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    ADS1256 - 24 Bit 30k Samples per Second Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Evaluation Board

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ADS1256EVM-PDK 数据手册
User's Guide SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the ADS1256EVM, both by itself and as part of the ADS1256EVM-PDK. This EVM is an evaluation fixture for the ADS1256 24-bit delta-sigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It also serves as an evaluation platform for the ADS1255, which is a proper subset of the ADS1256. It allows evaluation of all aspects of the ADS1256 device. A complete circuit description, schematic diagram, and bill of materials are included. The following related documents are available through the Texas Instruments web site at www.ti.com. Device Literature Number ADS1256 SBAS288 REF5025 SBOS410 OPA350 SBOS099 SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 www.ti.com 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contents EVM Overview ............................................................................................................... 3 Analog Interface.............................................................................................................. 6 Digital Interface .............................................................................................................. 7 Power Supplies .............................................................................................................. 8 Voltage Reference ......................................................................................................... 10 Clock Source ................................................................................................................ 11 EVM Operation ............................................................................................................. 12 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation ....................................................................................... 15 Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software ................................................................... 30 Schematics and Layout .................................................................................................... 38 List of Figures 1 ADS1256EVM ................................................................................................................ 5 2 GPIO Pins 3 Jumper Block ................................................................................................................. 9 4 Switch S3 .................................................................................................................... 10 5 Switch S4 .................................................................................................................... 11 6 Switches S1 and S2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2 .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ADS1256EVM Default Jumper and Switch Locations ................................................................. ADS1256EVM-PDK Setup Wizard ....................................................................................... ADS1256EVM-PDK License Agreement ................................................................................ ADS1256EVM-PDK Installation in Progress ............................................................................ ADS1256EVM-PDK Installation Complete .............................................................................. MMB0 Initial Configuration ................................................................................................ Connecting the ADS1256EVM to the MMB0 ........................................................................... MMB0 Powered From AC Adapter....................................................................................... MMB0 Configured for Lab Power Supply ............................................................................... NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 1 ........................................................................... NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 2 ........................................................................... NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 3 ........................................................................... NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 4 ........................................................................... NI-VISA Driver Verification Using Device Manager.................................................................... ADCPro Software Start-up Display Window ............................................................................ ADS1256EVM-PDK Plug-In Display Window .......................................................................... Install New Driver Wizard Screen 1...................................................................................... Install New Driver Wizard Screen 2...................................................................................... Install New Driver Wizard Screen 3...................................................................................... Install New Driver Wizard Screen 4...................................................................................... Install New Driver Wizard Screen 5...................................................................................... USBStyx Driver Verification Using Device Manager................................................................... ADS1256EVM-PDK Plug-In Averages, PGA Gain, and Effective Data Rate Controls ........................... MUX Tab .................................................................................................................... Clocks Tab .................................................................................................................. GPIO Tab ................................................................................................................... Power & Ref Tab ........................................................................................................... Cal Tab ...................................................................................................................... EVM Software About Tab ................................................................................................. Software Progress Indicator .............................................................................................. ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK 8 12 14 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated EVM Overview www.ti.com 37 ADS1256EVM PCB: Top-Side Image ................................................................................... 