°C hysteresis is included so that the ADP2450 does not recover from thermal shutdown until the on-chip temperature drops below 135°C. Upon recovery, a soft start and power-up sequence is initiated prior to normal operation. Rev. B | Page 25 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet APPLICATIONS INFORMATION OUTPUT CAPACITOR OF BOOST SHUNT CONTROLLER Table 10. Recommended Bridge Rectifiers The output capacitor stores the energy coming from the CT and provides the input voltage of the buck regulator as well as power to the actuator. Depending on the VOUT1 setting and actuator specification, the capacitance must be large enough so that it can provide sufficient power to trigger the actuator when the analog trip occurs and prevent the VOUT1 voltage from dropping. The voltage rating of the boost shunt output capacitor must be higher than the output voltage of the boost shunt controller (VOUT1). A margin of at least 20% must be reserved. Polymer, tantalum, and aluminum electrolytic capacitors are recommended for the balance between capacitance, voltage rating, and size. It is recommended to use a ceramic capacitor in the range from 1 μF to 10 μF in parallel with the output capacitor to reduce the total effective series resistance (ESR), thus reducing the output voltage ripple. Table 9 lists several recommended output capacitors for the boost shunt controller. Table 9. Recommended Output Capacitors Vendor KEMET Panasonic Part Number T521X336M050ATE075 T521X476M035ATE070 T494E476M035AT7280 A767KN476M1HLAE029 EEFCX1V220R 35SVPF39M 50SVPF39M EEHZA1H680P EEHZA1H330XP Capacitance (μF) 33 47 47 47 22 39 39 68 33 Voltage (V) 50 35 35 50 35 35 50 50 50 Vendor Bourns Fairchild Part Number CD2320-B1200 CD2320-B1400 CD2320-B1600 CD2320-B1800 CD2320-B11000 MDB6S MDB8S MDB10S IF (A) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VDC (V) 200 400 600 800 1000 600 800 1000 VF (V) 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 IFSM (A) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 SENSE RESISTOR SELECTION In a typical MCCB application, a sense resistor is connected between the negative output of the bridge rectifier and ground to convert the half sinusoid current signal to the half sinusoid voltage signal as the PGA input for signal coordination. The resistor value depends on the system rated current (IN), the turn ratio of the current transformer, the PGA gain setting, and the PGA output low voltage. A large resistor value provides a large input and output voltage signal of the PGA for easy sampling. However, a large resistor value increases the power loss on the sense resistor. A small resistor value reduces the power loss. However, a small resistor value decreases the PGA input and output voltage signal. Ensure that the lowest PGA output signal for the ADC sampling is higher than the output low voltage of the PGA so that the sampling accuracy of the small signal is not affected. The resistor power must be high enough to handle the large current flowing through the sense resistor when the analog trip occurs. Table 11 lists several recommended sense resistors. Table 11. Recommended Sense Resistors BRIDGE RECTIFIER The bridge rectifier converts the sinusoid current of the CT secondary side to a half sinusoid current to provide power to the ADP2450. The average forward rectified current of the bridge rectifier diode (IF) must be higher than the rms current of the CT secondary side during normal operation. The maximum dc blocking voltage of the bridge rectifier diode (VDC) must be higher than the boost shunt controller output voltage (VOUT1) of the ADP2450. Ensure that the peak forward surge current of the bridge rectifier diode (IFSM) can handle the peak current of the CT secondary side when a fault occurs, such as when an analog trip is triggered. Vendor Vishay Dale Rohm Bourns Bridge rectifier diodes with low forward voltage are recommended. A low forward voltage reduces the power loss on the bridge rectifier diodes. However, the package size of the bridge rectifier increases. Table 10 lists several recommended bridge