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LTC2945CMS#PBF 数据手册
LTC2945 Wide Range I2C Power Monitor FEATURES DESCRIPTION Rail-to-Rail Input Range: 0V to 80V n Wide Input Supply Range: 2.7V to 80V n Shunt Regulator for Supplies >80V n Δ∑ ADC with less than ±0.75% Total Unadjusted Error n 12-Bit Resolution for Current and Voltages n Internal Multiplier Calculates 24-Bit Power Value n Stores Minimum and Maximum Values n Alerts When Limits Exceeded n Additional ADC Input Monitors an External Voltage n Continuous Scan and Snapshot Modes n Shutdown Mode with I < 80µA Q n Split SDA for Opto-Isolation n Available in 12-Lead 3mm × 3mm QFN and MSOP Packages n AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications The LTC®2945 is a rail-to-rail system monitor that measures current, voltage, and power. It features an operating range of 2.7V to 80V and includes a shunt regulator for supplies above 80V to allow flexibility in the selection of input supply. The current measurement range of 0V to 80V is independent of the input supply. An onboard 0.75% accurate 12-bit ADC measures load current, input voltage and an auxiliary external voltage. A 24-bit power value is generated by digitally multiplying the measured 12-bit load current and input voltage data. Minimum and maximum values are stored and an overrange alert with programmable thresholds minimizes the need for software polling. Data is reported via a standard I2C interface. Shutdown mode reduces power consumption to 20µA. n n The LTC2945 I2C interface includes separate data input and output pins for use with standard or opto-isolated I2C connections. The LTC2945-1 has an inverted data output for use with inverting opto-isolator configurations. n All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. APPLICATIONS Telecom Infrastructure Industrial n Automotive n Consumer TYPICAL APPLICATION Wide Range Power Monitor with Onboard ADC and I2C SENSE+ VDD 0.1µF NINE I2C ADDRESSES TO LOAD SENSE– LTC2945 ALERT INTVCC SCL ADR1 SDAI ADR0 SDAO ADIN GND I2C INTERFACE MEASURED VOLTAGE ADC DNL (LSB) VIN 4V TO 80V ADC Differential Nonlinearity (ADIN) ADC Integral Nonlinearity (ADIN) 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 ADC INL (LSB) 0.02Ω 0.0 –0.1 –0.2 0.0 –0.1 –0.2 2945 TA01 –0.3 0 1024 2048 CODE 3072 4096 2945 TA01a –0.3 0 1024 2048 CODE 3072 4096 2945 TA01b Rev. C Document Feedback For more information www.analog.com 1 LTC2945 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Notes 1, 2) VDD Voltage............................................... –0.3V to 100V SENSE+ Voltage............................................–1V to 100V SENSE– Voltage......–1V or SENSE+ – 1V to SENSE+ + 1V INTVCC Voltage (Note 3)............................ –0.3V to 5.9V ADR1, ADR0, ADIN, ALERT, SDAO, SDAO Voltage.......................................................... –0.3V to 7V INTVCC Clamp Current............................................35mA SCL, SDAI Voltages (Note 4)...................... –0.3V to 5.9V SCL, SDAI Clamp Current.........................................5mA Operating Temperature Range LTC2945C................................................. 0°C to 70°C LTC2945I..............................................–40°C to 85°C LTC2945H........................................... –40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range................... –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec) MS Package Only............................................... 300°C PIN CONFIGURATION LTC2945 SENSE – SENSE+ VDD TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 12 11 10 INTVCC 1 13 ADR1 2 ADR0 3 ALERT 8 SDAO 7 SDAI VDD INTVCC ADR1 ADR0 ADIN GND 6 SCL 5 GND ADIN 4 9 UD PACKAGE 12-LEAD (3mm × 3mm) PLASTIC QFN TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 58.7°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 13) PCB GND CONNECTION OPTIONAL LTC2945-1 12 11 10 9 8 7 SENSE+ SENSE– ALERT SDAO SDAI SCL MS PACKAGE 12-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 135°C/W SENSE – SENSE+ VDD TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 12 11 10 INTVCC 1 13 ADR1 2 4 5 6 ADIN GND SCL ADR0 3 9 ALERT 8 SDAO 7 SDAI VDD INTVCC ADR1 ADR0 ADIN GND UD PACKAGE 12-LEAD (3mm × 3mm) PLASTIC QFN TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 58.7°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 13) PCB GND CONNECTION OPTIONAL 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 SENSE+ SENSE– ALERT SDAO SDAI SCL MS PACKAGE 12-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 135°C/W Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 ORDER INFORMATION LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL LTC2945CUD#PBF LTC2945CUD#TRPBF LTC2945IUD#PBF PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LFWK 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN 0°C to 70°C LTC2945IUD#TRPBF LFWK 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 85°C LTC2945HUD#PBF LTC2945HUD#TRPBF LFWK 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 125°C LTC2945CUD-1#PBF LTC2945CUD-1#TRPBF LFYX 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN 0°C to 70°C LTC2945IUD-1#PBF LTC2945IUD-1#TRPBF LFYX 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 85°C LTC2945HUD-1#PBF LTC2945HUD-1#TRPBF LFYX 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 125°C LTC2945CMS#PBF LTC2945CMS#TRPBF 2945 12-Lead Plastic MSOP 0°C to 70°C LTC2945IMS#PBF LTC2945IMS#TRPBF 2945 12-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LTC2945HMS#PBF LTC2945HMS#TRPBF 2945 12-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C LTC2945CMS-1#PBF LTC2945CMS-1#TRPBF 29451 12-Lead Plastic MSOP 0°C to 70°C LTC2945IMS-1#PBF LTC2945IMS-1#TRPBF 29451 12-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LTC2945HMS-1#PBF LTC2945HMS-1#TRPBF 29451 12-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C LTC2945HUD#WTRPBF LFWK 12-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 125°C AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS** LTC2945HUD#WPBF Contact the factory for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. Tape and reel specifications. Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. **Versions of this part are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements of automotive applications. These models are designated with a #W suffix. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for these models. Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 3 LTC2945 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VDD is from 4V to 80V unless otherwise noted. (Note 2) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS SUPPLIES VDD VDD Supply Voltage Range VINTVCC IDD INTVCC Supply Voltage Range VDD Supply Current ICC l 4 l 2.7 80 V VDD = 48V, INTVCC Open Shutdown l l 0.8 40 5.9 1.2 70 V mA µA INTVCC Supply Current INTVCC = VDD = 5V Shutdown, INTVCC = VDD = 5V l l 0.6 20 0.9 80 mA µA ICCSRC VCC INTVCC Linear Regulator Output Current INTVCC Linear Regulator Voltage l 4.5 4.5 ΔVCC INTVCC Linear Regulator Load Regulation VDD = 7V 7V < VDD < 80V, ILOAD = 1mA (C-, I-Grade) 7V < VDD < 80V, ILOAD = 1mA (H-Grade) 7V < VDD < 80V, ILOAD = 1mA to 10mA 5 5 100 –10 5.5 5.7 200 mA V V mV VCCZ INTVCC Shunt Regulator Voltage VDD = 48V, ICC = 1mA l 5.9 6.3 6.7 V ΔVCCZ INTVCC Shunt Regulator Load Regulation VDD = 48V, ICC = 1mA to 35mA l 250 mV l l l VCC(UVL) INTVCC Supply Undervoltage Lockout INTVCC Rising, VDD = INTVCC l 2.2 2.6 2.69 V VDD(UVL) VDD Supply Undervoltage Lockout l l VDD I2C Logic Reset VCCI2C(RST) INTVCC I2C Logic Reset l 2.9 2.6 2 1.7 1.5 3.2 3.2 2.5 2.5 1.8 3.5 3.5 VDDI2C(RST) VDD Rising, INTVCC Open (C-, I-Grade) VDD Rising, INTVCC Open (H-Grade) VDD Falling, INTVCC Open (C-, I-Grade) VDD Falling, INTVCC Open (H-Grade) INTVCC Falling, VDD = INTVCC V V V V V l 0 80 150 2 V µA µA l l SENSE INPUTS VCM ISENSE+(HI) SENSE+, SENSE– Common Mode Voltage 48V SENSE+ Input Current ISENSE–(HI) SENSE+, SENSE–, VDD = 48V Shutdown l l 48V SENSE– Input Current SENSE+, SENSE–, VDD = 48V Shutdown l l 20 1 µA µA ISENSE+(LO) 0V SENSE+ Source Current SENSE+, SENSE– = 0V VDD = 48V Shutdown l l –10 –2 µA µA ISENSE–(LO) 0V SENSE– Source Current SENSE+, SENSE– = 0V, VDD = 48V Shutdown l l –5 ±1 µA µA RES Resolution (No missing codes) (Note 5) l VFS Full-Scale Voltage l 101.7 l 101.7 l 2.033 LSB LSB Step Size TUE Total Unadjusted Error (Note 6) VOS Offset Error INL Integral Nonlinearity sT Transition Noise (Note 5) ∆SENSE (Note 7) VIN ADIN ∆SENSE VIN ADIN ∆SENSE VIN ADIN ∆SENSE VIN ADIN ∆SENSE VIN ADIN ∆SENSE VIN ADIN 100 ADC 4 12 Bits 102.4 102.4 2.048 25 25 0.5 l l l l l l l l