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LT3762EFE#TRPBF 数据手册
LT3762 60V Synchronous Boost LED Controller FEATURES DESCRIPTION 3000:1 External PWM Dimming nn 250:1 Internal PWM Dimming nn Wide V Operating Range: 2.5V to 38.5V IN nn Synchronous Boost Output Voltage up to 60V nn Spread-Spectrum Frequency Modulation for Lower EMI nn PMOS Switch Driver for PWM and Output Disconnect nn Constant Current (±3.5%) Regulation nn Constant Voltage (±2%) Regulation nn Rail-to-Rail LED Current Sense: 0V to 60V nn Programmable V Undervoltage Lockout IN nn Analog Dimming via Two Control Pins nn 100kHz to 1MHz Operation nn Programmable Open LED Protection with OPENLED Flag nn Short-Circuit Protection and SHORTLED Flag nn Drives LEDs in Boost, SEPIC, Buck Mode, or BuckBoost Mode Configurations nn 28 Lead TSSOP and QFN (4mm × 5mm) Exposed Pad Packages The LT®3762 is a synchronous DC/DC controller designed to operate as a constant-current source and constantvoltage regulator. It features a programmable internal PWM dimming signal generator and a synchronous gate driver. The LT3762 is ideally suited for driving high current LEDs with high efficiency and reduced power loss. Rail-to-rail switch current sensing enables synchronous boost topologies and nonsynchronous topologies such as SEPIC. A voltage feedback pin serves as the input for several LED protection features and also allows the converter to operate as a constant-voltage source. nn A frequency adjust pin allows the user to program the frequency from 100kHz to 1MHz to optimize efficiency, performance and external component size. Adding a capacitor at SSFM pin activates the Spread-Spectrum Modulation feature to reduce EMI. The LT3762 also includes an integrated DC/DC converter to efficiently produce a regulated 7.5V supply for the N-channel MOSFET gate drivers. The PWM pin controls PWMTG to drive the Pchannel MOSFET, allowing a high PWM dimming range (3000:1) and providing LED overcurrent protection and short-circuit protected boost capability. APPLICATIONS nn nn Industrial and Automotive Lighting Accurate Current-Limited Voltage Regulators All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 7199560, 7321203, 7746300. Patents pending. TYPICAL APPLICATION 98% Efficient 60W Synchronous Boost LED Driver with 3V Minimum Input Voltage 22µH 6mΩ 4.7µF ×3 50V M2 M1 576k VIN SNSP SNSN EN/UVLO INTERNAL PWM DUTY CYCLE (0.4% TO 100%) 0.1µF CTRL1 VREF INTVCC 100k 100k 96 CTRL2 50mΩ 49.9k 82nF 800Hz 3.3nF 5.6k 98 36.5k BOOST TG FB ISP LT3762 150k VDIM = 0V TO 3V 100 SW 348k 66.5k Efficiency vs Input Voltage 4.7µF ×4 50V 1M BG EFFICIENCY (%) VIN 3V TO 24V ISN 88 47µH AUXSW2 OPENLED SHORTLED VC SSFM 6.8nF AUXSW1 AUXBST RT GND 39.2k 200kHz SS 92 90 M3 PWMTG DIM PWM 94 86 0.1µF 10V 30V, 2A LED CURRENT DERATED FOR VIN < 8V 0 4 8 12 16 20 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 24 28 3762 TA01b INTVCC 0.1µF 10µF 10V 3762 TA01a Rev 0 Document Feedback For more information www.analog.com 1 LT3762 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) ISP, ISN......................................................................80V VIN, EN/UVLO, SNSP, SNSN, SW (Note 7).................60V CTRL1, CTRL2, OPENLED, SHORTLED.......................15V FB, PWM, INTVCC, DIM................................................8V VC, VREF, SS, SSFM......................................................3V AUXSW1, AUXSW2, TG, BG, PWMTG BOOST, AUXBST, RT........................................ (Note2) Operating Junction Temperature Range (Note 3, 4) LT3762E/LT3762I.................................... –40°C to 125°C LT3762H................................................. –40°C to 150°C Storage Temperature Range................... –65°C to 150°C PIN CONFIGURATION 27 AUXSW2 SHORTLED 3 26 AUXBST PWM 4 25 AUXSW1 DIM 5 24 VIN RT 6 23 SNSP SSFM 7 SS 8 VREF 9 29 GND AUXBST 2 AUXSW2 OPENLED TOP VIEW INTVCC 28 INTVCC EN/UVLO 1 OPENLED EN/UVLO SHORTLED TOP VIEW 28 27 26 25 24 23 PWM 1 22 AUXSW1 DIM 2 21 VIN RT 3 22 SNSN 20 SNSP SSFM 4 21 BG SS 5 20 BOOST 19 SNSN 29 GND 18 BG VREF 6 17 BOOST CTRL1 10 19 SW CTRL1 7 16 SW CTRL2 11 18 TG CTRL2 8 15 TG VC 12 17 ISP FB 13 16 ISN FE PACKAGE 28-LEAD PLASTIC TSSOP θJA = 30°C/W, θJC = 10°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 29) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB ORDER INFORMATION LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL LT3762EFE#PBF LT3762EFE#TRPBF LT3762IFE#PBF LT3762IFE#TRPBF LT3762HFE#PBF LT3762HFE#TRPBF LT3762EUFD#PBF ISP ISN GND FB VC 15 PWMTG PWMTG GND 14 9 10 11 12 13 14 UFD PACKAGE 28-LEAD (4mm × 5mm) PLASTIC QFN θJA = 43°C/W, θJC = 3.4°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 29) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB http://www.linear.com/product/LT3762#orderinfo PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT3762 28-Lead Plastic TSSOP -40°C to 125°C LT3762 28-Lead Plastic TSSOP -40°C to 125°C LT3762 28-Lead Plastic TSSOP -40°C to 150°C LT3762EUFD#TRPBF 3762 28-Lead Plastic QFN -40°C to 125°C LT3762IUFD#PBF LT3762IUFD#TRPBF 3762 28-Lead Plastic QFN -40°C to 125°C LT3762HUFD#PBF LT3762HUFD#TRPBF 3762 28-Lead Plastic QFN -40°C to 150°C Consult ADI Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: http://www.linear.com/leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: http://www.linear.com/tapeandreel/. Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. Rev 0 2 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = 24V; CTRL1, CTRL2, PWM = 2V; SW, SSFM = 0V; INTVCC, BOOST, DIM = 8V unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER CONDITIONS VIN Minimum Operation Voltage MIN TYP VIN Overvoltage Lockout Rising VIN Falling Hysteresis VIN Shutdown IQ EN/UVLO = 0V EN/UVLO = 1.15V VIN Operating IQ (Not Switching) RT = 82.5k, FB = 1.5V, PWM = 0V l INTVCC Operating IQ (Not Switching) PWM = 0V VREF Voltage 0µA ≤ IVREF ≤ 250µA l VREF Line Regulation 2.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 38.5V l Switch Current Sense Limit Threshold SNSN = 0V, 24V l 38.5 MAX V 41 1 43.5 V V 0.1 1 13 μA μA 500 µA 3 Current Sense Zero Cross Detect Threshold, VSNSP–SNSN SNSN = 24V, Falling 1.96 UNITS 2.5 l 2 mA 2.04 0.006 V %/V 72 80 88 mV 3 7 10 mV Current Sense Zero Cross Detect Threshold Hysteresis VSNSP-SNSN SNSN = 24V 2.5 mV VSNSP, SNSN Synchronous Driver Enable VSNSP–SNSN > 15mV SNSP, SNSN Input Bias Current (Low-Side Sensing) Combined Current Out of Pin, SNSP = SNSN = 0V 22 μA SNSP, SNSN Input Bias Current (High-Side Sensing) Combined Current into Pin, SNSP = SNSN = 24V 125 μA SS Sourcing Current SS = 0V 28 μA SS Sinking Current SS = 2V 2.8 μA 2 V Error Amplifier Full-Scale LED Current Sense Threshold (VISP-ISN) CTRL ≥ 1.2V, ISP = 48V l 240 249 257 mV Full-Scale LED Current Sense Threshold (VISP-ISN) CTRL ≥ 1.2V, ISN = GND (Ground Sensing) l 232 245 255 mV 1/10th LED Current Sense Threshold (VISP-ISN) CTRL = 0.2V, ISP = 48V l 18 22.5 27 mV 1/10th LED Current Sense Threshold (VISP-ISN) CTRL = 0.2V, ISN = GND (Ground Sensing) l 10 21 29 mV ½ LED Current Sense Threshold (VISP-ISN) CTRL = 0.6V, ISP = 48V l 118 122 126 mV ½ LED Current Sense Threshold (VISP-ISN) CTRL = 0.6V, ISN = GND (Ground Sensing) l 110 120 130 ISP/ISN Overcurrent Threshold ISP = 48V 600 0 ISP/ISN Current Sense Amplifier Input Common Mode Range (VISN) ISP/ISN Input Bias Current (Combined) PWM = 5V (Active), ISP = 48V PWM = 0V (Standby), ISP = 48V 850 0 ISP/ISN Current Sense Amplifier gm VISP-ISN = 250mV, ISP = 48V 120 mV mV 60 V 1 µA µA µS CTRL1,2 Input Bias Current CTRL = 0V 30 nA VC Output Impedance 0.9V≤ VC ≤ 1.5V 11 MΩ VC Standby Input Bias Current PWM = 0V –20 FB Regulation Voltage (VFB) ISP = ISN = 48V, 0V FB Amplifier gm FB = VFB, ISP = ISN = 48V FB Open LED Threshold Rising OPENLED Falling, ISP Tied to ISN l FB Shorted LED Threshold Falling SHORTLED Falling l FB Input Bias Current FB = 1V C/10 Inhibit for OPENLED Assertion (VISP-ISN) ISN = 0V, 48V l 1.225 20 1.25 1.275 500 VFB– 60mV V µS VFB– 50mV VFB– 40mV 300 350 mV 39 mV 200 12 nA 25 V nA Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 3 LT3762 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = 24V; CTRL1, CTRL2, PWM = 2V; SW, SSFM = 0V; INTVCC, BOOST, DIM = 8V unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER CONDITIONS FB Overvoltage Threshold Rising PWMTG rising l MIN TYP MAX UNITS VFB+ 55mV VFB+ 65mV VFB+ 75mV V VC Current Mode Gain (∆VVC / ∆VSNSP-SNSN) 4 V/V Oscillator Switching Frequency (fSWITCH) RT = 82.5kΩ RT = 19.6kΩ RT = 6.65kΩ Switching Frequency Modulation VSSFM = 2V –30 VSSFM = 1V, 2V 12 µA 1 V BG Minimum On Time 230 ns BG Minimum Off Time 150 ns 130 ns VINTVCC V l l l 90 340 980 105 400 1080 SSFM Input Disable Threshold SSFM Pin Sink/Source Current 125 460 1240 %fSWITCH 0.95 SSFM Peak-to-Peak Triangle Amplitude kHz V MOSFET Gate Drivers TG Minimum On Time (Note 5) BG Drive On Voltage VINTVCC –125mV BG Drive Off Voltage 0.1 TG Drive On Voltage SW = 0V TG Drive Off Voltage SW = 0V VBOOST –125mV VBOOST V V 0.1 V TG, BG Drive Rise Time CTG = CBG = 2.7nF 20 ns TG, BG Drive Fall Time CTG = CBG = 2,7nF 20 ns PWMTG Driver Output Rise Time CL = 300pF 50 ns PWMTG Driver Output Fall Time CL = 300pF 100 ns PWMTG On Voltage (VISP – VPWMTG) PWM = 2V 7 8 V 0 0.3 V PWMTG Off Voltage (VISP – VPWMTG) PWM = 0V BOOST UVLO VBOOST – VSW 4.2 V Internal Power Supply INTVcc Regulation Voltage INTVcc Undervoltage Lockout Threshold Falling INTVcc Rising Hysteresis INTVcc Line Regulation (∆VINTVCC / ∆VIN) 2.5V < VIN < 38.5V l 7.3 7.5 7.7 V l 5.1 5.3 0.4 5.5 V V 0.002 %/V Logic Inputs/Outputs EN/UVLO Threshold Voltage Falling l 1.185 EN/UVLO Rising Hysteresis 1.220 1.245 6 EN/UVLO Input Low Voltage IVIN Drops Below 1µA EN/UVLO Pin Bias Current Low