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BQ25606RGER 数据手册
Product Folder Order Now Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 用于高输入电压和窄电压直流 (NVDC) 电源路径管理的 bq25606 独立 3.0A 单节电池充电器 1 特性 • 1 • • • • • • • • 高效 1.5MHz 同步开关模式降压充电器 – 在 2A 电流(5V 输入)下具有 92% 的充电效率 – 针对 USB 电压输入 (5V) 进行了优化 支持 USB On-The-Go (OTG) – 具有高达 1.2A 输出的升压转换器 – 在 1A 输出下具有 92% 的升压效率 – 精确的恒定电流 (CC) 限制 – 高达 500µF 电容负载的软启动 – 输出短路保护 单个输入,支持 USB 输入和高电压适配器 – 支持 3.9V 至 13.5V 输入电压范围,绝对最大输 入电压额定值为 22V – 通过高达 4.6V 的输入电压限制 (VINDPM) 进行 最大功率跟踪 – VINDPM 阈值自动跟踪电池电压 – 自动检测 USB SDP、DCP 以及非标准适配器 高电池放电效率,电池放电 MOSFET 为 19.5mΩ 窄 VDC (NVDC) 电源路径管理 – 无需电池或深度放电的电池即可瞬时启动 – 电池充电模式下的理想二极管运行 高集成度,包括所有 MOSFET、电流感应和环路补 偿 在系统待机电压下具有 58µA 的低电池泄漏电流 高精度 – ±0.5% 充电电压调节 – ±6% 1.2A 和 1.8A 充电电流调节 – ±5% 0.5A、1.2A 和 1.8A 输入电流调节 使用 bq25606 并借助 WEBENCH® 电源设计器 创 建定制设计 2 应用 • • EPOS、便携式扬声器、电子烟 便携式互联网设备和附件 3 说明 bq25606 器件高度集成的 独立 3.0A 开关模式电池充 电管理和系统电源路径管理器件,适用于单节锂离子和 锂聚合物电池。低阻抗电源路径对开关模式运行效率进 行了优化、缩短了电池充电时间并延长了放电阶段的电 池使用寿命。 器件信息(1) 器件型号 bq25606 封装 VQFN (24) 封装尺寸(标称值) 4.00mm x 4.00mm (1) 如需了解所有可用封装,请参阅产品说明书末尾的可订购产品 附录。 简化应用 USB VBUS SW BTST ILIM SYS ICHG BAT CE VSET ICHG REGN + TS 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. English Data Sheet: SLUSCK6 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 目录 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 特性 .......................................................................... 应用 .......................................................................... 说明 .......................................................................... 修订历史记录 ........................................................... 说明 (续) .............................................................. Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 6 ESD Ratings.............................................................. 6 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 6 Thermal information .................................................. 7 Timing Requirements ................................................ 7 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 7 Typical Characteristics ............................................ 13 Detailed Description ............................................ 15 8.1 Overview ................................................................. 15 8.2 Functional Block Diagram ....................................... 16 8.3 Feature Description................................................. 17 9 Application and Implementation ........................ 25 9.1 Application information............................................ 25 9.2 Typical Application Diagram .................................. 26 9.3 Application Curves .................................................. 28 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 33 11 Layout................................................................... 34 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 34 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 34 12 器件和文档支持 ..................................................... 36 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 文档支持 ............................................................... 社区资源................................................................ 商标 ....................................................................... 静电放电警告......................................................... Glossary ................................................................ 36 36 36 36 36 13 机械、封装和可订购信息 ....................................... 37 4 修订历史记录 注:之前版本的页码可能与当前版本有所不同。 Changes from Original (May 2017) to Revision A Page • 更新了产品说明书标题 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 • 已删除 200nS 快速关闭 特性 .................................................................................................................................................. 1 • 更新了简化应用 原理图........................................................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed ACDRV pin references to "NC" in Pin Configuration and Functions section.......................................................... 4 • Deleted ACDRV pin references from Pin Functions table...................................................................................................... 4 • Updated VAC pin description in Pin Functions table.............................................................................................................. 5 • Deleted ACDRV pin references from Absolute Maximum Ratings table................................................................................ 6 • Added ESD Ratings table....................................................................................................................................................... 6 • Deleted VAC debounce time fromTiming Requirements table............................................................................................... 7 • Updated Functional Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 16 • Updated Power Up from Input Source section ..................................................................................................................... 17 • 已删除 Power Up OVPFET section ...................................................................................................................................... 17 • 已删除 OVPFET Startup Control timing illustration ............................................................................................................. 17 • Updated Input Overvoltage (ACOV) section......................................................................................................................... 24 • Updated bq25606 Application Diagram schematic............................................................................................................... 26 2 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 5 说明 (续) bq25606高度集成的独立3.0A 开关模式电池充电管理和系统电源路径管理器件,适用于单节锂离子和锂聚合物电 池。该器件 可针对 各种独立充电器和便携式设备实现快速充电,并提供高输入电压支持。其低阻抗电源路径对开 关模式运行效率进行了优化、缩短了电池充电时间并延长了放电阶段的电池使用寿命。其输入电压和电流调节可以 为电池提供最大的充电功率。该解决方案在系统和电池之间高度集成输入反向阻断场 FET(RBFET,Q1)、高侧 开关 FET(HSFET,Q2)、低侧开关 FET(LSFET,Q3)以及电池 FET(BATFET、Q4)。它还集成了自举二 极管以进行高侧栅极驱动,从而简化系统设计。 该器件支持多种输入源,包括标准 USB 主机端口、USB 充电端口以及兼容 USB 的高电压适配器。该器件根据内 置 USB 接口设置默认输入电流限值。 该器件符合 USB 2.0 和 USB 3.0 电源规范,具有输入电流和电压调节功 能。当器件内置 USB 接口确定输入适配器未知时,器件的输入电流限值由 ILIM 引脚设置电阻器值决定。 该器件 还具有高达 1.2A 的很定电流限制能力,能够为 VBUS 提供 5.15V 的电压,符合 USB On-the-Go (OTG) 运行功率 额定值规范。 电源路径管理将系统电压调节至稍高于电池电压的水平,但是不会下降至 3.5V 最小系统电压以下。借助于这个特 性,即使在电池电量完全耗尽或者电池被拆除时,系统也能保持运行。当达到输入电流限值或电压限值时,电源路 径管理自动将充电电流减少为 0。随着系统负载持续增加,电源路径在满足系统电源需求之前将电池放电。该补充 模式可防止输入源过载。 此器件在无需软件控制情况下启动并完成一个充电周期。它感应电池电压并通过三个阶段为电池充电:预充电、恒 定电流和恒定电压。在充电周期的末尾,当充电电流低于预设限值并且电池电压高于再充电阈值时,充电器自动终 止。如果已完全充电的电池降至再充电阈值以下,则充电器自动启动另一个充电周期。 此充电器提供针对电池充电和系统运行的多种安全 功能 ,其中包括电池负温度系数热敏电阻监视、充电安全计时 器以及过压和过流保护。当结温超过 110°C时,热调节会减小充电电流。STAT 输出报告充电状态和任何故障状 况。其他安全 功能 包括针对充电和升压模式的电池温度感应、热调节和热关断以及输入 UVLO 和过压保护。 该器件系列采用 24 引脚 4mm x 4mm QFN 封装。 Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 6 Pin Configuration and Functions Terminal Name NC BAT No. I/O 2 13 14 VBUS PMID REGN BTST SW SW 24 23 22 21 20 19 bq25606 WQFN Package 24-Pin WQFN Top View VAC 1 18 GND NC 2 17 GND D+ 3 16 SYS D± 4 STAT 5 OTG 6 9 10 11 12 ILIM CE ICHG VSET 8 TS 7 PG Thermal Pad 15 SYS 14 BAT 13 BAT (Not to scale) Description No connection. This pin must be floating. P Battery connection point to the positive terminal of the battery pack. The internal current sensing resistor is connected between SYS and BAT. Connect a 10 µF closely to the BAT pin. BTST 21 P PWM high side driver positive supply. internally, the BTST is connected to the cathode of the boost-strap diode. Connect the 0.047-μF bootstrap capacitor from SW to BTST. CE 9 DI Charge enable pin. When this pin is driven low, battery charging is enabled. D+ 3 AIO Positive line of the USB data line pair. D+/D– based USB host/charging port detection. The detection includes data contact detection (DCD), primary and secondary detection in BC1.2 and nonstandard adaptors D– 4 AIO Negative line of the USB data line pair. D+/D– based USB host/charging port detection. The detection includes data contact detection (DCD), primary and secondary detection in BC1.2 and nonstandard adaptors GND 17 Power ground and signal ground 18 ICHG 10 AI ICHG pin sets the charge current limit. A resistor is connected from ICHG pin to ground to set charge current limit as ICHG = KICHG/RICHG. The acceptable range for charge current is 300 mA – 3000 mA. ILIM 8 AI ILIM sets the input current limit. A resistor is connected from ILIM pin to ground to set the input current limit as IINDPM = KILIM/RILIM. The acceptable range for ILIM current is 500 mA - 3200 mA. The resistor based input current limit is effective only when the input adapter is detected as unknown. Otherwise, the input current limit is determined by D+/D– detection outcome. OTG 6 DI Boost mode enable pin. When this pin is pulled HIGH, OTG is enabled. OTG cannot be floating. PG 7 DO Open drain active low power good indicator. Connect to the pull up rail through 10 kΩ resistor. LOW indicates a good input if the input voltage is between UVLO and ACOV, above SLEEP mode threshold, and input current limit is above 30 mA. PMID 23 P Connected to the drain of the reverse blocking MOSFET (RBFET) and the drain of HSFET. Put a 10 -μF ceramic capacitor between PMID and GND. REGN 22 P PWM low side driver positive supply output. Internally, REGN is connected to the anode of the booststrap diode. Connect a 4.7-μF (10-V rating) ceramic capacitor from REGN to analog GND. The capacitor should be placed close to the IC. 4 Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 (continued) Terminal Name STAT No. 5 I/O Description DO Open-drain interrupt output. Connect the STAT pin to a logic rail via 10-kΩ resistor. The STAT pin indicates charger status. Charge in progress: LOW Charge complete or charger in SLEEP mode: HIGH Charge suspend (fault response): BlinK at 1Hz 19 SW SYS 20 15 16 P Switching node connecting to output inductor. Internally SW is connected to the source of the n-channel HSFET and the drain of the n-channel LSFET. Connect the 0.047-μF bootstrap capacitor from SW to BTST. P Converter output connection point. The internal current sensing resistor is connected between SYS and BAT. Connect a 20 µF capacitor close to the SYS pin. TS 11 AI Temperature qualification voltage input to support JEITA profile. Connect a negative temperature coefficient thermistor. Program temperature window with a resistor divider from REGN to TS to GND. Charge suspends when TS pin voltage is out of range. Recommend 103AT-2 thermistor. VAC 1 AI Input voltage sensing. This pin must be shorted to VBUS pin. VBUS 24 P Charger input voltage. The internal n-channel reverse block MOSFET (RBFET) is connected between VBUS and PMID with VBUS on source. Place a 1-uF ceramic capacitor from VBUS to GND and place it as close as possible to IC. AI VSET pin sets default battery charge voltage in bq25606. Program battery regulation voltage with a resistor pull-down from VSET to GND. RPD > 50kΩ (float pin) = 4.208 V RPD < 500Ω (short to GND) = 4.352 V 5kΩ < RPD < 25kΩ = 4.400 V P Ground reference for the device that is also the thermal pad used to conduct heat from the device. This connection serves two purposes. The first purpose is to provide an electrical ground connection for the device. The second purpose is to provide a low thermal-impedance path from the device die to the PCB. This pad should be tied externally to a ground plane. VSET Thermal Pad 12 Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX UNIT VAC –2 22 V Voltage Range (with respect to GND) VBUS (converter not switching) (2) –2 22 V Voltage Range (with respect to GND) BTST, PMID (converter not switching) (2) –0.3 22 V Voltage Range (with respect to GND) SW –2 16 V BTST to SW –0.3 7 V D+, D– –0.3 7 V Voltage Range (with respect to GND) REGN, TS, CE, PG, BAT, SYS (converter not switching) –0.3 7 V Output Sink Current STAT 6 mA Voltage Range (with respect to GND) VSET, ILIM, ICHG, OTG –0.3 7 PGND to GND (QFN package only) –0.3 0.3 V Operating junction temperature, TJ –40 150 °C Storage temperature, Tstg –65 150 °C Voltage Range (with respect to GND) Voltage Range (with respect to GND) Voltage Range (with respect to GND) Voltage Range (with respect to GND) (1) (2) V Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal unless otherwise noted. VBUS is specified up to 22 V for a maximum of one hour at room temperature 7.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) ±2000 Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±250 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions MIN NOM MAX UNIT 13.5 (1) V Input current (VBUS) 3.25 A Output current (SW) 3.0 A VBATOP Battery voltage 4.4 V IBATOP Fast charging current 3.0 A IBATOP Discharging current (continuous) TA Operating ambient temperature VBUS Input voltage Iin ISYSOP (1) 6 3.9 –40 6 A 85 °C The inherent switching noise voltage spikes should not exceed the absolute maximum voltage rating on either the BTST or SW pins. A tight layout minimizes switching noise. Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 7.4 Thermal information bq25606 THERMAL METRIC RGE (VQFN) UNIT 24 Pins RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 31.9 °C/W RθJC(top) RθJB Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 27 °C/W Junction-to-board thermal resistance 9.2 °C/W ΨJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.4 °C/W ΨJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 9.2 °C/W RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 2.8 °C/W 7.5 Timing Requirements Parameter Additional infor mAtion Min NOM mAX UNIT VBUS/BAT POWER UP VAC rising above ACOV threshold to turn off Q2 tACOV VBUS OVP reaction time tBADSRC Bad adapter detection duration tTERM_DGL Deglitch time for charge termination tRECHG_DGL Deglitch time for recharge 250 ms tSYSOVLD_DGL System over-current deglitch time to turn off Q4 100 µs tBATOVP Battery overvoltage deglitch time to disable charge 1 µs tSAFETY Typical Charge Safety Timer Range 8 200 ns 30 ms 250 ms 10 12 hr 7.6 Electrical Characteristics VVAC_PRESENT < VVAC < VVAC_OV and VVAC > VBAT + VSLEEP, TJ = –40°C to 125°C and TJ = 25°C for typical values (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT QUIESCENT CURRENTS IBAT Battery discharge current (BAT, SW, SYS) in buck mode VBAT = 4.5 V, VBUS < VAC-UVLOZ, leakage between BAT and VBUS, TJ< 85°C IBAT Battery discharge current (BAT, SW, SYS) VBAT = 4.5 V, No VBUS, TJ < 85°C IVBUS Input supply current (VBUS) in buck mode VVBUS = 12 V, VVBUS > VVBAT, converter not switching IVBUS Input supply current (VBUS) in buck mode VVBUS > VUVLO, VVBUS > VVBAT, converter switching, VBAT = 3.8V, ISYS = 0A 3 mA IBOOST Battery discharge current in boost mode VBAT = 4.2 V, boost mode, IVBUS = 0 A, converter switching 3 mA 5 µA 58 85 µA 1.5 3 mA VBUS, VAC AND BAT PIN