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LTC4368HDD-1#PBF 数据手册
LTC4368 100V UV/OV and Reverse Protection Controller with Bidirectional Circuit Breaker FEATURES DESCRIPTION Wide Operating Voltage Range: 2.5V to 60V nn Overvoltage Protection to 100V nn Reverse Supply Protection to –40V nn Bidirectional Electronic Circuit Breaker: nn +50mV Forward Sense Threshold nn –50mV Reverse (LTC4368-1) nn –3mV Reverse (LTC4368-2) nn Adjustable ±1.5% Undervoltage and Overvoltage Thresholds nn Low Operating Current: 80µA nn Low Shutdown Current: 5µA nn Controls Back-to-Back N-Channel MOSFETs nn Blocks 50Hz and 60Hz AC Power nn Hot Swappable Supply Input nn Pin-Selectable Overcurrent Auto-Retry Timer or Latchoff nn 10-Pin MSOP and 3mm × 3mm DFN Packages nn AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications The LTC®4368 protects applications from power supply voltages that may be too high, too low, or even negative and from overcurrent faults in both forward and reverse directions. The LTC4368 controls the gate voltage of a pair of external N-channel MOSFETs to ensure that the load is connected to the input supply only when there are no voltage or current faults. nn APPLICATIONS Reverse Battery Protection Portable Instrumentation nn Automotive and Industrial Surge Protection nn Energy Storage Systems nn Two comparator inputs allow configuration of the overvoltage (OV) and undervoltage (UV) set points using an external resistive divider. A current sense resistor sets the forward and reverse circuit breaker current thresholds. After a forward current fault, the LTC4368 will either latchoff power, or retry after a user adjustable delay. After a reverse current fault, the LTC4368 waits for the output to fall 100mV below the input to reconnect power to the load. The LTC4368 has a 32ms turn-on delay that debounces live supply input connections and blocks 50Hz and 60Hz AC power. UV/OV faults also trigger the 32ms recovery delay before the external MOSFETs are turned back on. All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. nn TYPICAL APPLICATION Load Protected from Reverse and Overvoltage at VIN 24V Application with 10A Circuit Breaker +50mV VIN 24V –40V TO 100V SiR870 SiR870 0.005Ω INRUSH CONTROL 22k VOUT 7V TO 36V –3mV + IOUT –0.6A TO 10A 100µF +70V 20V/DIV OV = 36V UV = 7V VALID WINDOW 3.3nF VIN GATE SENSE VOUT GND 464k UV LTC4368-2 121k OV 29.4k VOUT VOUT FAULT SHDN 1500k OV = 36V UV = 7V VIN RETRY GND 1200ms COOLDOWN AFTER FORWARD OC FAULT –40V 20V/DIV 0.22µF VIN 200ms/DIV 4368 TA01b 4368 TA01a Rev. B Document Feedback For more information www.analog.com 1 LTC4368 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1, Note 2) Supply Voltage VIN......................................................... –40V to 100V Input Voltages UV, SHDN (Note 3).........................…….–0.3V to 80V OV (Note 3)............................................. –0.3V to 20V RETRY (Note 3)........................................ –0.3V to 5V VOUT, SENSE.............................................–10V to 80V VOUT to SENSE..........................................–10V to 10V VIN to VOUT............................................ –60V to 100V Output Voltages FAULT (Note 3)........................................ –0.3V to 80V GATE............................................... –40V to VIN + 14V Input Currents RETRY, UV, OV ,SHDN, FAULT............................–1mA Operating Ambient Temperature Range LTC4368C................................................ 0°C to 70°C LTC4368I............................................. –40°C to 85°C LTC4368H......................................... . –40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range .................. –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) MSOP Package.................................................. 300°C PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW VIN 1 10 GATE UV 2 9 SENSE OV 3 RETRY 4 8 VOUT 7 FAULT GND 5 6 SHDN TOP VIEW VIN UV OV RETRY GND 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 GATE SENSE VOUT FAULT SHDN MS10 PACKAGE 10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP DD PACKAGE 10-LEAD (3mm × 3mm) PLASTIC DFN TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 160°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) PCB GROUND CONNECTION OPTIONAL TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 43°C/W ORDER INFORMATION LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LTC4368CDD-1#PBF LTC4368CDD-1#TRPBF LGTH 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN 0°C to 70°C LTC4368CDD-2#PBF LTC4368CDD-2#TRPBF LGTK 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN 0°C to 70°C LTC4368IDD-1#PBF LTC4368IDD-1#TRPBF LGTH 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN –40°C to 85°C LTC4368IDD-2#PBF LTC4368IDD-2#TRPBF LGTK 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN –40°C to 85°C LTC4368HDD-1#PBF LTC4368HDD-1#TRPBF LGTH 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN –40°C to 125°C LTC4368HDD-2#PBF LTC4368HDD-2#TRPBF LGTK 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) Plastic DFN –40°C to 125°C LTC4368CMS-1#PBF LTC4368CMS-1#TRPBF LTGTG 10-Lead Plastic MSOP 0°C to 70°C LTC4368CMS-2#PBF LTC4368CMS-2#TRPBF LTGTJ 10-Lead Plastic MSOP 0°C to 70°C LTC4368IMS-1#PBF LTC4368IMS-1#TRPBF LTGTG 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LTC4368IMS-2#PBF LTC4368IMS-2#TRPBF LTGTJ 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LTC4368HMS-1#PBF LTC4368HMS-1#TRPBF LTGTG 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C LTC4368HMS-2#PBF LTC4368HMS-2#TRPBF LTGTJ 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C Rev. B 2 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 ORDER INFORMATION AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS** LTC4368IMS-1#WPBF LTC4368IMS-1#WTRPBF LTGTG 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LTC4368IMS-2#WPBF LTC4368IMS-2#WTRPBF LTGTJ 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 85°C LTC4368HMS-1#WPBF LTC4368HMS-1#WTRPBF LTGTG 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C LTC4368HMS-2#WPBF LTC4368HMS-2#WTRPBF LTGTJ 10-Lead Plastic MSOP –40°C to 125°C *Temperature grades are identified by a label on the shipping container. Consult ADI Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. Tape and reel specifications. Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. **Versions of this part are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements of automotive applications. These models are designated with a #W suffix. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for these models. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = 2.5V to 60V, unless otherwise noted (Note 2). UV = 2.5V, OV = 0V, SHDN = 2.5V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 60 100 V V VIN, VOUT, SENSE VIN Input Voltage: Operating Range Protection Range l l 2.5 –40 VIN(UVLO) Input Supply Undervoltage Lockout VIN Rising l IVIN 1.8 2.2 2.4 V Input Supply Current: On Off SHDN = 2.5V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN SHDN = 0V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN l l 30 5 100 25 µA µA IVIN(R) Reverse Input Supply Current VIN = –40V, SENSE = VOUT = 0V l –1.5 –2.5 mA VOUT(UVLO) VOUT Undervoltage Lockout VOUT Rising, VOUT – SENSE = 100mV, VIN = 12V l 1.8 2.2 2.4 V tVOUT(UVLO) VOUT Undervoltage Lockout Delay VIN = 12V, VOUT:0V→12V, VOUT – SENSE = 100mV l 40 120 280 µs SHDN = 2.5V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN SHDN = 0V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN VIN = –40V, SENSE = VOUT = 0V l l l 50 3 20 125 20 50 µA µA µA 1.2 0.1 1 2 2 10 µA µA µA IVOUT VOUT Input Current: On Off Reverse Current Sense ISENSE SENSE Input Current: On Off Reverse SHDN = 2.5V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN SHDN = 0V, SENSE = VOUT = VIN VIN = –40V, SENSE = VOUT = 0V l l l ΔVSENSE,F Overcurrent Fault Threshold, Forward (SENSE – VOUT) VOUT = VIN VIN = 12V, VOUT = 0.5V VIN = 12V, VOUT = 0V l l l 40 40 30 50 50 50 60 60 70 mV mV mV ΔVSENSE,R Overcurrent Fault Threshold, Reverse (SENSE – VOUT) LTC4368-1 VOUT = VIN LTC4368-2 VOUT = VIN l l –42 –1 –50 –3 –58 –5 mV mV ΔVRR Reverse Overcurrent Re-Enable Turn-On Threshold (VIN – VOUT) VIN = SENSE = 6V to 60V VIN = SENSE = 2.5V to  0V l 22 32 45 ms tp(GATE) Overcurrent Fault Propagation Delay CGATE = 2.2nF, Overcurrent Fault to ∆VGATE = 0V SENSE – VOUT: 0 to +100mV, or SENSE – VOUT: 0 to –100mV (LTC4368-1) SENSE – VOUT: 0 to –10mV (LTC4368-2) l 3 8 18 µs VUV UV Input Threshold Voltage UV Falling l 492.5 500 507.5 mV VOV OV Input Threshold Voltage OV Rising l 492.5 500 507.5 mV VUVHYST UV Input Hysteresis l 20 25 32 mV VOVHYST OV Input Hysteresis l 20 25 32 mV ILEAK UV, OV Leakage Current V = 0.5V, VIN = 60V l ±10 nA tFAULT UV, OV Fault Propagation Delay Overdrive = 50mV, VIN = 12V l 1 2 µs VSHDN SHDN Input Threshold SHDN Falling l 0.75 1.2 V ISHDN SHDN Input Current SHDN = 10V, VIN = 60V l ±15 nA tSTART Delay Coming Out of Shutdown Mode SHDN Rising to FAULT, VIN = 12V l 800 1400 µs tSHDN(F) SHDN To FAULT Asserted VIN = 12V l 1.5 3 µs tLOWPWR Delay From Turn Off to Low Power Operation VIN = 12V l 32 48 ms VOL FAULT Output Voltage Low IFAULT = 500µA, VIN = 12V l IFAULT FAULT Leakage Current FAULT = 5V, VIN = 60V l VRETRY Configuration Threshold for GATE Latch-Off RETRY Falling to ΔIRETRY > 2µA VIN = 12V l 0.5 IRETRY Output Current for RETRY Timer RETRY = 2V, VIN = 12V RETRY = 0V, VIN = 12V l l 2.5 –10 tCLEAR Minimum SHDN Pulse to Clear Forward Overcurrent RETRY Latch RETRY = 0V, VIN = 12V l 15 tRETRY Forward Overcurrent Cool-Down Delay FAULT Asserted to FAULT Released, CRETRY = 22nF SENSE = VOUT = VIN = 12V l 80 UV, OV SHDN 0.4 400 20 FAULT 0.15 0.4 V ±20 nA 1 1.5 V 3.5 –17 4.5 –25 µA µA RETRY Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. µs 120 150 ms Note 2. All currents into pins are positive; all voltages are referenced to GND unless otherwise noted. Note 3. These pins can be tied to voltages below –0.3V through a resistor that limits the current below 1mA. Rev. B 4 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 8 SHDN = 2.5V VIN = VOUT VIN = 60V 20 VIN = 2.5V –25 4 2 10 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 0 125 6 SHDN = 2.5V VIN = VOUT VOUT = 60V 0 10 30 VIN (V) 40 50 –2000 –50 60 –25 0 25 VIN (V) 50 75 100 4368 G03 VOUT Current vs Reverse VIN 20 SHDN = 0V VIN = VOUT 5 TA = 125°C TA = 25°C TA = –45°C 4368 G02 VOUT = 0V –45°C 15 VOUT = 60V 45 VOUT = 12V 30 3 VOUT = 12V 2 VOUT = 2.5V 25°C 10 5 15 125°C 1 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 4368 G04 14 VOUT = 2.5V 0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 0 125 0 12 VOUT = 0V VIN = VOUT = 12V 10 VOUT = VIN 10 –10 –20 VIN (V) –30 –40 4368 G06 GATE Drive vs GATE Current GATE Drive vs VIN Supply Voltage 12 TA = 125°C TA = 25°C TA = –45°C 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 0 100 4368 G05 ∆VGATE (V) 0 –50 20 –1500 4 ∆VGATE (V) IVOUT (µA) 60 –1000 VOUT Shutdown Current vs Temperature IVOUT (µA) 75 –500 TA = 125°C TA = 70°C TA = 25°C TA = –45°C 4368 G01 VOUT Operating Current vs Temperature UV = SHDN = 0V VOUT = 0V 0 6 VIN = 12V 0 –50 500 SHDN = 0V VIN = VOUT IVIN (µA) 30 VIN Supply Current vs Voltage (–40V to 100V) VIN Shutdown Current vs Voltage IVOUT (µA) IVIN (µA) 40 IVIN (µA) 50 VIN Operating Current vs Temperature 2 TA = 25°C IGATE = –1µA 0 4 8 12 VIN (V) 16 20 0 0 4368 G07 –10 –20 –30 –40 IGATE(UP) (µA) –50 –60 4368 G08 Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 5 LTC4368 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 508 UV, OV Thresholds vs Temperature 120 ∆VRR Threshold vs VOUT 10 VIN = 12V VIN = VOUT = 12V 125°C 6 25°C 84 IFAULT (nA) ∆VRR (mV) VUV (mV) –45°C 500 VIN = 12V FAULT = 5V 8 102 504 FAULT Leakage vs Temperature 66 4 2 496 48 492 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 0 30 125 0 10 20 30 –2 –50 60 50 24 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 40 40 12 6 30 t D(ON) (ms) t FAULT (µs) IFAULT (mA) 25°C 125 GATE Turn-On Delay Time vs VIN TA = 125°C 18 100 4368 G11 VIN = VOUT = 12V TA = 25°C –45°C –25 4368 G10 UV/OV Propagation Delay vs Overdrive FAULT Output Current vs Voltage VIN = 12V UV = SHDN = 0V 50 VOUT (V) 4368 G09 30 40 20 10 30 TA = –45°C TA = 25°C 20 10 125°C 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 VOL (V) 12 0 10 100 OVERDRIVE (mV) 0 VOUT VOUT 5ms/DIV 4368 G15 3V/DIV 30 VIN (V) 40 50 60 4368 G14 DUAL Si7942 MOSFET 100µF, 12Ω LOAD VIN = 12V VOUT GND DUAL Si7942 1k, 10µF LOAD ON VOUT 20 GATE 5V/DIV 5V/DIV GATE 10 Turn-Off Timing GATE VIN 0 4368 G13 Turn-On Timing 1V/DIV GND 20V/DIV 1k 4368 G12 AC Blocking GND 1 VIN = 12V DUAL Si7942 MOSFET 100µF, 12Ω LOAD GND 3V/DIV SHDN 400µs/DIV 4368 G16 SHDN 400µs/DIV 4368 G17 Rev. B 6 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 PIN FUNCTIONS Exposed Pad: The exposed pad may be left open or connected to device ground. FAULT: Fault Indication Output. Connect to a pull-up resistor. This high voltage open drain output is pulled low if there is a voltage or current fault, if SHDN is low, or if VIN has not risen above VIN(UVLO). Leave unconnected if unused. GATE: Gate Drive Output for External N-channel MOSFETs. An internal charge pump provides 35µA of pull-up current and up to 13.1V of enhancement to the gate of an external MOSFET. When turned off, GATE is pulled just below the lower of VIN or VOUT. When VIN goes negative, GATE is automatically connected to VIN. GND: Device Ground. OV: Overvoltage Comparator Input. Connect this pin to an external resistive divider to set the desired VIN overvoltage fault threshold. This input connects an accurate, fast (1µs) comparator with a 0.5V rising threshold and 25mV of hysteresis. When OV rises above its threshold, a 60mA current sink pulls down on the GATE output. When OV falls back below 0.475V, and after a 32ms GATE turn-on delay waiting period, the GATE charge pump is enabled. The low