EN/UVLO = 1.15V OPENLED Output Low V mV 0.4 V 2 2.3 µA IOPENLED = 500µA 200 300 mV SHORTLED Output Low ISHORTLED = 500µA 200 300 mV OPENLED Pin Bias Current High OPENLED = 1.30V 10 100 nA l 1.4 Rev 0 4 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = 24V; CTRL1, CTRL2, PWM = 2V; SW, SSFM = 0V; INTVCC, BOOST, DIM = 8V unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP MAX UNITS SHORTLED Pin Bias Current High SHORTLED = 1.30V 10 100 nA EN/UVLO Pin Bias Current High EN/UVLO = 1.30V 10 100 nA V MIN PWM Pin Signal Generator PWM Falling Threshold DIM = 4V l 1.25 1.3 1.35 l 0.35 0.43 0.6 PWM Threshold Hysteresis (VPWMHYS) DIM = 4V PWM Pull-Up Current (IPWMUP) DIM = 3.1V, PWM = 0V (100% Duty Cycle) DIM Input Current DIM = 5V PWM Signal Generator Duty Ratio (Note 6) DIM = 0V DIM = 1.19V DIM = 1.42V DIM = 1.76V DIM = 2.1V DIM Input Internal PWM Disable Threshold RisingDIM Falling hysteresis PWM Signal Generator Frequency PWM = 82nF to GND, DIM = 0.75V, 2.5V Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: Do not apply a positive or negative voltage or current source to these pins, otherwise, permanent damage may occur. Note 3: The LT3762E is guaranteed to meet specified performance from 0ºC to 125ºC. Specifications over the –40ºC to 125ºC operating junction temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. The LT3762I is guaranteed to meet performance specifications over the –40ºC to 125ºC operating junction temperature range. The LT3762H is guaranteed over the full –40ºC to 150ºC operating junction temperature range. High junction temperatures degrade operating lifetimes. Operating lifetime is derated at junction temperatures greater than 125ºC. 5 l V µA 1 µA 0.22 3.7 7 17 37 0.32 5 10 25 50 0.4 6.8 13 33 58 % % % % % 2.9 3.0 25 3.1 V mV 570 800 1050 Hz Note 4: The LT3762 includes overtemperature protection that is intended to protect the device during momentary overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed the maximum operating junction temperature when overtemperature protection is active. Continuous operation above the specified maximum junction temperature may impair device reliability. Note 5: Guaranteed by design. A TG pulse will be generated only if the BG off-time is greater than 310ns (typ). See TG Synchronous Driver under Duty Cycle Considerations in the Applications Information section. Note 6: PWM Signal Generator Duty Ratio is calculated by: Duty = IPWMUP / (IPWMUP + IPWMDN). Note 7: For operation at Tj < 125°C, the absolute maximum voltage at VIN, EN/UVLO, SNSP, SNSN, and SW pins is 38.5V for continuous operation and 60V for up to one second nonrepetitive transients. For operation at Tj > 125°C, the absolute maximum voltage at VIN, EN/UVLO, SNSP, SNSN, and SW is 38.5V. Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 5 LT3762 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS VISP-ISN Threshold vs CTRL Voltage TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. VISP-ISN Threshold vs ISP Voltage 300 265 260 150 100 50 VISP–ISN THRESHOLD (mV) VISP-ISN THRESHOLD (mV) VISP-ISN THRESHOLD (mV) 200 255 250 245 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 VCTRL (V) 1 1.2 240 1.4 126 VISP–ISN THRESHOLD (mV) INPUT BIAS CURRENT (µA) 245 ISN = 0V 240 500 400 300 200 100 ISN 0 0.0 0.5 20 30 40 ISP VOLTAGE (V) 50 230 –50 –25 60 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G03 3762 G02 127 600 FB Regulation Voltage (VFB) vs Temperature 1.265 ISP = 48V 1.260 125 124 ISP, ISN = 48V CTRL = 2V 1.255 123 122 121 1.250 1.245 120 119 1.240 118 1 1.5 VCTRL (V) 300 ISP = 48V 250 VISP-ISN Threshold vs Temperature, CTRL = 0.6V ISP 700 10 3762 G01 ISP = 48V, PWM = 2V 800 0 VFB (V) 0 ISP/ISN Bias Current vs CTRL Voltage 900 255 235 0 1000 CTRL = 2V 260 250 –50 VISP-ISN Threshold vs Temperature 117 –50 –25 2 0 3762 G04 1.235 –50 –25 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G05 3762 G06 VREF Source Current vs Temperature VISP-ISN Threshold vs FB Voltage 360 2.03 340 2.02 320 2.01 VREF Voltage vs Temperature VISP-ISN THRESHOLD (mV) 200 150 100 50 0 1.10 1.15 1.2 VFB (V) 1.25 1.3 VREF (V) VREF MAX SOURCE CURRENT (µA) CTRL = 2V 250 300 2.00 280 1.99 260 1.98 240 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G07 3762 G08 1.97 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G09 Rev 0 6 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Switching Frequency vs Temperature Switching Frequency vs RT 1000 500 SNSP–SNSN Current Limit Threshold vs Temperature 86 RT = 19.6k 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 SNSP-SNSN THRESHOLD (mV) 84 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. 450 400 350 3 10 300 –50 –25 100 RT (kΩ) 80 78 76 74 70 –50 –25 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) SNSP–SNSN Zero Cross Threshold vs Temperature 86 16 84 84 14 78 76 74 72 82 80 78 76 74 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 SNSN VOLTAGE (V) 0.4 70 0.5 2 10 18 26 SNSN VOLTAGE (V) 34 3762 G13 1.40 2.8 1.35 EN/UVLO THRESHOLD (V) 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 8 6 4 0 –50 –25 42 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G15 INTVCC Maximum Source Current vs Temperature 150 12VIN, 400kHz fSW 140 1.30 RISING 1.25 1.20 FALLING 1.15 130 120 110 1.10 100 1.05 1.2 10 EN/UVLO Threshold vs Temperature 3.0 2.4 12 3762 G14 EN/UVLO Hysteresis Current vs Temperature 2.6 SNSP = 24V 2 72 INTVCC LIMIT (mA) 70 VSNSP–SNSN VOLTAGE (mV) 86 80 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G12 VSNSP–SNSN Current Limit Threshold vs SNSN Voltage, SNSN > 2V 82 0 3762 G11 VSNSP-SNSN THRESHOLD (mV) VSNSP-SNSN THRESHOLD (mV) 0 3762 G10 VSNSP–SNSN Current Limit Threshold vs SNSN Voltage, SNSN < 0.5V HYSTERESIS CURRENT (µA) 82 72 100 0 SNSP = 24V 1.00 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G17 3762 G16 90 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G18 Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 7 LT3762 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS VISP-ISN C/10 Threshold vs Temperature 50 100 850 30 25 20 15 70 60 50 40 30 10 20 5 10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 DIM VOLTAGE (V) 3 3762 G19 800 775 40 60 DUTY RATIO (%) 80 250 PWM 500mV/DIV PWMTG 5V/DIV LED Current 500mA/DIV 3762 G22 500µs/DIV 100 PWM Pull-Up Current vs DIM Voltage CPWM = 82nF, DIM = 1.7V DIM = INTVCC PWMTG 5V/DIV 20 3762 G21 PWMTG When PWM Generator Enabled (Internal PWM Control) PWM 2V/DIV 0 3762 G20 PWMTG When PWM Generator Disabled (External PWM Control) 500ns/DIV 825 750 3.5 3762 G23 PWM PULL–UP CURRENT (µA) 0 PWM FREQUENCY (Hz) PWM DUTY RATIO (%) 80 35 0 –50 –25 CPWM = 82nF 90 40 VISP–ISN VOLTAGE (mV) PWM Generator Frequency vs DIM Voltage PWM Signal Generator Duty Ratio vs DIM Voltage ISP = 48V 45 TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 DIM VOLTAGE (V) 2.5 3 3762 G24 4000 4.0 3500 3.8 60 3.6 2500 2000 1500 1000 55 3.4 DUTY CYCLE (%) 3000 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 50 45 40 2.4 500 0 PWMTG Duty Ratio vs Temperature, VDIM = 2V PWMTG Duty Ratio vs Temperature, VDIM = 1V DUTY CYCLE (%) PWM CURRENT (µA) PWM Pull-Down Current vs DIM Voltage 2.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 DIM VOLTAGE (V) 2.5 3 2.0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G25 3762 G26 35 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G27 Rev 0 8 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS SSFM Current vs Temperature BG Rise/Fall Time vs Capacitance 80 SINK 11 10 TG Rise/Fall Time vs Capacitance 160 10% TO 90% 70 140 60 120 50 100 TIME (ns) SOURCE TIME (ns) SSFM CURRENT (µA) 13 12 TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. 40 30 RISE 20 FALL 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CAPACITANCE (nF) 9 INTVCC CURRENT LIMIT IINTVCC_LMT (mA) INTVCC VOLTAGE (V) FALL 200 RISE 7.50 12VIN 7.45 2.5VIN 7.40 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CAPACITANCE (nF) 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CAPACITANCE (nF) 8 7.35 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) 3762 G32 3762 G31 9 10 3762 G30 200 40VIN 300 0 0 10 7.55 700 TIME (ns) 8 INTVCC vs Temperature, VIN 800 400 RISE 3762 G29 PWMTG Rise/Fall Time vs Capacitance 500 FALL 60 20 3762 G28 600 80 40 10 9 –50 –25 10% TO 90% 180 INTVCC Maximum Current vs VIN, fSW L = 47µH 800kHz 700kHz >900kHz 160 140 600kHz 120 500kHz 100 80 60 400kHz 300kHz 200kHz 40 20 0 100kHz 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 VIN (V) 3762 G33 Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 9 LT3762 PIN FUNCTIONS VIN: Power Supply for Internal Loads and INTVCC Regulator. Must be locally bypassed with a 1µF (or larger) low ESR capacitor placed close to the pin. EN/UVLO: Shutdown and Undervoltage Detect Pin. An accurate 1.22V (nominal) falling threshold with externally programmable hysteresis detects when power is okay to enable switching. Rising hysteresis is generated by the external resistor divider and an accurate internal 2μA pulldown current. Tie to 0.4V, or less, to disable the device and reduce VIN quiescent current below 1μA. INTVCC: INTVCC is the internal power supply output voltage node that provides supply for control circuits and NMOS gate drivers. This pin must be bypassed with a 10µF ceramic capacitor placed close to the pin. VC: Transconductance Error Amplifier output pin used to stabilize the switching regulator control loop with an RC network. The VC pin is high impedance when PWM is low. This feature allows the VC pin to store the demand current state variable for the next PWM high transition. Connect a capacitor between this pin and GND; a resistor in series with the capacitor is recommended for fast transient response. FB: Voltage Loop