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    CMP350-9604 - Quad output 350 Watt AC/DC high wattage power supplies with PFC - Artesyn Technologies

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CMP350-9604 数据手册
CMP350 SERIES Quad output • • • • • • • • 10 x 5 inch footprint with 1.75 inch low profile EN61000-3-2 compliant Current sharing Individually protected outputs Power fail signals 350W with 300LFM EN55022, EN55011 conducted emissions level B UL, VDE and CSA safety approvals [ 2 YEAR WARRANTY ] The CMP350 series is a 350W universal input AC/DC power supply in a 10 x 5 x 1.75 inch package. The series has the lowest standard 350W profile in the industry, input harmonic current emission correction as standard, current sharing and has 3.3V models to support the industry's transition from 5V to lower operating voltages. The CMP350 provides 350W of output power with 300LFM of forced air. Standard features include isolated outputs with individual overvoltage and overload protection on each output. The series has an enclosure with endmounted fans option that does not change the overall height. The series, with full international safety approval and the CE mark, meets conducted emissions EN55022 level B and has immunity compliance to EN61000-4-2,-3,-4, -5, -6. The CMP350 series is designed for use in medium power data networking, computer and telecom applications such as hubs, routers, file servers, graphic workstations and mass storage peripherals. It is also suitable for industrial, test and office applications. SPECIFICATION OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output accuracy Total regulation (Line and load) Transient response All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load at 25°C unless otherwise stated EMC CHARACTERISTICS ±1.0% Conducted emissions Radiated emissions Harmonic current emission correction ESD air ESD contact Surge Fast transients Radiated immunity Conducted immunity EN55022, FCC part 15 EN55022, FCC part 15 EN61000-3-2 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-5 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-4-6 Level B Level A Compliant Level Level Level Level Level Level 3 3 3 3 3 3 Main and auxiliary V1 output Auxiliary output (V2) Auxiliary output (V3) Main output 25% step load change at 1A/µs ±1.0% ±6.0% ±5.0% 2.0% max. dev., 500µs recovery ±0.02%/°C Temperature coefficient Ripple and noise (See Note 3) Overvoltage protection Short circuit protection Overload protection Thermal protection Current sharing Main output and Aux. 1 (5V and 3V3) 0Hz to 20MHz Latching All channels All channels 50mV pk-pk or 1.0% See table Continuous, auto recovery Yes GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Hold-up time Efficiency Isolation voltage Input/output Input/chassis Output/output 110VAC, 60Hz, 350W 16ms 75% typical 3000VAC 1500VAC 50VDC 150kHz EN60950, VDE0805, UL1950, CSA C22.2 No. 950 2.0kg (4.4Ibs) Open frame Enclosed 10.0 x 5 x 1.75 inches 10.5 x 5 x 1.75 inches 212,707 hours 959,870 hours Switching frequency Auto shutdown, auto recovery ±10% of rating Approvals and standards Weight Size (See Note C) MTBF INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input voltage range Input frequency range Input surge voltage Inrush current Safety ground leakage current Input current Input fuse Power factor 110VAC, 350W UL, IEC approved 110/220VAC full load 300VAC 264VAC, cold start Universal 90 to 264VAC (30s brown-out at 85VAC) 47Hz to 63Hz 20ms 75A max. 0.72mA 4.2Arms max. 6.3A 250V 0.97 min. MIL-HDBK-217F Bellcore TR-NWT-332 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Thermal performance Operating ambient, FL 0°C to +50°C Cooling 300LFM airflow