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BL1117-CY 数据手册
BL1117 1A Bipolar Linear Regulator DESCRIPTION FEATURES BL1117 is a series of low dropout three-terminal regulators with a dropout of 1.3V at 1A load current. BL1117 features a very low standby current 2mA compared to 5mA of competitor. Other than a fixed version, Vout = 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V, and 12V, BL1117 has an adjustable version, which can provide an output voltage from 1.25 to 12V with only two external resistors. BL1117 offers thermal shut down and current limit functions, to assure the stability of chip and power system. And it uses trimming technique to guarantee output voltage accuracy within 2%. Other output voltage accuracy can be customized on demand, such as 1%        Other than a fixed version and an adjustable version, output value can be customized on demand. Maximum output current is 1A Range of operation input voltage: Max 12V Standby current: 2mA (typ.) Line regulation: 0.1%/V (typ.) Load regulation: 10mV (typ.) Environment Temperature: -40C~85C APPLICATIONS  Power Management for Computer Mother Board, Graphic Card BLD Monitor and BLD TV DVD Decode Board ADSL Modem Post Regulators for Switching Supplies BL1117 is available in SOT-223, TO-252 power package.     TYPICAL APPLICATION TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC LC1117 BL1117 Vin Vin 10uF Gnd BL1117 Vout Vout 10uF Application circuit of BL1117 fixed version NOTE: Input capacitor (Cin=10uF) and Output capacitor (Cout=10uF) are recommended in all application circuit. Tantalum or MLCC capacitor is recommended. www.belling.com.cn 1 BL1117 ORDERING INFORMATION PIN CONFIGURATION BL1117-XX X X Pin Description: Fixed Version Package Type: X:SOT-223 Y:TO-252 Pin No. 1 2 3 Temp. Range & Rohs Std.: A:85C & Pb-free Rhos Std,Output voltage accuracy within 1% C: 85C & Pb-free Rohs Std,Output voltage accuracy within 2% Pin No. 1 2 3 Symbol Definition Adj. Adjustable Vout Output Vin Input A:Means assembly year and weeks Year 2010 Y 0 Week 1 2 2011 2012 2013 … 1 2 … 26 Parameter 3 … 27 … 52 … Z W A B … B:Means Manufacture LOT No. C:Means Output Voltage Value D:Means Temp. Range&Rohs Std ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING 53 A Value 15V 150C -40C – 85C 20C / W 10C / W -40C - 150C 260C, 10S Max Input Voltage Max Operating Junction Temperature(Tj)+ Ambient Temperature(Ta) Package Thermal Resistance SOT-223 TO-252 Storage Temperature(Ts) Lead Temperature & Time RECOMMENDED WORK CONDITIONS Parameter Value Max. 12V -20C –125C Input Voltage Range Operating Junction Temperature(Tj) Exceptional for BL1117-12V, the maximum input voltage for BL1117-12V is 20V. www.belling.com.cn Definition Ground Output Input Adjustable Version Output Voltage: 12……1.2V 15……1.5V 18……1.8V 25……2.5V 33……3.3V 50……5.0V Default:Adjustable Version  Symbol GND Vout Vin 2 Note: Exceed these limits to damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability. BL1117 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS+ Tj=25C Symbol Vref Vout ΔVout Parameter Reference Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Conditions BL1117-ADJ 10mA≤Iout≤1A , Vin=3.25V BL1117-1.2V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=3.2V BL1117-1.5V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=3.5V BL1117-1.8V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=3.8V BL1117-2.5V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=4.5V BL1117-3.3V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=5.3V BL1117-5.0V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=7.0V BL1117-12.0V 0≤Iout≤1A , Vin=14V BL1117-1.2V Iout=10mA, 2.7V≤Vin≤10V BL1117-ADJ Iout=10mA, 2.75V≤Vin≤12V BL1117-1.5V out=10mA, 3.0V≤Vin≤12V BL1117-1.8V Iout=10mA, 3.3V≤Vin≤12V BL1117-2.5V Iout=10mA, 4.0V≤Vin≤12V BL1117-3.3V Iout=10mA, 4.8V≤Vin≤12V BL1117-5.0V Iout=10mA, 6.5V≤Vin≤12V BL1117-12.0V Iout=10mA, 13.5V≤Vin≤20V BL1117-1.2V Vin =2.7V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-ADJ Vin =2.75V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-1.5V Vin=3.0V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-1.8V Vin=3.3V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A ΔVout Load Regulation BL1117-2.5V Vin=4.0V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-3.3V Vin=4.8V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-5.0V Vin=6.5V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-12.0V