39 38 ADS1256EVM PCB: Layer 1 ............................................................................................. 39 39 ADS1256EVM PCB: Layer 2 ............................................................................................. 39 40 ADS1256EVM PCB: Bottom-Side Image ............................................................................... 39 41 Schematic ................................................................................................................... 40 List of Tables 1 J1: Analog Interface Pinout ................................................................................................. 6 2 J2: Serial Interface Pins..................................................................................................... 7 3 J5: GPIO Header Pins ...................................................................................................... 8 4 J5 Configuration: Power-Supply Input 5 J4, J9, and J10 Configuration: Power Options ......................................................................... 10 6 Reference Input Select Switch 7 8 9 10 11 12 .................................................................................... ........................................................................................... System Clock Select Switch .............................................................................................. AIN0-1 Input Select Switch (S1).......................................................................................... AIN2-3 Input Select Switch (S2).......................................................................................... Default Jumper Positions.................................................................................................. Default Switch Positions ................................................................................................... ADS1256EVM Bill of Materials .......................................................................................... 8 11 11 12 13 14 15 38 Trademarks ADCPro is a trademark of Texas Instruments. Microsoft, Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. I2C is a trademark of NXP Semiconductors. NI-VISA is a trademark of National Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 1 EVM Overview The ADS1256EVM is an evaluation fixture for the ADS1256 24-bit delta-sigma ADC. 1.1 Features ADS1256EVM Features: • Contains all support circuitry needed for the ADS1256 • Voltage reference options: off-board reference, or buffered REF5025 with high or low common-mode voltage • Compatible with the TI Modular EVM System ADS1256EVM-PDK Features: • Easy-to-use evaluation software for Microsoft® Windows® • Data collection to ASCII text files • Built-in analysis tools including scope, FFT, and histogram displays • Complete control of board settings • Easily expandable with new analysis plug-in tools from Texas Instruments For use with a computer, the ADS1256EVM-PDK is available. This kit combines the ADS1256EVM board with the DSP-based MMB0 motherboard, and includes ADCPro™ software for evaluation. The MMB0 motherboard allows the ADS1256EVM to be connected to the computer via an available USB port. This manual shows how to use the MMB0 as part of the ADS1256EVM-PDK, but does not provide technical details on the MMB0 itself. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 EVM Overview www.ti.com ADCPro is a program for collecting, recording, and analyzing data from ADC evaluation boards. It is based on a number of plug-in programs, so it can be expanded easily with new test and data collection plug-ins. The ADS1256EVM-PDK is controlled by a plug-in that runs in ADCPro. For more information about ADCPro, see the ADCPro™ Analog-to-Digital Converter Evalutation Software User's Guide (literature number SBAU128), available for download from the TI website. This manual covers the operation of both the ADS1256EVM and the ADS1256EVM-PDK. Throughout this document, the abbreviation EVM and the term evaluation module are synonymous with the ADS1256EVM. 4 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated EVM Overview www.ti.com 1.2 Introduction The ADS1256EVM, shown in Figure 1, is an evaluation module built to the TI Modular EVM System specification. It can be connected to any Modular EVM System interface card. The ADS1256EVM is available as a stand-alone printed circuit board (PCB) or as part of the ADS1256EVM-PDK, which includes an MMB0 motherboard and software. As a stand-alone PCB, the ADS1256EVM is useful for prototyping designs and firmware. Note that the ADS1256EVM has no microprocessor and cannot run software. To connect it to a computer, some type of interface is required. If you intend to use the ADS1255 in your application, use the ADS1256EVM for evaluation and test purposes. The ADS1255 is in a smaller package, and lacks inputs AIN2 through AIN7; otherwise, it is identical to the ADS1256. Figure 1. ADS1256EVM 1.3 Built-In Accessories The ADS1256EVM includes a system clock crystal and a low-noise voltage reference. Both are optional; you can select an external system clock and an external reference using slide switches. The +2.5V reference circuit is based on a REF5025 buffered by an OPA350 and filtered by a large tantalum electrolytic capacitor. While its noise performance is not sufficiently low to allow the ADS1256 to perform at its lowest noise level at all data rates, the circuit can closely approach this limit, and is representative of the kind of reference circuit used in many applications. 1.4 Connectors The ADS1256 device on the ADS1256EVM is connected through four headers: the analog connector, the serial connector, the power connector, and the GPIO header. This section describes the respective pinouts and locations for the connectors and header. The analog connector (J1) carries analog I/O. The ADS1256 has a nine-input multiplexer connected through pins 1 through 8 and 10. An optional external differential reference can be connected to pins 18 and 20. The serial connector (J2) carries the ADS1256 serial digital interface, an optional external system clock signal, and an I2C™ connection to the onboard serial EEPROM. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 EVM Overview www.ti.com The power connector (J3) carries the power supplies. The ADS1256EVM requires a +5V analog supply and a +1.8V to +3.3V digital supply. The board is designed using a single ground net connected to DGND. An AGND pin is also provided. Power options are routed through J4, J9, and J10. The GPIO header (J5) provides a connection to the four GPIO pins on the EVM. The ADS1256 uses separate supplies for its analog and digital sections. A jumper is inserted in each supply line. These jumpers allow the current of each supply to be measured independently. 