rectifiers for general applications. Rev. B | Page 26 of 40 Part Number WSC2515R5000FEA WSC25151R000FEA WSC25152R000FEA MCR100JZHFLR510 LTR50UZPF1R00 MCR100JZHFL2R00 PWR2615WR500FE CRL2512-FW-1R00ELF CRL2512-FW-2R00ELF CRM2512-FX-2R00ELF Value (Ω) 0.5 1 2 0.51 1 2 0.5 1 2 2 Power (W) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Data Sheet ADP2450 Table 13. Recommended Schottky Diodes EXTERNAL MOSFET FOR BOOST SHUNT CONTROLLER An N-channel external MOSFET is needed to control the CT current in the boost shunt controller. When the external MOSFET is turned off, the current from the CT charges the output capacitor to VOUT1 through the boost shunt diode. The voltage added on the drain and source nodes of the MOSFET is equal to VOUT1 plus the diode forward voltage. When the external MOSFET is turned on, it bypasses the CT current to ground. It is recommended to choose a MOSFET with a breakdown voltage (VDSS) at least twice that of the output voltage of boost shunt controller (VOUT1). It is also recommended that the continuous drain current (ID) be larger than the CT secondary root mean square (rms) current when the analog trip occurs. The MOFSET driver integrated in the ADP2450 has an 8 V output high voltage (VDRV_H). Ensure that the gate to source voltage (VGS) of the selected MOSFET is greater than 8 V, and that the gate threshold voltage (VGS_TH) is lower than 8 V. Table 12 lists several recommended MOSFETs for the boost shunt controller. Table 12. Recommended External MOSFETs Vendor Infineon DIODES ON Semiconductor Part Number IRFR3505PBF IRFR3518TRPBF BSC340N08NS3GATMA1 DMN6068LK3-13 DMN6013LFG-7 DMT8012LFG-13 FDMC86340 NTTFS5820NLTAG FDS5670 FDS3572 VDSS (V) 55 80 80 60 60 80 80 60 60 80 ID (A) 30 30 23 8.5 10.3 35 14 37 10 8.9 BOOST SHUNT DIODE SELECTION The ADP2450 integrates a boost shunt controller that requires an external Schottky rectifier to conduct the CT current to the output capacitor of the boost shunt circuit when the external boost shunt MOSFET is turned off. Ensure that the Schottky diode peak current rating is larger than the maximum CT secondary current. The peak reverse voltage of the Schottky diode must be greater than the output voltage of boost shunt controller. To achieve the best efficiency, select a Schottky diode with a low forward voltage (VF). Vendor DIODES ON Semiconductor Rohm Bourns 1 2 Part Number B360A B350A B260A MBRS360BT3G MBRS260T3G NRVBS260T3G RB055LAM-60TR RB068LAM-60TR CD214A-B360LF VRRM1 (V) 60 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 IO2 (A) 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 VRRM is the peak repetitive reverse voltage of the diodes. IO is the forward current of the diodes. INPUT CAPACITOR OF BUCK REGULATOR The input capacitor reduces the input voltage ripple of the buck regulator caused by the switching current on VIN. Place the input capacitor as close as possible to the VIN pin. A 10 μF ceramic capacitor is recommended. The loop that is composed of this input capacitor, the high-side N-MOSFET, and the lowside N-MOSFET must be kept as small as possible. The voltage rating of the input capacitor must be greater than the maximum input voltage. Ensure that the rms current rating of the input capacitor is larger than the value calculated from the following equation: I CIN _ RMS  I OUT 2  D  1  D  where: ICIN_RMS is the rms current of the input capacitor of buck regulator. IOUT2 is the output current of the buck regulator. D is the duty cycle of the buck regulator (D = VOUT2/VIN). INDUCTOR SELECTION The inductor value of the buck regulator is determined by the operating frequency, input voltage, output voltage, and inductor ripple current. Using a small inductor leads to a faster transient response but degrades efficiency due to a larger inductor ripple current, whereas using a large inductor value leads to smaller ripple current and improved efficiency but results in a slower transient response. As a guideline, the inductor ripple current, ΔIL, is typically set to one-third of the maximum load current. The inductor value is calculated using the following equation: