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    MAX77860 电池充电器 电源管理 评估板

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MAX77860EVKIT# 数据手册
Click here for production status of specific part numbers. Evaluates: MAX77860 MAX77860 Evaluation System General Description The MAX77860 evaluation system (EV system) is a fully assembled and tested surface-mount printed circuit board (PCB) that evaluates the single input switched-mode battery charger featuring USB Type-C CC detection and charging capability in addition to reverse boost capability and a safeout LDO. The MAX77860 EV system includes the integrated circuit (IC) evaluation board with an integrated I2C interface and a MINIQUSB communication device. Windows® based graphical user interface (GUI) software is available for use with the EV system and can be downloaded from the MAX77860 product page on the Maxim website. A Windows 7 or newer operating system is required to use the EV kit GUI software. Features ●● Evaluates MAX77860 Single-Input Switch Mode Charger ●● Demonstrates 4.0V to 13.5V Input Operation Range ●● Demonstrates USB Type-C Charging Up to 3.15A ●● Demonstrates Adapter Detection ●● Demonstrates USB-OTG Functionality ●● Assembled and Tested ●● I2C Serial Interface Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. MAX77860 EV System Files FILE MAX77860GUISetupx.x.x.exe DESCRIPTION Installs EV kit files on PC MAX77860 EV System Component List PART QTY DESCRIPTION MAX77860EVKIT 1 MAX77860 evaluation kit MAXIM MINIQUSB 1 MINIQUSB interface board USB HIGH-SPEED A-TO-B CABLES 6FT 1 MINIQUSB cable Windows is a registered is a registered trademark and service mark of Microsoft Corporation. 319-100317; Rev 1; 2/19 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 Quick Start 2) Use the USB cable provided in the EV system to connect the MINIQUSB interface board to the PC’s USB port. Required Equipment ●● MAX77860 EV kit ●● Single-cell Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery pack ●● Charging wall adapter or DC power supply capable of supplying 15.0V/3A ●● Standard USB Type A to Type B cable (included in the EV system) ●● PC running Windows 7 or above Setup Overview A typical bench setup for the MAX77860 EV system is shown in Figure 1. Procedure Note: Do not turn on the DC power supplies until all connections are made. 3) Install the MAX77860 graphical user interface (GUI) from the MAX77860 product page on the Maxim website. 4) Verify whether the jumper settings follow the default configuration See Jumper Settings section. 5) Connect a Li-ion battery to the pads labeled BATT and BATTGND. 6) Connect a USB wall adapter to the USB Type C port on the board. 7) Launch the MAX77860 GUI software. 8) Select Device > Connect from the window options to connect to the EV system. 1) Carefully connect the boards by inserting the 20-pin female connector of the MAX77860 EV system with the 20-pin male header of the MINIQUSB interface board. The two boards should be flush with each other. 