l 1.2 0.3 10 103.1 103.1 2.063 mV V V µV mV mV ±0.75 % ±0.75 % ±0.75 % ±3.1 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±1.1 LSB ±3 LSB ±2 LSB ±2 LSB µVRMS mVRMS µVRMS Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VDD is from 4V to 80V unless otherwise noted. (Note 2) SYMBOL PARAMETER fCONV Conversion Rate (Continuous Mode) tCONV Conversion Time (Snapshot Mode) RADIN IADIN CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS l 6 7.5 9 Hz ∆SENSE VIN, ADIN l l 60 30 66 33 72 36 ms ms ADIN Pin Input Resistance VDD = 48V, ADIN = 3V l 3 10 ADIN Pin Input Current VDD = 48V, ADIN = 3V l MΩ ±1 µA I2C INTERFACE (VDD = 48V) VADR(H) ADR0, ADR1 Input High Threshold l 2.1 2.4 2.7 V VADR(L) ADR0, ADR1 Input Low Threshold l 0.3 0.6 0.9 V IADR(IN) ADR0, ADR1 Input Current l ±13 µA IADR(IN,Z) Allowable Leakage When Open l ±7 µA VOD(OL) SDAO, SDAO, ALERT Output Low Voltage ISDAO, ISDAO, IALERT = 8mA l 0.15 0.4 V ISDA,SCL(IN) SDAI, SDAO, SDAO, SCL Input Current SDAI, SDAO, SDAO, SCL = 5V l 0 ±1 µA VSDA,SCL(TH) SDAI, SCL Input Threshold V VSDA,SCL(CL) SDAI, SCL Clamp Voltage IALERT(IN) ALERT Input Current ADR0, ADR1 = 0V, 3V l 1.5 1.9 2.2 ISDAI, ISCL = 3mA l 5.9 6.4 6.9 V ALERT = 5V l 0 ±1 µA I2C INTERFACE TIMING fSCL(MAX) Maximum SCL Clock Frequency 400 tLOW Minimum SCL Low Period tHIGH Minimum SCL High Period tBUF(MIN) Minimum Bus Free Time Between Stop/Start Condition tHD,STA(MIN) Minimum Hold Time After (Repeated) Start Condition tSU,STA(MIN) kHz 0.65 1.3 µs 50 600 ns 0.12 1.3 µs 140 600 ns Minimum Repeated Start Condition Set-Up Time 30 600 ns tSU,STO(MIN) Minimum Stop Condition Set-Up Time 30 600 ns tHD,DATI(MIN) Minimum Data Hold Time Input tHD,DATO(MIN) Minimum Data Hold Time Output tSU,DAT(MIN) Minimum Data Set-Up Time tSP(MAX) Maximum Suppressed Spike Pulse Width tRST Stuck Bus Reset Time CX SCL, SDAI Input Capacitance (Note 5) –100 0 ns 600 900 ns 30 100 ns 50 110 250 ns 25 33 300 SCL or SDAI Held Low 5 Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: All currents into pins are positive. All voltages are referenced to ground, unless otherwise noted. Note 3: An internal shunt regulator limits the INTVCC pin to a minimum of 5.9V. Driving this pin to voltages beyond 5.9V may damage the part. This pin can be safely tied to higher voltages through a resistor that limits the current below 35mA. ms 10 pF Note 4: Internal clamps limit the SCL and SDAI pins to a minimum of 5.9V. Driving these pins to voltages beyond the clamp may damage the part. The pins can be safely tied to higher voltages through resistors that limit the current below 5mA. Note 5: Guaranteed by design and not subject to test. Note 6: TUE = ( ACTUAL CODE − IDEAL CODE) × 100% 4096 where IDEAL CODE is derived from a straight line passing through Code 0 at 0V and Theoretical Code of 4096 at VFS. Note 7: ∆SENSE is defined as VSENSE+ – VSENSE – Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 5 LTC2945 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 800 VDD Supply Current 70 VDD = 48V, TA = 25°C, unless noted. VDD Supply Current in Shutdown 600 INTVCC Supply Current 700 650 SUPPLY CURRENT (µA) SUPPLY CURRENT (µA) SUPPLY CURRENT (µA) 60 750 50 40 30 575 550 525 20 600 0 20 40 60 VDD SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 10 80 0 20 40 60 VDD SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 2945 G01 5.2 22.5 INTVCC Load Regulation 5.5 12.5 2 3 4 5 VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 5.0 4.9 4.8 6 0 2 4 6 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 8 0.1 0.1 –0.3 1024 2048 CODE 3072 4096 20 40 60 VDD SUPPLY VOLYAGE (V) 0.0 –0.1 –0.3 80 2945 G06 0.02 0 1024 2048 CODE 3072 2945 G07 6 0 ADC Total Unadjusted Error (ADIN) –0.2 0 3.0 10 ADC TOTAL UNADJUSTED ERROR (%) 0.2 ADC DNL (LSB) ADC INL (LSB) 0.2 –0.2 4.0 ADC Differential Nonlinearity (ADIN) 0.3 –0.1 4.5 2945 G05 0.3 0.0 INTVCC Line Regulation 3.5 2945 G04 ADC Integral Nonlinearity (ADIN) 6 5.0 INTVCC VOLTAGE (V) 15.0 3 4 5 VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 2945 G03 5.1 INTVCC VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY CURRENT (µA) 20.0 17.5 2 2945 G02 INTVCC Supply Current in Shutdown 10.0 500 80 4096 2945 G08 0.01 0 –0.01 –0.02 0 1024 2048 CODE 3072 4096 2945 G09 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ADC Integral Nonlinearity (∆SENSE) VDD = 48V, TA = 25°C, unless noted. ADC Differential Nonlinearity (∆SENSE) 0.4 ADC Total Unadjusted Error (∆SENSE) 0.50 ADC TOTAL UNADJUSTED ERROR (%) 0.3 0.2 ADC DNL (LSB) ADC INL (LSB) 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.2 –0.4 0 1024 2048 CODE 3072 –0.3 4096 0 1024 3072 2048 CODE 2945 G10 4096 0.25 0.00 –0.25 –0.50 0 1024 2048 CODE 3072 2945 G12 2945 G11 SDAO, SDAO, ALERT Loaded Output Low Voltage INTVCC Shunt Regulator Load Regulation SCL, SDAI Loaded Clamp Voltage 0.4 4096 6.6 6.6 6.5 0.2 INTVCC VOLTAGE (V) VSDA,SCL(CL) (V) VSDA,ALERT(OL) (V) 0.3 6.4 6.3 6.2 0.1 6.4 6.2 6.1 0.0 0 2 4 6 ISDA,ALERT (mA) 8 6.0 0.01 10 0.10 1.00 6.0 10.00 0 ILOAD (mA) 2945 G13 10 20 30 VCC SHUNT CURRENT (mA) 2945 G14 SENSE+ Input Current 2945 G15 ADRO, ADR1 Voltage with Current Sink or Source SENSE– Input Current 150 40 10 3.0 8 2.5 6 2.0 70 VADR (V) ISENSE– (µA) ISENSE+ (µA) 110 4 1.5 2 1.0 0 0.5 30 –10 0 20 40 VSENSE+ (V) 60 80 –2 0 20 40 VSENSE+ (V) 60 2945 G16 80 2945 G17 0.0 –10 –5 0 IADR (µA) 5 10 2945 G18 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 7 LTC2945 PIN FUNCTIONS (QFN/MSOP) INTVCC (Pin 1/Pin 2): Internal Low Voltage Supply Input/ Output. This pin is used to power internal circuitry. It can be configured as a direct input for a low voltage supply, as linear regulator from higher voltage supply connected to VDD, or as a shunt regulator. Connect this pin directly to a 2.7V to 5.9V supply if available. When INTVCC is powered from an external supply, short the VDD pin to INTVCC. If VDD is connected to a 4V to 80V supply, INTVCC becomes the 5V output of an internal series regulator that can supply up to 10mA to external circuitry. For even higher supply voltages or if a floating topology is desired, INTVCC can be used as a 6.3V shunt regulator. Connect the supply to INTVCC through a shunt resistor that limits the current to less than 35mA. An undervoltage lockout circuit disables the ADC when the voltage at this pin drops below 2.5V. Connect a bypass capacitor between 0.1µF and 1µF from this pin to ground. ADR1, ADR0 (Pins 2, 3/Pins 3, 4): I2C Device Address Inputs. Connecting these pins to INTVCC, GND or leaving the pins open configures one of nine possible addresses. See Table 1 in Applications Information section for details. ADIN (Pin 4/Pin 5): ADC Input. The onboard ADC measures voltages between 0V and 2.048V. Tie to ground if unused. GND (Pin 5/Pin 6): Device Ground. SCL (Pin 6/Pin 7): I2C Bus Clock Input. Data at the SDAI pin is shifted in or out on rising edges of SCL. This pin is driven by an open-collector output from a master controller. An external pull-up resistor or current source is required and can be placed between SCL and VDD or INTVCC. The voltage at SCL is internally clamped to 6.4V (5.9V minimum) SDAI (Pin 7/Pin 8): I2C Bus Data Input. Used for shifting in address, command or data bits. This pin is driven by an open-collector output from a master controller. An external pull-up resistor or current source is required and can be placed between SDAI and VDD or INTVCC. The voltage at SDAI is internally clamped to 6.4V (5.9V minimum) 8 SDAO (Pin 8/Pin 9): I2C Bus Data Output. Open-drain output used for sending data back to the master controller or acknowledging a write operation. An external pull-up resistor or current source is required. SDAO (Pin 8/Pin 9, LTC2945-1 Only): Inverted I2C Bus Data Output. Open-drain output used for sending data back to the master controller or acknowledging a write operation. Data is inverted for convenience of opto-isolation. An external pull-up resistor or current source is required. ALERT (Pin 9/Pin 10): Fault Alert Output. Open drain logic output that is pulled to ground after an ADC conversion resulted in a fault to alert the host controller. A fault alert is enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the ALERT register as shown in Table 4. This device is compatible with the SMBus alert protocol. See Applications Information. Tie to ground if unused. SENSE– (Pin 10/Pin 11): Current Sense Input. Connect an external sense resistor between SENSE+ and SENSE–. The differential voltage between SENSE+ and SENSE– is monitored by the onboard ADC with a full-scale sense voltage of 102.4mV. SENSE+ (Pin 11/Pin 12): Supply Voltage and Current Sense Input. Used as a supply and current sense input for the internal current sense amplifier. The voltage at this pin is monitored by the onboard ADC with a full-scale input range of 102.4V. See Figure 17 for recommended Kelvin connection. VDD (Pin 12/Pin 1): High Voltage Supply Input. This pin powers an internal series regulator with input voltages ranging from 4V to 80V and produces 5V at INTVCC when the input voltage is above 7V. Connect a bypass capacitor between 0.1µF and 1µF from this pin to ground if external load is present on the INTVCC pin. The onboard 12-bit ADC can be configured to monitor the voltage at VDD with a full-scale input range of 102.4V. EXPOSED PAD (Pin 13, UD Package Only): Exposed pad may be left open or connected to device ground. For best thermal performance, connect to a large PCB area. Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 BLOCK DIAGRAM SENSE+ VDD SENSE– ADR0 ADR1 ALERT DECODER + VSTBY 20X – 5.7V VSTBY GEN INTV CC 2 IC 735k SDAO/SDAO (LTC2945 / LTC2945-1) VREF = 2.048V 735k LOGIC SDAI VSTBY 12 MUX 6.3V 15k 6.4V 12-BIT ADC SCL REGISTERS 15k 6.4V ADIN GND 2945 BD Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 9 LTC2945 TIMING DIAGRAM SDA tSU,DAT tHD,DATO tHD,DATI tSU,STA tSP tHD,STA tSP tBUF tSU,STO 2945 TD SCL tHD,STA REPEATED START CONDITION 10 REPEATED START CONDITION STOP CONDITION START CONDITION Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 OPERATION The LTC2945 accurately monitors current, voltage, and power of any supply rail from 0V to 80V. An internal linear regulator allows the LTC2945 to operate directly from a 4V to 80V rail, or from an external supply voltage between 2.7V and 5.9V. Quiescent current is less than 0.9mA in normal operation. Enabling shutdown mode via the I2C interface reduces the quiescent current to below 80μA. The LTC2945 includes a shunt regulator for operation from supply voltages above 80V. The onboard 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) runs either continuously or on-demand using snapshot mode. In the default continuous scan mode, the ADC repeatedly measures the differential voltage between SENSE+ and SENSE– (full-scale 102.4mV) the voltage at the SENSE+ or VDD pin (full-scale 102.4V), and the voltage at the ADIN pin (full-scale 2.048V). The conversion results are stored in onboard registers. In snapshot mode, the LTC2945 performs a single measurement of one selected voltage or current. Snapshot mode is enabled by setting the snapshot mode enable bit in the CONTROL register via the I2C interface. A status bit in the CONTROL register monitors the ADC’s conversion; when complete, the conversion result is stored in the corresponding data registers. Onboard logic tracks the minimum and maximum values for each ADC measurement, calculates power data by digitally multiplying the stored current and voltage data, and triggers a user-configurable alert by pulling the ALERT pin low when the ADC measured value falls outside the programmed window thresholds. All logic outputs are stored in onboard registers. The LTC2945 includes an I2C interface to access the onboard data registers and to program the alert threshold and control registers. Two three-state pins, ADR1 and ADR0, are decoded to allow nine device addresses (see Table 1). The SDA pin is split into SDAI (input) and SDAO (output, LTC2945) or SDAO (output, LTC2945-1) to facilitate opto-isolation. APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The LTC2945 offers a compact and complete solution for high- and low-side power monitoring. With an input common mode range of 0V to 80V and a wide input supply operating voltage range from 2.7V to 80V, this device is ideal for a large variety of power management applications including automotive, industrial and telecom infrastructure. The basic application circuit shown in Figure 1 provides monitoring of high side current with a 0.02Ω resistor (5.12A full-scale), input voltage (102.4V full-scale) and an external voltage (2.048V full-scale), all using an internal 12-bit resolution ADC. RSNS 0.02Ω VIN 4V TO 80V SENSE+ VDD INTVCC C2 0.1µF SENSE– LTC2945 ADR1 R1 2k GND R3 2k VDD SDA µP SDAI SDAO ADIN R2 2k SCL SCL INT ALERT ADR0 3.3V VOUT VADIN GND 2945 F01 Figure 1. Monitoring High Side Current and Voltages Using the LTC2945 Data Converter The LTC2945 features an onboard, 12-bit Δ∑ ADC that inherently averages input noise over the measurement window. The ADC continuously monitors three voltages in sequence: ∆SENSE first, VDD or VSENSE+ second, and VADIN third. The differential voltage between SENSE+ and SENSE– is monitored with 25μV resolution (102.4mV full-scale) to allow accurate measurement across very low value shunt resistors. The supply voltage at VDD or SENSE+ is directly measured with 25mV resolution (102.4V full-scale). The voltage at the uncommitted ADIN pin is measured with 0.5mV resolution (2.048V full-scale) to allow monitoring of an arbitrary external voltage. A 12-bit digital word corresponding to each measured voltage is stored in two adjacent registers out of the six total ADC data registers (∆SENSE MSB/LSB, VIN MSB/LSB, and ADIN MSB/LSB), with the For more information www.analog.com Rev. C 11 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION eight MSBs in the first register and the four LSBs in the second (see Table 2). The lowest 4 bits in the LSB registers are set to 0. These data registers are updated immediately following the corresponding ADC conversion, giving an effective refresh rate of 7.5Hz in continuous scan mode. The data converter also features a snapshot mode which makes a measurement of a single selected voltage (either ∆SENSE, VDD or VSENSE+, or VADIN). To make a snapshot measurement, set CONTROL register bit A7 and write the two-bit code of the desired ADC channel to A6 and A5 (Table 3) using a Write Byte command. When the Write Byte command is completed, the ADC converts the selected voltage and the Busy Bit (A3 in the CONTROL register) will be set to indicate that the conversion is in progress. After completing the conversion, the ADC will halt and the Busy Bit will reset to indicate that the data is ready. To make another snapshot measurement, rewrite the CONTROL register. Flexible Power Supply to LTC2945 The LTC2945 can be externally configured to flexibly derive power from a wide range of supplies. The LTC2945 includes an onboard linear regulator to power the lowvoltage internal circuitry connected to the INTVCC pin from high VDD voltages. The regulator operates with VDD voltages from 4V to 80V, and produces a 5V output capable of supplying 10mA at the INTVCC pin when VDD is greater than 7V. The regulator is disabled when die temperature rises above 150°C, and the output is protected against accidental shorts. Bypass capacitors between 0.1μF and 1μF at both the VDD and INTVCC pins are recommended for optimal transient performance. Note that operation with high VDD voltages can cause significant power dissipation, and care is required to ensure the operating junction temperature stays below 125°C. For improved power dissipation, use the QFN package and solder the exposed pad to a large copper region for improved thermal resistance. Figure 2a shows the LTC2945 being used to monitor an input supply that ranges from 4V to 80V. No secondary supply is needed since VDD can be connected directly to the input supply. If the LTC2945 is used to monitor an input supply of 0V to 80V, it can derive power from a wide range secondary supply connected to the VDD pin as shown in 12 Figure 2b. The SENSE pins can be biased independent of the part’s supply voltage. Alternatively, if a low voltage supply is present it can be connected to the INTVCC pin as shown in Figure 2c to minimize on-chip power dissipation. When INTVCC is powered from a secondary supply, connect VDD to INTVCC. For supply voltages above 80V, the shunt regulator at INTVCC can be used in both high and low side configurations to provide power to the LTC2945 through an external shunt resistor, RSHUNT. Figure 3a shows a high side power monitor with an input monitoring range beyond 80V in a high side shunt regulator configuration. The device ground is separated from ground through RSHUNT and clamped at 6.3V below the input supply. Note that due to the different ground levels, the I2C signals from the part need to be level shifted for communication with other ground referenced components. The bus voltage can be measured with the ADIN pin as shown in Figure 3a. To mitigate the effect of VBE mismatch in the PNP mirror, select R1 (=R2) to drop 1V at the operating voltage. For details on