BXF250 Series
DC/DC CONVERTERS • • • • • • • • •
Single output
90-165W Wide Input DC/DC Converters 1
Board mounted full brick with industry standard footprint Adjustable output voltage with output currents of 50A No minimum load required 2:1 input range for battery powered applications Synchronizable and parallelable with load sharing Overtemperature and short circuit protection Current monitor and power good signal Remote ON/OFF ISO9001 certified manufacturing facilities
BXF250 Series high power density DC/DC converters can provide up to 50A output current and have an industry-standard footprint, measuring just 2.40 x 4.60 x 0.52 inches. The converters are equally suitable for new designs or as replacement power sources in existing equipment. BXF250 Series converters are designed specifically for redundant and distributed power systems in the computer and telecommunications sectors, but their feature-rich specifications make them suitable for a very wide range of applications. Using Bellcore 332, the MTBF is over 1,000,000 hours. Aluminium baseplate technology and four threaded M3 inserts make heatsink attachment and thermal management easy. The BXF250 Series is approved by UL, CSA and VDE.
2 YEAR WARRANTY All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load at 25°C unless otherwise stated
OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Voltage adjustability Set point accuracy Line regulation Load regulation Minimum load Overshoot Undershoot Ripple and noise Temperature coefficient Transient response Remote sense INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input voltage range Input current Input current (max.) Input reflected ripple 48VDC nominal No load Remote OFF (See Note 3) (See Note 5) 36 to 75VDC 65mA max. 15mA max. See table 14mA pk-pk (See Note 7) 1.2VDC max. Open circuit 35V typ. 33V typ. 2.5ms typ. 1ms typ. Recovery time (See Note 2) Peak deviation At turn-on and turn-off 5Hz to 20MHz (See Note 1) Model specific ±0.5% typ., ±1.6% max. Low line to high line Full load to min. load ±0.1% typ. ±0.15% typ. 0A 0V 0V 20mV rms ±0.01%/°C 500µs 2.0%
EMC CHARACTERISTICS Conducted emissions (See Note 8) Bellcore 332 FCC part 15 EN55022, CISPR22 Level A Level A Level A
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency Isolation voltage Input/case Input/output Output/case Fixed See table 1500VDC 1500VDC 1500VDC 550kHz typ. VDE0805, EN60950, IEC950 UL1950, CSA C22.2 No. 950 Aluminium baseplate and plastic casing UL94V-0 200g (7.06oz) Bellcore 332 MIL-HDBK-217F @ 40°C, 100% FL >1,000,000 hours >200,000 hours
Switching frequency Approvals and standards (See Note 4) Case material Material flammability Weight MTBF
0.5VDC transmission line drop compensation
ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Thermal performance Altitude Vibration Operating case temp. -40°C to +100°C Non-operating -55°C to +125°C Operating Non-operating 5Hz to 500Hz 10,000 feet max. 40,000 feet max. 2.4G rms (approx.)
Active low remote ON/OFF Logic compatibility ON OFF Undervoltage lockout Start-up time (See Note 6) 48Vin: power up 48Vin: power down Power up Remote ON/OFF
File Name: BXF250.PDF Rev: 18 Oct 2000
BXF250 Series
OUTPUT POWER (MAX.) 165W 125W 100W 90W INPUT VOLTAGE 36 to 75VDC 36 to 75VDC 36 to 75VDC 36 to 75VDC OVP 4.2VDC 3.2VDC 2.5VDC 2.3VDC OUTPUT VOLTAGE 3.3V 2.5V 2.0V 1.8V
Single output
90-165W Wide Input DC/DC Converters 2
For the most current data and application support visit www.artesyn.com/powergroup/products.htm
INPUT CURRENT (MAX.) 7.0A 5.5A 4.6A 4.3A
EFFICIENCY (TYP.) 79% 76% 72% 70%
REGULATION LINE ±0.10% ±0.10% ±0.10% ±0.10% LOAD ±0.15% ±0.15% ±0.15% ±0.15%
MODEL NUMBER (7) BXF250-48S3V3L BXF250-48S2V5L BXF250-48S2V0L BXF250-48S1V8L
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Measured with 10µF tantalum capacitor and 1µF ceramic capacitor across the output. Iout = Inom; delta Iout = ±25% Iout (max), di/dt = 1A/µs. Input fusing is required based on surge and maximum input current. This product is only for inclusion by professional installers within other equipment and must not be operated as a stand alone product. Input reflected ripple current test set-up uses a Pi filter; 220µF, 12µH, 100µF. Start-up into resistive load. Active high remote on/off is available (standard product is active low), designate with the suffix ‘H’ e.g. BXF250-48S3V3H. Units should be characterised within systems. External components and filtering required.
PROTECTION Short circuit protection Overvoltage protection Thermal protection TELECOM SPECIFICATION Central office interface A ETS300-132-2 Continuous, automatic recovery Latching 110°C baseplate, automatic recovery
PIN CONNECTIONS PIN NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 FEATURE Power Good Current Monitor Parallel Trim Adjust + Sense - Sense
EXTERNAL OUTPUT TRIMMING Output can be externally trimmed by using the method shown.
International Safety Standard Approvals
VDE0805/EN60950/IEC950 File No. 10401-3336-0148 UL1950 File No. E136005 CSA C22.2 No. 950 File No. LR41062C
Please consult our website for the following items:
Application Note
File Name: BXF250.PDF Rev: 18 Oct 2000
BXF250 Series
Mechanical notes
1 2 3 All dimensions in INCHES (mm). Tolerance: x.xx ±0.02in. (0.51mm). x.xxx ±0.010in. (0.254mm). All pins are tin/lead plated brass.
Single output
90-165W Wide Input DC/DC Converters 3
For the most current data and application support visit www.artesyn.com/powergroup/products.htm
2.40 2.00 (61.0) (50.8)
4.20 (106.7) 4.60 (116.8)
SIDE VIEW 0.53 (13.5) 0.00 (0.0) 0.20 (5.1) MIN. 2.600 (66.04)
0.040 ± 0.002 (1.02 ± 0.05) DIA. 3 PLACES
0.062 ± 0.002 (1.57 ± 0.05) DIA. 11 PLACES
246 CASE S2 S1 PRI ENABLE VINVIN+ 0.040 ± 0.002 (1.02 ± 0.05) DIA. 6 PLACES BOTTOM VIEW DIMENSIONAL DETAILS 1.70 (43.2) 1.50 (38.1) 1.20 (30.48) 0.900 (22.86) 0.700 (17.78) 0.500 (12.70) 0.300 (7.62) 0.000 (0.00) 0.500 (12.70) 0.70 (17.8) 0.000 (0.00) 0.20 (5.1) 2.600 (66.04) 4.20 (106.7) 4.40 (111.8) 0.100 (2.54) 246 135 0.100 (2.54) 5 PLACES 0.200 (5.08) 7 PLACES 0.000 (0.00) 0.50 (12.7) 1.50 (38.1) 1 35 VOUTVOUTVOUTVOUTVOUT+ VOUT+ VOUT+ VOUT+
Data Sheet © Artesyn Technologies® 2002 The information and specifications contained in this data sheet are believed to be correct at time of publication. However, Artesyn Technologies accepts no responsibility for consequences arising from printing errors or inaccuracies. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information contained herein.
Please consult our website for the following items:
Application Note
File Name: BXF250.PDF Rev: 18 Oct 2000