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    42V,6A同步降压静音切换器 2,静态电流为2.5µA LQFN24_4X4MM_EP

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LT8640SEV#PBF 数据手册
LT8640S/LT8643S 42V, 6A Synchronous Step-Down Silent Switcher 2 with 2.5µA Quiescent Current FEATURES DESCRIPTION Silent Switcher 2 Architecture n Ultralow EMI Emissions on Any PCB n Eliminates PCB Layout Sensitivity n Internal Bypass Capacitors Reduce Radiated EMI n Optional Spread Spectrum Modulation n High Efficiency at High Frequency n Up to 96% Efficiency at 1MHz, 12V to 5V IN OUT n Up to 95% Efficiency at 2MHz, 12V to 5V IN OUT n Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.4V to 42V n 6A Maximum Continuous, 7A Peak Output n Ultralow Quiescent Current Burst Mode® Operation n 2.5µA I Regulating 12V to 3.3V Q IN OUT (LT8640S) n Output Ripple < 10mV P-P n External Compensation: Fast Transient Response and Current Sharing (LT8643S) n Fast Minimum Switch On-Time: 30ns n Low Dropout Under All Conditions: 100mV at 1A n Forced Continuous Mode n Adjustable and Synchronizable: 200kHz to 3MHz n Output Soft-Start and Tracking n Small 24-Lead 4mm × 4mm LQFN Package n AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications ® n The LT®8640S/LT8643S synchronous step-down regulator features second generation Silent Switcher architecture designed to minimize EMI emissions while delivering high efficiency at high switching frequencies. This includes the integration of bypass capacitors to optimize all the fast current loops inside and make it easy to achieve advertised EMI performance by reducing layout sensitivity. This performance makes the LT8640S/LT8643S ideal for noise-sensitive applications and environments. Peak current mode control with a 30ns minimum on-time allows high step-down ratios even at high switching frequencies. The LT8643S has external compensation to enable current sharing and fast transient response at high switching frequencies. Burst Mode operation enables ultralow standby current consumption, forced continuous mode can control frequency harmonics across the entire output load range, or spread spectrum operation can further reduce EMI emissions. PACKAGE SYNC/MODE ≠ 0 VC COMP 150°C GRADE CLKOUT INTERNAL CAPS LT8640 QFN Pulse-Skipping Internal Yes No No LT8640-1 QFN FCM Internal Yes No No LT8640S LQFN FCM Internal No Yes Yes APPLICATIONS LT8643S LQFN FCM External No Yes Yes LT8640S-2 LQFN FCM Internal Yes Yes No Automotive and Industrial Supplies n General Purpose Step-Down LT8643S-2 LQFN FCM External Yes Yes No n All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. patents, including 8823345. TYPICAL APPLICATION 100 4.7µF SW EN/UV BIAS 10pF LT8640S RT 41.2k fSW = 1MHz 1M 100µF FB GND 243k 8640S TA01a 2.4 EFFICIENCY 85 2.0 80 1.6 1.2 75 POWER LOSS POWER LOSS (W) VIN VOUT 5V 6A EFFICIENCY (%) 90 3.3µH 3.2 2.8 95 5V 6A Step-Down Converter VIN 5.7V TO 42V 12V 5VEfficiency 12VIN toIN5VtoOUT OUT Efficiency 0.8 1MHz, L = 3.3µH 65 2MHz, L = 2.2µH 0.4 3MHz, L = 1µH 0 60 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 LOAD CURRENT (A) 70 8640S TA01b Rev. C Document Feedback For more information www.analog.com 1 LT8640S/LT8643S ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) VIN, EN/UV, PG...........................................................42V BIAS...........................................................................25V FB, TR/SS ...................................................................4V SYNC/MODE Voltage ..................................................6V Operating Junction Temperature Range (Note 2) LT8640SE/LT8643SE.......................... –40°C to 125°C LT8640SI/LT8643SI........................... –40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range................... –65°C to 150°C Maximum Reflow (Package Body) Temperature...... 