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ADS1235QWRHMRQ1 数据手册
Order Now Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 ADS1235-Q1 Automotive Precision, 3-Channel, Differential-Input, 7200-SPS, 24-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC for Bridge Sensors 1 Features 3 Description • The ADS1235-Q1 is a precision, 7200-SPS, deltasigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an integrated programmable gain amplifier (PGA). This device also includes diagnostic features such as PGA overrange and reference monitors. The ADC provides high-accuracy, zero-drift conversion data for highprecision equipment, including weigh scales, strain gauges, and resistive pressure sensors. AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications – Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, TA 24-bit, high-precision ADC: – 120,000 noise-free counts (10-mV input, 10 SPS) – Offset drift: 1 nV/°C – Gain drift: 0.5 ppm/°C Three differential or five single-ended inputs Two reference inputs Wide input voltage range: ±7 mV to ±5 V Low-noise PGA, gain: 1, 64, and 128 Data rate: 2.5 SPS to 7200 SPS AC- or DC-bridge excitation option Chop mode for zero-drift operation Simultaneous 50-Hz and 60-Hz rejection mode Single-cycle settling mode Missing reference input monitor Signal overrange monitor Temperature sensor Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 5-V or ±2.5-V power supply 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 Applications • • • • On-board weighing systems (OBW) Weigh scales and strain-gauge digitizers Dynamic weigh systems Pressure measurement The ADC has signal and reference multiplexers that support three differential signal inputs and two reference inputs. The ADC also includes a low-noise PGA that provides gains of 1, 64, and 128. The ADC also has a 24-bit ΔΣ modulator and programmable digital filter. The high-impedance inputs (1 GΩ) of the PGA reduce measurement error that is caused by sensor loading. The ADC supports ac-bridge excitation to remove the drift errors from the sensor wiring. The ADC provides the clock control signals for the ac-excitation operation. The flexible digital filter is programmable for singlecycle settled conversions, and provides 50-Hz and 60-Hz line cycle rejection at the same time. The ADS1235-Q1 is available in a 5-mm × 5-mm VQFN package, and is specified across the –40°C to +125°C temperature range. Device Information(1) PART NUMBER PACKAGE ADS1235-Q1 VQFN (32) BODY SIZE (NOM) 5.0 mm × 5.0 mm (1) For all available packages, see the package option addendum at the end of the data sheet. Block Diagram REFP0 REFN0 ADC Conversion Noise 3 V ± 5 V (D) 5 V (A) Ref Mux Internal Oscillator Clock Mux 10009.65 10 SPS V IN = 10 mV 10009.6 V N = 0.084 PV P-P CLKIN Input Mux AIN1 AIN2 Temp Sensor Ref Monitor Buf AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 PGA GPIO AC-Exc 24-Bit û ADC START Serial Interface and Control RESET PWDN CS DIN Digital Filter DOUT/DRDY SCLK PGA Monitor DRDY Conversion Data (PV) ADS1235-Q1 AIN0 10009.55 10009.5 10009.45 10009.4 (A) (D) 10009.35 0 10 20 30 Time (s) 40 50 60 D109 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 8.5 Programming........................................................... 39 8.6 Register Map........................................................... 48 1 1 1 2 3 4 9 9.1 Application Information............................................ 59 9.2 Typical Application .................................................. 63 9.3 Initialization Setup ................................................... 65 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 66 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 4 ESD Ratings.............................................................. 4 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 5 Thermal Information .................................................. 5 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 6 Timing Requirements ................................................ 8 Switching Characteristics .......................................... 9 Typical Characteristics ............................................ 12 7 Parameter Measurement Information ................ 17 8 Detailed Description ............................................ 19 10.1 Power-Supply Decoupling..................................... 66 10.2 Analog Power-Supply Clamp ................................ 66 10.3 Power-Supply Sequencing.................................... 66 11 Layout................................................................... 67 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 67 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 67 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 68 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 7.1 Noise Performance ................................................. 17 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ Application and Implementation ........................ 59 19 20 21 32 Documentation Support ........................................ Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates Community Resources.......................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 68 68 68 68 68 68 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 68 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. 2 DATE REVISION NOTES October 2019 * Initial release. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 5 Pin Configuration and Functions REFP0 REFN0 AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 RHM Package VQFN-32 Top View NC 1 24 NC CAPP 2 23 NC CAPN 3 22 NC AVDD 4 21 NC Thermal Pad DVDD START 16 17 DGND 8 15 RESET BYPASS CLKIN 14 18 DOUT/DRDY 7 13 PWDN DRDY NC 12 19 DIN 6 11 NC SCLK NC 10 20 CS 5 9 AVSS Not to scale Pin Functions PIN NO. NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 NC — 2 CAPP Analog output No connection; float or connect to AVSS PGA output P; connect a 4.7-nF C0G dielectric capacitor across CAPP and CAPN 3 CAPN Analog output PGA output N; connect a 4.7-nF C0G dielectric capacitor across CAPP and CAPN 4 AVDD Analog Positive analog power supply 5 AVSS Analog Negative analog power supply 6 NC — 7 PWDN Digital input Power down, active low 8 RESET Digital input Reset, active low 9 START Digital input Start conversion control, active high No connection - solder the pin for mechanical support, float or connect to DGND 10 CS Digital input Serial interface chip select, active low 11 SCLK Digital Input Serial interface shift clock 12 DIN Digital Input Serial interface data input 13 DRDY Digital output Data ready indicator, active low 14 DOUT/DRDY Digital output Dual function serial interface data output and active-low data ready indicator 15 BYPASS Analog output Internal subregulator bypass; connect a 1-µF capacitor to DGND 16 DGND Digital Digital ground Digital power supply 17 DVDD Digital 18 CLKIN Digital input NC — 19-24 1) Internal oscillator: connect to DGND, 2) External clock: connect clock input No connection - solder the pin for mechanical support, float or connect to DGND Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 3 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Pin Functions (continued) PIN NO. TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION 25 AIN5 Analog input Analog input 5 26 AIN4 Analog input Analog input 4 27 AIN3 Analog input/output Analog input 3, GPIO3, ACX2 28 AIN2 Analog input/output Analog input 2, GPIO2, ACX1 29 AIN1 Analog input/output Analog input 1, GPIO1, ACX2, Reference input 1 negative 30 AIN0 Analog input/output Analog input 0, GPIO0, ACX1, Reference input 1 positive 31 REFN0 Analog input/output Reference input 0 negative 32 REFP0 Analog input/output Reference input 0 positive — Thermal Pad — Exposed thermal pad - solder the pad for mechanical support; connect to AVSS. 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings see (1) Power supply voltage MIN MAX AVDD to AVSS –0.3 7 AVSS to DGND –3 0.3 DVDD to DGND UNIT V –0.3 7 Analog input voltage AINx, REFP0, REFN0 AVSS – 0.3 AVDD + 0.3 V Digital input voltage CS, SCLK, DIN, DOUT/DRDY, DRDY, START, RESET, PWDN, CLKIN DGND – 0.3 DVDD + 0.3 V Input Current Temperature (1) (2) Continuous, all pins except power-supply pins (2) –10 Junction, TJ Storage, Tstg –60 10 mA 150 °C 150 °C Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Input and output pins are diode-clamped to the internal power supplies. Limit the input current to 10 mA in the event the analog input voltage exceeds AVDD + 0.3 V or AVSS – 0.3 V, or if the digital input voltage exceeds DVDD + 0.3 V or DGND – 0.3 V. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE Human-body model (HBM), per AEC Q100-002 HBM ESD classification level 2 V(ESD) (1) 4 Electrostatic discharge UNIT (1) Charged-device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011 CDM ESD classification level C4B ±2000 Corner pins ±750 All other non-corner pins ±500 V AEC Q100-002 indicates that HBM stressing shall be in accordance with the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 specification. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions MIN NOM MAX AVDD to AVSS 4.75 5 5.25 AVSS to DGND –2.6 0 DVDD to DGND 2.7 5.25 UNIT POWER SUPPLY Analog power supply Digital power supply V V ANALOG INPUTS V(AINx) Absolute input voltage VIN Differential input voltage PGA mode PGA bypassed See Equation 3 AVSS – 0.1 VIN = VAINP – VAINN V AVDD + 0.1 ±VREF / Gain See (1) V VOLTAGE REFERENCE INPUTS VREF Differential reference voltage 0.9 AVDD – AVSS V V(REFNx) Negative reference voltage VREF = V(REFPx) – V(REFNx) AVSS – 0.05 V(REFPx) – 0.9 V V(REFPx) Positive reference voltage V(REFNx) + 0.9 AVDD + 0.05 V EXTERNAL CLOCK fCLK Frequency 1 7.3728 8 MHz Duty cycle 40% 60% AVSS AVDD V DGND DVDD V –40 125 °C GENERAL-PURPOSE INPUTS/OUTPUTS (GPIOs) Input voltage DIGITAL INPUTS (other than GPIOs) Input voltage TEMPERATURE TA (1) Operating ambient temperature In PGA mode, the maximum differential input voltage is ±(AVDD – AVSS – 0.6 V) / Gain, when operating with VREF ≥ AVDD – AVSS – 0.6 V 6.4 Thermal Information ADS1235-Q1 THERMAL METRIC (1) RHM (VQFN) UNIT 32 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 29.2 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 17.6 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 9.8 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.2 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 9.7 °C/W RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 1.1 °C/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 5 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 6.5 Electrical Characteristics minimum and maximum specifications apply from TA = –40°C to +125°C; typical specifications are at TA = 25°C; all specifications at AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz, PGA mode, gain = 1, and data rate = 20 SPS (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 4 12 UNIT ANALOG INPUTS Absolute input current PGA mode, V(AINx) = 2.5 V PGA bypass 200 Absolute input current drift 0.01 PGA mode, VIN = 39 mV Differential input current PGA mode, VIN = 2.5 V nA/°C ±0.1 –8 PGA and chop modes, VIN = 2.5 V (1) ±1 8 ±5 PGA bypass, VIN = 2.5 V nA ±40 Differential input current drift Differential input impedance nA 0.05 PGA mode PGA bypass Crosstalk nA/°C 1 GΩ 50 MΩ 0.1 µV/V PGA Gain settings Antialias filter frequency Output voltage monitor CCAPP, CAPN = 4.7 nF 1, 64, 128 V/V 60 kHz Low threshold AVSS + 0.2 High threshold AVDD – 0.2 V PERFORMANCE DR Resolution No missing codes Equivalent input noise density Gain = 64 and 128 Data rate 24 2.5 Noise performance INL Integral non-linearity Offset voltage Gain = 1, 64 and 128 –10 ±2 10 ±50 355 TA = 25°C, gain = 64 and 128 –10 ±1.5 10 TA = 25°C, gain = 1, chop mode –0.6 ±0.2 0.6 –0.06 ±0.005 0.06 After calibration Gain = 64 and 128 Gain = 1, 64, and 128, chop mode Gain error TA = 25°C After calibration –0.6% Normal-mode rejection ratio (2) CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio (3) PSRR Power-supply rejection ratio (4) ppmFSR µV 150 350 15 75 1 5 ±0.05% 0.6% nV/°C on the level of noise Gain drift NMRR SPS On the level of noise Gain = 1 GE 7200 –355 TA = 25°C, gain = 64 and 128, chop mode Offset voltage drift nV/√Hz See Table 1 TA = 25°C, gain = 1 VOS Bits 8 0.5 4 ppm/°C See Table 5 Data rate = 20 SPS Data rate = 400 SPS 130 105 115 AVDD and AVSS 85 100 DVDD 95 120 dB dB INTERNAL OSCILLATOR fCLK Frequency 7.3728 Accuracy (1) (2) (3) (4) 6 –2% ±0.5% MHz 2% Chop-mode input current scales with data rate. See Figure 27 for chop mode input current at 20 SPS and 1200 SPS. Normal-mode rejection ratio performance depends on the digital filter configuration. Common-mode rejection ratio is specified at fIN = 60 Hz. Power-supply rejection ratio specified at dc. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Electrical Characteristics (continued) minimum and maximum specifications apply from TA = –40°C to +125°C; typical specifications are at TA = 25°C; all specifications at AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz, PGA mode, gain = 1, and data rate = 20 SPS (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VOLTAGE REFERENCE INPUTS Reference input current 500 nA Input current vs voltage 100 nA/V 0.1 nA//V/°C Input current drift Input impedance Differential Low voltage monitor Threshold low 5 0.4 MΩ 0.6 V TEMPERATURE SENSOR Sensor voltage TA = 25°C 122.4 Temperature coefficient mV 420 µV/°C GENERAL-PURPOSE INPUTS/OUTPUTS (GPIOs) (5) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = –1 mA VOH High-level output voltage IOH = 1 mA VIL Low-level input voltage VIH High-level input voltage 0.2 · AVDD 0.8 · AVDD V 0.3 · AVDD 0.7 · AVDD Input hysteresis V V V 0.5 V DIGITAL INPUTS/OUTPUTS (Other Than GPIOs) VOL Low-level output voltage VOH High-level output voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VIH High-level input voltage IOL = –1 mA 0.2 · DVDD IOL = –8 mA IOH = 1 mA 0.2 · DVDD 0.8 · DVDD IOH = 8 mA Input leakage V 0.75 · DVDD 0.3 · DVDD 0.7 · DVDD Input hysteresis V V 0.1 VIH or VIL V –10 V 10 µA POWER SUPPLY IAVDD IAVSS Analog supply current PGA bypass 2.7 4.5 PGA mode, gain = 64 and 128 4.3 6.5 Power-down mode IDVDD PD (5) (6) Digital supply current Power dissipation mA 2 8 µA 0.4 0.7 mA Power-down mode (6) 30 75 µA PGA mode, gain = 64 and 128 23 35 Power-down mode 0.1 0.3 mW GPIO voltage with respect to AVSS. CLKIN input stopped. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 7 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 6.6 Timing Requirements over operating ambient temperature range, DVDD = 2.7 V to 5.25 V, and DOUT/DRDY load: 20 pF || 100 kΩ to DGND (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX UNIT SERIAL INTERFACE td(CSSC) Delay time, first SCLK rising edge after CS falling edge (1) 50 ns tsu(DI) Setup time, DIN valid before SCLK falling edge 25 ns th(DI) Hold time, DIN valid after SCLK falling edge 25 tc(SC) SCLK period (2) 97 tw(SCH), tw(SCL) Pulse duration, SCLK high or low 40 ns td(SCCS) Delay time, last SCLK falling edge before CS rising edge 50 ns tw(CSH) Pulse duration, CS high to reset interface 25 td(SCIR) Delay time, SCLK high or low to force interface auto-reset ns 106 ns ns 65540 1/fCLK RESET tw(RSTL) Pulse duration, RESET low 4 1/fCLK CONVERSION CONTROL tw(STH) Pulse duration, START high 4 1/fCLK tw(STL) Pulse duration, START low 4 1/fCLK tsu(DRST) Setup time, START low or STOP command after DRDY low to stop next conversion (Continuous-conversion mode) th(DRSP) Hold time, START low or STOP command after DRDY low to continue next conversion (Continuous-conversion mode) (1) (2) 8 100 150 1/fCLK 1/fCLK CS can be tied low. Serial interface time-out mode: minimum SCLK frequency = 1 kHz. Otherwise, no minimum SCLK frequency. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 6.7 Switching Characteristics over operating ambient temperature range, DVDD = 2.7 V to 5.25 V, and DOUT/DRDY load: 20 pF || 100 kΩ to DGND (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT tw(DRH) Pulse duration, DRDY high 16 tp(CSDO) Propagation delay time, CS falling edge to DOUT/DRDY driven tp(SCDO1) Propagation delay time, SCLK rising edge to valid DOUT/DRDY th(SCDO1) Hold time, SCLK rising edge to invalid data on DOUT/DRDY th(SCDO2) Hold time, last SCLK falling edge of operation to invalid data on DOUT/DRDY tp(SCDO2) Propagation delay time, last SCLK falling edge to valid data ready function on DOUT/DRDY 110 ns tp(CSDOZ) Propagation delay time, CS rising edge to DOUT/DRDY high impedance 50 ns SERIAL INTERFACE 1/fCLK 0 50 ns 40 ns 0 ns 15 ns RESET tp(RSCN) Propagation delay time, RESET rising edge or RESET command to start of conversion tp(PRCM) Propagation delay time, power-on threshold voltage to ADC communication tp(CMCN) Propagation delay time, ADC communication to conversion start 512 1/fCLK 216 1/fCLK 512 1/fCLK AC EXCITATION td(ACX) Delay time, phase-to-phase blanking period tc(ACX) ACX period 8 1/fCLK 2 tSTDR CONVERSION CONTROL tp(STDR) Propagation delay time, START high or START command to DRDY high 2 1/fCLK tw(CSH) CS td(CSSC) tc(SC) td(SCCS) tw(SCH) SCLK th(DI) tsu(DI) tw(SCL) DIN Figure 1. Serial Interface Timing Requirements Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 9 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com tw(DRH) DRDY CS SCLK tp(SCDO2) tp(SCDO1) tp(CSDO) DRDY DOUT/DRDY (1) tp(CSDOZ) (1) (1) DATA DRDY th(SCDO1) th(SCDO2) Before the first SCLK rising edge and after the last SCLK falling edge of a command, the function of DOUT/DRDY is data ready. Figure 2. Serial Interface Switching Characteristics Serial Interface Auto-Reset td(SCIR) Next byte transaction b7 SCLK b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Figure 3. Serial Interface Auto-Reset Characteristics tw(STH) START tw(STL) Serial Command START STOP tp(STDR) STOP tsu(DRST) DRDY th(DRSP) Figure 4. Conversion Control Timing Requirements 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 DVDD 1 V (typ) VBYPASS 1 V (typ) AVDD - AVSS 3.5 V (typ) All supplies reach thresholds DRDY DOUT/DRDY Begin ADC Communication tp(PRCM) tp(CMCN) Conversion Status Start of 1st Conversion Figure 5. Power-Up Characteristics tw(RSTL) RESET Reset Command tp(RSCN) Conversion Status Reset Start Figure 6. RESET pin and RESET Command Timing Requirements tc(ACX) td(ACX) td(ACX) ACX1 ACX1 ACX2 ACX2 Figure 7. AC-Excitation Switching Characteristics DVDD ½ DVDD 50% DGND td, th, tp, tw,tc Figure 8. Timing Voltage-Level Reference Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 11 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 6.8 Typical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, data rate = 20 SPS, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz and gain = 128 (unless otherwise noted) 10 0.5 PGA Bypass Gain = 1 Gain = 64 and 128 8 0.3 Offset Voltage (PV) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -8 -0.4 -10 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 -0.5 -40 120 -20 After calibration, shorted input 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 120 D010 Chop mode, after calibration, shorted input Figure 9. Offset Voltage vs Temperature Figure 10. Offset Voltage vs Temperature 100 80 70 70 50 3.6 3 2.4 2.1 0 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 80 0 100 10 0 60 20 10 40 20 20 30 1.8 40 30 1.5 40 1.2 50 60 0.9 60 0.6 Population (%) 80 0 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 and 128 90 3.3 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 and 128 90 2.7 100 Population (%) 0 D009 0.3 Offset Voltage (PV) 6 PGA Bypass Gain = 1 Gain = 64 and 128 0.4 D012 D011 Input-Referred Offset Drift (nV/qC) Input-Referred Offset Drift (nV/qC) Shorted input, 30 units Chop mode, shorted input, 30 units Figure 11. Offset Voltage Drift Distribution Figure 12. Offset Voltage Drift Distribution 200 40 35 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 and 128 150 30 25 Gain Error (ppm) Offset Voltage (PV) PGA Bypass Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 20 15 10 5 0 100 50 0 -50 -5 -10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 V REF (V) 3.5 4 4.5 5 -100 -40 -20 D001 After calibration 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 120 D014 After calibration Figure 13. Offset Voltage vs Reference Voltage 12 0 Submit Documentation Feedback Figure 14. Gain Error vs Temperature Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Typical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, data rate = 20 SPS, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz and gain = 128 (unless otherwise noted) 50 60 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 40 Gain Error (ppm) Population (%) 40 Gain = 1, 400 SPS Gain = 1, 7200 SPS Gain = 128, 400 SPS Gain = 128, 7200 SPS 50 30 20 10 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 Gain Drift (ppm/qC) -40 0.5 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 0.2 0 1 1.5 2 D013 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 5 D002 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 8 Input-Referred Noise (PVRMS) Input-Referred Noise (PVRMS ) 4.5 9 0.35 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 0 -40 120 -20 D003 Exce 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 120 D004 7200 SPS, Sinc1 mode 20 SPS, Sinc4 mode Figure 18. Noise vs Temperature Figure 17. Noise vs Temperature 90 100 Gain = 1, 7200 SPS Gain = 128, 7200 SPS 80 Population (Data Points) Gain = 1, 400 SPS Gain = 128, 400 SPS Input-Referred Noise (PVRMS ) 4 Figure 16. Gain vs Reference Voltage Figure 15. Gain Drift Distribution 0 -40 3.5 After calibration 30 units 0.3 2.5 3 VREF (V) 10 1 0.1 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 V REF (V) 3.5 4 4.5 5 D006 -0.25 -0.225 -0.2 -0.175 -0.15 -0.125 -0.1 -0.075 -0.05 -0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.01 0.5 D029 Conversion Data (PV) 20 SPS, Gain = 128, 256 data points, shorted inputs Figure 19. Noise vs Reference Voltage Figure 20. Conversion Data Histogram Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 13 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 2000 10 1800 8 1600 6 Linearity Error (ppmFSR) Population (Data Points) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, data rate = 20 SPS, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz and gain = 128 (unless otherwise noted) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 4 2 0 -2 -4 400 -6 200 -8 0 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 -3 -2.75 -2.5 -2.25 -2 -1.75 -1.5 -1.25 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 -10 -100 -80 -60 D031 -40 -20 0 20 40 Full Scale Range (%VIN) 60 80 100 D033 Conversion Data (PV) 7200 SPS, Gain = 128, 8192 data points, shorted inputs Figure 22. Integral Non-Linearity vs VIN Figure 21. Conversion Data Histogram 60 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 8 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 50 Population (%) 6 4 2 40 30 20 10 6 5 5.5 4.5 4 3 120 3.5 100 2.5 80 2 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 1.5 0 1 0 -20 0 0 -40 0.5 Integral Non-Linearity (ppm FSR) 10 Integral Non-Linearity (ppmFSR) D007 D015 30 Units Figure 24. Integral Non-Linearity Distribution Figure 23. Integral Non-Linearity vs Temperature 2 Gain = 1 Gain = 64 Gain = 128 8 TA = -40qC TA = 25qC TA = 85qC TA = 125qC 1.5 Differential Input Current (nA) Integral Non-Linearity (ppm FSR) 10 6 4 2 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 VREF (V) 4 4.5 5 -2 -20 -15 D008 -10 -5 0 5 10 Differential Input Voltage (mV) 15 20 D110 Gain = 128 Figure 25. Integral Non-Linearity vs Reference Voltage 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Figure 26. Differential Input Current Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Typical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, data rate = 20 SPS, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz and gain = 128 (unless otherwise noted) 80 1.5 TA = -40qC TA = 25qC TA = 85qC TA = 125qC 1 Differential Input Current (nA) 0.5 0 -0.5 TA = -40qC, 1200 SPS TA = 25qC, 1200 SPS TA = 85qC, 1200 SPS TA = 125qC, 1200 SPS -1 -1.5 -20 TA TA TA TA = -40qC, 20 SPS = 25qC, 20 SPS = 85qC, 20 SPS = 125qC, 20 SPS 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Differential Input Voltage (mV) 15 -5 20 -4 -3 D112 4 5 D111 Figure 28. Differential Input Current Figure 27. Differential Input Current 18 15 TA = -40qC TA = 25qC TA = 85qC TA = 125qC 10 7.5 TA = -40qC TA = 25qC TA = 85qC TA = 125qC 15 Absolute Input Current (nA) 12.5 5 2.5 0 -2.5 -5 -7.5 12 9 6 3 0 -3 -6 -9 -12 -10 -15 -12.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Absolute Input Voltage (V) 4 4.5 0 5 0.5 1 D113 5 D114 40 IREFP , T A IREFP , T A IREFP , T A IREFP , T A = -40qC = 25qC = 85qC = 125qC 30 REFP Population (%) IREFN , T A = -40qC IREFN , T A = 25qC IREFN , T A = 85qC IREFN , T A = 125qC 200 150 100 50 20 10 0 REFN 124.2 D024 123.8 5 123.4 4.5 123 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Differential Reference Voltage (V) 121.4 0 1 121 -50 0.5 4.5 Figure 30. Absolute Input Current Figure 29. Absolute Input Current 350 250 4 Chop Mode, Gain = 128 Gain = 128 300 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Absolute Input Voltage (V) 122.6 0 122.2 Absolute Input Current (nA) 3 PGA Bypass (gain = 1) Chop Mode, Gain = 128 Reference Input Current (nA) -2 -1 0 1 2 Differential Input Voltage (V) 121.8 Differential Input Current (nA) 60 D017 Temperature Sensor Voltage (mV) VREFN = AVSS 30 units Figure 31. Reference Input Current vs Reference Voltage Figure 32. Temperature Sensor Voltage Histogram Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 15 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = 5 V, data rate = 20 SPS, fCLK = 7.3728 MHz and gain = 128 (unless otherwise noted) 1 Reference Low Monitor Threshold (V) Internal Oscillator Error (%) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -40 120 -20 0 D016 30 units PGA High Monitor Threshold (V) PGA Low Monitor Threshold (V) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 4.9 4.85 4.8 4.75 4.7 -40 120 -20 0 D026 Figure 35. PGA Low Monitor Threshold vs Temperature 80 100 120 D025 Figure 36. PGA High Monitor Threshold vs Temperature 7 125 6 Operating Current (mA) 120 CMRR and PSRR (dB) 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 30 units 130 115 110 105 100 95 CMRR PSRR AVDD, AVSS PSRR DVDD -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) IAVDD , I AVSS (Gain = 1, PGA mode) IAVDD , I AVSS (Gain = 64, 128) IDVDD 5 4 3 2 1 80 100 120 0 -40 -20 D034 Figure 37. CMRR and PSRR vs Temperature 16 D027 4.95 30 units 80 -40 120 5 0.25 85 100 Figure 34. Reference Low Monitor Threshold vs Temperature 0.3 90 80 30 units Figure 33. Internal Oscillator Frequency vs Temperature 0 -40 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 0 20 40 60 Temperature (qC) 80 100 120 D018 Figure 38. Operating Current vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 7 Parameter Measurement Information 7.1 Noise Performance The ADS1235-Q1 noise performance depends on the ADC configuration: data rate, PGA gain, digital filter configuration, and chop mode. The combination of the parameters affect noise performance. Two significant factors affecting noise performance are data rate and PGA gain. Since the profile of noise is predominantly white (flat vs frequency), decreasing the data rate proportionally decreases bandwidth and therefore, decreases total noise. Since the noise of the PGA is lower than that of the modulator, increasing the gain decreases overall conversion noise when treated as an input-referred quantity. Noise performance also depends on the digital filter and chop mode. As the order of the digital filter increases, the noise bandwidth correspondingly decreases resulting in decreased noise. Further, as a result of two-point data averaging performed in chop mode, noise decreases by √2 compared to normal operation. Table 1 shows noise performance in units of μVRMS (RMS = root mean square) and in units of effective resolution (bits) under the conditions listed. The values in parenthesis are peak-to-peak values (µV) and noise free resolution (bits). Noise-free resolution is the resolution of the ADC with no code flicker. The noise-free resolution data are calculated based on the peak-to-peak noise data. The effective resolution data listed in the tables are calculated using Equation 1: Effective Resolution or Noise-Free Resolution = ln (FSR / en) / ln (2) where • • FSR = full scale range = 2 · VREF / Gain (See Recommended Operating Conditions for limitations of FSR) en = Input referred voltage noise (RMS value to calculate effective resolution, p-p value to calculate noise-free resolution) (1) The data shown in the noise performance table represent typical ADC performance at TA = 25°C. The noiseperformance data are the standard deviation and peak-to-peak computations of the ADC data. The noise data are acquired with inputs shorted, based on consecutive ADC readings for a period of ten seconds or 8192 data points, whichever occurs first. Because of the statistical nature of noise, repeated noise measurements may yield higher or lower noise performance results. Table 1. Noise in µVRMS (µVPP) and Effective Resolution (Noise-Free Resolution) at TA = 25°C and VREF = 5 V NOISE, µVRMS (µVPP) DATA RATE EFFECTIVE RESOLUTION (Bits), [NOISE-FREE RESOLUTION (Bits)] FILTER GAIN = 1 GAIN = 64 GAIN = 128 GAIN = 1 GAIN = 64 GAIN = 128 2.5 SPS FIR 0.21 (0.6) 0.008 (0.028) 0.011 (0.042) 24 (23.8) 24 (22.4) 22.7 (20.8) 2.5 SPS Sinc1 0.12 (0.3) 0.009 (0.037) 0.008 (0.033) 24 (24) 24 (22) 23.2 (21.2) 2.5 SPS Sinc2 0.15 (0.3) 0.007 (0.023) 0.006 (0.021) 24 (24) 24 (22.7) 23.7 (21.8) 2.5 SPS Sinc3 0.15 (0.3) 0.007 (0.023) 0.005 (0.014) 24 (24) 24 (22.7) 24 (22.4) 2.5 SPS Sinc4 0.15 (0.3) 0.005 (0.019) 0.006 (0.019) 24 (24) 24 (23) 23.7 (22) 5 SPS FIR 0.29 (0.89) 0.013 (0.051) 0.013 (0.051) 24 (23.2) 23.6 (21.5) 22.5 (20.5) 5 SPS Sinc1 0.15 (0.3) 0.015 (0.051) 0.01 (0.044) 24 (24) 23.4 (21.5) 22.9 (20.8) 5 SPS Sinc2 0.17 (0.6) 0.012 (0.047) 0.009 (0.035) 24 (23.8) 23.7 (21.7) 23 (21.1) 5 SPS Sinc3 0.12 (0.6) 0.011 (0.047) 0.008 (0.037) 24 (23.8) 23.7 (21.7) 23.1 (21) 5 SPS Sinc4 0.088 (0.3) 0.007 (0.028) 0.007 (0.03) 24 (24) 24 (22.4) 23.3 (21.3) 10 SPS FIR 0.36 (1.5) 0.022 (0.11) 0.02 (0.096) 24 (22.5) 22.8 (20.5) 21.9 (19.6) 10 SPS Sinc1 0.28 (0.89) 0.015 (0.065) 0.016 (0.082) 24 (23.2) 23.3 (21.2) 22.2 (19.9) 10 SPS Sinc2 0.26 (0.89) 0.015 (0.061) 0.013 (0.065) 24 (23.2) 23.3 (21.3) 22.5 (20.2) 10 SPS Sinc3 0.26 (0.6) 0.014 (0.065) 0.011 (0.047) 24 (23.8) 23.4 (21.2) 22.7 (20.7) 10 SPS Sinc4 0.24 (0.6) 0.013 (0.056) 0.01 (0.042) 24 (23.8) 23.6 (21.4) 22.9 (20.8) 16.6 SPS Sinc1 0.41 (1.8) 0.025 (0.12) 0.022 (0.12) 24 (22.2) 22.6 (20.3) 21.8 (19.4) 16.6 SPS Sinc2 0.32 (1.5) 0.018 (0.089) 0.018 (0.096) 24 (22.5) 23 (20.8) 22 (19.6) 16.6 SPS Sinc3 0.3 (1.2) 0.017 (0.079) 0.018 (0.091) 24 (22.8) 23.1 (20.9) 22.1 (19.7) 16.6 SPS Sinc4 0.23 (1.2) 0.015 (0.084) 0.014 (0.072) 24 (22.8) 23.3 (20.8) 22.4 (20) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 17 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Noise Performance (continued) Table 1. Noise in µVRMS (µVPP) and Effective Resolution (Noise-Free Resolution) at TA = 25°C and VREF = 5 V (continued) NOISE, µVRMS (µVPP) DATA RATE 18 EFFECTIVE RESOLUTION (Bits), [NOISE-FREE RESOLUTION (Bits)] FILTER GAIN = 1 GAIN = 64 GAIN = 128 GAIN = 1 GAIN = 64 GAIN = 128 20 SPS FIR 0.51 (2.1) 0.032 (0.16) 0.029 (0.16) 24 (22) 22.2 (19.9) 21.3 (18.9) 20 SPS Sinc1 0.44 (2.1) 0.025 (0.13) 0.026 (0.13) 24 (22) 22.6 (20.2) 21.5 (19.2) 20 SPS Sinc2 0.36 (1.2) 0.02 (0.12) 0.02 (0.1) 24 (22.8) 22.9 (20.4) 21.9 (19.5) 20 SPS Sinc3 0.32 (1.5) 0.017 (0.089) 0.018 (0.096) 24 (22.5) 23.1 (20.8) 22 (19.6) 20 SPS Sinc4 0.3 (1.2) 0.017 (0.084) 0.018 (0.1) 24 (22.8) 23.1 (20.8) 22.1 (19.6) 50 SPS Sinc1 0.63 (3.6) 0.04 (0.25) 0.038 (0.23) 23.7 (21.2) 21.9 (19.2) 21 (18.4) 50 SPS Sinc2 0.57 (3) 0.033 (0.21) 0.032 (0.18) 23.9 (21.5) 22.2 (19.5) 21.2 (18.7) 50 SPS Sinc3 0.53 (2.4) 0.03 (0.19) 0.03 (0.17) 24 (21.8) 22.3 (19.7) 21.3 (18.8) 50 SPS Sinc4 0.49 (2.4) 0.028 (0.15) 0.026 (0.16) 24 (21.8) 22.4 (20) 21.5 (18.9) 60 SPS Sinc1 0.71 (3.9) 0.043 (0.27) 0.042 (0.26) 23.6 (21.1) 21.8 (19.1) 20.8 (18.2) 60 SPS Sinc2 0.6 (3.3) 0.036 (0.24) 0.034 (0.21) 23.8 (21.4) 22.1 (19.3) 21.1 (18.5) 60 SPS Sinc3 0.56 (3) 0.032 (0.19) 0.03 (0.17) 23.9 (21.5) 22.2 (19.6) 21.3 (18.8) 60 SPS Sinc4 0.53 (2.7) 0.031 (0.19) 0.03 (0.18) 24 (21.6) 22.3 (19.7) 21.3 (18.7) 100 SPS Sinc1 0.8 (4.8) 0.056 (0.34) 0.054 (0.35) 23.4 (20.8) 21.4 (18.8) 20.5 (17.8) 100 SPS Sinc2 0.68 (4.2) 0.047 (0.29) 0.043 (0.3) 23.6 (21) 21.7 (19) 20.8 (18) 100 SPS Sinc3 0.67 (4.2) 0.042 (0.28) 0.041 (0.27) 23.6 (21) 21.8 (19.1) 20.9 (18.1) 100 SPS Sinc4 0.62 (3.6) 0.039 (0.24) 0.039 (0.27) 23.8 (21.2) 21.9 (19.3) 20.9 (18.2) 400 SPS Sinc1 1.4 (11) 0.11 (0.81) 0.11 (0.75) 22.6 (19.6) 20.4 (17.5) 19.5 (16.7) 400 SPS Sinc2 1.2 (8.3) 0.09 (0.64) 0.086 (0.6) 22.8 (20) 20.7 (17.9) 19.8 (17) 400 SPS Sinc3 1.1 (7.7) 0.082 (0.61) 0.078 (0.56) 22.9 (20.1) 20.9 (18) 19.9 (17.1) 400 SPS Sinc4 1 (7.7) 0.076 (0.59) 0.072 (0.53) 23 (20.1) 21 (18) 20 (17.2) 1200 SPS Sinc1 2.3 (17) 0.18 (1.3) 0.18 (1.4) 21.9 (19) 19.7 (16.9) 18.8 (15.7) 1200 SPS Sinc2 2 (14) 0.15 (1.2) 0.15 (1.1) 22.1 (19.3) 20 (17) 19 (16.1) 1200 SPS Sinc3 1.8 (13) 0.14 (1) 0.13 (1) 22.2 (19.4) 20.1 (17.2) 19.2 (16.2) 1200 SPS Sinc4 1.7 (13) 0.13 (1) 0.13 (0.94) 22.3 (19.4) 20.2 (17.2) 19.2 (16.3) 2400 SPS Sinc1 3.2 (26) 0.25 (2) 0.24 (1.8) 21.4 (18.4) 19.2 (16.2) 18.3 (15.4) 2400 SPS Sinc2 2.7 (20) 0.22 (1.7) 0.21 (1.5) 21.6 (18.7) 19.5 (16.5) 18.5 (15.6) 2400 SPS Sinc3 2.5 (18) 0.2 (1.4) 0.19 (1.4) 21.7 (18.9) 19.6 (16.7) 18.6 (15.8) 2400 SPS Sinc4 2.3 (18) 0.18 (1.5) 0.18 (1.4) 21.8 (18.9) 19.7 (16.7) 18.8 (15.8) 4800 SPS Sinc1 4.4 (35) 0.34 (2.5) 0.32 (2.4) 20.9 (17.9) 18.8 (15.9) 17.9 (15) 4800 SPS Sinc2 3.9 (30) 0.3 (2.3) 0.29 (2.4) 21.1 (18.1) 19 (16.1) 18 (15) 4800 SPS Sinc3 3.6 (27) 0.28 (2) 0.26 (2) 21.2 (18.3) 19.1 (16.3) 18.2 (15.2) 4800 SPS Sinc4 3.4 (27) 0.26 (1.9) 0.25 (1.9) 21.3 (18.3) 19.2 (16.3) 18.2 (15.3) 7200 SPS Sinc1 5.2 (42) 0.38 (2.9) 0.37 (3) 20.7 (17.7) 18.6 (15.7) 17.7 (14.7) 7200 SPS Sinc2 4.7 (37) 0.36 (2.8) 0.34 (2.5) 20.8 (17.9) 18.7 (15.8) 17.8 (14.9) 7200 SPS Sinc3 4.5 (35) 0.34 (2.5) 0.32 (2.4) 20.9 (18) 18.8 (15.9) 17.9 (15) 7200 SPS Sinc4 4.2 (36) 0.32 (2.5) 0.31 (2.3) 21 (17.9) 18.9 (16) 18 (15.1) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The ADS1235-Q1 is a three differential-input, precision 24-bit, ΔΣ ADC with a low-noise PGA and programmable digital filter. The low-noise, low-drift architecture of the PGA makes the ADC suitable for precision measurement of low signal level sensors, such as strain-gauge