leakage current on this input allows the use of large valued resistors for the external resistive divider. Connect to GND if unused. RETRY: Retry or Latch-Off Selection Input. Connect to ground to latch off the MOSFETs after a forward overcurrent fault. To turn the external MOSFETs back on, the SHDN pin must be toggled low then high. Connect RETRY to an external capacitor to configure a 5.5ms/nF delay before the MOSFETs automatically turn on again. Leave unconnected if unused. SENSE: Overcurrent Sense Input. Connect a current sense resistor between SENSE and VOUT. This input detects overcurrent faults in both directions: forward at ∆VSENSE = 50mV, and reverse at ∆VSENSE = –50mV (LTC4368-1 option) or ∆VSENSE  =  –3mV (LTC4368-2 option). When an overcurrent fault is detected, a 60mA current sink pulls down on the GATE output, thus quickly disconnecting the load from the input. After a reverse current fault, when VOUT falls 100mV below VIN, the LTC4368 automatically turns on the external MOSFETs. A forward overcurrent fault uses the RETRY pin to set the conditions for reconnecting power to the load. Connect to VOUT if unused. SHDN: Shutdown Control Input. Assuming no voltage or current faults, SHDN high enables the GATE charge pump which in turn enhances the gate of the external N-channel MOSFETs. A low on SHDN generates a pull down on the GATE output with a 90µA current sink and places the LTC4368 in low current mode (5µA). If a forward overcurrent condition latches off the external MOSFETs (RETRY grounded), the SHDN pin must be toggled low then high to re-enable the charge pump that enhances the external MOSFETs. If VIN goes above 80V, the SHDN pin voltage must be kept below 80V. UV: Undervoltage Comparator Input. Connect this pin to an external resistive divider to set the desired VIN undervoltage fault threshold. This input connects to an accurate, fast (1µs) comparator with a 0.5V falling threshold and 25mV of hysteresis. When UV falls below its threshold, a 60mA current sink pulls down on the GATE output. When UV rises back above 0.525V, and after a 32ms GATE turn-on delay waiting period, the GATE charge pump is enabled. The low leakage current on this input allows the use of large valued resistors for the external resistive divider. If unused and VIN is less than 80V, connect to VIN with a 510k resistor. VIN: Power Supply Input. Maximum protection range: –40V to 100V. Operating range: 2.5V to 60V. This pin can be hot swapped and has a 2.2V UVLO. VOUT: Output Voltage Sense Input. Connect a current sense resistor between VOUT and SENSE. The GATE charge pump voltage is referenced to VOUT. It is used as the charge pump input when VOUT is greater than approximately 5V. The reverse current fault comparators require that VOUT rise above its 2.2V UVLO. VOUT cannot be hot swapped with supplies above 24V. Place at least 1µF from VOUT to GND. Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 7 LTC4368 BLOCK DIAGRAM VIN –40V TO 100V GATE SENSE 50mV – 5V VOUT ENABLE GATE CHARGE PUMP f = 400kHz –+ 50mV (4368-1) 3mV (4368-2) CLOSES SWITCH WHEN VIN IS NEGATIVE REV_RESET + – LDO + – OC_REV –+ REVERSE PROTECTION + VOUT VOUT –+ + – OC_FWD OVERCURRENT COMPARATORS VIN 100mV IGATE 35µA 17µA 31 CYCLES SLOW OFF FAST OFF FWD_RESET START TIMER RETRY 3.5µA 90µA 60mA GATE PULLDOWN LOGIC FORWARD OVERCURRENT TIMER SHDN VIN 2.2V UVLO UV 0.5V OV 0.5V DELAY TIMERS LOGIC – FAULT + + 25mV HYSTERESIS – GND 4368 BD Rev. B 8 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 OPERATION Many of today’s electronic systems get their power from external sources such as wall adapters, batteries and custom power supplies. Figure 1 shows a supply arrangement using a DC barrel connector. Power is supplied by an AC adapter or, if the plug is withdrawn, by a removable battery. Note that the polarity of the AC adapter and barrel connector varies by manufacturer. Trouble arises when any of the following occurs: of a single catastrophic event, or over time as devices degrade from repeated overstress. The LTC4368 limits these errant overvoltage and overcurrent conditions and helps extend the life of the electronic systems it protects. When the part detects an overcurrent or overvoltage fault, it isolates the input supply from the load by turning off the external back-to-back MOSFETs. The LTC4368 provides accurate overvoltage and undervoltage comparators to ensure that power is applied to the load only if the input supply meets the user selectable voltage window. Additionally, two accurate overcurrent comparators disconnect the load from the supply when excessive current flows in either the forward (+50mV/ RSENSE) or reverse (–50mV or –3mV/RSENSE) direction. Reverse supply voltage protection circuits automatically isolate the load from negative input voltages. During normal operation, a high voltage charge pump enhances the gate of dual external N-channel power MOSFETs, thus providing a low loss path for qualified power. Power consumption is 5µA during shutdown and 80µA while operating. The LTC4368 integrates all these functions in small 10-lead 3mm × 3mm DFN and MSOP packages. • The battery is installed backwards • A wall adapter of opposite polarity is attached • A wall adapter of excessive voltage is attached • A wall adapter with an AC output is attached • The battery is discharged below a safe level • The load or the input is shorted to ground or to another supply • Excessive current flows from the supply to the load or from the load to the supply These conditions, if unchecked, can damage electronic systems and their connectors. Damage can take the form BI-DIRECTIONAL OVERCURRENT PROTECTION –40V TO 100V PROTECTION RANGE + AC ADAPTER INPUT BATTERY 2.5V TO 60V OPERATING RANGE M1 +50mV M2 INRUSH CONTROL RGATE –3mV LOAD CIRCUIT CGATE – VIN GATE SENSE VOUT R4 SHDN OV, UV PROTECTION THRESHOLDS SET TO SATISFY LOAD CIRCUIT R3 LTC4368-2 UV FAULT OV RETRY R2 R1 GND CRETRY 4368 F01 Figure 1. Polarity Protection for DC Barrel Connectors Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 9 LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION VIN 24V M1 M2 PSMN4R8-100BSE SiR662 INRUSH CONTROL +50mV 0.004Ω VOUT 7V TO 36V –0.75A TO 12.5A –3mV 22k 2.2nF R4 464k OV = 36V UV = 7V R3 1500k VIN GATE SENSE VOUT SHDN LTC4368-2 UV FAULT OV RETRY 1200ms COOLDOWN AFTER FORWARD OC FAULT R2 121k R1 29.4k 0.22µF GND 4368 F02 Figure 2. LTC4368-2 Protects Load from Voltage (–40V to 100V) and Current (–0.75A to 12.5A) Faults Voltages at VIN outside of the 7V to 36V range are prevented from getting to the load and can be as high as 100V and as negative as –40V. Load currents (including inrush currents) above 12.5A (forward from VIN to VOUT) and below –0.75A (reverse from VOUT to VIN) will cause the load to be disconnected from VIN. The circuit of Figure 2 protects against negative voltages at VIN as shown. Note that the SOA and voltage requirements are not the same for the two external MOSFETs. During power-up, the input MOSFET (M1) will stand off more voltage (up to VIN) than the output MOSFET (M2). The body diode of M2 will limit its drain to source voltage. This allows the use of smaller MOSFETs at the output. During normal operation, the LTC4368 provides up to 13.1V of gate enhancement to the external back-to-back N-channel MOSFETs. This turns on the MOSFETs, thus connecting the load at VOUT to the supply at VIN. GATE Drive The LTC4368 turns on the external N-channel MOSFETs by driving the GATE pin above VOUT. The voltage difference between the GATE and VOUT pins (gate drive) is a function of VIN and VOUT. Figure 3 highlights the dependence of the gate drive on VIN and VOUT. When system power is first turned on (SHDN low to high, SENSE = VOUT = 0V), gate drive is at a maximum for all values of VIN. This helps prevent startup problems into heavy loads by ensuring that there is enough gate drive to support the load. 14 TA = 25°C IGATE = –1µA 12 VIN = 12V, 60V 10 ∆VGATE (V) The LTC4368 is an N-channel MOSFET controller that protects a load from overvoltage faults (both positive and negative) and from overcurrent faults (both forward and reverse). A typical application circuit using the LTC4368-2 is shown in Figure 2. The circuit provides a low loss connection from VIN to VOUT as long as there are no voltage or current faults. 8 VIN = 5V 6 VIN = 3.3V 4 VIN = 2.5V 2 0 0 5 10 VOUT (V) 15 4365 F03 Figure 3. Gate Drive (GATE – VOUT) vs VOUT Rev. B 10 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION As VOUT ramps up from 0V, the absolute value of the GATE voltage remains fixed until VOUT is greater than the lower of (VIN – 1V) or 5V. Once VOUT crosses this threshold, gate drive begins to increase up to a maximum of 13.1V. The curves of Figure 3 were taken with a GATE load of –1µA. If there were no DC load on GATE, the gate drive for each VIN would be slightly higher. Note that when VIN is at the lower end of the operating range, the external N-channel MOSFET must be selected with a correspondingly lower threshold voltage. Overvoltage and Undervoltage Protection The LTC4368 provides two accurate comparators to monitor for overvoltage (OV) and undervoltage (UV) conditions at VIN. If the input supply rises above the user adjustable OV threshold, the gates of the external MOSFETs are quickly turned off, thus disconnecting the load from the input. Similarly, if the input supply falls below the user adjustable UV threshold, the gates of the external MOSFETs are quickly turned off. Figure 4 shows a UV/OV application for an input supply of 12V. The external resistive divider allows the user to select an input supply range that is compatible with the load at VOUT. Furthermore, the UV and OV inputs have very low leakage currents (typically < 1nA at 100°C), allowing for large values in the external resistive divider. In the application of Figure 4, the load is connected to the supply only if VIN lies between 3.5V and 18V. In the event that VIN goes above 18V or below 3.5V, the gate of the external N-channel MOSFET is immediately discharged with a 60mA current sink, thus isolating the load from the supply. Figure 5 shows the timing associated with the UV pin. Once a UV fault propagates through the UV comparator (tFAULT), the FAULT output is asserted low and a 60mA current sink discharges the GATE pin. As VOUT falls, the GATE pin tracks VOUT. VUV UV VUV + VUVHYST tFAULT FAULT tD(FAST) 12V LTC4368 VIN UV R2 243k 0.5V R1 59k 4368 F05 – + Figure 5. UV Timing (OV < (VOV – VOVHYST), SHDN > 1.2V) 25mV OV COMPARATOR OV OVTH = 18V EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFETS TURN OFF GATE UV COMPARATOR R3 1820k UVTH = 3.5V tD(ON) DISCHARGE GATE WITH 60mA SINK + 25mV 0.5V – Figure 6 shows the timing associated with the OV pin. Once an OV fault propagates through the OV comparator (tFAULT), the FAULT output is asserted low and a 60mA current sink discharges the GATE pin. As VOUT falls, the GATE pin tracks VOUT. VOV OV VOV – VOVHYST 4368 F04 tFAULT Figure 4. UV, OV Comparators Monitor 12V Supply FAULT tD(FAST) GATE tD(ON) EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFET TURNS OFF 4368 F06 Figure 6. OV Timing (UV > (VUV + VUVHYST), SHDN > 1.2V) Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 11 LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION When both the UV and OV faults are removed, the external MOSFETs are not immediately turned on. The input supply must remain within the user selected power good window for typically 32ms (tD(ON)) before the load is again connected to the supply. This recovery timeout period filters noise (including line noise) at the input supply and prevents chattering of power at the load. Procedure for Selecting UV/OV External Resistor Values The following 3-step procedure helps select the resistor values for the resistive divider of Figure 4. This procedure minimizes UV and OV offset errors caused by leakage currents at the respective pins. 1. Choose maximum tolerable offset at the UV pin, VOS(UV). Divide by the worst case leakage current at the UV pin, IUV (10nA). Set the sum of R1 + R2 equal to VOS(UV) divided by 10nA. Note that due to the presence of R3, the actual offset at UV will be slightly lower. R1 + R2 = VOS(UV) I UV ⎛ UV TH – 0.5V⎞ • ⎜ ⎟ 0.5V ⎝ ⎠ 3. Select the desired VIN OV trip threshold, OVTH. Find the values of R1 and R2: ⎞ ⎛V ⎜ OS(UV) ⎟ + R3 ⎟ ⎜ I UV ⎠ ⎝ R1 = • 0.5V OV TH R2 = VOS(UV) I UV IUV = 10nA UVTH = 3.5V OVTH = 18V The resistor values can then be solved: 1. R1 + R2 = 2. R3 = 2 • 3mV 10nA 3mV 10nA = 300k • (3.5V – 0.5V) = 1.8M The closest 1% value: R3 = 1.82M 3. R1 = 300k + 1.82M 2 • 18V = 58.9 k The closest 1% value: R1 = 59K The closest 1% value: R2 = 243K 2. Select the desired VIN UV trip threshold, UVTH. Find the value of R3: R3 = VOS(UV) = 3mV R2 = 300K – 59K = 241K I UV VOS(UV) The example of Figure 4 uses standard 1% resistor values. The following parameters were selected: Therefore: OV = 17.93V, UV = 3.51V. Limiting Inrush Current During Turn On Charging large capacitors on VOUT can lead to excessive inrush currents when LTC4368 turns on the external N-channel MOSFET. The maximum slew rate at the GATE pin can be reduced by adding a capacitor on the GATE pin: Slew Rate = IGATE(UP) C GATE – R1 Rev. B 12 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Since the MOSFET acts like a source follower, the slew rate at VOUT equals the slew rate at GATE. Therefore, the inrush current due to the capacitance on VOUT is given by: C IINRUSH = OUT • IGATE(UP) C GATE For example, a 1A inrush current into a 100µF output capacitance requires a GATE capacitance of (using IGATE(UP) = 35µA): C GATE = C GATE = 35µA • C OUT IINRUSH 35µA • 100µF 1A = 3.5nF The 3.3nF CGATE capacitor in the application circuit of Figure 7 limits the inrush current to just over 1A. RGATE prevents CGATE from slowing down the reverse polarity protection circuits. It also stabilizes the fast pull-down circuits and prevents chatter during fault conditions. Set RGATE to 22k for most applications. 