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PA02 数据手册
PA02 • PA02A Power Operational Amplifiers RoHS COMPLIANT FEATURES • • • • • • • • High Power Bandwidth — 350 kHz High Slew Rate — 20V/µs Fast Settling Time — 600ns Low Crossover Distortion — Class A/B Low Internal Losses — 1.2V at 2A High Output Current — ±5A Peak Low Input Bias Current — FET Input Isolated Case — 300 VDC APPLICATIONS • • • • Motor, Valve and Actuator Control Magnetic Deflection Circuits up to 5A Power Transducers up to 350 kHz Audio Amplifiers up to 30W RMS DESCRIPTION The PA02 and PA02A are wide-band, high output current operational amplifiers designed to drive resistive, inductive and capacitive loads. Their complementary “collector output” stage can swing close to the supply rails and is protected against inductive kickback. For optimum linearity, the output stage is biased for class A/B operation. The safe operating area (SOA) can be observed for all operating conditions by selection of user programmable, current limiting resistors (down to 10mA). Both amplifiers are internally compensated but are not recommended for use as unity gain followers. For continuous operation under load, mounting on a heatsink of proper rating is recommended. These hybrid integrated circuits utilize thick film (cermet) resistors, ceramic capacitors and semiconductor chips to maximize reliability, minimize size and give top performance. Ultrasonically bonded aluminum wires provide reliable interconnections at all operating temperatures. The 8-pin TO-3 package is hermetically sealed and electrically isolated. Isolation washers are not recommended. The use of compressible thermal washers and/or improper mounting torque will void the product warranty. Please see Application Note 1 “General Operating Considerations.” www.apexanalog.com © Apex Microtechnology Inc. All rights reserved Nov 2018 PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A Figure 1: Equivalent Schematic 2 R1 R2 R5 R3 D1 Q1 R6 Q2 R4 Q4 6 R7 1 Q3 3 R15 A1 5 Q5 R8 Q7 R9 R10 R12 R13 4 Q6 8 R14 Q8 D2 R11 7 TYPICAL CONNECTIONS Figure 2: Typical Connections 2 PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A PINOUT AND DESCRIPTION TABLE Figure 3: External Connections Pin Number Name Description 1 +CL Connect to the sourcing current limit resistor, and then the +VS pin. Power supply current flows into this pin through RCL+. 2 +VS The positive supply rail. 3, 4 OUT The output. Connect this pin to load and to the feedback resistors. (Pins 3 and 4 are internally connected). 5 -IN The inverting input. 6 +IN The non-inverting input. 7 -VS The negative supply rail. -CL Connect to the sinking current limit resistor, and then the -VS pin. Power supply current flows out of this pin through RCL-. 8 PA02U Rev U 3 PA02 • PA02A SPECIFICATIONS The power supply voltage for all specifications is the TYP rating unless otherwise noted as a test condition. Full temperature specifications are guaranteed but not 100% tested. The absolute maximum negative input voltage is equal to the negative power supply voltage plus 1V (-VS + 1V). ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Max Units +Vs to -Vs 38 V Output Current, within SOA IOUT 5 A Power Dissipation, internal 1 PD 48 W Supply Voltage, total Input Voltage, differential Input Voltage, common mode Symbol Min VIN (Diff) -30 30 V VCM -VS + 2V +VS - 2V V 350 °C 150 °C -65 +150 °C -55 +125 °C Temperature, pin solder, 10s max. Temperature, junction 1 TJ Temperature Range, storage Operating Temperature Range, case TC 1. Long term operation at the maximum junction temperature will result in reduced product life. Derate internal power dissipation to achieve high MTTF. CAUTION 4 The internal substrate contains beryllia (BeO). Do not