L VIN  VOUT 2   D I L  f SW where: VIN is the input voltage of the buck regulator. VOUT2 is the output voltage of the buck regulator. ΔIL is the inductor current ripple. fSW is the switching frequency of buck regulator. Rev. B | Page 27 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet The peak inductor current (IPEAK) is calculated with the following equation: Both the output voltage of boost shunt controller (VOUT1) and buck regulator (VOUT2) are set by the external resistor dividers, as shown in Figure 70 and Figure 71. I  IOUT 2  L 2 The saturation current of the inductor must be larger than the peak inductor current. For ferrite core inductors with a quick saturation characteristic, the saturation current rating of the inductor must be greater than the current-limit threshold of the switch. This greater saturation current rating prevents the inductor from reaching saturation. The rms current of the inductor (IL_RMS) is calculated with the following equation: I L 2 12 Shielded ferrite core materials are recommended for low core loss and low electromagnetic interference (EMI). The resistor values are calculated using the following equation:   R VOUT 1  1.2   1  TOP1   RBOT 1  where: RTOP1 is the top side feedback resistor of VOUT1. RBOT1 is the bottom side feedback resistor of VOUT1. To limit the output voltage accuracy degradation due to the FB1 bias current (0.1 μA maximum) to less than 0.5% (maximum), ensure that RBOT1 < 60 kΩ. VOUT1 ADP2450 OUTPUT CAPACITOR OF BUCK REGULATOR RBOT1 The output capacitor selection affects the output ripple voltage of the buck regulator. The output ripple is determined by the ESR and the capacitance value. Use the following equation to select a capacitor that meets the output ripple requirements (COUT2_RIPPLE): COUT 2 _ RIPPLE I L  8  f SW  VOUT 2 _ RIPPLE where: ΔVOUT2_RIPPLE is the allowable output ripple voltage of the buck regulator. RESR VOUT 2 _ RIPPLE  I L where RESR is the maximum equivalent series resistance of the buck regulator output capacitor in ohms (Ω). GND Figure 70. Boost Shunt Controller Output Voltage Setting Buck Regulator Output Voltage The buck regulator has the following two output voltage settings: adjustable output and fixed output. For adjustable output voltage, connect the external resistor divider as shown Figure 71. The resistor values are calculated using the following equation:   R VOUT 2  0.6   1  TOP 2  RBOT 2   where: RTOP2 is the top side feedback resistor of VOUT2. RBOT2 is the bottom side feedback resistor of VOUT2. Select the output capacitance to be larger than COUT2_RIPPLE and select the ESR value to be smaller than RESR to meet the output ripple. VOUT2 ADP2450 I COUT 2 _ RMS RTOP2 FB2 RBOT2 The selected output capacitor voltage rating must be greater than the output voltage. The rms current rating of the output capacitor (ICOUT2_RMS) must be greater than the value that is calculated using the following equation: I  L 12 RTOP1 FB1 17088-069 I L _ RMS  IOUT 22  Boost Shunt Controller Output Voltage GND 17088-070 I PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE SETTING Figure 71. Buck Regulator Adjustable Output Voltage Setting To limit the output voltage accuracy degradation due to FB2 bias current (0.1 μA maximum) to less than 0.5% (maximum), ensure that RBOT2 < 30 kΩ. For fixed output voltage, connect FB2 to VOUT2 directly. Rev. B | Page 28 of 40 Data Sheet ADP2450 Buck Regulator Voltage Conversion Limitations EXTERNAL MOSFET FOR ACTUATOR The minimum output voltage of a buck regulator for a given input voltage and switching frequency is constrained by the minimum on time. The minimum on time of the ADP2450 buck regulator is typically 50 ns. The minimum output voltage at a given input voltage and frequency is calculated using the following equation: The ADP2450 has an integrated actuator driver. When the analog trip is triggered or the TRG pin is pulled up high, the internal actuator driver outputs a 5 V driver signal on the GATE pin and turns on the external MOSFET to trigger the actuator. The instantaneous current when the actuator is