2.5A FDS3992 100V DUAL M1 M2 VIN 24V RSENSE 0.02Ω RGATE 22k INRUSH CONTROL: ~1A IOUT < 2.5A + –0.15A COUT 100µF CGATE 3.3nF VOUT SENSE 50mV + – TURN OFF MOSFETS GATE U2 TURN MOSFETS BACK ON U3 –+ VIN IOUT –+ + U1 – VOUT VIN LTC4368-2 + – 100mV TURN MOSFETS BACK ON AFTER 31 CYCLES SHDN START TIMER 31 CYCLES Forward overcurrent protection prevents large currents from flowing from VIN to VOUT. This threshold current is determined by the external sense resistor (RSENSE) and an internal comparator (Figure 7, U1) with a 50mV threshold: IOC,FWD = 50mV R SENSE For the example of Figure 7, if 2.5A flows to the output across the 20mΩ sense resistor, the external MOSFETs (M1, M2) are immediately (8µs) turned off. This disconnects the load from the input supply. Note that during initial startup, the output capacitance (COUT) charges from ground to VIN. To prevent this capacitive inrush current (IINRUSH) from falsely triggering the forward overcurrent comparator, place an inrush limiting capacitor (CGATE) on the GATE pin (see Limiting Inrush Current During Turn On). This inrush current plus the output current must be less than the desired forward overcurrent threshold: IOC,FWD > IINRUSH + IOUT For the example of Figure 7, the 3.3nF GATE capacitor and the 100µF output capacitor limit the inrush current (IINRUSH) to approximately 1A. This means that the output current (IOUT) must be less than 1.5A during turn on in order to avoid a forward overcurrent fault during turn on. Once VOUT has ramped to its final value, the output current is limited to 2.5A. Once a forward overcurrent fault is triggered, there are two application choices for turning the external MOSFETs back on: 3mV –+ Forward Overcurrent Fault RETRY RESET FORWARD OC LATCH OC FORWARD TIMER/LATCH CRETRY 0.22µF 4368 F07 Figure 7. Overcurrent Comparators Monitor 2.5A/–0.15A Current Faults 1. Automatically restart by placing an external capacitor on the RETRY pin. An internal cool-down timer will charge/discharge this capacitor 31 times with a 5.5ms/nF total delay. At the end of this delay, the external MOSFETs are turned back on, thus reconnecting the load to the input supply. The 0.22µF capacitor (CRETRY) in the application of Figure 7 yields a 1200ms cool-down timer delay. Note that the adjustable cool-down period provides the user with a means of keeping the external MOSFETs within the rated SOA (safe operating area). See Figure 8 timing diagram. Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 13 LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 2. Latch off the MOSFETs by grounding the RETRY pin (no external RETRY capacitor needed). This latches the forward overcurrent fault. The external MOSFETs are kept in the off condition until the SHDN input pin is toggled low then high (tCLEAR pulse width < tLOWPWR). See Figure 9 timing diagram. Reverse overcurrent protection prevents large currents from flowing from VOUT to VIN. There are two options for reverse overcurrent protection thresholds. The LTC4368-1 (–50mV) bidirectional circuit breaker allows load current to flow in either direction: from VIN to VOUT or from VOUT to VIN. The LTC4368-2 provides diode-like behavior by making the reverse overcurrent threshold (–3mV) significantly smaller than the forward overcurrent threshold (+50mV). The reverse overcurrent fault threshold is determined by the external sense resistor (RSENSE) and an internal comparator (Figure 7, U2). For the LTC4368-2 application of Figure 7: –3mV R SENSE = –3mV 20mΩ STEADY STATE LOAD t p(GATE) EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFETs TURN OFF GATE EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFETs TURN BACK ON 31 CYCLES (1200ms COOL-DOWN PERIOD) t RETRY FAULT 4368 F08 Figure 8. Forward Overcurrent Fault with 0.22µF RETRY Capacitor 50mV SENSE – VOUT 0mV STEADY STATE LOAD IINRUSH LIMITED STEADY STATE LOAD t p(GATE) EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFETs TURN OFF GATE EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFETs TURN BACK ON t To turn the MOSFETs back on, an internal comparator (Figure 7, U3) detects when VOUT drops 100mV below VIN: VOUT < VIN – 100mV t CLEAR < t < tLOWPWR FAULT 4368 F08 Figure 9. Forward Overcurrent Fault with RETRY Pin Grounded FAULT SENSE – VOUT Once this condition is met, the gates of the external MOSFETs are turned on again to reconnect the input supply to the load. See timing diagrams of Figure 10. Note that if the LTC4368-1 option is used, the reverse current threshold becomes: IOC,REV = IINRUSH LIMITED SHDN = –0.15A If –0.15A flows from the output across the 20mΩ sense resistor, the external MOSFETs (M1,M2) are immediately (8µs) turned off. 0mV STEADY STATE LOAD RETRY Reverse Overcurrent Protection IOC,REV = 50mV SENSE – VOUT 0mV –3mV STEADY STATE LOAD IINRUSH LIMITED t p(GATE) 11V GATE – VOUT 0V –50mV VOUT R SENSE EXTERNAL N-CHANNEL MOSFETs TURN BACK ON VIN – 100mV FAULT 4368 F10 Figure 10. Reverse Overcurrent Fault: SENSE – VOUT < –3mV (LTC4368-2) Rev. B 14 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Reverse VIN Protection The LTC4368’s rugged and hot swappable VIN helps protect the more sensitive circuits at the output load. If the input supply is plugged in backwards, or a negative supply is inadvertently connected, the LTC4368 prevents this negative voltage from passing to the output load. As shown in Figure 11, external back-to-back N-channel MOSFETs are required for reverse supply protection. When VIN goes negative, the reverse VIN comparator closes the internal switch, which in turn connects the gates of the external MOSFETs to the negative VIN voltage. The body diode (D1) of M1 turns on, but the body diode (D2) of M2 remains in reverse blocking mode. This means that the common source connection of M1 and M2 remains about a diode drop higher than VIN. Since the gate voltage of M2 is shorted to VIN, M2 will be turned off and no current can flow from VOUT to VIN. Note that the voltage rating of M2 must withstand the reverse voltage excursion at VIN. D1 VIN –40V Si7942 100V DUAL M1 INRUSH CONTROL RGATE 22k D2 M2 + CHOTSWAP (OPTIONAL 4.4nF) TO LOAD COUT 100µF CGATE 3.3nF VIN GATE REVERSE VIN COMPARATOR – + GND SENSE VOUT LTC4368 parasitic inductance of the VIN and GATE connections, the voltage at the VIN and GATE pins ring significantly below –20V. Therefore, hot swapping a negative input voltage more negative than –20V should not be performed without additional overshoot mitigation techniques in place. The front page application was used to generate the waveforms of Figure 12. VOUT 5V/DIV GATE –20V VIN 200ns/DIV LTC4368 F12 Figure 12. Hot Swapping VIN to –20V The speed of the LTC4368 reverse protection circuits is evident by how closely the GATE pin follows VIN during the negative transients. The two waveforms are almost indistinguishable on the scale shown. The trace at VOUT, on the other hand, does not respond to the negative voltage at VIN, demonstrating