260°C PIN CONFIGURATION 6 2 GND 3 15 NC NC 4 14 VIN VIN 5 13 VIN VIN 6 9 10 11 12 LQFN PACKAGE 24-LEAD (4mm × 4mm × 0.94mm) JEDEC BOARD: θJA = 38°C/W, θJC(PAD) = 7°C/W (Note 3) DEMO BOARD: θJA = 24°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PINS 25–28) ARE GND, SHOULD BE SOLDERED TO PCB SYNC/MODE CLKOUT CLKOUT 8 TR/SS SYNC/MODE 7 VC TR/SS 28 GND PG GND 16 GND FB PG 27 GND INTVCC 17 EN/UV 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 RT 25 GND 26 GND 27 GND 28 GND 17 EN/UV 16 GND 15 NC 14 VIN 13 VIN 7 8 9 10 11 12 SW VIN 26 GND 1 SW 5 25 GND BIAS SW VIN 18 RT SW 4 19 TOP VIEW SW NC 20 SW 3 21 SW GND 22 SW 2 23 SW INTVCC 24 SW 1 BST BIAS LT8643S FB TOP VIEW BST LT8640S LQFN PACKAGE 24-LEAD (4mm × 4mm × 0.94mm) JEDEC BOARD: θJA = 38°C/W, θJC(PAD) = 7°C/W (Note 3) DEMO BOARD: θJA = 24°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PINS 25–28) ARE GND, SHOULD BE SOLDERED TO PCB ORDER INFORMATION PART NUMBER TAPE AND REEL LT8640SEV#PBF LT8640SEV#TRPBF LT8640SIV#PBF LT8640SIV#TRPBF LT8643SEV#PBF LT8643SEV#TRPBF LT8643SIV#PBF LT8643SIV#TRPBF PAD FINISH PART MARKING* DEVICE 8640S Au(RoHS) PACKAGE TYPE** FINISH CODE MSL RATING TEMPERATURE RANGE e4 LQFN (Laminate Package with QFN Footprint) 3 –40°C to 125°C e4 LQFN (Laminate Package with QFN Footprint) 3 –40°C to 125°C 8643S AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS*** LT8640SEV#WPBF LT8640SEV#WTRPBF LT8640SIV#WPBF LT8640SIV#WTRPBF LT8643SEV#WPBF LT8643SEV#WTRPBF LT8643SIV#WPBF LT8643SIV#WTRPBF 8640S Au(RoHS) 8643S • Contact the factory for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *Pad or ball finish code is per IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609. • Device temperature grade is indicated by a label on the shipping container. • Recommended LGA and BGA PCB Assembly and Manufacturing Procedures • LGA and BGA Package and Tray Drawings Parts ending with PBF are RoHS and WEEE compliant. **The LT8640S/LT8643S package has the same dimensions as a standard 4mm × 4mm QFN package. ***Versions of this part are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements of automotive applications. These models are designated with a #W suffix. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for these models. Rev. C 2 For more information www.analog.com LT8640S/LT8643S ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. PARAMETER CONDITIONS Minimum Input Voltage VIN Quiescent Current in Shutdown TYP MAX l MIN 3.0 3.4 V l 0.75 0.75 3 10 µA µA l 1.7 1.7 4 10 µA µA l 230 230 290 340 µA µA 19 25 µA 200 260 µA 21 220 60 390 µA µA 0.970 0.970 0.976 0.982 V V 0.004 0.02 %/V 20 nA VEN/UV = 0V LT8640S VIN Quiescent Current in Sleep (Internal Compensation) VEN/UV = 2V, VFB > 0.97V, VSYNC = 0V LT8643S VIN Quiescent Current in Sleep (External Compensation) VEN/UV = 2V, VFB > 0.97V, VSYNC = 0V, VBIAS = 0V VEN/UV = 2V, VFB > 0.97V, VSYNC = 0V, VBIAS = 5V UNITS LT8643S BIAS Quiescent Current in Sleep VEN/UV = 2V, VFB > 0.97V, VSYNC = 0V, VBIAS = 5V LT8640S VIN Current in Regulation VOUT = 0.97V, VIN = 6V, ILOAD = 100µA, VSYNC = 0 VOUT = 0.97V, VIN = 6V, ILOAD = 1mA, VSYNC = 0 l l Feedback Reference Voltage VIN = 6V VIN = 6V l Feedback Voltage Line Regulation VIN = 4.0V to 36V l Feedback Pin Input Current VFB = 1V LT8643S Error Amp Transconductance VC = 1.25V 1.7 LT8643S