the power calculation, refer to the Power Calculation and Configuration section. Figure 3b shows a high side rail-to-rail power monitor which derives power from a greater than 80V secondary supply. The voltage at INTVCC is clamped at 6.3V above ground in a low side shunt regulator configuration to power the part. In low side power monitors, the device ground and the current sense inputs are connected to the negative terminal of the input supply and the ADIN pin can be used to measure the bus voltage with an external resistive divider as shown in Figure 3c. The low side shunt regulator configuration allows operation with input supplies above 80V by clamping the voltage at INTVCC. RSHUNT should be sized according Equation 1. VS(MAX) – 5.9V 35mA ≤ RSHUNT ≤ VS(MIN) – 6.7V 1mA + ILOAD(MAX) (1) where VS(MAX) and VS(MIN) are the operating maximum and minimum of the supply. ILOAD(MAX) is the maximum external current load that is connected to the shunt regulator. The shunt resistor must also be rated to safely dissipate the worst-case power. As an example, consider the –48V Telecom System where the supply operates from –36V to –72V and the shunt regulator is used to supply an external load up to 4mA. RSHUNT needs to be between Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION RSNS VIN 4V TO 80V SENSE+ RSNS VIN >80V R1 VOUT SENSE– R2 INTVCC SENSE+ Q1 VDD LTC2945 ADIN LTC2945 R3 INTVCC C2 SENSE– R4 GND 2945 F03a GND RSHUNT 2945 F02a (a) Power from Supply Being Monitored RSNS VIN 0V TO 80V SENSE+ (a) Power Through High-Side Shunt Regulator RSNS VIN 0V TO 80V VOUT SENSE+ SENSE– >80V RSHUNT VDD LTC2945 SENSE– INTVCC VDD 4V TO 80V VOUT LTC2945 C2 INTVCC C2 GND GND 2945 F03b 2945 F02b (b) Power from Wide Range Secondary Supply GND RSNS VIN 0V TO 80V SENSE+ (b) Power Through Low-Side Shunt Regulator in High-Side Current Sense Topology VOUT RSHUNT SENSE– INTVCC INTVCC 2.7V TO 5.9V VDD VDD R1 LTC2945 C2 C2 GND LTC2945 ADIN GND R2 2945 F02c VNEG >–80V (c) Power from Low Voltage Secondary Supply Figure 2. LTC2945 Derives Power SENSE– SENSE+ 2945 F03c RSNS VOUT (c) Power Through Low-Side Shunt Regulator in Low-Side Current Sense Topology Figure 3. LTC2945 Derives Power Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 13 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 1.9k and 5.9k according to Equation 1, and for reduced power dissipation, a larger resistance is advantageous. The worst-case power dissipated in an RSHUNT of 5.4k is calculated to be 0.8W. So, three 0.5W rated 1.8k resistors in series would suffice for this example. If the supply input is nominally below 80V and transient is limited to below 100V, the shunt resistor is not required and VDD can be connected to GND of the supply as shown in Figure 4. GND VDD INTVCC C2 GND LTC2945 SENSE– VNEG –4V TO –80V Power Calculation and Configuration SENSE+ 2945 F04 RSNS VOUT Figure 4. LTC2945 Derives Power from the Supply Being Monitored in Low-Side Current Sense Topology Supply Undervoltage Lockout During power-up, the internal I2C logic and the ADC are enabled when either VDD or INTVCC rises above its undervoltage lockout threshold. During power-down, the ADC is disabled when VDD and INTVCC fall below their respective undervoltage lockout thresholds. The internal I2C logic is reset when VDD and INTVCC fall below their respective I2C reset thresholds. The LTC2945 calculates power by multiplying the measured current with the measured voltage. In continuous mode, the differential voltage between SENSE+ and SENSE– is measured to obtain load current data. The supply voltage data for multiplication can be selected between VDD, SENSE+, or ADIN. SENSE+ is selected by default as it is normally connected to the supply voltage. In negative supply voltage systems such as shown in Figure 4, the device ground (GND pin of LTC2945) and SENSE– are connected to the supply and VDD measures the supply voltage at GND with respect to the device ground. For negative supply voltages of more than 80V, use external resistors to divide down the voltage to suit the ADIN measurement range. In the CONTROL register, • write bits A2=1, A0=1 to select SENSE+ (Default) • write bits A2=0, A0=1 to select VDD • write bits A2=1, A0=0 to select ADIN Shutdown Mode The LTC2945 includes a low quiescent current shutdown mode, controlled by bit A1 in the CONTROL register (Table 3). Setting A1 puts the part in shutdown mode, powering down the ADC and internal reference. The internal I2C bus remains active, and although the ADR1 and ADR0 pins are disabled, the device will retain the most recently programmed I2C bus address. All on-board registers retain their contents and can be accessed through the I2C interface. To re-enable ADC conversions, reset bit A1 in the CONTROL register. The analog circuitry will power up and all registers will retain their contents. 14 The onboard linear regulator is disabled in shutdown mode to conserve power. If low IQ mode is not required and the regulator is used to power I2C bus-related circuitry such as opto-couplers or pull-ups, ensure bit A1 in the CONTROL register is masked off during software development. In such applications, the user is advised that accidentally disabling the regulator would prevent I2C communication from the master and cause the LTC2945 to disengage from the system. The LTC2945 would then have to be reset by cycling its power to come out of shutdown. It is recommended that external regulators be used in such applications if powering down the LTC2945 is desirable. Quiescent current drops below 80µA in shutdown mode with the internal regulator disabled. More details on the CONTROL register can be found in Table 3. Once the ADC conversions are complete, a 24-bit power value is generated by digitally multiplying the 12-bit load current data with the 12-bit supply voltage data. 1LSB of power is 1LSB of voltage multiplied by 1LSB of ∆SENSE (current). The result is held in the three adjacent POWER registers (Table 2). The POWER registers initialize with undefined data and subsequently refresh at a frequency of 7.5Hz in continuous scan mode. In snapshot mode, the POWER registers are not refreshed. Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Storing Minimum and Maximum Values The LTC2945 compares each measurement including the calculated power with the stored values in the respective MIN and MAX registers for each parameter (Table 2). If the new conversion is beyond the stored minimum or maximum values, the MIN or MAX registers are updated with the new values. The MIN and MAX of the registers are refreshed at the end of their respective ADC conversions in both continuous scan mode and snapshot mode. They are also refreshed if the ADC registers are written via the I2C bus with values beyond the stored values. To initiate a new peak hold cycle, write all 1’s to the MIN registers and all 0’s to the MAX registers via the I2C bus. These registers will be updated when the next respective ADC conversion is done. The LTC2945 also includes MIN and MAX THRESHOLD registers (Table 2) for the measured parameters including the calculated power. At power-up, the maximum thresholds are set to all 1’s and minimum thresholds are set to all 0’s, effectively disabling them. The thresholds can be reprogrammed to any desired value via the I2C bus. Fault Alert and Resetting Faults As soon as a measured quantity falls below the minimum threshold or exceeds the maximum threshold, the LTC2945 sets the corresponding flag in the STATUS register and latches it into the FAULT register (see Figure 5). The ALERT pin is pulled low if the appropriate bit in the ALERT register is set. More details on the alert behavior can be found in the Alert Response Protocol section. An active fault indication can be reset by writing zeros to the corresponding FAULT register bits or by reading the FAULT CoR register (Table 2), which clears all FAULT register bits. All FAULT register bits are also cleared if the VDD and INTVCC fall below their respective I2C logic reset threshold. Note that faults that are still present, as indicated in the STATUS registers, will immediately reappear. I2C Interface The LTC2945 is a read-write slave device and supports the SMBus Read Byte, Write Byte, Read Word and Write Word protocols. The LTC2945 also supports extended Read and Write commands that allow reading or writing more than two bytes of data. When using the Read/Write Word or extended Read and Write commands, the bus master issues an initial register address and the internal register address pointer automatically increments by 1 after each byte of data is read or