break the seal. If accidentally broken, do not crush, machine, or subject to temperatures in excess of 850°C to avoid generating toxic fumes. PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A INPUT Test Conditions Parameter PA02 Min PA02A Typ Max Min Typ Max Units Offset Voltage, initial TC = 25°C ±5 ±10 ±1 ±3 mV Offset Voltage vs. temperature Full temp range ±10 ±50 * ±25 µV/°C Offset Voltage vs. supply TC = 25°C ±10 * µV/V Offset Voltage vs. power TC = 25°C ±6 * µV/W Bias Current, initial TC = 25°C 50 Bias Current vs. temperature TC = 85°C Bias Current vs. supply TC = 25°C 0.01 Offset Current, initial TC = 25°C 25 Offset Current vs. temperature TC = 85°C Input Impedance, DC TC = 25°C 1000 * GΩ Input Capacitance TC = 25°C 3 * pF 1 200 25 200 100 pA * pA/°C * 100 15 100 pA/V 50 pA * pA/°C Common Mode Voltage Range , Pos. Full temp range +VS –6 +VS –3 * * V Common Mode Voltage Range 1, Neg. Full temp range –VS +6 –VS +5 * * V Common Mode Rejection, DC Full temp range * * dB 70 100 1. Exceeding CMV range can cause the output to latch. GAIN Parameter Test Conditions Open Loop Gain @ 10 Hz TC = 25°C, 1 kΩ load Open Loop Gain @ 10 Hz Full temp range, 10 kΩ load Gain Bandwidth Product @ 1 MHz TC = 25°C, 10 Ω load Power Bandwidth Phase Margin PA02U Rev U PA02 Min Typ PA02A Max Min 103 Typ Max Units * dB * dB 4.5 * MHz TC = 25°C, 10 Ω load 350 * kHz Full temp range, 10 Ω load 30 * ° 86 100 * 5 PA02 • PA02A OUTPUT Parameter Test Conditions PA02 Min Typ PA02A Max Min Typ Max Units Voltage Swing 1 TC=25°C, IOUT = 5A, RCL = 0.08 Ω ±VS –4 ±VS –3 * * V Voltage Swing 1 Full temp range, ±VS –2 ±VS–1.2 IOUT = 2A * * V Current, peak TC = 25°C * Settling Time to 0.1% TC=25°C, 2V step Slew Rate TC = 25°C Capacitive Load Full temp range, AV > 10 SOA * Harmonic Distortion PO=0.5W, F = 1 kHz, RL = 10 Ω 0.004 * V Small Signal rise/fall time RL = 10 Ω, AV = 1 100 * ns Small Signal overshoot RL = 10 Ω, AV = 1 10 * % 5 0.6 13 20 * A * µs * V/µs 1. +VS and –VS denote the positive and negative supply rail respectively. Total VS is measured from +VS to –VS. POWER SUPPLY PA02 PA02A Test Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Voltage Full temp range ±7 ±15 ±19 * * * V Current, Quiescent TC = 25°C 27 40 * * mA Parameter Units THERMAL Parameter Test Conditions PA02 Min PA02A Typ Max Min Typ Max Units Resistance, AC junction to case1 F > 60 Hz 1.9 2.1 * * °C/W Resistance, DC junction to case F < 60 Hz 2.4 2.6 * * °C/W Resistance, junction to air Temperature Range, case 30 Meets full range specifications -25 * +85 -55 °C/W +125 °C 1. Rating applies if the output current alternates between both output transistors at a rate faster than 60 Hz. Note: * The specification of PA02A is identical to the specification for PA02 in applicable column to the left. 6 PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A TYPICAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHS Figure 4: Power Derating Figure 5: Output Voltage Swing 3.5 ^ĂƚƵƌĂƟŽŶsŽůƚĂŐĞ͕sS-sOUT ;s) /ŶƚĞƌŶĂůWŽǁĞƌŝƐƐŝƉĂƟŽŶ͕W;tͿ 50 40 T = TC 30 20 10 T = TA 3.0 2.5 TCсϮϱΣƚŽϴϱΣ 2.0 1.5 цsOUT 1.0 0.5 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 150 1 120 0 100 -30 80 -60 60 40 -120 -150 0 -180 -210 -20 1k 10k 0.1M 1M Frequency, F (Hz) PA02U Rev U 5 -90 20 100 4 Figure 7: Phase Response Phase, ˇ;Σ) Open Loop Gain, AOL (dB) Figure 6: Small Signal Response 10 3 Output Current, IOUT (A) Temperature, T (°C) 1 2 10M 1 10 100 1k 10k 0.1M 1M 10M &ƌĞƋƵĞŶĐLJ͕&;,nj) 7 PA02 • PA02A Figure 8: Current Limit Figure 9: Power Response 3.0 30 | +VS | + | –VS | = 36V Output Voltage, VOUT (VP-P) Current Limit, ICL (A) 2.5 RCLсϬ͘ϯɏ 2.0 1.5 RCLсϬ͘ϲϮɏ 1.0 0.5 0 -25 23 18 | +VS | + | –VS | = 30V 13 10 7.8 0 25 50 75 100 6 0.1M 125 0.2M Case Temperature, TC (°C) Figure 