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AK4558EN 数据手册
[AK4558] AK4558 108dB 216kHz 32Bit  CODEC with PLL 1. General Description The AK4558 is a low voltage 32bit 216kHz CODEC for high performance battery powered digital audio subsystems. An internal circuit includes newly developed 32-bit Digital Filter achieving short group delay and high quality sound. In addition, “OSR-Doubler” technology is newly adopted, making the AK4558 capable of supporting wide range signals and achieving low out-of-band noise while realizing low power consumption. The AK4558 is ideal for a wide range of applications that demands high sound quality including Electronic musical instruments and Audio Interfaces. The analog inputs and outputs are single-ended to minimize pin count and external filtering requirements. The AK4558 is housed in a very small 28-pin QFN. It is ideal for space-sensitive applications. 2. Features  Single-ended ADC - Dynamic Range, S/N: 108dB@AVDD=3.3V - S/(N+D): 92dB@AVDD=3.3V - Selectable HPF for DC-offset cancel (fc = 1Hz @ fs=48kHz) - 4-types Digital Filter for High Sound Quality  Single-ended DAC - Dynamic Range, S/N: 108dB@AVDD=3.3V - S/(N+D): 100dB@AVDD=3.3V - Digital de-emphasis for 32kHz, 44.1kHz and 48kHz sampling - 5-types Digital Filter for High Sound Quality - Channel Independent Digital Attenuator (256 levels, 0.5dB steps)  Audio I/F format: MSB First, 2’s Complement - ADC: 24/32bit MSB justified , 24/32bit I2S compatible or TDM - DAC: 24/32bit MSB justified, 16/20/24/32bit LSB justified, 24/32bit I2S compatible or TDM  Input/Output Voltage: ADC = 2.64Vpp @ AVDD=3.3V DAC = 2.51Vpp @ AVDD=3.3V  Master/Slave mode  P I/F: I2C Bus  Sampling Rate: (1) PLL Mode • PLL Slave Mode (LRCK pin): fs = 8kHz  216kHz • PLL Slave Mode (BICK pin): fs = 8kHz  216kHz • PLL Master Mode: 8kHz, 11.025kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 22.05kHz, 24kHz, 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 54kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 128kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz (2) External Clock Mode • Normal Speed: 8kHz to 54kHz (256fs or 512fs) 8kHz to 48kHz (384fs or 768fs) • Double Speed: 54kHz to 108kHz (256fs) 48kHz to 96kHz (384fs) • Quad Speed: 108kHz to 216kHz (128fs) 96kHz to 192kHz (192fs) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -1- [AK4558]  Master Clock: (1) PLL Mode • MCKI pin: 27MHz, 26MHz, 24MHz, 19.2MHz, 13.5MHz, 13MHz, 12.288MHz, 12MHz, 11.2896MHz • LRCK pin: 1fs • BICK pin: 32fs, 64fs, 128fs(TDM), 256fs(TDM) (2) External Clock Mode (MCKI pin) • Slave mode: 256fs, 384fs, 512fs or 768fs (Normal Speed) 256fs or 384fs (Double Speed) 128fs or 192fs (Quad Speed) • Master mode: 256fs or 512fs (Normal Speed) 256fs (Double Speed) 128fs (Quad Speed)  Power Supply: • AVDD = 2.4 to 3.6V (typ. 3.3V) • TVDD = 1.7 to 3.6V (typ. 1.8V)  Power Supply Current: 18mA(fs=48kHz)  Ta = -40 to 105°C  Package: 28-pin QFN (0.5mm pitch) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -2- [AK4558] 3. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. General Description ............................................................................................................................ 1 Features .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 3 Block Diagram and Functions ............................................................................................................. 5 ■ Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 5 ■ Compatibility with the AK4556 ........................................................................................................... 6 5. Pin Configurations and Functions ....................................................................................................... 7 ■ Ordering Guide .................................................................................................................................. 7 ■ Pin Layout .......................................................................................................................................... 7 ■ Pin Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 8 ■ Handling of Unused Pins ................................................................................................................... 9 6. Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................................. 10 7. Recommended Operating Conditions .............................................................................................. 10 8. Analog Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 11 9. ADC Filter Characteristics (fs=48kHz) .............................................................................................. 13 10. ADC Filter Characteristics (fs=96kHz) .......................................................................................... 14 11. ADC Filter Characteristics (fs=192kHz) ........................................................................................ 15 12. DAC Filter Characteristics (fs=48kHz) .......................................................................................... 16 13. DAC Filter Characteristics (fs=96kHz) .......................................................................................... 17 14. DAC Filter Characteristics (fs=192kHz) ........................................................................................ 18 15. DC Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 19 16. Switching Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 20 ■ Timing Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 29 17. Functional Descriptions ................................................................................................................. 34 ■ Parallel / Serial Mode ...................................................................................................................... 34 ■ Master Mode/Slave Mode ................................................................................................................ 34 ■ System Clock ................................................................................................................................... 35 ■ Parallel Mode (PS pin= “H”) ............................................................................................................ 36 ■ Serial Mode (PS pin= “L”) ................................................................................................................ 38 ■ PLL Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”) ............................................................................................................ 41 ■ PLL Unlock State ............................................................................................................................. 46 ■ PLL Master Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”, CKS3-2 pins = “HH”) ............................................................. 46 ■ PLL Slave Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”, CKS3-2 pins = “LL” or “LH” or “HL”)........................................ 47 ■ De-emphasis Filter .......................................................................................................................... 48 ■ Digital HPF ....................................................................................................................................... 48 ■ Audio Interface Format .................................................................................................................... 49 ■ TDM Cascade Mode ........................................................................................................................ 52 ■ ADC/DAC Digital Filter .................................................................................................................... 61 ■ Mono/Stereo Switching .................................................................................................................... 61 ■ Digital Attenuator ............................................................................................................................. 62 ■ Soft Mute Operation......................................................................................................................... 63 ■ Out of Band Noise Reduction Filter ................................................................................................. 64 ■ DAC Output (LOUT, ROUT pin) ...................................................................................................... 67 ■ Control Sequence ............................................................................................................................ 70 ■ Serial Control Interface .................................................................................................................... 81 ■ Register Map.................................................................................................................................... 84 ■ Register Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 84 18. Recommended External Circuits ................................................................................................... 89 ■ Parallel Mode ................................................................................................................................... 89 ■ Serial Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 90 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -3- [AK4558] 19. Package ......................................................................................................................................... 92 ■ Materials & Lead Finish ................................................................................................................... 92 ■ Marking ............................................................................................................................................ 93 20. Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 93 IMPORTANT NOTICE ............................................................................................................................ 94 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -4- [AK4558] 4. Block Diagram and Functions ■ Block Diagram MCKI PDN VCOC PMPLL PLL LRCK BICK PMADL LIN ADC HPF Audio I/F RIN ADC SDTI HPF PMADR CKS3 PMDAL LOUT LPF SCF SDTO DAC DATT DEM DAC DATT DEM CKS2 CKS1 CKS0/TDMI ROUT LPF SCF PMDAR VCOM uP I/F(I2C) LDO:1.8V LDOE AVDD VSS1 TVDD VSS2 VDD18 PMDAL/CAD0 LOPS PMADL/SCL PMADR/SDA PS PMDAR/CAD1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -5- [AK4558] ■ Compatibility with the AK4556 Function fs (max) HFP Cut-off HPF Disable ADC Input Level Input Resistance Init Cycle S/(N+D) DR, S/N DF SA SB GD DAC Output Level Load Resistance S/(N+D) DR, S/N DF SA GD MCKI (Slave) Audio I/F ADC DAC Volume Digital Filter Option PLL M/S mode Parallel/Serial mode Pop Guard Idd AVDD VDD18 TVDD Package AK4556 216kHz 1Hz @ fs = 48kHz Yes AK4558 216kHz 1Hz @ fs = 48kHz Yes 0.7 x VA 8k@ fs = 48kHz, 96kHz, 192kHz 4134/fs @ Normal Speed, Slave mode 91dB 103dB 68dB 28kHz 18/fs 0.8 x AVDD 8k@ fs = 48kHz, 96kHz, 192kHz 5200/fs @ Normal Speed, Slave mode 92dB 108dB 85dB 27.8kHz 5/fs 0.7 x VA 5k 90dB 106dB 54dB 21/fs 256/384/512/768fs @ Normal Speed 256/384fs @ Double Speed 128/192fs @ Quad Speed 2 24bit MSB justified / I S 0.76 x AVDD 5k 100dB 108dB 80dB 6.8/fs 256/384/512/768fs @ Normal Speed 256/384fs @ Double Speed 128/192fs @ Quad Speed 24/32bit MSB justified 2 24/32bit I S/TDM 24/32bit MSB justified 16/20/24/32bit LSB justified 2 24/32bit I S/TDM 0.5dB/step Yes Yes Master / Slave Yes Yes 18.0mA (AVDD = 3.3V,TVDD=1.8V) 2.4V to 3.6V 1.7V to 1.98V 24bit MSB justified /24bit LSB justified / 2 IS No No No Master / Slave No No 27.5mA (Vdd = 3V) 2.4V to 3.6V 2.4V to 3.6V (Normal/Double Speed) 2.7V to 3.6V (Quad Speed) 20TSSOP (6.5mm x 6.4mm, 0.65mm Pitch) 015004500-E-03 1.7V to 3.6V 28QFN (5.0mm x 5.0mm, 0.5mm Pitch) 2017/11 -6- [AK4558] 5. Pin Configurations and Functions ■ Ordering Guide -40  +105C 28-pin QFN (0.5mm pitch) Evaluation Board for the AK4558 AK4558EN AKD4558 LIN 22 RIN 23 AVDD 24 VSS1 25 VCOM 26 LOUT ROUT LDOE LOPS PMDAR/CAD1 PMDAL/CAD0 PMADR/SDA PMADL/SCL PDN 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 ■ Pin Layout 14 VDD18 13 VSS2 12 TVDD 11 MCKI 10 SDTI 27 9 BICK 28 8 SDTO AK4558 28pin QFN 4 5 CKS2 CKS1 7 3 CKS3 LRCK 2 PS DMDAT CKS0/TDMI 6 1 VCOC Top View Note 1. The exposed pad on the bottom surface of the package must be connected to VSS. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -7- [AK4558] ■ Pin Functions No. Pin Name I/O PD State 1 VCOC O Hi-z 2 PS I Hi-z 3 4 5 CKS3 CKS2 CKS1 I I I Hi-z Hi-z Hi-z CKS0 I Hi-z TDMI I Hi-z 7 LRCK I/O 8 SDTO O 9 BICK I/O 10 SDTI I Hi-z 11 12 13 MCKI TVDD VSS2 I - Hi-z - O Pulldown (500ohm) I Hi-z PDN I Hi-z PMADL I Hi-z 6 Hi-Z /L L Hi-Z /L Function (PS pin = “H”) This pin should be connected to VSS. (PS pin = “L”) Output Pin for Loop Filter of PLL Circuit This pin should be connected to VSS, unless PLL Mode 15 used. Parallel/Serial Mode Select Pin “L”: Serial Mode, “H”: Parallel Mode Do not change this pin during PDN pin = “H”. Mode Setting Pin #3 Mode Setting Pin #2 Mode Setting Pin #1 (PS pin = “H”) Mode Setting Pin #0 (PS pin = “L”) TDM Data Input Pin Input/Output Channel Clock Pin When PDN pin is “L”, LRCK pin outputs “L” in master mode. LRCK pin outputs “Hi-Z” in slave mode. Audio Serial Data Output Pin When PDN pin is “L”, SDTO pin outputs “L”. Audio Serial Data Clock Pin When PDN pin is “L”, BICK pin outputs “L” in master mode. BICK pin outputs “Hi-Z” in slave mode. Audio Serial Data Input Pin I Hi-z I/O Hi-z PMDAL I Hi-z CAD0 I Hi-z PMDAR I Hi-z CAD1 I Hi-z 20 LOPS I Hi-z 21 LDOE I Hi-z 22 LIN I Hi-z External Master Clock Input Pin LDO Power Supply/Digital I/F Power Supply Pin Digital Ground Pin (LDOE pin = “H”) LDO Output Pin This pin must be connected to VSS2 pin with 1F  50% capacitor in series. (LDOE pin = “L”) 1.8V Power Input Pin Power-Down & Reset Mode Pin “L”: Power-down and Reset, “H”: Normal operation The AK4558 should be reset once by bringing PDN pin = “L”. (PS pin = “H”) ADC Lch Power Management Pin (PS pin = “L”) Control Data Clock Pin (PS pin = “H”) ADC Rch Power Management Pin (PS pin = “L”) Control Data Input/Output Pin (PS pin = “H”) DAC Lch Power Management Pin (PS pin = “L”) Chip Address 0 Pin (PS pin = “H”) DAC Rch Power Management Pin (PS pin = “L”) Chip Address 1 Pin (PS pin = “H”) DAC Output Power Save Mode Control Pin (PS pin = “L”) This pin must be connected to VSS2. LDO Enable Pin “L”: LDO Disable, “H”: LDO Enable Lch Analog Input Pin 23 RIN I Hi-z Rch Analog Input Pin 24 AVDD - - 14 15 VDD18 16 SCL PMADR I - Hi-z 17 SDA 18 19 Analog Power Supply Pin 015004500-E-03 2017/11 -8- [AK4558] 25 VSS1 - 26 VCOM O 27 LOUT O 28 ROUT O Pulldown (400ohm) Pulldown (100kohm) Pulldown (100kohm) Analog Ground Pin Common Voltage Output Pin, 0.5 x AVDD This pin must be connected to VSS1 pin with 1µF±50% capacitor in series. Lch Analog Output Pin Rch Analog Output Pin Note 2. All input pins except analog input pins (LIN and RIN) must not be allowed to float. ■ Handling of Unused Pins Unused I/O pins must be connected appropriately. Classification Analog Digital Pin Name LOUT, ROUT, LIN, RIN MCKI, SDTI, CKS0/TDMI, CKS1, LOPS SDTO 015004500-E-03 Setting Open Connect to VSS2 Open 2017/11 -9- [AK4558] 6. Absolute Maximum Ratings (VSS1=VSS2=0V; Note 3) Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Power Analog AVDD -0.3 6.0 V Supplies Digital core VDD18 -0.3 2.5 V Digital I/O TVDD -0.3 6.0 V Input Current (Any Pin Except Supplies) IIN mA 10 Analog Input Voltage (LIN, RIN pin) VINA -0.3 AVDD+0.3 V Digital Input Voltage (Note 4) VIND -0.3 TVDD+0.3 V Ambient Temperature (power applied) (Note 5) Ta -40 105 C Storage Temperature Tstg -65 150 C Note 3. All voltages with respect to ground. VSS1 and VSS2 must be connected to analog ground. Note 4. PMDAL/CAD0, PMDAR/CAD1, LOPS, CKS0/TDMI, CKS3, CKS2, CKS1, PMADL/SCL, PMADR/SDA, SDTI, LRCK, BICK, MCKI, SDA, PS, LDOE and PDN pins. The external pull-up resistors at the SDA and SCL pins should be connected to (TVDD+0.3) voltage or less. Note 5. In case that PCB drawing density is more than 100%. The exposed pad on the bottom surface of the package must be connected to VSS. WARNING: Operation at or beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes. 7. Recommended Operating Conditions (VSS1=VSS2=0V; Note 3) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Power Analog AVDD 2.4 3.3 3.6 V Supplies Digital (LDOE pin=“L”) TVDD VDD18 1.8 3.6 V (Note 6) Digital Core(LDOE pin=“L”) VDD18 1.7 1.8 1.98 V Digital (LDOE pin=“H”) TVDD 2.4 3.3 3.6 Note 3. All voltages with respect to ground. VSS1 and VSS2 must be connected to analog ground. Note 6. When the LDOE pin = “L” VDD18 must be powered up either at the same time or after TVDD is powered up. Internal LDO generates 1.8V, when the LDOE pin =“H”. The power-up sequence with AVDD and TVDD is not critical. The PDN pin should be held “L” prior to when power is applied. The PDN pin is allowed to be “H” after all power supplies are applied and settled. All power pins of the AK4558 must be supplied. Do not turn any power supply off independently (neither grounded nor floating). When using the AK4558 with I²C bus, the power supply of the AK4558 must not be turned off unless the power supplies of the surrounding device are turned off. *AKM assumes no responsibility for the usage beyond the conditions in this data sheet. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 10 - [AK4558] 8. Analog Characteristics (Ta=25C; AVDD= TVDD=3.3V; VSS1=VSS2=0V; EXT Slave Mode; fs=48kHz, 96kHz, 192kHz; Signal Frequency=1kHz; BICK=64fs; Data=32bit, Measurement frequency=20Hz  20kHz at fs=48kHz, 20Hz  40kHz at fs=96kHz, 20Hz  40kHz at fs=192kHz; unless otherwise specified) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit ADC Analog Input Characteristics: Resolution 32 bit 2.38 2.64 2.90 Vpp Input Voltage (Note 7) S/(N+D) fs=48kHz 1dBFS 82 92 dB BW=20kHz 60dBFS 43 dB fs=96kHz 1dBFS 81 91 dB BW=40kHz 60dBFS 40 dB fs=192kHz 1dBFS 91 dB BW=40kHz 60dBFS 40 dB DR (60dBFS with A-weighted) 100 108 dB S/N (A-weighted) 100 108 dB Input Resistance 7 10 k Interchannel Isolation 90 110 dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch 0 0.5 dB Gain Drift 100 ppm/C Power Supply Rejection (Note 11) 50 dB DAC Analog Output Characteristics: Resolution 32 bit 2.26 2.51 2.76 Vpp Output Voltage (Note 8) S/(N+D) fs=48kHz 0dBFS 90 100 dB BW=20kHz 60dBFS 45 dB fs=96kHz 0dBFS 88 98 dB BW=40kHz 60dBFS 42 dB fs=192kHz 0dBFS 98 dB BW=40kHz 60dBFS 42 dB DR (60dBFS with A-weighted) 100 108 dB S/N (A-weighted) 100 108 dB 30 pF Load Capacitance (Note 9) Load Resistance (Note 10) 5 k Interchannel Isolation 90 107 dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch 0 0.5 dB Gain Drift 100 ppm/C Power Supply Rejection (Note 11) 50 dB Note 7. This value is the full scale (0dB) of the input voltage. Input voltage is proportional to AVDD voltage. Vin = 0.8 x AVDD (Vpp). Note 8. This value is the full scale (0dB) of the output voltage. Output voltage is proportional to AVDD voltage. Vout = 0.76 x AVDD (Vpp). Note 9. When LOUT/ROUT drives some capacitive load, a 220 resistor should be added in series between LOUT/ROUT and capacitive load. In this case, LOUT/ROUT pins can drive a capacitor of 400pF. Note 10. For AC-load Note 11. VCOM pin is connected to VSS1 pin with 1µF±50% capacitor in series. When LDOE pin = “L”, PSR is applied to AVDD, VDD18 and TVDD with 1kHz, 50mVpp. When LDOE pin = “H”, PSR is applied to AVDD and TVDD with 1kHz, 50mVpp. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 11 - [AK4558] Ta=25℃; AVDD=3.3V, TVDD=VDD18=1.8V; Slave Mode, MCKI=24.576MHz, ADC Single Input / DAC Single Output (LDOE pin= “L” ) Register Setting: TDM1-0 bits = “00”, DIF2-0 bits = “111”, CKS1-0 bits = “10”, DFS1-0 bits = “00” Output Pin Load: DAC Single-end=4.7kohm, 33pF, LRCK=BICK=SDTO pins=22pF Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Power Supplies Power Supply Current Normal Operation (PDN pin = “H”) 12.0 16.0 mA AVDD fs=48kHz, 96kHz, 192kHz 6.0 9.0 mA TVDD+VDD18 fs=48kHz 10.0 15.0 mA fs=96kHz 10.0 15.0 mA fs=192kHz Power-down mode 1 100 µA (PDN pin = “L”) (Note 12) AVDD+ TVDD+VDD18 Note 12. Powered-down. All digital input pins are held VSS2. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 12 - [AK4558] 9. ADC Filter Characteristics (fs=48kHz) (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD =2.4 3.6V, TVDD=1.7 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHARP ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“0” ; SDAD bit=“0”) Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.06dB PB 0 kHz 22.1 kHz 24.4 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 27.8 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 20.0kHz 0 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 19 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHORT DELAY SHARP ROLL-OFF FILTER (SLAD bit=“0” ; SDAD bit=“1”) Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.06dB PB 0 22.1 kHz 24.4 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 27.8 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 20.0kHz 2.6 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 5.0 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SLOW ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“1” ; SDAD bit=“0”) 0dB/-0.074dB Passband (Note 13) PB 0 12.5 kHz 21.9 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 36.5 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 20.0kHz 0 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 7.0 1/fs ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHORT DELAY SLOW ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“1” ; SDAD bit=“1”) 0dB/-0.074dB Passband (Note 13) PB 0 12.5 kHz 21.9 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 36.5 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 20.0kHz 1.2 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 5.0 1/fs ADC Digital Filter (HPF): Frequency Response FR 1.0 Hz 3.0dB 2.5 Hz 0.5dB (Note 13) 6.5 Hz 0.1dB Note 13. The passband and stopband frequencies scales with fs (sampling frequency). For example, PB(0dB/-0.06dB) = 0.46 x fs (@fs=48kHz) for ADC block(SHARP ROLL-OFF). For example, PB(0dB/-0.074dB) = 0.26 x fs (@fs=48kHz) for ADC block(SLOW ROLL-OFF). Note 14. The calculated delay time by digital filtering. This is the time from the input of an analog signal to the output of MSB for L channel of SDTO. The error of the delay at audio interface is within +1[1/fs]. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 13 - [AK4558] 10. ADC Filter Characteristics (fs=96kHz) (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD =2.4 3.6V, TVDD=1.7 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHARP ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“0” ; SDAD bit=“0”) 44.2 Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.06dB 0 kHz PB 48.7 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 55.6 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 0 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 19 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHORT DELAY SHARP ROLL-OFF FILTER (SLAD bit=“0” ; SDAD bit=“1”) Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.06dB 0 44.2 kHz PB 48.7 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 55.6 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 2.6 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 5.0 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SLOW ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“1” ; SDAD bit=“0”) 25 Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.074dB 0 kHz PB 43.7 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 73 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 0 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 7.0 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHORT DELAY SLOW ROLL-OFF FILTER (SLAD bit=“1” ; SDAD bit=“1”) Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.074dB 0 25 kHz PB 43.7 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 73 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 1.2 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 5.0 ADC Digital Filter (HPF): Frequency Response FR 2.0 Hz 3.0dB 5.0 Hz (Note 13) 13 Hz 0.1dB Note 13. The passband and stopband frequencies scales with fs (sampling frequency). For example, PB(0dB/-0.06dB) = 0.46 x fs (@fs=96kHz) for ADC block(SHARP ROLL-OFF). For example, PB(0dB/-0.074dB) = 0.26 x fs (@fs=96kHz) for ADC block(SLOW ROLL-OFF). Note 14. The calculated delay time by digital filtering. This is the time from the input of an analog signal to the output of MSB for L channel of SDTO. The error of the delay at audio interface is within +1[1/fs]. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 14 - [AK4558] 11. ADC Filter Characteristics (fs=192kHz) (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD =2.4 3.6V, TVDD=1.6 1.98V, 2.4 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHARP ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“0” ; SDAD bit=“0”) 0dB/-0.04dB 83.7 Passband (Note 13) 0 kHz PB 100.1 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 122.9 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 0 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 15 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHORT DELAY SHARP ROLL-OFF FILTER (SLAD bit=“0” ; SDAD bit=“1”) Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.04dB 0 83.7 kHz PB 100.1 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 122.9 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 0.3 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 1/fs 6.0 ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SLOW ROLL-OFF (SLAD bit=“1” ; SDAD bit=“0”) 0dB/-0.1dB Passband (Note 13) 0 31.1 kHz PB 75.2 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 145.9 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 0 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 8.0 1/fs ADC Digital Filter (Decimation LPF): SHORT DELAY SLOW ROLL-OFF FILTER (SLAD bit=“1” ; SDAD bit=“1”) Passband (Note 13) 0dB/-0.1dB 0 31.1 kHz PB 75.2 kHz 6.0dB Stopband (Note 13) SB 145.9 kHz Stopband Attenuation SA 85 dB Group Delay Distortion 0 ~ 40.0kHz 0.6 1/fs GD Group Delay (Note 14) GD 6.0 1/fs ADC Digital Filter (HPF): Frequency Response FR 4.0 Hz 3.0dB 10.0 Hz (Note 13) 26.0 Hz 0.1dB Note 13. The passband and stopband frequencies scales with fs (sampling frequency). For example, PB(0dB/-0.04dB) = 0.436 x fs (@fs=192kHz) for ADC block(SHARP ROLL-OFF). For example, PB(0dB/-0.1dB) = 0.16 x fs (@fs=192kHz) for ADC block(SLOW ROLL-OFF). Note 14. The calculated delay time by digital filtering. This is the time from the input of an analog signal to the output of MSB for L channel of SDTO. The error of the delay at audio interface is within +1[1/fs]. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 15 - [AK4558] 12. DAC Filter Characteristics (fs=48kHz) (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD =2.4 3.6V, TVDD=1.7 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Sharp roll-off mode(DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“0”; SDDA bit=“0”) Passband (Note 15) ±0.05dB PB 0 21.8 kHz 24.0 kHz 6.0dB Stopband SB 26.2 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.0032 0.0032 Stopband Attenuation SA 80 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 27.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 20.0kHz (Note 18) FR -0.3 0.2 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Short delay Sharp roll-off mode (DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“0” ; SDDA bit=“1”) Passband (Note 15) ±0.05dB PB 0 21.8 kHz 24.0 kHz 6.0dB Stopband SB 26.2 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.0031 0.0031 Stopband Attenuation SA 80 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 6.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: -0.4 0.3 Frequency Response 0 ~ 20.0kHz (Note 18) FR dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Slow roll-off mode(DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“1” ; SDDA bit=“0”) 0 8.8 Passband (Note 16) ±0.07dB PB kHz kHz 3.0dB 19.7 Stopband SB kHz 42.6 Passband Ripple PR dB -0.043 0.043 Stopband Attenuation SA dB 73 Group Delay (Note 17) GD 7.3 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 20.0kHz (Note 18) FR -5 0.1 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Short delay Slow roll-off mode(DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“1” ; SDDA bit=“1”) Passband (Note 16) ±0.07dB PB 0 12.1 kHz 24.3 kHz 3.0dB Stopband SB 41.5 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.05 0.05 Stopband Attenuation SA 82 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 5.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 20.0kHz (Note 18) FR -5 0.1 dB Note 15. The passband and stopband frequencies scale with fs (sampling frequency). For example, Passband (0.06dB) = 0.454 x fs (@ fs=48kHz). Note 16. The passband and stopband frequencies scale with fs (sampling frequency). For example, Passband (0.06dB) = 0.204 x fs (@ fs=48kHz). Note 17. The calculated delay time is resulting from digital filtering. For the DAC, this is the time from the input of MSB for L channel of SDTI to the output of an analog signal. The error of the delay at audio interface is within +1[1/fs]. Note 18. The reference frequency is 1kHz. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 16 - [AK4558] 13. DAC Filter Characteristics (fs=96kHz) (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD =2.4 3.6V, TVDD=1.7 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Sharp roll-off mode(DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“0” ; SDDA bit=“0”) ±0.05dB PB 0 43.5 kHz Passband (Note 15) 48.0 kHz 6.0dB Stopband SB 52.5 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.0032 +0.0032 Stopband Attenuation SA 80 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 27.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 40.0kHz (Note 18) FR -0.4 0.3 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Short delay Sharp roll-off mode (DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“0” ; SDDA bit=“1”) Passband (Note 15) ±0.05dB PB 0 43.5 kHz 48.0 kHz 6.0dB Stopband SB 52.5 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.0031 +0.0031 Stopband Attenuation SA 80 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 6.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 40.0kHz (Note 18) FR -0.4 0.3 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Slow roll-off mode (DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“1” ; SDDA bit=“0”) 0 17.7 Passband (Note 16) ±0.07dB PB kHz kHz 3.0dB 39.6 Stopband SB kHz 85.3 Passband Ripple PR dB -0.043 +0.043 Stopband Attenuation SA dB 73 Group Delay (Note 17) GD 7.3 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 40.0kHz (Note 18) FR -4 0.1 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Short delay Slow roll-off mode(DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“1” ; SDDA bit=“1”) Passband (Note 16) ±0.07dB PB 0 24.2 kHz 44.6 kHz 3.0dB Stopband SB 83.0 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.05 +0.05 Stopband Attenuation SA 82 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 5.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 40.0kHz (Note 18) FR -5 0.1 dB Note 15. The passband and stopband frequencies scale with fs (sampling frequency). For example, Passband (0.06dB) = 0.454 x fs (@ fs=96kHz). Note 16. The passband and stopband frequencies scale with fs (sampling frequency). For example, Passband (0.06dB) = 0.204 x fs (@ fs=96kHz). Note 17. The calculated delay time is resulting from digital filtering. For the DAC, this is the time from the input of MSB for L channel of SDTI to the output of an analog signal. The error of the delay at audio interface is within +1[1/fs]. Note 18. The reference frequency is 1kHz. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 17 - [AK4558] 14. DAC Filter Characteristics (fs=192kHz) (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD =2.4 3.6V, TVDD=1.7 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Sharp roll-off mode(DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“0” ; SDDA bit=“0”) ±0.05dB PB 0 87.0 Passband (Note 15) 96.0 6.0dB Stopband SB 105 Passband Ripple PR -0.0032 +0.0032 Stopband Attenuation SA 80 Group Delay (Note 17) GD 27.8 DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 80.0kHz (Note 18) FR -1.0 1.0 Unit kHz kHz kHz dB dB 1/fs dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Short delay Sharp roll-off mode (DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“0” ; SDDA bit=“1”) Passband (Note 15) ±0.05dB 6.0dB PB 0 105 -0.0031 80 - 96.0 - 87.0 +0.0031 - kHz kHz kHz dB dB 1/fs Stopband SB Passband Ripple PR Stopband Attenuation SA Group Delay (Note 17) GD 6.8 DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 80.0kHz (Note 18) FR -1.0 1.0 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Slow roll-off mode (DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“1” ; SDDA bit=“0”) 0 35.5 Passband (Note 16) ±0.07dB PB kHz kHz 3.0dB 79.1 Stopband SB kHz 171 Passband Ripple PR dB -0.043 +0.043 Stopband Attenuation SA dB 73 Group Delay (Note 17) GD 7.3 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 80.0kHz (Note 18) FR -5.0 0.1 dB DAC Digital Filter (LPF): Short delay Slow roll-off mode (DEM=OFF; SLDA bit=“1” ; SDDA bit=“1”) Passband (Note 16) ±0.07dB PB 0 48.4 kHz 89.2 kHz 3.0dB Stopband SB 165.9 kHz Passband Ripple PR dB -0.05 +0.05 Stopband Attenuation SA 82 dB Group Delay (Note 17) GD 5.8 1/fs DAC Digital Filter + Analog Filter: Frequency Response 0 ~ 80.0kHz (Note 18) FR -5.0 0.1 dB Note 15. The passband and stopband frequencies scale with fs (sampling frequency). For example, Passband (0.06dB) = 0.454 x fs (@ fs=192kHz). Note 16. The passband and stopband frequencies scale with fs (sampling frequency). For example, Passband (0.06dB) = 0.204 x fs (@ fs=192kHz). Note 17. The calculated delay time is resulting from digital filtering. For the DAC, this is the time from the input of MSB for L channel of SDTI to the output of an analog signal. The error of the delay at audio interface is within +1[1/fs]. Note 18. The reference frequency is 1kHz. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 18 - [AK4558] 15. DC Characteristics (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD=2.43.6V, TVDD=1.7 3.6V) Parameter Symbol Min. TVDD  3.0V VIH 80%TVDD High-Level Input Voltage (CKS3, CKS2, CKS1, CKS0/TDMI, SDTI, LRCK, BICK, MCKI, PMADL/SCL, PMADR/SDA, PMDAL/CAD0, PMDAR/CAD1, PS, LDOE and PDN pins) VIL Low-Level Input Voltage (CKS3, CKS2, CKS1, CKS0/TDMI, SDTI, LRCK, BICK, MCKI, PMADL/SCL, PMADR/SDA, PMDAL/CAD0, PMDAR/CAD1, PS, LDOE and PDN pins) TVDD > 3.0V High-Level Input Voltage VIH 70%TVDD (CKS3, CKS2, CKS1, CKS0/TDMI, SDTI, LRCK, BICK, MCKI, PMADL/SCL, PMADR/SDA, PMDAL/CAD0, PMDAR/CAD1, PS, LDOE and PDN pins) Low-Level Input Voltage VIL (CKS3, CKS2, CKS1, CKS0/TDMI, SDTI, LRCK, BICK, MCKI, PMADL/SCL, PMADR/SDA, PMDAL/CAD0, PMDAR/CAD1, PS, LDOE and PDN pins) High-Level Output Voltage (SDTO,LRCK,BICK pins: Iout=-100µA) VOH TVDD-0.5 Low-Level Output Voltage (SDTO, LRCK, BICK pins: Iout= 100µA) VOL VOL (SDA pin, 2.0V  TVDD  3.6V Iout= 3mA) VOL (SDA pin, 1.7V  TVDD < 2.0V Iout= 3mA) Input Leakage Current Iin - 015004500-E-03 Typ. Max. Unit - - V - 20%TVDD V - - V - 30%TVDD V - - V - 0.5 0.4 20%TVDD 10 V V V µA 2017/11 - 19 - [AK4558] 16. Switching Characteristics (Ta= -40  +105C; AVDD= 2.4 ~ 3.6V; TVDD=1.7 ~ 3.6V; CL=20pF) Parameter Symbol PLL Master Mode (PLL Reference Clock = MCKI pin) MCKI Input Timing Frequency fCLK Pulse Width Low tCLKL Pulse Width High tCLKH LRCK Output Timing Frequency fsn, fsd, fsq Stereo Mode: Duty Cycle Duty TDM128 Mode: (Note 19) 2 I S compatible: Pulse Width Low Min. Typ. Max. Unit 11.2896 0.4/fCLK 0.4/fCLK - 27 - MHz s s - Table 19 50 - kHz % - s - s tLRCKL - MSB or LSB justified: Pulse Width High tLRCKH - TDM256 Mode: (Note 19) 2 I S compatible: Pulse Width Low MSB or LSB justified: Pulse Width High BICK Output Timing (Table 21) Period BCKO1-0 bits = “00” BCKO1-0 bits = “01” Duty Cycle 1/(8fsn) 1/(8fsd) 1/(8fsn) 1/(8fsd) tLRCKL tLRCKH - 1/(4fsq) 1/(4fsq) - s s tBCK tBCK - - s s BCKO1-0 bits = “10” tBCK - - s BCKO1-0 bits = “11” tBCK - 1/(32fs) 1/(64fs) 1/(128fsn) 1/(128fsd) 1/(256fsn) - s TDM Mode (Note 19) tBCK - 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) 1/(128fsq) - s dBCK - 50 - % Note 19. In TDM modes, TVDD=3.0V~3.6V. The AK4558 does not support variable pitch mode. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 20 - [AK4558] Parameter Symbol PLL Slave Mode (PLL Reference Clock = BICK pin) LRCK Input Timing Frequency Normal Speed Mode: 256fs, 512fs fsn 384fs, 768fs Double Speed Mode: 256fs fsd 384fs Quad Speed Mode: 128fs fsq 192fs Stereo mode duty cycle Duty TDM128Mode: (Note 19) 2 I S compatible: Pulse Width Low tLRCKL MSB or LSB justified: Pulse Width High tLRCKH TDM256 Mode: (Note 19) 2 I S compatible: Pulse Width Low tLRCKL MSB or LSB justified: Pulse Width High tLRCKH Min. Typ. Max. Unit 8 8 54 48 108 96 45 - 54 48 108 96 216 192 55 1/(128fsq) 1/(128fsq) - 127/(128fsq) 127/(128fsq) kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz % s s s 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) BICK Input Timing Period Stereo Mode PLL3-0 bits = “0011” PLL3-0 bits = “0010” tBCK tBCK PLL3-0 bits = “0001” tBCK PLL3-0 bits = “0000” TDM128 Mode PLL3-0 bits = “0001” TDM256 Mode PLL3-0 bits = “0000” Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High tBCK - tBCK - tBCK tBCKL tBCKH 015004500-E-03 - 0.4 x tBCK 0.4 x tBCK - 255/(256fsn) 255/(256fsd) 255/(256fsn) 255/(256fsd) s s 1/(32fs) 1/(64fs) 1/(128fsn) 1/(128fsd) 1/(256fsn) - s s - s 1/(128fsq) 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) - - s - s s s s 2017/11 - 21 - [AK4558] PLL Slave Mode (PLL Reference Clock = LRCK pin) LRCK Input Timing Frequency Normal Speed Mode: 256fs, 512fs fsn 384fs, 768fs Double Speed Mode: 256fs fsd 384fs Quad Speed Mode: 128fs fsq 192fs Stereo Mode: Duty Cycle Duty TDM128Mode: 2 I S compatible: Pulse Width Low tLRCKL MSB or LSB justified: Pulse Width High tLRCKH TDM256 Mode: 2 I S compatible: Pulse Width Low tLRCKL MSB or LSB justified: Pulse Width High tLRCKH 8 8 54 48 108 96 45 - 1/(128fsq) 1/(128fsq) - 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) - 54 48 108 96 216 192 55 127/(128fsq) 127/(128fsq) 255/(256fsn) 255/(256fsd) 255/(256fsn) 255/(256fsd) kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz % s s s s s BICK Input Timing Period TDM128 Mode (Note 19) tBCK 1/(64fs) 1/(128fsd) 1/(256fsn) - TDM256 Mode (Note 19) tBCK - Stereo Mode Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High tBCK tBCKL tBCKH 015004500-E-03 0.4 x tBCK 0.4 x tBCK - 1/(32fsn) s 1/(128fsq) 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) - - s - s - s s 2017/11 - 22 - [AK4558] Parameter External Slave Mode MCKI Input Timing External Clock 256fsn: Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High 384fsn: Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High 512fsn, 256fsd, 128fsq: Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High 768fsn, 384fsd, 192fsq: Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High LRCK Input Timing Stereo mode (TDM1-0 bits = “00”) Normal Speed Mode: 256fs, 512fs 384fs, 768fs Double Speed Mode: 256fs 384fs Quad Speed Mode: 128fs 192fs Duty Cycle TDM256 mode (Note 19) (Note 20) (TDM1-0 bits = “01”) LRCK frequency “H” time “L” time TDM256 mode (Note 19) (Note 21) (TDM1-0 bits = “01”) LRCK frequency “H” time “L” time TDM128 mode (Note 19) (Note 22) (TDM1-0 bits = “10”) LRCK frequency “H” time “L” time Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2.048 29 29 3.072 22 22 4.096 15 15 6.144 11 11 0.4/fCLK 0.4/fCLK - 13.824 18.432 27.648 36.864 - MHz ns ns MHz ns ns MHz ns ns MHz ns ns s s Duty 8 8 54 48 108 96 45 - 54 48 108 96 216 192 55 kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz % fsn tLRH tLRL 8 1/256fsn 1/256fsn - 48 - kHz ns ns fsd tLRH tLRL 48 1/256fsd 1/256fsd - 96 - kHz ns ns fsq tLRH tLRL 96 1/128fsq 1/128fsq - 192 - kHz ns ns fCLK tCLKL tCLKH fCLK tCLKL tCLKH fCLK tCLKL tCLKH fCLK tCLKL tCLKH tCLKL tCLKH fsn fsd fsq Note 20. The AK4558 should be in Normal Speed mode. Note 21. The AK4558 should be in Double Speed mode. Note 22. The AK4558 should be in Quad Speed mode. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 23 - [AK4558] Parameter External Master Mode MCKI Input Timing External Clock 256fsn: 384fsn: 512fsn, 256fsd, 128fsq: 768fsn, 384fsd, 192fsq: Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High LRCK Output Timing Stereo mode (TDM1-0 bits = “00”) Normal Speed Mode: 256fs, 512fs 384fs, 768fs Double Speed Mode: 256fs 384fs Quad Speed Mode: 128fs 192fs Stereo Mode: Duty Cycle TDM256 mode (Note 23) (TDM1-0 bits = “1X”) LRCK frequency I2S compatible: Pulse Width Low MSB justified: Pulse Width High TDM256 mode (Note 24) (TDM1-0 bits = “1X”) LRCK frequency I2S compatible: Pulse Width Low MSB justified: Pulse Width High TDM128 mode (Note 25) (TDM1-0 bits = “01”) LRCK frequency I2S compatible: Pulse Width Low MSB justified: Pulse Width High BICK Output Timing (Table 15) Period BCKO1-0 bits = “00” BCKO1-0 bits = “01” BCKO1-0 bits = “10” BCKO1-0 bits = “11” TDM Mode Symbol fCLK fCLK fCLK fCLK tCLKL tCLKH fsn Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2.048 3.072 4.096 6.144 0.4/fCLK 0.4/fCLK - 13.824 18.432 27.648 36.864 - MHz MHz MHz MHz s s 8 8 54 48 108 96 - 50 54 48 108 96 216 192 - fsn 8 - 48 kHz tLRCKL tLRCKH - 1/(8fsn) 1/(8fsn) - s s 48 - 96 kHz - 1/(8fsd) 1/(8fsd) - s s 96 - 192 kHz tLRCKL tLRCKH - 1/(4fsq) 1/(4fsq) - s s tBCK tBCK tBCK tBCK - - s s s s tBCK - 1/(32fs) 1/(64fs) 1/(128fs) 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsn) 1/(256fsd) 1/(128fsq) 50 - s fsd fsq Duty fsd tLRCKL tLRCKH fsq - kHz % Duty Cycle (Note 26) dBCK % Note 23. The AK4558 should be in Normal Speed mode. Note 24. The AK4558 should be in Double Speed mode. Note 25. The AK4558 should be in Quad Speed mode. Note 26. When MCKI = 256fsn or 256fsd and BICK output frequency is 256fs, or when MCKI = 128fsq and BICK output frequency is 128fs, the Duty of BICK is MCKI pulse width. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 24 - [AK4558] Parameter Audio Interface Timing (Slave mode) Stereo mode (TDM1-0 bits = “00”) Normal, Double, Quad Speed Mode (TVDD= 1.7V~3.6V) BICK Period BICK Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High LRCK Edge to BICK “” (Note 27) BICK “” to LRCK Edge (Note 27) LRCK to SDTO(MSB) (Except I2S mode) BICK “” to SDTO SDTI Hold Time SDTI Setup Time Normal, Double, Quad Speed Mode (TVDD= 2.7V~3.6V) BICK Period BICK Pulse Width Low Pulse Width High LRCK Edge to BICK “” (Note 27) BICK “” to LRCK Edge (Note 27) LRCK to SDTO(MSB) (Except I2S mode) BICK “” to SDTO SDTI Hold Time SDTI Setup Time Symbol tBCK tBCKL tBCKH tLRB tBLR tLRS tBSD tSDH tSDS tBCK tBCKL tBCKH tLRB tBLR tLRS tBSD tSDH tSDS 015004500-E-03 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 1/128fsn 1/64fsd 1/32fsq 58 58 58 58 10 10 - 48 48 - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 1/256fsn 1/128fsd 1/64fsq 33 33 33 33 5 5 - 28 28 - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 2017/11 - 25 - [AK4558] Parameter Symbol Min. Audio Interface Timing (Slave mode) Stereo mode (TDM1-0 bits = “00”) TDM256 mode (Normal Speed Mode (TDM1-0 bits = “1X”) (Note 23) tBCK 1/256fsn BICK Period tBCKL 33 BICK Pulse Width Low tBCKH 33 Pulse Width High tLRB 23 LRCK Edge to BICK “” (Note 27) tBLR 23 BICK “” to LRCK Edge (Note 27) tBSS 5 SDTO Setup time BICK “” tBSH 5 SDTO Hold time BICK “” tSDH 5 SDTI/TDMI Hold Time tSDS 5 SDTI/TDMI Setup Time TDM256 mode (Double Speed Mode) (TDM1-0 bits = “1X”) (Note 24) tBCK 1/256fsd BICK Period tBCKL 14 BICK Pulse Width Low tBCKH 14 Pulse Width High tLRB 14 LRCK Edge to BICK “” (Note 27) tBLR 14 BICK “” to LRCK Edge (Note 27) tBSS 5 SDTO Setup time BICK “” tBSH 5 SDTO Hold time BICK “” tSDH 5 SDTI/TDMI Hold Time tSDS 5 SDTI/TDMI Setup Time TDM128 mode (Quad Speed Mode) (TDM1-0 bits = “01”) (Note 25) tBCK 1/128fsq BICK Period tBCKL 14 BICK Pulse Width Low tBCKH 14 Pulse Width High tLRB 14 LRCK Edge to BICK “” (Note 27) tBLR 14 BICK “” to LRCK Edge (Note 27) tBSS 5 SDTO Setup time BICK “” tBSH 5 SDTO Hold time BICK “” tSDH 5 SDTI/TDMI Hold Time tSDS 5 SDTI/TDMI Setup Time Note 27. BICK rising edge must not occur at the same time as LRCK edge. 015004500-E-03 Typ. Max. Unit - - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns - - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns - - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 2017/11 - 26 - [AK4558] Parameter Symbol Audio Interface Timing (Master mode) Stereo mode (TDM1-0 bits = “00”) Normal ,Double, Quad Speed Mode (TVDD= 1.7V~3.6V) (Note 28) tMBLR BICK “” to LRCK tLRS LRCK to SDTO(MSB) (Except I2S mode) tBSD BICK “” to SDTO tSDH SDTI Hold Time tSDS SDTI Setup Time Normal, Double, Quad Speed Mode (TVDD= 2.7V~3.6V) (Note 29) tMBLR BICK “” to LRCK tLRS LRCK to SDTO(MSB) (Except I2S mode) tBSD BICK “” to SDTO tSDH SDTI Hold Time tSDS SDTI Setup Time TDM256 mode, TDM128 mode (TDM1-0 bits = “01”, “10”) BICK “” to LRCK tMBLR tBSS SDTO Setup time BICK “” tBSH SDTO Hold time BICK “” tSDH SDTI/TDMI Hold Time tSDS SDTI/TDMI Setup Time Note 28. When BICK output frequency ≦6.912MHz. Note 29. When BICK output frequency >6.912MHz. 015004500-E-03 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 14 38 52 20 20 - 14 38 52 - ns ns ns ns ns 7 20 27 9 9 - 7 20 27 - ns ns ns ns ns 6 5 5 5 5 - 6 - ns ns ns ns ns 2017/11 - 27 - [AK4558] Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Control Interface Timing (I2C Bus): kHz fSCL 400 SCL Clock Frequency s tBUF 1.3 Bus Free Time Between Transmissions s tHD:STA 0.6 Start Condition Hold Time (prior to first clock pulse) s tLOW 1.3 Clock Low Time s tHIGH 0.6 Clock High Time s tSU:STA 0.6 Setup Time for Repeated Start Condition s tHD:DAT 0 SDA Hold Time from SCL Falling (Note 30) s tSU:DAT 0.1 SDA Setup Time from SCL Rising s tR 1.0 Rise Time of Both SDA and SCL Lines s tF 0.3 Fall Time of Both SDA and SCL Lines s tSU:STO 0.6 Setup Time for Stop Condition ns tSP 0 50 Pulse Width of Spike Noise Suppressed by Input Filter pF Cb 400 Capacitive load on bus Power-down & Reset Timing tAPD 150 ns PDN Accept Pulse Width (Note 31) tRPD 30 ns PDN Reject Pulse Width tPDV 5200 1/fs PDN “” to SDTO valid (Note 32) Note 30. Data must be held for sufficient time to bridge the 300 ns transition time of SCL. Note 31. The AK4558 can be reset by setting the PDN pin to “L” upon power-up. The PDN pin must held “L” for more than 150ns for a certain reset. The AK4558 is not reset by the “L” pulse less than 30ns. Note 32. This cycle is the numbers of LRCK rising from the PDN pin rising. (Internal power-down is released in 5ms (max.) after the PDN pin = “H”) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 28 - [AK4558] ■ Timing Diagram 1/fCLK VIH MCKI VIL tCLKH tCLKL 1/fsn, 1/fsd, 1/fsq VIH LRCK VIL tdLRKH tdLRKL Duty = tdLRKH (or tdLRKL) x fs x 100 tBCK VIH BICK VIL tBCKH tBCKL Figure 2. Clock Timing (TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Slave Mode) 1/fCLK VIH MCKI VIL tCLKH tCLKL 1/fs VIH LRCK VIL tLRH tLRL tBCK VIH BICK VIL tBCKH tBCKL Figure 3. Clock Timing (Except TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Slave Mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 29 - [AK4558] 1/fCLK VIH MCKI VIL tCLKH tCLKL 1/fs LRCK 50%TVDD tdLRKH tdLRKL dLRK = tdLRKH (or tdLRKL) x fs x 100 1/tBCK 50%TVDD BICK tdBCKH tdBCKL dBCK = tdBCKH (or tdBCKL) x tBCK x 100 Figure 4. Clock Timing (TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Master Mode) 1/fCLK VIH MCKI VIL tCLKH tCLKL 1/fs LRCK 50%TVDD tLRH 1/tBCK 50%TVDD BICK tdBCKH tdBCKL dBCK = tdBCKH (or tdBCKL) x tBCK x 100 Figure 5. Clock Timing (Except TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Master Mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 30 - [AK4558] VIH LRCK VIL tBLR tLRB VIH BICK VIL tLRS tBSD SDTO 50%TVDD tSDS tSDH VIH SDTI VIL Figure 6. Audio Interface Timing (TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Slave Mode) VIH LRCK VIL tBLR tLRB VIH BICK VIL tBSS tBSH SDTO 50%TVDD tSDS tSDH VIH SDTI VIL VIH TDMI VIL Figure 7. Audio Interface Timing (Except TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Slave Mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 31 - [AK4558] LRCK 50%TVDD tMBLR 50%TVDD BICK tLRS tBSD 50%TVDD SDTO tSDS tSDH VIH SDTI VIL Figure 8. Audio Interface Timing (TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Master Mode) LRCK 50%TVDD tMBLR 50%TVDD BICK tBSS tBSH 50%TVDD SDTO tSDS tSDH VIH SDTI VIL tSDS tSDH VIH TDMI VIL Figure 9. Audio Interface Timing (Except TDM1-0 bits = “00” & Master Mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 32 - [AK4558] VIH SDA VIL tLOW tBUF tR tHIGH tF tSP VIH SCL VIL tHD:STA Stop tHD:DAT tSU:DAT tSU:STA tSU:STO Start Stop Start Figure 10. I2C Bus Mode Timing PMADL bit, PMADR bit tPDV SDTO 50%TVDD tAPD tRPD PDN VIL Figure 11. Power-down & Reset Timing 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 33 - [AK4558] 17. Functional Descriptions ■ Parallel / Serial Mode The AK4558 is in parallel control mode (not using I2C bus) by setting the PS pin = “H”. Operation mode in parallel control mode is selected by the CKS3-0 pins. I2C bus of the AK4458 is available when the PS pin = “L”. When the AK4558 is in operation, setting of the PS pin cannot be changed. ■ Master Mode/Slave Mode The CKS3and CKS2 pins select either master or slave mode. When the CKS3 pin = “H” and CKS2 pin = H”, the AK4558 is in master mode. The AK4558 is in slave mode with all other settings. CKS3 pin CKS2 pin Mode L L Slave Mode L H Slave Mode H L Slave Mode H H Master Mode Table 1. Select Master/Slave Mode PDN pin L H CKS3 pin L L H H L L H H CKS2 