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    时钟发生器/PLL频率合成器 VQFN32_5X5MM_EP 3V~3.6V 683.28MHz

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CDCM61001RHBT 数据手册
CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com One Output, Integrated VCO, Low-Jitter Clock Generator Check for Samples: CDCM61001 FEATURES 1 • 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • One Crystal/LVCMOS Reference Input Including 24.8832 MHz, 25 MHz, and 26.5625 MHz Input Frequency Range: 21.875 MHz to 28.47 MHz On-Chip VCO Operates in Frequency Range of 1.75 GHz to 2.05 GHz 1x Output Available: – Pin-Selectable Between LVPECL, LVDS, or 2-LVCMOS; Operates at 3.3 V LVCMOS Bypass Output Available Output Frequency Selectable by /1, /2, /3, /4, /6, /8 from the Output Divider Supports Common LVPECL/LVDS Output Frequencies: – 62.5 MHz, 74.25 MHz, 75 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 100 MHz, 106.25 MHz, 125 MHz, 150 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 159.375 MHz, 187.5 MHz, 200 MHz, 212.5 MHz, 250 MHz, 311.04 MHz, 312.5 MHz, 622.08 MHz, 625 MHz Supports Common LVCMOS Output Frequencies: – 62.5 MHz, 74.25 MHz, 75 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 100 MHz, 106.25 MHz, 125 MHz, 150 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 159.375 MHz, 187.5 MHz, 200 MHz, 212.5 MHz, 250 MHz Output Frequency Range: 43.75 MHz to 683.264 MHz (See Table 3) Internal PLL Loop Bandwidth: 400 kHz High-Performance PLL Core: – Phase Noise typically at –146 dBc/Hz at 5-MHz Offset for 625-MHz LVPECL Output – Random Jitter typically at 0.509 ps, RMS (10 kHz to 20 MHz) for 625-MHz LVPECL Output Output Duty Cycle Corrected to 50% (± 5%) Divider Programming Using Control Pins: • • • • • – Two Pins for Prescaler/Feedback Divider – Three Pins for Output Divider – Two Pins for Output Select Chip Enable and Device Reset Control Pins Available 3.3-V Core and I/O Power Supply Industrial Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C 5-mm × 5-mm, 32-pin, QFN (RHB) Package ESD Protection Exceeds 2 kV (HBM) APPLICATIONS • • Low Jitter Clock Driver for High-End Datacom Applications Including SONET, Ethernet, Fibre Channel, Serial ATA, and HDTV Cost-Effective High-Frequency Crystal Oscillator Replacement DESCRIPTION The CDCM61001 is a highly versatile, low-jitter frequency synthesizer that can generate low-jitter clock outputs, selectable between low-voltage positive emitter coupled logic (LVPECL), low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS), or low-voltage complementary metal oxide semiconductor (LVCMOS) outputs, from a low-frequency crystal or LVCMOS input for a variety of wireline and data communication applications. The CDCM61001 features an onboard PLL that can be easily configured solely through control pins. The overall output random jitter performance is less than 1ps, RMS (from 10 kHz to 20 MHz), making this device a perfect choice for use in demanding applications such as SONET, Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and SAN. The CDCM61001 is available in a small, 32-pin, 5-mm × 5-mm QFN package. 1 2 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. DESCRIPTION, CONTINUED The CDCM61001 is a high-performance, low phase noise, fully-integrated voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) clock synthesizer with one universal output buffer that can be configured to be LVPECL, LVDS, or LVCMOS compatible. The universal output can also be converted to two LVCMOS outputs. Additionally, an LVCMOS bypass output clock is available in an output configuration which can help with crystal loading in order to achieve an exact desired input frequency. It has one fully-integrated, low-noise, LC-based VCO that operates in the 1.75 GHz to 2.05 GHz range. The phase-locked loop (PLL) synchronizes the VCO with respect to the input, which can either be a low-frequency crystal. The output has an output divider sourced from the VCO core. All device settings are managed through a control pin structure, which has two pins that control the prescaler and feedback divider, three pins that control the output divider, two pins that control the output type, and one pin that controls the output enable. Any time the PLL settings (including the input frequency, prescaler divider, or feedback divider) are altered, a reset must be issued through the Reset control pin (active low for device reset). The reset initiates a PLL recalibration process to ensure PLL lock. When the device is in reset, the outputs and divider are turned off. The output frequency (fOUT) is proportional to the frequency of the input clock (fIN). The feedback divider, output divider, and VCO frequency set fOUT with respect to fIN. For a configuration setting for common wireline and datacom applications, refer toTable 2. For other applications, use Equation 1 to calculate the exact crystal oscillator frequency required for the desired output. Output Divider f fIN = Feedback Divider OUT (1) ( ( The output divider can be chosen from 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 through the use of control pins. Feedback divider and prescaler divider combinations can be chosen from 25 and 3, 24 and 3, 20 and 4, or 15 and 5, respectively, also through the use of control pins. Figure 1 shows a high-level block diagram of the CDCM61001. The device operates in a 3.3-V supply environment and is characterized for operation from –40°C to +85°C. RSTN PR[1...0] 2 OD[2...0] 3 CDCM61001 Feedback Divider Prescaler VCO Output Divider PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter Crystal/ LVCMOS Output Driver LVPECL/ LVCMOS/ LVDS 3.3 V LVCMOS CE 2 OS[1...0] Figure 1. CDCM61001 Block Diagram 2 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com AVAILABLE OPTIONS (1) TA –40°C to +85°C (1) PACKAGED DEVICES FEATURES (2) CDCM61001RHBT 32-pin QFN (RHB) package, small tape and reel CDCM61001RHBR 32-pin QFN (RHB) package, tape and reel For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or visit the device product folder at ti.com. These packages conform to Lead (Pb)-free and