POWER-UP VBUS_OP VBUS operating range VVBUS rising 3.9 VVAC_PRESENT REGN turn-on threshold VVAC rising 3.36 VVAC_PRESENT_H VVAC falling YS 13.5 3.65 3.97 V V mV 300 VSLEEP Sleep mode falling threshold (VVAC–VVBAT ), VBUSMIN_FALL ≤ VBAT ≤ VREG, VAC falling 37 76 126 mV VSLEEPZ Sleep mode rising threshold (VVAC–VVBAT ), VBUSMIN_FALL ≤ VBAT ≤ VREG, VAC rising 130 220 350 mV VVAC_OV_RISE VAC Overvoltage rising threshold VAC rising 13.5 14.28 14.91 VVAC_OV_HYS VAC Overvoltage hysteresis VAC falling Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 520 V mV 7 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Electrical Characteristics (continued) VVAC_PRESENT < VVAC < VVAC_OV and VVAC > VBAT + VSLEEP, TJ = –40°C to 125°C and TJ = 25°C for typical values (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VBAT_DPL_FALL Battery depletion falling threshold (Q4 turn-off threshold) VBAT falling 2.15 2.6 V VBAT_DPL_RISE Battery Depletion rising threshold (Q4 turn-on threshold) VBAT rising 2.35 2.82 V VBAT_DPL_HYST Battery Depletion rising hysteresis VBAT rising VBUSMIN_FALL Bad adapter detection falling threshold VBUS falling VBUSMIN_HYST Bad adapter detection hysteresis IBADSRC Bad adapter detection current source Sink current from VBUS to GND VSYS_MIN System regulation voltage VVBAT < VSYS_MIN = 3.5V, charge enabled or disabled VSYS System regulation voltage ISYS = 0 A, VVBAT > VSYSMIN, charge disabled RON(RBFET) Top reverse blocking MOSFET onresistance between VBUS and PMID Q1 -40°C≤ TA ≤ 125°C 45 mΩ RON(HSFET) Top switching MOSFET on-resistance between PMID and SW - Q2 VREGN = 5 V , -40°C≤ TA ≤ 125°C 62 mΩ RON(LSFET) Bottom switching MOSFET onresistance between SW and GND - Q3 VREGN = 5 V , -40°C≤ TA ≤ 125°C 70 mΩ VFWD BATFET forward voltage in supplement mode 30 mV RON(BAT-SYS) SYS-BAT MOSFET on-resistance QFN package, Measured from BAT to SYS, VBAT = 4.2V, TJ = 25°C 19.5 24 mΩ RON(BAT-SYS) SYS-BAT MOSFET on-resistance QFN package, Measured from BAT to SYS, VBAT = 4.2V, TJ = –40 - 125°C 19.5 30 mΩ 180 3.65 3.8 mV 3.93 V 200 mV 30 mA POWER-PATH 3.5 3.68 V VBAT + 50 mV V BATTERY CHARGER VBATREG Charge voltage VBATREG_ACC Charge voltage setting accuracy ICHG_REG_RANGE Charge current regulation range RVSET > 50 kΩ, –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 4.187 4.208 4.229 V RVSET < 500 Ω, –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 4.330 4.352 4.374 V RVSET = 10 kΩ, –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 4.378 4.4 4.422 V VBAT = 4.208 V or VBAT = 4.352 V, –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C –0.5% 0.5% 0 3000 mA 715 mA ICHG_REG Charge current regulation RICHG = 1100 Ω, VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V ICHG_REG_ACC Charge current regulation accuracy RICHG = 1100 Ω, VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V ICHG_REG Charge current regulation ICHG_REG Charge current regulation accuracy RICHG = 562 Ω, VBAT = 3.1 V or VBAT = 3.8 V ICHG_REG Charge current regulation RICHG = 372 Ω, VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V 1.715 ICHG_REG_ACC Charge current regulation accuracy RICHG = 372 Ω, VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V -5% KICHG Charge current regulation setting ratio RICHG = 372 Ω, 562 Ω VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V 639 KICHG_ACC Charge current regulation setting ratio accuracy RICHG = 372Ω, 562 Ω VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V -6% VBATLOWV_FALL Battery LOWV falling threshold Fast charge to precharge 2.67 8 RICHG = 562 Ω, VVBAT = 3.1 V or VVBAT = 3.8 V 516 -16% 1.14 615 16% 1.218 -6% 1.28 A 6% 1.813 1.89 A 5% 677 715 A×Ω 6% 2.8 2.87 V Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Electrical Characteristics (continued) VVAC_PRESENT < VVAC < VVAC_OV and VVAC > VBAT + VSLEEP, TJ = –40°C to 125°C and TJ = 25°C for typical values (unless otherwise noted) MIN TYP MAX UNIT VBATLOWV_RISE Battery LOWV rising threshold PARAMETER Pre-charge to fast charge TEST CONDITIONS 3.0 3.1 3.24 V IPRECHG Precharge current regulation RICHG = 1100 Ω, VVBAT = 2.6 V, IPRECHG = 5% of ICHG = 615mA 21 38 IPRECHG_ACC Precharge current regulation accuracy Percentage of ICHG,RICHG = 1100 Ω, VVBAT = 2.6 V, ICHG = 615mA 3.4% 6.2% IPRECHG Precharge current regulation RICHG = 562 Ω, VVBAT = 2.6 V, IPRECHG = 5% of ICHG = 1.218A 48 67 IPRECHG_ACC Precharge current regulation accuracy Percentage of ICHG,RICHG = 562 Ω, V1330 = 2.6 V, ICHG = 1.218A 3.9% 5.5% IPRECHG Precharge current regulation RICHG = 372 Ω, VVBAT = 2.6 V, IPRECHG = 5% of ICHG = 1.813A 76 97 IPRECHG_ACC Precharge current regulation accuracy Percentage of ICHG,RICHG = 372 Ω, VVBAT = 2.6 V, ICHG = 1.813A 4.1% 5.4% ITERM Termination current regulation 26 100 ITERM_ACC Termination current regulation accuracy Percentage of ICHG, RICHG = 562 Ω, VVBAT = 4.35 V, ICHG = 1.218 A 2.1% 8.3% ITERM Termination current regulation RICHG = 372 Ω, VVBAT = 4.35 V, ICHG = 1.813 A ITERM_ACC Termination current regulation accuracy Percentage of ICHG, RICHG = 372 Ω, VVBAT = 4.35 V, ICHG = 1.813 A VSHORT Battery short voltage VVBAT falling 1.85 2 2.15 VSHORTZ Battery short voltage VVBAT rising 2.05 2.25 2.35 V ISHORT Battery short current VVBAT < VSHORTZ 70 90 110 mA VRECHG Recharge Threshold below VBAT_REG VBAT falling 87 121 156 mV ISYSLOAD System discharge load current VSYS = 4.2 V RICHG = 562 Ω, VVBAT = 4.35V, CHG = 1.218A 56 100 3.0% 126 mA mA mA mA mA 7.0% 30 V mA INPUT VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REGULATION VDPM_VBAT Input voltage regulation limit VVBAT < 4.1 V (VVBAT= 3.6 V) 4.171 VDPM_VBAT_ACC Input voltage regulation accuracy VVBAT < 4.1 V (VVBAT = 3.6 V) –3% 3% IINDPM USB input current regulation limit VVBUS = 5 V, USB500 charge port detected by DPDM , –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 448 500 mA IINDPM Input current regulation limit RILIM = 910 Ω, unknown adaptor detected by DPDM , –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 505 526 550 mA IINDPM Input current regulation limit accuracy RILIM = 374 Ω, unknown adaptor detected by DPDM , –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 1220 1276 1330 mA IINDPM Input current regulation limit RILIM = 265 Ω, unknown adaptor detected by DPDM , –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 1.73 1.8 1.871 A IINDPM_ACC Input current regulation limit accuracy RILIM = 265 Ω, 374 Ω, 910 Ω, unknown adaptor detected by DPDM , –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C –5% KILIM Input current setting ratio, ILIM = KILIM / RILIM RILIM = 910 Ω, 374 Ω, 265 Ω, unknown adaptor detected by DPDM, –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C 459 KILIM_ACC Input current setting ratio, ILIM = KILIM / RILIM RILIM = 910 Ω, 374 Ω, 265 Ω, unknown adaptor detected by DPDM, –40 ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C –5% IIN_START Input current limit during system start-up sequence Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 4.3 4.429 V 5% 478 500 A×Ω 5% 200 mA 9 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Electrical Characteristics (continued) VVAC_PRESENT < VVAC < VVAC_OV and VVAC > VBAT + VSLEEP, TJ = –40°C to 125°C and TJ = 25°C for typical values (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT BAT PIN OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION VBATOVP_RISE Battery overvoltage threshold VBAT rising, as percentage of VBAT_REG 103% 104% 105% VBATOVP_FALL Battery