written. After the register address reaches 31h, it will roll over to 00h and continue incrementing. A Stop condition resets the register address pointer to 00h. The data formats for the above commands are shown in Figure 7 to Figure 12. I2C Device Addressing Nine distinct I2C bus addresses are configurable using the three-state pins ADR0 and ADR1, as shown in Table 1. ADR0 and ADR1 should be tied to INTVCC, to GND, or left floating (NC) to configure the lower four address bits. During low power shutdown, the address select state is latched into memory powered from standby supply. Address bits a6, a5 and a4 are permanently set to (110) and the least significant bit is the R/W bit. In addition, all LTC2945 devices will respond to a common Mass Write address (1100 110)b; this allows the bus master to write to several LTC2945s simultaneously, regardless of their individual address settings. The LTC2945 will also respond to the standard ARA address (0001100)b if the Alert pin is asserted; see the Alert Response Protocol section for more details. The LTC2945 will not respond to the ARA address if no alerts are pending. Start and Stop Conditions When the I2C bus is idle, both SCL and SDA are in the high state. A bus master signals the beginning of a transmission with a Start condition by transitioning SDA from high to low while SCL stays high. When the master has finished communicating with the slave, it issues a Stop condition by transitioning SDA from low to high while SCL stays high. The bus is then free for another transmission. The LTC2945 includes an I2C/SMBus-compatible interface to provide access to the onboard registers. Figure 6 shows a general data transfer format using the I2C bus. Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 15 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION STATUS MEASURED DATA DIGITAL COMPARATOR LOGIC THRESHOLD DATA FAULT LATCH ENA_ALERT_RESPONSE ALERT RESET 2945 F05 Figure 5. LTC2945 Fault Alert Generation Blocks SDA a6 - a0 SCL b7 - b0 1-7 8 9 1-7 b7 - b0 8 9 1-7 8 9 S P START CONDITION ADDRESS R/W ACK DATA ACK DATA STOP CONDITION ACK 2945 F06 Figure 6. General Data Transfer Over I2C S ADDRESS W A COMMAND 1 1 0 a3:a0 0 0 X X b5:b0 FROM MASTER TO SLAVE FROM SLAVE TO MASTER S A DATA A P 0 b7:b0 0 2945 F07 A: ACKNOWLEDGE (LOW) A: NOT ACKNOWLEDGE (HIGH) R: READ BIT (HIGH) ADDRESS W A COMMAND 1 1 0 a3:a0 0 0 X X b5:b0 A DATA COMMAND X X b5:b0 A DATA A DATA A P 0 b7:b0 0 b7:b0 0 2945 F08 W: WRITE BIT (LOW) S: START CONDITION P: STOP CONDITION Figure 7. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Write Byte Protocol S ADDRESS W A 1 1 0 a3:a0 0 0 Figure 8. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Write Word Protocol A DATA A ... DATA 0 b7:b0 0 b7:b0 0 ... b7:b0 0 A P S ADDRESS W A COMMAND 1 1 0 a3:a0 0 0 X X b5:b0 A S ADDRESS 0 1 1 0 a3:a0 1 0 b7:b0 1 R A DATA A P 2945 F09 2945 F10 Figure 9. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Write Page Protocol S ADDRESS W A COMMAND 1 1 0 a3:a0 0 0 X X b5:b0 Figure 10. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Read Byte Protocol A S ADDRESS 0 1 1 0 a3:a0 1 0 b7:b0 0 b7:b0 1 R A DATA A DATA A P 2945 F11 Figure 11. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Read Word Protocol S ADDRESS W A COMMAND 1 1 0 a3:a0 0 0 X X b5:b0 A S ADDRESS R A DATA A DATA ... DATA A P 0 1 1 0 a3:a0 1 0 b7:b0 0 b7:b0 ... b7:b0 1 2945 F12 Figure 12. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Read Page Protocol 16 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Stuck-Bus Reset The LTC2945 I2C interface features a stuck bus reset timer to prevent it from holding the bus lines low indefinitely if the SCL signal is interrupted during a transfer. The timer starts when either SCL or SDAI is low, and resets when both SCL and SDAI are pulled high. If either SCL or SDAI are low for over 33ms, the stuck-bus timer will expire and the internal I2C interface and the SDAO pin pulldown logic will be reset to release the bus. Normal communication will resume at the next Start command. Acknowledge The acknowledge signal is used for handshaking between the transmitter and the receiver to indicate that the last byte of data was received. The transmitter always releases the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse. The LTC2945 will pull the SDA line low on the 9th clock cycle to acknowledge receipt of the data. If the slave fails to acknowledge by leaving SDA high, then the master can abort the transmission by generating a Stop condition. When the master is receiving data from the slave, the master must acknowledge the slave by pulling down the SDA line during the 9th clock pulse to indicate receipt of a data byte. After the last byte has been received by the master, it will leave the SDA line high (not acknowledge) and issue a Stop condition to terminate the transmission. Write Protocol The master begins a write operation with a Start condition followed by the seven-bit slave address and the R/W bit set to zero. After the addressed LTC2945 acknowledges the address byte, the master then sends a command byte that indicates which internal register the master wishes to write. The LTC2945 acknowledges this and then latches the lower six bits of the command byte into its internal register address pointer. The master then delivers the data byte and the LTC2945 acknowledges once more and writes the data into the internal register pointed to by the register address pointer. If the master continues sending additional data bytes with a Write Word or extended Write command, the additional data bytes will be acknowledged by the LTC2945, the register address pointer will automatically increment by one, and data will be written as above. The write operation terminates and the register address pointer resets to 00h when the master sends a Stop condition. Read Protocol The master begins a read operation with a Start condition followed by the 7-bit slave address and the R/W bit set to zero. After the addressed LTC2945 acknowledges the address byte, the master then sends a command byte that indicates which internal register the master wishes to read. The LTC2945 acknowledges this and then latches the lower six bits of the command byte into its internal register address pointer. The master then sends a repeated Start condition followed by the same 7-bit address with the R/W bit now set to 1. The LTC2945 acknowledges and sends the contents of the requested register. The transmission terminates when the master sends a Stop condition. If the master acknowledges the transmitted data byte, as in a Read Word command, the LTC2945 will send the contents of the next register. If the master keeps acknowledging, the LTC2945 will keep incrementing the register address pointer and sending out data bytes. The read operation terminates and the register address pointer resets to 00h when the master sends a Stop condition. Alert Response Protocol When any of the fault bits in the FAULT register are set, a bus alert is generated if the appropriate bit in the ALERT register has been set. This allows the bus master to select which faults will generate alerts. At power-up, the ALERT register is cleared (no alerts enabled) and the ALERT pin is high. If an alert is enabled, the corresponding fault causes the ALERT pin to pull low. The bus master responds to the alert in accordance with the SMBus alert response protocol by broadcasting the Alert Response Address (0001100)b, and the LTC2945 replies with its own address and releases its ALERT pin as shown in Figure 13. The ALERT line is also released if the FAULT or FAULT CoR registers are read (see Table 2) since the faulting event can be identified by the content in these registers. The ALERT signal is not pulled low again until the Fault register indicates a different fault has occurred or the original fault is cleared and it occurs again. Note that this means repeated or continuing faults will not generate additional alerts until the associated FAULT register bits have been cleared. Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 17 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION If two or more LTC2945s on the same bus are generating alerts when the ARA is broadcasted, the bus master will repeat the alert response protocol until the ALERT line is released. The device with the highest priority (lowest address) will reply first and the device with the lowest priority (highest address) will reply last. ALERT S RESPONSE R A ADDRESS 0001100 1 0 DEVICE ADDRESS a7:a0 A P 1 2945 F13 RSHUNT can then be calculated using Equation 1. Note that both LTC2945 and LTC2945-1 can be used in the shunt regulator applications mentioned. Figure 17 shows an alternate connection for use with lowspeed opto-couplers and the LTC2945-1. This circuit uses a limited-current pullup on the internally clamped SDAI pin and clamps the SDAO pin with the input diode of the outgoing opto-isolator, removing the need to use INTVCC for biasing in the absence of an auxiliary low voltage supply. For proper clamping use Equation 3. Figure 13. LTC2945 Serial Bus SDA Alert Response Protocol Opto-Isolating the I2C Bus Opto-isolating a standard I2C device is complicated by the bidirectional SDA pin. The LTC2945/LTC2945-1 minimize this problem by splitting the standard I2C SDA line into SDAI (input) and SDAO (output, LTC2945) or SDAO (inverted output, LTC2945-1). The SCL is an input only pin and does not require special circuitry to isolate. For conventional non-isolated I2C applications, use the LTC2945 and tie the SDAI and SDAO pins together to form a standard I2C SDA pin. Low speed isolated interfaces that use standard opendrain opto-isolators typically use the LTC2945 with the SDAI and SDAO pins separated as shown in Figure 14. Connect SDAI to the output of the incoming opto-isolator with a pullup resistor to INTVCC or a local 5V supply; connect SDAO to the cathode of the outgoing opto-isolator with a current-limiting resistor in series with the anode. The input and output must be connected together on the isolated side of the bus to allow the LTC2945 to participate in I2C arbitration. Note that maximum I2C bus speed will generally be limited by the speed of the opto-couplers used in this application. Both low and high side shunt regulators can supply up to 34mA of current to drive opto-isolator and pullup resistors as shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16. For identical SDAI/SCL pullup resistors the maximum load is given by Equation 2. 1⎞ ⎛ 2 ILOAD(MAX)= 6.7 ⎜ + ⎟ ⎝ R1 R3 ⎠ 18 VS(MAX) – 5.9V 5mA ≤ R4 ≤ VS(MIN) – 6.9V 0.5mA (3) As an example, a supply that operates from 36V to 72V would require the value of R4 to be between 13k and 58k. The LTC2945-1 must be used in this application to ensure that the SDAO signal polarity is correct. The LTC2945-1 can also be used with high-speed optocouplers with push-pull outputs and inverted logic as shown in Figure 18. The incoming opto-isolator draws power from the INTVCC, and the data output is connected directly to the SDAI pin with no pullup required. Ensure the current drawn does not exceed the 10mA maximum capability of the INTVCC pin. The SDAO pin is connected to the cathode of the outgoing optocoupler with a current limiting resistor connected back to INTVCC. An additional discrete N-channel MOSFET is required at the output of the outgoing optocoupler to provide the open-drain pulldown that the I2C bus requires. Finally, the input of the incoming opto-isolator is connected back to the output as in the low-speed case. Layout Considerations A Kelvin connection between the sense resistor RSNS and the LTC2945 is recommended to achieve accurate current sensing (Figure 19). The recommended minimum trace width for 1oz copper foil is 0.02” per amp to ensure the trace stays at a reasonable temperature. Using 0.03” per amp or wider is preferred. Note that 1oz copper exhibits a sheet resistance of about 530μΩ per square. (2) Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 3.3V 5V R4 10k SDAI R5 0.82k R6 0.51k R7 10k VDD LTC2945 µP 1/2 MOCD207M SDA GND GND SDAO 1/2 MOCD207M 2945 F14 Figure 14. Opto-Isolation of a 10kHz I2C Interface Between LTC2945 and Microcontroller (SCL Omitted for Clarity) GND RSHUNT 3.3V R3 1k R1 10k R2 0.51k R4 10k SDAI INTVCC VDD VDD LTC2945 VEE C1 1µF µP 1/2 MOCD207M SDA GND GND SENSE– VEE SDAO SENSE+ 1/2 MOCD207M 2945 F15 VOUT RSNS 0.02Ω Figure 15. Low Speed 10kHz Opto-Isolators Powered from Low-Side Shunt Regulator RSNS 0.02Ω VIN SENSE+ 3.3V VOUT SENSE– R3 1k R1 10k R2 1k R4 10k SDAI INTVCC VDD VDD LTC2945-1 C1 1µF µP 1/2 MOCD207M SDA SDAO GND GND 1/2 MOCD207M 2945 F16 RSHUNT Figure 16. Low Speed 10kHz Opto-Isolators Powered from High-Side Shunt Regulator For more information www.analog.com Rev. C 19 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 3.3V 48V R4 20k R5 7.5k R6 0.51k R7 10k SDAI VDD LTC2945-1 µP 1/2 MOCD207M SDAO GND SDA GND 1/2 MOCD207M 2945 F17 Figure 17. Opto-Isolation of a 1.5kHz I2C Interface Between LTC2945-1 and Microcontroller (SCL Omitted for Clarity) VIN 48V C1 1µF INTVCC VDD C2 1µF 1/2 ACPL-064L* R5 2k 3.3V VCC LTC2945-1 M1 GND SDAO R6 2k BS170 R7 2k VDD VCC µP ISO_SDA SDAI GND GND SDA GND 2945 F18 1/2 ACPL-064L* * CMOS OUTPUT Figure 18. Opto-Isolation of I2C Interface with Low Power, High Speed Opto-Couplers (SCL Omitted for Clarity) RSNS TO LOAD 12 2 11 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 7 SENSE – 1 SENSE+ VIN 2945 F19 Figure 19. Recommended Layout for Kelvin Connection 20 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 1. LTC2945 Device Addressing HEX DEVICE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION h LTC2945 ADDRESS PINS BINARY DEVICE ADDRESS a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 R/W ADR1 ADR0 Mass Write CC 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 X X Alert Response 19 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 X X 0 CE 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 X H L 1 D0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 X NC H 2 D2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 X H H 3 D4 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 X NC NC 4 D6 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 X NC L 5 D8 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 X L H 6 DA 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 X H NC 7 DC 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 X L NC 8 DE 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 X L L Table 2. LTC2945 Register Addresses and Contents REGISTER ADDRESS REGISTER NAME READ/WRITE 00h CONTROL (A) R/W 01h ALERT (B) R/W 02h STATUS (C) R 03h FAULT (D) DESCRIPTION Controls ADC Operation Mode and Test Mode DEFAULT 05h Selects Which Faults Generate Alerts 00h System Status Information 00h R/W Fault Log 00h 04h FAULT CoR (E) CoR Same Data as Register D, D Content Cleared on Read 00h 05h POWER MSB2 R/W** Power MSB2 Data XXh 06h POWER MSB1 R/W** Power MSB1 Data XXh 07h POWER LSB R/W** Power LSB Data XXh 08h MAX POWER MSB2 R/W** Maximum Power MSB2 Data 00h 09h MAX POWER MSB1 R/W** Maximum Power MSB1 Data 00h 0Ah MAX POWER LSB R/W** Maximum Power LSB Data 00h 0Bh MIN POWER MSB2 R/W** Minimum Power MSB2 Data FFh 0Ch MIN POWER MSB1 R/W** Minimum Power MSB1 Data FFh 0Dh MIN POWER LSB R/W** Minimum Power LSB Data FFh 0Eh MAX POWER THRESHOLD MSB2 R/W Maximum Power Threshold MSB2 to Generate Alert FFh 0Fh MAX POWER THRESHOLD MSB1 R/W Maximum Power Threshold MSB1 to Generate Alert FFh 10h MAX POWER THRESHOLD LSB R/W Maximum Power Threshold LSB to Generate Alert FFh 11h MIN POWER THRESHOLD MSB2 R/W Minimum Power Threshold MSB2 to Generate Alert 00h 12h MIN POWER THRESHOLD MSB1 R/W Minimum Power Threshold MSB1 to Generate Alert 00h 13h MIN POWER THRESHOLD LSB R/W Minimum Power Threshold LSB to Generate Alert 00h 14h ∆SENSE MSB R/W** ∆SENSE MSB Data XXh 15h ∆SENSE LSB R/W** ∆SENSE LSB Data X0h 16h MAX ∆SENSE MSB R/W** Maximum ∆SENSE MSB Data 00h Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 21 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 2. LTC2945 Register Addresses and Contents REGISTER ADDRESS REGISTER NAME READ/WRITE 17h MAX ∆SENSE LSB R/W** Maximum ∆SENSE LSB Data 00h 18h MIN ∆SENSE MSB R/W** Minimum ∆SENSE MSB Data FFh 19h MIN ∆SENSE LSB R/W** Minimum ∆SENSE LSB Data FOh 1Ah MAX ∆SENSE THRESHOLD MSB R/W Maximum ∆SENSE Threshold MSB to Generate Alert FFh 1Bh MAX ∆SENSE THRESHOLD LSB R/W Maximum ∆SENSE Threshold LSB to Generate Alert FOh 1Ch MIN ∆SENSE THRESHOLD MSB R/W Minimum ∆SENSE Threshold MSB to Generate Alert 00h 1Dh MIN ∆SENSE THRESHOLD LSB R/W Minimum ∆SENSE Threshold LSB to Generate Alert 00h 1Eh VIN MSB R/W** ADC VIN MSB Data XXh DESCRIPTION DEFAULT 1Fh VIN LSB R/W** ADC VIN LSB Data X0h 20h MAX VIN MSB R/W** Maximum VIN MSB Data 00h 21h MAX VIN LSB R/W** Maximum VIN LSB Data 00h 22h MIN VIN MSB R/W** Minimum VIN MSB Data FFh 23h MIN VIN LSB R/W** Minimum VIN LSB Data FOh 24h MAX VIN THRESHOLD MSB R/W Maximum VIN Threshold MSB to Generate Alert FFh 25h MAX VIN THRESHOLD LSB R/W Maximum VIN Threshold LSB to Generate Alert FOh 26h MIN VIN THRESHOLD MSB R/W Minimum VIN Threshold MSB to Generate Alert 00h 27h MIN VIN THRESHOLD LSB R/W Minimum VIN Threshold LSB to Generate Alert 00h 28h ADIN MSB R/W** ADIN MSB Data XXh 29h ADIN LSB R/W** ADIN LSB Data X0h 2Ah MAX ADIN MSB R/W** Maximum ADIN MSB Data 00h 2Bh MAX ADIN LSB R/W** Maximum ADIN LSB Data 00h 2Ch MIN ADIN MSB R/W** Minimum ADIN MSB Data FFh 2Dh MIN ADIN LSB R/W** Minimum ADIN LSB Data FOh 2Eh MAX ADIN THRESHOLD MSB R/W Maximum ADIN Threshold MSB to Generate Alert FFh 2Fh MAX ADIN THRESHOLD LSB R/W Maximum ADIN Threshold LSB to Generate Alert FOh 30h MIN ADIN THRESHOLD MSB R/W Minimum ADIN Threshold MSB to Generate Alert 00h 31h MIN ADIN THRESHOLD LSB R/W Minimum ADIN Threshold LSB to Generate Alert 00h *Register address MSBs b7-b6 are ignored. ** Writable if bit A4 is set 22 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 3. CONTROL Register A (00h) – Read/Write BIT NAME OPERATION A7 ADC Snapshot Mode Enable Enables ADC Snapshot Mode; 1 = Snapshot Mode Enabled. Only channel selected by A6 and A5 is measured by the ADC. After the conversion, the BUSY bit is reset and the ADC is halted. 