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PI3HDMI1310-AZLE 数据手册
PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry Features Description • Differential channel 3:1 Mux/DeMux for TDMS signals • 3:1 Mux/DeMux for DDC signals • non-EQ blocking circuitry to utilize ideal EQ found in main receiver chipset • Low power consumption to support Energy Star Compliance • Data rate support up to 3.4Gbps (16bit color depth per channel) • 2 pin control for port selection • 3.3V power and 5V standby power • ESD protection on all I/O pins → ±8kV contact per IEC61000-4-2 → 7kV HBM per JESD22 • Packaging (Pb-free & Green): 72 - Contact TQFN Pericom Semiconductor’s PI3HDMI™ series of switch circuits are targeted for high-resolution video networks that are based on DVI/HDMI standards. The PI3HDMI1310-A is a 3-to-1 HDMI Mux/DeMux Switch. It is designed for low bit-to-bit skew and high channel-to-channel noise isolation. The maximum DVI/ HDMI data rate of 3.4Gbps provides the resolution required by next generation HDTV and PC graphics. Three differential channels are used for data (video signals for DVI or audio/video signals for HDMI), and one differential channel is used for Clock for decoding the TMDS signals at the outputs. Block Diagram Pin Configuration (Top View) GND VDD50 HPDA HPDC HPDB D0-A D0+A D1-A GND DDC_CLK B DDC_CLK DDC_DATA DDC_DATA B DDC_CLK C DDC_DATA C HPD_A HPD_B HPD_Sink HPD_C 100kΩ VDD D2+A 3 60 HPD_Sink SEL1 SEL2 OE 1 GND D3-A 4 59 SEL2 D3+A 5 58 SEL1 VDD 6 57 OE D0-B 7 56 VDD D0+B 8 55 D0- D1-B 9 54 D0+ D1+B 10 53 GND D2-B 11 52 D1- D2+B 12 51 D1+ VDD 13 50 VDD D3-B 14 49 D2- D3+B 15 48 D2+ GND 16 47 GND D0-C 17 46 D3- D0+C 18 45 D3+ D1-C 19 44 VDD D1+C 20 43 DDC_Data VDD 21 42 DDC_CLK D2-C 22 41 GND D2+C 23 40 GND D3-C 24 39 GND D3+C 25 38 GND GND 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 GND GND Control Logic 61 GND DDC_DATA A 2 DDC_CLKC DDC_CLK A 1 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 DDC_DataC 4 - differential� GND D2-A VDD50 D0-D3± DDC_CLKB TMDS Lanes DDC_DataB 4 - differential� TMDS Lanes TMDS Lanes 12-0196 D1+A TMDS Lanes 4 - differential� GND D0-D3C± 4 - differential� DDC_CLKA D0-D3B± All TMDS I/O pins are protected with Pericom's ESD protection circuits, supporting protection against ESD damage as high as ±8kV contact per IEC6000-4-2 spec. DDC_DataA D0-D3A± PI3HDMI1310-A was designed specifically to meet ATC-Sink requirement for the HPD ports. The high speed video ports and DDC ports can be either source or sink. www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry Pin Description Pin # Pin Name Pin Type Description 69, 68, 71, 70, 3, 2, 5, 4, Dx±A (X = 0, 1, 2, 3) I/O Port A High Speed inputs 8, 7, 10, 9, 12, 11, 15, 14 Dx±B (X = 0, 1, 2, 3) I/O Port B High Speed inputs 18, 17, 20, 19, 23, 22, 25, 24 Dx±C (X = 0, 1, 2, 3) I/O Port C High Speed inputs 65, 66, 67 HPDA, HPDB, HPDC Output HPD open-drain outputs for each port. Logic will follow truth table on page 7. External 1Kohm pull-up to 5V is required 33, 64 VDD50 Power 5.0V voltage rail from HDMI/DVI connector. Used during standby-mode. 60 HPD_Sink Input GP I/O pin from SCALAR. Internal 100Kohm pull-down. 29, 28, 32, 31, 35, 34, 42, 43 DDC_CLKx, DDC_Datax I/O I2C signals for DDC communication on TMDS ports 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 49, 48, 46, 45 DX± (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) I/O 4-differential high speed Output signals 58, 59 SEL1, SEL2 Inputs Selection for D0-D3 and DDC signals (Select Pins, see truth tables on page 5) 6, 13, 21, 44, 50, 56, 61 VDD Power 3.3V Power Supply 1, 16, 26, 27, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 53, 62, 63, 72 GND Power Ground. 