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MAX2769E/W-GB6 数据手册
EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX2769 LE AVAILAB Universal GPS Receiver General Description Ordering Information PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX2769ETI+ -40°C to +85°C 28 Thin QFN-EP* MAX2769E/W -40°C to +85°C Dice (In Wafer Form) +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. *EP = Exposed paddle. I0 VCCADC Q0 Q1 CLKOUT XTAL Pin Configuration/Block Diagram 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 N.C. 22 23 MAX2769 Location-Enabled Mobile Handsets Laptops and Ultra-Mobile PCssheet. Pin Configurations appear at end of data Functional Diagrams continuedand at end of data sheet. Digital Still Cameras Camcorders UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 90 27 28 3-WIRE INTERFACE 0 26 LNA1 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 LD Software GPS TSENS VCO MIXIN Recreational/Marine Navigation/Avionics LNA1 LNA2 VCCRF Telematics (Asset Tracking, Inventory Management) PGM 13 VCCCP 12 CPOUT 11 VCCVCO 10 CS 9 SCLK 8 SDATA FILTER 25 ANTBIAS LNA2 PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) In-Vehicle Navigation Systems PLL 24 LNAOUT PMPs (Personal Media Players) IDLE ANTFLAG PNDs (Personal Navigation Devices) VCCD For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maximintegrated.com. 7 SHDN VCCIF 14 ADC Applications o o o o o o I1 The MAX2769 completely eliminates the need for external IF filters by implementing on-chip monolithic filters and requires only a few external components to form a complete low-cost GPS receiver solution. The MAX2769 is the most flexible receiver on the market. The integrated delta-sigma fractional-N frequency synthesizer allows programming of the IF frequency within a ±40Hz accuracy while operating with any reference or crystal frequencies that are available in the host system. The integrated ADC outputs 1 or 2 quantized bits for both I and Q channels, or up to 3 quantized bits for the I channel. Output data is available either at the CMOS logic or at the limited differential logic levels. Functional Diagrams The MAX2769 is packaged in a compact 5mm x 5mm, 28-pin thin QFN package with an exposed paddle. The part is also available in die form. Contact the factory for further information. o GPS/GLONASS/Galileo Receivers No External IF SAW or Discrete Filters Required Programmable IF Frequency Fractional-N Synthesizer with Integrated VCO Supports Wide Range of Reference Frequencies Dual-Input Uncommitted LNA for Separate Passive and Active Antenna Inputs 1.4dB Cascade Noise Figure Integrated Crystal Oscillator Integrated Active Antenna Sensor 10mA Supply Current in Low-Power Mode 2.7V to 3.3V Supply Voltage Small, 28-Pin, RoHS-Compliant, Thin QFN LeadFree Package (5mm x 5mm) ADC The MAX2769 is the industry’s first global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver covering GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo navigation satellite systems on a single chip. This single-conversion, low-IF GNSS receiver is designed to provide high performance for a wide range of consumer applications, including mobile handsets. Designed on Maxim’s advanced, low-power SiGe BiCMOS process technology, the MAX2769 offers the highest performance and integration at a low cost. Incorporated on the chip is the complete receiver chain, including a dual-input LNA and mixer, followed by the image-rejected filter, PGA, VCO, fractional-N frequency synthesizer, crystal oscillator, and a multibit ADC. The total cascaded noise figure of this receiver is as low as 1.4dB. Features o o o o 19-0791; Rev 2; 6/10 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VCC to GND ...........................................................-0.3V to +4.2V Other Pins to GND ..................-0.3V to +(Operating VCC + 0.3V) Maximum RF Input Power ..............................................+15dBm Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 28-Pin Thin QFN (derates 27mW/°C above +70°C)...2500mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (TQFN only, soldering, 10s) ..............+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. CAUTION! ESD SENSITIVE DEVICE DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 2.7 2.85 3.3 V Default mode, LNA1 is active (Note 2) 15 18 22 Default mode, LNA2 is active (Note 2) 12 15 19 Supply Voltage Supply Current mA Idle Mode™, IDLE = low 1.5 Shutdown mode, SHDN = low 20 μA Voltage Drop at ANTBIAS from VCCRF Sourcing 20mA at ANTBIAS 0.2 V Short-Circuit Protection Current at ANTBIAS ANTBIAS is shorted to ground 57 mA Active Antenna Detection Current To assert logic-high at ANTFLAG 1.1 mA DIGITAL INPUT AND OUTPUT Digital Input Logic-High Measure at the SHDN pin Digital Input Logic-Low Measure at the SHDN pin 1.5 V 0.4 V Idle Mode is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 2 Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. LNA input is driven from a 50Ω source. All RF measurements are done in the analog output mode with ADC bypassed. PGA gain is set to 51dB gain by serial-interface word GAININ = 111010. Maximum IF output load is not to exceed 10kΩ || 7.5pF on each pin. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS CASCADED RF PERFORMANCE RF Frequency 1575.42 L1 band LNA1 input active, default mode (Note 3) Noise Figure MHz 1.4 LNA2 input active, default mode (Note 3) 2.7 Measured at the mixer input 10.3 dB Out-of-Band 3rd-Order Input Intercept Point Measured at the mixer input (Note 4) -7 dBm In-Band Mixer Input Referred 1dB Compression Point Measured at the mixer input -85 dBm Mixer Input Return Loss 10 dB Image Rejection 25 dB Spurs at LNA1 Input Maximum Voltage Gain LO leakage -101 Reference harmonics leakage -103 Measured from the mixer to the baseband analog output Variable Gain Range dBm 91 96 103 dB 55 59 dB 4 MHz FILTER RESPONSE Passband Center Frequency FBW = 00 2.5 Passband 3dB Bandwidth FBW = 10 4.2 FBW = 01 8 Lowpass 3dB Bandwidth FBW = 11 9 3rd-order filter, bandwidth = 2.5MHz, measured at 4MHz offset 30 Stopband Attenuation 5th-order filter, bandwidth = 2.5MHz, measured at 4MHz offset 41 49.5 MHz MHz dB LNA LNA1 INPUT Power Gain 19 Noise Figure 0.83 dB -1.1 dBm Input IP3 (Note 5) dB Output Return Loss 10 dB Intput Return Loss 8 dB Power Gain 13 dB Noise Figure 1.14 dB 1 dBm Output Return Loss 19 dB Input Return Loss 11 dB LNA2 INPUT Input IP3 Maxim Integrated (Note 5) 3 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. LNA input is driven from a 50Ω source. All RF measurements are done in the analog output mode with ADC bypassed. PGA gain is set to 51dB gain by serial-interface word GAININ = 111010. Maximum IF output load is not to exceed 10kΩ || 7.5pF on each pin. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER LO Frequency Range 0.4V < VTUNE < 2.4V 1550 LO Tuning Gain 1610 57 MHz MHz/V Reference Input Frequency 8 44 Main Divider Ratio 36 32,767 — Reference Divider Ratio 1 1023 — Charge-Pump Current ICP = 0 0.5 ICP = 1 1 MHz mA TCXO INPUT BUFFER/OUTPUT CLOCK BUFFER Reference Input Level Sine wave Clock Output Multiply/Divide Range 0.4 VP-P ÷4 x2 — ADC ADC Differential Nonlinearity AGC enabled, 3-bit output ±0.1 LSB ADC Integral Nonlinearity AGC enabled, 3-bit output ±0.1 LSB Note 1: MAX2769 is production tested at TA = +25°C. All min/max specifications are guaranteed by design and characterization from -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Default register settings are not production tested or guaranteed. User must program the registers upon power-up. Note 2: Default, low-NF mode of the IC. LNA choice is gated by the ANT_FLAG signal. In the normal mode of operation without an active antenna, LNA1 is active. If an active antenna is connected and ANT_FLAG switches to 1, LNA1 is automatically disabled and LNA2 becomes active. PLL is in an integer-N mode with fCOMP = fTCXO / 16 = 1.023MHz and ICP = 0.5mA. The complex IF filter is configured as a 5th-order Butterworth filter with a center frequency of 4MHz and bandwidth of 2.5MHz. Output data is in a 2-bit sign/magnitude format at CMOS logic levels in the I channel only. Note 3: The LNA output connects to the mixer input without a SAW filter between them. Note 4: Two tones are located at 12MHz and 24MHz offset frequencies from the GPS center frequency of 1575.42MHz at -60dBm/tone. Passive pole at the mixer output is programmed to be 13MHz. Note 5: Measured from the LNA input to the LNA output. Two tones are located at 12MHz and 24MHz offset frequencies from the GPS center frequency of 1575.42MHz at -60dBm per tone. 4 Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Typical Operating Characteristics (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. LNA input is driven from a 50Ω source. All RF measurements are done in the analog output mode with ADC bypassed. PGA gain is set to 51dB gain by serial-interface word GAININ = 111010. Maximum IF output load is not to exceed 10kΩ || 7.5pF on each pin. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) 40 120 80 TA = +85°C 60 AGC GAIN 110 1.0 105 NOISE FIGURE 100 CASCADED GAIN 1.5 0.5 LNA1 |S21| AND |S12| (dB) 100 TA = +25°C 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 0 -15 10 35 60 |S12| -20 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 FREQUENCY (GHz) TEMPERATURE (°C) MAX2769 toc04 1.6 LNA1 GAIN AND NOISE FIGURE vs. TEMPERATURE MAX2769 toc05 1.4 25 GAIN LNA BIAS = 1000 0.8 10 NOISE FIGURE 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LNA BIAS DIGITAL CODE (DECIMAL) 1.0 19.0 0.8 18.8 0.6 18.6 18.4 0.4 5 0 NOISE FIGURE (dB) 15 19.2 LNA1 GAIN (dB) 1.0 19.6 19.4 1.2 20 1.2 NOISE FIGURE (dB) 0 -10 -50 85 LNA1 GAIN AND NOISE FIGURE vs. LNA1 BIAS DIGITAL CODE Maxim Integrated 10 -40 90 -40 PGA GAIN CODE (DECIMAL FORMAT) 0.6 20 -30 95 1.4 |S21| 30 115 LNA1 GAIN (dB) MAX2769 toc01 TA = -40°C MAX2769 toc02 2.0 NOISE FIGURE (dB) CASCADED RECEIVER GAIN (dB) 120 LNA1 |S21| AND |S12| vs. FREQUENCY CASCADED GAIN AND NOISE FIGURE vs. TEMPERATURE MAX2769 toc03 CASCADED RECEIVER GAIN vs. PGA GAIN CODE NOISE FIGURE GAIN 18.2 0.2 18.0 0 17.8 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 TEMPERATURE (°C) 5 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. LNA input is driven from a 50Ω source. All RF measurements are done in the analog output mode with ADC bypassed. PGA gain is set to 51dB gain by serial-interface word GAININ = 111010. Maximum IF output load is not to exceed 10kΩ || 7.5pF on each pin. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) 20 0 -2.5 -5.0 -7.5 -10.0 -12.5 -20 13.4 1.6 13.2 1.4 1.2 13.0 1.0 12.8 0.8 NOISE FIGURE 0.6 -30 12.6 GAIN 0.4 -40 -15.0 12.4 0.2 -50 0 12.2 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 LNA BIAS DIGITAL CODE (DECIMAL) FREQUENCY (GHz) TEMPERATURE (°C) LNA INPUT RETURN LOSS vs. FREQUENCY LNA OUTPUT RETURN LOSS vs. FREQUENCY MIXER INPUT REFERRED IP1dB vs. OFFSET FREQUENCY -30 LNA2 -40 -5 LNA1 -10 -15 LNA2 -15 0 10 35 60 85 MAX2769 toc11 -40 MIXER INPUT REFERRED IP1dB (dB) -20 MAX2769 toc10 -10 0 LNA OUTPUT RETURN LOSS (dB) LNA1 MAX2769 toc09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 LNA INPUT RETURN LOSS (dB) |S12| -10 13.6 LNA BIAS = 10 1.8 10 0 MAX2769 toc08 2.0 NOISE FIGURE (dB) LNA2 |S21| AND |S12| (dB) 2.5 |S21| PGA GAIN = 32dB -10 -20 -30 PGA GAIN = 51dB -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -50 6 -20 PRF = -100dBm -90 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 FREQUENCY (GHz) FREQUENCY (GHz) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 OFFSET FREQUENCY (MHz) Maxim Integrated LNA2 GAIN (dB) 30 MAX2769 toc07 5.0 LNA2 GAIN AND NOISE FIGURE vs. TEMPERATURE LNA2 |S21| AND |S12| vs. FREQUENCY MAX2769 toc06 LNA1 INPUT 1dB COMPRESSION POINT (dBm) LNA1 INPUT 1dB COMPRESSION POINT vs. LNA1 BIAS DIGITAL CODE MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. LNA input is driven from a 50Ω source. All RF measurements are done in the analog output mode with ADC bypassed. PGA gain is set to 51dB gain by serial-interface word GAININ = 111010. Maximum IF output load is not to exceed 10kΩ || 7.5pF on each pin. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) MIXER INPUT REFERRED NOISE FIGURE vs. PGA GAIN 1dB CASCADED NOISE FIGURE DESENSITIZATION vs. JAMMER FREQUENCY 16 MIXER INPUT REFERRED NOISE FIGURE (dB) -5 -10 -15 -20 12 10 8 6 875 900 925 950 1800 1850 JAMMER FREQUENCY (MHz) 2000 2050 2100 5 0 -10 MAGNITUDE (dB) -10 -20 -30 -20 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -60 -70 -60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BASEBAND FREQUENCY (MHz) Maxim Integrated 9 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 PGA GAIN (dB) 10 MAX2769 toc14 0 1950 MIXER INPUT REFERRED GAIN vs. PGA GAIN CODE 5TH-ORDER POLYPHASE FILTER MAGNITUDE RESPONSE vs. BASEBAND FREQUENCY 3RD-ORDER POLYPHASE FILTER MAGNITUDE RESPONSE vs. BASEBAND FREQUENCY 10 1900 100 MIXER INPUT REFERRED GAIN (dB) 850 MAX2769 toc15 825 800 MAGNITUDE (dB) 14 TA = -40°C MAX2769 toc16 JAMMER POWER (dBm) MAX2769 toc12b MAX2769 toc13 MAX2769 toc12a 0 80 TA = +25°C 60 TA = +85°C 40 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BASEBAND FREQUENCY (MHz) 9 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 PGA GAIN CODE (DECIMAL FORMAT) 7 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (MAX2769 EV kit, VCC = 2.7V to 3.3V, TA = -40°C to +85°C, PGM = GND. Registers are set to the default power-up states. LNA input is driven from a 50Ω source. All RF measurements are done in the analog output mode with ADC bypassed. PGA gain is set to 51dB gain by serial-interface word GAININ = 111010. Maximum IF output load is not to exceed 10kΩ || 7.5pF on each pin. Typical values are at VCC = 2.85V and TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) 3-BIT ADC TRANSFER CURVE MAX2769 toc17a 2.5 7 6 CODE (DECIMAL VALUE) CODE (DECIMAL VALUE) 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 MAX2769 toc17b 2-BIT ADC TRANSFER CURVE 3.5 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 -0.5 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 DIFFERENTIAL VOLTAGE (V) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 DIFFERENTIAL VOLTAGE (V) DIGITAL OUTPUT CMOS LOGIC DIGITAL OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL LOGIC MAX2760 toc18 MAX2760 toc19 CLK 2V/div CLK 1V/div SIGN DATA 2V/div SIGN+ 1V/div MAGNITUDE DATA 2V/div 40ns/div CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY vs. DIGITAL TUNING CODE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY VARIATION vs. TEMPERATURE TA = +25°C 16,368.00 TA = -40°C 16,367.95 TA = +85°C 16,367.90 16,367.85 4 8 12 16 20 24 DIGITAL TUNING CODE (DECIMAL) 8 28 32 10 MAX2769 toc21 MAX2769 toc20 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (kHz) 16,368.05 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY VARIATION (ppm) 20ns/div 16,368.10 0 SIGN1V/div 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 TEMPERATURE (°C) Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver 21 20 CLKOUT BASEBAND CLOCK 19 18 17 C11 C10 XTAL Q1 C7 Q0 I0 I1 TOP VIEW VCCADC BASEBAND OUTPUT REFERENCE INPUT Typical Application Circuit 16 14 ADC 23 13 MAX2769 24 90 C4 0 27 28 VCO LNA1 + 2 LNAOUT ANTFLAG 1 3 4 5 C3 C2 VCCVCO 6 10 CS 9 SCLK 8 SDATA SERIAL INPUT 7 SHDN N.C. 26 11 3-WIRE INTERFACE LNA1 LNA2 MIXIN C0 C5 C1 VCCRF PGM 25 VCCCP 12 FILTER ANTBIAS LNA2 VCCD CPOUT PLL IDLE LD VCCIF ADC N.C. 22 C8 C6 15 C13 ACTIVE ANTENNA BIAS C12 Table 1. Component List DESIGNATION QUANTITY C0 1 0.47nF AC-coupling capacitor DESCRIPTION C1 1 27pF PLL loop filter capacitor 0.47nF PLL loop filter capacitor C2 1 C3–C8 6 0.1μF supply voltage bypass capacitor C10, C11 2 10nF AC-coupling capacitor C12 1 0.47nF AC-coupling capacitor C13 1 0.1nF supply voltage bypass capacitor R1 1 20kΩ PLL loop filter resistor Maxim Integrated 9 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Pin Description PIN FUNCTION ANTFLAG Active Antenna Flag Logic Output. A logic-high indicates that an active antenna is connected to the ANTBIAS pin. 2 LNAOUT LNA Output. The LNA output is internally matched to 50Ω. 3 ANTBIAS Buffered Supply Voltage Output. Provides a supply voltage bias for an external active antenna. 4 VCCRF 5 MIXIN 6 LD 1 10 NAME RF Section Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND with 100nF and 100pF capacitors in parallel as close as possible to the pin. Mixer Input. The mixer input is internally matched to 50Ω. Lock-Detector CMOS Logic Output. A logic-high indicates the PLL is locked. 7 SHDN Operation Control Logic Input. A logic-low shuts off the entire device. 8 SDATA Data Digital Input of 3-Wire Serial Interface 9 SCLK 10 CS 11 VCCVCO Clock Digital Input of 3-Wire Serial Interface. Active when CS is low. Data is clocked in on the rising edge of the SCLK. Chip-Select Logic Input of 3-Wire Serial Interface. Set CS low to allow serial data to shift in. Set CS high when the loading action is completed. VCO Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND with a 100nF capacitor as close as possible to the pin. 12 CPOUT Charge-Pump Output. Connect a PLL loop filter as a shunt C and a shunt combination of series R and C (see the Typical Application Circuit). 