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LT3697IMSE#PBF 数据手册
LT3697 USB 5V, 2.5A Output, 35V Input Buck with Cable Drop Compensation Description Features n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Accurate 5V Output Programmable Cable Drop Compensation Programmable Output Current Limit Adjustable Output from 5.0V to 6.1V Dual Input Feedback Permits Regulation on Output of USB Switch Active Load Reduces Output Overshoot FLT Flag Indicates Overcurrent on the USB Output 1.5ms FLT Flag Delay Filters Hot Plug Events USB Output Current Monitor Wide Input Rage: Operation from 5V to 35V Withstands Input Transient to 60V 2.5A Maximum Output Current Survives Output Short to GND and Car Battery Adjustable Switching Frequency: 300kHz to 2.2MHz Synchronizable from 300kHz to 2.2MHz Small, Thermally Enhanced 16-Lead MSOP Package Applications Automotive USB Industrial USB n n The LT®3697 is a 35V, 2.5A step-down switching regulator designed to power 5V USB applications. A precise output voltage and programmable cable drop compensation maintain accurate 5V regulation at the USB socket connected to the end of a long cable. The accurate, programmable current limit can eliminate the need for a USB power switch and improve system reliability. The provided 180mA active load reduces output overshoot during load transients. Dual feedback allows regulation on the output of a USB switch and limits cable drop compensation to a maximum of 6.1V output, protecting USB devices during fault conditions. A separate 5V output can be taken from the SYS terminal to power auxiliary circuitry such as a USB hub controller. The LT3697 also provides a load current monitor output and an overcurrent fault indicator. The LT3697 operates from 300kHz to 2.2MHz and withstands input voltage transients up to 60V. The device's output survives shorts to ground and to the battery. A current mode topology is used for fast transient response and good loop stability. Shutdown reduces input supply current to less than 1µA. The LT3697 is available in a 16-lead MSOP package with an exposed pad for low thermal resistance. L, LT, LTC, LTM, Burst Mode, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Typical Application 5V Step-Down Converter with Cable Drop Compensation and Output Current Limit EN VIN BST SW 255k 7.5k 330pF 1nF 10µH GND 47µF 0.13Ω 10nF 16.5k + 10k VLOAD 5V, 2.5A – 100µF VOUT 5.50 + SYS ISP ISN USB5V RCBL FLT RT VC RLIM SYNC 0.022Ω 6.0 5.25 VLOAD 5.0 4.0 3.0 5.00 ILOAD 25mA/µs 4.75 CURRENT (A) LT3697 1µF VOLTAGE (V) 10µF 5.75 4 METERS AWG 20 TWISTED PAIR CABLE VOUT LOAD VIN 6V TO 35V TRANSIENT TO 60V Transient Response 2.0 0.13Ω 3697 TA01 1.0 4.50 250µs/DIV 3697 TA01a 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 1 LT3697 Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration (Note 1) VIN, EN Voltage (Note 2) ...........................................60V BST Voltage...............................................................55V BST Above SW Voltage..............................................25V SYNC Voltage...............................................................6V RT, VC, RLIM, RCBL Voltage........................................3V FLT, ISN, ISP, USB5V, SYS Voltage.............................30V Operating Junction Temperature Range LT3697E............................................. –40°C to 125°C LT3697I.............................................. –40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range................... –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec).................... 300°C TOP VIEW VIN VIN EN FLT SYNC RT VC RLIM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 GND 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 SW SW BST SYS USB5V ISP ISN RCBL MSE PACKAGE 16-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP θJA = 40°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 17) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB Order Information LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT3697EMSE#PBF LT3697EMSE#TRPBF 3697 16-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C LT3697IMSE#PBF LT3697IMSE#TRPBF 3697 16-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: http://www.linear.com/leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: http://www.linear.com/tapeandreel/ 2 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = 12V, VEN = 12V unless otherwise noted. (Notes 3, 6) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN VIN Undervoltage Lockout l VIN Overvoltage Lockout l Dropout Comparator Threshold (VIN – VSYS) Falling, VIN = 5V TYP MAX 4.2 4.8 V 35.5 37 39.5 V 550 650 750 mV Dropout Comparator Hysteresis 200 VIN Current VSYS = 5V, VEN = 0.3V VSYS = 5V, Not Switching VSYS = 0V, Not Switching 0.5 0.8 SYS Current VEN = 0.3V VSYS = 5V, Not Switching VSYS = 0V, Not Switching USB5V Voltage l USB5V Line Regulation 6V < VIN < 35V l USB5V Current VSENSE = 50mV, RCBL = 16.5k VSENSE = 10mV, RCBL = 16.5k VSENSE = 0V, RCBL = 16.5k l l l RCBL Voltage VSENSE = 50mV, RCBL = 16.5k VSENSE = 10mV, RCBL = 16.5k VSENSE = 0V, RCBL = 16.5k RCBL Current Limit VRCBL = 0V, VSENSE = 50mV SYS Voltage VUSB5V = 0V SYS Voltage to Disable Switching VUSB5V = 0V SENSE Voltage (Note 7) VISP = 5V, RLIM = Open VISP = 0V, RLIM = Open VISP = 5V, RLIM = 56.2k VISP = 5V, RLIM = 29.4k l l l l l UNITS mV 0.01 0.75 1.1 2 1.0 1.4 μA mA mA 200 9 300 –75 13 500 –120 μA μA μA 4.95 4.99 5.03 V 1 5 mV 58 11 60 13 0 62 15 3 μA μA μA 960 180 1000 210 0 1030 240 50 mV mV mV 200 300 400 μA 6.0 6.1 6.2 V 6.5 6.8 7.1 V 56.5 20 33 18 60.5 35.2 20.5 64.5 105 37.5 23 mV mV mV mV 20 –1.1 30 –1.6 μA mA ISP and ISN Bias Current VISP, VISN = 5V VISP, VISN = 0V RLIM Current VRLIM = 1.2V –9 –11 –13 μA Active Load Current from SYS VSYS = 5V 120 180 240 mA USB5V Voltage Offset to Enable Active Load VUSB5V Rising 0.5 1.5 3 % SYS Voltage Threshold to Disable Active Load VSYS Rising 6.6 7.2 7.8 Error Amp gm Error Amp Gain V 400 mS 500 V/V VC Source Current VVC = 1.3V –80 μA VC Sink Current VVC = 1.3V 80 μA VC to Switch gm 5 A/V VC Clamp Voltage 1.8 V 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 3 LT3697 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = 12V, VEN = 12V unless otherwise noted. (Notes 3, 6) PARAMETER CONDITIONS Switching Frequency RT = 22.1k RT = 63.4k RT = 453k Foldback Frequency RT = 63.4k, VSYS = 0V 240 Minimum Switch On-Time ISW = 0.9A 100 160 ns Minimum Switch Off-Time ISW = 0.9A 140 210 ns 5.3 6.7 l l l Switch Current Limit (Note 8) l MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.8 0.9 250 2 1 300 2.25 1.12 350 MHz MHz KHZ 4.3 kHz A Switch VCESAT ISW = 2A 220 SW