Feedback Pin. FB is intended for constantvoltage regulation or for LED protection and open LED detection. The internal transconductance amplifier with output VC will regulate FB to 1.25V (nominal) through the DC/DC converter. If the FB input exceeds the regulation voltage, VFB, minus 50mV (typical) and the voltage between ISP and ISN has dropped below the C/10 threshold of 25mV (typical), the OPENLED pull-down is asserted. This action may signal an open LED fault. If FB is driven above the FB overvoltage threshold, the TG and BG pins will be driven low and PWMTG driven high to protect the LEDs from an overcurrent event. If FB  600mV, SHORTLED pull-down is asserted. Do not leave the FB pin open. RT: Switching Frequency Adjustment Pin. Set the frequency using a resistor to GND (for resistor values, see the Typical Performance curve or Table 2). Do not leave the RT pin open. SS: Soft-Start Pin. This pin modulates oscillator frequency and compensation pin voltage (VC) clamp. The soft-start interval is set with an external capacitor. The pin has a 28μA (typical) pull-up current source to an internal 2.5V rail. This pin can be used as a fault timer. Provided the SS pin has exceeded 1.7V, the pull-up current source is disabled and a 2.8μA pull-down current enabled when anyone of the following fault conditions happen: 1. LED overcurrent (VISP-ISN > 600mV) 2. INTVCC undervoltage 3. Output short (FB < 0.3V) 4. Thermal limit The SS pin must be discharged below 0.2V to reinitiate a soft-start cycle. Switching is disabled until SS begins to recharge. It is important to select a capacitor large enough that FB can exceed 0.4V under normal load conditions before SS exceeds 1.7V. Do not leave this pin open. BG: The BG pin is the high current gate drive for the lowside N-channel MOSFET. TG: The TG pin is the high current gate drive for the synchronous N-channel MOSFET. SW: The SW pin is the high current return path of the synchronous MOSFET driver and is externally connected to the negative terminal of the BOOST capacitor. If not using the synchronous FET, tie this pin to ground. SNSP: The Positive Current Sense Input for the Switch Control Loop. Kelvin connect the SNSP pin to the positive terminal of the switch current sense resistor. Connect to VIN (after CVIN) for synchronous applications where sense resistor is in series with the inductor at the supply side. Connect to the source of low-side FET for nonsynchronous applications such as SEPIC. Rev 0 10 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 PIN FUNCTIONS SNSN: The Negative Current Sense Input for the switch control loop. For synchronous applications, Kelvin connect the SNSN pin to the negative terminal of the switch current sense resistor in series with the inductor at the supply side. For non-synchronous applications such as SEPIC, Kelvin connect to the ground side of the sense resistor. ISN: Connection Point for the Negative Terminal of the Current Feedback Resistor. ISP: Connection Point for the Positive Terminal of the Current Feedback Resistor. Input bias current depends upon CTRL pin voltage. When it is greater than INTVCC it flows into the pin. Below INTVCC, ISP bias current decreases until it flows out of the pin. If the difference between ISP and ISN exceeds 600mV (typical), then an overcurrent event is detected. In response to this event, the BG and TG pins are driven low and PWMTG is driven high to protect the switching regulator. Also during an overcurrent event, the SHORTLED flag is asserted. PWM: A signal low turns off switcher, idles the oscillator and disconnects the VC pin from all internal loads. VPWMTG = VISP – 7V when PWM is above its high threshold, except in fault conditions. The PWM pin can be driven with a digital signal to cause pulse width modulation (PWM) dimming of an LED load. During start-up when SS is below 0.8V, the first rising edge of PWM enables switching which continues until VISP-ISN ≥ 25mV or SS ≥ 0.8V. Connecting a capacitor from PWM pin to GND invokes a self-driving oscillator where internal pull-up and pull-down currents set a duty ratio at PWMTG pin for dimming LEDs. The magnitude of the pull-up/down currents is set by the voltage at the DIM pin and is illustrated in the Typical Performance Characteristics section. The capacitor on PWM sets the frequency of the dimming signal. If not used, connect the PWM and DIM pins to INTVCC. AUXSW1: The AUXSW1 pin is a switching node of the auxiliary bias supply. Connect the pin to the auxiliary bias supply inductor and to the AUXBST pin with a 0.1µF or larger ceramic capacitor. AUXSW2: The AUXSW2 node is a switching node of the INTVCC supply and is connected to the auxiliary bias supply inductor. AUXBST: The AUXBST pin provides drive voltage to the INTVCC supply and is connected to the AUXSW1 pin through a 0.1µF or larger ceramic capacitor. OPENLED: An open-collector pull-down on this pin asserts if the FB input is greater than the FB regulation voltage (VFB) minus 50mV (typical) AND the difference between current sense inputs ISP and ISN is less than 25mV. The pin requires an external pull-up resistor, usually to INTVCC. When the PWM input is low and the DC/DC converter is idle, the OPENLED condition is latched to the last valid state when the PWM input was high. When PWM input goes high again, the OPENLED pin will be updated. This pin may be used to report transition from constant current regulation to constant voltage regulation modes, for instance in a charger or current limited voltage supply. BOOST: The BOOST pin is the supply for the bootstrapped TG pin gate drive and is externally connected to a low ESR ceramic BOOST capacitor (0.1µF typ) referenced to the SW pin. An internal Schottky connects BOOST to INTVCC for charging this capacitor when SW is pulled to ground by the bottom FET. If not using a synchronous FET, tie this pin to INTVCC. VREF: Reference Output Pin. Can supply up to 250μA. This pin can drive a resistor divider for the CTRL1, CTRL2 or DIM pins for dimming or for temperature limit/compensation of LED loads. The normal output voltage is 2V. CTRL1, CTRL2: Current Sense Threshold Adjustment Pin. Constant current regulation point VISP-ISN is one-fourth VCTRL plus an offset for 0V ≤ VCTRL ≤ 1V. For VCTRL > 1.2V the VISP-ISN current regulation point is constant at the full-scale value of 250mV. For 1V  ≤  VCTRL  ≤  1.2V, the dependence of VISP-ISN upon CTRL voltage transitions from a linear function to a constant value, reaching 98% of full-scale value by VCTRL = 1.1V. Do not leave this pin open. Exposed Pad and GND: Ground Connection. Solder pin and exposed pad to ground plane. Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 11 LT3762 PIN FUNCTIONS SSFM: Used for spread spectrum frequency modulation. If SSFM is enabled, a triangle ramp is generated at the SSFM pin. During each cycle of this SSFM ramp, the internal switching frequency is modulated between FSWITCH and FSWITCH – 30%. The SSFM ramp frequency is set by 12μA/(2 x 1V x CSSFM). If used, tie CSSFM from SSFM to GND to set the ramp frequency. If not used, tie this pin to GND. Do not float this pin. PWMTG: PWM Top-Gate Driver Output. An inverted PWM signal drives the gate of a series PMOS device between VISP and (VISP – 7V) if VISP > 7V. An internal 7V clamp protects the PMOS gate by limiting VGS. Leave PWMTG disconnected if not used. SHORTLED: An open-collector pull-down on SHORTLED asserts when any of the following conditions happen: This pin requires an external pull-up resistor. SHORTLED status is only updated during PWM high state and latched during PWM low state. After an LED overcurrent event, SHORTLED remains asserted until the SS pin is discharged below 0.2V. DIM: Analog voltage control of PWM duty cycle from 0.4% to 97%(typ) when a capacitor is connected between PWM and ground. When DIM is pulled above 3V (typical), the PWM duty cycle timer is disabled and the PWM pin is pulled high with a 5µA current source. The duty cycle set by VDIM follows a curve shown in Figure 9. A lowpass RC filter on DIM (10kΩ, 1µF) is recommended if driving DIM externally to control PWM duty cycle. Do not leave the DIM pin open. If not used, or if driving PWM externally connect to INTVCC. 1. FB  600mV). Rev 0 12 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 BLOCK DIAGRAM PWMTG VC ISP A1 –+ ISP –+ 10µA PWM _TGOFFB – + + A2 A10 gm EAMP 10µA AT A2+ = A2– – TG PWM HIGH SW SWITCHING LOGIC CURRENT COMPARATOR X1/4 + – 1.32V A11 – 10µA AT A4+ = A4– – ZERO CROSS DETECT A5 OVFB SHORTLED + ILIM A4 + 1.25V SWITCH CURRENT SENSE ∑ A6 FAULT 1.2V FBLOW 300mV + SHDN FBLOW COMPARATOR SS AND FAULT LOGIC FB 1mA OVFB INTVCC 2.8µA ISP SCILM SS 25mV ISN SHDN FAULT PROTECTION AND REPORT INTVCC UVLO EN/UVLO IS1 2µA + – A8 SNSP – SNSN A14 OPENLED + – A15 + VIN 165°C THERMAL SHUTDOWN A7 5.3V INTVCC AUXSW1 RAMP GENERATOR 50kHz TO 1MHz OSCILLATOR 2V + – A9 VVIN CVIN AUXBST RAMP + – 1.22V –+ – + A13 PWM_TGOFFB PWM HIGH 75mV A12 3V OVFB COMPARATOR 28µA FB BG FAULT SET gm – INTVCC A3 FB BOOST IPD + 1.1V CTRL2 + + + SCILM – CTRL1 PWM TIMER + LOAD CURRENT SENSE 25mV ISN INTVCC + – +– DIM IPU SHORT-CIRCUIT DETECT – 600mV PWM ISP-7V SET INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY CAUXBST LPWR AUXSW2 INTVCC GND CVCC SSFM VREF RT 3762 BD Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 13 LT3762 OPERATION The LT3762 is a constant-frequency, current mode controller with a low side NMOS gate driver and a high side NMOS synchronous gate driver. The operation of the LT3762 is best understood by referring to the Block Diagram. In this general description, the LT3762 is operating as a synchronous boost controller where the switch current is sensed at VIN (sensing at VIN