VC Source Current VFB = 0.77V, VC = 1.25V 350 µA LT8643S VC Sink Current VFB = 1.17V, VC = 1.25V 350 µA 5 A/V 0.964 0.958 –20 LT8643S Error Amp Gain 260 LT8643S VC Pin to Switch Current Gain LT8643S VC Clamp Voltage 2.6 BIAS Pin Current Consumption VBIAS = 3.3V, fSW = 2MHz Minimum On-Time ILOAD = 1.5A, SYNC = 0V ILOAD = 1.5A, SYNC = 2V Oscillator Frequency RT = 221k RT = 60.4k RT = 18.2k Top Power NMOS On-Resistance ISW = 1A V 14 l l Minimum Off-Time l l l 180 665 1.8 l 7.5 mA 30 30 50 45 ns ns 80 110 ns 210 700 1.95 240 735 2.1 kHz kHz MHz 66 Top Power NMOS Current Limit Bottom Power NMOS On-Resistance mS VINTVCC = 3.4V, ISW = 1A SW Leakage Current VIN = 42V, VSW = 0V, 42V EN/UV Pin Threshold EN/UV Rising 10 mΩ 12.5 27 –1.5 l 0.94 EN/UV Pin Hysteresis 1.0 mΩ 1.5 µA 1.06 V 40 EN/UV Pin Current VEN/UV = 2V –20 PG Upper Threshold Offset from VFB VFB Falling l 5 PG Lower Threshold Offset from VFB VFB Rising l –5.25 PG Hysteresis mV 20 nA 7.5 10.25 % –8 –10.75 % 0.2 PG Leakage VPG = 3.3V PG Pull-Down Resistance VPG = 0.1V l SYNC/MODE Threshold SYNC/MODE DC and Clock Low Level Voltage SYNC/MODE Clock High Level Voltage SYNC/MODE DC High Level Voltage l l l –40 0.7 2.2 A % 40 nA 700 2000 Ω 0.9 1.2 2.55 1.4 2.9 V V V Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 3 LT8640S/LT8643S ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. PARAMETER CONDITIONS Spread Spectrum Modulation Frequency Range RT = 60.4k, VSYNC = 3.3V Spread Spectrum Modulation Frequency VSYNC = 3.3V MIN MAX 22 l TR/SS Pull-Down Resistance Fault Condition, TR/SS = 0.1V Output Sink Current in Forced Continuous Mode VFB = 1.01V, L = 6.8µH, RT = 60.4k VIN to Disable Forced Continuous Mode VIN Rising 1.2 1.9 UNITS % 3 TR/SS Source Current Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: The LT8640SE/LT8643SE is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0°C to 125°C junction temperature. Specifications over the –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature range are assured by design, characterization, and correlation with statistical process controls. The LT8640SI/LT8643SI is guaranteed over the full –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature range. The junction temperature (TJ, in °C) is calculated from the ambient temperature (TA in °C) and power dissipation (PD, in Watts) according to the formula: TJ = TA + (PD • θJA) where θJA (in °C/W) is the package thermal impedance. TYP kHz 2.6 200 µA Ω 0.25 0.6 1.1 A 35 37 39 V Note 3: θ values determined per JEDEC 51-7, 51-12. See the Applications Information section for information on improving the thermal resistance and for actual temperature measurements of a demo board in typical operating conditions. Note 4: This IC includes overtemperature protection that is intended to protect the device during overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed 150°C when overtemperature protection is active. Continuous operation above the specified maximum operating junction temperature will reduce lifetime. Rev. C 4 For more information www.analog.com LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 12VIN to 5VOUT Efficiency vs Frequency 12VIN to 3.3VOUT Efficiency vs Frequency 2.4 90 80 1.6 1.2 POWER LOSS 80 75 1.2 POWER LOSS L = WE-LHMI1040 0.8 1MHz, L = 2.2µH 0.4 65 2MHz, L = 1µH 3MHz, L = 1µH 0 60 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 LOAD CURRENT (A) L = WE-LHMI1040 0.8 1MHz, L = 3.3µH 65 2MHz, L = 2.2µH 0.4 3MHz, L = 1µH 0 60 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 LOAD CURRENT (A) 70 1.6 70 8640S G01 3.0 2.7 90 