1.5 Controls The ADS1256EVM is configured using four slide switches and a jumper. Switches S1 and S2 select the input signal provided to the first four multiplexer inputs on the ADS1256. Normally you will use the external input, but you can also use the switches to short the inputs together and to connect the reference voltage to the inputs. Additionally, the latter two positions are useful for conducting noise and functional tests. Switch S3 selects the reference input. One position selects the external reference input pins on the analog connector (J1). The other two positions connect the onboard +2.5V reference in one of two ways: between ground and the reference, or between the reference and the analog supply. Switch S4 selects the system clock source for the ADS1256. You can select between the onboard 7.68MHz crystal or an external clock. All switches and their settings are additionally described in later sections of this user guide. 2 Analog Interface For maximum flexibility, the ADS1256EVM is designed for easy interfacing to multiple analog sources. Samtec part numbers SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K and TSM-110-01-T-DV-P provide a convenient 10-pin, dualrow, header/socket combination at J1. This header/socket provides access to the analog input pins of the ADS1256. Consult Samtec at www.samtec.com or call 1-800-SAMTEC-9 for a variety of mating connector options. Most of the pins on J1 are directly connected, with minimal filtering or protection. Use appropriate caution when handling these pins. Table 1 summarizes the pinout for analog interface J1. Table 1. J1: Analog Interface Pinout 6 Pin Number Pin Name Standard Name Direction J1.1 AIN0 AN0– Input Analog input 1 (switched by S1) J1.2 AIN1 AN0+ Input Analog input 0 (switched by S1) J1.3 AIN2 AN1– Input Analog input 3 (switched by S1) J1.4 AIN3 AN1+ Input Analog input 2 (switched by S1) J1.5 AIN4 AN2– Input Analog input 4 J1.6 AIN5 AN2+ Input Analog input 5 J1.7 AIN6 AN3– Input Analog input 6 J1.8 AIN7 AN3+ Input Analog input 7 J1.10 AINCOM AN4+ Input Analog input common J1.18 SYSREFN REF– Input Inverting external reference input J1.20 SYSREFP REF+ Input Noninverting external reference input J1.9-J1.19 odd GND AGND Input Signal ground ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Function SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Digital Interface www.ti.com 3 Digital Interface 3.1 Serial Data Interface The ADS1256EVM is designed to easily interface with multiple control platforms. Samtec part numbers SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K and TSM-110-01-T-DV-P provide a convenient 10-pin, dual-row, header/socket combination at J2. This header/socket provides access to the digital control and serial data pins of the TSC. Consult Samtec at www.samtec.com or call 1-800-SAMTEC-9 for a variety of mating connector options. All logic levels on J2 are 3.3V CMOS, except for the I2C pins, which conform to 3.3V I2C rules. Some pins on J2 have weak pullup resistors. These resistors provide default settings for many of the control pins. Most pins on J2 correspond directly to ADS1256 pins. See the ADS1256 product data sheet for complete details on these pins. Table 2 describes the J2 serial interface pins. Table 2. J2: Serial Interface Pins 3.2 Pin Number Pin Name Standard Name Direction Pulldown J2.1 — CNTL — None Unused J2.2 — GPIO0 — None Unused Function J2.3 SCLK CLKX Input None Serial clock input J2.4 DGND DGND I/O Power Digital ground J2.5 — CLKR — None Unused J2.6 — GPIO1 — None Unused J2.7 CS FSX Input None Chip select (via J8) J2.8 — GPIO2 — None Unused J2.9 — FSR — None Unused J2.10 DGND DGND I/O Power Digital ground J2.11 DIN DX Input None Serial data input J2.12 — GPIO3 — None Unused Serial data output J2.13 DOUT DR Input None J2.14 RESET GPIO4 Input Yes J2.15 DRDY INT Output None Data ready signal J2.16 SCL SCL I/O None I2C clock line J2.17 EXTCLK TOUT Input None External system clock input J2.18 DGND DGND I/O Power Digital lround J2.19 SYNC/PDW N GPIO5 Input Yes J2.20 SDA SDA I/O None Reset input (via J7) Synchronization and power down control pin (via J6) I2C data line GPIO The ADS1256 has four general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins. One of these pins can also be configured as a buffered system clock output. This output is typically used to clock additional ADS1255/ADS1256 devices, but can be used for other purposes as well. The GPIO pins for the ADS1256 are shown in Figure 2. These pins (from left to right) are D3 to D0. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Power Supplies www.ti.com Figure 2. GPIO Pins Each pin is connected to the GPIO header through a 100Ω resistor. 100kΩ pull-downs on each pin protect the GPIOs when they are configured as inputs, which is the default setting. The GPIO header, J5, carries the GPIO pins for the ADS1256. The GPIO header pinout is described in Table 3. Table 3. J5: GPIO Header Pins 4 Pin Number Pin Name 1 D0 GPIO or buffered system clock output Function 2 D1 GPIO 3 D2 GPIO 4 D3 GPIO Power Supplies J5 is the power-supply input connector. It is used as the primary supply source for the entire EVM. Table 4 lists the configuration details for J2. Table 4. J5 Configuration: Power-Supply Input 8 Pin No. Pin Name J5.1 +VA Positive analog supply, +5V to +18V No J5.2 –VA Negative analog supply, -5V to -18V No J5.3 +5VA Positive analog supply, +5V Always J5.4 –5VA Negative analog supply, -5V No J5.5 DGND Digital ground Optional connection to AGND through J10 J5.6 AGND Analog ground Ground J5.7 +1.8VD Positive digital supply, +1.8V Digital supply; select using J9 Positive digital supply No Positive digital supply, +3.3V Digital supply; select using J10 Positive digital supply, +5V No J5.8 VD1 J5.9 +3.3VD J5.10 +5VD ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Function Required SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Power Supplies www.ti.com 4.1 Power Options There are six jumpers on the ADS1256EVM, arranged in a single jumper block of seven rows, each of which can be shorted. (In the schematic, J4, J9, and J10 are all combined to make this single block). The pinout of this jumper block is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Jumper Block J4 connects AVDD from the +5V from the power-supply header, J3. J4 also connects the DVDD supply to the ADS1256 device. DVDD can be set to 1.8V with J9, or to 3.3V with pins 1 and 2 of J10. Pins 3 and 4, 5 and 6, are used to set the ground of the EVM. Pinouts and connections can all viewed in the schematic and the layout plots at the end of this user guide. 