enables TG driver function for synchronous operation). When power is first applied to the IC and the PWM pin is low, the BG pin is driven to GND, the TG pin is driven to SW, and the PWMTG pin is pulled high to ISP to turn off the PMOS disconnect switch which disconnects the load from the output of the switching regulator. The VC pin becomes high impedance to store the previous switching state on the external compensation capacitor, and the ISP and ISN pin bias currents are reduced to leakage levels. When the PWM pin transitions high (either by setting externally or the PWM timer setting internally), the PWMTG pin transitions low after a short delay – connecting the load to the output. At the same time, the internal oscillator wakes up and generates a pulse to set a latch, turning on the external low side Nchannel MOSFET switch (BG goes high). A voltage input proportional to the switch current, sensed by an external current sense resistor between the SNSP and SNSN pins, is added to a stabilizing slope compensation ramp and the resulting switch current sense signal is fed into the negative terminal of the current comparator. The current in the external inductor increases steadily during the time the switch is on. When the switch current sense voltage exceeds the output of the error amplifier, VC, the latch in logic is reset and the low side switch is turned off. If configured as a synchronous boost controller, once BG goes low, the zero cross detect comparator determines if the inductor current is high enough to allow the synchronous NMOS switch to turn on – preventing the inductor current from crossing zero and discharging output capacitor. If the zero cross comparator output is low, TG goes high (in reference to SW) and turns on the top switch. During this phase, the inductor current decreases. TG goes low when either the oscillator terminates the switch cycle or the inductor current reaches near zero. If configured as a nonsynchronous boost controller, that is SNSN connected to GND and the sense resistor placed in the source of the BG switch, then TG will not switch high during this phase and a diode placed between SW and the output will conduct the inductor current until the end of the switch cycle. At the completion of each oscillator cycle, internal signals such as slope compensation return to their starting points and a new cycle begins with the set pulse from the oscillator. Through this repetitive action, the current mode control algorithm establishes a switch duty cycle to regulate the load current or voltage at the load. The VC signal is integrated over many switching cycles and is an amplified version of the difference between the LED current sense voltage, measured between ISP and ISN, and the target difference voltage set by the CTRL pins. In this manner, the error amplifier sets the correct peak switch current level to keep the LED current in regulation. If the error amplifier output increases, more current is demanded in the switch; if it decreases, less current is demanded. The switch current is monitored during the on phase and the voltage between the SNSP and SNSN pins is not allowed to exceed the current limit threshold of 75mV (typical). If this current limit is reached, the latch is reset regardless of the output state of the current comparator and the TG switch will turn on until the end of the start of a new switching cycle or the inductor current reaches near zero. Under fault conditions, i.e. FB overvoltage (FB > 1.3V) , output short (FB < 0.3V after start-up), LED overcurrent, or INTVCC undervoltage (INTVCC < 5.3V), the BG and TG drivers turn off immediately. In voltage feedback mode, the operation is similar to that described above, except the voltage at the VC pin is set by Rev 0 14 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 OPERATION the amplified difference of the internal reference of 1.25V and the FB pin. If FB is lower than the reference voltage, the switch current increases; if FB is higher than the reference voltage, the switch demand current decreases. The LED current sense feedback interacts with the voltage feedback so that FB does not exceed the internal reference and the voltage between ISP and ISN does not exceed the threshold set by either of the CTRL pins. For accurate current or voltage regulation, it is necessary to be sure that under normal operating conditions, the appropriate loop is dominant. To deactivate the voltage loop entirely, FB can be set between 0.35V and 1.1V through a resistor network to VREF pin. To deactivate the LED current loop entirely, the ISP and ISN pins should be tied together and CTRL1 and CTRL2 tied to VREF. Two LED specific functions featured on the LT3762 are controlled by the voltage feedback FB pin. First, when the FB pin exceeds a voltage 50mV (–4%) lower than the FB regulation voltage and V(ISP-ISN) is less than 25mV (typical), the pull-down driver on the OPENLED pin is activated. This function provides a status indicator that the load may be disconnected and the constant-voltage feedback loop is taking control of the switching regulator. When the FB pin drops below 0.3V after start-up, the SHORTLED pin is asserted by the FBLOW Comparator. During start-up, the FBLOW comparator output is blocked from when the EN/UVLO pin goes high to when the SS pin reaches 1.7V. The LT3762 features a PMOS disconnect switch driver that serves two purposes — PWM control of LED load current and fault protection of LED load. When no fault condition exists, the PWMTG state depends on the state of the PWM pin. When PWM pin is high, the PWMTG is pulled below ISP to turn on the PMOS switch. When PWM pin is low, PWMTG is pulled to ISP to turn off the PMOS. Once a fault condition is detected, the PWMTG pin is pulled high to turn off the PMOS switch — independent of the PWM pin state. This action isolates the LED array from the power path, preventing excessive current from damaging the LEDs. PWM control of LED load current is achieved by externally setting the PWM pin or by allowing the internal PWM Timer to set the PWM pin. If externally controlling the PWM pin, the DIM pin is set above 3V (e.g. tie to INTVCC). If the internal PWM Timer is used, PWM pin is connected to an external capacitor (size of cap sets PWM frequency) and the voltage at DIM determines the duty cycle at PWMTG. The duty cycle range is 0.32% to 97% (typical). Setting DIM above 3V (typ) disables the timer and sets PWM to 100% duty cycle. The relationship between VDIM and the generated duty cycle allows a linear change in VDIM to be perceived by the human eye as a linear change in LED intensity. The INTVCC rail is generated by an internal buck-boost regulator and requires external capacitors at INTVCC and AUXBST pins and a small external inductor at AUXSW1, AUXSW2 pins. This rail provides the gate drive potential for BG and TG and also provides bias to internal circuitry. INTVCC is also available to support other external circuitry using care to stay within its max supply current range. Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 15 LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Programming the Turn-On and Turn-Off Thresholds with the EN/UVLO Pin The power supply undervoltage lockout (UVLO) value can be accurately set by the resistor divider to the EN/UVLO pin. A small 2µA pull-down current is active when EN/ UVLO is below the threshold. The purpose of this current is to allow the user to program the rising hysteresis. The following equations should be used to determine the values of the resistors: VIN(FALLING) = 1.22V • R1+ R2 R2 VIN(RISING) = VIN(FALLING) + 2µA • R1 VIN LT3762 R1 EN/UVLO across the sense resistor. Either CTRL pin can be used to dim the LED current to zero current, although relative accuracy decreases with the decreasing voltage sense threshold. The lower of the two CTRL pins sets the LED current. When a CTRL pin voltage is less than 1V, the LED current is: I LED = VCTRL −100mV RLED • 4 When the lower CTRL pin voltage is between 1V and 1.2V, the LED current varies with CTRL, but departs from the previous equation by an increasing amount as the CTRL voltage increases. Ultimately, the LED current no longer varies for CTRL ≥ 1.2V. At CTRL = 1.1V, the value of ILED is ~98% of the equation’s estimate. Some values are listed in Table 1. Table 1. (ISP-ISN) Threshold vs CTRL R2 VCTRL (V) (ISP-ISN) THRESHOLD (mV) 1.0 225 1.05 236 3762 F01 Figure 1. Programming the LED Current The LED current is programmed by placing an appropriate value current sense resistor, RLED, in series with the LED string. The voltage drop across RLED is (Kelvin) sensed by the ISP and ISN pins. A half watt resistor is usually a good choice. To give the best accuracy, sensing of the current should be done at the top of the LED string. For best fault protection and use of the PWM feature provided by the high side PMOS disconnect switch, sensing of the current should be done at the top of the LED string. If this option is not available, then the current may be sensed at the bottom of the string. However, if the string terminates to a voltage less than a PMOS threshold above GND, low side sensing will sacrifice the PMOS disconnect feature. Both the CTRL pins should be tied to a voltage higher than 1.2V to get the full-scale 250mV (typical) threshold 1.1 244.5 1.15 248.5 1.2 250 When both CTRL pins are higher than 1.2V, the LED current is regulated to: ILED = 250mV/RLED The CTRL pins should not be left floating (tie to VREF if not used). Either CTRL pin can be used with a thermistor to provide overtemperature protection for the LED load, or with a resistor divider to VIN to reduce the output power and switching current when