green manufacturing specifications. Additional details including specific material content can be accessed at www.ti.com/leadfree. GREEN: TI defines Green to mean Lead (Pb)-Free and in addition, uses less package materials that do not contain halogens, including bromine (Br), or antimony (Sb) above 0.1%of total product weight. N/A: Not yet available Lead (Pb)-Free; for estimated conversion dates, go to www.ti.com/leadfree. Pb-FREE: TI defines Lead (Pb)-Free to mean RoHS compatible, including a lead concentration that does not exceed 0.1% of total product weight, and, if designed to be soldered, suitable for use in specified lead-free soldering processes. (2) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER VCC_OUT, VCC_PLL1, VCC_PLL2, VCC_VCO, VCC_IN Supply voltage range VIN Input voltage range (3) (2) (3) VALUE UNIT –0.5 to +4.6 V –0.5 to (VCC_IN + 0.5) V VOUT Output voltage range –0.5 to (VCC_OUT + 0.5) V IIN Input current 20 mA IOUT Output current 50 mA TSTG Storage temperature range –65 to +150 °C (1) (2) (3) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating condition is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All supply voltages must be supplied simultaneously. Input and output negative voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp-current ratings are observed. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER MIN NOM MAX UNIT VCC_OUT Output supply voltage 3.0 3.30 3.60 V VCC_PLL1 PLL supply voltage 3.0 3.30 3.60 V VCC_PLL2 PLL supply voltage 3.0 3.30 3.60 V VCC_VCO On-chip VCO supply voltage 3.0 3.30 3.60 V VCC_IN Input supply voltage 3.0 3.30 3.60 V TA Ambient temperature –40 +85 °C DISSIPATION RATINGS (1) (2) VALUE PARAMETER θJA Thermal resistance, junction-to-ambient θJP (3) Thermal resistance, junction-to-pad (1) (2) (3) TEST CONDITIONS 4 × 4 VIAS ON PAD UNIT 0 LFM 35 °C/W 4 °C/W The package thermal resistance is calculated in accordance with JESD 51 and JEDEC 2S2P (high-K board). Connected to GND with nine thermal vias (0.3-mm diameter). θJP (junction-to-pad) is used for the QFN package, because the primary heat flow is from the junction to the GND pad of the QFN package. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At VCC = 3 V to 3.6 V and TA = –40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. CDCM61001 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Control Pin LVCMOS Input Characteristics VIH Input high voltage VIL Input low voltage IIH Input high current IIL Input low current 0.6VCC V 0.4VCC V VCC = 3.6 V, VIL = 0 V 200 μA VCC = 3 V, VIH = 3.6 V –200 μA 21.875 28.47 MHz 43.75 250 MHz LVCMOS Output Characteristics (1) (See Figure 9 and Figure 10) fOSC_OUT Bypass output frequency fOUT Output frequency VOH Output high voltage VCC = min to max, IOH = –100 μA VOL Output low voltage VCC = min to max, IOL = 100 μA tRJIT RMS phase jitter 250 MHz (10 kHz to 20 MHz) tSLEW-RATE Output rise/fall slew rate 20% to 80% ODC Output duty cycle ICC, LVCMOS Device current, LVCMOS VCC –0.5 V 0.3 V 0.85 ps, RMS 2.4 V/ns 45% fIN = 25 MHz, fOUT = 250 MHz, CL = 5 pF 55% 95 110 mA MHz LVPECL Output Characteristics (2) (See Figure 11 and Figure 12) fOUT Output frequency 43.75 683.264 VOH Output high voltage VCC –1.18 VCC –0.73 V VOL Output low voltage VCC –2 VCC –1.55 V |VOD| Differential output voltage 0.6 1.23 V tRJIT RMS phase jitter 625 MHz (10 kHz to 20 MHz) 0.77 ps, RMS tR/tF Output rise/fall time 20% to 80% 175 ps ODC Output duty cycle ICC, LVPECL Device current, LVPECL 45% fIN = 25 MHz, fOUT = 625 MHz 55% 100 115 mA MHz LVDS Output Characteristics (3) (See Figure 13 and Figure 14) fOUT Output frequency 43.75 683.264 |VOD| Differential output voltage 0.247 0.454 ΔVOD VDD magnitude change VOS Common-mode voltage ΔVOS VOS magnitude change tRJIT RMS phase jitter 625 MHz (10 kHz to 20 MHz) tR/tF Output rise/fall time 20% to 80% ODC Output duty cycle ICC, LVDS Device current, LVDS (1) (2) (3) 4 50 1.125 1.375 50 45% fIN = 25 MHz, fOUT = 625 MHz V mV V mV 0.73 ps, RMS 255 ps 55% 90 105 mA Figure 9 and Figure 10 show dc and ac test setups, respectively. Jitter measurements made using 25-MHz quartz crystal in. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show dc and ac test setups, respectively. Jitter measurements made using 25-MHz quartz crystal in. Figure 13 and Figure 14 show dc and ac test setups, respectively. Jitter measurements made using 25-MHz quartz crystal in. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com TYPICAL OUTPUT PHASE NOISE CHARACTERISTICS Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted). CDCM61001 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 250-MHz LVCMOS Output (1) (see Figure 10) phn100 Phase noise at 100-Hz offset –95 dBc/Hz phn1k Phase noise at 1-kHz offset –110 dBc/Hz phn10k Phase noise at 10-kHz offset –117 dBc/Hz phn100k Phase noise at 100-kHz offset –120 dBc/Hz phn1M Phase noise at 1-MHz offset –135 dBc/Hz phn10M Phase noise at 10-MHz offset –148 dBc/Hz phn20M Phase noise at 20-MHz offset –148 dBc/Hz tRJIT RMS phase jitter from 10 kHz to 20 MHz 544 fs, RMS tPJIT Total period jitter 27.4 ps, PP tSTARTUP Start-up time, power supply ramp time of 1 ms, final frequency accuracy of ±10 ppm 2.25 ms 625-MHz LVPECL Output (2) (see Figure 12) phn100 Phase noise at 100-Hz offset –81 dBc/Hz phn1k Phase noise at 1-kHz offset –101 dBc/Hz phn10k Phase noise at 10-kHz offset –109 dBc/Hz phn100k Phase noise at 100-kHz offset –112 dBc/Hz phn1M Phase noise at 1-MHz offset –129 dBc/Hz phn10M Phase noise at 10-MHz offset –146 dBc/Hz phn20M Phase noise at 20-MHz offset –146 dBc/Hz tRJIT RMS phase jitter from 10 kHz to 20 MHz 509 fs, RMS tPJIT Total period jitter 26.9 ps, PP tSTARTUP Start-up time, power supply ramp time of 1 ms, final frequency accuracy of ±10 ppm 2.25 ms –88 dBc/Hz 625-MHz LVDS Output (3) (see Figure 14) phn100 Phase noise at 100-Hz offset phn1k Phase noise at 1-kHz offset –102 dBc/Hz phn10k Phase noise at 10-kHz offset –109 dBc/Hz phn100k Phase noise at 100-kHz offset –112 dBc/Hz phn1M Phase noise at 1-MHz offset –129 dBc/Hz phn10M Phase noise at 10-MHz offset –146 dBc/Hz phn20M Phase noise at 20-MHz offset –146 dBc/Hz tRJIT RMS phase jitter from 10 kHz to 20 MHz 510 fs, RMS tPJIT Total period jitter 27 ps, PP tSTARTUP Start-up time, power supply ramp time of 1 ms, final frequency accuracy of ±10 ppm (1) (2) (3) 2.25 ms Figure 10 shows test setup and uses 25-MHz quartz crystal in, VCC = 3.3 V, TA = +25°C, and CL = 5 pF. Figure 12 shows test setup and uses 25-MHz quartz crystal in, VCC = 3.3 V, and TA = +25°C. Figure 14 shows test setup and uses 25-MHz quartz crystal in, VCC = 3.3 V, and TA = +25°C. