90V Boost DC/DC
Converter with APD
Current Monitor
The LT®3482 is a fixed frequency current mode step-up
DC/DC converter with voltage doubler designed to bias
avalanche photodiodes (APDs) in optical receivers. It can
provide up to 90V output. The LT3482 features high side
APD current monitoring with better than 10% relative accuracy over the entire temperature range. The integrated
power switch, Schottky diodes and APD current monitor
allow a small converter footprint and low solution cost.
Constant switching frequency results in predictable output
noise that is easy to filter. The inductor-based topology
ensures an input free from switching noise. An integrated
high side current monitor produces a current proportional
to APD current with better than 10% relative accuracy
over four decades of dynamic range in the input range of
250nA to 2.5mA. This current can be used as a reference
to provide a digitally programmed output voltage via the
CTRL pin. The LT3482 is available in the tiny footprint
(3mm × 3mm) 16-lead QFN package.
High Output Voltage: Up to 90V
Integrated Schottky Diodes
48V, 280mA Internal Switch
High Side APD Current Monitor
Adjustable Switching Frequency: 650kHz or 1.1MHz
Wide VIN Range: 2.5V to 16V
Surface Mount Components
Low Shutdown Current:
免费人工找货- 国内价格
- 1+31.00500
- 10+29.68000
- 国内价格
- 1+38.79360
- 10+33.72840
- 30+28.43640
- 100+25.59665