triggered is equal to VOUT1 divided by the resistance of the actuator. The continuous drain current of the MOSFET must be larger than the instantaneous current when the actuator is triggered. In normal operation where the MOSFET is turned off, VOUT1 the voltage added onto the drain and source nodes of the MOSFET. It is recommended to select a MOSFET with a VDSS that is twice as large as VOUT1 to provide enough margin. VOUT2_MIN = VIN × tMIN_ON × fSW − (RDSON_HS − RDSON_LS) × IOUT2_MIN × tMIN_ON × fSW − (RDSON_LS + RL) × IOUT2_MIN (1) where: VOUT2_MIN is the minimum output voltage. tMIN_ON is the minimum on time. fSW is the switching frequency. RDSON_HS is the high-side MOSFET on resistance. RDSON_LS is the low-side MOSFET on resistance. IOUT2_MIN is the minimum output current. RL is the series resistance of the output inductor. The recommended MOSFETs listed in Table 12 can also be used as the MOSFET for the actuator. The maximum output voltage of a buck regulator for a given input voltage and switching frequency is constrained by the minimum off time. The minimum off time of the ADP2450 buck regulator is typically 150 ns. The maximum output voltage, limited by the minimum off time at a given input voltage and frequency, is calculated using the following equation: VOUT2_MAX = VIN × (1 − tMIN_OFF × fSW) − (RDSON_HS − RDSON_LS) × IOUT2_MAX × (2) (1 − tMIN_OFF × fSW) − (RDSON_LS + RL) × IOUT2_MAX where: VOUT2_MAX is the maximum output voltage. tMIN_OFF is the minimum off time. IOUT2_MAX is the maximum output current. Rev. B | Page 29 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet DESIGN EXAMPLE This section describes the procedures for selecting the external components, based on a typical MCCB design example. The system specifications are listed in Table 14. See Figure 72 for the schematic for this design example. Table 14. MCCB System Requirements Parameter Boost Shunt Controller Output Voltage System Enable Threshold Voltage System Disable Threshold Voltage Minimum System Consumption Current Buck Regulator Output Voltage Buck Regulator Output Voltage Ripple Buck Regulator Output Current Single CT Secondary Current Under IN (Rated Current) Actuator Resistance Analog Trip Current at CT Secondary Side Specification VOUT1 = 12 V VSYS_RISING = 9 V VSYS_FALLING = 7 V ISYS_MIN = 15 mA VOUT2 = 3.3 V VOUT2_RIPPLE = 10 mV IOUT2 = 100 mA IN_SEC = 75 mA RACT = 4 Ω ITRP_SEC = 11 × IN_SEC BOOST SHUNT DIODE SETTING The VRRM of the diode must be twice as large as VOUT1 to provide enough margin. Choose a Schottky diode with VRRM > 24 V. The peak current rating of the diode must be higher than 3 × ITRP_SEC = 2.475 A to cover the worst case scenario. Choose a Schottky diode with IO ≥ 3 A. It is recommended to select the MBRAF360T3G from ON Semiconductor as the boost shunt diode. BUCK REGULATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE SETTING According to the system requirement, the output voltage of the buck regulator is 3.3 V. Select the ADP2450ACPZ-1-R7 model for a fixed 3.3 V output voltage of the buck regulator. INDUCTOR SETTING The peak-to-peak inductor ripple current, ΔIL, is set to 30% of the rated output current of the buck regulator. Use the following equation to estimate the inductor value: BOOST SHUNT OUTPUT VOLTAGE SETTING L Choose a 11.3 kΩ resistor as the bottom feedback resistor (RBOT1), and calculate the top feedback resistor using the following equation: RTOP 1  VOUT 1  RBOT 1  RBOT 1 1.2 To set the output voltage of boost shunt controller to 12 V, the resistor values are as follows: RTOP1 = 102 kΩ, and RBOT1 = 11.3 kΩ. BOOST SHUNT OUTPUT CAPACITOR SETTING The output capacitor of the boost shunt controller provides energy to the actuator. The value of the capacitor depends on the actuator specification and requirement. The capacitor value also affects the total system start-up time. A small value capacitor has fast system start-up time but may not provide enough energy for the actuator when the trip occurs. A large value capacitor has sufficient energy for the actuator but extends the system start-up time. A capacitor