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AIC1084GMTR 数据手册
AIC1084 5A Low Dropout Positive Regulator  FEATURES  DESCRIPTION  Dropout Voltage 1.5V at 5A Output Current The AIC1084 is a low dropout three terminal  Fast Transient Response regulator with 5A output current capability. The  Extremely Tight Line and Load Regulation output voltage is adjustable with the use of a  Current Limiting and Thermal Protection resistor divider or fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V.  Adjustable Output Voltage or Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V, Dropout voltage is guaranteed to be at maximum of 3.3V 1.5V with the maximum output current. Its low Standard 3-Pin Power Packages dropout voltage and fast transient response make it  ideal for low voltage microprocessor applications.  APPLICATIONS Current limit and thermal protection provide  Mother Board I/O Power Supplies protection against any overload condition that  Microprocessor Power Supplies would create excessive junction temperatures.  High Current Regulator  Post Regulator for Switching Supply  TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT 3 VIN 5V AIC1084 1 ADJ C1 + 10µF 2 VOUT 3.3V RF1 125Ω + 1% C2 RF2 10µF 205Ω (Note1) 1% VREF VREF=VOUT -VADJ=1.25V (typ.) VOUT=VREF x (1+RF2/RF1)+ IADJ x RF2 IADJ=55µA (typ.) (1) C1 needed if device is far away from filter capacitors. (2) C2 required for stability. Adjustable Voltage Regulator 3 VIN 5V AIC1084-33 2 VOUT 3.3V 1 C1 + 10µF + C2 10µF (Note1) GND Fixed Voltage Regulator Analog Integrations Corporation Si-Soft Research Center 1A1, 1 Li-Hsin 1st Rd., Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-5772500 FAX: 886-3-5772510 www.analog.com.tw DS-1084G-02 20170718 1 AIC1084  ORDERING INFORMATION AIC1084-XXXXXX PIN CONFIGURATION TO252-3 TOP VIEW PACKING TYPE TB: TUBE TR: TAPING & REEL 1: ADJ (GND) 2: VOUT (TAB) 3: VIN PACKAGING TYPE E: TO252-3 M: TO263-3 T: TO220-3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 TO263-3 TOP VIEW G: GREEN PACKAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEFAULT: ADJUSTABLE 18: 1.8V 25: 2.5V 33: 3.3V Example: AIC1084-18GETR  1.8V version in TO252-3 Green Package & Taping & Reel Packing Type 1: ADJ (GND) 2: VOUT (TAB) 3: VIN TO220-3 FRONT VIEW 1: ADJ (GND) 2: VOUT (TAB) 3: VIN Example: AIC1084-18GMTR  1.8V version in TO263-3 Green Package & Taping & Reel Packing  ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VIN pin to ADJ/GND pin 7V Ambient Temperature Range –40°C to 85°C Maximum Junction Temperature 125°C Storage Temperature Range –65°C ~ 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering) 10 sec. Thermal Resistance Junction to Case 260°C TO252-3 12.5°C/W TO263-3, TO220-3 Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient 3°C/W TO252-3 100°C/W (Assume no ambient airflow, no heatsink) TO263-3 60°C/W TO220-3 50°C/W Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. 2 AIC1084  TEST CIRCUIT Refer to TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT.  ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN=5V, TJ=25°C, IO=10mA, unless otherwise specified) (Note2) PARAMETER Reference Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation TEST CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT AIC1084 (ADJ) 1.225 1.25 1.275 V AIC1084-18, VIN=5V AIC1084-25, VIN=5V AIC1084-33, VIN=5V ADJ : 2.75V≤ VIN ≤7V VOUT=1.25V 1.76 2.45 3.23 1.80 2.50 3.30 1.84 2.55 3.37 V 0.015 0.2 % 0.6 % 1.5 V Fix : VOUT+1.5V≤ VIN ≤7V Load Regulation 10mA < IO < 5A Dropout Voltage ∆VOUT, ∆VREF=1% 10mA ≤ IO ≤ 5A Current Limit 1.4 5 GND Current (Fix) VOUT+1.