5V/3A POWER ADAPTER J14 USB TYPE-C INPUT MULTIMETER A BATTERY BATT MAX77860 EVALUATION BOARD BATTGND J2 MINIQUSB BOARD Figure 1. MAX77860 Bench Setup www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  2 MAX77860 Evaluation System Detailed Description of Software The MAX77860 GUI software provides an easy-to-use interface to control the function blocks of the IC. Software Installation The software requires Windows 7 or newer operating system .NET 4.5 is required for operation and is automatically installed if an older version of .NET is detected. To install the evaluation software, exit all programs currently running and unzip the provided MAX77860 GUI setup zipped file. Evaluates: MAX77860 Double click the MAX77860GUISetupx.x.xx.exe icon to begin the installation process. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. The evaluation software can be uninstalled in the Add/Remove Programs tool in the Control Panel. After the installation is complete, open the Maxim Integrated/MAX77860 folder and run MAX77860.exe or select MAX77860 from the program menu. A splash screen containing information about the evaluation kit appears as the program is being loaded (Figure 2). Figure 2. MAX77860 GUI Splash Screen www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  3 MAX77860 Evaluation System Communication The software automatically finds the EV system board through USB identification. If the connection cannot be found, then a Not Connected message is displayed. Once the micro-USB cable is attached, click on the main window option, Device > Connect, and a synchronization Evaluates: MAX77860 window appears. This window shows the IC sub-blocks and their corresponding slave addresses. Choose Read and Close and the status bar displays Connected to signify active communication. An example of a successful connection is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. MAX77860 Communication Window www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  4 MAX77860 Evaluation System Main Display Status bits and programmable functions of charger, master-slave, ADC, and USB Type-C can be accessed Evaluates: MAX77860 through their respective interface tabs from the left column of the window (Figure 4). Figure 4. MAX77860 Top-Level Registers www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  5 MAX77860 Evaluation System Register Write Access Modification of the charger registers are locked by default to prevent arbitrary changes. Therefore, changes made to the charger registers in the locked state are not applied to the EV system. To unlock register writing, select the Unlocked option from the drop-down list of CHGPROT in the CHG Config 06/07/09 tab, and then click on Write. Read the register and CHGPROT should remain Evaluates: MAX77860 in Unlocked state, signifying open register access. From this point onwards, modifications that are written to any of the registers are applied to the EV system. For example, the maximum input current limit can be changed from the CHG Config 09 register by selecting the required value and clicking Write, but only after the registers have been unlocked from CHG Config 06 (Figure 5). Figure 5. Charger Register Write Access www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  6 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 Detailed Description of Hardware 3) Open software screen and program the charger settings adequate to your system. Battery Charger Test Setup 1) Power Source: a. If the charging source is a DC power supply, then adjust its voltage and current limits to 5.0V and 3.0A, respectively. Connect the power supply between VBUS and GND on the EV kit board. b. If the charging source is a wall adapter, then either the USB Type-C port or micro-USB port can be used for charging. Note that high current charging (up to 3A) requires an adapter and cable capable of high-power delivery. 