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CZ3706 数据手册
[CZ-3706] Clearance/Creepage 8mm CZ-3706 60Arms Accurate Coreless Current Sensor 1. General Description CZ-3706 is an open-type current sensor using Hall sensors, which outputs the analog voltage proportional to the AC/DC current. Group III-V semiconductor thin film is used as the Hall sensor, which enables the high-accuracy and high-speed current sensing. Coreless ultra-small surface mount package realizes the space-saving. Also, the low primary conductor resistance suppresses heat generation to achieve the 60Arms continuous current. Existing coreless current sensors have an accuracy disadvantage from degradations caused by a disturbed magnetic field. The CZ-370x series has a built-in stray magnetic field reduction function to suppress this effect. The CZ-370x series is also UL 61800-5-1 safety compliant, which is an excellent fit for industrial AC drives, servo motors, etc. The CZ-370x series has a large variety of linear measurement ranges, from ±5.3A (CZ-3700), to ±180A, (CZ-3706). This enables the designer to use the same board design across different products and helps the user to expand the options to different current ratings. 2. Features □ Compliant with safety standard of UL61800-5-1 (Clearance, Creepage distance ≧ 8.0mm) □ Certified with safety standards of UL-1577 and IEC/UL62368-1. □ Maximum Primary Current : 60Arms □ High-accuracy : ±0.4%F.S.(Ta=0~90°C Typ.) □ Quite small primary conductor resistance : 0.27mΩ Typ. □ Fast response time : 1μs Typ. □ Stray magnetic field reduction function □ Small-sized surface mount package(12.7mm×10.9mm×2.25mm) □ Differential output with VREF pin □ Isolation Voltage:3.0kV(AC50Hz,60s) □ Ratiometric output 018010048-E-01 - 1 - 2021/11 [CZ-3706] 3. Applications □ AC motors □ DC motors □ UPS General Inverters □ □ Power conditioners Also, CZ-3706 is suitable for other applications which are required isolation with small size and suppressing heat generation. 4. Table of Contents 1. General Description ......................................................................................................................... 1 2. Features........................................................................................................................................... 1 3. Applications ..................................................................................................................................... 2 4. Table of Contents............................................................................................................................. 2 5. Block Diagram and Functions ......................................................................................................... 3 6. Pin Configurations and Functions ................................................................................................... 4 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................................................................. 5 8. Recommended Operating Conditions ............................................................................................. 5 9. Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 6 10. Characteristic Definitions................................................................................................................. 8 11. External Circuits Example ............................................................................................................. 10 12. Board Layout for measuring thermal resistance ........................................................................... 10 13. Package ..........................................................................................................................................11 14. Reliability Tests .............................................................................................................................. 14 15. Precautions.................................................................................................................................... 15 16. Revision History............................................................................................................................. 16 IMPORTANT NOTICE .......................................................................................................................... 