0 = Snapshot Mode Disabled (Continuous Scan Mode. Default) A6 ADC Channel Label for Snapshot Mode ADC Channel Label for Snapshot Mode A5 A6 A5 ADC Channel 0 0 ∆SENSE (Default) 0 1 VIN 1 0 ADIN A4 Test Mode Enable Test Mode Halts ADC Operation and Enables Writes to Internal ADC/LOGIC Registers; 1 = Enable Test Mode, 0 = Disable Test Mode (Default) A3 ADC Busy in Snapshot Mode ADC Current Status; 1 = ADC Converting, 0 = ADC Conversion Completed (Default), Not Writable A2 VIN Monitor Enables VDD or SENSE+ Voltage Monitoring; 1 = Monitor SENSE+ Voltage (Default), 0 = Monitor VDD Voltage A1 Shutdown Enable Enables Low-IQ / Shutdown Mode; 1 = Enable Shutdown, 0 = Normal Operation (Default) A0 Multiplier Select Selects ADIN or SENSE+/VDD (depends on A2) data for digital multiplication with SENSE data; 1 = Select SENSE+/VDD (Default), 0 = Select ADIN Table 4. ALERT Register B (01h) – Read/Write BIT B7 NAME Maximum POWER Alert B6 Minimum POWER Alert B5 Maximum ∆SENSE Alert B4 Minimum ∆SENSE Alert B3 Maximum VIN Alert B2 Minimum VIN Alert B1 Maximum ADIN Alert B0 Minimum ADIN Alert OPERATION Enables Alert When POWER Calculation Data is > Maximum Power Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When POWER Calculation Data is < Minimum Power Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When ADC ∆SENSE Measurement Data is > Maximum ∆SENSE Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When ADC ∆SENSE Measurement Data is < Minimum ∆SENSE Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When ADC VIN Measurement Data is > Maximum VIN Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When ADC VIN Measurement Data is < Minimum VIN Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When ADC ADIN Measurement Data is > Maximum ADIN Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Enables Alert When ADC ADIN Measurement Data is < Minimum ADIN Threshold; 1 = Enable Alert, 0 = Disable Alert (Default) Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 23 LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 5. STATUS Register C (02h) – Read BIT C7 NAME POWER Overvalue Present C6 POWER Undervalue Present C5 ∆SENSE Overvalue Present C4 ∆SENSE Undervalue Present C3 VIN Overvalue Present C2 VIN Undervalue Present C1 ADIN Overvalue Present C0 ADIN Undervalue Present OPERATION Indicates POWER Overvalue When POWER is > Maximum Power Threshold; 1 = POWER Overvalue, 0 = POWER Not Overvalue Indicates POWER Undervalue When POWER is < Minimum Power Threshold; 1 = POWER Undervalue, 0 = POWER Not Undervalue Indicates ∆SENSE Overvalue When ∆SENSE is > Maximum ∆SENSE Threshold; 1 = ∆SENSE Overvalue, 0 = ∆SENSE Not Overvalue Indicates ∆SENSE Undervalue When ∆SENSE is < Minimum ∆SENSE Threshold; 1 = ∆SENSE Undervalue, 0 = ∆SENSE Not Undervalue Indicates VIN Overvalue When VIN is > Maximum VIN Threshold; 1 = VIN Overvalue, 0 = VIN Not Overvalue Indicates VIN Undervalue When VIN is < Minimum VIN Threshold; 1 = VIN Undervalue, 0 = VIN Not Undervalue Indicates ADIN Overvalue When ADIN is > Maximum ADIN Threshold; 1 = ADIN Overvalue, 0 = ADIN Not Overvalue Indicates ADIN Undervalue When ADIN is < Minimum ADIN Threshold; 1 = ADIN Undervalue, 0 = ADIN Not Undervalue Table 6. FAULT Register D (03h) – Read/Write BIT D7 NAME POWER Overvalue Fault Occurred D6 POWER Undervalue Fault Occurred D5 ∆SENSE Overvalue Fault Occurred D4 ∆SENSE Undervalue Fault Occurred D3 VIN Overvalue Fault Occurred D2 VIN Undervalue Fault Occurred D1 ADIN Overvalue Fault Occurred D0 ADIN Undervalue Fault Occurred 24 OPERATION Indicates POWER Overvalue Fault When POWER was > Maximum Power Threshold; 1 = POWER Overvalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No POWER Overvalue Faults Indicates POWER Undervalue Fault When POWER was < Minimum Power Threshold; 1 = POWER Undervalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No POWER Undervalue Faults Indicates ∆SENSE Overvalue Fault When ΔSENSE was > Maximum ∆SENSE Threshold; 1 = ∆SENSE Overvalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No ∆SENSE Overvalue Faults Indicates ∆SENSE Undervalue Fault When ∆SENSE was < Minimum ∆SENSE Threshold; 1 = ∆SENSE Undervalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No ∆SENSE Undervalue Faults Indicates VIN Overvalue Fault When VIN was > Maximum VIN Threshold; 1 = VIN Overvalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No VIN Overvalue Faults Indicates VIN Undervalue Fault When VIN was < Minimum VIN Threshold; 1 = VIN Undervalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No VIN Undervalue Faults Indicates ADIN Overvalue Fault When ADIN was > Maximum ADIN Threshold; 1 = ADIN Overvalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No ADIN Overvalue Faults Indicates ADIN Undervalue Fault When ADIN was < Minimum ADIN Threshold; 1 = ADIN Undervalue Fault Occurred, 0 = No ADIN Undervalue Faults Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Table 7. ADC, ADC MIN/MAX, MIN/MAX ADC THRESHOLD Register Data Format: MSB Bytes – Read/Write* BIT (7) BIT (6) BIT (5) BIT (4) BIT (3) BIT (2) BIT (1) BIT (0) Data (11) Data (10) Data (9) Data (8) Data (7) Data (6) Data (5) Data (4) *Set Bit A4 before writing to ADC and MIN/MAX ADC Registers Table 8. ADC, ADC MIN/MAX, MIN/MAX THRESHOLD Register Data Format: LSB Bytes – Read/Write* BIT (7) BIT (6) BIT (5) BIT (4) BIT (3) BIT (2) BIT (1) BIT (0) Data (3) Data (2) Data (1) Data (0) Reserved** Reserved** Reserved** Reserved** * Set Bit A4 before writing to ADC and MIN/MAX ADC Registers ** Read as ‘0’ Table 8. POWER, MIN/MAX POWER, MIN/MAX POWER THRESHOLD Register Data Format: MSB2 Bytes – Read/Write* BIT (7) BIT (6) BIT (5) BIT (4) BIT (3) BIT (2) BIT (1) BIT (0) Data (23) Data (22) Data (21) Data (20) Data (19) Data (18) Data (17) Data (16) * Set Bit A4 before writing to POWER and MIN/MAX POWER Registers Table 9. POWER, MIN/MAX POWER, MIN/MAX POWER THRESHOLD Register Data Format: MSB1 Bytes – Read/Write* BIT (7) BIT (6) BIT (5) BIT (4) BIT (3) BIT (2) BIT (1) BIT (0) Data (15) Data (14) Data (13) Data (12) Data (11) Data (10) Data (9) Data (8) * Set Bit A4 before writing to POWER and MIN/MAX POWER Registers Table 10. POWER, MIN/MAX POWER, MIN/MAX POWER THRESHOLD Register Data Format: LSB Bytes – Read/Write* BIT (7) BIT (6) BIT (5) BIT (4) BIT (3) BIT (2) BIT (1) BIT (0) Data (7) Data (6) Data (5) Data (4) Data (3) Data (2) Data (1) Data (0) * Set Bit A4 before writing to POWER and MIN/MAX POWER Registers Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 25 LTC2945 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS A Wide Range Supply Monitor RSNS 0.02Ω VIN 0V TO 80V SENSE+ 2.7V TO 5.9V VOUT SENSE– R1 2k R2 2k R3 2k SCL INTVCC SDA ADR1 SDAO INT VADIN ADIN GND 3.3V VOUT SENSE– R1 2k R2 2k R3 2k VDD SCL SCL INTVCC SDAI SDA ADR1 SDAO VDD µP C2 0.1µF ALERT ADR0 SENSE+ VDD SCL LTC2945 RSNS 0.02Ω VIN 4V TO 80V 3.3V SDAI VDD C2 0.1µF Wide Range Supply Monitor with Wide Range VDD Input LTC2945 GND INT ALERT ADR0 GND µP VADIN ADIN GND 2945 TA02 2945 TA03 Dual Supply Monitor with Common Opto-Coupler for Galvanic Isolation 3.3V R8 0.51k RSNS1 0.02Ω VIN1 24V SENSE+ C1 1µF VCC1 VDD SENSE– SCL ADR1 SDAO ALERT ADIN GND RSNS2 0.02Ω C4 0.1µF µP VCC2 VADIN1 R6 1k VCC2 HCPL063L SDAI SENSE+ VDD R12 10k VDD ADR0 VIN2 48V R11 10k VCC LTC2945 GND C3 1µF R5 V 10k CC1 R10 10k SCL INTVCC C2 0.1µF VOUT1 R4 10k R9 0.51k R7 1k 3.3V VCC SDA VOUT2 SENSE– SCL INT GND LTC2945 INTVCC GND HCPL063L SDAI SDAO ALERT ADR1 ADR0 GND ADIN VADIN2 2945 TA04 26 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Power Monitoring in –48V System Using Low Side Sensing (1.5kHz I2C Interface) –48V