value from 100 μF to 220 μF satisfies most of the actuator requirements in the MCCB application. BOOST SHUNT MOSFET SETTING VIN 2  VOUT 2   D I L  f SW where: VIN2 = VOUT1 = 12 V. VOUT2 = 3.3 V. D = 0.275. ΔIL = 0.15 A. fSW = 1.2 MHz. This calculation results in L = 13.3 μH. Choose the standard inductor value of 15 μH. The inductor peak current is calculated by using the following equation: I PEAK  IOUT 2  VIN 2  VOUT 2   D  1 15 μH  f SW 2 This calculation results in IPEAK = 166 mA. Based on the calculated current value, select an inductor with a minimum rms current rating of 200 mA. A shield inductor is preferred for improved system EMI performance. It is recommended to select the LPS3015-153 from Coilcraft as the inductor of the buck regulator. The VDSS of the MOSFET must be twice as large as VOUT1 to provide enough margin. Choose a MOSFET with VDSS > 24 V. In a worst case scenario where the analog trip occurs on all three phases, the current flowing through the MOSFET is 3 × ITRP_SEC = 2.475 A. Choose a MOSFET with ID > 3 A. The VGS voltage of the MOSFET must be higher than 8 V. It is recommended to select the FDMC86340 from ON Semiconductor as the boost shunt MOSFET. Rev. B | Page 30 of 40 Data Sheet ADP2450 BUCK REGULATOR OUTPUT CAPACITOR SETTING PGA GAIN SETTING The output of the buck regulator provides the power supply for the PGAs, MCU, and LCD display. In most MCCB applications, the output voltage ripple requirement is important. Set the PGA gain to ×1 as a start point. According to Table 8, connect a 42.2 kΩ resistor between the GAIN1 pin and ground. Connect the GAIN0 pin to an input/output (I/O) pin of the MCU. If needed, switch the PGA gain between ×1 and ×4 by setting the GAIN0 pin to low and high, respectively. To meet the output voltage ripple requirement, use the following equations to calculate the ESR and capacitance values of the output capacitor of buck regulator: COUT 2 _ RIPPLE  ESR  I L 8  f SW  VOUT 2 _ RIPPLE Choose a 2 Ω resistor as the sense resistor for each phase to set the input voltage of PGA to 150 mV under the rated current, IN. The power consumption on the sense resistor (PSENSE_MAX) when the analog trip occurs is calculated using the following equation (see Table 14 for the ITRP_SEC value): VOUT 2 _ RIPPLE I L This calculation results in COUT2_RIPPLE = 1.56 μF and ESR = 66 mΩ. The output capacitance must be larger than 1.56 μF, and the output capacitor ESR value must be smaller than 66 mΩ to meet the output voltage ripple requirement. It is recommended to use a one piece, 10 μF ceramic capacitor (such as the GRM21BR70J106KE76 from Murata) as the output capacitor of the buck regulator. VPTH RESISTOR DIVIDER SETTING 1.09 V  VSYS _ RISING  1.22 V  VSYS _ FALLING 1.09 V  4.8 μA  1.22 V  1 μA RBOT _ VP  1.22 V  RTOP _ VP VSYS _ RISING  RTOP _ VP  4.8 μA  1.22 V PSENSE _ MAX  ITRP _ SEC 2  RSENSE where: RSENSE is the sense resistor value. This calculation results in PSENSE_MAX = 1.36 W. Select a 2 Ω, 2 W resistor, such as the CRM2512-FX-2R00ELF from Bourns, as the sense resistor. ANALOG TRIP THRESHOLD SETTING According to the system enable and disable voltage threshold requirements, use the following equation to calculate the VPTH resistor divider values (see Table 14 for the VSYS_RISING and VSYS_FALLING values): RTOP _ VP  SENSE RESISTOR SETTING The PGA output voltage is a half-sinusoid waveform. Calculate the PGA output voltage peak value (VPGA_PEAK) when the analog trip is triggered by using the following equation: VPGA _ PEAK  ITRP _ SEC  RSENSE  2  GAIN where GAIN = 1. This calculation results in VPGA_PEAK = 2.333 V. This calculation results in RTOP_VP = 316.6 kΩ and RBOT_VP = 61.7 kΩ. Select a standard resistor value of 316 kΩ for RTOP_VP and 61.9 kΩ for RBOT_VP. Consider that the analog trip has a default 200 μs delay time, which results in a 3.6° phase delay of the half-sinusoid waveform. Set the analog trip threshold voltage using the following equation: VTRP  VPGA _ PEAK  sin86.4 DUMMY LOAD RESISTOR SETTING This calculation results in VTRP = 2.328 V. The dummy load, together with the power