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HMC974LC3C 数据手册
FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 13 VCCO 14 VEE 16 VCCI 15 RTN HMC974LC3C RT 1 11 WOUTB WIT 3 10 URB 9 VCCO VEE 8 RB 4 LE 7 Automatic test equipment (ATE) High speed instrumentation Clock and data restoration Semiconductor test systems Threshold detection in electronic warfare systems WIN 2 LE 6 APPLICATIONS 12 ORB PACKAGE BASE VEE 14863-001 Propagation delay: 88 ps Propagation delay at 50 mV overdrive: 20 ps Minimum detectable pulse width: 60 ps Differential latch control Power dissipation: 240 mW 16-terminal 2.9 mm × 2.9 mm LCC package VCCI 5 Data Sheet High Speed, 10 GHz Window Comparator HMC974LC3C Figure 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HMC974LC3C is a silicon germanium (SiGe) monolithic, ultra fast window comparator that features reduced swing positive emitter-coupled logic (RSPECL) output drivers that are level latched. Three output ports detect whether an analog input signal is above, below, or between two reference levels supplied at the input (see Figure 2). Rev. E The outputs are single-ended negative logic. Incorporating two proven comparators at the input provides good dc and dynamic matching and reduces the input capacitance. The reduced swing output stages are designed to directly drive 400 mV into 50 Ω terminated to a voltage (VTERM = VCCO − 2 V). The HMC974LC3C features high speed latches that can either be enabled to latch the output data or left in the track mode to implement a tracking window comparator. Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2018 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com HMC974LC3C Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1  Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions..............................6  Applications ....................................................................................... 1  Interface Schematics .....................................................................7  Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1  Typical Performance Characteristics ..............................................8  General Description ......................................................................... 1  Theory of Operation .........................................................................9  Revision History ............................................................................... 2  Power Sequencing .........................................................................9  Specifications..................................................................................... 3  Applications Information .............................................................. 10  Timing Diagram ........................................................................... 4  Evaluation Board ........................................................................ 10  Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 5  Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 12  ESD Caution .................................................................................. 5  Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 12  REVISION HISTORY 4/2018—Rev. D to Rev. E Changes to WOUTB Parameter, Unit Column, Table 1 and URB and ORB Parameter, Unit Column, Table 1 .................................. 3 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 12 6/2017—Rev. C to Rev. D Changes to Table 1 ............................................................................ 3 Added Maximum Peak Reflow Temperature Parameter, Table 2 ................................................................................................ 