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    AAT3125ISN-T1 - USB OTG 5V Charge Pump - Advanced Analogic Technologies

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AAT3125ISN-T1 数据手册
AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump General Description The AAT3125 USB On-the-Go (OTG) charge pump is a member of AnalogicTech's Total Power Management IC™ (TPMIC™) product family. The device integrates a high efficiency 1.5X fractional 100mA regulated charge pump for supplying VBUS with the additional functions required for OTG devices (formerly known as dual role devices). Four voltage detectors monitor VBUS, and a current source dedicated for VBUS pulsing is provided for compliance with Session Request Protocol (SRP) as defined by the USB OTG Supplement. The charge pump section uses a high efficiency fractional topology, with a high frequency 750kHz switching speed which enables the use of small capacitors (less than 3.3µF). The AAT3125 features extremely low quiescent current to extend battery run time. Additionally, the device integrates protection features such as under-voltage lockout, and output short circuit and thermal protection. The AAT3125 is available in a Pb-free, surface mount QFN44-16 package and is rated over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range. Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • ChargePump™ VIN Range: 2.7V to 5.5V Regulated Fractional Charge Pump 100mA Output Current Reverse Load Protection Power Good Flag SRP Detection Flag SRP Ready Flag Output Short-Circuit and Thermal Protection Under-Voltage Protection Less than 1µA Consumed While Disabled Designed to Allow Operation with Output Capacitance as Low as 3.3µF 16-pin QFN44 Package -40°C to +85°C Temperature Range Applications • • • Cell Phones Hand-Held Computers PDAs Typical Application IN OUT 1 Cell Li-Ion CIN 1µF AAT3125 C1+ C1OUTCP RCS 0.2Ω 80kΩ VBUS COUT 3.3µF to 6.5µF C1 1µF C2+ C2- CCP 1 µF R1 R2 R3 R4 C2 1µF SR EN SR EN GND POK1 POK2 SESDET SRRDY POK1 POK2 SESDET SRRDY 3125.2005.12.1.4 1 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Pin Descriptions Pin # 1 Symbol POK1 Function Power OK 1. Open drain output with 4.0V voltage detector. When the OUT pin rises above the detected voltage (4.0V), POK1 will transition from low to high state. Similarly, when the output falls below 4.0V, POK1 will transition from high to low. A 10kΩ pull-up resistor is recommended. Power OK 2. Open drain output with 4.4V voltage detector. When the OUT pin rises above the detected voltage (4.4V), POK2 will transition from low to high state. Similarly, when the output falls below 4.4V, POK2 will transition from high to low. A 10kΩ pull-up resistor is recommended. Session detect. Open drain output with 2.0V voltage detector. When the OUT pin rises above the detected voltage (2.0V), it will transition from low to high state. Similarly, when the output falls below 2.0V, SESDET will transition from high to low. A 10kΩ pull-up resistor is recommended. Session request ready. Open drain output with 0.6V voltage detector. When the OUT pin rises above the detected voltage (0.6V), it will transition from low to high state. Similarly, when the output falls below 0.6V, SRRDY will transition from high to low. A 10kΩ pull-up resistor is recommended. Power output to VBUS. Flying capacitor 1 positive terminal. Flying capacitor 1 negative terminal. No connect. Charge pump output. Requires 1µF bypass capacitor to ground. Flying capacitor 2 positive terminal. Flying capacitor 2 negative terminal. Ground. Input power supply. Requires 1µF bypass capacitor to ground. Session request input control pin. Should not be left floating. Must connect to high or low. For more details, see Table 1. Enable input control pin. When in the low state, the AAT3125 is powered down and consumes a small amount of power. When connected high, it is in normal operation. This pin should not be left floating. For more details, see Table 1. Exposed paddle (bottom); connect to GND directly beneath package. 2 POK2 3 SESDET 4 SRRDY 5 6 7 8, 13 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 OUT C1+ C1N/C OUTCP C2+ C2GND VIN SR EN EP Pin Configuration QFN44-16 (Top View) N/C VIN 14 13 EN 16 SR 15 POK1 POK2 SESDET SRRDY 1 12 GND C2C2+ OUTCP 2 11 3 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 C1+ OUT N/C C1- 2 3125.2005.12.1.4 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Absolute Maximum Ratings1 Symbol VIN, VOUT tSC IOUT2 TJ TS VESD Description Any Pin to GND OUT Short-Circuit Duration Output Current Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range ESD Rating3 - HBM Value -0.3 to 6 Indefinite 150 -40 to 85 -65 to 150 2000 Units V s mA °C °C V Thermal Information Symbol θJA PD Description Maximum Thermal Resistance Maximum Power Dissipation (TA = 25°C)5 4 Value 50 2.0 Units °C/W W 1. Stresses above those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation at conditions other than the operating conditions specified is not implied. Only one Absolute Maximum Rating should be applied at any one time. 2. Based on long-term current density limitation. 