pin LRCK pin L Input H Input L Input H “L” Output L Input H Input L Input H Output Table 2. LRCK, BICK pin 015004500-E-03 BICK pin Input Input Input “L” Output Input Input Input Output 2017/11 - 34 - [AK4558] ■ System Clock There are four clock modes to interface with external devices (Table 3, Table 4). Mode PMPLL bit CKS3-2 pins PLL3-0 bits PLL Master Mode 1 “HH” Table 16 PLL Slave Mode “LL” 1 Table 16 (PLL Reference Clock: LRCK or BICK pin) “LH” “HL” EXT Slave Mode 0 x EXT Master Mode 0 “HH” x Table 3. Clock Mode Setting (x: Don’t care) PS pin Mode “H” Parallel Mode EXT Slave Mode Selected by CKS3-0 pins EXT Master Mode Selected by CKS3-0 pins PLL Master Mode Selected PLL3-0 bits “L” Serial Mode MCKI pin PLL Slave Mode (PLL Reference Clock: LRCK or BICK pin) EXT Slave Mode EXT Master Mode Connect to VSS2 ACKS bit = “1” or ACKS bit = “0” and DFS1-0 bits 015004500-E-03 Figure 16 Figure 12 Figure 13 BICK pin Input ( 32fs) Output (64fs) Output (Selected by BCKO1-0 bits) Input (Selected by PLL3-0 bits) LRCK pin Input (1fs) Output (1fs) Input ( 32fs) Input (1fs) Output (Selected by BCKO1-0 bits) Table 4. Clock Pin States in Clock Mode Selected by MCKS1-0 bits and DFS1-0 bits Figure Figure 14 Output (1fs) Input (1fs) Output (1fs) 2017/11 - 35 - [AK4558] ■ Parallel Mode (PS pin= “H”) The external clocks, which are required to operate the AK4558, are MCKI, BICK and LRCK. MCKI should be synchronized with LRCK but the phase is not critical. MCKI frequencies that corresponds normal audio rate are shown in Table 5. MCKI frequency, BICK frequency, HPF ON/OFF switching and Master/Slave mode switching are controlled by the CKS3-0 pins The AK4558 does not support variable pitch mode when the MCKI is 192fs, 384fs or 768fs (Table 6). fs 32kHz 44.1kHz 48kHz 96kHz 192kHz 128fs N/A N/A N/A N/A 24.576MHz MCKI 192fs 256fs 384fs 512fs N/A 8.192MHz 12.288MHz 16.384MHz N/A 11.2896MHz 16.9344MHz 22.5792MHz N/A 12.288MHz 18.432MHz 24.576MHz N/A 24.576MHz 36.864MHz N/A 36.864MHz N/A N/A N/A Table 5. System Clock Example (N/A: Not Available) 768fs 24.576MHz 33.8688MHz 36.864MHz N/A N/A Mode Sampling Frequency MCKI 256fs/512fs 8kHz  fs  54kHz Normal Speed 384fs/768fs 8kHz  fs  48kkHz 256fs 54kHz < fs  108kHz Double Speed 384fs 48kHz < fs  96kHz 128fs 108kHz < fs  216kHz Quad Speed 192fs 96kHz < fs  192kHz Table 6. Sampling Frequency Range 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 36 - [AK4558] Mode CKS3 pin CKS2 pin CKS1 pin CKS0 pin HPF M/S 0 L L L L ON Slave 1 L L L H ON Slave 2 L L H L OFF Slave 3 L L H H OFF Slave 4 L H L L ON Slave 5 L H L H ON Slave 6 L H H L OFF Slave 7 L H H H OFF Slave 8 H L L L ON Slave 9 H L L H ON Slave 10 H L H L OFF Slave 11 H L H H OFF Slave 12 13 14 15 H H H H H H H H L L H H L H L H ON ON ON ON Master Master Master Master MCKI 128/192fs (Quad Speed) 256/384fs (Double Speed) 512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256/384/512/768fs (Normal Speed) 128/192fs (Quad Speed) 256/384fs (Double Speed) 512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256/384/512/768fs (Normal Speed) 128/192fs (Quad Speed) 256/384fs (Double Speed) 512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256/384/512/768fs (Normal Speed) 128/192fs (Quad Speed) 256/384fs (Double Speed) 512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256/384/512/768fs (Normal Speed) 128/192fs (Quad Speed) 256/384fs (Double Speed) 512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256/384/512/768fs (Normal Speed) 128/192fs (Quad Speed) 256/384fs (Double Speed) 512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256/384/512/768fs (Normal Speed) 256fs (Double Speed) 512fs (Normal Speed) 128fs (Quad Speed) 256fs (Normal Speed) Audio Interface Format 32bit LJ/RJ (Mode 5) Table 23 2 32bit I S (Mode 7) Table 23 32bit LJ (Mode 6) Table 23 2 32bit I S (Mode 15) Table 23 Table 7. Mode Setting Note 33. When the PS pin = “L”, only Master/Slave mode setting is valid by the CKS3 and CKS2 pins. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 37 - [AK4558] ■ Serial Mode (PS pin= “L”) EXT Mode (PMPLL bit = “0”) The external clocks which are required to operate the AK44558 in slave mode are MCKI, LRCK and BICK. MCKI should be synchronized with LRCK but the phase is not critical. There are two methods to set MCKI frequency; Manual Setting Mode and Auto Setting Mode. In Manual Setting Mode (ACKS bit= “0”: Default), the sampling speed is set by DFS0 and DFS1 bits (Table 8). The frequency of MCKI at each sampling speed is set automatically. (Table 10, Table 11, Table 12). In Auto Setting Mode (ACKS bit= “1”), as MCKI frequency is detected automatically (Table 13) and the internal master clock attains the appropriate frequency (Table 14), so it is not necessary to set DFS. In master mode, only MCKI is required. Master Clock Input Frequency should be set with the MCKS1-0 bits (Table 9), and the sampling speed should be set by the DFS1-0 bits (Table 8). The frequencies and the duties of the clocks (LRCK, BICK) are not stable immediately after setting MCKS1-0 bits and DFS1-0 bits up. After exiting reset upon power-up in master mode, the AK4558 is in power-down mode until MCKI is input. After exiting reset upon power-up in slave mode, the AK4558 is in power-down mode until MCKI, LRCK and BICK are input. If the clock is stopped, click noise occurs when restarting the clock. Mute the digital output externally. DFS1 DFS0 0 0 1 1 Sampling Speed Mode (fs) 0 Normal Speed Mode 8kHz~54kHz 1 Double Speed Mode 48kHz~108kHz 0 Quad Speed Mode 96kHz~216kHz 1 Quad Speed Mode 96kHz~216kHz Table 8. Sampling Speed (Manual Setting Mode) MCKS1 (default) MCKS0 Normal Double Quad Speed Speed Mode Speed Mode Mode 0 0 256fs 256fs 128fs 0 1 384fs 256fs 128fs 1 0 512fs 256fs 128fs 1 1 768fs 256fs 128fs Table 9. Master Clock Input Frequency Select (Master Mode) (default) LRCK MCKI (MHz) BICK (MHz) fs 256fs 384fs 512fs 768fs 64fs 8.0kHz 2.0480 3.0720 4.0960 6.1440 0.5120 32.0kHz 8.1920 12.2880 16.3840 24.5760 2.0480 44.1kHz 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8688 2.8224 48.0kHz 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640 3.0720 Table 10. System Clock Example (Normal Speed Mode @Manual Setting Mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 38 - [AK4558] LRCK MCKI (MHz) BICK (MHz) fs 256fs 64fs 88.2kHz 22.5792 5.6448 96.0kHz 24.5760 6.1440 108.0kHz 27.6480 6.9120 Table 11. System Clock Example (Double Speed Mode @Manual Setting Mode) LRCK MCKI (MHz) BICK (MHz) fs 128fs 64fs 176.4kHz 22.5792 11.2896 192.0kHz 24.5760 12.2880 216.0kHz 27.6480 13.8240 Table 12. System Clock Example (Quad Speed Mode @Manual Setting Mode) MCKI Sampling Speed Mode 512fs 768fs Normal Speed Mode 256fs 384fs Double Speed Mode 128fs 192fs Quad Speed Mode Table 13. Sampling Speed (Auto Setting Mode) LRCK fs 8.0kHz 32.0kHz 44.1kHz 48.0kHz 88.2kHz 96.0kHz 176.4kHz 192.0kHz 216.0kHz 128fs 22.5792 24.5760 27.6480 192fs 33.8688 36.8640 - MCKI (MHz) 256fs 384fs 22.5792 33.8688 24.5760 36.8640 - 512fs 4.0960 16.3840 22.5792 24.5760 - 768fs 6.1440 24.5760 33.8688 36.8640 - Sampling Speed Mode Normal Speed Mode Double Speed Mode Quad Speed Mode Table 14. System Clock Example (Auto Setting Mode) Mode BCKO1 bit 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 1 BICK Output Frequency BICK Output Frequency (Stereo mode) (TDM mode) 0 32fsn,32fsd,32fsq N/A (Note 34) 1 64fsn,64fsd,64fsq N/A (Note 34) (default) 0 128fsn, 128fsd N/A (Note 34) 1 256fsn 256fsn,256fsd,128fsq Table 15. BICK Output Frequency at Master Mode BCKO0 bit Note 34. Mode0, Mode1 and Mode2 can not be used in TDM modes. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 39 - [AK4558] EXT Slave Mode (PMPLL bit = “0”, CKS3-2 pins = “LL” or “LH” or “HL”) DSP or P AK4558 128fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs or 768fs MCKI MCLK  32fs or 128fs(TDM128) or 256fs(TDM256) BICK LRCK 1fs BCLK LRCK SDTO SDTI SDTI SDTO Figure 12. EXT Slave Mode EXT Master Mode (PMPLL bit = “0”, CKS3-2 pins = “HH”) DSP or P AK4558 128fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs or 768fs MCKI BICK LRCK MCLK 32fs, 64fs or 128fs(TDM128) or 256fs(TDM256) 1fs BCLK LRCK SDTO SDTI SDTI SDTO Figure 13. EXT Master Mode 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 40 - [AK4558] ■ PLL Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”) When PMPLL bit is “1”, a fully integrated analog phase locked loop (PLL) circuit generates a clock that is selected by the PLL3-0 and FS3-0 bits. The PLL lock times, when the AK4558 is supplied stable clocks or the sampling frequency is changed after PLL is powered-up (PMPLL bit = “0” → “1”), are shown in Table 16. In Mode 15 (LRCK reference), the VCOC pin must be connected to VSS via a 10nF capacitor. In other modes, the VCOC pin must be connected to VSS directly. 1) PLL Mode Setting PLL3 bit PLL2 bit PLL1 bit PLL0 bit PLL Reference Clock Input Pin Input Frequency 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 BICK pin BICK pin BICK pin BICK pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin MCKI pin 256fs 128fs 64fs 32fs 11.2896MHz 12.288MHz 12MHz 24MHz 19.2MHz 13MHz 26MHz 13.5MHz 27MHz 15 1 1 1 1 LRCK pin 1fs Mode Connection of VCOC pin C[F] VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS 10n  50% PLL Lock Time (max) 2ms 2ms 2ms 2ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms (default) (Note 35) (Note 36) 40ms Table 16. Setting of PLL Mode (fs: Sampling Frequency) Note 35. The AK4558 should be in EXT Master Mode when fs = 22.05kHz or 44.1kHz. Note 36. The AK4558 should be in EXT Master Mode when fs = 16kHz, 24kHz, 32kHz or 48kHz. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 41 - [AK4558] 2) Sampling Frequency Setting in PLL Mode When the PLL reference clock input is the MCKI pin, the sampling frequency is selected by FS3-0 bits as defined in Table 17. Mode FS3 bit FS2 bit FS1 bit FS0 bit Sampling Frequency (Note 37) 0 0 0 0 0 8kHz mode 1 0 0 0 1 11.025kHz mode 2 0 0 1 0 12kHz mode 3 0 0 1 1 16kHz mode 4 0 1 0 0 22.05kHz mode 5 0 1 0 1 24kHz mode (default) 6 0 1 1 0 32kHz mode 7 0 1 1 1 44.1kHz mode 8 1 0 0 0 48kHz mode 9 1 0 0 1 64kHz mode 10 1 0 1 0 88.2 kHz mode 11 1 0 1 1 96 kHz mode 12 1 1 0 0 128 kHz mode 13 1 1 0 1 176.4 kHz mode 14 1 1 1 0 192 kHz mode 15 1 1 1 1 192 kHz mode Table 17. Setting of Sampling Frequency at PMPLL bit = “1” Note 37. When the MCKI pin is the PLL reference clock input, the sampling frequency generated by PLL differs from the sampling frequency of mode name in some combinations of MCKI frequency(PLL3-0 bits) and sampling frequency (FS3-0 bits). Refer to Table 19 for the details of sampling frequency. In master mode, LRCK and BICK output frequency correspond to sampling frequencies shown in Table 19. When the PLL reference clock input is the LRCK pin or the BICK pin, the sampling frequency is selected by FS3-1 bits as defined in Table 18. When the BICK pin is the PLL reference clock input, the sampling frequency generated by PLL is the same sampling frequency of mode name. Mode FS3 bit FS2 bit FS1 bit FS0 bit Sampling Frequency Range 0 0 0 0 x 8kHz  fs  13.5kHz 0 0 x 1 1 12kHz < fs  27kHz 0 1 x 2 0 (default) 24kHz < fs  54kHz 0 1 x 3 1 48kHz < fs  108kHz 1 0 x 4 0 96kHz < fs  216kHz Others Others N/A Table 18. Setting of Sampling Frequency at PLL3-2 bits = “00” or PLL3-0 bits = “1111”, and PMPLL bit = “1” in PLL Slave Mode (PLL Mode 0-3: BICK Reference, Mode15: LRCK Reference) (PLL Reference Clock: LRCK or BICK pin), (x: Do not care, N/A: Not Available) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 42 - [AK4558] Input Frequency MCKI[MHz] 11.2896 12.288 12 Sampling Frequency Mode 8kHz mode 12kHz mode 16kHz mode 24kHz mode 32kHz mode 48kHz mode 64kHz mode 96kHz mode 128kHz mode 192kHz mode 11.025kHz mode 22.05kHz mode 44.1kHz mode 88.2kHz mode 176.4kHz mode 8kHz mode 12kHz mode 16kHz mode 24kHz mode 32kHz mode 48kHz mode 64kHz mode 128kHz mode 96kHz mode 192kHz mode 11.025kHz mode 22.05kHz mode 44.1kHz mode 88.2kHz mode 176.4kHz mode 8kHz mode 12kHz mode 16kHz mode 24kHz mode 32kHz mode 48kHz mode 64kHz mode 96kHz mode 128kHz mode 192kHz mode 11.025kHz mode 22.05kHz mode 44.1kHz mode 88.2kHz mode 176.4kHz mode 015004500-E-03 Sampling Frequency generated by PLL [kHz](Note 19) 8.000000 12.000000 16.000000 24.000000 32.000000 48.000000 64.000000 96.000000 128.000000 192.000000 11.025000 22.050000 44.100000 88.200000 176.400000 8.000000 12.000000 16.000000 24.000000 32.000000 48.000000 64.000000 128.000000 96.000000 192.000000 11.025000 22.050000 44.100000 88.200000 