4.1.1 J4 Pins 1-2: ADS1256 Analog Power Supply This jumper is used to measure the current of the ADS1256 analog power supply. For normal operation, this jumper should be shorted. 4.1.2 J4 Pins 3-4: ADS1256 Digital Power Supply Use this jumper to measure the current of the ADS1256 digital power supply. For normal operation, this jumper should be shorted. The voltage of the digital supply is chosen by the jumper on pins 5-6 (1.8V) or 7-8 (3.3V). 4.1.3 J9 Pins 1-2: Select 1.8V Digital Supply Voltage These pins select 1.8V for the digital supply voltage. If this selection is used, do not populate pins 7-8. 4.1.4 J10 Pins 1-2: Select 3.3V Digital Supply Voltage These pins select 3.3V for the digital supply voltage. If this selection is used, do not populate pins 5-6. 4.1.5 J10 Pins 3-4: DGND Select Shorting this jumper connects the ADS1256EVM ground net to DGND. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 Voltage Reference 4.1.6 www.ti.com J10 Pins 5-6: AGND Select Shorting this jumper connects the ADS1256EVM ground net to AGND. For normal operation, J4.1-2, J4.34, and J4.9-10 must be connected (either directly or through an ammeter); either J4.5-6 or J4.7-8 must be connected, and either (or both) of J4.11-12 and J4.13-14 must be connected, as well. Otherwise, the board will not function. Refer to Table 5 for details. Table 5. J4, J9, and J10 Configuration: Power Options 5 Row Name 1-2 ADC AVDD AVDD supply current measurement point for the ADC. Must be connected for operation. Function 3-4 ADC AVSS AVSS supply current measurement point for the ADC. Must be connected for operation. 5-6 1.8V select When shorted, DVDD is sourced from the 1.8V power-supply input pin. Should not be connected at the same time as 7-8. 7-8 3.3V select When shorted, DVDD is sourced from the 3.3V power-supply input pin. Should not be connected at the same time as 5-6. 9-10 ADCDVDD DVDD supply current measurement point for the ADC. Must be connected for operation. 11-12 DGND Connects DGND to board ground. 13-14 AGND Connects AGND to board ground. Voltage Reference The ADS1256EVM has several reference options that can be selected by switch S3. First, there are connections to apply an external reference voltage to the analog input header. The user can apply a reference voltage to J1.18 and J1.20 in order to set the reference. The ADS1256 also has a buffered REF5025 on board. This 2.5V reference can also be selected by switch S3. VRN to VRP can be set from AGND to 2.5V or from 2.5V to AVDD. Figure 4 illustrates how switch S3 appears on the board. A description of switch S3 is provided in Table 6. Figure 4. Switch S3 10 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Clock Source www.ti.com Table 6. Reference Input Select Switch Board Marking Switch Position Input Source VRP Connection EST Down External J1.20 VRN Connection J1.18 OBH Middle Onboard, high commonmode AVDD +2.5V OBL Up Onboard, low commonmode +2.5V AGND In the EXT position, J1 pins 18 and 20 are connected to the ADS1256 reference input. In the OBH position, the analog power supply is connected to the positive reference input, and the negative reference input is connected to the output of the onboard reference. In the OBL position, the onboard reference output is connected to the ADS1256 positive reference input pin, and the negative reference input pin is grounded. Both OBH and OBL provide a +2.5V reference to the ADS1256. The OBL position corresponds to the standard method to connect a reference to the ADS1256, and should be used for most measurements. The OBH position is useful for testing the reference input common-mode sensitivity, which can be important for ratiometric connections. 6 Clock Source As shown in Figure 5, switch S4 selects which of the two available clock sources on the ADS1256EVM will be provided to the ADS1256. Table 7 summarizes the positions of the switch. Figure 5. Switch S4 Table 7. System Clock Select Switch Board Marking Switch Position Clock Source XTAL Left Onboard 7.68MHz crystal EXT Right External (J2 pin 17) SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 EVM Operation 7 www.ti.com EVM Operation This section provides information on the analog input, digital control, and general operating conditions of the ADS1256EVM. 7.1 Analog Input The analog input sources can be applied directly to J1 (top or bottom side). Additionally, switches S1 and S2 must be set to route the input signals from J1. Otherwise, the inputs are used to measure the reference or inputs shorted to the reference. Switches S1 and S2 are shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Switches S1 and S2 7.1.1 S1: AIN0-1 Input Select These switches control which lines are routed to the ADS1256 AIN0-AIN1 inputs. Table 8 shows the positions of these switches. Table 8. AIN0-1 Input Select Switch (S1) 12 Board Marking Switch Position Input Source AIN0 Connection EXT Left External J1.2 J1.1 REF Middle Reference voltage +2.5V AGND ZERO Right Zero (shorted to reference) +2.5V +2.5V ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK AIN1 Connection SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated EVM Operation www.ti.com In the EXT position, J1 pins 1 and 2 are connected to the ADS1256 AIN1 and AIN0 pins, respectively. In the REF position, the reference is connected across the ADS1256 AIN0 and AIN1 pins. In the ZERO position, both AIN0 and AIN1 are connected to the reference. This configuration gives a zero-scale reading across AIN0 and AIN1. The REF and ZERO positions are useful for noise tests. 7.1.2 S2: AIN2-3 Input Select These switches control which lines are routed to the ADS1256 AIN2 through AIN3 inputs. The positions of the switches are described in Table 9. Table 9. AIN2-3 Input Select Switch (S2) Board Marking Switch Position Input Source AIN0 Connection EXT Left External J1.4 AIN1 Connection J1.3 REF Middle Reference voltage +2.5V AGND ZERO Right Zero (shorted to reference) +2.5V +2.5V In the EXT position, J1 pins 3 and 4 are connected to the ADS1256 AIN3 and AIN2 pins, respectively. In the REF position, the reference is connected across the ADS1256 AIN2 and AIN3 pins. In the ZERO position, both AIN2 and AIN3 are connected to the reference. This configuration gives a zero-scale reading across AIN2 and AIN3. The REF and ZERO positions are useful for noise tests. 