57 OE Input Output enable (Active LOW). When HIGH, all outputs are Hi-Z and chip is placed into Standby Mode. Under Standby Mode, the current supply is from VDD50. 12-0196 2 www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry BLOCK DIAGRAM EXPLANATION DDC Switch Block Passive NMOS based 3:1 mux for DDC channels from each HDMI/DVI input connector. This section can remain active even when 3.3V supply is gone, as long as 5.0V from TMDS connector is connected to the PI3HDMI1310-A IC. 3:1 High speed Differential Channel Block 4-differential channels per port. 3 channels are targeted for high speed data channels (250Mbps to 3.4Gbps) and 1 channel is targeted for high speed clock signal (25MHz to 340MHz). HPD Control Channels Block Drives each HPD channels through the input pin, HPD_Sink. This signal will need to drive external pull-down transistor circuit before connecting to the HDMI/DVI connector. The external pull down circuit will look like the following: 5V 1KΩ HPD HPDA 5V 1KΩ HPD HPDB 5V 1KΩ HPDC HPD 12-0196 3 www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry Truth table for D0-D3 and DDC Signals SEL1 SEL2 Output Port 0 0 Port A 0 1 Port B 1 0 Port C 1 1 Hi-Z Truth table for HPDx signals Control Pins Hot Plug Detect Status OE SEL1 SEL2 HPD_Sink HPD A HPD B HPD C x L L L Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z x L L H L Hi-Z Hi-Z x L H L Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z x L H H Hi-Z L Hi-Z x H L L Hi-Z Hi-Z x H L H Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z L x H H L Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z x H H H Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z *All Hi-Z will become H if external pull-up connected at the output. Maximum Ratings (Above which useful life may be impaired. For user guidelines, not tested.) Storage Temperature .....................................................–65°C to +150°C Supply Voltage to Ground Potential ................................–0.5V to +4.0V DC Input Voltage ............................................................... –0.5V to 4.0V DC Output Current ....................................................................... 120mA Power Dissipation ............................................................................ 0.5W Note: Stresses greater than those listed under MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. DC Electrical Characteristics for Switching over Operating Range (TA = –40°C to +85°C, VDD = 3.3V ±10%) Parameter Description Test Conditions(1) Min VIH Input HIGH Voltage Guaranteed HIGH level 1.5 VIL Input LOW Voltage Guaranteed LOW level –0.5 VIK (3) Clamp Diode Voltage VDD = Max., IIN = –18mA 12-0196 4 Typ(2) –0.7 Max Units 0.65 V –1.2 www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry DC Electrical Characteristics for Switching over Operating Range (TA = –40°C to +85°C, VDD = 3.3V ±10%) Parameter Description Test Conditions(1) Typ(2) IIH Input HIGH Current VDD = Max., VIN = VDD ±5 IIL Input LOW Current VDD = Max., VIN = GND ±5 IOFF Off Leakage Current, for high speed channels only Vinput = 3.6V, VDD = 0V 50 Min Max Units µA Status Pins (HPD_SINK) VIH LVTTL Input HIGH Voltage 2 5.3 VIL LVTTL Input LOW Voltage GND 0.8 RP Pull-down Resistance VDD50 = 5.0V V 100k Ohm Power Supply Characteristics Parameters Description IDD Operating Power Supply Current IDDQ Standby Supply Current Test Conditions(1) Typ.