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com TYPICAL OUTPUT JITTER CHARACTERISTICS (1) OUTPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) INPUT (MHz) tRJIT (fs, RMS) tPJIT (psPP) tRJIT (fs, RMS) tPJIT (psPP) tRJIT (fs, RMS) tPJIT (psPP) 62.5 25 592 32.9 611 20.7 667 28.4 75 25 518 27.5 533 19.4 572 25.7 77.76 24.8832 506 29.2 526 20.9 567 26.9 100 25 507 24.5 510 20.7 533 26.5 106.25 26.5625 535 23.5 524 20.2 553 26.5 125 25 557 39.6 556 21.4 570 27.1 150 25 518 38.4 493 18.9 515 26.2 155.52 24.8832 498 36.9 486 19.8 502 26.7 (1) LVCMOS OUTPUT LVPECL OUTPUT LVDS OUTPUT 156.25 25 510 37.7 503 20.7 518 26.5 159.375 26.5625 535 37.4 510 19.9 534 26.3 187.5 25 506 32.8 506 20.3 509 25.5 200 25 491 23.3 492 30 499 34.9 212.5 26.5625 520 47.8 509 30.8 530 37.3 250 25 544 27.4 541 21.4 550 27.5 311.04 24.8832 481 20.5 496 24.7 312.5 25 501 20.8 508 25.8 622.08 24.8832 492 27.2 500 27.2 625 25 515 26.9 509 27 Figure 10, Figure 12, and Figure 14 show LVCMOS, LVPECL, and LVDS test setups (respectively) using appropriate quartz crystal in, VCC = 3.3 V, and TA = +25°C. CRYSTAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER MINIMUM Mode of oscillation Frequency TYPICAL Fundamental 21.875 Equivalent series resistance (ESR) On-chip load capacitance Drive level Maximum shunt capacitance 6 MAXIMUM 8 0.1 UNIT MHz 28.47 MHz 50 Ω 10 pF 1 mW 7 pF Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com DEVICE INFORMATION NC NC NC NC NC NC PR1 PR0 RHB PACKAGE QFN-32 (TOP VIEW) 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 NC 1 24 NC NC 2 23 OSC_OUT 22 GND1 21 XIN 20 VCC_IN 19 REG_CAP1 NC 3 VCC_OUT 4 OUTN 5 OUTP 6 CE 7 18 VCC_PLL1 NC 8 17 REG_CAP2 CDCM61001 12 13 14 15 16 OD0 OD1 OD2 VCC_PLL2 OS1 11 RSTN 10 OS0 9 VCC_VCO Thermal Pad (must be soldered to ground) PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NAME DIRECTION (1) PAD NO. TYPE VCC_OUT 4 Power 3.3-V supply for the output buffer DESCRIPTION VCC_PLL1 18 Power 3.3-V supply for the PLL circuitry VCC_PLL2 16 Power 3.3-V supply for the PLL circuitry VCC_VCO 9 Power 3.3-V supply for the internal VCO VCC_IN 20 Power 3.3-V supply for the input buffers GND1 22 Ground Additional ground for device. (GND1 shorted on-chip to GND) GND Pad Ground Ground is on thermal pad; see Thermal Management XIN 21 Input OUTN, OUTP 5, 6 Output Differential output pair or two single-ended outputs OSC_OUT 23 Output Bypass LVCMOS output REG_CAP1 19 Output Capacitor for internal regulator (connect to a 10-μF Y5V capacitor to GND) REG_CAP2 17 Output Parallel resonant crystal or LVCMOS input Capacitor for internal regulator (connect to a 10-μF Y5V capacitor to GND) PR0, PR1 25, 26 Pull-up Prescaler and Feedback divider control pins (see Table 4) OD0, OD1, OD2 13, 14, 15 Pull-up Output divider control pins (see Table 5) OS1, OS0 10, 11 Pull-up Output type select control pin (see Table 6) CE 7 Pull-up Chip enable control pin (see Table 7) RSTN 12 Pull-up Device reset (active low) (see Table 8) NC (1) 1-3, 8, 24, 27-32 No connection Pull-up refers to internal input resistors; see Pin Characteristics for typical values. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com Table 1. PIN CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL CIN RPULLUP PARAMETER MIN Input capacitance Input pull-up resistor TYP MAX UNIT 8 10 pF 150 kΩ PACKAGE Figure 2. RHB Package 8 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC_IN VCC_PLL1 XO LVCMOS XIN VCC_PLL2 Phase Frequency Detector 21.875 MHz to 28 .47 MHz VCC_VCO VCC_VDD VCC_OUT Loop Filter Charge Pump 224 mA 400 kHz ¸15 FB_MUX ¸5 VCO 1.75 GHz to 2.05 GHz ¸20 ¸4 ¸24 RSTN ¸3 Prescaler Divider ¸25 Feedback Divider LVCMOS ¸1 PR1 DIV_MUX PR0 ¸2 LVPECL OUTP ¸3 1 ¸4 LVDS OUTN ¸6 REG_CAP1 ¸8 LVCMOS Output Divider REG_CAP2 LVCMOS OSC_OUT CDCM61001 CE GND1 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated OD2 OD1 OD0 OS1 OS0 9 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com DEVICE CONFIGURATION Table 2. Common Configuration 10 INPUT (MHz) PRESCALER DIVIDER FEEDBACK DIVIDER VCO FREQUENCY (MHz) OUTPUT DIVIDER OUTPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) 25 4 20 2000 8 62.5 GigE 24.75 3 24 1782 8 74.25 HDTV 25 3 24 1800 8 75 SATA 24.8832 3 25 1866.24 8 77.76 APPLICATION SONET 25 3 24 1800 6 100 26.5625 3 24 1912.5 6 106.25 PCI Express 25 4 20 2000 4 125 GigE SATA Fibre Channel 25 3 24 1800 4 150 24.8832 3 25 1866.24 4 155.52 SONET 25 3 25 1875 4 156.25 10 GigE 26.5625 3 24 1912.5 4 159.375 10-G Fibre Channel 25 5 15 1875 2 187.5 25 3 24 1800 3 200 26.5625 3 24 1912.5 3 212.5 12 GigE PCI Express 4-G Fibre Channel 25 4 20 2000 2 250 24.8832 3 25 1866.24 2 311.04 GigE SONET 25 3 25 1875 2 312.5 XGMII 24.8832 3 25 1866.24 1 622.08 SONET 25 3 25 1875 1 625 10 GigE Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com Table 3. Generic Configuration INPUT FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz) PRESCALER DIVIDER FEEDBACK DIVIDER VCO FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz) OUTPUT DIVIDER OUTPUT FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz) 21.875 to 25.62 4 20 1750 to 2050 8 54.6875 to 64.05 21.875 to 25.62 4 20 1750 to 2050 6 72.92 to 85.4 21.875 to 25.62 4 20 1750 to 2050 4 109.375 to 128.1 21.875 to 25.62 4 20 1750 to 2050 3 145.84 to 170.8 21.875 to 25.62 4 20 1750 to 2050 2 218.75 to 256.2 21.875 to 25.62 4 20 1750 to 2050 1 437.5 to 512.4 23.33 to 27.33 3 25 1750 to 2050 8 72.906 to 85.408 23.33 to 27.33 3 25 1750 to 2050 6 97.21 to 113.875 23.33 to 27.33 3 25 1750 to 2050 4 145.812 to 170.816 23.33 to 27.33 3 25 1750 