176.400000 8.000000 12.000000 16.000000 24.000000 32.000000 48.000000 64.000000 96.000000 128.000000 192.000000 11.024877 22.049753 44.099507 88.199013 176.398026 2017/11 - 43 - [AK4558] 24 8kHz mode 8.000000 12kHz mode 12.000000 16kHz mode 16.000000 24kHz mode 24.000000 32kHz mode 32.000000 48kHz mode 48.000000 64kHz mode 64.000000 96kHz mode 96.000000 128kHz mode 128.000000 192kHz mode 192.000000 11.025kHz mode 11.024877 22.05kHz mode 22.049753 44.1kHz mode 44.099507 88.2kHz mode 88.199013 176.4kHz mode 176.398026 Sampling frequency that differs from sampling frequency of mode name Input Frequency MCKI[MHz] 19.2 13 Sampling Frequency Mode 8kHz mode 12kHz mode 16kHz mode 24kHz mode 32kHz mode 48kHz mode 64kHz mode 96kHz mode 128kHz mode 192kHz mode 11.025kHz mode 22.05kHz mode 44.1kHz mode 88.2kHz mode 176.4kHz mode 8kHz mode 12kHz mode 16kHz mode 24kHz mode 32kHz mode 48kHz mode 64kHz mode 96kHz mode 128kHz mode 192kHz mode 11.025kHz mode 22.05kHz mode 44.1kHz mode 88.2kHz mode 176.4kHz mode 015004500-E-03 Sampling Frequency generated by PLL [kHz](Note 38) 8.000000 12.000000 16.000000 24.000000 32.000000 48.000000 64.000000 96.000000 128.000000 192.000000 11.025000 22.050000 44.100000 88.200000 176.400000 7.999786 11.999679 15.999572 23.999358 31.999144 47.998716 63.998288 95.997432 127.996575 191.994863 11.024877 22.049753 44.099507 88.199013 176.398026 2017/11 - 44 - [AK4558] 26 8kHz mode 7.999786 12kHz mode 11.999679 16kHz mode 15.999572 24kHz mode 23.999358 32kHz mode 31.999144 48kHz mode 47.998716 64kHz mode 63.998288 96kHz mode 95.997432 128kHz mode 127.996575 192kHz mode 191.994863 11.025kHz mode 11.024877 22.05kHz mode 22.049753 44.1kHz mode 44.099507 88.2kHz mode 88.199013 176.4kHz mode 176.398026 13.5 8kHz mode 8.000300 12kHz mode 12.000451 16kHz mode 16.000601 24kHz mode 24.000901 32kHz mode 32.001202 48kHz mode 48.001803 64kHz mode 64.002404 96kHz mode 96.003606 128kHz mode 128.004808 192kHz mode 192.007212 11.025kHz mode 11.025218 22.05kHz mode 22.050436 44.1kHz mode 44.100871 88.2kHz mode 88.201742 176.4kHz mode 176.403485 27 8kHz mode 8.000300 12kHz mode 12.000451 16kHz mode 16.000601 24kHz mode 24.000901 32kHz mode 32.001202 48kHz mode 48.001803 64kHz mode 64.002404 96kHz mode 96.003606 128kHz mode 128.004808 192kHz mode 192.007212 11.025kHz mode 11.025218 22.05kHz mode 22.050436 44.1kHz mode 44.100871 88.2kHz mode 88.201742 176.4kHz mode 176.403485 Sampling frequency that differs from sampling frequency of mode name Note 38. These are rounded off to six decimal places. Table 19. Sampling Frequency at PLL mode (Reference clock is MCKI) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 45 - [AK4558] ■ PLL Unlock State PLL Master Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”, CKS3-2 pins = “HH”) In this mode, LRCK and BICK pins output “L” until the PLL goes to lock state after PMPLL bit = “0” → “1”. (Table 20). After PLL is locked, a first period of LRCK and BICK may be invalid clock, but these clocks return to normal state after a period of 1/fs. To avoid invalid outputs of BICK and LRCK pins, set PMPLL bit = “0” once when changing sampling frequency. It enables to output “L” signal without invalid clocks. PLL State BICK pin LRCK pin After PMPLL bit “0” → “1” “L” Output “L” Output PLL Unlock (except the case above) Invalid Invalid PLL Lock Table 21 1fs Output Table 20. Clock Operation at PLL Master Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”, CKS3-2 pins =”HH”) ■ PLL Master Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”, CKS3-2 pins = “HH”) When an external clock (11.2896MHz, 12MHz, 12.288MHz, 13.5MHz, 19MHz, 24MHz, 26MHz or 27MHz) is input to the MCKI pin, the internal PLL circuit generates BICK and LRCK clocks. The BICK output frequency is selected from 32fs, 64fs, 128fs and 256fs by BCKO1-0 bits (Table 21). 11.2896MHz, 12MHz, 12.288MHz, 13MHz 13.5MHz, 19.2MHz, 24MHz, 26MHz, 27MHz DSP or P AK4558 MCKI BICK LRCK 32fs, 64fs or 128fs(TDM128), 256fs(TDM256) 1fs BCLK LRCK SDTO SDTI SDTI SDTO Figure 14. PLL Master Mode Mode 0 1 2 3 BICK Output Frequency (Stereo mode) BICK Output Frequency (TDM mode) 0 0 32fsn,32fsd,32fsq N/A (Note 39) 0 1 64fsn,64fsd,64fsq N/A (Note 39) 1 0 128fsn, 128fsd N/A (Note 39) 1 1 256fsn 256fsn,256fsd,128fsq Table 21. BICK Output Frequency at Master Mode (N/A: Not Available) BCKO1 bit BCKO0 bit (default) Note 39. Mode0, Mode1 and Mode2 cannot be used in TDM modes. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 46 - [AK4558] ■ PLL Slave Mode (PMPLL bit = “1”, CKS3-2 pins = “LL” or “LH” or “HL”) A reference clock of PLL is selected among the input clocks to the BICK pin or the LRCK pin. The required clock for the AK4558 is generated by an internal PLL circuit. Input frequency is selected by PLL3-0 bits (Table 16). a) PLL Reference Clock: BICK pin The required clock for the AK4558 is generated by an internal PLL circuit with the BICK input clock. PLL reference clock is selected by PLL3-0 bits. BICK and LRCK inputs must be synchronized. 8kHz ~ 216kHz sampling frequency is supported and it can be set by FS3-0 bits (Table 17). AK4558 DSP or P MCKI BICK LRCK 32fs, 64fs or 128fs(TDM128) or 256fs(TDM256) 1fs BCLK LRCK SDTO SDTI SDTI SDTO Figure 15. PLL Slave Mode 1 (PLL Reference Clock: BICK pin) b) PLL Reference Clock: LRCK pin The required clock for the AK4558 is generated by an internal PLL circuit with the LRCK input clock. Set PLL3-0 bits = “1111”. BICK and LRCK inputs must be synchronized. 8kHz ~ 216kHz sampling frequency is supported and it can be set by FS3-0 bits (Table 17). AK4558 DSP or P MCKI BICK LRCK 32fs, 64fs or 128fs(TDM128) or 256fs(TDM256) 1fs BCLK LRCK SDTO SDTI SDTI SDTO Figure 16. PLL Slave Mode 2 (PLL Reference Clock: LRCK pin) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 47 - [AK4558] ■ De-emphasis Filter DEM1-0 bits control a digital de-emphasis filter for DAC (SDTI) inputs. This filter (tc=50/15s) is composed by IIR filter and corresponds to three frequencies (32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz). It is always OFF in double and quad speed modes. Mode 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sampling Speed Mode DEM1 DEM0 DEM Normal Speed Mode 0 0 44.1kHz Normal Speed Mode 0 1 OFF Normal Speed Mode 1 0 48kHz Normal Speed Mode 1 1 32kHz Double Speed Mode Don’t Care Don’t Care OFF Quad Speed Mode Don’t Care Don’t Care OFF Table 22. De-emphasis Filter Control (default) ■ Digital HPF The ADC has a Digital High Pass Filter (HPF) for DC-offset cancellation. The cut-off frequency of the HPF is 1Hz at fs=48kHz and the frequency response at 20Hz is -0.12dB. It also scales with the sampling frequency (fs). The HPF is controlled by CKS3-0 pins (Table 7). If the HPF setting (ON/OFF) is changed in operation, click noise occurs by changing DC offset. It is recommended to change HPF setting during power-down state (PDN pin = “L”). When the PS pin = “L”, L and R channel HPFs can be ON/OFF independently by HPFEL and HPFER bits, respectively. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 48 - [AK4558] ■ Audio Interface Format Eight types of data formats are available and selected by setting the DIF2-0 bits (Table 23). In all modes, the serial data is MSB first, 2’s complement format. Audio interface formats can be used in both master and slave modes. LRCK and BICK are output from the AK4558 in master mode, but must be input to the AK4558 in slave mode. The SDTO is clocked out on the falling edge (“”) of BICK and the SDTI is latched on the rising edge (“”) of BICK. TDM1 bit TDM0 DIF2 DIF1 DIF0 bit bit bit bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 Mode 3 CKS3-2 pins 00 01 10 SDTO (ADC) 24bit MSB justified (Note 41) 24bit MSB justified (Note 41) 24bit MSB justified SDTI (DAC) BICK Figure 16bit LSB justified ≥32fs Figure 17 20bit LSB justified ≥40fs Figure 18 24bit MSB justified ≥48fs Figure 19 2 32fs Figure 20 2 ≥48fs Figure 21 ≥48fs Figure 22 ≥64fs Figure 23 ≥64fs Figure 24 ≥64fs Figure 25 ≥32fs Figure 17 ≥40fs Figure 18 ≥48fs Figure 19 2 32fs Figure 20 2 ≥48fs Figure 21 ≥64fs Figure 22 ≥64fs Figure 23 ≥64fs Figure 24 ≥64fs Figure 25 16bit I S Compatible 0 0 0 1 1 24bit I S Compatible 4 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 1 1 1 8 11 0 0 0 0 0 9 11 0 0 0 0 1 10 11 0 0 0 1 0 24bit MSB 24bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit MSB justified justified 2 32bit I S Compatible 24bit MSB 16bit LSB justified justified (Note 41) 24bit MSB 20bit LSB justified justified 24bit MSB 24bit MSB justified justified 16bit I S Compatible 11 11 0 0 0 1 1 24bit I S Compatible 12 11 0 0 1 0 1 13 11 0 0 1 0 1 14 11 0 0 1 1 0 15 11 0 0 1 1 1 24bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit MSB justified justified 2 32bit I S Compatible Table 23. Audio Interface Format (Stereo Mode) (N/A: Not available) Note 40. Longer BICK than selected bit-length should be input each channel. Note 41. When BICK is under 48fs, the output bit-length of the SDTO pin is limited by the number of BICK in half cycle of LRCK. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 49 - [AK4558] LRCK 0 1 2 16 17 18 24 25 31 0 1 2 16 17 18 24 25 31 0 1 BICK(64fs) SDTO(o) 23 22 SDTI(i) 8 7 Don’t Care 6 0 15 14 8 23 22 7 1 8 7 Don’t Care 0 6 0 15 14 SDTO-23:MSB, 0:LSB; SDTI-15:MSB, 0:LSB Lch Data 23 8 7 1 0 Rch Data Figure 17. Mode 0/8 Timing LRCK 0 1 2 12 13 14 24 25 31 0 1 2 12 13 14 24 25 31 0 1 BICK(64fs) SDTO(o) 23 22 SDTI(i) 12 11 10 Don’t Care 0 19 18 23 22 8 7 1 12 11 10 Don’t Care 0 0 19 18 SDTO-23:MSB, 0:LSB; SDTI-19:MSB, 0:LSB Lch Data 23 8 7 1 0 Rch Data Figure 18. Mode 1/9 Timing LRCK 0 1 2 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 0 1 2 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 0 1 BICK(64fs) SDTO(o) 23 22 2 1 0 SDTI(i) 23 22 2 1 0 23:MSB, 0:LSB Don’t Care 23 22 2 1 0 23 22 2 1 0 Lch Data 23 Don’t Care 23 Rch Data Figure 19. Mode 2/10 Timing LRCK 0 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 0 1 29 30 31 BICK(32fs) SDTO(o) SDTI(i) 15 14 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 4 3 2 1 0 16:MSB, 0:LSB Lch Data Rch Data Figure 20. Mode 3/11 Timing (32fs) LRCK 0 1 2 3 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 0 1 2 3 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 0 1 BICK(64fs) SDTO(o) 23 22 2 1 0 SDTI(i) 23 22 2 1 0 23:MSB, 0:LSB Don’t Care 23 22 2 1 0 23 22 2 1 0 Lch Data Don’t Care Rch Data Figure 21. Mode 3/11 Timing (≥48fs) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 50 - 0 [AK4558] LRCK 0 1 2 8 9 10 24 25 31 0 1 2 8 9 10 24 25 31 0 1 BICK(64fs) SDTO(o) 23 22 SDTI(i) 16 15 14 Don’t Care 0 23 22 23:MSB, 0:LSB 23 22 8 7 1 16 15 14 Don’t Care 0 0 23 22 Lch Data 23 8 7 1 0 Rch Data Figure 22. Mode 4/12 Timing LRCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 BCLK(64fs) SDTO(o) 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 SDTI(i) 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 31:MSB, 0:LSB Lch Data Rch Data Figure 23. Mode 5/13 Timing LRCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 BCLK(64fs) SDTO(o) 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 SDTI(i) 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 31:MSB, 0:LSB Lch Data Rch Data Figure 24. Mode 6/14 Timing LRCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 BCLK(64fs) SDTO(o) 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 SDTI(i) 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 5 4 3 2 1 0 31:MSB, 0:LSB Lch Data Rch Data Figure 25. Mode 7/15 Timing 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 51 - [AK4558] ■ TDM Cascade Mode a) ADC A cascade connection of four AK4558s (max.) is supported in TDM256 mode and two AK4558s (max.) is supported in TDM128 mode. (1) TDM256 Mode (Normal or Double speed Mode) The SDTO pin of device #1, #2, and #3 are connected with the TDMI pin of device #2, #3 and #4, respectively. It is possible to output 8 channel TDM data from the SDTO pin of device #4 as shown in Figure 26 and Figure 27. AK4558 #1 TDMI MCKI 48kHz, 96kHz LRCK 256fs BICK GND SDTO AK4558 #2 TDMI MCKI LRCK BICK SDTO AK4558 #3 TDMI MCKI LRCK BICK SDTO AK4558 #4 TDMI MCKI LRCK BICK 8ch TDM SDTO Figure 26. Cascade TDM256 Connection Diagram 256 BICK LRCK BICK(256fs) #1 SDTO (o) #4 TDMI (i) #4 SDTO (o) 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 L#1 R#1 32 BICK 32 BICK 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 L#3 R#3 L#2 R#2 L#1 R#1 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 L#4 R#4 L#3 R#3 L#2 R#2 L#1 R#1 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 