2.4 EFFICIENCY 2.1 80 1.8 75 1.5 70 65 60 55 50 1.2 POWER LOSS 0 1 VIN = 12V 0.9 VIN = 24V 0.6 VIN = 36V fSW = 1MHz 0.3 L = IHLP3232DZ-01, 2.2µH 0 2 3 4 5 6 LOAD CURRENT (A) 100 30 20 0.01 fSW = 1MHz L = IHLP3232DZ-01, 4.7µH 0.1 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 1000 8640S G07 100 EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 0 1 100 LT8643S Low Load Efficiency at 5VOUT 60 50 VIN = 12V VIN = 24V VIN = 36V 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 60 50 40 VIN = 12V VIN = 24V VIN = 36V 30 20 fSW = 1MHz L = IHLP3232DZ-01, 4.7µH 0.1 70 10 0.1 1000 fSW = 1MHz L = IHLP3232DZ–01, 4.7µH 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) LT8643S Low Load Efficiency at 3.3VOUT Efficiency vs Frequency 96 94 92 70 60 50 40 VIN = 12V VIN = 24V VIN = 36V 30 fSW = 1MHz L = IHLP3232DZ–01, 4.7µH 20 10 0.1 1000 8640 G06 8640 G05 80 40 55 8640S G03 70 20 0.01 80 VIN = 12V VIN = 24V VIN = 36V 60 1.2 VIN = 12V 0.9 VIN = 24V 0.6 VIN = 36V fSW = 1MHz 0.3 L = IHLP3232DZ-01, 3.3µH 0 2 3 4 5 6 LOAD CURRENT (A) 80 30 90 50 65 90 40 90 60 70 50 1.5 POWER LOSS 80 LT8640S Low Load Efficiency at Efficiency 3.3V OUT at 3.3V OUT 70 75 LT8640S Low Load Efficiency at 5VOUT OUT 8640S G04 100 1.8 90 EFFICIENCY (%) 95 85 2.1 80 8640S G02 POWER LOSS (W) EFFICIENCY (%) 100 Efficiency at 3.3VOUT 2.4 EFFICIENCY 85 EFFICIENCY (%) 75 2.0 3.0 2.7 90 2.4 EFFICIENCY 85 2.8 95 Efficiency at 5VOUT POWER LOSS (W) 2.0 100 POWER LOSS (W) 85 3.2 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 1000 8640S G08 EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY 95 POWER LOSS (W) EFFICIENCY (%) 90 2.8 EFFICIENCY (%) 95 100 EFFICIENCY (%) 3.2 100 90 88 86 84 VIN = 12V VOUT = 3.3V ILOAD = 2A L = IHLP3232DZ-01, 4.7µH 82 80 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (MHz) 3 8640S G09 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 5 LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Burst Mode Operation Efficiency vs Inductor Value (LT8640S) Reference Voltage REFERENCE VOLTAGE (mV) VIN = 12V 95 EFFICIENCY (%) 90 VIN = 24V 85 80 75 VOUT = 5V ILOAD = 10mA L = IHLP3232DZ-01 70 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 INDUCTOR VALUE (µH) 7 1.03 977 1.02 975 973 971 969 967 963 0.96 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 0.05 1 2 3 4 LOAD CURRENT (A) 5 6 0.12 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.00 –0.10 –0.20 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 –0.02 0 1 LT8643S Line Regulation 2 3 4 LOAD CURRENT (A) 5 6 –0.08 LT8640S No-Load Supply Current –0.09 VOUT = 5V ILOAD = 1A –0.12 –0.15 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 40 45 8640S G16 20 25 30 35 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 40 45 VOUT = 5V L = 4.7µH IN REGULATION 200 INPUT CURRENT (µA) INPUT CURRENT (µA) CHANGE IN VOUT (%) 0.09 –0.06 15 LT8643S No-Load Supply Current 3.5 0 10 225 0.12 –0.03 5 8640S G15 4.0 0.03 VOUT = 5V ILOAD = 1A –0.06 8640S G14 0.15 125 –0.04 VOUT = 5V VIN = 12V 8640S G13 0.06 100 0.08 0.20 –0.40 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) LT8640S Line Regulation 0.40 –0.30 VOUT = 5V VIN = 12V –25 8640S G12 CHANGE IN VOUT (%) CHANGE IN VOUT (%) CHANGE IN VOUT (%) 0 EN FALLING 0.95 –50 125 LT8643S Load Regulation 0.10 0 0.98 0.97 LT8640S Load Regulation –0.15 0.99 8640S G11 0.15 –0.10 1.00 965 8640S G10 0.05 EN RISING 1.01 961 –50 8 EN Pin Thresholds 979 EN THRESHOLD (V) 100 VOUT = 3.3V L = 4.7µH IN REGULATION 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 40 175 150 125 100 75 50 45 8640S G17 25 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 40 45 8640S G18 Rev. C 6 For more information www.analog.com LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Top FET Current Limit vs Duty Cycle Top FET Current Limit 11.0 Switch Drop vs Temperature 150 12 SWITCH CURRENT = 1A 10.5 125 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 10 SWITCH DROP (mV) 11 CURRENT LIMIT (A) CURRENT LIMIT (A) 10.0 5% DC 9 7.0 100 TOP SWITCH 75 50 25 BOTTOM SWITCH 6.5 6.