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    AME8819AEFT180Z - Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator - Analog Microelectronics

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AME8819AEFT180Z 数据手册
AME AME8819 n General Description The AME8819 is a CMOS linear regulator. It operated from 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage and delivers up to 600mA output current. The AME8819 provide low quiescent current (70uA typ) low dropout voltage (Vout=3.3V, 540mV @ 600mA typ), and excellent PSRR, thus marking them ideal for Data-Communications and battery applications. The AME8819 provide over temperature and over current protected functions. It is stable with an output capacitance of 2.2uF or larger. Bandgap Reference Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator n Functional Block Diagram (Fixed Version) IN OUT Overcurrent Shutdown Thermal Shutdown R1 R2 GND n Features l Input voltage range is from 2.8V to 5.5V l Output voltage range is from 1.8V to 4.5V l Low Dropout: 540mV @ 600mA, VOUT = 3.3V l Guaranteed 600mA Drive Current l Factory Pre-set output voltage l Only 2.2µF Output Capacitor Required for Stability (Low ESR MLCC is allowable) l Provided OTP, current limit l All AME’ s Green Products Meet RoHS Standards Bandgap Reference ADJ EN Overcurrent Shutdown (Adjustable Version) IN OUT Thermal Shutdown R1 (external) R2 (external) GND n Applications l Data-Communication l Laptop, Palmtops, Notebook computers l Battery Power Equipment l Handheld Device l PCMCIA Cards Rev.B.01 1 AME AME8819 n Typical Application (Fixed Version) VIN IN OUT VOUT Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator (Adjustable Version) VIN IN EN AME8819 OUT GND ADJ V OUT AME8819 GND CIN 1µF COUT 2.2µF R1 VREF R2 C2 2.2µF C1 1 µF 2 Rev.B.01 AME AME8819 n Pin Configuration SOT-89 Top View AME8819AEFT 1. IN SOT-89 Top View AME8819BEFT Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator AME8819 2. GND (TAB) 3. OUT AME8819 1. GND 2. IN (TAB) 3. OUT 1 2 3 1 2 3 Die Attach: Conductive Epoxy SOT-223 Top View AME8819AEGT 1. IN SOT-223 Top View Die Attach: Non-Conductive Epoxy AME8819BEGT 1. GND AME8819 2. GND (TAB) 3. OUT AME8819 2. OUT (TAB) 3. IN 1 2 3 1 2 3 Die Attach: Conductive Epoxy Die Attach: Non-Conductive Epoxy SOP-8 Top View 8 7 6 5 AME8819AEHAADJ 1. EN 2. IN 3. OUT AME8819 4. ADJ 5. GND 6. GND 7. GND 8. GND Die Attach: Conductive Epoxy 1 2 3 4 Rev.B.01 3 AME AME8819 n Pin Description Pin Name IN Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Pin Description Input voltage pin. It should be decoupled with 1µF or greater capacitor. Ground connection pin. GND OUT LDO voltage regulator output pin. It should be decoupled with a 2.2µF or greater value low ESR ceramic capacitor. Enable pin. When pulled low, the PMOS pass transistor turns off, current consuming less than 10µA. EN ADJ Feedback output voltage for adjustable device. 4 Rev.B.01 AME AME8819 n Ordering Information AME8819 x x x x xxx x Special Feature1 Output Voltage Number of Pins Package Type Operating Ambient Temperature Range Pin Configuration Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Pin Configuration A: 1. IN 2. GND (SOT-223) 3. OUT (SOT-89) Operating Ambient Temperature Range E: -40OC to +85OC Package Type F: SOT-89 G: SOT-223 H: SOP Number of Output Voltage Pins T: 3 A: 8 180: 250: 280: 285: 290: 300: 310: 330: 360: ADJ: Special Feature 1 (SOT-89) B: 1.GND 2.IN 3.OUT B: 1.GND 2.OUT 3.IN A: 1.EN 2.IN 3.OUT 4.ADJ 5.GND 6.GND 7.GND 8.GND (SOT-223) V=1.8V Z: Green V=2.5V V=2.8V V=2.85V V=2.9V V=3.0V V=3.1V V=3.3V V=3.6V Adjustable (SOP-8) Rev.B.01 5 AME AME8819 n Available Options Part Number AME8819AEFT180Z AME8819AEFT250Z AME8819AEFT300Z AME8819AEFT330Z AME8819BEFT180Z AME8819BEFT250Z AME8819BEFT300Z AME8819BEFT330Z AME8819AEGT180Z AME8819AEGT250Z AME8819AEGT300Z AME8819AEGT330Z AME8819BEGT180Z AME8819BEGT250Z AME8819BEGT300Z Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Marking A8819 CIyMXX A8819 CGyMXX A8819 CDyMXX A8819 CByMXX A8819 DIyMXX A8819 DGyMXX A8819 DDyMXX A8819 DByMXX A8819 AIyMXX A8819 AGyMXX A8819 ADyMXX A8819 AByMXX A8819 BIyMXX A8819 BGyMXX A8819 BDyMXX Output Voltage 1.8V 2.5V 3.0V 3.3V 1.8V 2.5V 3.0V 3.3V 1.8V 2.5V 3.0V 3.3V 1.8V 2.5V 3.0V Package SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-223 SOT-223 SOT-223 SOT-223 SOT-223 SOT-223 SOT-223 Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC -40OC to +85OC Note: 1. The first 2 places represent product code. It is assigned by AME such as CI. 2. y is year code and is the last number of a year. Such as the year code of 2008 is 8. 3. A bar on top of first letter represents Green Part such as A8819. 4. The last 3 places MXX represent Marking Code. It contains M as date code in "month", XX as LN code and that is for AME internal use only. Please refer to date code rule section for detail information. 5. Please consult AME sales office or authorized Rep./Distributor for the availability of output voltage and package type. 6 Rev.B.01 AME AME8819 n Available Options Part Number AME8819BEGT330Z Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Marking A8819 BByMXX Output Voltage 3.3V Package SOT-223 Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40OC to +85OC Rev.B.01 7 AME AME8819 n Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Input Voltage EN Voltage Output Current Output Voltage ESD Classification Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Symbol VIN VEN IOUT VOUT Maximum -0.3 to 6 -0.3 to 6 PD / (V IN -V OUT) GND-0.3 to VIN +0.3 B* Unit V V mA V Caution: Stress above the listed absolute maximum rating may cause permanent damage to the device. * HBM B:2000V~3999V n Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Ambient Temperature Range Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol TA TJ TSTG Rating -40 to +85 -40 to +125 -65 to +150 Unit o C 8 Rev.B.01 AME AME8819 n Thermal Information Parameter Package Die Attach Conductive Epoxy SOT-89* Non-Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy SOT-223* Non-Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy SOT-89 Non-Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy SOT-223 Non-Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy SOT-89 Non-Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy SOT-223 Non-Conductive Epoxy Conductive Epoxy PD θJA θJC Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Symbol Maximum 40 46 25 31 60 180 180 120 135 150 550 550 900 800 810 150 350 Unit Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) o C/W SOP-8** Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) o C/W SOP-8 Internal Power Dissipation mW SOP-8 Maximum Junction Temperature Solder Iron(10 Sec)*** o C C o * Measure θJC on backside center of tab. ** Measure θJC on center of molding compound if IC has no tab. *** MIL-STD-202G 210F Rev.B.01 9 AME AME8819 n Electrical Specifications VIN = VOUT(NOM) + 1V, IOUT = 1mA, CIN=1µF, COUT = 4.7µF, Typical values at TA = 25oC, unless otherwise noted. Low Dropout 600mA CMOS Regulator Parameter Input Voltage ADJ Input Bias Current ADJ Reference Voltage Output Voltage Accuracy Output Voltage Range Output Current Quiescent Current Symbol V IN IADJ VREF V OUT,ACC VOUT IOUT IQ VDROP Test Conditions Min (Note1) Typ Max Units 5.5 1 V µA V % V mA 70 800 540 470 100 1000 800 650 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.01 V IN =5V, VADJ =0.980 0.970 -2 1.8 600 V IN = 5.5V, IOUT = 1mA 1.8V≦ V OUT≦ 2.5V 0.980 0.990 2 4.5 µA Dropout Voltage IOUT = 600mA 2.5V< V OUT≦3.3V 3.3V< V OUT≦4.5V mV Output Voltage Line Regulation [(∆V OUT / ∆V IN )x100%] / V OUT V IN(min)≦V IN ≦V IN(max) REG LINE V IN(min)≦V IN ≦V IN(max) 1.8V≦ V OUT
1. 物料型号: - 型号为AME8819,是一款低压差、低静态电流的线性稳压器。