RTN R1 20k R2 20k 3.3V C2 0.1µF VDD INTVCC ADR1 C1 1µF R4 1k R7 0.51k R3 1k R8 0.51k R9 10k R10 10k R11 10k VDD SCL LTC2945 SCL SDAI µP VEE MOCD207M GND SDA ADIN SDAO ADR0 INT GND ALERT SENSE – VEE –48V INPUT SENSE+ MOCD207M CONTROL REGISTER A2 = 0 VOUT RSNS 0.02Ω 2945 TA05 Power Monitoring in –48V Harsh Environment Using INTVCC Shunt Regulator to Tolerate 200V Transients –48V RTN RSHUNT 3 × 1.8k IN SERIES R12 100 Q1 PZTA42 D1 1N4148WS C2 1µF VDD R4 1k INTVCC ADR1 R5 735k R1 1k R2 1k VEE R7 0.51k R8 0.51k R9 1k R10 1k R11 10k VDD VCC LTC2945 C1 1µF R3 0.51k 3.3V SCL SCL SDAI ADIN SDA GND R6 15k HCPL-063L V EE µP 3.3V VCC GND ADR0 SDAO INT ALERT SENSE – VEE –48V INPUT GND SENSE+ GND 2945 TA06 HCPL-063L CONTROL REGISTER A0 = 0 RSNS 0.02Ω VOUT Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 27 LTC2945 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Power Monitoring in –48V System Using External Linear Regulator to Supply Opto-Couplers and SCL/SDA Resistive Pull-Ups LT3010-5 –48V RTN IN C3 0.1µF OUT C2 1µF SHDN SENSE GND 5V VEE R7 0.5k VDD R4 1k ADR1 INTVCC R1 1k R2 10k R8 0.51k R9 1k R10 1k R11 10k VDD VCC SCL LTC2945 C1 1µF R3 0.51k SCL SDAI SDA GND PS9817-2 GND µP 5V VEE VCC ADIN SDAO ADR0 INT ALERT SENSE – GND SENSE+ GND 2945 TA07 PS9817-2 CONTROL REGISTER A2 = 0 VEE –48V INPUT VOUT RSNS 0.02Ω Wide Range Dual Supply Monitor with Single LTC2945 D1 BAT54 RSNS1 0.02Ω SUPPLY B 4.5V TO 80V RIN1 1k SUPPLY A 4.5V TO 80V –INF –INS C1 0.1µF RSNS 0.02Ω RIN2 1k D2 BAT54 +IN C3 0.1µF RSHUNT* V+ LTC6102 OUT RADIN 20k V– SENSE– LTC2945 SCL INTVCC ADR1 C2 0.1µF VREG SENSE+ VDD TO LOAD ADIN ADR0 SDAI GND I2C INTERFACE SDAO ALERT 2945 TA08 CONTROL REG A2 VOLTAGE DATA CURRENT POWER DATA DATA SUPPLY A 1 SENSE+ ∆SENSE INTERNALLY GENERATED SUPPLY B 0 VDD** ADIN USE EXTERNAL µP TO MULTIPLY VOLTAGE (VDD) AND CURRENT (ADIN) DATA * SELECT RSHUNT ACCORDING TO THE EQUATION IN THE “FLEXIBLE POWER SUPPLY TO LTC2945” SECTION. ** VOLTAGE DATA HAS AN OFFSET VALUE DUE TO D1’S DROP, IF DESIRABLE THIS CAN BE COMPENSATED THROUGH SOFTWARE. 28 Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Ruggedized 4V to 70V High Side Power Monitor with Surge Protection Up to 200V RSNS 0.02Ω VIN SENSE + VOUT SENSE– INTVCC VDD R12 100Ω R4 1k LTC2945 T1 SMAJ70A DIODES, INC Q1 PZTA42 R1 1k R3 0.51k 3.3V C2 1µF R2 1k R8 0.51k R7 0.51k FGND R9 1k R10 1k R11 10k VDD VCC SCL C1 0.1µF SCL SDAI SDA GND HCPL-063L FGND µP 3.3V VCC ADR1 ADR0 SDAO ADIN INT ALERT GND GND GND 2945 TA09 HCPL-063L FGND M1 BSP149 R5 1Ω Isolated Wide Range I2C Power Monitor LTM2883-3I 3.3V ON GND V+ AV+ V– AV– VCC2 AVCC2 DI1 SDA SCL DNC DO2 DO1 GND O1 SDA2 SCL2 DNC I2 I1 GND2 VCC VL 1µF 10k VCC µP SDA SCL INT GND 10k RSNS 0.02Ω VIN 0V TO 80V SENSE+ VOUT SENSE– LTC2945 R2 10k C2 0.1µF VDD INTVCC SDAO SDAI SCL ALERT ADIN VADIN ADR1 ADR0 GND 2945 TA09a Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 29 LTC2945 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Wide Range –4V to –500V Negative Power Monitor (10kHz I2C Interface) RTN M1 BSP135 R5 750k R13 10k R4 1k R3 1k R1 2k R2 2k VDD R6 750k 3.3V C1 0.1µF VEE R7 0.51k R8 0.51k R9 10k R10 10k R11 10k VDD SCL Z1 4.7V LTC2945 SCL SDAI VEE ADIN GND R12 5k SDA ADR1 SDAO INT ADR0 C2 0.1µF SENSE – + SENSE CONTROL REGISTER A2 = 0 RSNS 0.02Ω GND 2945 TA10 ALERT INTVCC VEE 30 µP MOCD207M MOCD207M VOUT Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION MS Package 12-Lead Plastic MSOP (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1668 Rev A) 0.889 ±0.127 (.035 ±.005) 5.10 (.201) MIN 3.20 – 3.45 (.126 – .136) 4.039 ±0.102 (.159 ±.004) (NOTE 3) 0.65 (.0256) BSC 0.42 ±0.038 (.0165 ±.0015) TYP 12 11 10 9 8 7 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 0.254 (.010) DETAIL “A” 3.00 ±0.102 (.118 ±.004) (NOTE 4) 4.90 ±0.152 (.193 ±.006) 0° – 6° TYP 0.406 ±0.076 (.016 ±.003) REF GAUGE PLANE 0.53 ±0.152 (.021 ±.006) DETAIL “A” 0.18 (.007) SEATING PLANE 1.10 (.043) MAX 0.22 – 0.38 (.009 – .015) TYP 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.650 (.0256) BSC NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETER/(INCH) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 4. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 5. LEAD COPLANARITY (BOTTOM OF LEADS AFTER FORMING) SHALL BE 0.102mm (.004") MAX 0.86 (.034) REF 0.1016 ±0.0508 (.004 ±.002) MSOP (MS12) 0213 REV A Rev. C For more information www.analog.com 31 LTC2945 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION UD Package 12-Lead Plastic QFN (3mm × 3mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1855 Rev Ø) 0.70 ±0.05 3.50 ±0.05 1.65 ±0.05 2.10 ±0.05 (4 SIDES) PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 ±0.05 0.50 BSC RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS 3.00 ± 0.10 (4 SIDES) BOTTOM VIEW—EXPOSED PAD PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 TYP OR 0.25 × 45° CHAMFER R = 0.115 TYP 0.75 ±0.05 11 12 PIN 1 TOP MARK (NOTE 6) 0.40 ±0.10 1 2 1.65 ±0.10 (4-SIDES) (UD12) QFN 0709 REV Ø 0.200 REF 0.00 – 0.05 NOTE: 1. DRAWING CONFORMS TO JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE MO-220 VARIATION (WEED-1) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 32 0.25 ±0.05 0.50 BSC Rev. C For more information www.analog.com LTC2945 REVISION HISTORY REV DATE DESCRIPTION A 09/13 Added Limits to Full-Scale Voltage. 4 Removed Note 5 from I2C Interface Timing. 5 B 9/15 C 02/22 PAGE NUMBER Added Note 5 to SCL, SDAI Input Capacitance. 5 Added ADIN and Resistive Divider Information with Regards to Figure 3a and Figure 3c. 12 Revised Figure 3a and Figure 3c. 13 Revised Figure 14 and Figure 19. 19, 20 Revised Bottom Figure. 26 Top Figure: Replaced SMAJ78A with SMAJ70A and Changed C2 Connection from VEE to FGND. 29 Added “Isolated Wide Range I2C Power Monitor” Figure. 29 Added H-Grade. 2, 3 Added Automotive “W” Part Numbers. 2 Added Pin Numbers to Pin Functions. 8 Renumbered Figure 4 through Figure 19. 14, 16, 18-20 Rev. C Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license For is granted implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. more by information www.analog.com 33 LTC2945 TYPICAL APPLICATION 3.3V Input Supply Monitor with 12V VDD Input RSNS 0.02Ω VIN 3.3V SENSE+ VDD 12V ADR1 C2 0.1µF R1 2k R2 2k R3 2k IN– VDD SCL SDAI SDA RIN1 1k GND ADIN SENSE+ INT VADIN IN+ VDD GND 2945 TA12 2.7V TO 5.9V INTVCC RIN2 1k RSNS 0.02Ω VIN 0V TO 44V µP SDAO ALERT ADR0 VOUT V– SCL LTC2945 INTVCC LT6105 V+ 3.3V VOUT SENSE– Rail-to-Rail Bidirectional Current and Power Monitor TO LOAD SENSE– LTC2945 SCL I2C INTERFACE SDAI SDAO ADR1 ALERT ADR0 ADIN RADIN 20k GND 2945 TA11 CONTROL REG A2 VOLTAGE DATA CURRENT DATA POWER DATA FORWARD 1 SENSE+ ∆SENSE INTERNALLY GENERATED REVERSE 1 SENSE+ ADIN USE EXTERNAL µP TO MULTIPLY VOLTAGE (SENSE+) AND CURRENT (ADIN) DATA RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LTC4151 High Voltage I2C Current and Voltage Monitor 7V to 80V Operation, 12-Bit Resolution with ±1.25% TUE LT6105 Rail-to-Rail Input Current Sense Amplifier Very Wide Input Common Mode Range, 2.85V to 36V Operation LTC2450 Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny 16-Bit ADC GND to VCC Single-Ended Input Range, 0.02 LSB RMS Noise, 2 LSB INL (No Missing Codes), 2 LSB Offset Error, 4 LSB Full-Scale Error LTC4215 Single Channel, Hot Swap Controller with I2C Monitoring 8-Bit ADC, Adjustable Current Limit and Inrush, 2.9V to 15V Operation LTC4222 Dual Channel, Hot Swap Controller with I2C Monitoring 10-Bit ADC, Adjustable Current Limit and Inrush, 2.9V to 29V Operation 8-Bit ADC, Adjustable Current Limit and Inrush, 8.5V to 80V Operation LTC4260 Positive High Voltage Hot Swap Controller with I2C Monitoring LTC4261 Negative High Voltage Hot Swap Controller with I2C Monitoring 10-Bit ADC, Floating Topology, Adjustable Inrush LTC2940 Power and Current Monitor Four-Quadrant Multiplication, ±5% Power Accuracy, 4V to 80V Operation LTC2970 Dual I2C Power Supply Monitor and Margining Controller 14-Bit ADC with ±0.5% TUE, Dual 8-Bit DACs LTC2974 Quad Digital Power Supply Manager with EEPROM 16-Bit ADC with ±0.25% TUE, Supervise/Sequence/Monitor/Margin/ Trim, Configuration/Fault Logging EEPROM, I2C, Supervise/Monitor Current and Temperature LTC2978 Octal Digital Power Supply Manager with EEPROM 16-Bit ADC with ±0.25% TUE, Supervise/Sequence/Monitor/Margin/ Trim, Configuration/Fault Logging EEPROM, I2C 34 Rev. C 02/22 www.analog.com For more information www.analog.com  ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2012-2022
LTC2945CMS#PBF 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+105.75400
    • 10+74.28300
    • 37+66.16500
    • 111+57.10100