required +50°C to +70°C, Derate to 50% load ambient on all channels Non-operating -40°C to +85°C Non-condensing Operating Non-operating 5% to 95% RH 10,000 feet max. 30,000 feet max. 2.4G rms peak Relative humidity Altitude Vibration (See Note 15) 5Hz to 500Hz PAGE 62 LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES | 350W AC/DC 350 Watt AC/DC high wattage power supplies with PFC OUTPUT VOLTAGE 5V 3.3V 12V 12V 5V 12V 12V 5V (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) OUTPUT TYPE Main Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 Main Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 Main OUTPUT CURRENT RIPPLE MIN 0A 1.0A 1.0A 0.5A 0A 1.0A 0.5A 0.5A 0A 1.0A 0.5A 0.2A 0A 0.8A 0.4A 0.2A 0A 1.0A 0.5A 0.3A 0A 1.0A 0.5A 0.5A 0A 1.0A 1.0A 5.0A (1) (3) TOTAL REGULATION OVP THRESHOLD 5.75 to 6.75V 4.15 to 4.35V 13.2 to 14.5V 12.6 to 15.2V (4) ADJUST RANGE +10, -5% +20, -5% ±5% (6) MODEL NUMBERS (A) (8) MAX (2) 50A 20A 10A 5.0A (8) (8) (8) 50mV 50mV 120mV 120mV 50mV 120mV 120mV 50mV 50mV 120mV 120mV 240mV 50mV 150mV 150mV 240mV 50mV 120mV 120mV 120mV 50mV 50mV 120mV 120mV 240mV 50mV 120mV 120mV ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±1.0% ±5.0% CMP350-9604 1 CMP350-9601 CMP350-9602 50A 10A 5.0A 5.0A 50A 10A 5.0A 2.0A 50A 8.0A 4.0A 2.0A 50A 10A 5.0A 3.0A 50A 15A 5.0A 5.0A (9) (9) (9) 5.75 to 6.75V 13.2 to 14.5V 12.6 to 15.2V (4) +10, -5% ±5% (5) (7) 5.75 to 6.75V 5.75 to 6.75V 13.2 to 14.5V 12.6 to 15.2V (4) 5V 12V 12V 24V 5V 15V 15V 24V 5V 12V 12V 12V (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) +10, -5% ±5% (5) (7) Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 Main Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 Main Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 Main Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 Main Aux 1 Aux 2 Aux 3 26.4 to 28.8V 5.75 to 6.75V 16.5 to 18.0V 15.7 to 19.0V (4) +10, -5% ±5% (5) (7) CMP350-9606 26.4 to 28.8V 5.75 to 6.75V 13.2 to 14.5V 12.6 to 15.2V (4) +10, -5% ±5% (5) (7) CMP350-9603 13.2 to 14.5V 4.15 to 4.35V 5.75 to 6.75V 13.2 to 14.5V 12.6 to 15.2V (4) 3.3V 5V 12V 12V (2) (2) (2) +20, -5% +10, -5% ±5% (6) CMP350-9692 (9) 24V 5V 12V 12V 10A 15A 10A 5.0A 26.4 to 28.8V 5.75 to 6.75V 13.2 to 14.5V 12.6 to 15.2V (4) ±5% +10, -5% ±5% (6) CMP350-9623 DERATING CURVE (See Notes 10, 11) Output Power (Watts) 350W International Safety Standard Approvals VDE0805/EN60950/IEC950 Licence No. 96709 UL1950 File No. E136005 CSA C22.2 No. 950 File No. LR41062C 20W 0W 300LFM FORCED AIR COOLING 175W 20W MINIMUM LOAD REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN REGULATION 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 60°C 70°C http://www.artesyn.com PAGE 63 350W AC/DC | LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES 350 Watt AC/DC high wattage power supplies with PFC TB1 1 VMAIN + VMAIN J1 3 TOP VIEW 1 TB2 8 Notes: There are three external accessible connectors in the unit besides the main Busbar. The first one is designated as TB1 which is the input power connector. USER INTERFACE PIN (J1) PIN NO. REFERENCE J1-3 12CH1 J1-4 12CH2 (B) Pin assignment (TB1) Input connector TB1 is a standard screw type terminal block. An IEC type connector is provided on enclosed models (suffix ‘CF’). Main output connector Main output Busbar connector VMAIN+ and VMAIN-. PIN CONNECTIONS Input connector TB1 PIN NO. FUNCTION TB1-1 Live TB1-2 Ground TB1-3 Neutral PIN CONNECTIONS Output Busbar connector PIN NO. FUNCTION VMAIN+ Positive VMAINNegative J1-5 J1-6 * J1-7 Auxiliary output pin assignment (TB2) TB2 auxiliary output connector is used on models -9601, -9602, -9603, -9606. PIN NO. TB2-1 TB2-2 TB2-3 TB2-4 TB2-5 TB2-6 TB2-7 TB2-8 PIN CONNECTIONS (TB2) REFERENCE FUNCTION AUX CH. 1 Positive AUX CH. 1 Positive AUX CH. 1 Negative AUX CH. 1 Negative AUX CH. 2 Positive AUX CH. 2 Negative AUX CH. 3 Positive AUX CH. 3 Negative J1-8 J1-9 J1-10 J1-12 J1A-1 * J1A-2 * J1A-3 * J1A-6 * J1A-7 * J1A-8 J1A-9 J1A-10 J1A-11 J1A-12 Auxiliary output pin assignment (TB2 and TB3) TB2 and TB3 auxiliary output connectors are used on models -9604 and -9692. See page 66 for detail. PIN NO. TB2-1 TB2-2 TB2-3 TB2-4 TB2-5 TB2-6 TB3-1 TB3-2 PIN CONNECTIONS (TB2 AND TB3) REFERENCE FUNCTION AUX CH. 2 Positive AUX CH. 2 Positive AUX CH. 2 Negative AUX CH. 2 Negative AUX CH. 3 Positive AUX CH. 3 Negative AUX CH. 1 Positive AUX CH. 1 Negative FUNCTION 12V Bias Refd. to Main Ch. -ve 12V Bias Refd. to Aux. Ch. #1 -ve, (-9601, -9602, -9603, -9606) 12V Bias Refd. to Aux. Ch. #2 -ve, (-9604, -9692) VSENMAIN+ Main Ch. Positive Remote Sense AUX1SET (See Note 14) GND2 Ground Refd. to Aux. Ch. #1 -ve, (-9601, -9602, -9603, -9606) Ground Refd. to Aux. Ch. #2 -ve, (-9604, -9692) POK (13) Power Good Detect Signal GND1 Ground Refd. to Main Ch. -ve PFD (13) Power Fail Detect Signal VSENMAINMain Ch. Negative Remote Sense VAUXSEN- Auxiliary Channel Negative Remote Sense VAUXSEN+ Auxiliary Channel Positive Remote Sense GND3 Ground Refd. to Aux. Ch. 1 +ve for -9604 and -9692 models CSAUX (12) Auxiliary Channel Current Share Pin TRIMAUX2 Tim Pin for 5V or 3.3V Auxiliary Channel CSMAIN (12) Main Channel Current Share Pin INHIBITInhibit Signal Return INHIBIT+ Inhibit Signal TRIMAUX Trim Pin for 12V or 15V Auxiliary Channel TRIMAIN Main Channel Trim Pin * Applies to -9604, -9692 models only. PAGE 64 LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES | 350W AC/DC 350 Watt AC/DC high wattage power supplies with PFC FEATURES Current share (See Note 12) Power OK (See Note 13) Remote-sense System inhibit Power fail detect (See Note 13) Forced Asserted Low 0.4V Asserted high Asserted low Main output and auxiliary 1 if 5V or 3.3V Main output >75% Main output and auxiliary 1 if 5V or 3.3V Inhibits all outputs Indicates loss of AC 4ms warning 15A Notes 1 2 3 The unit must be powered up into the recommended minimum loads to ensure the outputs come up. Combined maximum output power for Aux. 1, 2 and 3 is 220W. For models -9604 and -9692, on the aux 1 channel, output ripple and noise is measured 6 inches down the output cables through a 1 foot long twisted pair terminated with a parallel combination of a 10µF electrolytic and a 0.1µF ceramic capacitors. For all other channels on all models, ripple and noise is measured directly at the output terminals. No shutdown or latch-up occurs; voltage is internally limited to specified range. Aux. 2 tracks Aux. 3, Aux. 4 not adjustable. Aux. 3 tracks Aux. 2. Output is not adjustable. CMP350-9604 rated operation: Graph 1 8A 4 5 6 7 8 1 10A AC INPUT 10A Sum of 12V Channel Loads* 5A RATED OPERATION OUTPUT 0A 5A PFD SIGNAL POWER GOOD SIGNAL 10A 15A 20A 3.3 V Channel Load t1 t2 * Max. load for AUX2 is 10A Max load for AUX3 is 5A t1 Varies with line and load t2 ≥ 4ms t1 + t2 ≥ 20ms 9 The auxiliary channels must share power as indicated by graph 1. The maximum output power is 220W. CMP350-9692 rated operation: Graph 2 15A 8A EXTERNAL OUTPUT TRIMMING Main channel trim connections 12CH1 (14) 10A Sum of 12V Channel Loads* 10A TRIM UP/DOWN TRIMAIN TRIM DOWN GND1 TRIM UP RATED OPERATION 5A 0A 5A 10A 15A 5V Channel Load * Max. load for AUX2 is 10A Max load for AUX3 is 5A Aux. 1 channel trim connections. (-9601, -9602, -9603, 9606) Aux. 2 channel trim connections (-9604, -9692) 12CH2 TRIM UP/DOWN TRIMAUX TRIM DOWN GND2 TRIM UP 10 11 12 13 The auxiliary channels must share power as indicated by graph 2. The maximum output power is 