overvoltage threshold VBAT falling, as percentage of VBAT_REG 101% 102% 103% 10 Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Electrical Characteristics (continued) VVAC_PRESENT < VVAC < VVAC_OV and VVAC > VBAT + VSLEEP, TJ = –40°C to 125°C and TJ = 25°C for typical values (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT THERMAL REGULATION AND THERMAL SHUTDOWN TJUNCTION_REG Junction Temperature Regulation Threshold TSHUT Thermal Shutdown Rising Temperature TSHUT_HYST Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis Temperature Increasing 110 °C 160 °C 30 °C JEITA Thermistor Comparator (BUCK MODE) VT1 T1 (0°C) threshold, Charge suspended T1 below this temperature. Charger suspends charge. As Percentage to VREGN VT1 Falling 72.4% 73.3% 74.2% As Percentage to VREGN 69% 71.5% 74% VT2 T2 (10°C) threshold, Charge back to As percentage of VREGN ICHG/2 and 4.2 V below this temperature 67.2% 68% 69% VT2 Falling As Percentage to VREGN 66% 66.8% 67.7% VT3 T3 (45°C) threshold, charge back to ICHG and 4.05V above this temperature. Charger suspends charge. As Percentage to VREGN 43.8% 44.7% 45.8% VT3 Falling As Percentage to VREGN 45.1% 45.7% 46.2% VT5 T5 (60°C) threshold, charge suspended above this temperature. As Percentage to VREGN 33.7% 34.2% 35.1% VT5 Falling As Percentage to VREGN 34.5% 35.3% 36.2% COLD OR HOT THERMISTER COMPARATOR (BOOST MODE) VBCOLD Cold Temperature Threshold, TS pin Voltage Rising Threshold As Percentage to VREGN (Approx. –20°C w/ 103AT), –20°C ≤ TJ≤ 125°C 79.5% 80% 80.5% VBCOLD Falling –20°C ≤ TJ≤ 125°C 78.5% 79% 79.5% VBHOT Hot Temperature Threshold, TS pin Voltage falling Threshold As Percentage to VREGN (Approx. 60°C w/ 103AT), –20°C ≤ TJ≤ 125°C 30.2% 31.2% 32.2% VBHOT Rising –20°C ≤ TJ≤ 125°C 33.8% 34.4% 34.9% Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Electrical Characteristics (continued) VVAC_PRESENT < VVAC < VVAC_OV and VVAC > VBAT + VSLEEP, TJ = –40°C to 125°C and TJ = 25°C for typical values (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT CHARGE OVERCURRENT COMPARATOR (CYCLE-BY-CYCLE) IHSFET_OCP HSFET cycle-by-cycle over-current threshold 5.2 IBATFET_OCP System over load threshold 6.0 8.0 A A PWM fSW PWM switching frequency DMAX Maximum PWM duty cycle (1) Oscillator frequency, buck mode 1320 1500 1680 kHz Oscillator frequency, boost mode 1170 1412 1500 kHz 97% BOOST MODE OPERATION VOTG_REG Boost mode regulation voltage VVBAT = 3.8 V, I(PMID) = 0 A 4.972 VOTG_REG_ACC Boost mode regulation voltage accuracy VVBAT = 3.8 V, I(PMID) = 0 A -3 VBATLOWV_OTG 5.126 5.280 V 3 % Battery voltage exiting boost mode VVBAT falling 2.6 2.8 2.9 V Battery voltage entering boost mode VVBAT rising 2.9 3.0 3.15 V 1.2 1.4 1.6 A 5.55 5.8 6.15 V IOTG OTG mode output current limit VOTG_OVP OTG overvoltage threshold Rising threshold VREGN REGN LDO output voltage VVBUS = 9 V, IREGN = 40 mA 5.6 6 6.65 V VREGN REGN LDO output voltage VVBUS = 5 V, IREGN = 20 mA 4.6 4.7 4.9 V 0.4 V REGN LDO LOGIC I/O PIN CHARACTERISTICS (CE, PSEL, SCL, SDA,, INT) VILO Input low threshold CE VIH Input high threshold CE IBIAS High-level leakage current CE VILO Input low threshold OTG VIH Input high threshold OTG IBIAS High-level leakage current OTG 1.3 V Pull up rail 1.8 V 1 µA 0.4 V 1.3 V Pull up rail 1.8 V 1 µA 0.4 V 1.35 V LOGIC I/O PIN CHARACTERISTICS (PG, STAT) VOL Low-level output voltage D+/D– DETECTION VD+_1P2 D+ Threshold for Non-standard adapter (combined V1P2_VTH_LO and V1P2_VTH_HI) ID+_LKG Leakage current into D+ VD–_600MVSRC Voltage source (600 mV) ID–_100UAISNK D– current sink (100 µA) RD–_19K D– resistor to ground (19 kΩ) VD–_0P325 D– comparator threshold for primary detection D– pin Rising VD–_2P8 1.05 HiZ -1 1 µA 700 mV 150 µA 24.8 kΩ 500 600 VD– = 500 mV, 50 100 VD– = 500 mV, 14.25 250 400 mV D– Threshold for non-standard adapter (combined V2P8_VTH_LO and V2P8_VTH_HI) 2.55 2.85 V VD–_2P0 D– Comparator threshold for nonstandard adapter (For non-standard – same as bq2589x) 1.85 2.15 V VD–_1P2 D– Threshold for non-standard adapter (combined V1P2_VTH_LO and V1P2_VTH_HI) 1.05 1.35 V ID–_LKG Leakage current into D– -1 1 µA (1) 12 HiZ Specified by design. Not production tested. Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 7.7 Typical Characteristics 100 100 95 95 85 Efficiency (%) Charge Efficiency (%) 90 90 85 80 75 80 75 70 65 70 VBUS Voltage 5V 9V 12 V 65 60 VBAT = 3.2 V VBAT = 3.8 V VBAT = 4.1 V 55 60 50 0 0.5 1 fSW = 1.5 MHz VBAT = 3.8 V 1.5 2 Charge Current (A) 2.5 3 0 0.2 Inductor DCR = 18 mΩ VOTG = 5.15 V Figure 1. Charge Efficiency vs. Charge Current 0.6 0.8 OTG Current (A) 1 1.2 1.4 D001 inductor DCR = 18 mΩ Figure 2. Efficiency vs. OTG Current 6 3.85 5 3.8 SYSMIN Voltage (V) OTG Output Voltage (V) 0.4 D001 4 3 2 1 3.75 3.7 3.65 3.6 3.55 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Output Current (A) 0 A ≤ IOTG ≤1.37 A VVBAT = 3.8 V 1.2 1.4 3.5 -40 1.6 -25 -10 D001 5 20 35 50 65 80 Junction Temperature (°C) 95 110 125 D001 VOTG = 5.15 V Figure 4. SYSMIN Voltage vs. Junction Temperature Figure 3. OTG Output Voltage vs. Output Current 4.5 2.75 IINDPM = 1.8 A IINDPM = 1.28 A IINDPM = 0.52 A 2.25 4.4 Input Current Limit (A) BATREG Charge Voltage (V) 2.5 4.3 4.2 4.1 4 -40 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 Junction Temperature (°C) 95 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 VBATREG = 4.208 V VBATREG = 4.352 V VBATREG = 4.4 V -25 2 1.75 0.25 110 125 0 -40 D001 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 Junction Temperature (°C) 65 80 95 D001 VVBUS = 5 V Figure 5. BATREG Charge Voltage vs. Junction Temperature Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 6. Input Current Limit vs. Junction Temperature 13 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -40 2 ICHG = 1.8 A ICHG = 1.2 A ICHG = 0.68 A 1.8 1.6 Charge Current (A) Charge Current (A) Typical Characteristics (continued) -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 Junction Temperature (°C) 80 95 0.6 0 30 110 40 50 D001 VBAT = 3.8 V VVBUS = 5V 60 70 80 90 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 110 120 130 D001 VBAT = 3.8V Figure 8. Charge Current vs. Junction Temperature Under Thermal Regulation 486 705 RILIM = 265 : RILIM = 374 : RILIM = 910 : 484 RICHG = 372 : RICHG = 562 : RICHG = 1100 : 700 Charge Current Setting Ratio Input Current Limit Setting Ratio 1 0.8 0.2 Figure 7. Charge Current vs. Junction Temperature 482 480 478 476 474 695 690 685 680 675 670 665 -25 -10 VVBUS = 5 V 5 20 35 50 Junction Temperature (°C) 65 80 95 660 -40 -25 -10 D001 VBAT = 3.8 V Figure 9. Input Current Limit Setting Ratio vs. Junction Temperature 14 1.2 0.4 VVBUS = 5 V 472 -40 1.4 VVBUS = 5 V 5 20 35 50 65 Junction Temperature (°C) 80 95 110 D001 VBAT = 3.8 V Figure 10. Charge Current Setting Ratio vs. Junction Temperature 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The bq25606 device is a highly integrated 3.0-A switch-mode battery charger for single cell Li-Ion and Li-polymer battery. It includes the input reverse-blocking FET (RBFET, Q1), high-side switching FET (HSFET, Q2), low-side switching FET (LSFET, Q3), and battery FET (BATFET, Q4), and bootstrap diode for the high-side gate drive. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 8.2 Functional Block Diagram VBUS PMID VVVAC_PRESENT VVAC IIN + RBFET (Q1) UVLO Q1 Gate Control ± VBAT + VSLEEP + VVAC VVAC VVAC_OV SLEEP EN_HIZ + REGN EN_REGN ± REGN LDO ACOV ± BTST FBO VVBUS VIN VAC VBUS_OVP_BOOST + VOTG_OVP ± IQ2 Q2_UCP_BOOST + VVBUS VOTG_HSZCP ± ± VOTG_BAT CONVERTER Control ± + BAT IINDPM + ± SW Q3_OCP_BOOST + + IIN HSFET (Q2) IQ3 VINDPM REGN BATOVP 104% × V BAT_REG IC TJ LSFET (Q3) ± + TREG + ± SYS ± ± + + VSYSMIN ± BAT ILSFET_UCP VBAT_REG PGND IQ2 + UCP Q2_OCP + IHSFET_OCP IQ3 ± ICHG ± EN_HIZ EN_CHARGE EN_BOOST ICHG_REG VBTST - VSW REFRESH + VBTST_REFRESH ± SYS ICHG VBAT_REG ICHG_REG Q4 Gate Control BATFET (Q4) BAT IBADSRC REF DAC ILIM ICHG BAD_SRC Converter Control State Machine IDC ± IC TJ TSHUT ± BAT_GD 'Å + TSHUT VSET D+ + Input Source Detection BAT + VBATGD ± USB Adapter VREG -VRECHG RECHRG OTG + BAT ± ICHG TERMINATION + ITERM STAT CHARGE CONTROL STATE MACHINE ± VBATLOWV BATLOWV + BAT ± bq25606 VSHORT BATSHORT + SUSPEND ± BAT /PG Battery Sensing Thermistor TS /CE 16 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 Device Power Up from Battery without Input Source If only battery is present and the voltage is above depletion threshold (VBAT_DPL_RISE), the BATFET turns on and connects battery to system. The REGN stays off to minimize the quiescent current. The low RDSON of BATFET and the low quiescent current on BAT minimize the conduction loss and maximize the battery run time. The device always monitors the discharge current through BATFET (Supplement Mode). When the system is overloaded or shorted (IBAT > IBATFET_OCP), the device turns off BATFET immediately until the input source plugs in again. 8.3.2 Power Up from Input Source When an input source is plugged in, the device checks the input source voltage to turn on REGN LDO and all the bias circuits. It detects and sets the input current limit before the buck converter is started. The power up sequence from input source is as listed: 1. Power Up REGN LDO 2. Poor Source Qualification 3. Input Source Type Detection is based on D+/D– to set input current limit (IINDPM) . 4. Input Voltage Limit Threshold Setting (VINDPM threshold) 5. Converter Power-up Power Up REGN Regulation The REGN LDO supplies internal bias circuits as well as the HSFET and LSFET gate drive. The REGN also provides bias rail to TS external resistors. The pull-up rail of STAT can be connected to REGN as well. The REGN is enabled when all the below conditions are valid: • VVAC above VVAC_PRESENT • VVAC above VBAT + VSLEEPZ in buck mode or VBUS below VBAT + VSLEEP in boost mode • After 220-ms delay is completed If any one of the above conditions is not valid, the device is in high impedance mode (HIZ) with REGN LDO off. The device draws less than IVBUS_HIZ from VBUS during HIZ state. The battery powers up the system when the device is in HIZ. Poor Source Qualification After REGN LDO powers up, the device confirms the current capability of the input source. The input source must meet both of the following requirements in order to start the buck converter. • VAC voltage below VVAC_OV • VBUS voltage above VVBUSMIN when pulling IBADSRC (typical 30 mA) If the device fails the poor source detection, it repeats poor source qualification every 2 seconds. Input Source Type Detection After the REGN LDO is powered, the device runs input source detection through D+/D– lines. The bq25606 follows the USB Battery Charging Specification 1.2 (BC1.2) to detect input source (SDP/ DCP) and non-standard adapter through USB D+/D– lines. The bq25606 sets input current limit through D+/D- detection and ILIM pins. D+/D– Detection Sets Input Current Limit in bq25606 The bq25606 contains a D+/D– based input source detection to set the input current limit at VBUS plug-in. The D+/D– detection includes standard USB BC1.2 and non-standard adapter. When input source is plugged in, the device starts standard USB BC1.2 detections. The USB BC1.2 is capable to identify Standard Downstream Port (SDP) and Dedicated Charging Port (DCP). When the Data Contact Detection (DCD) timer expires, the nonstandard adapter detection is applied to set the input current limit. The non-standard detection is used to distinguish vendor specific adapters (Apple and Samsung) based on their unique dividers on the D+/D– pins. If an adapter is detected as DCP, the input current limit is set at 2.4 A. If an adapter is detected as unknown, the input current limit is set by ILIM pin. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Feature Description (接 接下页) 表 1. Non-Standard Adapter Detection Non-Standard Adapter D+ Threshold D– Threshold Input Current Limit (A) Divider 1 VD+ within V2P7_VTH VD– within V2P0_VTH 2.1 Divider 2 VD+ within V1P2_VTH VD– within V1P2_VTH 2 Divider 3 VD+ within V2P0_VTH VD– within V2P7_VTH 1 Divider 4 VD+ within V2P7_VTH VD– within V2P7_VTH 2.4 表 2. Input Current Limit Setting from D+/D– Detection D+/D– Detection Input Current Limit (IINLIM) USB SDP (USB500) 500 mA USB DCP 2.4 A Divider 3 1A Divider 1 2.1 A Divider 4 2.4 A Divider 2 2A Unknown 5-V Adapter Set by ILIM pin Input Voltage Limit Threshold Setting (VINDPM Threshold) The device's VINDPM is set at 4.3V. The device supports dynamic VINDPM tracking which tracks the battery voltage. The device's VINDPM tracks battery voltage with 200mV offset such that when VBAT + 200mV is greater than 4.3V, the VINDPM value is automatically adjusted to VBAT + 200mV. Converter Power-Up After the input current limit is set, the converter is enabled and the HSFET and LSFET start switching. If battery charging is disabled, BATFET turns off. Otherwise, BATFET stays on to charge the battery. The device provides soft-start when system rail is ramped up. When the system rail is below 2.2 V, the input current is limited to is to 200 mA. After the system rises above 2.2 V, the device limits input current to the value set by ILIM pin. As a battery charger, the device deploys a highly efficient 1.5 MHz step-down switching regulator. The fixed frequency oscillator keeps tight control of the switching frequency under all conditions of input voltage, battery voltage, charge current and temperature, simplifying output filter design. The device switches to PFM control at light load or when battery is below minimum system voltage setting or charging is disabled. 8.3.3 Boost Mode Operation From Battery The device supports boost converter operation to deliver power from the battery to other portable devices through USB port. The maximum output current is up to 1.2 A. The boost operation can be enabled if the conditions are valid: 1. BAT above VOTG_BAT 2. VBUS less than BAT+VSLEEP (in sleep mode) 3. Boost mode operation is enabled (OTG pin HIGH) 4. Voltage at TS (thermistor) pin is within acceptable range (VBHOT < VTS < VBCOLD) 5. After 30-ms delay from boost mode enable During boost mode, the VBUS output is 5.15 V and the output current can reach up to 1.2 A. The boost output is maintained when BAT is above VOTG_BAT threshold. When OTG is enabled, the device starts up with PFM and later transits to PWM to minimize the overshoot. 18 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 8.3.4 Standalone Power Management 8.3.5 Power Path Management The device accommodates a wide range of input sources from USB, wall adapter, to car charger. The device provides automatic power path selection to supply the system (SYS) from input source (VBUS), battery (BAT), or both. 8.3.6 Battery Charging Management The device charges 1-cell Li-Ion battery with up to 3.0-A charge current for high capacity tablet battery. The 19.5mΩ BATFET improves charging efficiency and minimize the voltage drop during discharging. Autonomous Charging Cycle With battery charging is enabled (CE pin is LOW), the device autonomously completes a charging cycle. The device default charging parameters are listed in 表 3. 