5 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 12 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 12 This Hittite Microwave Products data sheet has been reformatted to meet the styles and standards of Analog Devices, Inc. 3/2017—v04.0616 to Rev. C Updated Format .................................................................. Universal Changes to General Description .....................................................1 Changes to Table 1.............................................................................3 Added Negative Supply (VEE to GND) Parameter, Table 2 ..........5 Changes to Table 3.............................................................................5 Added Theory of Operation Section, Power Sequencing Section, and Table 4..........................................................................................9 Added Applications Information Section Changes to Evaluation Board Section and Table 5 .................... 10 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 12 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 12 Rev. E | Page 2 of 12 Data Sheet HMC974LC3C SPECIFICATIONS TA = 25°C, VEE = −3 V, VCCI = 3.3 V, VCCO = 2 V, VTERM = 0 V, VCM = 0 V, VOD = 50 mV. VOD is the input overdrive voltage, for example, VWIN − VRT = VOD or VWIN − VRB = VOD. Table 1. Parameter DC INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Offset Voltage Bias Current Differential Voltage Input Impedance WIN Pin to WIT Pin RT Pin to WIT Pin RB Pin to WIT Pin Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Input Capacitance LATCH ENABLE CHARACTERISTICS LE and LE Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) LE and LE Impedance DC OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage High Level, VOH (50 Ω to 0 V) Low Level, VOL (50 Ω to 0 V) Output Voltage Swing WOUTB URB and ORB AC PERFORMANCE Propagation Delay Dispersion vs. VOD Rise Time (ORB, WOUTB, URB), tR Fall Time (ORB, WOUTB, URB), tF Minimum Detectable Pulse Width Equivalent Input Bandwidth1 Input to Output Delay, tPD Latch to Output Delay, tPD Maximum Input Slew Rate Noise (Referred to Input) Random Jitter (rms) Deterministic Jitter (Peak to Peak) POWER SUPPLIES (INCLUDING LOAD) Positive Supply Voltage Input Stage (VCCI) Positive Supply Voltage Output Stage (VCCO) Negative Power Supply (VEE) Positive Supply Current Input Stage (ICCI) Positive Supply Current Output Stage (ICCO) Negative Current (IEE) Power Dissipation (PD) 1 Min Typ Max Unit −10 −30 −2 ±4 +20 +10 +30 +2 mV μA V +1.5 1 Ω Ω Ω V pF 50 50 50 −1.5 1.6 7.8 V V kΩ 1.06 0.73 V V 2.2 300 320 360 380 420 440 20 25.3 21.9 60 11 88 83 5 6 0.2 2 3.135 1.8 −3.15 10 60 21 3.3 3.3 −3.0 15 70 31 240 WIT pin termination open Measured between the WIN pin voltage and the RT pin voltage or RB pin voltage WIT to GND If not driven, the device is unlatched mV mV ps ps ps ps GHz ps ps V/ns nV/√(Hz) ps rms ps 3.465 3.465 −2.85 20 80 41 Test Conditions/Comments For VOD > 50 mV 20% to 80% 80% to 20% VCM = 0 V; ±100 mV overdrive voltage At 5 Gbps with ±100 mV overdrive At 5 Gbps with ±100 mV overdrive V V V mA mA mA mW Equivalent input bandwidth is calculated with the following formula: BWEQ = 0.22⁄√(TRCOMP2 − TRIN2), where BWEQ is the equivalent bandwidth formula, TRIN is the 20% to 80% transition time of a quasi Gaussian signal applied to the comparator input, and TRCOMP is the effective transition time digitized by the comparator. Rev. E | Page 3 of 12 HMC974LC3C Data Sheet TIMING DIAGRAM RT RB WIN LATCH LATCH LE, LE TRACK tPD (LE TO OUT)_ORB tPD (IN TO OUT)_ORB ORB tPD (IN TO OUT)_WOUTB_H TO L tPD (IN TO OUT)_WOUTB_L TO H WOUTB tPD (IN TO OUT)_URB_L TO H tPD (IN TO OUT)_URB_H TO L tF tR Figure 2. Timing Diagram Rev. E | Page 4 of 12 14863-002 URB Data Sheet HMC974LC3C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 2. Parameter Input Supply Voltage (VCCI to GND) Output Supply Voltage (VCCO to GND) Positive Supply Differential (VCCI − VCCO) Negative Supply (VEE to GND) Input Voltage Differential Input Voltage Output Current Junction Temperature Continuous Power Dissipation (T = 85°C; Derate 20.4 mW/°C Above 85°C) Thermal