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 DUTY CYCLE 0.7 8 –50 0.9 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 8640S G19 600 DROPOUT VOLTAGE (mV) SWITCH DROP (mV) TOP SWITCH 150 100 0 400 300 200 1 2 3 4 SWITCH CURRENT (A) 0 5 0 0.5 1 8640S G22 720 710 700 690 680 670 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 4 4.5 20 –50 5 ILOAD = 2A VOUT = 0.97V fSW = 3MHz 100 125 8640S G25 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1.2 1000 1.0 800 0.8 600 400 0 FRONT PAGE APPLICATION VIN = 12V VOUT = 5V 0 100 200 300 400 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 125 LT8640S Soft-Start Tracking 1200 200 100 8640S G24 FB VOLTAGE (V) RT = 60.4k 660 –50 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 LOAD CURRENT (A) Burst Frequency SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) 730 28 8640S G23 Switching Frequency 740 32 BOTTOM SWITCH 0 125 36 24 100 50 100 Burst Mode OPERATION FORCED CONTINUOUS MODE 40 MINIMUM ON–TIME (ns) 500 400 300 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) Minimum On-Time 44 VIN = 5V VOUT SET TO REGULATE AT 5V L = IHLP3232DZ-01, 1µH 450 350 –25 8640S G21 Dropout Voltage Switch Drop vs Switch Current 200 0 –50 125 8640S G20 500 250 100 500 600 8640S G26 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 TR/SS VOLTAGE (V) 1.2 1.4 8640S G27 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 7 LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS LT8643S Soft-Start Tracking 2.2 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 TR/SS VOLTAGE (V) 1.4 1.6 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 PG THRESHOLD OFFSET FROM VREF (%) PG THRESHOLD OFFSET FROM VREF (%) 9.0 FB RISING 7.5 FB FALLING 6.5 –25 –250 –500 –200 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 VC = 1.25V –100 0 100 FB PIN ERROR VOLTAGE (mV) 200 8640S G30 RT Programmed Switching Frequency PG Low Thresholds 9.5 6.0 –50 –125 8640S G29 10.0 7.0 0 1.4 –50 PG High Thresholds 8.0 125 –375 8640S G28 8.5 250 1.5 –6.0 250 –6.5 225 200 –7.0 –7.5 RT PIN RESISTOR (kΩ) 0 375 VC PIN CURRENT (µA) TR/SS PIN CURRENT (µA) FB VOLTAGE (V) 0.8 500 VSS = 0.5V 2.1 1.0 0 LT8643S Error Amp Output Current Soft-Start Current FB RISING –8.0 FB FALLING –8.5 –9.0 175 150 125 100 75 50 –9.5 25 –10.0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 0 0.2 125 8640S G32 8640S G31 0.6 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 1 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (MHz) 3 8640S G33 Bias Pin Current 3.4 8.0 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.4 –50 7.5 7.0 6.5 VBIAS = 5V VOUT = 5V ILOAD = 1A fSW = 1MHz 6.0 2.6 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 8640S G34 Bias Pin Current 25 BIAS PIN CURRENT (mA) 8.5 BIAS PIN CURRENT (mA) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Minimum Input Voltage 3.6 5.