13 VCCCP PLL Charge-Pump Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND with a 100nF capacitor as close as possible to the pin. 14 VCCD Digital Circuitry Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND with a 100nF capacitor as close as possible to the pin. 15 XTAL XTAL or Reference Oscillator Input. Connect to XTAL or a DC-blocking capacitor if TCXO is used. 16 CLKOUT 17 Q1 18 Q0 19 VCCADC 20 I0 21 I1 22 N.C. 23 VCCIF Reference Clock Output Q-Channel Voltage Outputs. Bits 0 and 1 of the Q-channel ADC output or 1-bit limited differential logic output or analog differential voltage output. ADC Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND with a 100nF capacitor as close as possible to the pin. I-Channel Voltage Outputs. Bits 0 and 1 of the I-channel ADC output or 1-bit limited differential logic output or analog differential voltage output. No Connection. Leave this pin unconnected. IF Section Supply Voltage. Bypass to GND with a 100nF capacitor as close as possible to the pin. Operation Control Logic Input. A logic-low enables the idle mode, in which the XTAL oscillator is active, and all other blocks are off. 24 IDLE 25 LNA2 LNA Input Port 2. This port is typically used with an active antenna. Internally matched to 50Ω. 26 PGM Logic Input. Connect to GND to use the serial interface. A logic-high allows programming to 8 hardcoded by device states connecting SDATA, CS, and SCLK to supply or ground according to Table 3. 27 LNA1 LNA Input Port 1. This port is typically used with a passive antenna. Internally matched to 50Ω (see the Typical Application Circuit). 28 N.C. No connection. Leave this pin open. — EP Exposed Paddle. Ultra-low-inductance connection to ground. Place several vias to the PCB ground plane. Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Detailed Description BASEBAND CLOCK Integrated Active Antenna Sensor The MAX2769 includes a low-dropout switch to bias an external active antenna. To activate the antenna switch output, set ANTEN in the Configuration 1 register to logic 1. This closes the switch that connects the antenna bias pin to VCCRF to achieve a low 200mV dropout for a 20mA load current. A logic-low in ANTEN disables the antenna bias. The active antenna circuit also features short-circuit protection to prevent the output from being shorted to ground. Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) The MAX2769 integrates two low-noise amplifiers. LNA1 is typically used with a passive antenna. This LNA requires an AC-coupling capacitor. In the default mode, the bias current is set to 4mA, the typical noise figure and IIP3 are approximately 0.8dB and -1.1dBm, respectively. LNA1 current can be programmed through ILNA in Configuration 1 register. In the low-current mode of 1mA, the typical noise figure is degraded to 1.2dB and the IIP3 is lowered to -15dBm. LNA2 is typically used with an active antenna. The LNA2 is internally matched to 50Ω and requires a DC-blocking capacitor. Bits LNAMODE in the Configuration 1 register control the modes of the two LNAs. See Table 6 for the LNA mode settings and current selections. Mixer The MAX2769 includes a quadrature mixer to output lowIF or zero IF I and Q signals. The quadrature mixer is internally matched to 50Ω and requires a low-side LO injection. The output of the LNA and the input of the mixer are brought off-chip to facilitate the use of a SAW filter. Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) The MAX2769 integrates a baseband programmable gain amplifier that provides 59dB of gain control range. The PGA gain can be programmed through the serial interface by setting bits GAININ in the Configuration 3 register. Set bits 12 and 11 (AGCMODE) in the Configuration 2 register to 10 to control the gain of the PGA directly from the 3-wire interface. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) The MAX2769 provides a control loop that automatically programs PGA gain to provide the ADC with an input power that optimally fills the converter and establishes a desired magnitude bit density at its output. An algorithm operates by counting the number of magnitude bits over 512 ADC clock cycles and comparing the magnitude bit count to the reference value provided Maxim Integrated 16 CLKOUT 10nF MAX2769 XTAL 15 23pF Figure 1. Schematic of the Crystal Oscillator in the MAX2679 EV Kit through a control word (GAINREF). The desired magnitude bit density is expressed as a value of GAINREF in a decimal format divided by the counter length of 512. For example, to achieve the magnitude bit density of 33%, which is optimal for a 2-bit converter, program the GAINREF to 170, so that 170 / 512 = 33%. Baseband Filter The baseband filter of the receiver can be programmed to be a lowpass filter or a complex bandpass filter. The lowpass filter can be configured as a 3rd-order Butterworth filter for a reduced group delay by setting bit F3OR5 in the Configuration 1 register to be 1 or a 5th-order Butterworth filter for a steeper out-of-band rejection by setting the same bit to be 0. The two-sided 3dB corner bandwidth can be selected to be 2.5MHz, 4.2MHz, 8MHz, or 18MHz (only to be used as a lowpass filter) by programming bits FBW in the Configuration 1 register. When the complex filter is enabled by changing bit FCENX in the Configuration 1 register to 1, the lowpass filter becomes a bandpass filter and the center frequency can be programmed by bits FCEN in the Configuration 1 register. Synthesizer The MAX2769 integrates a 20-bit sigma-delta fractional-N synthesizer allowing the device to tune to a required VCO frequency with an accuracy of approximately ±40Hz. The synthesizer includes a 10-bit reference divider with a divisor range programmable from 1 to 1023, a 15-bit integer portion main divider with a divisor range programmable from 36 to 32767, and also a 20-bit fractional portion main divider. The reference divider is programmable by bits RDIV in the PLL integer division ratio register (see Table 10), and can accommodate reference frequencies from 8MHz to 44MHz. The reference divider needs to be set so the comparison frequency falls between 0.05MHz to 32MHz. 11 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Table 2. Output Data Format SIGN/MAGNITUDE UNSIGNED BINARY TWO’S COMPLEMENT BINARY INTEGER VALUE 1b 1.5b 2b 2.5b 3b 1b 1.5b 2b 2.5b 3b 1b 1.5b 2b 2.5b 