7.1.3 Input Filtering Capacitors The ADS1256EVM has pads for filtering capacitors on every input pair and for the reference input. Each input pair has pads for two common-mode capacitors and one differential capacitor. The ADS1256 has a flexible input multiplexer, so these capacitors do not always function as commonmode and differential signal filters. For example, when measuring a single-ended input, the common-mode capacitors act to filter the signal. The ADS1256EVM is shipped with only some of the capacitor pads populated. This configuration allows the board to be immediately used to measure both differential and single-ended inputs. As shipped, inputs AIN0 through AIN7 have 10nF differential mode capacitors installed. A differential 1μF capacitor is connected to the reference near the reference pins. The input filtering capacitors are in relatively large 1210-size packages, in contrast to most of the other passives on the board. These capacitors were designed to be large so that you can easily remove them or replace them with other values. By exercising appropriate care, you can even solder leaded devices to these large pads. 7.2 Digital Control The digital control signals can be applied directly to J6 (top or bottom side). The modular ADS1256EVM can also be connected directly to a DSP or microcontroller interface board, such as the 5-6K Interface or HPA-MCU Interface boards available from Texas Instruments, or the MMB0 if purchased as part of the ADS1256EVM-PDK. For a list of compatible interface and/or accessory boards for the EVM or the ADS1256, see the relevant product folder on the TI web site. 7.3 ADS1256EVM-PDK Power Supply The analog portion of the ADS1256EVM can either be powered by a 5V source generated via ac adapter, or by applying the +5VA to the connector on the MMB0 board. The MMB0 board will provide the digital 5V and 3.3V to the ADS1256EVM. To provide +5VA to the ADS1256EVM from the MMB0 board, make sure the jumper at J13 (on the MMB0) is closed from +5V to +5VA. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 EVM Operation 7.4 www.ti.com Default Jumper Settings and Switch Positions Figure 7 shows the jumpers and switches found on the EVM and the respective factory default conditions for each. Figure 7. ADS1256EVM Default Jumper and Switch Locations The jumpers on J4 provide a convenient way to measure the current for any of the power-supply currents AVDD (analog +V power), DVDD (digital power), AVSS (analog –V power), or the ground connections VGND and DGND. Simply remove the jumper for the appropriate power supply and use a current meter between the jumper pins. The supply voltage for the digital supply (DVDD) can also be selected to be either 1.8V or 3.3V; refer to Table 5. Table 10 and Table 11 provide a list of jumpers and switches found on the EVM and the respective factory default conditions for each. Table 10. Default Jumper Positions Jumper Default Jumpers J4 1-2 and 3-4 J6 2-3 SYNC/PDWN header connection J7 1-2 RESET header connection J8 1-2 CS header connection J9 none J10 14 Jumper Description AVDD and DVDD current measurement connection +1.8VD connection 1-2, 3-4, and 4-5 +3.3VD, AGND, and DGND Cconnection ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Table 11. Default Switch Positions 8 Switch Default Position S1 Left AIN0-1 Input Select Switch Switch Description S2 Left AIN2-3 Input Select Switch S3 Up Reference Input Select S4 Left System Clock Select Switch ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation This section provides information on using the ADS1256EVM-PDK, including setup, program installation, and program usage. To prepare to evaluate the ADS1256 with the ADS1256EVM-PDK, complete the following steps: Step 1. Install the ADCPro software (if not already installed). Step 2. Install the ADS1256EVM-PDK EVM plug-in software. Step 3. Set up the ADS1256EVM-PDK. Step 4. Connect a proper power supply or ac adapter. Step 5. Complete the NI-VISA™ USB driver installation process. Step 6. Run the ADCPro software. Step 7. Complete the Microsoft Windows USB driver installation process. Each task is described in the subsequent sections of this document. 8.1 Installing the ADCPro Software CAUTION Do not connect the ADS1256EVM-PDK before installing the software. Failure to observe this may cause Microsoft Windows to not recognize the ADS1256EVMPDK. The latest software is available from Texas Instruments' website at http://www.ti.com/tool/ADS1256EVMPDK. Download the ADCPro Installer from the ADCPro product information page on the TI website. Refer to the ADCPro User Guide for instructions on installing and using ADCPro. To install the ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in, download and run the file: ADS1256evm-pdk-plug-in-1.0.0.exe from the ADS1256EVM-PDK product folder (1.0.0 is the version number, and increments with software version releases). Double-click the file to run it; then follow the instructions shown. Installation for the ADS1256EVM plug-in should be relatively straightforward. The plug-in comes as an executable file. Once started, the program leads the user through the screens shown in Figure 8 through Figure 11. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 8. ADS1256EVM-PDK Setup Wizard Figure 9. ADS1256EVM-PDK License Agreement 16 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 10. ADS1256EVM-PDK Installation in Progress Figure 11. ADS1256EVM-PDK Installation Complete SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com The software should now be installed, but the USB drivers may not yet have been loaded by the PC operating system. This step completes when the ADCPro software is executed; see Section 8.4, Running the Software and Completing Driver Installation. 8.2 Setting Up the ADS1256EVM-PDK The ADS1256EVM-PDK contains both the ADS1256EVM and the MMB0 motherboard; however, these devices are shipped unconnected. Follow these steps to set up the ADS1256EVM-PDK: Step 1. Unpack the ADS1256EVM-PDK kit. Step 2. Set the jumpers and switches on the MMB0 as shown in Figure 12. • Connect +5V and +5VA on jumper block J13 (if +5V is supplied from J14 +5VA). • Leave +5V and +VA disconnected on jumper block J13. • If the PDK will be powered from an ac adapter, and used in unipolar mode, connect J12. If the PDK will be powered through the terminal block or will be used in bipolar mode, disconnect J12. (See Section 8.3 for details on connecting the power supply.) Figure 12. MMB0 Initial Configuration 18 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com space Step 3. Plug the ADS1256EVM into the MMB0. CAUTION Do not misalign the pins when plugging the ADS1256EVM into the MMB0. Check the pin alignment carefully before applying power to the PDK. Step 4. Set the jumpers and switches on the ADS1256EVM as shown in Figure 13 (note that these settings are the factory-configured settings for the EVM): • Set jumper block J4 as shown in Figure 7. • Set the reference source select switches S1 and S2 to the center position. • Set up jumper block J3 as shown; refer to Figure 7. Figure 13. Connecting the ADS1256EVM to the MMB0 SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation 8.2.1 www.ti.com About the MMB0 The MMB0 is a Modular EVM System motherboard. It is designed around the TMS320VC5507, a DSP from Texas Instruments that has an onboard USB interface. The MMB0 also has 16MB of SDRAM installed. The MMB0 is not sold as a DSP development board, and it is not available separately. TI cannot offer support for the MMB0 except as part of an EVM kit. For schematics or other information about the MMB0, contact Texas Instruments. 