bridges and resistive pressure transducers. The ADC provides optional chop and ac-bridge excitation modes to eliminate offset drift error. Key features of the ADC are: • 1-GΩ input impedance, low-noise PGA • High-resolution 24-bit ΔΣ ADC • Four GPIO with ac-bridge excitation control output • Internal oscillator • Voltage reference monitor • Signal overrange monitor • Temperature sensor • CRC communication error detection The analog inputs (AINx) connect to the input multiplexer (MUX). The ADC supports three differential or five single-ended input measurement configurations. A second voltage reference input and AC-bridge excitation drive outputs (GPIO) are multiplexed with the analog input pins. The programmable gain amplifier (PGA) follows the input multiplexer. The gain is programmable to 1, 64 or 128. The PGA bypass option connects the analog inputs directly to the precharge buffered modulator, extending the input voltage range to the voltage of the power supplies. The PGA output connects to pins CAPP and CAPN. The ADC antialias filter is provided at the PGA output with an external capacitor. A monitor is used for detection of PGA overrange conditions. The delta-sigma modulator measures the differential input voltage relative to the reference voltage to produce the 24-bit conversion result. The differential input range of the ADC is ±VREF / Gain. The digital filter averages and decimates the modulator output data to yield the final, down-sampled conversion result. The sinc filter is programmable (sinc1 through sinc4) allowing optimization of conversion time, conversion noise and line-cycle rejection. The finite impulse response (FIR) filter mode provides single-cycle settled data with simultaneous rejection of 50-Hz and 60-Hz at data rates of 20 SPS or less. Two reference voltage input pairs are provided. The primary reference input pair (REFP0/REFN0) is available as standalone input pins. A second reference input pair (REFP1/REFN1) is multiplexed with analog inputs AIN0 and AIN1. A monitor is used for detection of low or missing reference voltage. The ADC provides four GPIO control lines. The GPIOs are used for input and output of general-purpose logic signals, as well as providing output drive signals for ac-excited bridges. The GPIOs and ac-bridge excitation drive outputs are multiplexed to the analog inputs. The internal temperature sensor voltage is read by the ADC through the analog input multiplexer. The SPI-compatible serial interface is used to read the conversion data and also to configure and control the ADC. Data communication errors are detected by CRC. The serial interface consists of four signals: CS, SCLK, DIN and DOUT/DRDY. The dual function DOUT/DRDY provides data output and also the data ready signal. The ADC serial interface can be implemented with as little as three pins by tying CS low. The ADC clock is either internal or external. The ADC detects the mode of clock operation automatically. The clock frequency is 7.3728 MHz. Data conversions are controlled by the START pin or by the START command. The ADC is programmable for continuous or one-shot conversions. The DRDY or DOUT/DRDY pin provides the conversion-data ready signal. When taken low, the RESET pin resets the ADC. The ADC is powered down by the PWDN pin or is powered down in software mode. The ADC operates in either bipolar analog supply configuration (±2.5 V), or in single 5-V supply configuration. The digital power supply range is 2.7 V to 5 V. The BYPASS pin is the internal subregulator output used for the ADC digital core. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 19 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.2 Functional Block Diagram AVDD 2-V Core Voltage REFP0 REFN0 DVDD BYPASS Ref Mux LDO I/O Voltage START AIN0 AIN1 Input Mux AIN2 Ref Monitor Temp Sensor Control DRDY Buf AIN3 CS AIN4 AIN5 24-Bit û ADC PGA Digital Filter Serial Interface GPIO AC-EXC DIN SCLK DOUT/DRDY PGA Monitor AVSS 20 RESET PWDN Internal Oscillator CAPP CAPN Submit Documentation Feedback Clock Mux CLKIN DGND Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.3 Feature Description The following sections describe the functional blocks of the ADC. 8.3.1 Analog Inputs Figure 39 shows the analog input circuit consisting of ESD-protection diodes, the input multiplexer and the PGA. The ADS1235-Q1 has six analog inputs to support three differential-input measurement channels. In addition, there are two internal (system) measurements, and an option to disconnect all inputs. ESD Diodes Positive Input Multiplexer MUXP[3:0] bits 7:4 of INPMUX (register address = 11h) AVDD - and Reserved Reserved Reserved AIN0 AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 0001 0010 0100 AIN2 0101 AIN3 0110 AIN4 0111 AIN5 1000 Reserved 1001 1010 VCOM: (AVDD + AVSS) / 2 Negative Input Multiplexer MUXN[3:0] bits 3:0 of INPMUX (register address = 11h) 0011 AIN1 Reserved Temperature Sensor Reserved Reserved All Open AVSS 0000 + PGA - ADC 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 ESD Diodes Figure 39. Analog Input Block Diagram ESD Diodes ESD diodes are incorporated to protect the ADC inputs from possible ESD events occurring during the manufacturing process and during PCB assembly when manufactured in an ESD-controlled environment. For system-level ESD protection, consider the use of external ESD protection devices for pins that are exposed to ESD, including the analog inputs. If either input is driven below AVSS – 0.3 V, or above AVDD + 0.3 V, the internal protection diodes may conduct. If these conditions are possible, use external clamp diodes, series resistors, or both to limit the input current to the specified maximum value. Input Multiplexer The input multiplexer selects the signal for measurement. The multiplexer consists of independently programmable positive and negative sections. See Figure 39 for multiplexer register settings. The multiplexers select any input as positive and any input as negative for connection to the PGA. For example, to select AIN5 and AIN4 as a differential input with (+) and (-) polarity, program the INPMUX register to the value of 87h. When the multiplexer is changed, a break-before-make sequence is performed in order to reduce charge injection into the next measurement channel. Be aware that over-driving unused channels beyond the power supplies can effect conversions taking place on active channels. See the Input Overload section for more information. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 21 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) Temperature Sensor The ADC has an internal temperature sensor. The temperature sensor is comprised of two internal diodes with one diode having 80 times the current density of the other. The difference in current density of the diodes yields a differential output voltage that is proportional to absolute temperature. The temperature sensor reading is converted by the ADC. See Figure 39 for register settings to select the temperature sensor for measurement. Equation 2 shows how to convert the temperature sensor reading to degrees Celsius (˚C): Temperature (°C) = [(Temperature Reading (µV) – 122,400) / 420 µV/°C] + 25°C (2) Measure the temperature sensor with PGA on, gain = 1 and ac-bridge excitation mode disabled. As a result of the low package-to-PCB thermal resistance, the internal temperature closely tracks the PCB temperature. Inputs Open This configuration opens the inputs to the PGA. Use this configuration to disconnect the PGA from the sensor. With all inputs disconnected, the conversion data are invalid due to the floating input condition. See Figure 39 for the register setting value to open all inputs. Internal VCOM Connection This configuration connects the PGA inputs to the internal VCOM voltage as defined: (AVDD + AVSS) / 2. Use this connection to short the inputs to measure the ADC noise performance and offset voltage, or to short the inputs for offset calibration. See Figure 39 for register settings for the internal VCOM connection. Alternate Functions The analog input pins have multiplexed alternate functions. The alternate functions are the second reference input and GPIO to provide the ac-bridge excitation drive signals. The functions are enabled by programming the associated function registers. The analog inputs retain measurement capability if the alternate functions are programmed. Table 2 summarizes the alternate functions multiplexed to the analog input pins. Table 2. Analog Input Alternate Functions ANALOG INPUTS REFERENCE INPUTS GPIO/AC-BRIDGE EXCITATION (2-wire mode) GPIO/AC-BRIDGE EXCITATION (4-wire mode) AIN0 REFP1 GPIO0/ACX1 GPIO0/ACX1 AIN1 REFN1 GPIO1/ACX2 GPIO1/ACX2 AIN2 GPIO2/ACX1 AIN3 GPIO3/ACX2 AIN4 AIN5 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.3.2 PGA The PGA is a low-noise, CMOS differential-input, differential-output amplifier. The PGA extends the dynamic range of the ADC, important when used with low-level output sensors. Gain is controlled by the GAIN[2:0] register bits as shown in Figure 40. In PGA bypass mode, the input voltage range extends to the analog supplies. The PGA is powered down in bypass mode. BYPASS bit 7 of PGA (register address = 10h) 0: PGA active (shown) 1: PGA bypass 280 Ÿ 350 Ÿ VAINP 8 pF + A1 ± GAIN[2:0] bits 2:0 of PGA (register address = 10h) CAPP 12 pF 000: 1 001: reserved 010: reserved 011: reserved 100: reserved 101: reserved 110: 64 111:128 Positive Monitor 12 pF VAINN 4.7 nF C0G ADC 12 pF ± A2 + 350 Ÿ Negative Monitor CAPN 280 Ÿ 8 pF Figure 40. PGA Block Diagram The PGA consists of two chopper-stabilized amplifiers (A1 and A2), and a resistor network that determines the PGA gain. The resistor network is precision-matched, providing low drift performance. The PGA has internal noise filters to reduce sensitivity to electromagnetic-interference (EMI). The PGA output is monitored to provide indication of a possible PGA overload condition. Pins CAPP and CAPN are the PGA positive and negative outputs, respectively. Connect an external 4.7-nF capacitor (type C0G) as shown in Figure 40. The capacitor filters the sample pulses caused by the modulator, and with the internal resistors the antialias filter is provided. Place the capacitor as close as possible to the pins using short, direct traces. Avoid running clock traces or other digital traces close to these pins. Input Voltage Range The input voltage range is determined by the magnitude of the reference voltage and ADC gain. As shown in Figure 19, conversion voltage noise is constant over the specified reference voltage range. Table 3 shows the differential input voltage range verses gain for VREF = 5 V. Table 3. Input Voltage Range GAIN[2:0] BITS GAIN FULL-SCALE DIFFERENTIAL INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE (1) 000 1 ±5.000 V 110 64 ±0.078 V 111 128 ±0.039 V (1) VREF = 5 V. Input voltage range scales with VREF. For gain = 1 and PGA mode, the input voltage range is limited by evaluation of Equation 3. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 23 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com As with many amplifiers, the PGA has an input voltage range specification that must not be exceeded in order to maintain linear operation. The input range is specified as an absolute voltage (signal plus common mode voltage) at both positive and negative inputs. As specified in Equation 3, the maximum and minimum absolute input voltage depends on gain, the expected maximum differential voltage, and the minimum value of the analog power supply voltage. AVSS + 0.3 V + VIN · (Gain – 1) / 2 · < VAINP and VAINN < AVDD – 0.3 V – VIN · (Gain – 1) / 2 where • • • • • VAINP, VAINN = absolute input voltage VIN = VAINP – VAINN, maximum differential input voltage Gain (for gains = 64 and 128, use 32 for calculation) AVDD = minimum AVDD voltage AVSS = maximum AVSS voltage (3) The relationship of the PGA input to the PGA output is shown graphically in Figure 41. The PGA output voltages (VOUTP, VOUTN) depend on the respective absolute input voltage, the differential input voltage, and the PGA gain. To maintain the PGA within the linear operating range, the PGA output voltages must be restricted within AVDD – 0.3 V and AVSS + 0.3 V. The diagram depicts a positive differential input voltage that results in a positive differential output voltage. PGA Input PGA Output AVDD AVDD ± 0.3 V VOUTP = VAINP + VIN Â (Gain ± 1) / 2 VAINP VIN = VAINP Â 9AINN VAINN VOUTN = VAINN ± VIN Â (Gain ± 1) / 2 AVSS + 0.3 V AVSS Figure 41. PGA Input/Output Range PGA Bypass Mode Bypass the PGA to extend the input voltage range to the analog power supply voltages. In bypass mode, the PGA is bypassed and the analog inputs are connected directly to the precharge buffers of the modulator, thereby extending the input voltage range. Be aware of the increased input current in bypass mode. See the Electrical Characteristics for the input current specification. 8.3.3 PGA Voltage Monitor The PGA has internal monitors to alarm of possible overrange conditions. Overrange conditions are possible if the signal voltage is over-driven, the common-mode voltage is out of range or if too much gain is used for the normal range of input signal. When overranged, the PGA output nodes are in saturation resulting in invalid conversion data. The high alarm bit asserts high (PGAH_ALM) If either the positive or negative PGA output is greater than AVDD – 0.2 V. Similarly, the low alarm bit asserts high (PGAL_ALM) if either positive or negative PGA output is less than AVSS + 0.2 V. The status of the alarm bits are read in the STATUS byte. The alarm bits are read-only and automatically reset at the start of the next conversion cycle after the overrange condition is cleared. The PGA voltage monitor diagram and threshold values are shown in Figure 42 and Figure 43. 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 AVDD ± 0.2 V PGAH_ALM Condition ± + PGAH_ALM ± P PGA N STATUS Byte PGA Output P or N P or N + 6 7 5 4 3 2 1 0 ± + AVDD AVDD ± 0.2 V AVSS + 0.2 V AVSS PGAL_ALM ± AVSS + 0.2 V + PGAL_ALM Condition Figure 42. PGA Voltage Monitor Diagram Figure 43. PGA Monitor Thresholds The PGA voltage monitors are fast-responding voltage comparators. Comparator operation is disabled during multiplexer changes to minimize triggering of false alarms. However, it is possible the alarms can trigger on other transient overload conditions that may occur after gain changes, sensor connection changes, and so on. 8.3.4 Reference Voltage The ADC requires a reference voltage for operation. The ADC allows two external inputs and the internal analog power supply as reference options. The reference voltage is selected by independent positive and negative multiplexers. The default reference is the 5-V analog power supply (AVDD – AVSS). Figure 44 shows the block diagram of the reference multiplexer. Reserved AVDD REFP0 AIN0 (REFP1) 00 01 10 11 RMUXP[1:0] bits 3:2 of REF (register address = 06h) VREFP Ref Monitor Reserved AVSS REFN0 AIN1 (REFN1) 00 01 VREFN BUF ADC 10 11 RMUXN[1:0] bits 1:0 of REF (register address = 06h) Figure 44. Reference Input Block Diagram Program the RMUXP[1:0] and RMUXN[1:0] bits of the REF register to select the positive and negative reference voltages, respectively. The positive reference selections are AVDD, REFP0 and AIN0 (REFP1). The negative reference input selections are internal AVSS, REFN0, AIN1 (REFN1). The reference low-voltage monitor is located after the reference multiplexer. See the Reference Monitor section for more information. External Reference Use the external reference by applying the reference voltage to the designated reference input pins. The reference input pins are differential with positive and negative inputs. Program the reference multiplexer bits RMUXP[1:0] and RMUXN[1:0] to select the respective reference voltage for operation. For example, to select REFP0 and REFN0 as the reference voltage, program the REF register to the value of 0Ah. Follow the specified absolute and differential reference voltage operating conditions, as specified in the Recommended Operating Conditions. Be aware of the reference input current when reference impedances are present, such as by the use of a resistor divider. Consider the effect of the resistance to system accuracy. Connect a capacitor across the reference input pins to filter noise. When R-C filters are used, match the time constants of the input signal filter to the reference voltage filter to maintain constant conversion noise over the signal operating range. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 25 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com AVDD – AVSS Reference (Default) A third reference option is the 5-V analog power supply (AVDD – AVSS). Select this reference option by programming the REF register to 05h. For 6-wire strain-gauge bridge applications that use excitation-sense connections, or for ac-bridge excitation operation, connect the excitation sense lines to the reference input pins and program the ADC for external reference operation. Reference Monitor The ADC incorporates an internal low-voltage monitor of the reference voltage. As shown in Figure 45 and Figure 46, the REFL_ALM bit of the STATUS byte asserts if the reference voltage (VREF = VREFP – VREFN) falls below 0.4 V. The alarm is read-only and resets at the next conversion after the low reference condition is no longer present. Use the reference monitor to detect a missing or failed reference voltage. To implement detection of a missing reference, use a 100-kΩ resistor across the reference inputs. If either reference input is disconnected, the resistor biases the differential reference input toward 0 V so that the reference monitor detects the disconnected reference. Differential Reference Voltage STATUS Byte x 6 7 + External Reference _ 5 3 4 2 1 0.4 V, Typical 0 REFP0 100 k REFN0 Ref Mux REFL_ALM + _ x _ 0.4 V Reference Low Condition + Figure 45. Reference Monitor Figure 46. Reference Monitor Threshold 8.3.5 General-Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs) The ADC includes four GPIO pins, GPIO0 through GPIO3. The GPIOs are digital inputs/outputs that are referenced to analog AVDD and AVSS. The GPIOs are read and written by the GPIO_DAT bits of the MODE3 register. The GPIOs are multiplexed with analog inputs AIN0 to AIN3. As shown in Figure 47, the GPIOs are configured through a series of programming registers. Bits GPIO_CON[3:0] connect the GPIOs to the associated pin (1 = connect). Bits GPIO_DIR program the direction of the GPIOs; (0 = output, 1 = input). The input voltage threshold is the voltage value between AVDD and AVSS. Bits GPIO_DAT[3:0] are the data values for the GPIOs. Observe that if a GPIO pin is programmed as an output, the value read is the value previously written to the register data, not the actual voltage at the pin. The GPIOs also provide the ac-bridge excitation drive signals. AC-bridge excitation mode overrides the GPIO register data values. See the AC-Bridge Excitation Mode section for details. AVDD Write CHOP[1:0] bits 6:5 of MODE1 (register address = 03h) GPIO_CON[3:0] bits 7:4 of MODE2 (register address = 04h) Write 0: GPIO not connected (default) 1: GPIO connected 0 GPIO0 AIN1 AIN3 GPIO_DAT[3:0] bits 3:0 of MODE3 (register address = 05h) 0: VGPIO low (default) 1: VGPIO high AIN0 AIN2 AC-Bridge Excitation Mode 00: Normal mode (default) 01: Chop mode 10: 2-wire AC-bridge excitation mode 11: 4-wire AC-bridge excitation mode Read 1 GPIO1 GPIO2 + MUX Read Select GPIO3 ± GPIO_DIR[3:0] bits 3:0 of MODE2 (register address = 04h) 0: GPIO is output (default) 1: GPIO is input AVDD + AVSS 2 AVSS Figure 47. GPIO Block Diagram 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com 8.3.6 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Modulator The modulator is an inherently stable, fourth-order, 2 + 2 pipelined ΔΣ modulator. The modulator samples the analog input voltage at a high sample rate (fMOD = fCLK / 8) and converts the analog input to a ones-density bitstream with the density given by the ratio of the input signal to the reference voltage. The modulator shapes the noise of the converter to high frequency, where the noise is removed by the digital filter. 8.3.7 Digital Filter The ADC operates on the principle of oversampling. Oversampling is defined as the ratio of the sample rate of the modulator to that of the ADC output data rate. Oversampling improves ADC noise by digital bandwidth limiting (low-pass filtering) of the data. The digital filter receives the modulator output data and produces a high-resolution conversion result. The digital filter low-pass filters and decimates the modulator data (data rate reduction), yielding the final data output. By adjusting the type of filtering, tradeoffs are made between resolution, data throughput and line-cycle rejection. The digital filter has two selectable modes: sin (x) / x (sinc) mode and finite impulse response (FIR) mode (see Figure 48). The sinc mode provides data rates of 2.5 SPS through 7200 SPS with variable sinc orders of 1 through 4. The FIR filter provides simultaneous rejection of 50-Hz and 60-Hz frequencies with data rates of 2.5 SPS through 20 SPS while providing single-cycle settled conversions. Sinc Filter Section fCLK / 8 Modulator Sinc5 Filter 7200 SPS to 2.5 SPS SincN Filter FIR Filter Section 20 SPS FIR DR[3:0] bits 7:3 of MODE0 (register address = 02h) 0000: 2.5 SPS 0001: 5 SPS 0010: 10 SPS 0011: 16.6 SPS 0100: 20 SPS 0101: 50 SPS 0110: 60 SPS 0111: 100 SPS 1000: 400 SPS 1001: 1200 SPS 1010: 2400 SPS 1011: 4800 SPS 1100: 7200 SPS FILTER[2:0] bits 2:0 of MODE0 (register address = 02h) Filter Mux To Offset/Gain Calibration Averager 10 SPS 5 SPS 2.5 SPS ( = Data rate reduction) 000: sinc1 001: sinc2 010: sinc3 011: sinc4 100: FIR mode Figure 48. Digital Filter Block Diagram Sinc Filter The sinc filter is comprised of two stages: a fixed-decimation sinc5 filter, followed by a variable-decimation, variable-order sinc filter. The first stage filters and down-samples the input data from the modulator to produce an intermediate data rate of 14400 SPS. The second stage receives the intermediate data to provide final output data rates of 7200 SPS through 2.5 SPS. The second stage has programmable orders of sinc. The data rate is programmed by the DR[3:0] bits of the MODE0 register. The filter mode is programmed by the FILTER[2:0] bits of the MODE0 register (see Figure 48). Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 27 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Sinc Filter Frequency Response The overall frequency response of the sinc filter is low pass. The filter reduces signal and noise beginning at the -3-dB bandwidth. Changing the data rate and filter order changes the filter bandwidth together with the rate of frequency roll-off. See the Filter Bandwidth section for the bandwidth of the filter settings. Figure 49 shows the frequency response of the sinc filter at 2400 SPS for various orders of the sinc filter. The peaks and nulls are characteristic of the sinc filter response. The frequency response nulls occur at f (Hz) = N · fDATA, where N = 1, 2, 3 and so on. At the null frequencies, the filter has zero gain. The response nulls are superimposed with the larger nulls beginning at 14400 Hz. The larger nulls are produced by the first stage. The frequency response is similar to that of data rates 2.5 SPS through 7200 SPS. Figure 50 shows the frequency response nulls for 10 SPS. 0 0 sinc1 sinc2 sinc3 sinc4 -20 -40 Amplitude (dB) Amplitude (dB) -40 sinc1 sinc2 sinc3 sinc4 -20 -60 -80 -100 -60 -80 -100 -120 -120 -140 -140 -160 -160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency (kHz) 35 40 45 0 10 20 30 40 D003 Figure 49. Sinc Frequency Response (2400 SPS) 50 60 70 80 Frequency (Hz) 90 100 110 120 D004 Figure 50. Sinc Frequency Response (10 SPS) Figure 51 and Figure 52 show the frequency response of data rates 50 SPS and 60 SPS, respectively. Increase the attenuation at 50 Hz or 60 Hz and harmonics by increasing the order of the sinc filter, as shown in the figures. 0 0 sinc1 sinc2 sinc3 sinc4 -20 -60 -80 -100 -60 -80 -100 -120 -120 -140 -140 -160 -160 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Frequency (Hz) D005 Figure 51. Sinc Frequency Response (50 SPS) 28 -40 Amplitude (dB) Amplitude (dB) -40 sinc1 sinc2 sinc3 sinc4 -20 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Frequency (Hz) 420 480 540 600 D006 Figure 52. Sinc Frequency Response (60 SPS) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Figure 53 and Figure 54 show the detailed frequency response at 50 SPS and 60 SPS, respectively. 0 0 sinc1 sinc2 sinc3 sinc4 -20 -40 Ampliude (dB) Amplitude (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -60 -80 -100 -120 -120 -140 -140 -160 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Frequency (Hz) 52 53 54 sinc1 sinc2 sinc3 sinc4 -20 -160 55 55 56 57 58 D009 Figure 53. Detail Sinc Frequency Response (50 SPS) 59 60 61 Frequency (Hz) 62 63 64 65 D010 Figure 54. Detail Sinc Frequency Response (60 SPS) FIR Filter The finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a coefficient based filter that provides an overall low-pass filter response. The filter provides simultaneous attenuation of 50 Hz and 60 Hz and harmonics at data rates of 2.5 SPS through 20 SPS. The conversion latency time of the FIR filter data rates is single-cycle. As shown in Figure 48, the FIR filter receives pre-filtered data from the sinc filter. The FIR filter decimates the data to yield the output data rates of 20 SPS. A variable averager (sinc1) provides data rates of 10 SPS, 5 SPS, and 2.5 SPS. Table 4 lists the bandwidth of the data rates in FIR filter mode. FIR Filter Frequency Response 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 Amplitude (dB) Amplitude (dB) Figure 55 and Figure 56 show the FIR filter attenuation at 50 Hz and 60 Hz provided by a series of response nulls placed close to these frequencies. The response nulls are repeated at harmonics of 50 Hz and 60 Hz. -60 -80 -100 -60 -80 -100 -120 -120 -140 -140 -160 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Frequency (Hz) 210 240 270 300 -160 40 D011 Figure 55. FIR Frequency Response (20 SPS) 45 50 55 60 Frequency (Hz) 65 70 D012 Figure 56. FIR Frequency Response Detail (20 SPS) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 29 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Figure 57 is the FIR filter response at 10 SPS. As a result of the variable averager used to produce rates of 10 SPS and lower, new frequency nulls are superimposed to the response. The first null appears at the data rate. At 10 SPS, additional nulls occur at frequencies folded around multiples of 20 Hz. 0 -20 Amplitude (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Frequency (Hz) 210 240 270 300 D013 Figure 57. FIR Frequency Response (10 SPS) Filter Bandwidth The bandwidth of the digital filter depends on the data rate, filter type and order. Be aware that the bandwidth of the entire system is the combined response of the digital filter, the antialias filter and the use of external analog filters. Table 4 lists the bandwidth of the digital filter versus data rate and filter mode. Table 4. Filter Bandwidth -3-dB BANDWIDTH (Hz) DATA RATE (SPS) FIR SINC1 SINC2 SINC3 SINC4 2.5 1.2 1.10 0.80 0.65 0.58 5 2.4 2.23 1.60 1.33 1.15 10 4.7 4.43 3.20 2.62 2.28 16.6 — 7.38 5.33 4.37 3.80 20 13 8.85 6.38 5.25 4.63 50 — 22.1 16.0 13.1 11.4 30 60 — 26.6 19.1 15.7 13.7 100 — 44.3 31.9 26.2 22.8 400 — 177 128 105 91.0 1200 — 525 381 314 273 2400 — 1015 751 623 544 4800 — 1798 1421 1214 1077 7200 — 2310 1972 1750 1590 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 50-Hz and 60-Hz Normal Mode Rejection To reduce 50-Hz and 60-Hz noise interference, configure the data rate and filter to reject noise at 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Table 5 summarizes the 50-Hz and 60-Hz noise rejection versus data rate and filter mode. The table values are based on 2% and 6% tolerance of signal frequency to ADC clock frequency. For the sinc filter, increase noise rejection by increasing the order of the filter. Common-mode noise is also rejected at these frequencies. Table 5. 50-Hz and 60-Hz Normal Mode Rejection DIGITAL FILTER RESPONSE (dB) DATA RATE (SPS) FILTER TYPE 50 Hz ±2% 60 Hz ±2% 50 Hz ±6% 60 Hz ±6% 2.5 FIR –113 –99 –88 –80 2.5 Sinc1 –36 –37 –40 –37 2.5 Sinc2 –72 –74 –80 –74 2.5 Sinc3 –108 –111 –120 –111 2.5 Sinc4 –144 –148 –160 –148 5 FIR –111 –95 –77 –76 5 Sinc1 –34 –34 –30 –30 5 Sinc2 –68 –68 –60 –60 5 Sinc3 –102 –102 –90 –90 5 Sinc4 –136 –136 –120 –120 10 FIR –111 –94 –73 –68 10 Sinc1 –34 –34 –25 –25 10 Sinc2 –68 –68 –50 –50 10 Sinc3 –102 –102 –75 –75 10 Sinc4 –136 –136 –100 –100 16.6 Sinc1 –34 –21 –24 –21 16.6 Sinc2 –68 –42 –48 –42 16.6 Sinc3 –102 –63 –72 –63 16.6 Sinc4 –136 –84 –96 –84 20 FIR –95 –94 –66 –66 20 Sinc1 –18 –34 –18 –24 20 Sinc2 –36 –68 –36 –48 20 Sinc3 –54 –102 –54 –72 20 Sinc4 –72 –136 –72 –96 50 Sinc1 –34 –15 –24 –15 50 Sinc2 –68 –30 –48 –30 50 Sinc3 –102 –45 –72 –45 50 Sinc4 –136 –60 –96 –60 60 Sinc1 –13 –34 –12 –24 60 Sinc2 –27 –68 –24 –48 60 Sinc3 –40 –102 –36 –72 60 Sinc4 –53 –136 –48 –96 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 31 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 Conversion Control Conversions are controlled by either the START pin or by the START command. If using commands to control conversions, keep the START pin low to avoid contentions between pin and commands. Commands take affect on the 16th falling SCLK edge (CRC mode disabled) or on the 32nd falling SCLK edge (CRC mode enabled). See Figure 4 for conversion-control timing details. The ADC provides two conversion modes: continuous and pulse. The continuous-conversion mode performs conversions indefinitely until stopped by the user. Pulse-conversion mode performs one conversion and then stops. The conversion mode is programmed by the CONVRT bit (bit 4 of register MODE0). Continuous-Conversion Mode This conversion mode performs continuous conversions until stopped by the user. To start conversions, take the START pin high or send the START command. DRDY is driven high at the time the conversion is initiated. DRDY is driven low when the conversion data are ready. Conversion data are available to read at that time. Conversions are stopped by taking the START pin low or by sending the STOP command. When conversions are stopped, the conversion in progress runs to completion. To restart a conversion that is in progress, toggle the START pin low-then-high or send a new START command. Pulse-Conversion Mode In pulse-conversion mode, the ADC performs one conversion when START is taken high or when the START command is sent. When the conversion completes, further conversions stop. The DRDY output is driven high to indicate the conversion is in progress, and is driven low when the conversion data are ready. Conversion data are available to read at that time. To restart a conversion in progress, toggle the START pin low-then-high or send a new START command. Driving START low or sending the STOP command does not interrupt the current conversion. Conversion Latency The digital filter averages data from the modulator in order to produce the conversion result. The stages of the digital filter must have settled data in order to provide fully-settled output data. The order and the decimation ratio of the digital filter determine the amount of data averaged, and in turn, affect the latency of the conversion data. The FIR and sinc1 filter modes are zero latency because the ADC provides the conversion result in one conversion cycle. Latency time is an important consideration for the data throughput rate in multiplexed applications. Table 6 lists the conversion latency values of the ADC. Conversion latency is defined as the time from the start of the first conversion, by taking the START pin high or sending the START command, to the time when fully settled conversion data are ready. If the input signal is settled, then the ADC provides fully settled data. The conversion latency values listed in the table are with the start-conversion delay parameter = 50 µs, and include the overhead time needed to process the data. After the first conversion completes (in continuous conversion mode), the period of the following conversions are equal to 1/fDATA. The first conversion latency in chop and acexcitation modes are twice the values listed in the table. Also when operating in these modes, the period of following conversions are equal to the values listed in the table. 32 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Device Functional Modes (continued) Table 6. Conversion Latency (1) CONVERSION LATENCY - t(STDR) (1) (ms) DATA RATE (SPS) FIR SINC1 SINC2 SINC3 SINC4 2.5 402.2 400.4 800.4 1,200 1,600 5 202.2 200.4 400.4 600.4 800.4 10 102.2 100.4 200.4 300.4 400.4 16.6 — 60.43 120.4 180.4 240.4 20 52.23 50.43 100.4 150.4 200.4 50 — 20.43 40.43 60.43 80.43 60 — 17.09 33.76 50.43 67.09 100 — 10.43 20.43 30.43 40.43 400 — 2.925 5.425 7.925 10.43 1200 — 1.258 2.091 2.925 3.758 2400 — 0.841 1.258 1.675 2.091 4800 — 0.633 0.841 1.050 1.258 7200 — 0.564 0.702 0.841 0.980 Chop mode off, conversion-start delay = 50 µs (DELAY[3:0] = 0001) If the input signal changes while free-running conversions, the conversion data are a mix of old and new data, as shown in Figure 58. After an input change, the number of conversion periods required for fully settled data are determined by dividing the conversion latency by the period of the data rate, plus add one conversion period to the result. In chop and ac-bridge excitation modes, use twice the latency values listed in the table. VIN = VAINP - VAINN Old VIN New VIN Old data Mix of old data and new data Fully settled new data DRDY pin Figure 58. Input Change During Conversions Start-Conversion Delay Some applications require a delay at the start of a conversion in order to allow settling time for the PGA antialias filter or to allow time after input and configuration changes. The ADC provides a user programmable delay time that delays the start of a new conversion. The default value is 50 μs. 50 μs allows for settling of the antialiasing filter placed at the PGA output. Use additional delay time as needed to provide settling time for external components. The delay time increases the conversion latency values listed in Table 6. As an alternative to the programmable start-conversion delay, manually delay the start of conversion after input and configuration changes. Start-conversion delay is an important consideration for operation in ac-bridge excitation mode. In this mode, the reference inputs to the bridge, and therefore, the bridge output signals are reversed for each conversion. As a result, time delay is required to allow for settling of external filter components after the bridge voltage is reversed. As a general guideline, set the start-conversion delay parameter to a minimum of 15 times the R-C time constant of the signal input and reference input filters. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 33 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.4.2 Chop Mode The PGA and modulator are chopper-stabilized at high frequency in order to reduce offset voltage, offset voltage drift and 1/f noise. The offset and noise artifacts are modulated to a high frequency by the chop operation, which are removed by the digital filter. Although chopper stabilization is designed to remove all offset, a small offset voltage may remain. The optional global chop mode removes the remaining offset errors, providing near zero offset voltage drift performance. Chop mode alternates the signal polarity between consecutive conversions in order to remove offset. The ADC subtracts consecutive, alternate-polarity conversions to yield the final conversion data. The result of subtraction removes the offset. CHOP[1:0] bits 6:5 of MODE1 (register address = 03h) 00: Normal mode 01: Chop mode 10: 2-wire AC-bridge excitation mode 11: 4-wire AC-bridge excitation mode Chop Switch VOFS VAINP Input MUX + - VAINN PGA ADC AIN0 ADC Digital Filter Chop Control Offset Cal Full-Scale Cal Conversion Output AIN5 Figure 59. ADC Chop Mode As shown in Figure 59, the internal chop switch reverses the signal after the input multiplexer. VOFS models the internal offset voltage. The operational sequence of chop mode is as follows: Conversion C1: VAINP – VAINN – VOFS → First conversion withheld after start Conversion C2: VAINN – VAINP – VOFS → Output 1 = (C1 – C2) / 2 = VAINP – VAINN Conversion C3: VAINP – VAINN – VOFS → Output 2 =-(C3 – C2) / 2 = VAINP – VAINN The sequence repeats for all conversions. Because of the required settling time to alternate the internal polarity, the effective data rate in chop mode operation is reduced. The chop mode data rate is proportional to the order of the sinc filter. Referring to Table 6, the new data rate is equal to 1 / latency values; and be aware the chop mode first conversion latency is 2 × latency values. As a consequence of the internal data subtraction, two data points are effectively averaged together. Averaging of data reduces noise by √2. Divide the noise data values shown in Table 1 by √2 to derive the chop mode noise performance data. The null frequencies of the digital filter are not changed in chop-mode operation. However, new null frequencies appear at multiples of fDATA / 2 as a result of averaging. 8.4.3 AC-Bridge Excitation Mode Resistive bridge sensors are excited by dc or ac voltages; or by dc or ac currents. DC voltage excitation is the most common type of excitation. AC excitation reverses the polarity of the excitation voltage by the use of external switching components. Similar in concept to chop mode, the result of the voltage reversal removes offset voltage in the connections leading from the bridge to the ADC inputs. This also includes the offset voltage of the ADC itself. The ADC provides the signals necessary to drive the external switching components in order to reverse the bridge voltage. The timing of the drive signals is synchronized to the ADC conversion phase. During one conversion phase, the voltage polarity is normal. For the alternate conversion phase, the voltage polarity is reversed. The ADC compensates the reversed polarity conversion by internal reversing the reference voltage. The ADC subtracts the data corresponding to the normal and reverse phases in order to remove offset voltage from the input. The ADC output drive signals are non-overlapping in order to avoid bridge cross-conduction that can otherwise occur during excitation voltage reversal. The switch rate of the ac-excitation drive signals are performed at the data rate to avoid unnecessary fast switching. See Figure 7 for output drive timing. 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Table 7 shows the ac-bridge excitation drive signals and the associated GPIO pins. Program the ac-bridge excitation mode using the CHOP[1:0] bits in register MODE1. AC-bridge excitation can be programmed for twowire or four-wire drive mode. For two-wire operation, two drive signals are provided on the GPIOs. If needed, use two external inverters to derive four signals to drive discrete transistors. The GPIO drive levels are referred to the 5-V analog supply. Be aware that the ac-bridge excitation mode changes the nominal data rate, depending on the order of the sinc filter. See the Chop Mode section for details of the effective data rate. Table 7. AC-Bridge Excitation Drive Pins DEVICE PIN GPIO 2-WIRE MODE (CHOP[1:0] = 10) 4-WIRE MODE (CHOP[1:0] = 11) AIN0 GPIO0 ACX1 ACX1 AIN1 GPIO1 ACX2 ACX2 AIN2 GPIO2 — ACX1 AIN3 GPIO3 — ACX2 8.4.4 ADC Clock Mode Operate the ADC with an external clock or with the internal oscillator. The clock frequency is 7.3728 MHz. For external clock operation, apply the clock signal to CLKIN. For internal-clock operation, connect CLKIN to DGND. The internal oscillator begins operation immediately at power-up. The ADC automatically selects the clock mode of operation. Read the clock mode bit in the STATUS register to determine the clock mode. 8.4.5 Power-Down Mode The ADC has two power-down modes: hardware and software. In both power-down modes, the digital outputs remain driven. The digital inputs must be maintained at VIH or VIL levels (do not float the digital inputs). The internal low-dropout regulator remains on, drawing 25 µA (typical) from DVDD. Hardware Power-Down Take the PWDN pin low to engage hardware power-down mode. Except for the internal LDO, all ADC functions are disabled. To exit hardware power-down mode (wake-up) take the PWDN pin high. The register values are not reset at wake-up. Software Power-Down Set the PWDN bit (bit 7 of register MODE3) to engage software power-down mode. Similar to the operation of hardware power-down mode, software mode powers down the internal functions except in this case the serial interface. Exit the software power-down mode by clearing the PWDN bit. The register values are not reset. 8.4.6 Reset The ADC is reset in three ways: at power-on, by the RESET pin, and by the RESET command. When reset, the serial interface, conversion-control logic, digital filter, and register values are reset. The RESET bit of the STATUS byte is set to indicate a device reset has occurred by any of the three reset methods. Clear the bit to detect the next device reset. If the START pin is high after reset, the ADC begins conversions. Power-on Reset At power-on, after the supply voltages cross the reset-voltage thresholds, the ADC is reset and 216 fCLK cycles later the ADC is ready for communication. Until this time, DRDY is held low. DRDY is driven high to indicate when the ADC is ready for communication. If the START pin is high, the conversion cycle starts 512 / fCLK cycles after DRDY asserts high. Figure 5 shows the power-on reset behavior. Reset by Pin Reset the ADC by taking the RESET pin low and then returning the pin high. After reset, the conversion starts 512 / fCLK cycles later. See Figure 6 for RESET timing. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 35 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Reset by Command Reset the ADC by the RESET command. Toggle CS high to make sure the serial interface resets before sending the command. For applications that tie CS low, see the Serial Interface Auto-Reset section for information on how to reset the serial interface. After reset, the conversion starts 512 / fCLK cycles later. See Figure 6 for timing details. 8.4.7 Calibration The ADC incorporates calibration registers and associated commands to calibrate offset and full-scale errors. Calibrate by using calibration commands, or calibrate by writing to the calibration registers directly (user calibration). To calibrate by command, send the offset or full-scale calibration commands. To user calibrate, write values to the calibration registers based on calculations of the conversion data. Perform offset calibration before full-scale calibration. Offset and Full-Scale Calibration Use the offset and full-scale (gain) registers to correct offset or full-scale errors, respectively. As shown in Figure 60, the offset calibration register is subtracted from the output data before multiplication by the full-scale register, which is divided by 400000h. After the calibration operation, the final output data are clipped to 24 bits. VAINP + Digital Filter ADC VAINN ADC Output Data Clipped to 24 bits Final Output 1/400000h FSCAL[2:0] registers (register addresses = 0Ah, 0Bh, 0Ch) OFCAL[2:0] registers (register addresses = 07h, 08h, 09h) Figure 60. Calibration Block Diagram Equation 4 shows the internal calibration. Final Output Data = (Filter Output - OFCAL[2:0]) · FSCAL[2:0] / 400000h (4) Offset Calibration Registers The offset calibration word is 24 bits, consisting of three 8-bit registers, as listed in Table 8. The offset value is subtracted from the conversion result. The offset value is in two's complement format with a maximum positive value equal to 7FFFFFh, and a maximum negative value equal to 800000h. A register value equal to 000000h has no offset correction. Although the offset calibration register provides a wide range of possible offset values, the input signal after calibration cannot exceed ±106% of the pre-calibrated range; otherwise, the ADC is overranged. Table 9 lists example values of the offset register. Table 8. Offset Calibration Registers REGISTER BYTE ORDER ADDRESS OFCAL0 LSB 07h B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 OFCAL1 MID 08h B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 OFCAL2 MSB 09h B23 (MSB) B22 B21 B20 B19 B18 B17 B16 BIT ORDER B0 (LSB) Table 9. Offset Calibration Register Values (1) 36 OFCAL[2:0] REGISTER VALUE IDEAL OUTPUT VALUE (1) 000001h FFFFFFh 000000h 000000h FFFFFFh 000001h Output value with no offset error Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Full-Scale Calibration Registers The full-scale calibration word is 24 bits consisting of three 8-bit registers, as listed in Table 10. The full-scale calibration value is in straight-binary format, normalized to a unity-gain factor at a value of 400000h. Table 11 lists register values for selected gain factors. Gain errors greater than unity are corrected by using full-scale values less than 400000h. Although the full-scale register provides a wide range of possible values, the input signal after calibration must not exceed ±106% of the precalibrated input range; otherwise, the ADC is overranged. Table 10. Full-Scale Calibration Registers REGISTER BYTE ORDER ADDRESS FSCAL0 LSB 0Ah B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 FSCAL1 MID 0Bh B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 FSCAL2 MSB 0Ch B23 (MSB) B22 B21 B20 B19 B18 B17 B16 BIT ORDER B0 (LSB) Table 11. Full-Scale Calibration Register Values FSCAL[2:0] REGISTER VALUE GAIN FACTOR 433333h 1.05 400000h 1.00 3CCCCCh 0.95 Offset Self-Calibration (SFOCAL) The offset self-calibration command corrects offset errors internal to the ADC. When the offset self-calibration command is sent, the ADC disconnects the external inputs, shorts the inputs to the PGA, and then averages 16 conversion results to compute the calibration value. Averaging the data reduces conversion noise to improve calibration accuracy. When calibration is complete, the ADC restores the user input and performs one conversion using the new calibration value. Offset System-Calibration (SYOCAL) The offset system-calibration command corrects system offset errors. For this type of calibration, the user shorts the inputs to either the ADC or to the system. When the command is sent, the ADC averages 16 conversion results to compute the calibration value. Averaging the data reduces conversion noise to improve calibration accuracy. When calibration is complete, the ADC performs one conversion using the new calibration value. Full-Scale Calibration (GANCAL) The full-scale calibration command corrects gain error. To calibrate, apply a positive full-scale calibration voltage to the ADC, wait for the signal to settle, and then send the calibration command. The ADC averages 16 conversion results to compute the calibration value. Averaging the data reduces conversion noise to improve calibration accuracy. The ADC computes the full-scale calibration value so that the calibration voltage is scaled to positive full scale output code. When calibration is complete, the ADC performs one new conversion using the new calibration value. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 37 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Calibration Command Procedure Use the following procedure to calibrate using commands. The register-lock mode must be UNLOCK for all calibration commands. After power-on, make sure the reference voltage has stabilized before calibrating. Perform offset calibration before full-scale calibration. 1. Configure the ADC as required. 2. Apply the appropriate calibration signal (zero or full-scale) 3. Take the START pin high or send the START command to start conversions. DRDY is driven high. 4. Before the conversion cycle completes, send the calibration command. Keep CS low otherwise the command is cancelled. Send no other commands during the calibration period. 5. Calibration time depends on the data rate and digital filter mode. See Table 12. DRDY asserts low when calibration is complete. The offset or full-scale calibration registers are updated with new values. At calibration completion, new conversion data are ready using the new calibration value. Table 12. Calibration Time (ms) (1) FILTER MODE (1) DATA RATE (SPS) FIR SINC1 SINC2 SINC3 SINC4 2.5 6805 6801 7601 8401 9201 5 3405 3401 3801 4201 4601 10 1705 1701 1901 2101 2301 16.6 — 1021 1141 1261 1381 20 854.5 850.9 951.0 1051 1151 50 — 340.9 380.9 420.9 460.9 60 — 284.2 317.5 350.9 384.2 100 — 170.9 190.9 210.9 230.9 400 — 43.36 48.36 53.36 58.36 1200 — 15.02 16.69 18.36 20.02 2400 — 7.938 8.772 9.605 10.44 4800 — 4.397 4.813 5.230 5.647 7200 — 3.216 3.494 3.772 4.050 Nominal clock frequency. Chop and AC-Excitation modes disabled. User Calibration Procedure To user calibrate, apply the calibration voltage, acquire conversion data, and compute the calibration value. The computed value is written to the corresponding calibration registers. Before starting calibration, preset the offset and full-scale registers to 000000h and 400000h, respectively. To offset calibrate, short the ADC inputs (or inputs to the system) and average n number of the conversion results. Averaging conversion data reduces noise to improve calibration accuracy. Write the averaged value of the conversion data to the offset registers. To gain calibrate using a full scale calibration voltage, temporarily reduce the full scale register 95% to avoid output clipped codes (set FSCAL[2:0] to 3CCCCCh). Acquire n number of conversions and average the conversions to reduce noise to improve calibration accuracy. Compute the full-scale calibration value as shown in Equation 5: Full-Scale Calibration Value = Expected Code / Actual Code · 400000h where • 38 Expected code = 799998h using full scale calibration signal and 95% scale factor Submit Documentation Feedback (5) Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.5 Programming 8.5.1 Serial Interface The serial interface is SPI-compatible and is used to read conversion data, configure registers, and control the ADC. The serial interface consists of four control lines: CS, SCLK, DIN, and DOUT/DRDY. Most microcontroller SPI peripherals can operate with the ADC. The interface operates in SPI mode 1, where CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 1. In SPI mode 1, SCLK idles low and data are updated or changed on SCLK rising edges; data are latched or read on SCLK falling edges. Timing details of the SPI protocol are found in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Chip Select (CS) CS is an active-low input that selects the serial interface for communication. CS must be low during the entire data transaction. When CS is taken high, the serial interface resets, SCLK input activity is ignored (blocking commands), and DOUT/DRDY enters the high-impedance state. The operation of DRDY is not effected by CS. If the ADC is a single device connected to the serial bus, CS can be tied low in order to reduce the serial interface to three lines. Serial Clock (SCLK) SCLK is the serial clock input that shifts data into and out of the ADC. Output data are updated on the rising edge of SCLK and input data are latched on the falling edge of SCLK. Return SCLK low after the data operation is completed. SCLK is a Schmidt-triggered input designed to improve noise immunity. Even though SCLK is noise resistant, keep SCLK as noise-free as possible to avoid unintentional SCLK transitions. Avoid ringing and overshoot on the SCLK input. Place a series termination resistor close to the SCLK drive pin to reduce ringing. Data Input (DIN) DIN is the serial data input to the ADC. DIN is used to input commands and register data to the ADC. Data are latched on the falling edge of SCLK. Data Output/Data Ready (DOUT/DRDY) The DOUT/DRDY pin is a dual-function output. The functions of this pin are data output and data ready. The functionality changes automatically based on whether a read data operation is in progress. During a read data operation, the functionality is data output. After the read operation is complete, the functionality changes to data ready. In data output mode, data are updated on the SCLK rising edge, therefore the host latches the data on the falling edge of SCLK. In data-ready mode, the pin functions the same as DRDY (if CS is low) by asserting low when data are ready. Therefore, monitor either DOUT/DRDY or DRDY to determine when data are ready. When CS is high, the DOUT/DRDY pin is in the high-impedance mode (tri-state). Serial Interface Auto-Reset The serial interface is reset by taking CS high. Applications that tie CS low do not have the ability to reset the serial interface by CS. If a false SCLK occurs (for example, caused by a noise pulse or clocking glitch), the serial interface may inadvertently advance one or more bit positions, resulting in loss of synchronization to the host. If loss of synchronization occurs, the ADC interface does not respond correctly until the interface is reset. For applications that tie CS low, the serial interface auto-reset feature recovers the interface in the event that an unintentional SCLK glitch occurs. When the first SCLK low-to-high transition occurs (either caused by a glitch or by normal SCLK activity), seven SCLK transitions must occur within 65536 fCLK cycles (8.9 ms) to complete the byte transaction, otherwise the serial interface resets. After reset, the interface is ready to begin the next byte transaction. If the byte transaction is completed within the 65536 fCLK cycles, the serial interface does not reset. The cycle of SCLK detection re-starts at the next rising edge of SCLK. The serial interface is reset by holding SCLK low for a minimum 65536 fCLK cycles. The auto-reset function is enabled by the SPITIM bit (default is off). See Figure 3 for timing details. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 39 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Programming (continued) 8.5.2 Data Ready (DRDY) DRDY is an output that asserts low when conversion data are ready. After power-up, DRDY also indicates when the ADC is ready for communication. The operation of DRDY depends on the conversion mode (continuous or pulse) and whether the conversion data are retrieved or not. Figure 61 shows DRDY operation with and without data retrieval in the two modes of conversion. DRDY - with data retrieval (Continuous-conversion mode) DRDY ± w/o data retrieval (Continuous-conversion mode) DRDY ± w or w/o data retreival (Pulse-conversion mode) START Command START STOP START STOP Figure 61. DRDY Operation DRDY in Continuous-Conversion Mode In continuous-conversion mode, DRDY is driven high when conversions are started and is driven low when conversion data are ready. During data readback, DRDY returns high at the end of the read operation. If the conversion data are not read, DRDY pulses high 16 fCLK cycles prior to the next falling edge. To read conversion data before the next conversion is ready, send the complete read-data command 16 fCLK cycles before the next DRDY falling edge. If the readback command is sent less than 16 fCLK cycles before the DRDY falling edge, either old or new conversion data are provided, depending on the timing of when the command is sent. In the case that old conversion data are provided, DRDY driven low is delayed until after the read data operation is completed. In this case, the DRDY bit of the STATUS byte is cleared to indicate the same data have been read. If new conversion data are provided, DRDY transitions low at the normal period of the data rate. In this case, the DRDY bit of the STATUS byte is set to indicate that new data have been read. To make sure new data are read back, wait until DRDY asserts low before starting the data read operation. DRDY in Pulse-Conversion Mode DRDY is driven high at conversion start and is driven low when the conversion data are ready. During the data read operation DRDY remains low until a new conversion is started. Data Ready by Software Polling Use software polling of data ready in lieu of hardware polling of DRDY or DOUT/DRDY. To software poll, read the STATUS register and poll the DRDY bit. In order to not skip conversion data in continuous conversion mode, poll the bit at least as often as the period of the data rate. If the DRDY bit is set, then conversion data are new since the previous data read operation. If the bit is cleared, conversion data are not new since the previous data read operation. In this case, the previous conversion data are returned. 8.5.3 Conversion Data Conversion data are read by the RDATA command. To read data, take CS low and issue the read data command. The data field response consists of the optional STATUS byte, three data bytes, and the optional CRC byte. The CRC is computed over the combination of status byte and conversion data bytes. See the RDATA Command for details to read conversion data. 40 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Programming (continued) Status byte (STATUS) The status byte contains information on the operating state of the ADC. The STATUS byte is included with the conversion data by enabling bit STATENB of register MODE3. Optionally, read the STATUS register to directly determine status information without the need to read conversion data. See Figure 67 for details. Conversion Data Format The conversion data are 24 bits, in two's-complement format to represent positive and negative values. The data output begins with the most significant bit (sign bit) first. The data are scaled so that VIN = 0 V results in an uncalibrated code value of 000000h; positive full scale equals 7FFFFFh and negative full scale equals 800000h; see Table 13 for the uncalibrated code values. The data are clipped to 7FFFFFh (positive full scale) and 800000h (negative full scale) during positive and negative signal overdrive, respectively. Table 13. ADC Conversion Data Codes DESCRIPTION Positive Full Scale 1 LSB INPUT SIGNAL (V) 23 ≥ VREF / Gain · (2 000001h 000000h 23 –VREF / (Gain · 2 ) ≤ –VREF / Gain (1) 7FFFFFh 0 Negative Full Scale (1) - 1) / 2 VREF / (Gain · 223 ) Zero scale -1 LSB 24-BIT CONVERSION DATA 23 FFFFFFh 800000h Ideal (calibrated) conversion data 8.5.4 CRC Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error checking code that detects communication errors to and from the host. CRC is the division remainder of the data payload bytes by a fixed polynomial. The data payload is 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes depending on the data operation. The CRC mode is optional and is enabled by the CRCENB bit. See Table 33 to program the CRC mode. The user computes the CRC corresponding to the two command bytes and appends the CRC to the command string (3rd byte). A 4th, zero-value byte completes the command field. The ADC repeats the CRC calculation and compares the calculation to the received CRC. If the user and repeated CRC values match, the command executes and the ADC responds by transmitting the repeated CRC during the 4th byte of the command. If the operation is conversion data or register data read, the ADC responds with a 2nd CRC that is computed over the requested data payload bytes. The response data payload is 1, 3, or 4 bytes depending on the data operation. If the user and repeated CRC values do not match, the command does not execute and the ADC responds with an inverted CRC for the actual received command bytes. The inverted CRC is intended to signal the host of the failed operation. The user terminates transmission of the command bytes to match the action of ADC termination. The CRCERR bit is set in the STATUS register when a CRC error is detected. The ADC is ready to accept the next command after a CRC error occurs at the end of the 4th byte. The CRC data byte is the 8-bit remainder of the bitwise exclusive-OR (XOR) operation of the argument by a CRC polynomial. The CRC polynomial is based on the CRC-8-ATM (HEC): X8 + X2 + X1 + 1. The nine binary polynomial coefficients are: 100000111. The CRC calculation is preset with "1" data values. The CRC mnemonics apply to the following command sections. • CRC-2: Input CRC of command bytes 1 and 2. Except for WREG command, the value of byte 2 is arbitrary • Out CRC-1: Output CRC of one register data byte • Out CRC-2: Output CRC of two command bytes, inverted value if input CRC error detected • Out CRC-3: Output CRC of three conversion data bytes • Out CRC-4: Output CRC of three conversion data bytes plus STATUS byte • Echo Byte 1: Echo of received input byte 1 • Echo Byte 2: Echo of received input byte 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 41 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.5.5 Commands Commands read conversion data, control the ADC, and read and write register data. See Table 14 for the list of commands. Send only the commands that are listed in Table 14. The ADC executes commands at completion of the 2nd byte (no CRC verification) or at completion of the 4th byte (with CRC verification). Follow the two byte or four byte format according to the CRC mode. Except for register write commands, the value of the second command byte is arbitrary but the value is included in the CRC calculation (total of two-byte CRC). If a CRC error is detected, the ADC does not execute the command. Taking CS high before the command is completed results in termination of the command. When CS is taken low, the communication frame is reset to begin a new command. Table 14. Command Byte Summary MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 (CRC Mode Only) BYTE 4 (CRC Mode only) Control Commands NOP No operation 00h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h RESET Reset 06h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h START Start conversion 08h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h STOP Stop conversion 0Ah Arbitrary CRC-2 00h 12h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h Read Data Command RDATA Read conversion data Calibration Commands SYOCAL System offset calibration 16h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h GANCAL Gain calibration 17h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h SFOCAL Self offset calibration 19h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h Register Commands RREG Read register data 20h + rrh (1) Arbitrary CRC-2 00h WREG Write register data 40h + rrh (1) Register data CRC-2 00h Protection Commands LOCK Register lock F2h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h UNLOCK Register unlock F5h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h (1) rrh = 5-bit register address. NOP Command This command is no operation. Use the NOP command to validate the CRC response byte and error detection without affecting normal operation. Table 15 shows the NOP command byte sequence. Table 15. NOP Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 No CRC mode DIN 00h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 CRC mode 42 DIN 00h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 RESET Command The RESET command resets ADC operation and resets the registers to default values. See the Reset by Command section for details. Table 16 shows the RESET command byte sequence. Table 16. RESET Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 DIN 06h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN 06h Arbitrary CRC-2 00H DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 No CRC mode CRC mode START Command This command starts conversions. See the Conversion Control section for details. Table 17 shows the START command byte sequence. Table 17. START Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 No CRC mode DIN 08h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN 08h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 CRC mode STOP Command This command stops conversions. See the Conversion Control section for details. Table 18 shows the STOP command byte sequence. Table 18. STOP Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 DIN 0Ah Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN 0Ah Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 No CRC mode CRC mode RDATA Command This command reads conversion data. Because the data are buffered, the data can be read at any time during the conversion phase. If data are read near the completion of the next conversion, old or new conversion data are returned. See the Data Ready (DRDY) section for details. The response of conversion data varies in length from 3 to 5 bytes depending if the STATUS byte and CRC bytes are included. See the Conversion Data Format section for the numeric data format. See Table 19, Figure 62 (minimum configuration) and Figure 63 (maximum configuration) for operation of the RDATA command. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 43 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Table 19. RDATA Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 BYTE 5 BYTE 6 BYTE 7 BYTE 8 BYTE 9 No CRC mode DIN 12h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 00h DIN 12h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 STATUS (1) 00h 00h 00h MSB data MID data LSB data CRC mode (1) 00h STATUS (1) 00h 00h 00h 00h MSB data MID data LSB data Out CRC-3 or Out CRC-4 Optional STATUS byte CS (1) 1 9 17 25 33 SCLK DIN 12h FFh DOUT/DRDY (1) 00h 00h 00h MSB data MID data LSB data Arbitrary Echo byte 1 CS can be tied low Figure 62. Conversion Data Read Operation (STATUS Byte and CRC Mode Disabled) (1) CS 1 9 17 25 41 33 49 57 65 SCLK DIN 12h DOUT/DRDY FFh A. Arbitrary Echo byte 1 CRC-2 00h 00h Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 STATUS 00h 00h MID data MSB data 00h 00h LSB DATA Out CRC-4 CS can be tied low Figure 63. Conversion Data Read Operation (STATUS Byte and CRC Mode Enabled) SYOCAL Command This command is used for system offset calibration. See the Offset System-Calibration (SYOCAL) section for details. Table 20 shows the SYOCAL command byte sequence. Table 20. SYOCAL Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 DIN 16h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN 16h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo Byte 2 Out CRC-2 No CRC mode CRC mode 44 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 GANCAL Command This command is for gain calibration. See the Calibration section for details. Full-Scale Calibration (GANCAL) shows the GANCAL command byte sequence. Table 21. GANCAL Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 DIN 17h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN 17h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo Byte 2 Out CRC-2 No CRC mode CRC mode SFOCAL Command This command is used for self offset calibration. See the Offset Self-Calibration (SFOCAL) section for details. Table 22 shows the SFOCAL command byte sequence. Table 22. SFOCAL Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 No CRC mode DIN 19h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN 19h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo Byte 2 Out CRC-2 CRC mode RREG Command Use the RREG command to read register data. The register data are read one byte at a time by issuing the RREG command for each operation. Add the register address (rrh) to the base opcode (20h) to construct the command byte (20h + rrh). Table 23 shows the command byte sequence. The ADC responds with the register data byte, most significant bit first. The response to registers outside the valid address range is 00h. Figure 64 shows an example of the register read operation. The Out CRC-1 byte is the CRC calculated for the register data byte. Table 23. RREG Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 BYTE 5 BYTE 6 DIN 20h + rrh (1) Arbitrary 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Register data DIN 20h + rrh Arbitrary CRC-2 00h 00h 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 Register data Out CRC-1 No CRC mode CRC mode (1) rrh = 5-bit register address Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 45 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com (1) CS 1 9 17 25 33 41 SCLK DIN 22h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 (1) 00h 00h Reg data Out CRC-1 CS can be tied low Figure 64. Register Read Operation (address = 02h, CRC Mode Enabled) WREG Command Use the WREG command to write register data. The register data are written one byte at a time by issuing the WREG command for each operation. Add the register address (rrh) to the base opcode (40h) to construct the command byte (40h + rrh). Table 24 shows the command byte sequence. Figure 65 shows an example of the WREG operation. Be aware that writing to certain registers results in conversion restart. Table 27 lists the registers that restart an ongoing conversion when written to. Do not write to registers outside the address range. Table 24. WREG Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 DIN 40h + rrh (1) Register data DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 No CRC mode CRC mode (1) DIN 40h + rrh Register data CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 rrh = 5-bit register address. (1) CS 1 9 17 25 SCLK DIN 42h DOUT/DRDY A. FFh Reg Data CRC-2 00h Echo byte 1 Echo byte 2 Out CRC-2 CS can be