the desired reverse supply protection. The waveforms of Figure 12 were captured using a 40V dual N-channel MOSFET, a 10µF ceramic output capacitor and no load current on VOUT. Hot Swap VIN Protection CLOSES SWITCH WHEN VIN IS NEGATIVE 4368 F11 Figure 11. Reverse VIN Protection Circuits To avoid large currents when the reverse voltage is hot plugged, set RGATE to 22k. To further improve reverse hot swap performance, place the optional CHOTSWAP ≥ 4.4nF capacitor across the gate and source terminals of the external MOSFETs. Figure 12 illustrates the waveforms that result when VIN is hot plugged to –20V. VIN, GATE and VOUT start out at ground just before the connection is made. Due to the The VIN input of the LTC4368 can be live inserted or hot swapped into a backplane with minor disturbance to the VIN supply. The idea is to keep the parasitic capacitances of the external MOSFETs (CGD) from coupling onto the GATE pin and enhancing the MOSFETs. To improve positive VIN hot swap capability (without jeopardizing reverse polarity protection), place CHOTSWAP across the gate and source terminals of the back-to-back MOSFETs. Figure  13 illustrates the waveforms that result when the VIN of the front page application is hot plugged to +48V. The top trace is VIN. The bottom two traces are the MOSFETs gate and source terminals. Note that the bottom two traces ring together and thus keep the MOSFETs off Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 15 LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Slow Shutdown The SHDN input turns off the external MOSFETs in a slow, controlled manner. When SHDN is asserted low, a 90µA current sink slowly begins to turn off the external MOSFETs. VIN 10V/DIV GREEN (TOP): MOSFET GATE BLUE (BOTTOM): MOSFET SOURCE 4368 F13 100ns/DIV Figure 13. Hot Swapping VIN to +48V during the fast transients. To further improve positive hot swap, place the optional CHOTSWAP = 6.8nF capacitor across the gate/source of the external MOSFETs. For even more hot swap protection, add a diode (MBR0540) across RGATE (connect cathode to CGATE). Make sure this diode has a reverse breakdown of at least 40V. Recovery Delay Timer The LTC4368 has a recovery delay timer that filters noise at VIN and helps prevent chatter at VOUT. After either an OV or UV fault has occurred, the input supply must return to the desired operating voltage window for typically 32ms (tD(ON)) in order to turn the external MOSFET back on, as illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6. Going out of and then back into fault in fewer than 32ms will keep the MOSFET off continuously. Similarly, coming out of shutdown (SHDN low to high) triggers an 800µs startup delay timer (tSTART, see Figure 16). The recovery delay timer is also active while the LTC4368 is powering up. The 32ms timer starts once VIN rises above VIN(UVLO) and VIN lies within the user selectable UV/OV power good window. See Figure 14. VIN VIN(UVLO) Once the voltage at the GATE pin falls below the voltage at the VOUT pin, the current sink is throttled back and a feedback loop takes over. This loop forces the GATE voltage to track VOUT, thus keeping the external MOSFETs off as VOUT decays. Note that when VOUT < 2.5V, the GATE pin is pulled all the way to ground. Slow gate turn off reduces load current slew rates and mitigates voltage spikes due to parasitic inductances. To further decrease GATE pin slew rate, place a capacitor (CHOTSWAP, see Figure 11) across the gate and source terminals of the external MOSFETs. The waveforms of Figure 15 were captured using the Si7942 Dual N-channel MOSFETs, and a 2A load with 100µF output capacitor. 100µF, 6Ω LOAD ON VOUT DUAL Si7942 MOSFET VIN = 12V GATE VOUT 5V/DIV SHDN GND Figure 15. Slow Shutdown: GATE Tracks VOUT as VOUT Decays SHDN tD(SLOW) VUV GATE tD(ON) 4368 F15 400µs/DIV tSTART ΔVGATE GATE = VOUT GATE MOSFET OFF MOSFET ON VOUT 4368 F14 tSHDN(F) Figure 14. Recovery Timing During Power-On OV = GND, UV = SHDN = VIN FAULT 4368 F16 Figure 16. Slow Shutdown Timing Rev. B 16 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION FAULT Status The FAULT high voltage open drain output is driven low if SHDN is asserted low, if VIN is outside the desired UV/ OV voltage window, if there is an overcurrent fault, or if VIN has not risen above VIN(UVLO). Figures 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 16 show the FAULT output timing. By driving the SHDN pins separately, this potential backflow can be avoided. VOUT can then be selected from either V1 or V2, irrespective of which supply voltage is higher or lower. While in shutdown, the LTC4368-2 drives the GATE pin just below the lower of VIN and VOUT, thus allowing VOUT to be larger than VIN while in the off condition. Ideal Diode Alternative Single MOSFET Higher Power Application Figure 17 shows two LTC4368-2 connected in parallel. With both devices turned on, the output will be the higher of V1 or V2. Unlike ideal diode controllers, the LTC4368 always fully enhances the MOSFETs, even at light loads. Note, however, that if the voltage difference between V1 and V2 is less than 3mV, the reverse overcurrent comparators will not detect a fault and up to 150mA can flow from the higher to the lower supply. Similarly, disconnecting the higher supply may not generate sufficient reverse current to turn off the MOSFETs. A subsequent reconnection may result in an inrush current that temporarily trips the circuit breakers. V1 When reverse VIN protection is not needed, only a single external N-channel MOSFET is necessary. This provides the user with a larger selection of MOSFETs (not just dual packages), especially for higher power applications. Note that care must be taken to stay within the SOA of the external MOSFET. The RETRY pin of the LTC4368 can be used to help keep the MOSFET within its SOA. The user can ground the RETRY pin to latch off the MOSFET after a forward current fault. For automatic retry after a forward current fault, CRETRY must be large enough to maintain a low on duty cycle for the MOSFET. See Figure 18. +50mV VIN 12V MOSFETs TURN OFF WHEN REVERSE CURRENT EXCEEDS –150mA RSENSE 0.02Ω PSMN4R8-100BSE INRUSH CONTROL VIN SEL V1 SHDN SENSE IOUT VOUT 3.5V TO 18V –1A TO 16.67A –3mV 22k VIN VOUT GATE SENSE 453k VOUT LTC4368-2 SHDN 1330k LTC4368-2 FAULT 1200ms COOLDOWN AFTER FORWARD OC FAULT 243k MOSFETs TURN OFF WHEN REVERSE CURRENT EXCEEDS –150mA RSENSE 0.02Ω OV 59k SEL V2 SHDN GATE SENSE GND RETRY OV = 18V UV = 3.5V 0.22µF 4368 F18 –3mV VIN 100µF VOUT UV V2 + 2.2nF –3mV GATE 0.003Ω Figure 18. Single MOSFET High Power Application VOUT LTC4368-2 4368 F17 Figure 17. Alternative to Ideal Diode Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 17 LTC4368 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION VIN 48V 300nH (12 INCH WIRE LENGTH) FDS3992 100V DUAL RSENSE 0.02Ω + INRUSH CONTROL: ~1A RGATE 22k COUT 100µF 48Ω GATE VOUT 20V/DIV 60V CGATE 3.3nF D1 R4 100k VIN GATE SHDN UV SENSE LTC4368-2 OV R1 20.5k 