to 2050 3 194.42 to 227.75 23.33 to 27.33 3 25 1750 to 2050 2 291.624 to 341.632 23.33 to 27.33 3 25 1750 to 2050 1 583.248 to 683.264 23.33 to 27.33 5 15 1750 to 2050 8 43.75 to 51.25 23.33 to 27.33 5 15 1750 to 2050 6 58.33 to 68.33 23.33 to 27.33 5 15 1750 to 2050 4 87.5 to 102.5 23.33 to 27.33 5 15 1750 to 2050 3 116.66 to 136.66 23.33 to 27.33 5 15 1750 to 2050 2 175 to 205 23.33 to 27.33 5 15 1750 to 2050 1 350 to 410 24.305 to 28.47 3 24 1750 to 2050 8 72.915 to 85.41 24.305 to 28.47 3 24 1750 to 2050 6 97.22 to 113.88 24.305 to 28.47 3 24 1750 to 2050 4 145.83 to 170.82 24.305 to 28.47 3 24 1750 to 2050 3 194.44 to 227.76 24.305 to 28.47 3 24 1750 to 2050 2 291.66 to 341.64 24.305 to 28.47 3 24 1750 to 2050 1 583.32 to 683.28 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com Table 4. Programmable Prescaler and Feedback Divider Settings CONTROL INPUTS PFD FREQUENCY PR1 PR0 PRESCALER DIVIDER FEEDBACK DIVIDER MINIMUM MAXIMUM 0 0 3 24 24.305 28.47 0 1 5 15 23.33 27.33 1 0 3 25 23.33 27.33 1 1 4 20 21.875 25.62 Table 5. Programmable Output Divider CONTROL INPUTS OD2 OD1 OD0 OUTPUT DIVIDER 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 4 1 0 0 Reserved 1 0 1 6 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 1 8 Table 6. Programmable Output Type CONTROL INPUTS OS1 OS0 OUTPUT TYPE 0 0 LVCMOS, OSC_OUT Off 0 1 LVDS, OSC_OUT Off 1 0 LVPECL, OSC_OUT Off 1 1 LVPECL, OSC_OUT On Table 7. Output Enable CONTROL INPUT CE OPERATING CONDITION 0 Power Down Hi-Z 1 Normal Active OUTPUT Table 8. Reset CONTROL INPUT 12 RSTN OPERATING CONDITION OUTPUT 0 Device Reset Hi-Z 0→1 PLL Recalibration Hi-Z 1 Normal Active Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Over operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted. TYPICAL CURRENT CONSUMPTION FOR LVPECL OUTPUT vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY 120 Output-divide-by-8 Output-divide-by-6 Output-divide-by-4 115 Output-divide-by-3 Supply Current (mA) Output-divide-by-2 Output-divide-by-1 110 105 100 95 0 200 400 600 800 Output Frequency (MHz) Figure 3. TYPICAL CURRENT CONSUMPTION FOR LVDS OUTPUT vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY 110 Output-divide-by-8 Output-divide-by-6 Output-divide-by-4 105 Output-divide-by-3 Supply Current (mA) Output-divide-by-2 Output-divide-by-1 100 95 90 85 0 200 400 600 800 Output Frequency (MHz) Figure 4. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Over operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted. TYPICAL CURRENT CONSUMPTION FOR LVCMOS OUTPUT WITH 5-pF LOAD vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY 110 105 Supply Current (mA) 100 95 90 85 Output-divide-by-8 Output-divide-by-6 Output-divide-by-4 80 Output-divide-by-3 Output-divide-by-2 75 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Output Frequency (MHz) Figure 5. TYPICAL LVPECL DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY 0.77 Differential Output Voltage, VOD (V) 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.71 0.70 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Output Frequency (MHz) Figure 6. 14 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Over operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted. TYPICAL LVDS DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY 0.42 Differential Output Voltage, VDO (V) 0.40 0.38 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Output Frequency (MHz) Figure 7. TYPICAL LVCMOS OUTPUT VOLTAGE WITH 5-pF LOAD vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY 3.30 Output Voltage, VOUT (V) 3.25 3.20 3.15 3.10 3.05 3.00 50 100 150 200 250 Output Frequency (MHz) Figure 8. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com TEST CONFIGURATIONS This section describes the function of each block for the CDCM61001. Figure 9 through Figure 15 illustrate how the device should be set up for a variety of output configurations. LVCMOS 5 pF Figure 9. LVCMOS Output Loading During Device Test Phase Noise Analyzer LVCMOS Figure 10. LVCMOS AC Configuration During Device Test Oscilloscope LVPECL 50 W 50 W VCC - 2V Figure 11. LVPECL DC Configuration During Device Test Phase Noise Analyzer LVPECL 150 W 150 W 50 W Figure 12. LVPECL AC Configuration During Device Test 16 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com 100 W LVDS Oscilloscope Figure 13. LVDS DC Configuration During Device Test Phase Noise Analyzer LVDS 50 W Figure 14. LVDS AC Configuration During Device Test VOH Yx VOD VOL Yx 80% VOUTpp 20% 0V tr tf Figure 15. Output Voltage and Rise/Fall Times Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) The CDCM61001 includes an on-chip PLL with an on-chip VCO. The PLL blocks consist of a crystal input interface, which can also accept an LVCMOS signal, a phase frequency detector (PFD), a charge pump, an on-chip loop filter, and prescaler and feedback dividers. Completing the CDCM61001 device are the output divider and universal output buffer. The PLL is powered by on-chip, low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators. The regulated supply network is partitioned such that the sensitive analog supplies are powered from separate LDOs rather than the digital supplies which use a separate LDO regulator. These LDOs provide isolation for the PLL from any noise in the external power-supply rail. The REG_CAP1 and REG_CAP2 pins should each be connected to ground by 10-μF capacitors to ensure stability. Configuring the PLL The CDCM61001 permits PLL configurations to accommodate the various input and output frequencies listed in Table 2 and Table 3. These configurations are accomplished by setting the prescaler divider, feedback divider and output divider. The various dividers are managed by setting the device control pins as shown in Table 4 and Table 5. Crystal Input Interface Fundamental mode is the recommended oscillation mode of operation for the input crystal and parallel resonance is the recommended type of circuit for the crystal. A crystal load capacitance refers to all capacitances in the oscillator feedback loop. It is equal to the amount of capacitance seen