11: Common Mode Rejection 120 ŽŵŵŽŶDŽĚĞZĞũĞĐƟŽŶ͕DZ;ĚͿ Normalized Bias Current, IB (X) 256 64 16 4 1 0.25 100 80 60 40 20 5 25 45 65 85 Case Temperature, TC (°C) 8 0.5M 0.7M 1M Frequency, F (Hz) Figure 10: Bias Current 0.06 -15 0.3M 105 1 10 100 1k 10k 0.1M 1M 10M Frequency, F (Hz) PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A Figure 12: Power Supply Rejection Figure 13: Input Noise 40 Input Noise Voltage, en (Ŷsͬя,nj) WŽǁĞƌ^ƵƉƉůLJZĞũĞĐƟŽŶ͕W^Z;ĚͿ 140 120 100 +VS 80 60 –VS 40 20 0 10 100 1k 10k 0.1M 1M 35 30 25 20 15 10 10M 10 100 Frequency, F (Hz) Figure 15: Settling Time 1.6 3 1.5 2.5 AD 1.4 Time, t (μs) 2 1.3 1.2 NO LO 1.5 AD V LO NO 10m  Ϭɏ>K ϭϬŵsϭ .5 1.0 0 0 25 50 75 100 Case Temperature, TC (°C) PA02U Rev U V 1m 1 1.1 0.9 -25 0.1M 10k Frequency, F (Hz) Figure 14: Quiescent Current Normal Quiescent Current, IQ (X) 1k 125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Change From Zero (V) 9 PA02 • PA02A Figure 16: Harmonic Distortion Figure 17: Pulse Response 15 1 Output Voltage,VOUT (V) ŝƐƚŽƌƟŽŶ͕d,;йͿ 0.3 Gain = 1 >ŽĂĚсϭϬɏ 0.1 W m 0 =5 0.03 PO 5W . =0 0.01 PO P O= 0.003 0.001 100 5W VIN = ±1V, tr = 100ns >ŽĂĚсϭϬɏ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 300 1k 3k 10k 0 0.1M 0.3M 30k 1 2 3 4 5 Time, t (μs) Frequency, F (Hz) Figure 18: Pulse Response Figure 19: Loading Effects 0.3 0 ĞůƚĂ'ĂŝŶtŝƚŚ>ŽĂĚ͕ѐ (dB) Output Voltage,VOUT (V) VIN = ±0.2V, tr = 50ns 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.5 1.0 Time, t (μs) 10 1.5 -0.3 IOUTсϭϱϬŵ -0.6 -0.9 IOUTсϰϬϬŵ -1.2 -1.5 100 1k 10k 0.1M Frequency, F (Hz) PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) The SOA curves combine the effect of all limits for this Power Op Amp. For a given application, the direction and magnitude of the output current should be calculated or measured and checked against the SOA curves. This is simple for resistive loads but more complex for reactive and EMF generating loads. The following guidelines may save extensive analytical efforts: 1. Under transient conditions, capacitive and dynamic* loads up to the following maximums are safe: CAPACITIVE LOAD INDUCTIVE LOAD ±VS ICL = 5A ICL = 2A ICL = 5A ICL = 2A 18V 2 mF 0.7 mF 0.2 H 10 mH 15V 10 mF 2.2 mF 0.7 H 25 mH 10V 25 mF 10 mF 5H 50 mH * If the inductive load is driven near steady state conditions, allowing the output voltage to drop more than 8V below the supply rail with ICL = 5A, or 17V below the supply rail with ICL = 2A while the amplifier is current limiting, the inductor should be capacitively coupled or the current limit must be lowered to meet SOA criteria. 2. The amplifier can handle any EMF generating or reactive load and short circuits to the supply rails or shorts to common if the current limits are set as follows at TC = 85°C. ±VS Short to ±VS C, L, or EMF Load Short to Common 18V 0.5A 1.7A 15V 0.7A 2.8A 10V 1.6A 4.2A These simplified limits may be exceeded with further analysis using the operating conditions for a specific application. 5.0 4.0 T TĐ Đ = 25 TĐ °C = = 1 70 TĐ ° C 00 =1 °C 25 °C 3.0 2.0 Ɛ ϱŵ ƚс ŽŶĚ ǁŶ Đ ^Ğ ĂŬĚŽ Ğ ƌ 1.5 Ğ ƚĂƚ LJ^ ĂĚ ^ƚĞ KƵƚƉƵƚƵƌƌĞŶƚ&ƌŽŵнVSŽƌͲVS (A) Figure 20: SOA 1.0 0.7 dŚ Ğƌ 0.5 ŵ Ăů 0.3 0.2 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 ^ƵƉƉůLJƚŽKƵƚƉƵƚŝīĞƌĞŶƟĂů͕VS-VOUT (V) PA02U Rev U 11 PA02 • PA02A GENERAL Please read Application Note 1 “General Operating Considerations” which covers stability, supplies, heat sinking, mounting, current limit, SOA interpretation, and specification interpretation. Visit www.apexanalog.com for Apex Microtechnology’s complete Application Notes library, Technical Seminar Workbook, and Evaluation Kits. TYPICAL APPLICATION LOW INTERNAL LOSS MAXIMIZES EFFICIENCY When system voltages are low and power is at a premium, the PA02 is a natural choice. The