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    ATA8205 - Industrial UHF ASK/FSK Receiver - ATMEL Corporation

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ATA8205 数据手册
Features • Frequency Receiving Range of (3 Versions) – f0 = 312.5 MHz to 317.5 MHz or – f0 = 431.5 MHz to 436.5 MHz or – f0 = 868 MHz to 870 MHz 30 dB Image Rejection Receiving Bandwidth – BIF = 300 kHz for 315 MHz/433 MHz Version – BIF = 600 kHz for 868 MHz Version Fully Integrated LC-VCO and PLL Loop Filter Very High Sensitivity with Power Matched LNA – ATA8203/ATA8204: –107 dBm, FSK, BR_0 (1.0 kbit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3 –113 dBm, ASK, BR_0 (1.0 kbit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3 – ATA8205: –105 dBm, FSK, BR_0 (1.0 kbit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3 –111 dBm, ASK, BR_0 (1.0 kbit/s to 1.8 kBit/s), Manchester, BER 10E-3 High System IIP3 – –18 dBm at 868 MHz – –23 dBm at 433 MHz – –24 dBm at 315 MHz System 1-dB Compression Point – –27.7 dBm at 868 MHz – –32.7 dBm at 433 MHz – –33.7 dBm at 315 MHz High Large-signal Capability at GSM Band (Blocking –33 dBm at +10 MHz, IIP3 = –24 dBm at +20 MHz) Logarithmic RSSI Output XTO Start-up with Negative Resistor of 1.5 kΩ 5V to 20V Automotive Compatible Data Interface Data Clock Available for Manchester and Bi-phase-coded Signals Programmable Digital Noise Suppression Low Power Consumption Due to Configurable Polling Temperature Range –40°C to +85°C ESD Protection 2 kV HBM, All Pins Communication to Microcontroller Possible using a Single Bi-directional Data Line Low-cost Solution Due to High Integration Level with Minimum External Circuitry Requirements Supply Voltage Range 4.5V to 5.5V • • • • Industrial UHF ASK/FSK Receiver ATA8203 ATA8204 ATA8205 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Benefits • • • • • Low BOM List Due to High Integration Use of Low-cost 13 MHz Crystal Lowest Average Current Consumption for Application Due to Self Polling Feature Reuse of ATA5743 Software World-wide Coverage with One PCB Due to 3 Versions are Pin Compatible 9121B–INDCO–04/09 1. Description The ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 is a multi-chip PLL receiver device supplied in an SSO20 package. It has been specially developed for the demands of RF low-cost data transmission systems with data rates from 1 kBit/s to 10 kBbit/s in Manchester or Bi-phase code. Its main applications are in the areas of aftermarket keyless entry systems, and tire pressure monitoring systems, telemetering, consumer/industrial remote control applications, home entertainment, access control systems,and security technology systems. It can be used in the frequency receiving range of f0 = 312.5 MHz to 317.5 MHz, f0 = 431.5 MHz to 436.5 MHz or f0 = 868 MHz to 870 MHz for ASK or FSK data transmission. All the statements made below refer to 315 MHz, 433 MHz and 868.3 MHz applications. Figure 1-1. System Block Diagram UHF ASK/FSK Remote control receiver ATA8203/ ATA8204/ ATA8205 UHF ASK/FSK Remote control transmitter ATA8401/02/03/04/05 1 to 5 Demod. Control Microcontroller XTO PLL Antenna VCO Antenna IF Amp PLL XTO Power amp. LNA VCO 2 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Figure 1-2. Block Diagram CDEM FSK/ASK Demodulator and Data Filter RSSI Limiter out RSSI Dem_out Data Interface DATA RSSI SENS AVCC AGND DGND DVCC POLLING/_ON Sensitivity reduction Polling Circuit and Control Logic IF Amp. DATA_CLK MODE 4. Order f0 = 1 MHz FE CLK IC_ACTIVE LPF fg = 2.2 MHz Standby Logic IF Amp. Loop Filter XTAL2 XTO XTAL1 Poly-LPF fg = 7 MHz f LC-VCO :2 or :3 LNAREF f LNA_IN LNAGND LNA :2 or :4 f :128 or :64 3 9121B–INDCO–04/09 2. Pin Configuration Figure 2-1. Pinning SSO20 SENS IC_ACTIVE CDEM AVCC TEST1 RSSI AGND LNAREF LNA_IN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ATA8203/ ATA8204/ ATA8205 20 DATA 19 POLLING/_ON 18 DGND 17 DATA_CLK 16 MODE 15 DVCC 14 XTAL2 13 XTAL1 12 TEST3 11 TEST2 LNAGND 10 Table 2-1. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pin Description Symbol SENS IC_ACTIVE CDEM AVCC TEST 1 RSSI AGND LNAREF LNA_IN LNAGND TEST 2 TEST 3 XTAL1 XTAL2 DVCC MODE DATA_CLK DGND POLLING/_ON DATA Function Sensitivity-control resistor IC condition indicator: Low = sleep mode, High = active mode Lower cut-off frequency data filter Analog power supply Test pin, during operation at GND RSSI output Analog ground High-frequency reference node LNA and mixer RF input DC ground LNA and mixer Do not connect during operating Test pin, during operation at GND Crystal oscillator XTAL connection 1 Crystal oscillator XTAL connection 2 Digital power supply Selecting 315 MHz/other versions Low: 315 MHz version (ATA8203) High: 433 MHz/868 MHz versions (ATA8204/ATA8205) Bit clock of data stream Digital ground Selects polling or receiving mode; Low: receiving mode, High: polling mode Data output/configuration input 4 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 3. RF Front-end The RF front-end of the receiver is a low-IF heterodyne configuration that converts the input signal into about 1 MHz IF signal with a typical image rejection of 30 dB. According to Figure Figure 1-2 on page 3 the front-end consists of an LNA (Low Noise Amplifier), LO (Local Oscillator), I/Q mixer, polyphase low-pass filter and an IF amplifier. The PLL generates the drive frequency fLO for the mixer using a fully integrated synthesizer with integrated low noise LC-VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) and PLL-loop filter. The XTO (crystal oscillator) generates the reference frequency fREF = fXTO/2 (868 MHz and 433 MHz versions) or fREF = fXTO/3 (315 MHz version). The integrated LC-VCO generates two or four times the mixer drive frequency fVCO. The I/Q signals for the mixer are generated with a divide by two or four circuit (fLO = fVCO/2 for 868 MHz version, fLO = fVCO/4 for 433 MHz and 315 MHz versions). fVCO is divided by a factor of 128 or 64 and feeds into a phase frequency detector and is compared with fREF. The output of the phase frequency detector is fed into an integrated loop filter and thereby generates the control voltage for the VCO. If fLO is determined, fXTO can be calculated using the following formula: fREF = fLO/128 for 868 MHz band, fREF = fLO/64 for 433 MHz bands, fREF = fLO/64 for 315 MHz bands. The XTO is a two-pin oscillator that operates at the series resonance of the quartz crystal with high current but low voltage signal, so that there is only a small voltage at the crystal oscillator frequency at pins XTAL1 and XTAL2. According to Figure 3-1, the crystal should be connected to GND with two capacitors CL1 and CL2 from XTAL1 and XTAL2 respectively. The value of these capacitors are recommended by the crystal supplier. Due to an inductive impedance at steady state oscillation and some PCB parasitics, a lower value of C L1 and CL2 is normally necessary. The value of CLx should be optimized for the individual board layout to achieve the exact value of fXTO and hence of fLO. (The best way is to use a crystal with known load resonance frequency to find the right value for this capacitor.) When designing the system in terms of receiving bandwidth and local oscillator accuracy, the accuracy of the crystal and the XTO must be considered. Figure 3-1. XTO Peripherals DVCC XTAL2 XTAL1 CL1 TEST3 TEST2 VS CL2 The nominal frequency fLO is determined by the RF input frequency fRF and the IF frequency fIF using the following formula (low-side injection): fLO = fRF – fIF 5 9121B–INDCO–04/09 To determine fLO, the construction of the IF filter must be considered. The nominal IF frequency is fIF = 950 kHz. To achieve a good accuracy of the filter corner frequencies, the filter is tuned by the crystal frequency fXTO. This means that there is a fixed relationship between fIF and fLO. fIF = fLO/318 for the 315 MHz band (ATA8203) fIF = fLO/438 for the 433.92 MHz band (ATA8204) fIF = fLO/915 for the 868.3 MHz band (ATA8205) The relationship is designed to achieve the nominal IF frequency of: fIF = 987 kHz for the 315 MHz and BIF = 300 kHz (ATA8203) fIF = 987 kHz for the 433.92 MHz and BIF = 300 kHz (ATA8204) fIF = 947.8 kHz for the 868.3 MHz and BIF = 600 kHz (ATA8205) The RF input either from an antenna or from an RF generator must be transformed to the RF input pin LNA_IN. The input impedance of this pin is provided in the electrical parameters. The parasitic board inductances and capacitances influence the input matching. The RF receiver ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 exhibits its highest sensitivity if the LNA is power matched. Because of this, matching to a SAW filter, a 50Ω or an antenna is easier. Figure 14-1 on page 32 “Application Circuit” shows a typical input matching network for fRF = 315 MHz, fRF = 433.92 MHz or fRF = 868.3 MHz to 50Ω. The input matching network shown in Table 14-2 on page 32 is the reference network for the parameters given in the electrical characteristics. 4. Analog Signal Processing 4.1 IF Filter The signals coming from the RF front-end are filtered by the fully integrated 4th-order IF filter. The IF center frequency is: fIF = 987 kHz for the 315 MHz and BIF = 300 kHz (ATA8203) fIF = 987 kHz for the 433.92 MHz and BIF = 300 kHz (ATA8204) fIF = 947.9 kHz for the 868.3 MHz and BIF = 600 kHz (ATA8205) The nominal bandwidth is 300 kHz for ATA8203 and ATA8204 and 600 kHz for ATA8205. 4.2 Limiting RSSI Amplifier The subsequent RSSI amplifier enhances the output signal of the IF amplifier before it is fed into the demodulator. The dynamic range of this amplifier is ΔRRSSI = 60 dB. If the RSSI amplifier is operated within its linear range, the best S/N ratio is maintained in ASK mode. If the dynamic range is exceeded by the transmitter signal, the S/N ratio is defined by the ratio of the maximum RSSI output voltage and the RSSI output voltage due to a disturber. The dynamic range of the RSSI amplifier is exceeded if the RF input signal is approximately 60 dB higher compared to the RF input signal at full sensitivity. The S/N ratio is not affected by the dynamic range of the RSSI amplifier in FSK mode because only the hard limited signal from a high-gain limiting amplifier is used by the demodulator. The output voltage of the RSSI amplifier (VRSSI) is available at pin RSSI. Using the RSSI output signal, the signal strength of different transmitters can be distinguished. The usable input power range PRef is –100 dBm to –55 dBm. 6 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Figure 4-1. 