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 7V Adjusted Pin Current 6 A 11.5 14 mA 2.75V ≤ VIN ≤ 7V 55 120 µA Adjusted Pin Current Change (∆IADJ) 2.75V ≤ VIN ≤ 7V 0.2 5 µA Temperature Stability IO=0.5A 0.5 Minimum Load Current 5 RMS Output Noise (% of VOUT) 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10KHz Ripple Rejection Ratio 120Hz input ripple COUT=25µF (VIN -VOUT)=3V Thermal Shutdown Temperature Note 3 60 % 10 mA 0.003 % 72 dB 165 °C Note 1: To avoid output oscillation, aluminum electrolytic output capacitor is recommended and ceramic capacitor is not suggested. Note 2: Specifications are production tested at TA=25°C. Specifications over the -40°C to 85°C operating temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with Statistical Quality Controls (SQC). Note 3: Guarantee by design. 3 AIC1084 Output Voltage (mV, AC)  TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 50 0 -50 Input Voltage (V) -100 CIN=1µF (Tantalum) COUT=10µF (Tantalum) VOUT=3.3V 7.0 6.0 0 40 80 Fig. 2 1.35 Dropout Voltage (v) 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 2 1 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 4 3 AIC1084 - ADJ 1.6 0 2 Output Current (A) 4 6 8 VIN-V OUT (V) Fig. 4 Minimum Operating Current Fig. 3 Dropout Voltage (VOUT=2.5) 10 5 9 4 AIC1084-18 8 Shot Circuit Current (A) Minimum Operating Current (mA) 200 160 1.8 AIC1084-25 (TJ=25℃) Minimun Operating Current (mA) 1.30 120 Time (µS) Line Transient Response 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Differential Voltage (V) Fig. 5 Minimum Operating Current 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VIN-VOUT (V) Fig. 6 AIC1084 (1.8) Short Circuit Current 4 AIC1084  TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) -20 Ripple Rejection Ratio (dB) COUT=3.3µF -30 -40 COUT=10µF -50 -60 -70 COUT=25µF -80 1 10 2 10 4 10 3 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 7 AIC1084 (ADJ.) Ripple Rejection  BLOCK DIAGRAM VIN + GM VREF + 1.25V Current Amp. - Thermal Limit Current Limit 55µA VOUT For fixed voltage device ADJ GND  PIN DESCRIPTIONS ADJ PIN - Providing VREF=1.25V (typ.) for adjustable VOUT. VREF=VOUT-VADJ and IADJ=55µA (typ.) (GND PIN- Power ground.) VOUT PIN - Adjustable output voltage. VIN PIN Power Input. - 5 AIC1084  APPLICATION INFORMATION INPUT-OUTPUT CAPACITORS mounting pad configuration on the PCB, the Linear regulators require input and output board material, and the ambient temperature. capacitors to maintain stability. Input capacitor at When the IC mounting with good thermal 10µF with a 10µF aluminum electrolytic output conductivity is used, the junction temperature will capacitor is recommended. be low even when large power dissipation applies. POWER DISSIPATION The power dissipation across the device is The AIC1084 obtains thermal-limiting circuitry, P = IOUT (VIN-VOUT). which is designed to protect the device against overload condition. condition, maximum For continuous rating of The maximum power dissipation is: load PMAX = junction temperature must not be exceeded. It is (TJ-max - TA ) Rθ JA important to pay more attention in thermal Where TJ-max is the maximum allowable junction resistance. It includes junction to case, junction temperature (125°C), and TA is the ambient to ambient. The maximum power dissipation of temperature suitable in application. AIC1084 depends on the thermal resistance of As a general rule, the lower temperature is, the its case and circuit board, the temperature better