3b 7 0 01 01 011 011 1 10 11 101 111 0 01 01 101 011 5 0 01 01 001 010 1 10 11 100 110 0 01 01 100 010 3 0 01 00 001 001 1 10 10 100 101 0 01 00 100 001 1 0 00 00 000 000 1 11 10 011 110 0 00 00 011 000 -1 1 00 10 000 100 0 11 01 011 011 1 00 11 011 111 -3 1 10 10 101 101 0 01 01 001 010 1 11 11 111 110 -5 1 10 11 101 110 0 01 00 001 001 1 11 10 111 101 -7 1 10 11 111 111 0 01 00 000 000 1 11 10 110 100 The PLL loop filter is the only external block of the synthesizer. A typical PLL filter is a classic C-R-C network at the charge-pump output. The charge-pump output sink and source current is 0.5mA by default, and the LO tuning gain is 57MHz/V. As an example, see the Typical Application Circuit for the recommended loopfilter component values for fCOMP = 1.023MHz and loop bandwidth = 50kHz. The desired integer and fractional divider ratios can be calculated by dividing the LO frequency (f LO ) by fCOMP. fCOMP can be calculated by dividing the TCXO frequency (f TCXO ) by the reference division ratio (RDIV). For example, let the TCXO frequency be 20MHz, RDIV be 1, and the nominal LO frequency be 1575.42MHz. The following method can be used when calculating divider ratios supporting various reference and comparison frequencies: ƒ 20MHz Comparison Frequency = TCXO = = 20MHz RDIV 1 ƒLO 1575.42MHz = = 78.771 LO Frequency Divider = ƒCOMP 20M MHz Integer Divider = 78(d) = 000 000 0100 1110 (binary) Fractional Divider = 0.771 x 220 = 808452 (decimal) = 1100 0101 0110 0000 0100 In the fractional mode, the synthesizer should not be operated with integer division ratios greater than 251. Crystal Oscillator The MAX2769 includes an on-chip crystal oscillator. A parallel mode crystal is required when the crystal oscillator is being used. It is recommended that an AC-coupling capacitor be used in series with the crystal and the XTAL pin to optimize the desired load capacitance 12 and to center the crystal-oscillator frequency. Take the parasitic loss of interconnect traces on the PCB into account when optimizing the load capacitance. For example, the MAX2769 EV kit utilizes a 16.368MHz crystal that is designed for a 12pF load capacitance. A series capacitor of 23pF is used to center the crystal oscillator frequency, see Figure 1. In addition, the 5-bit serial-interface word, XTALCAP in the PLL Configuration register, can be used to vary the crystal-oscillator frequency electronically. The range of the electronic adjustment depends on how much the chosen crystal frequency can be pulled by the varying capacitor. The frequency of the crystal oscillator used on the MAX2769 EV kit has a range of approximately 200Hz. The MAX2769 provides a reference clock output. The frequency of the clock can be adjusted to crystal-oscillator frequency, a quarter of the oscillator frequency, a half of the oscillator frequency, or twice the oscillator frequency, by programming bits REFDIV in the PLL Configuration register. ADC The MAX2769 features an on-chip ADC to digitize the downconverted GPS signal. The maximum sampling rate of the ADC is approximately 50Msps. The sampled output is provided in a 2-bit format (1-bit magnitude and 1-bit sign) by default and also can be configured as a 1-bit, 1.5-bit, or 2-bit in both I and Q channels, or 1-bit, 1.5-bit, 2-bit, 2.5-bit, or 3-bit in the I channel only. The ADC supports the digital outputs in three different formats: the unsigned binary, the sign and magnitude, or the two’s complement format by setting bits FORMAT in Configuration register 2. MSB bits are output at I1 or Q1 pins and LSB bits are output at I0 or Q0 pins, for I or Q channel, respectively. In the case of 2.5-bit or 3-bit, output data format is selected in the I channel only, the Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver 011 01 010 001 00 000 -7 -6 -5 -4 -2 -3 -1 100 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T=1 101 110 11 111 Figure 2. ADC Quantization Levels for 2- and 3-Bit Cases MSB is output at I1, the second bit is at I0, and the LSB is at Q1. Figure 2 illustrates the ADC quantization levels for 2and 3-bit cases and also describes the sign/magnitude data mapping. The variable T = 1 designates the location of the magnitude threshold for the 2-bit case. divide-by-5 periods. The fractional division ratio is given by: fOUT / fIN = LCOUNT / (4096 - MCOUNT + LCOUNT) where LCOUNT and MCOUNT are the 12-bit counter values programmed through the serial interface. Fractional Clock Divider GPS data is output from the ADC as the four logic signals (bit0, bit1, bit2, and bit3) that represent sign/magnitude, unsigned binary, or two’s complement binary data in the I (bit0 and bit1) and Q (bit2 and bit3) channels. The resolution of the ADC can be set up to 3 bits per channel. For example, the 2-bit I and Q data in sign/magnitude format is mapped as follows: bit0 = ISIGN, bit1 = IMAG, bit2 = QSIGN, and bit3 = QMAG. The data can be serialized in 16-bit segments of bit0, followed by bit1, bit2, and bit3. The number of bits to be serialized is controlled by the bits STRMBITS in the Configuration 3 regis- A 12-bit fractional clock divider is located in the clock path prior to the ADC and can be used to generate the ADC clock that is a fraction of the reference input clock. In a fractional divider mode, the instantaneous division ratio alternates between integer division ratios to achieve the required fraction. For example, if the fractional output clock is 4.5 times slower than the input clock, an average division ratio of 4.5 is achieved through an equal series of alternating divide-by-4 and Maxim Integrated DSP Interface 13 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver STRM_EN PIN 21 I OUTPUT DRIVER ADC Q PIN 20 PIN 17 PIN 18 DATA_OUT BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 CLK_SER DATA_SYNC TIME_SYNC STRM_EN STRM_START STRM_STOP STRM_COUNT DIEID STRM_BITS FRM_COUNT STAMP_EN DAT_SYNCEN