detection function, ensures that the system is not enabled until there is sufficient current provided by the CT. Calculate the trip resistor value (RTRP) using the following equation: Calculate the dummy load resistor value using the following equation: RPOWER  RTRP  VTRP ITRP This calculation results in RTRP = 232.8 kΩ. Choose a standard resistor value of 232 kΩ as the analog trip resistor. VSYS _ RISING I SYS _ MIN ACTUATOR MOSFET SETTING This calculation results in RPOWER = 600 Ω. Choose the standard resistor value 604 Ω for RPOWER. Calculate the power consumption on the dummy load resistor using the following equation (see Table 14 for the ISYS_MIN value): PDUMMY  I SYS _ MIN 2  RPOWER The VDSS of the MOSFET must be twice as large as VOUT1 to provide enough margin. Choose a MOSFET with VDSS > 24 V. When the actuator is triggered, the instantaneous current flowing through the MOSFET is VOUT1/RACT = 3 A. Select a MOSFET with ID > 3 A. The VGS voltage of the MOSFET must be higher than 5 V. This calculation results in PDUMMY = 0.136 W. Select one 604 Ω resistor with a 0805 package or two parallel 1.21 kΩ resistors with 0603 packages as the dummy load. It is recommended to select the FDMC86340 from ON Semiconductor as the actuator MOSFET. Rev. B | Page 31 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet D1 MBRAF360T3G BRIDGE1 IA M1 FDMC86340 – RSENSE1 2Ω/2W CT2 BRIDGE2 IB + – RSENSE2 2Ω/2W CT3 BRIDGE3 IC + DRV VOUT1 RTOP_VP 316kΩ FB1 RBOT1 11.3kΩ VIN M2 FDMC86340 ACTUATOR GATE BST SW VPTH CBST 100nF L 15μH MCU VOUT2 = 3.3V VCORE COUT2 10μF FB2 PGND2 VOUT2 AVDD CAVDD 1μF A CVREG 1μF RTRP 232kΩ RSTO RESET GAIN0 GPIO1 GAIN1 – B RPOWER 604Ω DET CIN2 10μF RBOT_VP 61.9kΩ COUT1 220μF RTOP1 102kΩ ADP2450 PGND1 RSENSE3 2Ω/2W C VOUT1 = 12V + RGAIN 42.2kΩ EIN1 EOUT1 ADC1 EIN2 EOUT2 ADC2 EIN3 EOUT3 ADC3 EIN4 EOUT4 EIN5_N EOUT5 EIN5_P RCOM VREG VCOM VTRP TRG GND Figure 72. Schematic for Design Example, Single Coil, Three Phases Sense Rev. B | Page 32 of 40 GPIO2 17088-071 CT1 Data Sheet ADP2450 CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT RECOMMENDATIONS In any switching power supply, there are some circuit paths that carry high dI/dt, the current changing rate, which creates spikes and noises. Some circuit paths are sensitive to noise, such as feedback traces, error amplifier input and output traces, which must be devoid of spikes and noises. The key to proper PCB layout is to identify these critical paths and arrange the components and the copper area accordingly to keep the paths away from noise sources. When designing PCB layouts, be sure to keep high current loops small. In addition, keep sensitive trances and components away from the switching nodes and their associated components. The following sections describe the recommended layout rules for the ADP2450. Figure 73 shows a recommended PCB layout for single coil application. GROUND PLANES Use separate analog ground planes and power ground planes. Connect the ground reference of sensitive analog circuitry, such as output voltage divider components, amplifier output resistor and capacitor (RC) filters, and a common voltage reference, to analog ground. Connect the ground reference of the power components, such as input and output capacitors, and external MOSFETs to power ground. Use internal ground planes to connect the analog ground plane and the power ground plane together. In addition, connect the exposed pad of the ADP2450 to a large, external copper ground plane to maximize the power dissipation capability and minimize junction temperature. SWITCH NODE The switch node is the noisiest location in the switch power supply circuit with large ac and dc voltages and currents. The following two switch nodes are in the ADP2450 circuit: the external MOSFET drain of the boost shunt controller and the SW pin of the buck regulator. These nodes must be wide to prevent the resistive voltage from dropping. To minimize the generation of capacitively coupled noise, the total area of each switch node must be small. For the boost shunt controller, place the bridge rectifiers, the MOSFET, the