VIN is low. The presence of a time varying differential voltage signal (ripple) across ISP and ISN at the switching frequency is expected. The amplitude of this signal is increased by the high LED load current, low switching frequency and/or a smaller value output filter capacitor. For best accuracy, the amplitude of this ripple should be less than 25mV. If using a RLED of 500mΩ or greater, a 10µF capacitor should be placed across RLED to dampen the effect of transients across the error amp. Rev 0 16 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Programming Output Voltage (Constant Voltage Regulation) and Output Voltage Open LED and Shorted LED Thresholds The LT3762 has a voltage feedback pin FB that can be used to program a constant voltage output. In addition, FB programming determines the output voltage that will cause OPENLED and SHORTLED to assert. For a boost LED driver, the output voltage can be programmed by selecting the values of R3 and R4 (see Figure 2) according to the following equation: VOUT = 1.25V • R3 + R4 VOUT LT3762 R1 (BUCK) LED ARRAY – Q1 RSEN(EXT) 3762 F03 R2 FB COUT R4 Figure 3. Feedback Resistor Connection for Buck Mode or Buck-Boost Mode LED Driver If the open LED clamp voltage is programmed correctly using the resistor divider, then the FB pin should not exceed 1.2V when LEDs are connected. R4 VOUT LT3762 + R3 Figure 2. To detect both open-circuit and short-circuit conditions at the output, the LT3762 monitors both output voltage and current. When FB exceeds VFB – 50mV, OPENLED is asserted, if V(ISP-ISN) is less than 25mV. OPENLED is deasserted when V(ISP-ISN) is higher than 50mV or FB drops below the OPENLED threshold. For an LED driver of buck mode or buck-boost mode configuration, the FB voltage is typically level shifted to a signal with respect to GND as illustrated in Figure 3. In buck mode, R1 provides SNSP and SNSN with enough current to maintain regulation during an OPENLED event. Note that R1 will affect PWM performance by loading COUT when PWM is low. In buck-boost mode, when SNSP is tied to VIN or another low impedance node, R1 can be omitted. The output can be expressed as: The SHORTLED pin is asserted if V(ISP-ISN)  > 600mV or the FB pin falls below 300mV after initial start-up and SS reaches 1.7V. The ratio between the FB OPENLED threshold of 1.2V and the SHORTLED threshold of 0.3V can limit the range of VOUT. The range of VOUT using the maximum SHORTLED threshold of 0.35V is 3.5:1. The range of VOUT can be made wider using the circuits shown in Figures 4 and 5. For a VOUT range that is greater than 8:1, consult factory applications. R3 FB R4 3762 F02 VOUT Buck mode: LT3762 R3 ⎡ ⎤ VOUT = ⎢1.25V • + VBE(Q1) ⎥ • 2 R4 ⎣ ⎦ R4 Vref 3762 F04 Figure 4. Feedback Resistor Connection for Wide Range Output in Boost and SEPIC Applications Buck-boost mode R3 R12 R11 R1= R2 = VOUT /600µA VOUT = 1.25V • R10 FB + VBE(Q1) R2 = 100k, R1= OPEN Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 17 LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION + R13 VOUT LT3762 LED ARRAY – Q1 R15 FB R14 = RSENSE R15 = VREF R14 3762 F05 Figure 5. Feedback Resistor Connection for Wide Range Output in Buck Mode and Buck-Boost Mode Applications The equations to widen the range of VOUT are derived using a SHORTLED threshold of 0.35V, and OPENLED threshold of 1.2V and a reference voltage VREF of 2V. The resistor values for R11 and R12 in Figure 4 can be calculated as shown below. See the example that follows for a suggested R10 value. R11= R12 = R10 • 1.64V H 1.61• V OUT – 0.79 • V OUT – 1.64V R10 • 1.64V H 0.41• V OUT – 1.41• V L OUT R13 • 1.64V H 0.41• V OUT – 1.41• V L OUT + 0.82 • VBE Example: Calculate the resistor values required to increase the VOUT range of a buck-boost mode LED driver to 7.5:1 and have OPENLED occur when VOUT is 43.5V. Use VBE(Q1) = 0.7V: Step 1: Choose R13 = 357kΩ Step 2: VLOUT = 43.5V/7.5 = 5.8V Step 3: R14 = 357kΩ •1.64V = 9.02kΩ 1.61• 43.5V – 0.79 • 5.8V – 0.82 • 0.7V R15 = 357kΩ •1.64V = 56.5kΩ 0.41• 43.5V – 1.41• 5.8V + 0.82 • 0.7V Use R15 = 56.2kΩ Step 1: Choose R10 = 1MΩ Step 2: VLOUT = 60V/5 = 12V Step 3: 1000kΩ •1.64V = 19.18kΩ 1.61• 60V – 0.79 •12V – 1.64V Use R11 = 19.1kΩ R12 = 1.61• V OUT – 0.79 • V L OUT • VBE Use R14 = 9.09kΩ L Example: Calculate the resistor values required to increase the VOUT range of a boost LED driver to 5:1 and have OPENLED occur when VOUT is 60V. R11= R13 • 1.64V H 1000kΩ •1.64V = 213.54kΩ 0.41• 60V – 1.41•12V Use R12 = 215kΩ LED Overcurrent Protection Feature The ISP and ISN pins have a short-circuit protection feature independent of the LED current sense feature. This feature prevents the development of excessive switching currents and protects the power components. The shortcircuit protection threshold (600mV, typical) is designed to be more than 140% higher than the default LED current sense threshold. Once the LED overcurrent is detected, the BG pin is driven to GND and the TG pin is pulled to SW to stop switching, PWMTG is pulled high to disconnect the LED array from the power path, SHORTLED is latched low, and fault protection is initiated via the SS pin. A typical LED short-circuit protection scheme for a boost or buck-boost mode converter is shown in Figure 6. The Schottky or ultrafast diode D2 should be put close to the drain of M2 on the board. It protects the LED+ node from The resistor values for R14 and R15 in Figure 5 can be calculated as shown below. See the example that follows for a suggested R13 value. Rev 0 18 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION swinging well below ground when being shorted to GND through a long cable. Usually, the internal protection loop takes about 600ns to respond. When a faster short-circuit response is required, a PNP helper can be added as shown in Figure 6. Note that the impedance of the short-circuit cable affects the peak current. Schottky or ultrafast recovery diodes D1 and D3 are recommended to protect against a short circuit for the buck mode circuit shown in Figure 7. RSNS VIN C1 SNSP L1 SNSN VIN M2 C2 M1 BG TG LT3762 ISP Q1 RLED ISN PWM_TG M3 OPTIONAL PNP HELPER LED+ LED STRING D2 GND (BOOST) OR VIN (BUCK-BOOST MODE) 3762 F06 Figure 6. Simplified LED Short-Circuit Protection Schematic for Boost or Buck-Boost Mode Converter VIN RLED VIN ISP M2 ISN LED+ LED STRING PWMTG SNSP LT3762 C2 D3 LED– M2 BG There are two methods to control the current source for dimming using the LT3762. One method uses the CTRL pins to adjust the current regulated in the LEDs. A second method uses the PWM pin to modulate the current source between zero and full current to achieve a precisely programmed average current, without the possibility of color shift that occurs at low current in LEDs. To make PWM dimming more accurate, the switch demand current is stored on the VC node during the quiescent phase when PWM is low. This feature minimizes recovery time when the PWM signal goes high. To further improve recovery time and allow for low PWM duty cycles, the PWMTG disconnect PMOS switch is used in the LED current path and prevents the output capacitor from discharging during the PWM signal low phase. The minimum PWM on or off time depends on the choice of operating frequency set by the RT input. For best current accuracy, the minimum PWM high time should be at least three switching cycles (3µs for fSW = 1MHz) A low duty cycle PWM signal can cause excessive startup times if it were allowed to interrupt the soft-start sequence at start-up. Therefore, once start-up is initiated by PWM high, the LT3762 will ignore a PWM logic low and continue to soft-start with PWMTG enabled until either the voltage at SS reaches the 0.8V level or the output current reaches one-tenth of the full-scale current. At this point, the device will begin following the dimming control as designated by PWM. If at any time an output overcurrent is detected, BG, TG, and PWMTG will be disabled even as SS continues to charge. PWM Dimming Signal Generator SNSN D1 TG PWM Dimming Control C1 M1 The LT3762 features a PWM dimming signal generator with programmable duty cycle at PWMTG pin, controlling average current delivered to the LED load. The frequency of the square wave signal at PWMTG is set by a capacitor CPWM from the PWM pin to GND according to the equation: 3762 F07 Figure 7. Simplified LED Short-Circuit Protection Schematic for Buck Mode Converter fPWM = 66kHz • nF CPWM Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 19 LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION LT3762 PWM SS Q1 C2 C1 3762 F08 100 90 80 PWM DUTY RATIO (%) The duty cycle at PWMTG is set by a voltage applied at DIM pin. This duty cycle varies between 0.4% and 97% with an applied DIM voltage between 0V and 3V. Above 3V (typical), the internal PWM signal generator is disabled and the duty cycle goes to 100% unless the PWM pin is externally driven. To filter out any noise and smooth transitions between output levels, the DIM pin should be driven through a lowpass RC filter (10k resistor and 1µF capacitor is recommended) when used to control PWM duty cycle. Internally generated pull-up and pull-down currents on the PWM pin are used to charge and discharge its capacitor between high and low thresholds to generate the duty cycle signal. These current signals on the PWM pin are small enough that they can be overdriven by an external signal from a microcontroller. To synchronize the PWM generator with soft-start during power-on reset, a PNP can be connected as shown in Figure 8 to quickly discharge the PWM generator capacitor during a reset event. 