TIME_SYNCEN STRM_RST CONTROL SIGNALS FROM 3-WIRE INTERFACE CLK_ADC ADCCLK_SEL REF/XTAL PIN 15 STRM_EN CLK_SER L_CNT M_CNT CLK_IN CLK_OUT THROUGH /2 /4 x2 FRCLK_SEL SERCLK_SEL REFDIV Figure 3. DSP Interface Top-Level Connectivity and Control Signals ter. This selects between bit0; bit0 and bit1; bit0 and bit2; and bit0, bit1, bit2, and bit3 cases. If only bit0 is serialized, the data stream consists of bit0 data only. If a serialization of bit0 and bit1 (or bit2) is selected, the stream data pattern consists of 16 bits of bit0 data followed by 16 bits of bit1 (or bit2) data, which, in turn, is followed by 16 bits of bit0 data, and so on. In this case, the serial clock must be at least twice as fast as the ADC clock. If a 4-bit serialization of bit0, bit1, bit2, and bit3 is chosen, the serial clock must be at least four times faster than the ADC clock. The ADC data is loaded in parallel into four holding registers that correspond to four ADC outputs. Holding registers are 16 bits long and are clocked by the ADC clock. 14 At the end of the 16-bit ADC cycle, the data is transferred into four shift registers and shifted serially to the output during the next 16-bit ADC cycle. Shift registers are clocked by a serial clock that must be chosen fast enough so that all data is shifted out before the next set of data is loaded from the ADC. An all-zero pattern follows the data after all valid ADC data are streamed to the output. A DATASYNC signal is used to signal the beginning of each valid 16-bit data slice. In addition, there is a TIME_SYNC signal that is output every 128 to 16,384 cycles of the ADC clock. Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Preconfigured Device States The serial interface is controlled by three signals: SCLK (serial clock), CS (chip select), and SDATA (serial data). The control of the PLL, AGC, test, and block selection is performed through the serial-interface bus from the baseband controller. A 32-bit word, with the MSB (D27) being sent first, is clocked into a serial shift register when the chip-select signal is asserted low. The timing of the interface signals is shown in Figure 4 and Table 4 along with typical values for setup and hold time requirements. When a serial interface is not available, the device can be used in preconfigured states that don’t require programming through the serial interface. Connecting the PGM pin to logic-high and SCLK, SDATA, and CS pins to either logic-high or low sets the device in one of the preconfigured states according to Table 3. Serial Interface, Address, and Bit Assignments A serial interface is used to program the MAX2769 for configuring the different operating modes. Table 3. Preconfigured Device States REFERENCE FREQUENCY (MHz) REFERENCE DIVISION RATIO MAIN DIVISION RATIO I AND Q OR I ONLY NUMBER OF I Q BITS I AND Q LOGIC LEVEL IF CENTER FREQUENCY (MHz) IF FILTER ORDER SCLK DATA CS 3-WIRE CONTROL PINS DEVICE STATE DEVICE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 0 16.368 16 1536 I 1 Differential 4.092 5th 0 0 0 1 16.368 16 1536 I 1 Differential 4.092 3rd 0 0 1 2 16.368 16 1536 I 2 CMOS 4.092 5th 0 1 0 3 32.736 32 1536 I 2 CMOS 4.092 5th 0 1 1 4 19.2 96 7857 I 2 CMOS 4.092 5th 1 0 0 5 18.414 18 1539 I 2 CMOS 1.023* 5th 1 0 1 6 13 65 7857 I 2 CMOS 4.092 5th 1 1 0 7 16.368 16 1536 I 1 CMOS 4.092 5th 1 1 1 *If the IF center frequency is programmed to 1.023MHz, the filter passband extends from 0.1MHz to 2.6MHz. CS tCSH tCSS tCSW SCLK tDS tDH tCH tCL SDATA DATA MSB DATA LSB ADDR MSB ADDR LSB Figure 4. 3-Wire Timing Diagram Maxim Integrated 15 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Table 4. Serial-Interface Timing Requirements SYMBOL TYP VALUE UNITS tCSS Falling edge of CS to rising edge of the first SCLK time. PARAMETER 10 ns tDS Data to serial-clock setup time. 10 ns tDH Data to clock hold time. 10 ns tCH Serial clock pulse-width high. 25 ns tCL Clock pulse-width low. 25 ns tCSH Last SCLK rising edge to rising edge of CS. 10 ns tCSW CS high pulse width. 1 clock Table 5. Default Register Setting 16 DEFAULT (D27:D0) REGISTER NAME ADDRESS (A3:A0) CONF1 0000 Configures RX and IF sections, bias settings for individual blocks. CONF2 0001 Configures AGC and output sections. 0550288 CONF3 0010 Configures support and test functions for IF filter and AGC. EAFF1DC DATA A2919A3 PLLCONF 0011 PLL, VCO, and CLK settings. 9EC0008 DIV 0100 PLL main and reference division ratios, other controls. 0C00080 FDIV 0101 PLL fractional division ratio, other controls. 8000070 STRM 0110 DSP interface number of frames to stream. 8000000 CLK 0111 Fractional clock-divider values. 10061B2 TEST1 1000 Reserved for test mode. 1E0F401 TEST2 1001 Reserved for test mode. 14C0402 Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Detailed Register Definitions Table 6. Configuration 1 (Address: 0000) DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE CHIPEN 27 1 Chip enable. Set 1 to enable the device and 0 to disable the entire device except the serial bus. Idle enable. Set 1 to put the chip in the idle mode and 0 for operating mode. IDLE 26 0 ILNA1 25:22 1000 DESCRIPTION LNA1 current programming. ILNA2 21:20 10 LNA2 current programming. ILO 19:18 10 LO buffer current programming. IMIX 17:16 01 Mixer current programming. MIXPOLE 15 0 Mixer pole selection. Set 1 to program the passive filter pole at mixer output at 36MHz, or set 0 to program the pole at 13MHz. LNAMODE 14:13 00 LNA mode selection, D14:D13 = 00: LNA selection gated by the antenna bias circuit, 01: LNA2 is active; 10: LNA1 is active; 11: both LNA1 and LNA2 are off. MIXEN 12 1 Mixer enable. Set 1 to enable the mixer and 0 to shut down the mixer. Antenna bias enable. Set 1 to enable the antenna bias and 0 to shut down the antenna bias. ANTEN 11 1 FCEN 10:5 001101 FBW 4:3 00 IF filter center bandwidth selection. D4:D3 = 00: 2.5MHz; 10: 4.2MHz; 01: 8MHz; 11: 18MHz (only