Resistance (θJC) Maximum Peak Reflow Temperature1 Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 (MSL1) and Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 (MSL3) Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitivity Human Body Model 1 Rating −0.5 V to +4 V −0.5 V to +4 V −0.5 V to +3 V −3.3 V to +0.5 V −2 V to +2 V −2 V to +2 V 40 mA 125°C 0.816 W Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. ESD CAUTION 49°C/W 260°C −65°C to +150°C −40°C to +85°C Class 1B See the Ordering Guide section. Rev. E | Page 5 of 12 HMC974LC3C Data Sheet 13 VCCO 14 VEE 15 RTN 16 VCCI PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS RT 1 12 ORB WIN 2 11 WOUTB HMC974LC3C TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) WIT 3 10 URB PACKAGE BASE NOTES 1. EXPOSED PAD. THE EXPOSED PAD MUST BE CONNECTED TO VEE . VEE 14863-003 VEE 8 LE 7 LE 6 9 VCCO VCCI 5 RB 4 Figure 3. Pin Configuration Table 3. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5, 16 6 7 8, 14 9, 13 10 11 Mnemonic RT WIN WIT RB VCCI LE LE VEE VCCO URB WOUTB 12 15 ORB RTN EPAD Description Termination Resistor for Reference Top. Analog Input Window. Common Mode Window for Termination Resistors. Termination Resistor Return for Reference Bottom. Positive Supply Voltage Input Stage. Inverting Latch Enable Input. Noninverting Latch Enable Input. Negative Power Supply Positive Supply Voltage Output Stage. Underange Output. URB is asserted low when the analog input voltage is below the RB pin voltage. Window Output. WOUTB is asserted low when the analog input voltage is between the RB pin voltage and the RT pin voltage. Overrange output. ORB is asserted low when the analog input voltage range is above the RT pin voltage. ESD Protection Return. Exposed Pad. The exposed pad must be connected to VEE. Rev. E | Page 6 of 12 Data Sheet HMC974LC3C INTERFACE SCHEMATICS VCCO RT 50Ω 50Ω URB, WOUTB, ORB 14863-004 WIT 50Ω RB Figure 4. Interface Schematic for RT, RB, WIN, and WIT Figure 6. Interface Schematic for URB, WOUTB, and ORB VCCI 14863-005 LE, LE VEE 14863-006 WIN Figure 5. Interface Schematic for LE and LE Rev. E | Page 7 of 12 HMC974LC3C Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1.5 75 VCM = +0.5V VCM = 0V VCM = –0.5V 1.3 VOL/VOH LEVELS (V) 45 30 15 1.1 0.9 0.7 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 OVERDRIVE VOLTAGE (mV) 0.5 –45 14863-007 –15 –19 –6 7 20 33 46 59 72 85 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 7. Dispersion vs. Overdrive Voltage Figure 10. VOL/VOH Levels vs. Temperature 80 0.62 ORB SWING WOUT SWING URB SWING 70 0.54 VCCI VCCO VEE 60 CURRENT (mA) OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (V) –32 14863-010 DISPERSION (ps) 60 ORB, VOH WOUT, VOH URB, VOH ORB, VOL WOUT, VOL URB, VOL 0.46 50 40 30 0.38 –32 –19 –6 7 20 33 46 59 72 85 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 8. Output Voltage Swing vs. Temperature ORB, RISE WOUT, RISE URB, RISE ORB, FALL WOUT, FALL URB, FALL 30 28 26 24 22 20 –45 –32 –19 –6 7 20 33 46 TEMPERATURE (°C) 59 72 85 14863-009 DELAY (ps) 32 –32 –19 –6 7 20 33 46 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 11. Power Supply Currents 36 34 10 –45 Figure 9. Output Rise and Fall Time Rev. E | Page 8 of 12 59 72 85 14863-011 0.30 –45 14863-008 20 Data Sheet HMC974LC3C THEORY OF OPERATION The HMC974LC3C is a window comparator where the range of the window is defined with RT as the top of the voltage window range and RB as the bottom of the voltage window range. The comparator has two modes of operation: track mode and latch mode. While in track mode, the comparator determines three things: 1. 2. 3. If the signal is below the window voltage value, RT, and above the window voltage value, RB, represented by the WOUTB output. If the signal is above the window voltage value RT, which is represented by the ORB output. If the signal is below the window voltage value RB, which is represented by the URB output. A typical 5 Gbps output eye is shown in Figure 12 with specific details outlined in Table 4. Table 4. Eye Diagram Details Parameter Bit Rate Pattern Length Deterministic Jitter (Peak-to-Peak) Vertical Scale Time Scale POWER SEQUENCING Use the following supplies sequentially to power up the device: 1. 