rectifier diode, and the output capacitors as close as possible to each other, and use wide short traces or copper planes. Ensure that the high current loop traces are as short and as wide as possible. For the buck regulator, place the input capacitor, the inductor, and the output capacitor as close as possible to the IC, and use short traces. Make the high current path from the input capacitor through the inductor, the output capacitor, and the power ground plane back to the input capacitor as short as possible. In addition, ensure that the high current path from the power ground plane through the inductor and output capacitor back to the power ground plane is as short as possible by tying the ADP2450 PGND2 pin to the power ground plane as close as possible to the input and output capacitors. FEEDBACK PATHS The feedback traces of FB1 and FB2 are very sensitive to noise. Place the feedback resistor divider networks as close as possible to the FBx pins to prevent noise pickup. Minimize the length of the feedback traces that connect the top of the feedback resistor dividers to the output while keeping these traces away from the high current traces and the switching nodes to avoid noise pickup. To further reduce noise pickup, place an analog ground plane on either side of the FBx traces and ensure that the traces are as short as possible to reduce the parasitic capacitance pickup. POWER TRACES In the ADP2450 circuit design, the output of the boost shunt controller, VOUT1, is connected to the input of buck regulator. The output of buck regulator, VOUT2, is connected to the AVDD providing power to the internal PGAs. These two traces are power traces and may carry high currents. Use internal power planes for the power trace connections and keep these power traces as short and wide as possible to minimize the voltage drops on them under high current situations. SIGNAL PATHS The input and output of all the amplifiers, the common voltage input, the TRG trace, and the VTRP signals are all signal paths. Keep these signal paths away from switch nodes and high current paths to avoid noise pickup. Connect the ground reference of these signal paths to the analog ground plane using short and wide traces. GATE DRIVER PATHS The gate drive traces, DRV and GATE, of external MOSFETs handle high dI/dt and tend to produce noise and ringing. The gate drive traces must be as short and direct as possible. Avoid using feedthrough vias in the gate drive traces. If vias are needed, it is recommended to use two relatively large ones in parallel to reduce the peak current density and the current in each via. If the overall PCB layout is less than optimal, slowing down the gate drive slightly can help reduce noise and ringing. It may be helpful to place small value resistors, between 2 Ω and 10 Ω, on the DRV and GATE pins. These locations can be populated with 0 Ω resistors if resistance is not needed. Note that the added gate resistance increases the switching rise and fall times, as well as switching power loss in the MOSFETs. Rev. B | Page 33 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet INPUT CURRENT PLANE VOUT1 PGND PLANE PGND2 DRV FB1 VPTH DET BST VIN PGND PLANE SW VOUT2 PGND1 GATE TRG VTRP VREG ADP2450 GND GND AVDD RESET GPIO EOUT1 EIN2 EOUT2 EIN3 EOUT3 EIN4 EOUT4 RCOM EIN1 FB2 RSTO GAIN0 GAIN1 EOUT5 EIN5_N EIN5_P VCOM AGND PLANE Figure 73. Recommended PCB Layout for Single Coil Application, 32-Lead LFCSP Package Rev. B | Page 34 of 40 17088-072 ADCs VIA BOTTOM LAYER TRACE COPPER PLANE Data Sheet ADP2450 TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS CT1 RECT BRIDGE DIODE DRV RCS1 PGND1 CT2 COUT1 ADP2450 BOOST SHUNT CONTROL FB1 RBOT_VP VPTH POWER DETECTION DET RTOP_VP BST SW RECT BRIDGE VOUT1 VIN BUCK REGULATOR CIN2 RTOP1 RPOWER RBOT1 RECT BRIDGE RCS2 CT3 VOUT1 CBST MCU L VOUT2 VCORE COUT2 FB2 PGND2 RCS3 CT4 VOLTAGE MONITORING RECT BRIDGE VOUT2 AVDD EIN1 RCS4 EIN2 EIN3 EIN4 RSTO RESET GAIN0 GAIN SELECTION PGA 1 PGA 2 PGA 3 PGA 4 GAIN1 GPIO1 RGAIN EOUT1 ADC1 EOUT2 ADC2 EOUT3 ADC3 EOUT4 ADC4 VCOM RCOM DC OFFSET AND COMPENSTION R2 EIN5_N