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    BXA30 - 30W Wide Input DC/DC Converters - Artesyn Technologies

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BXA30 数据手册
BXA30 Series DC/DC CONVERTERS Triple output 30W Wide Input DC/DC Converters 1 • Pin-compatible with BXA15 series • Designed to meet telecom power supply interface standard ETS300-132-2 • UL, CSA and VDE approvals • VDE0878 and EN55022 conducted emissions level A • EN61000-4-2, -3, -4, -5, -6 immunity compliant • Fixed frequency operation at 350kHz • MTBF in excess of 7,005,000 hours (demonstrated) • Basic insulation system The BXA30 triple output Series, comprising 2 different models, has been conceived as an applications-specific range of DC/DC converters, specifically addressing telecommunications, industrial electronics, test equipment, mobile telecommunications and distributed power applications. The series offers two wide input voltage ranges, 18-36VDC and 36-75VDC. Designed to meet ETSI telecoms interface standards ETS300-132-2 and BTR2511, together with internal filtering to EN55022 level A, safety approval to EN60950 and UL1950, and basic insulation of 1500VDC, the 48VDC model is ideal for telecommunications applications. The 24V model is particularly suited to industrial, mobile telecom and test equipment applications, featuring EN61000-4-2, -3, -4, -5 and -6 immunity compliant. Other features include low output ripple, overvoltage protection, short circuit protection, remote enable. 2 YEAR WARRANTY All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load at 25°C unless otherwise stated SPECIFICATIONS OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output power Line regulation (See Note 1) Load regulation (See Note 2) Ripple and noise (20MHz bandwidth) Main output Auxiliary output Main output Auxiliary output Main output Auxiliary outputs Temperature coefficient Overvoltage protection Short circuit protection Transient response Voltage accuracy Load cross regulation Transient, all outputs 30W ±0.5% ±2.0% ±1.0% ±3.0% 75mV pk-pk 15mV rms 100mV pk-pk 20mV rms ±0.02%/°C 135% Vout init. Yes 10% ±1.5% ±3.0% EMC CHARACTERISTICS Conducted emissions Radiated emissions ESD air ESD contact Surge Fast transients Radiated immunity Conducted immunity EN55022, FCC part 15 (Note 3) Level A EN55022, FCC part 15 (Note 4) Level B VDE0878 (Note 3) (48V) Level A EN55022, FCC part 15 Level A EN61000-4-2, level 3 Perf. criteria 2 EN61000-4-2, level 4 Perf. criteria 2 EN61000-4-5, level 3 Perf. criteria 2 EN61000-4-4, level 3 Perf. criteria 2 EN61000-4-3, level 3 Perf. criteria 2 EN61000-4-6, level 3 Perf. criteria 2 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency Isolation voltage Basic insulation Switching frequency Approvals and standards (See Note 11) Case material Material flammability Weight MTBF (See Note 9) Demonstrated @ 25°C Input/output Input/case, 48V models Fixed See table 1500VDC 1500VDC 350kHz, nom. VDE0805, EN60950 EN41003, IEC950, UL1950 CSA C22.2 No. 950 Aluminum substrate with plastic case UL94V-0 130g (4.6oz) 7,005,000 hours All outputs (See BXA15/30 Design Note 101) 25% to 100% load, all outputs Main output Auxiliary output 20% to 100% load Main: output 1.0% Auxiliary: output 10% 50% to 100% load, main, >20% aux. Main output 1.0% Auxiliary output 4.0% Main output for auxiliary regulation >10% Minimum load (See Note 10) INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input voltage range Reverse voltage prot. Max. input rise and fall time Remote ON/OFF Logic compatibility ON OFF ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 24Vin nominal 48Vin nominal (See Note 6) 48V 18 to 36VDC 36 to 75VDC Yes 5V/ms ETS300-132 CMOS/TTL Open circuit
1. 物料型号: - BXA30系列包含两种型号:BXA30-24T05-15(18-36VDC输入,5/±15VDC输出)和BXA30-48T05-12(36-75VDC输入,5/±12VDC输出)。

2. 器件简介: - BXA30系列是30W宽输入电压范围的DC/DC转换器,专为电信、工业电子、测试设备、移动电信和分布式电源应用设计。符合ETSI电信接口标准ETS300-132-2和BTR2511,内部滤波至EN55022 A级,安全认证至EN60950和UL1950,基本绝缘1500VDC。

3. 引脚分配: - 引脚1:+Vin - 引脚2:-Vin - 引脚3:+辅助输出 - 引脚4:输出共地 - 引脚5:-辅助输出 - 引脚6:+主输出 - 引脚7:无连接 - 引脚8:远程启停

4. 参数特性: - 输出功率:30W - 线路调整率:主输出±0.5%,辅助输出±2.0% - 负载调整率:主输出±1.0%,辅助输出±3.0% - 纹波和噪声(20MHz带宽):主输出75mV峰峰值,辅助输出15mV均方根值/100mV峰峰值 - 过压保护:所有输出135%Vout初始值 - 短路保护:所有输出

5. 功能详解: - 固定频率操作在350kHz,MTBF超过700万小时(已证明)。具有低输出纹波、过压保护、短路保护和远程启用功能。

6. 应用信息: - 48VDC型号适合电信应用,24V型号适合工业、移动电信和测试设备应用。

7. 封装信息: - 封装材料:铝基板与塑料外壳 - 材料阻燃性:UL94V-0 - 重量:130g(4.6oz)
BXA30 价格&库存