Vin=13.5V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A www.belling.com.cn 3 Min Typ Max Unit 1.225 1.25 1.275 V 1.176 1.2 1.224 V 1.47 1.5 1.53 V 1.764 1.8 1.836 V 2.45 2.5 2.55 V 3.234 3.3 3.366 V 4.9 5 5.1 V 11.76 12 12.24 V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 %/V 0.1 0.2 +%/V 10 30 mV 10 30 mV 10 30 mV 10 30 mV 10 30 mV 10 30 mV 10 30 mV 10 30 mV BL1117 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS continued + Tj=25C Symbol Parameter Vdrop Dropout Voltage Ilimit Current Limit SVR Imin Iq IAdj Supply Voltage Rejection Minimum Load Current Quiescent Current Adjust Pin Current Ichange Iadj change ΔV/ΔT Temperature coefficient JC JA Thermal Resistance Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient (No air flow) Conditions Typ Max Unit Iout=100mA 1.23 1.3 V Iout=1A 1.3 1.5 V Vin-Vout=2V, Tj=25°C Min 1 A 60 f = 120Hz, VIN − VOUT = 3V + 1VPP Ripple BL1117-ADJ 4 6 10 mA BL1117-1.2V, Vin =10V 1 2 5 mA BL1117-1.5V, Vin =11V 1 2 5 mA BL1117-1.8V, Vin =12V 1 2 5 mA BL1117-2.5V,Vin =12V 1 2 5 mA BL1117-3.3V, Vin =12V 1 2 5 mA BL1117-5.0V, Vin =12V 1 2 5 mA BL1117-12.0V, Vin =20V 1 2 5 mA 35 55 120 uA 0.2 10 uA BL1117-ADJ Vin =5V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A BL1117-ADJ Vin =5V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A ±100 SOT-223 20 TO-252 10 TO-220 4.5 SOT-223 (No heat sink) 136 TO-252 (No heat sink) 92 Note1: All test are conducted under ambient temperature 25°C and within a short period of time 20ms Note2: Load current smaller than minimum load current of BL1117-ADJ will lead to unstable or oscillation output. www.belling.com.cn dB 4 ppm °C/W °C/W BL1117 BLOCK DIAGRAM DETAILED DESCRIPTION BL1117 is a series of low dropout voltage, three terminal regulators. Its application circuit is very simple: the fixed version only needs two capacitors and the adjustable version only needs two resistors and two capacitors to work. It is composed of some modules including start-up circuit, bias circuit, bandgap, thermal shutdown, current limit, power transistors and its driver circuit and so on. The thermal shut down modules can assure chip and its application system working safety when the junction temperature is larger than 140°C. The bandgap module provides stable reference voltage, whose temperature coefficient is compensated by careful design considerations. The temperature coefficient is under 100 ppm/°C. And the accuracy of output voltage is guaranteed by trimming technique. TYPICAL APPLICATION BL1117 has an adjustable version and six fixed versions (1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V and 12V) Fixed Output Voltage Version LC1117 BL1117 Vin Vin 10uF Vout Vout Gnd 10uF Application circuit of BL1117 fixed version 1) 2) 3) Recommend using 10uF tan capacitor or MLCC capacitor as bypass capacitor (C1) for all application circuit. Recommend using 10uF tan capacitor MLCC capacitor to assure circuit stability. Capacitor ESR range: 3mΩ ~ 22Ω Adjustable Output Voltage Version www.belling.com.cn 5 BL1117 BL1117-ADJ provides a 1.25V reference voltage. Any output voltage between 1.25V~12V can be achievable by choosing two external resistors (schematic is shown below), R1 and R2 BL1117 LC1117-ADJ Vin Vin 10uF Vout Vout R1 ADJ 10uF R2 Application Circuit of BL1117-ADJ The output voltage of adjustable version follows the equation: Vout=1.25(1+R2/R1)+IAdjR2. We can ignore +IAdj because IAdj (about 50uA) is much less than the current of R1 (about 2~10mA). 1) To meet the minimum load current (>10mA) requirement, R1 is recommended to be 125ohm or lower. As BL1117-ADJ can keep itself stable at load current about 2mA, R1 is not allowed to be higher than 625ohm. 2) Using a bypass capacitor (CADJ) between the ADJ pin and ground can improve ripple rejection. This bypass capacitor prevents ripple from being amplified as the output voltage is increased. The impedance of CADJ should be less than R1 to prevent ripple from being amplified. As R1 is normally in the range of 100Ω~500Ω, the value of CADJ should satisfy this equation: 1/(2frippleCADJ)
BL1117-CY 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.41372
  • 10+1.08713
  • 30+0.94716
  • 100+0.77253
  • 500+0.69477
  • 1000+0.64800


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.74470
    • 100+0.49720
    • 1250+0.45100
    • 2500+0.41800


      •  国内价格
      • 500+0.56000


        •  国内价格
        • 5+0.56000
        • 20+0.55000
        • 100+0.53000