60V FAULT 1200ms COOLDOWN AFTER FORWARD OC FAULT R2 2430k OV = 60V VIN 20V/DIV VOUT IIN 2A/DIV RETRY GND 400ns/DIV CRETRY 0.22µF 4368 F20 0A 4368 F19 Figure 19. OV Fault with Large VIN Inductance Figure 20. Transients During 0V Fault when No TransZorb (TVS) Is Used Transients During OV Fault Layout Considerations The circuit of Figure 19 is used to illustrate transients commonly encountered during an overvoltage condition. The nominal input supply is 48V and it has an overvoltage threshold of 60V. The parasitic inductance is that of a 1 foot wire (roughly 300nH). Figure 20 shows the waveforms during on overvoltage condition at VIN. These transients depend on the parasitic inductance and resistance of the wire along with the capacitance at the VIN node. D1 is an optional power clamp (TVS, TransZorb) recommended for applications where the DC input voltage can exceed 24V and with large VIN parasitic inductance. No clamp was used to capture the waveforms of Figure 20. In order to maintain reverse supply protection, D1 must be a bidirectional clamp with appropriate voltage and power ratings. The trace length between the VIN pin and the drain of the external MOSFET should be minimized, as well as the trace length between the GATE pin of the LTC4368 and the gates of the external MOSFETs. The SENSE and VOUT pins must be connected with traces that tie directly and solely to the sense resistor. Place the bypass capacitors at VOUT as close as possible to the external MOSFET. Use high frequency ceramic capacitors in addition to bulk capacitors to mitigate hot swap ringing. Place the high frequency capacitors closest to the MOSFET. Note that bulk capacitors mitigate ringing by virtue of their ESR. Ceramic capacitors have low ESR and can thus ring near their resonant frequency. The trace length of the GATE pin should be kept as small as possible, and the number of components connected to the GATE pin should also be minimized. The SOA of the external MOSFET might require the board to have a minimum total area as well as a minimum amount of trace volume connected to the drain and source pins. Rev. B 18 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION MS Package 10-Lead Plastic MSOP (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1661 Rev F) 0.889 ±0.127 (.035 ±.005) 5.10 (.201) MIN 3.20 – 3.45 (.126 – .136) 3.00 ±0.102 (.118 ±.004) (NOTE 3) 0.50 0.305 ±0.038 (.0197) (.0120 ±.0015) BSC TYP RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 0.254 (.010) 10 9 8 7 6 3.00 ±0.102 (.118 ±.004) (NOTE 4) 4.90 ±0.152 (.193 ±.006) DETAIL “A” 0.497 ±0.076 (.0196 ±.003) REF 0° – 6° TYP GAUGE PLANE 1 2 3 4 5 0.53 ±0.152 (.021 ±.006) DETAIL “A” 0.18 (.007) SEATING PLANE 0.86 (.034) REF 1.10 (.043) MAX 0.17 – 0.27 (.007 – .011) TYP 0.50 (.0197) BSC NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETER/(INCH) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 4. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 5. LEAD COPLANARITY (BOTTOM OF LEADS AFTER FORMING) SHALL BE 0.102mm (.004") MAX 0.1016 ±0.0508 (.004 ±.002) MSOP (MS) 0213 REV F Rev. B For more information www.analog.com 19 LTC4368 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION DD Package 10-Lead Plastic DFN (3mm × 3mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1699 Rev C) 0.70 ±0.05 3.55 ±0.05 1.65 ±0.05 2.15 ±0.05 (2 SIDES) PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 ±0.05 0.50 BSC 2.38 ±0.05 (2 SIDES) RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS 3.00 ±0.10 (4 SIDES) R = 0.125 TYP 6 0.40 ±0.10 10 1.65 ±0.10 (2 SIDES) PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 OR 0.35 × 45° CHAMFER PIN 1 TOP MARK (SEE NOTE 6) 0.200 REF 0.75 ±0.05 0.00 – 0.05 5 1 (DD) DFN REV C 0310 0.25 ±0.05 0.50 BSC 2.38 ±0.10 (2 SIDES) BOTTOM VIEW—EXPOSED PAD NOTE: 1. DRAWING TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE M0-229 VARIATION OF (WEED-2). CHECK THE LTC WEBSITE DATA SHEET FOR CURRENT STATUS OF VARIATION ASSIGNMENT 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE Rev. B 20 For more information www.analog.com LTC4368 REVISION HISTORY REV DATE DESCRIPTION A 06/18 Attached Note 3 to OV and FAULT Absolute Maximum Ratings B 06/19 Added AEC-Q100 qualification and “W” part numbers PAGE NUMBER 2 1,3 Rev. B Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license For is granted implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. more by information www.analog.com 21 LTC4368 TYPICAL APPLICATION LTC2966 Extends UV/OV Hysteresis Window Si7942DP VIN 12V REF 1nF 100k INLA 510k RS1B INHA LTC2966 U1 301k VIN GATE RS2B SHDN OUTA UV SENSE VOUT 100k FAULT LTC4368-2 U2 RETRY 0.22µF PSA INHB 150k OUTB INLB 750k 100µF 22k 100k RS2A 301k 698k 3.3nF VINB RS1A 200k VOUT + 1.96k VINA 0.02Ω PSB GND OV UV: OFF AT 7V ON AT 10V GND 4368 TA02 OV: OFF AT 18V ON AT 15V RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LTC4365 Overvoltage, Undervoltage and Reverse Supply Protection Controller Wide Operating Range: 2.5V to 34V, Protection Range: –40V to 60V, No TVS Required for Most Applications LTC4367 100V Overvoltage, Undervoltage and Reverse Supply Protection Controller Wide Operating Range: 2.5V to 60V, Protection Range: –40V to 100V, No TVS Required for Most Applications LT4363 High Voltage Surge Stopper with Current Limit Wide Operating Range: 4V to 80V, Reverse Protection to –60V, Adjustable Output Clamp Voltage LTC4380 8µA IQ Surge Stopper 4V to 72V Operation, Pin Selectable Clamp Voltage LTC4364 Surge Stopper with Ideal Diode 4V to 80V Operation, –40V Reverse Input, –20V Reverse Output LTC4366 High Voltage Surge Stopper 9V to >500V Operation, 8-Pin TSOT and 3mm × 2mm DFN Packages LTC4361 Overvoltage/Overcurrent Protection Controllers 5.8V Overvoltage Threshold, 85V Absolute Maximum LTC2909 Triple/Dual Inputs UV/OV Negative Monitor Pin Selectable Input Polarity Allows Negative and OV Monitoring LTC2912/LTC2913 Single/Dual UV/OV Voltage Monitor Adjustable UV and OV Trip Values, ±1.5% Threshold Accuracy LTC2914 Quad UV/OV Monitor For Positive and Negative Supplies LTC2955 Pushbutton On/Off Controller Automatic Turn-On, 1.5V to 36V Input, ±36V PB Input LT4256 Positive 48V Hot Swap Controller with Open-Circuit Detect Foldback Current Limiting, Open-Circuit and Overcurrent Fault Output, Up to 80V Supply LTC4260 Positive High Voltage Hot Swap Controller with ADC and I2C Wide Operating Range 8.5V to 80V LTC4352 Ideal Diode Controller External N-Channel MOSFETs Replace ORing Diodes, 0V to 18V Operation LTC4371 Dual Negative Voltage Ideal Diode-OR Controller External N-Channel MOSFETs, –4.5V to > –100V Operation LTC4355 Dual Positive Voltage Ideal Diode-OR Controller External N-Channel MOSFETs, 0.4µs Turn-Off, 80V Operation LT1913 Step-Down Switching Regulator 3.6V to 25V Input, 3.5A Maximum Current, 200kHz to 2.4MHz Rev. B 22 D17021-0-6/18(B) www.analog.com For more information www.analog.com  ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2017-2019
LTC4368HDD-1#PBF 价格&库存


