Model 1P520S
Pico Xinger 20dB Directional Coupler
The 1P520S Pico Xinger is a low profile, miniature 20dB directional coupler in an easy to use surface mount package designed for DCS and PCS applications. The 1P520S is for power and frequency detection as well as power injection. The 1P520S is an ideal solution for the ever-increasing demands of the wireless industry for smaller printed circuit boards and high performance. Parts have been subjected to rigorous qualification testing and units are 100% tested. They are manufactured using materials with x and y thermal expansion coefficients compatible with common substrates.
Rev A
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1.7 – 2.0 GHz DCS and PCS Very Low Loss High Directivity Surface Mountable Tape and Reel New Pico-Package 100% Tested Lead Free
Mean Coupling
Insertion Loss
dB Max
Max : 1
Freq. Sensitivity
dB Max
1.7 – 2.0 Directivity
dB Min
20 ± 0.75 Power Handling
Ave CW Watts
0.25 ΘJC
ºC / Watt
1.22 Operating Temp.
± 0.2
-55 to +85
**Specification based on performance of unit properly installed on microstrip printed circuit boards with 50 Ω nominal impedance. Specifications subject to change without notice.
Top View (Near-side) .250±.010 [6.35±0.25] .066±.007 [1.67±0.18] Pin 2
Side View
Bottom View (Far-side) 4X .020±.004 [0.51±0.10]
Pin 1 Orientation Marker Denotes Pin Location GND Pin 4
Pin 2
Pin 1 GND
.200±.010 [5.08±0.25]
.120±.004 [3.05±0.10]
4X .034±.004 SQ [0.86±0.10]
Denotes Array Number
Pin 3
Pin 3
.170±.004 [4.32±0.10]
Pin 4
Dimensions are in Inches [Millimeters] 1P520S Mechanical Outline
Tolerances are Non-Cumulative
Available on Tape and Reel For Pick and Place Manufacturing.
USA/Canada: Toll Free: Europe:
(315) 432-8909 (800) 544-2414 +44 2392-232392
Model 1P520S
Rev A
Typical Performance: 1.4 GHz. – 2.3 GHz.
C oupling 1P520S
Return Loss 1P520S
Return Loss (dB)
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3
Coupling (dB)
-50 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3
Frequency (GHz)
Directivity 1P520S
Frequency (GHz)
Transmission Loss 1P520S
Transmission Loss (dB)
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3
Directivity (dB)
-0.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3
Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)
COUPLING Choice of a coupling value in an application normally depends on the power level of the main (sampled) line. For example, if the coupler is being used to monitor main line power, the coupling value is selected to provide sufficient power to the monitoring device and yet minimize system loss. Note that any coupler reduces power flowing in the main line by the amount coupled off; a 10dB coupler reduces main line power by 1 dB (10%) where a 20dB coupler reduces it by only 0.044dB (1%). Anaren uses mean coupling and frequency sensitivity with the coupling specification. The mean coupling value is arrived at by periodically sampling the coupling value over the specified band and averaging the readings. Frequency sensitivity is the peak to peak variation in coupling over the specified band.
VSWR & DIRECTIVITY In directional couplers, directivity is specified in lieu of isolation. Directivity is a measure of how well the coupled power is isolated from reflections at the main line output port. For example, open or short-circuiting the output port of a coupler with 20dB directivity would only affect the coupled output power by 1% and only 0.1% for 30dB directivity. High directivity is especially important if the coupler is being used to measure the VSWR of a device at its output port. In this application, accurate measurements of forward and reverse power are required. In theory, VSWR and directivity characteristics of a coupler are perfect; the input and output ports are perfectly matched and no power is coupled to the isolated port. In practice, factors associated with the design and manufacturing processes limit VSWR and directivity. The
USA/Canada: Toll Free: Europe:
(315) 432-8909 (800) 544-2414 +44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and Reel For Pick and Place Manufacturing.
Model 1P520S
Rev A
VSWR & DIRECTIVITY (CONTINUED) internal meandering of the coupled lines and limitations of building perfect 50Ω transitions at the input and output ports of the device are the most significant factors against perfect VSWR and directivity. Typically, VSWR and directivity of 1.15:1 and 25 dB respectively are achieved in practice. INSERTION LOSS Coupler insertion loss is defined as the log of the input power divided by the sum of the power at the two output ports. In practice, typical loss is approximately 0.20 dB. Specification limits are somewhat higher due to imperfect test conditions; surface mount couplers must be tested in test fixtures that negatively affect results. PIN CONFIGURATION The 1P520S’s have an orientation marker to denote either pin 1 or pin 2. When the input port is identified, the output, coupled and isolated ports are known automatically. For example, if the input port for a device was selected to be Pin 1, Pin 2 automatically becomes the output port, Pin 4 becomes the coupled port, and Pin 3 is the isolated port. Similarly, if Pin 2 was to be selected as the input port, the adjacent port on the long side (Pin 1) is the output port, the adjacent port on the short side (Pin 3) is the coupled port, and the opposite port (Pin 4) is the isolated port. Either port on the same side as the orientation marker can be selected as the input port, as shown in the table, which shows both pin configurations. The use of pin 1 or pin 2 as the input port ensures phase consistency as well as maximum power handling.
MOUNTING For Xinger surface mount couplers to operate optimally, there must be 50Ω transmission lines leading to and from all of the RF ports. To ensure proper electrical and thermal performance, there must be a ground plane with 100% solder connection underneath the part. If either of these two conditions is not satisfied, insertion loss, coupling, VSWR and directivity may not meet published specifications. SUGGESTED FOOTPRINT
To ensure proper electrical and thermal performance there must be a ground plane with 100% solder connection underneath the part
Multiple plated thru holes to ground
.170 [4.32]
4X .034 [0.86] 4X .063 SQ [1.60] 4X 50 Transmission Line
.120 [3.05]
Dimensions are in Inches [Millimeters] 1P520S Mounting Footprint
Available on Tape and Reel For Pick and Place Manufacturing.
USA/Canada: Toll Free: Europe:
(315) 432-8909 (800) 544-2414 +44 2392-232392
Model 1P520S
Rev A
PACKAGING Packaging follows EIA-481-2. Parts are oriented in tape as shown below.
Xinger® Tape & Reel Diagram
USA/Canada: Toll Free: Europe:
(315) 432-8909 (800) 544-2414 +44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and Reel For Pick and Place Manufacturing.