8.3 Connecting the Power Supply The ADS1256EVM-PDK can be operated with a unipolar +5V supply or a bipolar ±5V supply. If the ADS1256EVM-PDK is to be operated in unipolar mode only, either an ac adapter or a lab power supply can be used. If the ADS1256EVM-PDK is to be operated in bipolar mode, a ±5V power supply must be connected; an ac adapter cannot be used. When the MMB0 DSP is powered properly, LED D2 glows green. The green light indicates that the 3.3V supply for the MMB0 is operating properly. (It does not indicate that the EVM power supplies are operating properly.) 8.3.1 Connecting an AC Adapter An ac adapter can be connected to barrel jack J2 on the MMB0. J2 is located next to the USB connector. Refer to the External Wall-Adapter Power-Supply Requirements section. When an ac adapter is used, the ADS1256EVM cannot be used in bipolar mode. Jumper J12 on the MMB0 connects a wall-mounted power supply to the board. To use the wall-mount supply, J12 must be shorted, refer to Figure 14. Figure 14. MMB0 Powered From AC Adapter 20 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com External Wall-Adapter Power-Supply Requirements The external wall-adapter power-supply requirements are as follows: • Output voltage: 6 VDC to 9 VDC • Maximum output current: ≥ 500 mA • Output connector: barrel plug (positive center), 2.0-mm I.D. × 5.5-mm O.D. (9-mm insertion depth) NOTE: Use an external power supply that complies with applicable regional safety standards; for example, UL, CSA, VDE, CCC, PSE, and so forth. 8.3.2 Connecting a Laboratory Power Supply A laboratory power supply can be connected through terminal block J14 on the MMB0, as shown in Figure 15. Both unipolar and bipolar configurations are supported. To • • • use a unipolar lab power supply configuration: Disconnect J12 on the MMB0. Connect a +5V dc supply to the +5VD terminal on J14. Connect ground of the dc supply to the GND terminal on J14. For bipolar mode, also connect a –5V dc supply to the –5VA terminal on J14. It is not necessary to connect a +5V dc supply voltage to the +5VA terminal on J14 if the +5V/+5VA position on J13 is shorted. Figure 15. MMB0 Configured for Lab Power Supply SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation 8.4 www.ti.com Running the Software and Completing Driver Installation NOTE: The software is continually under development. These instructions and screen images are current at the time of this writing, but may not exactly match future releases. The program for evaluating the ADS1256EVM-PDK is called ADCPro. This program uses plug-ins to communicate with the EVM. The ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in is included in the ADS1256EVM-PDK package. The program currently runs only on Microsoft Windows platforms of Windows XP; Windows Vista and Windows 7 are NOT supported. If this is the first time installing ADCPro and plug-ins, follow these procedures to run ADCPro and complete the necessary driver installation. Make sure the ADCPro software and device plug-in software are installed from the CD-ROM as described in Installing the ADCPro Software. 8.4.1 NI-VISA USB Device Driver Installation 1. After the ADCPro software is installed, apply power to the PDK and connect the board to an available PC USB port. 2. The computer should recognize new hardware and begin installing the drivers for the hardware. Figure 16 through Figure 19 are provided for reference to show the installation steps. • For the first screen (Figure 16), it is not necessary to search for the software; it has already been installed to your PC. • For the remaining steps, accept the default settings. Figure 16. NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 1 22 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 17. NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 2 Figure 18. NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 3 SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 19. NI-VISA Driver Installation Wizard, Screen 4 24 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com This should complete the installation of the NI-VISA drivers. You can verify proper installation by opening the Device Manager and locating the drivers as shown in Figure 20. Figure 20. NI-VISA Driver Verification Using Device Manager 8.4.2 USBStyx Driver Installation 1. Start the software by selecting ADCPro from the Windows Start menu. The screen shown in Figure 21 appears. Figure 21. ADCPro Software Start-up Display Window SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com space 2. Select ADS1256EVM from the EVM drop-down menu. The ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in appears in the left pane, as Figure 22 shows. Figure 22. ADS1256EVM-PDK Plug-In Display Window 3. The ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in window has a status area at the top of the screen. When the plug-in is first loaded, the plug-in searches for the board. You will see a series of messages in the status area indicating this action. 4. If you have not yet loaded the operating system drivers, Windows will display the Windows Install New Driver Wizard sequence (illustrated in Figure 23 through Figure 27). Accept the default settings. NOTE: During the driver installation, a message may appear indicating the firmware load has TIMED OUT. Click OK and continue driver installation. The plug-in will attempt to download the firmware again once the driver installation completes. 26 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 23. Install New Driver Wizard Screen 1 Figure 24. Install New Driver Wizard Screen 2 SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 27 ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 25. Install New Driver Wizard Screen 3 Figure 26. Install New Driver Wizard Screen 4 28 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADS1256EVM-PDK Kit Operation www.ti.com Figure 27. Install New Driver Wizard Screen 5 5. Once Windows finishes installing the software driver, the plug-in downloads the firmware to the MMB0. The status area will display Connected to EVM when the device is connected and ready to use. If the firmware does not load properly, you can try resetting the MMB0 by pressing Reset and then reloading the plug-in. Verify the proper installation of the USBStyx driver using the Device Manager. Note that the first driver item, NI-VISA USB Devices, disappears and a new item, LibUSB-Win32 Devices appears, as Figure 28 shows. Figure 28. USBStyx Driver Verification Using Device Manager The driver installation wizard sequence should not appear again, unless you connect the board to a different USB port SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 29 Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software 9 www.ti.com Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software The evaluation software is based on ADCPro, a program that operates using a variety of plug-ins. (The ADS1256EVM plug-in is installed as described in the installation section, Section 8.) To use ADCPro, load an EVM plug-in and a test plug-in. To load an EVM plug-in, select it from the EVM menu. To load a test plug-in, select it from the Test menu. To unload a plug-in, select the Unload option from the corresponding menu. Only one of each kind of plug-in can be loaded at a time. If you select a different plug-in, the previous plug-in is unloaded. 