1+ e ⎛ ⎛ 1−DC ⎞ ⎞ ⎜⎝ 6.812 – ln ⎜⎝ DC ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠ •1V VDIM = 3.25 40 30 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 DIM VOLTAGE (V) 3 3.5 3762 F09 Figure 9. VDIM vs Duty Cycle Programming the Switching Frequency The RT frequency adjust pin allows the user to program the switching frequency (fSW) from 100kHz to 1MHz to optimize efficiency/performance or external component size. Higher frequency operation yields smaller component size but increases switching losses and gate driving current, and may not allow sufficiently high or low duty cycle operation. Lower frequency operation gives better performance at the cost of larger external component size. For an appropriate RT resistor value, see Table 2. An external resistor from the RT pin to GND is required – do not leave this pin open. fOSC(kHz) RT(kΩ) 1000 6.65 900 7.50 800 8.87 700 10.2 600 12.4 500 15.4 400 19.6 300 26.1 200 39.2 100 82.5 The relationship between VDIM and duty cycle at PWMTG is illustrated in Figure 9 and given by the following equations. This relationship allows a linear change in VDIM to be perceived by the human eye as a linear change in LED intensity. • 6.812–V(DIM)• 3.25 50 20 If controlling PWM pin externally, it is recommended to raise DIM above 3V (e.g. tie to INTVCC) to disable PWM generator and conserve quiescent current. 1 60 Table 2. Typical Switching Frequency vs RT Value (1% Resistor) Figure 8. Syncing PWM During Reset Duty Cycle, DC = 70 1 1V Spread Spectrum Frequency Modulation Switching regulators can be particularly troublesome for applications where electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a concern. To improve the EMI performance, the LT3762 Rev 0 20 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Duty Cycle Considerations Switching duty cycle is a key variable in defining converter operation, therefore, its limits must be considered when programming the switching frequency for a particular application. The fixed BG minimum on-time and minimum off-time (see Figure 11) and the switching frequency define the minimum and maximum duty cycle of the switch, respectively. The following equations express the minimum/ maximum duty cycle: Min Duty Cycle = min on-time • switching frequency Max Duty Cycle = 1 – min off-time • switching frequency When calculating the operating limits, the typical values for on/off-time in the data sheet should be increased by at least 100ns to allow margin for PWM comparator and logic delays, TG & BG rise/fall times and SW node rise/ fall times. 50 300 40 250 ON TIME 30 200 SPREAD SPECTRUM DISABLED TIME (ns) PEAK AMPLITUDE (dBµV) includes a spread spectrum frequency feature. If there is a capacitor (CSSFM) at the SSFM pin, a triangle wave sweeping between 1V and 2V is generated. This signal is then fed into the internal oscillator to modulate the switching frequency between 70% of the base frequency and the base frequency, which is set by the RT resistor. The modulation frequency is set by 12µA / (2 • 1V • CSSFM). Figure 10 shows the noise spectrum comparison between a conventional boost switching converter (with the LT3762 SSFM pin tied to GND) and a spread spectrum modulation enabled boost switching converter with 6.8nF at the SSFM pin. The results of EMI measurements are sensitive to the SSFM frequency selected with the capacitor. 1kHz is a good starting point to optimize peak measurements, but some fine tuning of this selection may be necessary to get the best overall EMI results in a particular system. Consult factory application for more detailed information about EMI reduction. 20 100 SPREAD SPECTRUM 10 0 500 50 900 1300 1700 2100 FREQUENCY (kHz) 0 –50 –25 2500 3762 F10a (10a) Conducted Average EMI Comparison 50 PEAK AMPLITUDE (dBµV) OFF TIME 150 40 SPREAD SPECTRUM DISABLED 10 1300 1700 2100 FREQUENCY (kHz) 2500 3762 F10b (10b) Conducted Peak EMI Comparison Figure 10. 3762 F11 Figure 11. Typical Minimum On-Time and Off-Time vs Temperature The TG synchronous driver is designed to improve the efficiency of the power converter by replacing the conventional power diode with a power NMOS device. The synchronous driver feature is enabled when the following criteria are met: 20 900 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) Synchronous vs Non-Synchronous Operation SPREAD SPECTRUM 30 0 500 0 1. The switch current sense resistor RSENSE is placed in series with the inductor so that SNSP and SNSN can monitor the power switch currents in both phases of the switching cycle. Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 21 LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 2. The common mode voltage of SNSP and SNSN remains greater than 2V during both phases of the switching cycle. 3. A capacitor, CBOOST, is tied between BOOST and SW pins, where SW pin switches to GND during the BG enabled phase allowing CBOOST to charge via an internal diode to INTVCC, and the SW pin is tied to the source of the TG driver NMOS device. In addition to boost power converters, topologies such as buck mode and buck-boost mode (see applications diagrams) are capable of meeting these criteria and can take advantage of the synchronous feature. The LT3762 can also operate as a non-synchronous power converter for applications such as SEPIC where RSENSE cannot be used to sense the switch currents in both phases of the switching cycle. Nonsynchronous operation may also be chosen for high-voltage applications (e.g. ISP, ISN sensing LED current at string voltages up to 80V) where the efficiency savings of the synchronous feature are not significant. TG Synchronous Driver from a VIN voltage as high as 43V without overheating the package, due to its high efficiency (over 70% at full load). This integrated DC/DC converter requires three external components (CVCC, CAUXBST and LPWR) for operation as shown in Figure 1. Select these three components based on the following guidelines: • CVCC is a 10µF/10V ceramic capacitor used to bypass INTVCC to GND as close to the pin as possible. • CAUXBST is a 0.1µF/10V ceramic capacitor connected between the AUXBST pin and the AUXSW1 pin. • Select a 47µH inductor with the saturation current rating of 0.6A or greater and RMS current rating of 0.4A or greater for LPWR. The INTVCC power supply can also be used to drive external circuits (IEXT). Any external circuit should be connected as shown in Figure 12. This will disconnect the external INTVCC load during an overtemperature event, preventing the generation of additional heat while the LT3762 returns to a safe operating temperature. LT3762 Once the synchronous top gate (TG) driver is enabled, it remains on until either the switching cycle is terminated by the oscillator or the inductor current reaches near zero to prevent the inductor current from reversing and discharging the output capacitor. To improve high duty cycle performance, a timer (TG disable timer) disables the TG driver at high BG duty cycles when the BG off-time is below 310ns (typical). During the non-overlap time between the BG driver and synchronous TG driver, the inductor current flows in the body diode of the synchronous NMOS device. Integrated INTVCC Power Supply The LT3762 includes an internal switch mode DC/DC converter to generate a regulated 7.5V INTVCC power supply to power the BG and TG NMOS gate drivers. (IDRIVE). This INTVCC power supply has two major advantages over the traditional internal LDO regulators. It is able to generate 7.5V INTVCC voltage from a VIN voltage as low as 2.5V, allowing the LT3762 to drive high threshold MOSFETs in low VIN applications. It is also able to deliver large current M2 INTVCC CVCC 100k IEXT EXTERNAL INTVCC LOAD M1 SS C1 M1: ON SEMI NTK3043N (OR SIMILAR LOGIC LEVEL NMOS) 3762 F12 Figure 12. Powering External Circuits with INTVCC The INTVCC power supply has an output current limit function to protect itself from excessive electrical and thermal stress. Figure 13 shows the INTVCC output limit IINTVCC_LMT vs VIN and switching frequency. Make sure the sum of the IDRIVE and IEXT is always lower than the IINTVCC_LMT across the whole VIN range of the application: IDRIVE + IEXT 900kHz 160 140 600kHz 120 500kHz 400kHz 100 300kHz 80 60 200kHz 40 100kHz 20 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 VIN (V) 3762 F13 Figure 13. INTVCC Maximum Current vs VIN, fSW Input Capacitor Selection The input capacitor supplies the transient input current for the power inductor of the converter and must be placed and sized according to the transient current requirements. The switching frequency, output current and tolerable input voltage ripple are key inputs to estimating the capacitor value. An X7R type ceramic capacitor is usually the best choice since it has the least variation with temperature and DC bias. Typically, boost and SEPIC converters require a lower value capacitor than a buck mode converter. Assuming that a 100mV input voltage ripple is acceptable, the required capacitor value for a boost converter can be estimated as follows (TSW = 1/fOSC): CIN (µF) = I LED (A) • VLED VIN • TSW (µs) • 1µF A • µs • 2.8 Therefore, a 2.2µF capacitor is an appropriate selection for a 400kHz boost regulator with 12V input, 48V output and 500mA load. With the same VIN voltage ripple of less than 100mV, the input capacitor for a buck mode converter can be estimated as follows: V 10µF • (VIN – VLED ) CIN (µF) = I LED (A) • LED • TSW (µs) • 2 A • µs VIN A 10µF input capacitor is an appropriate selection for a 400kHz buck mode converter with 24V input, 12V output and 1A load. In the buck mode configuration, the input capacitor has large pulsed currents due to the current returned through the Schottky diode when the switch is off. It is important to place the capacitor as close as possible to the Schottky diode and the GND return