Leakage Current VEN = 0.3V, VBST = 5V, VSW = 0V 0.1 1 Minimum BST Voltage (Note 9) ISW = 2A 1.6 2.2 V BST Current ISW = 2A 35 65 mA 2.5 V EN Input Voltage High l EN Input Voltage Low l EN Current VEN = 2.5V SENSE Voltage to Trigger FLT Percentage of Nominal Sense Voltage FLT Blanking FLT Leakage VFLT = 5V FLT Sink Current VFLT = 0.3V SYNC Threshold SYNC Current VSYNC = 5V Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: Absolute maximum voltage at VIN and EN is 60V for nonrepetitive 1 second transients, and 35V for continuous operation. Note 3: The LT3697E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0°C to 125°C junction temperature. Specifications over the –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. The LT3697I is guaranteed over the full –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature range. High junction temperatures degrade operating lifetimes. Operating lifetime is derated at junction temperatures greater than 125°C. Note 4: Note that the maximum ambient temperature consistent with these specifications is determined by specific operating conditions in conjunction with board layout, the rated package thermal impedance and other environmental factors. Note 5: This IC includes overtemperature protection that is intended 4 mV 0.3 µA V 1 2 97 99.5 100 % 0.5 1.5 4 ms 0.1 1 μA l 100 180 l 0.4 0.7 0.1 μA μA 1 V μA to protect the device during momentary overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed 150°C when overtemperature protection is active. Continuous operation above the specified maximum operating junction temperature may impair device reliability. Note 6: Polarity specification for current into a pin is positive and out of a pin is negative. All voltages are referenced to GND unless otherwise specified. MAX and MIN refer to absolute values. Note 7: SENSE Voltage is defined as the differential voltage applied across the sense amplifier inputs, or VISP – VISN. SENSE voltage and VSENSE are synonymous. Note 8: Switch current limit is guaranteed by design and/or correlation to static test. Slope compensation reduces switch current limit at higher duty cycles. Note 9: Boost voltage is the minimum voltage across the boost capacitor needed to guarantee full saturation of the switch. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Typical Performance Characteristics USB5V Voltage USB5V Voltage 5.04 VIN = 12V ILOAD = 1A 5.01 ILOAD = 1A 5.03 USB5V VOLTAGE (V) 5.00 VUSB5V (V) USB5V Current 60 4.99 4.98 4.97 50 5.00 4.99 4.96 4.97 4.95 –50 –25 4.96 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 10 VSENSE = 0mV 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 38 300 6 RCBL = 2k 100 RCBL = 16.5k 70 20 60 3 2 Sense Voltage (VISP - VISN) at 0.5V Output VISP - VISN (mV) 60 RLIM = 75k 50 40 VIN = 12V VOUT = 0.5V 30 RLIM = 29.4k 20 0.5 2.5 3.0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3697 G07 RLIM = 29.4k 50 0.0 fSW = 2MHz RSENSE = 22mΩ L = 1.8µH DCRL = 10mΩ RCBL = ∞ VIN = 8V VIN = 12V VIN = 16V 0.5 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) Efficiency at 400kHz 90 70 0 3697 G06 90 80 RLIM = 0Ω 3697 G05 100 RLIM = 0Ω 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 100 60 10 0 –50 –25 EFFICIENCY (%) RLIM = ∞ VIN = 12V VOUT = 4.5V 0 –50 –25 Efficiency at 2MHz 80 70 30 10 VIN = 12V RSENSE = 25mΩ RCBL = ∞ 3697 G04 40 20 0 0.0 70 RLIM = 75k 50 4 1 30 40 50 VSENSE (mV) RLIM = ∞ 60 1.0 1.5 2.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 2.5 3697 G08 EFFICIENCY (%) 10 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) Sense Voltage (VISP - VISN) at 4.5V Output RCBL = 130k 0 0 3697 G03 VISP - VISN (mV) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) IUSB5V (µA) 42 RLIM = 29.4k RLIM = 75k RLIM = 49.9k RLIM = ∞ 5 150 50 0 –50 –25 Output Current Limit Load Line 200 VSENSE = 10mV 3697 G02 USB5V Current 0 30 20 3697 G01 250 RCBL = 16.5k 40 5.01 4.98 0 VSENSE = 40mV 5.02 IUSB5V (µA) 5.02 TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. 80 fSW = 400kHz RSENSE = 22mΩ L = 8.2µH DCRL = 24mΩ RCBL = ∞ 70 60 50 0.0 VIN = 8V VIN = 12V VIN = 24V 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 2.5 3697 G09 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 5 LT3697 Typical Performance Characteristics LT3697 Temperature Rise 200 10 1 1.5 2 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 120 80 40 VIN = 8V VIN = 12V VIN = 16V 0 2.5 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.0 8 5 10 VBST - VSW = 4.5V VIN = 12V 5 CATCH DIODE: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH3-40MA 200 150 100 VBST - VSW = 4.5V 30 20 10 50 0 0.0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 SWITCH CURRENT (A) 0 0.0 2.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 SWITCH CURRENT (A) 3697 G14 3697 G13 Switch Current Limit vs Temperature 2.5 3697 G15 Switch Current Limit vs Duty Cycle 7.0 40 40 BST CURRENT (mA) 10 35 BST Pin Current 50 250 20 INCREASED SUPPLY CURRENT DUE TO CATCH DIODE LEAKAGE AT HIGH TEMPERATURE 20 15 25 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3697 G12 Switch VCESAT 300 SWITCH VCESAT (mV) NO LOAD INPUT CURRENT (mA) 1.0 3697 G11 25 0 1.5 VSYS (V) No Load Input Current vs Temperature 0 –50 –25 2.0 0.5 3697 G10 15 IN REGULATION 2.5 INPUT CURRENT (mA) 20 0.5 3.0 VUSB5V = 5.5V 160 ISYS (mA) IC TEMPERATURE RISE (°C) DC1893A DEMO BOARD 24°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE NO AIR FLOW 30 fSW = 500kHz 0 No Load Input Current vs Input Voltage SYS Pin Current 40 0 TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Switching Frequency 7 500 RT = 255k 6 30% DC 5.0 70% DC 4.0 3.0 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) 6.0 CURRENT LIMIT (A) SWITCH CURRENT LIMIT (A) 475 5 4 3 450 425 400 375 350 325 2.0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3697 G16 6 2 0 20 40 60 DUTY CYCLE (%) 80 100 3697 G17 300 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3697 G18 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Typical Performance Characteristics Frequency Foldback Burst Frequency Error Amp Output Current 500 100 RT = 255k 450 L = 8.2µH 400 350 300 250 200 75 400 VC PIN CURRENT (µA) RT = 255k SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) 450 350 300 250 200 150 100 VIN = 12V VIN = 24V VIN = 36V 50 150 0 TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 0 20 VSYS (V) 25 0 –25 –50 –75 –100 –100 0 200 –200 100 OFFSET FROM NOMINAL USB5V VOLTAGE (mV) 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 3697 G19 50 3697 G20 Minimum On-Time 3697 G21 Minimum Off-Time 180 Minimum Off-Time in SYNC 220 170 210 0.9A LOAD 140 120 2.1A LOAD 100 160 MINIMUM OFF-TIME (ns) MINIMUM OFF-TIME (ns) MINIMUM ON-TIME (ns) 160 2.1A LOAD 150 140 0.9A LOAD 80 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 130 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3697 G22 EN PIN VOLTAGE (V) 190 180 170 0.9A LOAD 160 150 FSYNC = 2.2MHz 140 25 50 75 100 125 150 –50 –25 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3697 G24 Start-Up/Dropout Performance RLOAD = 2Ω (2.5A IN REGULATION) RCBL = ∞ EN RISING EN FALLING 1.80 2.1A LOAD 3697 G23 Enable Threshold 2.00 200 Start-Up/Dropout Performance RLOAD = 100Ω (50mA IN REGULATION) RCBL = ∞ VIN VIN 1.60 1.40 2V/DIV 1.20 VOUT 2V/DIV VOUT 1.00 0.80 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100ms/DIV 100ms/DIV 3697 G26 3697 G27 3697 G25 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 7 LT3697 Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Load Transient Response Through Cable Minimum Input Voltage 5.75 VOLTAGE TO START VOLTAGE TO RUN 6.5 5.50 5.25 VOLTAGE (V) 6.0 5.5 5.0 RSENSE = 22mΩ 4.5 RCBL = ∞ RESISTOR LOAD DCRL = 10mΩ 4.0 1000 10 100 1 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 7.0 5.00 6.0 VOUT 5.0 VLOAD 4.0 FRONT PAGE CIRCUIT VIN = 12V CABLE = 4m AWG20 3.0 CLOAD = 10µF 2.0 4.75 4.50 ILOAD 4.25 1.0 25mA/µs 4.00 10000 0.0 200µs/DIV 3697 G29 3697 G28 Load Transient Response Through Cable Output Current Limit Transient Response 5.75 4.25 4.0 VLOAD FRONT PAGE CIRCUIT 3.0 VIN = 12V CABLE = 4m AWG20 2.0 CLOAD = 10µF ILOAD 25mA/µs 4.00 VOLTAGE (V) 5.0 VOUT 12 FRONT PAGE CIRCUIT VIN = 12V VLOAD 4 VFLT 6 2 4 1.0 1 0.0 0 ILOAD 1ms/DIV 3697 G31 Feedback Shorted to Ground FLT Deglitching 8 VOUT 7 6.0 FLT VOLTAGE (V) VOLTAGE (V) 3.5 ILOAD VUSB5V SHORTED TO GROUND 5 2.5 4 2.0 3 1.5 2 1.0 1 0 0.0 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) VUSB5V 3.0 1.0 0.5 VFLT 0.0 2ms/DIV 200µs/DIV 3697 G32 8 4.0 RSENSE = 22mΩ RLIM = OPEN 6 5.0 2.0 2 0 3697 G30 4.0 8 3 200µs/DIV 7.0 10 CURRENT (A) 4.50 5 CURRENT (A) VOLTAGE (V) 6.0 5.00 4.75 6 7.0 5.50 5.25 CURRENT (A) MINIMUM INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 7.0 3697 G33 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Pin Functions VIN (Pins 1, 2): The VIN pins supply current to the LT3697’s internal regulator and to the power switch. These pins must be locally bypassed. EN (Pin 3): The EN pin is used to put the LT3697 into shutdown mode. Tie to ground to shut down the LT3697. Tie to 2.5V or higher for normal operation. If the shutdown feature is not used, tie this pin to the VIN pin. FLT (Pin 4): The FLT pin is the open drain output of the LT3697 fault comparator and timer. In normal operation the FLT pin is high impedance. An overcurrent fault that is sustained for at least 1.5ms causes the LT3697 to pull the FLT pin low. The FLT pin then remains low until the USB output current stays below the overcurrent threshold for at least 1.5ms. The overcurrent fault threshold is 0.5% below the current limit. The FLT output is valid when VIN is above 4V and EN is high. SYNC (Pin 5): The SYNC pin is the external clock synchronization input. Tie to a clock source with on and off times greater than 50ns for synchronization. Tie pin to ground if not used. See the Synchronization section in Applications Information for more details. RT (Pin 6): The RT pin is the oscillator resistor input. Connect a resistor from this pin to ground to set the switching frequency. VC (Pin 7): The VC pin is the output of the internal error amplifier. The voltage on this pin controls the peak switch current. Tie an R-C network from this pin to ground to compensate the control loop. RLIM (Pin 8): The RLIM pin provides an additional reference to the third feedback amplifier of the LT3697 to allow the output current limit to be programmed easily. The RLIM pin has an accurate 11μA pull-up current. When the voltage of the output current sense amplifier exceeds the lower of the RLIM voltage or 1.22V, the LT3697 error amplifier will switch to current limit mode and will regulate the USB output current. In current limit mode, the output voltage drops. Tie a resistor from RLIM to ground to program the LT3697 current limit. If the USB output current exceeds 99.5% of the current limit for at least 1.5ms, the LT3697 will pull down on the FLT pin. Float the RLIM pin if not used. RCBL (Pin 9): The RCBL pin is used to program the USB5V current as a function of sense voltage (VISP – VISN) for cable drop compensation. Tie a resistor from RCBL to ground to set the USB5V input current. Float the RCBL pin if cable drop compensation is not desired. The RCBL pin may also be used as an USB output current monitor. Excessive capacitive loading on the RCBL pin can cause USB output voltage overshoot during load steps when cable drop compensation is used. Keep the capacitive loading on the RCBL pin below 100pF. ISN (PIN 10): The ISN pin is the inverting input of the LT3697’s onboard USB output current sense amplifier. Tie a resistor RSENSE from ISP to ISN to sense the USB output current. Connect ISN to ISP if the current monitor, USB output current limit, and cable drop compensation functions are not desired. ISP (Pin 11): The ISP pin is the noninverting input of the LT3697’s onboard USB output current sense amplifier. Tie a resistor RSENSE from ISP to ISN to sense the USB output current. When a USB switch is used in series between the LT3697 and the 5V USB output, tie the ISP pin to the USB switch output. USB5V (Pin 12): The USB5V pin is the primary feedback input of the internal error amplifier. In normal operation, the LT3697 regulates the voltage on this pin to 5V. The USB5V pin also allows the output voltage to increase as a function of output current to compensate for voltage drop at the point of load due to cable impedance. The USB5V pin input current is proportional to USB output current and is programmed by the RCBL resistor. Tie a resistor from USB5V to the 5V USB output to set this cable drop compensation. Tie USB5V directly to the USB output if no cable drop compensation is desired. If a USB switch is used in series between the LT3697 and the 5V USB output, tie the USB5V pin through the compensation resistor to the USB switch output. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 9 LT3697 Pin Functions SYS (Pin 13): The SYS pin is the second feedback input of the internal error amplifier. The SYS pin allows the LT3697 to regulate the output voltage at the output of a USB switch. If the USB switch goes open and the USB5V pin is no longer part of the control loop, the LT3697 regulates the SYS pin to 6.1V to protect the input of a USB switch from an overvoltage condition. The SYS pin also supplies current to the internal regulator of the LT3697 and may be used to supply power to auxiliary circuitry. The active load also draws current from this pin to reduce output overshoot. This pin must be locally bypassed and must be tied to the switching regulator output. 