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GX1-233B-85-1.8 数据手册
AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book December 2003 Publication ID: Revision 5.0 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book © 2003 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (“AMD”) products. AMD makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this publication. Except as set forth in AMD’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right. AMD’s products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application in which the failure of AMD’s product could create a situation where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. AMD reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time without notice. Contacts www.amd.com pcs.support@amd.com Trademarks AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, and combinations thereof, and Geode, Virtual System Architecture, XpressGRAPHICS, XpressAUDIO, and XpressRAM are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other jurisdictions. MMX is trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other jurisdictions. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. 2 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Contents Revision 5.0 Contents List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.0 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.1 1.2 2.0 Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.0 Integer Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Floating Point Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Write-Back Cache Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Memory Management Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Internal Bus Interface Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Integrated Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 AMD Geode™ GX1/CS5530A System Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Signal Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1 3.2 4.0 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pin Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Signal Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Processor Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 Core Processor Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Instruction Set Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Register Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Address Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Interrupts and Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 System Management Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Halt and Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Virtual 8086 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Floating Point Unit Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 3 Revision 5.0 5.0 Integrated Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.0 Part Numbers/Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 I/O Current De-Rating Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9.0 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Suspend Modes and Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Power Management Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8.0 Integrated Functions Programming Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Internal Bus Interface Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Memory Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Graphics Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Display Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Virtual VGA Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 PCI Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.0 General Instruction Set Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 CPUID Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Processor Core Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 FPU Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 MMX Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Extended MMX Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Package Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 9.1 9.2 Thermal Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Appendix A A.1 A.2 A.3 4 Contents Support Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Order Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Data Book Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 SPGA Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book List of Figures Revision 5.0 List of Figures Figure 1-1. Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3. Figure 2-4. Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2. Figure 4-1. Figure 4-2. Figure 4-3. Figure 4-4. Figure 4-5. Figure 4-6. Figure 4-7. Figure 4-8. Figure 4-9. Figure 4-10. Figure 4-11. Figure 4-12. Figure 5-1. Figure 5-2. Figure 5-3. Figure 5-4. Figure 5-5. Figure 5-6. Figure 5-7. Figure 5-8. Figure 5-9. Figure 5-10. Figure 5-11. Figure 5-12. Figure 5-13. Figure 5-14. Figure 5-15. Figure 5-16. Figure 5-17. Figure 5-18. Figure 5-19. Figure 5-20. Figure 6-1. Figure 6-2. Figure 6-3. Figure 6-4. Figure 7-1. Figure 7-2. Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Internal Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Geode™ GX1/CS5530A System Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Geode™ GX1/CS5530A Signal Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 PIXEL Signal Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Functional Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 352 EBGA Pin Assignment Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cache Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Memory and I/O Address Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Offset Address Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Real Mode Address Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Protected Mode Address Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Selector Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Selector Mechanism Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Paging Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 System Management Memory Address Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 SMM Execution Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 SMI Nesting State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 SMM and Suspend Mode State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Internal Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 GX1 Processor Memory Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Memory Controller Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Memory Array Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Basic Read Cycle with a CAS Latency of Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Basic Write Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Auto Refresh Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 READ/WRT Command to a New Row Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 SDCLKIN Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Effects of SHFTSDCLK Programming Bits Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Graphics Pipeline Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Example of Monochrome Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Example of Dither Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Display Controller Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Pixel Arrangement Within a DWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Display Controller Signal Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Video Port Data Transfer (CS5530A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Basic Read Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Basic Write Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Basic Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 HALT-Initiated Suspend Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 SUSP#-Initiated Suspend Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 PCI Access During Suspend Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Stopping SYSCLK During Suspend Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 EBGA Recommended Split Power Plane and Decoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Absolute Max I/O Current De-Rating Curve (All Speeds and Core Voltages) . . . . . . . . . . . 184 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 5 Revision 5.0 Figure 7-3. Figure 7-4. Figure 7-5. Figure 7-6. Figure 7-7. Figure 7-8. Figure 7-9. Figure 7-10. Figure 7-11. Figure 7-12. Figure 7-13. Figure 7-14. Figure 7-15. Figure 9-1. Figure 9-2. Figure A-1. Figure A-2. Figure A-3. 6 List of Figures Drive Level and Measurement Points for Switching Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 VCC2 and VCC3 POR Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 SYSCLK Timing and Measurement Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 SDCLK[3:0] Timing and Measurement Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Output Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Input Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Output Valid Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Setup and Hold Timings - Read Data In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Graphics Port Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Video Port Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 DCLK Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 TCK Timing and Measurement Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 JTAG Test Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Heatsink Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 352-Terminal EBGA Mechanical Package Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 320 SPGA Pin Assignment Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 SPGA Recommended Split Power Plane and Decoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 320-Pin SPGA Mechanical Package Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book List of Tables Revision 5.0 List of Tables Table 3-1. Table 3-2. Table 3-3. Table 4-1. Table 4-2. Table 4-3. Table 4-4. Table 4-5. Table 4-6. Table 4-7. Table 4-8. Table 4-9. Table 4-10. Table 4-11. Table 4-12. Table 4-13. Table 4-14. Table 4-15. Table 4-16. Table 4-17. Table 4-18. Table 4-19. Table 4-20. Table 4-21. Table 4-22. Table 4-23. Table 4-24. Table 4-25. Table 4-26. Table 4-27. Table 4-28. Table 4-29. Table 4-30. Table 4-31. Table 4-32. Table 4-33. Table 4-34. Table 4-35. Table 4-36. Table 4-37. Table 4-38. Table 5-1. Table 5-2. Table 5-3. Table 5-4. Pin Type Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 352 EBGA Pin Assignments - Sorted by Pin Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 352 EBGA Pin Assignments - Sorted Alphabetically by Signal Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Initialized Core Register Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Application Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Segment Register Selection Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 EFLAGS Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 System Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Control Registers Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 CR4-CR0 Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Effects of Various Combinations of EM, TS, and MP Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Configuration Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Configuration Register Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Debug Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 DR7 and DR6 Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 TLB Test Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 TR7-TR6 Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Test Registers for Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 TR5-TR3 Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Cache Test Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Memory Addressing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 GDT, LDT and IDT Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Application and System Segment Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Descriptors Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Application and System Segment Descriptors TYPE Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Gate Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Gate Descriptors Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 32-Bit Task State Segment (TSS) Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 16-Bit Task State Segment (TSS) Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Directory Table Entry (DTE) and Page Table Entry (PTE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Interrupt Vector Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Interrupt and Exception Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Exception Changes in Real Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Error Code Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 SMM Memory Space Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 SMM Memory Space Header Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 SMM Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Descriptor Types Used for Control Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 FPU Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Graphics Control Register (GCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Display Resolution Screen Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Scratchpad Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 L1 Cache BitBLT Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 7 Revision 5.0 Table 5-5. Table 5-6. Table 5-7. Table 5-8. Table 5-9. Table 5-10. Table 5-11. Table 5-12. Table 5-13. Table 5-14. Table 5-15. Table 5-16. Table 5-17. Table 5-18. Table 5-19. Table 5-20. Table 5-21. Table 5-22. Table 5-23. Table 5-24. Table 5-25. Table 5-26. Table 5-27. Table 5-28. Table 5-29. Table 5-30. Table 5-31. Table 5-32. Table 5-33. Table 5-34. Table 5-35. Table 5-36. Table 5-37. Table 5-38. Table 5-39. Table 5-40. Table 5-41. Table 5-42. Table 5-43. Table 5-44. Table 6-1. Table 6-2. Table 6-3. Table 7-1. Table 7-2. Table 7-3. Table 7-4. Table 7-5. Table 7-6. Table 7-7. Table 7-8. Table 7-9. Table 7-10. Table 7-11. Table 7-12. 8 List of Tables L1 Cache BitBLT Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Display Driver Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Address Map for CPU-Access Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Internal Bus Interface Unit Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Internal Bus Interface Unit Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Region-Control-Field Bit Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Synchronous DRAM Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Basic Command Truth Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 MRS Cycle Address Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Memory Controller Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Memory Controller Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Auto LOI -- 2 DIMMs, Same Size, 1 DIMM Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Auto LOI -- 2 DIMMs, Same Size, 2 DIMM Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Non-Auto LOI -- 1 or 2 DIMMs, Different Sizes, 1 DIMM Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Non-Auto LOI -- 1 or 2 DIMMs, Different Sizes, 2 DIMM Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Graphics Pipeline Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 GP_RASTER_MODE Bit Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Common Raster Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Graphics Pipeline Configuration Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Graphics Pipeline Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 TFT Panel Display Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 CRT and TFT Panel Data Bus Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 CRT Display Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Display Controller Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Display Controller Configuration and Status Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Display Controller Memory Organization Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Display Controller Timing Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Display Controller Cursor and Line Compare Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Display Controller Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 FIFO Diagnostic Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Standard VGA Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 VGA Configuration Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 VGA Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Virtual VGA Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Virtual VGA Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Special Cycle Code to CONFIG_ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 PCI Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Format for Accessing the Internal PCI Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 PCI Configuration Space Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 PCI Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Power Management Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Power Management Control and Status Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Power Management Programmable Address Region Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 GX1 Processor Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Pins with > 20-kohm Internal Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 System Conditions Used to Determine CPU Current Used During the On State . . . . . . . . 180 1.8V DC Characteristics for CPU State = On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 1.8V DC Characteristics for CPU State = Active Idle, Standby, and Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 2.0V DC Characteristics for CPU State = On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 2.0V DC Characteristics for CPU State = Active Idle, Standby, and Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 2.2V DC Characteristics for CPU State = On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 2.2V DC Characteristics for CPU State = Active Idle, Standby, and Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 List of Tables Table 7-13. Table 7-14. Table 7-15. Table 7-16. Table 7-17. Table 7-18. Table 7-19. Table 7-20. Table 8-1. Table 8-2. Table 8-3. Table 8-4. Table 8-5. Table 8-6. Table 8-7. Table 8-8. Table 8-9. Table 8-10. Table 8-11. Table 8-12. Table 8-13. Table 8-14. Table 8-15. Table 8-16. Table 8-17. Table 8-18. Table 8-19. Table 8-20. Table 8-21. Table 8-22. Table 8-23. Table 8-24. Table 8-25. Table 8-26. Table 8-27. Table 8-28. Table 8-29. Table 8-30. Table 8-31. Table 8-32. Table 8-33. Table 9-1. Table 9-2. Table A-1. Table A-2. Table A-3. Table A-4. Table A-5. Table A-6. Drive Level and Measurement Points for Switching Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 System Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 VCC2 and VCC3 Power Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Clock Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 PCI Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 SDRAM Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Video Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 JTAG AC Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 General Instruction Set Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Instruction Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Instruction Prefix Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 w Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 d Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 s Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 eee Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 mod r/m Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 General Registers Selected by mod r/m Fields and w Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 General Registers Selected by reg Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 sreg2 Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 sreg3 Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 ss Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 index Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 mod base Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 CPUID Levels Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 EAX, EBX, ECX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 EDX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Standard CPUID with EAX = 00000002h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Maximum Extended CPUID Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 EAX, EBX, ECX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 80000001h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 EDX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 80000001h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Official CPU Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Standard CPUID with EAX = 80000005h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Processor Core Instruction Set Table Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Processor Core Instruction Set Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 FPU Instruction Set Table Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 FPU Instruction Set Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 MMX Instruction Set Table Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 MMX Instruction Set Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Extend MMX Instruction Set Table Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Extended MMX Instruction Set Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance for EBGA Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Case-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance Examples @ 85°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Edits to Current Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 320 SPGA Pin Assignments - Sorted by Pin Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 320 SPGA Pin Assignments - Sorted Alphabetically by Signal Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Pins with > 20-kohm Internal Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance for SPGA Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 9 Revision 5.0 10 List of Tables AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Revision 5.0 1.0AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor General Description The AMD Geode™ GX1 processor is designed to power information appliances for entertainment, education, and business. Serving the needs of consumers and business professionals alike, it’s the perfect solution for IA (information appliance) applications such as thin clients, interactive set-top boxes, and personal internet access devices. The Geode GX1 processor is divided into three main categories as defined by the core operating voltage. Available with core voltages of 2.2V, 2.0V, and 1.8V, it offers extremely low typical power consumption (1.4W, 1.2W, and 0.8W, respectively) leading to longer battery life and enabling small form-factor, fanless designs. Typical power consumption is defined as an average, measured running Microsoft® Windows® at 80% Active Idle (Suspend-onHalt) with a display resolution of 800x600x8 bpp at 75 Hz. While the x86 core provides maximum compatibility with the vast amount of Internet content available, the intelligent integration of several other functions, such as audio and graphics, offers a true system-level multimedia solution. INTR Clock Module SYSCLK x86 Compatible Core Core Clocks SYSCLK multiplied by “A” Interrupt Control INT/NMI X-Bus Clocks Integer Unit TLB Scratchpad FP_Error (128) 16 KB Unified L1 Cache Instruction Fetch IRQ13 SMI# AMD™ Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device Interface 1.1 MMU Floating Point Unit Load/Store C-Bus (64) Core Suspend SUSP# SUSPA# Write Buffers Core Acknowledge Power Management Control Arbiter X-Bus Suspend X-Bus Controller Read Buffers X-Bus Acknowledge X-Bus (32) Arbiter 3 REQ/GNT Pairs PCI Host Controller 2D Accelerator VGA Display Controller X-Bus CLK divide by “B” Compression Buffer BLT Engine Palette RAM ROP Unit Timing Generator PCI Bus 4 SDRAM Clocks 64-bit SDRAM Graphics Video AMD™ Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device Interface Figure 1-1. Block Diagram AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 11 Revision 5.0 The Geode GX1 processor core is a proven x86 design that offers competitive performance. It contains integer and floating point execution units based on sixth-generation technology. The integer core contains a single, five-stage execution pipeline and offers advanced features such as operand forwarding, branch target buffers, and extensive write buffering. Accesses to the 16 KB write-back L1 cache are dynamically reordered to eliminate pipeline stalls when fetching operands. In addition to the advanced CPU features, the GX1 processor integrates a host of functions typically implemented with external components. A full function graphics accelerator contains a VGA (video graphics array) controller, bitBLT engine, and a ROP (raster operations) unit for complete GUI (Graphical User Interface) acceleration under most operating systems. A display controller contains additional video buffering to enable >30 fps MPEG1 playback and video overlay when used with the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device. Graphics and system memory accesses are supported by a tightly coupled SDRAM controller which eliminates the need for an external L2 cache. A PCI host controller supports up to three bus masters for additional connectivity and multimedia capabilities. The GX1 processor also incorporates Virtual System Architecture™ (VSA) technology. VSA technology enables the XpressGRAPHICS™ and XpressAUDIO™ subsystems. Software handlers are available that provide full compatibility for industry standard VGA and 16-bit audio functions that are transparent at the operating system level. Together the CS5530A companion device and GX1 processor provide a scalable, flexible, low-power, system-level solution well suited for a wide array of information appliances ranging from hand-held personal information access devices to digital set-top boxes and thin clients. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor 1.2 Features General Features ■ Packaging: — 352-Terminal Enhanced Ball Grid Array (EBGA) ■ 0.18-micron four layer metal CMOS process ■ Split rail design: — Available 1.8V, 2.0V, or 2.2V core — 3.3V I/O interface ■ Fully static design ■ Low typical power consumption: — — — — — Note: 0.8W @ 1.8V / 200 MHz 0.95W @ 1.8V / 233 MHz 1.0W @ 1.8V / 266 MHz 1.2W @ 2.0V / 300 MHz 1.4W @ 2.2V / 333 MHz Typical power consumption is defined as an average, measured running Windows at 80% Active Idle (Suspend-on-Halt) with a display resolution of 800x600x8 bpp @ 75 Hz. ■ Speeds offered up to 333 MHz ■ Unified Memory Architecture: — Frame buffer and video memory reside in main memory — Minimizes printed circuit board (PCB) area requirements — Reduces system cost 32-Bit x86 Processor ■ Supports Intel MMX™ instruction set extension for the acceleration of multimedia applications ■ 16 KB unified L1 cache ■ Six-stage pipelined integer unit ■ Integrated Floating Point Unit (FPU) ■ Memory Management Unit (MMU) adheres to standard paging mechanisms and optimizes code fetch performance: — Load-store reordering gives priority to memory reads — Memory-read bypassing eliminates unnecessary or redundant memory reads ■ Re-entrant System Management Mode (SMM) enhanced for VSA technology 12 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Flexible Power Management 2D Graphics Accelerator ■ Supports a wide variety of standards: ■ Accelerates BitBLTs, line draw, text: — APM (Advanced Power Management) for Legacy power management — ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) for Windows power management – Direct support for all standard processor (C0-C4) states — OnNOW design initiative compliant ■ Supports a wide variety of hardware and software controlled modes: — Active Idle (core-only stopped, display active) — Standby (core and all integrated functions halted) — Sleep (core and integrated functions halted and all external clocks stopped) — Suspend Modulation (automatic throttling of CPU core via Geode CS5530A companion device) – Programmable duty cycle for optimal performance/ thermal balancing — Several dedicated and programmable wake-up events (via Geode CS5530A companion device) — Bresenham vector engine ■ Supports all 256 raster operations (ROPs) ■ Supports transparent BLTs and page flipping for Microsoft’s DirectDraw ■ Runs at core clock frequency ■ Full VGA and VESA mode support ■ Special “driver level” instructions utilize internal scratchpad for enhanced performance Display Controller ■ Display Compression Technology (DCT) architecture greatly reduces memory bandwidth consumption of display refresh ■ Supports a separate video buffer and data path to enable video acceleration in the Geode CS5530A companion device PCI Host Controller ■ Internal palette RAM for gamma correction ■ Several arbitration schemes supported ■ Direct interface to Geode CS5530A companion device ■ Directly supports up to three PCI bus masters, more with external logic ■ Synchronous to CPU core ■ Allows external PCI master accesses to main memory for CRT and TFT support eliminates the need for an external RAMDAC ■ Hardware cursor ■ Supports up to 1280x1024x16 bpp concurrent with CPU accesses to L1 cache XpressRAM™ Subsystem Virtual Systems Architecture™ Technology ■ Innovative architecture allowing OS independent (soft- ware) virtualization of hardware functions ■ Provides XpressGRAPHICS™ subsystem: — High performance legacy VGA core compatibility Note: The GUI acceleration is pure hardware. ■ Provides 16-bit XpressAUDIO™ subsystem: — — — — 16-bit stereo FM synthesis OPL3 emulation Supports MPU-401 MIDI interface Hardware assist provided via Geode CS5530A companion device ■ Additional hardware functions can be supported as needed ■ SDRAM interface tightly coupled to CPU core and graphics subsystem for maximum efficiency ■ 64-Bit wide memory bus ■ Support for: — — — — Two 168-pin unbuffered DIMMs Up to 16 simultaneously open banks 16-byte reads (burst length of two) Up to 512 MB total memory supported Diverse Operating System Support ■ Be BeIA ■ Linux ■ Microsoft Windows 2000, 98, and 95; Windows NT® in non PC applications; Windows CE and Windows NTE ■ QNX Software Systems QNX ■ WindRiver Systems VxWorks AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 13 Revision 5.0 14 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Architecture Overview Revision 5.0 2.0Architecture Overview The AMD Geode™ GX1 processor represents the sixth generation of x86-compatible 32-bit processors with sixthgeneration features. The decoupled load/store unit allows reordering of load/store traffic to achieve higher performance. Other features include single-cycle execution, single-cycle instruction decode, 16 KB write-back cache, and clock rates up to 333 MHz. These features are made possible by the use of advanced-process technologies and pipelining. • Integer Unit The GX1 processor has low power consumption at all clock frequencies. Where additional power savings are required, designers can make use of Suspend Mode, Stop Clock capability, and System Management Mode (SMM). Instructions are executed in the integer unit and in the floating point unit. The cache unit stores the most recently used data and instructions and provides fast access to this information for the integer and floating point units. • Floating Point Unit (FPU) • Write-Back Cache Unit • Memory Management Unit (MMU) • Internal Bus Interface Unit • Integrated Functions The GX1 processor is divided into major functional blocks (as shown in Figure 2-1): Write-Back Cache Unit MMU Integer Unit FPU C-Bus Internal Bus Interface Unit X-Bus Integrated Functions Graphics Pipeline Memory Controller Display Controller PCI Controller SDRAM Port AMD Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device PCI Bus (CRT/LCD TFT) Figure 2-1. Internal Block Diagram AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 15 Revision 5.0 2.1 Architecture Overview Integer Unit The integer unit consists of: • Instruction Buffer tions and operands have been provided to the FPU, the FPU completes instruction execution independently of the integer unit. • Instruction Fetch • Instruction Decoder and Execution 2.3 The pipelined integer unit fetches, decodes, and executes x86 instructions through the use of a five-stage integer pipeline. The 16 KB write-back unified (data/instruction) cache is configured as four-way set associative. The cache stores up to 16 KB of code and data in 1024 cache lines. The instruction fetch pipeline stage generates, from the onchip cache, a continuous high-speed instruction stream for use by the processor. Up to 128 bits of code are read during a single clock cycle. The GX1 processor provides the ability to allocate a portion of the L1 cache as a scratchpad, which is used to accelerate the Virtual Systems Architecture technology algorithms as well as for some graphics operations. Branch prediction logic within the prefetch unit generates a predicted target address for unconditional or conditional branch instructions. When a branch instruction is detected, the instruction fetch stage starts loading instructions at the predicted address within a single clock cycle. Up to 48 bytes of code are queued prior to the instruction decode stage. The instruction decode stage evaluates the code stream provided by the instruction fetch stage and determines the number of bytes in each instruction and the instruction type. Instructions are processed and decoded at a maximum rate of one instruction per clock. The address calculation function is pipelined and contains two stages, AC1 and AC2. If the instruction refers to a memory operand, AC1 calculates a linear memory address for the instruction. The AC2 stage performs any required memory management functions, cache accesses, and register file accesses. If a floating point instruction is detected by AC2, the instruction is sent to the floating point unit for processing. The execution stage, under control of microcode, executes instructions using the operands provided by the address calculation stage. Write-back, the last stage of the integer unit, updates the register file within the integer unit or writes to the load/store unit within the memory management unit. 2.2 Floating Point Unit The floating point unit (FPU) interfaces to the integer unit and the cache unit through a 64-bit bus. The FPU is x87instruction-set compatible and adheres to the IEEE-754 standard. Because almost all applications that contain FPU instructions also contain integer instructions, the GX1 processor’s FPU achieves high performance by completing integer and FPU operations in parallel. 2.4 Write-Back Cache Unit Memory Management Unit The memory management unit (MMU) translates the linear address supplied by the integer unit into a physical address to be used by the cache unit and the internal bus interface unit. Memory management procedures are x86-compatible, adhering to standard paging mechanisms. The MMU also contains a load/store unit that is responsible for scheduling cache and external memory accesses. The load/store unit incorporates two performance-enhancing features: • Load-store reordering that gives memory reads required by the integer unit a priority over writes to external memory. • Memory-read bypassing that eliminates unnecessary memory reads by using valid data from the execution unit. 2.5 Internal Bus Interface Unit The internal bus interface unit provides a bridge from the GX1 processor to the integrated system functions (i.e., memory subsystem, display controller, graphics pipeline) and the PCI bus interface. When external memory access is required, the physical address is calculated by the memory management unit and then passed to the internal bus interface unit, which translates the cycle to an X-Bus cycle (the X-Bus is a proprietary internal bus which provides a common interface for all of the integrated functions). The X-Bus memory cycle is arbitrated between other pending X-Bus memory requests to the SDRAM controller before completing. In addition, the internal bus interface unit provides configuration control for up to 20 different regions within system memory with separate controls for read access, write access, cacheability, and PCI access. FPU instructions are dispatched to the pipeline within the integer unit. The address calculation stage of the pipeline checks for memory management exceptions and accesses memory operands for use by the FPU. Once the instruc- 16 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Architecture Overview 2.6 Integrated Functions The GX1 processor integrates the following functions traditionally implemented using external devices: • High-performance 2D graphics accelerator • Separate CRT and TFT control from the display controller • SDRAM memory controller • PCI bridge The processor has also been enhanced to support VSA technology implementation. The GX1 processor implements a Unified Memory Architecture (UMA). By using DCT (Display Compression Technology) architecture, the performance degradation inherent in traditional UMA systems is eliminated. 2.6.2 The display port is a direct interface to the Geode CS5530A companion device which drives a TFT flat panel display, LCD panel, or a CRT display. The display controller (video generator) retrieves image data from the frame buffer, performs a color-look-up if required, inserts the cursor overlay into the pixel stream, generates display timing, and formats the pixel data for output to a variety of display devices. The display controller contains DCT architecture that allows the GX1 processor to refresh the display from a compressed copy of the frame buffer. DCT architecture typically decreases the screen refresh bandwidth requirement by a factor of 15 to 20, minimizing bandwidth contention. 2.6.3 2.6.1 Graphics Accelerator The graphics accelerator is a full-featured GUI accelerator. The graphics pipeline implements a bitBLT engine for frame buffer bitBLTs and rectangular fills. Additional instructions in the integer unit may be processed, as the bitBLT engine assists the CPU in the bitBLT operations that take place between system memory and the frame buffer. This combination of hardware and software is used by the display driver to provide very fast bidirectional transfers between system memory and the frame buffer. The bitBLT engine also draws randomly oriented vectors, and scanlines for polygon fill. All of the pipeline operations described in the following list can be applied to any bitBLT operation. • Pattern Memory: Render with 8x8 dither, 8x8 monochrome, or 8x1 color pattern. • Color Expansion: Expand monochrome bitmaps to full depth 8- or 16-bit colors. • Transparency: Suppresses drawing of background pixels for transparent text. • Raster Operations: Boolean operation combines source, destination, and pattern bitmaps. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Display Controller XpressRAM™ Memory Subsystem The memory controller drives a 64-bit SDRAM port directly. The SDRAM memory array contains both the main system memory and the graphics frame buffer. Up to four module banks of SDRAM are supported. Each module bank can have two or four component banks depending on the memory size and organization. The maximum configuration is four module banks with four component banks, each providing a total of 16 open banks. The maximum memory size is 512 MB. The memory controller handles multiple requests for memory data from the GX1 processor, the graphics accelerator and the display controller. The memory controller contains extensive buffering logic that helps minimize contention for memory bandwidth between graphics and CPU requests. The memory controller cooperates with the internal bus controller to determine the cacheability of all memory references. 2.6.4 PCI Controller The GX1 processor incorporates a full-function PCI interface module that includes the PCI arbiter. All accesses to external I/O devices are sent over the PCI bus, although most memory accesses are serviced by the SDRAM controller. The internal bus interface unit contains address mapping logic that determines if memory accesses are targeted for the SDRAM or for the PCI bus. The PCI bus in a GX1 based system is 3.3 volt only. Do not connect 5 volt devices on this bus. 17 Revision 5.0 2.7 Architecture Overview AMD Geode™ GX1/CS5530A System Designs A GX1 processor and Geode CS5530A companion device based design provides high performance using 32-bit x86 processing. The two chips integrate video, audio, and memory interface functions normally performed by external hardware. The CS5530A enables the full features of the GX1 processor with MMX support. These features include full VGA and VESA video, 16-bit stereo sound, IDE interface, ISA interface, SMM power management, and IBM’s AT compatibility logic. In addition, the CS5530A provides an Ultra DMA/33 interface, MPEG1 assist, and AC97 V2.0 compliant audio. Figure 2-2 shows a basic block system diagram. Figures 23 and 2-4 show the signal connections between the GX1 processor and the CS5530A. MD[63:0] SDRAM Port SDRAM YUV Port (Video) AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Clocks Serial Packet USB (2 Ports) RGB Port (Graphics) CRT PCI Interface 3.3V PCI Bus TFT Panel Speakers Graphics Data CD ROM Audio AC97 Codec Microphone GPIO Video Data Analog RGB Digital RGB AMD Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device 14.31818 MHz Crystal DC-DC & Battery IDE Control Super I/O BIOS IDE Devices ISA Bus Figure 2-2. Geode™ GX1/CS5530A System Block Diagram 18 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Architecture Overview Exclusive Interconnect Signals (Do not connect to any other device) AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor PIXEL[17:0] (Note) FP_HSYNC FP_VSYNC ENA_DISP VID_VAL VID_CLK VID_DATA[7:0] VID_RDY RESET INTR Nonexclusive Interconnect Signals (May also connect to other 3.3V circuitry) Note: PSERIAL IRQ13 SMI# PCLK DCLK HSYNC VSYNC SERIALP IRQ13 SMI# PCLK DCLK CRT_HSYNC CRT_VSYNC SUSP# SUSPA# AD[31:0] C/BE[3:0]# PAR FRAME# IRDY# TRDY# STOP# LOCK# DEVSEL# PERR# SERR# REQ0# GNT0# PIXEL[23:0] FP_HSYNC Not needed if FP_VSYNC CRT only (no TFT) ENA_DISP VID_VAL VID_CLK VID_DATA[7:0] VID_RDY AMD Geode™ CPU_RST INTR CS5530A SUSP# SUSPA# AD[31:0] C/BE[3:0]# PAR FRAME# IRDY# TRDY# STOP# LOCK# DEVSEL# PERR# SERR# REQ# GNT# Companion Device Refer to Figure 2-4 for interconnection of the pixel lines. Figure 2-3. Geode™ GX1/CS5530A Signal Connections AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 19 Revision 5.0 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor R Architecture Overview PIXEL17 PIXEL23 PIXEL16 PIXEL22 PIXEL15 PIXEL21 PIXEL14 PIXEL20 PIXEL13 PIXEL19 PIXEL12 PIXEL18 AMD Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device PIXEL17 PIXEL16 G PIXEL11 PIXEL15 PIXEL10 PIXEL14 PIXEL9 PIXEL13 PIXEL8 PIXEL12 PIXEL7 PIXEL11 PIXEL6 PIXEL10 PIXEL9 PIXEL8 B PIXEL5 PIXEL7 PIXEL4 PIXEL6 PIXEL3 PIXEL5 PIXEL2 PIXEL4 PIXEL1 PIXEL3 PIXEL0 PIXEL2 PIXEL1 PIXEL0 Figure 2-4. PIXEL Signal Connections 20 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Signal Definitions Revision 5.0 3.0Signal Definitions This section describes the external interface of the AMD Geode™ GX1 processor. Figure 3-1 shows the signals organized by their functional interface groups (internal test and electrical pins are not shown). System Interface Signals SYSCLK CLKMODE[2:0] RESET INTR IRQ13 SMI# SUSP# SUSPA# SERIALP PCI Interface Signals AD[31:0] C/BE[3:0]# PAR FRAME# IRDY# TRDY# STOP# LOCK# DEVSEL# PERR# SERR# REQ[2:0]# GNT[2:0]# AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor MD[63:0] MA[12:0] BA[1:0] RASA#, RASB# CASA#, CASB# CS[3:0]# WEA#, WEB# DQM[7:0] CKEA, CKEB SDCLK[3:0] SDCLK_IN SDCLK_OUT PCLK VID_CLK DCLK CRT_HSYNC CRT_VSYNC FP_HSYNC FP_VSYNC ENA_DISP VID_RDY VID_VAL VID_DATA[7:0] PIXEL[17:0] Memory Controller Interface Signals Video Interface Signals Figure 3-1. Functional Block Diagram AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 21 Revision 5.0 3.1 Pin Assignments The tables in this section use several common abbreviations. Table 3-1 lists the mnemonics and their meanings. Figure 3-2 shows the pin assignment for the 352 EBGA with Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 listing the pin assignments sorted by pin number and alphabetically by signal name, respectively. In Section 3.2 "Signal Descriptions" on page 28 a description of each signal is provided within its associated functional group. 22 Signal Definitions Table 3-1. Pin Type Definitions Mnemonic Definition I Standard input pin. I/O Bidirectional pin. O Totem-pole output. OD Open-drain output structure that allows multiple devices to share the pin in a wired-OR configuration. PU Pull-up resistor. PD Pull-down resistor. s/t/s Sustained TRI-STATE, an active-low TRI-STATE signal owned and driven by one and only one agent at a time. The agent that drives an s/t/s pin low must drive it high for at least one clock before letting it float. A new agent cannot start driving an s/t/s signal any sooner than one clock after the previous owner lets it float. A pull-up resistor on the motherboard is required to sustain the inactive state until another agent drives it. t/s TRI-STATE signal. VCC (PWR) Power pin. VSS (GND) Ground pin. # The "#" symbol at the end of a signal name indicates that the active, or asserted state occurs when the signal is at a low voltage level. When "#" is not present after the signal name, the signal is asserted when at a high voltage level. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions Index Corner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VSS VSS AD27 AD24 AD21 AD16 VCC2 FRAM#DEVS# VCC3 PERR# AD15 VSS VSS AD28 AD25 AD22 AD18 VCC2 CBE2# TRDY# VCC3 LOCK# PAR 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VCC2 AD4 AD2 VCC3 AD0 22 23 24 25 26 AD1 TEST2 MD2 VSS VSS VSS VSS A A VSS AD11 CBE0# AD6 B B AD14 AD12 AD9 AD7 VCC2 INTR AD3 VCC3 TEST1 TEST3 MD1 MD33 AD17 IRDY# VCC3 STOP# SERR# CBE1# AD13 AD10 AD8 VCC2 AD5 SMI# VCC3 TEST0 IRQ13 MD32 MD34 MD3 MD35 VSS VCC2 VSS VSS C C AD29 AD31 AD30 AD26 AD23 AD19 VCC2 GNT0# TDI REQ2# VSS CBE3# VSS VCC2 D D VSS VSS VCC3 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VCC3 VSS MD0 VSS MD4 MD36 TDP E E GNT2#SUSPA#REQ0# AD20 MD6 TDN MD5 MD37 F F TD0 GNT1# TEST VSS VSS MD38 MD7 MD39 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 TMS SUSP# REQ1# VSS VSS MD8 MD40 MD9 FPVSY TCLK RESET VSS VSS MD41 MD10 MD42 VCC2 VCC2 VSS MD11 MD43 MD12 VSS MD44 MD13 MD45 G G VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 H H J J K K VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor L CKM1 FPHSYSERLP VSS M VCC2 VCC2 L M CKM2 VIDVAL CKM0 VSS PIX1 PIX0 VSS VSS MD14 MD46 MD15 VIDCLK PIX3 PIX2 VSS VSS MD47 CASA#SYSCLK VSS WEB# WEA# CASB# VSS DQM0 DQM4 DQM1 N VSS N P P R R PIX4 PIX5 PIX6 VSS PIX7 PIX8 PIX9 VSS VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 PIX10 PIX11 PIX12 VSS VSS PIX13CRTHSYPIX14 VSS VSS RASA# RASB# MA0 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 PIX15 PIX16CRTVSY VSS VSS MA1 MA2 MA3 DCLK PIX17 VDAT6 VDAT7 MA4 MA5 MA6 MA7 VSS MA8 MA9 MA10 VRDY VDAT5 VDAT3 VDAT0 EDISP MD63 VCC2 MD62 MD29 VCC3 MD59 MD26 MD56 MD55 MD22 CKEB VCC2 MD51 MD18 VCC3 MD48 DQM3 CS1# MA11 BA0 BA1 352 EBGA - Top View T T U U VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 V V DQM5 CS2# CS0# W W Y Y VCC2 VCC2 AA AA AB AB AC AC PCLK FLT# VDAT4 VSS NC VSS VCC2 VSS VSS VCC3 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VCC2 VSS VSS VCC3 VSS DQM6 AD AD AE AE VSS VSS VDAT2 SCLK3 SCLK1RWCLK VCC2 SCKIN MD61 VCC3 MD28 MD58 MD25 MD24 MD54 MD21 VCC2 MD20 MD50 VCC3 MD17 DQM7 CS3# MA12 VSS VSS VSS VSS VDAT1 SCLK0 SCLK2 MD31 VCC2 SCKOUTMD30 VCC3 MD60 MD27 MD57 VSS VSS 25 26 AF AF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 VSS 14 MD23 MD53 VCC2 MD52 MD19 VCC3 MD49 MD16 DQM2 CKEA 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Note: Signal names have been abbreviated in this figure due to space constraints. = GND terminal = PWR terminal (VCC2 = VCC_CORE; VCC3 = VCC_IO) Figure 3-2. 352 EBGA Pin Assignment Diagram (For order information, refer to Section A.1 "Order Information" on page 231.) AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 23 Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions Table 3-2. 352 EBGA Pin Assignments - Sorted by Pin Number Pin No. 24 Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name A1 VSS B23 MD1 D19 VSS K1 VCC2 T1 PIXEL7 A2 VSS B24 MD33 D20 VCC3 K2 VCC2 T2 PIXEL8 A3 AD27 B25 VSS D21 VSS K3 VCC2 T3 PIXEL9 A4 AD24 B26 VSS D22 MD0 K4 VCC2 T4 VSS A5 AD21 C1 AD29 D23 VSS K23 VCC2 T23 VSS A6 AD16 C2 AD31 D24 MD4 K24 VCC2 T24 DQM0 A7 VCC2 C3 AD30 D25 MD36 K25 VCC2 T25 DQM4 A8 FRAME# C4 AD26 D26 TDP K26 VCC2 T26 DQM1 A9 DEVSEL# C5 AD23 E1 GNT2# L1 CLKMODE1 U1 VCC3 A10 VCC3 C6 AD19 E2 SUSPA# L2 FP_HSYNC U2 VCC3 A11 PERR# C7 VCC2 E3 REQ0# L3 SERIALP U3 VCC3 A12 AD15 C8 AD17 A13 VSS C9 IRDY# L4 VSS U4 VCC3 E23 MD6 L23 VSS U23 VCC3 E4 AD20 A14 AD11 C10 VCC3 E24 TDN L24 MD11 U24 VCC3 A15 C/BE0# C11 STOP# E25 MD5 L25 MD43 U25 VCC3 A16 AD6 C12 SERR# E26 MD37 L26 MD12 U26 VCC3 A17 VCC2 C13 C/BE1# F1 TDO M1 CLKMODE2 V1 PIXEL10 A18 AD4 C14 AD13 F2 GNT1# M2 VID_VAL V2 PIXEL11 A19 AD2 C15 AD10 F3 TEST M3 CLKMODE0 V3 PIXEL12 A20 VCC3 C16 AD8 F4 VSS M4 VSS V4 VSS A21 AD0 C17 VCC2 F23 VSS M23 VSS V23 VSS A22 AD1 C18 AD5 F24 MD38 M24 MD44 V24 DQM5 A23 TEST2 C19 SMI# F25 MD7 M25 MD13 V25 CS2# A24 MD2 C20 VCC3 F26 MD39 M26 MD45 V26 CS0# A25 VSS C21 TEST0 G1 VCC3 N1 VSS W1 PIXEL13 A26 VSS C22 IRQ13 G2 VCC3 N2 PIXEL1 W2 CRT_HSYNC B1 VSS C23 MD32 G3 VCC3 N3 PIXEL0 W3 PIXEL14 B2 VSS C24 MD34 G4 VCC3 N4 VSS W4 VSS B3 AD28 C25 MD3 G23 VCC3 N23 VSS W23 VSS B4 AD25 C26 MD35 G24 VCC3 N24 MD14 W24 RASA# B5 AD22 D1 GNT0# G25 VCC3 N25 MD46 W25 RASB# B6 AD18 D2 TDI G26 VCC3 N26 MD15 W26 MA0 B7 VCC2 D3 REQ2# H1 TMS P1 VID_CLK Y1 VCC2 B8 C/BE2# D4 VSS H2 SUSP# P2 PIXEL3 Y2 VCC2 B9 TRDY# D5 C/BE3# H3 REQ1# P3 PIXEL2 Y3 VCC2 B10 VCC3 D6 VSS H4 VSS P4 VSS Y4 VCC2 B11 LOCK# D7 VCC2 H23 VSS P23 VSS Y23 VCC2 B12 PAR D8 VSS H24 MD8 P24 MD47 Y24 VCC2 B13 AD14 D9 VSS H25 MD40 P25 CASA# Y25 VCC2 B14 AD12 D10 VCC3 H26 MD9 P26 SYSCLK B15 AD9 D11 VSS J1 FP_VSYNC R1 PIXEL4 AA1 PIXEL15 B16 AD7 D12 VSS J2 TCLK R2 PIXEL5 AA2 PIXEL16 B17 VCC2 D13 VSS J3 RESET R3 PIXEL6 AA3 CRT_VSYNC B18 INTR D14 VSS J4 VSS R4 VSS AA4 VSS B19 AD3 D15 VSS J23 VSS R23 VSS AA23 VSS B20 VCC3 D16 VSS J24 MD41 R24 WEB# AA24 MA1 B21 TEST1 D17 VCC2 J25 MD10 R25 WEA# AA25 MA2 B22 TEST3 D18 VSS J26 MD42 R26 CASB# AA26 MA3 Y26 VCC2 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions Table 3-2. Pin No. Signal Name 352 EBGA Pin Assignments - Sorted by Pin Number (Continued) Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name AB1 DCLK AC16 VSS AD13 MD56 AE10 VCC3 AF7 VCC2 AB2 PIXEL17 AC17 VCC2 AD14 MD55 AE11 MD28 AF8 SDCLK_OUT AB3 VID_DATA6 AC18 VSS AD15 MD22 AE12 MD58 AF9 MD30 AB4 VID_DATA7 AC19 VSS AD16 CKEB AE13 MD25 AB23 MA4 AC20 VCC3 AD17 VCC2 AE14 MD24 AF11 MD60 AB24 MA5 AC21 VSS AD18 MD51 AE15 MD54 AF12 MD27 AB25 MA6 AC22 DQM6 AD19 MD18 AE16 MD21 AF13 MD57 AB26 MA7 AF10 VCC3 AC23 VSS AD20 VCC3 AE17 VCC2 AF14 VSS AC1 PCLK AC24 MA8 AD21 MD48 AE18 MD20 AF15 MD23 AC2 FLT# AC25 MA9 AD22 DQM3 AE19 MD50 AF16 MD53 AC3 VID_DATA4 AC26 MA10 AD23 CS1# AE20 VCC3 AF17 VCC2 AC4 VSS AD1 VID_RDY AD24 MA11 AE21 MD17 AF18 MD52 AC5 NC AD2 VID_DATA5 AD25 BA0 AE22 DQM7 AF19 MD19 AC6 VSS AD3 VID_DATA3 AD26 BA1 AE23 CS3# AF20 VCC3 AC7 VCC2 AD4 VID_DATA0 AE1 VSS AE24 MA12 AF21 MD49 AC8 VSS AD5 ENA_DISP AE2 VSS AE25 VSS AF22 MD16 AC9 VSS AD6 MD63 AE3 VID_DATA2 AE26 VSS AF23 DQM2 AC10 VCC3 AD7 VCC2 AE4 SDCLK3 AF1 VSS AF24 CKEA AC11 VSS AD8 MD62 AE5 SDCLK1 AF2 VSS AF25 VSS AD9 MD29 AF26 VSS AC12 VSS AE6 RW_CLK AF3 VID_DATA1 AD10 VCC3 AE7 VCC2 AF4 SDCLK0 AC14 VSS AD11 MD59 AE8 SDCLK_IN AF5 SDCLK2 AC15 VSS AD12 MD26 AE9 MD61 AF6 MD31 AC13 VSS AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 25 Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions Table 3-3. 352 EBGA Pin Assignments - Sorted Alphabetically by Signal Name Type Pin No.1 Type Pin No.1 AD0 I/O A21 AD1 I/O A22 DQM0 O T24 DQM1 O T26 AD2 I/O A19 DQM2 O AD3 I/O B19 DQM3 AD4 I/O A18 AD5 I/O AD6 AD7 AD8 Signal Name Type Pin No.1 MD20 I/O AE18 MD21 I/O AE16 AF23 MD22 I/O O AD22 MD23 DQM4 O T25 C18 DQM5 O I/O A16 DQM6 I/O B16 DQM7 I/O C16 ENA_DISP Signal Name Type Pin No.1 PIXEL5 O R2 PIXEL6 O R3 AD15 PIXEL7 O T1 I/O AF15 PIXEL8 O T2 MD24 I/O AE14 PIXEL9 O T3 V24 MD25 I/O AE13 PIXEL10 O V1 O AC22 MD26 I/O AD12 PIXEL11 O V2 O AE22 MD27 I/O AF12 PIXEL12 O V3 O AD5 MD28 I/O AE11 PIXEL13 O W1 Signal Name Signal Name AD9 I/O B15 FLT# I AC2 MD29 I/O AD9 PIXEL14 O W3 AD10 I/O C15 FP_HSYNC O L2 MD30 I/O AF9 PIXEL15 O AA1 AD11 I/O A14 FP_VSYNC AA2 AD12 I/O B14 FRAME# AD13 I/O C14 AD14 I/O AD15 I/O AD16 AD17 O J1 MD31 I/O AF6 PIXEL16 O s/t/s A8 (PU) MD32 I/O C23 PIXEL17 O AB2 GNT0# O D1 MD33 I/O B24 RASA# O W24 B13 GNT1# O F2 MD34 I/O C24 RASB# O W25 A12 GNT2# O E1 MD35 I/O C26 REQ0# I E3 (PU) I/O A6 INTR I B18 MD36 I/O D25 REQ1# I H3 (PU) I/O C8 IRDY# s/t/s C9 (PU) MD37 I/O E26 REQ2# I D3 (PU) AD18 I/O B6 IRQ13 O C22 MD38 I/O F24 RESET I J3 AD19 I/O C6 LOCK# s/t/s B11 (PU) MD39 I/O F26 RW_CLK O AE6 AD20 I/O E4 MA0 O W26 MD40 I/O H25 SDCLK_IN I AE8 AD21 I/O A5 MA1 O AA24 MD41 I/O J24 SDCLK_OUT O AF8 AD22 I/O B5 MA2 O AA25 MD42 I/O J26 SDCLK0 O AF4 AD23 I/O C5 MA3 O AA26 MD43 I/O L25 SDCLK1 O AE5 AD24 I/O A4 MA4 O AB23 MD44 I/O M24 SDCLK2 O AF5 AD25 I/O B4 MA5 O AB24 MD45 I/O M26 SDCLK3 O AE4 AD26 I/O C4 MA6 O AB25 MD46 I/O N25 SERIALP AD27 I/O A3 MA7 O AB26 MD47 I/O P24 SERR# AD28 I/O B3 MA8 O AC24 MD48 I/O AD21 SMI# AD29 I/O C1 MA9 O AC25 MD49 I/O AF21 STOP# AD30 I/O C3 MA10 O AC26 MD50 I/O AE19 AD31 I/O C2 MA11 O AD24 MD51 I/O AD18 BA0 O AD25 MA12 O AE24 MD52 I/O BA1 O AD26 MD0 I/O D22 MD53 CASA# O P25 MD1 I/O B23 MD54 CASB# O R26 MD2 I/O A24 C/BE0# I/O A15 MD3 I/O C25 C/BE1# I/O C13 MD4 I/O C/BE2# I/O B8 MD5 C/BE3# I/O D5 MD6 CKEA O AF24 CKEB O CLKMODE0 CLKMODE1 O L3 OD C12 (PU) I C19 s/t/s C11 (PU) SUSP# I H2 (PU) SUSPA# O E2 AF18 SYSCLK I P26 I/O AF16 TCLK I J2 (PU) I/O AE15 TDI I D2 (PU) MD55 I/O AD14 TDN O E24 MD56 I/O AD13 TDO O F1 D24 MD57 I/O AF13 TDP O D26 I/O E25 MD58 I/O AE12 TEST I F3 (PD) I/O E23 MD59 I/O AD11 TEST0 O C21 MD7 I/O F25 MD60 I/O AF11 TEST1 O B21 AD16 MD8 I/O H24 MD61 I/O AE9 TEST2 O A23 I M3 MD9 I/O H26 MD62 I/O AD8 TEST3 O B22 I L1 MD10 I/O J25 MD63 I/O AD6 TMS I H1 (PU) B9 (PU) CLKMODE2 I M1 MD11 I/O L24 NC -- AC5 TRDY# s/t/s CRT_HSYNC O W2 MD12 I/O L26 PAR I/O B12 VCC2 PWR A7 CRT_VSYNC O AA3 MD13 I/O M25 PCLK O AC1 VCC2 PWR A17 CS0# O V26 MD14 I/O N24 PERR# s/t/s A11 (PU) VCC2 PWR B7 CS1# O AD23 MD15 I/O N26 PIXEL0 O N3 VCC2 PWR B17 CS2# O V25 MD16 I/O AF22 PIXEL1 O N2 VCC2 PWR C7 CS3# O AE23 MD17 I/O AE21 PIXEL2 O P3 VCC2 PWR C17 I AB1 MD18 I/O AD19 PIXEL3 O P2 VCC2 PWR D7 s/t/s A9 (PU) MD19 I/O AF19 PIXEL4 O R1 VCC2 PWR D17 DCLK DEVSEL# 26 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions Table 3-3. 352 EBGA Pin Assignments - Sorted Alphabetically by Signal Name (Continued) Signal Name Type Pin No.1 Signal Name Type Pin No.1 Signal Name Type Pin No.1 Signal Name Type Pin No.1 VCC2 PWR K1 VCC3 PWR G25 VSS GND B26 VSS GND V23 VCC2 PWR K2 VCC3 PWR G26 VSS GND D4 VSS GND W4 VCC2 PWR K3 VCC3 PWR U1 D6 W23 K4 VCC3 PWR U2 VSS GND PWR VSS GND VCC2 GND D8 AA4 PWR K23 VCC3 PWR U3 VSS GND VCC2 VSS GND D9 AA23 PWR K24 VCC3 PWR U4 VSS GND VCC2 VSS VCC2 PWR K25 VCC3 PWR U23 VSS GND D11 VSS GND AC4 VCC2 PWR K26 VCC3 PWR U24 VSS GND D12 VSS GND AC6 VCC2 PWR VCC3 PWR U25 VSS GND D13 VSS GND AC8 VCC2 PWR VCC3 PWR U26 VSS GND D14 VSS GND AC9 GND D15 VSS GND AC11 Y1 Y2 VCC2 PWR Y3 VCC3 PWR AC10 VSS VCC2 PWR Y4 VCC3 PWR AC20 VSS GND D16 VSS GND AC12 VCC2 PWR Y23 VCC3 PWR AD10 VSS GND D18 VSS GND AC13 VCC2 PWR Y24 VCC3 PWR AD20 VSS GND D19 VSS GND AC14 VCC2 PWR Y25 VCC3 PWR AE10 VSS GND D21 VSS GND AC15 VCC2 PWR Y26 VCC3 PWR AE20 D23 AC16 AC7 VCC3 PWR AF10 VSS GND PWR VSS GND VCC2 GND F4 AC18 PWR AC17 VCC3 PWR AF20 VSS GND VCC2 VSS GND F23 AC19 PWR AD7 VID_CLK O P1 VSS GND VCC2 VSS VCC2 PWR AD17 VID_DATA0 O AD4 VSS GND H4 VSS GND AC21 VCC2 PWR AE7 VID_DATA1 O AF3 VSS GND H23 VSS GND AC23 VCC2 PWR AE3 VSS GND J4 VSS GND AE1 VCC2 PWR AD3 VSS GND J23 VSS GND AE2 GND L4 VSS GND AE25 AE17 AF7 VID_DATA2 VID_DATA3 O O VCC2 PWR AF17 VID_DATA4 O AC3 VSS VCC3 PWR A10 VID_DATA5 O AD2 VSS GND L23 VSS GND AE26 VCC3 PWR A20 VID_DATA6 O AB3 VSS GND M4 VSS GND AF1 VCC3 PWR B10 VID_DATA7 O AB4 VSS GND M23 VSS GND AF2 VCC3 PWR B20 VID_RDY I AD1 VSS GND N1 VSS GND AF14 VCC3 PWR C10 VID_VAL O M2 N4 AF25 C20 VSS GND A1 VSS GND PWR VSS GND VCC3 GND N23 AF26 PWR D10 VSS GND A2 VSS GND VCC3 VSS GND P4 WEA# O R25 VCC3 PWR D20 A13 P23 R24 G1 GND O PWR A25 VCC3 PWR G2 VSS GND VSS WEB# VCC3 VSS GND VSS GND R4 GND A26 VSS VCC3 PWR G3 VSS GND R23 VCC3 PWR G4 VSS GND B1 VSS GND T4 GND B2 VSS VSS GND T23 VSS GND B25 VSS VSS GND V4 VCC3 PWR G23 VCC3 PWR G24 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 1. PU/PD indicates pin is internally connected to a weak (> 20-kohm) pull-up/-down resistor. 27 Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions 3.2 Signal Descriptions 3.2.1 System Interface Signals Signal Name SYSCLK EBGA Pin No. Type P26 I Description System Clock PCI clock is connected to SYSCLK. The internal clock of the GX1 processor is generated by a proprietary patented frequency synthesis circuit which multiplies the SYSCLK input up to ten times. The SYSCLK to core clock multiplier is configured using the CLKMODE[2:0] inputs. The SYSCLK input is a fixed frequency which can only be stopped or varied when the GX1 processor is in full 3V Suspend. (See Section 6.1.4 "3 Volt Suspend" on page 168 for details regarding this mode.) CLKMODE[2:0] M1, L1, M3 I Clock Mode These signals are used to set the core clock multiplier. The PCI clock “SYSCLK” is multiplied by the value set by CLKMODE[2:0] to generate the GX1 processor’s core clock. CLKMODE[2:0]: 000 = SYSCLK multiplied by 4 (Test mode only) 001 = SYSCLK multiplied by 10 010 = SYSCLK multiplied by 9 011 = SYSCLK multiplied by 5 100 = SYSCLK multiplied by 4 101 = SYSCLK multiplied by 6 110 = SYSCLK multiplied by 7 111 = SYSCLK multiplied by 8 RESET J3 I Reset RESET aborts all operations in progress and places the GX1 processor into a reset state. RESET forces the CPU and peripheral functions to begin executing at a known state. All data in the on-chip cache is invalidated upon RESET. RESET is an asynchronous input but must meet specified setup and hold times to guarantee recognition at a particular clock edge. This input is typically generated during the Power-On-Reset sequence. INTR B18 I (Maskable) Interrupt Request INTR is a level-sensitive input that causes the GX1 processor to suspend execution of the current instruction stream and begin execution of an interrupt service routine. The INTR input can be masked through the EFLAGS register IF bit. (See Table 4-4 on page 43 for bit definitions.) IRQ13 C22 O Interrupt Request Level 13 IRQ13 is asserted if an on-chip floating point error occurs. When a floating point error occurs, the GX1 processor asserts the IRQ13 pin. The floating point interrupt handler then performs an OUT instruction to I/O address F0h or F1h. The GX1 processor accepts either of these cycles and clears the IRQ13 pin. Refer to Section 4.4.1 "I/O Address Space" on page 60 for further information on IN/OUT instructions. SMI# C19 I System Management Interrupt SMI# is a level-sensitive interrupt. SMI# puts the GX1 processor into System Management Mode (SMM). 28 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions 3.2.1 System Interface Signals (Continued) Signal Name SUSP# EBGA Pin No. Type H2 (PU) I Description Suspend Request This signal is used to request that the GX1 processor enter Suspend mode. After recognition of an active SUSP# input, the processor completes execution of the current instruction, any pending decoded instructions and associated bus cycles. SUSP# is enabled by setting the USE_SUSP bit in CCR2 (Index C2h[7]), and is ignored following RESET. (See Table 4-11 on page 49 for bit definition.) Since the GX1 processor includes system logic functions as well as the CPU core, there are special modes designed to support the different power management states associated with APM, ACPI, and portable designs. The part can be configured to stop only the CPU core clocks, or all clocks. When all clocks are stopped, the external clock can also be stopped. (See Section 6.0 "Power Management" on page 167 for more details regarding power management states.) This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. SUSPA# E2 O Suspend Acknowledge Suspend Acknowledge indicates that the GX1 processor has entered lowpower Suspend mode as a result of SUSP# assertion or execution of a HALT instruction. (The GX1 enters Suspend mode following execution of a HALT instruction if the SUSP_HLT bit in CCR2, Index C2h[3], is set.) SUSPA# floats following RESET and is enabled by setting the USE_SUSP bit in CCR2 (Index C2h[7]). (See Table 4-11 on page 49 for bit definitions.) The SYSCLK input may be stopped after SUSPA# has been asserted to further reduce power consumption if the system is configured for 3V Suspend mode. (see Section 6.1.4 "3 Volt Suspend" on page 168 for details regarding this mode). SERIALP L3 O Serial Packet Serial Packet is the single wire serial-transmission signal to the CS5530A chip. The clock used for this interface is SYSCLK. This interface carries packets of miscellaneous information to the chipset to be used by the VSA technology software handlers. 3.2.2 PCI Interface Signals Signal Name FRAME# EBGA Pin No. A8 (PU) Type Description s/t/s Frame FRAME# is driven by the current master to indicate the beginning and duration of an access. FRAME# is asserted to indicate a bus transaction is beginning. While FRAME# is asserted, data transfers continue. When FRAME# is deasserted, the transaction is in the final data phase. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 29 Revision 5.0 3.2.2 PCI Interface Signals (Continued) Signal Name IRDY# Signal Definitions EBGA Pin No. C9 (PU) Type Description s/t/s Initiator Ready IRDY# is asserted to indicate that the bus master is able to complete the current data phase of the transaction. IRDY# is used in conjunction with TRDY#. A data phase is completed on any SYSCLK in which both IRDY# and TRDY# are sampled asserted. During a write, IRDY# indicates valid data is present on AD[31:0]. During a read, it indicates the master is prepared to accept data. Wait cycles are inserted until both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted together. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. TRDY# B9 (PU) s/t/s Target Ready TRDY# is asserted to indicate that the target agent is able to complete the current data phase of the transaction. TRDY# is used in conjunction with IRDY#. A data phase is complete on any SYSCLK in which both TRDY# and IRDY# are sampled asserted. During a read, TRDY# indicates that valid data is present on AD[31:0]. During a write, it indicates the target is prepared to accept data. Wait cycles are inserted until both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted together. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. STOP# C11 (PU) s/t/s Target Stop STOP# is asserted to indicate that the current target is requesting the master to stop the current transaction. This signal is used with DEVSEL# to indicate retry, disconnect or target abort. If STOP# is sampled active while a master, FRAME# will be deasserted and the cycle will be stopped within three SYSCLKs. STOP# can be asserted in the following cases: • A PCI master tries to access memory that has been locked by another master. This condition is detected if FRAME# and LOCK# are asserted during an address phase. • The PCI write buffers are full or a previously buffered cycle has not completed. • Read cycles that cross cache line boundaries. This is conditional based upon the programming of the SDBE bit in PCI Control Function Register 2 (Index 41h[1]). (See Table 5-44 on page 162 for bit definition.) This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. AD[31:0] 30 Refer to Table 3-3 I/O Multiplexed Address and Data Addresses and data are multiplexed together on the same pins. A bus transaction consists of an address phase in the cycle in which FRAME# is asserted followed by one or more data phases. During the address phase, AD[31:0] contain a physical 32-bit address. During data phases, AD[7:0] contain the least significant byte (LSB) and AD[31:24] contain the most significant byte (MSB). Write data is stable and valid when IRDY# is asserted and read data is stable and valid when TRDY# is asserted. Data is transferred during the SYSCLK when both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions 3.2.2 PCI Interface Signals (Continued) Signal Name C/BE[3:0]# EBGA Pin No. D5, B8, C13, A15 Type I/O Description Multiplexed Command and Byte Enables C/BE# are the bus commands and byte enables. They are multiplexed together on the same PCI pins. During the address phase of a transaction when FRAME# is active, C/BE[3:0]# define the bus command. During the data phase C/BE[3:0]# are used as byte enables. The byte enables are valid for the entire data phase and determine which byte lanes carry meaningful data. C/BE0# applies to byte 0 (LSB) and C/BE3# applies to byte 3 (MSB). The command encoding and types are listed below. 