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ADS7138QRTERQ1 数据手册
ADS7138-Q1 SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISEDADS7138-Q1 OCTOBER 2020 SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 www.ti.com ADS7138-Q1 Small, 8-Channel, 12-Bit ADC With I2C Interface, GPIOs, and CRC 1 Features 2 Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications: – Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, TA Small package size: – 3-mm × 3-mm WQFN – Wettable flanks for visual inspection of solder joints 8 channels configurable as any combination of: – Up to 8 analog inputs, digital inputs, or digital outputs GPIOs for I/O expansion: – Open-drain, push-pull digital outputs Wide operating ranges: – AVDD: 2.35 V to 5.5 V – DVDD: 1.65 V to 5.5 V – –40°C to +125°C temperature range CRC for read/write operations: – CRC on data read/write – CRC on power-up configuration I2C interface: – Up to 3.4 MHz (high-speed mode) – 8 configurable I2C addresses Programmable averaging filters: – Programmable sample size for averaging – Averaging with internal conversions – 16-bit resolution for average output Turbo comparator mode with speeds up to 3.2 MSPS Camera modules without processing Automotive center information displays Automotive cluster displays 3 Description The ADS7138-Q1 is an easy-to-use, 8-channel, multiplexed, 12-bit, successive approximation register analog-to-digital converter (SAR ADC). The eight channels can be independently configured as either analog inputs, digital inputs, or digital outputs. The device has an internal oscillator for ADC conversion processes. The ADS7138-Q1 communicates via an I 2Ccompatible interface and operates in either autonomous or single-shot conversion mode. The ADS7138-Q1 implements analog watchdog function by event-triggered interrupts per channel using a digital window comparator with programmable high and low thresholds, hysteresis, and an event counter. The ADS7138-Q1 has a built-in cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for data read/write operations and the power-up configuration. Device Information (1) PART NAME ADS7138-Q1 (1) PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) WQFN (16) 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the datasheet. Example System Architecture Device Block Diagram DECAP AVDD VCC DVDD AIN0 / GPIO0 AIN1 / GPIO1 ADC AIN2 / GPIO2 AIN4 / GPIO4 AIN5 / GPIO5 AIN6 / GPIO6 AIN7 / GPIO7 MUX ADDR Sequencer I2C Interface GPO Write GPI Read ADC GPIO MUX Pin CFG OVP ALERT Programmable Averaging Filter Digital Window Comparator AIN3 / GPIO3 LOAD AVDD High/Low Threshold ± Hysteresis OCP SDA SCL CRC GND OVP: Over voltage protection OCP: Over current protection ADS7138-Q1 Block Diagram and Applications An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table of Contents 1 Features............................................................................1 2 Applications..................................................................... 1 3 Description.......................................................................1 4 Revision History.............................................................. 2 5 Device Comparison Table...............................................3 6 Pin Configuration and Functions...................................4 Pin Functions.................................................................... 5 7 Specifications.................................................................. 6 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................... 6 7.2 ESD Ratings .............................................................. 6 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions ........................6 7.4 Thermal Information ...................................................7 7.5 Electrical Characteristics ............................................8 7.6 I2C Timing Requirements ...........................................9 7.7 Timing Requirements ................................................. 9 7.8 I2C Switching Characteristics ...................................10 7.9 Switching Characteristics .........................................10 7.10 Timing Diagram....................................................... 11 7.11 Typical Characteristics............................................ 12 8 Detailed Description......................................................16 8.1 Overview................................................................... 16 8.2 Functional Block Diagram......................................... 16 8.3 Feature Description...................................................17 8.4 Device Functional Modes..........................................29 8.5 Programming............................................................ 33 8.6 ADS7138-Q1 Registers............................................ 36 9 Application and Implementation.................................. 77 9.1 Application Information............................................. 77 9.2 Typical Applications.................................................. 77 10 Power Supply Recommendations..............................79 10.1 AVDD and DVDD Supply Recommendations......... 79 11 Layout........................................................................... 80 11.1 Layout Guidelines................................................... 80 11.2 Layout Example...................................................... 80 12 Device and Documentation Support..........................81 12.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates..81 12.2 Support Resources................................................. 81 12.3 Trademarks............................................................. 81 12.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution..............................81 12.5 Glossary..................................................................81 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information.................................................................... 81 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision * (May 2020) to Revision A (October 2020) Page • Changed document status from advance information to production data.......................................................... 1 2 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 5 Device Comparison Table PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ADS7128 ADS7138 8-channel, 12-bit ADC with I2C interface and GPIOs ADS7138-Q1 CRC MODULE ZERO-CROSSING-DETECT (ZCD) MODULE ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE (RMS) MODULE Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 3 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 AIN2/GPIO2 1 AIN3/GPIO3 2 AIN1/GPIO1 AIN0/GPIO0 SDA SCL 16 15 14 13 6 Pin Configuration and Functions 12 ALERT 11 ADDR 10 DVDD Thermal 7 8 AVDD DECAP 9 6 4 AIN7/GPIO7 AIN5/GPIO5 Pad 5 3 AIN6/GPIO6 AIN4/GPIO4 GND Not to scale Figure 6-1. RTE Package, 16-Pin WQFN, Top View Table 6-1. Pin Functions PIN NAME 4 NO. FUNCTION(1) DESCRIPTION AIN0/GPIO0 15 AI, DI, DO Channel 0; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a general-purpose input/output (GPIO). AIN1/GPIO1 16 AI, DI, DO Channel 1; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN2/GPIO2 1 AI, DI, DO Channel 2; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN3/GPIO3 2 AI, DI, DO Channel 3; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN4/GPIO4 3 AI, DI, DO Channel 4; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN5/GPIO5 4 AI, DI, DO Channel 5; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN6/GPIO6 5 AI, DI, DO Channel 6; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN7/GPIO7 6 AI, DI, DO Channel 7; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. ADDR 11 AI ALERT 12 Digital output AVDD 7 Supply Analog supply input, also used as the reference voltage to the ADC; connect a 1-µF decoupling capacitor to GND. DECAP 8 Supply Connect a1-µF decoupling capacitor between the DECAP and GND pins for the internal power supply. DVDD 10 Supply Digital I/O supply voltage; connect a 1-µF decoupling capacitor to GND. GND 9 Supply Ground for the power supply; all analog and digital signals are referred to this pin voltage. SDA 14 DI, DO Serial data input or output for the I2C interface. SCL 13 DI Thermal pad — Supply Input for selecting the device I2C address. Connect a resistor to this pin from DECAP pin or GND to select one of the eight addresses. Open-drain (default) or push-pull output for the digital comparator. Serial clock for the I2C interface. Exposed thermal pad; connect to GND. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Pin Functions PIN NAME NO. FUNCTION(1) DESCRIPTION AIN0/GPIO0 15 AI, DI, DO Channel 0; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a general-purpose input/output (GPIO). AIN1/GPIO1 16 AI, DI, DO Channel 1; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN2/GPIO2 1 AI, DI, DO Channel 2; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN3/GPIO3 2 AI, DI, DO Channel 3; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN4/GPIO4 3 AI, DI, DO Channel 4; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN5/GPIO5 4 AI, DI, DO Channel 5; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN6/GPIO6 5 AI, DI, DO Channel 6; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. AIN7/GPIO7 6 AI, DI, DO Channel 7; configurable as either an analog input (default) or a GPIO. ADDR 11 AI ALERT 12 Digital output Input for selecting the device I2C address. Connect a resistor to this pin from DECAP pin or GND to select one of the eight addresses. Open-drain (default) or push-pull output for the digital comparator. AVDD 7 Supply Analog supply input, also used as the reference voltage to the ADC; connect a 1-µF decoupling capacitor to GND. DECAP 8 Supply Connect a1-µF decoupling capacitor between the DECAP and GND pins for the internal power supply. DVDD 10 Supply Digital I/O supply voltage; connect a 1-µF decoupling capacitor to GND. GND 9 Supply Ground for the power supply; all analog and digital signals are referred to this pin voltage. SDA 14 DI, DO Serial data input or output for the I2C interface. SCL 13 DI Thermal pad — Supply (1) Serial clock for the I2C interface. Exposed thermal pad; connect to GND. AI = analog input, DI = digital input, and DO = digital output. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 5 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating ambient temperature range (unless otherwise noted)(1) MIN MAX DVDD to GND –0.3 5.5 V AVDD to GND –0.3 5.5 V AINx/GPOx(3) GND – 0.3 AVDD + 0.3 V ADDR GND – 0.3 2.1 V Digital inputs GND – 0.3 5.5 V –10 10 mA Current through any pin except supply pins, SCL, and SDA(2) UNIT Junction temperature, TJ –40 125 °C Storage temperature, Tstg –60 150 °C (1) (2) (3) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Rating may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Condition. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Pin current must be limited to 10mA or less. AINx/GPIOx refers to pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, and 16. 7.2 ESD Ratings VALUE Human-body model (HBM), per AEC V(ESD) (1) Electrostatic discharge Q100-002(1) UNIT ±2000 Charged-device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011; corner pins (1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16) ±750 Charged-device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011; all other pins ±500 V AEC Q100-002 indicates that HBM stressing shall be in accordance with the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 specification 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT POWER SUPPLY AVDD Analog supply voltage 2.35 3.3 5.5 V DVDD Digital supply voltage 1.65 3.3 5.5 V 0 AVDD V –0.1 AVDD + 0.1 V 125 ℃ ANALOG INPUTS FSR Full-scale input range AINX (1) - GND VIN Absolute input voltage AINX - GND TEMPERATURE RANGE TA (1) 6 Ambient temperature –40 25 AINx refers to AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, AIN3, AIN4, AIN5, AIN6, and AIN7. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.4 Thermal Information ADS7138-Q1 THERMAL METRIC(1) RTE (WQFN) UNIT 16 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 49.7 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 53.4 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 24.7 °C/W ΨJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 1.3 °C/W ΨJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 24.7 °C/W RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 9.3 °C/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 7 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.5 Electrical Characteristics at AVDD = 2.35 V to 5 V, DVDD = 1.65 V to 5.5 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted); minimum and maximum values at TA = –40°C to +125°C; typical values at TA = 25°C. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOG INPUTS CSH Sampling capacitance 12 pF DC PERFORMANCE Resolution DNL Differential nonlinearity INL Integral nonlinearity V(OS) GE No missing codes Input offset error Post offset calibration Input offset thermal drift Post offset calibration Gain error 12 bits –0.75 ±0.2 0.75 LSB –1.5 ±0.45 1.5 LSB –2 ±0.4 2 –0.065 Gain error thermal drift LSB ±1 ppm/°C ±0.025 0.065 %FSR ±1 ppm/°C AC PERFORMANCE AVDD = 5 V, fIN = 2 kHz 70 72.8 AVDD = 3 V, fIN = 2 kHz 69.8 72.4 AVDD = 5 V, fIN = 2 kHz 71.2 73 AVDD = 3 V, fIN = 2 kHz 70.5 72.5 SINAD Signal-to-noise + distortion ratio dB SNR Signal-to-noise ratio THD Total harmonic distortion fIN = 2 kHz –85 dB SFDR Spurious-free dynamic range fIN = 2 kHz 91 dB Crosstalk 100-kHz signal applied on any OFF channel and measured on ON the channel –100 dB dB DECAP Pin CDECAP Decoupling capacitor on DECAP pin Voltage output on DECAP pin 0.1 CDECAP = 1 µF 1 4.7 1.8 µF V DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT (SCL, SDA) VIH Input high logic level All I2C modes 0.7 x DVDD DVDD V VIL Input low logic level All I2C modes –0.3 0.3 x DVDD V VOL Output low logic level IOL Low-level output current (sink) Sink current = 2 mA, DVDD > 2 V 0 0.4 Sink current = 2 mA, DVDD ≤ 2 V 0 0.2 x DVDD VOL = 0.4 V, standard and fast Mode 3 VOL = 0.6 V, fast mode 6 VOL = 0.4 V, fast mode plus V mA 20 GPIOs VIH Input high logic level VIL Input low logic level Input leakge current VOH Output high logic level 0.7 x AVDD AVDD + 0.3 –0.3 0.3 x AVDD V 100 nA 0.8 x AVDD AVDD V 0 0.2 x AVDD GPIO configured as input GPO_DRIVE_CFG = push-pull, I = 2 mA SOURCE V 10 VOL Output low logic level ISINK = 2 mA IOH Output high source current VOH > 0.7 x AVDD 5 mA V IOL Output low sink current VOL < 0.3 x AVDD 5 mA DIGITAL OUTPUT (ALERT) 8 VOH Output high logic level VOL Output low logic level GPO_DRIVE_CFG = push-pull, I = 2 mA SOURCE ISINK = 2 mA Submit Document Feedback 0.8 x DVDD DVDD V 0 0.2 x DVDD V Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.5 Electrical Characteristics (continued) at AVDD = 2.35 V to 5 V, DVDD = 1.65 V to 5.5 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted); minimum and maximum values at TA = –40°C to +125°C; typical values at TA = 25°C. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT IOH Output high sink current VOH > 0.7 x DVDD 5 mA IOL Output low sink current VOL < 0.3 x DVDD 5 mA POWER SUPPLY CURRENTS I2C high-speed mode, AVDD = 5 V IAVDD Analog supply current 130 210 I2C fast mode plus, AVDD = 5 V 45 85 I2C fast mode, AVDD = 5 V 25 46 I2C 12 26 7 20 standard mode, AVDD = 5 V No conversion, AVDD = 5 V µA 7.6 I2C Timing Requirements MODE(2) STANDARD, FAST, AND FAST MODE PLUS MIN MAX HIGH-SPEED MODE MIN UNIT MAX fSCL SCL clock frequency(1) tSU;STA Setup time for a repeated START condition 260 160 ns tHD;STA Hold time after repeated START condition. After this period, the first clock is generated. 260 160 ns tLOW Low period of the SCL clock pin 500 160 ns tHIGH High period for the SCL clock pin 260 60 ns tSU;DAT Data in setup time 50 10 ns tHD;DAT Data in hold time 0 1 SCL rise time, standard mode tR 0 MHz ns 1000 1000 ns SCL rise time, fast mode 300 300 ns SCL rise time, fast mode plus 120 120 ns SCL rise time, high-speed mode – 80 ns 300 300 ns SCL fall time, fast mode 300 300 ns SCL fall time, fast mode plus 120 120 ns SCL fall time, standard mode tF 3.4 SCL fall time, high-speed mode – 80 ns tSU;STO STOP condition hold time 260 60 ns tBUF Bus free time before new transmission 500 300 ns (1) (2) Bus load (CB) consideration; CB ≤ 400 pF for fSCL ≤ 1 MHz; CB < 100 pF for fSCL = 3.4 MHz. The device supports standard, full-speed, and fast modes by default on power-up. For selecting high-speed mode refer to the section on Configuring the Device for High-Speed I2C Mode . 7.7 Timing Requirements at AVDD = 2.35 V to 5 V, DVDD = 1.65 V to 5.5 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted); minimum and maximum values at TA = –40°C to +125°C ; typical values at TA = 25°C. MIN tACQ Acquisition time (CONV_MODE = 00b or 01b) Acquisition time in turbo comparator mode (CONV_MODE = 10b) 300 90 MAX UNIT ns Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 9 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.8 I2C Switching Characteristics MODE STANDARD, FAST, AND FAST MODE PLUS MIN HIGH-SPEED MODE MAX MIN UNIT MAX tF Fall time for SDA 120 80 ns tVD;DATA SCL low to SDA data out valid 450 200 ns tVD;DATA SCL low to SDA data out valid 450 200 ns tVD;ACK SCL low to SDA acknowledge time 450 200 ns 1400 1000 ns 50 10 ns tSTRETCH Clock stretch time (OSR[2:0] = 000b) tSP Noise supression time constant on SDA and SCL 7.9 Switching Characteristics at AVDD = 2.35 V to 5 V, DVDD = 1.65 V to 5.5 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted); minimum and maximum values at TA = –40°C to +125°C ; typical values at TA = 25°C. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNIT CONVERSION CYCLE Manual Mode and AutoSequence Mode ADC conversion time tCONV ADC comparison time in turbo comparator mode tSTRETCH Autonomous Mode 600 Turbo Comparator Mode 192 ns RESET AND ALERT tPU Power-up time for device tRST Delay time; RST bit = 1b to device reset complete(1) tALERT_HI ALERT high period ALERT_LOGIC[1:0] = 1x tALERT_LO ALERT low period ALERT_LOGIC[1:0] = 1x (1) 10 AVDD ≥ 2.35 V 5 ms 5 ms 50 150 ns 50 150 ns RST bit is automatically reset to 0b after tRST. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.10 Timing Diagram 9th clock tLOW tHIGH SCL tR tSU;DAT tF tSU;STO tSTRETCH tHD;STA tHD;DAT tSU;STA tSP SDA tBUF P tVD;DAT tF tVD;ACK S Sr P NOTE: S = Start, Sr = Repeated Start, and P = Stop. A. S = start, Sr = repeated start, and P = stop. Figure 7-1. I2C Timing Diagram Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 11 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.11 Typical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted) Frequency 45000 0.8 Differential Nonlinearity (LSB) 60000 39581 30000 25955 15000 0.4 0 -0.4 -0.8 0 2048 2049 0 Output Code 1024 2048 Output Code C001 Standard deviation = 0.49 LSB 3072 4095 C002 Typical DNL = ±0.2 LSB Figure 7-2. DC Input Histogram Figure 7-3. Typical DNL 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.4 Differential Nonlinearity Integral Nonlinearity (LSB) Minimum Maximum 0 -0.4 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.8 0 1024 2048 Output Code 3072 -0.5 -40 4095 -7 C004 26 59 Temperature (°C) 92 125 C003 Typical INL = ±0.5 LSB Figure 7-4. Typical INL Figure 7-5. DNL vs Temperature 0.75 Differential Nonlinearity (LSB) Integral Nonlinearity (LSB) 0.6 0.3 Minimum Maximum 0 -0.3 -0.6 -40 -7 26 59 Temperature (°C) 92 125 C005 0.5 Maximum Minimum 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.5 -0.75 2.5 3 3.5 4 AVDD (V) 4.5 5 5.5 C018 Figure 7-6. INL vs Temperature Figure 7-7. DNL vs AVDD 12 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.11 Typical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted) 0.5 0.5 Maximum Minimum 0.3 Offset Error (LSB) Integral Nonlinearity (LSB) 0.75 0.25 0 -0.25 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.75 2.5 3 3.5 4 AVDD (V) 4.5 5 -0.5 -40 5.5 0.75 0.5 0.45 0.3 0.15 -0.15 -0.45 92 125 C006 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.75 -40 -7 26 59 Temperature (°C) 92 -0.5 2.5 125 3 3.5 C007 Figure 7-10. Gain Error vs Temperature 4 AVDD (V) 4.5 5 5.5 C016 Figure 7-11. Offset Error vs AVDD 1 0 0.6 -30 Amplitude (dBFS) Gain error (%FSR) 26 59 Temperature (°C) Figure 7-9. Offset Error vs Temperature Offset error (LSB) Gain Error (%FSR) Figure 7-8. INL vs AVDD 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 -1 2.5 -7 C019 -60 -90 -120 -150 3 3.5 4 AVDD (V) 4.5 5 5.5 0 16.7 C017 33.4 50.1 Frequency (kHz) 66.8 83.5 C008 fIN = 2 kHz, SNR = 73.2 dB, THD = 92.3 dB Figure 7-12. Gain Error vs AVDD Figure 7-13. Typical FFT Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 13 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.11 Typical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted) 11.85 73.5 73.2 11.8 73 11.775 26 59 Temperature (°C) 72.9 11.8 72.6 11.7 72.3 11.6 11.75 125 92 72 2.5 3 -87 96 -90 94.5 -91 93 91.5 125 THD (dBFS) -89 SFDR (dBFS) THD (dBFS) 97.5 94 92 -86 90 -88 88 -90 2.5 3.5 4 AVDD (V) 145 132 140 129 135 126 130 4.5 86 5.5 5 C012 Figure 7-17. Distortion Performance vs AVDD IAVDD (PA) IAVDD (PA) 3 C011 125 123 120 -7 26 59 Temperature (°C) 92 125 117 2.5 C013 Figure 7-18. Analog Supply Current vs Temperature 14 C010 -84 Figure 7-16. Distortion Performance vs Temperature 120 -40 11.5 5.5 5 THD SFDR -88 92 4.5 -82 99 26 59 Temperature (°C) 4 AVDD (V) Figure 7-15. Noise Performance vs AVDD THD SFDR -7 3.5 C009 Figure 7-14. Noise Performance vs Temperature -92 -40 11.9 SFDR (dBFS) -7 SNR, SINAD (dBFS) 11.825 72.8 -40 12 SINAD SNR ENOB 73.2 73.4 ENOB (Bits) SNR, SINAD (dBFS) SINAD SNR ENOB ENOB (Bits) 73.6 3 3.5 4 AVDD (V) 4.5 5 5.5 C014 Figure 7-19. Analog Supply Current vs AVDD Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.11 Typical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, and maximum throughput (unless otherwise noted) 750 120 650 550 90 IAVDD (µA) IAVDD (µA) 150 60 450 350 30 250 0 0 30 60 90 120 Throughput (kSPS) 150 180 150 C015 0 Figure 7-20. Analog Supply Current vs Throughput 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Comparison Rate (kSPS) 3000 3500 C020 Figure 7-21. Analog Supply Current vs Comparison Rate (OSC_SEL = 0) in Turbo Comparator Mode 750 40 740 34 IAVDD (µA) IAVDD (PA) 730 28 22 720 710 16 700 10 0 20 40 60 Comparison Rate (kSPS) 80 690 -40 100 -7 26 59 Temperature (°C) C021 Figure 7-22. Analog Supply Current vs Comparison Rate (OSC_SEL = 1) in Turbo Comparator Mode 92 125 C022 Figure 7-23. Analog Supply Current vs Temperature (OSC_SEL = 0, CLK_DIV = 0) in Turbo Comparator Mode 41.5 IAVDD (µA) 40.7 39.9 39.1 38.3 37.5 -40 -7 26 59 Temperature (°C) 92 125 C023 Figure 7-24. Analog Supply Current vs Temperature (OSC_SEL = 1, CLK_DIV = 0) in Turbo Comparator Mode Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 15 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The ADS7138-Q1 is a small, eight-channel, multiplexed, 12-bit, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an I 2Ccompatible serial interface. The eight channels of the ADS7138-Q1 can be individually configured as either analog inputs, digital inputs, or digital outputs. The device includes a digital window comparator with a dedicated ALERT pin that can be used to alert the host when a programmed high or low threshold is crossed on any input channel. The device uses an internal oscillator for conversion. The ADC can be used in manual mode for reading ADC data over the I 2C interface or in autonomous and turbo comparator modes for monitoring the analog inputs without an active I2C interface. The device features a programmable averaging filter that outputs a 16-bit result for enhanced resolution. The I 2C serial interface supports standard-mode, fast-mode, fast-mode plus, and high-speed mode. The device also features an 8-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for the serial communication interface. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram DECAP AVDD High/Low Threshold ± 8 x Hysteresis DVDD AIN0/GPIO0 AIN1/GPIO1 ADC ALERT Programmable Averaging Filter AIN2/GPIO2 Digital Window Comparator AIN3/GPIO3 AIN4/GPIO4 AIN5/GPIO5 AIN6/GPIO6 AIN7/GPIO7 MUX ADDR Sequencer 2 Pin CFG I C Interface GPO Write RMS Module GPI Read ZCD Module SDA SCL CRC GND 16 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 Multiplexer and ADC The eight channels of the multiplexer can be independently configured as ADC inputs or general-purpose inputs/ outputs (GPIOs). As shown in Figure 8-1 every AINx/GPIOx channel has ESD protection diodes to AVDD and GND. On power-up or after device reset, all eight multiplexer channels are configured as analog inputs. Figure 8-1 shows an equivalent circuit for pins configured as analog inputs. The ADC sampling switch is represented by an ideal switch (SW) in series with the resistor (R SW, typically 150 Ω), and the sampling capacitor (CSH). GPO_VALUE[0] GPIO_CFG[0] AVDD GPI_VALUE[0] PIN_CFG[0] AIN0 / GPIO0 RSW SW MUX Multiplexer AVDD CSH ADC AIN7 / GPIO7 PIN_CFG[7] GPI_VALUE[7] GPIO_CFG[7] GPO_VALUE[7] Figure 8-1. Analog Inputs, GPIOs, and ADC Connections The SW switch is closed to allow the signal on the selected analog input channel to charge the internal sampling capacitor during acquisition time. The switch SW is opened to disconnect the sampling capacitor on the ninth falling edge of SCL. The multiplexer channels can be configured as GPIOs using the PIN_CFG register. The direction of a GPIO (either as an input or an output) can be set in the GPIO_CFG register. The logic level on all device channels can be read from the GPI_VALUE register. The digital outputs can be configured by writing to the GPO_VALUE register. The digital outputs can be configured as either open-drain or push-pull in the GPO_DRIVE_CFG register. 8.3.2 Reference The device uses the analog supply voltage (AVDD) as the reference for the analog-to-digital conversion process. TI recommends connecting a 1-µF, low-equivalent series resistance (ESR) ceramic decoupling capacitor between the AVDD and GND pins. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 17 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.3.3 ADC Transfer Function The ADC output is in straight binary format. Equation 1 computes the ADC resolution: 1 LSB = VREF / 2N (1) where: • • VREF = AVDD N = 12 Figure 8-2 and Table 8-1 detail the transfer characteristics for the device. ADC Code (Hex) 0xFFF 0x801 0x800 0x001 0x000 VIN 1 LSB AVDD/2 (AVDD/2 + 1 LSB) (AVDD ± 1 LSB) Figure 8-2. Ideal Transfer Characteristics Table 8-1. Transfer Characteristics INPUT VOLTAGE CODE IDEAL OUTPUT CODE ≤1 LSB Zero 000 1 LSB to 2 LSBs Zero + 1 001 (AVDD / 2) to (AVDD / 2) + 1 LSB Mid-scale code 800 (AVDD / 2) + 1 LSB to (AVDD / 2) + 2 LSB Mid- scale code + 1 801 ≥ AVDD – 1 LSB Full-scale code FFF 8.3.4 ADC Offset Calibration The variation in the ADC offset error resulting from changes in temperature or AVDD can be calibrated by setting the CAL bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. The CAL bit is reset to 0 after calibration. The host can poll the CAL bit to check the ADC offset calibration completion status. Multiplexer sequencing must be stopped (SEQ_START = 0b) before initiating offset calibration. 18 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.3.5 I2C Address Selector The I 2C address for the device is determined by connecting external resistors on the ADDR pin. The device address is determined at power-up based on the resistor values. The device retains this address until the next power-up event, until the next device reset, or until the device receives a command to program its own address . Figure 8-3 shows a connection diagram for the ADDR pin and Table 8-2 lists the resistor values for selecting different addresses of the device. DECAP Pin R1 ADDR R2 Figure 8-3. External Resistor Connection Diagram for the ADDR Pin Table 8-2. I2C Address Selection RESISTORS (1) (2) ADDRESS R1(2) R2(2) 0Ω DNP(1) 001 0111b (17h) 11 kΩ DNP 001 0110b (16h) 33 kΩ DNP 001 0101b (15h) 100 kΩ DNP 001 0100b (14h) DNP 0 Ω or DNP 001 0000b (10h) DNP 11 kΩ 001 0001b (11h) DNP 33 kΩ 001 0010b (12h) DNP 100 kΩ 001 0011b (13h) DNP = Do not populate. Tolerance for R1, R2 ≤ ±5%. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 19 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.3.6 Oscillator and Timing Control The device uses an internal oscillator for conversions. The host initiates the first conversion and all subsequent conversions are generated internally by the device when using the averaging module. However, in the autonomous mode of operation, the start of the conversion signal is generated by the device. As described in Table 8-3, the sampling rate can be controlled by the OSC_SEL and CLK_DIV register fields when the device initiates conversions internally. The conversion time of the device, given by t CONV in the Switching Characteristics table, is independent of the OSC_SEL and CLK_DIV configuration. Table 8-3. Configuring Sampling Rate for Internal Conversion Start Control OSC_SEL = 0 20 OSC_SEL = 1 CLK_DIV[3:0] SAMPLING FREQUENCY, f CYCLE_OSR (kSPS) CYCLE TIME, t CYCLE_OSR (µs) SAMPLING FREQUENCY, fCYCLE_OSR (kSPS) CYCLE TIME, t CYCLE_OSR (µs) 0000b 1000 1 31.25 32 0001b 666.7 1.5 20.83 48 0010b 500 2 15.63 64 0011b 333.3 3 10.42 96 0100b 250 4 7.81 128 0101b 166.7 6 5.21 192 0110b 125 8 3.91 256 0111b 83 12 2.60 384 1000b 62.5 16 1.95 512 1001b 41.7 24 1.3 768 1010b 31.3 32 0.98 1024 1011b 20.8 48 0.65 1536 1100b 15.6 64 0.49 2048 1101b 10.4 96 0.33 3072 1110b 7.8 128 0.24 4096 1111b 5.2 192 0.16 6144 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 The comparison time in the turbo comparator mode can be controlled by the OSC_SEL and CLK_DIV register fields, as shown in Table 8-4. Table 8-4. Configuring Comparison Rate for Turbo Comparator Mode OSC_SEL = 0 CLK_DIV[3:0] COMPARISON RATE, f COMPARISON (kSPS) OSC_SEL = 1 CYCLE TIME, t (µs) CYCLE_COMP COMPARISON RATE, fCOMPARISON (kSPS) CYCLE TIME, t (µs) CYCLE_COMP 0000b 3200 0.3125 100 10 0001b 2133.3 0.46875 66.7 15 0010b 1600 0.625 50 20 0011b 1066.7 0.9375 33.3 30 0100b 800 1.25 25 40 0101b 533.3 1.875 16.67 60 0110b 400 2.5 12.5 80 0111b 266.7 3.75 8.33 120 1000b 200 5 6.25 160 1001b 133.3 7.5 4.17 240 1010b 100 10 3.13 320 1011b 66.7 15 2.08 480 1100b 50 20 1.56 640 1101b 33.3 30 1.04 960 1110b 25 40 0.78 1280 1111b 16.67 60 0.52 1920 8.3.7 General-Purpose I/Os (GPIOs) The eight channels of the ADS7138-Q1 can be independently configured as analog inputs, digital inputs, or digital outputs. The device channels, as described in Table 8-5, can be configured as analog inputs or GPIOs using the PIN_CFG and GPIO_CFG registers. Table 8-5. Configuring Channels as Analog Inputs or GPIOs PIN_CFG[7:0] GPIO_CFG[7:0] GPO_DRIVE_CFG[7:0] 0 x x Analog input (default) CHANNEL CONFIGURATION 1 0 x Digital input 1 1 0 Digital output; open-drain driver 1 1 1 Digital output; push-pull driver Digital outputs can be configured to logic 1 or 0 by writing to the GPO_VALUE register. Digital outputs can also be updated in response to event flags set by the digital window comparator (see the Triggering Digital Outputs With a Digital Window Comparator section for more details). Reading the GPI_VALUE register returns the logic level for all channels configured as analog inputs, digital inputs, and digital outputs. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 21 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.3.8 Programmable Averaging Filter The ADS7138-Q1 features a built-in oversampling (OSR) module that can be used to average several samples. The averaging filter can be enabled by programming the OSR[2:0] bits in the OSR_CFG register. The averaging filter configuration is common to all analog input channels. As shown in Figure 8-4, the averaging filter module output is 16 bits long. Only the first conversion for the selected analog input channel must be initiated by the host. Any remaining conversions for the selected averaging factor are generated internally. The time required to complete the averaging operation is determined by the sampling speed and number of samples to be averaged; see the Oscillator and Timing Control section. The 16-bit result can be read out after the averaging operation completes. For more information about programmable averaging filters and performance results, see the Resolution-Boosting ADS7138 Using Programmable Averaging Filter appliction report. Sample AINX S 7-bit ADDR R A Sample AINX Sample AINX Sample AINX OSR_DONE = 1 Bus idle or Poll OSR_DONE bit DATA[15:8] A DATA[7:0] A OSR_DONE = 0 OSR_CFG[2:0] = 2 Maximum tAVG = N samples x t CYCLE_OSR x 1.06 Data from host to device Data from device to host Figure 8-4. Averaging Example As shown in Figure 8-4, SCL is stretched by the device after the start of conversions until the averaging operation is complete. If SCL stretching is not required during averaging, enable the statistics registers by setting STATS_EN to 1b and initiate conversions by writing 1b to the CNVST bit. The OSR_DONE bit in the SYSTEM_STATUS register can be polled to check the averaging completion status. When using the CNVST bit to initiate conversion, the result can be read in the RECENT_CHx_LSB and RECENT_CHx_MSB registers. In the autonomous mode of operation, samples from the analog input channels that are enabled in the AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL register are averaged sequentially; see the Autonomous Mode section. The digital window comparator compares the top 12 bits of the 16-bit average result with the thresholds. Equation 2 provides the LSB value of the 16-bit average result. 1 LSB AVDD 216 (2) 8.3.9 CRC on Data Interface The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error checking code that detects errors in communication between the device and the host. The CRC module is optional and can be enabled by the CRC_EN bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. The CRC data byte is the 8-bit remainder of the bitwise exclusive-OR (XOR) operation of the argument by a CRC polynomial. The CRC polynomial is based on the CRC-8-CCITT: X 8 + X 2 + X + 1. The nine binary polynomial coefficients are 100000111. The CRC calculation is preset with 0 data values. Input CRC (From Host To Device) The host must compute the appropriate 8-bit CRC corresponding to the 8-bit I2C data (see Figure 8-5). The ADC also computes the expected 8-bit CRC corresponding to the 8-bit data received from the host and compares the calculated CRC code to the CRC received from the host. The host must not send a CRC byte corresponding to the I2C frame containing the device address. 