between the terminals of the crystal in the circuit. For parallel resonant mode circuits, the correct load capacitance is necessary to ensure the oscillation of the crystal within the expected parameters. The CDCM61001 implements an input crystal oscillator circuitry, known as the Colpitts oscillator, and requires one pad of the crystal to interface with the XIN pin; the other pad of the crystal is tied to ground. In this crystal interface, it is important to account for all sources of capacitance when calculating the correct value for the discrete capacitor component, CL, for a design. The CDCM61001 has been characterized with 10-pF parallel resonant crystals. The input crystal oscillator stage in the CDCM61001 is designed to oscillate at the correct frequency for all parallel resonant crystals with low-pull capability and rated with a load capacitance that is equal to the sum of the onchip load capacitance at the XIN pin (10-pF), crystal stray capacitance, and board parasitic capacitance between the crystal and XIN pin. The normalized frequency error of the crystal, as a result of load capacitance mismatch, can be calculated as Equation 2: CS CS Df = f 2(CL,R + CO) 2(CL,A + CO) (2) Where: CS is the motional capacitance of the crystal, C0 is the shunt capacitance of the crystal, CL,R is the rated load capacitance for the crystal, CL,A is the actual load capacitance in the implemented PCB for the crystal, Δf is the frequency error of the crystal, and f is the rated frequency of the crystal. The first three parameters can be obtained from the crystal vendor. In order to minimize the frequency error of the crystal to meet application requirements, the difference between the rated load capacitance and the actual load capacitance should be minimized and a crystal with low-pull capability (low CS) should be used. 18 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com For example, if an application requires less than ±50 ppm frequency error and a crystal with less than ±50 ppm frequency tolerance is picked, the characteristics are as follows: C0 = 7 pF, CS = 10 fF, and CL,R = 12 pF. In order to meet the required frequency error, calculate CL,A using Equation 2 to be 17 pF. Subtracting CL,R from CL,A, results in 5 pF; care must be taken during printed circuit board (PCB) layout with the crystal and the CDCM61001 to ensure that the sum of the crystal stray capacitance and board parisitic capacitance is less than the calculated 5 pF. Good layout practices are fundamental to the correct operation and reliability of the oscillator. It is critical to locate the crystal components very close to the XIN pin to minimize routing distances. Long traces in the oscillator circuit are a very common source of problems. Do not route other signals across the oscillator circuit. Also, make sure power and high-frequency traces are routed as far away as possible to avoid crosstalk and noise coupling. Avoid the use of vias; if the routing becomes very complex, it is much better to use 0-Ω resistors as bridges to go over other signals. Vias in the oscillator circuit should only be used for connections to the ground plane. Do not share ground connections; instead, make a separate connection to ground for each component that requires grounding. If possible, place multiple vias in parallel for each connection to the ground plane. Especially in the Colpitts oscillator configuration, the oscillator is very sensitive to capacitance in parallel with the crystal. Therefore, the layout must be designed to minimize stray capacitance across the crystal to less than 5 pF total under all circumstances to ensure proper crystal oscillation. Be sure to take into account both PCB and crystal stray capacitance. Table 9 lists several recommended crystals and the respective manufacturer of each. Table 9. Recommended Crystal Manufacturers MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER Vectron VXC1-113 Fox 218-3 Saronix FP2650002 Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) The PFD takes inputs from the input interface and the feedback divider and produces an output that depends on the phase and frequency differences between the two inputs. The allowable range of frequencies at the PFD inputs is 21.875 MHz to 28.47 MHz. Charge Pump (CP) The charge pump is controlled by the PFD, which dictates either to pump up or down in order to charge or discharge the integrating section of the on-chip loop filter. The integrated and filtered charge pump current is then converted to a voltage that drives the control voltage node of the internal VCO through the on-chip loop filter. The charge pump current is preset to 224 μA and cannot be changed. On-Chip PLL Loop Filter Figure 16 shows the on-chip active loop filter topology implemented in the device. This design corresponds to a PLL bandwidth of 400 kHz for a PFD in the range of 21.875 MHz to 28.47 MHz, and a charge pump current of 224 μA. 473.5 pF Charge Pump Output 20 kW 15 kW VCO Control Figure 16. On-Chip PLL Loop Filter Topology Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com Prescaler Divider and Feedback Divider The VCO output is routed to the prescaler divider and then to the feedback divider. The prescaler divider and feedback divider are set in tandem with each other, according to the control pin settings given in Table 4. The allowable combinations of the two dividers ensure that the VCO frequency and the PFD frequency are within the specified limits. On-Chip VCO The CDCM61001 includes an on-chip, LC oscillator-based VCO with low phase noise covering a frequency range of 1.75 GHz to 2.05 GHz. The VCO must be calibrated to ensure proper operation over the valid device operating conditions. This calibration requires that the PLL be set up properly to lock the PLL loop and that the reference clock input be present. During the first device initialization after power-up, which occurs after the Power-On-Reset is released (2.64 V or lower, over valid device operating conditions) or a device reset with the RSTN pin, a VCO calibration sequence is initiated after 16,384 × Reference Input Clock Cycles. The VCO calibration then takes about 20 µs over the allowable range of the reference clock input The VCO calibration can also be reinitiated with a pulse on the RSTN pin at any time after POR is released on power-up; the RSTN pulse must be at least 100 ns wide. For proper device operation, the reference input must be stable at the start of VCO calibration. Since inputs from crystals or crystal oscillators can typically take up to 1-2ms to be stable, it is recommended to establish a circuitry on the RSTN pin that ensures device initialization including VCO calibration after a delay of greater than 5ms compared to the power up ramp, as shown in Figure 17. A possible implementation of the delay circuitry on the RSTN pin would be a 47nF capacitor to GND, and this in tandem with the 150kΩ on-chip pull-up resistor ensures the appropriate delay. The CE pin has an internal 150kΩ pull-up resistor and can be left unconnected or pulled to high for proper device operation. tCE>0 3.3 V Vtrigger(POR) tRST = 5 ms RSTN CE VIL, RST VIH Figure 17. Suggested Timing Recommendation LVCMOS INPUT INTERFACE Alternately, the CDCM61001 can be operated with an external ac-coupled 2.5-V LVCMOS or dc-coupled 3.3-V LVCMOS reference input applied to the XIN pin. For proper operation, the LVCMOS reference should be available and fairly stable by the time the power supply voltages or the RSTN pin voltage on the CDCM61001 reaches 2.27V. Refer to application report SCAA111, available for download at ti.com, for more details about the LVCMOS input interface to the CDCM61001. Output Divider The output from the prescaler divider is also routed to the output divider. The output divider can be set with control pins according to Table 5. Output Buffer The output buffer can be set to LVPECL or LVDS or 2x LVCMOS, according to Table 6. OSC_OUT is an LVCMOS output that can be used to monitor proper loading of the input crystal in order to achieve the necessary crystal frequency with the least error. The OSC_OUT LVCMOS output turns on right at power up and is present during calibration. The output buffer is disabled during VCO calibration and is enabled only after calibration is complete. The output buffer on the CDCM61001 can also be disabled, along with other sections of the device, using the CE pin according to Table 7. 20 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com APPLICATION INFORMATION Start-up Time Estimation The CDCM61001 startup time can be estimated based on the parameters defined in Table 10 and graphically shown in Figure 18. Table 10. Start-up Time Dependencies PARAMETER DEFINITION FORMULA/METHOD OF DETERMINATION DESCRIPTION 1 fREF tREF Reference clock period The reciprocal of the applied reference frequency in seconds. tpul Power-up time (low limit) Power-supply rise time to low limit of Power On Reset (POR) trip point Time required for power supply to ramp to 2.27 V tpuh Power-up time (high limit) Power supply rise time to high limit of POR trip point Time required for power supply to ramp to 2.64 V trsu Reference start-up time After POR releases, the Colpits oscillator is enabled. This start-up time is required for the 500 μs best-case and 800 μs oscillator to generate the requisite signal worst-case levels for the delay block to be clocked by the reference input. tdelay Delay time Internal delay time generated from the reference clock. This delay provides time for the reference oscillator to stabilize. tdelay= 16384 × tref tVCO_CAL VCO calibration time VCO Calibration Time generated from the reference clock. This process selects the operating point for the VCO based on the PLL settings. tVCO_CAL= 550 × tref tPLL_LOCK PLL lock time Based on the 400-kHz loop Time required for PLL to lock within ±10 ppm bandwidth, the PLL settles in of fREF 5τ or 12.5 μs. Power Supply (V) Power up Reference Startup Delay VCO Calibration tREF = PLL Lock 2.64 V 2.27 V tpul trsu Time (s) tpuh tVCO_CAL tPLL_LOCK tdelay Figure 18. Start-up Time Dependencies Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com The CDCM61001 start-up time limits, tMAX and tMIN, can be calculated as follows: tMAX = tpuh + trsu + tdelay + tVCO_CAL + tPLL_LOCK tMIN = tpul + trsu + tdelay + tVCO_CAL + tPLL_LOCK Power Considerations As a result of the different possible configurations of the CDCM61001, Table 11 is intended to provide enough information on the estimated current consumption of the device. Unless otherwise noted, VCC = 3.3 V and TA = +25°C. Table 11. Estimated Block Power Consumption BLOCK Entire device, core current Output buffer Divide circuitry CONDITION CURRENT CONSUMPTION (mA) IN-DEVICE POWER DISSIPATION (mW) 65 214.5 Output off, no termination resistors LVPECL output, active mode 28 42.4 LVCMOS output pair, static 4.5 14.85 LVCMOS output pair, transient, 'CL' load, 'f' MHz output frequency V × fOUT × (CL + 20 × 10–12) × 103 V2 × fOUT × (CL + 20 × 10–12) × 103 LVDS output, active mode 20 66 Divide enabled, divide = 1 5 16.5 Divide enabled, divide = 2 10 33 Divide enabled, divide = 3, 4 15 49.5 Divide enabled, divide = 6, 8 20 66 EXTERNAL RESISTOR POWER DISSIPATION (mW) 50 From Table 11, the current consumption can be calculated for any configuration. For example, the current for the entire device with one LVPECL output in active mode can be calculated by adding up the following blocks: core current, LVPECL output buffer current, and the divide circuitry current. The overall in-device power consumption can also be calculated by summing the in-device power dissipated in each of these blocks. As an example scenario, let us consider the use case of a crystal input frequency of 25 MHz and device output frequency of 312.5 MHz in LVPECL mode. For this case, the typical overall power dissipation can be calculated as: 3.3 V × (65 + 28 + 10) mA = 339.9 mW Because the LVPECL output has external resistors and the power dissipated by these resistors is 50 mW, the typical overall in-device power dissipation is: 339.9 mW – 50 mW = 289.9 mW When the LVPECL output is active, the average voltage is approximately 1.9 