10 BST (Pin 14): The BST pin is used to provide a drive voltage, higher than the input voltage, to the internal NPN power switch. SW (Pin 15, 16): The SW pins are the output of the internal power switch. Connect these pins to the inductor, catch diode, and boost capacitor. GND (Pin 17): Ground. The exposed pad must be soldered to the PCB. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 SYNC EN RT RLIM OSC 11µA INTERNAL REGULATOR AND REFERENCE OSCILLATOR SYNC RT RLIM EN R5 CFF2 GND R3 R4 REF R1 REF REF R2 CFF1 OSC REF REF REF ACTIVE LOAD ENABLE + – CIN VC + – ACTIVE LOAD CURRENT LIMIT SWITCH CONTROL + – + – + + – For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 + + – + – VIN ACTIVE LOAD ENABLE CURRENT LIMIT DELAY + – VIN + – 3697 BD VC FLT RCBL USB5V ISN ISP SYS SW BST CC RC FLT RCBL DCATCH L CBST + RSENSE CF ILOAD MONITOR COUT DBST CBUS CCDC RCDC OUT RCABLE – + VLOAD LT3697 Block Diagram 3697f 11 LOAD LT3697 Operation The LT3697 is a constant frequency, current mode stepdown regulator. The oscillator sets an RS flip-flop, turning on the internal power switch. The RT resistor sets the oscillator frequency. An amplifier and comparator monitor the current flowing between the VIN and SW pins, turning the switch off when this current reaches a level determined by the voltage at VC. The error amplifier measures the output voltage on the USB5V pin through an internal resistor divider and servos the VC node to regulate the USB5V pin to 5V. If the error amplifier’s output increases, more current is delivered to the output; if it decreases, less current is delivered. An active clamp on the VC pin provides switch peak current limit. The LT3697 can provide up to 2.5A of output current. A second error amp input on the SYS pin allows a switch to be placed in the output path before the USB5V connection. SYS is regulated to 6.1V if this switch is open. A third error amp input is connected to the ISP and ISN pins through the internal current sense amplifier. The LT3697 regulates VSENSE voltage (VISP – VISN) to the lower of V(RLIM)/19.8 or 1.22V/19.8 to provide accurate output current limit. To implement cable drop compensation, the LT3697 drives the RCBL pin to 19.8 (VISP – VISN). Current sourced from the RCBL pin is derived from the USB5V pin, creating an output offset above the 5V USB5V pin voltage that is proportional to the load current and the RCDC/RCBL resistor ratio. The LT3697 includes a 180mA active load that sinks current from the SYS pin to ground. The purpose of this active load is to improve load step transient response and to charge the boost cap during startup. If USB5V is 1.5% above its nominal 5V output or if the boost drive voltage (VBST – VSW) is insufficient to fully saturate the internal NPN power switch, the active load is enabled. An internal regulator provides power to the control circuitry. The bias regulator normally draws power from the VIN pin, but if the SYS pin is connected to an external voltage higher than 4V, some bias power will be drawn from the output voltage improving efficiency. If the EN pin is low, the LT3697 is shut down and draws 1.5ms, the FLT pin pulls low, indicating an overcurrent fault. Once the output current drops below the current limit for >1.5ms, the fault logic resets and the FLT pin becomes high impedance. FLT is valid when VIN is above 4V and when EN if high. If VIN is below 4V or if EN is low, the fault latch state is reset and FLT becomes high impedance. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Applications Information The LT3697 includes the necessary circuitry to implement cable drop compensation. Cable drop compensation allows the regulator to maintain 5V regulation on the USB VLOAD despite high cable resistance. The LT3697 increases its local output voltage (VOUT) above 5V as the load increases to keep the VLOAD regulated to 5V. This compensation does not require running an additional pair of Kelvin sense wires from the regulator to the load, but does require the system designer to know the cable resistance RCABLE as the LT3697 does not sense this value. Program the cable drop compensation using the following ratio: RCBL = 19.8 • RSENSE •RCDC RCABLE where RCDC is a resistor tied between the local regulator output and the USB5V pin, RCBL is a resistor tied between the RCBL pin and GND, RSENSE is the sense resistor tied between the ISP and ISN pins in series between the regulator output and the load, and RCABLE is the cable resistance. RSENSE is typically chosen based on the desired current limit and is typically 25mΩ for 2.1A systems and 50mΩ for 1A systems. See the Setting the Current Limit section for more information. The current flowing into the USB5V pin through RCDC is identical to the current flowing through RCBL. While the ratio of these two resistors should be chosen per the equation above, choose the absolute values of these resistors to keep this current through these resistors between 30µA and 200µA at the full load current. If IUSB5V is too low, capacitive loading on the USB5V and RCBL pins will degrade the load step transient performance of the regulator. If IUSB5V is too high, the RCBL pin will go into current limit and the cable drop compensation feature will not work. Capacitance across the remote load to ground downstream of RSENSE forms a zero in the LT3697’s feedback loop due to cable drop compensation. CBUS and the input capacitance of a portable device tied to the USB socket typically form this zero. CCDC reduces the cable drop compensation gain at high frequency. The 10nF CCDC capacitor tied across the 10k RCDC is required for stability of the LT3697’s output. If RCDC is changed, CCDC should also be changed to maintain roughly the same 100μs RC time constant. If the capacitance across the remote load is large compared to the LT3697 output capacitors COUT and CBUS, a longer RCDC • CCDC time constant may be necessary for stability depending on the amount of cable drop compensation used. Output stability should always be verified in the end application circuit. The LT3697 limits the maximum voltage of VOUT by limiting the voltage on the SYS pin VSYS to 6.1V. If the cable drop compensation is programmed to compensate for more than 1V of cable drop at the maximum ILOAD, this VSYS maximum will prevent VOUT from rising higher and the voltage at the point of load will drop below 5V. The following equation shows how to derive the LT3697 output voltage VOUT: VOUT = 4.99V + 19.8 •ILOAD•RSENSE •RCDC RCBL As stated earlier, LT3697’s cable drop compensation feature does not allow VOUT to exceed the VSYS regulation point of 6.1V. If additional resistance is placed between the SYS pin and the OUT node such as RSENSE or a USB Switch, the voltage drop through these resistances at the maximum ILOAD must also be factored in to this maximum allowable VOUT value. Please refer to Figure 1 for load lines of VOUT and VLOAD to see how cable drop compensation works. 