表 3. Charging Parameter Default Setting A • • • • Default Mode bq25606 Charging voltage VSET controlled Charging current ICHG controlled Pre-charge current 5% of ICHG Termination current 5% of ICHG Temperature profile JEITA Safety timer 10 hours new charge cycle starts when the following conditions are valid: Converter starts Battery charging is enabled (CE is low) No thermistor fault on TS No safety timer fault The charger device automatically terminates the charging cycle when the charging current is below termination threshold, battery voltage is above recharge threshold, and device not is in DPM mode or thermal regulation. When a fully charged battery is discharged below recharge threshold , the device automatically starts a new charging cycle. After the charge is done, toggle CE pin can initiate a new charging cycle. The STAT output indicates the charging status: charging (LOW), charging complete or charge disable (HIGH) or charging fault (Blinking). Charging Termination The device terminates a charge cycle when the battery voltage is above recharge threshold, and the current is below termination current. After the charging cycle is completed, the BATFET turns off. The converter keeps running to power the system, and BATFET can turn on again to engage Supplement Mode. Thermistor Qualification The charger device provides a single thermistor input for battery temperature monitor. JEITA Guideline Compliance During Charging Mode To improve the safety of charging Li-ion batteries, JEITA guideline was released on April 20, 2007. The guideline emphasized the importance of avoiding a high charge current and high charge voltage at certain low and high temperature ranges. To initiate a charge cycle, the voltage on TS pin must be within the VT1 to VT5 thresholds. If TS voltage exceeds the T1-T5 range, the controller suspends charging and waits until the battery temperature is within the T1 to T5 range. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn At cool temperature (T1-T2), the charge current is reduced to 20% of programmed fast charge current. At warm temperature (T3-T5), the charge voltage is reduced to 4.1 V. 100 VBATREG 4.1 4 90 Charging Voltage (V) Charging Current (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 3 2 1 20 10 0 0 T2 T1 ±5 0 5 T3 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 T2 T1 T5 70 Battery Pack Temperature (°C) ±5 0 5 T3 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 T5 55 60 65 70 Battery Pack Temperature (°C) 图 11. JEITA Profile: Charging Current 图 12. JEITA Profile: Charging Voltage 公式 1 through 公式 2 describe updates to the resistor bias network. 1 ö æ 1 VREGN ´ RTHCOLD ´ RTHHOT ´ ç ÷ VT1 VT5 è ø RT2 = æ VREGN ö æ VREGN ö RTHHOT ´ ç - 1÷ - RTHCOLD ´ ç - 1÷ VT5 VT1 è ø è ø æ æ VREGN ö ö çç ÷ - 1÷ VT1 ø èè ø RT1 = æ ö 1 æ 1 ö ÷ ç RT2 ÷ + ç RTH è ø è COLD ø (1) (2) Select 0°C to 60°C range for Li-ion or Li-polymer battery: • RTHCOLD = 27.28 KΩ • RTHHOT = 3.02 KΩ • RT1 = 5.23 KΩ • RT2 = 30.9 KΩ Boost Mode Thermistor Monitor during Battery Discharge Mode For battery protection during boost mode, the device monitors the battery temperature to be within the to thresholds. When temperature is outside of the temperature thresholds, the boost mode is suspended. 20 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Temperature Range to Boost VREGN Boost Disabled VBCOLD (±10°C) Boost Enabled VBHOT (65°C) Boost Disabled AGND 图 13. TS Pin Thermistor Sense Threshold in Boost Mode Charging Safety Timer The device has built-in safety timer to prevent extended charging cycle due to abnormal battery conditions. The safety timer is 2 hours when the battery is below VBATLOWV threshold and 10 hours when the battery is higher than VBATLOWV threshold. During input voltage, current, JEITA cool or thermal regulation, the safety timer counts at half clock rate as the actual charge current is likely to be below the register setting. For example, if the charger is in input current regulation throughout the whole charging cycle, the safety timer will expire in 20 hours. During the fault, timer is suspended. Once the fault goes away, fault resumes. If user stops the current charging cycle, and start again, timer gets reset. Narrow VDC Architecture The device deploys Narrow VDC architecture (NVDC) with BATFET separating system from battery. The minimum system voltage is set by SYS_Min bits. Even with a fully depleted battery, the system is regulated above the minimum system voltage. When the battery is below minimum system voltage setting, the BATFET operates in linear mode (LDO mode), and the system is typically 180 mV above the minimum system voltage setting. As the battery voltage rises above the minimum system voltage, BATFET is fully on and the voltage difference between the system and battery is the VDS of BATFET. When the battery charging is disabled and above minimum system voltage setting or charging is terminated, the system is always regulated at typically 50mV above battery voltage.. 4.5 4.3 Charge Disabled Charge Enabled Minimum System Voltage SYS (V) 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 BAT (V) 3.9 4.1 4.3 D002 Plot1 图 14. System Voltage vs Battery Voltage 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Dynamic Power management To meet maximum current limit in USB spec and avoid over loading the adapter, the device features Dynamic Power management (DPM), which continuously monitors the input current and input voltage. When input source is over-loaded, either the current exceeds the input current limit (IIDPM) or the voltage falls below the input voltage limit (VINDPM). The device then reduces the charge current until the input current falls below the input current limit and the input voltage rises above the input voltage limit. When the charge current is reduced to zero, but the input source is still overloaded, the system voltage starts to drop. Once the system voltage falls below the battery voltage, the device automatically enters the supplement mode where the BATFET turns on and battery starts discharging so that the system is supported from both the input source and battery. 图 15 shows the DPM response with 9-V/1.2-A adapter, 3.2-V battery, 2.8-A charge current and 3.5-V minimum system voltage setting. Voltage VBUS 9V SYS 3.6V 3.4V 3.2V 3.18V BAT Current 4A ICHG 3.2A 2.8A ISYS 1.2A 1.0A 0.5A IIN -0.6A DPM DPM Supplement 图 15. DPM Response Supplement Mode When the system voltage falls 180 mV (VBAT > VSYSMin) or 45 mV (VBAT < VSYSMin) below the battery voltage, the BATFET turns on and the BATFET gate is regulated the gate drive of BATFET so that the minimum BATFET VDS stays at 30 mV when the current is low. This prevents oscillation from entering and exiting the supplement mode. As the discharge current increases, the BATFET gate is regulated with a higher voltage to reduce RDSON until the BATFET is in full conduction. At this point onwards, the BATFET VDS linearly increases with discharge current. 图 16 shows the V-I curve of the BATFET gate regulation operation. BATFET turns off to exit supplement mode when the battery is below battery depletion threshold. 