used as a lowpass filter). F3OR5 2 0 Filter order selection. Set 0 to select the 5th-order Butterworth filter. Set 1 to select the 3rd-order Butterworth filter. FCENX 1 1 Polyphase filter selection. Set 1 to select complex bandpass filter mode. Set 0 to select lowpass filter mode. FGAIN 0 1 IF filter gain setting. Set 0 to reduce the filter gain by 6dB. Maxim Integrated IF center frequency programming. Default for fCENTER = 4MHz, BW = 2.5MHz. 17 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Table 7. Configuration 2 (Address: 0001) 18 DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE IQEN 27 0 I and Q channels enable. Set 1 to enable both I and Q channels and 0 to enable I channel only. GAINREF 26:15 170d AGC gain reference value expressed by the number of MSB counts (magnitude bit density). — 14:13 00 Reserved. AGCMODE 12:11 00 AGC mode control. Set D12:D11 = 00: independent I and Q; 01: I and Q gains are locked to each other; 10: gain is set directly from the serial interface by GAININ; 11: disallowed state. FORMAT 10:9 01 Output data format. Set D10:D9 = 00: unsigned binary; 01: sign and magnitude; 1X: two’s complement binary. BITS 8:6 010 Number of bits in the ADC. Set D8:D6 = 000: 1 bit, 001: 1.5 bits; 010: 2 bits; 011: 2.5 bits, 100: 3 bits. DRVCFG 5:4 00 Output driver configuration. Set D5:D4 = 00: CMOS logic, 01: limited differential logic; 1X: analog outputs. LOEN 3 1 LO buffer enable. Set 1 to enable LO buffer or 0 to disable the buffer. DESCRIPTION RESERVED 2 0 Reserved. DIEID 1:0 00 Identifies a version of the IC. Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Table 8. Configuration 3 (Address: 0010) DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE GAININ 27:22 111010 DESCRIPTION PGA gain value programming from the serial interface in steps of dB per LSB. FSLOWEN 21 1 Low value of the ADC full-scale enable. Set 1 to enable or 0 to disable. HILOADEN 20 0 Set 1 to enable the output driver to drive high loads. ADCEN 19 1 ADC enable. Set 1 to enable ADC or 0 to disable. DRVEN 18 1 FOFSTEN 17 1 Output driver enable. Set 1 to enable the driver or 0 to disable. Filter DC offset cancellation circuitry enable. Set 1 to enable the circuitry or 0 to FILTEN 16 1 IF filter enable. Set 1 to enable the filter or 0 to disable. FHIPEN 15 1 Highpass coupling enable. Set 1 to enable the highpass coupling between the filter and PGA, or 0 to disable the coupling. — 14 1 Reserved. PGAIEN 13 1 I-channel PGA enable. Set 1 to enable PGA in the I channel or 0 to disable. PGAQEN 12 0 Q-channel PGA enable. Set 1 to enable PGA in the Q channel or 0 to disable. STRMEN 11 0 DSP interface for serial streaming of data enable. This bit configures the IC such that the DSP interface is inserted in the signal path. Set 1 to enable the interface or 0 to disable the interface. STRMSTART 10 0 The positive edge of this command enables data streaming to the output. It also enables clock, data sync, and frame sync outputs. STRMSTOP 9 0 The positive edge of this command disables data streaming to the output. It also disables clock, data sync, and frame sync outputs. STRMCOUNT 8:6 111 Sets the length of the data counter from 128 (000) to 16,394 (111) bits per frame. STRMBITS 5:4 01 Number of bits streamed. D5:D4 = 00: I MSB; 01: I MSB, I LSB; 10: I MSB, Q MSB; 11: I MSB, I LSB, Q MSB, Q LSB. STAMPEN 3 1 The signal enables the insertion of the frame number at the beginning of each frame. If disabled, only the ADC data is streamed to the output. TIMESYNCEN 2 1 This signal enables the output of the time sync pulses at all times when streaming is enabled by the STRMEN command. Otherwise, the time sync pulses are available only when data streaming is active at the output, for example, in the time intervals bound by the STRMSTART and STRMSTOP commands. DATSYNCEN 1 0 This control signal enables the sync pulses at the DATASYNC output. Each pulse is coincident with the beginning of the 16-bit data word that corresponds to a given output bit. STRMRST 0 0 This command resets all the counters irrespective of the timing within the stream cycle. Maxim Integrated 19 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Table 9. PLL Configuration (Address: 0011) 20 DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE VCOEN 27 1 VCO enable. Set 1 to enable the VCO or 0 to disable VCO. DESCRIPTION IVCO 26 0 VCO current-mode selection. Set 1 to program the VCO in the low-current mode or 0 to program in the normal mode. Reserved. — 25 0 REFOUTEN 24 1 Clock buffer enable. Set 1 to enable the clock buffer or 0 to disable the clock buffer. — 23 1 Reserved. REFDIV 22:21 11 Clock output divider ratio. Set D22:D21 = 00: clock frequency = XTAL frequency x 2; 01: clock frequency = XTAL frequency / 4; 10: clock frequency = XTAL frequency / 2; 11: clock frequency = XTAL. IXTAL 20:19 01 Current programming for XTAL oscillator/buffer. Set D20:D19 = 00: oscillator normal current; 01: buffer normal current; 10: oscillator medium current; 11: oscillator high current. XTALCAP 18:14 10000 LDMUX 13:10 0000 ICP 9 0 Charge-pump current selection. Set 1 for 1mA and 0 for 0.5mA. PFDEN 8 0 Set 0 for normal operation or 1 to disable the PLL phase frequency detector. — 7 0 Reserved. CPTEST 6:4 000 Charge-pump test. Set D6:D4 = 000: normal operation; X10: pump up; X01 = pump down; 100 = high impedance; 111: both up and down on. PLL mode control. Set 1 to enable the integer-N PLL or 0 to enable the fractional-N PLL. Digital XTAL load cap programming. LD pin output selection. Set D13:D10 = 0000: PLL lock-detect signal. INT_PLL 3 1 PWRSAV 2 0 PLL power-save mode. Set 1 to enable the power-save mode or 0 to disable. — 1 0 Reserved. — 0 0 Reserved. Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Table 10. PLL Integer Division Ratio (Address 0100) DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE NDIV 27:13 1536d RDIV 12:3 16d PLL reference division ratio. — 2:0 000 Reserved. DESCRIPTION PLL integer division ratio. Table 11. PLL Division Ratio (Address 0101) DEFAULT VALUE DATA BIT LOCATION FDIV 27:8 80000h — 7:0 01110000 DESCRIPTION PLL fractional divider ratio. Reserved. Table 12. DSP Interface (Address 0110) DATA BIT LOCATION FRAMECOUNT 27:0 DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION 8000000h This word defines the frame number at which to start streaming. This mode is active when streaming mode is enabled by a command STRMEN, but a command STRMSTART is not received. In this case, the frame counter is reset upon the assertion of STRMEN, and it begins its count. When the frame number reaches the value defined by FRMCOUNT, the streaming begins. Table 13. Clock Fractional Division Ratio (Address 0111) DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION L_CNT 27:16 256d Sets the value for the L counter. M_CNT 15:4 1563d Sets the value for the M counter. FCLKIN 3 0 Fractional clock divider. Set 1 to select the ADC clock to come from the fractional clock divider, or 0 to bypass the ADC clock from the fractional clock divider. ADCCLK 2 0 ADC clock selection. Set 0 to select the ADC and fractional divider clocks to come from the reference divider/multiplier. SERCLK 1 1 Serializer clock selection. Set 0 to select the serializer clock output to come from the reference divider/multiplier. MODE 0 0 DSP interface mode selection. Table 14. Test Mode 1 (Address 1000) Table 15. Test Mode 2 (Address 1001) DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION DATA BIT LOCATION DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION — 27:0 1E0F401 Reserved. — 27:0 14C0402 Reserved. Maxim Integrated 21 MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Applications Information The LNA and mixer inputs require careful consideration in matching to 50Ω lines. Proper supply bypassing, grounding, and layout are required for reliable performance from any RF circuit. Low-Power Operation The MAX2769 can be operated in a low-power mode by programming the bias current values of individual blocks to their minimum recommended values. The list below summarizes the recommended changes to serial interface registers from their default states to achieve a low-power operation: ILNA1 = 0010 ILNA2 = 00 ILO = 00 IMIX = 00 F3OR5 = 1 ANTEN = 0 BITS = 000 IF center frequency. Either a fractional-N or an integerN mode of the frequency synthesizer can be used depending on the choice of the reference frequency. For Galileo reception, set the IF filter bandwidth to 4.2MHz (FBW = 10) and adjust the IF center frequency through a control word FCEN to the middle of the downconverted signal band. Alternatively, use wideband settings of 8MHz and 18MHz when the receiver is in a zero-IF mode. For GLONASS as well as GPS P-code reception, a zero-IF receiver configuration is used in which the IF filter is used in a lowpass filter mode (FCENX = 1) with a two-sided bandwidth of 18MHz. It is recommended that an active antenna LNA be used in wide-bandwidth applications such that the PGA is operated at lower gain levels for a maximum bandwidth. If a PGA gain is programmed directly from a serial interface, GAININ values between 32 and 38 are recommended. Set the filter pole at the mixer output to 36MHz through MIXPOLE = 1. Layout Issues IVCO = 0 REFOUTEN = 0 PLLPWRSAV = 1 In this mode, LNA, mixer, LO, and VCO currents are reduced to their minimum recommended values. The IF filter is configured as a 3rd-order filter. The output data is in a 1-bit CMOS mode in the I channel only. PLL is in an integer-N power-saving mode, which can be used if the main division ratio is divisible by 32. The antenna bias circuitry is disabled. In the low-power mode, the total current consumption reduces to 10mA, while the total cascaded noise figure increases to 3.8dB. Operation in Wideband Galileo and GLONASS Applications The use of the wideband receiver options is recommended for Galileo and GLONASS applications. The frequency synthesizer is used to tune LO to a desired frequency, which, in turn, determines the choice of the The MAX2769 EV kit can be used as a starting point for layout. For best performance, take into consideration grounding and routing of RF, baseband, and powersupply PCB proper line. Make connections from vias to the ground plane as short as possible. On the highimpedance ports, keep traces short to minimize shunt capacitance. EV kit Gerber files can be requested at www.maxim-ic.com. Power-Supply Layout To minimize coupling between different sections of the IC, a star power-supply routing configuration with a large decoupling capacitor at a central VCC node is recommended. The VCC traces branch out from this node, each going to a separate VCC node in the circuit. Place a bypass capacitor as close as possible to each supply pin This arrangement provides local decoupling at each VCC pin. Use at least one via per bypass capacitor for a low-inductance ground connection. Do not share the capacitor ground vias with any other branch. Package Information Chip Information PROCESS: SiGe BiCMOS 22 For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE DOCUMENT NO. 28 TQFN-EP T2855+3 21-0140 WAFER WDICE8 — Maxim Integrated MAX2769 Universal GPS Receiver Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 6/07 Initial release 1 1/09 Added MAX2769E/W, updated specifications 2 6/10 Removed references to temperature sensor function, changed four specifications for SPF, and added soldering temperature DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED — 1, 4, 12, 16, 22 1–4, 8, 9, 10, 14–18, 22 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated 160 Rio Robles, San Jose, CA 95134 USA 1-408-601-1000 ©  Maxim Integrated 23 The Maxim logo and Maxim Integrated are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
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