6.5 RCABLE = 0.26Ω RSENSE = 22mΩ RCBL = 16.5k 6.0 RCDC = 10k VOLTAGE (V) Cable Drop Compensation VOUT 5.5 5.0 4.5 0.0 VLOAD 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 2.5 3697 F01 Figure 1. Cable Drop Compensation Load Line 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 13 LT3697 Applications Information Cable Drop Compensation Over a Wide Temperature Range Cable drop compensation with zero temperature variation may be used in many applications. However, matching the cable drop compensation temperature variation to the cable resistance temperature variation may result in better overall output voltage accuracy over a wide operating temperature range. For example, in an application with 0.2Ω of wire resistance and a maximum output current of 2.1A, cable drop compensation adds 0.42V at 25°C to the output at max load for a fully compensated wire resistance. If the wire in this example is copper, the copper resistance temperature coefficient of about 4000ppm/°C results in an output voltage error of –170mV at 125°C and 110mV at –40°C. Figure 2a shows this behavior. 5.8 VOLTAGE (V) ILOAD = 2.1A RCABLE = 0.2Ω = 25mΩ R 5.6 RSENSE CBL = 24.9k RCDC = 10k 5.4 VOUT 5.2 VLOAD 5.0 4.8 –25 5 65 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 95 125 3697 F02a Figure 2a. Cable Drop Compensation Through 3m of AWG 20 Twisted-Pair Cable (260mΩ) without Temperature Compensation RCBL 17.8k 1% 12.1k 1% MURATA NCP21XV103J03RA 10k THERMISTOR 3697 F02b Figure 2b. RCBL Resistor Network for Matching Copper Wire Temperature Coefficient 14 See Table 1 for a list of copper wire resistances vs gauge. Table 1. Copper Wire Resistance vs Wire Gauge AWG RESISTANCE OF Cu WIRE AT 20°C (mΩ/m) 15 10.4 16 13.2 17 16.6 18 21.0 19 26.4 20 33.3 21 42.0 22 53.0 23 66.8 24 84.2 25 106 26 134 27 169 28 213 29 268 30 339 31 427 32 538 33 679 34 856 35 1080 36 1360 37 1720 38 2160 39 2730 40 3440 Cable drop compensation can be made to vary positively versus temperature with the addition of a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor as a part of the RCBL resistance. This circuit idea assumes the NTC resistor is at the same temperature as the cable. Figure 2b shows an example resistor network for RCBL that matches copper resistance variation over a wide –40°C to 125°C temperature range. Figure 2c shows the resultant cable drop compensation output at several temperatures using RCBL with negative temperature variation. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Applications Information 5.8 6.5 ILOAD = 2.1A RCABLE = 0.2Ω RSENSE = 15.7mΩ Cu = 15k R 6.0 CBL RCDC = 10k VOUT VOLTAGE (V) VOLTAGE (V) ILOAD = 2.1A RCABLE = 0.2Ω RSENSE = 25mΩ 5.6 R CBL = FIG 2b RCDC = 10k 5.4 5.2 VLOAD 5 65 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 95 VLOAD 5.0 5.0 4.8 –25 VOUT 5.5 4.5 –25 125 5 65 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3697 F02c Figure 2c. Cable Drop Compensation Through 3m of AWG 20 Twisted-Pair Cable (200mΩ) with Temperature Compensation Using NTC RCBL The NTC resistor does not give a perfectly linear transfer function versus temperature. Here, for typical component values, the worse case error is VDROPOUT(MIN) where VDROPOUT(MIN) is 600mV. The 600mV dropout voltage limits the duty cycle and forces the switch to turn off regularly to charge the boost capacitor. Since sufficient voltage across the boost capacitor is maintained, the switch is allowed to fully saturate and the internal switch drop stays low for good dropout performance. Figure 8 shows the overall VIN to VOUT performances during start-up and dropout conditions. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 21 LT3697 Applications Information RLOAD = 100Ω (50mA IN REGULATION) RCBL = ∞ The inductor value must be sufficient to supply the desired maximum output current (IOUT(MAX)), which is a function of the switch current limit (ILIM) and the ripple current. VIN VOUT 100ms/DIV 3697 F08 Figure 8. VIN to VOUT Performance Inductor Selection and Maximum Output Current For a given input and output voltage, the inductor value and switching frequency will determine the ripple current. The ripple current increases with higher VIN or VOUT and decreases with higher inductance and faster switching frequency. A good first choice for the inductor value is: L= VSYS + VD 1.5 • fSW where fSW is the switching frequency in MHz, VSYS is the SYS pin voltage, VD is the catch diode drop (~0.5V) and L is the inductor value is μH. The inductor’s RMS current rating must be greater than the maximum load current and its saturation current should be about 30% higher. For robust operation in fault conditions (start-up or short circuit) and high input voltage (>30V), the saturation current should be above 7A. To keep the efficiency high, the series resistance (DCR) should be less than 0.1Ω, and the core material should be intended for high frequency applications. Table 4 lists several inductor vendors. Table 4. Inductor Vendors VENDOR URL Coilcraft www.coilcraft.com Sumida www.sumida.com Toko www.tokoam.com Würth Electronik www.we-online.com Coiltronics www.cooperet.com Murata www.murata.com 22 ΔIL 2 The LT3697 limits its peak switch current in order to protect itself and the system from overload faults. The LT3697’s switch current limit (ILIM) is 5.3A at low duty cycles and decreases linearly to 4A at DC = 0.8. 