22 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 4.5 4 3.5 Current (A) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 V(BAT-SYS) (mV) 40 45 50 55 D001 Plot1 图 16. BAFET V-I Curve 8.3.7 Status Outputs (PG, STAT) Power Good indicator (PG Pin) The PG pin goes LOW to indicate a good input source when: • VBUS above VVBUS_UVLO • VBUS above battery (not in sleep) • VBUS below VVAC_OV threshold • VBUS above VVBUSMin (typical 3.8 V) when IBADSRC (typical 30 mA) current is applied (not a poor source) • Completed input Source Type Detection Charging Status indicator (STAT) The device indicates charging state on the open drain STAT pin. The STAT pin can drive LED. 表 4. STAT Pin State CHARGING STATE STAT INDICATOR Charging in progress (including recharge) LOW Charging complete HIGH Sleep mode, charge disable HIGH Charge suspend (input overvoltage, TS fault, timer fault or system overvoltage) Boost Mode suspend (due to TS fault) Blinking at 1 Hz 8.3.8 Protections Input Current Limit The device's ILIM pin is to program maximum input current when D+/D- detection identifies an unknown adaptor plugged in. The maximum input current is set by a resistor from ILIM pin to ground as: K IINMAX = ILIM RILIM (3) Voltage and Current Monitoring in Converter Operation The device closely monitors the input and system voltage, as well as internal FET currents for safe buck and boost mode operation. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Voltage and Current Monitoring in Buck Mode Input Overvoltage (ACOV) If VAC exceeds VVAC_OV, HSFET stops switching immediately. System Overvoltage Protection (SYSOVP) The charger device clamps the system voltage during load transient so that the components connect to system would not be damaged due to high voltage. SYSOVP threshold is 350 mV above minimum system regulation voltage when the system is regulate at VSYSMIN. Upon SYSOVP, converter stops switching immediately to clamp the overshoot. The charger provides 30 mA discharge current to bring down the system voltage. Voltage and Current Monitoring in Boost Mode The device closely monitors the VBUS voltage, as well as RBFET and LSFET current to ensure safe boost mode operation. VBUS Soft Start When the boost function is enabled, the device soft-starts boost mode to avoid inrush current. VBUS Output Protection The device monitors boost output voltage and other conditions to provide output short circuit and overvoltage protection. The Boost build in accurate constant current regulation to allow OTG to adaptive to various types of load. If short circuit is detected on VBUS, the Boost turns off and retry 7 times. If retries are not successful, OTG is disabled. Boost Mode Overvoltage Protection When the VBUS voltage rises above regulation target and exceeds VOTG_OVP, the device stop switching. Thermal Regulation and Thermal Shutdown Thermal Protection in Buck Mode The bq25606 monitors the internal junction temperature TJ to avoid overheat the chip and limits the IC surface temperature in buck mode. When the internal junction temperature exceeds thermal regulation limit (110°C), the device lowers down the charge current. During thermal regulation, the actual charging current is usually below the programmed battery charging current. Therefore, termination is disabled, the safety timer runs at half the clock rate. Thermal Protection in Boost Mode The device monitors the internal junction temperature to provide thermal shutdown during boost mode. When IC junction temperature exceeds TSHUT (160ºC), the boost mode is disabled and BATFET is turned off. When IC junction temperature is below TSHUT(160ºC) - TSHUT_HYS (30ºC), the BATFET is enabled automatically to allow system to restore . Battery Protection Battery overvoltage Protection (BATOVP) The battery overvoltage limit is clamped at 4% above the battery regulation voltage. When battery over voltage occurs, the charger device immediately disables charging. Battery Over-Discharge Protection When battery is discharged below VBAT_DPL_FALL, the BATFET is turned off to protect battery from over discharge. To recover from over-discharge latch-off, an input source plug-in is required at VBUS. The battery is charged with ISHORT (typically 100 mA) current when the VBAT < VSHORT, or precharge current as set by 5% of ICHG when the battery voltage is between VSHORTZ and VBAT_LOWV. 24 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 System Over-Current Protection When the system is shorted or significantly overloaded (IBAT > IBATOP) and the current exceeds BATFET overcurrent limit, the BATFET latches off. The BATFET latch can be reset with VBUS plug-in. 9 Application and Implementation 注 information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application information A typical application consists of the device configured as a stand-alone power path management device and a single cell battery charger for Li-Ion and Li-polymer batteries used in a wide range of smart phones and other portable devices. It integrates an input reverse-block FET (RBFET, Q1), high-side switching FET (HSFET, Q2), low-side switching FET (LSFET, Q3), and battery FET (BATFET Q4) between the system and battery. The device also integrates a bootstrap diode for the high-side gate drive. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 9.2 Typical Application Diagram 图 17. Power Path Management Application Input 3.9 V to 13.5 V 1 H VBUS System 3.5 V to 4.6 V SW 1 F 10 F 47 nF PMID BTST REGN 10 F ACDRV 4.7 µF GND VAC SYS SYS SYS 2.2 k /PG 2.2 k STAT Host bq25606 BAT 10 F OTG 450 REGN ICHG 5.23 k /CE TS + 30.1 k 10 k D+ USB D- ILIM 240 Float: VREG = 4.208 V Short : VREG = 4.352 V RPD=10 NŸ: VREG = 4.400 V VSET RPD 图 18. bq25606 Application Diagram 9.2.1 Design Requirements 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure inductor Selection The 1.5-MHz switching frequency allows the use of small inductor and capacitor values to maintain an inductor saturation current higher than the charging current (ICHG) plus half the ripple current (IRIPPLE): ISAT ≥ ICHG + (1/2) IRIPPLE (4) The inductor ripple current depends on the input voltage (VVBUS), the duty cycle (D = VBAT/VVBUS), the switching frequency (fS) and the inductance (L). V ´ D ´ (1 - D) IRIPPLE = IN fs ´ L (5) The maximum inductor ripple current occurs when the duty cycle (D) is 0.5 or approximately 0.5. Usually inductor ripple is designed in the range between 20% and 40% maximum charging current as a trade-off between inductor size and efficiency for a practical design. 26 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Typical Application Diagram (接 接下页) input Capacitor Design input capacitance to provide enough ripple current rating to absorb input switching ripple current. The worst case RMS ripple current is half of the charging current when duty cycle is 0.5. If the converter does not operate at 50% duty cycle, then the worst case capacitor RMS current ICin occurs where the duty cycle is closest to 50% and can be estimated using 公式 6. ICIN = ICHG ´ D ´ (1 - D) (6) Low ESR ceramic capacitor such as X7R or X5R is preferred for input decoupling capacitor and should be placed to the drain of the high-side MOSFET and source of the low-side MOSFET as close as possible. Voltage rating of the capacitor must be higher than normal input voltage level. A rating of 25-V or higher capacitor is preferred for 15 V input voltage. Capacitance of 22-μF is suggested for typical of 3A charging current. Output Capacitor Ensure that the output capacitance has enough ripple current rating to absorb the output switching ripple current. 