circuit below utilizes not only the feature of low internal loss of the PA02, but also its very low distortion level to implement a crystal clear audio amplifier suitable even for airborne applications. This circuit uses AC coupling of both the input signal and the gain circuit to render DC voltage across the speaker insignificant. The resistor and capacitor across the inputs form a stability enhancement network. The 0.27 Ω current limit resistors provide protection in the event of an output short circuit. Figure 21: Typical Application (Vehicular Sound System Power Stage) 12 PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A CURRENT LIMIT Proper operation requires the use of two current limit resistors, connected as shown in the external connection diagram. The minimum value for RCL is 0.12 Ω, however for optimum reliability it should be set as high as possible. 0.65VR CL    = ---------------I CL  A  Where: ICL is the current limit in Amperes. RCL is the current limit resistor value in Ohms. Refer to Application Note 1 “General Operating Considerations” section of the handbook for current limit adjust details. DEVICE MOUNTING The case (mounting flange) is electrically isolated and should be mounted directly to a heatsink with thermal compound. Screws with Belville spring washers are recommended to maintain positive clamping pressure on heatsink mounting surfaces. Long periods of thermal cycling can loosen mounting screws and increase thermal resistance. Since the case is electrically isolated (floating) with respect to the internal circuits it is recommended to connect it to common or other convenient AC ground potential. PA02U Rev U 13 PA02 • PA02A PACKAGE OPTIONS PACKAGE STYLE CE 14 PA02U Rev U PA02 • PA02A NEED TECHNICAL HELP? CONTACT APEX SUPPORT! For all Apex Microtechnology product questions and inquiries, call toll free 800-546-2739 in North America. For inquiries via email, please contact apex.support@apexanalog.com. International customers can also request support by contacting their local Apex Microtechnology Sales Representative. To find the one nearest to you, go to www.apexanalog.com IMPORTANT NOTICE Apex Microtechnology, Inc. has made every effort to insure the accuracy of the content contained in this document. However, the information is subject to change without notice and is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind (expressed or implied). Apex Microtechnology reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any specifications or products mentioned herein to improve reliability. This document is the property of Apex Microtechnology and by furnishing this information, Apex Microtechnology grants no license, expressed or implied under any patents, mask work rights, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights. Apex Microtechnology owns the copyrights associated with the information contained herein and gives consent for copies to be made of the information only for use within your organization with respect to Apex Microtechnology integrated circuits or other products of Apex Microtechnology. This consent does not extend to other copying such as copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes, or for creating any work for resale. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN PRODUCTS USED FOR LIFE SUPPORT, AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY, SECURITY DEVICES, OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS ARE UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER OR THE CUSTOMER’S RISK. Apex Microtechnology, Apex and Apex Precision Power are trademarks of Apex Microtechnology, Inc. All other corporate names noted herein may be trademarks of their respective holders. PA02U Rev U 15