0000 = Interrupt Acknowledge 0001 = Special Cycle 0010 = I/O Read 0011 = I/O Write 0100 = Reserved 0101 = Reserved 0110 = Memory Read 0111 = Memory Write 1000 = Reserved 1001 = Reserved 1010 = Configuration Read 1011 = Configuration Write 1100 = Memory Read Multiple 1101 = Dual Address Cycle (Reserved) 1110 = Memory Read Line 1111 = Memory Write and Invalidate PAR B12 I/O Parity PAR is used with AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0]# to generate even parity. Parity generation is required by all PCI agents: the master drives PAR for address and write-data phases, the target drives PAR for read-data phases. For address phases, PAR is stable and valid one SYSCLK after the address phase. For data phases, PAR is stable and valid one SYSCLK after either IRDY# is asserted on a write transaction or after TRDY# is asserted on a read transaction. Once PAR is valid, it remains valid until one SYSCLK after the completion of the data phase. (Also see PERR# description on page 32.) LOCK# B11 (PU) s/t/s Lock Operation LOCK# indicates an atomic operation that may require multiple transactions to complete. When LOCK# is asserted, nonexclusive transactions may proceed to an address that is not currently locked (at least 16 bytes must be locked). A grant to start a transaction on PCI does not guarantee control of LOCK#. Control of LOCK# is obtained under its own protocol in conjunction with GNT#. It is possible for different agents to use PCI while a single master retains ownership of LOCK#. The arbiter can implement a complete system lock. In this mode, if LOCK# is active, no other master can gain access to the system until the LOCK# is deasserted. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 31 Revision 5.0 3.2.2 Signal Definitions PCI Interface Signals (Continued) Signal Name DEVSEL# EBGA Pin No. A9 (PU) Type Description s/t/s Device Select DEVSEL# indicates that the driving device has decoded its address as the target of the current access. As an input, DEVSEL# indicates whether any device on the bus has been selected. DEVSEL# will also be driven by any agent that has the ability to accept cycles on a subtractive decode basis. As a master, if no DEVSEL# is detected within and up to the subtractive decode clock, a master abort cycle will result except for special cycles which do not expect a DEVSEL# returned. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. PERR# A11 (PU) s/t/s Parity Error PERR# is used for the reporting of data parity errors during all PCI transactions except a Special Cycle. The PERR# line is driven two SYSCLKs after the data in which the error was detected, which is one SYSCLK after the PAR that was attached to the data. The minimum duration of PERR# is one SYSCLK for each data phase in which a data parity error is detected. PERR# must be driven high for one SYSCLK before going to TRI-STATE. A target asserts PERR# on write cycles if it has claimed the cycle with DEVSEL#. The master asserts PERR# on read cycles. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. SERR# REQ[2:0]# C12 (PU) OD D3, H3, E3 (PU) I System Error SERR# may be asserted by any agent for reporting errors other than PCI parity. The intent is to have the PCI central agent assert NMI to the processor. When the PFS bit is set in the PCI Control Function 2 register (Index 41h[5], see Table 5-44 on page 160 for bit description), SERR# will be asserted upon PERR# asserting. Request Lines REQ# indicates to the arbiter that an agent desires use of the bus. Each master has its own REQ# line. REQ# priorities are based on the arbitration scheme chosen. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. GNT[2:0]# 32 E1, F2, D1 O Grant Lines GNT# indicates to the requesting master that it has been granted access to the bus. Each master has its own GNT# line. GNT# can be pulled away at any time a higher REQ# is received or if the master does not begin a cycle within a minimum period of time (16 SYSCLKs). A 10K pull-up resistor should be connected to each GNT# signal. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions 3.2.3 Memory Controller Interface Signals Signal Name MD[63:0] MA[12:0] EBGA Pin No. Type Refer to Table 3-3 I/O Refer to Table 3-3 O Description Memory Data Bus The data bus lines driven to/from system memory. Memory Address Bus The multiplexed row/column address lines driven to the system memory. Supports 256 MB SDRAM. BA[1:0] AD26, AD25 O CS[3:0]# AE23, V25, AD23, V26 O RASA#, RASB# W24, W25 O CASA#, CASB# P25, R26 O WEA#, WEB# R25, R24 O CKEA, CKEB AF24, AD16 O Refer to Table 3-3 O DQM[7:0] Bank Address Bits These bits are used to select the component bank within the SDRAM. Chip Selects The chip selects are used to select the module bank within the system memory. Each chip select corresponds to a specific module bank. If CS# is high, the bank(s) do not respond to RAS#, CAS#, WE# until the bank is selected again. Row Address Strobe RAS#, CAS#, WE# and CKE are encoded to support the different SDRAM commands. RASA# is used with CS[1:0]#. RASB# is used with CS[3:2]#. Column Address Strobe RAS#, CAS#, WE# and CKE are encoded to support the different SDRAM commands. CASA# is used with CS[1:0]#. CASB# is used with CS[3:2]#. Write Enable RAS#, CAS#, WE# and CKE are encoded to support the different SDRAM commands. WEA# is used with CS[1:0]#. WEB# is used with CS[3:2]#. Clock Enable For normal operation, CKE is held high. CKE goes low during SUSPEND. CKEA is used with CS[1:0]#. CKEB is used with CS[3:2]#. Data Mask Control Bits During memory read cycles, these outputs control whether the SDRAM output buffers are driven on the MD bus or not. All DQM signals are asserted during read cycles. During memory write cycles, these outputs control whether or not MD data will be written into the SDRAM. DQM[0] is associated with MD[7:0]. DQM[7] is associated with MD[63:56]. SDCLK[3:0] SDCLK_IN AE4, AF5, AE5, AF4 O AE8 I SDRAM Clocks The SDRAM devices sample all the control, address, and data based on these clocks. SDRAM Clock Input The GX1 processor samples the memory read data on this clock. Works in conjunction with the SDCLK_OUT signal. SDCLK_OUT AF8 O SDRAM Clock Output This output is routed back to SDCLK_IN. The board designer should vary the length of the board trace to control skew between SDCLK_IN and SDCLK. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 33 Revision 5.0 3.2.4 Signal Definitions Video Interface Signals Signal Name PCLK EBGA Pin No. Type AC1 O Description Pixel Port Clock PCLK is the pixel Dot Clock output. It clocks the pixel data from the GX1 processor to the CS5530A. VID_CLK P1 O Video Clock VID_CLK is the video port clock to the CS5530A. DCLK AB1 I Dot Clock The DCLK input is driven from the CS5530A and is the pixel Dot Clock. In some cases this clock can be a 2x multiple of PCLK CRT_HSYNC W2 O CRT Horizontal Sync CRT Horizontal Sync establishes the line rate and horizontal retrace interval for an attached CRT. The polarity is programmable via the CHSP bit in the DC_TIMING_CFG register (GX_BASE+8308h[8]) (See Table 5-29 on page 138 bit definition.) CRT_VSYNC AA3 O CRT Vertical Sync CRT Vertical Sync establishes the screen refresh rate and vertical retrace interval for an attached CRT. The polarity is programmable via the CVSP bit in the DC_TIMING_CFG register (GX_BASE+8308h[89]) (See Table 5-29 on page 138 bit definition.) FP_HSYNC L2 O Flat Panel Horizontal Sync Flat Panel Horizontal Sync establishes the line rate and horizontal retrace interval for a TFT display. Polarity is programmable via the FHSP bit in the DC_TIMING_CFG register (GX_BASE+8308h[10]) (See Table 5-29 on page 138 bit definition.) This signal is an input to the CS5530A. The CS5530A re-drives this signal to the flat panel. If no flat panel is used in the system, this signal is not connected. FP_VSYNC J1 O Flat Panel Vertical Sync Flat Panel Vertical Sync establishes the screen refresh rate and vertical retrace interval for a TFT display. Polarity is programmable via the FVSP bit in the DC_TIMING_CFG register (GX_BASE+8308h[11]) (See Table 5-29 on page 138 bit definition.) This signal is an input to the CS5530A. The CS5530A re-drives this signal to the flat panel. If no flat panel is used in the system, this signal is not connected. ENA_DISP AD5 O Display Enable Display Enable indicates the active display portion of a scan line to the CS5530A. In a CS5530A-based system, this signal is required to be connected. VID_RDY AD1 I Video Ready This input signal indicates that the video FIFO in the CS5530A is ready to receive more data. VID_VAL M2 O Video Valid VID_VAL indicates that video data to the CS5530A is valid. 34 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Signal Definitions 3.2.4 Video Interface Signals (Continued) Signal Name VID_DATA[7:0] PIXEL[17:0] 3.2.5 VCC2 VCC3 NC Type Refer to Table 3-3 O Refer to Table 3-3 O Description Video Data Bus When the Video Port is enabled, this bus drives video (YUV or RGB 5:6:5) data synchronous to the VID_CLK output. Graphics Pixel Data Bus This bus drives graphics pixel data synchronous to the PCLK output. Power, Ground, and No Connect Signals Signal Name VSS EBGA Pin No. EBGA Pin No. Refer to Table 3-3 (Total of 71) Refer to Table 3-3 (Total of 32) Type Description Ground Connection GND 1.8V, 2.0V, or 2.2V (Nominal) Core Power Connection PWR Refer to Table 3-3 (Total of 32) 3.3V (Nominal) I/O Power Connection PWR AC5 -- No Connection A line designated as NC must be left disconnected. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 35 Revision 5.0 3.2.6 Signal Definitions Internal Test and Measurement Signals Signal Name FLT# EBGA Pin No. Type AC2 I Description Float Float forces the GX1 processor to float all outputs in the high-impedance state and to enter a power-down state. RW_CLK AE6 O Raw Clock This output is the GX1 processor clock. This debug signal can be used to verify clock operation. TEST[3:0] TCLK B22, A23, B21, C21 O J2 (PU) I SDRAM Test Outputs These outputs are used for internal debug only. Test Clock JTAG test clock. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. TDI D2 (PU) I F1 O Test Data Input JTAG serial test-data input. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. TDO Test Data Output JTAG serial test-data output. TMS H1 (PU) I Test Mode Select JTAG test-mode select. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up resistor. TEST F3 (PD) I Test Test-mode input. This pin is internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-down resistor. TDP D26 O Thermal Diode Positive TDP is the positive terminal of the thermal diode on the die. The diode is used to do thermal characterization of the device in a system. This signal works in conjunction with TDN. TDN E24 O Thermal Diode Negative TDN is the negative terminal of the thermal diode on the die. The diode is used to do thermal characterization of the device in a system. This signal works in conjunction with TDP. 36 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Processor Programming Revision 5.0 4.0Processor Programming This section describes the internal operations of the AMD Geode™ GX1 processor from a programmer’s point of view. It includes a description of the traditional “core” processing and FPU operations. The integrated functions are described in Section 5.0 "Integrated Functions" starting on page 37. The primary register sets within the processor core include: • Application Register Set • System Register Set • Model Specific Register Set The initialization of the major registers within the core are shown in Table 4-1. The integrated function sets are located in main memory space and include: • Internal Bus Interface Unit Register Set • Graphics Pipeline Register Set • Display Controller Register Set • Memory Controller Register Set • Power Management Register Set 4.1 Core Processor Initialization The GX1 processor is initialized when the RESET signal is asserted. The processor is placed in real mode and the registers listed in Table 4-1 are set to their initialized values. RESET invalidates and disables the CPU cache, and turns off paging. When RESET is asserted, the CPU terminates all local bus activity and all internal execution. While RESET is asserted the internal pipeline is flushed and no instruction execution or bus activity occurs. Approximately 150 to 250 external clock cycles after RESET is deasserted, the processor begins executing instructions at the top of physical memory (address location FFFFFFF0h). The actual number of clock cycles depends on the clock scaling in use. Also, before execution begins, an additional 220 clock cycles are needed when self-test is requested. Typically, an intersegment jump is placed at FFFFFFF0h. This instruction will force the processor to begin execution in the lowest 1 MB of address space. Table 4-1 lists the core registers and illustrates how they are initialized. Table 4-1. Initialized Core Register Controls Register Register Name Initialized Contents1 Comments EAX Accumulator xxxxxxxxh EBX Base xxxxxxxxh ECX Count xxxxxxxxh EDX Data xxxx 04 [DIR0]h EBP Base Pointer xxxxxxxxh ESI Source Index xxxxxxxxh EDI Destination Index xxxxxxxxh ESP Stack Pointer xxxxxxxxh EFLAGS Extended Flags 00000002h EIP Instruction Pointer 0000FFF0h ES Extra Segment 0000h Base address set to 00000000h. Limit set to FFFFh. CS Code Segment F000h Base address set to FFFF0000h. Limit set to FFFFh. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 00000000h indicates self-test passed. DIR0 = Device ID See Table 4-4 on page 43 for bit definitions. 37 Revision 5.0 Core Processor Initialization Table 4-1. Initialized Core Register Controls (Continued) Register Register Name Initialized Contents1 Comments SS Stack Segment 0000h Base address set to 00000000h. Limit set to FFFFh. DS Data Segment 0000h Base address set to 00000000h. Limit set to FFFFh. FS Extra Segment 0000h Base address set to 00000000h. Limit set to FFFFh. GS Extra Segment 0000h Base address set to 00000000h. Limit set to FFFFh. IDTR Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Base = 0, Limit = 3FFh GDTR Global Descriptor Table Register xxxxxxxxh LDTR Local Descriptor Table Register xxxxh TR Task Register xxxxh CR0 Control Register 0 60000010h See Table 4-7 on page 46 for bit definitions. CR2 Control Register 2 xxxxxxxxh See Table 4-7 on page 46 for bit definitions. CR3 Control Register 3 xxxxxxxxh See Table 4-7 on page 45 for bit definitions. CR4 Control Register 4 00000000h See Table 4-7 on page 45 for bit definitions. CCR1 Configuration Control 1 00h See Table 4-11 on page 49 for bit definitions. CCR2 Configuration Control 2 00h See Table 4-11 on page 49 for bit definitions. CCR3 Configuration Control 3 00h See Table 4-11 on page 49 for bit definitions. CCR4 Configuration Control 4 00h See Table 4-11 on page 50 for bit definitions. CCR7 Configuration Control 7 00h See Table 4-11 on page 50 for bit definitions. SMHR SMM Header Address 000000h See Table 4-11 on page 51 for bit definitions SMAR SMM Address 0 000000h See Table 4-11 on page 51 for bit definitions. DIR0 Device Identification 0 4xh Device ID and reads back initial CPU clockspeed setting. See Table 4-11 on page 51 for bit definitions. DIR1 Device Identification 1 xxh Stepping and Revision ID (RO). See Table 4-11 on page 51 for bit definitions. DR7 Debug Register 7 00000400h See Table 4-13 on page 53 for bit definitions. 1. 38 x = Undefined value AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Overview 4.2 Instruction Set Overview The GX1 processor instruction set can be divided into nine types of operations: • Arithmetic Section 8.3 "Processor Core Instruction Set" on page 204 contains the clock count table that lists each instruction in the CPU instruction set. Included in the table are the associated opcodes, execution clock counts, and effects on the EFLAGS register. • Bit Manipulation • Shift/Rotate 4.2.1 Lock Prefix • Data Transfer The LOCK prefix may be placed before certain instructions that read, modify, then write back to memory. The PCI will not be granted access in the middle of locked instructions. The LOCK prefix can be used with the following instructions only when the result is a write operation to memory. • Floating Point • Bit Test Instructions (BTS, BTR, BTC) • High-Level Language Support • Exchange Instructions (XADD, XCHG, CMPXCHG) • Operating System Support • One-Operand Arithmetic and Logical Instructions (DEC, INC, NEG, NOT) • String Manipulation • Control Transfer The GX1 processor instructions operate on as few as zero operands and as many as three operands. A NOP (no operation) instruction is an example of a zero-operand instruction. Two-operand instructions allow the specification of an explicit source and destination pair as part of the instruction. These two-operand instructions can be divided into ten groups according to operand types: • Two-Operand Arithmetic and Logical Instructions (ADC, ADD, AND, OR, SBB, SUB, XOR). An invalid opcode exception is generated if the LOCK prefix is used with any other instruction or with one of the instructions above when no write operation to memory occurs (for example, when the destination is a register). • Register to Register • Register to Memory 4.3 • Memory to Register The accessible registers in the processor are grouped into three sets: • Memory to Memory • Register to I/O 1) The Application Register Set contains the registers frequently used by application programmers. Table 42 on page 41 shows the General Purpose, Segment, Instruction Pointer and EFLAGS registers. 2) The System Register Set contains the registers typically reserved for operating systems programmers: Control, System Address, Debug, Configuration, and Test registers. 3) The Model Specific Register (MSR) Set is used to monitor the performance of the processor or a specific component within the processor. The Model Specific Register set has one 64-bit register called the Time Stamp Counter. • I/O to Register • Memory to I/O • I/O to Memory • Immediate Data to Register • Immediate Data to Memory An operand can be held in the instruction itself (as in the case of an immediate operand), in one of the processor’s registers or I/O ports, or in memory. An immediate operand is fetched as part of the opcode for the instruction. Operand lengths of 8, 16, 32 or 48 bits are supported as well as 64 or 80 bits associated with floating-point instructions. Operand lengths of 8 or 32 bits are generally used when executing code written for 386- or 486-class (32-bit code) processors. Operand lengths of 8 or 16 bits are generally used when executing existing 8086 or 80286 code (16-bit code). The default length of an operand can be overridden by placing one or more instruction prefixes in front of the opcode. For example, the use of prefixes allows a 32-bit operand to be used with 16-bit code or a 16-bit operand to be used with 32-bit code. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Register Sets Each of these register sets are discussed in detail in the subsections that follow. Additional registers to support integrated GX1 processor subsystems are described in Section 5.1 "Integrated Functions Programming Interface" on page 92. 39 Revision 5.0 4.3.1 Application Register Set Register Sets The Application Register Set consists of the registers most often used by the applications programmer. These registers are generally accessible, although some bits in the EFLAGS registers are protected. The lower two bytes of a data register are addressed with an “H” suffix (identifies the upper byte) or an “L” suffix (identifies the lower byte). These _L and _H portions of the data registers act as independent registers. For example, if the AH register is written to by an instruction, the AL register bits remain unchanged. The General Purpose Register contents are frequently modified by instructions and typically contain arithmetic and logical instruction operands. The Pointer and Index registers are listed below. In real mode, Segment Registers contain the base address for each segment. In protected mode, the Segment registers contain segment selectors. The segment selectors provide indexing for tables (located in memory) that contain the base address for each segment, as well as other memory addressing information. The Instruction Pointer Register points to the next instruction that the processor will execute. This register is automatically incremented by the processor as execution progresses. The EFLAGS Register contains control bits used to reflect the status of previously executed instructions. This register also contains control bits that affect the operation of some instructions. SI or ESI DI or EDI SP or ESP BP or EBP Source Index Destination Index Stack Pointer Base Pointer These registers can be addressed as 16- or 32-bit registers, with the “E” prefix indicating 32 bits. The Pointer and Index registers can be used as general purpose registers; however, some instructions use a fixed assignment of these registers. For example, repeated string operations always use ESI as the source pointer, EDI as the destination pointer, and ECX as a counter. The instructions that use fixed registers include multiply and divide, I/O access, string operations, stack operations, loop, variable shift and rotate, and translate instructions. General Purpose Registers The General Purpose Registers are divided into four data registers, two pointer registers, and two index registers as shown in Table 4-2 on page 41. The GX1 processor implements a stack using the ESP register. This stack is accessed during the PUSH and POP instructions, procedure calls, procedure returns, interrupts, exceptions, and interrupt/exception returns. The GX1 processor automatically adjusts the value of the ESP during operations that result from these instructions. The Data Registers are used by the applications programmer to manipulate data structures and to hold the results of logical and arithmetic operations. Different portions of general data registers can be addressed by using different names. The EBP register may be used to refer to data passed on the stack during procedure calls. Local data may also be placed on the stack and accessed with BP. This register provides a mechanism to access stack data in high-level languages. An “E” prefix identifies the complete 32-bit register. An “X” suffix without the “E” prefix identifies the lower 16 bits of the register. 40 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-2. Application Register Set 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 General Purpose Registers AX AH AL EAX (Extended A Register) BX BH BL EBX (Extended B Register) CX CH CL ECX (Extended C Register) DX DH DL EDX (Extended D Register) SI (Source Index) ESI (Extended Source Index) DI (Destination Index) EDI (Extended Destination Index) BP (Base Pointer) EBP (Extended Base Pointer) SP (Stack Pointer) ESP (Extended Stack Pointer) Segment (Selector) Registers CS (Code Segment) SS (Stack Segment) DS (D Data Segment) ES (E Data Segment) FS (F Data Segment) GS (G Data Segment) Instruction Pointer and EFLAGS Registers EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer) ESP (Extended EFLAGS Register) AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 41 Revision 5.0 Register Sets Segment Registers The 16-bit segment registers, part of the main memory addressing mechanism, are described in Section 4.5 "Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms" on page 61. The six segment registers are: CSDSSSESFSGS- Code Segment Data Segment Stack Segment Extra Segment Additional Data Segment Additional Data Segment The segment registers are used to select segments in main memory. A segment acts as private memory for different elements of a program such as code space, data space, and stack space. There are two segment mechanisms, one for real and virtual 8086 operating modes and one for protected mode. Initialization and transition to protected mode is described in Section 4.9.4 "Initialization and Transition to Protected Mode" on page 87. The segment mechanisms are described in Section 4.5.2 "Segment Mechanisms" on page 62. The active segment register is selected according to the rules listed in Table 4-3 and the type of instruction being currently processed. In general, the DS register selector is used for data references. Stack references use the SS register, and instruction fetches use the CS register. While some selections may be overridden, instruction fetches, stack operations, and the destination write operation of string operations cannot be overridden. Special segmentoverride instruction prefixes allow the use of alternate segment registers. These segment registers include the ES, FS, and GS registers. Instruction Pointer Register The Instruction Pointer (EIP) register contains the offset into the current code segment of the next instruction to be executed. The register is normally incremented by the length of the current instruction with each instruction execution unless it is implicitly modified through an interrupt, exception, or an instruction that changes the sequential execution flow (for example JMP and CALL). Table 4-3 illustrates the code segment selection rules. . Table 4-3. Segment Register Selection Rules Type of Memory Reference Implied (Default) Segment Segment-Override Prefix Code Fetch CS None Destination of PUSH, PUSHF, INT, CALL, PUSHA instructions SS None Source of POP, POPA, POPF, IRET, RET instructions SS None Destination of STOS, MOVS, REP STOS, REP MOVS instructions ES None Other data references with effective address using base registers of: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, EBP, ESP DS CS, ES, FS, GS, SS SS CS, DS, ES, FS, GS 42 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets EFLAGS Register The EFLAGS register contains status information and controls certain operations on the GX1 processor. The lower 16 bits of this register are used when executing 8086 or 80286 code. Table 4-4 gives the bit formats for the EFLAGS register. Table 4-4. EFLAGS Register Bit Name Flag Type 31:22 RSVD -- Description 21 ID System 20:19 RSVD -- 18 AC System Alignment Check Enable: In conjunction with the AM flag (bit 18) in CR0, the AC flag determines whether or not misaligned accesses to memory cause a fault. If AC is set, alignment faults are enabled. 17 VM System Virtual 8086 Mode: If set while in protected mode, the processor switches to virtual 8086 operation handling segment loads as the 8086 does, but generating exception 13 faults on privileged opcodes. The VM bit can be set by the IRET instruction (if current privilege level is 0) or by task switches at any privilege level. 16 RF Debug Resume Flag: Used in conjunction with debug register breakpoints. RF is checked at instruction boundaries before breakpoint exception processing. If set, any debug fault is ignored on the next instruction. Reserved: Set to 0. Identification Bit: The ability to set and clear this bit indicates that the CPUID instruction is supported. The ID can be modified only if the CPUID bit in CCR4 (Index E8h[7]) is set. Reserved: Set to 0. 15 RSVD -- 14 NT System Reserved: Set to 0. Nested Task: While executing in protected mode, NT indicates that the execution of the current task is nested within another task. 13:12 IOPL System I/O Privilege Level: While executing in protected mode, IOPL indicates the maximum current privilege level (CPL) permitted to execute I/O instructions without generating an exception 13 fault or consulting the I/O permission bit map. IOPL also indicates the maximum CPL allowing alteration of the IF bit when new values are popped into the EFLAGS register. 11 OF Arithmetic 10 DF Control Direction Flag: When cleared, DF causes string instructions to auto-increment (default) the appropriate index registers (ESI and/or EDI). Setting DF causes auto-decrement of the index registers to occur. 9 IF System Interrupt Enable Flag: When set, maskable interrupts (INTR input pin) are acknowledged and serviced by the CPU. 8 TF Debug Trap Enable Flag: Once set, a single-step interrupt occurs after the next instruction completes execution. TF is cleared by the single-step interrupt. 7 SF Arithmetic Sign Flag: Set equal to high-order bit of result (0 indicates positive, 1 indicates negative). 6 ZF Arithmetic Zero Flag: Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise. 5 RSVD -- 4 AF Arithmetic 3 RSVD -- 2 PF Arithmetic 1 RSVD 0 CF Overflow Flag: Set if the operation resulted in a carry or borrow into the sign bit of the result but did not result in a carry or borrow out of the high-order bit. Also set if the operation resulted in a carry or borrow out of the high-order bit but did not result in a carry or borrow into the sign bit of the result. Reserved: Set to 0. Auxiliary Carry Flag: Set when a carry out of (addition) or borrow into (subtraction) bit position 3 of the result occurs; cleared otherwise. Reserved: Set to 0. Parity Flag: Set when the low-order 8 bits of the result contain an even number of ones; otherwise PF is cleared. Reserved: Set to 1. Arithmetic Carry Flag: Set when a carry out of (addition) or borrow into (subtraction) the most significant bit of the result occurs; cleared otherwise. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 43 Revision 5.0 4.3.2 Register Sets System Register Set The System Register Set, shown in Table 4-5, consists of registers not generally used by application programmers. These registers are typically employed by system level programmers who generate operating systems and memory management programs. Associated with the System Register Set are certain tables and segments which are listed in Table 4-5. Table 4-5. System Register Set Width (Bits) Group Name Function Control Registers CR0 System Control Register 32 CR2 Page Fault Linear Address Register 32 CR3 Page Directory Base Register 32 CR4 Time Stamp Counter 32 The Control Registers control certain aspects of the GX1 processor such as paging, coprocessor functions, and segment protection. The Configuration Registers are used to define the GX1 CPU setup including cache management. Configuration Registers CCRn Configuration Control Registers 8 The Debug Registers provide debugging facilities for the GX1 processor and enable the use of data access breakpoints and code execution breakpoints. Debug Registers DR0 Linear Breakpoint Address 0 32 DR1 Linear Breakpoint Address 1 32 DR2 Linear Breakpoint Address 2 32 DR3 Linear Breakpoint Address 3 32 DR6 Breakpoint Status 32 DR7 Breakpoint Control 32 TR3 Cache Test 32 TR4 Cache Test 32 TR5 Cache Test 32 TR6 TLB Test Control 32 TR7 TLB Test Data 32 GDT General Descriptor Table 32 IDT Interrupt Descriptor Table 32 LDT Local Descriptor Table 16 GDTR GDT Register 32 IDTR IDT Register 32 The Test Registers provide a mechanism to test the contents of both the on-chip 16 KB cache and the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). The Descriptor Table Register hold descriptors that manage memory segments and tables, interrupts and task switching. The tables are defined by corresponding registers. The two Task State Segment Tables defined by TSS register are used to save and load the computer state when switching tasks. Test Registers The ID Registers allow BIOS and other software to identify the specific CPU and stepping. System Management Mode (SMM) control information is stored in the SMM Registers. Descriptor Tables Table 4-5 lists the system register sets along with their size and function. Descriptor Table Registers LDTR LDT Register 16 Task State Segment and Registers TSS Task State Segment Table 16 TR TSS Register Setup 16 ID Registers DIRn Device Identification Registers 8 SMM Registers SMARn SMM Address Region Registers 8 SMHRn SMM Header Addresses 8 PCRn Performance Control Registers 8 Performance Registers 44 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Control Registers A map of the Control Registers (CR0, CR1, CR2, CR3, and CR4) is shown in Table 4-6 and the bit definitions are given in Table 4-7. (These registers should not be confused with the CRRn registers.) CR0 contains system control bits which configure operating modes and indicate the general state of the CPU. The lower 16 bits of CR0 are referred to as the Machine Status Word (MSW). When operating in real mode, any program can read and write the control registers. In protected mode, however, only privilege level 0 (most-privileged) programs can read and write these registers. L1 Cache Controller The GX1 processor contains an on-board 16 KB unified data/instruction write-back L1 cache. With the memory controller on-board, the L1 cache requires no external logic to maintain coherency. All DMA cycles automatically snoop the L1 cache. The CD bit (Cache Disable, bit 30) in CR0 globally controls the operating mode of the L1 cache. LCD and LWT, Local Cache Disable and Local Write-through bits in the Translation Lookaside Buffer, control the mode on a page-by-page basis. Additionally, memory configuration control can specify certain memory regions as non-cacheable. If the cache is disabled, no further cache line fills occur. However, data already present in the cache continues to be used. For the cache to be completely disabled, the cache must be invalidated with a WBINVD instruction after the cache has been disabled. Write-back caching improves performance by relieving congestion on slower external buses. With four dirty bits, the cache marks dirty locations on a double-word (DWORD) basis. This further reduces the number of DWORD write operations needed during a replacement or flush operation. The GX1 processor will cache SMM regions, reducing system management overhead to allow for hardware emulation such as VGA. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 CR4 Register 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TSC Table 4-6. Control Registers Map 0 RSVD Control Register 4 (R/W) RSVD PDBR (Page Directory Base Register) CR2 Register RSVD 0 0 T Control Register 3 (R/W) RSVD CR3 Register RSVD Control Register 2 (R/W) PFLA (Page Fault Linear Address) CR1 Register Control Register 1 (R/W) RSVD PE MP EM RSVD NE WP RSVD AM Control Register 0 (R/W) RSVD NW CD PG CR0 Register Machine Status Word (MSW) Table 4-7. CR4-CR0 Bit Definitions Bit Name Description CR4 Register 31:3 RSVD 2 TSC 1:0 RSVD Control Register 4 (R/W) Reserved: Set to 0 (always returns 0 when read). Time Stamp Counter Instruction: If = 1 RDTSC instruction enabled for CPL = 0 only; reset state. If = 0 RDTSC instruction enabled for all CPL states. Reserved: Set to 0 (always returns 0 when read). CR3 Register Control Register 3 (R/W) 31:12 PDBR Page Directory Base Register: Identifies page directory base address on a 4 KB page boundary. 11:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 45 Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-7. CR4-CR0 Bit Definitions (Continued) Bit Name Description CR2 Register 31:0 PFLA Control Register 2 (R/W) Page Fault Linear Address: With paging enabled and after a page fault, PFLA contains the linear address of the address that caused the page fault. CR1 Register 31:0 RSVD Control Register 1 (R/W) Reserved CR0 Register Control Register 0 (R/W) 31 PG Paging Enable Bit: If PG = 1 and protected mode is enabled (PE = 1), paging is enabled. After changing the state of PG, software must execute an unconditional branch instruction (e.g., JMP, CALL) to have the change take effect. 30 CD Cache Disable: If CD = 1, no further cache line fills occur. However, data already present in the cache continues to be used if the requested address hits in the cache. Writes continue to update the cache and cache invalidations due to inquiry cycles occur normally. The cache must also be invalidated with a WBINVD instruction to completely disable any cache activity. 29 NW Not Write-Through: If NW = 1, the on-chip cache operates in write-back mode. In write-back mode, writes are issued to the external bus only for a cache miss, a line replacement of a modified line, execution of a locked instruction, or a line eviction as the result of a flush cycle. If NW = 0, the on-chip cache operates in write-through mode. In write-through mode, all writes (including cache hits) are issued to the external bus. This bit cannot be changed if LOCK_NW = 1 in CCR2. 28:19 RSVD 18 AM 17 RSVD 16 WP 15:6 RSVD 5 NE 4 RSVD 3 TS Reserved Alignment Check Mask: If AM = 1, the AC bit in the EFLAGS register is unmasked and allowed to enable alignment check faults. Setting AM = 0 prevents AC faults from occurring. Reserved Write Protect: Protects read-only pages from supervisor write access. WP = 0 allows a read-only page to be written from privilege level 0-2. WP = 1 forces a fault on a write to a read-only page from any privilege level. Reserved Numerics Exception: NE = 1 to allow FPU exceptions to be handled by interrupt 16. NE = 0 if FPU exceptions are to be handled by external interrupts. Reserved: Do not attempt to modify, always 1. Task Switched: Set whenever a task switch operation is performed. Execution of a floating point instruction with TS = 1 causes a DNA fault. If MP = 1 and TS = 1, a WAIT instruction also causes a DNA fault. 2 EM Emulate Processor Extension: If EM = 1, all floating point instructions cause a DNA fault 7. 1 MP Monitor Processor Extension: If MP = 1 and TS = 1, a WAIT instruction causes Device Not Available (DNA) fault 7. The TS bit is set to 1 on task switches by the CPU. Floating point instructions are not affected by the state of the MP bit. The MP bit should be set to one during normal operations. 0 PE Protected Mode Enable: Enables the segment based protection mechanism. If PE = 1, protected mode is enabled. If PE = 0, the CPU operates in real mode and addresses are formed as in an 8086-style CPU. Refer to Section 4.9 "Protection" on page 86. Table 4-8. Effects of Various Combinations of EM, TS, and MP Bits CR0[3:1] 46 Instruction Type TS EM MP WAIT ESC 0 0 0 Execute Execute 0 0 1 Execute Execute 1 0 0 Execute Fault 7 1 0 1 Fault 7 Fault 7 0 1 0 Execute Fault 7 0 1 1 Execute Fault 7 1 1 0 Execute Fault 7 1 1 1 Fault 7 Fault 7 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Configuration Registers The Configuration Registers listed in Table 4-9 are CPU registers and are selected by register index numbers. The registers are accessed through I/O memory locations 22h and 23h. Registers are selected for access by writing an index number to I/O Port 22h using an OUT instruction prior to transferring data through I/O Port 23h. This operation must be atomic. The CLI instruction must be executed prior to accessing any of these registers. Each data transfer through I/O Port 23h must be preceded by a register index selection through I/O Port 22h; otherwise, subsequent I/O Port 23h operations are directed offchip and produce external I/O cycles. If MAPEN, bit 4 of CCR3 (Index C3h[4]) = 0, external I/O cycles occur if the register index number is outside the range C0h-CFh, FEh, and FFh. The MAPEN bit should remain 0 during normal operation to allow system registers located at I/O Port 22h to be accessed. Table 4-9. Configuration Register Summary Access Controlled By1 Default Value CCR1: Configuration Control 1 SMI_LOCK 00h Table 4-11 on page 49 R/W CCR2: Configuration Control 2 -- 00h Table 4-11 on page 49 C3h R/W CCR3: Configuration Control 3 SMI_LOCK 00h Table 4-11 on page 49 E8h R/W CCR4: Configuration Control 4 MAPEN 85h Table 4-11 on page 50 EBh R/W CCR7: Configuration Control 7 -- 00h Table 4-11 on page 50 20h R/W PCR0: Performance Control 0 MAPEN 07h Table 4-11 on page 50 B0h R/W SMHR0: SMM Header Address 0 MAPEN xxh Table 4-11 on page 51 B1h R/W SMHR1: SMM Header Address 1 MAPEN xxh Table 4-11 on page 51 B2h R/W SMHR2: SMM Header Address 2 MAPEN xxh Table 4-11 on page 51 B3h R/W SMHR3: SMM Header Address 3 MAPEN xxh Table 4-11 on page 51 B8h R/W GCR: Graphics Control Register MAPEN 00h Table 5-1 on page 92 B9h R/W VGACTL: VGA Control Register -- 00h Table 5-37 on page 154 BAh-BDh R/W VGAM0: VGA Mask Register -- 00h Table 5-37 on page 154 CDh R/W SMAR0: SMM Address 0 SMI_LOCK 00h Table 4-11 on page 51 CEh R/W SMAR1: SMM Address 1 SMI_LOCK 00h Table 4-11 on page 51 CFh R/W SMAR2: SMM Address 2 SMI_LOCK 00h Table 4-11 on page 51 F0h R/W PCR1: Performance Control 1 MAPEN 00 Table 4-11 on page 51 FEh RO DIR0: Device ID 0 -- 4xh Table 4-11 on page 51 FFh RO DIR1: Device ID 1 -- xxh Table 4-11 on page 51 Index Type Name C1h R/W C2h 1. Reference (Bit Formats) MAPEN = Index C3h[4] (CCR3) and SMI_LOCK = Index C3h[0] (CCR3). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 47 Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-10. Configuration Register Map Register (Index) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 SMAC USE_SMI WT1 SUSP_HLT LOCK_NW Control Registers CCR1 (C1h) RSVD RSVD RSVD CCR2 (C2h) USE_SUSP CCR3 (C3h) LSS_34 LSS_23 LSS_12 MAPEN SUSP_SMM _EN RSVD NMI_EN SMI_LOCK CCR4 (E8h) CPUID SMI_NEST FPU_FAST_ EN DTE_EN MEM_BYP IORT2 IORT1 IORT0 NMI RSVD EMMX LSSER RSVD VGAMWSI INC_MGN1 BTB INC_MGN0 INC 1XCLK CCR7 (EBh) PCR0 (20h) RSVD PCR1 (F0h) RSVD RSVD RSVD SMM Base Header Address Registers SMHR0 (B0h) A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 SMHR1 (B1h) A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 SMHR2 (B2h) A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 SMHR3 (B3h) A31 A30 A29 A28 A27 A26 A26 A24 A24 SMAR0 (CDh) A31 A30 A29 A28 A27 A26 A25 SMAR1 (CEh) A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 SMAR2 (CFh) A15 A14 A13 A12 SIZE3 SIZE2 SIZE1 SIZE0 DID3 DID2 DID1 DID0 MULT3 MULT2 MULT1 MULT0 Device ID Registers DIR0 (FEh) DIR1 (FFh) DIR1 Graphics/VGA Related Registers GCR (B8h) VGACTL (B9h) RSVD Scratchpad Size RSVD Enable SMI for VGA memory B8000h to BFFFFh VGAM0 (BAh) VGA Mask Register Bits [7:0] VGAM1 (BBh) VGA Mask Register Bits [15:8] VGAM2 (BCh) VGA Mask Register Bits [23:16] VGAM3 (BDh) VGA Mask Register Bits [31:24] 48 Base Address Code Enable SMI for VGA memory B0000h to B7FFFh Enable SMI for VGA memory A0000h to AFFFFh AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-11. Configuration Registers Bit Name Index C1h Description CCR1: Configuration Control Register 1 (R/W) 7:3 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 2:1 SMAC System Management Memory Access: Default Value = 00h If = 00: SMM is disabled. If = 01: SMI# pin is active to enter SMM. SMINT instruction is inactive. If = 10: SMM is disabled. If = 11: SMINT instruction is active to enter SMM. SMI# pin is inactive. Note: SMI_LOCK (CCR3[0]) must = 0, or the CPU must be in SMI mode, to write this bit. 0 Note: RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. Bits 1 and 2 are cleared to zero at reset. Index C2h 7 CCR2: Configuration Control Register 2 (R/W) USE_SUSP Default Value = 00h Enable Suspend Pins: If = 1: SUSP# input and SUSPA# output are enabled. If = 0: SUSP# input is ignored. 6 RSVD Reserved: This is a test bit that must be set to 0. 5 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 4 WT1 Write-Through Region 1: If = 1: Forces all writes to the address region between 640 KB to 1 MB that hit in the on-chip cache to be issued on the external bus. 3 SUSP_HLT 2 LOCK_NW Suspend on HALT: If = 1: CPU enters Suspend mode following execution of a HALT instruction. Lock NW Bit: If = 1: Prohibits changing the state of the NW bit (CR0[29]) (refer to Table 4-7 on page 46). Set to 1 after setting NW. 1:0 Note: RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. All bits are cleared to zero at reset. Index C3h CCR3: Configuration Control Register 3 (R/W) 7 LSS_34 6 LSS_23 5 LSS_12 4 MAPEN Default Value = 00h Load/Store Serialize 3 GB to 4 GB: If = 1: Strong R/W ordering imposed in address range C0000000h to FFFFFFFFh: Load/Store Serialize 2 GB to 3 GB: If = 1: Strong R/W ordering imposed in address range 80000000h to BFFFFFFFh: Load/Store Serialize 1 GB to 2 GB: If = 1: Strong R/W ordering imposed in address range 40000000h to 7FFFFFFFh Map Enable: If = 1: All configuration registers are accessible. All accesses to I/O Port 22h are trapped. If = 0: Only configuration registers Index C1h-C3h, CDh-CFh FEh, FFh (CCRn, SMAR, DIRn) are accessible. Other configuration registers (including PCRn, SMHRn, GCR, VGACTL, VGAM0) are not accessible. 3 SUSP_SMM_EN Enable Suspend in SMM Mode: If 0 = SUSP# ignored in SMM mode. If 1 = SUSP# recognized in SMM mode. 2 RSVD 1 NMI_EN Reserved: Set to 0. NMI Enable: If = 1: NMI is enabled during SMM. If = 0: NMI is not recognized during SMM. SMI_LOCK (CCR3[0]) must = 0 or the CPU must be in SMI mode to write to this bit. 0 SMI_LOCK SMM Register Lock: If = 1: SMM Address Region Register (SMAR[31:0]), SMAC (CCR1[2]), USE_SMI (CCR1[1]) cannot be modified unless in SMM routine. Once set, SMI_LOCK can only be cleared by asserting the RESET pin. Note: All bits are cleared to zero at reset. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 49 Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-11. Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name Index E8h 7 Description CCR4: Configuration Control Register 4 (R/W) CPUID Default Value = 85h Enable CPUID Instruction: If = 1: The ID bit in the EFLAGS register can be modified and execution of the CPUID instruction occurs as documented in Section 8.2 "CPUID Instruction" on page 200. If = 0: The ID bit can not be modified and execution of the CPUID instruction causes an invalid opcode exception. 6 SMI_NEST SMI Nest: If = 1: SMI interrupts can occur during SMM mode. SMM service routines can optionally set SMI_NEST high to allow higher-priority SMI interrupts while handling the current event. 5 FPU_FAST_EN FPU Fast Mode Enable: If 0 = Disable FPU Fast Mode. If 1 = Enable FPU Fast Mode 4 DTE_EN Directory Table Entry Cache: If = 1: Enables directory table entry to be cached. Cleared to 0 at reset. 3 MEM_BYP Memory Read Bypassing: If = 1: Enables memory read bypassing. Cleared to 0 at reset. 2:0 IORT(2:0) I/O Recovery Time: Specifies the minimum number of bus clocks between I/O accesses: 000 = No clock delay 001 = 2-clock delay 010 = 4-clock delay 011 = 8-clock delay Note: 100 = 16-clock delay 101 = 32-clock delay (default value after reset) 110 = 64-clock delay 111 = 128-clock delay MAPEN (CCR3[4]) must = 1 to read or write this register. Index EBh CCR7: Configuration Control Register 7 (R/W) 7:3 RSVD 2 NMI Default Value = 00h Reserved: Set to 0. Generate NMI: If = 0 Do nothing. If = 1 Generate NMI. In order to generate multiple NMIs, this bit must be set to zero between each setting of 1. 1 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 0 EMMX Extended MMX Instructions Enable: If = 1: Extended MMX instructions are enabled. Index 20h 7 PCR0: Performance Control 0 Register (R/W) LSSER Default Value = 07h Load/Store Serialize Enable (Reorder Disable): LSSER should be set to ensure that memory mapped I/O devices operating outside of the address range 640 KB to 1 MB will operate correctly. For memory accesses above 1 GByte, refer to CCR3[7:5] (LSS_34, LSS_23, LSS_12). If = 1: All memory read and write operations will occur in execution order (load/store serializing enabled, reordering disabled). If = 0: Memory reads and writes can be reordered for optimum performance (load/store serializing disabled, reordering enabled). Memory accesses in the address range 640 KB to 1 MB will always be issued in execution order. 6 RSVD 5 VGAMWSI 4:3 RSVD 2 INC_MGN1 Reserved: Set to 0. VGA Memory Write SMI Generation: Allow SMI generation on memory writes to VGA buffer. 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. This bit must be set to 1 for proper operation. Reserved: Set to 0. Incrementor Margin 1: 00 = Least margin 01 to 10 = Increasing margin 11 = Most margin The first bit is represented by Index 20h bit 2 and the second bit is represented by Index 20h bit 0. 50 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-11. Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name 1 BTB 0 INC_MGN0 Description Branch Target Buffer: 0 = Disable (required setting); 1 = Enable. Incrementor Margin 0: 00 - Least margin 01 to 10 - Increasing margin 11 - Most margin The first bit is represented by Index 20h bit 2 and the second bit is represented by Index 20h bit 0. Note: MAPEN (CCR3[4]) must = 1 to read or write this register. Index B0h, B1h, B2h, B3h Index SMHR Bits B3h B2h B1h B0h A[31:24] A[23:16] A[15:12] A[7:0] Note: SMHR: SMM Header Address Register (R/W) SMM Header Address Bits [31:0]: SMHR address bits [31:0] contain the physical base address for the SMM header space. For example, bits [31:24] correspond with Index B3h. Refer to Section 4.7.3 "SMM Configuration Registers" on page 80 for more information. MAPEN (CCR3[4]) must = 1 to read or write to this register. Index CDh, CEh, CFh Index SMAR Bits CDh CEh CFh[7:4] A[31:24] A[23:16] A[15:12] CFh[3:0] SIZE[3:0] SMAR: SMM Address Region/Size Register (R/W) Default Value = 00h SMM Address Region Bits [A31:A12]: SMAR address bits [31:12] contain the base address for the SMM region. For example, bits [31:24] correspond with Index CDh. Refer to Section 4.7.3 "SMM Configuration Registers" on page 80 for more information. SMM Region Size Bits, [3:0]: SIZE address bits contain the size code for the SMM region. During access the lower 4-bits of Port 23h hold SIZE[3:0]. Index CFh allows simultaneous access to SMAR address regions bits A[15:12] (see above) and size code bits. 0000 = SMM Disabled 0001 = 4 KB 0010 = 8 KB 0011 = 16 KB Note: Default Value = xxh 0100 = 32 KB 0101 = 64 KB 0110 = 128 KB 0111 = 256 KB 1000 = 512 KB 1001 = 1 MB 1010 = 2 MB 1011 = 4 MB 1100 = 8 MB 1101 = 16 MB 1110 = 32 MB 1111 = 4 KB (same as 0001) 1. SMI_LOCK (CCR3[0]) must = 0, or the CPU must be in SMI mode, to write these registers/bits. 2. Refer to Section 4.7.3 "SMM Configuration Registers" on page 80 for more information. Index F0h PCR1: Performance Control 1 Register Default Value = 01h 7:2 RSVD 1 INC Reserved: Set to 0. 0 1XCLK 1X Clock: This bit is an internal test mode bit and must be set to 1 for normal operation. 7:4 DID[3:0] Device ID (Read Only): Identifies device as GXyy processor, where yy is defined by the DIR1 register. 3:0 MULT[3:0] Incrementor: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. Index FEh DIR0: Device Identification Register 0 (RO) Default Value = 4xh Core Multiplier (Read Only): Identifies the core multiplier set by the CLKMODE[2:0] pins (see signal descriptions on page 28) MULT[3:0]: 0000 = SYSCLK multiplied by 4 (test mode only) 0001 = SYSCLK multiplied by 10 0010 = SYSCLK multiplied by 4 0011 = SYSCLK multiplied by 6 0100 = SYSCLK multiplied by 9 0101 = SYSCLK multiplied by 5 0110 = SYSCLK multiplied by 7 0111 = SYSCLK multiplied by 8 1xxx = Reserved Index FFh 7:0 DIR1: Device Identification Register 1 (RO) DIR1 Default Value = xxh Device Identification Revision (Read Only): DIR1 indicates device revision number. If DIR1 is 8xh = GX1 processor. See the AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Specification Update for “x” value for each revision of silicon. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 51 Revision 5.0 Register Sets Debug Registers Six debug registers (DR0-DR3, DR6 and DR7) support debugging on the GX1 processor. Memory addresses loaded in the debug registers, referred to as “breakpoints,” generate a debug exception when a memory access of the specified type occurs to the specified address. A breakpoint can be specified for a particular kind of memory access such as a read or write operation. Code and data breakpoints can also be set allowing debug exceptions to occur whenever a given data access (read or write operation) or code access (execute) occurs. The size of the debug target can be set to 1, 2, or 4 bytes. The debug registers are accessed through MOV instructions that can be executed only at privilege level 0 (real mode is always privilege level 0). The Debug Address Registers (DR0-DR3) each contain the linear address for one of four possible breakpoints. Each breakpoint is further specified by bits in the Debug Control Register (DR7). For each breakpoint address in DR0-DR3, there are corresponding fields L, R/W, and LEN in DR7 that specify the type of memory access associated with the breakpoint. DR6 is read only and reports the results of the break. The R/W field can be used to specify instruction execution as well as data access breakpoints. Instruction execution breakpoints are always acted upon before execution of the instruction that matches the breakpoint. The Debug Registers are mapped in Table 4-12, and the bit definitions are given in Table 4-13 on page 53. Table 4-12. Debug Registers 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 DR7 Register LEN3 R/W3 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Debug Control Register 7 (R/W) LEN2 R/W2 LEN1 R/W1 DR6 Register 0 9 LEN0 R/W0 0 0 GD 0 0 1 0 0 G3 L3 G2 L2 G1 L1 G0 L0 1 1 1 1 Debug Status Register 6 (R/O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BT BS 0 1 DR3 Register Debug Address Register 3 (R/W) DR2 Register Debug Address Register 2 (R/W) 1 1 1 1 B3 B2 B1 B0 Breakpoint 3 Linear Address Breakpoint 2 Linear Address DR1 Register Debug Address Register 1 (R/W) DR0 Register Debug Address Register 0 (R/W) Breakpoint 1 Linear Address Breakpoint 0 Linear Address Note: 52 All bits marked as 0 or 1 are reserved and should not be modified. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets The Debug Status Register (DR6) reflects conditions that were in effect at the time the debug exception occurred. The contents of the DR6 register are not automatically cleared by the processor after a debug exception occurs, and therefore should be cleared by software at the appropriate time. Code execution breakpoints may also be gen- erated by placing the breakpoint instruction (INT3) at the location where control is to be regained. The single-step feature may be enabled by setting the TF flag (bit 8) in the EFLAGS register. This causes the processor to perform a debug exception after the execution of every instruction. Table 4-13. DR7 and DR6 Bit Definitions Field(s) Number of Bits Description DR7 Register1 R/Wn Debug Control Register (R/W) 2 Applies to the DRn breakpoint address register: 00 = Break on instruction execution only 01 = Break on data write operations only 10 = Not used 11 = Break on data reads or write operations LENn 2 Applies to the DRn breakpoint address register: 00 = One-byte length 01 = Two-byte length 10 = Not used 11 = Four-byte length Gn 1 If = 1: Breakpoint in DRn is globally enabled for all tasks and is not cleared by the processor as the result of a task switch. Ln 1 If = 1: Breakpoint in DRn is locally enabled for the current task and is cleared by the processor as the result of a task switch. GD 1 Global disable of debug register access. GD bit is cleared whenever a debug exception occurs. DR6 Register1 Debug Status Register (RO) Bn 1 Bn is set by the processor if the conditions described by DRn, R/Wn, and LENn occurred when the debug exception occurred, even if the breakpoint is not enabled via the Gn or Ln bits. BT 1 BT is set by the processor before entering the debug handler if a task switch has occurred to a task with the T bit in the TSS set. BS 1 BS is set by the processor if the debug exception was triggered by the single-step execution mode (TF flag, bit 8, in EFLAGS set). 1. n = 0, 1, 2, and 3. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 53 Revision 5.0 Register Sets TLB Test Registers Two test registers are used in testing the processor’s Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB), TR6 and TR7. Table 414 is a register map for the TLB Test Registers with their bit definitions given in Table 4-15 on page 55. The test registers are accessed through MOV instructions that can be executed only at privilege level 0 (real mode is always privilege level 0). The processor’s TLB is a 32-entry, four-way set associative memory. Each TLB entry consists of a 24-bit tag and 20-bit data. The 24-bit tag represents the high-order 20 bits of the linear address, a valid bit, and three attribute bits. The 20bit data portion represents the upper 20 bits of the physical address that corresponds to the linear address. The TLB Test Control Register (TR6) contains a command bit, the upper 20 bits of a linear address, a valid bit and the attribute bits used in the test operation. The contents of TR6 are used to create the 24-bit TLB tag during both write and read (TLB lookup) test operations. The command bit defines whether the test operation is a read or a write. The TLB Test Data Register (TR7) contains the upper 20 bits of the physical address (TLB data field), three LRU bits, two replacement (REP) bits, and a control bit (PL). During TLB write operations, the physical address in TR7 is written into the TLB entry selected by the contents of TR6. During TLB lookup operations, the TLB data selected by the contents of TR6 is loaded into TR7. Table 4-15 lists the bit definitions for TR7 and TR6. Table 4-14. TLB Test Registers 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 TR7 Register 7 6 5 4 TLB LRU 0 0 PL 3 2 1 0 0 0 REP 0 0 V D D# U U# R R# 0 0 0 C TLB Test Control Register (R/W) Linear Address 54 8 TLB Test Data Register (R/W) Physical Address TR6 Register 9 0 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-15. TR7-TR6 Bit Definitions Bit Name Description TR7 Register 31:12 TLB Test Data Register (R/W) Physical Address Physical Address: TLB lookup: Data field from the TLB. TLB write: Data field written into the TLB. 11:10 RSVD 9:7 TLB LRU Reserved: Set to 0. LRU Bits: TLB lookup: LRU bits associated with the TLB entry before the TLB lookup. TLB write: Ignored. 4 PL PL Bit: TLB lookup: If PL = 1, read hit occurred. If PL = 0, read miss occurred. TLB write: If PL = 1, REP field is used to select the set. If PL = 0, the pseudo-LRU replacement algorithm is used to select the set. 3:2 REP Set Selection: TLB lookup: If PL = 1, this field indicates the set in which the tag was found. If PL = 0, undefined data. TLB write: If PL = 1, this field selects one of the four sets for replacement. If PL = 0, ignored. 1:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. TR6 Register 31:12 TLB Test Control Register (R/W) Linear Address Linear Address: TLB lookup: The TLB is interrogated per this address. If one and only one match occurs in the TLB, the rest of the fields in TR6 and TR7 are updated per the matching TLB entry. TLB write: A TLB entry is allocated to this linear address. 11 V Valid Bit: TLB write: If V = 1, the TLB entry contains valid data. If V = 0, target entry is invalidated. 10:9 8:7 6:5 D, D# U, U# R, R# Dirty Attribute Bit and its Complement (D, D#): User/Supervisor Attribute Bit and its Complement (U, U#): Read/Write Attribute Bit and its Complement (R, R#): 00 = 01 = 10 = 11 = 4:1 RSVD 0 C Effect on TLB Lookup Do not match Match if D, U, or R bit is a 0 Match if D, U, or R bit is a 1 Match if D, U, or R bit is either a 1 or 0 Effect on TLB Write Undefined Clear the bit Set the bit Undefined Reserved: Set to 0. Command Bit: If C = 1: TLB lookup. If C = 0: TLB write. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 55 Revision 5.0 Register Sets Cache Test Registers Three test registers are used in testing the processor’s onchip cache, TR3-TR5. Table 4-16 is a register map for the Cache Test Registers with their bit definitions given in Table 4-17 on page 57. The test registers are accessed through MOV instructions that can be executed only at privilege level 0 (real mode is always privilege level 0). bytes of data currently in memory at the physical address represented by the tag. The valid bit indicates whether the data bytes in the cache actually contain valid data. The four dirty bits indicate if the data bytes in the cache have been modified internally without updating external memory (write-back configuration). Each dirty bit indicates the status for one DWORD (4 bytes) within the 16-byte data field. The processor’s 16 KB on-chip cache is a four-way set associative memory that is configured as write-back cache. Each cache set contains 256 entries. Each entry consists of a 20-bit tag address, a 16-byte data field, a valid bit, and four dirty bits. For each line in the cache, there are three LRU bits that indicate which of the four sets was most recently accessed. A line is selected using bits [11:4] of the physical address. Using a 16-byte cache fill buffer and a 16-byte cache flush buffer, cache reads and writes may be performed. The 20-bit tag represents the high-order 20 bits of the physical address. The 16-byte data represents the 16 Figure 4-1 illustrates the internal cache architecture. Line Address A11-A4 D E C O D E 255 Set 0 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 LRU . . . . . . . . . . 152---0 152---0 152---0 152---0 2---0 254 . . 0 = Cache Entry (153 bits) Tag Address (20 bits) Data (128 bits) Valid Status (1 bit) Dirty Status (4 bits) Figure 4-1. Cache Architecture Table 4-16. Test Registers for Cache 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TR5 Register (R/W) RSVD Line Selection Set/ DWORD CTL Cache Tag Address 0 Valid TR4 Register (R/W) Cache LRU Bits Dirty Bits 0 0 0 TR3 Register (R/W) Cache Data 56 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets Table 4-17. TR5-TR3 Bit Definitions Bit Name Description TR5 Register (R/W) 31:12 RSVD 11:4 Line Selection Reserved Line Selection: Physical address bits [11:4] used to select one of 256 lines. 3:2 Set/DWord Selection Set/DWORD Selection: Cache read: Selects which of the four sets in the cache is used as the source for data transferred to the cache flush buffer. Cache write: Selects which of the four sets in the cache is used as the destination for data transferred from the cache fill buffer. Flush buffer read: Selects which of the four DWORDs in the flush buffer is used during a TR3 read. Fill buffer write: Selects which of the four DWORDs in the fill buffer is written during a TR3 write. 1:0 Control Bits Control Bits: 00 = Flush read or fill buffer write. 01 = Cache write. 10 = Cache read. 11 = Cache flush. TR4 Register (R/W) 31:12 Upper Tag Address Upper Tag Address: Cache read: Upper 20 bits of tag address of the selected entry. Cache write: Data written into the upper 20 bits of the tag address of the selected entry. 10 Valid Bit Valid Bit: Cache read: Valid bit for the selected entry. Cache write: Data written into the valid bit for the selected entry. 9:7 LRU Bits LRU Bits: Cache read: The LRU bits for the selected line when scratchpad is disabled. xx1 = Set 0 or Set 1 most recently accessed. xx0 = Set 2 or Set 3 most recently accessed. x1x = Most recent access to Set 0 or Set 1 was to Set 0. x0x = Most recent access to Set 0 or Set 1 was to Set 1. 1xx = Most recent access to Set 2 or Set 3 was to Set 2. 0xx = Most recent access to Set 2 or Set 3 was to Set 3. Cache write: Ignored. 6:3 Dirty Bits Dirty Bits: Cache read: The dirty bits for the selected entry (one bit per DWORD). Cache write: Data written into the dirty bits for the selected entry. 2:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. TR3 Register (R/W) 31:0 Cache Data Cache Data: Flush buffer read: Data accessed from the cache flush buffer. Fill buffer write: Data to be written into the cache fill buffer. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 57 Revision 5.0 Register Sets There are five types of test operations that can be executed: • Flush buffer read • Fill buffer write These operations are described in detail in Table 4-18. To fill a cache line with data, the fill buffer must be written four times. Once the fill buffer holds a complete cache line of data (16 bytes), a cache write operation transfers the data from the fill buffer to the cache. To read the contents of a cache line, a cache read operation transfers the data in the selected cache line to the flush buffer. Once the flush buffer is loaded, access the contents of the flush buffer with four flush buffer read operations. • Cache write • Cache read • Cache flush Table 4-18. Cache Test Operations Test Operation Code Sequence Action Taken Flush Buffer Read MOV TR5, 0h Set DWORD = 0, control = 00 = flush buffer read. MOV dest,TR3 Flush buffer (31:0) --> dest. MOV TR5, 4h Set DWORD = 1, control = 00 = flush buffer read. MOV dest,TR3 Flush buffer (63:32) --> dest. MOV TR5, 8h Set DWORD = 2, control = 00 = flush buffer read. MOV dest,TR3 Flush buffer (95:64) --> dest. MOV TR5, Ch Set DWORD = 3, control = 00 = flush buffer read. MOV dest,TR3 Flush buffer (127:96) --> dest. MOV TR5, 0h Set DWORD = 0, control = 00 = fill buffer write. MOV TR3, cache_data Cache_data --> fill buffer (31:0). MOV TR5, 4h Set DWORD = 1, control = 00 = fill buffer write. MOV TR3, cache_data Cache_data --> fill buffer (63:32). MOV TR5, 8h Set DWORD = 2, control = 00 = fill buffer write. MOV TR3, cache_data Cache_data --> fill buffer (95:64). MOV TR5, Ch Set DWORD = 3, control = 00 = fill buffer write. MOV TR3, cache_data Cache_data --> fill buffer (127:96). MOV TR4, cache_tag Cache_tag --> tag address, valid and dirty bits. MOV TR5, line + set + {control = 01} Fill buffer (127:0) --> cache line (127:0). Cache Read MOV TR5, line + set + {control = 10} Cache line (127:0) --> flush buffer (127:0). MOV dest, TR4 Cache line tag address, valid/LRU/dirty bits --> dest. Cache Flush MOV TR5, 3h Control = 11 = cache flush, all cache valid bits = 0. Fill Buffer Write Cache Write 58 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Register Sets 4.3.3 Model Specific Register Set The Model Specific Register (MSR) Set is used to monitor the performance of the processor or a specific component within the processor. A MSR can be read using the RDMSR instruction, opcode 0F32h. During a MSR read, the contents of the particular MSR, specified by the ECX register, is loaded into the EDX:EAX registers. A MSR can be written using the WRMSR instruction, opcode 0F30h. During a MSR write, the contents of EDX:EAX are loaded into the MSR specified in the ECX register. 4.3.4 Time Stamp Counter The TSC, (MSR[10]), is a 64-bit counter that counts the internal CPU clock cycles since the last reset. The TSC uses a continuous CPU core clock and continues to count clock cycles unless the processor is in Suspend. The TSC is read using a RDMSR instruction, opcode 0F32h, with the ECX register set to 10h. During a TSC read, the contents of the TSC is loaded into the EDX:EAX registers. The TSC is written to use a WRMSR instruction, opcode 0F30h with the ECX register set to 10h. During a TSC write, the contents of EDX:EAX are loaded into the TSC. The RDMSR and WRMSR instructions are privileged instructions. The RDMSR and WRMSR instructions are privileged instructions. The GX1 processor contains one 64-bit Model Specific Register (MSR10) the Time Stamp Counter (TSC). In addition, the TSC can be read using the RDTSC instruction, opcode 0F31h. The RDTSC instruction loads the contents of the TSC into EDX:EAX. The use of the RDTSC instruction is restricted by the TSC flag (bit 2) in the CR4 register (refer to Table 4-6 on page 45 and Table 4-7 on page 45 for CR4 register information). When the TSC bit = 0, the RDTSC instruction can be executed at any privilege level. When the TSC bit = 1, the RDTSC instruction can only be executed at privilege level 0. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 59 Revision 5.0 4.4 Address Spaces Address Spaces The GX1 processor can directly address either memory or I/O space. Figure 4-2 illustrates the range of addresses available for memory address space and I/O address space. For the CPU, the addresses for physical memory range between 0000 0000h and FFFF FFFFh (4 GB). The accessible I/O address space ranges between 00000000h and 0000FFFFh (64 KB). The CPU does not use coprocessor communication space in upper I/O space between 800000F8h and 800000FFh as do the 386-style CPUs. The I/O locations 22h and 23h are used for GX1 processor configuration register access. 4.4.1 I/O Address Space The CPU I/O address space is accessed using IN and OUT instructions to addresses referred to as “ports.” The accessible I/O address space is 64 KB and can be accessed as 8-, 16- or 32-bit ports. The GX1 processor configuration registers reside within the I/O address space at port addresses 22h and 23h and are accessed using the standard IN and OUT instructions. The configuration registers are modified by writing the index of the configuration register to Port 22h, and then transferring the data through Port 23h. Accesses to the onchip configuration registers do not generate external I/O cycles. However, each operation on Port 23h must be preceded by a write to Port 22h with a valid index value. Otherwise, subsequent Port 23h operations will communicate through the I/O port to produce external I/O cycles without modifying the on-chip configuration registers. Write operations to Port 22h outside of the CPU index range (C0h-CFh and FEh-FFh) result in external I/O cycles and do not affect the on-chip configuration registers. Reading Port 22h generates external I/O cycles. I/O accesses to port address range 3B0h through 3DFh can be trapped to SMI by the CPU if this option is enabled in the BC_XMAP_1 register (see SMIB, SMIC, and SMID bits in Table 5-9 on page 99). Figure 4-2 illustrates the I/O address space. 4.4.2 The processor allows memory to be addressed using nine different addressing modes. These addressing modes are used to calculate an offset address, often referred to as an effective address. Depending on the operating mode of the CPU, the offset is then combined, using memory management mechanisms, into a physical address that is applied to the physical memory devices. Memory management mechanisms consist of segmentation and paging. Segmentation allows each program to use several independent, protected address spaces. Paging translates a logical address into a physical address using translation lookup tables. Virtual memory is often implemented using paging. Either or both of these mechanisms can be used for management of the GX1 processor memory address space. Accessible Programmed I/O Space Physical Memory Space FFFFFFFFh Memory Address Space The processor directly addresses up to 4 GB of physical memory even though the memory controller addresses only 512 MB of DRAM. Memory address space is accessed as BYTE, WORD (16 bits) or DWORDs (32 bits). WORD and DWORDs are stored in consecutive memory bytes with the low-order byte located in the lowest address. The physical address of a WORD or DWORD is the byte address of the low-order byte. FFFFFFFFh Not Accessible Physical Memory 4 GB 0000FFFFh 64 KB 00000000h CPU General Configuration Register I/O Space 00000023h 00000022h 00000000h Figure 4-2. Memory and I/O Address Spaces 60 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms 4.5 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms The mapping of address space into a sequence of memory locations (often cached) is performed by the offset, segment, and paging mechanisms. In general, the offset, segment and paging mechanisms work in tandem as shown below: instruction offset ➾ offset mechanism ➾ offset address offset address ➾ segment mechanism ➾ linear address linear address ➾ paging mechanism ➾ physical page. As will be explained, the actual operations depend on several factors such as the current operating mode and if paging is enabled. Note: 4.5.1 Nine valid combinations of the base, index, scale factor and displacement can be used with the CPU instruction set. These combinations are listed in Table 4-19. The base and index both refer to contents of a register as indicated by [Base] and [Index]. In real mode operation, the CPU only addresses the lowest 1 MB of memory and the offset contains 16-bits. In protected mode the offset contains 32 bits. Initialization and transition to protected mode are described in Section 4.9.4 "Initialization and Transition to Protected Mode" on page 87. The paging mechanism uses part of the linear address as an offset on the physical page. Offset Mechanism Index Base In all operating modes, the offset mechanism computes an offset (effective) address by adding together up to three values: a base, an index and a displacement. The base, if present, is the value in one of eight general registers at the time of the execution of the instruction. The index, like the base, is a value that is contained in one of the general registers (except the ESP register) when the instruction is executed. The index differs from the base in that the index is first multiplied by a scale factor of 1, 2, 4 or 8 before the summation is made. The third component added to the memory address calculation is the displacement which is a value supplied as part of the instruction. Figure 4-3 illustrates the calculation of the offset address. Displacement Scaling x1, x2, x4, x8 + Offset Address (Effective Address) Figure 4-3. Offset Address Calculation Table 4-19. Memory Addressing Modes Addressing Mode Base Index Scale Factor (SF) Direct Displacement (DP) x Register Indirect x Based x OA = DP OA = [BASE] Index x Scaled Index x Based Index x x Based Scaled Index x x Based Index with Displacement x x Based Scaled Index with Displacement x x AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Offset Address (OA) Calculation x x OA = [BASE] + DP x OA = [INDEX] + DP x OA = ([INDEX] * SF) + DP OA = [BASE] + [INDEX] x x OA = [BASE] + ([INDEX] * SF) x OA = [BASE] + [INDEX] + DP x OA = [BASE] + ([INDEX] * SF) + DP 61 Revision 5.0 4.5.2 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Segment Mechanisms address is summed with the instruction offset value to produce a physical address. Memory is divided into contiguous regions called “segments.” The segments allow the partitioning of individual elements of a program. Each segment provides a zero address-based private memory for such elements as code, data, and stack space. Virtual 8086 Mode Segment Mechanism In virtual 8086 mode the operation is performed as in real mode except that a paging mechanism is added. When paging is enabled, the paging mechanism translates the linear address into a physical address using cached lookup tables (refer to Section 4.5.4 "Paging Mechanism" on page 72). The segment mechanisms select a segment in memory. Memory is divided into an arbitrary number of segments, each containing usually much less than the 232 byte (4 GB) maximum. Segment Mechanism in Protected Mode The segment mechanism in protected mode is more complex. Basically as in real and virtual 8086 modes the offset address is added to the segment base address to produce a linear address (Figure 4-5). However, the calculation of the segment base address is based on the contents of descriptor tables. There are two segment mechanisms, one for real and virtual 8086 operating modes, and one for protected mode. Real Mode Segment Mechanism In real mode operation, the CPU addresses only the lowest 1 MB of memory. In this mode a selector located in one of the segment registers is used to locate a segment. If paging is enabled the linear address is further processed by the paging mechanism. To calculate a physical memory address, the 16-bit segment base address located in the selected segment register is multiplied by 16 and then a 16-bit offset address is added. The resulting 20-bit address is then extended with twelve zeros in the upper address bits to create a 32-bit physical address. A more detailed look at the segment mechanisms for real and virtual 8086 modes and protected modes is illustrated in Figure 4-6 on page 63. In protected mode, the segment selector is cached. This is illustrated in Figure 4-7 on page 64. The value of the selector (the INDEX field) is multiplied by 16 to produce a base address (see Figure 4-4). The base 000h 12 High Order Address Bits Offset Address Offset Mechanism 16 12 20 16 Selected Segment Register X 16 32 Linear Address (Physical Address) 20 Base Address Figure 4-4. Real Mode Address Calculation 32 Offset Mechanism Offset Address 32 Selector Mechanism 32 Linear Address Optional Paging Mechanism 32 Physical Memory Address Segment Base Address Figure 4-5. Protected Mode Address Calculation 62 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms the most privileged level, and RPL = 3 indicates the least privileged level. Refer to Section 4.9 "Protection" on page 86. Segment Selectors The segment registers are used to store segment selectors. In protected mode, the segment selectors are divided in to three fields: the RPL, TI and INDEX fields as shown in Figure 4-6 on page 63. Descriptor tables hold descriptors that allow management of segments and tables in address space while in protected mode. The Table Indicator Bit (TI) in the selector selects either the General Descriptor Table (GDT) or one Local Descriptor Table (LDT). If TI = 0, GDT is selected; if TI =1, LDT is selected. The 13-bit INDEX field in the segment selector is used to index a GDT or LDT. The segments are assigned permission levels to prevent application program errors from disrupting operating programs. The Requested Privilege Level (RPL) determines the effective privilege level of an instruction. RPL = 0 indicates Real and Virtual 8086 Modes Logical Address Segment Selector 15 0 INDEX INSTRUCTION OFFSET Logical Address x 16 + Base Address p Linear Address Physical Address Segment p = Paging mechanism for virtual 8086 mode only Main Memory Protected Mode Logical Address Segment Selector 15 3 2 1 INDEX ÷8 TI Segment Descriptor 0 INSTRUCTION OFFSET RPL Base Address + p Linear Address Physical Address GDT or LDT Descriptor Table Segment Main Memory p = Paging mechanism Figure 4-6. Selector Mechanisms AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 63 Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Selector Load Instruction Selector In Segment Register 15 Segment Register Selected By Decoded Instruction 0 INDEX TI RPL Segment Caching Cached Segment and Descriptor Segment Descriptor TI = 0 Cached Selector Used If Available Global Descriptor Table Segment Base Address TI = 1 Segment Descriptor Local Descriptor Table Figure 4-7. Selector Mechanism Caching 64 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms 4.5.3 Descriptors Global and Local Descriptor Table Registers The GDT and LDT descriptor tables are defined by the Global Descriptor Table Register (GDTR) and the Local Descriptor Table Register (LDTR), respectively. Some texts refer to these registers as GDT and LDT descriptors. The following instructions are used in conjunction with the GDTR and LDTR: • LGDT - Load memory to GDTR • LLDT - Load memory to LDTR • SGDT - Store GDTR to memory Also shown in Table 4-20, the LDTR is only two bytes wide as it contains only a SELECTOR field. The contents of the SELECTOR field point to a descriptor in the GDT. Segment Descriptors There are several types of descriptors. A segment descriptor defines the base address, limit, and attributes of a memory segment. The GDT or LDT can hold several types of descriptors. In particular, the segment descriptors are stored in either of two tables. Either of these tables can store as many as 8,192 (213) 8-byte selectors taking as much as 64 KB of memory. • SLDT - Store LDTR to memory The first descriptor in the GDT (location 0) is not used by the CPU and is referred to as the “null descriptor.” The GDTR is set up in real mode using the LGDT instruction. This is possible as the LGDT instruction is one of two instructions that directly load a linear address (instead of a segment relative address) in protected mode. (The other instruction is the Load Interrupt Descriptor Table [LIDT]). Types of Segment Descriptors The type of memory segments are defined by corresponding types of segment descriptors: As shown in Table 4-20, the GDTR contains a BASE field and a LIMIT field that defines the GDT. The Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (IDTR) is described in Section "Task, Gate, Interrupt, and Application and System Descriptors" on page 66. • Code Segment Descriptors • Data Segment Descriptors • Stack Segment Descriptors • LDT Segment Descriptors Table 4-20. GDT, LDT and IDT Registers 47 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 GDT Register 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Global Descriptor Table Register BASE IDT Register LIMIT Interrupt Descriptor Table Register BASE LDT Register LIMIT Local Descriptor Table Register SELECTOR AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 65 Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Task, Gate, Interrupt, and Application and System Descriptors Besides segment descriptors there are descriptors used in task switching, switching between tasks with different priority and those used to control interrupt functions: pletely visible to the programmer through the use of the SIDT instruction. • Interrupt Descriptors • Application and System Segment Descriptors The following instructions are used in conjunction with the IDTR: • Gate Descriptors • LIDT - Load memory to IDTR • Task State Segment Descriptors • SIDT - Store IDTR to memory All descriptors have some things in common. They are all eight bytes in length and have three fields (BASE, LIMIT, and TYPE). The BASE field defines the starting location for the table or segment. The LIMIT field defines the size and the TYPE field depends on the type of descriptor. One of the main functions of the TYPE field is to define the access rights to the associated segment or table. The IDTR is set up in real mode using the LIDT instruction. This is possible as the LIDT instruction is only one of two instructions that directly load a linear address (instead of a segment relative address) in protected mode (the other instructions is LGDT). Interrupt Descriptors The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) is an array of 256 8byte (4-byte for real mode) interrupt descriptors, each of which is used to point to an interrupt service routine. Every interrupt that may occur in the system must have an associated entry in the IDT. The contents of the IDTR are com- The IDT is defined by the Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (IDTR). Some texts refer to this register as an IDT descriptor. As previously shown in Table 4-20 on page 65, the IDTR contains a BASE ADDRESS field and a LIMIT field that define the IDT. Application and System Segment Descriptors The bit structure and bit definitions for segment descriptors are shown in Table 4-21 and Table 4-22 on page 67, respectively. The explanation of the TYPE field is shown in Table 4-23 on page 68. Table 4-21. Application and System Segment Descriptors 31 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Memory Offset +4 BASE[31:24] G D 0 A V L LIMIT[19:16] P DPL S TYPE BASE[23:16] Memory Offset +0 BASE[15:0] 66 LIMIT[15:0] AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Revision 5.0 Table 4-22. Descriptors Bit Definitions Bit Memory Offset Name Description 31:24 +4 BASE Segment Base Address: Three fields which collectively define the base location for the segment in 4 GB physical address space. LIMIT Segment Limit: Two fields that define the size of the segment based on the Segment Limit Granularity Bit. 7:0 +4 31:16 +0 19:16 +4 15:0 +0 If G = 1: Limit value interpreted in units of 4 KB. If G = 0: Limit value is interpreted in bytes. 23 +4 G Segment Limit Granularity Bit: Defines LIMIT multiplier. If G = 1: Limit value interpreted in units of 4 KB. Segment size ranges from 4 KB to 4 GB. If G = 0: Limit value is interpreted in bytes. Segment size ranges from 1 byte to 1 MB. 22 +4 D Default Length for Operands and Effective Addresses: If D = 1: Code segment = 32-bit length for operands and effective addresses. If D = 0: Code segment = 16-bit length for operands and effective addresses. If D = 1: Data segment = Pushes, calls and pop instructions use 32-bit ESP register. If D = 0: Data segment = Stack operations use 16-bit SP register. 20 +4 AVL 15 +4 P Segment Available: This field is available for use by system software. Segment Present: If = 1: Segment is memory segment allocated. If = 0: The BASE and LIMIT fields become available for use by the system. Also, if = 0, a segmentnot-present exception is generated when the selector for the descriptor is loaded into a segment register allowing virtual memory management. 14:13 +4 DPL Descriptor Privilege Level: If = 00: Highest privilege level If = 11: Lowest privilege level 12 +4 S Descriptor Type: If = 1: Code or data segment If = 0: System segment 11:8 +4 TYPE Segment Type: Refer to Table 4-23 on page 68 for TYPE bit definitions. Bit 11 = Executable Bit 10 = Conforming if Bit 12 = 1 Bit 10 = Expand Down if Bit 12 = 0 Bit 9 = Readable, if Bit 12 = 1 Bit 9 = Writable, if Bit 12 = 0 Bit 8 = Accessed AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 67 Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Table 4-23. Application and System Segment Descriptors TYPE Bit Definitions TYPE Bits [11:8] System Segment and Gate Types Bit 12 = 0 Application Segment Types Bit 12 = 1 Num SEWA TYPE (Data Segments) 0 0000 Reserved Data Read-Only 1 0001 Available 16-Bit TSS Data Read-Only, accessed 2 0010 LDT Data Read/Write 3 0011 Busy 16-Bit TSS Data Read/Write accessed 4 0100 16-Bit Call Gate Data Read-Only, expand down 5 0101 Task Gate Data Read-Only, expand down, accessed 6 0110 16-Bit Interrupt Gate Data Read/Write, expand down 7 0111 16-Bit Trap Gate Data Read/Write, expand down, accessed Num SCRA 8 1000 Reserved Code 9 1001 Available 32-Bit TSS Code Execute-Only, accessed A 1010 Reserved Code Execute/Read Execute/Read, accessed TYPE (Code Segments) Execute-Only B 1011 Busy 32-Bit TSS Code C 1100 32-Bit Call Gate Code Execute/Read, conforming D 1101 Reserved Code Execute/Read, conforming, accessed E 1110 32-Bit Interrupt Gate Code Execute/Read-Only, conforming F 1111 32-Bit Trap Gate Code Execute/Read-Only, conforming accessed SEWA/SCRA:S = Code Segment (not Data Segment) E = Expand Down W = Write Enable A = Accessed C = Conforming Code Segment R = Read Enable 68 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Gate Descriptors Four kinds of gate descriptors are used to provide protection during control transfers: • Call gates • Trap gates • Interrupt gates • Task gates (For more information on protection refer to Section 4.9 "Protection" on page 86.) Call Gate Descriptor (CGD). Call gates are used to define legal entry points to a procedure with a higher privilege level. The call gates are used by CALL and JUMP instructions in much the same manner as code segment descriptors. When a decoded instruction refers to a call gate descriptor in the GDT or LDT, the call gate is used to point to another descriptor in the table that defines the destination code segment. The following privilege levels are tested during the transfer through the call gate: • CPL = Current Privilege Level • RPL = Segment Selector Field • DPL = Descriptor Privilege Level in the call gate descriptor • DPL = Descriptor Privilege Level in the destination code segment The maximum value of the CPL and RPL must be equal or less than the gate DPL. For a JMP instruction the destination DPL equals the CPL. For a CALL instruction the destination DPL is less than or equal to the CPL. Conforming Code Segments. Transfer to a procedure with a higher privilege level can also be accomplished by bypassing the use of call gates, if the requested procedure is to be executed in a conforming code segment. Conforming code segments have the C bit set in the TYPE field in their descriptor. The bit structure and definitions for gate descriptors are shown in Tables 4-24 and 4-25. Table 4-24. Gate Descriptors 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 Memory Offset +4 OFFSET[31:16] P DPL 0 TYPE PARAMETERS Memory Offset +0 SELECTOR[15:0] OFFSET[15:0] Table 4-25. Gate Descriptors Bit Definitions Bit Memory Offset Name 31:16 +4 OFFSET 15:0 +0 Description Offset: Offset used during a call gate to calculate the branch target. 31:16 +0 SELECTOR Segment Selector 15 +4 P Segment Present 14:13 +4 DPL 11:8 +4 TYPE Descriptor Privilege Level Segment Type: 0100 = 16-bit call gate 0101 = Task gate 0110 = 16-bit interrupt gate 0111 = 16-bit trap gate 4:0 +4 PARAMETERS AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 1100 = 32-bit call gate 1110 = 32-bit interrupt gate 1111 = 32-bit trap gate Parameters: Number of parameters to copy from the caller’s stack to the called procedure’s stack. 69 Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Task State Segments Descriptors The CPU enables rapid task switching using JMP and CALL instructions that refer to Task State Segment (TSS) descriptors. During a switch, the complete task state of the current task is stored in its TSS, and the task state of the requested task is loaded from its TSS. The TSSs are defined through special segment descriptors and gates. Only the 16-bit selector of a TSS descriptor in the TR is accessible. The BASE, TSS LIMIT and ACCESS RIGHT fields are program invisible. The Task Register (TR) holds 16-bit descriptors that contain the base address and segment limit for each task state segment. The TR is loaded and stored via the LTR and STR instructions, respectively. The TR can be accessed only during protected mode and can be loaded when the privilege level is 0 (most privileged). When the TR is loaded, the TR selector field indexes a TSS descriptor that must reside in the Global Descriptor Table (GDT). Task Gate Descriptors. A task gate descriptor provides controlled access to the descriptor for a task switch. The DPL of the task gate is used to control access. The selector’s RPL and the CPL of the procedure must be a higher level (numerically less) than the DPL of the descriptor. The RPL in the task gate is not used. During task switching, the processor saves the current CPU state in the TSS before starting a new task. The TSS can be either a 386/486-type 32-bit TSS (see Table 4-26) or a 286-type 16-bit TSS (see Table 4-27). The I/O Map Base Address field in the 32-bit TSS points to an I/O permission bit map that often follows the TSS at location +68h. Table 4-26. 32-Bit Task State Segment (TSS) Table1 31 16 15 I/O Map Base Address 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T +64h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Selector for Task’s LDT +60h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GS +5Ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FS +58h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DS +54h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SS +50h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CS +4Ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ES +44h ESI +40h EBP +3Ch ESP +38h EBX +34h EDX +30h ECX +2Ch EAX +28h EFLAGS +24h EIP +20h CR3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1Ch SS for CPL = 2 ESP for CPL = 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SS for CPL = 1 1. 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +10h +Ch SS for CPL = 0 ESP for CPL = 0 0 +18h +14h ESP for CPL = 1 0 +48h EDI +8h +4h Back Link (Old TSS Selector) +0h 0 = Reserved AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Table 4-27. 16-Bit Task State Segment (TSS) Table 150 Selector for Task’s LDT AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book +2Ah DS +28h SS +26h CS +24h ES +22h DI +20h SI +1Eh BP +1Ch SP +1Ah BX +18h DX +16h CX +14h AX +12h FLAGS +10h IP +Eh SS for Privilege Level 0 +Ch SP for Privilege Level 1 +Ah SS for Privilege Level 1 +8h SP for Privilege Level 1 +6h SS for Privilege Level 0 +4h SP for Privilege Level 0 +2h Back Link (Old TSS Selector) +0h 71 4.5.4 Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Paging Mechanism address of the current page directory table is stored in the CR3 control register, also referred to as the Page Directory Base Register (PDBR). The paging mechanism translates a linear address to its corresponding physical address. If the required page is not currently present in RAM, an exception is generated. When the operating system services the exception, the required page can be loaded into memory and the instruction restarted. In the x86 architecture, paging can be either 4 KB, 2 MB, or 4 MB in size. The CPUID instruction returns a zero in the Page Size Extensions field indicating that the GX1 only supports 4 KB pages (see Section "CPUID Instruction with EAX = 00000001h" on page 200). A page is addressed by using two levels of tables as illustrated in Figure 4-8. Bits [31:22] of the 32-bit linear address, the Directory Table Index (DTI), are used to locate an entry in the page directory table. The page directory table acts as a 32-bit master index to up to 1 KB individual second-level page tables. The selected entry in the page directory table, referred to as the directory table entry (DTE), identifies the starting address of the second-level page table. The page directory table itself is a page and is therefore aligned to a 4 KB boundary. The physical Bits [21:12] of the 32-bit linear address, referred to as the Page Table Index (PTI), locate a 32-bit entry in the secondlevel page table. This page table entry (PTE) contains the base address of the desired page frame. The second-level page table addresses up to 1K individual page frames. A second-level page table is 4 KB in size and is itself a page. Bits [11:0] of the 32-bit linear address, the Page Frame Offset (PFO), locate the desired physical data within the page frame. Since the page directory table can point to 1 KB page tables, and each page table can point to 1 KB page frames, a total of 1 MB page frames can be implemented. Each page frame contains 4 KB, therefore, up to 4 GB of virtual memory can be addressed by the CPU with a single page directory table. Linear Address 31 22 21 Directory Table Index (DTI) 12 11 Page Table Index (PTI) 0 Page Frame Offset (PFO) 4 GB DTE Cache 2-Entry Fully Associative 1 0 Main TLB 32-Entry 4-Way Set Associative 31 0 -4 KB 4 KB DTE CR3 Control Register 4 KB PTE 0 Directory Table Physical Page -0 0 0 Page Table Memory External Memory Figure 4-8. Paging Mechanism 72 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Offset, Segment, and Paging Mechanisms Along with the base address of the page table or the page frame, each DTE or PTE contains attribute bits and a present bit as illustrated in Table 4-28. If the present bit (P) is set in the DTE, the page table is present and the appropriate page table entry is read. If P = 1 in the corresponding PTE (indicating that the page is in memory), the accessed and dirty bits are updated, if necessary, and the operand is fetched. Both accessed bits are set (DTE and PTE), if necessary, to indicate that the table and the page have been used to translate a linear address. The dirty bit (D) is set before the first write is made to a page. The present bits must be set to validate the remaining bits in the DTE and PTE. If either of the present bits are not set, a page fault is generated when the DTE or PTE is accessed. If P = 0, the remaining DTE/PTE bits are available for use by the operating system. For example, the operating system can use these bits to record where on the hard disk the pages are located. A page fault is also generated if the memory reference violates the page protection attributes. Translation Look-Aside Buffer The translation look-aside buffer (TLB) is a cache for the paging mechanism and replaces the two-level page table lookup procedure for TLB hits. The TLB is a four-way set associative 32-entry page table cache that automatically keeps the most commonly used page table entries in the processor. The 32-entry TLB, coupled with a 4 KB page size, results in coverage of 128 KB of memory addresses. The TLB must be flushed when entries in the page tables are changed. The TLB is flushed whenever the CR3 register is loaded. An individual entry in the TLB can be flushed using the INVLPG instruction. DTE Cache The DTE cache caches the two most recent DTEs so that future TLB misses only require a single page table read to calculate the physical address. The DTE cache is disabled following RESET and can be enabled by setting the DTE_EN bit in CCR4[4] (see CCR4 register on page 50). Table 4-28. Directory Table Entry (DTE) and Page Table Entry (PTE) Bit Name 31:12 BASE ADDRESS Base Address: Specifies the base address of the page or page table. Description 11:9 AVAILABLE Available: Undefined and available to the programmer. 8:7 RSVD 6 D Reserved: Unavailable to programmer. Dirty Bit: PTE format: If = 1: Indicates that a write access has occurred to the page. DTE format: Reserved. 5 A 4:3 RSVD 2 U/S Accessed Flag: If set, indicates that a read access or write access has occurred to the page. Reserved: Set to 0. User/Supervisor Attribute: If = 1: Page is accessible by User at privilege level 3. If = 0: Page is accessible by Supervisor only when CPL ≤ 2. 1 W/R Write/Read Attribute: If = 1: Page is writable. If = 0: Page is read only. 0 P Present Flag: If = 1: The page is present in RAM and the remaining DTE/PTE bits are validated If = 0: The page is not present in RAM and the remaining DTE/PTE bits are available for use by the programmer. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 73 Revision 5.0 4.6 Interrupts and Exceptions Interrupts and Exceptions The processing of either an interrupt or an exception changes the normal sequential flow of a program by transferring program control to a selected service routine. Except for SMM interrupts, the location of the selected service routine is determined by one of the interrupt vectors stored in the interrupt descriptor table. When an INTR interrupt occurs, the CPU performs an interrupt-acknowledge bus cycle. During this cycle, the CPU reads an 8-bit vector that is supplied by an external interrupt controller. This vector selects which of the 256 possible interrupt handlers will be executed in response to the interrupt. True interrupts are hardware interrupts and are generated by signal sources external to the CPU. All exceptions (including so-called software interrupts) are produced internally by the CPU. The SMM interrupt has higher priority than either INTR or NMI. After SMI# is asserted, program execution is passed to an SMM service routine that runs in SMM address space reserved for this purpose. The remainder of this section does not apply to the SMM interrupts. SMM interrupts are described in greater detail later in Section 4.7 "System Management Mode" on page 78. 4.6.1 Interrupts External events can interrupt normal program execution by using one of the three interrupt pins on the GX1 processor: • Non-maskable Interrupt (No pin, see Note) • Maskable Interrupt (INTR pin) • SMM Interrupt (SMI# pin) Note: There is not an NMI pin on the GX1 processor. Generation of an NMI interrupt is not possible. However, software can generate an NMI by setting bit 2 of CCR7. (See the CCR7 register on page 50.) For most interrupts, program transfer to the interrupt routine occurs after the current instruction has been completed. When the execution returns to the original program, it begins immediately following the interrupted instruction. The NMI interrupt cannot be masked by software and always uses interrupt vector two to locate its service routine. Since the interrupt vector is fixed and is supplied internally, no interrupt acknowledge bus cycles are performed. This interrupt is normally reserved for unusual situations such as parity errors and has priority over INTR interrupts. Once NMI processing has started, no additional NMIs are processed until an IRET instruction is executed, typically at the end of the NMI service routine. If the NMI is re-asserted before execution of the IRET instruction, one and only one NMI rising edge is stored and then processed after execution of the next IRET. During the NMI service routine, maskable interrupts may be enabled. If an unmasked INTR occurs during the NMI service routine, the INTR is serviced and execution returns to the NMI service routine following the next IRET. If a HALT instruction is executed within the NMI service routine, the CPU restarts execution only in response to RESET, an unmasked INTR or a System Management Mode (SMM) interrupt. NMI does not restart CPU execution under this condition. The INTR interrupt is unmasked when the Interrupt Enable Flag (IF, bit 9) in the EFLAGS register is set to 1 (See the EFLAGS register in Table 4-4 on page 43). Except for string operations, INTR interrupts are acknowledged between instructions. Long string operations have interrupt windows between memory moves that allow INTR interrupts to be acknowledged. 74 4.6.2 Exceptions Exceptions are generated by an interrupt instruction or a program error. Exceptions are classified as traps, faults or aborts depending on the mechanism used to report them and the restartability of the instruction which first caused the exception. A Trap exception is reported immediately following the instruction that generated the trap exception. Trap exceptions are generated by execution of a software interrupt instruction (INTO, INT3, INTn, BOUND), by a single-step operation or by a data breakpoint. Software interrupts can be used to simulate hardware interrupts. For example, an INTn instruction causes the processor to execute the interrupt service routine pointed to by the nth vector in the interrupt table. Execution of the interrupt service routine occurs regardless of the state of the IF flag (bit 9) in the EFLAGS register. The one byte INT3, or breakpoint interrupt (vector 3), is a particular case of the INTn instruction. By inserting this one byte instruction in a program, the user can set breakpoints in the code that can be used during debug. Single-step operation is enabled by setting the TF bit (bit 8) in the EFLAGS register. When the TF is set, the CPU generates a debug exception (vector 1) after the execution of every instruction. Data breakpoints also generate a debug exception and are specified by loading the debug registers (DR0-DR3, see Table 4-12 on page 52) with the appropriate values. A Fault exception is reported before completion of the instruction that generated the exception. By reporting the fault before instruction completion, the CPU is left in a state that allows the instruction to be restarted and the effects of the faulting instruction to be nullified. Fault exceptions include divide-by-zero errors, invalid opcodes, page faults and coprocessor errors. Debug exceptions (vector 1) are also handled as faults (except for data breakpoints and single-step operations). After execution of the fault service routine, the instruction pointer points to the instruction that caused the fault. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Interrupts and Exceptions Table 4-29. Interrupt Vector Assignments An Abort exception is a type of fault exception that is severe enough that the CPU cannot restart the program at the faulting instruction. The double fault (vector 8) is the only abort exception that occurs on the CPU. 4.6.3 Interrupt Vector Function 0 Divide error 1 Debug exception 2 NMI interrupt 3 Breakpoint Trap 4 Interrupt on overflow Trap 5 BOUND range exceeded Fault 6 Invalid opcode Fault 7 Device not available Fault 8 Double fault Abort 9 Reserved 10 Invalid TSS Fault 11 Segment not present Fault 12 Stack fault Fault 13 General protection fault 14 Page fault Fault 15 Reserved --- 16 FPU error Fault 17 Alignment check exception Fault 18:31 Reserved 32:55 Maskable hardware interrupts Trap 0:255 Programmed interrupt Trap Interrupt Vectors When the CPU services an interrupt or exception, the current program’s instruction pointer and flags are pushed onto the stack to allow resumption of execution of the interrupted program. In protected mode, the processor also saves an error code for some exceptions. Program control is then transferred to the interrupt handler (also called the interrupt service routine). Upon execution of an IRET at the end of the service routine, program execution resumes at the instruction pointer address saved on the stack when the interrupt was serviced. Interrupt Vector Assignments Each interrupt (except SMI#) and exception are assigned one of 256 interrupt vector numbers as shown in Table 429. The first 32 interrupt vector assignments are defined or reserved. INT instructions acting as software interrupts may use any of interrupt vectors, 0 through 255. The non-maskable hardware interrupt (NMI) is assigned vector 2. Illegal opcodes including faulty FPU instructions will cause an illegal opcode exception, interrupt vector 6. NMI interrupts are enabled by setting bit 2 of the CCR7 register (Index EBh[2] = 1, see Table 4-11 on page 49 for register format). In response to a maskable hardware interrupt (INTR), the CPU issues interrupt acknowledge bus cycles used to read the vector number from external hardware. These vectors should be in the range 32 to 255 as vectors 0 to 31 are predefined. Interrupt Descriptor Table The interrupt vector number is used by the CPU to locate an entry in the interrupt descriptor table (IDT). In real mode, each IDT entry consists of a 4-byte far pointer to the beginning of the corresponding interrupt service routine. In protected mode, each IDT entry is an 8-byte descriptor. The Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (IDTR) specifies the beginning address and limit of the IDT. Following RESET, the IDTR contains a base address of 00000000h with a limit of 3FFh. 1. Exception Type Fault Trap/Fault1 --- --- Trap/Fault --- Data breakpoints and single steps are traps. All other debug exceptions are faults. The IDT can be located anywhere in physical memory as determined by the IDTR register. The IDT may contain different types of descriptors: interrupt gates, trap gates and task gates. Interrupt gates are used primarily to enter a hardware interrupt handler. Trap gates are generally used to enter an exception handler or software interrupt handler. If an interrupt gate is used, the Interrupt Enable Flag (IF) in the EFLAGS register is cleared before the interrupt handler is entered. Task gates are used to make the transition to a new task. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 75 Revision 5.0 4.6.4 Interrupts and Exceptions Interrupt and Exception Priorities As the CPU executes instructions, it follows a consistent policy for prioritizing exceptions and hardware interrupts. The priorities for competing interrupts and exceptions are listed in Table 4-30. SMM interrupts always take precedence. Debug traps for the previous instruction and next instructions are handled as the next priority. When NMI and maskable INTR interrupts are both detected at the same instruction boundary, the GX1 processor services the NMI interrupt first. The CPU checks for exceptions in parallel with instruction decoding and execution. Several exceptions can result from a single instruction. However, only one exception is generated upon each attempt to execute the instruction. Each exception service routine should make the appropriate corrections to the instruction and then restart the instruction. In this way, exceptions can be serviced until the instruction executes properly. The CPU supports instruction restart after all faults, except when an instruction causes a task switch to a task whose Task State Segment (TSS) is partially not present. A TSS can be partially not present if the TSS is not page aligned and one of the pages where the TSS resides is not currently in memory. Table 4-30. Interrupt and Exception Priorities Priority 76 Description Notes 0 Reset. Caused by the assertion of RESET. 1 SMM hardware interrupt. SMM interrupts are caused by SMI# asserted and always have highest priority. 2 Debug traps and faults from previous instruction. Includes single-step trap and data breakpoints specified in the debug registers. 3 Debug traps for next instruction. Includes instruction execution breakpoints specified in the debug registers. 4 Non-maskable hardware interrupt. Caused by NMI asserted. 5 Maskable hardware interrupt. Caused by INTR asserted and IF = 1. 6 Faults resulting from fetching the next instruction. Includes segment not present, general protection fault and page fault. 7 Faults resulting from instruction decoding. Includes illegal opcode, instruction too long, or privilege violation. 8 WAIT instruction and TS = 1 and MP = 1. Device not available exception generated. 9 ESC instruction and EM = 1 or TS = 1. Device not available exception generated. 10 Floating point error exception. Caused by unmasked floating point exception with NE = 1. 11 Segmentation faults (for each memory reference required by the instruction) that prevent transferring the entire memory operand. Includes segment not present, stack fault, and general protection fault. 12 Page Faults that prevent transferring the entire memory operand. 13 Alignment check fault. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Interrupts and Exceptions 4.6.5 Exceptions in Real Mode 4.6.6 Many of the exceptions described in Table 4-29 "Interrupt Vector Assignments" on page 75 are not applicable in real mode. Exceptions 10, 11, and 14 do not occur in real mode. Other exceptions have slightly different meanings in real mode as listed in Table 4-31. Error Codes When operating in protected mode, the following exceptions generate a 16-bit error code: • Double Fault • Alignment Check • Invalid TSS Table 4-31. Exception Changes in Real Mode Vector Number 8 Protected Mode Function Double fault. • Segment Not Present Real Mode Function • Stack Fault • General Protection Fault Interrupt table limit overrun. 10 Invalid TSS. Does not occur. 11 Segment not present. Does not occur. 12 Stack fault. SS segment limit overrun. 13 General protection fault. CS, DS, ES, FS, GS segment limit overrun. In protected mode, an error code is pushed. In real mode, no error code is pushed. 14 Page fault. Does not occur. • Page Fault The error code format and bit definitions are shown in Table 4-32. Bits [15:3] (selector index) are not meaningful if the error code was generated as the result of a page fault. The error code is always zero for double faults and alignment check exceptions. Table 4-32. Error Codes 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Selector Index 3 2 1 0 S2 S1 S0 Table 4-33. Error Code Bit Definitions Fault Type Selector Index (Bits 15:3) Page Fault Reserved. IDT Fault Segment Fault S2 (Bit 2) S1 (Bit 1) S0 (Bit 0) Fault caused by: Fault occurred during: Fault occurred during: 0 = Not present page 1 = Page-level protection violation 0 = Read access 1 = Write access 0 = Supervisor access 1 = User access. Index of faulty IDT selector. Reserved 1 If = 1: Exception occurred while trying to invoke exception or hardware interrupt handler. Index of faulty selector. TI bit of faulty selector 0 If =1: Exception occurred while trying to invoke exception or hardware interrupt handler. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 77 Revision 5.0 4.7 System Management Mode System Management Mode System Management Mode (SMM) is an enhancement of the standard x86 architecture. SMM is usually employed for system power management or software-transparent emulation of I/O peripherals. SMM is entered through a hardware signal “System Management Interrupt” (SMI# pin) that has a higher priority than any other interrupt, including NMI. An SMM interrupt can also be triggered from software using an SMINT instruction. Following an SMM interrupt, portions of the CPU state are automatically saved, SMM is entered, and program execution begins at the base of SMM address space (Figure 4-9). The GX1 processor extends System Management Mode to support the virtualization of many devices, including VGA video. The SMM mechanism can be triggered by I/O activity and also by access to selected memory regions. For example, SMM interrupts are generated when VGA addresses are accessed. As will be described, other SMM enhancements have reduced SMM overhead and improved virtualization-software performance Potential SMM Address Space Physical Memory Space FFFFFFFFh FFFFFFFFh Physical Memory 4 GB 00000000h 4 KB to 32 MB Defined SMM Address Space 00000000h Non-SMM SMM Figure 4-9. System Management Memory Address Space 78 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book System Management Mode 4.7.1 Revision 5.0 SMM Operation SMM execution flow is summarized in Figure 4-10. Entering SMM requires the assertion of the SMI# pin for at least two SYSCLK periods or execution of the SMINT instruction. For the SMI# signal or SMINT instruction to be recognized, the following configuration registers must be programmed: • SMAR (Index CDh-CFh) - The SMM Base address and size. SMI# Sampled Active or SMINT Instruction Executed CPU State Stored in SMM Address Space Header • CCR1 (Index C1) - SMAC bit and/or USE_SMI bit. These register formats are given in Table 4-11 on page 49. After triggering an SMM through the SMI# pin or a SMINT instruction, selected CPU state information is automatically saved in the SMM memory space header located at the top of SMM memory space. After saving the header, the CPU enters real mode and begins executing the SMM service routine starting at the SMM memory region base address. The SMM service routine is user definable and may contain system or power management software. If the power management software forces the CPU to power down or if the SMM service routine modifies more registers than are automatically saved, the complete CPU state information should be saved. 4.7.2 Program Flow Transfers to SMM Address Space CPU Enters Real Mode Execution Begins at SMM Address Space Base Address SMI# Pin External chipsets can generate an SMI based on numerous asynchronous events, including power management timers, I/O address trapping, external devices, audio FIFO events, and others. Since SMI# is edge sensitive, the chipset must generate an edge for each of the events above, requiring arbitration and storage of multiple SMM events. These functions are provided by the Geode CS5530A companion device. The processor generates an SMI when the external pin changes from high-to-low or when an Resume (RSM) occurs if SMI# has not remained low since the initiation of the previous SMI. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book RSM Instruction Restores CPU State Using Header Information Normal Execution Resumes Figure 4-10. SMM Execution Flow 79 Revision 5.0 4.7.3 System Management Mode SMM Configuration Registers The SMAR register specifies the base location of SMM code region and its size limit. The SMHR register specifies the 32-bit physical address of the SMM header. The SMHR address must be 32-bit aligned as the bottom two bits are ignored by the microcode. Hardware will detect write operations to SMAR, and signal the microcode to recompute the header address. Access to the SMAR and SMHR registers is enabled by MAPEN (Index C3h[4] see bit details on page 49). The SMAR register writes to the SMHR register when the SMAR register is changed. For this reason, changes to the SMAR register should be completed prior to setting up the SMHR register. The configuration registers bit formats are detailed in Table 4-11 beginning on page 49. 4.7.4 SMM Memory Space Header Tables 4-34 and 4-35 show the SMM header. A memory address field has been added to the end (offset –40h) of the header for the GX1 processor. Memory data will be stored overlapping the I/O data, since these events cannot occur simultaneously. The I/O address is valid for both IN and OUT instructions, and I/O data is valid only for OUT. The memory address is valid for read and write operations, and memory data is valid only for write operations. With every SMI interrupt or SMINT instruction, selected CPU state information is automatically saved in the SMM memory space header located at the top of SMM address space. The header contains CPU state information that is modified when servicing an SMM interrupt. Included in this information are two pointers. The Current IP points to the instruction executing when the SMI was detected, but it is valid only for an internal I/O SMI. The Next IP points to the instruction that will be executed after exiting SMM. The contents of Debug Register 7 (DR7), the Extended Flags register (EFLAGS), and Control Register 0 (CR0) are also saved. If SMM has been entered due to an I/O trap for a REP INSx or REP OUTSx instruction, the Current IP and Next IP fields contain the same addresses. In addition, the I and P fields contain valid information. If entry into SMM is the result of an I/O trap, it is useful for the programmer to know the port address, data size and data value associated with that I/O operation. This information is also saved in the header and is valid only if SMI# is asserted during an I/O bus cycle. The I/O trap information is not restored within the CPU when executing a RSM instruction. Table 4-34. SMM Memory Space Header Mem. Offset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 –04h DR7 –08h EFLAGS –0Ch CR0 –10h Current IP –14h –18h –20h CS Descriptor [31:0] –24h RSVD –28h I/O Data Size RSVD 5 4 3 2 1 0 N V X M H S P I C I/O Address [15:0] I/O or Memory Data [31:0]1 –30h Restored ESI or EDI –34h I/O or Memory Address [31:0] 80 6 CS Selector CS Descriptor [63:32] 1. 7 Next IP RSVD –1Ch –2Ch 8 Check the M bit at Offset 24h to determine if the data is memory or I/O. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 System Management Mode Table 4-35. SMM Memory Space Header Description Name Description Size DR7 Debug Register 7: The contents of Debug Register 7. EFLAGS Extended Flags Register: The contents of Extended Flags Register. 4 Bytes 4 Bytes CR0 Control Register 0: The contents of Control Register 0. 4 Bytes Current IP Current Instruction Pointer: The address of the instruction executed prior to servicing SMM interrupt. 4 Bytes Next IP Next Instruction Pointer: The address of the next instruction that will be executed after exiting SMM. 4 Bytes CS Selector Code Segment Selector: Code segment register selector for the current code segment. 2 Bytes CS Descriptor Code Segment Descriptor: Encoded descriptor bits for the current code segment. 8 Bytes N Nested SMI Status: Flag that determines whether an SMI occurred during SMM (i.e., nested). V SoftVGA SMI Status: SMI was generated by an access to VGA region. 1 Bit X External SMI Status: 1 Bit 1 Bit If = 1: SMI generated by external SMI# pin. If = 0: SMI internally generated by Internal Bus Interface Unit. M Memory or I/O Access: 0 = I/O access; 1 = Memory access. 1 Bit H Halt Status: Indicates that the processor was in a halt or shutdown prior to servicing the SMM interrupt. 1 Bit S Software SMM Entry Indicator: 1 Bit If = 1: Current SMM is the result of an SMINT instruction. If = 0: Current SMM is not the result of an SMINT instruction. P REP INSx/OUTSx Indicator:1 1 Bit If = 1: Current instruction has a REP prefix. If = 0: Current instruction does not have a REP prefix. I IN, INSx, OUT, or OUTSx Indicator:1 1 Bit If = 1: Current instruction performed is an I/O WRITE. If = 0: Current instruction performed is an I/O READ. C CS Writable: Code Segment Writable 1 Bit If = 1: CS is writable. If = 0: CS is not writable. I/O Data Size Indicates size of data for the trapped I/O cycle: 2 Bytes 01h = BYTE 03h = WORD 0Fh = DWORD I/O Address Processor port used for the trapped I/O cycle 2 Bytes I/O or Memory Data Data associated with the trapped I/O or memory cycles 4 Bytes Restored ESI or EDI Restored ESI or EDI Value: Used when it is necessary to repeat a REP OUTSx or REP INSx 4 Bytes instruction when one of the I/O cycles caused an SMI# trap.1 Memory Address 1. Physical address of the operation that caused the SMI 4 Bytes INSx = INS, INSB, INSW or INSD instruction. OUTSx = OUTS, OUTSB, OUTSW and OUTSD instruction. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 81 Revision 5.0 4.7.5 System Management Mode SMM Instructions The GX1 processor core automatically saves a minimal amount of CPU state information when entering SMM which allows fast SMM service routine entry and exit. After entering the SMM service routine, the MOV, SVDC, SVLDT and SVTS instructions can be used to save the complete CPU state information. If the SMM service routine modifies more state information than is automatically saved or if it forces the CPU to power down, the complete CPU state information must be saved. Since the CPU is a static device, its internal state is retained when the input clock is stopped. Therefore, an entire CPU-state save is not necessary before stopping the input clock. The SMM instructions, listed in Table 4-36, can be executed only if all the conditions listed below are met. If any one of the conditions above is not met and an attempt is made to execute an SVDC, RSDC, SVLDT, RSLDT, SVTS, RSTS, or RSM instruction, an invalid opcode exception is generated. The SMM instructions can be executed outside of defined SMM space provided the conditions above are met. The SMINT instruction can be used by software to enter SMM. The SMINT instruction can only be used outside an SMM routine if all the conditions listed below are true. 1) USE_SMI = 1 2) SMAR size > 0 3) Current Privilege Level = 0 4) SMAC = 1 If SMI# is asserted to the CPU during a software SMI, the hardware SMI# is serviced after the software SMI has been exited by execution of the RSM instruction. 1) USE_SMI = 1. 2) SMAR size > 0. 3) Current Privilege Level = 0. 4) SMAC bit is high or the CPU is in an SMM service routine. All the SMM instructions (except RSM and SMINT) save or restore 80 bits of data, allowing the saved values to include the hidden portion of the register contents. Table 4-36. SMM Instruction Set Opcode Format1 0F 78h [mod sreg3 r/m] SVDC mem80, sreg3 Instruction SVDC Description Save Segment Register and Descriptor: Saves reg (DS, ES, FS, GS, or SS) to mem80. RSDC 0F 79h [mod sreg3 r/m] RSDC sreg3, mem80 Restore Segment Register and Descriptor: Restores reg (DS, ES, FS, GS, or SS) from mem80. Use RSM to restore CS. Processing “RSDC CS, mem80” will produce an exception. SVLDT 0F 7Ah [mod 000 r/m] SVLDT mem80 Save LDTR and Descriptor: Saves Local Descriptor Table (LDTR) to mem80. RSLDT 0F 7Bh [mod 000 r/m] RSLDT mem80 Restore LDTR and Descriptor: Restores Local Descriptor Table (LDTR) from mem80. SVTS 0F 7Ch [mod 000 r/m] SVTS mem80 Save TSR and Descriptor: Saves Task State Register (TSR) to mem80. RSTS 0F 7Dh [mod 000 r/m] RSTS mem80 Restore TSR and Descriptor: Restores Task State Register (TSR) from mem80. SMINT 0F 38h SMINT Software SMM Entry: CPU enters SMM. CPU state information is saved in SMM memory space header and execution begins at SMM base address. RSM 0F AAh RSM Resume Normal Mode: Exits SMM. The CPU state is restored using the SMM memory space header and execution resumes at interrupted point. 1. 82 mem80 = 80-bit memory location. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 System Management Mode 4.7.6 SMM Memory Space SMM memory space is defined by specifying the base address and size of the SMM memory space in the SMAR register. The base address must be a multiple of the SMM memory space size. For example, a 32 KB SMM memory space must be located at a 32 KB address boundary. The memory space size can range from 4 KB to 32 MB. Execution of the interrupt begins at the base of the SMM memory space. SMM memory space accesses are always cacheable, which allows SMM routines to run faster. 4.7.7 SMI Generation for Virtual VGA The GX1 processor implements SMI generation for VGA accesses. When enabled memory write operations in regions A0000h to AFFFFh, B0000h to B7FFFh, and B8000h to BFFFFh generate an SMI. Memory reads are not trapped by the GX1 processor. When enabled, the GX1 processor traps I/O addresses for VGA in the following regions: 3B0h to 3BFh, 3C0h to 3CFh, and 3D0h to 3DFh. Memory-write trapping is performed during instruction decode in the processor core. I/O read and write trapping is implemented in the Internal Bus Interface Unit of the GX1 processor. The SMI-generation hardware requires two additional configuration registers to control and mask SMI interrupts in the VGA memory space: VGACTL and VGAM. The VGACTL register has a control bit for each address range shown above. The VGAM register has 32 bits that can selectively disable 2 KB regions within the VGA memory. The VGAM applies only to the A0000h to AFFFFh region. If this region is not enabled in VGA_CTL, then the contents of VGAM is ignored. The purpose of VGAM is to prevent an SMI from occurring when non-displayed VGA memory is accessed. This is an enhancement which improves performance for double-buffered applications. The format of each register is shown in Table 5-37 on page 154. 4.7.8 SMM Service Routine Execution Upon entry into SMM, after the SMM header has been saved, the CR0, EFLAGS, and DR7 registers are set to their reset values. The Code Segment (CS) register is loaded with the base, as defined by the SMAR register, and a limit of 4 GB. The SMM service routine then begins execution at the SMM base address in real mode. The programmer must save and restore the value of any registers not saved in the header that may be changed by the SMM service routine. For data accesses immediately after entering the SMM service routine, the programmer must use CS as a segment override. I/O port access is possible during the routine but care must be taken to save registers modified by the I/O instructions. Before using a segment register, the register and the register’s descriptor cache contents should be saved using the SVDC instruction. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Hardware interrupts, INTRs and NMIs, may be serviced during an SMM service routine. If interrupts are to be serviced while executing in the SMM memory space, the SMM memory space must be within the address range of 0 to 1 MB to guarantee proper return to the SMM service routine after handling the interrupt. INTRs are automatically disabled when entering SMM since the IF flag (EFLAGS register, bit 9) is set to its reset value. Once in SMM, the INTR can be enabled by setting the IF flag. An NMI event in SMM can be enabled by setting NMI_EN high in the CCR3 register (Index C3h[1]). If NMI is not enabled while in SMM, the CPU latches one NMI event and services the interrupt after NMI has been enabled or after exiting SMM through the RSM instruction. Upon entering SMM, the processor is in real mode, but it may exit to either real or protected mode depending on its state when SMM was initiated. The SMM header indicates to which state it will exit. Within the SMM service routine, protected mode may be entered and exited as required, and real or protected mode device drivers may be called. To exit the SMM service routine, an RSM instruction, rather than an IRET, is executed. The RSM instruction causes the GX1 processor core to restore the CPU state using the SMM header information and resume execution at the interrupted point. If the full CPU state was saved by the programmer, the stored values should be reloaded before executing the RSM instruction using the MOV, RSDC, RSLDT and RSTS instructions. 4.7.9 SMI Nesting The SMI mechanism supports nesting of SMI interrupts through the SMM service routine, the SMI_NEST bit in the CCR4 register (Index E8h[6]), and the Nested SMI Status bit (bit N in the SMM header, see Table 4-35 "SMM Memory Space Header Description" on page 81). Nesting is an important capability in allowing high-priority events, such as audio virtualization, to interrupt lower-priority SMI code for VGA virtualization or power management. SMI_NEST controls whether SMI interrupts can occur during SMM. SMM service routines can optionally set SMI_NEST high to allow higher-priority SMI interrupts while handling the current event. The SMM service routine is responsible for managing the SMM header data for nested SMI interrupts. The SMM header must be saved before SMI_NEST is set high, and SMI_NEST must be cleared and its header information restored before an RSM instruction is executed. The Nested SMI Status bit has been added to the SMM header to show whether the current SMI is nested. The processor sets Nested SMI Status high if the processor was in SMM when the SMI was taken. The processor uses Nested SMI Status on exit to determine whether the processor should stay in SMM. 83 Revision 5.0 System Management Mode When SMI nesting is disabled, the processor holds off external SMI interrupts until the currently executing SMM code exits. When SMI nesting is enabled, the processor can proceed with the SMI. The SMM service routine will guarantee that no internal SMIs are generated in SMM, so the processor ignores such events. If the internal and external SMI signals are received simultaneously, then the internal SMI is given priority to avoid losing the event. The state diagram of the SMI_NEST and Nested SMI Status bits are shown in Figure 4-11 with each state explained next. A. When the processor is outside of SMM, Nested SMI Status is always clear and SMI_NEST is set high. B. The first-level SMI interrupt is received by the processor. The microcode clears SMI_NEST, sets Nested SMI Status high and saves the previous value of Nested SMI Status (0) in the SMM header. C. The first-level SMM service routine saves the header and sets SMI_NEST high to re-enable SMI interrupts from SMM. D. A second-level (nested) SMI interrupt is received by the processor. This SMI is taken even though the processor is in SMM because the SMI_NEST bit is set high. The microcode clears SMI_NEST, sets Nested SMI Status high and saves the previous value of Nested SMI Status (1) in the SMM header. E. The second-level SMM service routine saves the header and sets SMI_NEST to re-enable SMI interrupts within SMM. Another level of nesting could occur during this period. F. The second-level SMM service routine clears SMI_NEST to disable SMI interrupts, then restores its SMM header. G. The second-level SMM service routine executes an RSM. The microcode sets SMI_NEST, and restores the Nested SMI Status (1) based on the SMM header. H. The first-level SMM service routine clears SMI_NEST to disable SMI interrupts, then restores its SMM header. I. The first-level SMM service routine executes an RSM. The microcode sets SMI_NEST high and restores the Nested SMI Status (0) based on the SMM header. When the processor is outside of SMM, Nested SMI Status is always clear and SMI_NEST is set high. SMI_NEST Nested SMI Status A B C D E F G H I Figure 4-11. SMI Nesting State Machine 84 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Halt and Shutdown CPU States Related to SMM and Suspend Mode The state diagram shown in Figure 4-12 illustrates the various CPU states associated with SMM and Suspend mode. While in the SMM service routine, the GX1 processor core can enter Suspend mode either by (1) executing a halt (HLT) instruction or (2) by asserting the SUSP# input. During SMM operations and while in SUSP#-initiated Suspend mode, an occurrence of either an NMI or INTR is latched. (In order for INTR to be latched, the IF flag, EFLAGS register bit 9, must be set.) The INTR or NMI is serviced after exiting Suspend mode. If Suspend mode is entered through a HLT instruction from the operating system or application software, the reception of an SMI# interrupt causes the CPU to exit Suspend mode and enter SMM. If Suspend mode is entered through the hardware (SUSP# = 0) while the operating system or application software is active, the CPU latches one occurrence of INTR, NMI, and SMI#. NMI or INTR Suspend Mode (SUSPA# = 0) 4.8 Halt and Shutdown The halt instruction (HLT) stops program execution and generates the Halt bus cycle on the PCI bus. The GX1 processor core then drives out a Stop Grant bus cycle and enters a low-power Suspend mode if the SUSP_HLT bit in CCR2 (Index C2h[3]) is set. SMI#, NMI, INTR with interrupts enabled (IF bit in EFLAGS = 1), or RESET forces the CPU out of the halt state. If the halt state is interrupted, the saved code segment and instruction pointer specify the instruction following the HLT. Shutdown occurs when a severe error is detected that prevents further processing. The most common severe error is the triple fault, a fault event while handling a double fault. Setting the IDT limit to zero or the GDT limit to zero will cause a triple fault when in protected mode. A RESET brings the processor out of shutdown. An NMI will work if the IDT limit is large enough, at least 000Fh, to contain the NMI interrupt vector and if the stack has enough room. The stack must be large enough to contain the vector and flag information (the stack pointer must be greater than 0005h). Interrupt Service Routine IRET* HLT* NMI or INTR SUSP# = 0 OS/Application Software RESET Suspend Mode (SUSPA# = 0) SUSP# = 1 (INTR, NMI and SMI# latched) SMI# = 0 SMINT* SMI# = 0 RSM* Non-SMM Operations SMM Operations SMM Service Routine (SMI# = 0) HLT* Suspend Mode (SUSPA# = 0) IRET* NMI or INTR IRET* SUSP# = 0 SUSP# = 1 NMI or INTR Interrupt Service Routine Suspend Mode (SUSPA# = 0) Interrupt Service Routine *Instructions (INTR and NMI latched) Figure 4-12. SMM and Suspend Mode State Diagram AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 85 Revision 5.0 4.9 Protection Protection Segment protection and page protection are safeguards built into the GX1 processor’s protected-mode architecture that deny unauthorized or incorrect access to selected memory addresses. These safeguards allow multitasking programs to be isolated from each other and from the operating system. This section concentrates on segment protection. For a memory access to succeed, the EPL must be at least as privileged as the Descriptor Privilege Level (EPL ≤ DPL). If the EPL is less privileged than the DPL (EPL > DPL), a general protection fault is generated. For example, if a segment has a DPL = 2, an instruction accessing the segment only succeeds if executed with an EPL ≤ 2. Selectors and descriptors are the key elements in the segment protection mechanism. The segment base address, size, and privilege level are established by a segment descriptor. Privilege levels control the use of privileged instructions, I/O instructions and access to segments and segment descriptors. Selectors are used to locate segment descriptors. 