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 40 45 8640S G35 20 VBIAS = 5V VOUT = 5V VIN = 12V ILOAD = 1A 15 10 5 0 0.2 0.6 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (MHz) 3.0 8640S G36 Rev. C 8 For more information www.analog.com LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Case Temperature Rise vs 7A Pulsed Load Case Temperature Rise 80 DC2530A DEMO BOARD VIN = 12V, fSW = 1MHz VIN = 24V, fSW = 1MHz VIN = 12V, fSW = 2MHz VIN = 24V, fSW = 2MHz 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Switch Rising Edge DC2530A DEMO BOARD VIN = 12V VOUT = 5V fSW = 2MHz STANDBY LOAD = 0.25A 1kHz PULSED LOAD = 7A 80 CASE TEMPERATURE RISE (°C) 70 CASE TEMPERATURE RISE (°C) 90 70 60 VSW 2V/DIV 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 LOAD CURRENT (A) 5 0 6 0 8640S G37 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 DUTY CYCLE OF 7A LOAD 1 Switching Waveforms, Burst Mode Operation Switching Waveforms IL 1A/DIV IL 500mA/DIV VSW 5V/DIV VSW 10V/DIV VSW 5V/DIV 500ns/DIV 8640S G40 FRONT PAGE APPLICATION 12VIN TO 5VOUT AT 1A 5µs/DIV FRONT PAGE APPLICATION 12VIN TO 5VOUT AT 10mA VSYNC = 0V ILOAD 2A/DIV ILOAD 2A/DIV VOUT 100mV/DIV VOUT 100mV/DIV FRONT PAGE APPLICATION 2A TO 4A TRANSIENT 12VIN, 5VOUT fSW = 2MHz COUT = 100µF, CLEAD = 10pF 8640S G41 500ns/DIV FRONT PAGE APPLICATION 36VIN TO 5VOUT AT 1A 8640S G42 LT8643S Transient Response; External Compensation LT8640S Transient Response; Internal Compensation 20µs/DIV 8640S G39 8640S G38 Switching Waveforms, Full Frequency Continuous Operation IL 1A/DIV 2ns/DIV VIN = 12V ILOAD = 2A 8640S G43 20µs/DIV 8640S G44 2A TO 4A TRANSIENT 12VIN, 5VOUT fSW = 2MHz CC = 330pF, RC = 8.45k COUT = 100µF, CLEAD = 4.7pF Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 9 LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS LT8640S Transient Response; 100mA to 1.1A Transient LT8643S Transient Response; 100mA to 1.1A Transient ILOAD 1A/DIV ILOAD 1A/DIV Burst Mode OPERATION Burst Mode OPERATION VOUT 100mV/DIV VOUT 100mV/DIV FCM FCM 50µs/DIV VIN 2V/DIV VOUT 2V/DIV 8640S G45 8640S G46 FRONT PAGE APPLICATION 100mA TO 1.1A TRANSIENT 12VIN, 5VOUT, fSW = 1MHz COUT = 100µF 50µs/DIV CC = 330pF, RC = 6.49k, CLEAD = 4.7pF 100mA TO 1.1A TRANSIENT 12VIN, 5VOUT, fSW = 1MHz COUT = 100µF Start-Up Dropout Performance Start-Up Dropout Performance VIN VOUT 100ms/DIV 2.5Ω LOAD (2A IN REGULATION) VIN VIN 2V/DIV VOUT VOUT 2V/DIV 8640S G47 100ms/DIV 20Ω LOAD (250mA IN REGULATION) 8640S G48 Rev. C 10 For more information www.analog.com LT8640S/LT8643S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Conducted EMI Performance Conducted EMI Performance 60 50 AMPLITUDE (dBµV) 40 30 20 10 0 –10 –20 SPREAD SPECTRUM MODE FIXED FREQUENCY MODE –30 –40 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 FREQUENCY (MHz) 21 24 27 DC2530A DEMO BOARD (WITH EMI FILTER INSTALLED) 14V INPUT TO 5V OUTPUT AT 4A, fSW = 2MHz 30 8640S G49 Radiated EMI Performance (CISPR25 Radiated Emission Test with Class 5 Peak Limits) 50 VERTICAL POLARIZATION PEAK DETECTOR 45 AMPLITUDE (dBµV/m) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 CLASS 5 PEAK LIMIT SPREAD SPECTRUM MODE FIXED FREQUENCY MODE 0 –5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 FREQUENCY (MHz) 700 800 900 1000 8640S G50a 50 HORIZONTAL POLARIZATION PEAK DETECTOR 45 AMPLITUDE (dBµV/m) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 CLASS 5 PEAK LIMIT SPREAD SPECTRUM MODE FIXED FREQUENCY MODE 0 –5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 FREQUENCY (MHz) 700 DC2530A DEMO BOARD (WITH EMI FILTER INSTALLED) 14V INPUT TO 5V OUTPUT AT 4A, fSW = 2MHz 800 900 1000 8640S G50b Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 11 LT8640S/LT8643S PIN FUNCTIONS BIAS (Pin 1): The internal regulator will draw current from BIAS instead of VIN when BIAS is tied to a voltage higher