9.1 Using the ADS1256EVM-PDK Plug-in The ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in for ADCPro provides complete control over all settings of the ADS1256. It consists of a tabbed interface (see Figure 22), with different functions available on different tabs. These controls are described in this section. You can adjust the ADS1256EVM settings when you are not acquiring data. During acquisition, all controls are disabled and settings may not be changed. When you change a setting on the ADS1256EVM plug-in, the setting is immediately updated on the board. If you unload and reload the plug-in, the software attempts to load settings from the board. Settings on the ADS1256EVM correspond to settings described in the ADS1256 product data sheet; see the ADS1256 data sheet (available for download at www.ti.com) for details. In the upper left corner, the Averages control sets the ADS1256 averaging mode. This control may be set to 1, 4, 16, or 64. Note that this is a setting for the ADS1256 device itself; no software averaging is done in the ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in. The PGA pull-down menu controls the PGA gain in the ADS1256. Because the effective data rate of the ADS1256 depends upon the settings of the multiplexer mode, clocks, switch time delay, chopping, and averages, the Effective Data Rate indicator in the upper right corner of the plug-in interface is always visible and updates whenever a setting that affects the data rate changes. The previous controls are all found at the top of the ADS1256EVM plug-in and shown in Figure 29. Figure 29. ADS1256EVM-PDK Plug-In Averages, PGA Gain, and Effective Data Rate Controls 30 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software www.ti.com 9.1.1 MUX Tab The first tab of the ADS1256EVM plug-in is the MUX tab. In the tab, two columns of push buttons are used to select the positive and negative inputs for ADS1256. This selection, combined with switches S1 and S2, selects the measurement for the inputs applied to the analog interface J1. The MUX tab is shown in Figure 30. Figure 30. MUX Tab SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 31 Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software 9.1.2 www.ti.com Clocks Tab The next tab is the Clocks tab, as shown in Figure 31. This tab controls the master clock of the ADS1256EVM. Enter the master clock frequency in the Clock In window. The clock source can be selected from between the EVM onboard crystal and the MMB0. The DO/CLKOUT rate can be set by the Clock Out Rate pull-down menu. There are options to set CLKOUT to fCLKIN, fCLKIN/2, fCLKIN/4, or to turn it off. Figure 31. Clocks Tab 32 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software www.ti.com 9.1.3 GPIO Tab The GPIO tab is used to control the GPIO pins (D0 through D3) on the ADS1256. Four switches are used to select the GPIO mode (input or output). If the pin is selected as an output, a push button is used to set the output to be either high or low. If the pin is selected as an input, the Read Inputs button read the inputs and an indicator light shows if the input is high or low. Figure 32 illustrates the GPIO tab. Figure 32. GPIO Tab SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 33 Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software 9.1.4 www.ti.com Power and Reference Tab The Power & Ref tab selects the reference input, the sensor detect magnitude, and the standby condition. The VREF Source window has three pushbuttons that select the reference source and should correspond with the reference setting for switch S3. OBL sets the reference input from AGND to VREF, while OBH sets the reference input from VREF to AVDD. External sets the input from VREF– to VREF+ on the analog input header. If the user applies an external reference, the Vref window can be set to calculate the voltage when using the Multichannel Scope test plug-in. The ADS1256 has sensor detect current sources that can be used to detect a burned out sensor. These current sources are applied to the inputs internal to the ADC. The sensor detect current sources can be set to 0.5mA, 2mA, 10mA, or turned off through using a series of pushbuttons. To reduce the operating current when the device is not in use, the ADS1256 can be put into standby mode with a pushbutton labeled Standby. Pressing the Wakeup button releases the ADS1256 from this mode. The Power & Ref tab is illustrated in Figure 33. Figure 33. Power & Ref Tab 34 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software www.ti.com 9.1.5 Calibration Tab The Cal tab (as Figure 34 illustrates) controls the calibration of the offset and gain error of the ADS1256. Pressing a pushbutton at the top of the tab runs a self-calibration of the device. Four buttons allow four other calibration options: Self Offset Calibration, System Offset Calibration, Self Gain Calibration, and System Gain Calibration. At the bottom of the tab, there are four windows that allow for manually entering and reading back calibration values for the offset calibration register and the gain calibration register. The Set button enters the value in the window into the calibration register, while the Read button reads the current calibration register value. Figure 34. Cal Tab SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 35 Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software 9.1.6 www.ti.com About Tab The About tab displays information about the EVM and software, as Figure 35 shows. The Plugin Version and Firmware Version indicators show the version numbers of the plug-in and firmware code, respectively. The Notes indicator may show relevant notes about the plug-in or firmware code, if there are any. Figure 35. EVM Software About Tab 36 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Evaluating Performance with the ADCPro Software www.ti.com 9.1.7 Collecting Data Once you have configured the ADS1256 for your test scenario, pressing the ADCPro Acquire button starts the collection of the number of datapoints specified in the Test plug-in Block Size control. The ADS1256EVM-PDK plug-in disables all the front panel controls while acquiring, and displays a progress bar as shown in Figure 36. Figure 36. Software Progress Indicator For more information on testing analog-to-digital converters in general and using ADCPro and Test plugins, refer to the ADCPro User Guide. 