4.9.2 Segment accesses are divided into two basic types, those involving code segments (e.g., control transfers) and those involving data accesses. The ability of a task to access a segment depends on the: • Segment type • Instruction requesting access • Type of descriptor used to define the segment • Associated privilege levels (described next) Data stored in a segment can be accessed only by code executing at the same or a more privileged level. A code segment or procedure can only be called by a task executing at the same or a less privileged level. 4.9.1 The I/O Privilege Level (IOPL) allows the operating system executing at CPL = 0 to define the least privileged level at which IOPL-sensitive instructions can unconditionally be used. The IOPL-sensitive instructions include CLI, IN, OUT, INS, OUTS, REP INS, REP OUTS, and STI. Modification of the IF bit in the EFLAGS register is also sensitive to the I/O privilege level. The IOPL is stored in the EFLAGS register (bits [31:12]). An I/O permission bit map is available as defined by the 32-bit Task State Segment (TSS). Since each task can have its own TSS, access to individual I/O ports can be granted through separate I/O permission bit maps. If CPL ≤ IOPL, IOPL-sensitive operations can be performed. If CPL > IOPL, a general protection fault is generated if the current task is associated with a 16-bit TSS. If the current task is associated with a 32-bit TSS and CPL > IOPL, the CPU consults the I/O permission bitmap in the TSS to determine on a port-by-port basis whether or not I/O instructions (IN, OUT, INS, OUTS, REP INS, REP OUTS) are permitted. The remaining IOPL-sensitive operations generate a general protection fault. Privilege Levels The values for privilege levels range between 0 and 3. Level 0 is the highest privilege level (most privileged), and level 3 is the lowest privilege level (least privileged). The privilege level in real mode is zero. The Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL) is the privilege level defined for a segment in the segment descriptor. The DPL field specifies the minimum privilege level needed to access the memory segment pointed to by the descriptor. The Current Privilege Level (CPL) is defined as the current task’s privilege level. The CPL of an executing task is stored in the hidden portion of the code segment register and essentially is the DPL for the current code segment. The Requested Privilege Level (RPL) specifies a selector’s privilege level. RPL is used to distinguish between the privilege level of a routine actually accessing memory (the CPL), and the privilege level of the original requester (the RPL) of the memory access. The lesser of the RPL and CPL is called the Effective Privilege Level (EPL). Therefore, if RPL = 0 in a segment selector, the EPL is always determined by the CPL. If RPL = 3, the EPL is always 3 regardless of the CPL. If the level requested by RPL is less than the CPL, the RPL level is accepted and the EPL is changed to the RPL value. If the level requested by RPL is greater than CPL, the CPL overrides the requested RPL and EPL becomes the CPL value. 86 I/O Privilege Levels 4.9.3 Privilege Level Transfers A task’s CPL can be changed only through intersegment control transfers using gates or task switches to a code segment with a different privilege level. Control transfers result from exception and interrupt servicing and from execution of the CALL, JMP, INT, IRET and RET instructions. There are five types of control transfers that are summarized in Table 4-37. Control transfers can be made only when the operation causing the control transfer references the correct descriptor type. Any violation of these descriptor usage rules causes a general protection fault. Any control transfer that changes the CPL within a task results in a change of stack. The initial values for the stack segment (SS) and stack pointer (ESP) for privilege levels 0, 1, and 2 are stored in the TSS. During a JMP or CALL control transfer, the SS and ESP are loaded with the new stack pointer and the previous stack pointer is saved on the new stack. When returning to the original privilege level, the RET or IRET instruction restores the SS and ESP of the less-privileged stack. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Protection Gates Gate descriptors described in "Gate Descriptors" on page 69, provide protection for privilege transfers among executable segments. Gates are used to transition to routines of the same or a more privileged level. Call gates, interrupt gates and trap gates are used for privilege transfers within a task. Task gates are used to transfer between tasks. Gates conform to the standard rules of privilege. In other words, gates can be accessed by a task if the effective privilege level (EPL) is the same or more privileged than the gate descriptor’s privilege level (DPL). 4.9.4 Initialization and Transition to Protected Mode The GX1 processor core switches to real mode immediately after RESET. While operating in real mode, the system tables and registers should be initialized. The GDTR and IDTR must point to a valid GDT and IDT, respectively. The size of the IDT should be at least 256 bytes, and the GDT must contain descriptors that describe the initial code and data segments. The processor can be placed in protected mode by setting the PE bit (CR0 register bit 0). After enabling protected mode, the CS register should be loaded and the instruction decode queue should be flushed by executing an intersegment JMP. Finally, all data segment registers should be initialized with appropriate selector values. Table 4-37. Descriptor Types Used for Control Transfer Type of Control Transfer Operation Types Descriptor Referenced Descriptor Table Intersegment within the same privilege level. JMP, CALL, RET, IRET1 Code Segment GDT or LDT Intersegment to the same or a more privileged level. Interrupt within task (could change CPL level). CALL Gate Call GDT or LDT Interrupt Instruction, Exception, External Interrupt Trap or Interrupt Gate IDT Intersegment to a less privileged level (changes task CPL). RET, IRET1 Code Segment GDT or LDT Task Switch via TSS CALL, JMP Task State Segment GDT Task Switch via Task Gate CALL, JMP Task Gate GDT or LDT 2, Task Gate IDT IRET Interrupt Instruction, Exception, External Interrupt 1. 2. NT = 0 (Nested Task bit in EFLAGS, bit 14) NT =1 (Nested Task bit in EFLAGS, bit 14) AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 87 Revision 5.0 4.10 Virtual 8086 Mode Both real mode and virtual 8086 (V86) modes are supported by the GX1 processor, allowing execution of 8086 application programs and 8086 operating systems. V86 mode allows the execution of 8086-type applications, yet still permits use of the paging and protection mechanisms. V86 tasks run at privilege level 3. Before entry, all segment limits must be set to FFFFh (64K) as in real mode. 4.10.1 Memory Addressing While in V86 mode, segment registers are used in an identical fashion to real mode. The contents of the Segment register are multiplied by 16 and added to the offset to form the Segment Base Linear Address. The GX1 processor permits the operating system to select which programs use the V86 address mechanism and which programs use protected mode addressing for each task. The GX1 processor also permits the use of paging when operating in V86 mode. Using paging, the 1 MB address space of the V86 task can be mapped to any region in the 4 GB linear address space. The paging hardware allows multiple V86 tasks to run concurrently, and provides protection and operating system isolation. The paging hardware must be enabled to run multiple V86 tasks or to relocate the address space of a V86 task to physical address space other than 0. 4.10.2 Virtual 8086 Mode Protection All V86 tasks operate with the least amount of privilege (level 3) and are subject to all CPU protected mode protection checks. As a result, any attempt to execute a privileged instruction within a V86 task results in a general protection fault. 4.10.3 Interrupt Handling To fully support the emulation of an 8086-type machine, interrupts in V86 mode are handled as follows. When an interrupt or exception is serviced in V86 mode, program execution transfers to the interrupt service routine at privilege level 0 (i.e., transition from V86 to protected mode occurs). The VM bit in the EFLAGS register (bit 17) is cleared. The protected mode interrupt service routine then determines if the interrupt came from a protected mode or V86 application by examining the VM bit in the EFLAGS image stored on the stack. The interrupt service routine may then choose to allow the 8086 operating system to handle the interrupt or may emulate the function of the interrupt handler. Following completion of the interrupt service routine, an IRET instruction restores the EFLAGS register (restores VM = 1) and segment selectors and control returns to the interrupted V86 task. 4.10.4 Entering and Leaving Virtual 8086 Mode V86 mode is entered from protected mode by either executing an IRET instruction at CPL = 0 or by task switching. If an IRET is used, the stack must contain an EFLAGS image with VM = 1. If a task switch is used, the TSS must contain an EFLAGS image containing a 1 in the VM bit position. The POPF instruction cannot be used to enter V86 mode since the state of the VM bit is not affected. V86 mode can only be exited as the result of an interrupt or exception. The transition out must use a 32-bit trap or interrupt gate that must point to a non-conforming privilege level 0 segment (DPL = 0), or a 32-bit TSS. These restrictions are required to permit the trap handler to IRET back to the V86 program. In V86 mode, a slightly different set of instructions are sensitive to the I/O privilege level (IOPL) than in protected mode. These instructions are: CLI, INT n, IRET, POPF, PUSHF, and STI. The INT3, INTO and BOUND variations of the INT instruction are not IOPL sensitive. 88 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Floating Point Unit Operations 4.11 Floating Point Unit Operations The GX1 processor contains an FPU that is x87 and MMX instruction-set compatible and adheres to the IEEE-754 standard. Because most applications that contain FPU instructions intermix with integer instructions, the GX1 processor’s FPU achieves high performance by completing integer and FPU operations in parallel. maintained transparently by the CPU and are only available to the programmer indirectly through the FSTENV and FSAVE instructions. The tag word with TAG fields for each associated physical register, TAG(n), is shown in Table 4-38 on page 89. 4.11.3 4.11.1 FPU Register Set The FPU provides the user eight data registers, a control register, and a status register. The CPU also provides a data register tag word that improves context switching and stack performance by maintaining empty/non-empty status for each of the eight data registers. Two additional, registers contain pointers to (a) the memory location containing the current instruction word and (b) the memory location containing the operand associated with the current instruction word (if any). 4.11.2 FPU Tag Word Register The FPU maintains a tag word register that is divided into eight tag word fields. These fields assume one of four values depending on the contents of their associated data registers: Valid (00), Zero (01), Special (10), and Empty (11). Note: Denormal, Infinity, QNaN, SNaN and unsupported formats are tagged as “Special”. Tag values are FPU Status Register The FPU communicates status information and operation results to the CPU through the FPU status register, whose fields are detailed in Table 4-38. These fields include information related to exception status, operation execution status, register status, operand class, and comparison results. This register is continuously accessible to the CPU regardless of the state of the Control or Execution Units. 4.11.4 FPU Mode Control Register The FPU Mode Control register, shown in Table 4-38, is used by the GX1 processor to specify the operating mode of the FPU. The register fields include information related to the rounding mode selected, the amount of precision to be used in the calculations, and the exception conditions which should be reported to the GX1 processor using traps. The user controls precision, rounding, and exception reporting by setting or clearing appropriate bits. Table 4-38. FPU Registers Bit Name Description FPU Tag Word Register (R/W)1 15:14 TAG7 TAG7: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 13:12 TAG6 TAG6: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 11:10 TAG5 TAG5: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 9:8 TAG4 TAG4: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 7:6 TAG3 TAG3: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 5:4 TAG2 TAG2: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 3:2 TAG1 TAG1: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. 1:0 TAG0 TAG0: 00 = Valid; 01 = Zero; 10 = Special; 11 = Empty. FPU Status Register (R/W)1 15 B 14 C3 Copy of ES bit (bit 7 this register) Condition code bit 3 13:11 S 10:8 C[2:0] Top-of-Stack: Register number that points to the current TOS. 7 ES Error indicator: Set to 1 if unmasked exception detected. 6 SF Stack Full: FPU Status Register: or invalid register operation bit. Condition code bits [2:0] 5 P Precision error exception bit 4 U Underflow error exception bit 3 O Overflow error exception bit 2 Z Divide-by-zero exception bit AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 89 Revision 5.0 Floating Point Unit Operations Table 4-38. FPU Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description 1 D Denormalized-operand error exception bit 0 I Invalid operation exception bit FPU Mode Control Register (R/W)1 1. 90 15:12 RSVD 11:10 RC Reserved: Set to 0 Rounding control bits: 00 = Round to nearest or even 01 = Round towards minus infinity 10 = Round towards plus infinity 11 = Truncate 9:8 PC Precision control bits: 00 = 24-bit mantissa 01 = Reserved 10 = 53-bit mantissa 11 = 64-bit mantissa 7:6 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0 5 P Precision error exception bit 4 U Underflow error exception bit 3 O Overflow error exception bit 2 Z Divide-by-zero exception bit 1 D Denormalized-operand error exception bit 0 I Invalid-operation exception bit R/W only through the environment store and restore commands. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Integrated Functions Revision 5.0 5.0Integrated Functions The integrated functions of the AMD Geode™ GX1 processor are: • Internal bus interface • SDRAM memory controller • High-performance 2D graphics accelerator • Display controller with separate CRT and TFT data paths • PCI bridge The design organizes the memory controller, graphics pipeline and display controller into a Unified Memory Architecture (UMA). UMA simplifies system designs and signifi- Write-Back Cache Unit MMU cantly reduces overall system costs associated with high chip count, small footprint designs. Performance degradation in traditional UMA systems is reduced through the use of AMD’s Display Compression Technology (DCT) architecture. Figure 5-1 shows the major functional blocks of the GX1 processor and how the internal bus interface unit operates as the interface between the processor’s core units and the integrated functions. This section details how the integrated functions and internal bus interface unit operate and their respective registers. Integer Unit FPU C-Bus Internal Bus Interface Unit X-Bus Integrated Functions Graphics Pipeline Memory Controller Display Controller SDRAM Port CS5530A (CRT/LCD TFT) PCI Controller PCI Bus Figure 5-1. Internal Block Diagram AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 91 Revision 5.0 5.1 Integrated Functions Programming Interface Integrated Functions Programming Interface The GX1 processor’s integrated functions programming interface is a memory mapped space. The control registers for the graphics pipeline, display controller, and memory controller are located in this space, as well as all the graphics memory: frame buffer, compression buffer, etc. This memory address space is referred to as the GX1 processor memory space. 5.1.1 Graphics Control Register The base address for these memory mapped registers is programmed in the Graphics Configuration Register (GCR, Index B8h, bits[1:0]), shown in Table 5-1. The GCR only specifies address bits [31:30] of physical memory. The remaining address bits [29:0] are fixed to zero. The GCR is I/O mapped because it must be accessed before memory mapping can be enabled. Refer to Section "Configuration Registers" on page 47 for information on how to access this register. The GX1 processor incorporates graphics functions that require registers to implement and control them. Most of these registers are memory mapped and physically located in the logical units they control. The mapping of these units is controlled by the GCR register. Figure 5-2 on page 93 shows the complete memory address map for the GX1 processor. When accessing the GX1 processor memory space, address bits [29:24] must be zero. This means that the GX1 processor accesses a linear address space with a total of 16 MB. Address bit 23 divides this space into 8 MB for control (bit 23 = 0) and 8 MB for graphics memory (bit 23 = 1). In control space, bits [22:16] are not decoded, so the programmer should set them to zero. Address bit 15 divides the remaining 64 KB address space into scratchpad RAM and PCI access (bit 15 = 0) and control registers (bit 15 = 1). Note that scratchpad RAM is placed here by programming the tags appropriately. Device drivers are responsible for performing physical-tovirtual memory-address translation, including allocation of selectors that point to the GX1 processor. All memory decoded by the processor may be accessed in protected mode by creating a selector with the physical address equal to the GX1 Base Address, shown in Table 5-1, and a limit of 16 MB. Additionally, a selector with only a 64 KB limit is large enough to access all of the GX1 processor’s registers and scratchpad RAM. Table 5-1. Graphics Control Register (GCR) Bit Name Description 7:4 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 3:2 SP Index B8h GCR Register (R/W) Default Value = 00h Scratchpad Size: Specifies the size of the scratchpad cache. 00 = 0 KB; Graphics instruction disabled (see Section 5.1.5 "Display Driver Instructions" on page 97). 01 = 2 KB 10 = 3 KB 11 = 4 KB 1:0 GX GX1 Base Address: Specifies the physical address for the base (GX_BASE) of the scratchpad RAM, the graphics memory (frame buffer, compression buffer, etc.) and the other memory mapped registers. 00 = Scratchpad RAM, Graphics Subsystem, and memory-mapped configuration registers are disabled. 01 = Scratchpad RAM and control registers start at GX_BASE = 40000000h. 10 = Scratchpad RAM and control registers start at GX_BASE = 80000000h. 11 = Scratchpad RAM and control registers start at GX_BASE = C0000000h. 92 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Integrated Functions Programming Interface Physical Address Map ROM Access (256 KB) FFFFFFFFh (4 GB) MAX FFFC0000h PCI Access GX_BASE+8800000h Graphics Memory (Frame Buffer, etc.) GX_BASE+800000h SMM System Code Control Register Aliases GX_BASE+400000h GX_BASE+9000h Power Management Registers (See Table 6-1 on page 172) DRAM Map FFFF FFFFh MAX Memory Controller Registers (See Table 5-14 on page 106) GX_BASE+8500h GX_BASE+8400h Display Controller Registers (See Table 5-28 on page 133) Graphics Memory (Frame Buffer, etc.) Graphics Pipeline Registers (See Table 5-23 on page 122) Internal Bus IF Unit Registers (See Table 5-8 on page 99) PCI Access Available to the system GX_BASE+8300h GX_BASE+8100h GX_BASE+8000h GX_BASE+1000h Scratchpad RAM (See Table 5-3 on page 95) GX_BASE PCI Access Available to the system *GBADD or Top of DRAM Top of DRAM* Extended Memory 100000h (1 MB) Shadowed System BIOS Extended Memory E8000h Shadowed Video BIOS E0000h 100000h (1 MB) System BIOS UMBs and Expansion ROMs C0000h E8000h Video BIOS UMBs and Expansion ROMs SMM System Code VGA/MDA Frame Buffers (Soft VGA and/or PCA/ISA) Conventional Memory Conventional Memory A0000h (640 KB) E0000h C0000h A0000h (640 KB) 0h 0h * See BC_DRAM_TOP in Table 5-8 on page 99 or MC_GBASE_ADD in Table 5-15 on page 107. Figure 5-2. GX1 Processor Memory Space AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 93 Revision 5.0 5.1.2 Control Registers The control registers for the GX1 processor use 32 KB of the memory map, starting at GX_BASE+8000h (see Figure 5-2 on page 93). The space from GX_BASE+9000h to GX_BASE+4000000h is also mapped to the control registers, but is undefined. The defined control registers will alias into this undefined spaced. The remaining area is divided into internal bus interface unit, graphics pipeline, display controller, memory controller, and power management sections: • The Internal Bus Interface Unit maps 100h locations starting at GX_BASE+8000h. • The Graphics Pipeline maps 200h locations starting at GX_BASE+8100h. • The Display Controller maps 100h locations starting at GX_BASE+8300h. • The Memory Controller maps 100h locations starting at GX_BASE+8400h. • GX_BASE+8500h-8FFFh is dedicated to power management registers for the serial packet transmission control, the user-defined power management address space, Suspend Refresh, and SMI status for Suspend/ Resume. Integrated Functions Programming Interface The graphics memory size is programmed by setting the graphics memory base address in the memory controller (see Table 5-14 on page 106). Display drivers communicate with system BIOS about resolution changes, to ensure that the correct amount of graphics memory is allocated. Since no mechanism exists to recover system DRAM from the operating system without rebooting, when a graphics resolution change requires an increased amount of graphics memory, the system must be rebooted. Table 5-2. Display Resolution Screen Width Screen Resolution Pixel Depth Skip Count 640x480 8 bits 1024 640x480 16 bits 2048 800x600 8 bits 1024 800x600 16 bits 2048 1024x768 8 bits 1024 1024x768 16 bits 2048 1280x1024 8 bits 2048 1280x1024 16 bits 4096 The register descriptions are contained in the individual subsections of this chapter. Accesses to undefined registers in the GX1 processor control register space will not cause a hardware error. 5.1.3 Graphics Memory Graphics memory is allocated from system DRAM by the system BIOS. The GX1 processor’s graphics memory is mapped into 4 MB starting at GX_BASE+800000h. This area includes the frame buffer memory and storage for internal display controller state. The frame buffer is a linear map whose size depends on the user’s requirements (i.e., resolution, color depth, video buffer, compression buffer, font caching, etc.). Frame buffer scan lines are not contiguous in many resolutions, so software that renders to the frame buffer must use the screen width setting (GX_BASE+820Ch[10:9], see page 126 for bit descriptions) to advance between scan lines. The display controller can use the graphics memory that lies between scan lines for the compression buffer. Accessing graphics memory between the end of a scan line and the start of another can cause display problems. The screen width setting for the standard resolutions is shown in Table 5-2. 94 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Integrated Functions Programming Interface 5.1.4 Scratchpad RAM and third-party drivers should generally avoid accesses to the scratchpad RAM area. The scratchpad RAM is used by the graphics pipeline BLT buffers, and AMD supplied display drivers and virtualization software. Table 5-3 describes the 2 KB, 3 KB, and 4 KB scratchpad RAM organization used by AMD developed software. The BLT buffers are programmed using CPU_READ/CPU_WRITE instructions described in Section 5.1.6 on page 97. If the graphics pipeline or AMD software is used, and it is desirable to use scratchpad RAM by software other than that supplied by AMD, please contact your local AMD technical support representative. To improve software performance for specific applications, part of the L1 cache (2, 3, or 4 KB) can be programmed to operate as a scratchpad RAM. This scratchpad RAM operates at L1 speed which can speed up time-critical software operations. The scratchpad RAM is taken from set 0 of the L1 cache. Setting aside this RAM makes the L1 cache smaller by the scratchpad RAM size. The scratchpad RAM size is controlled by bits in the GCR register (Index B8h, bits[3:2]). See Table 5-1 on page 92. The scratchpad RAM is usually memory mapped by BIOS to the upper memory region defined by the GCR register (Index B8h, bits [1:0]). Once enabled, the valid bits for the scratchpad RAM will always be true and the scratchpad RAM locations will never be flushed to external memory. The scratchpad RAM serves as a general purpose high speed RAM and as a BLT buffer for the graphics pipeline. BLT Buffer Address registers, BitBLT, have been added to the front end of the L1 cache to enable the graphics pipeline to directly access a portion of the scratchpad RAM as a BLT buffer. Table 5-4 summarizes these registers. These registers do not have default values and must be initialized before use. Table 5-5 gives the register/bit formats. A 16byte line buffer dedicated to the graphics pipeline BLT operations has been added to minimize accesses to the L1 cache. Initialization of Scratchpad RAM The scratchpad RAM must be initialized before the L1 cache is enabled. To initialize the scratchpad RAM after a cold boot: 1) Initialize the tags of the scratchpad RAM using the test registers TR4 and TR5 as outlined in Section "Cache Test Registers" on page 56. The tags are normally programmed with an address value equivalent to GX_BASE (GCR register). 2) Enable the scratchpad RAM to the desired size (GCR register). This action will also lock down the tags. 3) Enable the L1 cache. See Section "Control Registers" on page 45. When the BLT operation begins, the graphics pipeline generates a 32 bit data BLT request to the L1 cache. This request goes through the BitBLT registers to produce an address into the scratchpad RAM. The L1_BBx_POINTER register automatically increments after each access. A BLT operation generates many accesses to the BLT buffer to complete a BLT transfer. At the end of the BLT operation the graphics pipeline generates a signal to reload the L1_BBx_POINTER register with the L1_BBx_BASE register. This allows the BLT buffer to be used over and over again with a minimum of software overhead. Scratchpad RAM Utilization Use of scratchpad RAM by applications and drivers must be tightly controlled. To avoid conflicts, application software See Section 5.4 "Graphics Pipeline" on page 118 on programming the graphics pipeline to generate a BLT. Table 5-3. Scratchpad Organization 2 KB Configuration 3 KB Configuration 4 KB Configuration Offset Size Offset Size Offset Size Description GX_BASE + 0EE0h 288 bytes GX_BASE + 0EE0h 288 bytes GX_BASE + 0EE0h 288 bytes SMM scratchpad GX_BASE + 0E60h 128 bytes GX_BASE + 0E60h 128 bytes GX_BASE + 0E60h 128 bytes Driver scratchpad GX_BASE + 0800h 816 bytes GX_BASE + 0400h 1328 bytes GX_BASE + 0h 1840 bytes BLT Buffer 0 GX_BASE + 0B30h 816 bytes GX_BASE + 0930h 1328 bytes GX_BASE + 730h 1840 bytes BLT Buffer 1 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 95 Revision 5.0 Integrated Functions Programming Interface Table 5-4. L1 Cache BitBLT Register Summary Mnemonic Name1 Function2 L1_BB0_BASE L1 Cache BitBLT 0 Base Address Contains the L1 set 0 address to the first byte of BLT Buffer 0. L1_BB0_POINTER L1 Cache BitBLT 0 Pointer Contains the L1 set 0 address offset to the current line of BLT Buffer 0. L1_BB1_BASE L1 Cache BitBLT 1 Base Address Contains the L1 set 0 address to the first byte of BLT Buffer 1. L1_BB1_POINTER L1 Cache BitBLT 1 Pointer Contains the L1 set 0 address offset to the current line of BLT Buffer 1. 1. 2. For information on accessing these registers, refer to Section 5.1.6 "CPU_READ/CPU_WRITE Instructions" on page 97. The L1 cache locations accessed by the BitBLT registers must be enabled as scratchpad RAM prior to use. Table 5-5. L1 Cache BitBLT Registers Bit Name Description L1_BB0_BASE Register (R/W) 15:12 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 11:4 INDEX BitBLT 0 Base Index: The index to the starting cache line of set 0 in L1 of BLT Buffer 0. 3:0 BYTE BitBLT 0 Starting Byte: Determines which byte of the starting line is the beginning of BLT Buffer 0. L1_BB0_POINTER Register (R/W) Default Value = xxh 15:12 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 11:4 INDEX BitBLT 0 Pointer Index: The index to the current cache line of set 0 in L1 of BLT Buffer 0. 3:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. L1_BB1_Base Register (R/W) Default Value = xxh 15:12 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 11:4 INDEX BitBLT 1 Base Index: The index to the starting cache line of set 0 in L1 of BLT Buffer 1. 3:0 BYTE BitBLT 1 Starting Byte: Determines which byte of the starting line is the beginning of BLT Buffer 1. L1_BB1_POINTER Register (R/W) 96 Default Value = xxh Default Value = xxh 15:12 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 11:4 INDEX BitBLT 1 Pointer Index: The index to the current cache line of set 0 in L1 of BLT Buffer 1. 3:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Integrated Functions Programming Interface 5.1.5 Display Driver Instructions 5.1.6 While the majority of the GX1’s integrated function interface is memory mapped, a few integrated function registers are accessed via four GX1 specific instructions. Table 5-6 shows these instructions. Adding CPU instructions does not create a compatibility problem for applications that may depend on receiving illegal opcode traps. The solution is to make these instructions generate an illegal opcode trap unless a compatibility bit is explicitly set. The GX1 processor uses the scratchpad size field (bits [3:2] in GCR, Index B8h) to enable or disable all of the graphics instructions. Note: If the scratchpad size bits are zero, meaning that none of the cache is defined as scratchpad, then hardware will assume that the graphics controller is not being used and the graphics instructions will be disabled. Any other scratchpad size will enable all of the new instructions. Note that the base address of the memory map in the GCR register can still be set up to allow access to the memory controller registers CPU_READ/CPU_WRITE Instructions The GX1 processor has several internal registers that control the BLT buffer and power management circuitry in the dedicated cache subsystem. To avoid adding additional instructions to read and write these registers, the GX1 processor has a general mechanism to access internal CPU registers with reasonable performance. The GX1 processor has two special instructions to read and write CPU registers: CPU_READ and CPU_WRITE. Both instructions fetch a 32-bit register address from EBX as shown in Table 5-6 and Table 5-7. CPU_WRITE uses EAX for the source data, and CPU_READ uses EAX as the destination. Both instructions always transfer 32 bits of data. These instructions work by initiating a special I/O transaction where the high address bit is set. This provides a very large address space for internal CPU registers. The BLT buffer base registers define the starting physical addresses of the BLT buffers located within the dedicated L1 cache. The dedicated cache can be configured for up to 4 KB, so 12 address bits are required for each base address. Table 5-6. Display Driver Instructions Syntax Opcode Registers Description BB0_RESET 0F3A N/A Reset the BLT Buffer 0 pointer to the base. BB1_RESET 0F3B N/A Reset the BLT Buffer 1 pointer to the base. CPU_WRITE 0F3C EBX = Register Address (see Table 5-7) EAX = Source Data Write data to CPU internal register. CPU_READ 0F3D EBX = Register Address (see Table 5-7) EAX = Destination Data Read data from CPU internal register. Table 5-7. Address Map for CPU-Access Registers Register EBX Address Description L1_BB0_BASE FFFFFF0Ch BLT Buffer 0 base address (see Table 5-5 on page 96). L1_BB1_BASE FFFFFF1Ch BLT Buffer 1 base address (see Table 5-5 on page 96). L1_BB0_POINTER FFFFFF2Ch BLT Buffer 0 pointer address (see Table 5-5 on page 96). L1_BB1_POINTER FFFFFF3Ch BLT Buffer 1 pointer address (see Table 5-5 on page 96). PM_BASE FFFFFF6Ch Power management base address (see Table 6-3 on page 174). PM_MASK FFFFFF7Ch Power management address mask (see Table 6-3 on page 174). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 97 Revision 5.0 5.2 Internal Bus Interface Unit The GX1 processor’s internal bus interface unit provides control and interface functions to the C-Bus and X-Bus. The functions on C-Bus include: processor core, FPU, graphics pipeline, and L1 cache. The functions on X-Bus include: PCI controller, display controller, memory controller, and graphics accelerator. It provides attribute control for several sections of memory, and plays an important part in the Virtual VGA function. The internal bus interface unit performs functions which previously required the external pins IGNNE# and A20M#. The internal bus interface unit provides configuration control for up to 20 different regions within system memory. This includes a top-of-memory register and 19 configurable memory regions in the address space between 640 KB and 1 MB. Each region has separate control for read access, write access, cacheability, and external PCI master access. In support of VGA emulation, three of the memory regions are configurable for use by the graphics pipeline and three I/O ranges can be programmed to generate SMIs. 5.2.1 FPU Error Support The FERR# (floating point error) and IGNNE# (ignore numeric error) pins of the 486 microprocessor have been replaced with an IRQ13 (interrupt request 13) pin. In DOS systems, FPU errors are reported by the external vector 13. Emulation of this mode of operation is specified by clearing the NE bit (bit 5) in the CR0 register (see Table 47 on page 45 for bit definition). If the NE bit is active, the IRQ13 output of the GX1 processor is always driven inactive. If the NE bit is cleared, the GX1 processor drives IRQ13 active when the ES bit (bit 7) in the FPU Status register is set high. Software must respond to this interrupt with an OUT instruction containing an 8-bit operand to F0h or F1h. When the OUT cycle occurs, the IRQ13 pin is driven inactive and the FPU starts ignoring numeric errors. When the ES bit is cleared, the FPU resumes monitoring numeric errors. 98 Internal Bus Interface Unit 5.2.2 A20M Support The GX1 processor provides an A20M bit in the BC_XMAP_1 register (GX_BASE+ 8004h[21], see Table 5-9 on page 99 for bit details) to replace the A20M# pin on the 486 microprocessor. When the A20M bit is set high, all non-SMI accesses will have address bit 20 forced to zero. External hardware must do an SMI trap on I/O locations that toggle the A20M# pin. The SMI software can then change the A20M bit as desired. This will maintain compatibility with software that depends on wrapping the address at bit 20. 5.2.3 SMI Generation The internal bus interface unit can generate SMI interrupts whenever an I/O cycle is in the VGA address ranges of 3B0h to 3BFh, 3C0h to 3CFh and/or 3D0h to 3DFh. If an external VGA card is present, the Internal Bus Interface reset values will not generate an interrupt on VGA accesses. (Refer to Section 5.6.3 "VGA Configuration Registers" on page 153 for instructions on how to configure the registers to enable the SMI interrupt.) 5.2.4 640 KB to 1 MB Region There are 19 configurable memory regions located between 640 KB and 1 MB. Three of the regions, A0000h to AFFFFh, B0000h to B7FFFh, and B8000h to BFFFFh, are typically used by the graphics subsystem in VGA emulation mode. Each of the these regions has a VGA control bit that can cause the graphics pipeline to handle accesses to that section of memory (see Table 5-37 on page 154). The area between C0000h and FFFFFh is divided into 16 KB segments to form the remaining 16 regions. All 19 regions have four control bits to allow any combination of read-access, write-access, cache, and external PCI Bus Master access capabilities (see Table 5-10 on page 101). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Internal Bus Interface Unit 5.2.5 Internal Bus Interface Unit Registers The internal bus interface unit maps 100h bytes starting at GX_BASE+8000h. However, only 16 bytes (four 32-bit registers) are defined and some of these registers will alias across the 100h space. Refer to Section 5.1.2 "Control Registers" on page 94 for instructions on accessing these registers. Table 5-8 summarizes the four 32-bit registers contained in the internal bus interface unit and Table 5-9 gives the register/bit formats. Table 5-8. Internal Bus Interface Unit Register Summary GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function Default Value 8000h-8003h R/W BC_DRAM_TOP 3FFFFFFFh Top of DRAM: Contains the highest available address of system memory not including the memory that is set aside for graphics memory, which corresponds to 512 MB of memory. The largest possible value for the register is 1FFFFFFFh. 8004h-8007h R/W BC_XMAP_1 00000000h Memory X-Bus Map Register 1 (A and B Region Control): Contains the region control of the A and B regions and the SMI controls required for VGA emulation. PCI access to internal registers and the A20M function are also controlled by this register. 8008h-800Bh R/W BC_XMAP_2 00000000h Memory X-Bus Map Register 2 (C and D Region Control): Contains region control fields for eight regions in the address range C0h through DCh. 800Ch-800Fh R/W BC_XMAP_3 00000000h Memory X-Bus Map Register 3 (E and F Region Control): Contains the region control fields for memory regions in the address range E0h through FCh. Table 5-9. Internal Bus Interface Unit Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8000h-8003h 31:29 RSVD 28:17 TOP OF DRAM 16:0 RSVD BC_DRAM_TOP Register (R/W) Default Value = 3FFFFFFFh Reserved: Set to 0. Top of DRAM: 000h = Minimum top or 0001FFFFh (128 KB) FFFh = Maximum top or 1FFFFFFFh (512 MB) Reserved: Set to 1. GX_BASE+8004h-8007h BC_XMAP_1 Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h 31:29 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 28 GEB8 Graphics Enable for B8 Region: Allow memory R/W operations for address range B8000h to BFFFFh be directed to the graphics pipeline: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If enabled, the GEB8 region is always noncacheable. In the region control field (B8) the cache enable bit (bit 2) is ignored. 27:24 B8 (Used for VGA emulation.) B8 Region: Region control field for address range B8000h to BFFFFh. Refer to Table 5-10 on page 101 for decode. 23 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 22 PRAE PCI Register Access Enable: Allow PCI Slave to access internal registers on the X-Bus: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 21 A20M Address Bit 20 Mask: Address bit 20 is always forced to a zero except for SMI accesses: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 99 Revision 5.0 Internal Bus Interface Unit Table 5-9. Internal Bus Interface Unit Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description 20 GEB0 Graphics Enable for B0 Region: Allow memory R/W operations for address range B8000h to BFFFFh be directed to the graphics pipeline: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If enabled, the GEB0 region is always noncacheable. In the region control field (B0) the cache enable bit (bit 2) is ignored. (Used for VGA emulation.) 19:16 B0 15 SMID 14 SMIC B0 Region: Region control field for address range B0000h to B7FFFh. Refer to Table 5-10 on page 101 for decode. SMID: All I/O accesses for address range 3D0h to 3DFh generate an SMI: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. (Used for VGA virtualization.) SMIC: All I/O accesses for address range 3C0h to 3CFh generate an SMI: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. (Used for VGA virtualization.) 13 SMIB SMIB: All I/O accesses for address range 3B0h to 3BFh generate an SMI: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable (Used for VGA virtualization.) 12:8 RSVD 7 XPD Reserved: Set to 0. 6 GNWS X-Bus Graphics Pipe No Wait State: Data driven on the X-Bus from the graphics pipeline: 0 = 1 full clock before X_DSX is asserted 1 = On the same clock in which X_RDY is asserted 5 XNWS X-Bus No Wait State: Data driven on the X-Bus from the internal bus interface unit: 0 = 1 full clock before X_DSX is asserted 1 = On the same clock in which X_RDY is asserted 4 GEA X-Bus Pipeline: The address for the next cycle can be driven on the X-Bus before the completion of the data phase of the current cycle. 0 = Enable; 1 = Disable. Graphics Enable for A Region: Allow memory R/W operations for address range B8000h to BFFFFh be directed to the graphics pipeline: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If enabled, the GEA region is always noncacheable. In the region control field (A0) the cache enable bit (bit2) is ignored. (Used for VGA emulation.) 3:0 A0 A0 Region: Region control field for address range A0000h to AFFFFh. Refer to Table 5-10 on page 101 for decode. GX_BASE+8008h-800Bh BC_XMAP_2 Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h 31:28 DC DC Region: Region control field for address range DC000h to DFFFFh. 27:24 D8 D8 Region: Region control field for address range D8000h to DBFFFh. 23:20 D4 D4 Region: Region control field for address range D4000h to D7FFFh. 19:16 D0 D0 Region: Region control field for address range D0000h to D3FFFh. 15:12 CC CC Region: Region control field for address range CC000h to CFFFFh. 11:8 C8 C8 Region: Region control field for address range C8000h to CBFFF. 7:4 C4 C4 Region: Region control field for address range C4000h to C7FFFh. 3:0 C0 C0 Region: Region control field for address range C0000h to C3FFFh. Note: Refer to Table 5-10 on page 101 for decode. GX_BASE+800Ch-800Fh BC_XMAP_3 Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h 31:28 FC FC Region: Region control field for address range FC000h to FFFFFh. 27:24 F8 F8 Region: Region control field for address range F8000h to FBFFFh. F4 Region: Region control field for address range F4000h to F7FFFh. 23:20 F4 19:16 F0 F0 Region: Region control field for address range F0000h to F3FFFh. 15:12 EC EC Region: Region control field for address range EC000h to EFFFFh. 11:8 E8 E8 Region: Region control field for address range E8000h to EBFFFh. 7:4 E4 E4 Region: Region control field for address range E4000h to E7FFFh. 3:0 E0 E0 Region: Region control field for address range E0000h to E3FFFh. Note: 100 Refer to Table 5-10 on page 101 for decode. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Internal Bus Interface Unit Table 5-10. Region-Control-Field Bit Definitions Bit Position 1. Function 3 PCI Accessible: The PCI slave can access this memory if this bit is set high and if the appropriate Read or Write Enable bit is also set high. 2 Cache Enable1: Caching this region of memory is inhibited if this bit is cleared. 1 Write Enable1: Write operations to this region of memory are allowed if this bit is set high. If this bit is cleared, then write operations in this region are directed to the PCI master. 0 Read Enable: Read operations to this region of memory are allowed if this bit is set high. If this bit is cleared then read operations in this region are directed to the PCI master. If Cache Enable = 1 and Write Enable = 1, the Write Enable determination occurs after the data has passed the cache. Since the cache does write update, write data will change the cache if the address is cached. If a read then occurs to that address, the data will come from the written data that is in the cache even though the address is not writable. If this must be avoided then do not make the region cacheable. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 101 Revision 5.0 5.3 Memory Controller Memory Controller The memory controller arbitrates requests from the X-Bus (processor and PCI), display controller, and graphics pipeline. A total of 512 MB of SDRAM memory is supported. The GX1 processor supports LVTTL (low voltage TTL) technology. LVTTL technology allows the SDRAM interface of the memory controller to run at frequencies over 100 MHz. The SDRAM clock is a function of the core clock. The core clock can be divided down from 2 to 5 in half clock increments to generate the SDRAM clock. SDRAM frequencies over 79 MHz are only supported for certain types of closed systems, and strict design rules must be adhered to. For further details, contact your local AMD technical support representative. A basic block diagram of the memory controller is shown in Figure 5-3. RFSH Processor/PCI Control DQM[7:0] Processor/PCI I/F RASA#,RASB# Display Controller Control Display Controller I/F Arbiter SDRAM Sequence Controller Timing Controller CASA#,CASB# CS[3:0]# WEA#/WEB# Graphics Pipeline Control CKEA, CKEB Graphics Pipeline I/F Configuration Registers Processor/PCI Address MA[12:0] Address Control/MUX Display Controller Address BA[1:0] Graphics Pipeline Address Processor/PCI Data Processor/PCI Write Buffer (16 Bytes) Display Controller Data Display Controller Write Buffer (16 Bytes) Graphics Pipeline Data MD[63:0] Graphics Controller Write Buffer (16 Bytes) Read Buffer (16 Bytes) Core Clock (ph2) Clock Divider 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 SDCLK[3:0] Figure 5-3. Memory Controller Block Diagram 102 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller 5.3.1 Memory Array Configuration The memory controller supports up to four 64-bit SDRAM banks, with maximum of eight physical devices per bank. Banks 0: 1 and 2: 3 must be identical configurations. Two 168-pin unbuffered SDRAM modules (DIMM) satisfy these requirements Though the following discussion is DIMM centric, DIMMs are not a system requirement. Each DIMM receives a unique set of RAS, CAS, WE, and CKE lines. Each DIMM can have one or two 64-bit DIMM banks. Each DIMM bank is selected by a unique chip select (CS). There are four chip select signals to choose between a total of four DIMM banks. Each DIMM bank also receives a unique SDCLK. Each DIMM bank can have two or four component banks. Component bank selection is done through the bank address (BA) lines. For example, 16-Mbit SDRAM have two component banks and 64-Mbit SDRAMs have two or four component banks. For single DIMM bank modules, the memory controller can support two DIMM with a maximum of eight component banks. For dual DIMM bank modules, the memory controller can support two DIMMs with a maximum of 16 component banks. Up to 16 banks can be open at the same time. Refer to the SDRAM manufacturer’s specification for more information on component banks. DIMM 0 MA[12:0] BA[1:0] MD[63:0] DQM[7:0] RASA# CASA# WEA# CS0# CS1# CKEA SDCLK0 SDCLK1 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor RASB# CASB# WEB# CS2# CS3# CKEB SDCLK2 SDCLK3 Bank 0 Bank 1 A[12:0] BA[1:0] MD[63:0] DQM[7:0] RAS# CAS# WE# S0#, S2# A[12:0] BA[1:0] MD[63:0] DQM[7:0] RAS# CAS# WE# CKE0 CK0, CK2 S1#, S3# CKE1 CK1, CK3 DIMM 1 Bank 0 Bank 1 A[12:0] BA[1:0] MD[63:0] DQM[7:0] RAS# CAS# WE# S0#, S2# A[12:0] BA[1:0] MD[63:0] DQM[7:0] RAS# CAS# WE# CKE0 CK0, CK2 S1#, S3# CKE1 CK1, CK3 Figure 5-4. Memory Array Configuration AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 103 Revision 5.0 5.3.2 Memory Controller Memory Organizations The memory controller supports JEDEC standard synchronous DRAMs in 16, 64, 128, and 256-Mbit configurations. Supported configurations are shown in Table 5-11. Note that when using x4 SDRAM, there are 16 devices per bank. The GX1 supports a total of 32 devices. There are only two banks total when x4 devices are used. Table 5-11. Synchronous DRAM Configurations Depth Organization Row Address Column Address Bank Address Total # of Address bits 1 1Mx16 A10-A0 A7-A0 BA0 20 2 2Mx8 A10-A0 A8-A0 BA0 21 2Mx32 A10-A0 A7-A0 BA1-BA0 21 2Mx32 A10-A0 A8-A0 BA0 21 2Mx32 A11-A0 A6-A0 BA1-BA0 21 2Mx32 A12-A0 A6-A0 BA0 21 4Mx4 A10-A0 A9-A0 BA0 22 4Mx16 A11-A0 A7-A0 BA1-BA0 22 4Mx16 A12-A0 A7-A0 BA0 22 4Mx16 A10-A0 A9-A0 BA0 22 8Mx8 A11-A0 A8-A0 BA1-BA0 23 8Mx8 A12-A0 A8-A0 BA0 23 8Mx16 A11-A0 A8-A0 BA1-BA0 23 8Mx16 A12-A0 A7-A0 BA1-BA0 23 8Mx32 A11-A0 A8-A0 BA1-BA0 23 8Mx32 A12-A0 A7-A0 BA1-BA0 23 16Mx4 A11-A0 A9-A0 BA1-BA0 24 16Mx4 A12-A0 A9-A0 BA0 24 16Mx8 A11-A0 A9-A0 BA1-BA0 24 16Mx8 A12-A0 A8-A0 BA1-BA0 24 16Mx16 A12-A0 A8-A0 BA1-BA0 24 16Mx16 A11-A0 A9-A0 BA1-BA0 24 32 32Mx8 A12-A0 A9-A0 BA1-BA0 25 64 64Mx4 A12-A0 A9-A0,A11 BA1-BA0 26 4 8 16 104 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller 5.3.3 SDRAM Commands This subsection discusses the SDRAM commands supported by the memory controller. Table 5-12 summarizes these commands followed by detailed operational information regarding each command. Refer to the SDRAM manufacturer’s specification for more information on component banks. Table 5-12. Basic Command Truth Table Name Command CS RAS CAS WE MRS Mode Register Set L L L L PRE Bank Precharge L L H L ACT Bank activate/row address entry L L H H WRT Column address entry/Write operation L H L L READ Column address entry/Read operation L H L H DESL Control input inhibit/ No operation H X X X RFSH1 CBR Refresh or Auto Refresh L L L H 1. This command is CBR (CAS-before-RAS) refresh when CKE is high and self refresh when CKE is low. MRS — The Mode Register Set command defines the specific mode of operation of the SDRAM. This definition includes the selection of burst length, burst type, and CAS latency. CAS latency is the delay, in clock cycles, between the registration of a read command and the availability of the first piece of output data. The burst length is programmed by address bits MA[2:0], the burst type by address bit MA3 and the CAS latency by address bits MA[6:4]. The memory controller only supports a burst length of two and burst type of interleave. The field value on MA[12:0] and BA[1:0] during the MRS cycle are as shown in Table 5-13. Table 5-13. MRS Cycle Address Programming BA[1:0] MA[12:7] MA[6:4] MA3 MA[2:0] 00 000000 CAS Latency: 1 001 000 = RSVD 010 = 2 CLK 100 = 4 CLK 110 = 6 CLK 001 = 1 CLK 011 = 3 CLK 101 = 5 CLK 111 = 7 CLK Burst type is always interleave. Burst length is always 2. 128-bit transfer. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book PRE — The precharge command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular component bank or the open row in all (2 or 4, device dependent) component banks. Address pin MA10 determines whether one or all component banks are to be precharged. In the case where only one component bank is to be precharged, BA[1:0] selects which bank. Once a component bank has been precharged, it is in the Idle state and must be activated prior to any read or write commands. ACT — The activate command is used to open a row in a particular bank for a subsequent access. The value on the BA lines selects the bank, and the address on the MA lines selects the row. This row remains open for accesses until a precharge command is issued to that bank. A precharge command must be issued before opening a different row in the same bank. WRT — The write command is used to initiate a burst write access to an active row. The value on the BA lines select the component bank, and the address provided by the MA lines select the starting column location. The memory controller does not perform auto precharge during write operations. This leaves the page open for subsequent accesses. Data appearing on the MD lines is written to the DQM logic level appearing coincident with the data. If the DQM signal is registered low, the corresponding data will be written to memory. If the DQM is driven high, the corresponding data will be ignored, and a write will not be executed to that location. READ — The read command is used to initiate a burst read access to an active row. The value on the BA lines select the component bank, and the address provided by the MA lines select the starting column location. The memory controller does not perform auto precharge during read operations. Valid data-out from the starting column address is available following the CAS latency after the read command. The DQM signals are asserted low during read operations. RFSH — Auto refresh is used during normal operation and is analogous to the CAS-before-RAS (CBR) refresh in conventional DRAMs. During auto refresh the address bits are “don’t care”. The memory controller precharges all banks prior to an auto refresh cycle. Auto refresh cycles are issued approximately 15 µs apart. The self refresh command is used to retain data in the SDRAMs even when the rest of the system is powered down. The self refresh command is similar to an auto refresh command except CKE is disabled (low). The memory controller issues a self refresh command during 3V Suspend mode when all the internal clocks are stopped. 105 Revision 5.0 SDRAM Initialization Sequence After the clocks have started and stabilized, the memory controller SDRAM initialization sequence begins: 1) Precharge all component banks 2) Perform eight refresh cycles 3) Perform an MRS cycle 4) Perform eight refresh cycles Memory Controller 5.3.4 Memory Controller Register Description The Memory Controller maps 100h locations starting at GX_BASE+8400h. However, only 28 bytes are defined and some of these registers will alias across the 100h space. Refer to Section 5.1.2 "Control Registers" on page 94 for instructions on accessing these registers. Table 5-14 summarizes the 32-bit registers contained in the memory controller. Table 5-15 gives detailed register/ bit formats. This sequence is compatible with the majority of SDRAMs available from the various vendors. Table 5-14. Memory Controller Register Summary GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function 8400h-8403h R/W MC_MEM_CNTRL1 Default Value 248C0040h Memory Controller Control Register 1: Memory controller configuration information (e.g., refresh interval, SDCLK ratio, etc.). BIOS must program this register based on the processor frequency and desired SDCLK divide ratio. 8404h-8407h R/W MC_MEM_CNTRL2 00000801h Memory Controller Control Register 2: Memory controller configuration information to control SDCLK. BIOS must program this register based on the processor frequency and the SDCLK divide ratio. 8408h-840Bh R/W MC_BANK_CFG 41104110h Memory Controller Bank Configuration: Contains the configuration information for the each of the four SDRAM banks in the memory array. BIOS must program this register during boot by running an autosizing routine on the memory. 840Ch-840Fh R/W MC_SYNC_TIM1 2A733225h Memory Controller Synchronous Timing Register 1: SDRAM memory timing information - This register controls the memory timing of all four banks of DRAM. BIOS must program this register based on the processor frequency and the SDCLK divide ratio. 8414h-8417h R/W MC_GBASE_ADD 00000000h Memory Controller Graphics Base Address Register: This register sets the graphics memory base address, which is programmable on 512 KB boundaries. The display controller and the graphics pipeline generate a 20-bit DWORD offset that is added to the graphics memory base address to form the physical memory address. Typically, the graphics memory region is located at the top of physical memory. 8418h-841Bh R/W MC_DR_ADD 00000000h Memory Controller Dirty RAM Address Register: This register is used to set the Dirty RAM address index for processor diagnostic access. This register should be initialized before accessing the MC_DR_ACC register 841Ch-841Fh R/W MC_DR_ACC 0000000xh Memory Controller Dirty RAM Access Register: This register is used to access the Dirty RAM. A read/write to this register will access the Dirty RAM at the address specified in the MC_DR_ADD register. 106 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller Table 5-15. Memory Controller Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8400h-8403h MC_MEM_CNTRL1 (R/W) Default Value = 248C0040h 31:29 RSVD Reserved 28:26 RSVD Reserved 25:23 RSVD Reserved 22 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 21 RSVD Reserved: Must be set to 0. Wait state on the X-Bus x_data during read cycles - for debug only. 20:18 SDCLKRATE SDRAM Clock Ratio: Selects SDRAM clock ratio: 000 = Reserved 001 = ÷ 2 010 = ÷ 2.5 011 = ÷ 3 (Default) 100 = ÷ 3.5 101 = ÷ 4 110 = ÷ 4.5 111 = ÷ 5 Ratio does not take effect until the SDCLKSTRT bit (bit 17 of this register) transitions from 0 to 1. 17 SDCLKSTRT Start SDCLK: Start operating SDCLK using the new ratio and shift value (selected in bits [20:18] of this register): 0 = Clear; 1 = Enable. This bit must transition from zero (written to zero) to one (written to one) in order to start SDCLK or to change the shift value. 16:8 RFSHRATE Refresh Interval: This field determines the number of processor core clocks multiplied by 64 between refresh cycles to the DRAM. By default, the refresh interval is 00h. Refresh is turned off by default. 7:6 RFSHSTAG Refresh Staggering: This field determines number of clocks between the RFSH commands to each of the four banks during refresh cycles: 00 = 0 SDRAM clocks 01 = 1 SDRAM clocks (Default) 10 = 2 SDRAM clocks 11 = 4 SDRAM clocks Staggering is used to help reduce power spikes during refresh by refreshing one bank at a time. If only one bank is installed, this field must be set to 00. 5 2CLKADDR Two Clock Address Setup: Assert memory address for one extra clock before CS# is asserted: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 4 RFSHTST Test Refresh: This bit, when set high, generates a refresh request. This bit is only used for testing purposes. 3 XBUSARB X-Bus Round Robin: When enabled (round robin), processor, graphics pipeline, and non-critical display controller requests are arbitrated at the same priority level. When disabled (fixed), processor requests are arbitrated at a higher priority level. High priority display controller requests always have the highest arbitration priority. When set to 1, round robin arbitration is selected. When cleared to zero, fixed arbitration is selected: 1 = Enable (round robin); 0 = Disable (fixed). 2 SMM_MAP SMM Region Mapping: Map the SMM memory region at GX_BASE+400000 to physical address A0000 to BFFFF in SDRAM: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. This can be used to compensate for address setup at high frequencies and/or high loads. 1 RSVD 0 SDRAMPRG Reserved: Set to 0. Program SDRAM: When this bit is set the memory controller will program the SDRAM MRS register using LTMODE in MC_SYNC_TIM1. This bit must transition from zero (written to zero) to one (written to one) in order to program the SDRAM devices. GX_BASE+8404h-8407h MC_MEM_CNTRL2 (R/W) 31:14 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 13:11 RSVD Reserved 10 SDCLKOMSK# Enable SDCLK_OUT: Turn on the output. 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled. 9 SDCLK3MSK# Enable SDCLK3: Turn on the output. 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled. 8 SDCLK2MSK# Enable SDCLK2: Turn on the output. 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled. 7 SDCLK1MSK# Enable SDCLK1: Turn on the output. 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled. 6 SDCLK0MSK# Enable SDCLK0: Turn on the output. 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Default Value = 00000801h 107 Revision 5.0 Memory Controller Table 5-15. Memory Controller Registers (Continued) Bit Name 5:3 SHFTSDCLK Description Shift SDCLK: This function allows shifting SDCLK to meet SDRAM setup and hold time requirements. The shift function will not take effect until the SDCLKSTRT bit (bit 17 of MC_MEM_CNTRL1) transitions from 0 to 1: 000 = No shift 001 = Shift 0.5 core clock 010 = Shift 1 core clock 011 = Shift 1.5 core clock 100 = Shift 2 core clocks 101 = Shift 2.5 core clocks 110 = Shift 3 core clocks 111 = Reserved Refer to Figure 5-10 on page 117 for an example of SDCLK shifting. 2 RSVD 1 RD 0 FSTRDMSK Reserved: Set to 0. Read Data Phase: Selects if read data is latched one or two core clock after the rising edge of SDCLK: 0 = 1 core clock; 1 = 2 core clocks. Fast Read Mask: Do not allow core reads to bypass the request FIFO: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. GX_BASE+8408h-840Bh 31 RSVD 30 DIMM1_ MOD_BNK MC_BANK_CFG (R/W) Default Value = 41104110h Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM1 Module Banks (Banks 2 and 3): Selects the number of module banks installed per DIMM for DIMM1: 0 = 1 Module bank (Bank 2 only) 1 = 2 Module banks (Bank 2 and 3) 29 RSVD 28 DIMM1_ COMP_BNK Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM1 Component Banks (Banks 2 and 3): Selects the number of component banks per module bank for DIMM1: 0 = 2 Component banks 1 = 4 Component banks Banks 2 and 3 must have the same number of component banks. 27 RSVD 26:24 DIMM1_SZ Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM1 Size (Banks 2 and 3): Selects the size of DIMM1: 000 = 4 MB 001 = 8 MB 010 = 16 MB 011 = 32 MB 100 = 64 MB 101 = 128 MB 110 = 256 MB 111 = 512 MB This size is the total of both banks 2 and 3. Also, banks 2 and 3 must be the same size. 23 RSVD 22:20 DIMM1_PG_SZ Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM1 Page Size (Banks 2 and 3): Selects the page size of DIMM1: 000 = 1 KB 001 = 2 KB 010 = 4 KB 011 = 8 KB 1xx = 16 KB 111 = DIMM1 not installed Both banks 2 and 3 must have the same page size. When DIMM1 (neither bank 2 or 3) is not installed, program all other DIMM1 fields to 0. 19:15 RSVD 14 DIMM0_ MOD_BNK Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM0 Module Banks (Banks 0 and 1): Selects number of module banks installed per DIMM for DIMM0: 0 = 1 Module bank (Bank 0 only) 1 = 2 Module banks (Bank 0 and 1) 13 RSVD 12 DIMM0_ COMP_BNK Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM0 Component Banks (Banks 0 and 1): Selects the number of component banks per module bank for DIMM0: 0 = 2 Component banks 1 = 4 Component banks Banks 0 and 1 must have the same number of component banks. 11 RSVD 10:8 DIMM0_SZ Reserved: Set to 0. DIMM0 Size (Banks 0 and 1): Selects the size of DIMM1: 000 = 4 MB 001 = 8 MB 010 = 16 MB 011 = 32 MB 100 = 64 MB 101 = 128 MB 110 = 256 MB 111 = 512 MB This size is the total of both banks 0 and 1. Also, banks 0 and 1 must be the same size. 7 108 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller Table 5-15. Memory Controller Registers (Continued) Bit Name 6:4 DIMM0_PG_SZ Description DIMM0 Page Size (Banks 0 and 1): Selects the page size of DIMM0: 000 = 1 KB 001 = 2 KB 010 = 4 KB 011 = 8 KB 1xx = 16 KB 111 = DIMM0 not installed Both banks 0 and 1 must have the same page size. When DIMM0 (neither bank 0 or 1) is not installed, program all other DIMM0 fields to 0. 3:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. GX_BASE+840Ch-840Fh 31 RSVD 30:28 LTMODE MC_SYNC_TIM1 (R/W) Default Value = 2A733225h Reserved: Set to 0. CAS Latency (LTMODE): CAS latency is the delay, in SDRAM clock cycles, between the registration of a read command and the availability of the first piece of output data. This parameter significantly affects system performance. Optimal setting should be used. If DIMMs are used, BIOS can interrogate EEPROM across the I2C interface to determine this value: 000 = Reserved 001 = Reserved 010 = 2 CLK 011 = 3 CLK 100 = 4 CLK 101 = 5 CLK 110 = 6 CLK 111 = 7 CLK This field will not take effect until SDRAMPRG (bit 0 of MC_MEM_CNTRL1) transitions from 0 to 1. 27:24 RC RFSH to RFSH/ACT Command Period (tRC): Minimum number of SDRAM clock between RFSH and RFSH/ACT commands: 0000 = Reserved 0001 = 2 CLK 0010 = 3 CLK 0011 = 4 CLK 23:20 RAS 19 RSVD RP 15 RSVD RCD 11 RSVD RRD 7 RSVD 6:4 DPL 3:0 RSVD 1000 = 9 CLK 1001 = 10 CLK 1010 = 11 CLK 1011 = 12 CLK 1100 = 13 CLK 1101 = 14 CLK 1110 = 15 CLK 1111 = 16 CLK 010 = 2 CLK 011 = 3 CLK 100 = 4 CLK 101 = 5 CLK 110 = 6 CLK 111 = 7 CLK Reserved: Set to 0. Delay Time ACT to READ/WRT Command (tRCD): Minimum number of SDRAM clock between ACT and READ/WRT commands. This parameter significantly affects system performance. Optimal setting should be used: 010 = 2 CLK 011 = 3 CLK 100 = 4 CLK 101 = 5 CLK 110 = 6 CLK 111 = 7 CLK Reserved: Set to 0. ACT(0) to ACT(1) Command Period (tRRD): Minimum number of SDRAM clocks between ACT and ACT command to two different component banks within the same module bank. The memory controller does not perform back-to-back Activate commands to two different component banks without a READ or WRITE command between them. Hence, this field should be set to 001. Reserved: Set to 0. Data-in to PRE command period (tDPL): Minimum number of SDRAM clocks from the time the last write datum is sampled till the bank is precharged: 000 = Reserved 001 = 1 CLK Note: 0100 = 5 CLK 0101 = 6 CLK 0110 = 7 CLK 0111 = 8 CLK Reserved: Set to 0. 000 = Reserved 001 = 1 CLK 10:8 1100 = 13 CLK 1101 = 14 CLK 1110 = 15 CLK 1111 = 16 CLK PRE to ACT Command Period (tRP): Minimum number of SDRAM clocks between PRE and ACT commands: 000 = Reserved 001 = 1 CLK 14:12 1000 = 9 CLK 1001 = 10 CLK 1010 = 11 CLK 1011 = 12 CLK ACT to PRE Command Period (tRAS): Minimum number of SDRAM clocks between ACT and PRE commands: 0000 = Reserved 0001 = 2 CLK 0010 = 3 CLK 0011 = 4 CLK 18:16 0100 = 5 CLK 0101 = 6 CLK 0110 = 7 CLK 0111 = 8 CLK 010 = 2 CLK 011 = 3 CLK 100 = 4 CLK 101 = 5 CLK 110 = 6 CLK 111 = 7 CLK Reserved: Leave unchanged. Always returns a 101h. Refer to the SDRAM manufacturer’s specification for more information on component banks. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 109 Revision 5.0 Memory Controller Table 5-15. Memory Controller Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8414h-8417h 31:18 RSVD 17 TE 16 TECTL 15:12 SEL 11 RSVD 10:0 GBADD MC_GBASE_ADD (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h Reserved: Set to 0. Test Enable TEST[3:0]: 0 = TEST[3:0] are driven low (normal operation) 1 = TEST[3:0] pins are used to output test information Test Enable Shared Control Pins: 0 = RASB#, CASB#, CKEB, WEB# (normal operation) 1 = RASB#, CASB#, CKEB, WEB# are used to output test information Select: This field is used for debug purposes only and should be left at zero for normal operation. Reserved: Set to 0. Graphics Base Address: This field indicates the graphics memory base address, which is programmable on 512 KB boundaries. This field corresponds to address bits [29:19]. Note that BC_DRAM_TOP must be set to a value lower than the Graphics Base Address. GX_BASE+8418h-841Bh 31:10 RSVD 9:0 DRADD MC_DR_ADD (R/W) Reserved: Set to 0. Dirty RAM Address: This field is the address index that is used to access the Dirty RAM with the MC_DR_ACC register. This field does not auto increment. GX_BASE+841Ch-841Fh MC_DR_ACC (R/W) 31:2 RSVD 1 D Dirty Bit: This bit is read/write accessible. 0 V Valid Bit: This bit is read/write accessible. 5.3.5 Default Value = 00000000h Default Value = 0000000xh Reserved: Set to 0. Address Translation The memory controller supports two address translations depending on the method used to interleave pages. The hardware automatically enables high order interleaving. Low order interleaving is automatically enabled only under specific memory configurations. High Order Interleaving High Order Interleaving (HOI) uses the most significant address bits to select which bank the page is located in. This interleaving scheme works with any mixture of DIMM types. However, it spreads the pages over wide address ranges. For example, two 8 MB DIMMs contain a total of four component pages. Two pages are together in one DIMM separated from the other two pages by 8 MB. Auto Low Order Interleaving The memory controller requires that banks [0:1] if both installed, be identical and banks [2:3] if both installed, be identical. When banks [0:1] are installed or banks [2:3] are installed Auto Low Order Interleaving (LOI) is in effect for those bank pairs. Therefore each DIMM (banks [0:1] or [2:3]) must have the same number of DIMM banks, component banks, module sizes and page sizes. above, two banks would be on one DIMM and the next two banks would be on the second DIMM, but they would be linear in address space. For an eight bank system that has 1 KB address (8 KB data) pages, there would be an effective moving page of 64 KB of data. Physical Address to DRAM Address Conversion Tables 5-16 and 5-17 give Auto LOI address conversion examples when two DIMMs of the same size are used in a system. Table 5-16 shows a one DIMM bank conversion example, while Table 5-17 shows a two DIMM bank example. Tables 5-18 and 5-19 give Non-Auto LOI address conversion examples when either one or two DIMMs of different sizes are used in a system. Table 5-18 shows a one DIMM bank address conversion example, while Table 5-19 shows a two DIMM bank example. The addresses are computed on a per DIMM basis. Since the DRAM interface is 64 bits wide, the lower three bits of the physical address get mapped onto the DQM[7:0] lines. Thus, the address conversion tables (Tables 5-16 through 5-19) show the physical address starting from A3. LOI uses the least significant bits after the page bits to select which bank the page is located in. This requires that memory is a power of 2, that the number of banks is a power of 2, and that the page sizes are the same. As stated before, for LOI to work, the DIMMs have to be of the same type. LOI does give a good benefit by providing a moving page throughout memory. Using the same example as 110 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller Table 5-16. Auto LOI -- 2 DIMMs, Same Size, 1 DIMM Bank 1 KB Page Size 2 KB Page Size Row Col Col MA12 A24 -- A25 -- MA11 A23 -- A24 MA10 A22 -- A23 MA9 A21 -- MA8 A20 Row Col 1 KB Page Size 2 KB Page Size Col A26 A25 -- A26 -- A27 -- A25 A24 -- A25 -- A26 -- A24 A23 -- A24 -- A25 A22 -- A23 A22 -- A23 -- A24 -- A21 -- A22 A11 A21 -- A22 -- A23 A11 2 Component Banks Row Col 4 KB Page Size Row Address Row 4 KB Page Size Row Col 4 Component Banks MA7 A19 -- A20 A10 A21 A10 A20 -- A21 A10 A22 A10 MA6 A18 A9 A19 A9 A20 A9 A19 A9 A20 A9 A21 A9 MA5 A17 A8 A18 A8 A19 A8 A18 A8 A19 A8 A20 A8 MA4 A16 A7 A17 A7 A18 A7 A17 A7 A18 A7 A19 A7 MA3 A15 A6 A16 A6 A17 A6 A16 A6 A17 A6 A18 A6 MA2 A14 A5 A15 A5 A16 A5 A15 A5 A16 A5 A17 A5 MA1 A13 A4 A14 A4 A15 A4 A14 A4 A15 A4 A16 A4 MA0 A12 A3 A13 A3 A14 A3 A13 A3 A14 A3 A15 A3 CS0#/CS1# A11 A12 A13 A12 A13 CS2#/CS3# -- -- -- -- -- A14 -- BA0/BA1 A10 A11 A12 A11/A10 A12/A11 A13/A12 Table 5-17. Auto LOI -- 2 DIMMs, Same Size, 2 DIMM Banks 1 KB Page Size Row Col Address 2 KB Page Size Row Col 4 KB Page Size Row Col 1 KB Page Size Row Col 2 Component Banks 2 KB Page Size Row Col 4 KB Page Size Row Col 4 Component Banks MA12 A25 -- A26 -- A27 A26 -- A27 -- A28 -- MA11 A24 -- A25 -- A26 A25 -- A26 -- A27 -- MA10 A23 -- A24 -- A25 A24 -- A25 -- A26 -- MA9 A22 -- A23 -- A24 A23 -- A24 -- A25 -- MA8 A21 -- A22 -- A23 A11 A22 -- A23 -- A24 A11 MA7 A20 -- A21 A10 A22 A10 A21 -- A22 A10 A23 A10 MA6 A19 A9 A20 A9 A21 A9 A20 A9 A21 A9 A22 A9 MA5 A18 A8 A19 A8 A20 A8 A19 A8 A20 A8 A21 A8 MA4 A17 A7 A18 A7 A19 A7 A18 A7 A19 A7 A20 A7 MA3 A16 A6 A17 A6 A18 A6 A17 A6 A18 A6 A19 A6 MA2 A15 A5 A16 A5 A17 A5 A16 A5 A17 A5 A18 A5 MA1 A14 A4 A15 A4 A16 A4 A15 A4 A16 A4 A17 A4 MA0 A13 A3 A14 A3 A15 A3 A14 A3 A15 A3 A16 A3 CS0#/CS1# A12 A13 A14 A13 A14 A15 CS2#/CS3# A11 A12 A13 A12 A13 A14 BA0/BA1 A10 A11 A12 A11/A10 A12/A11 A13/A12 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 111 Revision 5.0 Memory Controller Table 5-18. Non-Auto LOI -- 1 or 2 DIMMs, Different Sizes, 1 DIMM Bank 1 KB Page Size 2 KB Page Size Row Col MA12 A23 -- A24 MA11 A22 -- MA10 A21 -- MA9 A20 MA8 A19 MA7 A18 MA6 A17 MA5 A16 MA4 Col 1 KB Page Size 2 KB Page Size Col Row Col -- A25 -- A24 -- A25 -- A26 A23 -- A24 -- A23 -- A24 -- A25 A22 -- A23 -- A22 -- A23 -- A24 -- A21 -- A22 -- A21 -- A22 -- A23 -- A20 -- A21 A11 A20 -- A21 -- A22 A11 -- A19 A10 A20 A10 A19 -- A20 A10 A21 A10 A9 A18 A9 A19 A9 A18 A9 A19 A9 A20 A9 A8 A17 A8 A18 A8 A17 A8 A18 A8 A19 A8 A15 A7 A16 A7 A17 A7 A16 A7 A17 A7 A18 A7 MA3 A14 A6 A15 A6 A16 A6 A15 A6 A16 A6 A17 A6 MA2 A13 A5 A14 A5 A15 A5 A14 A5 A15 A5 A16 A5 MA1 A12 A4 A13 A4 A14 A4 A13 A4 A14 A4 A15 A4 MA0 A11 A3 A12 A3 A13 A3 A12 A3 A13 A3 A14 A3 2 Component Banks Row Col 4 KB Page Size Row Address Row 4 KB Page Size Row Col 4 Component Banks CS0#/CS1# -- -- -- -- -- CS2#/CS3# -- -- -- -- -- --- BA0/BA1 A10 A11 A12 A11/A10 A12/A11 A13/A12 Table 5-19. Non-Auto LOI -- 1 or 2 DIMMs, Different Sizes, 2 DIMM Banks 1 KB Page Size Row Col Address 2 KB Page Size Row Col Row Col 1 KB Page Size Row Col 2 Component Banks 2 KB Page Size Row Col 4 KB Page Size Row Col 4 Component Banks MA12 A24 -- A25 -- A26 -- A25 -- A26 -- A27 -- MA11 A23 -- A24 -- A25 -- A24 -- A25 -- A26 -- MA10 A22 -- A23 -- A24 -- A23 -- A24 -- A25 -- MA9 A21 -- A22 -- A23 -- A22 -- A23 -- A24 -- MA8 A20 -- A21 -- A22 A11 A21 -- A22 -- A23 A11 MA7 A19 -- A20 A10 A21 A10 A20 -- A21 A10 A22 A10 MA6 A18 A9 A19 A9 A20 A9 A19 A9 A20 A9 A21 A9 MA5 A17 A8 A18 A8 A19 A8 A18 A8 A19 A8 A20 A8 MA4 A16 A7 A17 A7 A18 A7 A17 A7 A18 A7 A19 A7 MA3 A15 A6 A16 A6 A17 A6 A16 A6 A17 A6 A18 A6 MA2 A14 A5 A15 A5 A16 A5 A15 A5 A16 A5 A17 A5 MA1 A13 A4 A14 A4 A15 A4 A14 A4 A15 A4 A16 A4 MA0 A12 A3 A13 A3 A14 A3 A13 A3 A14 A3 A15 CS0#/CS1# A11 A12 CS2#/CS3# -- -- BA0/BA1 A10 A11 112 4 KB Page Size A3 A13 A12 A13 A14 A12 A11/A10 A12/A11 A13/A12 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller 5.3.6 Memory Cycles Figures 5-5 through 5-8 illustrate various memory cycles that the memory controller supports. The following subsections describe some of the supported cycles. SDRAM Read Cycle Figure 5-5 shows a SDRAM read cycle. The figure assumes that a previous ACT command has presented the row address for the read operation. Note that the burst length for the READ command is always two. SDCLK CS# RAS# CAS# WE# MA COL n DQM MD n n+1 Figure 5-5. Basic Read Cycle with a CAS Latency of Two AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 113 Revision 5.0 Memory Controller SDRAM Write Cycle Figure 5-6 shows a SDRAM write cycle. The burst length for the WRT command is two. SDCLK CS# RAS# CAS# WE# MA COL n MD n n+1 DQM n n+1 Figure 5-6. Basic Write Cycle 114 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller SDRAM Refresh Cycle Figure 5-7 shows a SDRAM auto refresh cycle. The memory controller always precedes the refresh cycle with a PRE command to all banks. Page Miss Figure 5-8 shows a READ/WRT command after a page miss cycle. In order to program the new row address, a PRE command must be issued followed by an ACT command. SDCLK CS# RAS# CAS# WE# MA[10] Figure 5-7. Auto Refresh Cycle SDCLK COMMAND PRE NOP NOP ACT tRP ADDRESS BA NOP NOP R/W NOP tRCD ROW COL Figure 5-8. READ/WRT Command to a New Row Address AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 115 Revision 5.0 5.3.7 Memory Controller SDRAM Interface Clocking The GX1 processor drives the SDCLK to the SDRAMs; one for each DIMM bank. All the control, data, and address signals driven by the memory controller are sampled by the SDRAM at the rising edge of SDCLK. SDCLKOUT is a reference signal used to generate SDCLKIN. Read data is sampled by the memory controller at the rising edge of SDCLKIN. The delay for SDCLKIN from SDCLKOUT must be designed so that it matches the SDCLKs timing at the DRAM (check application notes for additional information). All four SDCLK traces on the board should be the same length, so there is no skew between them. These guidelines allow the memory interface to operate at a higher performance. SDCLK0 SDCLK[3:0] SDCLK1 SDCLKOUT AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor DIMM 0 SDCLK2 Delay SDCLK3 DIMM 1 SDCLKIN Figure 5-9. SDCLKIN Clocking 116 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Memory Controller The SDRAM interface timings are programmable. The SHFTSDCLK bits in the MC_MEM_CNTRL2 register can be used to change the relationship between SDCLK and the control/address/data signals to meet setup and hold time requirements for SDRAM across different board layouts. SHFTSDCLK bit values are selected based upon the SDRAM signals loads and the core frequency (refer to Figures Figure 7-9 and Figure 7-10 on page 190). Figure 5-10 shows an example of how the SHFTSDCLK bits setting affects SDCLK. The PCI clock is the input clock to the GX1 processor. The core clock is the internal processor clock that is multiplied up. The memory controller runs off this core clock. The memory clock is generated by dividing down the core clock. SDCLK is generated from the memory clock. In the example diagram, the processor clock is running 6X times the PCI clock and the memory clock is running in divide by 3 mode. The SDRAM control, address, and data signals are driven off edge “x1” of the memory clock to be setup before edge “y1”. With no shift applied, the control signals could end up being latched on edge “x2” of the SDCLK. A shift value of two or three could be used so that SDCLK at the SDRAM is centered around when the control signals change. PCI Clock Core Clock (Internal) 0 1 2 Memory Clock (Internal) 3 4 x1 5 6 y1 Valid CNTRL SDCLK (Note) x2 y2 SDCLK (Note) Shift = Note: 4 3 2 1 0 The first SDCLK shows how SDCLK operates with the SHFTSDCLK bits = 000, no shift. The second SDCLK shows how SDCLK operates with the SHFTSDCLK bits = 001, shift 0.5 core clock. (See MC_MEMCNTRL2 bits [5:3], Table 5-15 on page 107, for remaining decode values.) Figure 5-10. Effects of SHFTSDCLK Programming Bits Example AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 117 Revision 5.0 5.4 Graphics Pipeline Graphics Pipeline The graphics pipeline of the GX1 processor contains a 2D graphics accelerator. This hardware accelerator has a BitBLT/vector engine which dramatically improves graphics performance when rendering and moving graphical objects. Overall operating system performance is improved as well. The accelerator hardware supports pattern generation, source expansion, pattern/source transparency, and 256 ternary raster operations. The block diagram of the graphics pipeline is shown in Figure 5-11. 5.4.1 BitBLT/Vector Engine BLTs are initiated by writing to the GP_BLT_MODE register, which specifies the type of source data (none, frame buffer, or BLT buffer), the type of the destination data (none, frame buffer, or BLT buffer), and a source expansion flag. Vectors are initiated by writing to the GP_VECTOR_MODE register (GX_BASE+8204h), which specifies the direction of the vector and a “read destination data” flag. If the flag is set, the hardware will read destination data along the vector and store it temporarily in the BLT Buffer 0. The BLT buffers use a portion of the L1 cache, called “scratchpad RAM”, to temporarily store source and destination data, typically on a scan line basis. See Section "Scratchpad RAM Utilization" on page 95 for an explanation of scratchpad RAM. The hardware automatically loads frame-buffer data (source or destination) into the BLT buffers for each scan line. The driver is responsible for making sure that this does not overflow the memory allocated for the BLT buffers. When the source data is a bitmap, the hardware loads the data directly into the BLT buffer at the beginning of the BLT operation. Scratchpad RAM and BitBLT Buffers C-Bus Output Aligner Graphics Pipeline Output Aligner Pattern Hardware BE Source Expansion PAT BE SRC DST Internal Bus Interface Unit Control Logic Raster Operation DRAM Interface Register Access X-Bus Key: BE = Byte Enable PAT = Pattern Data SRC = Source Data DST = Destination Data Memory Controller Figure 5-11. Graphics Pipeline Block Diagram 118 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline 5.4.2 Master/Slave Registers When starting a BitBLT or vector operation, the graphics pipeline registers are latched from the master registers to the slave registers. A second BitBLT or vector operation can then be loaded into the master registers while the first operation is rendered. If a second BLT is pending in the master registers, any write operations to the graphics pipeline registers will corrupt the values of the pending BLT. Software must prevent this from happening by checking the “BLT Pending” bit in the GP_BLT_STATUS register (GX_BASE+820Ch[2]). Most of the graphics pipeline registers are latched directly from the master registers to the slave registers when starting a new BitBLT or vector operation. Some registers, however, use the updated slave values if the master registers have not been written, which allows software to render successive primitives without loading some of the registers as outlined in Table 5-20. 5.4.3 Pattern Generation The graphics pipeline contains hardware support for 8x8 monochrome patterns (expanded to two colors), 8x8 dither patterns (expanded to four colors), and 8x1 color patterns. The pattern hardware, however, does not maintain a pattern origin, so the pattern data must be justified before it is loaded into the GX1 processor’s registers. For solid primitives, the pattern hardware is disabled and the pattern color is always sourced from the GP_PAT_COLOR_0 register (GX_BASE+8110h). Table 5-20. Graphics Pipeline Registers Master Function GP_DST_XCOOR Next X position along vector. Master register if written, otherwise: Unchanged slave if BLT, source mode = bitmap. Slave + width if BLT, source mode = text glyph GP_DST_YCOOR Next Y position along vector. Master register if written, otherwise: Slave +/- height if BLT, source mode = bitmap. Unchanged slave if BLT, source mode = text glyph. GP_INIT_ERROR Master register if written, otherwise: Initial error for the next pixel along the vector. GP_SRC_YCOOR Master register if written, otherwise: Slave +/- height if BLT, source mode = bitmap. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 119 Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline Monochrome Patterns Setting the pattern mode to 01b (GX_BASE+8200h[9:8] = 01b) in the GP_RASTER_MODE register selects the monochrome patterns (see bit details on page 125). Those pixels corresponding to a clear bit (0) in the pattern are rendered using the color specified in the GP_PAT_COLOR_0 (GX_BASE+8110h) register, and those pixels corresponding to a set bit (1) in the pattern are rendered using the color specified in the GP_PAT_COLOR_1 register (GX_BASE+8112h). If the pattern transparency bit is set high in the GP_RASTER_MODE register, those pixels corresponding to a clear bit in the pattern data are not drawn. Monochrome patterns use registers GP_PAT_DATA_0 (GX_BASE+ Memory Offset 8120h) and GP_PAT_DATA_1 (GX_BASE+ Memory Offset 8124h) for the pattern data. Bits [7:0] of GP_PAT_DATA_0 correspond to the first row of the pattern, and bit 7 corresponds to the leftmost pixel on the screen. How the pattern and the registers fully relate is illustrated in Figure 5-12. Dither Patterns Setting the pattern mode to 10b (GX_BASE+8200h[9:8] = 10b) in the GP_RASTER_MODE register selects the dither patterns. Two bits of pattern data are used for each pixel, allowing color expansion to four colors. The colors are specified in the GP_PAT_COLOR_0 through GP_PAT_COLOR_3 registers (Table 5-24 on page 123). Dither patterns use all 128 bits of pattern data. Bits [15:0] of GP_PAT_DATA_0 correspond to the first row of the pattern (the lower byte contains the least significant bit of each pixel’s pattern color and the upper byte contains the most significant bit of each pixel’s pattern color). This is illustrated in Figure 5-13. GP_PAT_DATA_0 (GPD0) = 0x441100AA GP_PAT_DATA_1 (GPD1) = 0x115500AA GP_PAT_DATA_2 (GPD2) = 0x441100AA GP_PAT_DATA_3 (GPD3) = 0x115500AA GP_PAT_DATA_0 (GPD0) = 0x80412214 GP_PAT_DATA_1 (GPD1) = 0x08142241 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 AA 14 GPD0[7:0] 22 GPD0[15:8] 41 GPD0[23:16] 80 GPD0[31:24] 41 GPD1[7:0] 22 GPD1[15:8] 14 GPD1[23:16] 08 GPD1[31:24] Figure 5-12. Example of Monochrome Patterns 120 00AA 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 GPD0[15:0] 4411 00 10 00 01 00 10 00 01 GPD0[31:16] 00AA 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 GPD1[15:0] 1155 00 01 00 11 00 01 00 11 GPD1[31:16] 00AA 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 GPD2[15:0] 4411 00 10 00 01 00 10 10 00 01 GPD2[31:16] 00AA 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 GPD3[15:0] 1155 00 01 00 11 00 01 00 11 GPD3[31:16] Figure 5-13. Example of Dither Patterns AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline Color Patterns Setting the pattern mode to 11b (GX_BASE+8200h[9:8] = 11b), in the GP_RASTER_MODE register selects the color patterns. Bits [63:0] are used to hold a row of pattern data for an 8-bpp pattern, with bits [7:0] corresponding to the leftmost pixel of the row. Likewise, bits [127:0] are used for a 16-bpp color pattern, with bits [15:0] corresponding to the leftmost pixel of the row. To support an 8x8 color pattern, software must load the pattern data for each row. 5.4.4 Source Expansion The graphics pipeline contains hardware support for color expansion of source data (primarily used for text). Those pixels corresponding to a clear bit (0) in the source data are rendered using the color specified in the GP_SRC_COLOR_0 register (GX_BASE+810Ch), and those pixels corresponding to a set bit (1) in the source data are rendered using the color specified in the GP_SRC_COLOR_1 register (GX_BASE+810Eh). If the source transparency bit is set in the GP_RASTER_MODE register, those pixels corresponding to a clear bit (0) in the source data are not drawn. 5.4.5 Raster Operations The GP_RASTER_MODE register specifies how the pattern data, source data (color-expanded if necessary), and destination data are combined to produce the output to the frame buffer. The definition of the ROP value matches that of the Microsoft API (application programming interface). This allows Windows display drivers to load the raster operation directly into hardware. Table 5-21 illustrates this definition. Some common raster operations are described in Table 5-22. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Table 5-21. GP_RASTER_MODE Bit Patterns Pattern (bit) Source (bit) Destination (bit) Output (bit) 0 0 0 ROP[0] 0 0 1 ROP[1] 0 1 0 ROP[2] 0 1 1 ROP[3] 1 0 0 ROP[4] 1 0 1 ROP[5] 1 1 0 ROP[6] 1 1 1 ROP[7] Table 5-22. Common Raster Operations ROP Description F0h Output = Pattern CCh Output = Source 5Ah Output = Pattern XOR destination 66h Output = Source XOR destination 55h Output = ~Destination 121 Revision 5.0 5.4.6 Graphics Pipeline Register Descriptions The graphics pipeline maps 200h locations starting at GX_BASE+8100h. However, only 72 bytes are defined and some of these registers will alias across the 200h space. Graphics Pipeline Refer to Section 5.1.2 "Control Registers" on page 94 for instructions on accessing these registers. Table 5-23 summarizes the graphics pipeline registers and Table 5-24 gives detailed register/bit formats. Table 5-23. Graphics Pipeline Configuration Register Summary GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name / Function 8100h-8103h R/W GP_DST/START_Y/XCOOR Default Value 00000000h Destination/Starting Y and X Coordinates Register: In BLT mode this register specifies the destination Y and X positions for a BLT operation. In Vector mode it specifies the starting Y and X positions in a vector. 8104h-8107h R/W GP_WIDTH/HEIGHT and GP_VECTOR_LENGTH/INIT_ERROR 00000000h Width/Height or Vector Length/Initial Error Register: In BLT mode this register specifies the BLT width and height in pixels. In Vector mode it specifies the vector initial error and pixel length. 8108h-810Bh R/W GP_SRC_X/YCOOR and GP_AXIAL/DIAG_ERROR 00000000h Source X/Y Coordinate Axial/Diagonal Error Register: In BLT mode this register specifies the BLT X and Y source. In Vector mode it specifies the axial and diagonal error for rendering a vector. 810Ch-810Fh R/W GP_SRC_COLOR_0 and GP_SRC_COLOR_1 00000000h Source Color Register: Determines the colors used when expanding monochrome source data in either the 8-bpp mode or the 16-bpp mode. 8110h-8113h R/W GP_PAT_COLOR_0 and GP_PAT_COLOR_1 00000000h Graphics Pipeline Pattern Color Registers 0 and 1: These two registers determine the colors used when expanding pattern data. 8114h-8117h R/W GP_PAT_COLOR_2 and GP_PAT_COLOR_3 00000000h Graphics Pipeline Pattern Color Registers 2 and 3:These two registers determine the colors used when expanding pattern data. 8120h-8123h R/W GP_PAT_DATA 0 through 3 00000000h 8124h-8127h R/W Graphics Pipeline Pattern Data Registers 0 through 3: Together these registers contain 128 bits of pattern data. 00000000h 8128h-812Bh R/W 812Ch-812Fh R/W GP_PAT_DATA_0 corresponds to bits [31:0] of the pattern data. GP_PAT_DATA_1 corresponds to bits [63:32] of the pattern data. 00000000h 00000000h GP_PAT_DATA_2 corresponds to bits [95:64] of the pattern data. GP_PAT_DATA_3 corresponds to bits [127:96] of the pattern data. 8140h-8143h1 R/W GP_VGA_WRITE xxxxxxxxh Graphics Pipeline VGA Write Patch Control Register: Controls the VGA memory write path in the graphics pipeline. 8144h-8147h1 R/W GP_VGA_READ 00000000h Graphics Pipeline VGA Read Patch Control Register: Controls the VGA memory read path in the graphics pipeline. 8200h-8203h R/W GP_RASTER_MODE 00000000h Graphics Pipeline Raster Mode Register: This register controls the manipulation of the pixel data through the graphics pipeline. Refer to Section 5.4.5 "Raster Operations" on page 121. 122 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline Table 5-23. Graphics Pipeline Configuration Register Summary (Continued) GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name / Function 8204h-8207h R/W GP_VECTOR_MODE Default Value 00000000h Graphics Pipeline Vector Mode Register: Writing to this register initiates the rendering of a vector. 8208h-820Bh R/W GP_BLT_MODE 00000000h Graphics Pipeline BLT Mode Register: Writing to this initiates a BLT operation. 820Ch-820Fh R/W GP_BLT_STATUS 00000000h Graphics Pipeline BLT Status Register: Contains configuration and status information for the BLT engine. The status bits are contained in the lower byte of the register. 8210h-8213h1 R/W GP_VGA_BASE xxxxxxxxh Graphics Pipeline VGA Memory Base Address Register: Specifies the offset of the VGA memory, starting from the base of graphics memory. 8214h-8217h1 R/W GP_VGA_LATCH xxxxxxxxh Graphics Pipeline VGA Display Latch Register: Provides a memory mapped way to read or write the VGA display latch. 1. The registers at GX_BASE+8140, 8144h, 8210h, and 8214h are located in the area designated for the graphics pipeline but are used for VGA emulation purposes. Refer to Table 5-39 on page 155 for these register’s bit formats Table 5-24. Graphics Pipeline Configuration Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8100h-8103h 31:16 GP_DST/START_X/YCOOR Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h DESTINATION/STARTING Y POSITION (SIGNED): BLT Mode: Specifies the destination Y position for a BLT operation. Vector Mode: Specifies the starting Y position in a vector. 15:0 DESTINATION/STARTING X POSITION (SIGNED): BLT Mode: Specifies the destination X position for a BLT operation. Vector Mode: Specifies the starting X position in a vector. GX_BASE+8104h-8107h 31:16 GP_WIDTH/HEIGHT and GP_VECTOR_LENGTH/INIT_ERROR Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h PIXEL_WIDTH or VECTOR_LENGTH (UNSIGNED): BLT Mode: Specifies the width, in pixels, of a BLT operation. No pixels are rendered for a width of zero. Vector Mode: Bits [31:30] are reserved in this mode allowing this 14-bit field to specify the length, in pixels, of a vector. No pixels are rendered for a length of zero. This field is limited to 14 bits due to a lack of precision in the registers used to hold the error terms. 15:0 PIXEL_HEIGHT or VECTOR_INITIAL_ERROR (UNSIGNED): BLT Mode: Specifies the height, in pixels, of a BLT operation. No pixels are rendered for a height of zero. Vector Mode: Specifies the initial error for rendering a vector. GX_BASE+8108h-810Bh 31:16 GP_SCR_X/YCOOR and GP_AXIAL/DIAG_ERROR Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h SRC_X_POS or VECTOR_AXIAL_ERROR (SIGNED): BLT Mode: Specifies the source X position for a BLT operation. Vector Mode: Specifies the axial error for rendering a vector. 15:0 SRC_Y_POS or VECTOR_DIAG_ERROR (SIGNED): Source Y Position (Signed): Specifies the source Y position for a BLT operation. Vector Mode: Specifies the diagonal error for rendering a vector. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 123 Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline Table 5-24. Graphics Pipeline Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description GX_BASE+810Ch-810Dh 15:0 GP_SRC_COLOR_0 Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000h 8-bpp Mode: 8-bpp color: The color index must be duplicated in the upper byte. 16-bpp Mode: 16-bpp color (RGB) GX_BASE+810Eh-810Fh 15:0 GP_SRC_COLOR_1 Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000h 8-bpp Mode: 8-bpp color: The color index must be duplicated in the upper byte. 16-bpp Mode: 16-bpp color (RGB) Note: The Graphics Pipeline Source Color register specifies the colors used when expanding monochrome source data in either the 8-bpp mode or the 16-bpp mode. Those pixels corresponding to clear bits (0) in the source data are rendered using GP_SRC_COLOR_0 and those pixels corresponding to set bits (1) in the source data are rendered using GP_SRC_COLOR_1. GX_BASE+8110h-8111h 15:0 GP_PAT_COLOR_0 Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000h 8-bpp Mode: 8-bpp color: The color index must be duplicated in the upper byte. 16-bpp Mode: 16-bpp color (RGB) Note: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Color 0-3 registers specify the colors used when expanding pattern data. GX_BASE+8112h-8113h 15:0 GP_PAT_COLOR_1 Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000h 8-bpp Mode: 8-bpp color: The color index must be duplicated in the upper byte. 16-bpp Mode: 16-bpp color (RGB) Note: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Color 0-3 registers specify the colors used when expanding pattern data. GX_BASE+8114h-8115h 15:0 GP_PAT_COLOR_2 Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000h 8-bpp Mode: 8-bpp color: The color index must be duplicated in the upper byte. 16-bpp Mode: 16-bpp color (RGB) Note: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Color 0-3 registers specify the colors used when expanding pattern data. GX_BASE+8116h-8117h 15:0 GP_PAT_COLOR_3 Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000h 8-bpp Mode: 8-bpp color: The color index must be duplicated in the upper byte. 16-bpp Mode: 16-bpp color (RGB) Note: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Color 0-3 registers specify the colors used when expanding pattern data. GX_BASE+8120h-8123h 31:0 Default Value = xxxxxxxxh GP_PAT_DATA_2 Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh GP Pattern Data Register 2: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Data registers 0 through 3 together contain 128 bits of pattern data. The GP_PAT_DATA_2 register corresponds to bits [95:64] of the pattern data. GX_BASE+812Ch-812Fh 31:0 GP_PAT_DATA_1 Register (R/W) GP Pattern Data Register 1: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Data registers 0 through 3 together contain 128 bits of pattern data. The GP_PAT_DATA_1 register corresponds to bits [63:32] of the pattern data. GX_BASE+8128h-812Bh 31:0 Default Value = xxxxxxxxh GP Pattern Data Register 0: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Data registers 0 through 3 together contain 128 bits of pattern data. The GP_PAT_DATA_0 register corresponds to bits [31:0] of the pattern data. GX_BASE+8124h-8127h 31:0 GP_PAT_DATA_0 Register (R/W) GP_PAT_DATA_3 Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh GP Pattern Data Register 3: The Graphics Pipeline Pattern Data registers 0 through 3 together contain 128 bits of pattern data. The GP_PAT_DATA_3 register corresponds to bits [127:96] of the pattern data. GX_BASE+8140h-8143h GP_VGA_WRITE Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Note that the register at GX_BASE+82140h is located in the area designated for the graphics pipeline but is used for VGA emulation purposes. Refer to Table 5-39 on page 155 for this register’s bit formats. GX_BASE+8144h-8147h GP_VGA_READ Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h Note that the register at GX_BASE+8144h is located in the area designated for the graphics pipeline but is used for VGA emulation purposes. Refer to Table 5-39 on page 155 for this register’s bit formats. 124 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline Table 5-24. Graphics Pipeline Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8200h-8203h GP_RASTER_MODE Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h 31:13 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 12 TB Transparent BLT: When set, this bit enables transparent BLT. The source color data will be compared to a color key and if it matches, that pixel will not be drawn. The color key value is stored in the BLT buffer as destination data. The raster operation must be set to C6h, and the pattern registers must be all F’s for this mode to work properly. 11 ST Source Transparency: Enables transparency for monochrome source data. Those pixels corresponding to clear bits in the source data are not drawn. 10 PT Pattern Transparency: Enables transparency for monochrome pattern data. Those pixels corresponding to clear bits in the pattern data are not drawn. 9:8 PM Pattern Mode: Specifies the format of the pattern data. 00 = Indicates a solid pattern. The pattern data is always sourced from the GP_PAT_COLOR_0 register. 01 = Indicates a monochrome pattern. The pattern data is sourced from the GP_PAT_COLOR_0 and GP_PAT_COLOR_1 registers. 10 = Indicates a dither pattern. All four pattern color registers are used. 11 = Indicates a color pattern. The pattern data is sourced directly from the pattern data registers. 7:0 Note: ROP Raster Operation: Specifies the raster operation for pattern, source, and destination data. Writing to this register launches a raster operation. GX_BASE+8204h-8207h GP_VECTOR_MODE Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h 31:4 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 3 DEST Read Destination Data: Indicates that frame-buffer destination data is required. 2 DMIN Minor Direction: Indicates a positive minor axis step. 1 DMAJ Major Direction: Indicates a positive major axis step. 0 YMAJ Major Direction: Indicates a Y major vector. GX_BASE+8208h-820Bh 31:9 RSVD 8 Y 7:6 SM GP_BLT_MODE Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h Reserved: Set to 0. Reverse Y Direction: Indicates a negative increment for the Y position. This bit is used to control the direction of screen to screen BLTs to prevent data corruption in overlapping windows. Source Mode: Specifies the format of the source data. 00 = Source is a color bitmap. 01 = Source is a monochrome bitmap (use source color expansion). 10 = Unused. 11 = Source is a text glyph (use source color expansion). This differs from a monochrome bitmap in that the X position is adjusted by the width of the BLT and the Y position remains the same. 5 RSVD 4:2 RD Reserved: Set to 0. Destination Data: Specifies the destination data location. 000 = No destination data is required. The destination data into the raster operation unit is all ones. 010 = Read destination data from BLT Buffer 0. 011 = Read destination data from BLT Buffer 1. 100 = Read destination data from the frame buffer (store temporarily in BLT Buffer 0). 101 = Read destination data from the frame buffer (store temporarily in BLT Buffer 1). 1:0 RS Source Data: Specifies the source data location. 00 = No source data is required. The source data into the raster operation unit is all ones. 01 = Read source data from the frame buffer (temporarily stored in BLT Buffer 0). 10 = Read source data from BLT Buffer 0. 11 = Read source data from BLT Buffer 1. Note: Writing to this register launches a BLT operation. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 125 Revision 5.0 Graphics Pipeline Table 5-24. Graphics Pipeline Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description GX_BASE+820Ch-820Fh 31:11 RSVD 10:9 W GP_BLT_STATUS Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h Reserved: Set to 0. Screen Width: Selects a frame-buffer width. This register must be programmed correctly in order for compression to work. 00 = 1024 bytes 01 = 2048 bytes 10 = 4096 bytes 11 = 4096 bytes 8 M 7:3 RSVD 2 BP (RO) 16-bpp Mode: Selects a pixel data format of 16-bpp (default is 8-bpp). Reserved: Set to 0. BLT Pending (Read Only): Indicates that a BLT operation is pending in the master registers. The “BLT Pending” bit must be clear before loading any of the graphics pipeline registers. Loading registers when this bit is set high will destroy the values for the pending BLT. 1 PB (RO) Pipeline Busy (Read Only): Indicates that the graphics pipeline is processing data. The “Pipeline Busy” bit differs from the “BLT Busy” bit in that the former only indicates that the graphics pipeline is processing data. The “BLT Busy” bit also indicates that the memory controller has not yet processed all of the requests for the current operation. The “Pipeline Busy” bit must be clear before loading a BLT buffer if the previous BLT operation used the same BLT buffer. 0 BB (RO) BLT Busy (Read Only): Indicates that a BLT / vector operation is in progress. The “BLT Busy” bit must be clear before accessing the frame buffer directly. GX_BASE+8210h-8213h GP_VGA_BASE (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Note that the registers at GX_BASE+8210h are located in the area designated for the graphics pipeline but are used for VGA emulation purposes. Refer to Table 5-39 on page 155 for this register’s bit formats. GX_BASE+8214h-8217h GP_VGA_LATCH Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Note that the registers at GX_BASE+8214h are located in the area designated for the graphics pipeline but are used for VGA emulation purposes. Refer to Table 5-39 on page 155 for this register’s bit formats. 126 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller 5.5 Display Controller The GX1 processor incorporates a display controller that retrieves display data from the memory controller and formats it for output on a variety of display devices. The GX1 processor connects directly to the graphics of the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device. The display controller includes a display FIFO, compression/decompression (codec) hardware, hardware cursor, a 256-entry-by-18-bit palette RAM (plus three extension colors), display timing generator, dither and frame-rate-modulation circuitry for TFT panels, and versatile output formatting logic. A diagram of the display controller subsystem is shown in Figure 5-14. 5.5.1 Display data is required in real time, making it the highest priority in the system. Without efficient memory management, system performance would suffer dramatically due to the constant display-refresh requests from the display controller. The large size of the display FIFO is desirable so that the FIFO may primarily be loaded during times when there is no other request pending to the DRAM controller which allows the memory controller to stay in page mode for a longer period of time when servicing the display FIFO. When a priority request from the cache or graphics pipeline occurs, if the display FIFO has enough data queued up, the DRAM controller can immediately service the request without concern that the display FIFO will underflow. If the display FIFO is below a programmable threshold, a highpriority request will be sent to the DRAM controller, which will take precedence over any other requests that are pending. Display FIFO The display controller contains a large (64x64 bit) FIFO for queuing up display data from the memory controller as required for output to the screen. The memory controller must arbitrate between display controller requests and other requests for memory access from the microprocessor core, L1 cache controller, and the graphics pipeline. Compressed Line Buffer (64x32 bit) Memory Data The display FIFO is 64 bits wide to accommodate highspeed burst read operations from the DRAM controller at maximum memory bandwidth. In addition to the normal pixel data stream, the display FIFO also queues up cursor patterns. 32 18 8 32 Video 16 Display FIFO (64x64 bit) 64 8 Extensions Codec Cursor Latch 2 Palette Addr. Logic 9 Palette RAM (264x18 bit) 18 Dither and FRM Output Format 18 Graphics Pseudo/True Color Mux 9 Memory Address 20 Memory Address Generator Control Registers and Control Logic Timing Generator Output Control Figure 5-14. Display Controller Block Diagram AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 127 Revision 5.0 5.5.2 Compression Technology To reduce the system memory contention caused by the display refresh, the display controller contains compression and decompression logic for compressing the frame buffer image in real time as it is sent to the display. It combines this compressed display buffer into the extra off-screen memory within the graphics memory aperture. Coherency of the compressed display buffer is maintained by use of dirty and valid bits for each line. The dirty and valid RAM is contained on-chip for maximum efficiency. Whenever a line has been validly compressed, it will be retrieved from the compressed display buffer for all future accesses until the line becomes dirty again. Dirty lines will be retrieved from the normal uncompressed frame buffer. The compression logic has the ability to insert a programmable number of “static” frames, during which time dirty bits are ignored and the valid bits are read to determine whether a line should be retrieved from the frame buffer or compressed display buffer. The less frequently the dirty bits are sampled, the more frequently lines will be retrieved from the compressed display buffer. This allows a programmable screen image update rate (as opposed to refresh rate). Generally, an update rate of 30 frames per second is adequate for displaying most types of data, including realtime video. If a flat panel display is used that has a slow response time, such as 100 ms, the image need not be updated faster than ten frames per second, since the panel could not display changes beyond that rate. The compression algorithm used in the GX1 processor commonly achieves compression ratios between 10:1 and 20:1, depending on the nature of the display data. This high level of compression provides higher system performance by reducing typical latency for normal system memory access, higher graphics performance by increasing available drawing bandwidth to the DRAM array, and much lower power consumption by significantly reducing the number of off-chip DRAM accesses required for refreshing the display. These advantages become even more pronounced as display resolution, color depth, and refresh rate are increased and as the size of the installed DRAM increases. As uncompressed lines are fed to the display, they will be compressed and stored in an on-chip compressed line buffer (64x32 bits). Lines will not be written back to the compressed display buffer in the DRAM unless a valid compression has resulted, so there is no penalty for pathological frame buffer images where the compression algorithm breaks down. 5.5.3 Hardware Cursor The display controller contains hardware cursor logic to allow overlay of the cursor image onto the pixel data stream. Overhead for updating this image on the screen is kept to a minimum by requiring that only the X and Y position be changed. This eliminates “submarining” effects commonly associated with software cursors. The cursor, 32x32 pixels with 2-bpp, is loaded into off-screen memory within the graphics memory aperture. The 128 Display Controller DC_CUR_ST_OFFSET programs the cursor start (see Table 5-30 on page 140). The 2-bit code selects color 0, color 1, transparent, or background-color inversion for each pixel in the cursor. The two cursor colors will be stored as extensions to the normal 256-entry palette at locations 100h and 101h. The 2-bit cursor codes are as follows: AND XOR 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ground Pixel Displayed Cursor Color 0 Cursor Color 1 Transparent − Background Pixel Inverted − Bit-wise Inversion of Back- The cursor overlay patterns are loaded to independent memory locations, usually mapped above the frame buffer and compressed display buffer (off-screen). The cursor buffer must start on a DWORD boundary. It is linearly mapped, and is always 256 bytes in size. If there is enough room (256 bytes) after the compression-buffer line but before the next frame-buffer line starts, the cursor pattern may be loaded into this area to make efficient use of the graphics memory. Each pattern is a 32x32-pixel array of 2-bit codes. The codes are a combination of AND mask and XOR mask for a particular pixel. Each line of an overlay pattern is stored as two DWORDs, with each DWORD containing the AND masks for 16 pixels in the upper word and the XOR masks for 16 pixels in the lower word. DWORDs are arranged with the leftmost pixel block being least significant and the rightmost pixel block being most significant. Pixels within words are arranged with the leftmost pixels being most significant and the rightmost pixels being least significant. Multiple cursor patterns may be loaded into the off-screen memory. An application may simply change the cursor start offset to select a new cursor pattern. The new cursor pattern will become effective at the start of the next frame scan. 5.5.4 Display Timing Generator The display controller features a fully programmable timing generator for generating all timing control signals for the display. The timing control signals include horizontal and vertical sync and blank signals in addition to timing for active and overscan regions of the display. The timing generator is similar in function to the CRTC of the original VGA, although programming is more straightforward. Programming of the timing registers is supported by AMD via a BIOS INT10 call during a mode set. When programming the timing registers directly, extreme care should be taken to ensure that all timing is compatible with the display device. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller The timing generator supports overscan to maintain full backward compatibility with the VGA standard. This feature is supported primarily for CRT display devices since flat panel displays have fixed resolutions and do not provide for overscan. When a display mode is selected having a lower resolution than the panel resolution, the GX1 processor supports a mechanism to center the display by stretching the border to fill the remainder of the screen. The border color is at palette extension 104h. 5.5.5 Dither and Frame Rate Modulation The display controller supports 2x2 dither and two-level frame rate modulation (FRM) to increase the apparent number of colors displayed on 9-bit or 12-bit TFT panels. Dither and FRM are individually programmable. With dithering and FRM enabled, 185,193 colors are possible on a 9-bit TFT panel, and 226,981 colors are possible on a 12bit TFT panel. 5.5.6 Display Modes The GX1 processor’s display controller is programmable and supports resolutions up to 1280x1024 at 16 bits per pixel. This means the GX1 processor supports the standard display resolutions of 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024 at both 8 and 16 bits per pixel. Two 16-bit display formats are supported: RGB 5-6-5 and RGB 5-5-5. Table 5-26 on page 130 lists how the RGB data is mapped onto the pixel data bus for the CRT and various TFT interfaces. All CRT modes can have VESA-compatible timing. Table 5-25 lists some of the supported TFT panel display modes and Table 5-27 lists some of the supported CRT display modes. Table 5-25. TFT Panel Display Modes1 Resolution 640x4805 Simultaneous Colors 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 16-bpp 64 KB colors 5-6-5 800x6005 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 16-bpp 64 KB Colors 5-6-5 1024x768 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Refresh Rate (Hz) DCLK2 Rate (MHz) PCLK3 Rate (MHz) Panel Type 60 50.35 25.175 9-bit 573 = 185,193 12-bit 613 = 226,981 18-bit 43 = 262,144 9-bit 29x57x29 = 47,937 12-bit 31x61x31 = 58,621 18-bit 32x64x32 = 65,535 9-bit 573 = 185,193 12-bit 613 = 226,981 18-bit 643 = 262,144 9-bit 29x57x29 = 47,937 12-bit 31x61x31 = 58,621 18-bit 32x64x32 = 65,535 60 60 60 50.35 80.0 80.0 25.175 40.0 40.0 Maximum Displayed Colors4 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 60 65 65.0 9-bit/18-I/F 573 = 185,193 16-bpp 64 KB colors 5-6-5 60 65 65.0 9-bit/18-I/F 29x57x29 = 47,937 This list is not meant to be an complete list of all the possible supported TFT display modes. DCLK is the input clock from the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device. In some cases, DCLK is doubled to keep the CS5530A’s PLL in a desired operational range. PCLK is the graphics output clock to the Geode CS5530A companion device. 9-bit and 12-bit panels use FRM and dither to increase displayed colors. (See Section 5.5.5 "Dither and Frame Rate Modulation" on page 129.) All 640x480 and 800x600 modes can be run in simultaneous display with CRT. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 129 Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-26. CRT and TFT Panel Data Bus Formats 9-Bit TFT Panel Data Bus Bit CRT & 18-Bit TFT 12-Bit TFT 640x480 17 R5 R5 R5 R5 16 R4 R4 R4 R4 15 R3 R3 R3 R3 14 R2 R2 13 R1 R4 12 R0 R3 11 G5 G5 G5 G5 10 G4 G4 G4 G4 9 G3 G3 G3 G3 8 G2 G2 7 G1 G4 6 G0 G3 5 B5 B5 B5 B5 4 B4 B4 B4 B4 3 B3 B3 B3 B3 2 B2 B2 1 B1 B4 0 B0 B3 1024x768 R5 G5 B5 Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Table 5-27. CRT Display Modes1 Resolution 640x480 Simultaneous Colors 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 16-bpp 64 KB colors RGB 5-6-5 130 Refresh Rate (Hz) DCLK2 Rate (MHz) PCLK3 Rate (MHz) 60 50.35 25.175 72 63.0 31.5 75 63.0 31.5 85 72.0 36.0 60 50.35 25.175 72 63.0 31.5 75 63.0 31.5 85 72.0 36.0 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-27. CRT Display Modes1 Resolution 800x600 Simultaneous Colors 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 16-bpp 64 KB colors RGB 5-6-5 1024x768 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 16-bpp 64 KB colors RGB 5-6-5 1280x1024 8-bpp 256 colors out of a palette of 256 16 bpp 64 KB colors RGB 5-6-5 1. 2. 3. Refresh Rate (Hz) DCLK2 Rate (MHz) PCLK3 Rate (MHz) 60 80.0 40.0 72 100.0 50.0 75 99.0 49.5 85 112.5 56.25 60 80.0 40.0 72 100.0 50.0 75 99 49.9 85 112.5 56.25 60 65.0 65.0 70 75.0 75.0 75 78.5 78.5 85 94.5 94.5 60 65.0 65.0 70 75.0 75.0 75 78.5 78.5 85 94.5 94.5 60 108.0 108.0 75 135.0 135 85 157 157 60 108 108 75 135 135 85 157 157 This list is not meant to be an complete list of all the possible supported CRT display modes. DCLK is the input clock from the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device. In some cases, DCLK is doubled to keep the CS5530A’s PLL in a desired operational range. PCLK is the graphics output clock to the Geode CS5530A companion device. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 131 Revision 5.0 5.5.7 Display Controller Graphics Memory Map The GX1 processor supports a maximum of 4 MB of graphics memory and will map it to an address space (see Figure 5-2 on page 93) higher than the maximum amount of installed RAM. The graphics memory aperture physically resides at the top of the installed system RAM. The start address and size of the graphics memory aperture are programmable on 512 KB boundaries. Typically, the system BIOS sets the size and start address of the graphics memory aperture during the boot process based on the amount of installed RAM, user defined CMOS settings, hard coded, etc. The graphics pipeline and display controller address the graphics memory with a 20-bit offset (address bits [21:2]) and four byte enables into the graphics memory aperture. The graphics memory stores several buffers that are used to generate the display: the frame buffer, compressed display buffer, VGA memory, and cursor pattern(s). Any remaining off-screen memory within the graphics aperture may be used by the display driver as desired or not at all. DC Memory Organization Registers The display controller contains a number of registers that allow full programmability of the graphics memory organization. This includes starting offsets for each of the buffer regions described above, line delta parameters for the frame buffer and compression buffer, as well as compressed line-buffer size information. The starting offsets for the various buffers are programmable for a high degree of flexibility in memory organization. Frame Buffer and Compression Buffer Organization The GX1 processor supports primary display modes 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024 at both 8bpp and 16-bpp. Pixels are packed into DWORDs as shown in Figure 5-15. where the offset is simply a concatenation of the X and Y pixel addresses. All 8-bpp display modes with the exception of the 1280x1024 resolution use a 1024-byte line delta between the starting offsets of adjacent lines. All 16-bpp display modes except 1280x1024 use a 2048-byte line delta between the starting offsets of adjacent lines. 1280x1024x16 uses a 4096-byte line offset. If there is room, the space between the end of a line and the start of the next line will be filled with the compressed display data for that line, thus allowing efficient memory utilization. For 1024x768 display modes, the frame-buffer line size is the same as the line delta, so no room is left for the compressed display data between lines. In this case, the compressed display buffer begins at the end of the frame buffer region and is linearly mapped. VGA Display Support The graphics pipeline contains full hardware support for the VGA front end. The VGA data is stored in a 256 KB buffer located in graphics memory. The main task for Virtual VGA (see Section 5.6 "Virtual VGA Subsystem" on page 149) is converting the data in the VGA buffer to an 8-bpp frame buffer that can be displayed by the display controller. For some modes, the display controller can display the VGA data directly and the data conversion is not necessary. This includes standard VGA mode 13h and the variations of that mode used in several games; the display controller can also directly display VGA planar graphics modes D, E, F, 10, 11, and 12. Likewise, the hardware can directly display all of the higher-resolution VESA modes. Since the frame buffer data is written directly to memory instead of travelling across an external bus, the GX1 processor often outperforms VGA cards for these modes. The display controller, however, does not directly support text modes. SoftVGA must convert the characters and attributes in the VGA buffer to an 8-bpp frame buffer image the hardware uses for display refresh. In order to simplify address calculations by the rendering hardware, the frame buffer is organized in an XY fashion 16-bpp up to 1024x768 8-bpp up to 1280x1024 8-bpp up to 1024x768 (0, 0) (1023,0) (0, 0) (0, 1023) (2047,0) DWORD 0 DWORD 1 DWORD 0 DWORD 1 ... (1023, 1023) 16-bpp up to 1280x1024 (0, 1023) (0, 0) (2047, 1023) (4096,0) DWORD 0 DWORD 1 ... (0, 1023) ... (4096, 1023) DWORD Bit Position Address Pixel Org - 8-bpp Pixel Org - 16-bpp 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3h 2h 1h 0h (3,0) (2,0) (1,0) (0,0) (1,0) 2 1 0 (0,0) Figure 5-15. Pixel Arrangement Within a DWORD 132 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller 5.5.8 Display Controller Registers • Memory Organization registers The display controller maps 100h memory locations starting at GX_BASE+8300h for the display controller registers. However, only 116 bytes are defined and some of these registers will alias across the 100h space. Refer to Section 5.1.2 "Control Registers" on page 94 for instructions on accessing these registers. • Timing registers The display controller registers are divided into six categories: Table 5-28 summarizes these registers and locations, and the following subsections give detailed register/bit formats. • Cursor and Line Compare registers • Color registers • Palette and RAM Diagnostic registers • Configuration and Status registers Table 5-28. Display Controller Register Summary GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function Default Value Configuration and Status Registers 8300h-8303h R/W DC_UNLOCK 00000000h Display Controller Unlock: This register is provided to lock the most critical memory-mapped display controller registers to prevent unwanted modification (write operations). Read operations are always allowed. 8304h-8307h R/W DC_GENERAL_CFG 00000000h Display Controller General Configuration: General control bits for the display controller. 8308h-830Bh R/W DC_TIMING_CFG xx000000h Display Controller Timing Configuration: Status and control bits for various display timing functions. 830Ch-830Fh R/W DC_OUTPUT_CFG xx000000h Display Controller Output Configuration: Status and control bits for pixel output formatting functions. Memory Organization Registers 8310h-8313h R/W DC_FB_ST_OFFSET xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Frame Buffer Start Address: Specifies offset at which the frame buffer starts. 8314h-8317h R/W DC_CB_ST_OFFSET xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Compression Buffer Start Address: Specifies offset at which the compressed display buffer starts. 8318h-831Bh R/W DC_CUR_ST_OFFSET xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Cursor Buffer Start Address: Specifies offset at which the cursor memory buffer starts. 831Ch-831Fh -- 8320h-8323h R/W Reserved 00000000h DC_VID_ST_OFFSET xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Video Start Address: Specifies offset at which the video buffer starts. 8324h-8327h R/W DC_LINE_DELTA xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Line Delta: Stores line delta for the graphics display buffers. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 133 Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-28. Display Controller Register Summary (Continued) GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function Default Value 8328h-832Bh R/W DC_BUF_SIZE xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Buffer Size: Specifies the number of bytes to transfer for a line of frame buffer data and the size of the compressed line buffer. (The compressed line buffer will be invalidated if it exceeds the CB_LINE_SIZE, bits [15:9].) 832Ch-832Fh -- Reserved 00000000h DC_H_TIMING_1 xxxxxxxxh Timing Registers 8330h-8333h R/W Display Controller Horizontal and Total Timing: Horizontal active and total timing information. 8334h-8337h R/W DC_H_TIMING_2 xxxxxxxxh Display Controller CRT Horizontal Blanking Timing: CRT horizontal blank timing information. 8338h-833Bh R/W DC_H_TIMING_3 xxxxxxxxh Display Controller CRT Sync Timing: CRT horizontal sync timing information. Note, however, that this register should also be programmed appropriately for flat panel only display since the horizontal sync transition determines when to advance the vertical counter. 833Ch-833Fh R/W DC_FP_H_TIMING xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Flat Panel Horizontal Sync Timing: Horizontal sync timing information for an attached flat panel display. 8340h-8343h R/W DC_V_TIMING_1 xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Vertical and Total Timing: Vertical active and total timing information. The parameters pertain to both CRT and flat panel display. 8344h-8247h R/W DC_V_TIMING_2 xxxxxxxxh Display Controller CRT Vertical Blank Timing: Vertical blank timing information. 8348h-834Bh R/W DC_V_TIMING_3 xxxxxxxxh Display Controller CRT Vertical Sync Timing: CRT vertical sync timing information. 834Ch-834Fh R/W DC_FP_V_TIMING xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Flat Panel Vertical Sync Timing: Flat panel vertical sync timing information. Cursor and Line Compare Registers 8350h-8353h R/W DC_CURSOR_X xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Cursor X Position: X position information of the hardware cursor. 8354h-8357h RO DC_V_LINE_CNT xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Vertical Line Count: This read only register provides the current scanline for the display. It is used by software to time update of the frame buffer to avoid tearing artifacts. 8358h-835Bh R/W DC_CURSOR_Y xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Cursor Y Position: Y position information of the hardware cursor. 134 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-28. Display Controller Register Summary (Continued) GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function 835Ch-835Fh R/W DC_SS_LINE_CMP Default Value xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Split-Screen Line Compare: Contains the line count at which the lower screen begins in a VGA split-screen mode. 8360h-836Fh -- Reserved xxxxxxxxh Palette and RAM Diagnostic Registers 8370h-8373h R/W DC_PAL_ADDRESS xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Palette Address: This register should be written with the address (index) location to be used for the next access to the DC_PAL_DATA register. 8374h-8377h R/W DC_PAL_DATA xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Palette Data: Contains the data for a palette access cycle. 8378h-837Bh R/W DC_DFIFO_DIAG xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Display FIFO Diagnostic: This register is provided to enable testability of the Display FIFO RAM. 837Ch-837Fh R/W DC_CFIFO_DIAG xxxxxxxxh Display Controller Compression FIFO Diagnostic: This register is provided to enable testability of the Compressed Line Buffer (FIFO) RAM. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 135 Revision 5.0 Display Controller Configuration and Status Registers The Configuration and Status registers group consists of four 32-bit registers located at GX_BASE+8300h-830Ch. These registers are described below and Table 5-29 gives their bit formats. Table 5-29. Display Controller Configuration and Status Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8300h-8303h 31:16 RSVD 15:0 UNLOCK_ CODE DC_UNLOCK Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h Reserved: Set to 0. Unlock Code: This register must be written with the value 4758h in order to write to the protected registers. The following registers are protected by the locking mechanism. Writing any other value enables the write lock function. DC_GENERAL_CFG DC_TIMING_CFG DC_OUTPUT_CFG DC_FB_ST_OFFSET DC_CB_ST_OFFSET DC_CUR_ST_OFFSET DC_VID_ST_OFFSET GX_BASE+8304h-8307h DC_LINE_DELTA DC_BUF_SIZE DC_H_TIMING_1 DC_H_TIMNG_2 DC_H_TIMING_3 DC_FP_H_TIMING DC_V_TIMING_1 DC_GENERAL_CFG (R/W) (Locked) 31 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 30 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 29 VRDY Video Ready Protocol: DC_V_TIMING_2 DC_V_TIMING_3 DC_FP_V_TIMING Default Value = 00000000h 0 = Low speed video port: 1 = High speed video port Always program to 1. 28 VIDE Video Enable: Motion video port: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. Note: 27 SSLC This bit should only be modified during vertical retrace (see DC_TIMING_CFG bits 31 and 30, GX_BASE_8308h). Split-screen Line Compare: VGA line compare function: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. When enabled, the internal line counter will be compared to the value programmed in the DC_SS _LINE_CMP register. If it matches, the frame buffer address will be reset to zero. This enables a split screen function. 26 CH4S Chain 4 Skip: Allow display controller to read every 4th DWORD from the frame buffer for compatibility with the VGA: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 25 DIAG FIFO Diagnostic Mode: This bit allows testability of the on-chip Display FIFO and Compressed Line Buffer via the diagnostic access registers. A low-to-high transition will reset the Display FIFO’s R/W pointers and the Compressed Line Buffer’s read pointer. 0 = Normal operation; 1 = Enable. 24 LDBL Line Double: Allow line doubling for emulated VGA modes: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If enabled, this will cause each odd line to be replicated from the previous line as the data is sent to the display. Timing parameters should be programmed as if pixel doubling is not used, however, the frame buffer should be loaded with half the normal number of lines. 23:19 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 18 FDTY Frame Dirty Mode: Allow entire frame to be flagged as dirty whenever a pixel write occurs to the frame buffer (this is provided for modes that use a linearly mapped frame buffer for which the line delta is not equal to 1024 or 2048 bytes): 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. When disabled, dirty bits are set according to the Y address of the pixel write. 17 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 16 CMPI Compressor Insert Mode: Insert one static frame between update frames: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. An update frame is a frame in which dirty lines are updated. Conversely, a static frame is a frame in which dirty lines are not updated (the display image may not actually be static, because lines that are not compressed successfully must be retrieved from the uncompressed frame buffer). 136 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-29. Display Controller Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Bit Name 15:12 DFIFO HI-PRI END LVL Description Display FIFO High Priority End Level: This field specifies the depth of the display FIFO (in 64-bit entries x 4) at which a high-priority request previously issued to the memory controller will end. The value is dependent upon display mode. This register should always be non-zero and should be larger than the start level. 11:8 DFIFO HI-PRI START LVL Display FIFO High Priority Start Level: This field specifies the depth of the display FIFO (in 64-bit entries x 4) at which a high-priority request will be sent to the memory controller to fill up the FIFO. The value is dependent upon display mode. This register should always be nonzero and should be less than the high-priority end level. 7:6 DCLK_ DIV DCLK Divider: This 2-bit field specifies the clock divider for the input DCLK pin. 00 = Forced Low 01 = DCLK ÷ 2 10 = DCLK 11 = DCLK 5 DECE Decompression Enable: Allow operation of internal decompression hardware: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 4 CMPE Compression Enable: Allow operation of internal compression hardware: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable 3 PPC Pixel Panning Compatibility: This bit has the same function as that found in the VGA. Allow pixel alignment to change when crossing a split-screen boundary - it will force the pixel alignment to be 16-byte aligned: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If disabled, the previous alignment will be preserved when crossing a split-screen boundary. 2 DVCK Divide Video Clock: Selects frequency of VID_CLK pin: 0 = VID_CLK pin frequency is equal to one-half (½) the frequency of the core clock. 1 = VID_CLK pin frequency is equal to one-fourth (¼) the frequency of the core clock. Bit 28 (VIDE) must be set to 1 for this bit to be valid. 1 CURE Cursor Enable: Use internal hardware cursor: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 0 DFLE Display FIFO Load Enable: Allow the display FIFO to be loaded from memory: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If disabled, no write or read operations will occur to the display FIFO. If enabled, a flat panel should be powered down prior to setting this bit low. Similarly, if active, a CRT should be blanked prior to setting this bit low. GX_BASE+8308h-830Bh 31 30 DC_TIMING_CFG Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxx00000h VINT (RO) Vertical Interrupt (Read Only): Is a vertical interrupt pending? 