2V/DIV IOUT(MAX) =ILIM – When the switch is off, the potential across the inductor is the output voltage plus the catch diode drop. This gives the peak-to-peak ripple current in the inductor: ΔIL = (1–DC)•(VSYS + VD ) L • fSW where fSW is the switching frequency of the LT3697, DC is the duty cycle and L is the value of the inductor. Therefore, the maximum output current that the LT3697 will deliver depends on the switch current limit, the inductor value, and the input and output voltages. The inductor value may have to be increased if the inductor ripple current does not allow sufficient maximum output current (IOUT(MAX)) given the switching frequency and maximum input voltage used in the desired application. The optimum inductor for a given application may differ from the one indicated by this simple design guide. A larger value inductor provides a higher maximum load current and reduces the output voltage ripple. If your load is lower than the maximum load current, than you can relax the value of the inductor and operate with higher ripple current. This allows you to use a physically smaller inductor, or one with a lower DCR resulting in higher efficiency. Be aware that if the inductance differs from the simple rule above, then the maximum load current will depend on the input voltage. In addition, low inductance may result in discontinuous mode operation, which further reduces maximum load current. For discussion regarding maximum output current and discontinuous operation, see Linear Technology’s Application Note 44. Additionally, for duty cycles greater than 50% (VOUT/VIN > 0.5), a minimum inductance is required to avoid subharmonic oscillations, see Application Note 19. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Applications Information One approach to choosing the inductor is to start with the simple rule given above, look at the available inductors, and choose one to meet cost or space goals. Then use the equations above to check that the LT3697 will be able to deliver the required output current. Note again that these equations assume that the inductor current is continuous. Discontinuous operation occurs when IOUT is less than: ΔIL 2 Input Capacitor Bypass the input of the LT3697 circuit with a ceramic capacitor of X7R or X5R type. Y5V types have poor performance over temperature and applied voltage, and should not be used. A 4.7μF to 10μF ceramic capacitor is adequate to bypass the LT3697 and will easily handle the ripple current. Note that larger input capacitance is required when a lower switching frequency is used (due to longer on times). If the input power source has high impedance, or there is significant inductance due to long wires or cables, additional bulk capacitance may be necessary. This can be provided with a low performance electrolytic capacitor. Step-down regulators draw current from the input supply in pulses with very fast rise and fall times. The input capacitor is required to reduce the resulting voltage ripple at the LT3697 input and to force this very high frequency switching current into a tight local loop, minimizing EMI. A 4.7μF capacitor is capable of this task, but only if it is placed close to the LT3697 (see the PCB Layout section). A second precaution regarding the ceramic input capacitor concerns the maximum input voltage rating of the LT3697. A ceramic input capacitor combined with trace or cable inductance forms a high quality (under damped) tank circuit. If the LT3697 circuit is plugged into a live supply, the input voltage can ring to twice its nominal value, possibly exceeding the LT3697’s voltage rating. If the input supply is poorly controlled or the user will be plugging the LT3697 into an energized supply, the input network should be designed to prevent this overshoot. See Linear Technology Application Note 88 for a complete discussion. Output Capacitor and Output Ripple The LT3697 output capacitors include COUT tied to the inductor and to the ISP side of RSENSE and CBUS tied to the regulator output and the ISN side of RSENSE. These output capacitors have two essential functions. Along with the inductor, they filter the square wave generated by the LT3697 to produce the DC output. In particular, COUT determines the output ripple, so low impedance (at the switching frequency) is important. The second function is to store energy in order to satisfy transient loads and stabilize the LT3697’s control loop. CBUS serves some additional purposes. It helps to stabilize the output current limit loop. To this end, CBUS must satisfy the following relationship: CBUS ≥ COUT CBUS also helps provide the minimum 120µF bypassing required for the VBUS rail as specified by the USB 2.0 standard document. Ceramic capacitors have very low equivalent series resistance (ESR) and provide the best ripple performance. A good starting value for COUT is 47µF in 1206 or 1210 case size. Use X5R or X7R types. A good starting value for CBUS is 100µF. Since CBUS is only tied to the inductor through RSENSE, the ESR rating of CBUS is less critical and high density tantalum or electrolytic capacitor types may be used. When choosing a capacitor, look carefully through the data sheet to find out what the actual capacitance is under operating conditions (applied voltage and temperature). A physically larger capacitor or one with a higher voltage rating may be required. Table 5 lists several capacitor vendors. Table 5. Recommended Ceramic Capacitor Vendors MANUFACTURER URL AVX www.avxcorp.com Murata www.murata.com Taiyo Yuden www.t-yuden.com Vishay Siliconix www.vishay.com TDK www.tdk.com 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 23 LT3697 Applications Information Catch Diode Selection The catch diode (DCATCH from the Block Diagram) conducts current only during the switch off time. Average forward current in normal operation can be calculated from: ID(AVG)=IOUT • ( VIN – VSYS ) VIN where IOUT is the output load current. The current rating of the diode should be selected to be greater than or equal to the application’s output load current, so that the diode is robust for a wide input voltage range. The voltage rating of the diode is equal to the maximum regulator input voltage while switching, 37V or less. Use a 3A, 40V Schottky diode. Do not use a 60V diode due to the high resistive voltage drop. BST and SYS Pin Considerations Capacitor CBST and Schottky diode DBST (see the Block Diagram) are used to generate a boost voltage that is higher than the input voltage to drive the internal NPN power switch. In most cases a 0.47μF capacitor will work well for CBST. For switching frequency below 500kHz, use 1µF. The BST pin must be more than 1.8V above the SW pin for best efficiency and more than 2.6V above the SW pin to allow the LT3697 to skip off times to achieve very high duty cycles. With the SYS pin connected to the output, a 180mA active load will charge the boost capacitor during light load start-up and an enforced 600mV minimum dropout voltage will keep the boost capacitor charged across operating conditions (see Minimum Dropout Voltage section). Synchronizing the LT3697 oscillator to an external frequency can be done by connecting a square wave (with on and off time greater than 50ns) to the SYNC pin. The square wave amplitude should have valleys that are below 0.4V and peaks above 1V (up to 6V). The LT3697 will skip pulses at low output