3.5 RSSI Characteristics ATA8204 RSSI Characteristics 4.5V -40˚C 5V -40˚C 5.5V -40˚C 4.5V 25˚C 5V 25˚C 5.5V 25˚C 4.5V 85˚C 5V 85˚C 5.5V 85˚C 3 V_RSSI (V) 2.5 2 1.5 1 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 PIN (dBm) -70 -60 -50 -40 The output voltage of the RSSI amplifier is internally compared to a threshold voltage VTh_red. VTh_red is determined by the value of the external resistor RSens. RSens is connected between pin SENS and GND or VS. The output of the comparator is fed into the digital control logic. By this means, it is possible to operate the receiver at a lower sensitivity. If RSens is connected to GND, the receiver switches to full sensitivity. It is also possible to connect the pin SENS directly to GND to get the maximum sensitivity. If RSens is connected to VS, the receiver operates at a lower sensitivity. The reduced sensitivity is defined by the value of RSens, and the maximum sensitivity is defined by the signal-to-noise ratio of the LNA input. The reduced sensitivity depends on the signal strength at the output of the RSSI amplifier. Since different RF input networks may exhibit slightly different values for the LNA gain, the sensitivity values given in the electrical characteristics refer to a specific input matching. This matching is described and illustrated in Section 14. “Data Interface” on page 32. RSens can be connected to VS or GND using a microcontroller. The receiver can be switched from full sensitivity to reduced sensitivity or vice versa at any time. In polling mode, the receiver does not wake up if the RF input signal does not exceed the selected sensitivity. If the receiver is already active, the data stream at pin DATA disappears when the input signal is lower than defined by the reduced sensitivity. Instead of the data stream, the pattern according to Figure 4-2 “Steady L State Limited DATA Output Pattern” is issued at pin DATA to indicate that the receiver is still active (see Figure 13-2 on page 30 “Data Interface”). Figure 4-2. Steady L State Limited DATA Output Pattern DATA tDATA_min tDATA_L_max 7 9121B–INDCO–04/09 4.3 FSK/ASK Demodulator and Data Filter The signal coming from the RSSI amplifier is converted into the raw data signal by the ASK/FSK demodulator. The operating mode of the demodulator is set using the bit ASK/_FSK in the OPMODE register. Logic L sets the demodulator to FSK, applying H to ASK mode. In ASK mode an automatic threshold control circuit (ATC) is employed to set the detection reference voltage to a value where a good signal to noise ratio is achieved. This circuit also implements the effective suppression of any kind of in-band noise signals or competing transmitters. If the S/N (ratio to suppress in-band noise signals) exceeds about 10 dB the data signal can be detected properly. However, better values are found for many modulation schemes of the competing transmitter. The FSK demodulator is intended to be used for an FSK deviation of 10 kHz ≤Δf ≤100 kHz. The data signal in FSK mode can be detected if the S/N (ratio to suppress in-band noise signals) exceeds about 2 dB. This value is valid for all modulation schemes of a disturber signal. The output signal of the demodulator is filtered by the data filter before it is fed into the digital signal processing circuit. The data filter improves the S/N ratio as its pass-band can be adopted to the characteristics of the data signal. The data filter consists of a 1st order high-pass and a 2nd order low-pass filter. The high-pass filter cut-off frequency is defined by an external capacitor connected to pin CDEM. The cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter is defined by the following formula: 1 fcu_DF = -----------------------------------------------------------2 × π × 30 k Ω × CDEM In self-polling mode the data filter must settle very rapidly to achieve a low current consumption. Therefore, CDEM cannot be increased to very high values if self-polling is used. On the other hand, CDEM must be large enough to meet the data filter requirements according to the data signal. Recommended values for CDEM are given in the electrical characteristics. The cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is defined by the selected baud-rate range (BR_Range). The BR_Range is defined in the OPMODE register (refer to Section 11. “Configuring the Receiver” on page 25). The BR_Range must be set in accordance to the baud-rate used. The ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 is designed to operate with data coding where the DC level of the data signal is 50%. This is valid for Manchester and Bi-phase coding. If other modulation schemes are used, the DC level should always remain within the range of VDC_min = 33% and VDC_max = 66%. The sensitivity may be reduced by up to 2 dB in that condition. Each BR_Range is also defined by a minimum and a maximum edge-to-edge time (tee_sig). These limits are defined in the electrical characteristics. They should not be exceeded to maintain full sensitivity of the receiver. 8 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 5. Receiving Characteristics The RF receiver ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 can be operated with and without a SAW front-end filter. In a typical automotive application, a SAW filter is used to achieve better selectivity and large signal capability. The receiving frequency response without a SAW front-end filter is illustrated in Figure 5-1 “Narrow Band Receiving Frequency Response ATA8204”. This example relates to ASK mode. FSK mode exhibits a similar behavior. The plots are printed relatively to the maximum sensitivity. If a SAW filter is used, an insertion loss of about 3 dB must be considered, but the overall selectivity is much better. When designing the system in terms of receiving bandwidth, the LO deviation must be considered as it also determines the IF center frequency. The total LO deviation is calculated, to be the sum of the deviation of the crystal and the XTO deviation of the ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205. Low-cost crystals are specified to be within ±90 ppm over tolerance, temperature, and aging. The XTO deviation of the ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 is an additional deviation due to the XTO circuit. This deviation is specified to be ±10 ppm worst case for a crystal with CM = 7 fF. If a crystal of ±90 ppm is used, the total deviation is ±100 ppm in that case. Note that the receiving bandwidth and the IF-filter bandwidth are equivalent in ASK mode but not in FSK mode. Figure 5-1. Narrow Band Receiving Frequency Response ATA8204 Image Rejection versus RF Frequency 10 0 -10 -20 (dB) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 430 4.5V -40˚C 5V -40˚C 5.5V -40˚C 4.5V 25˚C 5V 25˚C 5.5V 25˚C 431 432 433 434 (MHz) 435 436 437 438 9 9121B–INDCO–04/09 6. Polling Circuit and Control Logic The receiver is designed to consume less than 1 mA while being sensitive to signals from a corresponding transmitter. This is achieved using the polling circuit. This circuit enables the signal path periodically for a short time. During this time the bit-check logic verifies the presence of a valid transmitter signal. Only if a valid signal is detected, the receiver remains active and transfers the data to the connected microcontroller. If there is no valid signal present, the receiver is in sleep mode most of the time resulting in low current consumption. This condition is called polling mode. A connected microcontroller is disabled during that time. All relevant parameters of the polling logic can be configured by the connected microcontroller. This flexibility enables the user to meet the specifications in terms of current consumption, system response time, data rate etc. The receiver is very flexible with regards to the number of connection wires to the microcontroller. It can be either operated by a single bi-directional line to save ports to the connected microcontroller or it can be operated by up to five uni-directional ports. 7. Basic Clock Cycle of the Digital Circuitry The complete timing of the digital circuitry and the analog filtering is derived from one clock. This clock cycle TClk is derived from the crystal oscillator (XTO) in combination with a divide by 28 or 30 circuit. According to Section 3. “RF Front-end” on page 5, the frequency of the crystal oscillator (fXTO) is defined by the RF input signal (fRFin) which also defines the operating frequency of the local oscillator (fLO). The basic clock cycle for ATA8204 and ATA8205 is TClk 28/fXTO giving TClk = 2.066 µs for fRF = 868.3 MHz and TClk = 2.069 µs for fRF = 433.92 MHz. For ATA8203 the basic clock cycle is TClk = 30/fREF giving TClk = 2.0382 µs for fRF = 315 MHz. TClk controls the following application-relevant parameters: • Timing of the polling circuit including bit check • Timing of the analog and digital signal processing • Timing of the register programming • Frequency of the reset marker • IF filter center frequency (fIF0) Most applications are dominated by three transmission frequencies: fTransmit = 315 MHz is mainly used in USA, fTransmit = 868.3 MHz and 433.92 MHz in Europe. All timings are based on TClk. For the aforementioned frequencies, TClk is given as: • Application 315 MHz band (fXTO = 14.71875 MHz, fLO = 314.13 MHz, TClk = 2.0382 µs) • Application 868.3 MHz band (fXTO = 13.55234 MHz, fLO = 867.35 MHz, TClk = 2.066 µs) • Application 433.92 MHz band (fXTO = 13.52875 MHz, fLO = 432.93 MHz, TClk = 2.0696 µs) For calculation of TClk for applications using other frequency bands, see table in Section 18. “Electrical Characteristics ATA8204, ATA8205” on page 37. 