0 = No; 1 = Yes. VNA (RO) Vertical Not Active (Read Only): Is the active part of a vertical scan is in progress (i.e., retrace, blanking, or border)? 0 = Yes; 1 = No. This bit is provided to maintain backward compatibility with the VGA. It corresponds to VGA port 3C2h bit 7. This bit is provided to maintain backward compatibility with the VGA. It corresponds to VGA port 3BA/3DA bit 3. 29 DNA (RO) Display Not Active (Read Only): Is the active part of a line is being displayed (i.e., retrace, blanking, or border)? 0 = Yes; 1 = No. This bit is provided to maintain backward compatibility with the VGA. It corresponds to VGA port 3BA/3DA bit 0. 28 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 27 DDCI (RO) DDC Input (Read Only): This bit returns the value from the DDCIN pin that should reflect the value from pin 12 of the VGA connector. It is used to provide support for the VESA Display Data Channel standard level DDC1. 26:20 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 19:17 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 137 Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-29. Display Controller Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description 16 BKRT Blink Rate: 0 = Cursor blinks on every 16 frames for a duration of 8 frames (approximately 4 times per second) and VGA text characters will blink on every 32 frames for a duration of 16 frames (approximately 2 times per second). 1 = Cursor blinks on every 32 frames for a duration of 16 frames (approximately 2 times per second) and VGA text characters blink on every 64 frames for a duration of 32 frames (approximately 1 time per second). Blinking is enabled by BLNK bit 7. 15 PXDB Pixel Double: Allow pixel doubling to stretch the displayed image in the horizontal dimension: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If bit 15 is enabled, timing parameters should be programmed as if no pixel doubling is used, however, the frame buffer should be loaded with half the normal pixels per line. Also, the FB_LINE_SIZE parameter in DC_BUF_SIZE should be set for the number of bytes to be transferred for the line rather than the number displayed. 14 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 13 PLNR VGA Planar Mode: This bit must be set high for all VGA planar display modes. 12 FCEN Flat Panel Center: Allows the border and active portions of a scan line to be qualified as “active” to a flat panel display via the ENADISP signal. This allows the use of a large border region for centering the flat panel display. 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. When disabled, only the normal active portion of the scan line will be qualified as active. 11 FVSP Flat Panel Vertical Sync Polarity: 0 = Causes TFT vertical sync signal to be normally low, generating a high pulse during sync interval. 1 = Causes TFT vertical sync signal to be normally high, generating a low pulse during sync interval. 10 FHSP Flat Panel Horizontal Sync Polarity: 0 = Causes TFT horizontal sync signal to be normally low, generating a high pulse during sync interval. 1 = Causes TFT horizontal sync signal to be normally high, generating a low pulse during sync interval. 9 CVSP CRT Vertical Sync Polarity: 0 = Causes CRT_VSYNC signal to be normally low, generating a high pulse during the retrace interval. 1 = Cause CRT_VSYNC signal to be normally high, generating a low pulse during the retrace interval. 8 CHSP CRT Horizontal Sync Polarity: 0 = Causes CRT_HSYNC signal to be normally low, generating a high pulse during the retrace interval. 1 = Causes CRT_HSYNC signal to be normally high, generating a low pulse during the retrace interval. 7 BLNK Blink Enable: Blink circuitry: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. If enabled, the hardware cursor will blink as well as any pixels. This is provided to maintain compatibility with VGA text modes. The blink rate is determined by the bit 16 (BKRT). 6 VIEN Vertical Interrupt Enable: Generate a vertical interrupt on the occurrence of the next vertical sync pulse: 0 = Disable, vertical interrupt is cleared; 1 = Enable. This bit is provided to maintain backward compatibility with the VGA. 5 TGEN Timing Generator Enable: Allow timing generator to generate the timing control signals for the display. 0 = Disable, the Timing registers may be reprogrammed, and all circuitry operating on the DCLK will be reset. 1 = Enable, no write operations are permitted to the Timing registers. 4 DDCK DDC Clock: This bit is used to provide the serial clock for reading the DDC data pin. This bit is multiplexed onto the CRT_VSYNC pin, but in order for it to have an effect, the VSYE bit[1] must be set low to disable the normal vertical sync. Software should then pulse this bit high and low to clock data into the GX1 processor. This feature is provided to allow support for the VESA Display Data Channel standard level DDC1. 138 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-29. Display Controller Configuration and Status Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description 3 BLKE Blank Enable: Allow generation of the composite blank signal to the display device: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 2 HSYE When disabled, the ENA_DISP output will be a static low level. This allows VESA DPMS compliance. Horizontal Sync Enable: Allow generation of the horizontal sync signal to a CRT display device: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. When disabled, the HSYNC output will be a static low level. This allows VESA DPMS compliance. Note that this bit only applies to the CRT; the flat panel HSYNC is controlled by the automatic power sequencing logic. 1 VSYE Vertical Sync Enable: Allow generation of the vertical sync signal to a CRT display device: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. When disabled, the VSYNC output will be a static low level. This allows VESA DPMS compliance. Note that this bit only applies to the CRT; the flat panel VSYNC is controlled by the automatic power sequencing logic. 0 PPE Pixel Port Enable: On a low-to-high transition this bit will enable the pixel port outputs. On a high-to-low transition, this bit will disable the pixel port outputs. GX_BASE+830Ch-830Fh DC_OUTPUT_CFG Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxx00000h 31:16 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 15 DIAG Compressed Line Buffer Diagnostic Mode: This bit allows testability of the Compressed Line Buffer via the diagnostic access registers. A low-to-high transition resets the Compressed Line Buffer write pointer. 0 = Disable (Normal operation); 1 = Enable. 14 CFRW Compressed Line Buffer Read/Write Select: Enables the read/write address to the Compressed Line Buffer for use in diagnostic testing of the RAM. 0 = Write address enabled 1 = Read address enabled 13 PDEH Pixel Data Enable High: 0 = The PIXEL [17:9] data bus to be driven to a logic low level. 12 PDEL Panel Data Enable Low: 0 = This bit will cause the PIXEL[8:0] data bus to be driven to a logic low level. 11:8 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 7:5 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 4:3 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 2 PCKE PCLK Enable: 0 = PCLK is disabled and a low logic level is driven off-chip. 1 = Enable PCLK to be driven off-chip. 1 16FMT 16-bpp Format: Selects RGB display mode: 0 = RGB 5-6-5 mode 1 = RGB 5-5-5 display mode This bit is only significant if 8-bpp (OUTPUT_CONFIG, bit 0) is low, indicating 16-bpp mode. 0 8-bpp 8-bpp / 16-bpp Select: 0 = 16-bpp display mode is selected. 16FMT (OUTPUT_CONFIG, bit 1) will indicate the format of the 16bit data.) 1 = 8-bpp display mode is selected. Used in VGA emulation. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 139 Revision 5.0 5.5.9 Display Controller Memory Organization Registers The GX1 processor utilizes a graphics memory aperture that is up to 4 MB in size. The base address of the graphics memory aperture is stored in the DRAM controller Graphics Base Address register (see GBADD of MC_GBASE_ADD register, Table 5-15 on page 110). The graphics memory is made up of the normal uncompressed frame buffer, compressed display buffer, and cursor buffer. Each buffer begins at a programmable offset within the graphics memory aperture. The various memory buffers are arranged so as to efficiently pack the data within the graphics memory aperture. The arrangement is programmable to efficiently accommo- date different display modes. The cursor buffer is a linear block so addressing is straightforward. The frame buffer and compressed display buffer are arranged based upon scan lines. Each scan line has a maximum number of valid or active DWORDs, and a delta, which when added to the previous line offset, points to the next line. In this way, the buffers may either be stored as linear blocks, or as logical blocks as desired. The Memory Organization registers group consists of six 32-bit registers located at GX_BASE+8310h-8328h. These registers are summarized in Table 5-28 on page 133, and Table 5-30 gives their bit formats. Table 5-30. Display Controller Memory Organization Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8310h-8313h 31:22 RSVD 21:0 FB_START _OFFSET DC_FB_ST_OFFSET Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Frame Buffer Start Offset: This value represents the byte offset from the Graphics Base Address register (see GBADD of MC_GBASE_ADD register in Table 5-15 on page 110) of the starting location of the displayed frame buffer. This value may be changed to achieve panning across a virtual desktop or to allow multiple buffering. When this register is programmed to a nonzero value, the compression logic should be disabled. The memory address defined by bits [21:4] will take effect at the start of the next frame scan. The pixel offset defined by bits [3:0] will take effect immediately (in general, it should only change during vertical blanking). GX_BASE+8314h-8317h 31:22 RSVD 21:0 CB_START _OFFSET DC_CB_ST_OFFSET Register (R/W) (Locked) Compressed Display Buffer Start Offset: This value represents the byte offset from the Graphics Base Address register (see GBADD of MC_GBASE_ADD register in Table 5-15 on page 110) of the starting location of the compressed display buffer. Bits [3:0] must be programmed to zero so that the start offset is aligned to a 16-byte boundary. This value should change only when a new display mode is set due to a change in size of the frame buffer. GX_BASE+8318h-831Bh 31:22 RSVD 21:0 CUR_START _OFFSET Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. DC_CUR_ST_OFFSET Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Cursor Start Offset: This register contains the byte offset from the Graphics Base Address register (see GBADD of MC_GBASE_ADD register in Table 5-15 on page 110) of the starting location of the cursor display pattern. Bits [1:0] should always be programmed to zero so that the start offset is DWORD aligned. The cursor data will be stored as a linear block of data. GX_BASE+831Ch-831Fh Reserved Default Value = 00000000h GX_BASE+8320h-8323h DC_VID_ST_OFFSET Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh 31:22 RSVD 21:0 VID_START _OFFSET Reserved: Set to 0. Video Buffer Start Offset Value: This register contains the byte offset from the Graphics Base Address register (see GBADD of MC_GBASE_ADD register in Table 5-15 on page 110) of the starting location of the Video Buffer Start. Bits [3:0] must be programmed as zero so that the start offset is aligned to a 16 byte boundary. Note: 140 This bit should only be modified during vertical retrace (see DC_TIMING_CFG bits 31 and 30, GX_BASE_8308h). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-30. Display Controller Memory Organization Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8324h-8327h 31:23 RSVD 22:12 CB_LINE_ DELTA 11 RSVD 10:0 FB_LINE_ DELTA DC_LINE_DELTA Register (R/W) (Locked) Compressed Display Buffer Line Delta: This value represents number of DWORDs that, when added to the starting offset of the previous line, will point to the start of the next compressed line in memory. It is used to always maintain a pointer to the starting offset for the compressed display buffer line being loaded into the display FIFO. Reserved: Set to 0. Frame Buffer Line Delta: This value represents number of DWORDs that, when added to the starting offset of the previous line, will point to the start of the next frame buffer line in memory. It is used to always maintain a pointer to the starting offset for the frame buffer line being loaded into the display FIFO. GX_BASE+8328h-832Bh 31:30 RSVD 29:16 VID_BUF_ SIZE Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. DC_BUF_SIZE Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Video Buffer Size: These bits set the video buffer size, in 64-byte segments. The maximum size is 1 MB. Note: This bit should only be modified during vertical retrace (see DC_TIMING_CFG bits 31 and 30, GX_BASE_8308h). 15:9 CB_LINE_ SIZE Compressed Display Buffer Line Size: This value represents the number of DWORDs for a valid compressed line plus 1. It is used to detect an overflow of the compressed data FIFO. It should never be larger than 41h since the maximum size of the compressed data FIFO is 64 DWORDs. 8:0 FB_LINE_ SIZE Frame Buffer Line Size: This value specifies the number of QWORD (8-byte segments) to transfer for each display line from the frame buffer. If panning is enabled, this value can generally be programmed to the displayed number of QWORD + 2 so that enough data is transferred to handle any possible alignment. Extra pixel data in the FIFO at the end of a line will automatically be discarded. GX_BASE+832Ch-832Fh AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Reserved Default Value = 00000000h 141 Revision 5.0 5.5.10 Display Controller Timing Registers The Display Controller’s timing registers control the generation of sync, blanking, and active display regions. They provide complete flexibility in interfacing to both CRT and flat panel displays. These registers will generally be programmed by the BIOS from an INT10h call or by the extended mode driver from a display timing file. Note that the horizontal timing parameters are specified in Character Clocks, which actually means pixels divided by 8, since all characters are bit mapped. For interlaced display the vertical counter will be incremented twice during each display line, so vertical timing parameters should be programmed with reference to the total frame rather than a single field. The Timing registers group consists of six 32-bit registers located at GX_BASE+8330h-834Ch. These registers are summarized in Table 5-28 on page 133, and Table 5-31 gives their bit formats. Table 5-31. Display Controller Timing Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8330h-8333h DC_H_TIMING_1 Register (R/W) (Locked) 31:27 RSVD 26:19 H_TOTAL 18:16 IGRD Ignored 15:11 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 10:3 H_ACTIVE 2:0 Note: IGRD Horizontal Total: The total number of Character Clocks for a given scan line minus 1. Note that the value is necessarily greater than the H_ACTIVE field because it includes border pixels and blanked pixels. For flat panels, this value will never change. The field [26:16] may be programmed with the pixel count minus 1, although bits [18:16] are ignored. The horizontal total is programmable on 8-pixel boundaries only. Horizontal Active: The total number of Character Clocks for the displayed portion of a scan line minus 1. The field [10:0] may be programmed with the pixel count minus 1, although bits [2:0] are ignored. The active count is programmable on 8-pixel boundaries only. Note that for flat panels, if this value is less than the panel active horizontal resolution (H_PANEL), the parameters H_BLANK_START, H_BLANK_END, H_SYNC_START, and H_SYNC_END should be reduced by the value of H_ADJUST (or the value of H_PANEL – H_ACTIVE / 2) to achieve horizontal centering. Ignored For simultaneous CRT and flat panel display the H_ACTIVE and H_TOTAL parameters pertain to both. GX_BASE+8334h-8337h 31:27 RSVD 26:19 H_BLK_END 18:16 IGRD 15:11 RSVD 10:3 H_BLK_STAR T 2:0 Note: IGRD DC_H_TIMING_2 Register (R/W) (Locked) Horizontal Blank End: The Character Clock count at which the horizontal blanking signal becomes inactive minus 1. The field [26:16] may be programmed with the pixel count minus 1, although bits [18:16] are ignored. The blank end position is programmable on 8-pixel boundaries only. Ignored Reserved: Set to 0. Horizontal Blank Start: The Character Clock count at which the horizontal blanking signal becomes active minus 1. The field [10:0] may be programmed with the pixel count minus 1, although bits [2:0] are ignored. The blank start position is programmable on 8-pixel boundaries only. Ignored A minimum of four Character Clocks are required for the horizontal blanking portion of a line in order for the timing generator to function correctly. DC_H_TIMING_3 Register (R/W) (Locked) 31:27 RSVD 26:19 H_SYNC _END 18:16 IGRD Ignored 15:11 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 10:3 H_SYNC _START 2:0 142 Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. GX_BASE+8338h-833Bh Note: Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. IGRD Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Horizontal Sync End: The Character Clock count at which the CRT horizontal sync signal becomes inactive minus 1. The field [26:16] may be programmed with the pixel count minus 1, although bits [18:16] are ignored. The sync end position is programmable on 8-pixel boundaries only. Horizontal Sync Start: The Character Clock count at which the CRT horizontal sync signal becomes active minus 1. The field [10:0] may be programmed with the pixel count minus 1, although bits [2:0] are ignored. The sync start position is programmable on 8-pixel boundaries only. Ignored This register should also be programmed appropriately for flat panel only display since the horizontal sync transition determines when to advance the vertical counter. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller Table 5-31. Display Controller Timing Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description GX_BASE+833Ch-833Fh 31:27 RSVD 26:16 FP_H_SYNC _END 15:11 RSVD 10:0 FP_H_SYNC _START Note: DC_FP_H_TIMING Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Flat Panel Horizontal Sync End: The pixel count at which the flat panel horizontal sync signal becomes inactive minus 1. Reserved: Set to 0. Flat Panel Horizontal Sync Start: The pixel count at which the flat panel horizontal sync signal becomes active minus 1. These values are specified in pixels rather than Character Clocks to allow precise control over sync position. For flat panels which combine two pixels per panel clock, these values should be odd numbers (even pixel boundary) to guarantee that the sync signal will meet proper setup and hold times. GX_BASE+8340h-8343h 31:27 RSVD 26:16 V_TOTAL 15:11 RSVD 10:0 V_ACTIVE DC_V_TIMING_1 Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Vertical Total: The total number of lines for a given frame scan minus 1. The value is necessarily greater than the V_ACTIVE field because it includes border lines and blanked lines. If the display is interlaced, the total number of lines must be odd, so this value should be an even number. Reserved: Set to 0. Vertical Active: The total number of lines for the displayed portion of a frame scan minus 1. For flat panels, if this value is less than the panel active vertical resolution (V_PANEL), the parameters V_BLANK_START, V_BLANK_END, V_SYNC_START, and V_SYNC_END should be reduced by the following value (V_ADJUST) to achieve vertical centering: V_ADJUST = (V_PANEL – V_ACTIVE) / 2. If the display is interlaced, the number of active lines should be even, so this value should be an odd number. Note: These values are specified in lines. GX_BASE+8344h-8347h 31:27 RSVD 26:16 V_BLANK _END 15:11 RSVD 10:0 V_BLANK_ START Note: DC_V_TIMING_2 Register (R/W) (Locked) Reserved: Set to 0. Vertical Blank End: The line at which the vertical blanking signal becomes inactive minus 1. If the display is interlaced, no border is supported, so this value should be identical to V_TOTAL. Reserved: Set to 0. Vertical Blank Start: The line at which the vertical blanking signal becomes active minus 1. If the display is interlaced, this value should be programmed to V_ACTIVE plus 1. These values are specified in lines. For interlaced display, no border is supported, so blank timing is implied by the total/active timing. GX_BASE+8348h-834Bh 31:27 RSVD 26:16 V_SYNC_ END 15:11 RSVD 10:0 V_SYNC_ START Note: Default Value = xxxxxxxxh DC_V_TIMING_3 Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Vertical Sync End: The line at which the CRT vertical sync signal becomes inactive minus 1. Reserved: Set to 0. Vertical Sync Start: The line at which the CRT vertical sync signal becomes active minus 1. For interlaced display, note that the vertical counter is incremented twice during each line and since there are an odd number of lines, the vertical sync pulse will trigger in the middle of a line for one field and at the end of a line for the subsequent field. These values are specified in lines. GX_BASE+834Ch-834Fh 31:27 RSVD 26:16 FP_V_SYNC _END 15:11 RSVD 10:0 FP_VSYNC _START DC_FP_V_TIMING Register (R/W) (Locked) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Flat Panel Vertical Sync End: The line at which the flat panel vertical sync signal becomes inactive minus 2. Note that the internal flat panel vertical sync is latched by the flat panel horizontal sync prior to being output to the panel. Reserved: Set to 0. Flat Panel Vertical Sync Start: The line at which the internal flat panel vertical sync signal becomes active minus 2. Note that the internal flat panel vertical sync is latched by the flat panel horizontal sync prior to being output to the panel. Note: These values are specified in lines. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 143 Revision 5.0 5.5.11 Display Controller Cursor and Line Compare Registers The Cursor position registers contain pixel coordinate information for the cursor. These values are not latched by the timing generator until the start of the frame to avoid tearing artifacts when moving the cursor. The Cursor Position group consists of two 32-bit registers located at GX_BASE+8350h and GX_BASE+8358h. These registers are summarized in Table 5-28 on page 133, and Table 5-32 gives their bit formats. Table 5-32. Display Controller Cursor and Line Compare Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8350h-8353h DC_CURSOR_X Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh 31:16 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 15:11 X_OFFSET X Offset: The X pixel offset within the 32x32 cursor pattern at which the displayed portion of the cursor is to begin. Normally, this value is set to zero to display the entire cursor pattern, but for cursors for which the “hot spot” is not at the left edge of the pattern, it may be necessary to display the rightmost pixels of the cursor only as the cursor moves close to the left edge of the display. 10:0 CURSOR_X Cursor X: The X coordinate of the pixel at which the upper left corner of the cursor is to be displayed. This value is referenced to the screen origin (0,0) which is the pixel in the upper left corner of the screen. GX_BASE+8354h-8357h 31:11 RSVD 10:0 V_LINE _CNT (RO) Note: DC_V_LINE_CNT Register (RO) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved (Read Only) Vertical Line Count (Read Only): This value is the current scanline of the display. The value in this register is driven directly off of the DCLK, and is not synchronized with the CPU clock. Software should read this register twice and compare the two results to ensure that the value is not in transition. GX_BASE+8358h-835Bh 31:16 RSVD 15:11 Y_OFFSET 10 RSVD 9:0 CURSOR_Y DC_CURSOR_Y Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Y Offset: The Y line offset within the 32x32 cursor pattern at which the displayed portion of the cursor is to begin. Normally, this value is set to zero to display the entire cursor pattern, but for cursors for which the “hot spot” is not at the top edge of the pattern, it may be necessary to display the bottommost lines of the cursor only as the cursor moves close to the top edge of the display. If this value is nonzero, the CUR_START_OFFSET must be set to point to the first cursor line to be displayed. Reserved: Set to 0. Cursor Y: The Y coordinate of the line at which the upper left corner of the cursor is to be displayed. This value is referenced to the screen origin (0,0) which is the pixel in the upper left corner of the screen. This field is alternately used as the line-compare value for a newly-programmed frame buffer start offset. This is necessary for VGA programs that change the start offset in the middle of a frame. In order to use this function, the hardware cursor function should be disabled. GX_BASE+835Ch-835Fh 31:11 RSVD 10:0 SS_LINE _CMP Note: 144 DC_SS_LINE_CMP Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Split-Screen Line Compare: This is the line count at which the lower screen begins in a VGA split-screen mode. When the internal line counter hits this value, the frame buffer address is reset to 0. This function is enabled with the SSLC bit in the DC_GENERAL_CFG register (see Table 5-29 on page 136). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller 5.5.12 Palette Access Registers These registers are used for accessing the internal palette RAM and extensions. In addition to the standard 256 entries for 8-bpp color translation, the GX1 processor palette has extensions for cursor colors and overscan (border) color. The Palette Access register group consists of two 32-bit registers located at GX_BASE+8370h and GX_BASE+8374h. These registers are summarized in Table 5-28 on page 133, and Table 5-33 gives their bit formats. Table 5-33. Display Controller Palette Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8370h-8373h 31:9 RSVD 8:0 PALETTE _ADDR DC_PAL_ADDRESS Register (R/W) Reserved: Set to 0. Palette Address: The address to be used for the next access to the DC_PAL_DATA register. Each access to the data register automatically increments the palette address register. If non-sequential access is made to the palette, the address register must be loaded between each non-sequential data block. The address ranges are as follows. Address 0h - FFh 100h 101h 102h 103h 104h 105h - 1FFh GX_BASE+8374h-8377h 1. 31:18 RSVD 17:0 PALETTE _DATA Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Color Standard Palette Colors Cursor Color 0 Cursor Color 1 Reserved Reserved Overscan (Color Border) Not Valid DC_PAL_DATA Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Palette Data: The read or write data for a palette access.1 When a read or write to the palette RAM occurs, the previous output value is held for one additional DCLK period. This effect should go unnoticed and provides for sparkle-free update. Prior to a read or write to this register, the DC_PAL_ADDRESS register should be loaded with the appropriate address. The address automatically increments after each access to this register, so for sequential access, the address register need only be loaded once AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 145 Revision 5.0 5.5.13 Display Controller FIFO Diagnostic Registers The FIFO Diagnostic register group consists of two 32-bit registers located at GX_BASE+8378h and GX_BASE+837Ch. These registers are summarized in Table 5-28 on page 133, and Table 5-34 gives their bit formats. Table 5-34. FIFO Diagnostic Registers Bit Name GX_BASE+8378h-837Bh 31:0 DISPLAY FIFO DIAGNOSTIC DATA GX_BASE+837Ch-837Fh 31:0 146 COMPRESSED FIFO DIAGNOSTIC DATA Description DC_DFIFO_DIAG Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Display FIFO Diagnostic Read or Write Data: Before this register is accessed, the DIAG bit in DC_GENERAL_CFG register (see Table 5-29 on page 136) should be set high and the DFLE bit should be set low. Since, each FIFO entry is 64 bits, an even number of write operations should be performed. Each pair of write operations will cause the FIFO write pointer to increment automatically. After all write operations have been performed, a single read of don't care data should be performed to load data into the output latch. Each subsequent read will contain the appropriate data which was previously written. Each pair of read operations will cause the FIFO read pointer to increment automatically. A pause of at least four core clocks should be allowed between subsequent read operations to allow adequate time for the shift to take place. DC_CFIFO_DIAG Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Compressed Data FIFO Diagnostic Read or Write Data: Before this register is accessed, the DIAG bit in DC_GENERAL_CFG (see Table 5-29 on page 136) register should be set high and the DFLE bit should be set low. Also, the DIAG bit in DC_OUTPUT_CFG (see Table 5-29 on page 139) should be set high and the CFRW bit in DC_OUTPUT_CFG should be set low. After each write, the FIFO write pointer will automatically increment. After all write operations have been performed, the CFRW bit of DC_OUTPUT_CFG should be set high to enable read addresses to the FIFO and a single read of don't care data should be performed to load data into the output latch. Each subsequent read will contain the appropriate data which was previously written. After each read, the FIFO read pointer will automatically increment. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Display Controller 5.5.14 CS5530A Display Controller Interface As previously stated in Section 2.7 "AMD Geode™ GX1/ CS5530A System Designs" on page 18, the GX1 processor interfaces with the Geode CS5530A companion device. This section will discuss the specifics on signal connections between the two devices with regards to the display controller. Because the GX1 processor is used in a system with the CS5530A companion device, the need for an external RAMDAC is eliminated. The CS5530A contains the DACs, a video accelerator engine, and a TFT interface. A GX1 processor and CS5530A-based system supports both flat panel and CRT configurations. Figure 5-16 shows the signal connections for both types of systems. Flat Panel Configuration FP_ENA_VDD FP_ENA_BKL FP_DISP_ENA_OUT AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor PCLK VID_CLK DCLK FP_HSYNC FP_VSYNC ENA_DISP VID_RDY VID_DATA[7:0] PIXEL[17:12] (R) PIXEL[11:6] (G) PIXEL[5:0] (B) VID_VAL CRT_HSYNC CRT_VSYNC Power Control Logic PCLK VID_CLK DCLK FP_HSYNC FP_VSYNC DISP_ENA VID_RDY VID_DATA[7:0] PIXEL[23:18] PIXEL[15:10] PIXEL[7:2] VID_VAL HSYNC VSYNC FP_HSYNC FP_VSYNC FP_CLK FP_DATA[17:12] FP_DATA[11:16] FP_DATA[5:0] HSYNC_OUT VSYNC_OUT DDC_SCL DDC_SDA AMD Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device VDD 12VBKL ENAB HSYNC VSYNC TFT CLK Flat Panel R[5:0] G[5:0] B[5:0] Pin 13 Pin 3 Pin 14 Pin 2 Pin 1 VGA Pin 15 Port Pin 12 IOUTR IOUTG IOUTB CRT Configuration Figure 5-16. Display Controller Signal Connections AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 147 Revision 5.0 Display Controller CS5530A Video Port Data Transfer VID_VAL indicates that the GX1 processor has placed valid data on VID_DATA[7:0]. VID_RDY indicates that the CS5530A is ready to accept the next byte of video data. VID_DATA[7:0] is advanced when both VID_VAL and VID_RDY are asserted. VID_RDY is driven one clock early to the GX1 processor while VID_VAL is driven coincident with VID_DATA[7:0]. A sample interface functional timing diagram is shown in Figure 5-17. Video Port Maximum Transfer The video port can transfer 8 bytes per 9 clocks, or 4 video pixels per 9 video clocks. The total time available to fill a line buffer is HTOTAL divided by the Dot Clock frequency. The time needed to fill the line buffer is (video_width)/(4/9 VID_CLK). Solving these two equations together: max_video_width = 4 x VID_CLK x HTOTAL 9 x DCLK At the higher resolutions and at 300 and 333 MHz CPU speeds, the video port can not be used. At 300 and 333 MHz, the video port must be set to run at 1/4 CPU speed instead of 1/2 CPU speed. For example, at a 1024x768x85 Hz graphics resolution and a 720x480 video frame buffer size: max_video_width = 4 x 75 x 1376 = 485 pixels 9 x 94.5 Since 720 pixels is needed, 485 pixels is not enough. VID_CLK VID_VAL 8 + 3 CLKs 8 CLKs 3 CLKs VID_RDY VID_DATA [7:0] 4 CLKs 8 CLKs Invalid Data 1 CLK 2 CLKs 1 CLK 2 CLKs 2 CLKs 4 CLKs Note: VID_CLK = CORE_CLK/2 Figure 5-17. Video Port Data Transfer (CS5530A) 148 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Virtual VGA Subsystem 5.6 Virtual VGA Subsystem This section describes the Virtual System Architecture™ (VSA) technology implemented with the AMD Geode™ GX1 processor and VSA enhanced Geode CS5530A companion device. VSA provides a framework to enable software implementation of traditionally hardware-only components. VSA software executes in System Management Mode (SMM), enabling it to execute transparently to the operating system, drivers and applications. The VSA design is based on a simple model for replacing hardware components with software. Hardware to be virtualized is merely replaced with simple access detection circuitry which asserts the processor’s SMI# pin when hardware accesses are detected. The current execution stream is immediately preempted, and the processor enters SMM. The SMM system software then saves the processor state, initializes the VSA execution environment, decodes the SMI source and dispatches handler routines which have registered requests to service the decoded SMI source. Once all handler routines have completed, the processor state is restored and normal execution resumes. In this manner, hardware accesses are transparently replaced with the execution of SMM handler software. Historically, SMM software was used primarily for the single purpose of facilitating active power management for notebook designs. That software’s only function was to manage the power up and down of devices to save power. With high performance processors now available, it is feasible to implement, primarily in SMM software, PC capabilities traditionally provided by hardware. In contrast to power management code, this virtualization software generally has strict performance requirements to prevent application performance from being significantly impacted. Several functions can be virtualized in a GX1 processor based design using the VSA environment. The VSA enhanced Geode CS5530A companion device provides programmable resources to trap both memory and I/O accesses. However, specific hardware is included to support the virtualization of VGA core compatibility and audio functionality in the system. The hardware support for VGA emulation resides completely inside the GX1 processor. Legacy VGA accesses do not generate off-chip bus cycles. However, the VSA support hardware for the XpressAUDIO™ subsystem resides in the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device. 5.6.1 Traditional VGA Hardware A VGA card consists of display memory and control registers. The VGA display memory shows up in system memory between addresses A0000h and BFFFFh. It is possible to map this memory to three different ranges within this 128 KB block. The first range is A0000h to AFFFFh for EGA and VGA modes, the second range is B0000h to B7FFFh for MDA modes, and the third range is B8000h to BFFFFh for CGA modes. The VGA control registers are mapped to the I/O address range from 3B0h to 3DFh. The VGA registers are accessed with an indexing scheme that provides more registers than would normally fit into this range. Some registers are mapped at two locations, one for monochrome, and another for color. The VGA hardware can be accessed by calling BIOS routines or by directly writing to VGA memory and control registers. DOS always calls BIOS to set up the display mode and render characters. Many other applications access the VGA memory and control registers directly. The VGA card can be set up to a virtually unlimited number of modes. However, many applications use one of the predefined modes specified by the BIOS routine which sets up the display mode. The predefined modes are translated into specific VGA control register setups by the BIOS. The standard modes supported by VGA cards are shown in Table 5-35 on page 149. Table 5-35. Standard VGA Modes Category Mode Text or Graphics Resolution Format Type Software 0,1 Text 40x25 Characters CGA 2,3 Text 80x25 Characters CGA 4,5 Graphics 320x200 2-bpp CGA 6 Graphics 640x200 1-bpp CGA 7 Text 80x25 Characters MDA 0Dh Graphics 320x200 4-bpp EGA 0Eh Graphics 640x200 4-bpp EGA 0Fh Graphics 640x350 1-bpp EGA 10h Graphics 640x350 4-bpp EGA 11h Graphics 640x480 1-bpp VGA 12h Graphics 640x480 4-bpp VGA 13h Graphics 320x200 8-bpp VGA Hardware AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 149 Revision 5.0 A VGA is made up of several functional units. • The frame buffer is 256 KB of memory that provides data for the video display. It is organized as 64K 32-bit DWORDs. • The sequencer decomposes word and DWORD CPU accesses into byte operations for the graphics controller. It also controls a number of miscellaneous functions, including reset and some clocking controls. • The graphics controller provides most of the interface between CPU data and the frame buffer. It allows the programmer to read and write frame buffer data in different formats. Plus provides ROP (raster operation) and masking functions. • The CRT controller provides video timing signals and address generation for video refresh. It also provides a text cursor. • The attribute controller contains the video refresh datapath, including text rasterization and palette lookup. • The general registers provide status information for the programmer as well as control over VGA-host address mapping and clock selection. This is all handled in hardware by the graphics pipeline. It is important to understand that a VGA is constructed of numerous independent functions. Most of the register fields correspond to controls that were originally built out of discrete logic or were part of a dedicated controller such as the 6845. The notion of a VGA “mode” is a higher-level convention to denote a particular set of values for the registers. Many popular programs do not use standard modes, preferring instead to produce their own VGA setups that are optimal for their purposes. VGA Memory Organization The VGA memory is organized as 64K 32-bit DWORDs. This organization is usually presented as four 64 KB “planes”. A plane consists of one byte out of every DWORD. Thus, plane 0 refers to the least significant byte from every one of the 64K DWORDs. The addressing granularity of this memory is a DWORD, not a byte; that is, consecutive addresses refer to consecutive DWORDs. The only provision for byte-granularity addressing is the fourbyte enable signals used for writes. In C parlance, single_plane_byte = (dword_fb[address] >> (plane * 8)) & 0xFF; When dealing with VGA, it is important to recognize the distinction between host addresses, frame buffer addresses, and the refresh address pipe. A VGA controller contains a lot of hardware to translate between these address spaces in different ways, and understanding these translations is critical to understanding the entire device. In standard four-plane graphics modes, a frame-buffer DWORD provides eight 4-bit pixels. The left-most pixel comes from bit 7 of each plane, with plane 3 providing the most significant bit. Virtual VGA Subsystem VGA Front End The VGA front end consists of address and data translations between the CPU and the frame buffer. This functionality is contained within the graphics controller and sequencer components. Most of the front end functionality is implemented in the VGA read and write hardware of the GX1 processor. An important axiom of the VGA is that the front end and back end are controlled independently. There are no register fields that control the behavior of both pieces. Terms like “VGA odd/even mode” are therefore somewhat misleading; there are two different controls for odd/even functionality in the front end, and two separate controls in the refresh path to cause “sensible” refresh behavior for frame buffer contents written in odd/even mode. Normally, all these fields would be set up together, but they don’t have to be. This sort of orthogonal behavior gives rise to the enormous number of possible VGA “modes”. The CPU end of the read and write pipelines is one byte wide. WORD and DWORD accesses from the CPU to VGA memory are broken down into multiple byte accesses by the sequencer. For example, a WORD write to A0000h (in a VGA graphics mode) is processed as if it were two-byte write operations to A0000h and A0001h. Address Mapping When a VGA card sees an address on the host bus, bits [31:15] determine whether the transaction is for the VGA. Depending on the mode, addresses 000AXXXX, 000B{0xxx}XXX, or 000B{1xxx}XXX can decode into VGA space. If the access is for the VGA, bits [15:0] provide the DWORD address into the frame buffer (see odd/even and Chain 4 modes, next paragraph). Thus, each byte address on the host bus addresses a DWORD in VGA memory. On a write transaction, the byte enables are normally driven from the sequencer’s MapMask register. The VGA has two other write address mappings that modify this behavior. In odd/even (Chain 2) write mode, bit 0 of the address is used to enable bytes 0 and 2 (if zero) or bytes 1 and 3 (if one). In addition, the address presented to the frame buffer has bit 0 replaced with the PageBit field of the Miscellaneous Output register. Chain 4 write mode is similar; only one of the four byte enables is asserted, based on bits [1:0] of the address, and bits [1:0] of the frame buffer address are set to zero. In each of these modes, the MapMask enables are logically ANDed into the enables that result from the address. Video Refresh VGA refresh is controlled by two units: the CRT controller (CRTC) and the attribute controller (ATTR). The CRTC provides refresh addresses and video control; the ATTR provides the refresh datapath, including pixel formatting and internal palette lookup. The VGA back end contains two basic clocks: the Dot Clock (or pixel clock) and the Character Clock. The ClockSelect field of the Miscellaneous Output register selects a “master clock” of either 25 MHz or 28 MHz. This master clock, optionally divided by two, drives the Dot Clock. The pixel[i].bit[j] = dword_fb[address].bit[i*8 + (7-j)] 150 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Virtual VGA Subsystem Character Clock is simply the Dot Clock divided by eight or nine. The VGA supports four basic pixel formats. Using text format, the VGA interprets frame buffer values as ASCII characters, foreground/background attributes, and font data. The other three formats are all “graphics modes”, known as APA (All Points Addressable) modes. These formats could be called CGA-compatible (odd/even 4-bpp), EGA-compatible (4-plane 4-bpp), and VGA-compatible (pixel-per-byte 8bpp). The format is chosen by the ShiftRegister field of the Graphics Controller Mode register. The refresh address pipe is an integral part of the CRTC, and has many configuration options. Refresh can begin at any frame buffer address. The display width and the frame buffer pitch (scan-line delta) are set separately. Multiple scan lines can be refreshed from the same frame buffer addresses. The LineCompare register causes the refresh address to be reset to zero at a particular scan line, providing support for vertical split-screen. Within the context of a single scan line, the refresh address increments by one on every Character Clock. Before being presented to the frame buffer, refresh addresses can be shifted by 0, 1, or 2 bits to the left. These options are often mis-named BYTE, WORD, and DWORD modes. Using this shifter, the refresh unit can be programmed to skip one out of two or three out of four DWORDs of refresh data. As an example of the utility of this function, consider Chain 4 mode, described in Section "Address Mapping" on page 150. Pixels written in Chain 4 mode occupy one out of every four DWORDs in the frame buffer. If the refresh path is put into “Doubleword” mode, the refresh will come only from those DWORDs writable in Chain 4. This is how VGA mode 13h works. In text mode, the ATTR has a lot of work to do. At each Character Clock, it pulls a DWORD of data out of the frame buffer. In that DWORD, plane 0 contains the ASCII character code, and plane 1 contains an attribute byte. The ATTR uses plane 0 to generate a font lookup address and read another DWORD. In plane 2, this DWORD contains a bitper-pixel representation of one scan line in the appropriate character glyph. The ATTR transforms these bits into eight pixels, obtaining foreground and background colors from the attribute byte. The CRTC must refresh from the same memory addresses for all scan lines that make up a character row; within that row, the ATTR must fetch successive scan lines from the glyph table so as to draw proper characters. Graphics modes are somewhat simpler. In CGAcompatible mode, a DWORD provides eight pixels. The first four pixels come from planes 0 and 2; each 4-bit pixel gets bits [3:2] from plane 2, and bits [1:0] from plane 0. The remaining four pixels come from planes 1 and 3. The EGAcompatible mode also gets eight pixels from a DWORD, but each pixel gets one bit from each plane, with plane 3 providing bit 3. Finally, VGA-compatible mode gets four pixels from each DWORD; plane 0 provides the first pixel, plane 1 the next, and so on. The 8-bpp mode uses an option to provide every pixel for two Dot Clocks, thus allowing the refresh pipe to keep up (it only increments on Character AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Clocks) and meaning that the 320-pixel-wide mode 13h really has 640 visible pixels per line. The VGA color model is unusual. The ATTR contains a 16-entry color palette with 6 bits per entry. Except for 8-bpp modes, all VGA configurations drive four bits of pixel data into the palette, which produces a 6-bit result. Based on various control registers, this value is then combined with other register contents to produce an 8-bit index into the DAC. There is a ColorPlaneEnable register to mask bits out of the pixel data before it goes to the palette; this is used to emulate four-color CGA modes by ignoring the top two bits of each pixel. In 8-bpp modes, the palette is bypassed and the pixel data goes directly to the DAC. VGA Video BIOS The video BIOS supports the VESA BIOS Extensions (VBE) Version 1.2 and 2.0, as well as all standard VGA BIOS calls. It interacts with Virtual VGA through the use of several extended VGA registers. These are virtual registers contained in the VSA code for Virtual VGA. (These registers are defined in a separate document.) 5.6.2 Virtual VGA The GX1 processor reduces the burden of legacy hardware by using a balanced mix of hardware and software to provide the same functionality. The graphics pipeline contains full hardware support for the VGA “front-end”, the logic that controls read and write operations to the VGA frame buffer (located in graphics memory). For some modes, the hardware can also provide direct display of the data in the VGA buffer. Virtual VGA traps frame buffer accesses only when necessary, but it must trap all VGA I/O accesses to maintain the VGA state and properly program the graphics pipeline and display controller. The processor core contains SMI generation hardware for VGA memory write operations. The bus controller contains SMI generation hardware for VGA I/O read and write operations. The graphics pipeline contains hardware to detect and process reads and writes to VGA memory. VGA memory is partitioned from system memory. VGA functionality with the GX1 processor includes the standard VGA modes (VGA, EGA, CGA, and MDA) as well as the higher-resolution VESA modes. The CGA and MDA modes (modes 0 through 7) require that Virtual VGA convert the data in the VGA buffer to a separate 8-bpp frame buffer that the hardware can use for display refresh. The remaining modes, VGA, EGA, and VESA, can be displayed directly by the hardware, with no data conversion required. For these modes, Virtual VGA often outperforms typical VGA cards because the frame buffer data does not travel across an external bus. Display drivers for popular GUI (graphical user interface) based operating systems are provided by AMD that enable a full featured 2D hardware accelerator to be used instead of the emulated VGA core. 151 Revision 5.0 Datapath Elements The graphics controller contains several elements that convert between host data and frame buffer data. The rotator simply rotates the byte written from the host by 0 to 7 bits to the right, based on the RotateCount field of the DataRotate register. It has no effect in the read path. The display latch is a 32-bit register that is loaded on every read access to the frame buffer. All 32 bits of the frame buffer DWORDs are loaded into the latch. The write-mode unit converts a byte from the host into a 32-bit value. A VGA has four write modes: • Write Mode 0: — Bit n of byte b comes from one of two places, depending on bit b of the EnableSetReset register. If that bit is zero, it comes from bit n of the host data. If that bit is one, it comes from bit b of the SetReset register. This mode allows the programmer to set some planes from the host data and the others from SetReset. • Write Mode 1: — All 32 bits come directly out of the display latch; the host data is ignored. This mode is used for screen-toscreen copies. • Write Mode 2: — Bit n of byte b comes from bit b of the host data; that is, the four LSBs of the host data are each replicated through a byte of the result. In conjunction with the BitMask register, this mode allows the programmer to directly write a 4-bit color to one or more pixels. • Write Mode 3: — Bit n of byte b comes from bit b of the SetReset register. The host data is ANDed with the BitMask register to provide the bit mask for the write (see below). The read mode unit converts a 32-bit value from the frame buffer into a byte. A VGA has two read modes: • Read Mode 0: — One of the four bytes from the frame buffer is returned, based on the value of the ReadMapSelect register. In Chain 4 mode, bits [1:0] of the read address select a plane. In odd/even read mode, bit 0 of the read address replaces bit 0 of ReadMapSelect. • Read Mode 1: — Bit n of the result is set to 1 if bit n in every byte b matches bit b of the ColorCompare register; otherwise it is set to 0. There is a ColorDon’tCare register that can exclude planes from this comparison. In four-plane graphics modes, this provides a conversion from 4-bpp to 1-bpp. The ALU is a simple two-operand ROP unit that operates on writes. Its operating modes are COPY, AND, OR, and XOR. The 32-bit inputs are: 1) 152 Virtual VGA Subsystem 2) the display latch (not necessarily the value at the frame buffer address of the write). An application that wishes to perform ROPs on the source and destination must first byte read the address (to load the latch) and then immediately write a byte to the same address. The ALU has no effect in Write Mode 1. The bit mask unit does not provide a true bit mask. Instead, it selects between the ALU output and the display latch. The mask is an 8-bit value, and bit n of the mask makes the selection for bit n of all four bytes of the result (a zero selects the latch). No bit masking occurs in Write Mode 1. The VGA hardware of the GX1 processor does not implement Write Mode 1 directly, but it can be indirectly implemented by setting the BitMask to zero and the ALU mode to COPY. This is done by the SMM code so there are no compatibility issues with applications. GX1 VGA Hardware The GX1 processor core contains hardware to detect VGA accesses and generate SMI interrupts. The graphics pipeline contains hardware to detect and process reads and writes to VGA memory. The VGA memory on the GX1 processor is partitioned from system memory. The GX1 processor has the following hardware components to assist the VGA emulation software: • SMI Generation • VGA Range Detection • VGA Sequencer • VGA Write/Read Path • VGA Address Generator • VGA Memory SMI Generation VGA emulation software is notified of VGA memory accesses by an SMI generated in dedicated circuitry in the processor core that detects and traps memory accesses. The SMI generation hardware for VGA memory addresses is in the second stage of instruction decoding on the processor core. This is the earliest stage of instruction decode where virtual addresses have been translated to physical addresses. Trapping after the execution stage is impractical, because memory write buffering will allow subsequent instructions to execute. The VGA emulation code requires the SMI to be generated immediately when a VGA access occurs. The SMI generation hardware can optionally exclude areas of VGA memory, based on a 32-bit register which has a control bit for each 2 KB region of the VGA memory window. The control bit determines whether or not an SMI interrupt is generated for the corresponding region. The purpose of this hardware is to allow the VGA emulation software to disable SMI interrupts in VGA memory regions that are not currently displayed. the output of the write-mode unit and AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Virtual VGA Subsystem For direct display modes (8-bpp or 16-bpp) in the display controller, Virtual VGA can operate without SMI generation. The SMI generation circuit on the GX1 processor has configuration registers to control and mask SMI interrupts in the VGA memory space. VGA Range Detection The VGA range detection circuit is similar to the SMI generation hardware, however, it resides in the internal bus interface address mapping unit. The purpose of this hardware is to notify the graphics pipeline when accesses to the VGA memory range A0000h to BFFFFh are detected. The graphics pipeline has VGA read and write path hardware to process VGA memory accesses. The VGA range detection can be configured to trap VGA memory accesses in one or more of the following ranges: A0000h to AFFFFh (EGA,VGA), B0000h to B7FFFh (MDA), or B8000h to BFFFFh (CGA). VGA Sequencer The VGA sequencer is located at the front end of the graphics pipeline. The purpose of the VGA sequencer is to divide up multiple-byte read and write operations into a sequence of single-byte read and write operations. 16-bit or 32-bit X-bus write operations to VGA memory are divided into 8-bit write operations and sent to the VGA write path. 16-bit or 32-bit X-bus read operations from VGA memory are accumulated from 8-bit read operations over the VGA read path. The sequencer generates the lower two bits of the address. VGA Write/Read Path The VGA write path implements standard VGA write operations into VGA memory. No SMI is generated for write path operations when the VGA access is not displayed. When the VGA access is displayed, an SMI is generated so that the SMI emulation can update the frame buffer. The VGA write path converts 8-bit write operations from the sequencer into 32-bit VGA memory write operations. The operations performed by the VGA write path include data rotation, raster operation (ALU), bit masking, plane select, plane enable, and write modes. The VGA read path implements standard VGA read operations from VGA memory. No SMI is needed for read-path operations. The VGA read path converts 32-bit read operations from VGA memory to 8-bit data back to the sequencer. The basic operations performed by the VGA read path include color compare, plane-read select, and read modes. VGA Address Generator The VGA address generator translates VGA memory addresses up to the address where the VGA memory resides on the GX1 processor. The VGA address generator requires the address from the VGA access (A0000h to BFFFFh), the base of the VGA memory on the GX1 processor, and various control bits. The control bits are necessary because addressing is complicated by odd/even and Chain 4 addressing modes. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book VGA Memory The VGA memory requires 256 KB of memory organized as 64 KB by 32 bits. The VGA memory is implemented as part of system memory. The GX1 processor partitions system memory into two areas, normal system memory and graphics memory. System memory is mapped to the normal physical address of the DRAM, starting at zero and ending at memory size. Graphics memory is mapped into high physical memory, contiguous to the registers and dedicated cache of the GX1 processor. The graphics memory includes the frame buffer, compression buffer, cursor memory, and VGA memory. The VGA memory is mapped on a 256 KB boundary to simplify the address generation 5.6.3 VGA Configuration Registers SMI generation can be configured to trap VGA memory accesses in one of the following ranges: A0000h to AFFFFh (EGA,VGA), B0000h to B7FFFh (MDA), or B8000h to BFFFFh (CGA). Range selection is accomplished through programmable bits in the VGACTL register (Index B9h). Fine control can be exercised within the range selected to allow off-screen accesses to occur without generating SMIs. SMI generation can also separately control the following I/ O ranges: 3B0h to 3BFh, 3C0h to 3CFh, and 3D0h to 3DFh. The BC_XMAP_1 register (GX_BASE+8004h) in the Internal Bus Interface Unit has an enable/disable bit for each of the address ranges above. The VGA control register (VGACTL) provides control for SMI generation through an enable bit for memory address ranges A0000h to BFFFFh. Each bit controls whether or not SMI is generated for accesses to the corresponding address range. The default value of this register is zero so that VGA accesses will not be trapped on systems with an external VGA card. The VGA Mask register (VGAM) has 32 bits that can selectively mask 2 KB regions within the VGA memory region A0000h to AFFFFh. If none of the three regions is enabled in VGACTL, then the contents of VGAM are ignored. VGAM can be used to prevent the occurrence of SMI when non-displayed VGA memory is accessed. This is an enhancement that improves performance for double-buffered applications only. Table 5-36 summarizes the VGA Configuration registers. Detailed register/bit formats are given in Table 5-37. See Section "Configuration Registers" on page 47 on how to access these registers. 153 Revision 5.0 Virtual VGA Subsystem Table 5-36. VGA Configuration Register Summary Index Type Name/Function Default Value B9h R/W VGACTL. VGA Control Register 00h (SMI generation disabled) BAh-BDh R/W VGAM. VGA Mask Register xxxxxxxxh Table 5-37. VGA Configuration Registers Bit Description Index B9h 7:3 VGACTL Register (R/W) Reserved: Set to 0. 2 SMI generation for VGA memory range B8000h to BFFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 1 SMI generation for VGA memory range B0000h to B7FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 0 SMI generation for VGA memory range A0000h to AFFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. Index BAh-BDh 154 Default Value = 00h VGAM Register (R/W) 31 SMI generation for address range AF800h to AFFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 30 SMI generation for address range AF000h to AF7FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 29 SMI generation for address range AE800h to AEFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 28 SMI generation for address range AE000h to AE7FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 27 SMI generation for address range AD800h to ADFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 26 SMI generation for address range AD000h to AD7FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 25 SMI generation for address range AC800h to ACFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 24 SMI generation for address range AC000h to AC7FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 23 SMI generation for address range AB800h to ABFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 22 SMI generation for address range AB000h to AB7FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 21 SMI generation for address range AA800h to AAFFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 20 SMI generation for address range AA000h to AA7FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 19 SMI generation for address range A9800h to A9FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 18 SMI generation for address range A9000h to A97FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 17 SMI generation for address range A8800h to A8FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 16 SMI generation for address range A8000h to A87FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 15 SMI generation for address range A7800h to A7FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 14 SMI generation for address range A7000h to A77FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 13 SMI generation for address range A6800h to A6FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 12 SMI generation for address range A6000h to A67FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 11 SMI generation for address range A5800h to A5FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 10 SMI generation for address range A5000h to A57FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 9 SMI generation for address range A4800h to A4FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 8 SMI generation for address range A4000h to A47FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 7 SMI generation for address range A3800h to A3FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 6 SMI generation for address range A3000h to A37FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 5 SMI generation for address range A2800h to A2FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 4 SMI generation for address range A2000h to A27FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 3 SMI generation for address range A1800h to A1FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 2 SMI generation for address range A1000h to A17FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 1 SMI generation for address range A0800h to A0FFFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 0 SMI generation for address range A0000h to A07FFh: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. Default Value = xxxxxxxxh AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Virtual VGA Subsystem 5.6.4 Virtual VGA Register Descriptions This section describes the registers contained in the graphics pipeline used for VGA emulation. The graphics pipeline maps 200h locations starting at GX_BASE+8100h. Refer to Section 5.1.2 "Control Registers" on page 94 for instructions on accessing these registers. The registers are summarized in Table 5-38, followed by detailed bit formats in Table 5-39. Table 5-38. Virtual VGA Register Summary GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function 8140h-8143h R/W GP_VGA_WRITE Default Value xxxxxxxxh Graphics Pipeline VGA Write Patch Control register: Controls the VGA memory write path in the graphics pipeline. 8144h-8147h R/W GP_VGA_READ 00000000h Graphics Pipeline VGA Read Patch Control register: Controls the VGA memory read path in the graphics pipeline. 8210h-8213h R/W GP_VGA_BASE VGA xxxxxxxxh Graphics Pipeline VGA Memory Base Address register: Specifies the offset of the VGA memory, starting from the base of graphics memory. 8214h-8217h R/W GP_VGA_LATCH xxxxxxxxh Graphics Pipeline VGA Display Latch register: Provides a memory mapped way to read or write the VGA display latch. Table 5-39. Virtual VGA Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8140h-8143h GP_VGA_WRITE Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh 31:28 RSVD 27:24 MAP_MASK Reserved: Set to 0. 23:21 RSVD 20 W3 Write Mode 3: Selects write mode 3 by using the bit mask with the rotated data. 19 W2 Write Mode 2: Selects write mode 2 by controlling set/reset. 18:16 RC Rotate Count: Controls the 8-bit rotator. 15:12 SRE 11:8 SR 7:0 BIT_MASK Map Mask: Enables planes 3 through 0 for writing. Combined with chain control to determine the final enables. Reserved: Set to 0. Set/Reset Enable: Enables the set/reset value for each plane. Set/Reset: Selects 1 or 0 for each plane if enabled. Bit Mask: Selects data from the data latches (last read data). GX_BASE+8144h-8147h GP_VGA_READ Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h 31:18 RSVD 17:16 RMS Reserved: Set to 0. Read Map Select: Selects which plane to read in read mode 0 (Chain 2 and Chain 4 inactive). 15 F15 Force Address Bit 15: Forces address bit 15 to 0. 14 PC4 Packed Chain 4: Provides 64 KB of packed pixel addressing when used with Chain 4 mode. This bit causes the VGA addresses to be shifted right by 2 bits. 13 C4 Chain 4 Mode: Selects Chain 4 mode for both read operations and write operations. This overrides bits 10 and 9 of this register. 12 PB Page Bit: Becomes LSB of address if COE is set high. 11 COE 10 W2 9 R2 Read Chain 2 Mode: Selects Chain 2 mode for read operations. Bit 13 overrides this bit. 8 RM Read Mode: Selects between read mode 0 (normal) and read mode 1 (color compare). Chain Odd/Even: Selects PB rather than A0 for least-significant VGA address bit. Write Chain 2 Mode: Selects Chain 2 mode for write operations. Bit 13 overrides this bit. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 155 Revision 5.0 Virtual VGA Subsystem Table 5-39. Virtual VGA Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description 7:4 CCM Color Compare Mask: Selects planes to include in the color comparison (read mode 1). 