(2) Max. VDD = Max., VSELx = GND or VDD 6 10 OE - High 3 5 Min. Units mA Dynamic Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range (TA= -40º to +85ºC, VDD = 3.3V ±10%, GND=0V) (2) Parameter Description Test Conditions XTALK Crosstalk on High Speed Channels f= 1.13 GHz See Fig. 3 for Measurement Setup f = 825 MHz -34 OIRR OFF Isolation on High Speed Channels f= 1.13 GHz See Fig. 2 for Measurement Setup f = 825 MHz -28 DR = 1.54Gbps -1.5 DR = 2.0Gbps Differential Insertion Loss on High DR = 2.25Gbps Speed Channels (see figure 1) DR = 3.0Gbps ILOSS DR = 3.4Gbps BW -3dB BW for TMDS channels Min Typ. Max -36 Units dB -32 -1.73 -1.82 dB -1.99 -2.08 3.0 GHz Status Pins (HPD) - open drain output buffer VOL(TTL) TTL Low-level output voltage IOL = 4mA 0.4 V Notes: 1. For Max. or Min. conditions, use appropriate value specified under Electrical Characteristics for the applicable device type. 2. Typical values are at VDD = 3.3V, TA = 25°C ambient and maximum loading. 3. Substrate diode voltage drop. For testing reference. 12-0196 5 www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry Fig.1 Test Circuit Test Circuit Fig.2 Fig.3 12-0196 Test Circuit 6 www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry Switching Characteristics (TA= -40º to +85ºC, VDD = 3.3V±10%) Parameter Description Min. Max. tPZH, tPZL Line Enable Time 0.5 25 tPHZ , tPLZ Line Disable Time 0.5 25 tb-b Bit-to-bit skew within the same differential pair 15 tch-ch Channel-to-channel skew 35 Units ns ps Test Circuit for Electrical Characteristics(1-5) 6.0V VDD 200-ohm Pulse Generator VIN VOUT D.U.T 4pF CL RT 200-ohm Notes: 1. CL = Load capacitance: includes jig and probe capacitance. 2. RT = Termination resistance: should be equal to ZOUT of the Pulse Generator 3. Output 1 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is low except when disabled by the output control. output 2 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is high except when disabled by the output control. 4. All input impulses are supplied by generators having the following characteristics: PRR ≤ MHz, ZO = 50Ω, t R ≤ 2.5ns, t F ≤ 2.5ns. 5. The outputs are measured one at a time with one transition per measurement. Switch Positions Test Switch tPLZ , tPZL (output on B-side) 6.0V tPHZ , tPZH (output on B-side) GND Prop Delay Open 12-0196 7 www.pericom.com 01/25/13 PI3HDMI1310-A HDMI™ Switch with non-blocking EQ Circuitry Packaging Mechanical: 72-Contact TQFN Notes: 1. All dimensions are in mm. Angles in degrees. 2. Coplanarity applies to the exposed pad as well as the terminals. 3. Refer JEDEC MO-220 4. Recommended land pattern is for reference only. 5. Thermal pad soldering area. 6. Recommended thermal via diameter (drill size) is 0.3mm and via pitch is 1.27mm. DATE: 06/10/11 DESCRIPTION: 72-contact, Very Thin Quad Flat No-Lead (TQFN) PACKAGE CODE: ZL72 DOCUMENT CONTROL #: PD-2075 REVISION: B 11-0119 Note: For latest package info, please check: http://www.pericom.com/products/packaging/mechanicals.php Ordering Information Ordering Code Package Code Package Description PI3HDMI1310-AZLE ZL Pb-free and Green 72-contact TQFN Notes: • Thermal characteristics can be found on the company web site at www.pericom.com/packaging/ • "E" denotes Pb-free and Green • Adding an "X" at the end of the ordering code denotes tape and reel packaging 12-0196 All trademarks are property of their respective owners. 8 www.pericom.com 01/25/13
PI3HDMI1310-AZLE 价格&库存