公式 7 shows the output capacitor RMS current ICOUT calculation. I ICOUT = RIPPLE » 0.29 ´ IRIPPLE 2´ 3 (7) The output capacitor voltage ripple can be calculated as follows: æ ö V V DVO = OUT2 ç 1 - OUT ÷ VIN ø 8LCfs è (8) At certain input and output voltage and switching frequency, the voltage ripple can be reduced by increasing the output filter LC. The charger device has internal loop compensation optimized for >20μF ceramic output capacitance. The preferred ceramic capacitor is 10V rating, X7R or X5R. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 27 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 9.3 Application Curves VVBUS = 5 V VVBAT = 3.2 V Figure 19. Power-Up with Charge Disabled VVBUS = 5 V ISYS = 50 mA Charge Disabled Figure 21. PFM Switching in Buck Mode 28 VVBUS = 5 V ICHG = 2 A VVBAT = 3.2 V Figure 20. Power-Up with Charge Enabled VVBUS = 9 V ISYS = 50 mA Charge Disabled Figure 22. PFM Switching in Buck Mode Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Application Curves (continued) VVBUS = 12 V ISYS = 50 mA Charge Disabled VVBUS = 5 V ICHG = 2 A Figure 24. PWM Switching in Buck Mode Figure 23. PFM Switching in Buck Mode VVBUS = 12 V ICHG = 2 A VVBAT = 3.8 V Figure 25. PWM Switching in Buck mode Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated VVBAT = 3.8 V VVBUS = 5 V ICHG = 2 A VVBAT = 3.2 V Figure 26. Charge Enable 29 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Application Curves (continued) VVBUS = 5 V ICHG = 2 A VVBAT = 3.2 V Figure 27. Charge Disable VVBAT = 4 V ILOAD= 50 mA PFM Enabled Figure 28. OTG Switching VVBAT = 4 V ILOAD= 1 A PFM Enabled Figure 29. OTG Switching 30 VVBUS = 5 V ISYS from 0 A to 2 A VBAT = 3.7 V IINDPM = 1 A ICHG = 1 A Figure 30. System Load Transient Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Application Curves (continued) VVBUS = 5 V ISYS from 0 A to 4 A VBAT = 3.7 V IINDPM = 2 A ICHG = 1 A Figure 31. System Load Transient VVBUS = 5 V ISYS from 0 A to 4 A VBAT = 3.7 V IINDPM = 1 A ICHG = 2 A Figure 33. System Load Transient 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated VVBUS = 5 V ISYS from 0 A to 2 A VBAT = 3.7 V IINDPM = 1 A ICHG = 2 A Figure 32. System Load Transient VVBUS = 5 V ISYS from 0 A to 2 A VBAT = 3.7 V IINDPM = 2 A ICHG = 2 A Figure 34. System Load Transient 31 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn Application Curves (continued) VVBUS = 5 V ISYS from 0 A to 4 A VBAT = 3.7 V IINDPM = 2 A ICHG = 2 A VBAT = 3.8 V CLOAD = 470 µF Figure 36. OTG Start-Up Figure 35. System Load Transient 32 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 10 Power Supply Recommendations in order to provide an output voltage on SYS, the bq25606 device requires a power supply between 3.9 V and 14.2 V input with at least 100-mA current rating connected to VBUS and a single-cell Li-Ion battery with voltage > VBATUVLO connected to BAT. The source current rating needs to be at least 3 A in order for the buck converter of the charger to provide maximum output power to SYS. 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 33 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 11 Layout 11.1 Layout Guidelines The switching node rise and fall times should be minimized for minimum switching loss. Proper layout of the components to minimize high frequency current path loop (see 图 37) is important to prevent electrical and magnetic field radiation and high frequency resonant problems. Follow this specific order carefully to achieve the proper layout. 1. Place input capacitor as close as possible to PMID pin and GND pin connections and use shortest copper trace connection or GND plane. 2. Place inductor input pin to SW pin as close as possible. Minimize the copper area of this trace to lower electrical and magnetic field radiation but make the trace wide enough to carry the charging current. Do not use multiple layers in parallel for this connection. Minimize parasitic capacitance from this area to any other trace or plane. 3. Put output capacitor near to the inductor and the device. Ground connections need to be tied to the IC ground with a short copper trace connection or GND plane. 4. Route analog ground separately from power ground. Connect analog ground and connect power ground separately. Connect analog ground and power ground together using thermal pad as the single ground connection point. Or using a 0-Ω resistor to tie analog ground to power ground. 5. Use single ground connection to tie charger power ground to charger analog ground. Just beneath the device. Use ground copper pour but avoid power pins to reduce inductive and capacitive noise coupling. 6. Place decoupling capacitors next to the IC pins and make trace connection as short as possible. 7. It is critical that the exposed thermal pad on the backside of the device package be soldered to the PCB ground. Ensure that there are sufficient thermal vias directly under the IC, connecting to the ground plane on the other layers. 8. Ensure that the number and sizes of vias allow enough copper for a given current path. See the EVM user's guide SLUUBL3 for the recommended component placement with trace and via locations. For the VQFN information, refer to SCBA017 and SLUA271. 11.2 Layout Example + + ± 图 37. High Frequency Current Path 34 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 Layout Example (接 接下页) 图 38. Layout Example 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 35 bq25606 ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 www.ti.com.cn 12 器件和文档支持 12.1 文档支持 12.1.1 相关链接 下面的表格列出了快速访问链接。类别包括技术文档、支持与社区资源、工具和软件,以及申请样片或购买产品的 快速链接。 12.2 社区资源 下列链接提供到 TI 社区资源的连接。链接的内容由各个分销商“按照原样”提供。这些内容并不构成 TI 技术规范, 并且不一定反映 TI 的观点;请参阅 TI 的 《使用条款》。 TI E2E™ 在线社区 TI 的工程师对工程师 (E2E) 社区。此社区的创建目的在于促进工程师之间的协作。在 e2e.ti.com 中,您可以咨询问题、分享知识、拓展思路并与同行工程师一道帮助解决问题。 设计支持 TI 参考设计支持 可帮助您快速查找有帮助的 E2E 论坛、设计支持工具以及技术支持的联系信息。 12.3 商标 E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. WEBENCH is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments. 12.4 静电放电警告 这些装置包含有限的内置 ESD 保护。 存储或装卸时,应将导线一起截短或将装置放置于导电泡棉中,以防止 MOS 门极遭受静电损 伤。 12.5 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 36 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated bq25606 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGR3A – MAY 2017 – REVISED AUGUST 2017 13 机械、封装和可订购信息 以下页面包含机械、封装和可订购信息。这些信息是指定器件的最新可用数据。这些数据如有变更,恕不另行通知 和修订此文档。如欲获取此产品说明书的浏览器版本,请参阅左侧的导航。 版权 © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 37 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 20-Mar-2019 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (4/5) BQ25606RGER LIFEBUY VQFN RGE 24 3000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BQ25606 BQ25606RGET ACTIVE VQFN RGE 24 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BQ25606 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
BQ25606RGER 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1515+2.51402


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 3000+10.214073000+1.23321
    • 9000+9.958979000+1.20241


    •  国内价格
    • 1+2.26491


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+23.326951+2.81642
    • 10+17.4022310+2.10109
    • 25+15.9205925+1.92220
    • 100+14.28977100+1.72530
    • 250+13.51223250+1.63142
    • 500+13.04355500+1.57483
    • 1000+12.657751000+1.52826


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 3000+11.132103000+1.34405


    •  国内价格
    • 1+3.43200
    • 100+2.75000
    • 750+2.45300
    • 1500+2.31000
    • 3000+2.20000