3:0 CC Color Compare: Specifies value of each plane for color comparison (read mode 1). GX_BASE+8210h-8213h 31:14 RSVD 13:8 VGA_RD _BASE 7:6 RSVD 5:0 VGA_WR _BASE GX_BASE+8214h-8217h 31:0 156 LATCH GP_VGA_BASE (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Reserved: Set to 0. Read Base Address: The VGA base address is added to the graphics memory base to specify where VGA memory starts. The VGA base address provides address bits [19:14] when mapping VGA accesses into graphics memory. This allows the VGA base address to start on any 64 KB boundary within the 4 MB of graphics memory. This register is used for reads to the VGA trace buffer. Reserved: Set to 0. Write Base Address: The VGA base address is added to the graphics memory base to specify where VGA memory starts. The VGA base address provides address bits [19:14] when mapping VGA accesses into graphics memory. This allows the VGA base address to start on any 64 KB boundary within the 4 MB of graphics memory. This register is used for writes to the VGA trace buffer. GP_VGA_LATCH Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxxxxh Display Latch: Specifies the value in the VGA display latch. VGA read operations cause VGA frame buffer data to be latched in the display latch. VGA write operations can use the display latch as a source of data for VGA frame buffer write operations. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 PCI Controller 5.7 PCI Controller The AMD Geode™ GX1 processor includes an integrated PCI controller with the following features. 5.7.1 • Master dead timer • Resource or total system lock support X-Bus PCI Slave 5.7.4 • 16-byte PCI write buffer • 16-byte PCI read buffer from X-bus • Supports cache line bursting • Write/Inv line support • Pacing of data for read or write operations with X-bus • No active byte enable transfers supported 5.7.2 X-Bus PCI Master • 16 byte X-bus to PCI write buffer • Configuration read/write Support • Int Acknowledge support 5.7.5 • Lock conversion Generating Special Cycles A special cycle is a broadcast message to the PCI bus. Two hardcoded special cycle messages are defined in the command encode: HALT and SHUTDOWN. Software can also generate special cycles by using special cycle generation for configuration mechanism #1 as described in the PCI Specification 2.1 and briefly described here. To initiate a special cycle from software, the host must write a value to CONFIG_ADDRESS encoded as shown in Table 5-40. • Support fast back-to-back cycles as slave 5.7.3 Generating Configuration Cycles Configuration space is a physical address space unique to PCI. Configuration Mechanism #1 must be used by software to generate configuration cycles. Two DWORD I/O locations are used in this mechanism. The first DWORD location (CF8h) references a read/write register that is named CONFIG_ADDRESS. The second DWORD address (CFCh) references a register named CONFIG_DATA. The general method for accessing configuration space is to write a value into CONFIG_ADDRESS that specifies a PCI bus, a device on that bus, and a configuration register in that device being accessed. A read or write to CONFIG_DATA will then cause the bridge to translate that CONFIG_ADDRESS value to the requested configuration cycle on the PCI bus. PCI Arbiter • Fixed, rotating, hybrid, or ping-pong arbitration (programmable) • Support four masters, three on PCI The next value written to CONFIG_DATA is the encoded special cycle. Type 0 or Type 1 conversion will be based on the Bus Bridge number matching the GX1 processor’s bus number of 00h. • Internal REQ for CPU • Master retry mask counter Table 5-40. Special Cycle Code to CONFIG_ADDRESS1 1. 31 30 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 1 0000000 Bus No. = Bridge CONFIG ENABLE RSVD BUS NUMBER 1 1 1 1 1 DEVICE NUMBER 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNCTION NUMBER REGISTER NUMBER 1 0 TRANSLATION TYPE See Table 5-41 on page 158, bits [1:0] for translation type. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 157 Revision 5.0 5.7.6 PCI Controller PCI Configuration Space Control Registers There are two registers in this CONFIG_ADDRESS and CONFIG_DATA. category: this register. All others will be forwarded as normal I/O cycles to the PCI bus. The CONFIG_ADDRESS register contains the address information for the next configuration space access to CONFIG_DATA. Only DWORD accesses are permitted to The CONFIG_DATA register contains the data that is sent or received during a PCI configuration space access. Table 5-41 gives the bit formats for these two registers. Table 5-41. PCI Configuration Registers Bit Name I/O Offset 0CF8h-0CFBh 31 CFG_EN Description CONFIG_ADDRESS Register (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h CONFIG ENABLE: Determines when accesses should be translated to configuration cycles on the PCI bus, or treated as a normal I/O operation. This register will be updated only on full DWORD I/O operations to the CONFIG_ADDRESS. Any other accesses are treated as normal I/O cycles in order to allow I/O devices to use BYTE or WORD registers at the same address and remain unaffected. Once bit 31 is set high, subsequent accesses to CONFIG_DATA are then translated to configuration cycles. 1 = Generate configuration cycles. 0 = Normal I/O cycles. 30:24 RSVD 23:16 BUS 15:11 DEVICE 10:8 FUNCTION 7:2 REGISTER 1:0 TT Reserved: Set to 0. Bus: Specifies a PCI bus number in the hierarchy of 1 to 256 buses. Device: Selects a device on a specified bus. A device value of 00h will select the GX1 processor if the bus number is also 00h. DEVICE values of 01h to 15h will be mapped to AD[31:11], so only 21 of the 32 possible devices are supported. A DEVICE value of 00001b will map to AD[11] while a device of 10101b will map to AD[31]. Function: Selects a function in a multi-function device. Register: Chooses a configuration DWORD space register in the selected device. Translation Type Bits: These bits indicate if the configuration access is local or one that requires translation through other bridges to another PCI bus. When an access occurs to the CONFIG_DATA address and the specified bus number matches the GX1 processor’s bus number (00h), then a Type 0 translation takes place. For a Type 0 translation, the CONFIG_ADDRESS register values are translated to AD lines on the PCI bus. Note that bits [10:2] are passed unchanged. The DEVICE value is mapped to one of 21 AD lines. The translation type bits are set to 00 to indicate a transaction on the local PCI bus. When an access occurs to the CONFIG_DATA address and the specified bus number is not 00h (Type 1), the GX1 processor passes this cycle to the PCI bus by copying the contents of the CONFIG_ADDRESS register onto the AD lines during the address phase of the cycle while driving the translation type bits AD[1:0] to 01. I/O Offset 0CFCh-0CFFh 31:0 158 CONFIG _DATA CONFIG_DATA (R/W) Default Value = 00000000h Configuration Data register: Contains the data that is sent or received during a PCI configuration space access. The register accessed is determined by the value in the CONFIG_ADDRESS register. The CONFIG_DATA register supports BYTE, WORD, or DWORD accesses. To access this register, bit 31 of the CONFIG_ADDRESS register must be set to 0 and a full DWORD I/O access must be done. Configuration cycles are performed when bit 31 of the CONFIG_ADDRESS register is set to 1. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 PCI Controller 5.7.7 PCI Configuration Space Registers To access the internal PCI configuration registers of the GX1 processor, the Configuration Address register (CONFIG_ADDRESS) must be written as a DWORD using the format shown in Table 5-42. Any other size will be interpreted as an I/O write to Port 0CF8h. Also, when entering the Configuration Index, only the six most significant bits of the offset are used, and the two least significant bits must be 00b. Table 5-43 summarizes the registers located within the Configuration Space. The tables that follow, give detailed register/bit formats. Table 5-42. Format for Accessing the Internal PCI Configuration Registers 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 0 0 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 Configuration Index 1 0 0 0 Table 5-43. PCI Configuration Space Register Summary Index Type Name Default Value 00h-01h RO Vendor Identification 1078h 02h-03h RO Device Identification 0001h 04h-05h R/W PCI Command 0007h 06h-07h R/W Device Status 0280h 08h RO Revision Identification 09h-0Bh RO Class Code 0Ch RO Cache Line Size 00h 0Dh R/W Latency Timer 00h Reserved 00h 0Eh-3Fh -- 00h 060000h 40h R/W PCI Control Function 1 00h 41h R/W PCI Control Function 2 96h 42h -- Reserved 00h 43h R/W PCI Arbitration Control 1 80h 44h R/W PCI Arbitration Control 2 00h Reserved 00h 45h-FFh -- AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 159 Revision 5.0 PCI Controller Table 5-44. PCI Configuration Registers Bit Name Description Index 00h-01h 31:0 Vendor Identification Register (RO) VID (RO) Vendor Identification register (Read Only): The combination of this value and the device ID uniquely identifies any PCI device. The Vendor ID is the ID given to AMD by the PCI SIG. Index 02h-03h 31:0 Default Value = 1078h Device Identification Register (RO) DIR (RO) Default Value = 0001h Device Identification register (Read Only): This value along with the vendor ID uniquely identifies any PCI device. Index 04h-05h PCI Command Register (R/W) 15:10 RSVD 9 FBE Default Value = 0007h Reserved: Set to 0. Fast Back-to-Back Enable (RO): As a master, the GX1 processor does not support this function. This bit returns 0. 8 SERR 7 WAT SERR# Enable: This is used as an output enable gate for the SERR# driver. Wait Cycle Control: GX1 processor does not do address/data stepping. This bit is always set to 0. 6 PE 5 VPS Parity Error Response: 0 = GX1 processor ignores parity errors on the PCI bus. 1 = GX1 processor checks for parity errors. VGA Palette Snoop: GX1 processor does not support this function. This bit is always set to 0. 4 MS Memory Write and Invalidate Enable: As a master, the GX1 processor does not support this function. This bit is always set to 0. 3 SPC Special Cycles: GX1 processor does not respond to special cycles on the PCI bus. This bit is always set to 0. 2 BM Bus Master: 0 = GX1 processor does not perform master cycles on the PCI bus. 1 = GX1 processor can act as a bus master on the PCI bus. 1 MS Memory Space: GX1 processor will always respond to memory cycles on the PCI bus. 0 IOS This bit is always set to 1. I/O Space: GX1 processor will not respond to I/O accesses from the PCI bus. This bit is always set to 1. Index 06h-07h 15 PCI Device Status Register (RO, R/W Clear) DPE Default Value = 0280h Detected Parity Error: When a parity error is detected, this bit is set to 1. This bit can be cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to it. 14 SSE Signaled System Error: This bit is set whenever SERR# is driven active. 13 RMA Received Master Abort: This bit is set whenever a master abort cycle occurs. A master abort will occur whenever a PCI cycle is not claimed except for special cycles. 12 RTA This bit can be cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to it. Received Target Abort: This bit is set whenever a target abort is received while the GX1 processor is master of the cycle. This bit can be cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to it. 11 STA Signaled Target Abort: This bit is set whenever the GX1 processor signals a target abort. A target abort is signaled when an address parity occurs for an address that hits in the GX1 processor’s address space. This bit can be cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to it. 160 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 PCI Controller Table 5-44. PCI Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name 10:9 DT Description Device Timing: The GX1 processor performs medium DEVSEL# active for addresses that hit into the GX1 processor address space. These two bits are always set to 01. 00 = Fast 01 = Medium 10 = Slow 11 = Reserved 8 DPD 7 FBS Data Parity Detected: This bit is set when all three conditions are met. 1) GX1 processor asserted PERR# or observed PERR# asserted; 2) GX1 processor is the master for the cycle in which the PERR# occurred; and 3) PE (bit 6 of Command register) is enabled. This bit can be cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to it. Fast Back-to-Back Capable: As a target, the processor is capable of accepting Fast Back-to-Back transactions. This bit is always set to 1. 6:0 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. Index 08h 7:0 Revision Identification Register (RO) RID (RO) Revision ID (Read Only): This register contains the revision number of the GX1 design. Index 09h-0Bh Class Code Register (RO) 23:16 CLASS 15:0 RSVD (RO) Reserved (Read Only) Cache Line Size Register (RO) CACHELINE Latency Timer Register (R/W) RSVD 4:0 LAT_TIMER Latency Timer: The latency timer as used in this implementation will prevent a system lockup resulting from a slave that does not respond to the master. If the register value is set to 00h, the timer is disabled. Otherwise, Timer represents the 5 MSBs of an 8-bit counter. The counter will reset on each valid data transfer. If the counter expires before the next TRDY# is received active, then the slave is considered to be incapable of responding, and the master will stop the transaction with a master abort and flag an SERR# active. This would also keep the master from being retried forever by a slave device that continues to issue retries. In these cases, the master will also stop the cycle with a master abort. Index 40h RSVD 6 SW Default Value = 00h Reserved: Set to 0. Index 0Eh-3Fh 7 Default Value = 00h Cache Line Size (Read Only): The cache line size register specifies the system cache line size in units of 32-bit words. This function is not supported in the GX1 processor. Index 0Dh 7:5 Default Value = 060000h Class Code: The class code register is used to identify the generic function of the device. The GX1 processor is classified as a host bridge device (06). Index 0Ch 7:0 Default Value = 00h Reserved Default Value = 00h PCI Control Function 1 Register (R/W) Default Value = 00h Reserved: Set to 0. Single Write Mode: GX1 as a PCI slave supports: 0 = Multiple PCI write cycles 1 = Single cycle write transfers on the PCI bus. The slave will perform a target disconnect with the first data transferred. 5 SR Single Read Mode: GX1 as a PCI slave supports: 0 = Multiple PCI read cycles. 1 = Single cycle read transfers on the PCI bus. The slave will perform a target disconnect with the first data transferred. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 161 Revision 5.0 PCI Controller Table 5-44. PCI Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name 4 RXBNE Description Force Retry when X-Bus Buffers are Not Empty: GX1 as a PCI slave: 0 = Accepts the PCI cycle with data in the PCI master write buffers. The data in the PCI master write buffers will not be affected or corrupted. The PCI master holds request active indicating the need to access the PCI bus. 1 = Retries cycles if the PCI master X-Bus write buffers contain buffered data. 3 SWBE PCI Slave Write Buffer Enable: GX1 PCI slave write buffers: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 2 CLRE PCI Cache Line Read Enable: Read operations from the PCI into the GX1 processor: 0 = Single cycle unless a read multiple or memory read line command is used. 1 = Cause a cache line read to occur. 1 XBE X-Bus Burst Enable: Enable X-Bus bursting when an external master performs PCI write/invalidate cycles. 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. (This bit does not control read bursting; bit 2 does.) 0 BKOFF Back Off: When enabled, external masters can access system memory even when a CPU cycle has been retried. Prevents a live_lock condition. 0 = Enable (highly recommended); 1 = Disable Index 41h PCI Control Function 2 Register (R/W) Default Value = 96h 7 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 6 RW_CLK Raw Clock (Write Only): A debug signal used to view internal clock operation. 0 = Enable; 1 = Disable. Reading this bit returns invalid data. 5 PFS PERR# forces SERR#: PCI master drives an active SERR# anytime it also drives or receives an active PERR#: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 4 XWB X-Bus to PCI Write Buffer: Enable GX1 processor PCI master’s X-Bus write buffers (non-locked memory cycles are buffered, I/O cycles and lock cycles are not buffered): 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 3:2 SDB Slave Disconnect Boundary: GX1 as a PCI slave issues a disconnect with burst data when it crosses line boundary: 00 = 128 bytes 01 = 256 bytes 10 = 512 bytes 11 = 1024 bytes Works in conjunction with bit 1. 1 SDBE Slave Disconnect Boundary Enable: GX1 as a PCI slave writes only: Reads always disconnect on the 16 byte cache line: 0 = Disconnects on boundaries set by bits [3:2]. 1 = Disconnects on cache line boundary which is 16 bytes. 0 XWS X-Bus Wait State Enable: The PCI slave acting as a master on the X-Bus will insert wait states on write cycles for data setup time. 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. Index 42h Reserved Default Value = 00h Index 43h PCI Arbitration Control 1 Register (R/W) Default Value = 80h 162 7 BG Bus Grant: 0 = Grants bus regardless of X-BUS buffers. 1 = Grants bus only if X-BUS buffers are empty. 6 RSVD Reserved: Set to 1. 5 RME2 REQ2# Retry Mask Enable: Arbiter allows the REQ2# to be masked based on the master retry mask in bits [2:1]: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 4 RME1 REQ1# Retry Mask Enable: Arbiter allows the REQ1# to be masked based on the master retry mask in bits [2:1]: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 3 RME0 REQ0# Retry Mask Enable: Arbiter allows the REQ0# to be masked based on the master retry mask in bits [2:1]: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 PCI Controller Table 5-44. PCI Configuration Registers (Continued) Bit Name Description 2:1 MRM Master Retry Mask: When a target issues a retry to a master, the arbiter can mask the request from the retried master in order to allow other lower order masters to gain access to the PCI bus: 00 = No retry mask 01 = Mask for 16 PCI clocks 10 = Mask for 32 PCI clocks 11 = Mask for 64 PCI clocks 0 HXR Hold X-bus on Retries: Arbiter holds the X-Bus X_HOLD for two additional clocks to see if the retried master will request the bus again: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable (This may prevent retry thrashing in some cases.) Index 44h PCI Arbitration Control 2 Register (R/W) Default Value = 00h 7 PP Ping-Pong: 0 = Arbiter grants the processor bus per the setting of bits [2:0]. 1 = Arbiter grants the processor bus ownership of the PCI bus every other arbitration cycle. 6:4 FAC Fixed Arbitration Controls: These bits control the priority under fixed arbitration. The priority table is as follows (priority listed highest to lowest): 000 = REQ0#, REQ1#, REQ2# 001 = REQ1#, REQ0#, REQ2# 010 = REQ0#, REQ2#,REQ1# 011 = Reserved 100 = REQ1#, REQ2#, REQ0# 101 = Reserved 110 = REQ2#, REQ1#, REQ0# 111 = REQ2#, REQ0#, REQ1# The rotation arbitration bits [2:0] must be set to 000 for full fixed arbitration. If rotation bits are not set to 000, then hybrid arbitration will occur. If Ping-Pong is enabled (bit 7 = 1), the processor will have priority every other arbitration. In this mode, the arbiter grants the PCI bus to a master and ignores all other requests. When the master finishes, the processor will be guaranteed access. At this point PCI requests will again be recognized. This will switch arbitration from CPU to PCI to CPU to PCI, etc. 3 RSVD 2:0 RAC Reserved: Set to 0. Rotating Arbitration Controls: These bits control the priority under rotating arbitration. 000 = Fixed arbitration will occur. 111 = Full rotating arbitration will occur. When these bits are set to other values, hybrid arbitration will occur. Index 45h-FFh AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Reserved Default Value = 00h 163 Revision 5.0 5.7.8 PCI Controller PCI Cycles valid address and C/BE[3:0]# contains a valid bus command. The first data phase begins on clock 3. During the data phase, AD[31:0] contains data and C/BE[3:0]# indicate which byte lanes of AD[31:0] carry valid data. The first data phase completes with zero delay cycles. However, the second phase is delayed one cycle because the target was not ready so it deasserted TRDY# on clock 5. The last data phase is delayed one cycle because the master deasserted IRDY# on clock 7. The following sections and diagrams provide the functional relationships for PCI cycles. PCI Read Transaction A PCI read transaction consists of an address phase and one or more data phases. Data phases may consist of wait cycles and a data transfer. Figure 5-18 illustrates a PCI read transaction. In this example, there are three data phases. For additional information refer to Chapter 3.3.1, Read Transaction, of the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. The address phase begins on clock 2 when FRAME# is asserted. During the address phase, AD[31:0] contains a CLK FRAME# DATA TRANSFER WAIT IRDY# DATA TRANSFER BE#s WAIT BUS CMD DATA-3 DATA-2 DATA-1 DATA TRANSFER C/BE# ADDR WAIT AD TRDY# DEVSEL# ADDR PHASE DATA PHASE DATA PHASE DATA PHASE BUS TRANSACTION Figure 5-18. Basic Read Operation 164 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 PCI Controller PCI Write Transaction A PCI write transaction is similar to a PCI read transaction, consisting of an address phase and one or more data phases. Since the master provides both address and data, no turnaround cycle is required following the address phase. The data phases work the same for both read and write transactions. Figure 5-19 illustrates a write transaction. The address phase begins on clock 2 when FRAME# is asserted. The first and second data phases complete without delays. During data phase 3, the target inserts three wait cycles by deasserting TRDY#. For additional information refer to Chapter 3.3.2, Write Transaction, of the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. CLK DATA-2 DATA-3 BUS CMD BE#s-1 BE#s-2 BE#s-3 DATA PHASE DATA PHASE WAIT TRDY# WAIT IRDY# WAIT DATA-1 DATA TRANSFER C/BE# ADDR DATA TRANSFER AD DATA TRANSFER FRAME# DEVSEL# ADDR PHASE DATA PHASE BUS TRANSACTION Figure 5-19. Basic Write Operation AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 165 Revision 5.0 PCI Controller PCI Arbitration An agent requests the bus by asserting its REQ#. Based on the arbitration scheme set in the PCI Arbitration Control 2 register (Index 44h), the GX1 processor’s PCI arbiter will grant the request by asserting GNT#. Figure 5-20 illustrates basic arbitration. REQ#-a is asserted at CLK 1. The PCI arbiter grants access to Agent A by asserting GNT#-a on CLK 2. Agent A must begin a transaction by asserting FRAME# within 16 clocks, or the GX1’s PCI arbiter will remove GNT#. Also, it is possible for Agent A to lose bus ownership sooner if another agent with higher priority requests the bus. However, in this example, Agent B is of higher priority than Agent A. When Agent B requests the bus on CLK 2, Agent A is allowed to proceed per Specification. Agent A starts its transaction on CLK 3 by asserting FRAME# and completes its transaction. Since Agent A requests another transaction, REQ#-a remains asserted. When FRAME# is asserted on CLK 3, the PCI arbiter determines Agent B should go next, asserts GNT#-b and deasserts GNT#-a on CLK 4. Agent B requires only a single transaction. It completes the transaction, then deasserts FRAME# and 1 2 3 4 ADDR DATA REQ#-b on CLK 6. The PCI arbiter can then grant access to Agent A, and does so on CLK 7. Note that all buffers must flush before a grant is given to a new agent. For additional information refer to Chapter 3.4.1, Arbitration Signaling Protocol, of the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. PCI Halt Command Halt is a broadcast message from the GX1 processor indicating it has executed a HLT instruction. The PCI Special Cycle command is used to broadcast the message to all agents on the bus segment. During the address phase of the Halt Special cycle, C/BE[3:0]# = 0001 and AD[31:0] are driven to arbitrary values. During the data phase, C/ BE[3:0]# = 1100 indicating bytes 1 and 0 are valid and AD[15:0] = 0001h. For additional information, refer to Chapter 3.7.2, Special Cycle, and Appendix A, Special Cycle Messages, of the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. 5 6 7 8 9 CLK REQ#-a REQ#-b GNT#-a GNT#-b FRAME# AD ADDR Agent-A DATA Agent-B Figure 5-20. Basic Arbitration 166 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Power Management Revision 5.0 6.0Power Management Power consumption in an AMD Geode™ GX1 processor based system is managed with the use of both hardware and software. The complete hardware solution is provided for only when the GX1 processor is combined with the AMD Geode CS5530A companion device. The GX1 processor power consumption is managed primarily through a sophisticated clock stop management technology. The GX1 processor also provides the hardware enablers from which the complete power management solution depends on. Typically the three greatest power consumers in a battery powered device are the display, the hard drive (if it has one) and the CPU. Managing power for the first two is relatively straightforward and is discussed in the AMD Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device Data Book. Managing CPU power is more difficult since effective use of the clock stop technology requires effective detection of inactivity, both at a system level and at a code processing level. Basically two methods are supported to manage power during periods of inactivity. The first method, called activity based power management allows the hardware in the Geode CS5530A to monitor activity to certain devices in the system and if a period of inactivity occurs take some form of power conservation action. This method does not require OS support because this support is handled by SMM software. Simple monitoring of external activity is imperfect as well as inefficient. The second method, called passive power management, requires the OS to take the active role in managing power. AMD supports two application programming interfaces (APIs) to enable power management by the OS: Advanced Power Management (APM) and Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). These two methods can be used independent of one another or they can be used together. The extent to which these resources are employed depends on the application and the discretion of the system designer. 6.1 Features The GX1 processor based system supports the following power management features: • GX1 processor hardware: — System Management Mode (SMM) — Suspend-on-Halt — CPU Suspend — 3 Volt Suspend — GX1 Processor Serial Bus • Geode CS5530A companion device hardware: — I/O activity monitoring – SMI generation — CPU Suspend control – Suspend Modulation – 3 Volt Suspend — ACPI hardware • Software: — API for APM aware OS — API for ACPI aware OS — PM VSA for not PM aware OS’s The Geode CS5530A companion device’s power management support is discussed in this specification only when necessary to better explain the GX1 processor’s power management features. Software support of power management is discussed in this specification only when necessary to better explain the GX1 processor’s power management features. The GX1 processor and Geode CS5530A companion device contain advanced power management features for reducing the power consumption of the processor in the system. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 167 Revision 5.0 6.1.1 System Management Mode The GX1 processor has an operation mode called System Management Mode. This mode is generally entered when the SMI# pin goes active. SMM is explained in Section 4.7 "System Management Mode" on page 78. If active power management is desired, then the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device is programmed at boot time to activate SMM through the SMI# pin due to specific I/O inactivity. SMM is also used in the passive power management method, however, it is limited to supporting specific API calls such as entering sleep modes. 6.1.2 Suspend-on-Halt Suspend-on-Halt is the most effective power reducing feature of the GX1 processor with the system active. This feature allows the system to reduce power when the system’s OS becomes idle without producing any delay when the system’s OS becomes active. When entered, Suspend-on-Halt stops the clock to the processor core while the intergrated functions (graphics, memory controller, PCI controller) are still active. There is absolutely no observational evidence that the processor has changed operational behavior except for two things. The GX1 draws significantly less core power and the SUSPA# pin is active while in this state. 6.1.3 CPU Suspend CPU Suspend is a hardware initiated power management state. The SUSP# pin is asserted by external hardware such as the Geode CS5530A. The GX1 processor asserts the SUSPA# pin to indicate that the processor has entered CPU Suspend. This state is similar to Suspend-on-Halt except for its entry and exit method. SUSP# active causes the processor to enter the state and SUSP# inactive causes its exit. The power savings is identical to Suspendon-Halt. Also, as in Suspend-on-Halt, the processor will temporally disable CPU Suspend when there is PCI master activity. CPU Suspend can be used for Suspend Modulation. The Geode CS5530A can be programmed to assert/deassert SUSP# at a programmable frequency and duty cycle. This has the effect of reducing the average frequency that the processor is running and thus reduces power consumption and performance. Certain processing activities (SMI#, Interrupts, and VGA activity) can be monitored by the Geode CS5530A to temporarily suspend Suspend Modulation for a programmable amount of time. Suspend modulation programming is explained in detail in the AMD Geode™ CS5530A Companion Device Data Book. Suspend Modulation for Thermal Management The best use of Suspend Modulation is for thermal management. The Geode CS5530A monitors the temperature of the system and/or CPU and asserts the SMI# pin, if the system or CPU gets too hot. The power management SMM handler enables Suspend Modulation. When the tempera- 168 Power Management ture drops to a certain point the Geode CS5530A again asserts the SMI# pin. The power management SMM handler disables Suspend Modulation and normal operation resumes. A significant side effect of Suspend Modulation is a lowering of system performance while in this state. The system design must take this into account. If the system exceeds temperature limits only in extreme conditions then thermal management by use of Suspend Modulation can be easily and effectively used to reduce system cost by eliminating fans and possibly heatsinks. However, if maximum performance is required in all conditions then Suspend Modulation should not be used. Suspend Modulation for Power Management Suspend modulation can also be used for a crude method of power management. The Geode CS5530A monitors I/O activity and when that monitoring indicates inactivity, the Geode CS5530A asserts the SMI# pin. The power management SMM handler enables Suspend Modulation. When I/O activity picks up, the SMI# pin is asserted again and the power management SMM handler exits Suspend Modulation and normal operation resumes. 6.1.4 3 Volt Suspend 3 Volt Suspend is identical to CPU Suspend with the addition of setting CLK_STP in the PM_CNTRL_CSTP register (Table 6-2 on page 173), and turning off the graphics pipeline (set GX_BASE+8304h[0] = 0) before the assertion of SUSP#. If CLK_STP is set and the graphics pipeline is still active then the SUSP# will be ignored and 3 Volt Suspend will not be entered. As 3 Volt Suspend is being entered, the memory controller puts the SDRAMS in self refresh mode. At this point, all internal clocks in the GX1 processor are stopped. Once SUSPA# has gone active, the SYSCLK input pin can be stopped. While in this state the GX1 processor will not respond to anything except the deassertion of SUSP# as long as SYSCLK has been restarted. 6.1.5 GX1 Processor Serial Bus The power management logic of the GX1 processor provides the Geode CS5530A with information regarding the GX1 processor productivity. If the GX1 processor is determined to be relatively inactive, the GX1 processor power consumption can be greatly reduced by entering the Suspend Modulation mode. Although the majority of the system power management logic is implemented in the Geode CS5530A, a small amount of logic is required within the GX1 processor to provide information from the graphics controller that is not externally visible otherwise. The GX1 processor implements a simple serial communications mechanism to transmit the CPU status to the Geode CS5530A. The GX1 processor accumulates CPU events in a 8-bit register, “PM Serial Packet” register (GX_BASE+850Ch), that is serially transmitted out of the GX1 processor every 1 to 10 µs. The transmission frequency is set with bits [4:3] of the “PM Serial Packet Control” register. These register formats are given in Table 6-2 on page 173. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Power Management 6.1.6 6.2 Advanced Power Management (APM) Support Many battery powered devices rely solely on the APM (Advanced Power Management) driver for DOS, Windows 95/98, and other operating systems to manage power to the CPU. APM provides several services that enhance the system power management by determining when the CPU is idle. For the CPU, APM is theoretically the best approach but there are some drawbacks. • APM is an OS-specific driver which is not available for all operating systems. • Application support is inconsistent. Some applications in foreground may prevent idle calls. The components for APM support are: • Software CPU Suspend control via the AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device’s CPU Suspend Command register. • Software SMI entry via the Software SMI register. This allows the APM BIOS to be part of the SMM handler. Suspend Modes and Bus Cycles The following subsections describe the bus cycles of the various Suspend states. 6.2.1 Timing Diagram for Suspend-on-Halt The CPU enters Suspend-on-Halt as a result of executing a halt (HLT) instruction if the SUSP_HALT bit in CCR2 (Index C2h[3]) is set. When the HLT instruction is executed, the halt PCI cycle is run on the PCI bus and then the SUSPA# pin will go active to indicate that the processor has entered the suspend state. This state is slightly different from CPU Suspend because of how Suspend-on-Halt is entered and how it is exited. Suspend-on-Halt is exited upon recognition of an unmasked INTR or an SMI#. Normally SUSPA# is deactivated within six SYSCLKS from the detection of an active interrupt. However, the deactivation of SUSPA# may be delayed until the end of an active refresh cycle. The CPU allows PCI master accesses during a halt-initiated Suspend mode. The SUSPA# pin will go inactive during the duration of the PCI activity. If the CPU is in the middle of a PCI master access when the Halt instruction is executed, the assertion of SUSPA# will be delayed until the PCI access is completed. See Figure 6-1 for timing details. PCI HALT CYCLE SYSCLK FRAME# C/BE[3:0]# AD[15:0] I O X X I X IRDY# INTR, SMI# SUSPA# Figure 6-1. HALT-Initiated Suspend Mode AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 169 Revision 5.0 6.2.2 Power Management Initiating Suspend with SUSP# The GX1 processor enters the Suspend mode in response to SUSP# input assertion only when certain conditions are met. First, the USE_SUSP bit must be set in CCR2 (Index C2h[7]). In addition, execution of the current instructions and any pending decoded instructions and associated bus cycles must be completed. SUSP# is sampled on the rising edge of SYSCLK, and must meet specified setup and hold times to be recognized at a particular SYSCLK edge. See Figure 6-2 for timing details. When all conditions are met, the SUSPA# output is asserted. The time from assertion of SUSP# to the activation of SUSPA# depends on which instructions were decoded prior to assertion of SUSP#. Normally, once SUSP# has been sampled inactive the SUSPA# output will be deactivated within two clocks. However, the deactivation of SUSPA# may be delayed until the end of an active refresh cycle. If the CPU is already in a Suspend mode initiated by SUSP#, one occurrence of INTR and SMI# is stored for execution after Suspend mode is exited. The CPU also allows PCI master accesses during a SUSP#-initiated Suspend mode. See Figure 6-3 for timing details. If an unmasked REQx# is asserted, the GX1 processor will deassert SUSPA# and exit Suspend mode to respond to the PCI master access. If SUSP# is asserted when the PCI master access is completed, REQx# deasserted, the GX1 processor will reassert SUSPA# and return to a SUSP#-initiated Suspend mode. If the CPU is in the middle of a PCI master access when SUSP# is asserted, the assertion of SUSPA# will be delayed until the PCI access is completed. SYSCLK SUSP# SUSPA# Figure 6-2. SUSP#-Initiated Suspend Mode SYSCLK REQx# FRAME# TRDY# SUSP# SUSPA# Figure 6-3. PCI Access During Suspend Mode 170 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Power Management 6.2.3 Stopping the Input Clock The GX1 processor is a static device, allowing the input clock (SYSCLK) to be stopped and restarted without any loss of internal CPU data. The SYSCLK input can be stopped at either a logic high or logic low state. The required sequence for stopping SYSCLK is to initiate 3 Volt Suspend, wait for the assertion of SUSPA# by the processor, and then stop the input clock. The CPU remains suspended until SYSCLK is restarted and the Suspend mode is exited as described earlier. While SYSCLK is stopped, the processor can no longer sample and respond to any input stimulus including REQx#, NMI, SMI#, INTR, and RESET inputs. Figure 6-4 illustrates the recommended sequence for stopping the SYSCLK using SUSP# to initiate 3 Volt Suspend. SYSCLK may be started prior to or following negation of the SUSP# input. The figure includes the SUSP_3V pin from the AMD Geode™ CS5530A which is used to stop the external clocks. 6.2.4 Serial Packet Transmission The GX1 processor transmits the contents of the “PM Serial Packet” register on the SERIALP output pin to the PSERIAL input pin of the Geode CS5530A. The GX1 processor holds SERIALP low until the transmission interval counter (GX_BASE+8504h[4:3]) has elapsed. Once the counter has elapsed, PSERIAL is held high for two SYSCLKs to indicate the start of packet transmission. The contents of the packet register are then shifted out starting from bit 7 down to bit 0. PSERIAL is held high for one SYSCLK to indicate the end of packet transmission and then remains low until the next transmission interval. After the packet transmission has completed, the packet contents are cleared. SYSCLK SUSP# SUSPA# SUSP_3V (AMD Geode™ CS5530A) SMI Event, Timer or Pin Figure 6-4. Stopping SYSCLK During Suspend Mode AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 171 Revision 5.0 6.3 Power Management Power Management Registers The GX1 processor contains the power management registers for the serial packet transmission control, the userdefined power management address space, Suspend Refresh, and SMI status for Suspend/Resume. The power management registers are mapped to A00h locations starting at GX_BASE+8500h. However, only 16 bytes are defined and some of these registers will alias across the A00h space. The power management registers are described in the following sections. Refer to Section 5.1.2 "Control Registers" on page 94 for instructions on accessing these registers. Note, however, the PM_BASE and PM_MASK registers are accessed with the CPU_READ and CPU_WRITE instructions. Refer to Section 5.1.6 "CPU_READ/CPU_WRITE Instructions" on page 97 for more information regarding these instructions. Table 6-1 summarizes the above mentioned registers. Tables 6-2 and 6-3 give these register’s bit formats. Table 6-1. Power Management Register Summary GX_BASE+ Memory Offset Type Name/Function Default Value Control and Status Registers 8500h-8503h R/W PM_STAT_SMI xxxxxx00h PM SMI Status register: Contains System Management Mode (SMM) status information used by SoftVGA. 8504h-8507h R/W PM_CNTRL_TEN xxxxxx00h PM Serial Packet Control register: Sets the serial packet transmission frequency and enables specific CPU events to be recorded in the serial packet. 8508h-850Bh R/W PM_CNTRL_CSTP xxxxxx00h PM Clock Stop Control register: Enables the 3V Suspend Mode for the GX1 processor. 850Ch-850Fh R/W PM_SER_PACK xxxxxx00h PM Serial Packet register: Transmits the contents of the serial packet. Programmable Address Region Registers FFFFFF6Ch R/W PM_BASE 00000000h PM Base register: Contains the base address for the programmable memory range decode. This register, in combination with the PM_MASK register, is used to generate a memory range decode which sets bit 1 in the serial transmission packet. FFFFFF7Ch R/W PM_MASK 00000000h PM Mask register: The address mask for the PM_BASE register. 172 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Power Management Table 6-2. Power Management Control and Status Registers Bit Name Description GX_BASE+8500h-8503h PM_STAT_SMI Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxx00h 31:8 RSVD Reserved: These bits are not used. Do not write to these bits. 7:3 RSVD Reserved: Set to 0. 2 SMI_MEM SMI VGA Emulation Memory: This bit is set high if a SMI was generated for VGA emulation in response to a VGA memory access. An SMI can be generated on a memory access to one of three regions in the A0000h to BFFFFh range as specified in the BC_XMAP_1 register. (See Table 5-9 on page 99) 1 SMI_IO SMI VGA Emulation I/O: This bit is set high if a SMI was generated for VGA emulation in response to an I/ O access. An SMI can be generated on a I/O access to one of three regions in the 3B0h to 3DFh range as specified in the BC_XMAP_1 register. (See Table 5-9 on page 99) 0 SMI_PIN Note: SMI Pin: When set high, this bit indicates that the SMI# input pin has been asserted to the GX1 processor. These bits are “sticky” bits and can only be cleared with a write of ‘1’ to the respective bit. GX_BASE+8504h-8507h 31:8 RSVD PM_CNTRL_TEN Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxx00h Reserved: These bits are not used. Do not write to these bits. 7:6 RSVD 5 X_TEST (WO) Transmission Test (Write Only): Setting this bit causes the GX1 processor to immediately transmit the current contents of the serial packet. This bit is write only and is used primarily for test. This bit returns 0 on a read. Reserved: Set to 0. 4:3 X_FREQ Transmission Frequency: This field indicates the time between serial packet transmissions. Serial packet transmissions occur at the selected interval only if at least one of the packet bits is set high: 00 = Disable transmitter; 01 = 1 ms; 10 = 5 ms; 11 = 10 ms. 2 CPU_RD CPU Activity Read Enable: Setting this bit high enables reporting of CPU level-1 cache read misses that are not a result of an instruction fetch. This bit is a don’t-care if the CPU_EN bit is not set high. 1 CPU_EN CPU Activity Master Enable: Setting this bit high enables reporting of CPU Level-1 cache misses in bit 6 of the serial transmission packet. When enabled, the CPU Level-1 cache miss activity is reported on any read (assuming the CPU_RD is set high) or write access excluding misses that resulted from an instruction fetch. 0 VID_EN Video Event Enable: Setting this bit high enables video decode events to be reported in bit 0 of the serial transmission packet. CPU or graphics-pipeline accesses to the graphics memory and display-controllerregister accesses are also reported. GX_BASE+8508h-850Bh 31:8 RSVD 7:1 RSVD 0 CLK_STP PM_CNTRL_CSTP Register (R/W) Default Value = xxxxxx00h Reserved: These bits are not used. Do not write to these bits. Reserved: Set to 0. Clock Stop: This bit configures the GX1 processor for Suspend Refresh Mode or 3 Volt Suspend Mode: 0 = Suspend Refresh Mode. The clocks to the memory and display controller remain active during Suspend. 1 = 3 Volt Suspend Mode. The external clock may be stopped during Suspend. Note: When bit 0 is set high and the Suspend input pin (SUSP#) is asserted, the GX1 processor stops all it’s internal clocks, and asserts the Suspend Acknowledge output pin (SUSPA#). Once SUSPA# is asserted the GX1 processor’s SYSCLK input can be stopped. If bit 0 is cleared, the internal memory-controller and display-controller clocks are not stopped on the SUSP#/ SUSPA# sequence, and the SYSCLK input can not be stopped. GX_BASE+850Ch-850Fh PM_SER_PACK Register (R/O) Default Value = xxxxxx00h 31:8 RSVD 7 VID_IRQ Video IRQ: This bit indicates the occurrence of a video vertical sync pulse. This bit is set at the same time that the VINT (Vertical Interrupt) bit is set in the DC_TIMING_CFG register. The VINT bit has a corresponding enable bit (VIEN) in the DC_TIM_CFG register (Table 5-29 on page 137). 6 CPU_ACT CPU Activity: This bit indicates the occurrence of a level 1 cache miss that was not a result of an instruction fetch. This bit has a corresponding enable bit in the PM_CNTL_TEN register. 5:2 RSVD 1 USR_DEF Reserved: These bits are not used. Do not write to these bits. Reserved: Set to 0. Programmable Address Decode: This bit indicates the occurrence of a programmable memory address decode. This bit is set based on the values of the PM_BASE register and the PM_MASK register (see Table 6-3). The PM_BASE register can be initialized to any address in the full 256 MB address range. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 173 Revision 5.0 Power Management Table 6-2. Power Management Control and Status Registers (Continued) Bit Name 0 VID_DEC Note: Description Video Decode: This bit indicates that the CPU has accessed either the display controller registers or the graphics memory region. This bit has a corresponding enable bit in the PM_CNTRL_TEN. The GX1 processor transmits the contents of the serial packet only when a bit in the packet register is set and the interval counter has elapsed. The AMD Geode™ CS5530A companion device decodes the serial packet after each transmission. Once a bit in the packet is set, it will remain set until the completion of the next packet transmission. Successive events of the same type that occur between packet transmissions are ignored. Multiple unique events between packet transmissions will accumulate in this register. Table 6-3. Power Management Programmable Address Region Registers Bit Name Description Index FFFF FF6Ch 31:28 RSVD 27:2 BASE_ADDR 1:0 RSVD PM_BASE Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000000h Reserved: Set to 0. Base Address: This is the word-aligned base address for the programmable memory range compare. The actual address range is determined with this field and the PM_MASK register value. Reserved: Set to 0. Index FFFF FF7Ch PM_MASK Register (R/W) Default Value = 0000000h 31:28 RSVD 27:2 ADR_MASK 1 WE Write Enable: Compare memory write cycles with BASE_ADDR and ADR_MASK: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable. 0 RE Read Enable: Compare memory read cycles with BASE_ADDR and ADR_MASK: 0 = Disable; 1 = Enable 174 Reserved: Set to 0. Address Mask: This field is the address mask for the BASE_ADDR field in the PM_BASE register. If a bit in the ADR_MASK field is cleared the corresponding bit in the BASE_ADDR field must match the processor address. If a bit in the mask field is set high, the corresponding bit in the BASE_ADDR field always compares. If the processor cycle type matches the values of the WE and RE bits, and all bits in the BASE_ADDR field match the processor address based on the ADR_MASK field, bit 1 will be set high in the serial transmission packet. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Electrical Specifications Revision 5.0 7.0Electrical Specifications 7.1 Part Numbers/Performance Characteristics The GX1 series of processors is designated by three core voltage specifications: 2.2V, 2.0V, and 1.8V. Each core voltage is offered in frequencies that are enabled by specific system clock and internal multiplier settings. This allows the user to select the device(s) that best fit their power and performance requirements. This flexibility makes the GX1 processor series ideally suited for applications where power consumption and performance (speed) are equally important. The part numbers in Table 7-1 designate the various combinations of speed and power consumption available. Note that while there are three VCC2 (Core) voltages available, the VCC3 (I/O) voltage remains constant at 3.3V (nominal) in order to maintain LVTTL compatibility with external devices. Table 7-1. GX1 Processor Performance Characteristics Part Marking Core Voltage (VCC2) Frequency Multiplier Core Frequency Abs Max Power Typ Power1 80% Active Idle GX1-333B-85-2.2 2.2V (Nominal) 33 MHz x10 333 MHz 5.0W 1.4W GX1-300B-85-2.0 2.0V (Nominal) 33 MHz x9 300 MHz 3.7W 1.2W GX1-266B-85-1.8 1.8V (Nominal) 33 MHz x8 266 MHz 3.0W 1.0W x7 233 MHz 2.8W 0.95W x6 200 MHz 2.6W 0.8W GX1-233B-85-1.8 GX1-200B-85-1.8 1. System Clock Typical power consumption is defined as an average measured running Windows at 80% Active Idle (Suspend-on-Halt) with a display resolution of 800x600x8 bpp at 75 Hz. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 175 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications 7.2 Electrical Connections 7.2.1 Power/Ground Connections Testing and operating the GX1 processor requires the use of standard high frequency techniques to reduce parasitic effects. These effects can be minimized by filtering the DC power leads with low-inductance decoupling capacitors, using low-impedance wiring, and by connecting all VCC2 and VCC3 pins to the appropriate voltage levels. Power Planes Figure 7-1 shows layout recommendations for splitting the power plane between VCC2 (Core: 1.8V, 2.0V, or 2.2V) and VCC3 (I/O: 3.3V) volts in the EBGA package. The illustration assumes there is one power plane, and no components on the back of the board. 3.3V Plane (VCC3) A 26 1 A 1.8V, 2.0V, or 2.2V Plane (VCC2) AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor 3.3V Plane (VCC3) 3.3V Plane (VCC3) 352 EBGA - Top View 1.8V, 2.0V, or 2.2V Plane (VCC2) AF AF 1 26 3.3V Plane (VCC3) Legend = High frequency capacitor = 220 µF, low ESR capacitor = 3.3V connection Note: Where signals cross plane splits, it is recommended to include AC decoupling between planes with 47 pF capacitors. = 1.8V, 2.0V, or 2.2V connection Figure 7-1. EBGA Recommended Split Power Plane and Decoupling 176 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications 7.2.2 NC-Designated Pins Pins designated NC (No Connection) should be left disconnected. Connecting an NC pin to a pull-up/-down resistor, or an active signal could cause unexpected results and possible circuit malfunctions. 7.2.3 Table 7-2. Pins with > 20-kohm Internal Resistor EBGA Pin No. PU/PD SUSP# H2 Pull-up FRAME# A8 Pull-up IRDY# C9 Pull-up TRDY# B9 Pull-up STOP# C11 Pull-up LOCK# B11 Pull-up DEVSEL# A9 Pull-up PERR# A11 Pull-up SERR# C12 Pull-up D3, H3, E3 Pull-up Signal Name Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors Table 7-2 lists the input pins that are internally connected to a weak (>20-kohm) pull-up/-down resistor. When unused, these inputs do not require connection to an external pull-up/-down resistor. 7.2.4 those listed under Operating Conditions in Table 7-4 on page 178 is possible. Unused Input Pins All inputs not used by the system designer and not listed in Table 7-2 should be kept at either ground or VCC3. To prevent possible spurious operation, connect active-high inputs to ground through a 20-kohm (±10%) pull-down resistor and active-low inputs to VCC3 through a 20-kohm (±10%) pull-up resistor. REQ[2:0]# Absolute Maximum Ratings TCLK J2 Pull-up Table 7-3 lists absolute maximum ratings for the GX1 processor. Stresses beyond the listed ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to conditions beyond these limits may (1) reduce device reliability and (2) result in premature failure even when there is no immediately apparent sign of failure. Prolonged exposure to conditions at or near the absolute maximum ratings may also result in reduced useful life and reliability. These are stress ratings only and do not imply that operation under any conditions other than TMS H1 Pull-up TDI D2 Pull-up TEST F3 Pull-down 7.3 Table 7-3. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit TCASE Operating Case Temperature –65 110 °C Power Applied TSTORAGE Storage Temperature –65 150 °C No Bias VCC2 Core Supply Voltage 2.31 V VCC3 I/O Supply Voltage 3.6 V VMAX Voltage On Any Pin –0.5 3.6 V IIK Input Clamp Current –0.5 10 mA Power Applied IOK Output Clamp Current 25 mA Power Applied AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Comments 177 Revision 5.0 7.4 Electrical Specifications Operating Conditions Table 7-4 lists the operating conditions for the GX1 processor. Table 7-4. Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit TC Operating Case Temperature 0 85 °C VCC2 Core Supply Voltage1, 2 1.8V (Nominal); fCLK = 200, 233, or 266 MHz 1.71 1.89 V 2.0V (Nominal); fCLK = 300 MHz 1.90 2.10 V 2.2V (Nominal); fCLK = 333 MHz 2.09 2.31 V VCC3 I/O Supply Voltage (3.3V Nominal)1 3.14 3.46 V VIH Input High Voltage3 2.0 VCC3+0.5 V PCI Bus 0.5*VCC3 VCC3+0.5 V SYSCLK 2.7 VCC3+0.5 V All except PCI Bus and SYSCLK –0.5 0.8 V PCI Bus –0.5 0.3VCC3 V SYSCLK –0.5 0.4 V All except PCI Bus and SYSCLK VIL Comments Input Low Voltage IOH Output High Current –2 mA VO = VOH (Min) IOL Output Low Current 5 mA VO = VOL (Max) 1. This parameter is calculated as nominal ±5%. 2. fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. 3. Pin is not tolerant to the PCI 5 Volt Signaling Environment DC specification. 178 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications 7.5 DC Characteristics All DC parameters and current measurements in this section were measured under the operating conditions listed in Table 7-4 "Operating Conditions" on page 178. 7.5.1 Input/Output DC Characteristics Table 7-5 shows the input/output DC parameters for all devices in the GX1 processor series. 7.5.2 DC Current DC current is not a simple measurement. The CPU has four power states and two functional characteristics that determine how much current the processor uses at any given point in time. Definition of CPU Power States The following DC characteristic tables list CPU core and I/O current for four distinct CPU power states: • On: All internal and external clocks with respect to the processor are running and all functional blocks inside the processor (CPU core, memory controller, display controller, etc.) are actively generating cycles. This is equivalent to the ACPI specification’s S0 state. • Active Idle: The CPU core has been halted, all other functional blocks (including the display controller for refreshing the display) are actively generating cycles. This state is entered when a HLT instruction is executed by the CPU core or the SUSP# pin is asserted. From a user’s perspective, this state is indistinquishable from the On state and is equivalent to the ACPI specification’s S1 state. • Standby: The CPU core has been halted and all internal clocks have been shut down. Externally, the SYSCLK input continues to be driven. This is equivalent to the ACPI specification’s S2 or S3 state. • Sleep: Very similar to Standby except that the SYSCLK input has been shut down as well. This is the lowest power state the processor can be in with voltage still applied to the device’s core and I/O supply pins. This is equivalent to the ACPI specification’s S4 state. Table 7-5. DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage II Input Leakage Current for input pins except those with an internal pull-up/-down (PU/PD1). IIH Min Typ Max Unit Comments 0.4 V IOL = 5 mA V IOH = –2 mA ±10 µA 0 < VIN < VCC3 Input Leakage Current for input pins with an internal PD1. 200 µA VIH = 2.4V IIL Input Leakage Current for input pins with an internal PU1. –400 µA VIL = 0.35V CIN Input Capacitance 16 pF f = 1 MHz2 COUT Output or I/O Capacitance 16 pF f = 1 MHz2 CCLK CLK Capacitance 12 pF f = 1 MHz2 2.4 1. See Table 7-2 "Pins with > 20-kohm Internal Resistor" on page 177 for a listing of all inputs that are internally connected to a weak pull-up/-down resistor 2. Not 100% tested. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 179 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Definition and Measurement Techniques of CPU Current Parameters The following two parameters indicate processor current while in the On state: • Typical Average: Indicates the average current used by the processor while in the On state. This is measured by running typical Windows applications in a typical display mode. In this case, 800x600x8 bpp at 75 Hz, 50 MHz DCLK using a background image of vertical stripes (4pixel wide) alternating between black and white with power management disabled (to guarantee that the processor never goes into the Active Idle state). This number is provided for reference only since it can vary greatly depending on the usage model of the system. Note: This typical average should not be confused with the typical power numbers shown in Table 7-1 on page 175. The numbers in Table 7-1 are based on a combination of On (Typical Average) and Active Idle states. • Absolute Maximum: Indicates the maximum instantaneous current used by the processor. CPU core current is measured by running the Landmark Speed 200 benchmark test (with power management disabled) and measuring the peak current at any given instant during the test. I/O current is measured by running Microsoft® Windows® 98 and using a background image of vertical stripes (1-pixel wide) alternating between black and white at the maximum display resolution of 1280x1024x8 bpp at 85 Hz, 157 MHz DCLK. Definition of System Conditions for Measuring On Parameters Processor current is highly dependent on two functional characteristics, DCLK (Dot Clock) and SDRAM frequency. Table 7-6 shows how these factors are controlled when measuring the typical average and absolute maximum processor current parameters. Table 7-6. System Conditions Used to Determine CPU Current Used During the On State System Conditions CPU Current Measurement Typical Average Absolute Maximum VCC21 VCC31 DCLK Freq2 SDRAM Freq3 Nominal Nominal 50 MHz4 Nominal5 Max Max 157 MHz6 Max7 1. See Table 7-4 on page 178 for nominal and maximum voltages. 2. Not all system designs support display modes that require a DCLK of 157 MHz. Therefore, absolute maximum current will not be realized in all system designs. Refer to the de-rating curve in Figure 7-2 on page 184 to calculate absolute maximum current based on the system’s parameters. 3. SDRAM speeds between 79 and 111 MHz are only supported for particular types of closed system designs. Therefore, absolute maximum current will not be realized in most system designs. Refer to the de-rating curve in Figure 7-2 on page 184 to calculate absolute maximum current based on the system’s parameters. 4. A DCLK frequency of 50 MHz is derived by setting the display mode to 800x600x8 bpp at 75 Hz, using a display image of vertical stripes (4-pixel wide) alternating between black and white with power management disabled. 5. SDRAM nominal frequency represents a single value that the memory controller can be configured for, between 66 MHz and 85 MHz, based on a given core clock frequency: 200 MHz (6x)/3.0 = 66.67 MHz 233 MHz (7x)/3.0 = 77.78 MHz 266 MHz (8x)/3.5 = 76.19 MHz 300 MHz (9x)/4.0 = 75.0 MHz 333 MHz (10x)/4.0 = 83.3 MHz 6. A DCLK frequency of 157 MHz is derived by setting the display mode to 1280x1024x8 bpp at 85 Hz, using a display image of vertical stripes (1-pixel wide) alternating between black and white with power management disabled. 7. SDRAM max frequency represents the highest frequency that the memory controller can be configured, up to 111 MHz, based on a given core clock frequency: 200 MHz (6x)/2.0 = 100.0 MHz 233 MHz (7x)/2.5 = 93.3 MHz 266 MHz (8x)/3.0 = 88.9 MHz 300 MHz (9x)/3.0 = 100.0 MHz 333 MHz (10x)/3.0 = 111.0 MHz Note: Not all configurations listed here are supported. Refer to the document titled “Geode™ GX1 Processor Series: Memory Timings for Maximum Performance” for supported configurations. 180 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications DC Current Measurements The following tables show the DC current measurements for the 1.8V (Tables 7-7 and 7-8), 2.0V (Tables 7-9 and 7-10) and 2.2V (Tables 7-11 and 7-12) devices of the GX1 processor series. Table 7-7. 1.8V DC Characteristics for CPU State = On Symbol Parameter1 ICC3ON I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = On ICC2ON 1. Typ Avg Abs Max Unit Comments mA ICC for VCC3 mA ICC for VCC2 fCLK = 200 MHz 140 340 fCLK = 233 MHz 160 350 fCLK = 266 MHz 160 350 Core Current @ VCC2 = 1.8V (Nominal); CPU State = On fCLK = 200 MHz 600 850 fCLK = 233 MHz 680 860 fCLK = 266 MHz 760 960 fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. Table 7-8. 1.8V DC Characteristics for CPU State = Active Idle, Standby, and Sleep Symbol Parameter1 ICC3IDLE I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Active Idle Min Typ fCLK = 200 MHz 130 fCLK = 233 MHz 140 fCLK = 266 MHz 140 Max Unit Comments mA ICC for VCC3 ICC3STBY I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Standby 45 mA ICC for VCC32 ICC3SLP I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Sleep 40 mA ICC for VCC33 ICC2IDLE Core Current @ VCC2 =1.8V (Nominal); CPU State = Active Idle mA ICC for VCC2 fCLK = 200 MHz 120 fCLK = 233 MHz 170 fCLK = 266 MHz 185 ICC2STBY Core Current @ VCC2 = 1.8V (Nominal); CPU State = Standby 27 62 mA ICC for VCC22 ICC2SLP Core Current @ VCC2 = 1.8V (Nominal); CPU State = Sleep 20 50 mA ICC for VCC23 1. fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. 2. All inputs are at 0.2V or VCC3 – 0.2 (CMOS levels). All inputs except clock are held static, and all outputs are unloaded (static IOUT = 0 mA). 3. All inputs are at 0.2V or VCC3 – 0.2 (CMOS levels). All inputs are held static, and all outputs are unloaded (static IOUT = 0 mA). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 181 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-9. 2.0V DC Characteristics for CPU State = On Symbol Parameter1 ICC3ON ICC2ON 1. Typ Avg Abs Max Unit Comments I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = On; fCLK = 300 MHz 145 340 mA ICC for VCC3 Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.0V (Nominal); CPU State = On; fCLK = 300 MHz 970 1240 mA ICC for VCC2 fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. Table 7-10. 2.0V DC Characteristics for CPU State = Active Idle, Standby, and Sleep Symbol Parameter1 ICC3IDLE I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Active Idle; fCLK = 300 MHz ICC3STBY I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Standby ICC3SLP I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Sleep ICC2IDLE Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.0V (Nominal); CPU State = Active Idle; fCLK = 300 MHz 250 ICC2STBY Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.0V (Nominal); CPU State = Standby 28 ICC2SLP Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.0V (Nominal); CPU State = Sleep 20 Min Typ Max Unit Comments mA ICC for VCC3 45 mA ICC for VCC32 40 mA ICC for VCC33 mA ICC for VCC2 65 mA ICC for VCC22 50 mA ICC for VCC23 125 1. fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. 2. All inputs are at 0.2V or VCC3 – 0.2 (CMOS levels). All inputs except clock are held static, and all outputs are unloaded (static IOUT = 0 mA) 3. All inputs are at 0.2V or VCC3 – 0.2 (CMOS levels). All inputs are held static, and all outputs are unloaded (static IOUT = 0 mA). 182 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-11. 2.2V DC Characteristics for CPU State = On Symbol Parameter1 ICC3ON ICC2ON 1. Typ Avg Abs Max Unit Comments I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = On; fCLK = 333 MHz 125 240 mA ICC for VCC3 Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.1V (Nominal); CPU State = On; fCLK = 333 MHz 1250 1775 mA ICC for VCC2 fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. Table 7-12. 2.2V DC Characteristics for CPU State = Active Idle, Standby, and Sleep Symbol Parameter1 ICC3IDLE I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Active Idle; fCLK = 333 MHz ICC3STBY I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Standby ICC3SLP I/O Current @ VCC3 = 3.3V (Nominal); CPU State = Sleep ICC2IDLE Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.1V (Nominal); CPU State = Active Idle; fCLK = 333 MHz 280 ICC2STBY Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.1V (Nominal); CPU State = Standby 50 ICC2SLP Core Current @ VCC2 = 2.1V (Nominal); CPU State = Sleep 40 Min Typ Max Unit Comments mA ICC for VCC3 45 mA ICC for VCC32 40 mA ICC for VCC33 mA ICC for VCC2 120 mA ICC for VCC22 100 mA ICC for VCC23 115 1. fCLK ratings refer to internal clock frequency. 2. All inputs are at 0.2V or VCC3 – 0.2 (CMOS levels). All inputs except clock are held static, and all outputs are unloaded (static IOUT = 0 mA) 3. All inputs are at 0.2V or VCC3 – 0.2 (CMOS levels). All inputs are held static, and all outputs are unloaded (static IOUT = 0 mA). AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 183 Revision 5.0 7.6 Electrical Specifications I/O Current De-Rating Curve As mentioned in Section "Definition of System Conditions for Measuring On Parameters" on page 180, the I/O current of the processor is affected by two system parameters, DCLK and SDRAM frequency. A de-rating curve (see Figure 7-2) is provided so that the system designer can determine the absolute maximum I/O current used by the processor for a particular design. Core current is not significantly affected by these two parameters, so a core current de-rating curve is not provided. 7.6.1 7.6.2 Each device in the GX1 processor series is defined by a particular core voltage and core frequency. The SDRAM frequency is derived internally by a programmable divisor of the core frequency. Typically, there are three SDRAM frequencies between 66.7 and 111 MHz that can be derived from a single core frequency. These three frequencies are provided in the following de-rating curve so that their effect on current can be seen. Just as with the display resolution, current de-rating due to memory speed is linear. SDRAM frequencies between 79 and 111 MHz are only supported for certain types of closed systems and strict design rules must be adhered to. For further details, please contact your local AMD technical support representative. Display Resolution The change in current of five common display resolutions is used to extrapolate the de-rating curve. DCLK is derived from the display resolution, color depth, and refresh rate. The relationship between DCLK and I/O current is linear. The system designer must determine the maximum DCLK frequency required in the system based on the maximum display that will be supported. 