10 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 The clock cycle of some function blocks depends on the selected baud-rate range (BR_Range), which is defined in the OPMODE register. This clock cycle TXClk is defined by the following formulas: BR_Range = BR_Range0: BR_Range1: BR_Range2: BR_Range3: TXClk = 8 × TXClk = 4 × TXClk = 2 × TXClk = 1 × TClk TClk TClk TClk 8. Polling Mode According to Figure 8-1 on page 12, the receiver stays in polling mode in a continuous cycle of three different modes. In sleep mode the signal processing circuitry is disabled for the time period TSleep while consuming low current of IS = ISoff. During the start-up period, TStartup, all signal processing circuits are enabled and settled. In the following bit-check mode, the incoming data stream is analyzed bit-by-bit and compared with a valid transmitter signal. If no valid signal is present, the receiver is set back to sleep mode after the period TBit-check. This period varies according to each check as it is a statistical process. An average value for TBitcheck is given in the electrical characteristics. During TStartup and TBit-check, the current consumption is IS = ISon. The condition of the receiver is indicated on pin IC_ACTIVE. The average current consumption in polling mode is dependent on the duty cycle of the active mode and can be calculated as: I Soff × T Sleep + I Son × ( T Startup + T Bit-check ) I Spoll = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T Sleep + T Startup + T Bit-check During TSleep and TStartup, the receiver is not sensitive to a transmitter signal. To guarantee the reception of a transmitted command, the transmitter must start the telegram with an adequate preburst. The required length of the preburst depends on the polling parameters TSleep, TStartup, TBit-check and the start-up time of a connected microcontroller, TStart_microcontroller. Thus, TBit-check depends on the actual bit rate and the number of bits (NBit-check) to be tested. The following formula indicates how to calculate the preburst length. TPreburst ≥ TSleep + TStartup + TBit-check + TStart_microcontroller 8.1 Sleep Mode The length of period TSleep is defined by the 5-bit word Sleep of the OPMODE register, the extension factor XSleep (according to Table 11-8 on page 27), and the basic clock cycle T Clk. It is calculated to be: TSleep = Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk The maximum value of TSleep is about 60 ms if XSleep is set to 1. The time resolution is about 2 ms in that case. The sleep time can be extended to almost half a second by setting XSleep to 8. XSleep can be set to 8 by bit XSleepStd to “1”. Setting the configuration word Sleep to its maximal value puts the receiver into a permanent sleep mode. The receiver remains in this state until another value for Sleep is programmed into the OPMODE register. This is particularily useful when several devices share a single data line. (It can also be used for microcontroller polling: using pin POLLING/_ON, the receiver can be switched on and off.) 11 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Figure 8-1. Polling Mode Flow Chart Sleep Mode: All circuits for signal processing are disabled. Only XTO and Polling logic are enabled. Output level on Pin IC_ACTIVE = > low IS = ISoff TSleep = Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk Sleep: XSleep: TClk: 5-bit word defined by Sleep 0 to Sleep 4 in OPMODE register Extension factor defined by XSleepStd according to Table 11-8 Basic clock cycle defined by fXTO and Pin MODE Is defined by the selected baud rate range and TClk. The baud-rate range is defined by Baud 0 and Baud 1 in the OPMODE register. Start-up Mode: The signal processing circuits are enabled. After the start-up time (TStartup) all circuits are in stable condition and ready to receive. Output level on Pin IC_ACTIVE = > high IS = ISon TStartup TStartup: Bit-check Mode: The incoming data stream is analyzed. If the timing indicates a valid transmitter signal, the receiver is set to receiving mode. Otherwise it is set to Sleep mode. Output level on Pin IC_ACTIVE = > high IS = ISon TBit-check NO Bit Check OK ? TBit-check: Depends on the result of the bit check If the bit check is ok, TBit-check depends on the number of bits to be checked (NBit-check) and on the data rate used. If the bit check fails, the average time period for that check depends on the selected baud-rate range and on TClk. The baud-rate range is defined by Baud 0 and Baud 1 in the OPMODE register. YES Receiving Mode: The receiver is turned on permanently and passes the data stream to the connected microcontroller. It can be set to Sleep mode through an OFF command via Pin DATA or Polling/_ON. Output level on Pin IC_ACTIVE = > high IS = ISon OFF Command 12 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 8.2 Bit-check Mode In bit-check mode the incoming data stream is examined to distinguish between a valid signal from a corresponding transmitter and signals due to noise. This is done by subsequent time frame checks where the distances between 2 signal edges are continuously compared to a programmable time window. The maximum number of these edge-to-edge tests, before the receiver switches to receiving mode, is also programmable. 8.3 Configuring the Bit Check Assuming a modulation scheme that contains two edges per bit, two time frame checks verify one bit. This is valid for Manchester, Bi-phase, and most other modulation schemes. The maximum count of bits to be checked can be set to 0, 3, 6, or 9 bits using the variable NBit-check in the OPMODE register. This implies 0, 6, 12, and 18 edge-to-edge checks respectively. If NBit-check is set to a higher value, the receiver is less likely to switch to receiving mode due to noise. In the presence of a valid transmitter signal, the bit check takes less time if NBit-check is set to a lower value. In polling mode, the bit-check time is not dependent on NBit-check. Figure 8-2 shows an example where three bits are tested successfully and the data signal is transferred to pin DATA. Figure 8-2. Timing Diagram for Complete Successful Bit Check Bit check ok (Number of checked Bits: 3) IC_ACTIVE Bit check 1/2 Bit Dem_out Data_out (DATA) 1/2 Bit 1/2 Bit 1/2 Bit 1/2 Bit 1/2 Bit TStart-up Start-up mode TBit-check Start-check mode Receiving mode According to Figure 8-3, the time window for the bit check is defined by two separate time limits. If the edge-to-edge time t ee i s in between the lower bit-check limit T Lim_min a nd the upper bit-check limit TLim_max, the check continues. If tee is smaller than TLim_min or tee exceeds TLim_max, the bit check is terminated and the receiver switches to sleep mode. Figure 8-3. Valid Time Window for Bit Check 1/fSig Dem_out tee TLim_min TLim_max 13 9121B–INDCO–04/09 For best noise immunity using a low span between TLim_min and TLim_max is recommended. This is achieved using a fixed frequency at a 50% duty cycle for the transmitter preburst. A “11111...” or a “10101...” sequence in Manchester or Bi-phase is suitable for this. A good compromise between receiver sensitivity and susceptibility to noise is a time window of ±30% regarding the expected edge-to-edge time tee. Using pre-burst patterns that contain various edge-to-edge time periods, the bit-check limits must be programmed according to the required span. The bit-check limits are determined by means of the formula below. TLim_min = Lim_min × TXClk TLim_max = (Lim_max – 1) × TXClk Lim_min and Lim_max are defined by a 5-bit word each within the LIMIT register. Using above formulas, Lim_min and Lim_max can be determined according to the required TLim_min, TLim_max and TXClk. The time resolution defining TLim_min and TLim_max is TXClk. The minimum edge-to-edge time tee (tDATA_L_min, tDATA_H_min) is defined according to the Section 8.6 “Digital Signal Processing” on page 16. The lower limit should be set to Lim_min ≥ 10. The maximum value of the upper limit is Lim_max = 63. If the calculated value for Lim_min is < 19, it is recommended to check 6 or 9 bits (NBit-check) to prevent switching to receiving mode due to noise. Figure 8-4, Figure 8-5, and Figure 8-6 illustrate the bit check for the bit-check limits Lim_min = 14 and Lim_max = 24. When the IC is enabled, the signal processing circuits are enabled during TStartup. The output of the ASK/FSK demodulator (Dem_out) is undefined during that period. When the bit check becomes active, the bit-check counter is clocked with the cycle TXClk. Figure 8-4 shows how the bit check proceeds if the bit-check counter value CV_Lim is within the limits defined by Lim_min and Lim_max at the occurrence of a signal edge. In Figure 8-5 the bit check fails as the value CV_Lim is lower than the limit Lim_min. The bit check also fails if CV_Lim reaches Lim_max. This is illustrated in Figure 8-6. Figure 8-4. Timing Diagram During Bit Check Bit check ok Bit check ok (Lim_min = 14, Lim_max = 24) IC_ACTIVE Bit check 1/2 Bit Dem_out Bit-check counter 1/2 Bit 1/2 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 TXClk TStart-up Start-up mode TBit-check Bit-check mode 14 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Figure 8-5. Timing Diagram for Failed Bit Check (Condition: CV_Lim < Lim_min) Bit check failed (CV_Lim_ < Lim_min) (Lim_min = 14, Lim_max = 24) IC_ACTIVE Bit check 1/2 Bit Dem_out Bit-check counter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 TStart-up Start-up mode TBit-check Bit-check mode TSleep Sleep mode Figure 8-6. Timing Diagram for Failed Bit Check (Condition: CV_Lim ≥ Lim_max) Bit check failed (CV_Lim >= Lim_max) (Lim_min = 14, Lim_max = 24) IC_ACTIVE Bit check 1/2 Bit Dem_out Bit-check counter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 TStart-up Start-up mode TBit-check Bit-check mode TSleep Sleep mode 8.4 Duration of the Bit Check If no transmitter signal is present during the bit check, the output of the ASK/FSK demodulator delivers random signals. The bit check is a statistical process and TBit-check varies for each check. Therefore, an average value for T Bit-check i s given in the electrical characteristics. T Bit-check depends on the selected baud-rate range and on TClk. A higher baud-rate range causes a lower value for TBit-check resulting in a lower current consumption in polling mode. In the presence of a valid transmitter signal, TBit-check is dependent on the frequency of that signal, fSig, and the count of the checked bits, NBit-check. A higher value for NBit-check thereby results in a longer period for TBit-check requiring a higher value for the transmitter pre-burst TPreburst. 8.5 Receiving Mode If the bit check was successful for all bits specified by NBit-check, the receiver switches to receiving mode. According to Figure 8-2 on page 13, the internal data signal is switched to pin DATA in that case, and the data clock is available after the start bit has been detected (see Figure 9-1 on page 20). A connected microcontroller can be woken up by the negative edge at pin DATA or by the data clock at pin DATA_CLK. The receiver stays in that condition until it is switched back to polling mode explicitly. 