of the switch (i.e., the sense resistor). It is also important to consider the ripple current rating of the capacitor. For best reliability, this capacitor should have low ESR and ESL and have an adequate ripple current rating. The RMS input current for a buck mode LED driver is: IIN(RMS) = I LED • (1– D) • D V D = LED VIN where D is the switch duty cycle. Table 3. Recommended Ceramic Capacitor Manufacturers MANUFACTURER WEB TDK www.tdk.com Kemet www.kemet.com Murata www.murata.com Taiyo Yuden www.t-yuden.com AVX www.avx.com Output Capacitor Selection The selection of the output capacitor depends on the load and converter configuration, i.e., step-up or step-down and the operating frequency. For LED applications, the equivalent resistance of the LED is typically low and the output filter capacitor should be sized to attenuate the current ripple. Use of an X7R type ceramic capacitor is recommended. To achieve the same LED ripple current, the required filter capacitor is larger in the boost, SEPIC, and buck-boost mode applications than that in the buck mode applications. Lower operating frequencies will require proportionately Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 23 LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION higher capacitor values. The component values shown in the data sheet applications are appropriate to drive the specified LED string. The product of the output capacitor and LED string impedance decides the second dominant pole in the LED current regulation loop. It is prudent to validate the power supply with the actual load (or loads). Power MOSFET Selection For applications operating at high input or output voltages, the power N-channel MOSFET switches are typically chosen for drain voltage VDS rating and low gate charge QG. Consideration of switch on-resistance, RDS(ON), is usually secondary because switching losses dominate power loss. For driving LEDs, be careful to choose a switch with a VDS rating that exceeds the threshold set by the FB pin in case of an open load fault. Several MOSFET vendors are listed in Table 4. The MOSFETs used in the application circuits in this data sheet have been found to work well with the LT3762. Consult factory applications for other recommended MOSFETs. Table 4. MOSFET Manufacturers Schottky Rectifier Selection (Non-Synchronous Application) When the synchronous MOSFET is not used (MOSFET controlled by TG driver), the SW pin should be grounded, BOOST pin tied to INTVCC and TG pin floated. A power Schottky diode is selected to conduct current during the interval when the BG controlled MOSFET is turned off. Select a diode rated for the maximum SW voltage. It is important to choose a Schottky diode with sufficiently low leakage current when using the PWM feature for dimming, because leakage increases with temperature and occurs from the output during the PWM low interval. Table 5 has some recommended component vendors. Table 5. Schottky Rectifier Manufacturers VENDOR WEB On Semiconductor www.onsemi.com Diodes, Inc www.diodes.com Central Semiconductor www.centralsemi.com Rohm Semiconductor www.rohm.com Sense Resistor Selection VENDOR WEB Vishay Siliconix Fairchild International Rectifier Infineon Nexperia www.vishay.com www.fairchildsemi.com www.irf.com www.infineon.com www.nexperia.com High Side PMOS Disconnect Switch Selection A high side PMOS disconnect switch with a minimum VTH of –1V to –2V is recommended in most LT3762 applications to optimize or maximize the PWM dimming ratio and protect the LED string from excessive heating during fault conditions as well. The PMOS disconnect switch is typically selected for drain-source voltage VDS, and continuous drain current ID. For proper operations, VDS rating must exceed the open LED regulation voltage set by the FB pin, and ID rating should be above ILED. The resistor, RSENSE, that senses the BG controlled MOSFET current during the on cycle, should be selected to provide adequate switch current to drive the application without exceeding the 80mV (typical) current limit threshold on the SNSP-SNSN pins. For buck mode applications, select a resistor that gives a switch current at least 30% greater than the required LED current. For buck mode, select a resistor according to: RSENSE(BUCK) ≤ 0.05V ILED For buck-boost mode, select a resistor according to: RSENSE(BUCK−BOOST) ≤ VIN • 0.05V (VIN + VLED)•ILED Rev 0 24 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Loop Compensation For boost, select a resistor according to: RSENSE(BOOST) ≤ VIN • 0.05V VLED •I LED The placement of RSENSE should minimize the current path to the MOSFET controlled by the BG gate driver. The SNSP and SNSN inputs to the LT3762 should be a Kelvin connection to positive and negative terminals of RSENSE respectively. 50mV is used in the equations above to give some margin below the 80mV (typical) sense current limit threshold. Inductor Selection The inductor used with the LT3762 should have a saturation current rating appropriate to the maximum switch current selected with the RSENSE resistor. Choose an inductor value based on operating frequency and input and output voltage to provide a differential current mode signal on SNSP-SNSN of approximately 15mV magnitude. The following equations are useful to estimate the inductor value (TSW=1/fOSC): T •R • V (V – V ) L BUCK = SW SENSE LED IN LED VIN • 0.015 LBUCK–BOOST = • V (V –V ) T •R L BOOST = SW SENSE IN LED IN VLED • 0.015 Table 6 provides some recommended inductor vendors. VENDOR WEB Sumida www.sumida.com Wurth Elektronik www.we-online.com Coiltronics www.cooperet.com Vishay www.vishay.com Coilcraft www.coilcraft.com Soft-Start Capacitor Selection For many applications, it is important to minimize the inrush current at start-up. The built-in soft-start circuit significantly reduces the start-up current spike and output voltage overshoot. The soft-start interval is set by the soft-start capacitor selection according to the equation: TSS = C SS • 2V 28µA A typical value for the soft-start capacitor is 0.1µF. The soft-start pin reduces the oscillator frequency and the maximum current in the switch. Soft-start also operates as fault protection, which forces the converter to hiccup or latchoff mode. Detailed information is provided in the Fault Protection: Hiccup Mode and Latchoff Mode section. TSW •RSENSE • VLED • VIN ( VLED + VIN) • 0.015 Table 6. Inductor Manufacturers The LT3762 uses an internal transconductance error amplifier whose VC output compensates the control loop. The external inductor, output capacitor and the compensation resistor and capacitor determine the loop stability. The inductor and output capacitor are chosen based on performance, size and cost. The compensation resistor and capacitor at VC are selected to optimize control loop response and stability. For typical LED applications, a 10nF compensation capacitor at VC is adequate, and a series resistor should always be used to increase the slew rate on the VC pin to maintain tighter regulation of LED current during fast transients on the input supply to the converter. Fault Protection: Hiccup Mode and Latchoff Mode If an LED overcurrent condition, INTVCC undervoltage, output short (FB ≤ 0.3V), or thermal limit happens, the PWMTG pin is pulled high to disconnect the LED array from the power path, and the BG and TG pins are driven low. If the soft-start pin is charging and still below 1.7V, then it will continue to do so with a 28µA source. Once above 1.7V, the pull-up source is disabled and a 2.8µA pull-down Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 25 LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION is activated. While the SS pin is discharging, the BG and TG pin are forced low. When the SS pin is discharged below 0.2V, a new cycle is initiated. This is referred as hiccup mode operation. If the fault still exists when SS crosses below 0.2V, then a full SS charge/discharge cycle has to complete before switching is enable. If a resistor is placed between the VREF pin and SS pin to hold SS pin higher than 0.2V during a fault, then the LT3762 will enter latchoff mode with BG and TG pins low and PWMTG pin high. To exit latchoff mode, the EN/UVLO pin must be toggled low to high. Board Layout The high speed operation of the LT3762 demands careful attention to board layout and component placement. The exposed pad of the package is the GND terminal of the IC and is also important for thermal management of the IC. It is crucial to achieve a good electrical and thermal contact between the exposed pad and the ground plane of the board. To reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI), it is important to minimize the area of the high dV/dt switching nodes, especially at routes connected to the BOOST, SW, TG, AUXSW1 and AUXBST pins. Use a ground plane under the switching notes to eliminate interplane coupling to sensitive signals. The lengths of the high dI/dt traces should also be minimized: 1. from the BG switch to GND, and 2. from the TG switch to the output filter capacitor to GND. The ground points of these two switching current traces should come to a common point and then connect to the ground plane under the LT3762. Likewise, the ground terminal of the bypass capacitor for the INTVCC regulator should be placed near the GND of the switching path. The ground for the compensation network and other DC control signals should be star connected to the underside of the IC. Do not extensively route high impedance signals such as FB, RT, PWM and VC, as they may pick up switching noise. Since there is a small variable DC input bias current to the ISN and ISP inputs, resistance in series with these pins should be minimized to