7.6.3 I/O Current De-Rating Curve The I/O current de-rating curve, shown in Figure 7-2, is the same for all devices in the GX1 series of processors. While the memory speeds for the various core frequencies are different, the three memory speeds for each device produce the same de-rating effect. 1280x1024 at 85 Hz, (DCLK = 157 MHz) Absolute Maximum 0 Memory Speed Mem 1 Mem 2 -20 ICC3 (mA) De-Rate Amount Mem 1 -40 -60 y pla s i D -80 -100 i lut so e R Mem 3 1280x1024 at 75 Hz, (DCLK = 135 MHz) Mem 1 Mem 2 Mem 3 1280x1024 at 60 Hz, (DCLK = 108 MHz) Mem 2 Mem 1 -100 -120 Mem 2 on Mem 1 -120 Mem 3 Mem 3 Mem 2 Mem 1 -140 Mem 3 Mem 2 1024x768 at 75 Hz, (DCLK = 79 MHz) 800x600 at 72 Hz, (DCLK = 50 MHz) Mem 3 640x480 at 72 Hz, (DCLK = 32 MHz) -160 MHz Mem 1 MHz Mem 2 MHz Mem 3 MHz 200 ÷2.0 100.0 ÷2.5 80.0 ÷3.0 66.7 233 ÷2.5 93.3 ÷3.0 77.8 ÷3.5 66.7 266 ÷3.0 88.9 ÷3.5 76.2 ÷4.0 66.7 300 ÷3.0 100.0 ÷3.5 85.7 ÷4.0 75.0 333 ÷3.0 111.0 ÷3.5 95.1 ÷4.0 83.3 Note: Pixel color depth does not affect power consumption or DCLK frequency. Figure 7-2. Absolute Max I/O Current De-Rating Curve (All Speeds and Core Voltages) 184 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications 7.7 AC Characteristics The following tables list the AC characteristics including output delays, input setup requirements, input hold requirements, and output float delays. The rising-clock-edge reference level VREF, and other reference levels are shown in Table 7-13. Input or output signals must cross these levels during testing. While most minimum, maximum, and typical AC characteristics are only shown as a single value, they are tested and guaranteed across the entire processor core voltage range of 1.8V to 2.2V (nominal). AC characteristics that are affected significantly by the core voltage or speed grade are documented accordingly. Input setup and hold times are specified minimums that define the smallest acceptable sampling window for which a synchronous input signal must be stable for correct operation. Table 7-13. Drive Level and Measurement Points for Switching Characteristics Note: All AC tests are performed at these parameters unless otherwise specified: VCC2 = 1.71V to 1.89V (1.8V Nominal) VCC2 = 1.90V to 2.10V (2.0V Nominal) VCC2 = 2.09V to 2.31V (2.2V Nominal) VCC3 = 3.14V to 3.46V (3.3V Nominal) TC = 0oC to 85oC RL = 50 ohms CL = 50 pF Symbol Voltage (V) VREF 1.5 VIHD 2.4 VILD 0.4 TX CLK VIHD VREF VILD A B OUTPUTS Max Min Valid Output n Valid Output n+1 C INPUTS VIHD VILD VREF D Valid Input VREF Legend: A = Maximum Output Delay Specification B = Minimum Output Delay Specification C = Minimum Input Setup Specification D = Minimum Input Hold Specification Figure 7-3. Drive Level and Measurement Points for Switching Characteristics AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 185 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-14. System Signals Parameter Min Max Unit Setup Time for RESET, INTR1 5 ns Hold Time for RESET, INTR1 2 ns Setup Time for SMI#, SUSP#, FLT# 5 ns Hold Time for SMI#, SUSP#, FLT# 2 ns Valid Delay for IRQ13 2 15 ns Valid Delay for SUSPA# 3 15 ns Valid Delay for SERIALP 2 15 ns 1. The system signals may be asynchronous. The setup/hold times are required for determining static behavior. Table 7-15. VCC2 and VCC3 Power Sequencing Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit tON Power On1 0 100 ms tOFF Power Off 0 100 ms 1. VCC3 must be floating (not grounded) when power is applied to VCC2. VCC2 tON tOFF VCC3 Figure 7-4. VCC2 and VCC3 POR Timing 186 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-16. Clock Signals SYSCLK = 33 MHz1 Symbol Parameter t1 SYSCLK Period t2 SYSCLK Period Stability t3 SYSCLK High Time 10.5 ns t4 SYSCLK Low Time 10.5 ns t5 SYSCLK Fall Time2 0.5 1.5 ns t6 SYSCLK Rise Time2 0.5 1.5 ns t9 SDCLK_OUT, SDCLK[3:0] Period 200 MHz/3.0; 233 MHz/3.5; 266 MHz/4.0; 300 MHz/4.5 12.8 18.0 ns 233 MHz/3.0; 266 MHz/3.5; 300 MHz/4.0 11.1 16.3 233 MHz/2.5 9.1 13.7 266 MHz/3.0; 300 MHz/3.5 9.7 14.3 300 MHz/3.0 8.5 12.3 333 MHz/3.0 7.6 12.0 333 MHz/4.0 10.2 15.0 t10 t11 Min Typ Max Unit 29.75 30.0 30.25 ns ±250 ps SDCLK_OUT, SDCLK[3:0] High Time 200 MHz/3.0; 233 MHz/3.5; 266 MHz/4.0; 300 MHz/4.5 5.6 233 MHz/3; 266 MHz/3.5; 300 MHz/4.0 4.8 233 MHz/2.5 3.8 266 MHz/3.0; 300 MHz/3.5 4.1 300 MHz/3.0 3.5 333 MHz/3.0 3.1 333 MHz/4.0 4.5 ns SDCLK_OUT, SDCLK[3:0] Low Time 200 MHz/3.0; 233 MHz/3.5; 266 MHz/4.0; 300 MHz/4.5 5.6 233 MHz/3; 266 MHz/3.5; 300 MHz/4.0 4.8 233 MHz/2.5 3.8 266 MHz/3.0; 300 MHz/3.5 4.1 300 MHz/3.0 3.5 333 MHz/3.0 3.1 333 MHz/4.0 4.5 t12 SDCLK_OUT, SDCLK[3:0] Fall Time2 0.5 ns t13 SDCLK_OUT, SDCLK[3:0] Rise Time2 0.45 ns 1. A SYSCLK of 33 MHz corresponds to core frequencies of 200, 233, 266, 300, and 333 MHz. 2. SDCLK_OUT and SYSCLK rise and fall times are measured between VIH min and VIL max with a 50 pF load. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book ns 187 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications t1 t3 VIH(Min) 1.5V VIL(Max) SYSCLK t6 t4 t5 Figure 7-5. SYSCLK Timing and Measurement Points t9 t10 VIH (Min) 1.5V VIL (Max) SDCLK_OUT, SDCLK[3:0] t13 t11 t12 Figure 7-6. SDCLK[3:0] Timing and Measurement Points 188 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-17. PCI Interface Signals Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit tVAL1 Delay Time, SYSCLK to Signal Valid for Bused Signals 2 11 ns tVAL2 Delay Time, SYSCLK to Signal Valid for GNT#1, 2 2 9 ns tON Delay Time, Float to Active 2 tOFF Delay Time, Active to Float tSU1 Input Setup Time for Bused Signals 7 ns tSU2 Input Setup Time for REQ#1, 2 6 ns tH Input Hold Time to SYSCLK 0 ns ns 28 ns 1. GNT# and REQ# are point-to-point signals. All other PCI interface signals are bused. Refer to Chapter 4 of PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1, for more detailed information. 2. Maximum timings are improved over the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. This allows a PAL or some other circuit to use a REQ/GNT pair to expand the number of REQ/GNT pairs available to the system. SYSCLK tVAL1,2 OUTPUT TRI-STATE OUTPUT tON tOFF Figure 7-7. Output Timing SYSCLK tSU1,2 tH INPUT Figure 7-8. Input Timing AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 189 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-18. SDRAM Interface Signals Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit t1 RASA#, RASB#, CASA#, CASB#, WEA#, WEB#, CKEA, CKEB, DQM[7:0], CS[3:0]# Ouput Valid from SDCLK[3:0] t1 Min = z – 2.71 t1 Max = z + 0.31 ns t2 MA[12:0], BA[1:0] Output Valid from SDCLK[3:0] t2 Min = z – 2.71 t2 Max = z + 0.31 ns t3 MD[63:0] Output Valid from SDCLK[3:0] t2 Min = z – 2.61 t3 Max = z + 0.31 ns t4 MD[63:0] Read Data in Setup to SDCLK_IN 0.7 ns t5 MD[63:0] Read Data Hold to SDCLK_IN 2.3 ns 1. Calculation of minimum and maximum values of t1, t2, and t3: (see Figure 5-10 on page 117) x =shift value applied to SHFTSDCLK field where SHFTSDCLK field = GX_BASE+8404h[5:3]. y = core clock period ÷ 2 z = (x * y) Equation Example: A 200 MHz GX1 processor interfacing with a 66 MHz SDRAM bus, having a shift value of 2: x=2 core clock period = 1/(200 MHz) = 5 ns y=5÷2 t1 Min = (2 * (5 ÷ 2)) – 2.7 = 2.3 ns t1 Max = (2 * (5 ÷ 2)) + 0.3 = 5.3 ns t1, t2, t3 SDCLK[3:0] CNTRL, MA[12:0], BA[1:0], MD[63:0] Valid Figure 7-9. Output Valid Timing t4 t5 SDCLK_IN MD[63:0] Read Data In Data Valid Data Valid Figure 7-10. Setup and Hold Timings - Read Data In 190 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-19. Video Interface Signals Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit t1 PCLK Period 6.3 40.0 ns t2 PCLK High Time 2.8 ns t3 PCLK Low Time 2.8 ns t4 PIXEL[17:0], CRT_HSYNC, CRT_VSYNC, FP_HSYNC, FP_VSYNC, ENA_DISP Valid Delay from PCLK Rising Edge 1.31 t5 VID_CLK Period 7.5 ns t6 VID_RDY Setup to VID_CLK Rising Edge 5.0 ns t7 VID_RDY Hold to VID_CLK Rising Edge 2.0 ns t8 VID_VAL, VID_DATA[7:0] Valid Delay from VID_CLK Rising Edge 1.02 t9 DCLK Period 6.3 t10 DCLK Rise/Fall Time tCYC DCLK Duty Cycle 3.8 3.2 Tested to 1.0 ns, guaranteed by design to 1.3 ns. 2. VID_VAL tested to 0.8 ns, guaranteed by design to 1.0 ns. t1 t2 ns ns 40 1. ns 2.0 ns 60 % t4 t3 PCLK PIXEL[17:0], CRT_HSYNC, CRT_VSYNC, FP_HSYNC, FP_VSYNC, ENA_DISP Data Valid Data Valid Figure 7-11. Graphics Port Timing AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 191 Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications t8 t7 t5 t6 VID_CLK VID_VAL VID_RDY VID_DATA[7:0] Figure 7-12. Video Port Timing t10 t9 DCLK Figure 7-13. DCLK Timing 192 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Electrical Specifications Table 7-20. JTAG AC Specification Symbol Parameter Min TCK Frequency (MHz) Max Unit 25 MHz t1 TCK Period 40 ns t2 TCK High Time 10 ns t3 TCK Low Time 10 ns t4 TCK Rise Time 4 ns t5 TCK Fall Time 4 ns t6 TDO Valid Delay 3 25 ns t7 Non-test Outputs Valid Delay 3 25 ns t8 TDO Float Delay 30 ns t9 Non-test Outputs Float Delay 36 ns t10 TDI, TMS Setup Time 8 ns t11 Non-test Inputs Setup Time 8 ns t12 TDI, TMS Hold Time 7 ns t13 Non-test Inputs Hold Time 7 ns t1 t2 VIH(Min) 1.5 V VIL(Max) TCK t3 t4 t5 Figure 7-14. TCK Timing and Measurement Points TCK 1.5V t10 t12 TDI, TMS t6 t8 TDO t7 t9 Output Signals t11 t13 Input Signals Figure 7-15. JTAG Test Timings AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 193 Revision 5.0 194 Electrical Specifications AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Instruction Set Revision 5.0 8.0Instruction Set This section summarizes the instruction set of the AMD Geode™ GX1 processor and provides detailed information on the instruction encodings. The instruction set is divided into four categories: • Processor Core Instruction Set - listed in Table 8-27 on page 205. uses two general register components, add one clock to the clock count shown. 7) All clock counts assume aligned 32-bit memory/IO operands. 8) If instructions access a 32-bit operand on odd addresses, add one clock for read or write and add two clocks for read and write. 9) For non-cached memory accesses, add two clocks (clock doubled GX1 processor cores) or four clocks (clock tripled GX1 processor cores), assuming zero wait state memory accesses. • FPU Instruction Set - listed in Table 8-29 on page 217. • MMX Instruction Set - listed in Table 8-31 on page 222. • Extended MMX Instruction Set - listed in Table 8-33 on page 226. These tables provide information on the instruction encoding, and the instruction clock counts for each instruction. The clock count values for these tables are based on the following assumptions 1) All clock counts refer to the internal processor core clock frequency. For example, clock doubled GX1 processor cores will reference a clock frequency that is twice the bus frequency. 2) The instruction has been prefetched, decoded and is ready for execution. 3) Bus cycles do not require wait states. 4) There are no local bus HOLD requests delaying processor access to the bus. 5) No exceptions are detected during instruction execution. 6) If an effective address is calculated, it does not use two general register components. One register, scaling and displacement can be used within the clock count shown. However, if the effective address calculation 10) Locked cycles are not cacheable. Therefore, using the LOCK prefix with an instruction adds additional clocks as specified in item 9 above. 8.1 General Instruction Set Format Depending on the instruction, the GX1 processor core instructions follow the general instruction format shown in Table 8-1. These instructions vary in length and can start at any byte address. An instruction consists of one or more bytes that can include prefix bytes, at least one opcode byte, a mod r/m byte, an s-i-b byte, address displacement, and immediate data. An instruction can be as short as one byte and as long as 15 bytes. If there are more than 15 bytes in the instruction, a general protection fault (error code 0) is generated. The fields in the general instruction format at the byte level are summarized in Table 8-2 and detailed in the following subsections. Table 8-1. General Instruction Set Format Register and Address Mode Specifier mod r/m Byte s-i-b Byte Prefix (Optional) Opcode mod reg r/m ss index base Address Displacement Immediate Data 0 or More Bytes 1 or 2 Bytes 7:6 5:3 2:0 7:6 5:3 2:0 0, 8, 16, or 32 Bits 0, 8, 16, or 32 Bits AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 195 Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-2. Instruction Fields Field Name Description Prefix (optional) Prefix Field(s): One or more optional fields that are used to specify segment register override, address and operand size, repeat elements in string instruction, LOCK# assertion. Opcode Opcode Field: Identifies instruction operation. mod Address Mode Specifier: Used with r/m field to select addressing mode. reg General Register Specifier: Uses reg, sreg3 or sreg2 encoding depending on opcode field. r/m Address Mode Specifier: Used with mod field to select addressing mode. ss Scale factor: Determines scaled-index address mode. index Index: Determines general register to be used as index register. base Base: Determines general register to be used as base register. Address Displacement Displacement: Determines address displacement. Immediate Data Immediate Data: Immediate data operand used by instruction. 8.1.1 Prefix (Optional) Table 8-3. Instruction Prefix Summary Prefix bytes can be placed in front of any instruction to modify the operation of that instruction. When more than one prefix is used, the order is not important. There are five types of prefixes that can be used: Prefix ES: 26h Override segment default, use ES for memory operand. 1) CS: 2Eh Override segment default, use CS for memory operand. SS: 36h Override segment default, use SS for memory operand. DS: 3Eh Override segment default, use DS for memory operand. FS: 64h Override segment default, use FS for memory operand. GS: 65h Override segment default, use GS for memory operand. Operand Size 66h Make operand size attribute the inverse of the default. Address Size 67h Make address size attribute the inverse of the default. LOCK F0h Assert LOCK# hardware signal. REPNE F2h Repeat the following string instruction. REP/REPE F3h Repeat the following string instruction. Segment Override explicitly specifies which segment register the instruction will use for effective address calculation. 2) Address Size switches between 16-bit and 32-bit addressing by selecting the non-default address size. 3) Operand Size switches between 16-bit and 32-bit operand size by selecting the non-default operand size. 4) 5) Repeat is used with a string instruction to cause the instruction to be repeated for each element of the string. Lock is used to assert the hardware LOCK# signal during execution of the instruction. Table 8-3 lists the encoding for different types of prefix bytes. 196 Encoding Description AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set 8.1.2 Opcode The opcode field specifies the operation to be performed by the instruction. The opcode field is either one or two bytes in length and may be further defined by additional bits in the mod r/m byte. Some operations have more than one opcode, each specifying a different form of the operation. Certain opcodes name instruction groups. For example, opcode 80h names a group of operations that have an immediate operand and a register or memory operand. The reg field may appear in the second opcode byte or in the mod r/m byte. The opcode may contain w, d, s and eee opcode fields, for example, as shown in Table 8-27 on page 205. w Field (Operand Size) When used, the 1-bit w field selects the operand size during 16-bit and 32-bit data operations. See Table 8-4. s Field (Immediate Data Field Size) When used, the 1-bit s field determines the size of the immediate data field. If the s bit is set, the immediate field of the opcode is 8 bits wide and is sign-extended to match the operand size of the opcode. See Table 8-6. Table 8-6. s Field Encoding Immediate Field Size s Field 8-Bit Operand Size 16-Bit Operand Size 32-Bit Operand Size 0 (or not present) 8 bits 16 bits 32 bits 1 8 bits 8 bits (sign-extended) 8 bits (sign-extended) Table 8-4. w Field Encoding Operand Size w Field 16-Bit Data Operations 32-Bit Data Operations 0 8 bits 8 bits 1 16 bits 32 bits eee Field (MOV-Instruction Register Selection) The eee field (bits [5:3]) is used to select the control, debug and test registers in the MOV instructions. The type of register and base registers selected by the eee field are listed in Table 8-7. The values shown in Table 8-7 are the only valid encodings for the eee bits. Table 8-7. eee Field Encoding d Field (Operand Direction) When used, the 1-bit d field determines which operand is taken as the source operand and which operand is taken as the destination. See Table 8-5. Table 8-5. d Field Encoding d Field 0 1 Direction of Operation Source Operand Register-to-Register or Register-to-Memory reg Register-to-Register or Memory-to-Register mod r/m or mod ssindex-base AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Destination Operand mod r/m or mod ss-indexbase reg eee Field Register Type Base Register 000 Control Register CR0 010 Control Register CR2 011 Control Register CR3 100 Control Register CR4 000 Debug Register DR0 001 Debug Register DR1 010 Debug Register DR2 011 Debug Register DR3 110 Debug Register DR6 111 Debug Register DR7 011 Test Register TR3 100 Test Register TR4 101 Test Register TR5 110 Test Register TR6 111 Test Register TR7 197 Revision 5.0 8.1.3 Instruction Set mod and r/m Byte (Memory Addressing) The mod and r/m fields within the mod r/m byte, select the type of memory addressing to be used. Some instructions use a fixed addressing mode (e.g., PUSH or POP) and therefore, these fields are not present. Table 8-8 lists the addressing method when 16-bit addressing is used and a mod r/m byte is present. Some mod r/m field encodings are dependent on the w field and are shown in Table 8-9. Table 8-8. mod r/m Field Encoding mod Field r/m Field 16-Bit Address Mode with 32-Bit Address Mode with mod r/m Byte and No s-i-b Byte mod r/m Byte1 Present1 Table 8-9. General Registers Selected by mod r/m Fields and w Field 16-Bit Operation mod w=0 r/m 32-Bit Operation w=1 w=0 w=1 11 000 AL AX AL EAX 11 001 CL CX CL ECX 11 010 DL DX DL EDX 11 011 BL BX BL EBX 11 100 AH SP AH ESP 11 101 CH BP CH EBP 11 110 DH SI DH ESI 11 111 BH DI BH EDI 00 000 DS:[BX+SI] DS:[EAX] 00 001 DS:[BX+DI] DS:[ECX] 00 010 SS:[BP+SI] DS:[EDX] 8.1.4 00 011 SS:[BP+DI] DS:[EBX] 00 100 DS:[SI] s-i-b is present (See Table 8-15) 00 101 DS:[DI] DS:[d32] The reg field (Table 8-10) determines which general registers are to be used. The selected register is dependent on whether a 16- or 32-bit operation is current and on the status of the w bit. 00 110 DS:[d16] DS:[ESI] 00 111 DS:[BX] DS:[EDI] 01 000 DS:[BX+SI+d8] DS:[EAX+d8] 01 001 DS:[BX+DI+d8] DS:[ECX+d8] 01 010 SS:[BP+SI+d8] DS:[EDX+d8] reg reg Field Table 8-10. General Registers Selected by reg Field 16-Bit Operation w=0 w=1 32-Bit Operation w=0 w=1 01 011 SS:[BP+DI+d8] DS:[EBX+d8] 000 AL AX AL EAX 01 100 DS:[SI+d8] s-i-b is present (See Table 8-15) 001 CL CX CL ECX 010 DL DX DL EDX 01 101 DS:[DI+d8] SS:[EBP+d8] 011 BL BX BL EBX 01 110 SS:[BP+d8] DS:[ESI+d8] 100 AH SP AH ESP 01 111 DS:[BX+d8] DS:[EDI+d8] 101 CH BP CH EBP 110 DH SI DH ESI 10 000 DS:[BX+SI+d16] DS:[EAX+d32] 111 BH DI BH EDI 10 001 DS:[BX+DI+d16] DS:[ECX+d32] 10 010 SS:[BP+SI+d16] DS:[EDX+d32] 10 011 SS:[BP+DI+d16] DS:[EBX+d32] 10 100 DS:[SI+d16] s-i-b is present (See Table 8-15) 10 101 DS:[DI+d16] SS:[EBP+d32] 10 110 SS:[BP+d16] DS:[ESI+d32] 10 111 DS:[BX+d16] DS:[EDI+d32] 11 xxx See Table 8-9. See Table 8-9 sreg2 Field (ES, CS, SS, DS Register Selection) The sreg2 field (Table 8-11) is a 2-bit field that allows one of the four 286-type segment registers to be specified. Table 8-11. sreg2 Field Encoding sreg2 Field 1. 198 d8 refers to 8-bit displacement, d16 refers to 16-bit displacement, and d32 refers to a 32-bit displacement. Segment Register Selected 00 ES 01 CS 10 SS 11 DS AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set sreg3 Field (FS and GS Segment Register Selection) The sreg3 field (Table 8-12) is 3-bit field that is similar to the sreg2 field, but allows use of the FS and GS segment registers. Table 8-12. sreg3 Field Encoding 8.1.5 sreg3 Field Segment Register Selected 000 ES 001 CS 010 SS 011 DS Base Field (s-i-b Present) In Table 8-8, the note “s-i-b is present” for certain entries forces the use of the mod and base field as listed in Table 8-15. The first two digits in the first column of Table 8-15 identifies the mod bits in the mod r/m byte. The last three digits in the first column of this table identify the base fields in the s-i-b byte. Table 8-15. mod base Field Encoding mod Field within mode/rm Byte (bits 7:6) base Field within s-i-b Byte (bits 2:0) 32-Bit Address Mode with mod r/m and s-i-b Bytes Present 100 FS 101 GS 00 000 DS:[EAX+(scaled index)] 110 Undefined 00 001 DS:[ECX+(scaled index)] 111 Undefined 00 010 DS:[EDX+(scaled index)] 00 011 DS:[EBX+(scaled index)] 00 100 SS:[ESP+(scaled index)] 00 101 DS:[d32+(scaled index)] s-i-b Byte (Scale, Indexing, Base) The s-i-b fields provide scale factor, indexing and a base field for address selection. The ss, index and base fields are described next. ss Field (Scale Selection) The ss field (Table 8-13) specifies the scale factor used in the offset mechanism for address calculation. The scale factor multiplies the index value to provide one of the components used to calculate the offset address. Table 8-13. ss Field Encoding 00 110 DS:[ESI+(scaled index)] 00 111 DS:[EDI+(scaled index)] 01 000 DS:[EAX+(scaled index)+d8] 01 001 DS:[ECX+(scaled index)+d8] 01 010 DS:[EDX+(scaled index)+d8] 01 011 DS:[EBX+(scaled index)+d8] 01 100 SS:[ESP+(scaled index)+d8] 01 101 SS:[EBP+(scaled index)+d8] 01 110 DS:[ESI+(scaled index)+d8] 01 111 DS:[EDI+(scaled index)+d8] ss Field Scale Factor 00 x1 01 x2 10 000 DS:[EAX+(scaled index)+d32] 01 x4 10 001 DS:[ECX+(scaled index)+d32] 11 x8 10 010 DS:[EDX+(scaled index)+d32] 10 011 DS:[EBX+(scaled index)+d32] 10 100 SS:[ESP+(scaled index)+d32] 10 101 SS:[EBP+(scaled index)+d32] 10 110 DS:[ESI+(scaled index)+d32] 10 111 DS:[EDI+(scaled index)+d32] Index Field (Index Selection) The index field (Table 8-14) specifies the index register used by the offset mechanism for offset address calculation. When no index register is used (index field = 100), the ss value must be 00 or the effective address is undefined. Table 8-14. index Field Encoding Index Field Index Register 000 EAX 001 ECX 010 EDX 011 EBX 100 none 101 EBP 110 ESI 111 EDI AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 199 Revision 5.0 8.2 CPUID Instruction The CPUID instruction (opcode 0FA2) allows the software to make processor inquiries as to the vendor, family, model, stepping, features and also provides cache information. The GX1 supports both the standard and AMD extended CPUID levels. The presence of the CPUID instruction is indicated by the ability to change the value of the ID flag, bit 21 in the EFLAGS register. The CPUID level allows the CPUID instruction to return different information in the EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX registers. The level is determined by the initialized value of the EAX register before the instruction is executed. A summary of the CPUID levels is shown in Table 8-16. Table 8-16. CPUID Levels Summary CPUID Type Initialized EAX Register Standard 00000000h Returned Data in EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX Registers Maximum standard levels, CPU vendor string Standard 00000001h Model, family, type and features Standard 00000002h TLB and cache information Extended 80000000h Maximum extended levels Extended 80000001h Extended model, family, type and features Extended 80000002h CPU marketing name string Extended 80000003h Extended 80000004h Extended 80000005h 8.2.1 Instruction Set Table 8-17. CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 0 Register1 EAX 1. Returned Contents 2 Description Max. Standard Level EBX 64 6F 65 47 (doeG) Vendor ID String 1 EDX 79 62 20 65 (yb e) Vendor ID String 2 ECX 43 53 4E 20 (CSN) Vendor ID String 3 The register column is intentionally out of order. CPUID Instruction with EAX = 00000001h Standard function 01h (EAX = 1) of the CPUID instruction returns the processor type, family, model, and stepping information of the current processor in the EAX register (see Table 8-18). The EBX and ECX registers are reserved. Table 8-18. EAX, EBX, ECX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 1 Register Returned Contents Description EAX[3:0] xx Stepping ID EAX[7:4] 4 Model EAX[11:8] 5 Family EAX[15:12] 0 Type EAX[31:16] - Reserved EBX - Reserved ECX - Reserved TLB and L1 cache description Standard CPUID Levels The standard CPUID levels are part of the standard x86 instruction set. CPUID Instruction with EAX = 00000000h Standard function 0h (EAX = 0) of the CPUID instruction returns the maximum standard CPUID levels as well as the processor vendor string. The standard feature flags supported are returned in the EDX register as shown in Table 8-19. Each flag refers to a specific feature and indicates if that feature is present on the processor. Some of these features have protection control in CR4. Before using any of these features on the processor, the software should check the corresponding feature flag. Attempting to execute an unavailable feature can cause exceptions and unexpected behavior. For example, software must check EDX bit 4 before attempting to use the Time Stamp Counter instruction. After the instruction is executed, the EAX register contains the maximum standard CPUID levels supported. The maximum standard CPUID level is the highest acceptable value for the EAX register input. This does not include the extended CPUID levels. The EBX through EDX registers contain the vendor string of the processor as shown in Table 8-17. 200 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-19. EDX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 1 Returned EDX Contents1 Feature Flag CR4 Bit - EDX[0] 1 FPU On-Chip EDX[1] 0 Virtual Mode Extension - EDX[2] 0 Debug Extensions - EDX[3] 0 Page Size Extensions - EDX[4] 1 Time Stamp Counter 2 EDX[5] 1 RDMSR / WRMSR Instructions - EDX[6] 0 Physical Address Extensions - EDX[7] 0 Machine Check Exception - CPUID Instruction with EAX = 00000002h Standard function 02h (EAX = 02h) of the CPUID instruction returns information that is specific to the AMD family of processors. Information about the TLB is returned in EAX as shown in Table 8-20. Information about the L1 cache is returned in EDX. Table 8-20. Standard CPUID with EAX = 00000002h Register Returned Contents Description EAX xx xx 70 xxh TLB is 32 entry, 4-way set associative, and has 4 KB pages. EAX xx xx xx 01h The CPUID instruction needs to be executed only once with an input value of 02h to retrieve complete information about the cache and TLB. EDX[8] 1 CMPXCHG8B Instruction - EDX[9] 0 On-Chip APIC Hardware - EDX[10] 0 Reserved - EBX Reserved EDX[11] 0 SYSENTER / SYSEXIT Instructions - ECX Reserved EDX[12] 0 Memory Type Range Registers - EDX EDX[13] 0 Page Global Enable - EDX[14] 0 Machine Check Architecture - EDX[15] 1 Conditional Move Instructions - EDX[16] 0 Page Attribute Table - EDX[22:17] 0 Reserved - EDX[23] 1 MMX Instructions - EDX[24] 0 Fast FPU Save and Restore - EDX[31:25] 0 Reserved - 1. 0 = Not Supported 8.2.2 xx xx xx 80h L1 cache is 16 KB, 4-way set associated, and has 16 bytes per line. Extended CPUID Levels Testing for extended CPUID instruction support can be accomplished by executing a CPUID instruction with the EAX register initialized to 80000000h. If a value greater than or equal to 80000000h is returned to the EAX register by the CPUID instruction, the processor supports extended CPUID levels. CPUID Instruction with EAX = 80000000h Extended function 80000000h (EAX = 80000000h) of the CPUID instruction returns the maximum extended CPUID levels supported by the current processor in EAX (Table 821). The EBX, ECX, and EDX registers are currently reserved. Table 8-21. Maximum Extended CPUID Level Register AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Returned Contents Description EAX 80000005h Maximum Extended CPUID Level (six levels) EBX - Reserved ECX - Reserved EDX - Reserved 201 Revision 5.0 CPUID Instruction with EAX = 80000001h Extended function 80000001h (EAX = 80000001h) of the CPUID instruction returns the processor type, family, model, and stepping information of the current processor in EAX. The EBX and ECX registers are reserved. The extended feature flags supported are returned in the EDX register as shown in Table 8-23. Each flag refers to a specific feature and indicates if that feature is present on the processor. Some of these features have protection control in CR4. Before using any of these features on the processor, the software should check the corresponding feature flag. Table 8-22. EAX, EBX, ECX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 80000001h Instruction Set Table 8-23. EDX CPUID Data Returned when EAX = 80000001h Returned CR4 Bit Contents1 Feature Flag EDX[0] 1 FPU On-Chip - EDX[1] 0 Virtual Mode Extension - EDX EDX[2] 0 Debugging Extension - EDX[3] 0 Page Size Extension (4 MB) - EDX[4] 1 Time Stamp Counter 2 EDX[5] 1 Model-Specific Registers (via RDMSR / WRMSR Instructions) - EDX[6] 0 Reserved - EDX[7] 0 Machine Check Exception - Register Returned Contents Description EAX[3:0] xx Stepping ID EAX[7:4] 4 Model EAX[11:8] 5 Family EAX[15:12] 0 Processor Type EDX[12] 0 Reserved - EAX[31:16] - Reserved EDX[13] 0 Page Global Enable - EBX - Reserved EDX[14] 0 Reserved - ECX - Reserved EDX[15] 1 Integer Conditional Move Instruction - EDX[16] 0 FPU Conditional Move Instruction - EDX[22:17] 0 Reserved - EDX[8] 1 CMPXCHG8B Instruction - EDX[9] 0 Reserved - EDX[10] 0 Reserved - EDX[11] 0 SYSCALL / SYSRET Instruction - EDX[23] 1 MMX - EDX[24] 1 6x86MX Multimedia Extensions - 1. 202 0 = Not supported. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set CPUID Instruction with EAX = 80000002h, 80000003h, 80000004h Extended functions 8000 0002h through 80000004h (EAX = 80000002h, EAX = 80000003h, EAX = 80000004h) of the CPUID instruction returns an ASCII string containing the name of the current processor. These functions eliminate the need to look up the processor name in a lookup table. Software can simply call these functions to obtain the name of the processor. The string may be 48 ASCII characters long, and is returned in little endian format. If the name is shorter than 48 characters long, the remaining bytes will be filled with ASCII NUL characters (00h). CPUID Instruction with EAX = 80000005h Extended function 80000005h (EAX = 80000005h) of the CPUID instruction returns information about the TLB and L1 cache to be looked up in a lookup table. Refer to Table 8-25. Table 8-25. Standard CPUID with EAX = 80000005h Register 80000003h 80000004h -- EBX xx xx 70 xxh TLB is 32 entry, 4-way set associative, and has 4 KB Pages. EBX xx xx xx 01h The CPUID instruction needs to be executed only once with an input value of 02h to retrieve complete information about the cache and TLB. L1 cache is 16 KB, 4-way set associated, and has 16 bytes per line. EAX CPU Name 1 EAX CPU Name 5 EAX CPU Name 9 EBX CPU Name 2 EBX CPU Name 6 EBX CPU Name 10 ECX ECX CPU Name 3 ECX CPU Name 7 ECX CPU Name 11 xx xx xx 80h EDX -- EDX CPU Name 4 EDX CPU Name 8 EDX CPU Name 12 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Description EAX Table 8-24. Official CPU Name 80000002h Returned Contents Reserved Reserved 203 Revision 5.0 8.3 Instruction Set Processor Core Instruction Set The instruction set for the GX1 processor core is summarized in Table 8-27. The table uses several symbols and abbreviations that are described next and listed in Table 826. Table 8-26. Processor Core Instruction Set Table Legend Symbol or Abbreviation Description Opcode 8.3.1 Opcodes Opcodes are given as hex values except when they appear within brackets as binary values. 8.3.2 Clock Counts The clock counts listed in the instruction set summary table are grouped by operating mode (real and protected) and whether there is a register/cache hit or a cache miss. In some cases, more than one clock count is shown in a column for a given instruction, or a variable is used in the clock count. 8.3.3 Immediate 8-bit data. Immediate 16-bit data. ### Full immediate 32-bit data (8, 16, 32 bits). + +++ 8-bit signed displacement. Full signed displacement (16, 32 bits). Clock Count / Register operand/memory operand. n Number of times operation is repeated. L Level of the stack frame. | Conditional jump taken | Conditional jump not taken. (e.g. “4|1” = 4 clocks if jump taken, 1 clock if jump not taken). \ CPL ≤ IOPL \ CPL > IOPL (where CPL = Current Privilege Level, IOPL = I/O Privilege Level). Flags There are nine flags that are affected by the execution of instructions. The flag names have been abbreviated and various conventions used to indicate what effect the instruction has on the particular flag. 204 # ## Flags OF Overflow Flag. DF Direction Flag. IF Interrupt Enable Flag. TF Trap Flag. SF Sign Flag. ZF Zero Flag. AF Auxiliary Flag. PF Parity Flag. CF Carry Flag. x Flag is modified by the instruction. - Flag is not changed by the instruction. 0 Flag is reset to “0”. 1 Flag is set to “1”. u Flag is undefined following execution the instruction. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F AAA ASCII Adjust AL after Add 37 u - - - u u x u x Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) 3 Prot’d Mode Issues 3 AAD ASCII Adjust AX before Divide D5 0A u - - - x x u x u 7 7 AAM ASCII Adjust AX after Multiply D4 0A u - - - x x u x u 19 19 AAS ASCII Adjust AL after Subtract 3F u - - - u u x u x 3 3 Register to Register 1 [00dw] [11 reg r/m] x - - x x 1 1 Register to Memory 1 [000w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 ADC Add with Carry - x x x Memory to Register 1 [001w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 010 r/m]### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator 1 [010w] ### 1 1 1 1 1 1 b h b h b h a h b, e g,h,j,k,r ADD Integer Add Register to Register 0 [00dw] [11 reg r/m] Register to Memory 0 [000w] [mod reg r/m] x - - - x x x x x Memory to Register 0 [001w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 000 r/m]### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator 0 [010w] ### 1 1 AND Boolean AND Register to Register 2 [00dw] [11 reg r/m] 1 1 Register to Memory 2 [000w] [mod reg r/m] 0 - - - x x u x 0 1 1 Memory to Register 2 [001w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 100 r/m]### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator 2 [010w] ### 1 1 ARPL Adjust Requested Privilege Level From Register/Memory 63 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - x - - - 9 BB0_Reset Set BLT Buffer 0 Pointer to the Base 0F 3A 2 2 BB1_Reset Set BLT Buffer 1 Pointer to the Base 0F 3B 2 2 8+INT 8+INT 7 7 BOUND Check Array Boundaries If Out of Range (Int 5) 62 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - If In Range BSF Scan Bit Forward Register, Register/Memory 0F BC [mod reg r/m] - - - - - x - - - 4/9+n 4/9+n b h 0F BD [mod reg r/m] - - - - - x - - - 4/11+n 4/11+n b h 0F C[1 reg] - - - - - - - - - 6 6 Register/Memory, Immediate 0F BA [mod 100 r/m]# - - - - - - - - x b h Register/Memory, Register 0F A3 [mod reg r/m] b h b h b h BSR Scan Bit Reverse Register, Register/Memory BSWAP Byte Swap BT Test Bit 1 1 1/7 1/7 BTC Test Bit and Complement Register/Memory, Immediate 0F BA [mod 111 r/m]# Register/Memory, Register 0F BB [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - x 2 2 2/8 2/8 BTR Test Bit and Reset Register/Memory, Immediate 0F BA [mod 110 r/m]# Register/Memory, Register 0F B3 [mod reg r/m - - - - - - - - x 2 2 2/8 2/8 BTS Test Bit and Set Register/Memory 0F BA [mod 101 r/m] Register (short form) 0F AB [mod reg r/m] AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book - - - - - - - - x 2 2 2/8 2/8 205 Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues CALL Subroutine Call Direct Within Segment E8 +++ Register/Memory Indirect Within Segment FF [mod 010 r/m] Direct Intersegment -Call Gate to Same Privilege -Call Gate to Different Privilege No Par’s -Call Gate to Different Privilege m Par’s -16-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -16-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -16-bit Task to V86 Task -32-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -32-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -32-bit Task to V86 Task Indirect Intersegment -Call Gate to Same Privilege -Call Gate to Different Privilege No Par’s -Call Gate to Different Privilege m Par’s -16-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -16-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -16-bit Task to V86 Task -32-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -32-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -32-bit Task to V86 Task - - - - - - - - - 3 3 3/4 3/4 9A [unsigned full offset, selector] 9 14 24 45 51+2m 183 189 123 186 192 126 FF [mod 011 r/m] 11 15 25 46 52+2m 184 190 124 187 193 127 b h,j,k,r CBW Convert Byte to Word 98 - - - - - - - - - 3 3 CDQ Convert Doubleword to Quadword 99 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 CLC Clear Carry Flag F8 - - - - - - - - 0 1 1 CLD Clear Direction Flag FC - 0 - - - - - - - 4 4 CLI Clear Interrupt Flag FA - - 0 - - - - - - 6 6 CLTS Clear Task Switched Flag 0F 06 - - - - - - - - - 7 7 CMC Complement the Carry Flag F5 - - - - - - - - x 3 3 - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 42 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 44 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 45 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 4D [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 40 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 41 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 4A [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 4B [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r m c l CMOVA/CMOVNBE Move if Above/Not Below or Equal Register, Register/Memory 0F 47 [mod reg r/m] CMOVBE/CMOVNA Move if Below or Equal/Not Above Register, Register/Memory 0F 46 [mod reg r/m] CMOVAE/CMOVNB/CMOVNC Move if Above or Equal/Not Below/Not Carry Register, Register/Memory 0F 43 [mod reg r/m] CMOVB/CMOVC/CMOVNAE Move if Below/Carry/Not Above or Equal Register, Register/Memory CMOVE/CMOVZ Move if Equal/Zero Register, Register/Memory CMOVNE/CMOVNZ Move if Not Equal/Not Zero Register, Register/Memory CMOVG/CMOVNLE Move if Greater/Not Less or Equal Register, Register/Memory 0F 4F [mod reg r/m] CMOVLE/CMOVNG Move if Less or Equal/Not Greater Register, Register/Memory 0F 4E [mod reg r/m] CMOVL/CMOVNGE Move if Less/Not Greater or Equal Register, Register/Memory 0F 4C [mod reg r/m] CMOVGE/CMOVNL Move if Greater or Equal/Not Less Register, Register/Memory CMOVO Move if Overflow Register, Register/Memory CMOVNO Move if No Overflow Register, Register/Memory CMOVP/CMOVPE Move if Parity/Parity Even Register, Register/Memory CMOVNP/CMOVPO Move if Not Parity/Parity Odd Register, Register/Memory 206 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues CMOVS Move if Sign Register, Register/Memory 0F 48 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r 0F 49 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 r Register to Register 3 [10dw] [11 reg r/m] x - - - x x x x x 1 1 Register to Memory 3 [101w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 CMOVNS Move if Not Sign Register, Register/Memory CMP Compare Integers Memory to Register 3 [100w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 111 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator 1 1 A [011w] x - - - x x x x x 6 6 Register1, Register2 0F B [000w] [11 reg2 reg1] x - - - x x x x x 6 6 Memory, Register 0F B [000w] [mod reg r/m] 6 6 CMPS Compare String 3 [110w] ### b h b h b h b,e e,h b h CMPXCHG Compare and Exchange CMPXCHG8B Compare and Exchange 8 Bytes 0F C7 [mod 001 r/m] - - - - - - - - - CPUID CPU Identification 0F A2 - - - - - - - - - 12 12 CPU_READ Read Special CPU Register 0F 3C 1 1 CPU_WRITE Write Special CPU Register 0F 3D 1 1 CWD Convert Word to Doubleword 99 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 CWDE Convert Word to Doubleword Extended 98 - - - - - - - - - 3 3 DAA Decimal Adjust AL after Add 27 - - - - x x x x x 2 2 DAS Decimal Adjust AL after Subtract 2F - - - - x x x x x 2 2 Register/Memory F [111w] [mod 001 r/m] x - - - x x x x - 1 1 Register (short form) 4 [1 reg] 1 1 20 29 45 20 29 45 13 13 17 17 17+2*L 17+2*L 10 10 20 29 45 20 29 45 4 5 15 4 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 16 6 16 8 8/22 8 8/22 11 11/25 DEC Decrement by 1 DIV Unsigned Divide Accumulator by Register/Memory Divisor: Byte Word Doubleword F [011w] [mod 110 r/m] - - - - x x u u - ENTER Enter New Stack Frame Level = 0 C8 ##,# - - - - - - - - - Level = 1 Level (L) > 1 HLT Halt F4 - - - - - - - - - F [011w] [mod 111 r/m] - - - - x x u u - l IDIV Integer (Signed) Divide Accumulator by Register/Memory Divisor: Byte Word Doubleword b,e e,h b h IMUL Integer (Signed) Multiply Accumulator by Register/Memory Multiplier: Byte Word Doubleword F [011w] [mod 101 r/m] Register with Register/Memory Multiplier: Word Doubleword 0F AF [mod reg r/m] Register/Memory with Immediate to Register2 Multiplier: Word Doubleword 6 [10s1] [mod reg r/m] ### x - - - x x u u x IN Input from I/O Port Fixed Port E [010w] # Variable Port E [110w] INS Input String from I/O Port AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 6 [110w] - - - - - - - - - m b h,m 207 Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues INC Increment by 1 Register/Memory F [111w] [mod 000 r/m] Register (short form) 4 [0 reg] x - - - x x x x - 1 1 1 1 b h b,e g,j,k,r t t INT Software Interrupt INT i CD # - - x 0 - - - - - 19 Protected Mode: -Interrupt or Trap to Same Privilege -Interrupt or Trap to Different Privilege -16-bit Task to 16-bit TSS by Task Gate -16-bit Task to 32-bit TSS by Task Gate -16-bit Task to V86 by Task Gate -16-bit Task to 16-bit TSS by Task Gate -32-bit Task to 32-bit TSS by Task Gate -32-bit Task to V86 by Task Gate -V86 to 16-bit TSS by Task Gate -V86 to 32-bit TSS by Task Gate -V86 to Privilege 0 by Trap Gate/Int Gate 33 55 184 190 124 187 193 127 187 193 64 INT 3 CC INTO If OF==0 If OF==1 (INT 4) CE INT INT 4 INT 4 INT INVD Invalidate Cache 0F 08 - - - - - - - - - 20 20 INVLPG Invalidate TLB Entry 0F 01 [mod 111 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 15 15 CF x x x x x x x x x 13 IRET Interrupt Return Real Mode Protected Mode: -Within Task to Same Privilege -Within Task to Different Privilege -16-bit Task to 16-bit Task -16-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -16-bit Task to V86 Task -32-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -32-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -32-bit Task to V86 Task g,h,j,k,r 20 39 169 175 109 172 178 112 JB/JNAE/JC Jump on Below/Not Above or Equal/Carry 8-bit Displacement 72 + Full Displacement 0F 82 +++ - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 2 2 r 1 1 r 1 1 JBE/JNA Jump on Below or Equal/Not Above 8-bit Displacement 76 + Full Displacement 0F 86 +++ JCXZ/JECXZ Jump on CX/ECX Zero - - - - - - - - E3 + - - - - - - - - 8-bit Displacement 74 + - - - - - - - - Full Displacement 0F 84 +++ - r JE/JZ Jump on Equal/Zero JL/JNGE Jump on Less/Not Greater or Equal 8-bit Displacement 7C + Full Displacement 0F 8C +++ - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r JLE/JNG Jump on Less or Equal/Not Greater 8-bit Displacement 7E + Full Displacement 0F 8E +++ 208 - - - - - - - - r AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues JMP Unconditional Jump 8-bit Displacement EB + Full Displacement E9 +++ - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 Register/Memory Indirect Within Segment FF [mod 100 r/m] 1/3 1/3 Direct Intersegment -Call Gate Same Privilege Level -16-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -16-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -16-bit Task to V86 Task -32-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -32-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -32-bit Task to V86 Task EA [unsigned full offset, selector] 8 12 22 186 192 126 189 195 129 Indirect Intersegment -Call Gate Same Privilege Level -16-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -16-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -16-bit Task to V86 Task -32-bit Task to 16-bit TSS -32-bit Task to 32-bit TSS -32-bit Task to V86 Task FF [mod 101 r/m] 10 13 23 187 193 127 190 196 130 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b h,j,k,r JNB/JAE/JNC Jump on Not Below/Above or Equal/Not Carry 8-bit Displacement 73 + Full Displacement 0F 83 +++ - - - - - - - - r JNBE/JA Jump on Not Below or Equal/Above 8-bit Displacement 77 + Full Displacement 0F 87 +++ - - - - - - - - r JNE/JNZ Jump on Not Equal/Not Zero 8-bit Displacement 75 + Full Displacement 0F 85 +++ - - - - - - - - r JNL/JGE Jump on Not Less/Greater or Equal 8-bit Displacement 7D + Full Displacement 0F 8D +++ - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 r JNLE/JG Jump on Not Less or Equal/Greater 8-bit Displacement 7F + Full Displacement 0F 8F +++ - - - - - - - - r JNO Jump on Not Overflow 8-bit Displacement 71 + Full Displacement 0F 81 +++ - - - - - - - - r JNP/JPO Jump on Not Parity/Parity Odd 8-bit Displacement 7B + Full Displacement 0F 8B +++ - - - - - - - - r JNS Jump on Not Sign 8-bit Displacement 79 + Full Displacement 0F 89 +++ - - - - - - - - r JO Jump on Overflow 8-bit Displacement 70 + Full Displacement 0F 80 +++ - - - - - - - - r JP/JPE Jump on Parity/Parity Even 8-bit Displacement 7A + Full Displacement 0F 8A +++ - - - - - - - - r JS Jump on Sign 8-bit Displacement 78 + Full Displacement 0F 88 +++ LAHF Load AH with Flags - - - - - - - - 9F - - - - - - - - - 0F 02 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - x - - - C5 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - r LAR Load Access Rights From Register/Memory LDS Load Pointer to DS AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 4 9 a g,h,j,p 9 b h,i,j 209 Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues LEA Load Effective Address No Index Register 8D [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - With Index Register 1 1 1 1 LES Load Pointer to ES C4 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 4 9 b h,i,j LFS Load Pointer to FS 0F B4 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 4 9 b h,i,j LGDT Load GDT Register 0F 01 [mod 010 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 10 10 b,c h,l LGS Load Pointer to GS 0F B5 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 4 9 b h,i,j LIDT Load IDT Register 0F 01 [mod 011 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 10 10 b,c h,l 0F 00 [mod 010 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 8 a g,h,j,l LLDT Load LDT Register From Register/Memory LMSW Load Machine Status Word From Register/Memory LODS Load String 0F 01 [mod 110 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 11 11 b,c h,l A [110 w] - - - - - - - - - 3 3 b h 0F 03 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - x - - - 9 a g,h,j,p 0F B2 [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 4 10 a h,i,j LSL Load Segment Limit From Register/Memory LSS Load Pointer to SS LTR Load Task Register 0F 00 [mod 011 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 9 a g,h,j,l LEAVE Leave Current Stack Frame From Register/Memory C9 - - - - - - - - - 4 4 b h LOOP Offset Loop/No Loop E2 + - - - - - - - - - 2 2 r LOOPNZ/LOOPNE Offset E0 + - - - - - - - - - 2 2 r LOOPZ/LOOPE Offset E1 + - - - - - - - - - 2 2 r Register to Register 8 [10dw] [11 reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 Register to Memory 8 [100w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Register/Memory to Register 8 [101w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory C [011w] [mod 000 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate to Register (short form) B [w reg] ### 1 1 Memory to Accumulator (short form) A [000w] +++ 1 1 Accumulator to Memory (short form) A [001w] +++ 1 1 Register/Memory to Segment Register 8E [mod sreg3 r/m] 1 6 Segment Register to Register/Memory 8C [mod sreg3 r/m] 1 1 MOV Move Data b h,i,j MOV Move to/from Control/Debug/Test Regs Register to CR0/CR2/CR3/CR4 0F 22 [11 eee reg] 20/5/5 18/5/6 CR0/CR2/CR3/CR4 to Register 0F 20 [11 eee reg] 6 6 Register to DR0-DR3 0F 23 [11 eee reg] 10 10 DR0-DR3 to Register 0F 21 [11 eee reg] 9 9 Register to DR6-DR7 0F 23 [11 eee reg] 10 10 DR6-DR7 to Register 0F 21 [11 eee reg] 9 9 Register to TR3-5 0F 26 [11 eee reg] 16 16 TR3-5 to Register 0F 24 [11 eee reg] 8 8 Register to TR6-TR7 0F 26 [11 eee reg] 11 11 TR6-TR7 to Register MOVS Move String - - - - - - - - - 0F 24 [11 eee reg] l 3 3 A [010w] - - - - - - - - - 6 6 b h 0F B[111w] [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 b h 0F B[011w] [mod reg r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 b h F [011w] [mod 100 r/m] x - - - x x u u x b h 4 5 15 4 5 15 1 1 b h MOVSX Move with Sign Extension Register from Register/Memory MOVZX Move with Zero Extension Register from Register/Memory MUL Unsigned Multiply Accumulator with Register/Memory Multiplier: Byte Word Doubleword NEG Negate Integer 210 F [011w] [mod 011 r/m] x - - - x x x x x AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) NOP No Operation 90 - - - - - - - - - 1 NOT Boolean Complement F [011w] [mod 010 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 OIO Official Invalid Opcode 0F FF - - x 0 - - - - - 1 8-125 Register to Register 0 [10dw] [11 reg r/m] 0 - - - x x u x 0 1 1 Register to Memory 0 [100w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Memory to Register 0 [101w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 001 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator 0 [110w] ### 1 1 14 14/28 14 14/28 Prot’d Mode Issues 1 b h b h OR Boolean OR OUT Output to Port Fixed Port E [011w] # Variable Port E [111w] - - - - - - - - - m OUTS Output String 6 [111w] - - - - - - - - - 15 15/29 b h,m Register/Memory 8F [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1/4 1/4 b h,i,j Register (short form) 5 [1 reg] 1 1 Segment Register (ES, SS, DS) [000 sreg2 111] 1 6 Segment Register (FS, GS) 0F [10 sreg3 001] 1 6 POP Pop Value off Stack POPA Pop All General Registers 61 - - - - - - - - - 9 9 b h POPF Pop Stack into FLAGS 9D x x x x x x x x x 8 8 b h,n Assert Hardware LOCK Prefix F0 - - - - - - - - - Address Size Prefix 67 Operand Size Prefix 66 Segment Override Prefix -CS -DS -ES -FS -GS -SS 2E 3E 26 64 65 36 - - - - - - - - - PREFIX BYTES m PUSH Push Value onto Stack Register/Memory FF [mod 110 r/m] Register (short form) 5 [0 reg] Segment Register (ES, CS, SS, DS) [000 sreg2 110] 1 1 Segment Register (FS, GS) 0F [10 sreg3 000] 1 1 Immediate 6 [10s0] ### 1/3 1/3 1 1 b h 1 1 PUSHA Push All General Registers 60 - - - - - - - - - 11 11 b h PUSHF Push FLAGS Register 9C - - - - - - - - - 2 2 b h Register/Memory by 1 D [000w] [mod 010 r/m] x - - - - - - - x 3 3 b h Register/Memory by CL D [001w] [mod 010 r/m] u - - - - - - - x 8 8 Register/Memory by Immediate C [000w] [mod 010 r/m] # u - - - - - - - x 8 8 Register/Memory by 1 D [000w] [mod 011 r/m] x - - - - - - - x 4 4 b h Register/Memory by CL D [001w] [mod 011 r/m] u - - - - - - - x 8 8 Register/Memory by Immediate 8 8 17+4n 17+4n\ 32+4n b h,m h RCL Rotate Through Carry Left RCR Rotate Through Carry Right C [000w] [mod 011 r/m] # u - - - - - - - x RDMSR Read Tmodel Specific Register 0F 32 - - - - - - - - - RDTSC Read Time Stamp Counter 0F 31 - - - - - - - - - REP INS Input String F3 6[110w] - - - - - - - - - REP LODS Load String F3 A[110w] - - - - - - - - - 9+2n 9+2n b REP MOVS Move String F3 A[010w] - - - - - - - - - 12+2n 12+2n b h REP OUTS Output String F3 6[111w] - - - - - - - - - 24+4n 24+4n\ 39+4n b h,m AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book 211 Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction REP STOS Store String Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues F3 A[101w] - - - - - - - - - 9+2n 9+2n b h F3 A[011w] x - - - x x x x x 11+4n 11+4n b h F3 A[111w] x - - - x x x x x 9+3n 9+3n b h F2 A[011w] x - - - x x x x x 11+4n 11+4n b h F2 A[111w] x - - - x x x x x 9+3n 9+3n b h Within Segment C3 - - - - - - - - - 3 3 b g,h,j,k,r Within Segment Adding Immediate to SP C2 ## 3 3 Intersegment CB 10 13 Intersegment Adding Immediate to SP CA ## 10 13 b h b h s REPE CMPS Compare String Find non-match REPE SCAS Scan String Find non-AL/AX/EAX REPNE CMPS Compare String Find match REPNE SCAS Scan String Find AL/AX/EAX RET Return from Subroutine Protected Mode: Different Privilege Level -Intersegment -Intersegment Adding Immediate to SP 35 35 ROL Rotate Left Register/Memory by 1 D[000w] [mod 000 r/m] x - - - - - - - x 2 2 Register/Memory by CL D[001w] [mod 000 r/m] u - - - - - - - x 2 2 Register/Memory by Immediate C[000w] [mod 000 r/m] # u - - - - - - - x 2 2 ROR Rotate Right Register/Memory by 1 D[000w] [mod 001 r/m] x - - - - - - - x 2 2 Register/Memory by CL D[001w] [mod 001 r/m] u - - - - - - - x 2 2 C[000w] [mod 001 r/m] # u - - - - - - - x 2 2 RSDC Restore Segment Register and Descriptor Register/Memory by Immediate 0F 79 [mod sreg3 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 11 11 s RSLDT Restore LDTR and Descriptor 0F 7B [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 11 11 s s RSTS Restore TSR and Descriptor 0F 7D [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 11 11 s s RSM Resume from SMM Mode 0F AA x x x x x x x x x 57 57 s s SAHF Store AH in FLAGS 9E - - - - x x x x x 1 1 b h b h b h b h SAL Shift Left Arithmetic Register/Memory by 1 D[000w] [mod 100 r/m] x - - - x x u x x 1 1 Register/Memory by CL D[001w] [mod 100 r/m] u - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by Immediate C[000w] [mod 100 r/m] # u - - - x x u x x 1 1 SAR Shift Right Arithmetic Register/Memory by 1 D[000w] [mod 111 r/m] x - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by CL D[001w] [mod 111 r/m] u - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by Immediate C[000w] [mod 111 r/m] # u - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register to Register 1[10dw] [11 reg r/m] x - - x x x x 1 1 Register to Memory 1[100w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 SBB Integer Subtract with Borrow - x Memory to Register 1[101w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8[00sw] [mod 011 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator (short form) SCAS Scan String 1[110w] ### 1 1 x - - - x x x x x 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 96 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 94 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h A [111w] SETB/SETNAE/SETC Set Byte on Below/Not Above or Equal/Carry To Register/Memory 0F 92 [mod 000 r/m] SETBE/SETNA Set Byte on Below or Equal/Not Above To Register/Memory SETE/SETZ Set Byte on Equal/Zero To Register/Memory SETL/SETNGE Set Byte on Less/Not Greater or Equal To Register/Memory 212 0F 9C [mod 000 r/m] AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues SETLE/SETNG Set Byte on Less or Equal/Not Greater To Register/Memory 0F 9E [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 97 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 95 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 9F [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 91 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 9B [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 99 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 90 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 9A [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 98 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 1 h 0F 01 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 6 6 b,c h 0F 01 [mod 001 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 6 6 b,c h 0F 00 [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 1 a h SETNB/SETAE/SETNC Set Byte on Not Below/Above or Equal/Not Carry To Register/Memory 0F 93 [mod 000 r/m] SETNBE/SETA Set Byte on Not Below or Equal/Above To Register/Memory SETNE/SETNZ Set Byte on Not Equal/Not Zero To Register/Memory SETNL/SETGE Set Byte on Not Less/Greater or Equal To Register/Memory 0F 9D [mod 000 r/m] SETNLE/SETG Set Byte on Not Less or Equal/Greater To Register/Memory SETNO Set Byte on Not Overflow To Register/Memory SETNP/SETPO Set Byte on Not Parity/Parity Odd To Register/Memory SETNS Set Byte on Not Sign To Register/Memory SETO Set Byte on Overflow To Register/Memory SETP/SETPE Set Byte on Parity/Parity Even To Register/Memory SETS Set Byte on Sign To Register/Memory SGDT Store GDT Register To Register/Memory SIDT Store IDT Register To Register/Memory SLDT Store LDT Register To Register/Memory STR Store Task Register 0F 00 [mod 001 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 3 a h SMSW Store Machine Status Word To Register/Memory 0F 01 [mod 100 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 4 4 b,c h STOS Store String A [101w] - - - - - - - - - 2 2 b h b h b h b h b h s s SHL Shift Left Logical Register/Memory by 1 D [000w] [mod 100 r/m] x - - - x x u x x 1 1 Register/Memory by CL D [001w] [mod 100 r/m] u - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by Immediate C [000w] [mod 100 r/m] # u - - - x x u x x 1 1 Register/Memory by Immediate 0F A4 [mod reg r/m] # u - - - x x u x x 3 3 Register/Memory by CL 0F A5 [mod reg r/m] 6 6 SHLD Shift Left Double SHR Shift Right Logical Register/Memory by 1 D [000w] [mod 101 r/m] x - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by CL D [001w] [mod 101 r/m] u - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by Immediate C [000w] [mod 101 r/m] # u - - - x x u x x 2 2 Register/Memory by Immediate 0F AC [mod reg r/m] # u - - - x x u x x Register/Memory by CL 0F AD [mod reg r/m] SHRD Shift Right Double 3 3 6 6 SMINT Software SMM Entry 0F 38 - - - - - - - - - 84 84 STC Set Carry Flag F9 - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - - - - 4 4 1 - - - - - - 6 6 STD Set Direction Flag FD - 1 - STI Set Interrupt Flag FB - - AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book m 213 Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-27. Processor Core Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Real Mode Flags Instruction Opcode O D I T S Z A P C F F F F F F F F F Prot’d Mode Real Mode Clock Count (Reg/Cache Hit) Prot’d Mode Issues SUB Integer Subtract Register to Register 2 [10dw] [11 reg r/m] Register to Memory 2 [100w] [mod reg r/m] x - - - x x x x x 1 1 1 1 Memory to Register 2 [101w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 101 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator (short form) 2 [110w] ### b h s 1 1 SVDC Save Segment Register and Descriptor 0F 78 [mod sreg3 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 20 20 s SVLDT Save LDTR and Descriptor 0F 7A [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 20 20 s s SVTS Save TSR and Descriptor 0F 7C [mod 000 r/m] - - - - - - - - - 21 21 s s Register/Memory and Register 8 [010w] [mod reg r/m] 0 - - - x x u x 0 1 1 b h Immediate Data and Register/Memory F [011w] [mod 000 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate Data and Accumulator A [100w] ### 1 1 8 a g,h,j,p 8 a g,h,j,p t t b,f f,h TEST Test Bits VERR Verify Read Access To Register/Memory 0F 00 [mod 100 r/m] - - - - - x - - - VERW Verify Write Access 0F 00 [mod 101 r/m] - - - - - x - - - WAIT Wait Until FPU Not Busy To Register/Memory 9B - - - - - - - - - 1 1 WBINVD Write-Back and Invalidate Cache 0F 09 - - - - - - - - - 23 23 WRMSR Write to Model Specific Register 0F 30 - - - - - - - - - Register1, Register2 0F C[000w] [11 reg2 reg1] x - - - x x x x x Memory, Register 0F C[000w] [mod reg r/m] XADD Exchange and Add 2 2 2 2 XCHG Exchange Register/Memory with Register 8[011w] [mod reg r/m] Register with Accumulator 9[0 reg] XLAT Translate Byte - - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 5 5 D7 - - - - - - - - - Register to Register 3 [00dw] [11 reg r/m] 0 - - - x x u x 0 1 1 Register to Memory 3 [000w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Memory to Register 3 [001w] [mod reg r/m] 1 1 Immediate to Register/Memory 8 [00sw] [mod 110 r/m] ### 1 1 Immediate to Accumulator (short form) 3 [010w] ### 1 1 h XOR Boolean Exclusive OR 214 b h AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Instruction Issues for Instruction Set Summary Issues a through c apply to real address mode only: a. This is a protected mode instruction. Attempted execution in real mode will result in exception 6 (invalid opcode). k. JMP, CALL, INT, RET, and IRET instructions referring to another code segment will cause an exception 13, if an applicable privilege rule is violated. l. An exception 13 fault occurs if CPL is greater than 0 (0 is the most privileged level). b. m. An exception 13 fault occurs if CPL is greater than IOPL. c. Exception 13 fault (general protection) will occur in real mode if an operand reference is made that partially or fully extends beyond the maximum CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segment limit (FFFFH). Exception 12 fault (stack segment limit violation or not present) will occur in real mode if an operand reference is made that partially or fully extends beyond the maximum SS limit. This instruction may be executed in real mode. In real mode, its purpose is primarily to initialize the CPU for protected mode. n. The IF bit of the Flags register is not updated if CPL is greater than IOPL. The IOPL and VM fields of the Flags register are updated only if CPL = 0. o. The PE bit of the MSW (CR0) cannot be reset by this instruction. Use MOV into CR0 if desiring to reset the PE bit. p. Any violation of privilege rules as apply to the selector operand does not cause a Protection exception, rather, the zero flag is cleared. q. If the processor’s memory operand violates a segment limit or segment access rights, an exception 13 fault will occur before the ESC instruction is executed. An exception 12 fault will occur if the stack limit is violated by the operand’s starting address. r. The destination of a JMP, CALL, INT, RET, or IRET must be in the defined limit of a code segment or an exception 13 fault will occur. d. Issues e through g apply to real address mode and protected virtual address mode: e. An exception may occur, depending on the value of the operand. f. LOCK# is automatically asserted, regardless of the presence or absence of the LOCK prefix. g. LOCK# is asserted during descriptor table accesses. Issues h through r apply to protected virtual address mode only: h. Exception 13 fault will occur if the memory operand in CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS cannot be used due to either a segment limit violation or an access rights violation. If a stack limit is violated, an exception 12 occurs. i. For segment load operations, the CPL, RPL, and DPL must agree with the privilege rules to avoid an exception 13 fault. The segment’s descriptor must indicate “present” or exception 11 (CS, DS, ES, FS, GS not present). If the SS register is loaded and a stack segment not present is detected, an exception 12 occurs. j. All segment descriptor accesses in the GDT or LDT made by this instruction will automatically assert LOCK# to maintain descriptor integrity in multiprocessor systems. AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Issue s applies to AMD specific SMM instructions: s. All memory accesses to SMM space are non-cacheable. An invalid opcode exception 6 occurs unless SMI is enabled and SMAR size > 0, and CPL = 0 and [SMAC is set or if in an SMI handler]. Issue t applies to cache invalidation instruction with the cache operating in write-back mode: t. The total clock count is the clock count shown plus the number of clocks required to write all “modified” cache lines to external memory. 215 Revision 5.0 8.4 FPU Instruction Set The processor core is functionally divided into the FPU, and the integer unit. The FPU processes floating point instructions only and does so in parallel with the integer unit. Instruction Set Table 8-28. FPU Instruction Set Table Legend Abbr. Description n Stack register number. For example, when the integer unit detects a floating point instruction without memory operands, after two clock cycles the instruction passes to the FPU for execution. The integer unit continues to execute instructions while the FPU executes the floating point instruction. If another FPU instruction is encountered, the second FPU instruction is placed in the FPU queue. Up to four FPU instructions can be queued. In the event of an FPU exception, while other FPU instructions are queued, the state of the CPU is saved to ensure recovery. TOS Top of stack register pointed to by SSS in the status register. ST(1) FPU register next to TOS. ST(n) A specific FPU register, relative to TOS. M.WI 16-bit integer operand from memory. M.SI 32-bit integer operand from memory. M.LI 64-bit integer operand from memory. M.SR 32-bit real operand from memory. The FPU instruction set is summarized in Table 8-29. The table uses abbreviations that are described Table 8-28. M.DR 64-bit real operand from memory. M.XR 80-bit real operand from memory. M.BCD 18-digit BCD integer operand from memory. CC FPU condition code. Env Regs Status, Mode Control and Tag registers, Instruction Pointer and Operand Pointer. 216 AMD Geode™ GX1 Processor Data Book Revision 5.0 Instruction Set Table 8-29. FPU Instruction Set Summary FPU Instruction Opcode Operation Clock Count Issue F2XM1 Function Evaluation 2x-1 D9 F0 TOS
GX1-233B-85-1.8 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 100+326.37408
  • 500+312.49499
  • 1000+295.16768