15 9121B–INDCO–04/09 8.6 Digital Signal Processing The data from the ASK/FSK demodulator (Dem_out) is digitally processed in different ways and as a result converted into the output signal data. This processing depends on the selected baud-rate range (BR_Range). Figure 8-7 illustrates how Dem_out is synchronized by the extended clock cycle TXClk. This clock is also used for the bit-check counter. Data can change its state only after TXClk has elapsed. The edge-to-edge time period tee of the Data signal as a result is always an integral multiple of TXClk. The minimum time period between two edges of the data signal is limited to tee ≥ TDATA_min. This implies an efficient suppression of spikes at the DATA output. At the same time it limits the maximum frequency of edges at DATA. This eases the interrupt handling of a connected microcontroller. The maximum time period for DATA to stay low is limited to T DATA_L_max . This function is employed to ensure a finite response time in programming or switching off the receiver via pin DATA. TDATA_L_max is therefore longer than the maximum time period indicated by the transmitter data stream. Figure 8-9 on page 17 gives an example where Dem_out remains Low after the receiver has switched to receiving mode. Figure 8-7. Synchronization of the Demodulator Output TXClk Clock bit-check counter Dem_out Data_out (DATA) tee Figure 8-8. Debouncing of the Demodulator Output Dem_out Data_out (DATA) tDATA_min tee tDATA_min tee tDATA_min tee 16 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Figure 8-9. Steady L State Limited DATA Output Pattern After Transmission IC_ACTIVE Bit check Dem_out Data_out (DATA) tDATA_min Start-up mode Bit-check mode Receiving mode tDATA_L_max After the end of a data transmission, the receiver remains active. Depending of the bit Noise_Disable in the OPMODE register, the output signal at pin DATA is high or random noise pulses appear at pin DATA (see Section 10. “Digital Noise Suppression” on page 23). The edge-to-edge time period tee of the majority of these noise pulses is equal or slightly higher than TDATA_min. 8.7 Switching the Receiver Back to Sleep Mode The receiver can be set back to polling mode via pin DATA or via pin POLLING/_ON. When using pin DATA, this pin must be pulled to low by the connected microcontroller for the period t1. Figure 8-10 on page 18 illustrates the timing of the OFF command (see Figure 13-2 on page 30). The minimum value of t1 depends on the BR_Range. The maximum value for t1 is not limited; however, exceeding the specified value to prevent erasing the reset marker is not recommended. Note also that an internal reset for the OPMODE and the LIMIT register is generated if t1 exceeds the specified values. This item is explained in more detail in the Section 11. “Configuring the Receiver” on page 25. Setting the receiver to sleep mode via DATA is achieved by programming bit 1 to “1” during the register configuration. Only one sync pulse (t3) is issued. The duration of the OFF command is determined by the sum of t1, t2, and t10. The sleep time TSleep elapses after the OFF command. Note that the capacitive load at pin DATA is limited (see Section 14. “Data Interface” on page 32). 17 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Figure 8-10. Timing Diagram of the OFF Command using Pin DATA IC_ACTIVE t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t10 Out1 (microcontroller) Data_out (DATA) X t7 Serial bi-directional data line X Bit 1 ("1") (Start Bit) OFF-command Receiving mode TSleep Sleep mode TStart-up Start-up mode Figure 8-11. Timing Diagram of the OFF Command using Pin POLLING/_ON IC_ACTIVE ton2 ton3 Bit check ok POLLING/_ON Data_out (DATA) X X Serial bi-directional data line X Receiving mode Sleep mode Start-up mode Bit-check mode X Receiving mode Figure 8-12. Activating the Receiving Mode using Pin POLLING/_ON IC_ACTIVE ton1 POLLING/_ON X Data_out (DATA) Serial bi-directional data line Sleep mode Start-up mode X Receiving mode 18 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Figure 8-11 “Timing Diagram of the OFF Command using Pin POLLING/_ON” illustrates how to set the receiver back to polling mode using pin POLLING/_ON. The pin POLLING/_ON must be held to low for the time period ton2. After the positive edge on pin POLLING/_ON and the delay ton3, the polling mode is active and the sleep time TSleep elapses. Using the POLLING/_ON command is faster than using pin DATA; however, this requires the use of an additional connection to the microcontroller. Figure 8-12 “Activating the Receiving Mode using Pin “POLLING/_ON” illustrates how to set the receiver to receiving mode using the pin POLLING/_ON. The pin POLLING/_ON must be held to low. After the delay ton1, the receiver changes from sleep mode to start-up mode regardless of the programmed values for TSleep and NBit-check. As long as POLLING/_ON is held to low, the values for T Sleep a nd N Bit-check i s ignored, but not deleted (see Section 10. “Digital Noise Suppression” on page 23). If the receiver is polled exclusively by a microcontroller, TSleep must be programmed to 31 (permanent sleep mode). In this case the receiver remains in sleep mode as long as POLLING/_ON is held to high. 9. Data Clock The pin DATA_CLK makes a data shift clock available to sample the data stream into a shift register. Using this data clock, a microcontroller can easily synchronize the data stream. This clock can only be used for Manchester and Bi-phase coded signals. 9.1 Generation of the Data Clock After a successful bit check, the receiver switches from polling mode to receiving mode and the data stream is available at pin DATA. In receiving mode, the data clock control logic (Manchester/Bi-phase demodulator) is active and examines the incoming data stream. This is done, as with the bit check, by subsequent time frame checks where the distance between two edges is continuously compared to a programmable time window. As illustrated in Figure 9-1 on page 20, only two distances between two edges in Manchester and Bi-phase coded signals are valid (T and 2T). The limits for T are the same as used with the bit check. They can be programmed in the LIMIT-register (Lim_min and Lim_max, see Table 11-10 on page 28 and Table 11-11 on page 28). The limits for 2T are calculated as follows: Lower limit of 2T: Upper limit of 2T: Lim_min_2T = (Lim_min + Lim_max) – (Lim_max – Lim_min)/2 Lim_max_2T= (Lim_min + Lim_max) + (Lim_max – Lim_min)/2 (If the result for ’Lim_min_2T’ or ’Lim_max_2T’ is not an integer value, it is rounded up.) The data clock is available, after the data clock control logic has detected the distance 2T (Start bit) and is issued with the delay tDelay after the edge on pin DATA (see Figure 9-1 on page 20). If the data clock control logic detects a timing or logical error (Manchester code violation), as illustrated in Figure 9-2 on page 20 and Figure 9-3 on page 21, it stops the output of the data clock. The receiver remains in receiving mode and starts with the bit check. If the bit check was successful and the start bit has been detected, the data clock control logic starts again with the generation of the data clock (see Figure 9-4 on page 21). 19 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Use the function of the data clock only in conjunction with the bit check 3, 6 or 9 is recommended. If the bit check is set to 0 or the receiver is set to receiving mode using the pin POLLING/_ON, the data clock is available if the data clock control logic has detected the distance 2T (Start bit). Note that for Bi-phase-coded signals, the data clock is issued at the end of the bit. Figure 9-1. Timing Diagram of the Data Clock Preburst Bit check ok T '1' '1' '1' 2T '0' '1' '1' '0' '1' '0' Data '1' Dem_out '1' Data_out (DATA) DATA_CLK Bit-check mode Start bit tDelay Receiving mode, data clock control logic active tP_Data_Clk Figure 9-2. Data Clock Disappears Because of a Timing Error Data Timing error Tee '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' '0' '1' '1' '0' '1' '0' Tee < TLim_min or tLim_max < Tee < TLim_min_2T or Tee > TLim_max_2T Dem_out Data_out (DATA) DATA_CLK Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Receiving mode, bit check active 20 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Figure 9-3. Data Clock Disappears Because of a Logical Error Data Logical error (Manchester code violation) '1' Dem_out '1' '1' '0' '1' '1' '?' '0' '0' '1' '0' Data_out (DATA) DATA_CLK Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Receiving mode, bit check active Figure 9-4. Output of the Data Clock After a Successful Bit Check Data Bit check ok '1' Dem_out '1' '1' '1' '1' '0' '1' '1' '0' '1' '0' Data_out (DATA) DATA_CLK Receiving mode, bit check active Start bit Receiving mode, data clock control logic active The delay of the data clock is calculated as follows: tDelay = tDelay1 + tDelay2 tDelay1 is the delay between the internal signals Data_Out and Data_In. For the rising edge, tDelay1 depends on the capacitive load CL at pin DATA and the external pull-up resistor Rpup. For the falling edge, tDelay1 depends additionally on the external voltage VX (see Figure 9-5, Figure 9-6 on page 22 and Figure 13-2 on page 30). When the level of Data_In is equal to the level of Data_Out, the data clock is issued after an additional delay tDelay2. Note that the capacitive load at pin DATA is limited. If the maximum tolerated capacitive load at pin DATA is exceeded, the data clock disappears (see Section 14. “Data Interface” on page 32). 