R3 EIN5_P R5 ZCT R4 VTRP RTRP GATE VREG ACTUATOR EOUT5 ADC5 AMPLIFIER 5 VREF VOUT1 EA5 ANALOG TRIP ACTUATOR DRIVER TRG COMMON CONTROL BLOCK CREG GND Figure 74. Application Circuit—Single Coil, Signal and Power Share the Same CT Rev. B | Page 35 of 40 GPIO2 REF VREF 17088-073 RZCT R1 ADP2450 Data Sheet CT1 RECT BRIDGE DIODE DRV R–COIL1 RINT CT2 CINT PGND1 RECT BRIDGE R BOT_VP R–COIL2 RINT VPTH COUT1 ADP2450 BOOST SHUNT CONTROL FB1 POWER DETECTION DET RTOP_VP CINT VOUT1 BST VOUT1 RECT BRIDGE VIN BUCK REGULATOR CIN2 RPOWER R BOT1 SW CT3 R TOP1 CBST MCU L VOUT2 VCORE COUT2 FB2 PGND2 R–COIL3 RINT CT4 CINT VOLTAGE MONITORING RECT BRIDGE VOUT2 AVDD EIN1 R–COIL4 RINT CINT EIN2 EIN3 VREF EIN4 VCOM RCOM RINT RSTO RESET GAIN0 GAIN SELECTION PGA 1 PGA 2 PGA 3 PGA 4 GAIN1 GPIO1 RGAIN EOUT1 ADC1 EOUT2 ADC2 EOUT3 ADC3 EOUT4 ADC4 DC OFFSET AND COMPENSTION R2 EIN5_N R3 EIN5_P R5 ZCT R4 VTRP R TRP GATE VREG ACTUATOR EOUT5 ADC5 AMPLIFIER 5 VREF VOUT1 EA5 ANALOG TRIP ACTUATOR DRIVER COMMON CONTROL BLOCK CREG VTRPL RTRPL TRG GPIO2 REF VREF GND Figure 75. Application Circuit—Dual Coil, CT Provides Power and Rogowski Coils Provide Signal Rev. B | Page 36 of 40 17088-074 RZCT R1 Data Sheet ADP2450 FACTORY-PROGRAMMABLE OPTIONS The output voltage of the buck regulator, the reset rising delay time (tRST_DELAY_R), and the analog trip deglitch time (tTRP) can be preset to one of the options listed in Table 15. To order a device with options other than the default options, contact a local Analog Devices, Inc., sales or distribution representative. Table 15. Fuse Selectable Trim Options Parameter Buck Regulator Output Voltage Reset Rising Delay Time (tRST_DELAY_R) Analog Trip Deglitch Time (tTRP) Options Adjustable, 3.3 V, 5 V 0.5 ms (default), 1 ms, 2 ms, 5 ms 200 μs (default), 350 μs, 500 μs, 750 μs, 1 ms, 2 ms, 3 ms, 4 ms Rev. B | Page 37 of 40 ADP2450 Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 5.10 5.00 SQ 4.90 PIN 1 INDICATOR AREA DETAIL A (JEDEC 95) 0.30 0.25 0.18 25 P IN 1 IN D IC ATO R AR E A OP T IO N S (SEE DETAIL A) 32 24 1 0.50 BSC 3.25 3.10 SQ 2.95 EXPOSED PAD 17 0.80 0.75 0.70 SIDE VIEW 0.20 MIN BOTTOM VIEW FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF SEATING PLANE PKG-003898 8 9 16 09-12-2018-A 0.50 0.40 0.30 TOP VIEW COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WHHD Figure 76. 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 5 mm × 5 mm Body and 0.75 mm Package Height (CP-32-7) Dimensions shown in millimeters 9.20 9.00 SQ 8.80 SIDE VIEW 1.60 MAX 0.75 0.60 0.45 TOP VIEW 48 37 1 1.00 REF 36 SEATING PLANE 7.20 7.00 SQ 6.80 0.20 0.15 0.09 0.15 0.10 0.05 7° 0° 0.08 MAX COPLANARITY 12 25 24 13 VIEW A 0.50 BSC VIEW A PKG-005430 ROTATED 90° CCW COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-026-BBC Figure 77. 48-Lead Low Profile Quad Flat Package [LQFP] (ST-48) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. B | Page 38 of 40 0.27 0.22 0.17 01-17-2018-A 1.45 1.40 1.35 Data Sheet ADP2450 ORDERING GUIDE Model1 ADP2450ACPZ-1-R7 ADP2450ACPZ-2-R7 ADP2450ACPZ-3-R7 ADP2450ACPZ-4-R7 ADP2450ACPZ-5-R7 ADP2450ASTZ-1-R7 ADP2450ASTZ-2-R7 ADP2450ASTZ-3-R7 ADP2450ASTZ-4-R7 ADP2450ASTZ-5-R7 ADP2450ACPZ-3-EVBZ ADP2450ASTZ-3-EVBZ 1 Temperature Range −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C −40°C to +125°C Buck Output Voltage 3.3 V 5V Adjustable Adjustable 5V 3.3 V 5V Adjustable Adjustable 5V Adjustable Analog Trip Deglitch Time 200 μs 200 μs 200 μs 200 μs 500 μs 500 μs 500 μs 500 μs 500 μs 500 μs 200 μs Reset Rising Delay Time 0.5 ms 0.5 ms 0.5 ms 2 ms 5 ms 0.5 ms 0.5 ms 0.5 ms 2 ms 2 ms 0.5 ms Adjustable 500 μs 0.5 ms Z = RoHS Compliant Part. Rev. B | Page 39 of 40 Package Description 32-Lead LFCSP 32-Lead LFCSP 32-Lead LFCSP 32-Lead LFCSP 32-Lead LFCSP 48-Lead LQFP 48-Lead LQFP 48-Lead LQFP 48-Lead LQFP 48-Lead LQFP 32-Lead LFCSP Evaluation Board 48-Lead LQFP Evaluation Board Package Option CP-32-7 CP-32-7 CP-32-7 CP-32-7 CP-32-7 ST-48 ST-48 ST-48 ST-48 ST-48 ADP2450 Data Sheet NOTES ©2018–2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D17088-0-7/19(B) Rev. B | Page 40 of 40
ADP2450ACPZ-1-R7 价格&库存