V on each output as calculated from the LVPECL VOH and VOL specifications. Therefore, the power dissipated in each emitter resistor is approximately (1.9 V)2/150Ω = 25 mW. When the LVCMOS output is active and drives a load capacitance, CL, the overall LVCMOS output current consumption is the sum of a static pre-driver current and a dynamic switching current (which is a function of the output frequency and the load capacitance). Let us consider another use case of a crystal input frequency of 26.5625 MHz and device output frequency of 212.5 MHz in LVCMOS mode and driving a 5-pF load capacitance. For this case, the typical overall power dissipation can be calculated as: 3.3 V × (65 + 15 + 21.4) mA = 334.62 mW 22 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 www.ti.com SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 Thermal Management Power consumption of the CDCM61001 can be high enough to require attention to thermal management. For reliability and performance reasons, the die temperature should be limited to a maximum of +125°C. That is, as an estimate, TA (ambient temperature) plus device power consumption times θJA should not exceed +125°C. The device package has an exposed pad that provides the primary heat removal path as well as an electrical grounding to the printed circuit board (PCB). To maximize the removal of heat from the package, a thermal land pattern including multiple vias to a ground plane must be incorporated on the PCB within the footprint of the package. The exposed pad must be soldered down to ensure adequate heat conduction out of the package. See the mechanical data at the end of the data sheet for land and via pattern examples. Power-Supply Filtering PLL-based frequency synthesizers are sensitive to noise on the power supply, which can dramatically increase the jitter of the PLL. This characteristic is especially true for analog-based PLLs. Thus, it is essential to reduce noise from the system power supply, especially when jitter/phase noise is very critical to applications. A PLL would have attenuated jitter as a result of power-supply noise at frequencies beyond the PLL bandwidth because of attenuation by the loop response. Filter capacitors are used to eliminate the low-frequency noise from the power supply, where the bypass capacitors provide the very low impedance path for high-frequency noise and guard the power-supply system against the induced fluctuations. These bypass capacitors also provide instantaneous current surges as required by the device and should have low equivalent series resistance (ESR). To properly use these bypass capacitors, they must be placed very close to the power-supply pins and laid out with short loops to minimize inductance. It is recommended to add as many high-frequency (for example, 0.1-μF) bypass capacitors as there are supply pins in the package. The CDCM61001 power-supply requirements can be grouped into two sets: the analog supply line and the output/input supply line. The analog supply line consists of the following power-supply pins on the CDCM61001: VCC_PLL1, VCC_PLL2, and VCC_VCO. These pins can be shorted together. The output/input supply line consists of the VCC_OUT and the VCC_IN power-supply pins on the CDCM61001. These pins can be shorted together. Inserting a ferrite bead between the analog supply line and the output/input supply line isolates the high-frequency switching noises generated by the device input and output, preventing them from leaking into the sensitive analog supply line. Choosing an appropriate ferrite bead with very low dc resistance is important because it is imperative to provide adequate isolation between the sensitive analog supply line and the other board supply lines, and to maintain a voltage at the analog power-supply pins of the CDCM61001 that is greater than the minimum voltage required for proper operation. Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com Figure 19 shows a general recommendation for decoupling the power supply. Board/ Output/Input Supply Analog Supply Ferrite Bead C 10 mF C 0.1 mF (x2) C 10 mF C 0.1 mF (x3) Figure 19. Recommended Power-Supply Decoupling Output Termination The CDCM61001 is a 3.3-V clock driver with the following output options: LVPECL, LVDS, or LVCMOS. LVPECL Termination The CDCM61001 is an open emitter for LVPECL outputs. Therefore, proper biasing and termination are required to ensure correct operation of the device and to minimize signal integrity. The proper termination for LVPECL is 50 Ω to (VCC–2) V, but this dc voltage is not readily available on most PCBs. Thus, a Thevenin equivalent circuit is worked out for the LVPECL termination in both direct-coupled (dc) and ac-coupled cases, as shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21. It is recommended to place all resistive components close to either the driver end or the receiver end. If the supply voltage of the driver and receiver are different, ac-coupling is required. 130 W 130 W VCC_OUT VCC_OUT CDCM61001 LVPECL 82 W 82 W Figure 20. LVPECL Output DC Termination VBB CDCM61001 LVPECL 150 W 150 W 50 W 50 W Figure 21. LVPECL Output AC Termination 24 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com LVDS Termination The proper LVDS termination for signal integrity over two 50 Ω lines is 100 Ω between the outputs on the receiver end. Either dc-coupled termination or ac-coupled termination can be used for LVDS outputs, as shown in Figure 22 and Figure 23. It is recommended to place all resistive components close to either the driver end or the receiver end. If the supply voltage of the driver and the receiver are different, ac-coupling is required. 