loads while synchronized to an external clock to maintain regulation. At very light loads, the part will go to sleep between groups of pulses, reducing the quiescent current of the part. Holding the SYNC pin DC high yields no advantages so it is not recommended. The LT3697 may be synchronized over a 300kHz to 2.2MHz range. The RT resistor should be chosen to set the LT3697 switching frequency 10% below the lowest synchronization input. For example, if the synchronization signal will be 300kHz and higher, the RT should be selected for 270kHz. To ensure reliable and safe operation the LT3697 will only synchronize when the output voltage is near regulation. It is therefore necessary to choose a large enough inductor value to supply the required output current at the frequency set by the RT resistor (see Inductor Selection section). The slope compensation is set by the RT value, while the minimum slope compensation required to avoid subharmonic oscillations is established by the inductor size, input voltage and output voltage. Since the synchronization frequency will not change the slopes of the inductor current waveform, if the inductor is large enough to avoid subharmonic oscillations at the frequency set by RT, than the slope compensation will be sufficient for all synchronization frequencies. Enable Shorted and Reversed Input Protection The LT3697 is in shutdown with IVIN < 1µA when the EN pin is low and active when the pin is high. The enable threshold is about 1.5V. The EN pin can be tied to VIN if the shutdown feature is not used. The EN pin current depends on the EN pin voltage for VEN < 12V and reaches about 30µA at 12V. If the inductor is chosen so that it won’t saturate excessively, the LT3697 will tolerate a shorted output and the power dissipation will be limited by the current limit set by RLIM and RSENSE (see the Setting the Current Limit section). Synchronization To select low ripple Burst Mode operation, tie the SYNC pin below 0.3V (this can be ground or a logic output). 24 There is another situation to consider in systems where the output will be held high when the input to the LT3697 is absent. This may occur in automotive systems where the LT3697 output may be connected to the 12V VBATT during a fault condition or if a USB peripheral with a large, charged cap is plugged into the LT3697 output. If the VIN pin is allowed to float and the EN pin is held high 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Applications Information (either by a logic signal or because it is tied to VIN), then the LT3697’s internal circuitry will pull its quiescent current through its SW pin. This is fine if your system can tolerate a 1mA in this state. If you ground the EN pin, the SW pin current will drop to zero. However, if the VIN pin is grounded while the output is held high, regardless of EN, parasitic diodes inside the LT3697 can pull current from the output through the SW pin and out of VIN pin, possibly causing high power dissipation in and damage to the LT3697 depending on the magnitude of the current. Figure 9 shows a circuit that is robust to output shorts high and reversed input. DOUT DIN INPUT + CBULK VIN CIN SW LT3697 L OUTPUT COUT GND 3697 F09 Figure 9. Diodes DIN and DOUT Prevent High Current Flow in the LT3697 if the Input Is Grounded or Floating and the Output Is Pulled High. PCB Layout For proper operation and minimum EMI, care must be taken during printed circuit board layout. Figure 10 shows a good PCB layout example with component, trace, ground plane and via locations. Note that large currents with high dI/dt flow in the LT3697’s VIN and SW pins, the catch diode (DCATCH), and the input capacitor (CIN). The loop formed by these components should be as small and low inductance as possible. These components, along with the inductor and output capacitor, should be placed on the same side of the circuit board, and their connections should be made on that layer. Place a local, unbroken ground plane below these components. The SW and BST nodes should be as small as possible to minimize the capacitive coupling on these nodes to any fixed voltage like GND or VIN. Finally, keep the VC, RT, RLIM and RCBL nodes small so that the ground traces will shield them from the SW and BST nodes. The exposed pad on the bottom of the package must be soldered to ground so that the pad acts as a heat sink. To keep thermal resistance low, extend the ground plane as much as possible, and add thermal vias under and near the LT3697 to additional ground planes within the circuit board and on the bottom side. High Temperature Considerations and Thermal Shutdown For higher ambient temperatures, care should be taken in the layout of the PCB to ensure good heat sinking of the LT3697. The exposed pad on the bottom of the package must be soldered to a ground plane. This ground should be tied to large copper layers below with thermal vias; these layers will dissipate the heat generated by the LT3697. Placing additional vias can reduce the thermal resistance further. When operating at high ambient temperatures, the maximum load current should be derated as the ambient temperature approaches the maximum junction rating. Power dissipation within the LT3697 can be estimated by calculating the total power loss from an efficiency measurement and subtracting the catch diode loss and inductor loss. The die temperature is calculated by multiplying the LT3697 power dissipation by the thermal resistance from junction to ambient. The LT3697 has thermal shutdown to protect the part during periods of high power dissipation, particularly in high ambient temperature environments. The thermal shutdown feature detects when the LT3697 is too hot and shuts the part down, preventing switching. When the thermal event passes and the LT3697 cools, the part will restart and resume switching. Other Linear Technology Publications Application Notes 19, 35 and 44 contain more detailed descriptions and design information for buck regulators and other switching regulators. The LT1376 data sheet has a more extensive discussion of output ripple, loop compensation and stability testing. 