3. Human body model is a 100pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5kΩ resistor into each pin. 4. Mounted on an FR4 board. 5. Derate 20mW/°C above 25°C. 3125.2005.12.1.4 3 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Electrical Characteristics1 VIN = 3.5V; CIN = COUT = C1 = C2 = 1.0µF; TA = -40°C to +85°C. Unless otherwise noted, typical values are TA = 25°C. Symbol Input Power Supply VIN Operating Range Icc3 Icc2 Icc1 Icc0 Output Power Supply VOUT ICCOUT IOUT VCS ROFF ISR Charge Pump η TSS FCLK EN, SR VIL VIH IEN(SINK) ISR(SINK) POK1 VPOK1 VPOK1(HYS) VPOK1(OL) IPOK1 POK2 VPOK2 VPOK2(HYS) VPOK2(OL) IPOK2 Description Conditions Min 2.9 Typ Max 5.5 110 3 2 1 5.25 12 Units V µA mA µA µA V µA mA Operating Current SRP Operating Current CP Shutdown Current 1 Shutdown Current 0 Output Regulation Operating Current Output Current Current Sense Trip Level Pull-Down Resistance SR Current Pulse Efficiency Soft-Start Time Clock Frequency Input Threshold Low Input Threshold High EN Input Current SR Input Current POK Trip Threshold POK Hysteresis POK Output Voltage POK Leakage Current POK Trip Threshold POK Hysteresis POK Output Voltage POK Leakage Current EN EN EN EN = = = = 1, 1, 0, 0, SR SR SR SR = = = = 1, OUT = IN 0 1 0 4.6 50 40 700 5 60 1 1 IOUT = 0 EN = 0 3.2 ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, VOUT > 4.4V 3.35 ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, VOUT > 4.4V VCS = IOUT x RCS EN = 0, SR = 1 OUT < (IN-1.0v) VIN = 3.75V, IOUT = 50mA OUT < 0.1 to OUT > 4.4 7 65 100 60 1000 10 90 100 750 90 1500 20 mV Ω mA % µs kHz 0.4 VIN = VEN = 5.5V VIN = VSR = 5.5V VOUT Rising ISINK = 1mA VPOK = 5.5, 25°C VOUT Rising ISINK = 1mA VPOK = 5.5, 25°C 4.18 4.4 50 1.4 -1 -1 3.8 4.0 50 1 1 4.2 0.3 100 4.62 0.3 100 V V µA µA V mV V nA V mV V nA 1. The AAT3125 is guaranteed to meet performance specifications over the -40°C to +85°C operating temperature range and is assured by design, characterization, and correlation with statistical process controls. 4 3125.2005.12.1.4 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Electrical Characteristics1 VIN = 3.5V; CIN = COUT = C1 = C2 = 1.0µF; TA = -40°C to +85°C. Unless otherwise noted, typical values are TA = 25°C. Symbol SESDET VSD VSD(HYS) VSD(OL) ISD SRRDY VSRRDY VSRRDY(HYS) VSRRDY(OL) ISRRDY Description SD Trip Threshold SD Hysteresis SD Output Voltage SD Leakage Current SRRDY Trip Threshold SRRDY Hysteresis SRRDY Output Voltage SRRDY Leakage Current Conditions VOUT Rising ISINK = 1mA VSD = 5.5, 25°C VOUT Rising ISINK = 1mA VSRRDY = 5.5, 25°C Min 1.9 Typ 2.0 50 Max 2.1 0.3 100 Units V mV V nA V mV V nA 0.4 0.6 20 0.8 0.3 100 EN 1 1 0 0 SR 0 1 0 1 Charge Pump ON OFF OFF OFF Current Source OFF ON OFF OFF SRRDY ON ON OFF OFF POK ON ON OFF OFF SESDET ON ON ON ON Discharge Resistor OFF OFF OFF ON Table 1: Operational States. 1. The AAT3125 is guaranteed to meet performance specifications over the -40°C to +85°C operating temperature range and is assured by design, characterization, and correlation with statistical process controls. 3125.2005.12.1.4 5 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Typical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, VIN = 3.5V, CIN = COUT = C1 = C2 = 1µF, TA = 25°C. Charge Pump ON/OFF Timing 100 90 Efficiency vs. Load Current VIN = 3.4V Efficiency (%) OUT (1V/div) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 100 1000 VIN = 3.8V IIN (100mA/div) EN (1V/div) Time (2ms/div) Load Current (mA) Charge Pump Waveforms (100mA load) Load Transient Response (10mA to 100mA) IN VOUT (100mV/div) V (10mV/div) OUT Time (1µs/div) Time (4ms/div) Charge Pump Output Voltage vs. Load Current Charge Pump Output Voltage (V) 5.5 Charge Pump Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage (ILOAD = 100mA) 6 Output Voltage (V) 1000 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.5 1 10 100 VIN = 3.9V VIN = 3.7V Load Current (mA) Input Voltage (V) 6 3125.2005.12.1.4 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Typical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, VIN = 3.5V, CIN = COUT = C1 = C2 = 1µF, TA = 25°C. Operating Current vs. Input Voltage (EN = 1; SR = 0; Charge Pump Mode) 1.200 1.000 0.800 80 70 60 Operating Current vs. Input Voltage (EN = 1; SR = 0; Outside Current Source Mode) ICC2 (mA) 50 ICC3 (µA) 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Input Voltage (V) Input Voltage (V) Shutdown Current vs. Input Voltage (EN = 0; SR = 1) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 ICCOUT vs. VOUT ICCOUT (µA) ICC1 (µA) 2 3 4 5 6 Input Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) ISR vs. VOUT (EN = 1; SR = 1) 15 Charge Pump POK Timing OUT (5V/div) EN (2V/div) ISR (mA) VIN = 4.2V 10 POK2 (5V/div) POK1 (5V/div) VIN = 3.2V 5 0 1 2 3 4 SESDET (5V/div) SRRDY (5V/div) Output Voltage (V) Time (100µs/div) 3125.2005.12.1.4 7 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Typical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, VIN = 3.5V, CIN = COUT = C1 = C2 = 1µF, TA = 25°C. Falling SESDET Timing Rising SESDET, SRRDY Timing (120µF Load) OUT (5V/div) EN/SR (5V/div) SESDET (5V/div) OUT (5V/div) EN, SR (5V/div) SESDET (5V/div) SRRDY (5V/div) Time (100ms/div) Time (10ms/div) (VBUS Rise Time; 5µF on VBUS) 4 4 VBUS Pulsing for SRP (VBUS Rise Time; 100µF on VBUS) VBUS Pulsing for SRP 3 3 VBUS (V) 2 VBUS (V) 2 1 1 0 0 Time (1ms/div) Time (10ms/div) 8 3125.2005.12.1.4 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Functional Block Diagram C1+ C1- C2+ C2- IN 5V Charge Pump OC OUTCP OUT POK1 10mA SR EN 4.0 Control UVLO OTMP 4.4 POK2 SESDET 2.0 Voltage Reference SRRDY 0.6 GND Functional Description Charge Pump The AAT3125 charge pump uses a 1.5X topology; the two flying capacitors are charged in series and discharged in parallel. Using this topology, output current is approximately 2/3 input current. Since the power bus in battery-operated devices that use a single cell lithium-ion/polymer battery ranges from 3V to 4.5V, an output voltage above 4.4V can be maintained. Output voltage is regulated to 5V and output current is limited by the value of RCS. The charge pump is designed to operate safely with any combination of input and output voltages. Current is not allowed to flow from OUT to IN. 10mA, SESDET should rise about 7ms after SRRDY rises when an OTG device is connected. With a non-OTG device connected, this period is at least 70ms. 10mA should not damage non-SRP capable hosts that allow reverse current flow from the bus. Current is not allowed to flow from OUT to IN through the current source. SESDET MicroPower Voltage Detector The SESDET open drain output signals the use of SRP while the system is acting as the A device. OUT powers this detector because the local 5V bus may not be powered when the B device initiates SRP. Since VBUS provides no more than 150µA to OUT, the detector consumes only 7µA. 10mA Current Source A 10mA current source supplies current to OUT for VBUS pulsing during SRP. During VBUS pulsing, the length of time needed to charge capacitance connected to OUT distinguishes between non-SRP capable devices and SRP capable devices. Using SRRDY Voltage Detector The SRRDY open drain output signals that VBUS is ready for SRP. SRRDY is powered by IN and is active as long as IN is above the UVLO level. SRRDY is true (low) when OUT is below the SRRDY threshold (0.6V nominal). SRRDY is false 3125.2005.12.1.4 9 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump (open) when OUT is above the SRRDY threshold or when EN is a logic low. Upon activation by EN, there is no negative glitch that can be mistaken for OUT below 0.8V. Under-Voltage Lockout Circuits other than the MicroPower voltage detector (SESDET) require voltage to be present on IN. Under-voltage lockout guarantees that sufficient voltage is present on IN to ensure operation. All functions other than the SESDET flag are disabled if the voltage on IN is less than 2V. Power OK USB OTG devices connected as Host must maintain VOUT above 4.4 volts or report that it is below 4.4 volts. Two Power OK outputs (POK1 and POK2) provide a window comparison of the VOUT voltage. The POK1 open drain output is pulled low if VOUT drops below 4.0V ± 5%, and the POK2 open drain output is pulled low if VOUT drops below 4.4V ± 5%. Discharge Resistor In accordance with the USB OTG specification, a pull-down resistor is provided to discharge VBUS at a current of not more than 8mA. Over-Temperature Protection If the AAT3125 junction temperature exceeds 125°C, the charge pump is shut down. 10 3125.2005.12.1.4 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump Ordering Information Package QFN44-16 Marking1 ITXYY Part Number (Tape and Reel)2 AAT3125ISN-T1 All AnalogicTech products are offered in Pb-free packaging. The term “Pb-free” means semiconductor products that are in compliance with current RoHS standards, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. For more information, please visit our website at http://www.analogictech.com/pbfree. Package Information QFN44-16 0.600 ± 0.050 Pin 1 Dot By Marking 0.330 ± 0.050 13 16 Pin 1 Identification 0.650 BSC 1 4.000 ± 0.050 R0.030Max 9 4 8 5 4.000 ± 0.050 2.280 REF Top View Bottom View 2.400 ± 0.050 0.0125 ± 0.0125 0.203 ± 0.025 Side View All dimensions in millimeters. 1. XYY = assembly and date code. 2. Sample stock is generally held on part numbers listed in BOLD. 3125.2005.12.1.4 0.900 ± 0.050 0.450 ± 0.050 11 AAT3125 USB OTG 5V Charge Pump © Advanced Analogic Technologies, Inc. AnalogicTech cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in an AnalogicTech product. No circuit patent licenses, copyrights, mask work rights, or other intellectual property rights are implied. AnalogicTech reserves the right to make changes to their products or specifications or to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. AnalogicTech warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with AnalogicTech’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent AnalogicTech deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed. Advanced Analogic Technologies, Inc. 830 E. Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone (408) 737-4600 Fax (408) 737-4611 12 3125.2005.12.1.4
### 物料型号 - 型号:AAT3125 - 封装:QFN44-16