100 W CDCM61001 LVDS Figure 22. LVDS Output DC Termination 100 W CDCM61001 LVDS Figure 23. LVDS Output AC Termination LVCMOS Termination Series termination is a common technique used to maintain the signal integrity for LVCMOS drivers, if connected to a receiver with a high-impedance input with a pull-up or pull-down resistor. For series termination, a series resistor (RS) is placed close to the driver, as shown in Figure 24. The sum of the driver impedance and RS should be close to the transmission line impedance, which is usually 50 Ω. Because the LVCMOS driver in the CDCM61001 has an impedance of 30 Ω, RS is recommended to be 22 Ω to maintain proper signal integrity. RS = 22 W CDCM61001 LVCMOS Figure 24. LVCMOS Output Termination Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com Interfacing Between LVPECL and HCSL Because the LVPECL common-mode voltage is different from the HCSL common-mode voltage, ac-coupled termination is used. The 150-Ω resistor ensures proper biasing of the CDCM61001 LVPECL output stage, while the 471-Ω and 56-Ω resistor network biases the HCSL receiver input stage, as shown in Figure 25. 471 W 471 W VCC_OUT VCC_OUT 0W CDCM61001 HCSL 0W 150 W 150 W 56 W 56 W Figure 25. LVPECL to HCSL Interface 26 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDCM61001 SCAS869F – FEBRUARY 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2011 www.ti.com REVISION HISTORY NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision B (July, 2009) to Revision C Page • Deleted all references to Single-Ended and LVCMOS Inputs .............................................................................................. 1 • Deleted parameters fIN, ΔV/ΔT, and DutyREF from the Electrical Characteristics table ...................................................... 4 • Added LVCMOS Input Interface section ............................................................................................................................. 20 Changes from Revision C (February 2010) to Revision D Page • Changed Crystal to Crystal/LVCMOS in first bullet of Features list ..................................................................................... 1 • Changed first sentence of Description to include an LVCMOS input ................................................................................... 1 • Updated Figure 1 .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 • Changed title of Control Pin LVCMOS Input Characteristics section in Electrical Characteristics table .............................. 4 • Added minimum specification to Drive level parameter of Crystal Chatacteristics table ...................................................... 6 • Changed crystal to crystal or LVCMOS in XIN row of Pin Functions table .......................................................................... 7 • Corrected order of OUTN and OUTP in Pin Functions table ................................................................................................ 7 • Changed description of Crystal Input Interface section ...................................................................................................... 18 • Changed description of LVCMOS Input Interface section .................................................................................................. 20 Changes from Revision D (July 2010) to Revision E Page • Changed Note 1 of the Pin Functions table From: Pull-up and Pull-down refef to... To: Pull-up refers to ........................... 7 • Deleted RPULLDOWN from Table 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 8 • Changed values in row 24.75 of Table 2 ............................................................................................................................ 10 • Changed the text of Configuring the PLL, deleted the last sentence ................................................................................. 18 • Changed the On-Chip VCO section .................................................................................................................................... 20 • Changed the Output Buffer section .................................................................................................................................... 20 • Changed the power dissipation equation From: 3.3 V × (65 + 28 + 10) mA = 340.2 mW To: 3.3 V × (65 + 28 + 10) mA = 339.9 mW .................................................................................................................................................................. 22 • Changed the power dissipation equation From: 343.5 mW – 50 mW = 290.2 mW To: 339.9 mW – 50 mW = 289.9 mW ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 • Deleted figure "Recommended PCB Layout for CDCM61001" from the Thermal Management section. Added See the mechanical data at the end of the data sheet .............................................................................................................. 23 Changes from Revision E (March 2011) to Revision F Page • Changed the On-Chip VCO section .................................................................................................................................... 20 • Changed Figure 17 ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 • Moved the LVCMOS INPUT INTERFACE section prior to the Output Divider section ...................................................... 20 Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated 27 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 23-Apr-2022 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) CDCM61001RHBR ACTIVE VQFN RHB 32 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAUAG Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 CDCM 61001 CDCM61001RHBR/2801 ACTIVE VQFN RHB 32 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAUAG Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 CDCM 61001 CDCM61001RHBT ACTIVE VQFN RHB 32 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAUAG Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 CDCM 61001 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
CDCM61001RHBT 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 250+31.83434250+3.86006
  • 500+30.88061500+3.74442
  • 750+30.40311750+3.68652
  • 1250+29.873691250+3.62232
  • 1750+29.564531750+3.58484
  • 2500+29.267102500+3.54877


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+51.848331+6.28685
  • 10+39.7552210+4.82050
  • 25+36.7357625+4.45438
  • 100+33.41724100+4.05199