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 25 LT3697 Applications Information GND DCATCH L CIN VIN 1 CBST DBST CCDC RSENSE RT RC CF RLIM VOUT RCDC RCBL COUT CC 3697 F10 VIAS TO GROUND PLANE VIAS TO SYNC VIAS TO VOUT VIAS TO FLT VIAS TO ISP VIAS TO EN VIAS TO VIN VIAS TO ISN Figure 10. Recommended PCB Layout 26 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Typical Applications 5V Step Down Converter with Cable Drop Compensation and Output Current Limit OFF ON DBST CIN 10µF EN VIN BST SW LT3697 RT 255k CF 330pF RC 7.5k CC 1nF GND f = 400kHz FOR VIN = 8V TO 35V ILOAD = 0.5A TO 2.5A 4 METERS AWG 20 TWISTED PAIR CABLE VOUT RSENSE 0.022Ω DCATCH SYS ISP ISN USB5V RCBL FLT RT VC RLIM SYNC CBST 1µF L 10µH 0.13Ω COUT 47µF CCDC 10nF + RCBL 16.5k + VLOAD 5V, 2.5A – CBUS 100µF 0.13Ω 3697 TA02 CBST: X7R OR X5R CIN: X7R OR X5R COUT: 1210 CASE SIZE, X7R OR X5R DCATCH: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH3-40MA DBST: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH2-3 VIN(MIN) = 6V AT 0.5A ILOAD 7V AT 2.5A ILOAD 5.75 6.0 VOUT 5.50 5.25 VLOAD 5.0 4.0 3.0 5.00 ILOAD 25mA/µs 4.75 CURRENT (A) VOLTAGE (V) RCDC 10k LOAD VIN 6V TO 35V TRANSIENT TO 60V 2.0 1.0 4.50 250µs/DIV 3697 TA01a 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 27 LT3697 Typical Applications 1.2MHz, 5.2V Step Down Converter with Output Current Limit DBST CIN 4.7µF OFF ON CBST 1µF EN VIN BST SW LT3697 RT 48.7k CF 100pF RSENSE 0.022Ω COUT 47µF DCATCH RCDC 10k SYS ISP ISN USB5V RCBL FLT RT VC RLIM SYNC RC 9.09k L 3.3µH + GND CC 330pF f = 1.2MHz FOR VIN = 7.5V TO 18V ILOAD = 0.5A TO 2.5A CBUS 100µF – 7.0 VIN = 12V 5.22 6.0 VLOAD 5.20 5.0 5.18 4.0 5.16 3.0 5.14 2.0 ILOAD 5.12 CURRENT (A) VOLTAGE (V) R5V2 249k VLOAD 5.2V, 2.5A 3697 TA03 CBST: X7R OR X5R CIN: X7R OR X5R COUT: 1210 CASE SIZE, X7R OR X5R DCATCH: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH3-40MA DBST: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH2-3 VIN(MIN) = 6V AT 0.5A ILOAD 6.5V AT 2.5A ILOAD 5.24 + LOAD VIN 6V TO 18V TRANSIENT TO 35V 1.0 1A/µs 0.0 5.10 50µs/DIV 3697 TA03a 28 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Typical Applications 5V Step Down Converter with Cable Drop Compensation, Programmable Output Current Limit and Overcurrent Fault Reporting VLOGIC DBST CIN 10µF OFF ON B A RLIM2 29.4k M2 NMOS RLIM1 75k M1 NMOS RT 453k CF 470pF BST SW COUT 47µF GND CC 1.5nF CCDC 10nF + – + RCBL 16.5k CBST: X7R OR X5R CIN: X7R OR X5R COUT: 1210 CASE SIZE, X7R OR X5R DCATCH: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH3-40MA DBST: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH2-3 VIN(MIN) = 6V AT 0.5A ILOAD 7V AT 2.1A ILOAD 5 RCDC 10k VLOAD 5V 2.1A - > RLIM = OPEN 1.5A - > RLIM = 75k 0.5A - > RLIM = 29.4k CBUS 100µF 0.15Ω f = 300kHz FOR VIN = 8V TO 35V ILOAD = 0.5A TO 2.1A 6 0.15Ω SYS ISP ISN USB5V RCBL FLT RT VC RLIM SYNC RC 7.5k 5 METERS AWG 20 TWISTED PAIR CABLE VOUT RSENSE 0.025Ω DCATCH LT3697 3697 TA04 12 VIN = 12V RLIM = 75k VLOAD 4 10 8 VFLT 6 3 4 2 ILOAD 1 CURRENT (A) VOLTAGE (V) 0 0 1 0 0 1 OUTPUT CURRENT LIMIT 2.4A 1.9A 0.8A VIN RFLT 100k FAULT A B EN CBST 1µF L 15µH LOAD VIN 6V TO 35V TRANSIENT TO 60V 2 0 0 1ms/DIV 3697 TA04a 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 29 LT3697 Typical Applications 5V Step Down Converter with Cable Drop Compensation for Copper Cabling Over a Wide Temperature Range DBST CIN 10µF OFF ON EN VIN BST SW SYS ISP ISN USB5V RCBL FSYNC = 300kHz TO 500kHz CF 470pF GND RC 7.5k RSENSE 0.025Ω COUT 47µF 5.8 CCDC 10nF RCDC 10k VLOAD 5V, 2.1A – RCBL1 17.8k + RNTC 10k CBUS 100µF 0.1Ω CBST: X7R OR X5R CIN: X7R OR X5R COUT: 1210 CASE SIZE, X7R OR X5R DCATCH: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH3-40MA DBST: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH2-3 RNTC: MURATA NCP21XV103J03RA VIN(MIN) = 6V AT 0.5A ILOAD 7V AT 2.1A ILOAD f = FSYNC FOR VIN = 8V TO 35V ILOAD = 0.5A TO 2.1A 0.1Ω + RCBL2 12.1k CC 1.5nF RT 590k 3 METERS AWG 20 TWISTED PAIR CABLE VOUT DCATCH LT3697 FLT RT VC RLIM SYNC CBST 1µF L 15µH LOAD VIN 6V TO 35V TRANSIENT TO 60V 3697 TA05 ILOAD = 2.1A 5.6 VOLTAGE (V) VOUT 5.4 5.2 VLOAD 5.0 4.8 –25 5 65 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 95 125 3697 TA05a 30 3697f For more information www.linear.com/LT3697 LT3697 Package Description Please refer to http://www.linear.com/designtools/packaging/ for the most recent package drawings. MSE Package 16-Lead Plastic MSOP, Exposed Die Pad (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1667 Rev F) BOTTOM VIEW OF EXPOSED PAD OPTION 2.845 ±0.102 (.112 ±.004) 5.10 (.201) MIN 2.845 ±0.102 (.112 ±.004) 0.889 ±0.127 (.035 ±.005) 8 1 1.651 ±0.102 (.065 ±.004) 1.651 ±0.102 3.20 – 3.45 (.065 ±.004) (.126 – .136) 0.305 ±0.038 (.0120 ±.0015) TYP 16 0.50 (.0197) BSC 4.039 ±0.102 (.159 ±.004) (NOTE 3) RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 0.254 (.010) 0.35 REF 0.12 REF DETAIL “B” CORNER TAIL IS PART OF DETAIL “B” THE LEADFRAME FEATURE. FOR REFERENCE ONLY 9 NO MEASUREMENT PURPOSE 0.280 ±0.076 (.011 ±.003) REF 16151413121110 9 DETAIL “A” 0° – 6° TYP 3.00 ±0.102 (.118 ±.004) (NOTE 4) 4.90 ±0.152 (.193 ±.006) GAUGE PLANE 0.53 ±0.152 (.021 ±.006) DETAIL “A” 1.10 (.043) MAX 0.18 (.007) SEATING PLANE 0.17 – 0.27 (.007 – .011) TYP 1234567 8 0.50 (.0197) BSC NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETER/(INCH) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 4. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 5. LEAD COPLANARITY (BOTTOM OF LEADS AFTER FORMING) SHALL BE 0.102mm (.004") MAX 6. EXPOSED PAD DIMENSION DOES INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH ON E-PAD SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.254mm (.010") PER SIDE. 0.86 (.034) REF 0.1016 ±0.0508 (.004 ±.002) MSOP (MSE16) 0213 REV F 3697f Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representaFor more information www.linear.com/LT3697 tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 31 LT3697 Typical Application 5.1V Step Down Converter with Cable Drop Compensation and Output Current Monitor DBST OFF ON CBST 1µF EN VIN BST SW DCATCH LT3697 RT 63.4k CF 120pF RC 7.5k SYS ISP ISN USB5V RCBL FLT RT VC RLIM SYNC CC 470pF 0.1Ω COUT 47µF CCDC 10nF RCDC 1k + RUSB 9.09k RMON 100k GND VMON = 0.43V/A + RCBL 22.1k VLOAD 5.1V, 2.5A – CBUS 100µF 5.50 R5V1 49.9k VIN = 12V 5.25 0.1Ω VLOAD 3697 TA06 CBST: X7R OR X5R CIN: X7R OR X5R COUT: 1210 CASE SIZE, X7R OR X5R DCATCH: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH3-40MA DBST: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH2-3 VIN(MIN) = 6V AT 0.5A ILOAD 7V AT 2.5A ILOAD 5.00 4.75 ILOAD 25mA/µs 2.0 VMON 0.43V/A 1.0 2.0 CURRENT (A) f = 1MHz FOR VIN = 8V TO 18V ILOAD = 0.5A TO 2.5A 3 METERS AWG 20 TWISTED PAIR CABLE VOUT RSENSE 0.022Ω L 4.7µH VOLTAGE (V) CIN 4.7µF LOAD VIN 6V TO 18V TRANSIENT TO 35V 1.0 0.0 0.0 250µs/DIV 3697 TA06a Related Parts PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT8697 5V USB,42V Input, 2.5A, 95% Efficiency, 2.2MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter with Cable Drop Compensation VIN(MIN) = 5V, VIN(MAX) = 42V, VOUT(MIN) = 5.0V to 5.25V, ISD
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