9.2 Troubleshooting If ADCPro stops responding while the ADS1256EVM-PDK is connected, try unplugging the power supply from the PDK. Unload and reload the plug-in before reapplying power to the PDK. SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 37 Schematics and Layout 10 www.ti.com Schematics and Layout A schematic for the ADS1256EVM is appended to this user's guide. The bill of materials is provided in Table 12. Figure 37 through Figure 40 illustrate the ADS1256EVM printed circuit board (PCB) layouts. Table 12. ADS1256EVM Bill of Materials Item No Qty Value Ref Des 1 1 10kΩ R1 1/10W 5% chip resistor Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ103V 2 2 47kΩ R2, R3 1/10W 5% chip resistor Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ473V 3 3 100Ω RA1, RA2, RA3 Resistor array, eight terminal, four resistor CTS 744C083101JPTR 4 1 100kΩ RA4 Resistor array, eight terminal, four resistor CTS 744C083104JPTR 5 2 18pF C21. C22 50V ceramic chip capacitor, ±5%, C0G TDK C1608C0G1H180JT 6 2 0.1μF C23, C24 16V ceramic chip capacitor, ±10%, X7R TDK C1608X7R1C104KT 7 2 1μF C3, C18 16V ceramic chip, ±10%, X7R TDK C2012X7R1C105KT 8 2 4.7μF C19, C20 6.3V ceramic chip ±20%, X5R TDK C2012X5R0J475KT 9 1 100μF C4 10 4 10nF C1, C2, C7, C10 11 1 U1 Analog to digital converter Texas Instruments ADS1256IDB 12 1 U2 Operational amplifier Texas nstruments OPA350UA 13 1 U3 +2.5V voltage reference Texas Instruments REF5025ID 14 1 U4 15 2 J1A, J2A 20 pin SMT plug Samtec TSM-110-01-L-DV-P 16 2 J1B, J2B 20 pin SMT socket Samtec SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K 17 1 J3A 10 pin SMT plug Samtec TSM-105-01-L-DV-P 18 1 J3B 10 pin SMT socket Samtec SSW-105-22-F-D-VS-K 19 3 J6, J7, J8 Three-position header, 0 .1 spacing Samtec TSW-103-07-L-S 20 1 J5 Four-position header, 0 .1in spacing Samtec TSW-104-07-L-S 21 1 J4 2 x 2 position header, 0.1in spacing Samtec TSW-102-07-L-D 22 1 J10 2 x 3 position header, 0.1in spacing Samtec TSW-103-07-L-D 23 1 N/A ADS1256EVM PWB Texas Instruments 6450840 24 3 S1, S2, S3 DP3T Switch E-Switch EG2305A 25 1 S4 SPDT Switch NKK 26 1 X1 Crystal, SMD Citizen HCM49-7.680MABJ-UT 27 8 N/A Jumper top Samtec SNT-100-BK-T 1×2 Position header, 0.1” spacing Samtec TSW-102-07-L-S Not Installed Not Installed 38 Description Vendor 10V low ESR tantalum capacitor, ±20% Kemet 16V PPS chip capacitor, ±2% Panasonic 2 Microchip 256K I C EEPROM Part No T520D107M010ATE055 ECH-U1C103GX5 24AA256-I/SN SS12SDP2 C5, C6, C8, C9, C11, C12,C13, C14, C15, C16, C17 1 J9 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Schematics and Layout www.ti.com Figure 37. ADS1256EVM PCB: Top-Side Image Figure 38. ADS1256EVM PCB: Layer 1 Figure 39. ADS1256EVM PCB: Layer 2 Figure 40. ADS1256EVM PCB: Bottom-Side Image SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 39 Schematics and Layout www.ti.com S1 ESW_EG2305A C14 DNP J8 CS J7 RESET R3 DVDD AIN0 AIN1 C10 C11 DNP AVDD AVDD C23 R1 VIN VOUT TEMP GND TRIM 5 7 U2 OPA350 1 3 4 100U TA C4 C5 DNP C5: OPTIONAL MLCC REF CAP C3 1U 16V X7R D0C D1C D2C D3C C21 18P C22 18P 1 2 3 4 HEADER-4 RA4 100K DVDD U4 1 2 3 7 A0 A1 A2 WP VCC SDA SCL GND 8 5 6 4 DVDD 1 3 5 7 9 2 JPR-2X1 J10 1 3 5 J3 AVDD 2 4 1 +1.8VIN VOLTAGE REFERENCE FILTER CAPACITORS C3-C5 C4: 100UF LOW ESR TANTALUM KEMET "KO-CAP" T520D107M010AS4350 J5 D0 D1 D2 D3 JPR-2X2 J9 +3.3VIN AGNDIN DGNDIN REF5025 INSTALL EITHER C4 OR C5 SERIALHDR J6 SYNC/PDWN NKK_SS12SDP2 RA3 100 X1 7.68MHZ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 GPIO0 DGND GPIO1 GPIO2 DGND GPIO3 GPIO4 SCL DGND SDA MCP_24AA256-I/SN 6 C3: 1UF MLCC, 0805 PKG MURATA KEMET C0805C105K4RACTU S4 CNTL CLKX CLKR FSX FSR DX DR INT TOUT GPIO5 AVDD 3 6 CLKIN DVDD 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 J4 10K U3 INT TOUT GPIO5 4U7 C12 DNP FSX 100 RA2 EXTCLK 100 C20 C13 DNP 2 0.1uF C19 4U7 S3 ESW_EG2305A J2 DX DR CS SCLK DIN DOUT DRDY SYNC/PDWN RESET ADS1256 C18 1U C24 0.1uF 10nF 16 20 24 23 22 21 14 15 25 26 27 28 19 18 17 SDA 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 AN0+ AN1+ AN2+ AN3+ AN4+ AN5+ AN6+ AN7+ REFREF+ VRP VRN ADCAVDD C9 DNP REFREF+ AN0AN1AN2AN3AGND AGND AGND VCOM AGND AGND AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AINCOM DVDD CS SCLK DIN DOUT DRDY SYNC/PDWN RESET D0/CLKOUT D1 D2 D3 XTAL1/CLKIN XTAL2 DGND AVDD VRP VRN AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AINCOM AGND XTAL2 10nF ANALOGHDR 2 3 4 1 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 2 C8 DNP J1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 CLKX ADCDVDD C7 DNP AVDD 47k RA1 U1 C17 DNP C6 R2 1 2 3 C16 DNP AIN2 AIN3 AN1+ AN1- OBREF C2 10nF 3 2 3 2 1 47k GPIO4 1 C15 DNP S2 ESW_EG2305A SCL AN0+ AN0- C1 10nF 2 4 6 JPR-2X3 +VA -VA +5VA -5VA DGND AGND +1.8VD VD1 +3.3VD +5VD 2 4 6 8 10 POWERHDR C5: 22UF MLCC MURATA KEMET PANASONIC Figure 41. Schematic 40 ADS1256EVM and ADS1256EVM-PDK SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Revision History www.ti.com Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from D Revision (May 2016) to E Revision ...................................................................................................... Page • Added Schematic image ................................................................................................................ 40 Changes from C Revision (July 2010) to D Revision ..................................................................................................... Page • • Updated software download links in the Installing the ADCPro Software section. .............................................. 15 Added External Wall-Adapter Power-Supply Requirements section. ............................................................. 21 SBAU090E – November 2003 – Revised November 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Revision History 41 IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATA SHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. 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TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. TI objects to and rejects any additional or different terms you may have proposed. IMPORTANT NOTICE Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2022, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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