avoid creating an offset in the current sense threshold. Likewise, minimizing resistance in series with the SNSP and SNSN inputs will avoid changes to the switch current sense limit threshold. Figure 14 is a suggested two-sided layout for a boost converter. Note that a 4-layer layout is recommended for best performance. Please see the DC2342A demo circuit for a reference layout design. Rev 0 26 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION VIN RSENSE L1 L2 GND GND CAUXBST CIN CVCC CIN M1 CBST COUT COUT COUT M2 RLED VIAS TO GROUND PLANE ROUTING ON THE SECOND LAYER M3 LED+ 3762 F14 Figure 14. Simplified 2-Layer Board Layout for Boost Converter Power Stage (UFD Package) Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 27 LT3762 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 140W Synchronous Boost LED Driver VIN 4V TO 38.5V (EN AT 5V UVLO AT 4V) RSENSE, 4mΩ + C1 33µF 50V CIN 10µF ×4 50V L1, 22µH M2 COUT 4.7µF ×4 100V M1 1M 499k VIN 499k SNSP SNSN BG SW EN/UVLO CBST 0.1µF 226k 23.2k BOOST CTRL1 LT3762 49.9k FB ISP RLED 100mΩ DIM PWM INTVCC INTVCC TG VREF CTRL2 ISN M3 PWMTG 100k L2 47µH OPENLED 100k SHORTLED AUXSW2 VC AUXSW1 4.7nF AUXBST 2.7k SSFM RT GND SS 19.6k 400kHz M1, M2: INFINEON BSC123N08 M3: VISHAY Si7415DN L1: WURTH 744 355 72200 L2: WURTH 744 778 5147 CAUXBST 0.1µF 10V 55V LED 2.5A INTVCC 0.1µF CVCC 10µF 10V 3762 TA02a Efficiency 6 100 95 5 90 4 85 3 80 2 LED CURRENT 1 75 70 LED CURRENT (A) EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 35 40 0 3762 TA02b Rev 0 28 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS SEPIC LED Driver for Automotive DRL VIN 3V TO 38.5V (EN AT VIN = 3.2V UVLO AT VIN = 3V) C2 6.8µF, 50V L1, 22µH 2.2µF ×3 50V D1 COUT 2.2µF ×4 50V M1 1M L1B 100k VIN BG EN/UVLO 1M SNSP R3 10mΩ 68.1k SNSN VREF SW LT3762 CTRL1 37.4k BOOST CTRL2 INTVCC 150k INTVCC DIM FB PWM ISP 250mΩ SSFM INTVCC ISN 100k OPENLED 100k L2, 47µH SHORTLED AUXSW2 VC 3.3nF AUXSW1 SS 0.1µF 3.3k M2 PWMTG 0.1µF 10V AUXBST RT GND 25V LED 1A INTVCC 19.6k 400kHz 3762 TA03a INTVCC 10µF PIN NOT USED IN THIS CIRCUIT: TG M1: INFINEON BSC123N08NS3 M2: VISHAY Si7415DN D1: DIODES INC. PDS5100H L1: WURTH 744 873 220 L2: WURTH 744 778 5147 Efficiency 3.0 94 2.5 90 2.0 88 1.5 1.0 86 LED CURRENT (A) EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY 92 LED CURRENT 0.5 84 82 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 35 40 0 3762 TA03b Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 29 LT3762 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Synchronous Buck Mode LED Driver VIN 9V TO 38.5V 2.2µF ×3 50V 68mΩ M3 6V 2A LED STRING 49.9k ISP VIN ISN EN/UVLO 8.06k PWMTG SNSP VREF LT3762 24.9k SW DIM VDIM = 0V TO 3V PWM 82nF 800Hz 100k FB VC SS GND 30.9k 250kHz AUXBST INTVCC 3762 TA04a 10µF 5 PWMTG 5V/DIV 3 92 2 88 LED CURRENT LED CURRENT (A) EFFICIENCY (%) DIM = 1.76V 4 EFFICIENCY ILED 1A/DIV 1 84 15 20 25 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 0.1µF 10V Internal PWM Dimming 25% Duty Cycle 100 10 L2, 47µH AUXSW1 0.1µF Efficiency 5 M1 AUXSW2 RT 80 VIN TG SHORTLED M1, M2: INFINEON BSC110N06NS M3: VISHAY Si7461DP L1: WURTH 744 355 72200 L2: WURTH 744 778 5147 D1, D2: CENTRAL SEMI CMSH2-20 0.1µF BG OPENLED 470pF M2 BOOST SSFM 100k D2 L1 22µH CTRL2 96 60.4k 11.5k SNSN CTRL1 13k 11.5k 25mΩ 140k 60.4k INTVCC D1 2.2µF ×4 50V 35 40 200µs/DIV 3762 TA04c 0 3762 TA04b Rev 0 30 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Low VIN Synchronous Boost LED Driver with Internal 3.5% PWM Dimming and Spread-Spectrum EMI Reduction VIN 4V TO 24V ENABLE AT VIN = 4.7V UVLO AT VIN = 4.1V 12mΩ 2.2µF ×3 25V VIN SNSP SNSN BG EN/UVLO SW 0.1µF VREF 118k CTRL1 54.9k CTRL2 CTRL2 LT3762 TG FB 137k PWM 82nF 800Hz 100k 100k 30.1k BOOST DIM INTVCC 2.2µF ×4 50V 1M 300k 127k CTRL2 M2 M1 VIN 499k L1, 10µH PWM ISP SSFM 2.2nF 3kHz 250mΩ ISN SHORTLED OPENLED 2.2nF VC AUXSW2 SS AUXSW1 0.1µF 33k RT M3 PWMTG GND 19.6k 400kHz AUXBST INTVCC L2 47µH 35V 1A 0.1µF INTVCC 3762 TA05a 10µF M1, M2: INFINEON BSC123N08NS M3: VISHAY Si7415DN L1: WURTH 744 355 1920 L2: WURTH 755 778 5147 Internal PWM Dimming with Spread Spectrum Frequency Modulation (Oscilloscope Set to Infinite Persistence) Efficiency 3.0 96 EFFICIENCY 2.0 92 1.5 90 LED CURRENT 88 1.0 ILI 2A/DIV ILED 1A/DIV 0.5 86 84 PWMTG 20V/DIV 2.5 LED CURRENT (A) EFFICIENCY (%) 94 0 5 10 15 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 20 25 10µs/DIV 3762 TA05c DIM = 1.19V (3.5% DUTY CYCLE AT 700Hz) 0 3762 TA05b Rev 0 For more information www.analog.com 31 LT3762 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to http://www.linear.com/product/LT3762#packaging for the most recent package drawings. FE Package 28-Lead Plastic TSSOP (4.4mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1663 Rev L) Exposed Pad Variation EB 9.60 – 9.80* (.378 – .386) 4.75 (.187) 4.75 (.187) 28 27 26 2524 23 22 21 20 1918 17 16 15 6.60 ±0.10 4.50 ±0.10 2.74 (.108) SEE NOTE 4 0.45 ±0.05 EXPOSED PAD HEAT SINK ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 6.40 2.74 (.252) (.108) BSC 1.05 ±0.10 0.65 BSC RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 4.30 – 4.50* (.169 – .177) 0.09 – 0.20 (.0035 – .0079) 0.25 REF 1.20 (.047) MAX 0° – 8° 0.65 (.0256) BSC 0.50 – 0.75 (.020 – .030) NOTE: 1. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETERS 2. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) 3. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.195 – 0.30 (.0077 – .0118) TYP 0.05 – 0.15 (.002 – .006) FE28 (EB) TSSOP REV L 0117 4. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PCB METAL SIZE FOR EXPOSED PAD ATTACHMENT *DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.150mm (.006") PER SIDE Rev 0 32 For more information www.analog.com LT3762 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to http://www.linear.com/product/LT3762#packaging for the most recent package drawings. UFD Package 28-Lead Plastic QFN (4mm × 5mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1712 Rev C) 0.70 ±0.05 4.50 ±0.05 3.10 ±0.05 2.50 REF 2.65 ±0.05 3.65 ±0.05 PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 ±0.05 0.50 BSC 3.50 REF 4.10 ±0.05 5.50 ±0.05 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDERED 4.00 ±0.10 (2 SIDES) 0.75 ±0.05 R = 0.05 TYP PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 OR 0.35 × 45° CHAMFER 2.50 REF R = 0.115 TYP 27 28 0.40 ±0.10 PIN 1 TOP MARK (NOTE 6) 1 2 5.00 ±0.10 (2 SIDES) 3.50 REF 3.65 ±0.10 2.65 ±0.10 (UFD28) QFN 0816 REV C 0.25 ±0.05 0.200 REF 0.50 BSC 0.00 – 0.05 BOTTOM VIEW—EXPOSED PAD NOTE: 1. DRAWING PROPOSED TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE MO-220 VARIATION (WGHD-3). 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE Rev 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications more by information www.analog.com subject to change without notice. No license For is granted implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. 33 LT3762 TYPICAL APPLICATION 25W Buck-Boost Mode Automotive LED Driver with PWM Dimming 3.3µF, × 4, 16V 10V LEDS, 2.5A LED– VIN 3V TO 24V (EN AT VIN = 3.2V UVLO AT 3V) 50mΩ PWMTG L1, 10µH 6mΩ 2.2µF ×4 25V M3 ISN ISP M2 10µF 50V M1 100k VIN SNSP SNSN BG EN/UVLO 200k SW R6 0.1µF 68.1k 499k 10k BOOST 100k M1, M2: INFINEON BSC123N08 M3: VISHAY Si7461DP L1: WURTH 744 355 71100 L2: WURTH 744 778 5147 ISN PWMTG L2, 47µH AUXSW2 AUXSW1 VC SSFM RT AUXBST GND 30.9k 250kHz SS INTVCC 0.1µF 0.1µF 10V EFFICIENCY 90 4 3 88 86 2 LED CURRENT 1 84 82 10µF 10V 5 92 FB SHORTLED 6.8k ISP PWM OPENLED 1.5nF ISP ISN 6 94 LED CURRENT (A) 100k 100k 82nF 800Hz Efficiency 15k PWMTG DIM VDIM = 0V TO 3V INTVCC VREF CTRL2 60k INTERNAL PWM DUTY CYCLE (0.4% TO 100%) TG LT3762 EFFICIENCY (%) CTRL1 140k LED– 0 5 10 15 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 20 25 0 3762 TA06b 3762 TA06a RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT3761/LT3761A Multitopology 1MHz LED Controller with 3000:1 PWM Dimming and Internal PWM Generator VIN: 4.5V to 60V, VOUT(MAX) = 80V, PWM and Analog Dimming, ISD < 1µA, MSOP-16E Package LT8391/LT8391A 650kHz/2MHz Synchronous Buck-Boost LED Controller VIN: 4V to 60V, VOUT(MAX) = 60V, VLEDMAX = 51V, PWM and Analog with 2000:1 PWM Dimming and Low EMI Spread Spectrum Dimming, ISD < 2µA, High Side PMOS LED Disconnect Switch Driver, 4mm × 5mm QFN-28 and TSSOP-28E Packages LT3755/LT3755-1/ LT3755-2 40VIN, Multitopology 1MHz LED Controller with True Color 3000:1 PWM Dimming LT3756/LT3756-1/ LT3756-2 100VIN, Multitopology 1MHz LED Controller with True Color VIN: 6V to 100V, VLED(MAX) = 100V, PWM and Analog Dimming, 3000:1 PWM Dimming ISD < 1µA, 3mm × 3mm QFN-16 and MSOP-16E Packages LT3795 100V (110V Abs Max) Multitopology 1MHz LED Controller with Low EMI Spread Spectrum, 3000:1 True Color PWM Dimming and Prog Input Current Limit LT3922 Monolithic, Silent Switcher, 2MHz, Synchronous Boost LED VIN: 2.8V to 36V, VLED(MAX) = 34V, PWM and Analog Dimming, ISD < 1µA, High Side PMOS LED Disconnect Switch Driver, Driver with 2A/40V Switches and 5000:1 True Color PWM 4mm × 5mm QFN-28 Package Dimming LT3952 Monolithic, Multitopology 3MHz LED Driver with 4A/60V Power Switch, Low EMI Spread Spectrum and 4000:1 True Color PWM Dimming VIN: 4.5V to 40V, VLED(MAX) = 75V, PWM and Analog Dimming, ISD < 1µA, 3mm × 3mm QFN-16 and MSOP-16E Packages VIN: 4.5V to 100V, VOUT(MAX) = 100V, PWM and Analog Dimming, ISD < 10µA, High Side PMOS LED Disconnect Switch Driver, TSSOP-28E Package VIN: 3V to 42V, VOUT(MAX) = 60V, PWM and Analog Dimming, ISD < 1µA, High Side PMOS LED Disconnect Switch Driver, TSSOP-28E Package Rev 0 34 D16862-0-4/18(0) For more information www.analog.com www.analog.com  ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2018
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