### 器件简介 AAT3125是一款USB On-the-Go (OTG) 电荷泵,属于AnalogicTech的Total Power Management产品家族。该设备集成了一个高效率1.5X分数电荷泵,用于为V_BUS供电,并提供OTG设备所需的额外功能。它包含四个电压检测器监控V_BUS,并提供专用于V_BUS脉冲的电流源,以符合USB OTG补充定义的会话请求协议(SRP)。

### 引脚分配 | Pin# | Symbol | Function | | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | POK1 | 电源正常1,开漏输出,4.0V电压检测器 | | 2 | POK2 | 电源正常2,开漏输出,4.4V电压检测器 | | 3 | SESDET | 会话检测,开漏输出,2.0V电压检测器 | | 4 | SRRDY | 会话请求就绪,开漏输出,0.6V电压检测器 | | 5 | OUT | 电源输出至VBUS | | ... | ... | ... |

### 参数特性 - 输入电压范围:2.7V至5.5V - 有源分数电荷泵输出电流:100mA - 反向负载保护 - 电源正常标志、SRP检测标志、SRP就绪标志 - 输出短路和热保护 - 欠压保护 - 禁用时消耗小于1µA - 设计允许与最低3.3µF的输出电容配合使用

### 功能详解 - 电荷泵部分使用高效率分数拓扑结构,750kHz的高频率开关速度,允许使用小电容(小于3.3µF)。 - 设备集成了保护功能,如欠压锁定和输出短路及热保护。

### 应用信息 适用于手机、手持电脑、PDA等设备。

### 封装信息 - AAT3125提供无铅、表面贴装QFN44-16封装,并且额定工作温度范围为-40°C至+85°C。
AAT3125ISN-T1 价格&库存