  • 型号: 170204-2
  • 品牌: TE
  • 封装:
  • 描述:
    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 0.5522 1+ 0


    • 型号: 170204-4
    • 品牌: TE
    • 封装:
    • 描述:
      •  国内价格
      • 1+ 0.9579 1+ 0


        •  国内价格
        • 1+ 19.4273 1+ 0


          •  国内价格 香港价格
          • 1+ 4499.5234 1+ 573.0724


            •  国内价格
            • 3000+ 0.2244 3000+ 0


              •  国内价格
              • 3000+ 0.242 3000+ 0


                •  国内价格
                • 2000+ 0.385 2000+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 1+ 18.82221 1+ 0
                  • 100+ 16.94 100+ 0


                    •  国内价格
                    • 1+ 25.46533 1+ 0
                    • 50+ 22.91883 50+ 0


                      •  国内价格
                      • 1+ 31.87844 1+ 0
                      • 50+ 28.69064 50+ 0


                        •  国内价格
                        • 5+ 138 5+ 0
                        • 1000+ 92 1000+ 0


                          •  国内价格
                          • 5+ 345 5+ 0
                          • 250+ 230 250+ 0


                          • 型号: 207020-1
                          • 品牌: TE
                          • 封装:
                          • 描述: -
                            •  国内价格
                            • 75+ 35.595 75+ 0


                              •  国内价格
                              • 100+ 12.882 100+ 0


                                •  国内价格
                                • 100+ 13.19804 100+ 0


                                • 型号: 170209-1
                                • 品牌: TE
                                • 封装:
                                • 描述:
                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 750+ 1.22894 750+ 0
                                  • 1500+ 1.20259 1500+ 0


                                  • 型号: 207020-1
                                  • 品牌: TE
                                  • 封装:
                                  • 描述:
                                    •  国内价格
                                    • 5+ 106.4389 5+ 0
                                    • 25+ 104.57273 25+ 0
                                    • 100+ 101.96153 100+ 0
                                    • 250+ 99.41261 250+ 0
                                    • 500+ 96.92118 500+ 0


                                    •  国内价格
                                    • 5+ 0.27033 5+ 0
                                    • 50+ 0.26363 50+ 0
                                    • 150+ 0.2591 150+ 0


                                    •  国内价格
                                    • 5+ 0.31169 5+ 0
                                    • 50+ 0.30381 50+ 0
                                    • 150+ 0.29862 150+ 0


                                    • 型号: 170209-1
                                    • 品牌: TE
                                    • 封装: -
                                    • 描述:
                                      •  国内价格
                                      • 10+ 0.38092 10+ 0
                                      • 100+ 0.30478 100+ 0
                                      • 300+ 0.26666 300+ 0


                                      • 型号: 170204-1
                                      • 品牌: TE
                                      • 封装: -
                                      • 描述:
                                        •  国内价格
                                        • 5+ 1.41761 5+ 0
                                        • 2500+ 1.3648 2500+ 0


                                        • 型号: XF7020
                                        • 品牌: XFCN
                                        • 封装: -
                                        • 描述:
                                          •  国内价格
                                          • 1+ 2.0412 1+ 0
                                          • 10+ 1.9548 10+ 0


                                          •  国内价格
                                          • 5+ 2.592 5+ 0
                                          • 50+ 1.998 50+ 0
                                          • 150+ 1.7388 150+ 0
                                          • 500+ 1.4256 500+ 0
                                          • 3000+ 1.2744 3000+ 0
                                          • 6000+ 1.188 6000+ 0


                                          •  国内价格
                                          • 5+ 2.8296 5+ 0
                                          • 50+ 2.1816 50+ 0
                                          • 150+ 1.9008 150+ 0
                                          • 500+ 1.5552 500+ 0
                                          • 2500+ 1.3932 2500+ 0
                                          • 4000+ 1.296 4000+ 0


                                          • 型号: 207020-1
                                          • 品牌: TE
                                          • 封装: -
                                          • 描述:
                                            •  国内价格
                                            • 1+ 40.6404 1+ 0
                                            • 10+ 39.6252 10+ 0
                                            • 30+ 38.9448 30+ 0


                                            • 型号: 170204-1
                                            • 品牌: TE
                                            • 封装:
                                            • 描述:
                                              •  国内价格
                                              • 2000+ 0.4972 2000+ 0


                                              • 型号: 170204-1
                                              • 品牌: TE
                                              • 封装:
                                              • 描述:
                                                •  国内价格
                                                • 2000+ 0.4972 2000+ 0


                                                • 型号: 170204-1
                                                • 品牌: TE
                                                • 封装:
                                                • 描述:
                                                  •  国内价格
                                                  • 2000+ 0.4972 2000+ 0


                                                  • 型号: 170204-1
                                                  • 品牌: TE
                                                  • 封装:
                                                  • 描述:
                                                    •  国内价格
                                                    • 2000+ 0.4972 2000+ 0


                                                    • 型号: 170204-2
                                                    • 品牌: TE
                                                    • 封装:
                                                    • 描述:
                                                      •  国内价格
                                                      • 2000+ 0.69608 2000+ 0
                                                      • 4000+ 0.59664 4000+ 0
                                                      • 8000+ 0.57178 8000+ 0
                                                      • 16000+ 0.53449 16000+ 0
                                                      • 100000+ 0.50963 100000+ 0
                                                      • 250000+ 0.48477 250000+ 0
                                                      • 500000+ 0.45991 500000+ 0
                                                      • 1000000+ 0.43505 1000000+ 0
                                                      • 2000000+ 0.41019 2000000+ 0


                                                      • 型号: 170204-4
                                                      • 品牌: TE
                                                      • 封装:
                                                      • 描述:
                                                        •  国内价格
                                                        • 1000+ 0.9944 1000+ 0
                                                        • 2500+ 0.96954 2500+ 0
                                                        • 5000+ 0.95711 5000+ 0
                                                        • 9900+ 0.94468 9900+ 0
                                                        • 100000+ 0.85767 100000+ 0


                                                        • 型号: 170203-2
                                                        • 品牌: TE
                                                        • 封装:
                                                        • 描述:
                                                          •  国内价格
                                                          • 950+ 1.06898 950+ 0
                                                          • 2300+ 1.04412 2300+ 0
                                                          • 4600+ 1.03169 4600+ 0
                                                          • 9200+ 1.00683 9200+ 0


                                                          • 型号: 170203-2
                                                          • 品牌: TE
                                                          • 封装:
                                                          • 描述:
                                                            •  国内价格
                                                            • 950+ 1.06898 950+ 0
                                                            • 2300+ 1.04412 2300+ 0
                                                            • 4600+ 1.03169 4600+ 0
                                                            • 9200+ 1.00683 9200+ 0


                                                            • 型号: 170205-3
                                                            • 品牌: TE
                                                            • 封装:
                                                            • 描述:
                                                              •  国内价格
                                                              • 750+ 1.37973 750+ 0
                                                              • 1800+ 1.3673 1800+ 0
                                                              • 3600+ 1.33001 3600+ 0
                                                              • 7100+ 1.31758 7100+ 0


                                                              • 型号: 770200-1
                                                              • 品牌: TE
                                                              • 封装:
                                                              • 描述:
                                                                •  国内价格
                                                                • 150+ 6.86136 150+ 0
                                                                • 400+ 6.77435 400+ 0
                                                                • 750+ 6.57547 750+ 0