tied low Figure 65. Register Write Operation (address = 02h, CRC Mode Enabled) 46 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 LOCK Command The LOCK command locks-out write access to the registers including the calibration registers that are changed by calibration commands. The default mode is UNLOCK. Read access is allowed in LOCK mode. Table 25 shows the LOCK command byte sequence. Table 25. LOCK Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 No CRC mode DIN F2h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 CRC mode DIN F2h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo Byte2 out CRC-2 UNLOCK Command The UNLOCK command allows register write access, including access to the contents of the calibration registers that can be changed by the calibration commands. Table 26 shows the UNLOCK command byte sequence. Table 26. UNLOCK Command DIRECTION BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 No CRC mode DIN F5h Arbitrary DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 DIN F5h Arbitrary CRC-2 00h DOUT/DRDY FFh Echo byte 1 Echo Byte2 Out CRC-2 CRC mode Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 47 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.6 Register Map The register map consists of 18, one-byte registers. Collectively, the registers are used to configure the ADC to the desired operating mode. Access the registers by using the RREG and WREG (read-register and writeregister) commands. Register data are accessed one register byte at a time for each command operation. At power-on or device reset, the registers are reset to the default values, as shown in the Default column of Table 27. Writing new data to certain registers causes the ADC conversion in progress to restart. The affected registers are listed in the Restart column in Table 27. Register-write access is enabled or disabled by the UNLOCK and LOCK commands, respectively. The default mode is register UNLOCK. See the LOCK Command section for more details. Table 27. Register Map Summary (rrh) REGISTER DEFAULT RESTART 00h ID Cxh BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 01h STATUS 01h 02h MODE0 24h Yes 0 03h MODE1 01h Yes 0 04h MODE2 00h 05h MODE3 00h 06h REF 05h 07h OFCAL0 00h 08h OFCAL1 00h OFC[15:8] 09h OFCAL2 00h OFC[23:16] 0Ah FSCAL0 00h FSC[7:0] 0Bh FSCAL1 00h FSC[15:8] BIT 2 DEV_ID[3:0] LOCK CRCERR PGAL_ALM PGAH_ALM REFL_ALM DRDY DR[3:0] BIT 0 CHOP[1:0] CLOCK RESET FILTER[2:0] CONVRT DELAY[3:0] GPIO_CON[3:0] GPIO_DIR[3:0] PWDN STATENB CRCENB SPITIM 0 0 0 0 Yes BIT 1 REV_ID[3:0] GPIO_DAT[3:0] RMUXP[1:0] RMUXN[1:0] OFC[7:0] 0Ch FSCAL2 40h FSC[23:16] 0Dh RESERVED FFh FFh 0Eh RESERVED 00h 00h 0Fh RESERVED 00h 10h PGA 00h Yes 11h INPMUX FFh Yes 00h BYPASS 0 0 0 0 MUXP[3:0] GAIN[2:0] MUXN[3:0] 8.6.1 Device Identification (ID) Register (address = 00h) [reset = Cxh] Figure 66. ID Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 DEV_ID[3:0] 1 0 REV_ID[3:0] NOTE: Reset values are device dependent LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 28. ID Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7:4 DEV_ID[3:0] R Ch Device ID 3:0 REV_ID[3:0] R xh 1100 Revision ID Note: Revision ID can change without notification 48 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.6.2 Device Status (STATUS) Register (address = 01h) [reset = 01h] Figure 67. STATUS Register 7 LOCK R-0h 6 CRCERR R/W-0h 5 PGAL_ALM R-0h 4 PGAH_ALM R-0h 3 REFL_ALM R-0h 2 DRDY R-0h 1 CLOCK R-xh 0 RESET R/W-1h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 29. STATUS Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7 LOCK R 0h Register Lock Status Indicates register lock status. Register writes are locked by the LOCK command and unlocked by the UNLOCK command. 0: Register write not locked (default) 1: Register write locked 6 CRCERR R/W 0h CRC Error Indicates that a CRC error is detected by the ADC. The CRC error bit remains set until cleared by the user. 0: No CRC error 1: CRC error 5 PGAL_ALM R 0h PGA Low Alarm Indicates PGA output voltage is below the low limit. The alarm resets at the start of conversion cycles. 0: No Alarm 1: Alarm 4 PGAH_ALM R 0h PGA High Alarm Indicates PGA output voltage is above the high limit. The alarm resets at the start of conversion cycles. 0: No Alarm 1: Alarm 3 REFL_ALM R 0h Reference Low Alarm Indicates reference voltage is below the low limit. The alarm resets at the start of conversion cycles. 0: No Alarm 1: Alarm 2 DRDY R 0h Data Ready Indicates conversion data ready. 0: Conversion data not new since the previous read operation 1: Conversion data new since the previous read operation 1 CLOCK R xh Clock Indicates internal or external clock mode. The ADC automatically selects the clock source. 0: ADC clock is internal 1: ADC clock is external 0 RESET R/W 1h Reset Indicates ADC reset. Clear the bit to detect next device reset. 0: No reset 1: Reset (default) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 49 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.6.3 Mode 0 (MODE0) Register (address = 02h) [reset = 24h] Figure 68. MODE0 Register 7 0 R/W-0h 6 5 4 3 2 DR[3:0] R/W-4h 1 FILTER[2:0] R/W-4h 0 LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 30. MODE0 Register Field Descriptions Bit 7 Field Type Reset Description 0 R/W 0h Reserved DR[3:0] R/W 4h Always write 0 6:3 Data Rate Select the ADC data rate. 0000: 2.5 SPS 0001: 5 SPS 0010: 10 SPS 0011: 16.6 SPS 0100: 20 SPS (default) 0101: 50 SPS 0110: 60 SPS 0111: 100 SPS 1000: 400 SPS 1001: 1200 SPS 1010: 2400 SPS 1011: 4800 SPS 1100: 7200 SPS 1101 - 1111: Reserved 2:0 FILTER[2:0] R/W 4h Digital Filter Select the digital filter mode. 000: sinc1 001: sinc2 010: sinc3 011: sinc4 100: FIR (default) 101 - 111: Reserved 50 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.6.4 Mode 1 (MODE1) Register (address = 03h) [reset = 01h] Figure 69. MODE1 Register 7 0 R/W-0h 6 5 4 CONVRT R/W-0h CHOP[1:0] R/W-0h 3 2 1 0 DELAY[3:0] R/W-1h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 31. MODE1 Register Field Descriptions Bit 7 Field Type Reset Description 0 R/W 0h Reserved CHOP[1:0] R/W 0h Always write 0 6:5 Chop and AC-Bridge Excitation Modes Select the Chop and ac-bridge excitation modes. 00: Normal mode (default) 01: Chop mode 10: 2-wire ac-bridge excitation mode 11: 4-wire ac-bridge excitation mode 4 CONVRT R/W 0h ADC Conversion Mode Select the ADC conversion mode. 0: Continuous conversions (default) 1: Pulse (one shot) conversion 3:0 DELAY[3:0] R/W 1h Conversion Start Delay Program the time delay at conversion start. Delay values are with fCLK = 7.3728 MHz. 0000: 0 µs 0001: 50 µs (default) 0010: 59 µs 0011: 67 µs 0100: 85 µs 0101: 119 µs 0110: 189 µs 0111: 328 µs 1000: 605 µs 1001: 1.16 ms 1010: 2.27 ms 1011: 4.49 ms 1100: 8.93 ms 1101: 17.8 ms 1110, 1111: Reserved Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 51 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.6.5 Mode 2 (MODE2) Register (address = 04h) [reset = 00h] Figure 70. MODE2 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 GPIO_CON[3:0] R/W-0h 1 0 GPIO_DIR[3:0] R/W-0h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 32. MODE2 Register Field Descriptions Bit 7 Field Type Reset Description GPIO_CON[3] R/W 0h GPIO3 Pin Connection Connect GPIO3 to analog input AIN3. 0: GPIO3 not connected to AIN3 (default) 1: GPIO3 connected to AIN3 6 GPIO_CON[2] R/W 0h GPIO2 Pin Connection Connect GPIO2 to analog input AIN2. 0: GPIO2 not connected to AIN2 (default) 1: GPIO2 connected to AIN2 5 GPIO_CON[1] R/W 0h GPIO1 Pin Connection Connect GPIO1 to analog input AIN1. 0: GPIO1 not connected to AIN1 (default) 1: GPIO1 connected to AIN1 4 GPIO_CON[0] R/W 0h GPIO0 Pin Connection Connect GPIO0 to analog input AIN0 0: GPIO0 not connected to AIN0 (default) 1: GPIO0 connected to AIN0 3 GPIO_DIR[3] R/W 0h GPIO3 Pin Direction Configure GPIO3 as a GPIO input or GPIO output on AIN3. 0: GPIO3 is an output (default) 1: GPIO3 is an input 2 GPIO_DIR[2] R/W 0h GPIO2 Pin Direction Configure GPIO2 as a GPIO input or GPIO output on AIN2. 0: GPIO2 is an output (default) 1: GPIO2 is an input 1 GPIO_DIR[1] R/W 0h GPIO1 Pin Direction Configure GPIO1 as a GPIO input or GPIO output on AIN1. 0: GPIO1 is an output (default) 1: GPIO1 is an input 0 GPIO_DIR[0] R/W 0h GPIO0 Pin Direction Configure GPIO0 as a GPIO input or GPIO output on AIN0. 0: GPIO0 is an output (default) 1: GPIO0 is an input 52 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.6.6 Mode 3 (MODE3) Register (address = 05h) [reset = 00h] Figure 71. MODE3 Register 7 PWDN R/W-0h 6 STATENB R/W-0h 5 CRCENB R/W-0h 4 SPITIM R/W-0h 3 2 1 0 GPIO_DAT[3:0] R/W-0h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 33. MODE3 Register Field Descriptions Bit 7 Field Type Reset Description PWDN R/W 0h Software Power-down Mode Enable the software power-down mode. 0: Normal mode (default) 1: Software power-down mode 6 STATENB R/W 0h STATUS Byte Enable the Status byte in the conversion data read operation. 0: No Status byte (default) 1: Status byte enabled 5 CRCENB R/W 0h CRC Data Verification Enable the CRC data verification. 0: No CRC (default) 1: CRC enabled 4 SPITIM R/W 0h SPI Auto-Reset Function Enable the SPI auto-reset function. 0: SPI auto-reset disabled (default) 1: SPI auto-reset enabled 3 GPIO_DAT[3] R/W 0h GPIO3 Data Read or write the GPIO3 data on AIN3. 0: GPIO3 is low (default) 1: GPIO3 is high 2 GPIO_DAT[2] R/W 0h GPIO2 Data Read or write the GPIO2 data on AIN2. 0: GPIO2 is low (default) 1: GPIO2 is high 1 GPIO_DAT[1] R/W 0h GPIO1 Data Read or write the GPIO1 data on AIN1. 0: GPIO1 is low (default) 1: GPIO1 is high 0 GPIO_DAT[0] R/W 0h GPIO0 Data Read or write the GPIO1 data on AIN0. 0: GPIO0 is low (default) 1: GPIO0 is high Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 53 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.6.7 Reference Configuration (REF) Register (address = 06h) [reset = 05h] Figure 72. REF Register 7 0 R/W-0h 6 0 R/W-0h 5 0 R/W-0h 4 0 R/W-0h 3 2 RMUXP[1:0] R/W-1h 1 0 RMUXN[1:0] R/W-1h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 34. REF Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7:4 0 R/W 0h Reserved 3:2 RMUXP[1:0] R/W 1h Always write 0h Reference Positive Input Select the positive reference input. 00: Reserved 01: AVDD (default) 10: REFP0 11: AIN0 (REFP1) 1:0 RMUXN[1:0] R/W 1h Reference Negative Input Select the negative reference input. 00: Reserved 01: AVSS (default) 10: REFN0 11: AIN1 (REFN1) 54 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.6.8 Offset Calibration (OFCALx) Registers (address = 07h, 08h, 09h) [reset = 00h, 00h, 00h] Figure 73. OFCAL0, OFCAL1, OFCAL2 Registers 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 11 10 9 8 19 18 17 16 OFC[7:0] R/W-00h 15 14 13 12 OFC[15:8] R/W-00h 23 22 21 20 OFC[23:16] R/W-00h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 35. OFCAL0, OFCAL1, OFCAL2 Registers Field Description Bit 23:0 Field Type Reset Description OFC[23:0] R/W 000000h Offset Calibration These three registers are the 24-bit offset calibration word. The offset calibration is two's complement format. The ADC subtracts the offset value from the conversion result before the full-scale operation. 8.6.9 Full-Scale Calibration (FSCALx) Registers (address = 0Ah, 0Bh, 0Ch) [reset = 00h, 00h, 40h] Figure 74. FSCAL0, FSCAL1, FSCAL2 Registers 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 11 10 9 8 19 18 17 16 FSC[7:0] R/W-00h 15 14 13 12 FSC[15:8] R/W-00h 23 22 21 20 FSC[23:16] R/W-40h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 36. FSCAL0, FSCAL1, FSCAL2 Registers Field Description Bit 23:0 Field Type Reset Description FSC[23:0] R/W 400000h Full-Scale Calibration These three registers are the 24-bit full scale calibration word. The full-scale calibration is straight binary format. The ADC divides the register value by 400000h then multiplies the result with the conversion data. The scaling operation occurs after the offset operation. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 55 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.6.10 Reserved (RESERVED) Register (address = 0Dh) [reset = FFh] Figure 75. RESERVED Register 7 1 R-0h 6 1 R-0h 5 1 R-0h 4 1 R-0h 3 1 R-0h 2 1 R-0h 1 1 R-0h 0 1 R-0h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 37. RESERVED Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7:0 0 R FFh Reserved These bits are read only and always return 0 8.6.11 Reserved (RESERVED) Register (address = 0Eh) [reset = 00h] Figure 76. RESERVED Register 7 0 R-0h 6 0 R-0h 5 0 R-0h 4 0 R-0h 3 0 R-0h 2 0 R-0h 1 0 R-0h 0 0 R-0h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 38. RESERVED Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7:0 0 R 0h Reserved These bits are read only and always return 0 8.6.12 Reserved (RESERVED) Register (address = 0Fh) [reset = 00h] Figure 77. RESERVED Register 7 0 R-0h 6 0 R-0h 5 0 R-0h 4 0 R-0h 3 0 R-0h 2 0 R-0h 1 0 R-0h 0 0 R-0h LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 39. RESERVED Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7:0 0 R 0h Reserved These bits are read only and always return 0 56 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 8.6.13 PGA Configuration (PGA) Register (address = 10h) [reset = 00h] Figure 78. PGA Register 7 BYPASS R/W-0h 6 0 R/W-0h 5 0 R/W-0h 4 0 R/W-0h 3 0 R/W-0h 2 1 GAIN[2:0] R/W-0h 0 LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 40. PGA Register Field Descriptions Bit 7 Field Type Reset Description BYPASS R/W 0h PGA Bypass Mode Select the PGA mode. 0: PGA mode (default) 1: PGA bypass 6:3 0 R/W 0h 2:0 GAIN[2:0] R/W 0h Reserved Always write 0 Gain Select the gain. 000: 1 (default) 001 - 101: Reserved 110: 64 111: 128 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 57 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.6.14 Input Multiplexer (INPMUX) Register (address = 11h) [reset = FFh] Figure 79. INPMUX Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 MUXP[3:0] R/W-Fh 1 0 MUXN[3:0] R/W-Fh LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset Table 41. INPMUX Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7:4 MUXP[3:0] R/W Fh Positive Input Multiplexer Select the positive multiplexer input. 0000 - 0010: Reserved 0011: AIN0 0100: AIN1 0101: AIN2 0110: AIN3 0111: AIN4 1000: AIN5 1001, 1010: Reserved 1011: Internal temperature sensor positive 1100, 1101: Reserved 1110: PGA P input open 1111: Internal connection to VCOM (default) 3:0 MUXN[3:0] R/W Fh Negative Input Multiplexer Select the negative multiplexer input. 0000 - 0010: Reserved 0011: AIN0 0100: AIN1 0101: AIN2 0110: AIN3 0111: AIN4 1000: AIN5 1001, 1010: Reserved 1011: Internal temperature sensor negative 1100, 1101: Reserved 1110: PGA N Input open 1111: Internal connection to VCOM (default) 58 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 9 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information 9.1.1 Input Range The input voltage must be maintained within the specified input range for linear ADC operation otherwise the conversion data is invalid. Use Equation 3 to verify the input voltage of the PGA is within specification. The input requirement can also be verified by measuring the PGA output voltages (pins CAPP and CAPN) with a voltmeter under the conditions of maximum expected input signal, ADC gain, and worst case (low) power-supply voltage. Check that voltages measured on the pins are within the range: AVSS + 0.3 V < V(CAPP) and V(CAPN) < AVDD – 0.3 V. 9.1.2 Input Overload Observe the input overvoltage precautions as outlined in the ESD Diodes section. If an overvoltage condition occurs on an unused channel, the overvoltage channel may crosstalk to the measurement channel. One solution is to externally clamp the inputs with low-forward voltage diodes as shown in Figure 80. The external diodes divert the overvoltage current around the ADC inputs to the power supply and ground. Be aware of the reverse leakage current of the Schottky diodes that may lead to measurement errors. IFAULT Schottky Diode RLIM 5V AVDD AINx ADC AVSS ± 0.3 V > VCLAMP > AVDD + 0.3 V Schottky Diode AVSS IFAULT Figure 80. External Diode Clamps Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 59 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Application Information (continued) 9.1.3 Unused Inputs and Outputs • Analog Inputs To minimize input leakage of the measurement channel, tie unused inputs to mid-supply voltage (AVDD + AVSS) / 2 or to AVDD. • Digital I/O Not all the digital I/Os may be needed to operate the ADC. Be sure not to float both used and unused digital inputs, including during power-down mode. The following is a summary of the optional digital I/Os connection: • CS: Tie CS low to permanently enable the serial interface. • CLKIN: Tie CLKIN to DGND to permanently operate the ADC with the internal oscillator. • START: Tie START to DGND to control conversions by command. Tie START to DVDD to permanently free-run conversions (Continuous-conversion mode only) • RESET: Tie RESET to DVDD if not using hardware reset. The ADC is reset at power-on. The ADC is also reset by the RESET command. • PWDN: Tie PWDN to DVDD if not using the hardware power-down mode. The ADC can be powered down by software. • DRDY: The functionality of the DRDY output is also provided by the dual-mode DOUT/DRDY pin. The DOUT/DRDY output is active when CS is low. Data ready is also determined by software polling. Because the conversion data are buffered, data can be read at any time without the need to synchronize to data ready. 