0 31 30 Figure 27. Cascade TDM Timing (Mode 20; TDM256 mode, MSB justified, Slave mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 52 - [AK4558] (2) TDM128 Mode The SDTO pin of device #1 is connected with the TDMI pin of device #2. It is possible to output 4 channel TDM data from the SDTO pin of device #2 as shown in Figure 28 and Figure 29. AK4558 #1 TDMI MCKI 192kHz LRCK 128fs BICK GND SDTO AK4558 #2 TDMI MCKI LRCK BICK 4ch TDM SDTO Figure 28. Cascade TDM128 Connection Diagram 128 BICK LRCK BICK(128fs) #1 SDTO(o) #2 SDTO(o) 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 L#1 R#1 32 BICK 32 BICK 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 L#2 R#2 L#1 R#1 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 2 1 0 31 30 Figure 29. Cascade TDM Timing (Mode 32; TDM128 mode, MSB justified, Slave mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 53 - [AK4558] b) DAC (1) TDM256 Mode (Normal, Double Mode) By setting TDM1-0 bits = “1X” and SDS1-0 bits, eight channel outputs can be supported at maximum. The SDTI input data of the AK4558 #1, #2, #3 and #4 can be selected as DAC TDM data by SDS1-0 bits (Table 24). LOUT/ROUT pins of each device output the data set by SDS1-0 bits as shown in Figure 31. AK4558 #1 256fs MCKI 48kHz, 96kHz LRCK 256fs BICK 8ch TDM SDTI CAD1-0 =00H LOUT ROUT AK4558 #2 SDTI MCKI LRCK BICK CAD1-0 =01H LOUT ROUT AK4558 #3 SDTI MCKI LRCK BICK CAD1-0 =10H LOUT ROUT AK4558 #4 SDTI MCKI LRCK BICK CAD1-0 =11H LOUT ROUT Figure 30. Cascade TDM256 Connection Diagram 256 BICK LRCK BICK(256fs) SDTI 1,2,3,4 SDTI#1 (i) 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Data8 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 0 31 30 L (Data1) R (Data2) 32 BICK SDTI#2 (i) 32 BICK 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 L (Data3) R (Data4) 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 L#1 R#1 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 31 30 32 BICK SDTI#3 (i) 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 L (Data5) R (Data6) 32 BICK SDTI#4 (i) 32 BICK 31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0 31 30 L (Data7) R (Data8) 32 BICK 32 BICK Figure 31. Cascade TDM Timing (Mode 22; TDM256 mode, MSB justified, Slave mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 54 - [AK4558] (2)TDM128 Mode (Quad Mode) By setting TDM1-0 bits = “01” and SDS1-0 bits, four channel outputs can be supported at maximum. The SDTI input data of the AK4558 #1 and #2 can be selected as DAC TDM data by SDS1-0 bits (Table 24). AK4558 #1 256fs 4ch TDM SDTI MCKI 48kHz LRCK CAD1-0 256fs BICK =00H LOUT ROUT AK4558 #2 SDTI MCKI LRCK CAD1-0 BICK =01H LOUT ROUT Figure 32. Cascade TDM128 Connection Diagram 128 BICK LRCK BICK(128fs) SDTI 1,2 SDTI#1 (i) 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 L (Data1) 32 BICK 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 1 0 31 30 31 30 0 R (Data2) 32 BICK SDTI#2 (i) 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 4 3 2 L (Data3) R (Data4) 32 BICK 32 BICK 1 0 31 30 Figure 33. Cascade TDM Timing (Mode 32; TDM128 mode, MSB justified, Slave mode) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 55 - [AK4558] Mode 0 1 2 3 Mode M/S SDS1 SDS0 TDM Data 0 0 L(Data1)/R(Data2) 0 1 L(Data3)/R(Data4) TDM256 1 0 L(Data5)/R(Data6) 1 1 L(Data7)/R(Data8) Table 24. DAC TDM Data Select (SDS 1-0 bits) TDM128 - TDM1 DIF2 DIF1 DIF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 0 1 0 17 0 0 1 1 18 0 1 0 0 19 0 1 0 1 20 0 1 1 0 21 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 22 1 0 1 0 23 1 0 1 1 24 1 1 0 0 25 1 1 0 1 26 1 1 1 0 27 1 1 1 1 1 TDM0 x SDTO (ADC) SDTI (DAC) (default) BICK Figure 256fs Figure 34 256fs Figure 35 256fs Figure 36 256fs Figure 36 256fs Figure 34 256fs Figure 35 256fs Figure 34 256fs Figure 35 256fs Figure 36 256fs Figure 36 256fs Figure 34 256fs Figure 35 N/A N/A 24bit MSB 24bit MSB justified justified 2 24bit I S Compatible 24bit MSB 24bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit MSB justified justified 2 32bit I S Compatible N/A N/A 24bit MSB 24bit MSB justified justified 2 24bit I S Compatible 24bit MSB 24bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit MSB justified justified 2 32bit I S Compatible Table 25. Audio Interface Format (TDM256 Mode) (x: Don’t care, N/A: Not Available) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 56 - [AK4558] Mode M/S TDM1 TDM0 DIF2 DIF1 DIF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 0 0 1 0 29 0 0 1 1 30 0 1 0 0 31 0 1 0 1 32 0 1 1 0 33 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 34 0 0 1 0 35 0 0 1 1 36 0 1 0 0 37 0 1 0 1 38 0 1 1 0 39 0 1 1 1 0 1 SDTO (ADC) SDTI (DAC) BICK Figure 128fs Figure 37 128fs Figure 38 128fs Figure 39 128fs Figure 39 128fs Figure 37 128fs Figure 38 128fs Figure 37 128fs Figure 38 128fs Figure 39 128fs Figure 39 128fs Figure 37 128fs Figure 38 N/A N/A 24bit MSB 24bit MSB justified justified 2 24bit I S Compatible 24bit MSB 24bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit MSB justified justified 2 32bit I S Compatible N/A N/A 24bit MSB 24bit MSB justified justified 2 24bit I S Compatible 24bit MSB 24bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit LSB justified justified 32bit MSB 32bit MSB justified justified 2 32bit I S Compatible Table 26. Audio Interface Format (TDM128 Mode) (N/A: Not available) 256 BICK LRCK Mode22 26 LRCK Mode16 20 BICK (256fs) SDTI Mode16 22 SDTI Mode20 26 SDTO Mode16 22 SDTO Mode20 26 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 L1 R1 L2 R2 L3 R3 L4 R4 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 23 22 0 31 30 Figure 34. Mode 16/20/22/26 Timing (TDM256 mode, MSB justified) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 57 - [AK4558] 256 BICK LRCK Mode23 27 LRCK Mode17 21 BICK (256fs) SDTI Mode17 23 23 SDTI Mode21 27 0 23 0 31 30 SDTO Mode17 23 23 SDTO Mode21 27 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 23 0 31 30 0 31 0 23 0 31 30 0 31 L1 R1 L2 R2 L3 R3 L4 R4 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK Figure 35. Mode 17/21/23/27 Timing (TDM256 mode, I2S Compatible) 256 BICK LRCK Mode24 25 LRCK Mode18 19 BICK (256fs) SDTI Mode18 24 SDTI Mode19 25 SDTO Mode18 24 SDTO Mode19 25 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 23 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 31 30 L1 R1 L2 R2 L3 R3 L4 R4 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK Figure 36. Mode 18/19/24/25 Timing (TDM256 mode, LSB justified) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 58 - [AK4558] 128 BICK LRCK Mode34 38 LRCK Mode28 32 BICK (128fs) SDTI Mode28 34 23 22 SDTI Mode32 38 0 23 22 31 30 SDTO Mode28 34 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 SDTO Mode32 38 0 0 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 31 30 0 0 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 0 31 30 0 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 31 30 0 23 22 0 31 30 0 31 30 L1 R1 L2 R2 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK Figure 37. Mode 28/32/34/38 Timing (TDM128 mode, 24bit MSB justified) 128 BICK LRCK Mode35 39 LRCK Mode29 33 BICK (128fs) SDTI Mode29 35 23 22 SDTI Mode33 39 0 0 31 30 SDTO Mode29 35 0 0 31 30 23 22 SDTO Mode33 39 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 23 22 0 31 30 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 23 22 0 0 31 23 22 0 31 30 0 0 31 30 L1 R1 L2 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 23 23 0 31 R2 32 BICK 2 Figure 38. Mode 29/33/35/39 Timing (TDM128 mode, 24bit I S Compatible) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 59 - [AK4558] 128 BICK LRCK Mode36 37 LRCK Mode30 31 BICK (128fs) SDTI Mode30 36 23 22 SDTI Mode31 37 0 31 30 SDTO Mode30 36 0 0 31 30 23 22 SDTO Mode31 37 23 22 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 0 31 30 23 22 0 0 31 30 23 22 0 31 30 L1 R1 L2 R2 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK 32 BICK Figure 39. Mode 30/31/36/37 Timing (TDM128 mode, MSB/LSB justified) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 60 - [AK4558] ■ ADC/DAC Digital Filter The ADC has four kinds of digital filter modes. SDAD and SLAD bits select ADC digital filter mode. The default setting is SLAD bit = “0”, SDAD bit = “1” (Short delay Sharp Roll-Off Filter). SLAD bit 0 0 1 1 SDAD bit 0 1 0 1 ADC Filter Mode Setting Sharp Roll-off Filter Short delay Sharp Roll-Off Filter Slow Roll-off Filter Short delay Slow Roll-off Filter Table 27. ADC Digital Filter Setting (default) The DAC has five kinds of digital filter modes. SSLOW, SDDA and SLDA bits controls digital filter mode. When SSLOW bit = “1”, the setting of SDDA and SLDA bits is invalid. The default setting is SSLOW bit = SLDA bit = “0”, SDDA bit = “1” (Short delay Sharp Roll-Off Filter). When SSLOW bit = “1”, DATT cannot be used. When the PS pin = “H”, DAC digital filter is set to Short delay Sharp Roll-Off Filter as default. SSLOW bit 0 0 0 0 1 SLDA bit 0 0 1 1 SDDA bit 0 1 0 1 DAC Filter Mode Setting Sharp Roll-off Filter Short delay Sharp Roll-Off Filter Slow Roll-off Filter Short delay Slow Roll-off Filter Super Slow Roll-Off Filter x Table 28. DAC Digital Filter Setting (x: Don’t care) (default) ■ Mono/Stereo Switching When the PS pin = “L” (“H”), PMADL and PMADR bits(pins) set mono/stereo ADC operation. When changing ADC operation, PMADL and PMADR bits must be set “0” at first. PMADL bit 0 0 1 1 PMADR bit ADC Lch data ADC Rch data 0 All “0” All “0” 1 Rch Input Signal Rch Input Signal 0 Lch Input Signal Lch Input Signal 1 Lch Input Signal Rch Input Signal Table 29. Mono/Stereo Switching 015004500-E-03 (default) 2017/11 - 61 - [AK4558] ■ Digital Attenuator The AK4558 has a channel-independent digital attenuator (256 levels, 0.5dB steps). Attenuation level of the DAC can be set by ATL/R 7-0 bits (Table 30). Transition time between set values of ATL/R bits can be selected by ATS1-0 bits (Table 31). Transition between set values is the soft transition in Mode1/2/3 eliminating switching noise in the transition. Transition between set values is a soft transition of 4080 levels in Mode 0. It takes 4080/fs (85ms@fs=48kHz) from 00H to FFH. If the PDN pin goes to “L”, ATL/R 7-0 bit are initialized to FFH. These bits are also set to FFH when RSTN bit = “0”, and fade to their current value when RSTN bit returns to “1”. ATL/R Attenuation Level 7-0 bits FFH 0dB (default) FEH 0.5dB FDH 1.0dB FCH 1.5dB : : 03H 126.5dB 01H 127.0dB 00H MUTE () Table 30. Attenuation Level of Digital Attenuator Mode 0 1 2 3 ATS1 0 0 1 1 ATS0 0 1 0 1 ATT speed 4080/fs 2040/fs 510/fs 255/fs (default) Table 31. Transition Time Setting of Digital Attenuator (ATS 1-0 bits) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 62 - [AK4558] ■ Soft Mute Operation Soft mute operation is performed in the digital domain. When SMUTEN bit is set “1”, the output signal is attenuated to - in the cycle set by ATS bit (Table 31) from the current ATT level. When the SMUTEN bit is returned to “0”, the mute is cancelled and the output attenuation gradually changes to the ATT level in the cycle set by ATS bit. If the soft mute is cancelled before attenuating to - after starting the operation, attenuation is discontinued and it is returned to ATT level by the same cycle. Soft mute is effective for changing the signal source without stopping the signal transmission. SMUTE bit ATT Level (1) (2) (4) Attenuation - GD (3) GD LOUT/ROUT Notes: (1) The time for input data attenuation to - (Table 31). For example, this time is 4080LRCK cycles (4080/fs) at ATT_DATA=FFH. ATT transition of the soft-mute is from FFH to 00H (2) The time for input data recovery to ATT level (Table 31). For example, this time is 4080LRCK cycles (4080/fs) at ATT-DATA=00H. ATT transition of soft-mute is from 00H to FFH. (3) The analog output corresponding to the digital input has group delay (GD). (4) If the soft mute is cancelled before attenuating to -, the attenuation is discontinued and returned to ATT level by the same cycle. Figure 40. Soft Mute 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 63 - [AK4558] ■ Out of Band Noise Reduction Filter The AK4558 has an out of band noise reduction filter that can change frequency response. This FIR filter attenuates out of band noise and prevents a degradation of the analog characteristics caused by a switching regulator, etc. FIRDA2-0 bits set the frequency for noise attenuation. (Table 32) FIRDA2-0 bits 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 FIR filter FIR filter Mode 0 1/4*[1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 