reliability of the device is. So the PCB difference between the die junction and ambient mounting pad should provide maximum thermal air, and the rate of airflow. The rate of conductivity to maintain low device temperature. temperature rise is greatly affected by the  APPLICATION EXAMPLES 3 Vin 5V AIC1084 + C1 2 1 ADJ 3.3V + C1 + C2 2 AIC1084 Vout 3.3V R1 125 1 ADJ 10µF MMBT2222A TTL + C2 100µF 10µF 10µF R3 1K Vout R1 125 3 Vin 5V R2 205 Cadj R2 205 R4 1k * Cadj can improve ripple rejection Fig. 8 VOUT=3.3V with Shutdown Fig. 9 Improving Ripple Rejection T1 3 Vin 5V + C1 AIC1084 1 ADJ 2 R1 125 10µF Vout 1.25V D1 3 Vin + C2 + C1 10µF 10µF AIC1084-33 2 1 FLOATING INPUT Fig. 10 VOUT=1.25V Application Circuit + C2 100µF Vout -3.3V Fig. 11 Low Dropout Negative Supply 6 AIC1084  PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS  TO220-3 A A1 E1 THERMAL PAD H1 Q E L L1 D1 D D2 P A b2 A e A2  S Y M B O L b c WITH PLATING BASE METAL SECTION A-A Note: 1. Refer to JEDEC TO-220AB. 2. Dimension "E" does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusion or gate burrs shall not exceed 6 mil per side . 3. Dimension "D1" does not include inter-lead flash or protrusions. 4. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. TO220-3 MILLIMETERS MIN. MAX. A 3.56 4.82 A1 0.51 1.39 A2 2.04 2.92 b 0.38 1.01 b2 1.15 1.77 c 0.35 0.61 D 14.23 16.51 D1 8.38 9.02 D2 11.75 12.88 E 9.66 10.66 E1 6.86 e H1 L 8.90 2.54 BSC 5.85 6.85 12.70 14.73 L1 -- 6.35 P 3.54 4.08 Q 2.54 3.42 7 AIC1084  TO252-3 A E c2 E1 THERMAL PAD L4 H D D1 L3 b3 A A e SEE VIEW B b c WITH PLATING BASE METAL SECTION A-A S Y M B O L MIN. MAX. A 2.19 2.38 θ L SEATING PLANE L1 VIEW B A1 L2 GAUGE PLANE Note: 1. Refer to JEDEC TO-252AA and AB. 2. Dimension "E" does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusion or gate burrs shall not exceed 6 mil per side . 3. Dimension "D" does not include inter-lead flash or protrusions. 4. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. TO252-3 MILLIMETERS A1 0.00 0.13 b 0.64 0.89 b3 4.95 5.46 c 0.46 0.61 0.89 c2 0.46 D 5.33 6.22 D1 4.60 6.00 E 6.35 6.73 E1 3.90 5.46 e 2.28 BSC H 9.40 L 1.40 10.41 1.78 L1 2.67 REF L2 0.51 BSC L3 0.89 2.03 L4 -- 1.02 θ 0° 8° 8 AIC1084  TO263-3 A c2 E1 THERMAL PAD L2 H D D1 L1 E A b2 A e SEE VIEW B S Y M B O L b c WITH PLATING BASE METAL SECTION A-A θ L VIEW B SEATING PLANE A1 L3 GAUGE PLANE Note: 1. Refer to JEDEC TO-263AB. 2. Dimension "E" does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusion or gate burrs shall not exceed 6 mil per side . 3. Dimension "D" does not include inter-lead flash or protrusions. 4. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. TO263-3 MILLIMETERS MIN. MAX. A 4.06 4.83 A1 0.00 0.25 b 0.51 0.99 b2 1.14 1.78 c 0.38 0.74 c2 1.14 1.65 D 8.38 9.65 D1 6.86 -- E 9.65 10.67 E1 6.23 -- e 2.54 BSC H 14.61 15.88 L 1.78 2.79 L1 -- 1.68 L2 -- θ 1.78 0.25 BSC L3 0° 8° Note: Information provided by AIC is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, we cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in an AIC product; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. We reserve the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice. Life Support Policy: AIC does not authorize any AIC product for use in life support devices and/or systems. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (I) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (ii) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 9
AIC1084GMTR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+3.99600
    • 10+3.19680
    • 30+2.86200