  • 型号: BPA02B
  • 品牌: C&K
  • 封装:
  • 描述:
    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 5.4659 1+ 0


      •  国内价格
      • 1+ 2.5459 1+ 0
      • 100+ 1.6422 100+ 0
      • 1000+ 1.1142 1000+ 0
      • 5000+ 0.7555 5000+ 0
      • 10000+ 0.5379 10000+ 0


        •  国内价格
        • 5+ 6.9 5+ 0
        • 1000+ 4.6 1000+ 0


          •  国内价格
          • 5+ 9.8325 5+ 0
          • 1000+ 6.555 1000+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 5+ 12.075 5+ 0
            • 1000+ 8.05 1000+ 0


              •  国内价格
              • 5+ 12.075 5+ 0
              • 1000+ 8.05 1000+ 0


                •  国内价格
                • 5+ 17.25 5+ 0
                • 1000+ 11.5 1000+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 5+ 103.5 5+ 0
                  • 600+ 69 600+ 0


                    •  国内价格
                    • 5+ 120.75 5+ 0
                    • 600+ 80.5 600+ 0


                      •  国内价格
                      • 5+ 138 5+ 0
                      • 600+ 92 600+ 0


                        •  国内价格
                        • 10000+ 0.53488 10000+ 0


                          •  国内价格
                          • 1+ 3.85 1+ 0


                            •  国内价格
                            • 1+ 4.4 1+ 0


                              •  国内价格
                              • 1+ 1.42121 1+ 0


                                •  国内价格
                                • 65+ 11.19943 65+ 0
                                • 350+ 9.67822 350+ 0
                                • 700+ 9.27097 700+ 0
                                • 1400+ 9.05537 1400+ 0


                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 1000+ 16.69733 1000+ 0


                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 1+ 247.93262 1+ 0
                                  • 2+ 234.40946 2+ 0


                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 1+ 247.93262 1+ 0
                                  • 2+ 234.40946 2+ 0


                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 1+ 247.93262 1+ 0
                                  • 2+ 234.40946 2+ 0


                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 1+ 247.93262 1+ 0
                                  • 2+ 234.40946 2+ 0


                                    •  国内价格
                                    • 10000+ 0.81551 10000+ 0


                                    • 型号: ADPA0204
                                    • 品牌: TE
                                    • 封装:
                                    • 描述:
                                      •  国内价格
                                      • 180+ 8.5767 180+ 0
                                      • 300+ 8.37782 300+ 0
                                      • 600+ 7.89305 600+ 0
                                      • 5100+ 6.3393 5100+ 0
                                      • 10140+ 5.54378 10140+ 0


                                      • 型号: ADPA0204
                                      • 品牌: TE
                                      • 封装:
                                      • 描述:
                                        •  国内价格
                                        • 180+ 8.5767 180+ 0
                                        • 300+ 8.37782 300+ 0
                                        • 600+ 7.89305 600+ 0
                                        • 5100+ 6.3393 5100+ 0
                                        • 10140+ 5.54378 10140+ 0


                                          •  国内价格
                                          • 120+ 10.18017 120+ 0
                                          • 960+ 10.18017 960+ 0
                                          • 5040+ 8.24109 5040+ 0
                                          • 10020+ 7.24669 10020+ 0
                                          • 25020+ 6.56304 25020+ 0
                                          • 50040+ 5.97883 50040+ 0
                                          • 100020+ 5.58107 100020+ 0