22 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com S SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7-bit Slave Address W A Byte 1 A CRC for Byte 1 Data from host to device A Byte 2 A CRC for Byte 2 A Data from device to host NOTE: S = Start, Sr = Repeated Start, and P = Stop. Figure 8-5. I2C Write With a CRC If a CRC error is detected by the device, the command does not execute, and the CRCERR_IN flag is set to 1b. The ADC conversion data read and register read, with a valid CRC from the host, are still supported. The error condition can be detected, as listed in Table 8-6, by either status flags or by a register read. Further register writes to the device are blocked until the CRCERR_IN flag is cleared to 0b. Register write operations, with a valid CRC from the host, to the SYSTEM_STATUS and GENERAL_CFG registers are still supported. The device can be configured to set all channels to analog inputs on detecting a CRC error by setting the CH_RST bit to 1b. This setting ensures channels configured as digital outputs are not driven by the device when a CRC error is detected. All channels are reset as per the configuration in the PIN_CFG and GPIO_CFG registers when the CRCERR_IN flag is cleared. The device can be configured to abort further conversions in autonomous and turbo comparator modes (see the Autonomous Mode and Turbo Comparator Mode sections), on detecting a CRC error, by setting CONV_ON_ERR = 1b. Table 8-6. Configuring Notifications When a CRC Error is Detected CRC ERROR NOTIFICATION CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION ALERT ALERT_CRCIN = 1b ALERT pin is asserted if a CRC error is detected. Status flags APPEND_STATUS = 10b See the Status Flags section for details. Register read — Read the CRCERR_IN bit to check if a CRC error was detected. Output CRC (From Device to Host) As shown in Figure 8-6, the device sends an 8-bit CRC corresponding to every byte sent by the device over the I 2C interface. S 7-bit Slave Address R A Byte 1 A CRC for Byte 1 Data from host to device A Byte 2 A CRC for Byte 2 A Data from device to host NOTE: S = Start, Sr = Repeated Start, and P = Stop. Figure 8-6. I2C Read With CRC 8.3.10 Output Data Format Figure 8-7 illustrates various I2C frames for reading data. • Read the ADC conversion result: Two 8-bit I2C packets are required (frame A). • Read the averaged conversion result: Two 8-bit I2C packets are required (frame B). • Read data with the channel ID or status flags appended: The 4-bit channel ID or status flags can be appended to the 12-bit ADC result by configuring the APPEND_STATUS field in the GENERAL_CFG register. The status flags can be used to detect if a CRC error is detected and if an alert condition is detected by the digital window comparator. When the channel ID or status flags are appended to the 12-bit ADC data, two I2C packets are required (frame C). If the channel ID or status flags are appended to the 16-bit average result, three I2C frames are required (frame D). When the CRC module is enabled, the device sends an 8-bit CRC for every 8-bit data byte sent over the I 2C interface; see the Output CRC (From Device to Host) section for more details. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 23 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Sample A S 7-bit Slave Address R A Sample A + 1 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 A D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 A D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 A D1 D0 Frame A : Reading ADC data S 7-bit Slave Address R A D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 A Frame B : Reading ADC data with averaging enabled S 7-bit Slave Address R A D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 A D3 D2 4-bit Channel ID or Status Flags A Frame C : Reading ADC data with status flags or channel ID appended S 7-bit Slave Address R A Clock stretching for conversion time D15 D14 D8 A D7 D6 D0 A 4-bit Channel ID or Status Flags 0 0 0 0 A Frame D : Reading ADC data with averaging enabled & status flags or channel ID appended Data from host to device Data from device to host Figure 8-7. Data Frames for Reading Data When status flags are enabled, APPEND_STATUS is set to 10b and four bits are appended to the ADC output. The device outputs status flags in this order: {1b, 0b, CRCERR_IN, ALERT}. The level transitions on the digital interface, resulting from the fixed 1b and 0b in the status flags, can be used to detect if the digital outputs are shorted to a fixed voltage in the system. The CRCERR_IN flag reflects the corresponding bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. The ALERT flag is the output of the logical OR of the bits in the EVENT_FLAG register. Status Flags Status flags can be enabled by setting APPEND_STATUS = 10b. As shown in Figure 8-7, four additional bits are appended to the ADC output when status flags are enabled. The device outputs status flags in this order: {1b, 0b, CRCERR_IN, ALERT}. The CRCERR_IN flag reflects the corresponding bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. The ALERT flag is the output of the logical OR of the bits in the EVENT_FLAG register. 24 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.3.11 Digital Window Comparator The digital window comparator (DWC) compares the conversion result for an analog input channel with programmable high and low thresholds with hysteresis. As shown in Figure 8-8, the DWC sets the EVENT_HIGH_FLAG and EVENT_LOW_FLAG registers based on the comparison result sounds better. The logical OR of the EVENT_HIGH_FLAG and EVENT_LOW_FLAG registers is available in the EVENT_FLAG register. The ALERT pin is asserted when a bit in the EVENT_FLAG register is high and the corresponding bit in the ALERT_CH_SEL register is enabled. The ALERT pin can be configured as open-drain (default) or push-pull output using the ALERT_DRIVE bit in the ALERT_PIN_CFG register. EVENT_RGN[7] EVENT_FLAG EVENT_RGN[0] Digital input CH0 High threshold Hysteresis ADC EVENT_HIGH_FLAG[0] MUX Programmable Averaging Filter EVENT_LOW_FLAG[0] ALERT_CH_SEL 12-bit ADC data or [15:4] Average result Event Counter Low threshold + Hysteresis ALERT PIN_CFG[0] All registers are specific for individual analog input channels GPIO_CFG[0] Figure 8-8. Digital Window Comparator Block Diagram The low-side threshold, high-side threshold, event counter, and hysteresis parameters are independently programmable for each input channel. Figure 8-9 shows the events that can be monitored for every analog input channel by the window comparator. 0xFFF 0xFFF High threshold ± 8 x Hysteresis Signal above limit Digital code Digital code High threshold ± 8 x Hysteresis Low threshold + 8 x Hysteresis Signal below limit Low threshold + 8 x Hysteresis 0x000 0x000 Samples 0xFFF Samples 0xFFF Signal out of band High threshold ± 8 x Hysteresis Digital code Digital code High threshold ± 8 x Hysteresis EVENT_RGN = 0 Low threshold + 8 x Hysteresis Low threshold + 8 x Hysteresis EVENT_RGN = 1 Signal out of band 0x000 Signal in band 0x000 Samples Samples Figure 8-9. Event Monitoring With the Window Comparator To enable the digital window comparator, set the DWC_EN bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. By default, hysteresis is 0, the high threshold is 0xFFF, and the low threshold is 0x000. Configure the EVENT_RGN register to detect when a signal is within a band defined by the high and low thresholds. In each of the cases shown in Figure 8-9, either or both EVENT_HIGH_FLAG and EVENT_LOW_FLAG can be set. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 25 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 The device features a programmable event counter that counts consecutive threshold violations before either EVENT_HIGH_FLAG or EVENT_LOW_FLAG are set. An example is shown in Figure 8-10 where the EVENT_HIGH_FLAG is not set until eight consecutive conversion results of the corresponding analog input channel exceed the threshold configuration. The event count can be set to a higher value to avoid transients in the input signal from setting the event flags. EVENT_COUNT_CHx = 8 (waits for 8 counts to set alert) 1 2 3 2 1 High Threshold 4 5 6 3 7 8 High Threshold t 8 x Hysteresis 0 Event counter is reset because the high-side-comparator is reset before 8 samples exceed high threshold. High Side Comparator (Internal Only Signal) EVENT_HIGH_FLAG Figure 8-10. False Trigger Avoidance Using the Event Counter In order to assert the ALERT pin when the alert flag is set for a particular analog input channel, set the corresponding bit in the ALERT_CH_SEL register. 26 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Interrupts From Digital Inputs Rising edge or falling edge events can be detected on channels configured as digital inputs. As described in Table 8-7, configure the EVENT_RGN register to select either a rising edge or falling edge event. Table 8-7. Configuring Interrupts From Digital Inputs PIN_CFG[7:0] GPIO_CFG[7:0] EVENT_RGN [7:0] EVENT DESCRIPTION 1 0 0 A rising edge on the digital input sets the corresponding flag in the EVENT_HIGH_FLAG register. 1 0 1 A falling edge on the digital input sets the corresponding flag in the EVENT_LOW_FLAG register. Triggering Digital Outputs With a Digital Window Comparator As shown in Figure 8-11, the output value of channels configured as digital outputs can be updated in response to one or more flags being set in the EVENT_FLAG register. Digital output 7 Digital output 0 Select device channels for which corresponding bits in EVENT_FLAG should trigger GPO0 GPO0_EVENT_SEL[7:0] trigger GPO_UPDATE_ON_EVENT [0] Enable the selected EVENT_FLAG bits to trigger GPO00 Default 0 GPO_VALUE [0] 1 GPO_VALUE_ON_EVENT [0] Output value when one of the selected events is asserted Figure 8-11. Block Diagram of the Digital Output Logic The following procedure enables updating the output value of a digital output in response to event flags: 1. Configure the device channels as either analog inputs (default), digital inputs, or digital outputs. 2. Configure the digital outputs as either open-drain (default) or push-pull outputs. 3. Configure the digital window comparator for the input channels. The digital window comparator updates the flags in the EVENT_FLAG register corresponding to individual channels. See the Digital Window Comparator section for more details. 4. Select the bits corresponding to the input channels that are to be enabled for triggering the digital output in the GPOx_EVENT_SEL register (where x is the digital output channel number). 5. The default output value of the digital output, when no event flag is set, is configured in the GPO_VALUE register. The output value of the digital output, when event flags are set, is configured in the GPO_VALUE_ON_EVENT register. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 27 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 6. Configure the GPO_UPDATE_ON_EVENT register to enable the logic to update the selected digital output in response to event flags. The configuration in GPO_VALUE sets the output value of a dgital output when either no event flags are set or when event flags are reset in the EVENT_FLAG register corresponding to channels selected in the GPOx_EVENT_SEL register. 8.3.12 Minimum, Maximum, and Latest Data Registers The ADS7138-Q1 can record the minimum, maximum, and latest code (statistics registers) for every analog input channel. To enable or re-enable recording statistics, set the STATS_EN bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. Writing 1 to the STATS_EN bit reinitializes the statistics module. Previous values can be read from the statistics registers until a new conversion result is available. Set STATS_EN = 0b to prevent any updates to this block of registers before reading the statistics registers. 8.3.13 I2C Protocol Features General Call On receiving a general call (00h), the device provides an acknowledge (ACK). General Call With Software Reset On receiving a general call (00h) followed by a software reset (06h), the device resets itself. General Call With a Software Write to the Programmable Part of the Slave Address On receiving a general call (00h) followed by 04h, the device reevaluates its own I 2C address configured by the ADDR pin. During this operation, the device does not respond to other I 2C commands except the general-call command. Configuring the Device for High-Speed I2C Mode The device can be configured in high-speed I 2C mode by providing an I 2C frame with one of these codes: 0x09, 0x0B, 0x0D, or 0x0F. After receiving one of these codes, the device sets the I 2C_SPEED bit in the SYSTEM_STATUS register and remains in high-speed I2C mode until a STOP condition is received in an I2C frame. 28 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.4 Device Functional Modes Table 8-8 lists the functional modes supported by the ADS7138-Q1. The device powers up in manual mode (see the Manual Mode section) and can be configured into any mode listed in Table 8-8 by writing the configuration registers for the desired mode. Table 8-8. Functional Modes FUNCTIONAL MODE CONVERSION CONTROL CONV_MODE[1:0] SEQ_MODE[1:0] Manual Register write to 9th falling edge of SCL (ACK) MANUAL_CHID MUX CONTROL 00b 00b Auto-sequence 9th falling edge of SCL (ACK) Channel sequencer 00b 01b Autonomous Internal to the device Channel sequencer 01b 01b Turbo comparator Internal to the device Channel sequencer 10b 01b 8.4.1 Device Power-Up and Reset On power-up, the device calculates the address from the resistors connected on the ADDR pin and the BOR bit is set, thus indicating a power-cycle or reset event. The device can be reset by an I 2C general call (00h) followed by a software reset (06h), by setting the RST bit, or by recycling the power on the AVDD pin. 8.4.2 Manual Mode Manual mode allows the external host processor to directly select the analog input channel. Figure 8-12 lists the steps for operating the device in manual mode. Idle SEQ_MODE = 0b CONV_MODE = 0b Configure channels as AIN/GPIO using PIN_CFG Calibrate offset error (CAL = 1b) Select Manual mode (CONV_MODE = 00b, SEQ_MODE = 00b) Configure desired Channel ID in MANUAL_CHID field Host provides Conversion Start Frame on I2C Bus Host provides Conversion Read Frame on I2C Bus No Same Channel ID? Yes Manual mode with channel selection using register write Figure 8-12. Device Operation in Manual Mode Provide an I2C start or restart frame to initiate a conversion, as illustrated in the conversion start frame of Figure 8-13, after configuring the device registers. ADC data can be read in subsequent I2C frames. The number of I2C frames required to read conversion data depends on the output data frame size; see the Output Data Format Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 29 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 section for more details. A new conversion is initiated on the ninth falling edge of SCL (ACK bit) when the last byte of output data is read. Sample A + 1 Sample A S 7-bit Slave Address R A Clock stretching for conversion time 8 bit I2C frame A 8 bit I2C frame A 8 bit I2C frame A 8 bit I2C frame A Clock stretching for conversion time Data from host to device Data from device to host Figure 8-13. Starting a Conversion and Reading Data in Manual Mode 8.4.3 Auto-Sequence Mode In auto-sequence mode, the internal channel sequencer switches the multiplexer to the next analog input channel after every conversion. The desired analog input channels can be configured for sequencing in the AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL register. To enable the channel sequencer, set SEQ_START to 1b. After every conversion, the channel sequencer switches the multiplexer to the next analog input in ascending order. To stop the channel sequencer from selecting channels, set SEQ_START to 0b. Figure 8-14 lists the conversion start and read frames for auto-sequence mode. Idle SEQ_MODE = 0b CONV_MODE = 0b Configure channels as AIN/GPIO using PIN_CFG Calibrate offset error (CAL = 1b) Enable analog inputs for sequencing (AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL) Select Auto-sequence mode (SEQ_MODE = 01b) (optional) Configure alert conditions (optional) Append Channel ID to data using APPEND_STATUS Enable channel sequencing SEQ_START = 1b Host provides Conversion Start Frame on I2C Bus Host provides Conversion Read Frame on I2C Bus Device selects next channel according to AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL Continue? Yes No Disable channel sequencing SEQ_START = 0b Idle Figure 8-14. Device Operation in Auto-Sequence Mode 30 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.4.4 Autonomous Mode In autonomous mode, the device can be programmed to monitor the voltage applied on the analog input pins of the device and generate a signal on the ALERT pin when the programmable high or low threshold values are crossed. In this mode, the device generates the start of conversion using the internal oscillator. The first start of conversion must be provided by the host and the device then generates the subsequent start of conversions. Figure 8-15 shows the steps for configuring the operation mode to autonomous mode. Abort the ongoing sequence by setting SEQ_START to 0b before changing the functional mode or device configuration. Idle SEQ_MODE = 0b CONV_MODE = 0b Configure channels as AIN/GPIO using PIN_CFG Calibrate offset error (CAL = 1b) Channel selection Enable analog inputs for sequencing (AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL) Select Auto-sequence mode (SEQ_MODE = 01b) Configure alert condition using HIGH_TH_CHx, LOW_TH_CHx,EVENT_COUNT_CHx, HYSTERESIS_CHx, and EVENT_REGION_CHx fields Enable analog inputs to trigger ALERT pin using ALERT_CH_SEL Configuration Threshold & Alert configuration Configure ALERT pin using ALERT_DRIVE and ALERT_LOGIC fields Configure sampling rate of analog inputs using OSC_SEL and CLK_DIV Set mode to autonomous monitoring (CONV_MODE = 01b) Sampling rate configuration (optional) Enable averaging and min/max recording (OSR[2:0] and STATS_EN) Enable threshold comparison (DWC_EN = 1b) Enable autonomous monitoring (SEQ_START = 1b) Active Operation (Digital communication interface can be idle) No ALERT? (optional) read conversion results in MIN_VALUE_CHx, MAX_VALUE_CHx, and LAST_VALUE_CHx registers Yes Stop autonomous monitoring (SEQ_START = 0b) Disable threshold comparison (DWC_EN = 0b) ALERT Detected Read alert flags ± EVENT_FLAG, EVENT_HIGH_FLAG, EVENT_LOW_FLAG Clear alert flags ± EVENT_HIGH_FLAG, EVENT_LOW_FLAG Figure 8-15. Configuring the Device in Autonomous Mode Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 31 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.4.5 Turbo Comparator Mode Turbo comparator mode allows fast comparison with high and low thresholds using the digital window comparator. ADC output data are not available in this mode. Figure 8-16 lists the comparison start and read frames for turbo comparator mode. The desired analog input channels can be configured for sequencing in the AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL register. To enable the channel sequencer, set SEQ_START to 1b. After every comparison, the channel sequencer switches the multiplexer to the next analog input in ascending order. To stop the channel sequencer from selecting channels, set SEQ_START to 0b. See the Oscillator and Timing Control section for more details on configuring the speed in turbo comparator mode. Abort the ongoing sequence by setting SEQ_START to 0b before changing the functional mode or device configuration. Idle SEQ_MODE = 0b CONV_MODE = 0b Configure channels as AIN/GPIO using PIN_CFG Calibrate offset error (CAL = 1b) Channel selection Enable analog inputs for sequencing (AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL) Select auto-sequence mode (SEQ_MODE = 01b) Configure alert condition using HIGH_TH_CHx, LOW_TH_CHx,EVENT_COUNT_CHx, HYSTERESIS_CHx, and EVENT_REGION_CHx fields Enable analog inputs to trigger ALERT pin using ALERT_CH_SEL Threshold & Alert configuration Configuration Configure ALERT pin using ALERT_DRIVE and ALERT_LOGIC fields Configure sampling rate of analog inputs using OSC_SEL and CLK_DIV Select turbo comparator mode (CONV_MODE = 10b) Sampling rate configuration Enable threshold comparison (DWC_EN = 1b) Start turbo comparator mode (SEQ_START = 1b) Active Operation (Digital communication interface can be idle) No ALERT? Yes Stop turbo comparator mode (SEQ_START = 0b) Disable threshold comparison (DWC_EN = 0b) ALERT Detected Read alert flags ± EVENT_FLAG, EVENT_HIGH_FLAG, EVENT_LOW_FLAG Clear alert flags ± EVENT_HIGH_FLAG, EVENT_LOW_FLAG Figure 8-16. Device Operation in Turbo Comparator Mode 32 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.5 Programming Table 8-9 provides the acronyms for different conditions in an I 2C frame. Table 8-10 lists the various command opcodes. Table 8-9. I2C Frame Acronyms SYMBOL DESCRIPTION S Start condition for the I2C frame Sr Restart condition for the I2C frame P Stop condition for the I2C frame A ACK (low) N NACK (high) R Read bit (high) W Write bit (low) Table 8-10. Opcodes for Commands OPCODE COMMAND DESCRIPTION 0001 0000b Single register read 0000 1000b Single register write 0001 1000b Set bit 0010 0000b Clear bit 0011 0000b Reading a continuous block of registers 0010 1000b Writing a continuous block of registers 8.5.1 Register Read The I2C master can either read a single register or a continuous block registers from the device, as described in the Single Register Read and Reading a Continuous Block of Registers sections. Single Register Read To read a single register from the device, the I2C master must provide an I2C command with three frames to set the register address for reading data. The opcodes for commands supported by the device are listed in Table 8-10. After an I 2C command is provided, the I 2C master must provide another I 2C frame (as shown in Figure 8-17) containing the device address and the read bit. The device provides the register data in the next I2C frame. The device provides the same register data even if the host provides more I 2C frames. To end the register read command, the master must provide a STOP or a RESTART condition in the I2C frame. S 7-bit Slave Address W A 0001 0000b A Register Address Data from host to device A P/Sr S 7-bit Slave Address R A Register Data A P/Sr Data from device to host S = start, Sr = repeated start, and P = stop. Figure 8-17. Single Register Read Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 33 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Reading a Continuous Block of Registers To read a continuous block of registers, the I 2C master must provide an I 2C command to set the register address. The register address is the address of the first register in the block that must be read. After this command is provided, the I 2C master must provide another I 2C frame, as shown in Figure 8-18, containing the device address and the read bit. After this frame, the device provides the register data. The device provides data for the next register when more clocks are provided. When data are read from addresses that do not exist in the register map of the device, the device returns zeros. If the device does not have any further registers to provide data on, the device provide zeros. To end the register read command, the master must provide a STOP or a RESTART condition in the I2C frame. S 7-bit Slave Address W A 0011 0000b A 1st Reg Address in the Block A Data from host to device P/Sr S 7-bit Slave Address R A Register Data A P/Sr Data from device to host S = start, Sr = repeated start, and P = stop. Figure 8-18. Reading a Continuous Block of Registers 8.5.2 Writing Registers The I 2C master can either write a single register or a continuous block of registers to the device, set a few bits in a register, or clear a few bits in a register. Single Register Write To write a single register from the device, as shown in Figure 8-19, the I2C master must provide an I2C command with four frames. The register address is the address of the register that must be written and the register data is the value that must be written. Table 8-10 lists the opcodes for different commands. To end the register write command, the master must provide a STOP or a RESTART condition in the I2C frame. S 7-bit Slave Address W A 0000 1000b Data from host to device A Register Address A Register Data A P/Sr Data from device to host S = start, Sr = repeated start, and P = stop. Figure 8-19. Writing a Single Register Set Bit The I2C master must provide an I2C command with four frames, as shown in Figure 8-19, to set bits in a register without changing the other bits. The register address is the address of the register that the bits must set and the register data is the value representing the bits that must be set. Bits with a value of 1 in the register data are set and bits with a value of 0 in the register data are not changed. Table 8-10 lists the opcodes for different commands. To end this command, the master must provide a STOP or RESTART condition in the I2C frame. Clear Bit The I 2C master must provide an I 2C command with four frames, as shown in Figure 8-19, to clear bits in a register without changing the other bits. The register address is the address of the register that the bits must clear and the register data is the value representing the bits that must be cleared. Bits with a value of 1 in the register data are cleared and bits with a value of 0 in the register data are not changed. Table 8-10 lists the opcodes for different commands. To end this command, the master must provide a STOP or a RESTART condition in the I2C frame. 34 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Writing a Continuous Block of Registers The I2C master must provide an I2C command, as shown in Figure 8-20, to write a continuous block of registers. The register address is the address of the first register in the block that must be written. The I 2C master must provide data for registers in subsequent I 2C frames in an ascending order of register addresses. Writing data to addresses that do not exist in the register map of the device have no effect. Table 8-10 lists the opcodes for different commands. If the data provided by the I2C master exceeds the address space of the device, the device ignores the data beyond the address space. To end the register write command, the master must provide a STOP or a RESTART condition in the I2C frame. S 7-bit Slave Address W A 0010 1000b A 1st Reg Address in the block Data from host to device A Register Data A P/Sr Data from device to host S = start, Sr = repeated start, and P = stop. Figure 8-20. Writing a Continuous Block of Registers Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 35 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6 ADS7138-Q1 Registers Table 8-11 lists the memory-mapped registers for the ADS7138-Q1 registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-11 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified. Table 8-11. ADS7138-Q1 Registers Address 36 Acronym Register Name Section 0x0 SYSTEM_STATUS Section 8.6.1 0x1 GENERAL_CFG Section 8.6.2 0x2 DATA_CFG Section 8.6.3 0x3 OSR_CFG Section 8.6.4 0x4 OPMODE_CFG Section 8.6.5 0x5 PIN_CFG Section 8.6.6 0x7 GPIO_CFG Section 8.6.7 0x9 GPO_DRIVE_CFG Section 8.6.8 0xB GPO_VALUE Section 8.6.9 0xD GPI_VALUE Section 8.6.10 0x10 SEQUENCE_CFG Section 8.6.11 0x11 MANUAL_CH_SEL Section 8.6.12 0x12 AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL Section 8.6.13 0x14 ALERT_CH_SEL Section 8.6.14 0x16 ALERT_FUNC_SEL Section 8.6.15 0x17 ALERT_PIN_CFG Section 8.6.16 0x18 EVENT_FLAG Section 8.6.17 0x1A EVENT_HIGH_FLAG Section 8.6.18 0x1C EVENT_LOW_FLAG Section 8.6.19 0x1E EVENT_RGN Section 8.6.20 0x20 HYSTERESIS_CH0 Section 8.6.21 0x21 HIGH_TH_CH0 Section 8.6.22 0x22 EVENT_COUNT_CH0 Section 8.6.23 0x23 LOW_TH_CH0 Section 8.6.24 0x24 HYSTERESIS_CH1 Section 8.6.25 0x25 HIGH_TH_CH1 Section 8.6.26 0x26 EVENT_COUNT_CH1 Section 8.6.27 0x27 LOW_TH_CH1 Section 8.6.28 0x28 HYSTERESIS_CH2 Section 8.6.29 0x29 HIGH_TH_CH2 Section 8.6.30 0x2A EVENT_COUNT_CH2 Section 8.6.31 0x2B LOW_TH_CH2 Section 8.6.32 0x2C HYSTERESIS_CH3 Section 8.6.33 0x2D HIGH_TH_CH3 Section 8.6.34 0x2E EVENT_COUNT_CH3 Section 8.6.35 0x2F LOW_TH_CH3 Section 8.6.36 0x30 HYSTERESIS_CH4 Section 8.6.37 0x31 HIGH_TH_CH4 Section 8.6.38 0x32 EVENT_COUNT_CH4 Section 8.6.39 0x33 LOW_TH_CH4 Section 8.6.40 0x34 HYSTERESIS_CH5 Section 8.6.41 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-11. ADS7138-Q1 Registers (continued) Address Acronym Register Name Section 0x35 HIGH_TH_CH5 Section 8.6.42 0x36 EVENT_COUNT_CH5 Section 8.6.43 0x37 LOW_TH_CH5 Section 8.6.44 0x38 HYSTERESIS_CH6 Section 8.6.45 0x39 HIGH_TH_CH6 Section 8.6.46 0x3A EVENT_COUNT_CH6 Section 8.6.47 0x3B LOW_TH_CH6 Section 8.6.48 0x3C HYSTERESIS_CH7 Section 8.6.49 0x3D HIGH_TH_CH7 Section 8.6.50 0x3E EVENT_COUNT_CH7 Section 8.6.51 0x3F LOW_TH_CH7 Section 8.6.52 0x60 MAX_CH0_LSB Section 8.6.53 0x61 MAX_CH0_MSB Section 8.6.54 0x62 MAX_CH1_LSB Section 8.6.55 0x63 MAX_CH1_MSB Section 8.6.56 0x64 MAX_CH2_LSB Section 8.6.57 0x65 MAX_CH2_MSB Section 8.6.58 0x66 MAX_CH3_LSB Section 8.6.59 0x67 MAX_CH3_MSB Section 8.6.60 0x68 MAX_CH4_LSB Section 8.6.61 0x69 MAX_CH4_MSB Section 8.6.62 0x6A MAX_CH5_LSB Section 8.6.63 0x6B MAX_CH5_MSB Section 8.6.64 0x6C MAX_CH6_LSB Section 8.6.65 0x6D MAX_CH6_MSB Section 8.6.66 0x6E MAX_CH7_LSB Section 8.6.67 0x6F MAX_CH7_MSB Section 8.6.68 0x80 MIN_CH0_LSB Section 8.6.69 0x81 MIN_CH0_MSB Section 8.6.70 0x82 MIN_CH1_LSB Section 8.6.71 0x83 MIN_CH1_MSB Section 8.6.72 0x84 MIN_CH2_LSB Section 8.6.73 0x85 MIN_CH2_MSB Section 8.6.74 0x86 MIN_CH3_LSB Section 8.6.75 0x87 MIN_CH3_MSB Section 8.6.76 0x88 MIN_CH4_LSB Section 8.6.77 0x89 MIN_CH4_MSB Section 8.6.78 0x8A MIN_CH5_LSB Section 8.6.79 0x8B MIN_CH5_MSB Section 8.6.80 0x8C MIN_CH6_LSB Section 8.6.81 0x8D MIN_CH6_MSB Section 8.6.82 0x8E MIN_CH7_LSB Section 8.6.83 0x8F MIN_CH7_MSB Section 8.6.84 0xA0 RECENT_CH0_LSB Section 8.6.85 0xA1 RECENT_CH0_MSB Section 8.6.86 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 37 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-11. ADS7138-Q1 Registers (continued) Address Acronym Register Name Section 0xA2 RECENT_CH1_LSB Section 8.6.87 0xA3 RECENT_CH1_MSB Section 8.6.88 0xA4 RECENT_CH2_LSB Section 8.6.89 0xA5 RECENT_CH2_MSB Section 8.6.90 0xA6 RECENT_CH3_LSB Section 8.6.91 0xA7 RECENT_CH3_MSB Section 8.6.92 0xA8 RECENT_CH4_LSB Section 8.6.93 0xA9 RECENT_CH4_MSB Section 8.6.94 0xAA RECENT_CH5_LSB Section 8.6.95 0xAB RECENT_CH5_MSB Section 8.6.96 0xAC RECENT_CH6_LSB Section 8.6.97 0xAD RECENT_CH6_MSB Section 8.6.98 0xAE RECENT_CH7_LSB Section 8.6.99 0xAF RECENT_CH7_MSB Section 8.6.100 0xC3 GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.101 0xC5 GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.102 0xC7 GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.103 0xC9 GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.104 0xCB GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.105 0xCD GPO5_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.106 0xCF GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.107 0xD1 GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Section 8.6.108 0xE9 GPO_TRIGGER_CFG Section 8.6.109 0xEB GPO_VALUE_TRIG Section 8.6.110 Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-12 shows the codes that are used for access types in this section. Table 8-12. ADS7138-Q1 Access Type Codes Access Type Code Description R Read W Write Read Type R Write Type W Reset or Default Value -n Value after reset or the default value Register Array Variables i,j,k,l,m,n 38 When these variables are used in a register name, an offset, or an address, they refer to the value of a register array where the register is part of a group of repeating registers. The register groups form a hierarchical structure and the array is represented with a formula. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-12. ADS7138-Q1 Access Type Codes (continued) Access Type Code Description y When this variable is used in a register name, an offset, or an address it refers to the value of a register array. 8.6.1 SYSTEM_STATUS Register (Address = 0x0) [Reset = 0x81] SYSTEM_STATUS is shown in Figure 8-17 and described in Table 8-13. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-17. SYSTEM_STATUS Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RSVD SEQ_STATUS I2C_SPEED RESERVED OSR_DONE CRC_ERR_FU SE CRC_ERR_IN BOR R-1b R-0b R-0b R-0b R/W-0b R-0b R/W-0b R/W-1b Table 8-13. SYSTEM_STATUS Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7 RSVD R 1b Reads return 1b. 6 SEQ_STATUS R 0b Status of the channel sequencer. 0b = Sequence stopped 1b = Sequence in progress 5 I2C_SPEED R 0b I2C high-speed status. 0b = I2C bus is not in high-speed mode. 1b = I2C bus is in high-speed mode. 4 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 3 OSR_DONE R/W 0b Averaging status. Clear this bit by writing 1b to this bit. 0b = Averaging in progress or not started; average result is not ready. 1b = Averaging complete; average result is ready. 2 CRC_ERR_FUSE R 0b Device power-up configuration CRC check status. To re-evaluate this bit, software reset the device or power cycle AVDD. 0b = No problems detected in power-up configuration. 1b = Device configuration not loaded correctly. 1 CRC_ERR_IN R/W 0b Status of CRC check on incoming data. Write 1b to clear this error flag. 0b = No CRC error. 1b = CRC error detected. All register writes, except to addresses 0x00 and 0x01, are blocked. 0 BOR R/W 1b Brown out reset indicator. This bit is set if brown out condition occurs or device is power cycled. Write 1b to this bit to clear the flag. 0b = No brown out condition detected from last time this bit was cleared. 1b = Brown out condition detected or device power cycled. 8.6.2 GENERAL_CFG Register (Address = 0x1) [Reset = 0x0] GENERAL_CFG is shown in Figure 8-18 and described in Table 8-14. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-18. GENERAL_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 39 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-18. GENERAL_CFG Register (continued) RESERVED CRC_EN STATS_EN DWC_EN CNVST CH_RST CAL RST R-0b R/W-0b R/W-0b R/W-0b W-0b R/W-0b R/W-0b W-0b Table 8-14. GENERAL_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 6 CRC_EN R/W 0b Enable or disable the CRC on device interface. 0b = CRC module disabled. 1b = CRC appended to data output. CRC check is enabled on incoming data. 5 STATS_EN R/W 0b Enable or disable the statistics module to update minimu, maximum, and latest output code registers. 0b = Statistics registers are not updated. 1b = Clear statistics registers and conitnue updating with new conversion results. 4 DWC_EN R/W 0b Enable or disable the digital window comparator. 0b = Reset or disable the digital window comparator. 1b = Enable the digital window comparator. 3 CNVST W 0b Control start conversion on selected analog input. Readback of this bit returns 0b. 0b = Normal operation; conversions starts on the 9th falling edge of I 2C frame. Device stretches SCL until end of conversion or completion of averaging. 1b = Initiate start of conversion. Device does not stretch SCL until end of conversion or completion of averaging. 2 CH_RST R/W 0b Force all channels to be analog inputs. 0b = Normal operation. 1b = All channels are configured as analog inputs irrespective of configuration in other registers. 1 CAL R/W 0b Calibrate ADC offset. 0b = Normal operation. 1b = ADC offset is calibrated. After calibration is complete, this bit is set to 0b by the device. 0 RST W 0b Software reset all registers to default values. 0b = Normal operation. 