2) Connect a single cell Li-ion battery between BATT and BATTGND. 4) In the Charger tab, disable the USB Type C CTRL over CHG bit in the CHG_Config_00 to enable charging using the USB Type-C port or the micro-USB port. 5) In the USB Type C tab, enable NoAutoIBUS in the BC_CONTROL1 register so that the current limit setting can be manually controlled by I2C. 6) Set the maximum input current limit in the CHG Config 09 register, and then select the required fast charge current in the CHG Config 02 register. 7) Use data logging equipment to log charge current and VBATT profile while charging a fully discharged single cell Li-ion battery. Jumper Settings JUMPER NO. PCB SILKSCREEN DEFAULT POSITION J3 SLAVE 2-3 1-2: Connect to slave charger 2-3: Slave charger not present J4 FLED1 Open Open: Disconnect flash LEDs Close: Connect flash LEDs J5 FLED2 Open Open: Disconnect flash LEDs Close: Connect flash LEDs J6 THM 1-2 1-2: Connect THM to potentiometer 2-3: Connect THM to thermistor J7 VIO 1-2 1-2: Connect VIO to VSYS 2-3: Connect VIO to external I2C pullup J8 DETBATB 2-3 1-2: Connect DETBATB to VIO 2-3: Connect DETBATB to GND J9, J17 GND Open Open: Disable SYS to input of U4 (Type-C block) Close: Enable SYS to input of U4 (Type-C block) J10 THMB Close Open: Disconnect THMB from potentiometer Close: Connect THMB to potentiometer J11 ONKEY 2-3 1-2: Disable ONKEY control of button SW-OKEY 2-3: Enable ONKEY control of button SW-OKEY J12 CC1 Open Open: Disable on-board Type-C emulation setting Close: Enable on-board Type-C emulation setting J13 CC2 Open Open: Disable on-board Type C emulation setting Close: Enable on-board Type C emulation setting J15 VBUSDET Open Open: Disconnect CHGIN and VBUSDET Close: Connect CHGIN and VBUSDET www.maximintegrated.com FUNCTION Maxim Integrated │  7 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 MAX77860 EV System Component List DESIGNATION QTY D+, D-, AVL, BST, CC1, CC2, CSN, CSP, PVL, SCL, SDA, SW1, SW2, THM, VIO, BYPS 16 TESTPOINT, PC MINI-RED BYP, BATT, GND1–GND4, PGND, VBUS, VSYS, CHGIN, BATTGND 11 WIRE, BUSS 20G PLATED SOLID COPPER C1 1 CAP+,1000pF,10%,50V,C0G,0402 ANY C2, C12, C19, C20 4 CAP+,1uF,10%,6.3V,X5R,0402 ANY C3 1 CAP+,100pF,5%,50V,C0G,0402 ANY C4 1 CAP+,2.2UF,10%,6.3V,X5R,0402 ANY C5 1 CAP#,10uF,20%,6.3V,X5R,0402 ANY C6 1 CAP+,2.2UF,10%,25V,X5R,0603 ANY C7 1 CAP+,4.7uF,20%,10V,X5R,0402 ANY C8, C9 2 CAP+,0.1uF,10%,25V,X7R,0402 GRM155R71E104KE14 C10, C15 2 CAP+,10UF,20%,16V,X5R,0603 ANY C11, C13 2 CAP+,10uF,20%,25V, X5R,0603 C1608X5R1E106M080AC; CL10A106MA8NRNC C14 1 CAP+,22uF,20%,10V, X5R,0603 ANY C17 1 CAP+,100uF,20%,6.3V, TANT,1210 TCJB107M006R0070 C21 1 CAP+,1UF,20%,25V, X5R,0402 ANY C22 1 CAP+,10uF,10%,6.3V, X7R,0805 GRM21BR70J106K; C2012X7R0J106K125AB C23 1 CAP+,0.1uF,10%,10V, X5R,0402 ANY C24 1 CAP+, 22UF 20% 10V TANT PSLB31A226M CHGGNDS 1 BLACK MINI TEST POINTS 5001 D3-D6 4 DIODE+, TVS,25V,4A,0402 RCLAMP0521PA D10, D11 2 LED+, YELLOW, OSLON2.2V,350mA,3X3MM GW CSSRM1.EC-MQMS-5H7I-1 D12 1 LED+, SURFACE