220W. A minimum of 300LFM of forced air cooling is required for proper operation of the CMP350. All outputs must be derated linearly from maximum specified loads during operation above 50°C. Current share is a single wire share circuit that allows the main output on multiple CMP350 units to be operated in parallel. Auxiliary channels share on -9604 and -9692 models by connecting the CSAUX channel. The power fail detect and power OK signals are open-collector outputs which will sink 40mA or less in the low state and should be pulled up to a bias voltage with an appropriately sized resistor. VOL IOL VOH Min. 0V 0A 4V Max. 0.4V -40mA 40V Aux. 1 channel trim connections (-9604, -9692) AUX1SET GND3 TRIM UP/DOWN TRIMAUX2 TRIMAUX2 The system inhibit and output inhibit signals require a current source to be asserted high. Min. Max. VIH 3.5V 15.0V IIH 0mA -10mA 14 Connection from TRIMAUX2 to AUX1SET causes the output for Ch. aux. 1 on models -9604 and -9692 to regulate at its nominal factory set voltage. 15 3 orthogonal axes, random vibration, 10 minute test per axes. 16 This product is only for inclusion by professional installers within other equipment and must not be operated as a stand alone product. TRIMAUX2 is connected to AUX1SET by a factory fitted jumper to ensure CH. 1 regulates at the nominal set voltage To trim CH1, remove the jumper and connect a resistor between GND3 and TRIMAUX2 http://www.artesyn.com PAGE 65 350W AC/DC | LOW TO MEDIUM POWER AC/DC POWER SUPPLIES 350 Watt AC/DC high wattage power supplies with PFC Mechanical notes A A standard cover and fan assembly can be added during manufacturing. To order, add suffix 'CF' to the model number. e.g. CMP350-9601CF. B Visual arrangement for J1 as seen from the front (output) side of the unit. C The dimensions of the CMP350-9604 and CMP350-9692 are slightly larger than shown below. The open frame dimensions are 10.2 x 5 x 1.75 inches and the enclosed dimensions are 10.7 x 5 x 1.75 inches. 2.250 (57.15) 6.500 (165.1) 0.870 (22.098) Third Angle Projection 0.164-32-UNC-2B (6 Places) (2 On Side, 4 On Bottom) 3/16" (4.76) Max. Thread Penetration - Typ. 9.90 (251.46) AC Input Terminal Block 0.410 (10.414) 1.75 (44.45) 1/4 - 20 UNC Thread Output Studs HI GND LO TB1 J1 3.900 (99.06) TB2 1 5.00 +0.00/-0.02 (127.00) 0.125 REF. (3.175) 8 8 2.250 (57.150) 6.500 (165.100) 10.000 (254.000) 0.400 (10.160) See Mechanical Note C ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (mm) Tolerances unless otherwise specified .xx = ± 0.02 .xxx = ± 0.010 Mating connectors (J1) mating connector type Molex P/N 22-55-2241 or equivalent with Molex P/N 70058 or equivalent crimp terminals. J1-1 J1A-12 Detail: VMAIN + VMAIN J1 1 Input connector IEC for all enclosed models (suffix ‘-CF’). 3-way 0.375 inch pitch terminal block for uncovered models. Output connectors (TB2) connector type For models -9601, -9602, -9603 and -9606 8-way 0.197 inch pitch terminal. J1-12 J1A-1 2 1 TB3 TB2 6 (TB2) connector type For models -9604 and -9692 6-way 0.197 inch pitch terminal block. (TB3) connector type For models -9604 and -9692. 2-way 0.375 inch pitch terminal block. User Interface Connector J1 View Vertical mount 2 row, 24 position TB2 is a 6 way connector on models 9604 and -9692 as shown above. DS_CMP350_20000101.PDF Data Sheet © Artesyn Technologies® 2000 The information and specifications contained in this data sheet are believed to be correct at time of publication. However, Artesyn Technologies accepts no responsibility for consequences arising from printing errors or inaccuracies. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information contained herein. PAGE 66
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