Output Toroidal Inductors with Mounting Base
• High performance powdered iron cores for excellent energy storage characteristics • Cost effective design • Custom designs available
• Switching power supply • Motor control circuit • Differential EMI filter • Output ripple current filter
Insulation Resistance, Minimum Operating Temperature Range Insulation System
100 Megohms -25°C to +105°C Class B, 130°C
(3) Orientation Pin
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Model HM12 Series
FIGURE 1 (Inch/mm)
"A" Max.
"B" Max.
"E" Max. .15 Min. 4.0 ±.010 ±0.25 (3) ±.010 ±0.25
"D" (1)
FIGURE 2 (Inch/mm)
"A" Max.
"B" Max.
"E" Max. .15 Min. 4.0 ±.010 ±0.25 (3) ±.010 "C" ±0.25
Model HM12 Series
SPECIFICATIONS (FIGURE 1) Mechanical Outline Dimensions: Inch/mm A 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.67 –––– 42.5 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.45 –––– 36.8 2.30 –––– 58.4 B 0.62 –––– 15.8 0.62 –––– 15.8 0.93 –––– 23.6 0.62 –––– 15.8 0.83 –––– 21.1 1.12 –––– 28.5 C 0.4 –––– 10.16 0.4 –––– 10.16 0.7 –––– 17.78 0.4 –––– 10.16 0.6 –––– 15.24 0.9 –––– 22.86 D 0.8 –––– 20.32 0.8 –––– 20.32 1.2 –––– 30.48 0.96 –––– 24.38 0.9 –––– 22.86 1.5 –––– 38.1 E 0.75 –––– 19.05 1.2 –––– 30.48 1.58 –––– 40.13 0.95 –––– 24.13 1.35 –––– 34.30 1.85 –––– 47.0
Part Number HM12-01001 HM12-01002 HM12-01003 HM12-02501 HM12-02502 HM12-02503
Inductance Current DC Resistance ETop Typical IDC µH Amps Max. Ω Max. V-µSec 92 700 1,700 77 320 960 1 1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.35 0.89 1.45 0.11 0.29 0.63 77 400 730 90 350 870
Energy Storage µJ Min. 46 350 850 240 1,000 3,000
Wire Gauge AWG (mm) (1) 26 ––––– (0.40) 26 ––––– (0.40) 27 ––––– (0.36) 24 ––––– (0.51) 23 ––––– (0.57) 23 ––––– (0.57)
SPECIFICATIONS (FIGURE 2) Mechanical Outline Dimensions: Inch/mm A 1.45 –––– 36.8 1.60 –––– 40.6 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.60 –––– 40.6 1.95 –––– 49.5 2.30 –––– 58.4 1.44 –––– 36.8 2.30 –––– 58.4 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.44 –––– 36.6 1.60 –––– 40.6 1.95 –––– 49.5 2.30 –––– 58.4 1.95 –––– 49.5 2.30 –––– 58.4 1.60 –––– 40.6 B 0.90 –––– 22.9 0.83 –––– 21.1 0.62 –––– 15.8 0.83 –––– 21.1 0.93 –––– 23.5 1.11 –––– 28.2 0.83 –––– 21.1 1.12 –––– 28.5 0.62 –––– 15.8 0.83 –––– 21.1 0.83 –––– 21.1 0.96 –––– 24.4 1.11 –––– 28.2 0.93 –––– 23.5 1.11 –––– 28.2 1.11 –––– 28.2 C 0.60 –––– 15.24 0.60 –––– 15.24 0.40 –––– 10.16 0.60 –––– 15.24 0.70 –––– 17.78 0.90 –––– 22.85 0.60 –––– 15.24 0.9 –––– 22.86 0.40 –––– 10.16 0.60 –––– 15.24 0.60 –––– 15.24 0.70 –––– 17.78 0.90 –––– 22.85 0.70 –––– 17.78 0.90 –––– 22.95 0.60 –––– 15.24 D 0.90 –––– 22.86 0.90 –––– 22.86 0.80 –––– 20.32 0.90 –––– 22.86 1.20 –––– 30.48 1.50 –––– 38.10 0.90 –––– 22.86 1.5 –––– 38.1 0.80 –––– 20.34 0.90 –––– 22.86 0.90 –––– 22.86 1.20 –––– 30.48 1.50 –––– 38.10 1.20 –––– 30.48 1.50 –––– 38.10 0.90 –––– 22.86 E 1.40 –––– 38.7 1.72 –––– 43.7 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.56 –––– 39.6 2.00 –––– 50.80 2.30 –––– 58.4 1.44 –––– 36.6 1.90 –––– 48.3 1.20 –––– 30.5 1.44 –––– 36.6 1.72 –––– 43.7 2.00 –––– 50.8 2.30 –––– 58.4 2.00 –––– 50.8 2.30 –––– 58.4 1.72 –––– 43.7
Part Number HM12-03501 HM12-03502 HM12-06001 HM12-06002 HM12-06003 HM12-06004 HM12-07001 HM12-07501 HM12-10001 HM12-10002 HM12-10003 HM12-10004 HM12-10005 HM12-15001 HM12-15002 HM12-16001
Inductance Current DC Resistance ETop Typical IDC µH Amps Max. Ω Max. V-µSec 275 475 35 100 180 330 50 178 15 25 45 75 150 35 65 20 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7.5 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 16 0.200 0.130 0.025 0.048 0.068 0.095 0.032 0.075 0.009 0.012 0.018 0.025 0.032 0.009 0.012 0.0065 500 600 200 400 620 840 230 500 135 170 280 430 570 290 390 190
Energy Storage µJ Min. 2,200 2,138 630 1,800 3,240 5,940 1,225 5,000 750 1,250 2,250 3,750 7,500 3,935 7,310 2,560
Wire Gauge AWG (mm) (1) 19 ––––– (0.91) 18 ––––– (1.02) 18 ––––– (1.02) 18 ––––– (1.02) 18 ––––– (1.02) 18 ––––– (1.02) 18 ––––– (1.02) 18 ––––– (1.02) 15 ––––– (1.45) 15 ––––– (1.45) 15 ––––– (1.45) 15 ––––– (1.45) 15 ––––– (1.45) 12 ––––– (2.05) 12 ––––– (2.05) 12 ––––– (2.05)
Note: (1) Nominal bare wire diameter.
Model HM12 Series