21 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Figure 9-5. Timing Characteristic of the Data Clock (Rising Edge on Pin DATA) Data_Out VX VIH = 0.65 VS Serial bi-directional data line Data_In DATA_CLK VII = 0.35 VS tDelay1 tDelay2 tDelay tP_Data_Clk Figure 9-6. Timing Characteristic of the Data Clock (Falling Edge of the Pin DATA) Data_Out Serial bi-directional data line Data_In DATA_CLK tDelay1 tDelay2 tDelay tP_Data_Clk VX VIH = 0.65 VS VII = 0.35 VS 22 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 10. Digital Noise Suppression After a data transmission, digital noise appears on the data output (see Figure 10-1 “Output of Digital Noise at the End of the Data Stream”). To prevent digital noise keeping the connected microcontroller busy, it can be suppressed in two different ways: • Automatic Noise Suppression • Controlled Noise Suppression by the Microcontroller 10.1 Automatic Noise Suppression The receiver changes to bit-check mode at the end of a valid data stream if the bit Noise_Disable (Table 11-9 on page 27) in the OPMODE register is set to 1 (default). The digital noise is suppressed, and the level at pin DATA is high. The receiver changes back to receiving mode, if the bit check was successful. This method of noise suppression is recommended if the data stream is Manchester or Bi-phase coded and is active after power on. Figure 10-3 “Occurrence of a Pulse at the End of the Data Stream” illustrates the behavior of the data output at the end of a data stream. If the last period of the data stream is a high period (rising edge to falling edge), a pulse occurs on pin DATA. The length of the pulse depends on the selected baud-rate range. Figure 10-1. Output of Digital Noise at the End of the Data Stream Bit check ok Bit check ok Data_out (DATA) DATA_CLK Bit-check mode Preburst Data Digital Noise Digital Noise Preburst Data Digital Noise Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Receiving mode, bit check active Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Receiving mode, bit check active Figure 10-2. Automatic Noise Suppression Bit check ok Bit check ok Data_out (DATA) DATA_CLK Bit-check mode Preburst Data Preburst Data Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Bit-check mode Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Bit-check mode 23 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Figure 10-3. Occurrence of a Pulse at the End of the Data Stream Timing error tee < TLim_min or TLim_max < tee < tLim_min_2T or tee > TLim_max_2T Tee Data stream '1' Dem_out '1' '1' Digital noise Data_out (DATA) Tpulse DATA_CLK Receiving mode, data clock control logic active Bit-check mode 10.2 Controlled Noise Suppression by the Microcontroller Digital noise appears at the end of a valid data stream if the bit Noise_Disable (see Table 11-9 on page 27) in the OPMODE register is set to 0. To suppress the noise, the pin POLLING/_ON must be set to low. The receiver remains in receiving mode. The OFF command then causes a change to start-up mode. The programmed sleep time (see Table 11-7 on page 27) is not executed because the level at pin POLLING/_ON is low; however, the bit check is active in this case. The OFF command also activates the bit check if the pin POLLING/_ON is held to low. The receiver changes back to receiving mode if the bit check was successful. To activate the polling mode at the end of the data transmission, the pin POLLING/_ON must be set to high. This way of suppressing the noise is recommended if the data stream is not Manchester or Bi-phase coded. Figure 10-4. Controlled Noise Suppression Bit check ok Serial bi-directional data line (DATA_CLK) POLLING/_ON Bit-check mode Receiving mode Start-up Bit-check mode mode Receiving mode Sleep mode OFF-command Bit check ok Preburst Data Digital Noise Preburst Data Digital Noise 24 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 11. Configuring the Receiver The ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 receiver is configured using two 12-bit RAM registers called OPMODE and LIMIT. The registers can be programmed by means of the bidirectional DATA port. If the register content has changed due to a voltage drop, this condition is indicated by a the output pattern called reset marker (RM). If this occurs, the receiver must be reprogrammed. After a Power-On Reset (POR), the registers are set to default mode. If the receiver is operated in default mode, there is no need to program the registers. Table 11-3 on page 25 shows the structure of the registers. According to Table 11-1, bit 1 defines whether the receiver is set back to polling mode using the OFF command (see “Receiving Mode” on page 15) or whether it is programmed. Bit 2 represents the register address. It selects the appropriate register to be programmed. For high programming reliability, bit 15 (Stop bit), at the end of the programming operation, must be set to 0. Table 11-1. Bit 1 1 0 0 Effect of Bit 1 and Bit 2 on Programming the Registers Bit 2 x 1 0 Action The receiver is set back to polling mode (OFF command) The OPMODE register is programmed The LIMIT register is programmed Table 11-2. 0 1 Effect of Bit 15 on Programming the Register Action The values are written into the register (OPMODE or LIMIT) The values are not written into the register Bit 15 Table 11-3. Bit 1 Bit 2 Effect of the Configuration Words within the Registers Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 OFF command 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – OPMODE register BR_Range NBit-check BitChk1 BitChk0 Modulation ASK/ _FSK 0 Sleep4 Sleep3 Sleep Sleep2 Sleep1 Sleep0 XSleep XSleepStd Noise Suppression Noise_ Disable 1 0 1 Baud1 Baud0 0 Default values of Bit 3...14 – 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 – – LIMIT register Lim_min Lim_max Lim_ min1 0 Lim_ min0 1 Lim_ max5 1 Lim_ max4 0 Lim_ max3 1 Lim_ max2 0 Lim_ max1 0 Lim_ max0 1 0 – 0 0 Lim_ min5 0 Lim_ min4 1 Lim_ min3 0 Lim_ min2 1 Default values of Bit 3...14 – 25 9121B–INDCO–04/09 The following tables illustrate the effect of the individual configuration words. The default configuration is highlighted for each word. BR_Range sets the appropriate baud-rate range and simultaneously defines XLim. XLim is used to define the bit-check limits TLim_min and TLim_max as shown in Table 11-10 on page 28 and Table 11-11 on page 28. Table 11-4. Baud1 0 Effect of the configuration word BR_Range Baud0 0 Baud-rate Range/Extension Factor for Bit-check Limits (XLim) BR_Range0 (BR_Range0 = 1.0 kBit/s to 1.8 kBit/s) XLim = 8 (default) BR_Range1 (BR_Range1 = 1.8 kBit/s to 3.2 kBit/s) XLim = 4 BR_Range2 (BR_Range2 = 3.2 kBit/s to 5.6 kBit/s) XLim = 2 BR_Range3 (BR_Range3 = 5.6 kBit/s to 10 kBit/s) XLim = 1 BR_Range 0 1 1 0 1 1 Table 11-5. Effect of the Configuration word NBit-check NBit-check BitChk0 0 1 0 1 Number of Bits to be Checked 0 3 (default) 6 9 BitChk1 0 0 1 1 Table 11-6. Effect of the Configuration Bit Modulation Modulation ASK/_FSK 0 1 Selected Modulation – FSK (default) ASK 26 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Table 11-7. Sleep4 0 Effect of the Configuration Word Sleep Sleep Sleep3 0 Sleep2 0 Sleep1 0 Sleep0 0 Start Value for Sleep Counter (TSleep = Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk) 0 (Receiver polls continuously until a valid signal occurs) If XSleep = 1 TSleep = 2.11 ms for fRF = 868.3 MHz, TSleep = 2.12 ms for fRF = 433.92 MHz TSleep = 2.08 ms for fRF = 315 MHz 2 3 ... If XSleep = 1 TSleep = 12.69 ms for fRF = 868.3 MHz, TSleep = 12.71 ms for fRF = 433.92 MHz TSleep = 12.52 ms for fRF = 315 MHz ... 29 30 31 (permanent sleep mode) 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 1 1 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 1 1 0 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1 1 0 1 1 ... 1 ... 0 1 1 1 0 1 ... 0 ... 1 0 1 Table 11-8. Effect of the Configuration Bit XSleep XSleep XSleepStd 0 1 Extension Factor for Sleep Time (TSleep = Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk) 1 (default) 8 Table 11-9. Effect of the Configuration Bit Noise Suppression Suppression of the Digital Noise at Pin DATA Noise suppression is inactive Noise suppression is active (default) Noise Suppression Noise_Disable 0 1 27 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Table 11-10. Effect of the Configuration Word Lim_min Lim_min(1) (Lim_min < 10 is not Applicable) Lim_min5 0 0 0 .. Lim_min4 0 0 0 .. Lim_min3 1 1 1 .. Lim_min2 0 0 1 .. Lim_min1 1 1 0 .. Lim_min0 0 1 0 .. 21 (default, BR_Range0) (TLim_min = 347 µs for fRF = 868.3 MHz TLim_min = 347 µs for fRF = 433.92 MHz TLim_min = 342 µs for fRF = 315 MHz) 61 62 63 Lower Limit Value for Bit Check (TLim_min = Lim_min × XLim × TClk) 10 11 12 0 1 0 1 0 1 .. 1 1 1 Note: .. 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 .. 0 1 1 .. 1 0 1 1. Lim_min is also used to determine the margins of the data clock control logic (see Section 9. “Data Clock” on page 19). Table 11-11. Effect of the Configuration Word Lim_max Lim_max(1) (Lim_max < 12 is not applicable) Lim_max5 0 0 0 .. Lim_max4 0 0 0 .. Lim_max3 1 1 1 .. Lim_max2 1 1 1 .. Lim_max1 0 0 1 .. Lim_max0 0 1 0 .. 41 (default, BR_Range0) (TLim_max = 661 µs for fRF = 868.3 MHz TLim_max = 662 µs for fRF = 433.92 MHz TLim_max = 652 µs for fRF = 315 MHz) 61 62 63 Upper Limit Value for Bit Check (TLim_max = (Lim_max – 1) × XLim × TClk) 12 13 14 1 0 1 0 0 1 .. 1 1 1 Note: .. 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 .. 0 1 1 .. 1 0 1 1. Lim_max is also used to determine the margins of the data clock control logic (see Section 9. “Data Clock” on page 19). 