1 1/4*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1] 2 1/4*[1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1] 3 1/4*[1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1] 4 1/4*[1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1] 5 1/4*[1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1] 6 1/4*[1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1] 7 1/4*[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] Table 32. FIR Filter Setting (default) Figure 41. Mode0 FIR Filter Figure 42. Mode1 FIR Filter 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 64 - [AK4558] Figure 43. Mode2 FIR Filter Figure 44. Mode3 FIR Filter Figure 45. Mode4 FIR Filter 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 65 - [AK4558] Figure 46. Mode5 FIR Filter Figure 47. Mode6 FIR Filter Figure 48. Mode7 FIR Filter 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 66 - [AK4558] ■ DAC Output (LOUT, ROUT pin) 1. When the PS pin = “L”( “H”), settings by registers(pins) shown below are valid. LOUT and ROUT pins output VCOM voltage. The load impedance is 5k (min.). When PMDAL/R bits = LOPS bit = “0”, the stereo line output enters power-down mode and the output is pulled-down to VSS1 by 100k (typ). When the LOPS bit is “1”, stereo line output enters power-save mode. Pop noise at power-up/down can be reduced by changing PMDAL/R bits when LOPS bit = “0”. In this case, output signal line should be pulled-down by 20k after AC coupled as Figure 49. Rise/Fall time is 300ms (max.) when C=1F and RL=10k. When PMDAL/R bits = “1” and LOPS bit = “0”, the DAC output is in normal operation. LOPS bit 0 1 LOPS bit 0 1 PMDAL Mode LOUT pin 0 Power-down Pull-down to VSS1 1 Normal Operation Normal Operation 0 Power-save Fall down to VSS1 1 Power-save Rise up to VCOM Table 33. Lch DAC Output Mode Setting PMDAR Mode ROUT pin 0 Power-down Pull-down to VSS1 1 Normal Operation Normal Operation 0 Power-save Fall down to VSS1 1 Power-save Rise up to VCOM Table 34. Rch DAC Output Mode Setting LOUT ROUT 1F (default) (default) 220 20k Figure 49. External Circuit of DAC Output (in case of using a Pop Noise Reduction Circuit) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 67 - [AK4558] [DAC Output Control Sequence (in case of using a Pop Noise Reduction Circuit)] (2) (5) PMDAL/R bits (1) (3) (4) (6) LOPS bit 300 ms 300 ms 99%VCOM LOUT, ROUT pins Normal Output 1%VCOM 300 ms 300 ms Figure 50. DAC Output Control Sequence (in case of using a Pop Noise Reduction Circuit) (1) Set LOPS bit = “1”. DAC output enters power-save mode. (2) Set PMDAL/R bits = “1”. DAC output exits power-down mode. LOUT and ROUT pins rise up to VCOM voltage. Rise time is 200ms (max 300ms) when C=1F. (3) Set LOPS bit = “0” after LOUT and ROUT pins rise up. Stereo line output exits power-save mode. Stereo line output is enabled. (4) Set LOPS bit = “1”. Stereo line output enters power-save mode. (5) Set PMDAL/R bits = “0”. Stereo line output enters power-down mode. LOUT and ROUT pins fall down to 1% of the common voltage. Fall time is 200ms (max 300ms) at C=1F. (6) Set LOPS bit = “0” after LOUT and ROUT pins fall down. Stereo line output exits power-save mode. 2. When the PS pin = “H”, settings shown below are valid. LOUT and ROUT pins output VCOM voltage. The load impedance is 5k (min.). When PMDAL/R pins = LOPS pin = “L”, the stereo line output enters power-down mode and the output is pulled-down to VSS1 by 100k (typ). When the LOPS pin is “H”, stereo line output enters power-save mode. Pop noise at power-up/down can be reduced by changing PMDAL/R pins. In this case, output signal line should be pulled-down by 20k after AC coupled as Figure 51. Rise/Fall time is 300ms (max.) when C=1F and RL=10k. When PMDAL/R pins = “H” and LOPS pin = “L”, the stereo lineout is in normal operation. LOUT ROUT 1F 220 20k Figure 51. External Circuit of DAC Output (in case of using a Pop Noise Reduction Circuit) 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 68 - [AK4558] [DAC Output Control Sequence (in case of using a Pop Noise Reduction Circuit)] (2) (5) PMDAL/R pins (1) (3) (4) (6) LOPS pin 300 ms 300 ms 99%VCOM LOUT, ROUT pins Normal Output 300 ms 1%VCOM 300 ms Figure 52. DAC Output Control Sequence (in case of using a Pop Noise Reduction Circuit) (1) Set LOPS pin = “H”. DAC output enters power-save mode. (2) Set PMDAL/R pin = “H”. DAC output exits power-down mode. LOUT and ROUT pins rise up to VCOM voltage. Rise time is 200ms (max 300ms) when C=1F. (3) Set LOPS pin = “L” after LOUT and ROUT pins rise up. Stereo line output exits power-save mode. Stereo line output is enabled. (4) Set LOPS pin = “H”. Stereo line output enters power-save mode. (5) Set PMDAL/R pin = “L”. Stereo line output enters power-down mode. LOUT and ROUT pins fall down to 1% of the common voltage. Fall time is 200ms (max 300ms) at C=1F. (6) Set LOPS pin = “L” after LOUT and ROUT pins fall down. Stereo line output exits power-save mode. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 69 - [AK4558] ■ Control Sequence 1. Clock Set Up When the AK4558 is in operation, the clocks must be supplied. 1-1. PLL Master Mode(PS pin=“L”, CKS3-2 pins = “H H”) Example: Audio I/F Format: 32bit I2S (ADC & DAC) BICK frequency at Master Mode: 64fs Input Master Clock Select at PLL Mode: 11.2896MHz Sampling Frequency: 44.1kHz Power Supply (1) Power Supply & PDN pin = “L”  “H” (1) PDN pin (2) (3)Addr:01H, Data:08H Addr:03H, Data:38H Addr:05H, Data:3AH 1ms (min) (LDOE=”L”), 10ms (min) (LDOE=”H”) Internal PDN PMPLL bit (3) (4)Addr:01H, Data:09H (Addr:01H, D0) (4) MCKI pin Input 10ms (max) BICK pin LRCK pin BICK and LRCK output (6) Output (5) Figure 53. Clock Set Up Sequence (1) (1) After Power Up: PDN pin “L” → “H” “L” time of 150ns or more is needed to reset the AK4558. (2) Control register settings become available in 10ms (min.) when LDOE pin = “H”, or 1ms (min.) when LDOE pin = “L”, after the PDN pin “L” → “H”. (3) DIF2-0, PLL3-0, FS3-0 and BCKO1-0 bits must be set during this period. (4) PLL starts after PMPLL bit changes from “0” to “1” and MCKI is supplied from an external source. PLL lock time is 10ms (max). In this period, the AK4558 outputs BICK and LRCK as it is in EXT, Master mode if a clock is supplied to the MCKI pin during the period (3). (5) The AK4558 starts outputting the LRCK and BICK clocks after the PLL became stable. Then normal operation starts. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 70 - [AK4558] 1-2. PLL Slave Mode with External Clock (BICK pin, LRCK pin) (PS pin=“L”, CKS3-2 pins = “L L” or “L H” or “H L”) Power Supply Example: Audio I/F Format: 32bit I2S (ADC & DAC) PLL Reference clock: BICK BICK frequency: 64fs Sampling Frequency: 44.1kHz (1) PDN pin (2) 4fs (1)ofPower Supply & PDN pin = “L”  “H” 1ms (min) (LDOE=”L”), 10ms (min) (LDOE=”H”) Internal PDN (3) (3)Addr:01H, Data:04H Addr:03H, Data:38H Addr:05H, Data:22H PMPLL bit (Addr:01H, D0) (4) BICK pin LRCK pin Input BICK…2ms (max) LRCK…40ms (max) (4) Addr:01H, Data:05H Internal Clock (5) Figure 54. Clock Set Up Sequence (2) (1) After Power Up: PDN pin “L” → “H” “L” time of 150ns or more is needed to reset the AK4558. (2) Control register settings become available in 10ms (min.) when LDOE pin = “H”, or 1ms (min.) when LDOE pin = “L”, after the PDN pin “L” → “H”. The power-up time of VCOM will be 2ms (max.) after the PDN pin “L” → “H” if the external capacitor is 1μF±50%. (3) DIF2-0, PLL3-0, FS3-0 and BCKO1-0 bits must be set during this period. (4) PLL starts after the PMPLL bit changes from “0” to “1” and PLL reference clock (BICK or LRCK pin) is supplied. PLL lock time is 2ms (max) when BICK is a PLL reference clock. PLL lock time is 40ms (max) when LRCK is a PLL reference clock. (5) Normal operation starts after that the PLL is locked. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 71 - [AK4558] 1-3. External Clock Mode (Slave Mode) (CKS3-2 pins = “L L” or “L H” or “H L”) Example: :Audio I/F Format: 32bit I2S (ADC & DAC) Power Supply Input MCKI frequency: 256fsn Sampling Frequency: 44.1kHz (1) PDN pin Internal PDN (1) Power Supply & PDN pin = “L”  “H” (2) 1ms (min) (LDOE=”L”), 10ms (min) (LDOE=”H”) (3) (4) MCKI pin Input (3) (PS pin=”L”) Addr:03H, Data:38H Addr:04H, Data:00H (PS pin=”H”) CKS3-0 pins= “LHLH” or“LHHH” (4) BICK pin LRCK pin Input MCKI, BICK and LRCK input Figure 55. Clock Set Up Sequence (3) (1) After Power Up: PDN pin “L” → “H” “L” time of 150ns or more is needed to reset the AK4558. (2) Control register settings become available in 10ms (min.) when LDOE pin = “H”, or 1ms (min.) when LDOE pin = “L”, after the PDN pin “L” → “H”. The power-up time of VCOM will be 2ms (max.) after the PDN pin “L” → “H” if the external capacitor is 1μF±50%. (3) DIF2-0, DFS1-0 and ACKS bits must be set during this period. (4) Normal operation starts after MCKI, LRCK and BICK are supplied. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 72 - [AK4558] 1-4. External Clock Mode (Master Mode) (CKS3-2 pins = “HH”) Example: : Audio I/F Format: 32bit I2S (ADC and DAC) Input MCKI frequency: 256fsn Sampling Frequency: 44.1kHz BCKO: 64fs (1) Power Supply & PDN pin = “L”  “H” Power Supply (3) MCKI input (1) PDN pin Internal PDN (2) 1ms (max) (LDOE=”L”), 10ms (max) (LDOE=”H”) (3) MCKI pin Input (4) (PS pin=”L”) Addr:03H, Data:38H Addr:04H, Data:00H Addr:05H, Data:02H (PS pin=”H”) CKS3-0 pins= “ HHHH” (4) BICK pin LRCK pin BICK and LRCK output Output Figure 56. Clock Set Up Sequence (4) (1) After Power Up: PDN pin “L” → “H” “L” time of 150ns or more is needed to reset the AK4558. (2) Control register settings become available in 10ms (1ms)(min.) when LDOE pin= “H”(“L”) after the PDN pin “L” → “H”. The power-up time of VCOM will be 2ms (max.) after the PDN pin “L” → “H” if the external capacitor is 1μF±50%. (3) Input MCKI. (4) When PS pin = “L”, set DIF2-0, DFS1-0 MCKS1-0 and BCKO1-0 bits. When PS pin = “H”, set CKS pin. The AK4558 starts outputting LRCK and BICK. 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 73 - [AK4558] 2. ADC Output 2-1. PS pin = “L” Example: FS3-0 bits 0111 (Addr:05H, D6-3) PLL Master Mode Audio I/F Format :32bit I2S Sampling Frequency: 44.1kHz Digital filter: Short delay Sharp Roll-off 0111 (1) TDM1-0,DIF2-0 bits (Addr:03H D7-6&D5-3) SLAD,SDAD bits (Addr:07H D3&D2) (1) Addr:05H, Data:3AH 38H 38H (2) Addr:03H, Data:38H (2) 0FH (3) Addr:07H, Data:0FH 0FH (3) (4) (5) (4) Addr:00H, Data:19H PMADL/R bits (Addr:00H, D4-3) Recording 5200/fs SDTO pin State “L” Output Initialize Normal State “L” Output (5) Addr:00H, Data:01H Figure 57. ADC Output Sequence (PS pin = “L”) In the case of fs=44.1kHz At first, clocks should be supplied according to “Serial Mode”. (1) Set up the sampling frequency (FS3-0 bits). The ADC must be powered-up in consideration of PLL lock time. (2) Set up the audio format (Addr=03H). (3) Set up the de-emphasis filter (Addr = 07H). (4) Power up the ADC: PMADL = PMADR bits = “0” → “1” Initialization cycle of the ADC is 5200/fs @Normal mode. The SDTO pin outputs “L” during initialization. (5) Power down ADC: PMADL = PMADR bits = “1” → “0” 2-2. PS pin = “H” CKS3-0 pins XXXX (1) (2) PMADL/R pins 5200/fs SDTO pin State “L” Output Initialize Normal State “L” Output Figure 58.ADC Output Sequence (PS pin =“H”) At first, operation mode should be set by CKS3-0 bits according to “Parallel Mode”. (1) Power up the ADC: PMADL pin = PMADR pin = “L” → “H” Initialization cycle of the ADC is 5200/fs @Normal mode. The SDTO pin outputs “L” during initialization. (2) Power down ADC: PMADL pin = PMADR pin = “H” → “L” 015004500-E-03 2017/11 - 74 - [AK4558] 3. DAC Output 3-1. PS pin = “L” Example: PLL, Master Mode Audio I/F Format :32bit I2S (DAC) Digital filter: Short delay Sharp Roll-off Sampling Frequency:44.1KHz Digital Volume: 0dB (1) Addr:05H, Data: 3AH FS3-0 bits (Addr 05H,D6-3) 0111 0111 (2) Addr:06H, Data: 09H (1) SSLOW SLDA, SDDA bits ATL/ATR7-0 bits (Addr 08H&09H) (3) Addr:08H/09H, Data: FFH 09H (Addr 06H, D4-2) 09H (2) (4) Addr:05H, Data: 3BH FFH FFH (5) Addr:00H, Data: 07H (3) (6) Addr:05H, Data: 3AH LOPS bit (Addr 05H,D0) >300 ms (4) (5) >300 ms (6) (7) Playback (9) (8) PMDAL/R bits (7) Addr:05H, Data: 3BH (Addr:00H D2&D1) 300 ms (3) (2) (4) (6) (5) PMDAL/R pins
AK4558EN 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+52.111731+6.30825
  • 10+34.3397610+4.15691
  • 25+29.7036925+3.59571
  • 100+24.45577100+2.96043
  • 250+21.88012250+2.64864
  • 500+20.29572500+2.45685


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1000+19.959871000+2.41619