1b = Device is reset. After reset is complete, this bit is set to 0b and BOR bit is set to 1b by the device. 8.6.3 DATA_CFG Register (Address = 0x2) [Reset = 0x0] DATA_CFG is shown in Figure 8-19 and described in Table 8-15. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-19. DATA_CFG Register 7 6 FIX_PAT RESERVED APPEND_STATUS[1:0] 5 4 3 2 RESERVED 1 R/W-0b R-0b R/W-0b R-0b 0 Table 8-15. DATA_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit 40 Field Type Reset Description 7 FIX_PAT R/W 0b Device will output fixed data bits, which can be helpful for debugging communication with the device. 0b = Normal operation. 1b = Device outputs fixed code 0xA5A repeatitively when reading data. 6 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-15. DATA_CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bit Field Type Reset Description 5-4 APPEND_STATUS[1:0] R/W 0b Append 4-bit channel ID or status flags to output data. 0b = Channel ID and status flags are not appended to ADC data. 1b = 4-bit channel ID is appended to ADC data. 10b = 4-bit status flags are appended to ADC data. 11b = Reserved. 3-0 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 8.6.4 OSR_CFG Register (Address = 0x3) [Reset = 0x0] OSR_CFG is shown in Figure 8-20 and described in Table 8-16. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-20. OSR_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RESERVED OSR[2:0] R-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-16. OSR_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-3 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 2-0 OSR[2:0] R/W 0b Selects the oversampling ratio for ADC conversion result. 0b = No averaging 1b = 2 samples 10b = 4 samples 11b = 8 samples 100b = 16 samples 101b = 32 samples 110b = 64 samples 111b = 128 samples 8.6.5 OPMODE_CFG Register (Address = 0x4) [Reset = 0x0] OPMODE_CFG is shown in Figure 8-21 and described in Table 8-17. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-21. OPMODE_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONV_ON_ER R CONV_MODE[1:0] OSC_SEL CLK_DIV[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-17. OPMODE_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit 7 Field Type Reset Description CONV_ON_ERR R/W 0b Control continuation of autonomous and turbo comparator modes if CRC error is detected on communication interface. 0b = If CRC error is detected, device continues channel sequencing and pin configuration is retained. See the CRC_ERR_IN bit for more details. 1b = If CRC error is detected, device changes all channels to analog inputs and channel sequencing is paused until CRC_ERR_IN = 1b. After clearing CRC_ERR_IN flag, device resumes channel sequencing and pin confguration is restored. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 41 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-17. OPMODE_CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bit Field Type Reset Description 6-5 CONV_MODE[1:0] R/W 0b These bits set the mode of conversion of the ADC. 0b = Manual mode; conversions are initiated by host. 1b = Autonomous mode; conversions are initiated by internal state machine. 10b = Turbo mode; comparisons are initiated by internal state machine. OSC_SEL R/W 0b Selects the oscillator for internal timing generation. 0b = High-speed oscillator. 1b = Low-power oscillator. CLK_DIV[3:0] R/W 0b Sampling speed control. See the section on oscillator and timing control for details. 4 3-0 8.6.6 PIN_CFG Register (Address = 0x5) [Reset = 0x0] PIN_CFG is shown in Figure 8-22 and described in Table 8-18. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-22. PIN_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PIN_CFG[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-18. PIN_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 PIN_CFG[7:0] R/W 0b Configure device channels AIN/GPIO[7:0] as analog inputs or GPIOs. 0b = Channel is configured as an analog input. 1b = Channel is configured as a GPIO. 8.6.7 GPIO_CFG Register (Address = 0x7) [Reset = 0x0] GPIO_CFG is shown in Figure 8-23 and described in Table 8-19. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-23. GPIO_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO_CFG[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-19. GPIO_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 GPIO_CFG[7:0] R/W 0b Configure GPIO[7:0] as either digital inputs or digital outputs. 0b = GPIO is configured as digital input. 1b = GPIO is configured as digital output. 8.6.8 GPO_DRIVE_CFG Register (Address = 0x9) [Reset = 0x0] GPO_DRIVE_CFG is shown in Figure 8-24 and described in Table 8-20. Return to the Table 8-11. 42 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-24. GPO_DRIVE_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO_DRIVE_CFG[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-20. GPO_DRIVE_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 GPO_DRIVE_CFG[7:0] R/W 0b Configure digital outputs GPO[7:0] as either open-drain or push-pull outputs. 0b = Digital output is open-drain; connect external pullup resistor. 1b = Push-pull driver is used for digital output. 8.6.9 GPO_VALUE Register (Address = 0xB) [Reset = 0x0] GPO_VALUE is shown in Figure 8-25 and described in Table 8-21. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-25. GPO_VALUE Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO_VALUE[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-21. GPO_VALUE Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 GPO_VALUE[7:0] R/W 0b Logic level to be set on digital outputs GPO[7:0]. 0b = Digital output is set to logic 0. 1b = Digital output is set to logic 1. 8.6.10 GPI_VALUE Register (Address = 0xD) [Reset = 0x0] GPI_VALUE is shown in Figure 8-26 and described in Table 8-22. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-26. GPI_VALUE Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPI_VALUE[7:0] R-0b Table 8-22. GPI_VALUE Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 GPI_VALUE[7:0] R 0b This field returns the logical level of all channels including analog inputs, digital inputs, and digital outputs. 0b = GPIO is at logic 0. 1b = GPIO is at logic 1. 8.6.11 SEQUENCE_CFG Register (Address = 0x10) [Reset = 0x0] SEQUENCE_CFG is shown in Figure 8-27 and described in Table 8-23. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-27. SEQUENCE_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 43 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-27. SEQUENCE_CFG Register (continued) RESERVED SEQ_START RESERVED SEQ_MODE[1:0] R-0b R/W-0b R-0b R/W-0b Table 8-23. SEQUENCE_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-5 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 4 SEQ_START R/W 0b Control for start of channel sequence when using auto sequence mode (SEQ_MODE = 01b). 0b = Stop channel sequencing. 1b = Start channel sequencing in ascending order for channels enabled in AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL register. 3-2 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 1-0 SEQ_MODE[1:0] R/W 0b Selects the mode of scanning of analog input channels. 0b = Manual sequence mode; channel selected by MANUAL_CHID field. 1b = Auto sequence mode; channel selected by AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL. 10b = Reserved. 11b = Reserved. 8.6.12 MANUAL_CH_SEL Register (Address = 0x11) [Reset = 0x0] MANUAL_CH_SEL is shown in Figure 8-28 and described in Table 8-24. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-28. MANUAL_CH_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RESERVED MANUAL_CHID[3:0] R-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-24. MANUAL_CH_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-4 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit 3-0 MANUAL_CHID[3:0] R/W 0b In manual mode (SEQ_MODE = 00b), this field contains the 4-bit channel ID of the analog input channel for next ADC conversion. For valid ADC data, the selected channel must not be configured as GPIO in PIN_CFG register. 0b = AIN0 1b = AIN1 10b = AIN2 11b = AIN3 100b = AIN4 101b = AIN5 110b = AIN6 111b = AIN7 1000b = Reserved. 8.6.13 AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL Register (Address = 0x12) [Reset = 0x0] AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL is shown in Figure 8-29 and described in Table 8-25. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-29. AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL[7:0] 44 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-29. AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL Register (continued) R/W-0b Table 8-25. AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL[7:0] R/W Type Reset Description 0b Select analog input channels AIN[7:0] in for auto sequencing mode. 0b = Analog input channel is not enabled in scanning sequence. 1b = Analog input channel is enabled in scanning sequence. 8.6.14 ALERT_CH_SEL Register (Address = 0x14) [Reset = 0x0] ALERT_CH_SEL is shown in Figure 8-30 and described in Table 8-26. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-30. ALERT_CH_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ALERT_CH_SEL[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-26. ALERT_CH_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 ALERT_CH_SEL[7:0] R/W 0b Select channels for which the alert flags can assert the ALERT pin. 0b = Event flags for this channel do not assert the ALERT pin. 1b = Event flags for this channel assert the ALERT pin. 8.6.15 ALERT_FUNC_SEL Register (Address = 0x16) [Reset = 0x0] ALERT_FUNC_SEL is shown in Figure 8-31 and described in Table 8-27. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-31. ALERT_FUNC_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RESERVED ALERT_CRCIN R-0b R/W-0b Table 8-27. ALERT_FUNC_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-1 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit ALERT_CRCIN R/W 0b Enable or disable the alert notification for CRC error on input data (CRCERR_IN = 1b). 0b = ALERT pin is not asserted when CRCERR_IN = 1b. 1b = ALERT pin is asserted when CRCERR_IN = 1b. Clear CRCERR_IN for deasserting the ALERT pin. 0 8.6.16 ALERT_PIN_CFG Register (Address = 0x17) [Reset = 0x0] ALERT_PIN_CFG is shown in Figure 8-32 and described in Table 8-28. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-32. ALERT_PIN_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED 2 ALERT_DRIVE 1 0 ALERT_LOGIC[1:0] Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 45 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-32. ALERT_PIN_CFG Register (continued) R-0b R/W-0b R/W-0b Table 8-28. ALERT_PIN_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-3 RESERVED R 0b Reserved Bit ALERT_DRIVE R/W 0b Configure output drive of the ALERT pin. 0b = Open-drain output. Connect external pullup resistor. 1b = Push-pull output. ALERT_LOGIC[1:0] R/W 0b Configure how ALERT pin is asserted. 0b = Active low. 1b = Active high. 10b = Pulsed low (one logic low pulse every time a bit in EVENT_FLAG is set to 1b). 11b = Pulsed high (one logic high pulse every time a bit in EVENT_FLAG is set to 1b). 2 1-0 8.6.17 EVENT_FLAG Register (Address = 0x18) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_FLAG is shown in Figure 8-33 and described in Table 8-29. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-33. EVENT_FLAG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVENT_FLAG[7:0] R-0b Table 8-29. EVENT_FLAG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 EVENT_FLAG[7:0] R 0b Event flags indicating digital window comparator status for AIN/ GPIO[7:0]. Clear individual bits of EVENT_HIGH_FLAG or EVENT_LOW_FLAG registers to clear the corresponding bit in this register. 0b = Event condition not detected. 1b = Event condition detected. 8.6.18 EVENT_HIGH_FLAG Register (Address = 0x1A) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_HIGH_FLAG is shown in Figure 8-34 and described in Table 8-30. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-34. EVENT_HIGH_FLAG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVENT_HIGH_FLAG[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-30. EVENT_HIGH_FLAG Register Field Descriptions 46 Bit Field Type 7-0 EVENT_HIGH_FLAG[7:0] R/W Reset Description 0b Event flag corresponding to high threshold of analog input or logic 1 on digital input on AIN/GPIO[7:0]. Write 1b to clear this flag. 0b = No alert condition detected. 1b = Either high threshold was exceeded (analog input) or logic 1 was detected (digital input). Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6.19 EVENT_LOW_FLAG Register (Address = 0x1C) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_LOW_FLAG is shown in Figure 8-35 and described in Table 8-31. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-35. EVENT_LOW_FLAG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVENT_LOW_FLAG[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-31. EVENT_LOW_FLAG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 EVENT_LOW_FLAG[7:0] R/W 0b Event orresponding to low threshold of analog input or logic 0 on digital input on AIN/GPIO[7:0]. Write 1b to clear this flag. 0b = No Event condition detected. 1b = Either low threshold was exceeded (analog input) or logic 0 was detected (digital input). 8.6.20 EVENT_RGN Register (Address = 0x1E) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_RGN is shown in Figure 8-36 and described in Table 8-32. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-36. EVENT_RGN Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVENT_RGN[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-32. EVENT_RGN Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type Reset Description 7-0 EVENT_RGN[7:0] R/W 0b Choice of region used in monitoring analog and digital inputs AIN/ GPIO[7:0]. 0b = Event flag is set if: (conversion result < low threshold) or (conversion result > high threshold). For digital inputs, logic 1 sets the alert flag. 1b = Event flag is set if: (low threshold > conversion result < high threshold). For digital inputs, logic 0 sets the eventt flag. 8.6.21 HYSTERESIS_CH0 Register (Address = 0x20) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH0 is shown in Figure 8-37 and described in Table 8-33. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-37. HYSTERESIS_CH0 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH0_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH0[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-33. HYSTERESIS_CH0 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-4 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH0 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type Reset Description 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 47 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-33. HYSTERESIS_CH0 Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bit Field Type Reset Description 3-0 HYSTERESIS_CH0[3:0] R/W 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] 8.6.22 HIGH_TH_CH0 Register (Address = 0x21) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH0 is shown in Figure 8-38 and described in Table 8-34. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-38. HIGH_TH_CH0 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH0_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b Table 8-34. HIGH_TH_CH0 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH0 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.23 EVENT_COUNT_CH0 Register (Address = 0x22) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH0 is shown in Figure 8-39 and described in Table 8-35. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-39. EVENT_COUNT_CH0 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH0_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH0[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-35. EVENT_COUNT_CH0 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH0 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH0[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.24 LOW_TH_CH0 Register (Address = 0x23) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH0 is shown in Figure 8-40 and described in Table 8-36. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-40. LOW_TH_CH0 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH0_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b 48 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-36. LOW_TH_CH0 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH0 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.25 HYSTERESIS_CH1 Register (Address = 0x24) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH1 is shown in Figure 8-41 and described in Table 8-37. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-41. HYSTERESIS_CH1 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH1_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH1[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-37. HYSTERESIS_CH1 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH1 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 HYSTERESIS_CH1[3:0] 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] R/W 8.6.26 HIGH_TH_CH1 Register (Address = 0x25) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH1 is shown in Figure 8-42 and described in Table 8-38. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-42. HIGH_TH_CH1 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH1_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b Table 8-38. HIGH_TH_CH1 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH1 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.27 EVENT_COUNT_CH1 Register (Address = 0x26) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH1 is shown in Figure 8-43 and described in Table 8-39. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-43. EVENT_COUNT_CH1 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH1_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH1[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 49 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-39. EVENT_COUNT_CH1 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH1 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH1[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.28 LOW_TH_CH1 Register (Address = 0x27) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH1 is shown in Figure 8-44 and described in Table 8-40. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-44. LOW_TH_CH1 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH1_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-40. LOW_TH_CH1 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH1 R/W _MSB[7:0] Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.29 HYSTERESIS_CH2 Register (Address = 0x28) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH2 is shown in Figure 8-45 and described in Table 8-41. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-45. HYSTERESIS_CH2 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH2_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH2[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-41. HYSTERESIS_CH2 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-4 3-0 Type Reset Description HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH2 R/W _LSB[3:0] 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. HYSTERESIS_CH2[3:0] 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] R/W 8.6.30 HIGH_TH_CH2 Register (Address = 0x29) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH2 is shown in Figure 8-46 and described in Table 8-42. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-46. HIGH_TH_CH2 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH2_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b 50 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-42. HIGH_TH_CH2 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH2 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.31 EVENT_COUNT_CH2 Register (Address = 0x2A) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH2 is shown in Figure 8-47 and described in Table 8-43. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-47. EVENT_COUNT_CH2 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH2_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH2[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-43. EVENT_COUNT_CH2 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH2 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH2[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.32 LOW_TH_CH2 Register (Address = 0x2B) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH2 is shown in Figure 8-48 and described in Table 8-44. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-48. LOW_TH_CH2 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH2_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-44. LOW_TH_CH2 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH2 R/W _MSB[7:0] Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.33 HYSTERESIS_CH3 Register (Address = 0x2C) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH3 is shown in Figure 8-49 and described in Table 8-45. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-49. HYSTERESIS_CH3 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH3_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH3[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-45. HYSTERESIS_CH3 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-4 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH3 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type Reset Description 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 51 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-45. HYSTERESIS_CH3 Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bit Field Type Reset Description 3-0 HYSTERESIS_CH3[3:0] R/W 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] 8.6.34 HIGH_TH_CH3 Register (Address = 0x2D) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH3 is shown in Figure 8-50 and described in Table 8-46. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-50. HIGH_TH_CH3 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH3_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b Table 8-46. HIGH_TH_CH3 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH3 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.35 EVENT_COUNT_CH3 Register (Address = 0x2E) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH3 is shown in Figure 8-51 and described in Table 8-47. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-51. EVENT_COUNT_CH3 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH3_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH3[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-47. EVENT_COUNT_CH3 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH3 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH3[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.36 LOW_TH_CH3 Register (Address = 0x2F) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH3 is shown in Figure 8-52 and described in Table 8-48. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-52. LOW_TH_CH3 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH3_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b 52 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-48. LOW_TH_CH3 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH3 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.37 HYSTERESIS_CH4 Register (Address = 0x30) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH4 is shown in Figure 8-53 and described in Table 8-49. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-53. HYSTERESIS_CH4 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH4_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH4[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-49. HYSTERESIS_CH4 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH4 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 HYSTERESIS_CH4[3:0] 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] R/W 8.6.38 HIGH_TH_CH4 Register (Address = 0x31) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH4 is shown in Figure 8-54 and described in Table 8-50. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-54. HIGH_TH_CH4 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH4_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b Table 8-50. HIGH_TH_CH4 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH4 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.39 EVENT_COUNT_CH4 Register (Address = 0x32) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH4 is shown in Figure 8-55 and described in Table 8-51. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-55. EVENT_COUNT_CH4 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH4_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH4[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 53 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-51. EVENT_COUNT_CH4 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH4 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH4[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.40 LOW_TH_CH4 Register (Address = 0x33) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH4 is shown in Figure 8-56 and described in Table 8-52. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-56. LOW_TH_CH4 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH4_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-52. LOW_TH_CH4 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH4 R/W _MSB[7:0] Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.41 HYSTERESIS_CH5 Register (Address = 0x34) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH5 is shown in Figure 8-57 and described in Table 8-53. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-57. HYSTERESIS_CH5 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH5_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH5[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-53. HYSTERESIS_CH5 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-4 3-0 Type Reset Description HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH5 R/W _LSB[3:0] 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. HYSTERESIS_CH5[3:0] 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] R/W 8.6.42 HIGH_TH_CH5 Register (Address = 0x35) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH5 is shown in Figure 8-58 and described in Table 8-54. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-58. HIGH_TH_CH5 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH5_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b 54 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-54. HIGH_TH_CH5 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH5 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.43 EVENT_COUNT_CH5 Register (Address = 0x36) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH5 is shown in Figure 8-59 and described in Table 8-55. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-59. EVENT_COUNT_CH5 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH5_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH5[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-55. EVENT_COUNT_CH5 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH5 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH5[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.44 LOW_TH_CH5 Register (Address = 0x37) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH5 is shown in Figure 8-60 and described in Table 8-56. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-60. LOW_TH_CH5 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH5_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-56. LOW_TH_CH5 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH5 R/W _MSB[7:0] Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.45 HYSTERESIS_CH6 Register (Address = 0x38) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH6 is shown in Figure 8-61 and described in Table 8-57. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-61. HYSTERESIS_CH6 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH6_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH6[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-57. HYSTERESIS_CH6 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-4 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH6 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type Reset Description 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 55 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-57. HYSTERESIS_CH6 Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bit Field Type Reset Description 3-0 HYSTERESIS_CH6[3:0] R/W 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] 8.6.46 HIGH_TH_CH6 Register (Address = 0x39) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH6 is shown in Figure 8-62 and described in Table 8-58. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-62. HIGH_TH_CH6 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH6_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b Table 8-58. HIGH_TH_CH6 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH6 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.47 EVENT_COUNT_CH6 Register (Address = 0x3A) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH6 is shown in Figure 8-63 and described in Table 8-59. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-63. EVENT_COUNT_CH6 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH6_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH6[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-59. EVENT_COUNT_CH6 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH6 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH6[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.48 LOW_TH_CH6 Register (Address = 0x3B) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH6 is shown in Figure 8-64 and described in Table 8-60. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-64. LOW_TH_CH6 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH6_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b 56 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-60. LOW_TH_CH6 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH6 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.49 HYSTERESIS_CH7 Register (Address = 0x3C) [Reset = 0xF0] HYSTERESIS_CH7 is shown in Figure 8-65 and described in Table 8-61. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-65. HYSTERESIS_CH7 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH7_LSB[3:0] HYSTERESIS_CH7[3:0] R/W-1111b R/W-0b 0 Table 8-61. HYSTERESIS_CH7 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH7 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 1111b Lower 4-bits of high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 HYSTERESIS_CH7[3:0] 0b 4-bit hysteresis for high and low thresholds. This 4-bit hysteris is left shifted 3 times and applied on the lower 7-bits of the threshold. Total hysteresis = 7-bits [4-bits, 000b] R/W 8.6.50 HIGH_TH_CH7 Register (Address = 0x3D) [Reset = 0xFF] HIGH_TH_CH7 is shown in Figure 8-66 and described in Table 8-62. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-66. HIGH_TH_CH7 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH7_MSB[7:0] R/W-11111111b Table 8-62. HIGH_TH_CH7 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 HIGH_THRESHOLD_CH7 R/W _MSB[7:0] Type Reset Description 11111111b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.51 EVENT_COUNT_CH7 Register (Address = 0x3E) [Reset = 0x0] EVENT_COUNT_CH7 is shown in Figure 8-67 and described in Table 8-63. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-67. EVENT_COUNT_CH7 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH7_LSB[3:0] EVENT_COUNT_CH7[3:0] R/W-0b R/W-0b 0 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 57 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-63. EVENT_COUNT_CH7 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Reset Description 7-4 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH7 R/W _LSB[3:0] Type 0b Lower 4-bits of low threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with bits 3:0 of ADC conversion result. 3-0 EVENT_COUNT_CH7[3:0 R/W ] 0b Configuration for checking 'n+1' consecutive samples above threshold before setting event flag. 8.6.52 LOW_TH_CH7 Register (Address = 0x3F) [Reset = 0x0] LOW_TH_CH7 is shown in Figure 8-68 and described in Table 8-64. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-68. LOW_TH_CH7 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH7_MSB[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-64. LOW_TH_CH7 Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LOW_THRESHOLD_CH7 R/W _MSB[7:0] Reset Description 0b MSB aligned high threshold for analog input. These bits are compared with top 8 bits of ADC conversion result. 8.6.53 MAX_CH0_LSB Register (Address = 0x60) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH0_LSB is shown in Figure 8-69 and described in Table 8-65. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-69. MAX_CH0_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH0_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-65. MAX_CH0_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH0_LSB[7 R :0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.54 MAX_CH0_MSB Register (Address = 0x61) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH0_MSB is shown in Figure 8-70 and described in Table 8-66. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-70. MAX_CH0_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH0_MSB[7:0] R-0b 58 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-66. MAX_CH0_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH0_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.55 MAX_CH1_LSB Register (Address = 0x62) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH1_LSB is shown in Figure 8-71 and described in Table 8-67. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-71. MAX_CH1_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH1_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-67. MAX_CH1_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH1_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.56 MAX_CH1_MSB Register (Address = 0x63) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH1_MSB is shown in Figure 8-72 and described in Table 8-68. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-72. MAX_CH1_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH1_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-68. MAX_CH1_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH1_MSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.57 MAX_CH2_LSB Register (Address = 0x64) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH2_LSB is shown in Figure 8-73 and described in Table 8-69. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-73. MAX_CH2_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH2_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-69. MAX_CH2_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH2_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 59 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6.58 MAX_CH2_MSB Register (Address = 0x65) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH2_MSB is shown in Figure 8-74 and described in Table 8-70. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-74. MAX_CH2_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH2_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-70. MAX_CH2_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH2_MSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.59 MAX_CH3_LSB Register (Address = 0x66) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH3_LSB is shown in Figure 8-75 and described in Table 8-71. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-75. MAX_CH3_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH3_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-71. MAX_CH3_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH3_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.60 MAX_CH3_MSB Register (Address = 0x67) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH3_MSB is shown in Figure 8-76 and described in Table 8-72. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-76. MAX_CH3_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH3_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-72. MAX_CH3_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH3_MSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.61 MAX_CH4_LSB Register (Address = 0x68) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH4_LSB is shown in Figure 8-77 and described in Table 8-73. Return to the Table 8-11. 60 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-77. MAX_CH4_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH4_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-73. MAX_CH4_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH4_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.62 MAX_CH4_MSB Register (Address = 0x69) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH4_MSB is shown in Figure 8-78 and described in Table 8-74. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-78. MAX_CH4_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH4_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-74. MAX_CH4_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH4_MSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.63 MAX_CH5_LSB Register (Address = 0x6A) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH5_LSB is shown in Figure 8-79 and described in Table 8-75. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-79. MAX_CH5_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH5_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-75. MAX_CH5_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH5_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.64 MAX_CH5_MSB Register (Address = 0x6B) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH5_MSB is shown in Figure 8-80 and described in Table 8-76. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-80. MAX_CH5_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH5_MSB[7:0] R-0b Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 61 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-76. MAX_CH5_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH5_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.65 MAX_CH6_LSB Register (Address = 0x6C) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH6_LSB is shown in Figure 8-81 and described in Table 8-77. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-81. MAX_CH6_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH6_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-77. MAX_CH6_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH6_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.66 MAX_CH6_MSB Register (Address = 0x6D) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH6_MSB is shown in Figure 8-82 and described in Table 8-78. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-82. MAX_CH6_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH6_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-78. MAX_CH6_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH6_MSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.67 MAX_CH7_LSB Register (Address = 0x6E) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH7_LSB is shown in Figure 8-83 and described in Table 8-79. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-83. MAX_CH7_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH7_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-79. MAX_CH7_LSB Register Field Descriptions 62 Bit Field 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH7_LSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6.68 MAX_CH7_MSB Register (Address = 0x6F) [Reset = 0x0] MAX_CH7_MSB is shown in Figure 8-84 and described in Table 8-80. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-84. MAX_CH7_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAX_VALUE_CH7_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-80. MAX_CH7_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MAX_VALUE_CH7_MSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Maximum code recorded on analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0. 8.6.69 MIN_CH0_LSB Register (Address = 0x80) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH0_LSB is shown in Figure 8-85 and described in Table 8-81. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-85. MIN_CH0_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH0_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-81. MIN_CH0_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH0_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.70 MIN_CH0_MSB Register (Address = 0x81) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH0_MSB is shown in Figure 8-86 and described in Table 8-82. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-86. MIN_CH0_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH0_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-82. MIN_CH0_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH0_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.71 MIN_CH1_LSB Register (Address = 0x82) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH1_LSB is shown in Figure 8-87 and described in Table 8-83. Return to the Table 8-11. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 63 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-87. MIN_CH1_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH1_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-83. MIN_CH1_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH1_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.72 MIN_CH1_MSB Register (Address = 0x83) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH1_MSB is shown in Figure 8-88 and described in Table 8-84. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-88. MIN_CH1_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH1_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-84. MIN_CH1_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH1_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.73 MIN_CH2_LSB Register (Address = 0x84) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH2_LSB is shown in Figure 8-89 and described in Table 8-85. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-89. MIN_CH2_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH2_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-85. MIN_CH2_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH2_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.74 MIN_CH2_MSB Register (Address = 0x85) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH2_MSB is shown in Figure 8-90 and described in Table 8-86. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-90. MIN_CH2_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH2_MSB[7:0] 64 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-90. MIN_CH2_MSB Register (continued) R-11111111b Table 8-86. MIN_CH2_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH2_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.75 MIN_CH3_LSB Register (Address = 0x86) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH3_LSB is shown in Figure 8-91 and described in Table 8-87. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-91. MIN_CH3_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH3_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-87. MIN_CH3_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH3_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.76 MIN_CH3_MSB Register (Address = 0x87) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH3_MSB is shown in Figure 8-92 and described in Table 8-88. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-92. MIN_CH3_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH3_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-88. MIN_CH3_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH3_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.77 MIN_CH4_LSB Register (Address = 0x88) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH4_LSB is shown in Figure 8-93 and described in Table 8-89. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-93. MIN_CH4_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH4_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 65 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-89. MIN_CH4_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH4_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.78 MIN_CH4_MSB Register (Address = 0x89) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH4_MSB is shown in Figure 8-94 and described in Table 8-90. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-94. MIN_CH4_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH4_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-90. MIN_CH4_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH4_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.79 MIN_CH5_LSB Register (Address = 0x8A) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH5_LSB is shown in Figure 8-95 and described in Table 8-91. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-95. MIN_CH5_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH5_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-91. MIN_CH5_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH5_LSB[7: R 0] Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.80 MIN_CH5_MSB Register (Address = 0x8B) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH5_MSB is shown in Figure 8-96 and described in Table 8-92. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-96. MIN_CH5_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH5_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b 66 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-92. MIN_CH5_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH5_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.81 MIN_CH6_LSB Register (Address = 0x8C) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH6_LSB is shown in Figure 8-97 and described in Table 8-93. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-97. MIN_CH6_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH6_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-93. MIN_CH6_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH6_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.82 MIN_CH6_MSB Register (Address = 0x8D) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH6_MSB is shown in Figure 8-98 and described in Table 8-94. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-98. MIN_CH6_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH6_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-94. MIN_CH6_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH6_MSB[7 R :0] Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.83 MIN_CH7_LSB Register (Address = 0x8E) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH7_LSB is shown in Figure 8-99 and described in Table 8-95. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-99. MIN_CH7_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH7_LSB[7:0] R-11111111b Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 67 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-95. MIN_CH7_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH7_LSB[7: R 0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.84 MIN_CH7_MSB Register (Address = 0x8F) [Reset = 0xFF] MIN_CH7_MSB is shown in Figure 8-100 and described in Table 8-96. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-100. MIN_CH7_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MIN_VALUE_CH7_MSB[7:0] R-11111111b Table 8-96. MIN_CH7_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 MIN_VALUE_CH7_MSB[7 R :0] Type Reset Description 11111111b Minimum code recorded on the analog input channel from the last time this register was read. Reading the register resets the value to 0xFF. 8.6.85 RECENT_CH0_LSB Register (Address = 0xA0) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH0_LSB is shown in Figure 8-101 and described in Table 8-97. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-101. RECENT_CH0_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH0_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-97. RECENT_CH0_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH0_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.86 RECENT_CH0_MSB Register (Address = 0xA1) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH0_MSB is shown in Figure 8-102 and described in Table 8-98. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-102. RECENT_CH0_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH0_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-98. RECENT_CH0_MSB Register Field Descriptions 68 Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH0_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6.87 RECENT_CH1_LSB Register (Address = 0xA2) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH1_LSB is shown in Figure 8-103 and described in Table 8-99. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-103. RECENT_CH1_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH1_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-99. RECENT_CH1_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH1_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.88 RECENT_CH1_MSB Register (Address = 0xA3) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH1_MSB is shown in Figure 8-104 and described in Table 8-100. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-104. RECENT_CH1_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH1_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-100. RECENT_CH1_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH1_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.89 RECENT_CH2_LSB Register (Address = 0xA4) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH2_LSB is shown in Figure 8-105 and described in Table 8-101. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-105. RECENT_CH2_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH2_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-101. RECENT_CH2_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH2_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.90 RECENT_CH2_MSB Register (Address = 0xA5) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH2_MSB is shown in Figure 8-106 and described in Table 8-102. Return to the Table 8-11. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 69 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-106. RECENT_CH2_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH2_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-102. RECENT_CH2_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH2_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.91 RECENT_CH3_LSB Register (Address = 0xA6) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH3_LSB is shown in Figure 8-107 and described in Table 8-103. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-107. RECENT_CH3_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH3_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-103. RECENT_CH3_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH3_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.92 RECENT_CH3_MSB Register (Address = 0xA7) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH3_MSB is shown in Figure 8-108 and described in Table 8-104. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-108. RECENT_CH3_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH3_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-104. RECENT_CH3_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH3_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.93 RECENT_CH4_LSB Register (Address = 0xA8) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH4_LSB is shown in Figure 8-109 and described in Table 8-105. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-109. RECENT_CH4_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH4_LSB[7:0] R-0b 70 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-105. RECENT_CH4_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH4_LSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.94 RECENT_CH4_MSB Register (Address = 0xA9) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH4_MSB is shown in Figure 8-110 and described in Table 8-106. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-110. RECENT_CH4_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH4_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-106. RECENT_CH4_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH4_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.95 RECENT_CH5_LSB Register (Address = 0xAA) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH5_LSB is shown in Figure 8-111 and described in Table 8-107. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-111. RECENT_CH5_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH5_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-107. RECENT_CH5_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH5_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.96 RECENT_CH5_MSB Register (Address = 0xAB) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH5_MSB is shown in Figure 8-112 and described in Table 8-108. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-112. RECENT_CH5_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH5_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-108. RECENT_CH5_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH5_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 71 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6.97 RECENT_CH6_LSB Register (Address = 0xAC) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH6_LSB is shown in Figure 8-113 and described in Table 8-109. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-113. RECENT_CH6_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH6_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-109. RECENT_CH6_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH6_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.98 RECENT_CH6_MSB Register (Address = 0xAD) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH6_MSB is shown in Figure 8-114 and described in Table 8-110. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-114. RECENT_CH6_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH6_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-110. RECENT_CH6_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH6_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.99 RECENT_CH7_LSB Register (Address = 0xAE) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH7_LSB is shown in Figure 8-115 and described in Table 8-111. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-115. RECENT_CH7_LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH7_LSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-111. RECENT_CH7_LSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH7_LSB[ R 7:0] Reset Description 0b Next 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.100 RECENT_CH7_MSB Register (Address = 0xAF) [Reset = 0x0] RECENT_CH7_MSB is shown in Figure 8-116 and described in Table 8-112. Return to the Table 8-11. 72 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-116. RECENT_CH7_MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAST_VALUE_CH7_MSB[7:0] R-0b Table 8-112. RECENT_CH7_MSB Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 LAST_VALUE_CH7_MSB[ R 7:0] Type Reset Description 0b MSB aligned first 8 bits of the last result for this analog input channel. 8.6.101 GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xC3) [Reset = 0x2] GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-117 and described in Table 8-113. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-117. GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-113. GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO0. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO0 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO0 output. 8.6.102 GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xC5) [Reset = 0x2] GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-118 and described in Table 8-114. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-118. GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-114. GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 GPO1_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Type Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO1. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO1 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO1 output. 8.6.103 GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xC7) [Reset = 0x2] GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-119 and described in Table 8-115. Return to the Table 8-11. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 73 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Figure 8-119. GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-115. GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 GPO2_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Type Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO2. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO2 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO2 output. 8.6.104 GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xC9) [Reset = 0x2] GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-120 and described in Table 8-116. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-120. GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-116. GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 GPO3_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Type Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO3. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO3 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO3 output. 8.6.105 GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xCB) [Reset = 0x2] GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-121 and described in Table 8-117. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-121. GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-117. GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions 74 Bit Field Type 7-0 GPO4_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO4. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO4 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO4 output. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8.6.106 GPO5_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xCD) [Reset = 0x2] GPO5_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-122 and described in Table 8-118. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-122. GPO5_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-118. GPO5_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 GPO0_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO5. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO5 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO5 output. 8.6.107 GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xCF) [Reset = 0x2] GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-123 and described in Table 8-119. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-123. GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Table 8-119. GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 GPO6_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO6. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO6 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO6 output. 8.6.108 GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register (Address = 0xD1) [Reset = 0x2] GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SEL is shown in Figure 8-124 and described in Table 8-120. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-124. GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SEL[7:0] R/W-10b Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 75 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-120. GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions Bit Field 7-0 GPO7_TRIG_EVENT_SE R/W L[7:0] Type Reset Description 10b Select the inputs AIN/GPIO[7:0], analog or digital, which can trigger an event based update on GPO7. 0b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit do not trigger GPO7 output. 1b = Alert flags for the AIN/GPIO corresponding to this bit trigger GPO7 output. 8.6.109 GPO_TRIGGER_CFG Register (Address = 0xE9) [Reset = 0x0] GPO_TRIGGER_CFG is shown in Figure 8-125 and described in Table 8-121. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-125. GPO_TRIGGER_CFG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO_TRIGGER_UPDATE_EN[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-121. GPO_TRIGGER_CFG Register Field Descriptions Bit Field Type 7-0 GPO_TRIGGER_UPDATE R/W _EN[7:0] Reset Description 0b Update digital outputs GPO[7:0] when corresponding trigger is set. 0b = Digital output is not updated in response to alert flags. 1b = Digital output is updated when corresponding alert flags are set. Configure GPOx_TRIG_EVENT_SEL register to select which alert flags can trigger an update on the desired GPO. 8.6.110 GPO_VALUE_TRIG Register (Address = 0xEB) [Reset = 0x0] GPO_VALUE_TRIG is shown in Figure 8-126 and described in Table 8-122. Return to the Table 8-11. Figure 8-126. GPO_VALUE_TRIG Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPO_VALUE_ON_TRIGGER[7:0] R/W-0b Table 8-122. GPO_VALUE_TRIG Register Field Descriptions 76 Bit Field Type 7-0 GPO_VALUE_ON_TRIGG R/W ER[7:0] Reset Description 0b Value to be set on digital outputs GPO[7:0] when corresponding trigger occurs. GPO update on alert flags must be enabled in corresponding bit in GPO_TRIGGER_CFG register. 0b = Digital output set to logic 0. 1b = Digital output set to logic 1. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 9 Application and Implementation Note Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information The following sections give example circuits and suggestions for using the ADS7128-Q1 in various applications. 9.2 Typical Applications 9.2.1 Mixed-Channel Configuration AVDD (VREF) Digital Output (open-drain) Digital Output (push-pull) Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input I2C Controller Device Digital Input Digital Input Figure 9-1. DAQ Circuit: Single-Supply DAQ Design Requirements The goal of this application is to configure some channels of the ADS7138-Q1 as digital inputs, open-drain digital outputs, and push-pull digital outputs. Detailed Design Procedure The ADS7138-Q1 can support GPIO functionality at each input pin. Any analog input pin can be independently configured as a digital input, a digital open-drain output, or a digital push-pull output though the PIN_CFG and GPIO_CFG registers; see Table 8-5. Digital Input The digital input functionality can be used to monitor a signal within the system. Figure 9-2 shows that the state of the digital input can be read from the GPI_VALUE register. ADC From input device AVDD GPIx SW GPIx Figure 9-2. Digital Input Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 77 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Digital Open-Drain Output The channels of the ADS7138-Q1 can be configured as digital open-drain outputs supporting an output voltage up to 5.5 V. An open-drain output, as shown in Figure 9-3, consists of an internal FET (Q) connected to ground. The output is idle when not driven by the device, which means Q is off and the pullup resistor, R PULL_UP, connects the GPOx node to the desired output voltage. The output voltage can range anywhere up to 5.5 V, depending on the external voltage that the GPIOx is pulled up to. When the device is driving the output, Q turns on, thus connecting the pullup resistor to ground and bringing the node voltage at GPOx low. VPULL_UP Receiving Device ADC RPULL_UP GPOx ILOAD Q Figure 9-3. Digital Open-Drain Output The minimum value of the pullup resistor, as calculated in Equation 3, is given by the ratio of V PULL_UP and the maximum current supported by the device digital output (5 mA). RMIN = (VPULL_UP / 5 mA) (3) The maximum value of the pullup resistor, as calculated in Equation 4, depends on the minimum input current requirement, ILOAD, of the receiving device driven by this GPIO. RMAX = (VPULL_UP / ILOAD) (4) Select RPULL_UP such that RMIN < RPULL_UP < RMAX. Application Curve 60000 Frequency 45000 39581 30000 25955 15000 0 2048 2049 Output Code C001 Standard deviation = 0.49 LSB Figure 9-4. DC Input Histogram 78 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 9.2.2 Digital Push-Pull Output The channels of the ADS7138-Q1 can be configured as digital push-pull outputs supporting an output voltage up to AVDD. As shown in Figure 9-5, a push-pull output consists of two mirrored opposite bipolar transistors, Q1 and Q2. The device can both source and sink current because only one transistor is on at a time (either Q2 is on and pulls the output low, or Q1 is on and sets the output high). A push-pull configuration always drives the line opposed to an open-drain output where the line is left floating. ADC AVDD Q1 GPOx Digital output Q2 Figure 9-5. Digital Push-Pull Output 10 Power Supply Recommendations 10.1 AVDD and DVDD Supply Recommendations The ADS7138-Q1 has two separate power supplies: AVDD and DVDD. The device operates on AVDD; DVDD is used for the interface circuits. For supplies greater than 2.35 V, AVDD and DVDD can be shorted externally if single-supply operation is desired. The AVDD supply also defines the full-scale input range of the device. Decouple the AVDD and DVDD pins individually, as shown in Figure 10-1, with 1-µF ceramic decoupling capacitors. The minimum capacitor value required for AVDD and DVDD is 200 nF and 20 nF, respectively. If both supplies are powered from the same source, a minimum capacitor value of 220 nF is required for decoupling. Connect a 1-µF decoupling capacitor between the DECAP and GND pins for the internal power supply. AVDD AVDD 1 PF DECAP 1 PF GND GND 1 PF DVDD DVDD Figure 10-1. Power-Supply Decoupling Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 79 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 11 Layout 11.1 Layout Guidelines Figure 11-1 shows a board layout example for the ADS7138-Q1. Avoid crossing digital lines with the analog signal path and keep the analog input signals and the AVDD supply away from noise sources. Use 1-µF ceramic bypass capacitors in close proximity to the analog (AVDD) and digital (DVDD) power-supply pins. Avoid placing vias between the AVDD and DVDD pins and the bypass capacitors. Connect the GND pin to the ground plane using short, low-impedance paths. The AVDD supply voltage also functions as the reference voltage for the ADS7138-Q1. Place the decoupling capacitor for AVDD close to the device AVDD and GND pins and connect the decoupling capacitor to the device pins with thick copper tracks. DVDD GND ALERT ADDR 11.2 Layout Example SCL DECAP SDA AVDD AIN/GPIO Figure 11-1. Example Layout 80 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 12 Device and Documentation Support 12.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. Click on Subscribe to updates to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 12.2 Support Resources TI E2E™ support forums are an engineer's go-to source for fast, verified answers and design help — straight from the experts. Search existing answers or ask your own question to get the quick design help you need. Linked content is provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. 12.3 Trademarks TI E2E™ is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 12.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 12.5 Glossary TI Glossary This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 81 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 PACKAGE OUTLINE RTE0016C WQFN - 0.8 mm max height SCALE 3.600 PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD 3.1 2.9 A B PIN 1 INDEX AREA 3.1 2.9 C 0.8 MAX SEATING PLANE 0.05 0.00 0.08 1.68 0.07 (0.1) TYP 5 8 EXPOSED THERMAL PAD 12X 0.5 4 9 4X 1.5 SYMM 17 1 12 16X PIN 1 ID (OPTIONAL) 16 SYMM 16X 13 0.30 0.18 0.1 0.05 C A B 0.5 0.3 4219117/A 09/2016 NOTES: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. The package thermal pad must be soldered to the printed circuit board for thermal and mechanical performance. www.ti.com 82 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT RTE0016C WQFN - 0.8 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD ( 1.68) SYMM 13 16 16X (0.6) 1 12 16X (0.24) SYMM 17 (2.8) (0.58) TYP 12X (0.5) 9 4 ( 0.2) TYP VIA 5 (R0.05) ALL PAD CORNERS 8 (0.58) TYP (2.8) LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE SCALE:20X 0.07 MIN ALL AROUND 0.07 MAX ALL AROUND SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL UNDER SOLDER MASK NON SOLDER MASK DEFINED (PREFERRED) SOLDER MASK DEFINED SOLDER MASK DETAILS 4219117/A 09/2016 NOTES: (continued) 4. This package is designed to be soldered to a thermal pad on the board. For more information, see Texas Instruments literature number SLUA271 (www.ti.com/lit/slua271). 5. Vias are optional depending on application, refer to device data sheet. If any vias are implemented, refer to their locations shown on this view. It is recommended that vias under paste be filled, plugged or tented. www.ti.com Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 83 ADS7138-Q1 www.ti.com SBAS977A – MAY 2020 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 EXAMPLE STENCIL DESIGN RTE0016C WQFN - 0.8 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD ( 1.55) 16 13 16X (0.6) 1 12 16X (0.24) 17 SYMM (2.8) 12X (0.5) 9 4 METAL ALL AROUND 5 SYMM 8 (R0.05) TYP (2.8) SOLDER PASTE EXAMPLE BASED ON 0.125 mm THICK STENCIL EXPOSED PAD 17: 85% PRINTED SOLDER COVERAGE BY AREA UNDER PACKAGE SCALE:25X 4219117/A 09/2016 NOTES: (continued) 6. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate design recommendations. www.ti.com 84 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ADS7138-Q1 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) ADS7138QRTERQ1 ACTIVE WQFN RTE 16 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 7138Q (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
ADS7138QRTERQ1 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+64.969581+7.86473
  • 10+50.2282610+6.08025
  • 25+46.5417025+5.63399
  • 100+42.49459100+5.14408
  • 250+40.56441250+4.91042
  • 500+39.40129500+4.76962
  • 1000+38.444171000+4.65376


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+37.261793000+4.51063


  •  国内价格
  • 1+44.21736
  • 10+38.06352
  • 30+34.31538
  • 100+31.16718