28 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 12. Conservation of the Register Information The ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 uses an integrated power-on reset and brown-out detection circuitry as a mechanism to preserve the RAM register information. According to Figure 12-1, a power-on reset (POR) is generated if the supply voltage VS drops below the threshold voltage VThReset. The default parameters are programmed into the configuration registers in that condition. The POR is cancelled after the minimum reset period tRst when VS exceeds VThReset. A POR is also generated when the supply voltage of the receiver is turned on. To indicate that condition, the receiver displays a reset marker (RM) at pin DATA after a reset. The RM is represented by the fixed frequency fRM at a 50% duty-cycle. RM can be cancelled using a low pulse t1 at pin DATA. The RM has the following characteristics: • fRM is lower than the lowest feasible frequency of a data signal. Due to this, RM cannot be misinterpreted by the connected microcontroller. • If the receiver is set back to polling mode using pin DATA, RM cannot be cancelled accidentally if t1 is applied as described in the proposal in Section 13. “Programming the Configuration Register” on page 30. Using this conservation mechanism, the receiver cannot lose its register information without communicating this condition using the reset marker RM. Figure 12-1. Generation of the Power-on Reset VS POR tRst Data_out (DATA) X VThreset 1/fRM 29 9121B–INDCO–04/09 13. Programming the Configuration Register Figure 13-1. Timing of the Register Programming IC_ACTIVE t1 t2 t3 t4 t6 t7 t5 t9 t8 Out1 (microcontroller) Data_out (DATA) X Serial bi-directional data line X Bit 1 ("0") (Start bit) Bit 2 ("1") (Register select) Programming frame Bit 14 ("0") (Poll 8) Bit 15 ("0") (Stop bit) TSleep TStart-up Sleep Start-up mode mode Receiving mode Figure 13-2. Data Interface ATA8203 ATA8204 ATA8205 Input Interface 0V to 20V VX = 5V to 20V Rpup DATA I/O Serial bi-directional data line Microcontroller VS = 4.5V to 5.5V 0V/5V Data_in ID CL Data_out Out1 (microcontroller) The configuration registers are serially programmed using the bi-directional data line as shown in Figure 13-1 and Figure 13-2. To start programming, the serial data line DATA is pulled to low by the microcontroller for the time period t1. When DATA has been released, the receiver becomes the master device. When the programming delay period t2 has elapsed, the receiver emits 15 subsequent synchronization pulses with the pulse length t3. After each of these pulses, a programming window occurs. The delay until the program window starts is determined by t4, the duration is defined by t5. The individual bits are set within the programming window. If the microcontroller pulls down pin DATA for the time period t7 during t5, the corresponding bit is set to “0”. If no programming pulse t7 is issued, this bit is set to “1”. All 15 bits are programmed this way. The time frame to program a bit is defined by t6. 30 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 Bit 15 is followed by the equivalent time window t9. During this window, the equivalence acknowledge pulse t8 (E_Ack) occurs if the just programmed mode word is equivalent to the mode word that was already stored in that register. E_Ack should be used to verify that the mode word was correctly transferred to the register. The register must be programmed twice in that case. A register can be programmed when the receiver is in both sleep-mode and active mode. During programming, the LNA, LO, low-pass filter, IF-amplifier, and the FSK/MSK demodulator are disabled. The t1 pulse is used to start the programming or to switch the receiver back to polling mode (OFF command). (The receiver is switched back to polling mode with the OFF command if bit 1 is set to „1“.) The following convention should be considered for the length of the programming start pulse t1: Using a t1 value of t1 (min) < t1 < 5632 TClk (where t1 (min) is the minimum specified value for the relevant BR_Range) when the receiver is active i.e., not in reset mode initiates the programming or OFF command. However, if this t1 value is used when the receiver is in reset mode, programming or OFF command is NOT initiated and RM remains present at pin DATA. Note, the RM cannot be deleted when using this t1 value. Using a t1 value of t1 > 7936 ´ TClk, programming or OFF command is initiated when the receiver is in both reset mode and active mode. The registers PMODE and LIMIT are set to the default values and the RM is deleted, if present. This t1 values can be used if the connected microcontroller detects an RM. Additionally, this t1 value can generally be used if the receiver operates in default mode. Note that the capacitive load at pin DATA is limited. 31 9121B–INDCO–04/09 14. Data Interface The data interface (see Figure 13-2 on page 30) is designed for automotive requirements. It can be connected using the pull-up resistor Rpup up to 20V and is short-circuit-protected. The applicable pull-up resistor R pup d epends on the load capacity C L a t pin DATA and the selected BR_range (see Table 14-1). Table 14-1. - Applicable Rpup BR_range B0 B1 B2 B3 B0 B1 B2 B3 Applicable Rpup 1.6 kΩ to 47 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 22 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 12 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 5.6 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 470 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 220 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 120 kΩ 1.6 kΩ to 56 kΩ CL ≤ 1nF CL ≤ 100pF Figure 14-1. Application Circuit: fRF = 315 MHz(1), 433.92 MHz or 868 MHz without SAW Filter VS + C7 4.7 µF 10% RSSI IC_ACTIVE R2 56 kΩ to 150 kΩ GND R3 1.6 kΩ DATA POLLING/_ON DATA_CLK C12 10 nF 10% F crystal CL1 Sensitivity reduction VX = 5V to 20V C14 39 nF 5% 1 SENS 2 IC_ACTIVE 3 CDEM 4 AVCC MODE DGND DATA_CLK POLLING/_ON DATA 20 19 18 17 16 TEST1 C13 10 nF 10% 5 6 RSSI 7 AGND ATA8203 ATA8204 ATA8205 15 DVCC 14 XTAL2 13 CL2 RF_IN C16 C17 8 LNAREF 9 LNA_IN 10 TEST3 LNAGND TEST2 XTAL1 12 11 L1 Note: For 315 MHz application pin MODE must be connected to GND. Table 14-2. Input Matching to 50Ω LNA Matching C16 (pF) Not connected Not connected 1 C17 (pF) 3 3 3 L1 (nH) 39 20 6.8 Crystal Frequency fXTAL (MHz) 14.71875 13.52875 13.55234 RF Frequency (MHz) 315 433.92 868.3 32 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 15. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Parameters Supply voltage Power dissipation Junction temperature Storage temperature Ambient temperature Maximum input level, input matched to 50Ω Symbol VS Ptot Tj Tstg Tamb Pin_max –55 –40 Min. Max. 6 1000 150 +125 +85 10 Unit V mW °C °C °C dBm 16. Thermal Resistance Parameters Junction ambient Symbol RthJA Value 100 Unit K/W 33 9121B–INDCO–04/09 17. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203 All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 315 MHz unless otherwise specified. Test Conditions fRF = 315 MHz 14.71875 MHz Oscillator Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Variable Oscillator Typ. Max. Unit Type* No. Parameter 1 1.1 Basic clock cycle Basic Clock Cycle of the Digital Circuitry TClk BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 2.0382 16.3057 8.1528 4.0764 2.0382 2.0382 16.3057 8.1528 4.0764 2.0382 30/fXTO 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk 30/fXTO 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk µs µs µs µs µs A Extended 1.2 basic clock cycle 2 Polling Mode TXClk A Sleep time (see Figure 8-1, 2.1 Figure 8-10 and Figure 13-1) Sleep and XSleep are defined in the OPMODE register TSleep Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × 2.0382 1827 1044 1044 653 Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × 2.0382 1827 1044 1044 653 Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk 896.5 512.5 512.5 320.5 × TClk Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk 896.5 512.5 512.5 320.5 × TClk ms A BR_Range0 Start-up time BR_Range1 (see Figure BR_Range2 2.2 8-1 and BR_Range3 Figure 8-4) TStartup µs µs µs µs µs A Time for bit 2.3 check (see Figure 8-1 Average bit-check time while polling, no RF applied (see Figure 8-5 TBit-check and Figure 8-6) BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 Bit-check time for a valid input signal fSig (see Figure 8-5) NBit-check = 0 NBit-check = 3 NBit-check = 6 NBit-check = 9 C 0.45 0.24 0.14 0.08 0.45 0.24 0.14 0.08 ms ms ms ms Time for bit 2.4 check (see Figure 8-1 TBit-check C 1 × TXClk 3/fSig 6/fSig 9/fSig 1 × TXClk 3.5/fSig 6.5/fSig 9.5/fSig 1 × TXClk 3/fSig 6/fSig 9/fSig 1 × TClk 3.5/fSig 6.5/fSig 9.5/fSig ms ms ms ms 3 3.1 Receiving Mode Intermediate frequency BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 fIF 1.0 1.8 3.2 5.6 987 1.8 3.2 5.6 10.0 fIF = fLO/318 BR_Range0 × BR_Range1 × BR_Range2 × BR_Range3 × 2 µs/TClk 2 µs/TClk 2 µs/TClk 2 µs/TClk kHz kBit/s kBit/s kBit/s kBit/s A Baud-rate 3.2 range BR_Range A *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 34 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 17. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 315 MHz unless otherwise specified. Test Conditions fRF = 315 MHz 14.71875 MHz Oscillator Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Variable Oscillator Typ. Max. Unit Type* No. Parameter Minimum time period between edges at pin DATA (see Figure 3.3 4-2 and Figure 8-8, Figure 8-9) (With the exception of parameter TPulse) Maximum Low period at 3.4 pin DATA (see Figure 4-2) Delay to activate the 3.5 start-up mode (see Figure 8-12) OFF command at pin 3.6 POLLING/ _ON (see Figure 8-11) Delay to activate the 3.7 sleep mode (see Figure 8-11) Pulse on pin DATA at the end of a data 3.8 stream (see Figure 10-3) BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 163.06 81.53 40.76 20.38 163.06 81.53 40.76 20.38 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs tDATA_min A BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 tDATA_L_max 2120 1060 530 265 2120 1060 530 265 130 × 130 × 130 × 130 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk 130 × 130 × 130 × 130 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs A Ton1 19.36 21.4 9.5 × TClk 10.5 × TClk µs A Ton2 16.3 8 × TClk µs A Ton3 17.32 19.36 8.5 × TClk 9.5 × TClk µs A BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 TPulse 16.3 8.15 4.07 2.04 16.3 8.15 4.07 2.04 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk µs µs µs µs C *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 35 9121B–INDCO–04/09 17. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 315 MHz unless otherwise specified. Test Conditions fRF = 315 MHz 14.71875 MHz Oscillator Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Variable Oscillator Typ. Max. Unit Type* No. Parameter 4 Configuration of the Receiver (see Figure 12-1 and Figure 13-1) 1/ (4096 × TClk) 1624 × TClk 1100 × TClk 838 × TClk 707 × TClk 7936 × TClk 384.5 × TClk 128 × TClk 1/ (4096 × TClk) Frequency is Frequency of stable within 4.1 the reset 50 ms after marker POR fRM 119.78 119.78 Hz A BR_Range = BR_Range0 Programming BR_Range1 4.2 BR_Range2 start pulse BR_Range3 after POR t1 3310 2242 1708 1441 16175 11479 11479 11479 11479 5632 × 5632 × 5632 × 5632 × TClk TClk TClk TClk µs µs µs µs µs A 4.3 4.4 Programming delay period Synchronization pulse Delay until of the program window starts Programming window Time frame of a bit Programming pulse t2 t3 783 261 785 261 385.5 × TClk 128 × TClk µs µs A A 4.5 t4 129 129 63.5 × TClk 63.5 × TClk µs A 4.6 4.7 4.8 t5 t6 t7 522 1044 130.5 522 1044 522 256 × TClk 512 × TClk 64 × TClk 128 × TClk 258 × TClk 449.5 × TClk 256 × TClk 512 × TClk 256 × TClk 128 × TClk 258 × TClk 449.5 × TClk µs µs µs A A C Equivalent 4.9 acknowledge pulse: E_Ack 4.10 Equivalent time window t8 261 261 µs A t9 526 526 µs A OFF-bit 4.11 programming window 5 Minimum delay time between 5.1 edge at DATA and DATA_CLK Pulse width of negative 5.2 pulse at pin DATA_CLK BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 t10 916 916 µs A Data Clock (see Figure 9-1 and Figure 9-6) 0 0 0 0 16.3057 8.1528 4.0764 2.0382 0 0 0 0 1× 1× 1× 1× TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs tDelay2 C tP_DATA_CLK 65.2 32.6 16.3 8.15 65.2 32.6 16.3 8.15 4× 4× 4× 4× TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk 4× 4× 4× 4× TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs A *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 36 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 18. Electrical Characteristics ATA8204, ATA8205 All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 868.3 MHz unless otherwise specified. Test Conditions fRF = 433.92 MHz fRF = 868.3 MHz, 13.52875 MHz Oscillator 13.55234 MHz Oscillator Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Variable Oscillator Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* No. Parameter 6 6.1 Basic clock cycle Basic Clock Cycle of the Digital Circuitry TClk BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 2.0696 16.557 8.278 4.139 2.069 2.0696 16.557 8.278 4.139 2.069 2.066 16.528 8.264 4.132 2.066 2.066 16.528 8.264 4.132 2.066 28/fXTO 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk 28/fXTO 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk µs µs µs µs µs A Extended 6.2 basic clock cycle 7 Polling Mode TXClk A Sleep time (see Figure 8-1, 7.1 Figure 8-10 and Figure 13-1) Sleep and XSleep are defined in the OPMODE register TSleep Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × 2.0696 1855 1060 1060 663 Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × 2.0696 1855 1060 1060 663 Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × 2.066 1852 1058 1058 662 Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × 2.066 1852 1058 1058 662 Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk 896.5 512.5 512.5 320.5 × TClk Sleep × XSleep × 1024 × TClk 896.5 512.5 512.5 320.5 × TClk ms A BR_Range0 Start-up time BR_Range1 (see Figure BR_Range2 7.2 8-1 and BR_Range3 Figure 8-4) Average bit-check time while polling, no RF applied (see Figure 8-8 on page 16 and Figure 8-9 on page 17) BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 Bit-check time for a valid input signal fSig (see Figure 8-5 on page 15) NBit-check = 0 NBit-check = 3 NBit-check = 6 NBit-check = 9 TStartup µs µs µs µs µs A Time for bit 7.3 check (see Figure 8-1 TBit-check 0.45 0.24 0.14 0.08 0.45 0.24 0.14 0.08 0.45 0.24 0.14 0.08 ms ms ms ms C Time for bit 7.4 check (see Figure 8-1 TBit-check C 1 × TXClk 3/fSig 6/fSig 9/fSig 1 × TXClk 1 × TXClk 3.5/fSig 3/fSig 6.5/fSig 6/fSig 9.5/fSig 9/fSig 1 × TXClk 1 × TXClk 3.5/fSig 3/fSig 6.5/fSig 6/fSig 9.5/fSig 9/fSig 1 × TClk 3.5/fSig 6.5/fSig 9.5/fSig ms ms ms ms 8 Receiving Mode fIF = fLO/438 for the 433.92 MHz band (ATA8204) fIF = fLO/915 for the 868.3 MHz band (ATA8205) 1.8 3.2 5.6 10.0 BR_Range0 × BR_Range1 × BR_Range2 × BR_Range3 × 2 µs/TClk 2 µs/TClk 2 µs/TClk 2 µs/TClk Intermediate 8.1 frequency BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 fIF 1.0 1.8 3.2 5.6 987 947.9 kHz A 8.2 Baud-rate range BR_Range 1.8 3.2 5.6 10.0 1.0 1.8 3.2 5.6 kBit/s kBit/s kBit/s kBit/s A *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 37 9121B–INDCO–04/09 18. Electrical Characteristics ATA8204, ATA8205 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 868.3 MHz unless otherwise specified. Test Conditions fRF = 868.3 MHz, fRF = 433.92 MHz 13.52875 MHz Oscillator 13.55234 MHz Oscillator Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Variable Oscillator Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* No. Parameter Minimum time period between edges at pin DATA (see Figure 8.3 4-2 and Figure 8-8, Figure 8-9) (With the exception of parameter TPulse) Maximum Low period at 8.4 pin DATA (see Figure 4-2) Delay to activate the 8.5 start-up mode (see Figure 8-12) OFF command at pin 8.6 POLLING/ _ON (see Figure 8-11) Delay to activate the 8.7 sleep mode (see Figure 8-11) Pulse on pin DATA at the end of a data 8.8 stream (see Figure 10-3) BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 165.5 82.8 41.4 20.7 165.5 82.8 41.4 20.7 165.3 82.6 41.3 20.6 165.3 82.6 41.3 20.6 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs tDATA_min A BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 tDATA_L_max 2152 1076 538 269 2152 1076 538 269 2148 1074 537 268.5 2148 1074 537 268.5 130 × 130 × 130 × 130 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk 130 × 130 × 130 × 130 × TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs A Ton1 19.6 21.7 19.6 21.7 9.5 × TClk 10.5 × TClk µs A Ton2 16.5 16.5 8 × TClk µs A Ton3 17.6 19.6 17.6 19.6 8.5 × TClk 9.5 × TClk µs A BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 TPulse 16.557 8.278 4.139 2.069 16.557 8.278 4.139 2.069 16.528 8.264 4.132 2.066 16.528 8.264 4.132 2.066 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk 8× 4× 2× 1× TClk TClk TClk TClk µs µs µs µs C *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 38 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 18. Electrical Characteristics ATA8204, ATA8205 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 868.3 MHz unless otherwise specified. Test Conditions fRF = 868.3 MHz, fRF = 433.92 MHz 13.52875 MHz Oscillator 13.55234 MHz Oscillator Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Variable Oscillator Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* No. Parameter 9 Configuration of the Receiver (see Figure 12-1 and Figure 13-1) 1/ (4096 × TClk) 1624 × TClk 1100 × TClk 838 × TClk 707 × TClk 7936 × TClk 384.5 × TClk 128 × TClk 63.5 × TClk 256 × TClk 512 × TClk 64 × TClk 128 × TClk 258 × TClk 449.5 × TClk 1/ (4096 × TClk) Frequency is Frequency of stable within 9.1 the reset 50 ms after marker POR fRM 117.9 117.9 118.2 118.2 Hz A BR_Range = BR_Range0 Programming BR_Range1 9.2 BR_Range2 start pulse BR_Range3 after POR t1 3361 2276 1734 1463 16425 11656 11656 11656 11656 3355 2272 1731 1460 11636 11636 11636 11636 5632 × 5632 × 5632 × 5632 × TClk TClk TClk TClk µs µs µs µs µs A 9.3 9.4 Programming delay period Synchronization pulse t2 t3 796 265 798 265 794 264 796 264 385.5 × TClk 128 × TClk 63.5 × TClk 256 × TClk 512 × TClk 256 × TClk 128 × TClk 258 × TClk 449.5 × TClk µs µs A A Delay until of 9.5 the program window starts 9.6 9.7 9.8 Programming window Time frame of a bit Programming pulse t4 131 131 131 131 µs A t5 t6 t7 530 1060 132 530 1060 530 529 1058 132 529 1058 529 µs µs µs A A C Equivalent 9.9 acknowledge pulse: E_Ack 9.10 Equivalent time window t8 265 265 264 264 µs A t9 534 534 533 533 µs A OFF-bit 9.11 programming window Minimum delay time between 10.1 edge at DATA and DATA_CLK Pulse width of negative 10.2 pulse at pin DATA_CLK BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 BR_Range = BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 t10 930 930 929 929 µs A 10 Data Clock (see Figure 9-1 and Figure 9-6) 0 0 0 0 16.557 8.278 4.139 2.069 0 0 0 0 16.528 8.264 4.132 2.066 0 0 0 0 1× 1× 1× 1× TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs tDelay2 C tP_DATA_CLK 66.2 33.1 16.5 8.3 62.2 33.1 16.5 8.3 66.1 33.0 16.5 8.25 66.1 33.0 16.5 8.25 4× 4× 4× 4× TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk 4× 4× 4× 4× TXClk TXClk TXClk TXClk µs µs µs µs A *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 39 9121B–INDCO–04/09 19. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203, ATA8204, ATA8205 All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 868.3 MHz, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 315 MHz, unless otherwise specified. No. Parameters 11 Current Consumption Sleep mode (XTO and polling logic active) 11.1 Current consumption IC active (start-up-, bit-check-, receiving mode) Pin DATA = H FSK ASK LNA/mixer/IF amplifier 868 MHz 433 MHz 315 MHz Required according to I-ETS 300220 With power matching |S11| < –10 dB At 868.3 MHz 12.4 LNA_IN input impedance AT 433.92 MHz At 315 MHz 12.5 1 dB compression point 12.6 Image rejection 12.7 Maximum input level 13 Local Oscillator 13.1 Operating frequency range VCO ATA8205 ATA8204 ATA8203 fosc = 868.3 MHz at 10 MHz fosc = 433.92 MHz at 10 MHz fosc = 315 MHz at 10 MHz At ±fXTO XTO pulling, appropriate load capacitance must be connected to XTAL, crystal CL1 and CL2 fXTAL = 14.71875 MHz (315 MHz band) fXTAL = 13.52875 MHz (433 MHz band) fXTAL = 13.55234 MHz (868 MHz band) Parameter of the supplied crystal fVCO 868 431.5 312.5 –140 –143 –143 –55 870 436.5 317.5 –130 –133 –133 –45 MHz MHz MHz dBC/Hz dBC A At 868.3 MHz AT 433.92 MHz At 315 MHz Within the complete image band BER ≤ 10 , FSK mode ASK mode -3 Test Conditions Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* ISoff 170 290 µA A ISon 8.5 8.0 11.0 10.4 mA mA A 12 LNA, Mixer, Polyphase Low-pass and IF Amplifier (Input Matched According to Figure 14-1 on page 32 Referred to RFIN) 12.1 Third-order intercept point 12.2 LO spurious emission 12.3 System noise figure IIP3 ISLORF NF –18 –23 –24 –70 5 (14.15 – j73.53) (19.3 – j113.3) (26.97 – j158.7) –27.7 –32.7 –33.7 20 Pin_max 30 –10 –10 –57 dBm dBm dB Ω Ω Ω dBm dB dBm dBm C A C A B ZiLNA_IN C IP1db C 13.2 Phase noise local oscillator 13.3 Spurious of the VCO L (fm) B B 13.4 XTO pulling B fXTO –10ppm fXTAL +10ppm MHz 13.5 Series resonance resistor of the crystal RS 120 Ω B *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 40 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 19. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203, ATA8204, ATA8205 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 868.3 MHz, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 315 MHz, unless otherwise specified. No. Parameters Static capacitance at pin 13.6 XTAL1 to GND 13.7 Static capacitance at pin XTAL2 to GND Test Conditions Parameter of the supplied crystal and board parasitics Parameter of the supplied crystal and board parasitics C0 < 1.8 pF, CL = 9 pF fXTAL = 14.71875 MHz C0 < 2.0 pF, CL = 9 pF fXTAL = 13.52875 MHz fXTAL = 13.55234 MHz ASK (level of carrier) BER ≤ 10-3, 100% Mod fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz VS = 5V, Tamb = 25°C fIF = 987 kHz BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 ASK (level of carrier) BER ≤ 10-3, 100% Mod fin = 868.3 MHz VS = 5V, Tamb = 25°C fIF = 948 kHz BR_Range0 BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 Sensitivity variation ASK for the full operating range 300 kHz and 600 kHz 14.3 compared to Tamb = 25°C, fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz/868.3 MHz VS = 5V PASK = PRef_ASK + ΔPRef (ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205) 300 kHz version (ATA8203/ATA8204) fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz fIF = 987 kHz fIF = –110 kHz to +110 kHz Sensitivity variation ASK for full fIF = –140 kHz to +140 kHz PASK = PRef_ASK + ΔPRef operating range including IF 14.4 filter compared to Tamb = 25°C, 600 kHz version (ATA8205) VS = 5V fin = 868.3 MHz fIF = 948 kHz fIF = –210 kHz to +210 kHz fIF = –270 kHz to +270 kHz PASK = PRef_ASK + ΔPRef Symbol CL1 CL2 Min. –5% –5% Typ. 18 18 1.5 1.5 Max. +5% +5% Unit pF pF kΩ kΩ Type* B B B B Crystal series resistor Rm at 13.8 start-up 14 Analog Signal Processing (Input Matched According to Figure 14-1 on page 32 Referred to RFIN) Input sensitivity ASK 14.1 300 kHz IF Filter (ATA8203/ATA8204) PRef_ASK –111 –109.5 –109 –107 –113 –111.5 –111 –109 –115 –113.5 –113 –111 dBm dBm dBm dBm B B B B Input sensitivity ASK 14.2 600 kHz IF Filter (ATA8205) PRef_ASK –109 –107.5 –107 –105 –111 –109.5 –109 –107 –113 –111.5 –111 –109 dBm dBm dBm dBm B B B B ΔPRef +2.5 –1.5 dB B ΔPRef +7.5 +9.5 –1.5 –1.5 dB dB B ΔPRef +6.5 +8.5 –1.5 –1.5 dB dB B *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 41 9121B–INDCO–04/09 19. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203, ATA8204, ATA8205 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 868.3 MHz, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 315 MHz, unless otherwise specified. No. Parameters Test Conditions BER ≤ 10-3 fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz VS = 5V, Tamb = 25°C fIF = 987 kHz BR_Range0 df = ±16 kHz df = ±10 kHz to ±30 kHz Input sensitivity FSK 14.5 300 kHz IF filter (ATA8203/ATA8204) BR_Range1 df = ±16 kHz df = ±10 kHz to ±30 kHz BR_Range2 df = ±16 kHz df = ±10 kHz to ±30 kHz BR_Range3 df = ±16 kHz df = ±10 kHz to ±30 kHz BER ≤ 10-3 fin = 868.3 MHz VS = 5V, Tamb = 25°C fIF = 948 kHz BR_Range0 df = ±16 kHz to ±28 kHz df = ±10 kHz to ±100 kHz Input sensitivity FSK 14.6 600 kHz IF filter (ATA8205) BR_Range1 df = ±16 kHz ±28 kHz df = ±10 kHz to ±100 kHz BR_Range2 df = ±18 kHz ±31 kHz df = ±13 kHz to ±100 kHz BR_Range3 df = ±25 kHz ±44 kHz df = ±20 kHz to ±100 kHz Sensitivity variation FSK for 300 kHz and 600 kHz versions the full operating range 14.7 compared to Tamb = 25°C, VS = fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz/868.3 MHz 5V PFSK = PRef_FSK + ΔPRef (ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205) PRef_FSK –102 –100 –100 –98 –98.5 –96.5 –96.5 –94.5 –105 –106.5 –106.5 –104.5 –104.5 –103 –103 –101 –101 dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm B PRef_FSK –104 –102 –102 –100 –100.5 –98.5 –98.5 –96.5 –107 –108.5 –108.5 –106.5 –106.5 –105 –105 –103 –103 dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm B Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* PRef_FSK –105 B PRef_FSK –103.5 B PRef_FSK –101.5 B PRef_FSK –103 B PRef_FSK –101.5 B PRef_FSK –99.5 B ΔPRef +3 –1.5 dB B *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 42 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 19. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203, ATA8204, ATA8205 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 868.3 MHz, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 315 MHz, unless otherwise specified. No. Parameters Test Conditions 300 kHz version (ATA8203/ATA8204) fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz fIF = 987 kHz fIF = –110 kHz to +110 kHz fIF = –140 kHz to +140 kHz fIF = –180 kHz to +180 kHz PFSK = PRef_FSK + ΔPRef Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* ΔPRef Sensitivity variation FSK for the full operating range 14.8 including IF filter compared to 600 kHz version (ATA8205) Tamb = 25°C, fin = 868.3 MHz VS = 5V fIF = 948 kHz fIF = –150 kHz to +150 kHz fIF = –200 kHz to +200 kHz fIF = –260 kHz to +150 kHz PFSK = PRef_FSK + ΔPRef S/N ratio to suppress in-band noise signals. Noise signals 14.9 may have any modulation scheme 14.10 Dynamic range RSSI amplifier 14.11 RSSI output voltage range 14.12 RSSI gain ASK mode FSK mode +8 +10 +13 –2 –2 –2 dB dB dB B ΔPRef +7 +9 +12 –2 –2 –2 dB dB dB B SNRASK SNRFSK ΔRRSSI VRSSI GRSSI fcu_DF 0.11 1 10 2 60 12 3 dB dB dB C A A A 3.5 20 V mV/dB 14.13 1 Lower cut-off frequency of the f cu_DF = -----------------------------------------------------------2 × π × 30 k Ω × CDEM data filter CDEM = 33 nF 0.16 0.20 kHz B BR_Range0 (default) Recommended CDEM for best BR_Range1 14.14 performance BR_Range2 BR_Range3 Edge-to-edge time period of 14.15 the input data signal for full sensitivity BR_Range0 (default) BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 Upper cut-off frequency programmable in 4 ranges using a serial mode word BR_Range0 (default) BR_Range1 BR_Range2 BR_Range3 300 kHz version (ATA8203/ATA8204) RSense connected from pin SENS to VS, input matched according to Figure 14-1 “Application Circuit, fin = 315 MHz/433.92 MHz, VS = 5V, Tamb = +25°C RSense = 56 kΩ RSense = 100 kΩ CDEM 270 156 89 50 39 22 12 8.2 1000 560 320 180 nF nF nF nF ms ms ms ms C tee_sig C 14.16 Upper cut-off frequency data filter fu 2.8 4.8 8.0 15.0 3.4 6.0 10.0 19.0 4.0 7.2 12.0 23.0 kHz kHz kHz kHz dBm (peak level) B 14.17 Reduced sensitivity PRef_Red PRef_Red –71 –80 –79 –88 –86 –96 dBm dBm B B *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 43 9121B–INDCO–04/09 19. Electrical Characteristics ATA8203, ATA8204, ATA8205 (Continued) All parameters refer to GND, Tamb = 25°C, VS = 5V, f0 = 868.3 MHz, f0 = 433.92 MHz and f0 = 315 MHz, unless otherwise specified. No. Parameters Test Conditions 600 kHz version (ATA8205) RSense connected from pin SENS to VS, input matched according to Figure 14-1 “Application Circuit, fin = 868.3 MHz, VS = 5V, Tamb = +25°C RSense = 56 kΩ RSense = 100 kΩ 14.19 Reduced sensitivity variation over full operating range RSense = 56 kΩ RSense = 100 kΩ PRed = PRef_Red + ΔPRed Values relative to RSense = 56 kΩ RSense = 56 kΩ RSense = 68 kΩ RSense = 82 kΩ RSense = 100 kΩ PRef_Red PRef_Red ΔPRed –60 –69 5 5 –68 –77 0 0 –76 –85 0 0 Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit dBm (peak level) dBm dBm dB dB B B C Type* 14.18 Reduced sensitivity 14.20 Reduced sensitivity variation for different values of RSense ΔPRed 0 –3.5 –6.0 –9.0 1.95 2.8 3.75 dB dB dB dB V C 14.21 Threshold voltage for reset 15 Digital Ports Data output - Saturation voltage Low - max voltage at pin DATA - quiescent current - short-circuit current 15.1 - ambient temp. in case of permanent short-circuit Data input - Input voltage Low - Input voltage High DATA_CLK output 15.2 - Saturation voltage Low - Saturation voltage High IC_ACTIVE output 15.3 - Saturation voltage Low - Saturation voltage High POLLING/_ON input 15.4 - Low level input voltage - High level input voltage 15.5 15.6 MODE pin - High level input voltage TEST 1 pin - Low level input voltage Iol ≤ 12 mA Iol = 2 mA Voh = 20V Vol = 0.8V to 20V Voh = 0V to 20V VThRESET A Vol Vol Voh Iqu Iol_lim tamb_sc 13 0.35 0.08 30 0.8 0.3 20 20 45 85 0.35 × VS V V V µA mA °C A VIl Vich 0.65 × VS 0.1 VS – 0.15V 0.1 VS – 0.15V V V IDATA_CLK = 1mA IDATA_CLK = –1mA Vol Voh 0.4 VS – 0.4V V V A IIC_ACTIVE = 1 mA IIC_ACTIVE = –1 mA Receiving mode Polling mode Test input must always be set to High Test input must always be set to Low Vol Voh VIl VIh VIh VIl VS – 0.4 V 0.4 V V V V V A 0.8 × VS 0.8 × VS 0.2 × VS A A A 0.2 × VS V *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 44 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 9121B–INDCO–04/09 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205 20. Ordering Information Extended Type Number ATA8203P3-TKQY ATA8204P3-TKQY ATA8205P6-TKQY Package SSO20 SSO20 SSO20 Remarks 315 MHz version, MOQ 4000 433 MHz version, MOQ 4000 868 MHz version, MOQ 4000 21. Package Information 5.4±0.2 6.75-0.25 4.4±0.1 0.05+0.1 1.3±0.05 0.25±0.05 0.65±0.05 5.85±0.05 6.45±0.15 20 11 Package: SSO20 Dimensions in mm technical drawings according to DIN specifications 1 10 Drawing-No.: 6.543-5056.01-4 Issue: 1; 10.03.04 22. Revision History Please note that the following page numbers referred to in this section refer to the specific revision mentioned, not to this document. Revision No. 9121B-INDCO-04/09 History • Figure 1-1 “System Block Diagram” on page 2 changed 0.15±0.05 45 9121B–INDCO–04/09 Headquarters Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 International Atmel Asia Unit 1-5 & 16, 19/F BEA Tower, Millennium City 5 418 Kwun Tong Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2245-6100 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Product Contact Web Site www.atmel.com Technical Support industrial@atmel.com Sales Contact www.atmel.com/contacts Literature Requests www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: T he information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © 2009 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. A tmel ®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. 9121B–INDCO–04/09
### 物料型号 - ATA8203P3-TKQY:315 MHz版本,最小订单量4000 - ATA8204P3-TKQY:433 MHz版本,最小订单量4000 - ATA8205P6-TKQY:868 MHz版本,最小订单量4000

### 器件简介 ATA8203/ATA8204/ATA8205是一款多芯片PLL接收器设备,专为低成本RF数据传输系统设计,适用于1 kBit/s至10 kBit/s的数据速率,支持Manchester或Bi-phase编码。主要应用于汽车无钥匙进入系统、胎压监测系统、遥测、消费/工业遥控应用、家庭娱乐、门禁系统和安全技术系统。

### 引脚分配 - SENS:灵敏度控制电阻 - IC ACTIVE:IC状态指示,低电平=睡眠模式,高电平=激活模式 - CDEM:低截止频率数据滤波器 - AVCC:模拟电源 - TEST1:测试引脚,操作时接地 - RSSI:RSSI输出 - AGND:模拟地 - LNAREF:高频参考节点LNA和混频器 - LNA IN:RF输入 - LNAGND:DC地LNA和混频器 - XTAL1/XTAL2:晶体振荡器XTAL连接

### 参数特性 - 接收频率范围:312.5 MHz至317.5 MHz、431.5 MHz至436.5 MHz或868 MHz至870 MHz - 图像抑制:30 dB - 接收带宽:315 MHz/433 MHz版本为300 kHz,868 MHz版本为600 kHz - 高灵敏度:-107 dBm至-113 dBm(不同型号和数据速率) - 高系统IIP3:-18 dBm至-24 dBm(不同频率) - 1 dB压缩点:-27.7 dBm至-33.7 dBm(不同频率)

### 功能详解 - PLL环路滤波器:集成LC-VCO和PLL环路滤波器 - RSSI输出:对数RSSI输出 - 数据接口:兼容5V至20V的汽车数据接口 - 数字噪声抑制:可编程数字噪声抑制 - 低功耗:由于可配置的轮询功能,低功耗

### 应用信息 适用于汽车无钥匙进入系统、胎压监测系统、遥测、消费/工业遥控应用、家庭娱乐、门禁系统和安全技术系统。

### 封装信息 - SSO20:表面贴装20引脚封装
ATA8205 价格&库存