MOUNT GREEN (0603) LTST-C190GKT INFLED 1 PC TEST POINT RED 5010 J1 1 RCPT+, MICRO B USB 2.0,5 POS, SMD, R/A 10103592-0001LF J2 1 SOCKET+,0.1”,2X10POS, FEMALE, R/A,TH PPTC102LJBN-RC J3, J6–J8, J11 5 HEADER#,3POS,.100”, SNGL, TIN TSW-103-07-T-S J4, J5, J9, J10, J12, J13, J15–J17 9 HEADER#,2POS,.100”, SNGL, TIN TSW-102-07-T-S J14 1 CONN+,USB 3.1 RCPT,24 POS,RA,TH 898-43-024-90-310000 L1 1 INDCTR+,1 uH,20%,4.1A,1008 CIGT252010EH1R0M L2 1 INDCTR+,1.2 uH,20%,5.8A,4.1X4.1MM 1127AS-1R2N www.maximintegrated.com DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER PART NO. 5000 9020 BUSS Maxim Integrated │  8 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 MAX77860 EV System Component List (continued) DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER PART NO. R1, R2 2 RES,2.2K OHM,1%,0402 CRCW04022K20FK; RC0402FR-072K2L R3 1 RES#,1.2M OHM,1%,0402 RK73H1ETTP1204F R4 1 RES+,120K OHM,1%,0402 CRCW0402120KFK R5, R6 2 RES#,200K OHM,1%,0402 CRCW0402200KFK; RF73H1ELTP2003 R7, R8, R13, R14 4 RES#,0 OHM,5%,0402 ERJ-2GE0R00X R9 1 RES,470 OHM,1%,0402 CRCW0402470RFK R10 1 RES#,10K OHM,1%,0402 CRCW040210K0FK; RC0402FR-0710K R11 1 RES#, POT,100K OHM,10%,9.53X4.83MM 3296Y-1-104LF R12 1 RES+,0.005 OHM,1%,1/2W,0603 RLM-0816-4F-R005-FNH R16 1 RES#,100 OHM,1%,0402 CRCW0402100RFK; 9C04021A1000FL; RC0402FR-07100RL R17, R18 2 RES#,56K OHM,1%,0402 ERJ-2RKF5602X RT1 1 RES#, THERM,10K 0,1%,0402 NCP15XH103F03RC SW3, SW4, SW-ONKEY 3 PUSH BUTTON SWITCHES EVQ-Q2K03W U1 1 MAX77860EWG+ MAX77860 U2 1 MAX14681EWC+, MAX14699EWC+T MAX14681EWC+, MAX14699EWC+T U3 1 MAX8511EXK18+ MAX8511EXK18+ U4 1 MAX8815AETB+ MAX8815AETB+ Ordering Information PART MAX77860EVKIT# TYPE EV System #Denotes RoHS compliance. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  9 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 MAX77860 EV Kit Schematic 7 6 5 D5 3 C19 C20 1UF 3 0402_FF SHDN N.C. GND 2 6.3V SW1 5 4 SLAVE TSW-103-07-T-S 1UF SW2 0402_FF 6.3V 200K R2 2.2K VSYS SCL SDA INTB INOKB 2.2K 0402 0402 R6 200K 0402 ONKEY 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 SWI1 C6 SWI2 B5 SLAVE E8 VIO C8 25V 0402 SAFEOUT AVL J11 0402_FF VSYS R9 A 470 INFLED 0402 B' 4 3 B 1 A A' 2 3 B B' 4 SW4 EVQ-PHV03T 3 B A' 2 B' 4 T INFLED 2 1 10V 0402_FF FLED1 FLED2 TEST3 TSW-102-07-T-S TEST4 2 VCCTEST J21 TSW-102-07-T-S 2 F2 SYS_A D9 SYS_Q D6 1 G1 G2 C1 J7 SAFEOUT F5 AVL G4 PVL C7 CHGIND G7 NC1 H7 NC2 H8 NC3 H9 BATT C2 D1 BATT D2 DETBATB E7 THMB A2 THM B1 C12 1UF VSYS VSYS J8 NC6 GND_Q C8 GND_A A1 F7 NC7 GND_A A3 F8 NC8 GND_A A9 GND_A D3 TEST1 GND_A D4 B8 TEST2 GND_A D5 B7 TEST3 GND_A E5 B6 TEST4 GND_A F4 GND_A J9 10V C16 16V OPEN TP PGND MAXIMPAD SYSS- TP CSP CSN R12 VIO 16V DETBATB 0.005 J8 C17 100UF 0603 TSW-103-07-T-S 3 8 www.maximintegrated.com 7 6 5 BATTGND MAXIMPAD B THMB THM R13 0 BAT_SN R14 0 R11 100K J10 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 TSW-102-07-T-S A R10 2 10K J6 0402 1 TSW-103-07-T-S RT1 10K 0402 2 PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: TSW-103-07-T-S MAX77860 EVALUATION KIT DATE: HARDWARE NUMBER: B ENGINEER: NAME 12/23/2015 DRAWN BY: REV: LAKSHMI BHUJ TEMPLATE REV: 1.5 4 DNI C18 100UF 3528CAP 3528CAP SIZE 1 BATT MAXIMPAD BATT 2 2 VSYS 0805 C15 TP THM C3 C 0603_FF 10UF CSP DETBATB THMB CSN GND_D 0603_FF C14 0402_FF 0603_FF B3 GND_D2 6.3V C25 1UF 10UF CSP