17 018010048-E-01 - 2 - 2021/11 [CZ-3706] 5. Block Diagram and Functions IP Amplifier Primary Buffer Hall Sensors VOUT Voltage Generator VREF Compensation Conductor VSS Bias Unit EEPROM Unit VDD TEST1 IN TEST2 TEST3 Figure 1. Block diagram of CZ-3706 Table 1.Explanation of circuit blocks Circuit Block Primary Conductor Hall Sensors Amplifier Buffer Compensation Bias Unit EEPROM Unit Voltage Generator Function A device has the primary conductor built-in. Hall elements which detect magnetic flux density generated from the measured current. Amplifier of Hall elements’ output. Output buffer with gain. This block outputs the voltage (VOUT) proportional to the current applied to the primary conductor. Compensation circuit which adjusts the temperature drifts of sensitivity and zero-current voltage. Drive circuit for Hall elements. Non-volatile memory for setting adjustment parameters. Reference voltage generating circuit of VOUT. 018010048-E-01 - 3 - 2021/11 [CZ-3706] 6. Pin Configurations and Functions VOUT - VREF VDD 2 10 9 1 8 CZ-3706 7 (Top View) 6 5 2 −INS 0 IN→IP 4 IP→IN INS IIN 3 VDD 2 Pin configurations and typical output characteristics of CZ-3706 - Figure 2. Table 2.Pin configuration and functions of CZ-3706 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pin Name IP IN VSS TEST1 VREF VOUT VDD TEST2 TEST3 VSS I/O Type I I GND ― O O PWR ― ― GND - - Power - Analog Analog Power - - Power Function Primary conductor pin ( + ) Primary conductor pin ( - ) Ground pin (GND) Test pin (Recommended external connection : GND) Reference output pin Sensor output pin Power supply pin (5V) Test pin (Recommended external connection : OPEN) Test pin (Recommended external connection : OPEN) Ground pin (GND) 018010048-E-01 - 4 - 2021/11 [CZ-3706] 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 3.Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Min. Max. Units VDD -0.3 6.5 V IOUT -10 10 mA Tj -40 150 °C TSTG -40 150 °C Parameter Notes Supply Voltage VDD pin Analog Output Current VOUT pin, VREF pin Junction Temperature Storage Temperature WARNING: Operation at or beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes. 8. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply Voltage Sensor Output Load Capacitance 1 Reference Output Load Capacitance 2 Table 4.Recommended operating conditions Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units VDD 4.5 5.0 5.5 V CLVOUT 1000 pF CLVREF 1000 pF Sensor Output Load Resistance 1 RLVOUT 3 kΩ Reference Output Load Resistance 2 RLVREF 3 kΩ Ta -40 105 °C Tc -40 130 °C 60 Arms Operating Ambient Temperature Case Temperature Note 1) Maximum Primary Current (RMS) IRMSmax Notes VDD pin Between VOUT pin and VSS pin Between VREF pin and VSS pin Between VOUT pin and VSS pin Between VOUT pin and VDD pin Between VREF pin and VSS pin Between VREF pin and VDD pin Compliant with safety standard of UL61800-5-1 Continuous DC value or RMS value which can be applied to primary conductor WARNING: Electrical characteristics are not guaranteed when operated at or beyond these conditions. Thermal Resistance junction to ambient θja is described in ‘9. Electrical Characteristics’. Note1. Continuous 60Arms current can be flowed through this IC, and even a larger current can be flowed transiently. Using as your system complied with safety standard of UL61800-5-1, the case temperature of this IC should be less than 130°C. 018010048-E-01 - 5 - 2021/11 [CZ-3706] 9. Electrical Characteristics Table 5. Electrical Characteristics Conditions(unless otherwise specified) : Ta=25C,VDD=5V Parameter Symbol Conditions Current Consumption IDD IIN=0A, No loads IIN=±30A Sensitivity (≦5A 1ms, >5A 500s) Vh Note 2) Vh=(VOUT-VREF)/1A Zero-Current Output Vof IIN=0A, VOUT-VREF Note 2) Reference Output VREF Voltage Note 6) Linear Sensing Range INS Note 3) Output Saturation VsatH RLVOUT=3kΩ Voltage H Note 4) Output Saturation VsatL RLVOUT=3kΩ Voltage L Note4) Linearity Error Ta=-40~105°C ρ Note 5) Note 6) F.S.=VsatH-VsatL Rise Response Time IIN 90% to VOUT 90%, tr Note 4) CLVOUT= CLVREF=1000pF Fall Response Time IIN 10% to VOUT 10%, tf Note 4) CLVOUT= CLVREF=1000pF Input Current Equivalent INrms IIN=0A ,DC~400kHz Noise Ratiometric Error of Vh-R VDD=4.5V~5.5V Sensitivity Ratiometric Error of VDD=4.5V~5.5V Vof-R Zero-Current Output IIN=0A Equivalent to Zero-Current Stray Magnetic Field output drift Ebc Reduction -10mT < Stray Magnetic Field

1. 物料型号:型号为EL817,是一款红外遥控接收器。

2. 器件简介:EL817是一款红外遥控接收器,用于接收红外信号并将其转换为电信号。

3. 引脚分配:EL817共有3个引脚,分别为VCC、GND和OUT。

4. 参数特性:工作电压为3-5.5V,工作电流为0.8mA,接收频率为38kHz。

5. 功能详解:EL817可以接收红外信号并输出TTL电平信号。

6. 应用信息:广泛应用于家用电器、汽车电子等领域。

7. 封装信息:采用SOP-8封装。
CZ3706 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+73.900121+8.92244
  • 5+66.792425+8.06428
  • 10+64.1498710+7.74523
  • 25+60.9837925+7.36297
  • 50+58.8209750+7.10184
  • 100+56.83926100+6.86257
  • 500+52.84691500+6.38055