2. 器件简介: - AME8819是一款CMOS线性稳压器,工作电压范围为2.5V至5.5V,能够提供高达600mA的输出电流。具有低静态电流(典型值为70μA)、低掉压电压(在3.3V输出时,典型值为540mV@600mA),并且具有出色的电源抑制比(PSRR),非常适合数据通信和电池应用。

3. 引脚分配: - SOT-89封装: - AME8819AEFT:1.IN 2.GND(TAB) 3.OUT - AME8819BEFT:1.GND 2.IN(TAB) 3.OUT - SOT-223封装: - AME8819AEGT:1.IN 2.GND(TAB) 3.OUT - AME8819BEGT:1.GND 2.OUT(TAB) 3.IN - SOP-8封装: - AME8819AEHAADJ:1.EN 2.IN 3.OUT 4.ADJ 5.GND 6.GND 7.GND 8.GND

4. 参数特性: - 输入电压范围:2.8V至5.5V - 输出电压范围:1.8V至4.5V - 低掉压:在3.3V输出时,典型值为540mV@600mA - 保证提供600mA驱动电流 - 工厂预设输出电压 - 仅需2.2μF输出电容即可稳定工作(允许使用低ESR MLCC) - 提供过热保护、电流限制保护 - 所有AME的绿色产品均符合RoHS标准

5. 功能详解: - AME8819包含电流限制器,可以监控和控制传递晶体管的栅极电压,限制最大输出电流至少为650mA。输出可以短接到地,而不会损坏器件。 - 热过载保护限制了AME8819中的总功率耗散。当结温达到大约160°C时,热传感器会向关闭逻辑发出信号,关闭传递晶体管,允许IC冷却。 - 针对电池供电系统设计,以提供低掉压电压和低静态电流。电源抑制比在1kHz时为60dB(典型值)。当从非电池电源操作时,可以通过增加输入和输出电容器来提高PSRR和瞬态响应。

6. 应用信息: - 数据通信、笔记本电脑、掌上电脑、笔记本电脑、电池电源设备、手持设备、PCMCIA卡。

7. 封装信息: - 提供SOT-89、SOT-223和SOP-8封装选项。PDF文档中包含了这些封装的详细尺寸图和视图。
AME8819AEFT180Z 价格&库存