VSYS MAXIMPAD VSYS TP SYSS+ 22UF C10 F3 NC4 CHGLX 6.3V BAT_SN NC5 TP 0402 0402_FF E4 BAT_SP C4 VCCTEST 0603 0.1UF L1 1UH 2520 BAT_SP C9 B9 BST 25V LX J1 BATT ONKEY 25V 0603 BST C9 H1 CHGPG B2 10UF 25V J22 TSW-102-07-T-S F1 SYS CHGRGSUB INOKB TSW-102-07-T-S J19 1 TEST2 J20 1 2 E3 SYS INTB TEST1 J18 1 SYS SDA G9 TSW-102-07-T-S FLASHEN E2 SCL G8 2 TORCHEN E1 SYS F9 CHGIND C7 J5 A TORCHEN K 4.7UF 1 D11 FLASHEN 1 A C5 TSW-102-07-T-S C A VSYS A T 3 SW3 EVQ-PHV03T PVL J4 D10 C J3 SYS E9 E6 TP J2 D8 10UF 6.3V CHGIND H3 CHGLX CHGPG C11 10UF H4 2 2 TSW-103-07-T-S AVL PVL 6.3V D12 A' 2 1 A C4 2.2UF CHGLX BATT INTB 1UF CHGLX CHGPG 0.1UF SCL 0402_FF SW-ONKEY EVQ-PHV03T CC2 C5 6.3V BATT CC1 SWI1 SWI2 SLAVE VIO C2 SAFEOUT DP A6 VCONNIN ONKEY 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 H2 DN A8 VCONNBTEN_SYS INOKB J2 PPTC102LJBN-RC CHGLX A7 A5 SDA 0402 R1 G3 B4 VIO R5 BST VBUSDET G6 1 OUT 3 IN J4 VCONNIN 2 MAX8511EXK18+ BYP D7 A4 VCONNBTEN_SYS VCONNIN BYP CHGIN + 2 BYP CHGIN 2 VCONNEN 1 J7 U3 CHGIN OVPENB 1 CC2 J6 + J3 CC1 CC2 CC1 J5 F6 2 VSYS TSW-103-07-T-S 1 OVPENB VBUSDET DD+ BYP MAXIMPAD BYP C13 2 5V 0402_FF C OVPENB 1UF C21 TSW-102-07-T-S H6 0603_FF 25V 0402_FF D4 5V 50V 11 10 9 8 7 6 D+ 2 BYPS BYP 1 100PF SHIELD PINS 1 56K D TP G5 CHGIN 3 D3 C3 25V J13 R18 D- H5 2.2UF CHGGNDS U1 IVS-81BGAP-A588-00 1 VBUS C6 CHGINS 5V 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 B CHGIN D6 2 2 TSW-102-07-T-S 1 1 56K J1 10103592-0001LF 1 2 J12 R17 CHGIN 3 CHGIN MAXIMPAD 5V D 4 3 8 3 2 P1 SHEET 1 OF 2 1 Maxim Integrated │  10 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 MAX77860 EV Kit Schematic (continued) 6 7 8 GND3 MAXIMPAD D 2 3 4 5 1 GND1 MAXIMPAD GND4 MAXIMPAD D GND2 MAXIMPAD VBUS MAXIMPAD R15 CHGIN 2 OPEN RX2RX2+ TP TP B9 SBU2 B8 A6 D+ A7 D- B7 D+ B6 A8 SBU1 CC2 B5 A9 DVBUS VBUS B4 TX2- B3 TX2+ B2 A10 RX2- A11 RX2+ A12 GND GND B1 TP DD+ CC2 C1 SBU2 TP R4 TP TX2TX2+ OVLO 120K EN A1 U4 MAX8815AETB+ 0402 R8 0 1 J9 1 0 VSYS TP VBUSDET 1 L2 1.2UH 2 2 TSW-102-07-T-S C22 10UF 0805 OVPENB 1 2 LX LX 3 4 8 6 BATT ON SKIPB FB 0402 J16 POUT POUT 9 10 OUTS 7 1 2 VCONNIN 1 TSW-102-07-T-S VBUSDET R7 + VBUS B1 1.2M 0402 GND EP VBUS CC1 VBUSDET R3 RX1- 5 11 A4 A5 0402_FF TPRX1+ GND B10 GND B11 RX1- A3 B2 GND B12 RX1+ OUT OUT B4 TP SBU1 CC1 D+ D- GND TX1+ TX1- A2 IN IN A4 TP GND A2 A3 OUT IN C2 C3 C4 A1 TP TX1- 1000PF C24 R16 C23 0.1UF 0402_FF 100K 2 MAX14681EWC+(or MAX14699EWC+T) B3 C1 J14 898-43-024-90-310000 TX1+ J15 U2 VBUS TSW-102-07-T-S 22UF 3528CAP 0402 J17 VCONNBTEN_SYS 0402 1 2 TSW-102-07-T-S TP C C B B A A MAX77860 EVALUATION KIT PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: SIZE D D TYPEC-MAX8815 HARDWARE NUMBER: ENGINEER: NAME DRAWN BY: LAKSHMI BHUJ TEMPLATE REV: 8 www.maximintegrated.com 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.5 DATE: 12/23/2015 REV: P1 SHEET 2 OF 2 1 Maxim Integrated │  11 MAX77860 Evaluation System Evaluates: MAX77860 Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 2/19 Initial release — 1 2/19 Updated Ordering Information 9 DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/storefront/storefront.html. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. © 2019 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. │  12
MAX77860EVKIT# 价格&库存


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