9.1.4 Multiplexed 2-Bridge Input Example Figure 81 shows an example of a multiplexed, two-bridge system. The figure is a simplified diagram and excludes input filter components. The bridges are connected with independent excitation sense lines leading from each bridge to the ADC for accurate reference voltage tracking. Adjust the time delay parameter of the ADC as necessary to provide delay for settling time that is required after changing the ADC input multiplexer for each bridge measurement. 5V AVDD ADS1235-Q1 5V SEN1 + REFP0 (REFP0) SIG1 + AIN4 (AINP) SIG1 - AIN5 (AINN) SEN1 - REFN0 (REFN0) 5V SEN2 + AIN0 SIG2 + AIN2 SIG2 - AIN3 SEN2 - AIN1 (REFP1) (AINP) (AINN) (REFN1) AVSS Figure 81. Multiplexed 2-Bridge Application 60 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 Application Information (continued) 9.1.5 AC-Bridge Excitation Example Figure 82 shows an ac-excited bridge measurement system in the 4-wire, GPIO-control mode. Signal and reference-input filter components are omitted for clarity. The transistors switch the polarity of the excitation voltage provided to the bridge by the drive signals from the ADC GPIO drivers via the spare analog input pins. The timing of the drive signals are synchronized to the ADC conversions. The drive signals are non-overlapping in order to avoid commutation errors that can occur during the switching phase. The resistors located at the gates of each transistor maintain the transistors off at power-on, while the ADC drive signals are initialized by the host after system power up. See Figure 7 for timing of the drive signals. 5V AVDD 5V ADS1235-Q1 100 NŸ AIN0 AIN3 (ACX1) (ACX2) 100 NŸ REFP0 SEN + SIG + AIN4 SIG - AIN5 SEN - REFN0 (AINP) (AINN) 5V 100 NŸ AIN1 AIN2 (ACX2) (ACX1) 100 NŸ AVSS Figure 82. AC-Bridge Excitation Application The recommended configuration sequence for ac-bridge excitation mode follows: 1. Stop conversions by taking the START pin low, or by control of conversions in software mode; send the STOP command 2. Program the signal and reference input multiplexers, gain, data rata, filter mode and other configurations as needed 3. Program the 2-wire or 4-wire ac-bridge excitation mode. 2-wire mode requires complementary output switching devices 4. Program the GPIO internal connection to the analog input pins 5. Program the GPIO as outputs to enable drive signals at the analog input pins. The bridge output drive signals appear on the GPIO pins. Start the conversions. Adjust the time delay parameter as necessary to provide sufficient bridge switch delay. The delay is based on the time constant of the input and reference filters. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 61 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Application Information (continued) 9.1.6 Serial Interface and Digital Connections Figure 83 shows an example of the digital connections between the host µC and ADC. Not all I/O connections are necessary for basic ADC operation; see the Unused Inputs and Outputs section. Impedance-matching resistors in series with the I/O PCB traces help reduce overshoot and ringing, and are particularly helpful over long trace runs. Optional Clock Source ADC 47 CLKIN Host µC 47 PWDN 47 RESET 47 START Port Pin Port Pin Port Pin Port Pin (CS) 47 CS 47 SCLK 47 DIN SCLK MOSI 47 MISO 47 ,54; DOUT /DRDY DRDY Figure 83. Serial Interface and Digital I/O Connections 62 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 9.2 Typical Application Figure 84 shows an application of the ADS1235-Q1 with a bridge circuit. The excitation voltage provided to the bridge is the ADC power supply voltage (5 V). Due to the low input-referred noise of the ADS1235-Q1, in many applications there is no need for an additional gain amplifier. The excitation voltage sense lines are connected to the reference inputs of the ADC with a noise filter. This configuration provides ratiometric operation that cancels noise and drift of the excitation voltage. The input signal and reference voltage paths are filtered with equal-value components to remove high frequency noise from affecting the measurement. 5V Exc + 1µF 10 µ F 0.1 µF 1 nF 1µF AVDD 100 REFP0 REFN0 10 nF 100 k BYPASS DVDD ADS1235-Q1 Ref Mux 100 START Sen + 1 nF AIN0 AIN1 5V 1k AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 Sen - Input Mux Ref Monitor Temp Sensor Sig + 100 Sig - 100 RESET PWDN DRDY Buf CS AIN5 1 nF Control 24-Bit û ADC PGA Digital Filter Serial Interface DIN SCLK DOUT/DRDY PGA Monitor 10 nF CAPP 1 nF Exc - CAPN Internal Oscillator AVSS Clock Mux CLKIN DGND 10 nF (C0G) Figure 84. Bridge Input Application 9.2.1 Design Requirements The ADC can be configured to provide tradeoffs between conversion noise, sample rate and conversion settling time. Table 42 summarizes the design performance goals. Table 43 summarizes the design parameters. 1 kΩ fixed-value precision resistors simulate the bridge circuit. One of the four resistor values is unbalanced (1.008 kΩ) in order to generate a 10 mV output signal to simulate a full scale output with 2 mV/V bridge gauge factor when used with 5 V excitation. Table 42. Design Goals DESIGN GOAL VALUE Noise free resolution (counts) > 100,000 counts Sample rate 10 SPS Settling time 200 ms Table 43. Design Parameters DESIGN PARAMETER DESIGN VALUE Bridge resistance 1 kΩ Bridge excitation voltage 5V Bridge gauge factor 2 mV/V Bridge full scale signal 10 mV Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 63 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure A key consideration in the design of a bridge transducer for weigh applications is noise-free resolution. Noisefree resolution is defined by the ratio of full scale signal to the conversion noise of the ADC. Other considerations are data throughput rate and input signal settling time. Table 1 shows the ADC conversion noise expressed as an input-referred quantity. The table shows various tradeoffs among gain, sample rate and sinc filter in order to optimize noise for a given design. For this example, the configuration of the ADC that yields the lowest noise while achieving the sample rate and settling time requirement is gain = 128, 10 SPS, filter order = sinc 1 and by using the chop mode. Use of the chop mode has the additional advantage of eliminating offset drift from the ADC. Configuring the ADC for 10 SPS, the sinc4 filter order and disabling chop mode yields approximately the same noise performance compared to the target configuration (shown above) but do not satisfy the settling time requirement of 200 ms. The sinc4 filter order settles in four conversion periods, or 400 ms. Noise-free counts are improved by increasing the signal output from the bridge. Increasing the signal output is possible by the use of a bridge with a higher gauge-factor, or by increasing the excitation voltage. Operation with an excitation voltage above 5 V requires voltage division of the bridge sense voltage before it is input to the ADC reference pins. External filter components filter the signal and reference inputs of the ADC. The filters remove both differential and common-mode high-frequency noise. Component value mismatch in the common-mode filter converts common-mode noise into differential noise. To minimize the effect of the mismatch, the differential filter capacitor values (10 nF) are 10x higher value than the common-mode capacitors (1 nF). Increase the capacitor values to provides additional noise filtering. Maintain the resistors at low values to minimize thermal noise. For consistent noise performance, match the corner frequencies of the input and reference filters. More information is found in the RTD Ratiometric Measurements and Filtering Using the ADS1148 and ADS1248 Family of Devices Application Report. 9.2.3 Application Curves Figure 85 and Figure 86 show the conversion data that was acquired over a 60 second interval. 60 seconds of data provides evaluation of noise performance under actual conditions. The acquired conversion data is taken with a full-scale signal (10 mV) to show the noise cancelling effects of the ADC provided by ratiometric operation. Figure 85 and Figure 86 show conversion data in normal mode and in chop mode operation, respectively. In normal mode, the approximate noise free resolution is 100,000 counts. In chop mode, approximate noise free resolution is 120,000 counts. Chop mode provides the additional advantage of zero offset drift, but requires an additional conversion period for fully settled data after an input step change occurs (200 ms total). 10007.75 10009.65 Chop mode V N = 0.014 PV RMS 10009.6 V N = 0.084 PV P-P Conversion Data (PV) Conversion Data (PV) Normal Mode V N = 0.019 PV RMS 10007.7 V N = 0.107 PV P-P 10007.65 10007.6 10007.55 10007.5 10009.5 10009.45 10009.4 10007.45 10009.35 0 10 20 30 Time (s) 40 50 60 0 10 D107 Figure 85. Conversion Data (Normal Mode) 64 10009.55 20 30 Time (s) 40 50 60 D108 Figure 86. Conversion Data (Chop Mode) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 9.3 Initialization Setup Figure 87 shows a general configuration and measurement procedure. Apply Power Set RESET and PWDN High /* These pins must be high for operation Y External clock? Apply clock to XTAL1 /* ADC automatically detects external clock (external clock can be applied at power-on) N 16 /* The ADC is internally held in reset for 216 clocks after power-on Wait 2 clock cycles Y /* If START pin is high, conversions are free-running If START pin is low, conversions are stopped START High? DRDY pulses at 20 Hz N Set START low /* For simplicity, stop conversions before register configuration DRDY not pulsing Issue Write Register command to configure the ADC /* Readings are suspended until Write Register command completes Issue Read Register command to verify registers /* Readings are suspended until Read Register command completes Set START pin or START command /* Start or re-start new ADC conversion N Hardware DRDY? Read STATUS byte Y N DRDY bit = 1 ? N DRDY low ? /* Wait for new data Y Y Read Data N Change ADC Settings ? Y Figure 87. ADC Configuration and Measurement Procedure Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 65 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 10 Power Supply Recommendations The ADC requires an analog power supply (AVDD, AVSS) and digital power supply (DVDD). The analog power supply can be bipolar (AVDD = +2.5 V and AVSS = –2.5 V) or unipolar (AVDD = 5 V and AVSS = DGND). The digital supply range is 2.7 V to 5.25 V. DVDD powers the ADC core by use of an internal regulator. DVDD also sets the digital I/O voltage. Keep in mind that the GPIO I/O voltages are AVDD and AVSS. Voltage ripple produced by switch-mode power supplies may interfere with the ADC conversions. Use low-dropout regulators (LDOs) to reduce voltage ripple caused by switch-mode power supplies. 10.1 Power-Supply Decoupling Good power-supply decoupling is important in order to achieve rated performance. Power supplies must be decoupled close to the power supply pins using short, direct connections to ground. For the analog supply, place 0.1-µF and 10-µF capacitors between AVDD and AVSS. Connect a 1-µF capacitor from DVDD to the ground plane. Connect a 1-µF capacitor from BYPASS to the ground plane. 10.2 Analog Power-Supply Clamp It is important to evaluate circumstances when an input signal is present with the ADC, both powered and unpowered. When the input signal exceeds the power-supply voltage, it is possible to backdrive the analog power-supply voltage with the input signal through a conduction path of the internal ESD diodes. Backdriving the ADC power supply can also occur when the power-supply is on. The backdriven current path is illustrated in Figure 88. Depending on how the power supply responds during a backdriven condition, it is possible to exceed the maximum rated ADC supply voltage. The ADC voltage must not be exceeded at all times. One solution is to clamp the analog supply to safe voltage using an external zener diode. ADC supply On or Off IFAULT +V +5 V Reg AVDD RLIMIT AINx Input Voltage + ± ESD Diode ADC Optional 6-V Zener Diode AINx ESD Diode IFAULT IFAULT AVSS Figure 88. Analog Power-Supply Clamp 10.3 Power-Supply Sequencing The power supplies can be sequenced in any order, but do not allow the analog or digital inputs to exceed the respective analog or digital power-supply voltage without external limits of the possible input fault currents. 66 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 ADS1235-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 11 Layout Good layout practices are crucial to realize the full-performance of the ADC. Poor grounding can quickly degrade the noise performance. The following layout guidelines help provide the best results. 11.1 Layout Guidelines For best performance, dedicate an entire PCB layer to a ground plane and do not route any other signal traces on this layer. However, depending on restrictions imposed by specific end equipment, a dedicated ground plane may not be practical. If ground plane separation is necessary, make a direct connection of the planes at the ADC. Do not connect individual ground planes at multiple locations because this configuration creates ground loops. Route digital traces away from the CAPP and CAPN pins and away from all analog inputs and associated components in order to minimize interference. Avoid long traces on DOUT/DRDY, because high capacitance on this pin can lead to increased ADC noise levels. Use a series resistor or a buffer if long traces are used. C0G capacitors are preferred for the analog input filters. Evaluate other types of capacitors carefully for input filtering use. Use a C0G-type capacitor for the CAPP to CAPN capacitor. Use X7R-type capacitors for the power supply decoupling capacitors. High-K type capacitors (Y5V) are not recommended. Place the capacitors as close as possible to the device pins using short, direct traces. For optimum performance, use low-impedance connections on the ground-side connections of the bypass capacitors. When applying an external clock, be sure the clock is free of overshoot and glitches. A source-termination resistor placed at the clock buffer helps control reflections and overshoot. Glitches present on the clock signal can lead to increased noise and possible mis-operation. 11.2 Layout Example Figure 89 is an example layout of the ADS1235-Q1, requiring a minimum of three PCB layers. The example circuit is shown with single supply operation (AVSS = DGND). In this example, the inner layer is dedicated to the ground plane and the outer layers are used for signal and power traces. If a four-layer PCB is used, dedicate the additional inner layer as the power plane. In this example, the ADC is oriented in such a way to minimize crossover of the analog and digital signal traces. DVDD Supply ADC Clock Options: Option 1: To enable INTERNAL oscillator, tie CLKIN to GND 1 µF DVDD 17 NC NC NC 20 CLKIN NC 21 18 NC 22 19 NC 23 10 nF 24 Option 2: Connect EXTERNAL clock source to CLKIN 1 µF 25 16 DGND AIN4 26 15 BYPASS AIN3 27 14 DOUT/ DRDY AIN5 (Differential Input Pair) ADS1235-Q1 (Differential Input Pair) AIN2 28 13 DRDY AIN1 29 12 DIN 10 nF (Differential Input Pair) Connect thermal pad to AVSS AIN0 30 11 SCLK REFN0 31 10 CS 32 9 START 47 47 7 8 47 RESET 4.7 nF PWDN 6 NC 5 AVSS 4 AVDD 3 CAPN 1 NC 10 nF CAPP REFP0 2 (Reference Input) Additional analog compenents To MCU 47 1 µF C0G AVDD Supply 10 nF 10 µF (0805 shown) For Bipolar Supply, AVSS = -2.5 V (0603 shown) (9-mil traces shown) Figure 89. ADS1235-Q1 Layout Example Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 67 ADS1235-Q1 SBAS970 – OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 12 Device and Documentation Support 12.1 Documentation Support 12.1.1 Related Documentation For related documentation see the following: Texas Instruments, ADS1261 and ADS1235 Evaluation Module user's guide 12.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 12.3 Community Resources TI E2E™ support forums are an engineer's go-to source for fast, verified answers and design help — straight from the experts. Search existing answers or ask your own question to get the quick design help you need. Linked content is provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. 12.4 Trademarks E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 12.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 12.6 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical packaging and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 68 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS1235-Q1 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 25-Jan-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) ADS1235QWRHMRQ1 ACTIVE VQFN RHM 32 3000 RoHS & Green Call TI | NIPDAUAG Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 125 ADS 1235Q (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
ADS1235QWRHMRQ1 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+53.71920
  • 10+45.92160
  • 30+41.16960
  • 100+37.18440


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+62.378063000+7.50748


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+104.540811+12.58196
  • 10+82.1234910+9.88393
  • 25+76.5132525+9.20871
  • 100+70.34791100+8.46669
  • 250+67.40857250+8.11292
  • 500+65.63685500+7.89969
  • 1000+64.178761000+7.72420