2. 3. VCCO (if different than ground) VCCI and VCCO (if VCCO = VCCI) VEE Apply power to the HMC974LC3C before applying the input signals (WIN and WIT) and remove the input signals (WIN and WIT) prior to powering it down. EDGE SAMPLES 14863-012 VOLTAGE (80mV/DIV) VEE VCCI and VCCO (if VCCO = VCCI) VCCO (if different than ground) The power-down sequence is the reverse of the previous sequence: 1. 2. 3. TIME (33.3ps/DIV) Value 5 Gbps 215 − 1 2.15 ps 80 mV/div 33.3 ps/div Figure 12. Eye Diagram at 5 Gbps Rev. E | Page 9 of 12 HMC974LC3C Data Sheet APPLICATIONS INFORMATION EVALUATION BOARD Table 5. Bill of Materials The HMC974LC3C evaluation printed circuit board (PCB) must use RF circuit design techniques. Signal lines must have 50 Ω impedance while the package ground leads must connect directly to the ground plane of the PCB. The exposed metal package base must connect to VEE. Ensure the top and bottom ground planes connect together with via holes. The evaluation PCB shown in Figure 13 is available from Analog Devices, Inc., upon request. Reference Designator J1 J2 to J7 J8 JP1, JP2 C1 to C3, C5, C6, C8 to C10, C15 C4, C7, C11 C12 to C14 TP1 to TP4 U1 PCB 330 pF capacitor, 0402 4.7 μF tantalum capacitor DC pin HMC974LC3C window comparator EVAL-HMC974LC3C evaluation board, circuit board material is either Rogers 4350 or Arlon 25FR 14863-013 Figure 14 shows the EVAL-HMC974LC3C schematic. Figure 15 shows the typical application circuit. Description Eight-position vertical header K connector, SRI Terminal strip, single row, 3-pin Two position vertical header 100 pF capacitor, 0402 Figure 13. Evaluation Printed Circuit Board Rev. E | Page 10 of 12 Data Sheet HMC974LC3C TP4 C6 100pF 16 C8 100pF 2 11 J4 WOUTB 3 10 J5 URB JP3 C9 100pF 4 9 J1 VCCO C3 100pF J8 8 C1 100pF J1 VCCO C14 4.7µF J3 ORB 5 TP3 RB JP2 C11 330pF 12 J2-WIN TP2-WIT C2 100pF J1 VEE 1 7 JP1 6 TP1 RT C12 4.7µF 13 C5 100pF 14 C7 330pF C13 4.7µF 15 J1 VCCI C4 330pF GND PACKAGE BASE J1 VCCI VEE VEE C10 100pF J6 LE J1 VEE C15 100pF J7 LE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J1 GND VEE SLUG VCC0 Figure 14. Evaluation Board Schematic VCCI = +3.3V VCCO = +2.0V ORB, WOUTB, URB OSCILLOSCOPE INPUT 50Ω VCM_OUT ~0.9V 50Ω HMC974 10GHz WINDOW COMPARATOR GND 14863-015 VCCI VEE 14863-014 JP8 VEE = –3.0V Figure 15. Typical Application Circuit Rev. E | Page 11 of 12 HMC974LC3C Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 3.05 2.90 SQ 2.75 PIN 1 INDICATOR 0.36 0.30 0.24 0.08 BSC PIN 1 16 13 1 12 0.50 BSC 1.60 1.50 SQ 1.40 EXPOSED PAD 9 4 5 8 0.32 BSC TOP VIEW 1.50 REF 2.10 BSC SIDE VIEW FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. SEATING PLANE 02-24-2017-C PKG-004838 0.90 0.80 0.70 BOTTOM VIEW Figure 16. 16-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier [LCC] (E-16-1) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model1 HMC974LC3C HMC974LC3CTR HMC974LC3CTR-R5 129538-HMC974LC3C 1 2 3 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C MSL Rating2 MSL3 MSL3 MSL3 Package Description3 16-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier [LCC] 16-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier [LCC] 16-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier [LCC] Evaluation Board The HMC974LC3C, the HMC974LC3CTR, and the HMC974LC3CTR-R5 are RoHS Compliant Parts. See the Absolute Maximum Ratings section. Alumina and white package body material with a gold over nickel lead finish. ©2018 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D14863-0-4/18(E) Rev. E | Page 12 of 12 Package Option E-16-1 E-16-1 E-16-1
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