than 3.1V. For output voltages of 3.3V to 25V this pin should be tied to VOUT. If this pin is tied to a supply other than VOUT use a 1µF local bypass capacitor on this pin. If no supply is available, tie to GND. However, especially for high input or high frequency applications, BIAS should be tied to output or an external supply of 3.3V or above. INTVCC (Pin 2): Internal 3.4V Regulator Bypass Pin. The internal power drivers and control circuits are powered from this voltage. INTVCC maximum output current is 20mA. Do not load the INTVCC pin with external circuitry. INTVCC current will be supplied from BIAS if BIAS > 3.1V, otherwise current will be drawn from VIN. Voltage on INTVCC will vary between 2.8V and 3.4V when BIAS is between 3.0V and 3.6V. This pin should be floated. GND (Pins 3, 16, Exposed Pad Pins 25–28): Ground. Place the negative terminal of the input capacitor as close to the GND pins as possible. The exposed pads should be soldered to the PCB for good thermal performance. If necessary due to manufacturing limitations Pins 25 to 28 may be left disconnected, however thermal performance will be degraded. NC (Pins 4, 15): No Connect. This pin is not connected to internal circuitry and can be tied anywhere on the PCB, typically ground. VIN (Pins 5, 6, 13, 14): The VIN pins supply current to the LT8640S/LT8643S internal circuitry and to the internal topside power switch. These pins must be tied together and be locally bypassed with a capacitor of 2.2µF or more. Be sure to place the positive terminal of the input capacitor as close as possible to the VIN pins, and the negative capacitor terminal as close as possible to the GND pins. BST (Pin 7): This pin is used to provide a drive voltage, higher than the input voltage, to the topside power switch. This pin should be floated. SW (Pins 8–12): The SW pins are the outputs of the internal power switches. Tie these pins together and connect them to the inductor. This node should be kept small on the PCB for good performance and low EMI. EN/UV (Pin 17): The LT8640S/LT8643S is shut down when this pin is low and active when this pin is high. The hysteretic threshold voltage is 1.00V going up and 0.96V going down. Tie to VIN if the shutdown feature is not used. An external resistor divider from VIN can be used to program a VIN threshold below which the LT8640S/ LT8643S will shut down. RT (Pin 18): A resistor is tied between RT and ground to set the switching frequency. CLKOUT (Pin 19): In forced continuous mode, spread spectrum, and synchronization modes, the CLKOUT pin will provide a ~200ns wide pulse at the switch frequency. The low and high levels of the CLKOUT pin are ground and INTVCC respectively, and the drive strength of the CLKOUT pin is several hundred ohms. In Burst Mode operation, the CLKOUT pin will be low. Float this pin if the CLKOUT function is not used. SYNC/MODE (Pin 20): For the LT8640S/LT8643S, this pin programs four different operating modes: 1) Burst Mode operation. Tie this pin to ground for Burst Mode operation at low output loads—this will result in ultralow quiescent current. 2) Forced Continuous mode (FCM). This mode offers fast transient response and full frequency operation over a wide load range. Float this pin for FCM. When floating, pin leakage currents should be
LT8640SEV#PBF 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 540+59.79893
    • 1080+58.67726


    •  国内价格
    • 1+62.52120
    • 10+53.93520
    • 30+46.47240
    • 100+42.09840


    •  国内价格
    • 1+50.27250
    • 10+46.40540
    • 100+42.53830
    • 1000+38.67120
